#Project Gotham Racing 3
steeboohken · 2 years
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
X-Play Classic - On Location: Games On in San Diego
A local game store that was pretty alien to people who visited other game stores 15 years ago.
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randomvarious · 9 months
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Today's compilation:
Reloaded 3 2001 Alternative Rock / Indie Rock / Pop-Rock / Britpop / Post-Grunge / Nu Metal
Back in the early 2000s, the compilation arm of Universal Music put out a brief series of double-discs in the UK called Reloaded that ended up serving as something of a contemporaneous snapshot of the country's wide alternative rock landscape, spanning from soft and folky, indie-type stuff, to the most banal of radio rock, to the leading rock sound du jour at the time that was nu metal. And for an American listener like me, this series' third installment here, from '01, mostly makes for a great and clashing mix of bad and dumb nostalgic fun with some genuinely good turn-of-the-millennium rock fare that I'm not nearly as familiar with.
But although this comp is heavily dominated by rock music, the tracks that close out each disc are actually electronic, and I think they happen to be the two best songs of this whole set. Maybe you don't know Finnish band Pepe Deluxé's nifty vocal breakbeat tune, "Before You Leave," by name, but perhaps you remember it from this big and strange 2001 Levi's ad? 🤔
And the other swell non-rock tune is UK duo I Monster's retro-futuristic trip hop classic, "Daydream in Blue," which was then later sampled by Lupe Fiasco for his own "Daydreamin'." But as you could probably tell, I Monster themselves sampled from another song to create their own too, which was a cover of Belgian band Wallace Collection's "Daydream," that was done in 1960 by a German group called Günter Kallmann Chor.
Now, for the cream of the crop when it comes to the actual rock music on here, there's Cali indie band Grandaddy, who also happen to provide the theme music for one of my favorite podcasts too, Citations Needed, which isn't a music-related show, but you should definitely listen to anyway 😁. On "Hewlett's Daughter," the group provides a soft and light, floaty indie groove, with frontman Jason Lytle playing keyboards while also delivering some Neil Young-type vocals.
And another rock song I really love on here is one that feels way more formulated for an alt-rock radio type of format, but in that regard, it excels exceptionally well as an unrelentingly smooth and upbeat tune: "Catch the Sun," by UK indie band Doves. This one doesn't appear to have charted in any capacity Stateside, but it probably would have if it had been given a real chance to. And it was featured in Project Gotham Racing too, which is a videogame that I happened to play a lot of when this song was around, so maybe that's partially why I enjoy it as much as I do 🤔.
And for the fun and dumb nostalgia, we have a whole litany of stuff: Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'," Papa Roach's "Last Resort," Matchbox Twenty's "If You're Gone," Wheatus' "Teenage Dirtbag," Bloodhound Gang's "The Bad Touch"—whose new wave intro I've always really loved—and Creed's "With Arms Wide Open," which sees Scott Stapp singing the word 'man' like no one had probably ever heard before ('mahhn') and then singing the word 'demand,' which partially rhymes with 'man,' in a completely different way, but also pretty much exactly like you would've expected him to sing it anyway ('demayhnd')?
So, I pretty much love this thing. Quality rock music, a couple terrific alt-electronic tunes that have aged really well, and then a bunch of songs that will take you right back to the silliness that represented so much mainstream rock music in 2001.
Limp Bizkit - "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" Papa Roach - "Last Resort" Muse - "New Born" Queens of the Stone Age - "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret" Wheatus - "Teenage Dirtbag" Feeder - "Seven Days in the Sun" JJ72 - "Algeria" Placebo - "Taste in Men" Ocean Colour Scene - "Up On the Down Side" Grandaddy - "Hewlett's Daughter" Elbow - "Red" PJ Harvey - "A Place Called Home" My Vitriol - "Grounded" Bloodhound Gang - "The Bad Touch" Pepe Deluxé - "Before You Leave"
Stereophonics - "Have a Nice Day" Doves - "Catch the Sun" Creed - "With Arms Wide Open" Turin Brakes - "Underdog (Save Me)" Lowgold - "Counterfeit" Thirteen:13 - "Truth Hurts" Matchbox Twenty - "If You're Gone" I Monster - "Daydream in Blue"
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jestergal · 10 months
whats the best racing game. who drives the best cars.
honestly (and this is a bit of a Centrist Annie answer) there's a bunch of racing games that do something really well, so in my mind there's not one End-All Be-All Pinnacle of Racing Games
however, my personal all-time favs are:
Forza Motorsport 4: it had a career mode with actual progression, a good selection of tracks, and the best point: weird slow cars. in newer forza games you can literally start in a race car or a sports car. nah. i think all racing games should start you out in crappy cars that barely go 100mph
Gran Turismo 2/4: like the above but with ps1/ps2 graphics respectively
Midnight Club 3: it kinda sucks gameplay wise tbqh but the customization and selection of cars is so deep i love it. plus it's a good time capsule of the mid 2000s car culture. yeah man put your 300C on 26's and drive it at 200mph. that's a wonderful idea
NFSU2: much like MC3 above, NFSU2 is a good time capsule of its era and it's just so cheesy. it's fun to take a tuner and make it utterly horrid. unlike MC3 you literally have to make it look bad to progress. kinda annoying but kinda fun at the same time
Test Drive Unlimited: another game that kinda sucks but in a cool way, TDU1 is essentially a Rich Asshole Simulator and you don't get that a lot in video games. there's as much time spent clothes and house shopping as there is racing. the physics kinda stink though
and finally, Project Gotham 3: i think physics-wise this is the best arcade game i've ever played. good selection of cars and you can really just hop right in to start driving stuff very fast. and not just that, you can gawk at your cars in the garage which is kinda fun. and when you get bored of racing you can go up to the arcade machine in your garage and play some Geometry Wars. PGR4 is also good but something is missing from it somehow. although i haven't played either of these in like, a decade, so...
