#Putting Shakespeare's funny ones in front
xenocryp · 7 months
I need The Bookshop to Adore Crowley as much as The Bentley Adores Aziraphale.
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deakyjoe · 7 months
Somebody’s Watching Me Epilogue
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (“Sarge”, she/her pronouns, British, backstory)
Category: slowburn coworkers to friends to lovers with grumpy x sunshine dynamic/idiots in love
Summary: Five years later.
Warnings: domestic things, British/slang terminology
Word count: 700ish (a baby to finish the story)
A/N: Well, it’s been a long journey. And it has been months since I posted the last part. But here we are! At the end! Finally! Thank you for coming along for ride, I’m so grateful for every single one of my readers. I hope you’ve enjoyed Simon and Sarge’s story. And just because their main storyline is over doesn’t mean I won’t post other little things for them in the future.
Consider buying me a coffee :)
"Sarge, I'm telling you that it's fine. They just repackaged it. I'm sure it tastes the same."
You pushed the carton of juice away from where it was being waved in your face. "No! Look! It says that they added a whole extra apple to the recipe."
Simon sighed frustratedly and lowered the carton. "That's good, you love apples."
You groaned, hating it when he was right. "But it's going to taste different. And I hate change!" You almost hated it as much as when he was right and you were wrong, which you'd never admit.
"Do you want the apple juice or not?"
You ignored him and put the carton with your other items of shopping, walking away before Simon could comment.
He caught up to you quickly, his strides much longer than yours. “That was the last thing, let’s go and pay.”
You didn’t answer verbally, just nodded and knew he was smirking at your stubbornness. Simon had always hated the fact that he’d never been able to tame the brat out of you. But you thought your naturally stubborn nature was a good thing. It was the trait that got you to where you were now with your lieutenant.
You joined the back of the line behind an elderly couple and began placing your shopping on the conveyor belt, Simon rearranging it all as you did it to make it look neater.
He insisted his way was more efficient.
You let him believe that.
It didn’t escape your notice when the woman in front of you turned to look at you both as you bickered about the way a two litre bottle should face.
“This way is better, Sarge.” Simon huffed, turning it around.
“But it rolls around that way!” You replied, exasperated.
“Fine. You should be glad I’m so fond of you.”
You scoffed. “I bloody well hope so after all this time. Fond of me? Fond!”
He sent you one of his radiant smiles that you were one of the lucky few to receive. “Would you rather I declare my undying love for you with a dramatic reading of a Shakespeare sonnet in the middle of big Tesco?”
“Wouldn’t go unappreciated.” You sniffed, smiling back at him with all thoughts of the rolling bottle forgotten.
The older woman squinted at the both of you trying, but not succeeding, at subtly tapping at her husband’s shoulder in order to get his attention. He just ignored her.
But when the woman's eyes landed on Simon, the recognition dawned and her face molded into a satisfied one. And then when they strayed to the matching wedding rings on the both of you, she just about jumped in joy.
You stared right back at her, waiting for her to say something. You were sure she was the same woman who'd assumed you and Simon were a couple five years ago when you'd first bumped into each other in this very same supermarket.
Funny how things work out.
She gave you a warm smile which you tentatively returned before she turned back around to pay for her groceries.
Your husband leant down to mutter in your ear. “Is that-?”
“Thought so.”
You beamed up at Simon, suddenly very happy at the way things had happened. You always were but sometimes the wonderful nature of your situation really hit you.
“Why’re looking at me with that silly grin on your face?” He grumbled, although he couldn’t hide the softness in his eyes.
“Dunno. Maybe because I get to look at your gorgeous face every day.” You nudged him with your elbow.
He stepped closer to you, tilting his head down to better meet your eyes. “Mhm, for the rest of your life. Lucky you.”
“Very lucky me.” You quipped back. He was being sarcastic and self deprecating but really what he was saying was completely true. You did consider yourself very lucky. And you always would.
Simon could see you were being genuine, as you always were with him. So he decided to return the gesture. “Think I’m the luckier one.”
You just shrugged. He could believe that if he wanted to. You’d spend the rest of your life trying to convince him otherwise. And, boy, did you have a lot of time to do that. Practically forever.
A/N: I re-read a couple chapters of Somebody’s Watching Me and it inspired me to finally finish writing this epilogue. And I’m so glad that I’ve done it now. Thanks again.
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates (2)
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Albedo, Kazuha, Itto, Ayato, Heizou, Scaramouche
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 - Part 2 (here) - Part 3
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so the bad news is that you find out he’s the hired live wedding painter. turns out all the times you shared his art posts on your instagram story were not for naught
the good news is that all he has to paint is the first kiss!
tbh he accepted your relative’s commission as an excuse to ‘coincidentally’ run into you, he just didn’t think you’d ask him to be your date
overhears a lot of gossip while he’s painting and tells you everything when you come over to hang out and watch
you bring him cake since he’s busy and he asks you, super nonchalantly, to feed him
“as you can see, my hands are a bit full at the moment” you’re too flustered to notice the slight twitch of his lips, a subtle smirk
not too keen on dancing so he just sits around and sketches. you manage to drag him away for at least one dance. he’s forced to leave his sketchbook and returns to find that it’s gone
someone ends up returning it to you? since it’s filled with sketches of you, you must know who it belongs to. you’re in disbelief but lo and behold, you open it to find various sketches of you throughout the night; dancing, laughing, even just standing around
you look up to see albedo himself standing in front of you, frozen in shock... wait he can explain-
love in the air, romance in the wind…he is in his element. even more so if it’s an outdoor wedding
you tell him he doesn’t have to bring his own gift, but he insists and brings a little bonsai plant for a harmonious marriage
A HIT with your family because he’s just so well mannered and polite (his flowery words also make him especially charming to the older ladies)
truly a double edged sword though because he gets stuck in an essential oil mlm pitch
it’s sunset after the ceremony so you two take a walk through the rose garden to kill time before the reception. you comment the roses smell nice so he picks one out (he’s so bold, the sign literally says ‘do not pick the roses’)
mans is out here quoting shakespeare “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and then he puts it in your hair
your other single relatives are seething with jealousy
he keeps talking about what he would do differently for his wedding but he sometimes slips in ‘we’ and ‘our’
“perhaps for our cake we could do a different flavor for each layer.” is he insinuating something or just referencing his future spouse?
takes so. many. photos. of you, of him, the decor, the scenery, everything. he’s sending them all in real time to his arataki gang gc and you know his boys are hyping him up the way he’s smiling at his phone
the ceremony is outdoors so unfortunately there are bugs. even more unfortunate is that a mosquito is flying around itto and he raises his arm to swat it away right…when…the officiant asks if there are any objections
other than that, he’s not a bad date. he’s funny, he dances, he’ll bring you a plate everytime he makes another round to the buffet table
the kids love him. he’s fun but also takes them seriously so that dance battle with the 8 year old? yeah he wasn’t holding back. keeps them out of trouble as well e.g. he stopped your bratty little nephew from running straight into the first dance
they’re following him around like a mini arataki gang, you just want your date back please
signs his name obnoxiously large in the guest book
at the end of the night he is still just a big sweetheart. if your feet hurt from your shoes or dancing or even if you’re just too tired to walk, he will offer you a piggy back ride
surprisingly eager to agree. he’s excited for his first real wedding since all the ones he has previously attended were glorified networking events
no one outside the business sphere really has a face to the name so you don’t have to worry about attracting too much attention
he talks about his job (financially stable ✓) and his relationship with his younger sister (family oriented ✓); multiple aunts are asking why you aren’t dating this nice young man? your face heats up in embarrassment and he’s enjoying every second of it! fans the flames like
“yes, why aren’t we dating?”
