#Protect The Environment
defleftist · 1 year
One of my maybe unpopular opinions: I think golfing involves an unethical use of land and I don’t like people who golf.
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respect-the-locals · 2 months
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Did you know??
Sharks, one of our planet’s oldest species with fossils dating back over 400 million years, have played a pivotal role in marine ecosystems far longer than we have existed on Earth.
Deemed a keystone species, sharks exert such a profound influence on their habitats that their absence would dramatically alter the entire ecosystem. As apex predators, they stand at the pinnacle of the food chain, crucially maintaining the balance of marine life by regulating prey populations. Sharks control species abundance, distribution, and diversity, which reciprocally affects the health of marine habitats.
Organizations worldwide, like the Shark Conservation Fund, are striving to protect sharks directly. Others, such as Blue Ventures and Saving the Blue, indirectly work towards their protection by safeguarding marine habitats and engaging coastal communities.
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I need y’all attention for just a few minutes, I know I haven’t been on here much but if y’all could please sign and share this petition to show support for the Gullah Geechee community!
Here is a screenshot of what is going on.
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satasfries · 4 months
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My boyfriend loves John Egbert so I made him a little something
Damn those microplastics to HELL
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serene-sun · 2 years
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Please, we need your help. The willow project is a project being viewed by the President in this moment, the plan is to sell ALASKA and its land, homes, and WILDLIFE for oil drilling. The project will produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil a day, according to the company — about 1.5% of total U.S. oil production. But in Alaska, Willow represents the biggest oil field in decades. What’s the problem with that? Project opponents point to its potential impact on global climate change. Environmental impact documents conclude that if the oil produced by Willow is burned, it would create 260 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. Exposure to CO2 can produce a variety of health effects. These may include headaches, dizziness, restlessness, a tingling or pins or needles feeling, difficulty breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, coma, asphyxia, various cancers, and convulsions. Once the plan is approved, climate change will be irreversible and unfixable no matter the effort. But the only way we can stop this is if 189 more environmentalists and citizens like you sign our petition before it's too late. We only have one month left before it’s approved, without your help- the human race will suffer more than it ever has. Don’t let old white men in the government decide the fate of generations, and centuries of human history and cellular evolution. I’m asking you not as a fellow american citizen, but as a human being- take a few minutes to end the end from consuming life as we know it.
Plz reblog so we can get as many signatures as possible!!
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tomwindeknecht · 1 year
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The Mojave Desert is a beautiful and fragile ecosystem that is home to a variety of plants and animals, including the desert tortoise. Here are a few things we can do to keep it this way:
- Stay on the trails. This helps to protect the plants and animals that live in the desert. - Pack out what you pack in. This includes trash, food scraps, water bottles, etc. - Don't disturb wildlife. This means keeping your distance from animals and not feeding them.
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the-land-of-women · 11 months
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lewishamiltonstuff · 2 years
She fights climate change to protect the environment and she ALSO fights Andrew Tate to protect the environment.
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
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Today is the day we celebrate the amazing planetary systems we’ve got right here on Earth and the amazing achievements of human kind, dedicated to preserving, conserving, and saving the world around us.
The world right now may look grim, but coming from one environmentalist to another, there are so many people building systems for a better future. Don't give up hope!
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 3 months
Killing People AND the Earth
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Not only do the bombs destroy the ground and kill thousands of people, but they also send CO2 into the atmosphere, causing our planet to warm up. We need to do something about this.
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beast-of-compassion · 8 months
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deep in the swamp 💚🪵
photography by me.
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respect-the-locals · 2 months
🐢Daily Sea Turtle Fact:🐢
Leatherback Sea Turtle (lovingly referred to as the watermelon sea turtle 'by me'🫶🏼): The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle in the world, measuring up to 6ft in length and weighing between 750 - 1,000lbs. Named for their tough rubbery skin, they are the only species of sea turtle that lack scales and a hard shell, and have existed in their current form since the age of the dinosaurs. They are also accomplished divers with the deepest recorded dive reaching nearly 4,000 feet—deeper than most marine mammals.
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I am once again asking for y’all help.
I recently shared a petition started by the Gullah Geechee coalition in order to stop construction on St. Helena island that would not only displace the Gullah Geechee community but have a detrimental impact on the environment.
Well now a portal has been opened to send emails directly to the Beaufort County Planning Commission, all you have to do is fill out your name, address, and email.
The form will send out a pre-written email, you do NOT have to write anything yourself.
Here is the link.
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my-fave-tiktoks · 9 months
Awwww 🥺 when the lil baby bites the pants 🥺 awwww. I want to get picked and chosen by a baby animal 😭
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growingrobinart · 10 months
I will be making a new Advent Calendar this year! Every day a new artistic post.
🌍 The Immune System of Earth ✨
An unusual theme for Xmas, yet, very fitting to the time we are living through right now.
If you know somebody who‘d enjoy this theme, please forward this channel!
Click through to the Telegram Channel.
Have a Peaceful Advent! 🕯️
🍀 Robin
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Happy Earth Day!
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