anyway there you go. racing games
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emperorsfoot · 7 months
(I was gonna throw this up here with no tags to ensure that no one would read it, might orphan later, idk)
Summary: Earth is not livable anymore. The plan was to just get the family off world and safe. Bruce was content to die in Gotham. Bruce wanted to die in Gotham. The family had other ideas.
When the ship became unusable, the plan changed to just getting them into the escape pod. Bruce was content to die alone on the ship. Bruce still wanted to die. Again, the family had other ideas.
Fic under the cut:
This was not the death Bruce planned for himself.
Sitting alone on an empty spaceship. The failed life-support making it a race between the freezing cold and the lack of oxygen to see which would kill him first.
Bruce planned to die in Gotham.
Ideally, Bruce would have liked to be gunned down in the same alley his parents died in. There was a kind of narrative symmetry to it. To end his story in the same way, in the same place it began. Like bookends. Batman was born from two bullets in a filthy alley, that was how he wanted to die.
With a grunt, Bruce gathered his blanket tighter around him. The quickly dropping temperature was going to win the race to kill him. Bruce already knew. After he sent Dick away with the others, there was no one left he needed to share air with. There might even be some breathable oxygen left long after Bruce’s frozen corpse was mummified by the ship’s dry air.
He glanced at his watch.
It wasn’t even one of the ones he liked. It was some fancy, artisan, luxury timepiece he only had because Brucie Wayne was expected to wear the hottest fashion items, and keep up with the trends. Bruce only took it with him because he was wearing it when Alfred knocked him out to make sure Bruce left Earth with the kids.
The watch was still set to Eastern Standard Time; it was still set to Gotham’s time.
In Gotham the time was a few minutes past 3:30 in the afternoon. Damian would be just getting out from school. Alfred would be sitting in traffic on his way to pick him up. Tim would be in his office at Wayne Enterprises, but his attention for work would be flagging and he’d be watching fan vids for whatever game was his new hyper-fixation on his office computer. Dick would be swinging by the clock tower with afternoon coffee for Barbara, maybe they’d make dinner together before Oracle parked herself in front of her monitor array and Nightwing hit the streets.
Bruce shivered and wondered what Alfred was doing right now. Without Damian to pick up from school. Or Tim to remind to eat and drink water. Or Bruce to… manage.
Alfred was supposed to be the one to escape with the family. Bruce planned to die in Gotham. Bruce wanted to die in Gotham.
He glanced at his watch again and waited for the freezing cold to take him. Bruce never really decided if he believed in an ‘afterlife’ or not, but if such a thing did exist, it would be nice to see his parents again.
When Bruce woke, he wondered if he was dead and there was an afterlife.
And it was boring!
He was enveloped in warm energy. Almost as if he were floating in a pool, except the pool was full of light not water. It seeped into his skin and chased away the hypothermia. He inhaled and his lungs filled with oxygen. The pain in his joints was almost gone and old injuries seemed not to bother him as much anymore.
But his parents weren’t there. Neither was Jason. If an afterlife were real, it should include them. If his afterlife had him alone, floating in a (admittedly comfortable) void, then Bruce did not want it. He would choose his own afterlife. One that did include Thomas and Martha, and Jason.
Bruce began to struggle, trying to propel himself somehow in this void of warm light.
Somewhere, on the other side of the light, someone said something in a language Bruce did not understand. Some exclamation of alarm.
“What’s happening? What’s wrong?” That sounded like Dick’s voice.
“It appears he has regained consciousness and is rejecting the healing matrix.” Answered the first voice, now speaking English.
“Ugh. Of course he is.” That sounded like Tim.
Were they just on the other side of the light? Could he get to them?
“May I have permission to sedate him?” Asked the unknown voice.
“Will it be safe for a human?” Dick asked.
At the exact same time that Tim very decisively barked, “Do it.”
Then everything went blank again.
When he woke again, Bruce was laying in a bed.
Soft plush sheets over a firm mattress. Luxurious in a way that conveyed wealth, very similar to what Bruce had in his own bedroom at Wayne Manor.
He stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling. Blue and white and glassy, like ice. Or crystal. Not any kind of architecture he was familiar with. An alien ceiling.
What fresh hell did he just wake up to?
No sooner had this question crossed his mind, then the door opened; the crystal of the wall sliding away.
Moving quickly, Bruce rolled out of the bed, placing the mattress between him and the door as cover. He peered over it to see what entered. What kind of captor was holding him?
It was Dick.