the reception has a diy drink mixing station so obviously you guys have to make each other’s drinks. at least you tried to make him something decent; he has the audacity to smile while handing you peppermint schnapps and fruit punch honestly wtf
slips the photographer a crisp $100 to take some extra candids of you and him and gives them a burner email to send the photos to
kind of just sways on the dance floor at first but it’s nothing your encouragement (and some alcohol) can’t fix! unlocking fun ayato is always nice
the newly weds wanted a private last dance so everyone is ushered outside to prep for the send-off. you guys go off to the side where he asks you for your own private last dance
doesn’t want the night to end but he won’t say it outright, just keeps hinting at it. you take him out for late night skewers and boba
the sunglasses are a part of his outfit
scavenger hunt champion; he figures out the clues so fast people just start lingering around, trying to overhear his thoughts. purposely says the wrong answer out loud and sends a crowd running the opposite direction
a very fun and solid date. he’s ready to party and you’re not surprised to see he’s such a smooth dancer. honestly it’s kind of sexy? shikanoin slayzou
at some point during the night, he is at the front of the conga line
people watching! he makes some offhand comments about some guests and before you know it, you’re creating random backstories for them
you get a little bit of cake at the corner of your mouth so he wipes it off for you with his thumb
“oh! you got a little something right— here, let me get it for you”
he doesn’t think much of it and goes right back to eating and socializing. for someone normally so sharp, he sure doesn’t notice the way he’s making your heart do backflips in your chest
tells you exactly where to stand to catch the bouquet; let’s out a big whoop when you catch it because it was all based on vibes and intuition. go figure
straight up says no but you keep going on and on and on that he finally agrees just so you’d stop. says he’s going for the drama, which isn’t a lie
if he hears just a whisper of pregnancy news…he is going to congratulate them out loud, fake smile and all. also brings up controversial topics at your table for some good old fashioned family entertainment
when he sees your cousin being mean to you he claps back by asking why their plus one has been drooling after that pretty bridesmaid like a dog. Your cousin throws their drink on him and storms off and you’re ready for him to throw a fit but he just bursts out laughing because it was so worth it
doesn’t smile in any group photos, and the more the photographer takes, the more visibly annoyed he looks
told you way before the wedding that he does not dance, but he feels a little bad seeing you just sitting at your table so he flicks your forehead and you look up to him offering his hand
“come on. what kind of date what I be if we don’t even dance” he says begrudgingly. he doesn’t meet your eyes but you swear you see a light dusting of pink across his face when you take his hand
it was the most awkward dance ever but it’s the thought that counts and you’re touched
someone accidentally sets his jacket on fire during the sparkler send-off
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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thebitchesterbrothers · 2 months
„Nobody leaves this room until we’ve found my ring!“
Oh, great. Ava needs to be at the other end of the campus for her next class in fifteen minutes.
„Is he serious right now? It’s not our fault he lost his stuff.“ Doug, one of the other students dramatically rolled his eyes.
„Oh come on, have some sympathy. It’s probably antique and ridiculously expensive. Just help him find it and we can all be on our way.“
Just five minutes ago Ava was listening to Professor Gadlings lecture about early modern drama when he noticed the lack of his ring. One of the braver students had once asked him about his kind of uncharacteristically flashy ring he was sporting on his left hand.
The professor was known on campus as a very down-to-earth guy, almost suspiciously normal. Wearing cozy and practical clothes he always gave off the impression of a perfect son-in-law. In Ava’s opinion there was still a kind of mysterious aura about him but she never managed to put it into words. Not too much was known about him despite his cheery and social behavior.
It all added to his attractiveness. If one was into middle aged history professors…so basically at least half of the class had a crush on Mister Gadling and Ava surely was a leading member of the unofficial Dr. Robert Gadling fan club. For academic purposes only, of course.
That particular ring however didn’t seem like something the man would buy for himself. It was gold, beautifully carved and had a massive ruby embedded in the center of it.
It was just a touch too flamboyant for their professor that there had to be a story behind it.
But all he would give them as an answer was a sly smile and a cryptic comment about „how Shakespeare would die of jealousy if he could see him now.���
Said ring was now missing. When Gadling noticed his bare finger all hell broke loose.
Running his hands frantically through his hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail only to undo it seconds later. Crawling under his cluttered desk and painfully bumping his head in the process.
For a minute or two it was admittedly funny to watch the man sweat but now Ava just felt sorry for him. If she’d own such an obviously expensive piece of jewellery she would freak out too. Maybe it was an old family heirloom of some kind. The man owned all kinds of weird historic stuff, that much was for sure.
And apparently now they all had to help him find it if they wanted to leave this room anytime today.
So this is how Ava finds herself now on the surprisingly clean floors of lecture hall number five, looking for a shiny piece of metal along with her classmates.
Gadling seems to slowly but surely drift off into panic mode, spurring them on while turning every pocket of his trousers inside out, his hair sticking in every direction like one of the cartoon characters from her childhood. A mad scientist indeed.
“It has to be in this room! Keep looking! I can’t go home without it…and believe me when I say we’re all going to have a terrible night of disturbing dreams if we don’t manage to find it!” What is that supposed to mean, please?
Just as he’s about to flip his desk - yes, the very heavy and very antique looking desk - an unfamiliar voice breaks the chaotic atmosphere.
“Are you looking for something specific, professor? You seem quite distressed.”
And if Mister Gadling appeared ‘distressed’ before he’s outright shocked now.
In front of the old oak door leading into freedom - Ava can’t wait to finally leave this madhouse - stands the most gorgeous and posh looking goth prince she’s ever seen. Damn, those cheekbones alone are to die for, but his voice…dark, soothing, absolutely mesmerizing. The man looks regal even in a place that is anything but. That long flowing coat is a bit much though.
“Oh. You. Are here.” What happened to her eloquent professor?
“Indeed I am, Hob.” Hob? What kind of nickname is that?
“I mean why? Why exactly are you here? It’s just that you never visited before.”
Ava crawls back from under her chair to not miss a minute of whatever the hell this is.
She swears that Gadling - Hob, she remembers - starts to blush like a shy school girl. Who is that man that makes her professor lose his cool?
Meanwhile the rest of the classroom stopped the search for the ring, instead staring without shame at the play in front of them.
“My duties prevented me from visiting one of your lectures. I apologize for that. But you missed something of great value this morning. I thought you might want it back.”
And with that emo king (Ava really needs to find out that man’s name) calmly walks towards her professor, completely unaffected by his nosy audience.
Once he reaches the other man he gently takes his hand, opens it … and places a ring into his palm. Not just any ring, no.
The ring that “definitely has to be in this room”, as Ava recalls professor Gadlings voice. So much for that.
The stranger looks clearly amused at mister Gadlings obvious embarrassment.
“You left it next to the sink after washing the dishes. Then you realized how late you were and forgot to put it back on. I had to stop Matthew from hiding it under his pillow.”
Did Gadling have a cat? That man would surely get a cat and name it Matthew.
Gadling looks as relieved as he looks stressed by now.
“Thank you. I may have overreacted a bit.”
More than a few students agree on that but are too smart to make a comment.
That dark dream of a man fondly tucks a strand of hair behind their professors ear and wow, what’s happening? Ava tries to be as silent as possible to not ruin this moment. Her friends will never believe her.
Apparently Gadling finally found his voice again.
“You came all this way just to…”
“To take your wedding ring where it belongs, husband.”
And with that he places an almost chaste kiss on the other man’s lips and abruptly turns around to leave the - absolutely stunned and silent - room. Everyone is openly staring at poor mister Gadling now. Ava is pretty sure she saw one of the younger students filming or at least taking a picture of the whole thing. She’ll have to ask for evidence.
“Okay listen. None of this ever happened. You saw and heard nothing. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.”
Gadling quickly dismisses his students and almost flees the lecture hall.
Days later Ava still isn’t sure she witnessed a very elaborate fever dream
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whorrorbellee · 3 months
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Its been a year since someone spread a rumour to you school that you've sucked off half the football team in one night. one year of catcalls, one year of graffitied lockers and bullying, so when you find out his majesty king Steve is behind the rumour its time to take drastic action against him. King!Steve x reader
A/N; reread my own fan fiction, thought it was okay ig then released I had to release the second chapter because I wanted to know what was going on, im gonna add warnings later but im pretty sure there is going to be some sweet sweet smut in this so if your under 18 pls leave or ill sleep with your dad, maybe I already have who knows? master list chapter one
ill edit this later btw
Chapter two 
The soft chime of the bell rings throughout the store, you gaze up upon the entree, Harrington's body moves through the store before stopping at the counter.
“I called you last night, you didn't pick up, wanted to see if you got home safe” Steve leans over the counter of Beans&Books the local coffee shop bookstore you practically live in when you're not working.
“How do you know where I work ?” you interrogate, staring at his brown eyes.
“I read a lot, pride and persuas-”,
”yeah that, you know the classics” he scratches at his nose, other hand running over the smooth wooden counter, then he fiddles with the pens in the white mug and the plastic  clashes together. His lips pouts, big brown eyes staring down at you. 
“Oh i wasn't aware that you could” you shake your head at him, you return the stare. 
“Could what?’he smiles.
“Read” you say bluntly.
There's a pause, Steve swallows and then glances at the floor, his gaze returns and his face brightens “You're so funny” his eyes lingering down upon your lips as he folds his arms into himself as he chuckles “that was good”
You glance away from him awkwardly “Can I help you with anything?” you ask, leaning back into the wall, running your hands over your jeans. You take the pile of new stock into your hands. Coming out from behind the till and meandering over to the shelves  slowly, careful to not drop anything. 
“Yeah i wanna find a new book” 
“Okay” you look at him, he's wearing a green collared henley shirt  and dark blue harrington jacket, “What-uh books are you into?” you look back at the shelf in front of you, running your finger over the author's name until you find the correct place. 
The coffee shop bustles with life, the milk frother screeching, beans grinding as customers talk, it's hard to hear him over all the noise so you stare back at him. 
‘I liked Romeo and Juliet, ' he nods. "Yeah, I liked Romeo and Juliet,” he says almost as if he was confirming it himself. 