Dick walked through the door. Closely followed by Tim and Damian, and a small hovering robot of an alien design Bruce was unfamiliar with.
“I think he’s feeling better.” Dick laughed.
Bruce paused. If Dick felt safe enough to joke around… but then, Dick always could laugh down even the most dire of situation, Bruce looked to Tim and Damian for cues.
Their expressions were unreadable.
That’s not to say they were impassive or guarded, but that there was so much going on, on their faces that it was impossible to decipher.
Damian looked annoyed mostly, which was also his resting expression. But underneath that was a conflicted apprehension. Like he was waiting to learn the terrible price of Bruce being saved. Of all his children, Bruce assumed Damian would adjust to leaving Earth the fastest, since he was so young and (presumably) adaptable. But Damian cycled through so many emotions in their time in space that Bruce just did not know where his son landed in this situation.
Tim mostly looked satisfied. Also resigned and at peace, but mostly satisfied. He did something. Whatever it was, Tim got his desired result. Now he was prepared to face the outcome of that action.
The thing that was now strange about Tim were his clothes.
Since living on a spaceship for some time, they each at some point all gave up on both regular clothes and vigilante uniforms. All of them had been living in their pajamas for months. Bruce was used to seeing Tim in sweat shorts and an oversized tee-shirt. When the ship’s life-support failed and Bruce sent them away in the escape pod to the nearest planet, they were all wearing their uniforms. Tim had been wearing his Red Robin costume.
Now, Tim was dressed in a layered fabric, draped over a skintight body suit. On his chest, framed by the layered drapes of the fabric was a shield, like a triangle with two corners cut off to make it a pentagon. Filling the pentagonal shield was what looked remarkably like the letter S.
Calmer now, Bruce stood from behind the bed. “Brief me on the situation.”
Dick opened his mouth to begin his report.
But Tim was faster.
“Our status is overall positive.” Tim began. He was using his clinical detective voice, making him sound detached from the situation. Unaffected by it. No big deal.
Which told Bruce that whatever he’s woken up to, for Tim at least, it was a very big deal.
“This planet is called ‘Krypton’ -yes, like the noble gas- and it’s atmosphere is close enough to Earth’s that we can breath comfortably.” Tim continued. “The locals are also humanoid in appearance, nearly indistinguishable from us, actually. When we landed, the first responders thought we were some of their own and tried to help us.”
“They figured out real quick that we were aliens the moment we spoke.” Dick cut in. “Apparently, the whole planet speaks one language and the moment we started speaking English they realized we’re not from around here. Krypton has an isolationist policy. They’ve achieved space travel more advanced than our own, but they don’t even talk to their next closest neighbor in the same system. After they realized we were off-worlders there was kinda only a couple of guys left who were willing to help us.”
“But you don’t have to worry.” Tim said quickly. “I managed to cut a deal that would allow us to stay here, andwe were able to go back and save you.”
Bruce did not want to be saved. “Thanks.”
“Absurd!” Damian shouted. “They’re both being absurd! Father you have to stop this! Drake didn’t ‘cut a deal’, he sold himself!”
“What!?” Bruce’s eyes snapped back to Tim, giving his strange alien clothes a more critical examination.
“Damian!” Dick reprimanded. “He just woke up! Don’t confuse him!”
“It’s not confusing!” Damian continued to shout at all of them. “Drake bartered himself as a bride for that idiot-“
“You’re misrepresenting facts!” Tim cut him off. “And Kon-El’s not an idiot.” Back in that clinical and detached tone, Tim clarified: “I got married.”
Bruce just stared at him.
Tim placed a hand to the pentagonal shield on his chest. “Instead of wedding rings, people wear the glyph of the House they’ve married into- the, uh, family crest -this is pronounced ‘el’ which is their word for ‘star’, but spelled this way with an S in the middle instead of a figure-8, it also means ‘hope’, which is one of their virtues.”
Tim was giving too much unnecessary information because he was nervous, unsure of Bruce’s reaction to the news of his marriage.
There was a beat.
Bruce looked down at his watch to see what time it was in Gotham.
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hero-nerd · 2 years
Here’s that Batman project I was working on a while ago that I told y’all
Just part one but this alone has taken months lmao
Part two will be about ocd for this same character
Anyway enjoy
In Batman stories, characters are given all types of diagnoses. Some are explicitly stated within these stories, some are implied, and some are theorized by fans. I have always wondered how accurate these diagnoses are. This project will use criteria from the DSM-5 to examine specific interpretations of Batman characters and determine how accurate a given diagnosis is for them. Each section will specify the source material being used.
Harvey Dent
Harvey Dent was one of Bruce Wayne’s best friends back in the day. He was a district attorney, and a good one at that, as he was about to be the one to bring the Penguin down in court. During this case, however, Dent was sprayed in the face with acid by someone working for the Penguin. This scarred Dent’s face, and is said to have caused him to lose his mind. After this he becomes a villain in Gotham going by the name of Two Face, referring both to his scarred face and his dual personalities. This section looks at the interpretation of Harvey Dent from season one of Batman the Audio Adventures which can be found on HBO Max, Spotify, and YouTube. It is recommended to listen to this podcast before reading, but all scenes used throughout this section are listed along with their timestamps.
Episode One
Yin and Yang Scene 11:40-23:50
Episode Two
Ghosts of Gotham Scene 3:56- 8:13
Episode Three
Voicemail Scene 10:11-11:19
Batman's Investigation Scene 25:40-26:55
Episode Four
Doubleday Street Scene 4:25-8:30
Episode Five
Horse Racing Scene: 20:55-26:52
Episode Six
Pier Two Scene 29:09-37:08
Episode Seven
Dinner Scene 17:35-26:00
Episode Eight
Penguin and Two Face Team-Up Scene 14:53-21:45
Episode Nine
Announcement of Merger Scene 21:26-22:45
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. The disruption in identity involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in affect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and or sensory-motor functioning. These signs and symptoms may be observed by others or reported by the individual.
Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.
The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice.
The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition.
Analysis of Diagnostic Criteria
In Dent’s introduction in the podcast during the Yin and Yang scene, he can be heard arguing with another voice that we learn is Two Face. Two Face refers to Dent with the nickname “College Boy”, implying a gap between the two of them. At the timestamp 13:02 the narrator specifically says that these two are the same person but with two voices, letting listeners who may not be familiar with the story of Harvey Dent know that these two personalities are within the same body. The narrator also refers to this as a “double occupancy” in Dent’s head, and likens them to Jekyll and Hyde. This scene shows that Dent does not have possessive type DID, as there is no “possession” of either Dent or Two Face taking over with one or the other having full control of the body. Instead, they fit the description of non possessive type DID, which details the experience of having two or more simultaneous thought streams, which is shown by the way Dent and Two Face talk between themselves as two separate consciousnesses.
The Yin and Yang scene also shows an explicit example of the distinct split between these two personalities. At the time stamp 20:11, Batman says that he needs to have a word with Dent alone. Two Face laughs at this, saying that there is no privacy between him and Dent, but then Batman recites a Latin phrase students learn in law school. Dent understands the meaning immediately, and Two Face does not understand it at all. Two Face becomes agitated, asking what it means. This shows us that while Two Face appears to have all the knowledge and memories that Dent has from the time he was formed due to the lack of amnesia (as detailed in criteria B), he does not have access to any knowledge or memories from before that time, showing that he is separate from Dent.
There are two interesting instances that show off the difference in word choice and thought process between Dent and Two Face. In the Yin and Yang scene at 14:10, Dent and Two Face both finish a sentence with their own saying. Two Face says that he has two words for the captive, and Dent jumps in saying “yes, neat and tidy”. Two Face corrects him by saying “tooth and nail”. Then again in the Horse Racing scene at 23:55, Dent is talking about how people in Gotham respond to trespassers. Two Face interrupts and says “a double barrel bloodbath, free of charge”. Dent replies with “I was gonna say inhospitality, but he’s not wrong”. This shows their distinct patterns of thinking, as well as providing an instance where Dent refers to Two Face as a separate entity from himself.
Until episode 6, there is no obvious distinction between Dent and Two Face’s sensory-motor functioning. The Pier Two scene shows Dent and Two Face going through a significantly distressing event. In this scene they are trying to save Pier Two from a bomb, and in doing so they fall into the water and begin to drown. Batman has arrived at this point, but is unable to help because he is diffusing the bomb. At 34:29, Batman is calling down to Harvey, telling him to swim. He says “you know how to swim”. Dent replies with “yes I do, but he doesn’t”. The scene then goes on to describe Dent and Two Face struggling for control while trying to keep afloat, showing the split in sensory-motor function between the two of them.
In the Penguin and Two Face Team-Up scene at 16:45, Penguin tells Dent “That’s blowfish toxin, old boys!” When talking about them teaming up at 21:00, Penguin says the team up will be “Just you, and you, and me.” This shows that the split between Dent and Two Face is distinct enough that even others on the outside see it and refer to them as such. During the Announcement of Merger scene at 21:55, Dent says that Penguin’s criminal organization will be “uniting with the august firm of Dent and Dent”, another indication of the distinctiveness of Dent’s two personalities.
Throughout all of this podcast, Dent and Two Face are referred to as separate and distinct personalities by other characters, the omniscient narrator, and Dent and Two Face themselves.
In all of the podcast, there is not an instance where Dent has any significant gap in recall of events or information inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. However, due to the nature of this podcast only showing select moments of Dent's life and our inability to gather information outside of those shown scenes, it cannot be stated with certainty that this has never happened. For the sake of this project, using what is given in the media, it will be assumed that Dent does not meet this criterion.
Due to the fact that Dent does not meet criterion B, that does not factor into any clinically significant distress or impairment that Dent might have. Instead, one must turn their attention to criterion A, the presence of Two Face, Dent’s second personality.