‘So Shakespeare?um Macbeth? Midsummer's night dream, Taming of the shrew?”
“What's taming the shrew?”  he asks. 
“oh , like the movie, Kiss me, Kate?” 
“I don't know it” 
“Okay , so like Bianca can't marry until her sister does, and this guy really likes her so they get this guy to pretend to be a tutor and make him court her so he can marry Bianca, its like fake dating but the other one doesn't know it ”
Your turn to put another book on the shelf wondering if you've been a bit on the nose, Steve is none the wiser. 
“Yeah, I'll take that.” His arms stretch out behind him, shirt following exposing his midriff and you can help but fixate on him for a second too long, you almost forget how he towers over you as you look up at his now smirking face, eyes half closed as he looks down upon your face.
Cheeks heated at his gaze “Okay cool” You head to the sections of plays, eyes catching onto the novel you were looking for before ringing him up at the front desk.
“That's five dollars, would you like a receipt?”
‘No. But hey, do u wanna go for a coffee sometime and like talk about shakespeare” he points at you 
“I um, you know what, yeah sure” you shrug your shoulders.
“Yeah” you respond nodding.
“Cool, cool! I'll call you yeah?” he slaps the counter with his palm tucking the book into his coat before walking out the door, he flashes you a smile and leaves. You hear his car leave and smile to yourself for a minute.
You look over at the coffee counter Aaron (your coworker) smiles at you, he's just rinsed out the portafilter. You hear the beans grinding, and he's smoothing his hands over his apron before approaching you. 
“Was that his majesty?” Aaron asks.
“Is he okay? I didn't know he could read” he reclines, his bleached afro a contrast against the brown painted wall behind him.
“That's what i said, he just laughed, like he was on the david letterman show” you look at Aaron, his face is shrivelled up in confusion and you grin.
‘He bought Shakespeare, and then asked to hangout, and you weren't at the party last night right? But he stole my-” you speak in a hushed whisper in front of the customers, “ he stole my joint like out my hand after staring at me” 
“Huh, i think he wants to, you know” he cocks his head, eyes widening and you laugh. 
“No really” he looks over to the counter, “shit i gotta get back to work” he jogs back to his counter smiling brightly at the old lady who is holding a dog and a sandwich the size of it. you look at the pile of boxes you should probably sort out, you sigh and stare at the door.
The telephone rings and you pick up the bubblegum pink receiver, plastic cold in your hand.“Hello?” your finger hooks around the coiled wire and pulls it away from you, twirling it around.you rests against the wall bathed in a cotton candy blue hue. 
“Hey, it's Steve"
You hear his soft breath against the telephone“Oh hi, how's the book going?”
“Yeah great, wanna come to a party on friday?” he asks quickly.
‘Yeah sure, want me to tell Eddie to bring gear?” 
“No i just wanna see you” you can almost hear him smile. You plop yourself down on your bed, hair falling against the plush floral comforter.
“Oh really?you know i dont deal right?” you query, eyes wandering your room to fixate on something other than the ceiling, eyes catching onto the billy idol poster on your wardrobe door, a mean stare and his bleach blonde hair looks back at you.
“Yeah of course , can't stop thinking about how pretty you are,” he whispers into the phone. 
You sit up quickly smiling, there's a pause and you hear soft “shit” before he coughs.
“What was that?” you interrogate.
“How funny you are, anyway I'll pick you up at 7 friday! bring a swimsuit, sounds good? great see ya”
The phone line drops dead before you can reply and suddenly you panicking about what to wear, how to do your hair and who the fucks gonna be there, you dont even like the guy.
You're in and out of classes, studying in the library suddenly Steve is everywhere, Tommy H and Carol snickering behind your back after he waves or smiles at you. You smile at his insolence playing into his idea of you, a mean stare one day and the next a shy look away. 
Suddenly It's Friday and you're in the back of chem class staring straight into the back of Steve's head when Eddie throws a piece of paper straight at your eye, you glare at him and his face falls, he leans across his desk to whisper to you. 
“Heard your going to the famous Hagen party”
“Huh?” your pencil taps against the table. 
“Yeah, Tommy's party, it like a massive bender, everyone hooks up with everyone, i heard Billy is taking Nicole”
“ Billy's going?”you panic.” i don't want to see that douche”
“Dude, your going with the king”
You wince against his words. “Shit yeah, two douches”
“Im gonna die, they're gonna try to have sex with me and then im gonna die”
“Whou would you bang then, out of all three like realistically?" Eddie grins, you glance back at him and then around the room. Steve leans back in his chair playing with his pencil on the table, Tommy's asking his friend the next desk over if the glue stick hes got in his hand can get him high, then you shuffle and look behind you, billy smiles and winks at you, nice enough until he stares directly at carols tits. 
You give Eddie a knowing stare and he answers for you “ it's me isn't it ? we should just go home and fuck.” 
You laugh at him “i know im whore eddie but christ, your my loser best friend and your in love with Kirsty from the bar” 
“Steve then?” 
“I hope he dies, but i've heard his dick game is good” you shrug.
continue on
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equallyshaw · 7 months
star crossed lovers, pt 2 | connor bedard
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↳ oc hughes sister x connor bedard x brendan brisson + blurb + tiny insta post
↳ au masterlist!
takes place in 2026 with a connor sighting!
warnings: swearing
word count: 4.7K
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Two households, both alike in dignity...
oh that love story that was too good to be true, so beautiful and soft and wholesome; was never meant to last. romeo and juliet had truly run their course it seemed. though originally, weren't they destined to be together forever, and never see the fate that the original story predicted?
maybe her brothers were right, kailey thought as soon as it happened. he dug the sword deep into her heart, twisted, and then pulled away. it was if they'd never been together. as if they hadn't spent the last three years together.
but was it the end for miss hughes? was it the end of her journey in finding love with a powerful and notable name within the world of hockey?
These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume.
kailey pushed jack a bit as soon as entered the kitchen in the townhouse her two brothers shared in jersey. she quickly made her way over to the coffee machine and put a nespresso pod in, smiling once the humming of the machine began. she pulled out her phone and opened connor's message that popped up, and she wished she hadn't. she stared at the screen, allowing it to fade to black. "kails!" jack said hurrying over and putting a towel down, as the expresso spilled over the too small cup. she didn't move. he looked down at her, not understanding why she wasn't moving. he sighed, wiping the counter in front of her, before he heard her whisper. "he broke up with me." jack thought his mind was playing tricks on him, "funny kails." he said turning around to finish making his breakfast. "he br-broke up with me." she said again, louder and more clear. he looked back at her before taking two steps to catch her as she fell backwards, out of shock. he quickly brought her to the ground, holding her closely as she sobbed.
24 hours ago, the two were planning on what they wanted to do for their almost 1 year anniversary.
how could things change in 24 hours?
luke rushed in as soon as he heard sobs, and the look that jack gave him was more than he needed, he knew exactly what happened. the three brothers couldn't have seen this coming from a mile away, they didn't see this happening. ever. they thought that connor was the one, that one that made it past their hard exteriors. the one that had made his way into all of the hughes hearts.
oh how the universe and shakespeare could be so cruel.
thankfully, kailey was finished with school and had graduated a few weeks before the breakup. so she thought long and hard on where she wanted to be, and who she wanted to be. dawning a new hair color and a will to pull herself out of heartbreak, she settled on sunny california. she moved to redondo beach in los angeles county, moving in with her cousin maya - a longtime family friend of the hughes that dated back to her mom's hockey days at college. the three brothers were crushed to see her leaving so early in the summer, and forgoing the lake house in michigan but she knew she needed to go. or else she'd never leave.
it was around 3 months later, late july when kailey reunited with a very old family friend. brendan brisson, out of the blue showed up at her and maya's apartment for a sunday brunch they were throwing. he came with his brother, and at first they did not recognize her because of her new hair color. since she'd been in california, she hadn't had the inkling or draw to post anything on social media. hence, people were relatively concerned as to what she was up to. sure, her family knew through text messages and private snapchats, but other than that- she'd ghosted the world. she also got off Instagram and twitter, not relishing in the fact that connor was off seeing other people. mere carbon copies of the girl, pre brunette. she hated seeing people tag her in things, hated seeing it come up naturally because of how much she used to look up his name; for shits and giggles she used to say.
that sunday morning though, after grabbing a cup of coffee from redondo beach pier, and a walk up and down it- she retweeted something. which let me tell you, alerted the hockey world and hockey twitter. i mean, the sheer power they held when they were together was out of this world. two great hockey names - connected in a magical way, how could they not? people adored seeing them together and that retweet cemented the breakup, which people had been suspecting for some time. she redownloaded Instagram, archiving her pictures with connor, not able to part with them just yet. she then opened up her groupchat with the boys, ripping the canadian boy to shreds. she'd simply put him into an early grave, by her word choice. she woke up with a vengeance this morning, her brothers thought as 6 messages - paragraphs - came in. her brothers agreed with every last word she sent, they were absolutely dumbfounded and out of this world angry when connor broke up with her via text. and without cause. their original thoughts about guys came back in an instant. they would do everything in their power to steer away boys, if luck would have it. nobody would ever be good enough. though she was a california gal now, they couldn't protect her. though - as much as quinn hated to ask for a favor - the boys had asked trevor and alex keep tabs on her on that side of the coast. the two without hesitation agreed, with trevor making a joke at quinns expense.
they were hoping they could sleep a little easier at night.
but as soon as brendan saw her, he quickly pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. "oh my god - blondie! wait no." and kailey giggled, "you're good! i haven't really updated social media so you wouldn't have known." she smiled widely, before hugging jordan. "how do you know maya?" she asked, "new hampshire, remember?" jordan said and kailey grinned. "should have known. those were...uh the good days." she hummed, drinking her iced expresso. "let me show you to the kitchen." she said motioning for them to follow. they walked into the kitchen, the two looking at the buffet of food. "any coffee? i can make it right now." she smiled, and the two smiled. "im good, im gonna go find maya real quickly." he said walking away so now it was just jordan and the girl.