When it comes to the occupational aspect, there is evidence against clinically significant impairment. In the Horse Racing Scene, Dent tries to hurt the Penguin’s business and does so by destroying the Penguin’s private box at the horse races using an obscure law to protect him from legal consequences and closing the Iceberg Casino using another obscure law. While explaining what he has done, Dent talks about several legal strategies he used to pull this off. Dent then details to the Penguin how if the Penguin keeps coming after him, Dent will use the law to do more than merely inconvenience him. At 25:47 Two Face says “You know, if we was really crazy, we could bring down the entire Gotham underworld in the court of law.You want to try us? Give us a reason to burn it all down.” Then Dent says “Then give us thirty minutes with publicly available records, and we can pull together a legal strategy that will squeeze your precious criminal organization until it’s pulp, and juiced, and served on crushed ice to the federal government”. This shows that Dent still has the ability to do the work from his occupation, and do it well. So well, in fact, that in the Penguin and Two Face Team-Up Scene Penguin devises a plan to get Dent working with him. During the enactment of this plan, Penguin says to Dent that “somewhere in there is an absolutely brilliant legal mind”. It is clear that Dent has not been impaired in his occupational skills, even though he is now using those skills for crime.
Dent’s social functioning, however, has been impaired by the presence of Two Face.
This can be shown in the Voicemail Scene. Bruce Wayne leaves Dent a short but powerful voicemail during which he tells Dent that while he may not know what Dent is going through, he will always be there to help, and that he really wants to help Dent. The most telling part of this voicemail comes at the timestamp 10:57 when Wayne says “I don’t know if you get these messages, but I’m going to keep leaving them anyway”. This shows that the friendship between Wayne and Dent has fallen apart since Dent’s accident that led to the formation of his second personality. Dent’s inability to maintain that friendship is indicative of significant impairment in social functioning.
There are several indications that the presence of Two Face is not part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. This is shown in the way other people talk about Dent and Two Face. In Batman’s investigation Scene, Alfred Pennyworth and Batman are discussing Dent, and the fact that the Penguin is “inflaming Harvey’s breakdown”. When Batman begins speculating on why the Penguin would be doing that, Pennyworth says at the timestamp 26:48 “If I may, sir, does a man like Oswald Cobblepot need a reason to torment the mentally ill?” Similar remarks are made by some of Dent’s fellow members of the Gotham underworld. In the Horse Racing Scene, Dent and Two Face are switching off sentences and talking together as they talk to the Penguin. At the time stamp 21:40, Penguin says “Spare me the doubletalk Harvey, I don’t speak mental patient”. This shows from two different perspectives that the presence of Two Face is not a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice.
Over the course of the podcast, Dent is shown under the influence of a substance once. This is in the Penguin and Two Face Teamup Scene when the Penguin poisons Dent using blowfish toxin. Dent’s behaviors regarding the presence of Two Face do not change when he is under that influence, instead remaining consistent to how he presents while not under the influence. This consistency of Dent’s traits show that it is not the effects of a substance or other condition causing his symptoms.
Final Thoughts
While Harvey Dent meets the majority of the criteria for Dissociative Identity Disorder, he does not meet all of it. It is very evident that Harvey has a distinct separate personality, but without the recurrent gaps in his memory it can not be confidently said that he has dissociative identity disorder, and that his symptoms are not better explained by another disorder.
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toyota-supra · 1 year
fucking hell man. I wanna play Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2. Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3. Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix. Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec. Gran Turismo (PSP). Ridge Racer 6. Ridge Racer 7. Need for Speed Most Wanted. Forza Motorsport 2. Forza Motorsport 3. Forza Motorsport 7. Forza Horizon 5. Project Gotham Racing. Racing Lagoon.
can I please get a different interest? surely I’ve had enough cars? no? okay...
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requitals-arc · 1 year
i should probably put bruce info here since i don't have a muse bio page yet (lmao lol i really need to code together a neat bio page)
right now my vibe is i'm sort of blending a lot of batman unburied, reeves stuff, and the few comics i actually like
i still adhere to chinese american bruce because i think it's interesting. the alienation, the complex intersections of race and religion and culture, all of which he tries to reject (be less of a person, be more of a symbol)
the way i handle bruce's playboy persona later in life is that it's a mask he's made because it is so oppositional to the persona of batman. it's something he can play at, a thing he's adapted to match his purposes, but
i am projecting type 1 diabetic stuff onto bruce. there's reasons for this. namely: 1.) thomas, a trauma surgeon, confronted with the kind of thing you literally cannot fix via medical intervention. 2.) if you're insane and know that your whole body is a big ball of scar tissue, an adrenaline port can also be an insulin port. he 100% will hit muscle to make insulin work faster 3.) i think it's funny as a fellow damaged pancreas haver. look, my dude's blood sugar is running high all the time. he's irritable. he's mad. shock of the bat finding a t1d kid having a bad one and knowing how to administer glucagon like a pro.
i am enjoying the new detective comics run! i like leaning into a gotham that is both Gothic and Alive. i will lean into this as well. think disco elysium shivers
he is a weird little car guy. but he's also got an english degree as part of the refusal to be a business boy for a long time. this explains how he monologues so aggressively. the guy is autistic if you couldn't tell
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maximuswolf · 1 month
Your #1 happy place in a game?
Your #1 happy place in a game? The one place that I still hold in highest regard is my garage filled with exotic cars in project Gotham Racing 3, something about it melts stress away. Submitted May 20, 2024 at 03:51PM by Cranjesmcbasketball1 https://ift.tt/qozKSMl via /r/gaming
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boringblogxtreme · 5 months
Boring Blog Episode 2
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Hello ladies and gentlemen. So this unexciting blog continues my never ending waffling about computers that no-one really gives a flying fuck about.