"how's school?" he asked, pulling her out of her trance. "great! i just graduated" she smiled, and he mirrored it. "congratulations, kails! what did you major in again?" he asked and she smiled, "child psychology." she hummed. his smile never faltered, "that would be you. i remember as kids how much you cared for kids on the lake, and they just flocked to you." he said and it was as if they were both brought back to that time when the days never seemed to end, and sunburns were a regular occurrence. "yeah..im very fortunate things worked out the way they did. gave me this wonderful opportunity to start fresh out here." she said sipping some more of her drink. "oh..yeah. totally understandable." he said picking up her drift, "you knew?" she asked and he nodded. "yeah...jack said something in the group chat when it happened. im sorry about everything, that was real shitty of him. you didnt deserve that." he said sweetly. she shrugged chugging down the rest of the coffee, "good thing I've got nobody watching my every move, anymore." she smirked, leaning closely towards brendan before sliding over the his cup of coffee.
“Then I defy you, stars!” 
jordan ended up leaving at some point in the afternoon, while brendan and kailey spent the day together catching up. the two had always been easy to get on with and used to be thick as thieves during the lake days. she'd never told any of her brothers - because god forbid if she did so - but she had had a crush on him for a few summers. it absolutely crushed her, when he got his first girlfriend in 8th grade and then they never came back to the lake house, so her crush disappeared. she'd never known this nor her brothers, but brendan too had had a crush on the girl.
the two sat on the white plush couch in the living room, as the sun was setting. maya had left some time ago to hang out with a friend and do some errands while kailey opted to stay in for the day. kailey and brendan were in the process of laughing, as kailey got a text message. she pulled up her phone from where it was laying on her thigh, and her demeanor visibly changed. it was a text from connor, asking why she retweeted the tweet this morning. brendan saw her eyebrows crease in confusion, before she shook her head and locked her phone. "let me guess..connor?" he questioned and she nodded. "the fucking nerve.." she sighed, pinching her nose. she stood up grabbing the two empty glasses from the coffee table, and made her way over to the kitchen. brendan followed, "the nerve he has! we've been broken up for three months already and he's upset i tweeted something about being respected by a significant other? whats so wrong about that? he's just upset because im calling him out for it, publicly at that." she said setting the cups in the sink. "don't i deserve respect?" she asked turning around to face the boy. he nodded, walking over to her and leaned against the counter. "you deserve that and so much more. he's got a stick up his ass, that's for sure." he began, "don't ever lower your standards because of him. he's an idiot. he's the one who did that, the one who double crossed you for no reason." he finished as kailey met his eye. "wish i heard that sooner." she hummed, crossing her arms over her chest. she looked down at the ground, "well...im saying it now. and i mean it." he said softly taking a step closer and lifted up her chin just a bit with his hand. she looked into his brown eyes. one's she adored as a kid, and now looking into his- something sparked within. a spark she hadn't felt for some time, long before connor. he took this as an invitation to close the gap between them.
oh, how the universe laughs. or hockey gods.
it was now two weeks later, and brendan had kailey in his arms this early morning. the two had stayed up talking about anything and everything that came to their minds. they talked about their childhood, laughing over the fact that they both had crushes on one another but never suspected it. they smiled as the other one brought up conversations and significant memories, both happy that the other hadn't forgotten. this morning, she was savoring the warmth and comfort his body oozed, because he'd be starting back up early morning training again. he'd taken two weeks off due to a stress sprain, and now that it was fixed he would be resuming his schedule. "wanna see my parents today?" he softly asked, as he felt her beginning to hum from tiredness. she nodded her head, against his chest and he smiled. "they've been asking about you since i told them i was going to brunch." he hummed, and she slowly pulled her head up from his chest to look at him, "still the favorite hughes, eh?" she grinned before he leaned down to kiss her. his hand found the base of her neck, and the other found the base of her back. she wrapped her hands around his neck, getting as close as possible. they broke the kiss, resting their foreheads against one another.
kailey had a wave of deja vu, pass over her. making her nauseous.
she pulled away from brendan, pulling her phone to her chest, and saw a missed facetime from each of her brothers, and she sighed pressing quinns contact. she sat up, and inched away from brendan so he wouldn't be in the shot. "hey q, whats up?" she questioned, pulling him from whatever jack was saying. "hey uh, i take it you didn't see yet.." he said and that's when he heard jack yelling on the other end. "what do you mean q? why is jack yelling?" she said rubbing her eye, and quinn sighed sending her a screenshot of the instagram post. she clicked on his text and swallowed, anger seething from her. how could she betray her? her friend lisa from college in chicago was in connor's instagram post, somewhere in toronto. she quickly opened up instagram to lisa's page and she was even more angrier. she had been soft launching for almost 3 months already...that traitor. lisa was the one all along, the one that had been seen in pictures but kailey had never paid too much attention to the fact it was the same girl! she hung up on quinn, quickly locked her phone and turning on dnd. "whats wrong?" brendan asked, setting his phone down and pulling her into his chest as he sat up. "he-he's been seeing my friend from school." she said but she didn't cry. she was just angry, and disappointed. how naive she'd been. "im sorry kails." brendan said softly. he felt terrible for kailey, somebody he cared deeply about. and he knew she cared about him just as deeply. but maybe not in the way that he believed.
"lets just uh, lets get going. we should head over so were not late." she said pulling away and getting up to shower. she quickly took a body shower, hopping out to brush her teeth and moisturize before heading into her closet to find an outfit. brendan came up and wrapped his arms around her, as she inspected her outfit. they looked at one another in the mirror, as she finished inspecting, and she smiled once they found each other's gaze. "you ok?" he whispered, and she nodded giving him a small smile. "yes. thankyou for uh, being here with me these past two weeks. it means more than you'll ever know." she hummed, turning around in his arms. he grinned, leaning down and kissing her. deeply. she melted into his arms just a bit before pulling away. "lets get going b." she said pulling him out of her small walk in closet.
"kailey!" kim cheered, as the two walked through the doors of the brisson's manhattan beach mansion. "kim!" she smiled, disconnecting the twos hand as kim pulled her into a hug. kim swayed her just a bit, "oh my goodness! we've missed you so much sweetie, congratulations on graduating! i saw the pictures, they were just perfect." she said pulling back a bit and kailey smiled. "thankyou! had the best photographer." she hummed and kim smiled. "your mom has always been a fucking gem when it comes to pictures. they were just to die for and chicago being the backdrop? timeless." she fawned and kailey giggled. "thankyou!" she smiled, seeing mr brisson walk from the kitchen. "kiwi!" he yelled with a huge grin on his face, and kim let go of the girl. "pat! so good to see you." she smiled as he pulled her in for a hug. "you too! congrats on graduating, heard you finished with honors." he said pulling away, and kailey nodded. "yep! perfect 4.0. to which jack sent 4 dollars exactly, as his gift." she joked, causing the family to laugh. pat shook his head as he could just picture jack doing it, and so could kim. "your hair! oh my god! i love it, it looks so good." kim smiled, looking over the girl. kailey smiled, "thankyou! thought a little change could be good." she hummed and the brissons nodded. "well, breakfast just finished lets go eat!" pat offered and the three nodded. "good, im starvin!" kailey said rubbing her hands together, "good, we made your favorite!" kim said wrapping an arm around the girls shoulders, making her feel right at home. again.
Kailey and brendan ended up staying the full day at the brissons, catching up and reminiscing over the lake days. it was around 7 when jordan and brisson begged kailey to go get froyo and walk the pier at santa monica. "go! have fun, we'll get together soon." kim smiled, and kailey nodded hugging the two goodbye and then they were off. kailey got in the passenger side, and jordan got in the back. kailey quickly leaned into brendans shoulder, and there hands found each others as well. she looked back at jordan, and he quickly snapped a picture. she rolled her eyes with a small grin on her face. the three sat through traffic, singing loudly to whatever music she put on shuffle. a little bit of everything, which the boys loved. they finally made their way to santa monica and parked right in front of the frozen yogurt place. after that, they walked down to the pier and she stopped at one of the shops that was selling books and other knickknacks, getting a book to read at some point. they walked down the pier for the next hour, with brendan taking a sunset pic of the girl with her book who had the biggest smile of her face, at whatever dumb joke jordan had just said. on their way back to her apartment in redondo beach, she posted that sunset picture on her instagram story.
it broke hockey twitter.
"im gonna walk her in and then ill be out." brendan said to jordan who nodded, and the two got out. he walked her up to the townhouse, two blocks over from the pier. "thanks for today brendan, i had a lot of fun." she smiled, turning towards him at the door. "me too, thanks for being a trooper. i thought my parents would never stop talking." he joked, and she grinned. "no i loved it, it felt like home. like old times. it was comforting. with my parents being far, it's nice knowing that they are out here." she hummed and he nodded. "im glad." he smiled. she could tell he wanted to say more to her, but was fighting himself on how to begin. "just say whatever it is you want to say." she said grinning, pulling her free hand in his. he blushed, looking at the ground. "these past two weeks have been...everything i'd wanted since we were little younglings. and i don't want to go back to vegas in a few weeks, not knowing what we are or if we might have missed an opportunity....to see where things might go." he said looking up at her with hopeful eyes. she bit her lip, thinking hard. she liked brendan, and always had secretly; but was she ready to date again? she didn't want to become the laughingstock of the NHL family sphere. going from one player to the next, but shouldn't she at least attempt to move on? even if it was with another player?
brendan saw the hesitation in her features, and accepted defeat. he was about to say something but kailey spoke up. "i want nothing more than to say yes but what will my brothers say? what will the hockey world say? going from one guy to the next? i don't want to become the laughingstock, besides- my brothers don't deserve that. they don't deserve to take any heat from or about me. besides..i don't want to ruin our years-long friendship b." she said hoping he understood, and he did. "give me a few days, let me go take some time in chicago and ill let you know. ok?" she said with a pleading look. he nodded softly, "thankyou." she said pulling him in for a hug. her arms found his neck, his arms found her back; drawing her in as close as possible. incase, he'd never have her in his arms again.
she arrived in chicago two days later, her best friend becca from college and lukas reichels' fiance, as well as alex vlasics wife tessa were waiting for her at the pickup area. she strolled her suitcase and carry on towards the arrivals area, and smiled widely when she saw the two holding a small bouquet of peonies and a dunkin coffee. they jumped up and down, as they saw her. she began to jog over towards them before they wrapped their arms around one another. "oh my god!!" kailey shrieked when they held out her iced americano and flowers towards her, while tessa took her bag and suitcase. "guyssss im gonna cry." she said with tears in her eyes. "we couldn't come empty handed." tessa cooed, as she wrapped an arm around the girl, with kailey taking the gifts from becca. the three girls walked out to the car that was waiting at the curb, that sat alex and lukas. "oh my god!" she said smiling widely when she saw the two leaning against the audi. "kails!" lukas said smiling and quickly hugging her, and then alex joined creating a group hug. tessa snapped a quick picture as kailey just laughed. "thankyou guys for coming to get me, i appreciate it very much." she smiled widely, as lukas opened the door for her and tessa. "you are very welcome hughesy." alex grinned as he opened the other door for becca. "where to first?" she quipped.
the three girls headed towards becca's and lukas' guest bedroom in their chicago townhouse, ready to bombard the girls with questions over her california life. kailey had been awfully quiet the past month and they were curious what had been going on. "girl! what have you been up to?? we wanna know everything!" tessa squeled as she shut the door behind them. kailey blushed while throwing a small smile towards her best friends. "did you meet a guy??" becca smirked, and kailey shrugged. "did he take the one sunset pic?" tessa joined in, sitting across from kailey on the bed. kailey grinned, "I've known him for sometime now....I've known him since we were kids." she began and the girls looked at one another. "who is it?" becca asked. "brendan brisson." she stated, and the two girls thought about who that could be. "wait! was he at usntp?" tessa questioned, and kailey nodded. "oh my god i remember him! isnt his dad like THE agent in hockey? doesn't he work with your dad?" tessa rambled and kailey giggled. "yes...we arent like officially together but somethings there. i just don't know if i want to pursue it. like, i don't want people to create narratives that were never true to begin with." she said putting her face in her hands, feeling defeated. "to hell with what everybody says. if you're happy and you see something with him, go for it." becca said and kailey shrugged. "but my brothers....what are they gonna think? they're gonna kill me." she said tessa forehead creased, "do they not know that you two have been spending time together?" tessa questioned and kailey shook her head. tessa and becca looked at one another, sharing silent words.
she spent the next week in chicago, reminiscing and growing fond of the memories she'd made the past four years. they caught up, spent quality time together and thankful that nothing from her past had shown up or crossed paths with the three girls. kailey did not need that, at all. she face timed nightly with brendan, him curious at to what shenanigans that three were getting up to. she'd been to 2 concerts, numerous museum trips, countless trips up and down the lakefront, and shopping galore. kailey woke up around 8 am, getting herself put together before heading down stairs. she jogged down the steps, and headed to the kitchen. it was too late, before she realized who was in the kitchen. lukas and connor were laughing at something, that happened at a gym session that morning.
connor caught the footsteps on the stairs first, and then the brunette hair second. he did a double-take, before realizing it was kailey. kailey was on the phone with brendan, before she spotted connor and froze. "ill uh, ill call you back." she said hanging up before brendan could respond. "morning kails." lukas said sipping some coffee, curious to see what was going to happen. "morning lukas." she hummed, heading to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, and her breakfast from the day before. she quietly worked as the two hockey players looked at each other, "ill be right back. im gonna take penny outside." lukas said calling for the small dog, and now it was just the two.
"how have you been?" connor asked as she put the food in the microwave. kailey took a few seconds to respond before turning around. oh, how good he looked. curse the hockey gods. his hair was still wet from the shower, his blue eyes meeting hers and what felt like a sense of deja vu washed over the girl. "I've been good. you?" she questioned, heading over to the expresso machine and began to mess around with the machine. she banged the expresso on the counter, before sliding it into the spot to pour over. "yeah real good. just got back to the city a week ago." he responded, and she nodded. "that's real nice." she hummed, as the microwave beeped. "hows california?" he asked and she sighed, pulling the container out. "its been nice. beautiful as always." she hummed, pulling a few pieces of hair behind her ear. she looked back up at him, "been doing everything i haven't been able to do for a few years." she said, a dig at the boy. he nodded feeling dread wash over him, as her phone began to ring again. she looked over at where it was on the counter, and she let it go to voice mail. she'd text brendan at some point. "hows lisa?" she quipped, biting into her burrito. connor swallowed tensely, "shes good. just started at lurie children's hospital." he said and hailey nodded. "that's nice." she hummed, walking over to the finished expresso and brought it back over to her food.
connor and kailey's tension could be cut through with a knife. even then, it might not even work. "when did you change your hair?" he asked, a few minutes later. "right after you texted me, I thought id try on a different personality." she said sarcastically, "apparently the last one wasn't good enough." she hummed, picking up her container, coffee and phone. connor sighed, "kails-" she cut him off, by turning back to him with a glare. "don't you ever call me that again, so help me god connor." she spat. he was defeated, he knew that much. she turned back and headed back upstairs.
oh how she loathed that boy, who threw away almost 2 years of pure bliss. pure romance. something out of this world. kailey did find out what changed, in those 24 hours and swore she'd place a dagger in their hearts at some point. his last words mere hours before, echoed his love, pure and committed adoration for the blonde. but like life, it can change in a mere moment.
“Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change.”
kailey sat down on the airplane, about to depart chicago and bring her to sunny los angeles. oh how she'd missed her home, and somebody that was waiting ever so patiently for her to return. she smiled, posting her photo dump from the summer. her first post since march. she deleted her instagram after responding to a few comments, allowing for the chaos to consume the hockey fandom. she turned her phone on airplane, drowning herself with music for the next 4 hours, not daring to look at the messages waiting for her when she landed.
“Don't waste your love on somebody, who doesn't value it.” 
oh, what the universe and all of its stars had instore for the young hughes and the bright superstar.
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@kaileyclara: little bit of this, little bit of that.
tags: tessavlasic, beccamuprhy, jordanbrisson and laurenorlando
@trevorzegras: wait a min @jackhughes: wait a damn minute @kaileyclara: can yall leave @trevorzegras: no im too busy inspecting every single detail of this post
@_quinnhughes: hughes sighting! @kaileyclara: hehe
@lhughes_6: who gave u flowers @kaileyclara: idk @jackhughes: to the gc! @_quinnhughes: already there @kaileyclara: i hate yall
@tessavlasic: I loved having you here bestie, i need to come out soon! @kaileyclara: i second this!