So as I mentioned last issue. I bought a new Dell Inspiron 3525 laptop before Christmas. I ran Linux on it for two weeks and then I returned it to windows 11 which its where it is currently.
A friend asked me was I annoyed at Windows yet and to be honest I really don’t have any major issues. Do I miss Linux well lets just admit I can’t say I miss at all.
So what nonsense have I been messing with. Well as the Macintosh 128k was 40 I was going to do something Mac based. So I could have downloaded Basilisk II/Sheepshaver but nope. Mini Vmac would be appropriate given the Mac in question, once again no.
I was playing with VirtualBox trying to get it to run Mac OS 12.0 (Monterey) I was following various guides and after 5 hours of playing about I still couldn’t get it beyond the EFI boot kept failing.
I had tried many different fixes and it really wasn’t working. I then moved to VMWare Player. Originally I went to version 15 but upon changing the vmx file to apply the fix it crashed the player and refused to let it go on.
I found WMware Player could be updated to version 17 which I did and the fix allowed the installer to work. It then took forever to install. Then I let it upgrade to 12.7.3 which took another 2 hours.
This was a project I intended to be an hour ended up being over 9 hours playing with various virtual machines.
Now I have managed to install WriteRoom 3.21 on it also now considering this is a Ryzen 7 5700U system. It runs Monterey about the speed of a Pentium. You can literally type and watch the delay as the buffer updates.
So 9 hours for the slowest VM in history. That’s with it set at 8GB Ram and using 4 processor cores. Ridiculous.
Also while I was playing with emulators. I have been playing with PCSX2 (Playstation 2) emulator and have been playing most of the Burnout franchise.
It works fine but when I tried using EPSXE (PlayStation 1) what a nightmare as half of the plug-ins just refused to work.
I did try Xemu(Xbox emulator) I did try running Project Gotham 3 Racing but it wouldn’t even get above 15 frames per second making the game unplayable.
Given this is a Ryzen 7 I was thinking what the hell does it need to get it working better. My suspicion is the Vega 8 graphics card is just not up to snuff. Once again potato graphics cards used in laptops.
I was going to try Xenia (XBOX 360 emu) but given how bad the Xbox emu was I thought against it.
So one day I will get a decent desktop and run a decent video card but I am sure that’s going to be a cold day in hell before that.
Any way that’s enough waffle for now until next time … Take care
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sinvulkt · 8 months
Chapters: 3/11
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Category: Gen
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Batman was never late.
Batman couldn’t afford to be late.
Bruce repeated that thought as he raced towards the source of the explosion. It echoed with each of his steps against Gotham’s dirty concrete, the batmobile long abandoned at a nearby road.
@whumptober-archive @angstober
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Dick stayed at the manor after the funeral. He smiled and joked that with how old Alfred was, there was no way he could take care of the whole manor alone. He didn’t mention that with two fewer teens on the manor ground, Alfred’s burden had been alleviated rather than increased.
No one commented on Batman’s absence during the mourning; or on the additional flower that complemented each grave.
There were signs, however, that it had been noticed. Dick’s absence of anger. Alfred’s careful tending to the graves. The way they glanced at him when he put on display Cass’ and Tim’s outfit.
A reminder to continue the investigation.
Bruce was no fool. He knew Dick hadn’t moved in because he suddenly hated Bludhaven and wanted long holidays. He knew what Nightwing's presence at his side during patrols meant. He knew what Dick’s forced jokes during too-long silences were intended to replace. He knew if Dick had moved in, it was for the same reason Alfred hadn't taken a true holiday for years: to keep an eye on him.
Batman was trying very hard to ignore them.
It was hard to, when every battle was swept away and dealt with before he could raise a knuckle. When every injury was met with a scowl. Dick flinched when Batman dodged just an instant too late. Barbara held back information when she thought he wasn’t ready. Alfred hushed him out of the batcave after barely half a day's time. They threw worried glances at him when held a batarang just too long, when they thought he couldn’t see. It tempted Batman to actually do something with it, just to see what their contingency plan was.
Their hovering frustrated him. It came in the way of The Mission, and was wholly unnecessary.
He was fine.
It was Jason all over again. Except Jason was in the Narrows, alive and hating. He was there. As close as the distance separating two Gotham neighborhoods.
Cass wasn’t. Tim wasn’t.
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Tim was impressively awake during the next morning. He barely stumbled down the stairs, and was able to respond through grumbling before even his first coffee. Perhaps Bruce should invite Selina more often, if a sparring session with her was all it took to deal with the boy's insomnia.
Between Tim’s unique awareness and Dick’s excited chatting, breakfast was animated. Selina had left during the night, but Dick had come during early morning. A sudden free day, he had said. The darkness behind his eyes told Bruce it wasn’t so simple.
Dick’s presence made Tim happy, however. And with the boy's happiness, the whole manor shone brighter. Alfred’s lips turned just slightly upward at the chaos raised by the two boys. Bruce felt a strange warm bubble up in his chest. Like a hole had not quite been filled, no, but softened around the edges.