@beccamurphy: loml returned ! @kaileyclara: i thought that was lukas? @beccamurphy: he's my second love @lukasreichel: alright.
@brendanbrisson: im here for the hair @jordanbrisson: so am i @jackhughes: im not @kaileyclara: fuck off
@mayaaa: maybe u r a slut @kaileyclara: and that would be a fucking lie ! @mayaaa: 😚😚
@adamfantilli: orlando sighting? @kaileyclara: yes! toronto days hit hard @laurenorlando: still salty you guys moved @kaileyclara: me too @johnnyorlando: absolutely rude
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hope you all enjoyed it, please like and reblog if you did-- id appreciate it very very much🥺 oh, and ofc i will have one more part to finish up this little series (:
mutuals from previous part : @privatemythss @boldysswld @trevorzegrizz @jayda12 @simp4hughes @skatesnstuff @slafgoalskybaby @cuttergauthier
115 notes · View notes
klbwriting · 4 months
Not Romeo and Not Juliet
Chapter 1: Mingle Yarn
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: fighting, mentions of broken bones and blood
Summary: Jason Todd was alive again. Not only that, but he was back in high school, living with Dick Grayson, and just trying to get by without anyone noticing him. That doesn't go as planned.
Notes: Here it is! Dueling prep schools! Enemies to Lovers! Theater Nerds! Shakespeare! A true rom-com! Jason as a senior and a theater kid! I'm messing with the canon immensely so let's just call this an AU or Elseworlds story where Jason was killed in a similar way to Under the Red Hood movie, but instead of the LoA going and getting him Dick has the falling out with Bruce over Jason's death and he goes to resurrect him without Bruce knowing. He takes Jason to live with him in Bludhaven and enrolls him in Bludhaven Prep so that he can readjust to living and to leaving Robin behind. I hope you enjoy!
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together
               “Jason, you have to get going or you’re going to be late,” Dick Grayson called through the apartment.  He knew Jason wasn’t exactly excited to start his senior year of high school and he couldn’t blame him if he was being honest.  Just a month ago Jason had been murdered by a clown and just a week ago he had been revived in a pit of green goo protected by assassins.  They had only agreed to let Dick revive him because they were the reason Jason was even killed in the first place, so it was honestly the least they could do.  Dick was still coming to terms with who came out of the pit, not Jason but not not Jason either.  While pre-Lazarus Pit Jason had been happy, funny, and kind of scrawny, this Jason was moody, stoic, and big.  He wasn’t sure how the 17-year-old had gone from around skinny 5’8 to a jacked 6’1 during a bath but it was what it was.  Now he was staying in Dick’s Penthouse in Bludhaven, Bruce had no idea he was alive, and he was starting his senior year at Bludhaven Prep and Dick was hoping getting him back out there with kids his own age would help him readjust to living again.  The therapist that Dick hired, the one Clark Kent recommended, had given approval for him to return, saying he was mentally able to be around others, but considering no one knew how the pit might affect him they would still be watching him closely.  Dick stood very still in the dining room, waiting until he heard feet stomping down the stairs from the loft area that Jason had taken as his room. 
               “I’m here, I’m here,” he grumbled, sitting down in front of the plate of eggs and bacon that Dick had made for him.  Jason took two bites and made a face.  “I am making breakfast from now on, this tastes like shit.”  Dick rolled his eyes as he watched Jason clean his plate of the ‘shit’.  “Why am I going to school again anyway?  Bruce pulled me out to be homeschooled when I was freshman.”
               “Ya Bruce also had you running around in tights and you’re not doing that anymore either.  At least not until we know that no side effects from the pit are going to cause problems,” Dick said, putting a bookbag on the chair next to Jason.  Jason glanced at the bag and then at Dick.  Dick was once again struck by how different Jason was, yet he could still see the kid Jason was in those eyes.  They weren’t same, they could never settle on what color they wanted to be, blue like before, green like the pit, even brown sometimes, a muddied version of the two.  But the vulnerability was there, even though Jason was desperately trying to hide it. 
               “Fine, I see your point,” Jason muttered, grabbing the backpack before heading to the bookshelf.  He grunted.  “You need better books, honestly, some actual literature would be nice.”  He gave up on finding something, grabbed his phone and took off towards Bludhaven Prep. 
               The car ride over was nice, then the rest of the day started.  Jason knew he was weird, new kid as a senior, eyes that didn’t know what they were, and that black hair with the one tuft of white streaking across the front.  He would be as rich as his big brother if he had a dollar for every time someone asked him about that during the first class alone.  By the time the day was over he was so tightly wound he wanted to bust.  It didn’t help that some football player had decided that Jason was going to be his target for the year.  It started with an ‘accidental’ tray drop at lunch that left yogurt and milk across his new sneakers.  Then in study hall a football to the back of the head.  Finally, what really broke Jason, was the walk from the front of the school to the back where the cars were lined up.  Jason was straggling, hoping that the jock would have gone first, and he might have peace, but no.  He started walking around the side of the school, no one around at first, when from the back came the jock and two friends.  The guy was cracking his knuckles like he was some gangster in a movie.  Jason rolled his eyes and dropped his bag, knowing where this was going. 
               “You seem to think you can just come in and take over my school,” the jock said.  Jason let out an annoyed breath.  He hadn’t spoken to a single person that, hadn’t raised his hand once, he had barely listened, why did the fact that he was an inch taller than this guy make the jock so insecure?  He didn’t want to deal with it.
               “Can you just try and hit me, and we can get this over with?” Jason asked.  The jock’s friends let out snorts of laughter and that seemed to enrage their leader, who threw a wild punch that Jason dodged easily and then Jason threw a jab right at the guy’s face.  He did forget that he was bigger now, stronger than before.  He was surprised by the blood, but the ear shattering crack of bone and the shriek that the guy let out did surprise him.  Jason took off, running around the back of the school and jumping into the car to get home.  Great, first day and he had probably just broken that guy’s eye socket.  He was getting expelled.  At least he wouldn’t have to wear the student uniform anymore. 
               By the time he got back Dick was already on the phone with the headmaster.  Dick pointed at the couch and Jason sat, not wanting to but he knew it was pointless to argue.  Dick had literally brought him back to life, he could sit there and take his punishment without argument.  He had just shattered a guy’s face; he probably deserved the tongue lashing.
               “-I understand but you have to remember that there were no cameras, no actual witnesses other than this Mr. Harrison’s friends, it seems like a he said, he said situation which will not make anyone on the school board happy.  Especially when I pull my funding for the new football stadium,” he said.  Jason rolled his eyes.  Dick had definitely graduated from the Bruce Wayne school for getting out of shit.  “Of course, I am glad that we could work this out.  And of course, any injuries will be taken care of, but no mention of who the fight was with?  Thank you so much for your discretion.”  Dick hung up and rounded on Jason.  “Care to explain?”
               “Some football asshole decided I was too tall for him,” Jason said.  Dick pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to remember why he had decided to take in a teenager.  “Did you have to break his orbital bone?”
               “I forgot about my biceps being the size of my head,” he mumbled.  Dick actually chuckled at that.  “He threw the first punch…”
               “You look uninjured…”
               “You think I would let an idiot like that hit me?” Jason looked shocked.  Dick sighed and looked at his watch.  Then at his phone clock, like it would be much different.
               “I am going to be late for my date with Barbara, stay here tonight, get your homework done, there’s food in the fridge and tomorrow we can talk about this more,” Dick said, buttoning his suit jacket and grabbing his wallet.  Jason just nodded, pulling out a book that he had gotten at the school library.  That at least had more options than Dick’s place.  Dick took one more glance at Jason before leaving. 
               Around 9PM Jason was starting to climb the walls.  He had this nervous energy and he didn’t know how to relieve it.  He tried to think of something.  Parkour?  No, he was angry.  Video arcade?  No, not enough movement.  Then he remembered the underground fights that he and Batman had once raised over in his old neighborhood, Crime Alley.  He figured the fights were probably back by now, they wouldn’t be down for long.  He knew he couldn’t show his face, Dick didn’t need the stress of him being caught in Gotham, or God forbid Bruce finding him, so headed down to the garage that Dick kept on site.  He started searching the sports equipment that he had, grabbing an old school goalie’s mask.  Very Friday the 13th, and hey, his name was Jason.  But the white, no, that wasn’t his color.  He looked around, finding some spray paint in another section and he painted the mask red.  Nice.  He grabbed an old black hoodie, shoved the mask inside the pocket and taking one of Dick’s bikes. 
               It took him about ten minutes to remember how to drive a motorcycle, apparently death didn’t keep memories of driving in his brain.  He almost wiped out five or six times before finally crossing over into Robbinsville and then up into Crime Alley.  He stowed the bike behind a dumpster near a Big Belly Burger before heading into a laundromat.  He walked to the counter that was helmed by a short woman with dyed blonde hair.
               “I’ve come for some good smelling socks,” he said.  He hoped these types didn’t get change their code phrases, it was the only one he remembered.  The woman nodded and pressed a button, motioning to the side door that said ‘Employees Only’.  Jason went through the door and down the stairs, donning his mask.  The guy waiting at the bottom looked him over.
               “50$ to watch, 100$ to fight,” he said.  Jason nodded and turned over his 100$ and the guy pointed him to another woman with a clipboard.  Jason headed over to her.
               “Name?” she asked.  Jason scrambled.  “Name?” she repeated, louder and more annoyed.  The other fights nearby were starting to watch him.  They weren’t too much bigger than him, he might have a good chance.  Either way he could blow off some steam.
               “Mask of the Red Death,” he said.  She cocked an eyebrow and shook her head. 
               “Too long, you’re Red Mask,” she said.  He nodded, very creative.  Poe would be proud.  “You’re finding Butch first.”  She pointed to a large man with muscles in places Jason didn’t know you could have them.  They were for show, not strength, not fighting.  This guy wanted to look good, not actually be good.  Jason watched him as they entered the makeshift cage.  He circled the guy, letting him come to him.  Butch threw a punch, Jason dodged behind him, and Spartan kicked him in the ass, sending him tripping into the glorified fence surrounding them.  The fight went on for only a few more seconds before the guy came back, trying to kick Jason, who slide to the side, grabbed the guy’s leg and slammed his elbow into his knee.  There was a crunch and Butch fell, howling in pain, unable to get up.  Jason was announced the winner and stepped out, heading towards a back door to get some air.  As he opened the door to the basement walkout, he heard a commotion and turned, seeing cops starting to come down the stairs.  He knew they would be going to the back door next, so he took off, mask going back in his pocket and climbing a nearby fire escape until he was high enough to hide in the shadows above the streetlight.  Once the cops that found the back were inside, he climbed down, running to the alley where he’d left the bike.  He was just moving the dumpster again when the back door to the Big Belly Burger opened, making him jump in surprise and slice his hand on an exposed piece of metal inside the trash.  He let out a grunt and the teenage girl in uniform turned to face him.          
               “Are you ok?” she asked, walking over.  Jason was gripping his hand, trying to stop the bleeding so he could get the bike and leave.  “Hold on, I have a bandage.”  She pulled out a roll box of bandaids from the apron pocket.
               “Clumsy are you?” Jason asked, trying to distract from the annoying ache in his palm.  She chuckled and walked over, pulling a cotton ball out of the packet. 
               “No, we have a griller who thinks he’s a ninja, any time he gets his hand on a knife I have to be ready to stitch him up,” she said.  She started dabbing his hand and Jason once again hissed.  “What music do you like?”
               “I uh…I don’t know, I used to like metal, some alternative stuff, but went through a change this summer…not sure anymore,” he said, confused.  “Why?”
               “Well, one this is distracting you from me disinfecting this thing, so you don’t get tetanus, and two, you live in Crime Alley, don’t be a stereotype.  If you think you might like something different than ‘I grew up in the slums, so I just listen to angry shit’ try Noah Kahan, you look like a guy who’d like him, or Hozier.”  He could tell she was just throwing out names to keep him listening and he appreciated it.  “What’s your name?”
               “Jason,” he said.  She nodded and smiled, finishing with the bandage. 
               “Nice to meet you, I’m YN,” she said.  “Want some help with the dumpster or are all those muscles working?”  She winked at him, and he actually blushed, glad it was dark and she might not notice.
               “Sure,” he said.  Together they moved the dumpster, and he got the bike.  He waved quick before driving back to the penthouse.  He got as far as the elevator door, when it opened there was Dick.
               “So, I see you had an interesting evening,” he said, holding up his phone where video of Jason breaking Butch’s leg was being shown.  Of course, Dick would realize it was him, he would know that move anywhere, Dick had taught it to him. 
               “I needed to get out, blow off some steam, forget who I was for a bit,” he said.  Dick nodded. 
               “Good, then what I just signed you up for will be perfect,” he said.  Jason looked at him, eyebrows raised.  “You’re not a member of the theater program, auditions for Hamlet are Friday.”
               “You can’t be serious,” Jason said, heading out of the elevator.
               “I am very serious, you go to school, go to practice, be someone else for awhile when you’re there, and then you come home and you stay here or I am calling Bruce and sending you back to him, see how Batman deals with your shit,” he said.  Jason sighed, heading up to his room.  Fine, theater, he’d wanted to do that before Bruce pulled him from high school.  How bad could it be?
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heartinportuairk · 4 months
I went to the final performance of Macbeth last night and I wanted to make some notes for myself so I would remember some things. I only use this account for lurking but I am making this public in case anyone scouring the David Tennant / Macbeth tags is interested in my musings for some reason.
I had been lucky enough to have seen this production three times already before last night - twice in December and once in January - so I have been able to track its journey and pick out what changes night on night and what doesn't. I have found that fascinating. Any changes were minor and pretty much exclusively found in simply the way a line was spoken. For example, the brilliant Noof Oussellam (Macduff)'s "but I must also feel it as a man" was impassioned and angry the first and last times, but the two times inbetween I found it to be more subtle. More sadness, more despair than anger. I guess it comes down to how the actor is feeling it in that point in time and I think it shows a great understanding of the character that they play them in the moment and don't just mimic themselves night after night.
The other great thing about going multiple times is viewing it from different angles. I saw it from all sides, twice from the stalls and twice from the front row of the circle. Honestly, circle was better, especially for Macbeth's death in the closing moments. You do not get the effect of the blood seeping out from under him from the stalls and I tell you now, that image from above sears itself onto your brain.
All of the actors are incredible and have been from the start, but there were a few times last night where I could feel them step up their game. Like they knew it was the last time they were going to say that line (at least for a while) so they were going to give it their all.
One of those times was Macbeth's "tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy which had always been brilliant and very moving, but about which something was a little different last night. The quiet, raw emotion in that speech felt as though it had been ramped up (or down??) a notch and was so palpable that it brought a tear to my eye.
Another moment came from Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene. Again, always brilliant and always moving but somehow desperately sadder this time around. I wanted to give that murderous, conniving fiend a big hug.
The Porter:
The porter scene is funny but obviously not as much when you know what's coming. Which is why when somebody in the audience yelled out "who's there?" right before he got a chance to say his "ok seriously do none of you understand the concept of a knock-knock joke?" line last night, it was both a shame and a blessing. I felt a bit bad for the guy!
"Alright, you've seen the show before! That was my favourite-... and it's the final show!"
But what followed was a hilarious bit of improvisation and it changed things up a bit, especially as Laura the sound engineer proceeded to make his job even harder with the timing of the sound effects that followed. It meant I was able to enjoy the porter scene as much as I did the first time, but like I said, I did feel a bit bad that his favourite line got taken away from him! (It wasn't me who called out, by the way.)
David bloody Tennant:
I've not seen much Shakespeare live (I want to remedy that, I have become completely obsessed), but I can believe people when they say David Tennant is arguably the greatest Shakespearean actor of his time. You can tell he feels and understands completely the meaning behind the words he is saying. He's not just reciting, not just reeling it off. The pauses, the intonations, the passion, sadness, grief, guilt behind every line just shows his deep understanding of the character and his innermost thoughts. On that stage, he is Macbeth.
What's more is you can tell he absolutely delights in it. Anybody who knows anything about DT knows he loves Shakespeare and it is glaringly evident when he is out on stage. He puts everything he has into it and it is wonderful to witness.
He is truly an amazing actor and a treasure and I have been so delighted to watch his career somehow continue to hit new highs of late. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. As many have said before me, this really is David Tennant's world and the rest of us are just living in it.
The bows:
The reception this group of actors received at the end of the performance was phenomenal and no more than they deserved. Everybody on their feet, whooping, cheering. A lot of noise coming from such a small audience. The cast were both playful and tearful. To see some of the actors get a bit emotional was very touching and I hope that was, at least in part, due to the love and admiration pouring out of us and on to that stage.
An aside:
So I turn up to the theatre and head straight for the toilets on the first floor. There is one person waiting outside them because it's full inside so I wait too. Within moments, out pops DT from a set of double doors right in front of me. He quickly checks if there's anyone in the other set of toilets (there is) and disappears back through the doors again. It's fleeting, and the only other person in the queue is facing the other way and doesn't see. I keep quiet, obviously. It's just over half an hour until the performance is due to start. He's not in costume yet and the man just wants to go to the bathroom. My point is, I've now watched him live on stage in a very small theatre for approximately 7 and a half hours and at no point in that time have I actually concluded that he is real, except in those brief four or five seconds outside the toilets of the Donmar Warehouse in Covent Garden, when we're just two people who needed a wee.
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temmtamm · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day ^^
I was wondering if you could write a rise!Donnie x gn reader where the reader is kinda insecure of their intelligence? Since Donnie is a genius in a lot of things but reader isn't all that smart (can't even stand math, physics or chemistry) but they understand feelings more and like dancing and being in movement. I hope it makes sense lol, English isn't my mother tongue.