An additional bonus to Dick’s continuous visits was the slow healing of their strenuous relationship. Arguments still arose, of course- Dick had not lost all of his independence streak that led him out of the nest. But tolerance grew. Bruce learnt to refrain from certain triggering subjects, while Dick took a page from Alfred’s book and just gave up on unimportant arguments.
A recent increase in issues on the Teen Titans side meant Bruce scarcely saw Dick despite their relationship improvement. It opened back way for a yearning pulling at his heart, and Bruce was shamed to admit having Tim over often doubled as a good excuse to have Dick stay home for the week-end.
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Scarecrow escaped Arkham. Again.
Read the rest on ao3.
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gmlocg · 10 months
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1,335.) Project Gotham Racing 3
Release: November 14th, 2005 | GGF: Automobile Sim, Racing/Driving | Developer(s): Bizarre Creations, Ltd. | Publisher(s): Microsoft Game Studios | Platform(s): Xbox 360 (2005)
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anewswire · 1 year
Best Xbox 360 Racing Games: The Ultimate Collection
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The Xbox 360 was one of the most popular gaming consoles of its time, with millions of units sold worldwide. One of the reasons for its success was the wide variety of games available for the platform, including some of the best racing games ever made. From the adrenaline-fueled action of Need for Speed to the realistic simulation of Forza Motorsport, the Xbox 360 had something for every type of racing fan. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best Xbox 360 racing games of all time. 1. Forza Motorsport 4 Forza Motorsport 4 is widely considered to be one of the best racing games ever made. It is a simulation-style racing game that offers a wide variety of cars, tracks, and game modes. The game features stunning graphics, realistic physics, and incredible attention to detail. Whether you are a fan of drift racing, circuit racing, or drag racing, Forza Motorsport 4 has something for you. 2. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Need for Speed: Most Wanted is an arcade-style racing game that offers high-speed thrills and intense action. The game features a variety of exotic cars, including Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Aston Martins. Players can race through the streets of a fictional city, competing in various events and trying to outrun the police. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 3. Project Gotham Racing 4 Project Gotham Racing 4 is another arcade-style racing game that offers fast-paced action and intense competition. The game features a variety of cars, including sports cars, muscle cars, and exotic supercars. Players can race through a variety of real-world locations, including New York City, Tokyo, and London. The game also features a unique "kudos" system that rewards players for stylish driving. 4. Burnout Paradise Burnout Paradise is an open-world racing game that offers players the freedom to explore a vast city and participate in a variety of events. The game features a variety of cars, including muscle cars, sports cars, and motorcycles. Players can race through the city, performing stunts and causing destruction along the way. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 5. Midnight Club: Los Angeles Midnight Club: Los Angeles is an arcade-style racing game that takes place in the streets of Los Angeles. The game features a variety of cars, including tuners, muscle cars, and exotic supercars. Players can race through the city, competing in various events and outrunning the police. The game also features a customizable car system that allows players to upgrade and personalize their vehicles. 6. F1 2013 F1 2013 is a simulation-style racing game that offers players the chance to experience the excitement of Formula One racing. The game features all the teams, drivers, and tracks from the 2013 Formula One World Championship. Players can race in a variety of game modes, including time trials, career modes, and multiplayer. The game also features stunning graphics and realistic physics. 7. Dirt 3 Dirt 3 is a rally racing game that offers players the chance to experience the excitement of off-road racing. The game features a variety of cars, including rally cars, buggies, and trucks. Players can race through a variety of environments, including snow, mud, and gravel. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 8. Grid 2 Grid 2 is an arcade-style racing game that offers players the chance to race through some of the most famous cities in the world, including Paris, Dubai, and Chicago. The game features a variety of cars, including sports cars, muscle cars, and supercars. Players can race in a variety of events, including circuit races, street races, and time trials. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 9. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is an arcade-style racing game that features characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise as well as other popular Sega characters. The game features a variety of vehicles, including cars, boats, and planes. Players can race through a variety of tracks, including locations inspired by the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 10. Blur Blur is an arcade-style racing game that offers high-speed thrills and intense action. The game features a variety of cars, including muscle cars, sports cars, and supercars. Players can race through a variety of real-world locations, including Los Angeles, Tokyo, and London. The game also features a unique power-up system that allows players to gain an advantage over their opponents. 11. MotoGP 14 MotoGP 14 is a simulation-style racing game that offers players the chance to experience the excitement of motorcycle racing. The game features all the teams, riders, and tracks from the 2014 MotoGP World Championship. Players can race in a variety of game modes, including time trials, career modes, and multiplayer. The game also features stunning graphics and realistic physics. 12. Split/Second Split/Second is an arcade-style racing game that offers players the chance to race through a variety of explosive environments. The game features a variety of cars, including muscle cars, sports cars, and trucks. Players can trigger a variety of explosive events, including collapsing buildings and exploding gas stations, to gain an advantage over their opponents. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other online. 13. Driver: San Francisco Driver: San Francisco is an open-world racing game that takes place in the city of San Francisco. The game features a variety of cars, including sports cars, muscle cars, and trucks. Players can race through the city, competing in various events and trying to outrun the police. The game also features a unique "shift" system that allows players to switch between cars in real time. 14. WRC 3 WRC 3 is a simulation-style racing game that offers players the chance to experience the excitement of the World Rally Championship. The game features all the teams, drivers, and tracks from the 2012 World Rally Championship. Players can race in a variety of game modes, including time trials, career modes, and multiplayer. The game also features stunning graphics and realistic physics. 15. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is an arcade-style racing game that offers high-speed thrills and intense action. The game features a variety of exotic cars, including Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Porsches.  FAQs What are some of the best Xbox 360 racing games? Some of the best Xbox 360 racing games include Forza Horizon, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Burnout Paradise, Project Gotham Racing 4, and DiRT 3. Are all of the games on this list still available for purchase? While some of the games may no longer be available for purchase in physical form, most of them can still be purchased digitally through the Xbox Marketplace. Can I play these games on the Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S? Some of the games on this list are backward compatible with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, while others are not. You can check the compatibility of each game on the official Xbox website. Are these games suitable for all ages? Most of the games on this list are rated E for Everyone or T for Teen, which means they are suitable for a wide range of ages. However, some games may contain mild language, violence, or suggestive themes. Is there a multiplayer mode in these games? Yes, most of the games on this list feature a multiplayer mode, which allows you to compete against other players online. Can I customize the cars in these games? Yes, many of the games on this list allow you to customize your cars with a variety of upgrades and modifications. How many different tracks are available in each game? The number of tracks varies from game to game, but most of the games on this list feature multiple tracks that offer a variety of challenges and environments. Are there any games on this list that require a racing wheel? While it is not required, some players may prefer to use a racing wheel for a more immersive experience. Games like Forza Motorsport 4 and DiRT 3 are compatible with certain racing wheels. Are there any downloadable content (DLC) packs available for these games? Yes, many of the games on this list offer additional content through DLC packs, which can include new cars, tracks, and game modes. Are there any other racing games available for the Xbox 360 that didn't make this list? Yes, there are many other racing games available for the Xbox 360, including titles like F1 2011, Split/Second, and NASCAR The Game: Inside Line. Read the full article
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got-eggs · 1 year
Wtf is project Gotham racing 3
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gssoftgo · 2 years
James bond 007 blood stone pc requirements intel gaa
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He is assisted by M and along the way meets Nicole Hunter, a wealthy British socialite. As Her Majesty's best agent, James Bond is tasked to find the whereabouts of a missing project. The game's story is set in the same universe as the recent Daniel Craig films. It is notable as the studio's last game before they closed their doors. The game also features 16-player online team-based multiplayer with an experience system, weapon and attire unlocks, and a unique "commander" system to display and reward the top players of each team. In addition to standard cover-based combat, the game also features vehicular chase sequences (which play similar to the studio's earlier Project Gotham Racing series).
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After foiling a suicide attack on the G-20 Summit in Athens, Bond is tasked to find the whereabouts of the plans of a top-secret biological weapon. Released alongside GoldenEye 007, Blood Stone features an original story in the James Bond franchise and features the voice & likeness of Daniel Craig as James Bond, Judi Dench as M, and British singer Joss Stone (who also performs the game's main theme) as love interest (and fellow MI6 agent) Nicole Hunter. James Bond 007: Blood Stone (sometimes stylized as 007: Blood Stone) is a third-person shooter developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Activision ( Square Enix in Japan) for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS (ported by n-Space), and PC (ported by High Moon Studios) on November 2, 2010.
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planelong · 2 years
Geometry wars 3 dimensions evolved release date
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Geometry wars 3 dimensions evolved release date full#
GraphicsThe game has appealing, bright and colourful polygons for its graphics. Geometry Wars 3 appeared to be a game that on first impressions ticked all of those boxes and that's why I'm now reviewing the game today.
Geometry wars 3 dimensions evolved release date full#
Geometry Wars 3 stayed in my library for quite some time until I purchased a Steam Link and wanted to try as many games in my library that seemed to (1) have full controller support, (2) be family friendly and (3) have co-op play I was basically looking for games I could play with my 4-year-old daughter. How I got itI managed to get this game as part of the Humble Sierra Bundle last year and while I was mainly getting the bundle for all the classic Sierra adventures (which I already have on GOG mind you) there were a bunch of games in there published by the new Sierra too such as Geometry Wars 3. So, to be effective at this game you need to stay alive for as long as possible, destroy as many enemies as possible and collect as many green tokens as possible to help boost your score. Destroying the enemies not only grants you points but they also drop green tokens which once collected increase your points multiplier dying however will reset the points multiplier and you only have a limited number of lives too. Geometry Wars 3 is a twin stick shooter where you get to control your little ship around a surface filled with a variety of enemies. The game was hugely popular and it spawned many sequels this one is the first to be developed by a studio besides Bizarre Creations (which was closed by Activision in 2010) and published by the resurrected Sierra brand (a subsidiary publishing arm of Activision). Not realising they had stumbled across an instant classic, Bizarre Creations developed a version of the game called Geometry Wars : Retro Evolved specifically for the Xbox 360's Live Arcade in 2005. What is it? Geometry Wars started out as a mini-game to test the Xbox controller while Bizarre Creations developed Project Gotham Racing and was included as a mini-game in Project Gotham Racing 2 back in 2003. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely."Bright" and "colourful" are two words that come to mind when checking out the graphics in Geometry Wars 3 Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.
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