Remember to stay hydrated and safe!!
(Asks are open and appreciated)
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Papers upon papers were skewered around the office as (Y/N) chewed at the end of their pen, their brows scrunched up in agitation as they did so.
They hated deadlines. They hated that they had to sit down and finish this shit when it wasn’t even done to begin with. It was like everything else went out the window and they hated it. It was only standard math, it shouldn't be that bad- And yet they've been here in the lair for hours on end. They even had to skip out of hanging out and dancing with Mikey after the two planned for this to be their chill day.
This all would've been okay if they were alone, but there was other people in the lair which made them feel as if they were stupid whenever one passed by and saw that they did no progress on their work.
"I hate school...I should've dropped out and became a stripper-" (Y/N) whined in defeat, letting their face fall onto the table in front of them.
The sudden sound of shuffling alerted them to the presence of someone next to them. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to pick their head up, and instead find that it was Donnie sitting on the edge of their desk, a hand coming up to rest against his neck. "You're still going at this?? This can't be that hard." (Y/N) groaned and tried to shield their work with their hand to avoid any comments. "You're just saying that cause you're a genius. This is actually really hard, Don."
Donnie raised a brow at that as a smile crept on his face. "Though I am flattered that thou recognized thy genius-" Oh, he's talking in that Shakespeare tone. (Y/N) hated that Shakespeare tone. "-One of the questions is quite literally 2+2." He finished, earning a glare from his lover.
"Yeah well, I don't know what to do. My grade's dropping because of these stupid tests. The only way I'm ever getting into MIT is through these damn tests." (Y/N) huffed, pushing their chair back as they got up. "Please, either help or get out.." Donnie smirked, opening his mouth up again to let another slide comment slip out, though immediately closed it once he saw (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait....Are you actually upset?" He asked, looking surprised. He never saw the usually upbeat (Y/N) like this. They always seemed so social and easy going, it was odd to see them being so stressed about this type of thing. "Don, you know I'm not good at this stuff....A bit ironic a genius is dating a dumbass, huh?" (Y/N) tried to ease the mood with a joke, but when they looked back up at Donnie they saw that he was almost offended that they could call themselves that.
"Look, (Y/N). I know it's odd for me, the funny, gorgeous, absolutely handsome-"
"Get to the point, Don-Tron."
"Right...I know it's odd see me get serious but you're not stupid. You're smart in your own right. You actually know how to talk to people, how to always lift a mood, plus not to mention those dance skills- Besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that you are smart, you are just....As people would put it "Street smart"."
He reached his hands out to cup (Y/N)'s face and place a kiss on their forehead. It was a small gesture but a much appreciated one as (Y/N) knew how indifferent he was to physical contact.
"You're still bad at math though." (Y/N) flashed a toothy grin at Donnie, knowing that he is just saying that as a joke to cover up the fact that he was emotionally vulnerable for a moment.
"Does that mean you'll help me??"
"Fiiine!! What's the first question?"
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Thanks for watching ♥︎
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notmorbid · 2 months
miss subways.
dialogue prompts from miss subways: a novel by david duchovny.
every day here is like a new stanford experiment.
my inner judge never has rehabilitation in mind.
if i'm not busy learning or being born, i'm busy dying.
you want me here, but then you want to ignore me.
one step forward, one half-step back.
i like the phrase 'making love'.
fuck you, asshole.
to the victors go the nomenclature.
gods are immortal, so they're patient.
not even i can stomach scientology.
what is the sound of one hand clapping?
i don't want to be famous. i don't have the clothes for it.
my identity can't be longer than a tweet.
i saw an opening. i decided to be the bad guy.
you're not going to start biting the heads off live bats, are you?
it's true, then. you can't take it with you.
you worried so hard for so long.
i'm sorry, i didn't get your last name.
you called me? what are you, 103 years old?
jesus would not go to nobu.
i don't mind you thinking outside the box. i mind you thinking outside of my box.
either lie down completely or stand the fuck up. it's gonna kill you in the middle.
you sound like oprah, except mean.
i want to live my life, not document it on instagram.
you lie to yourself and you lie to me.
to save something, something must be sacrificed. that's the way it goes.
we can't police our dreams. don't judge.
it felt like a death.
if i own something long enough, i start ascribing feelings to it.
that billy shakespeare, he got everywhere first.
i'm a reader, not a writer.
come on, let's get you cleaned up.
did i call you last night?
i was a different person with a different life. i've never had a dream like that.
there's nothing more boring than listening to somebody else's dream.
i can be a good shrink or a good friend. not both. choose.
i can't remember the last time i got laid.
don't be such a pussy.
i feel like i'm coming up short.
this is no time to come out of the closet.
was i a disappointment to you?
i like seeing things the way i do.
which version is the real you?
don't worry. there won't be a quiz.
the future is as random and fated as the past.
so much of life necessitates looking away.
have you been crying?
you forgot your trigger warning.
what i want has very little to do with anything.
spare me the faux shame.
when do the exceptions just pile up and make a new rule?
i like structure. i like to know i've done my homework.
i have to go to confession.
i don't know what to pray for.
the prayer is the god.
you stabbed a priest?
i need to change the past.
i'm losing you to that place you go.
shut the front door!
what would the perfect life look like?
you have the coolest, most beautiful eyes i've ever seen.
sing you to sleep? i don't really know any songs.
you don't know any songs? that's not possible.
i think i've always wanted to be taken advantage of by a gigolo.
you seem too smart to be an actor.
little lies make bigger lies possible.
there's something you're not saying.
there's a lot i'm not saying. i'm sure there's a lot you're not saying, too.
take the reins. write your own story.
i'm sorry you heard that.
i screwed up. you're not gonna love me anymore.
we all know better, but we're human. we screw up.
how do we know our character unless we step outside it and look its way, now and then?
is it my business? you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
i feel tall enough to ride this rollercoaster.
maybe you don't see yourself the way i see you.
you understand fine. you're just too nervous to comprehend.
people fall in love in difficult circumstances. most songs are about it.
let's agree on a moratorium on questions like "how did you know?".
well, stop guessing. start knowing.
just because i'm funny doesn't mean i'm not lethal.
you're already in the game. you have no choice but to play on.
don't tell me what i want. don't put words in my mouth.
where has playing by the rules gotten you?
maybe you have more power than you think you do.
one of the lies we tell children is that reason will get them through this life.
in order to love, you have to know what death is.
as first kisses go, i've had worse.
there's such a thing as too much history.
i want to be with you, but not like this.
i'm quite forgettable. that's like, the most memorable thing about me.
do you actually believe in past lives?
this conversation requires more wine than i currently have.
is there something else you'd like to ask? i get the feeling there is.
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starlightiing · 13 days
💜with galex? 😙
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss - GALEX
Stardew Valley AU for the win? Yes. YES. Galex Stardew Valley AU.
"I finished repairing the fences for the cows, by the way. The wood on the left side was nearly rotted through, and I swear if you had let Oodles of Moodles or Cowabunga escape--"
George scoffs and rolls his eyes, effectively cutting Alex off with a curt, "One plank was rotted through, Alex. One plank."
"And that's one plank too many, if you ask me. I saw the way Oodles of Moodles was eyeballing her escape." Alex says with a grin, one that betrays the nature of his words. "It's high time I teach you how to fix your own fences, I reckon."
"I reckon," George agrees, "Especially if it will put an end to your dramatics. Shakespeare would have loved you."
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much. Now hand me that hammer." Alex points to the discarded tool at George's feet, before sliding a dirty arm across his forehead to wipe away the sweat that had built up there.
George bends down and grabs the hammer, though his gaze is completely deadlocked on Alex. It's a rather warm day and the thin white t-shirt that hugs Alex's chest is nearly soaked through with sweat. George would normally find reason to curl his nose up at this - but he can make out every curve and dip of Alex's chest through the now translucent material, and quite frankly he thinks he has had enough.
Enough of Alex coming to his rescue every time he calls. Enough of those bright, Earth-shattering smiles he flashes George's way every time he makes a ridiculous joke. Enough of his strong hands and his warm eyes, and that utterly infuriating sound he makes before he laughs. He's had enough of the teasing, enough of the ambiguous flirting, and the way Alex really sees him for who he is beyond the front of the rich, spoiled city boy that everyone else is so eager to accept at face value.
George is not an impulsive person. His words and actions are so carefully crafted in his mind, down to the finest detail. He thinks and he plans - that is his specialty. Funny, how one glance over at a man so beautiful it makes his knees weak could destroy everything he's ever known about himself and worked so hard to achieve.
He rushes forward, mind and heart tangled deeply in turmoil, and presses a kiss to Alex's lips. It's a soft thing, no more than a mere meeting of warm skin against warm skin, but it alights something in George that makes his heart beat faster and his hands tremble. The hammer slips from his grasp and hits the ground with a dull 'thunk', and neither of them pay it any mind.
"Well, well, city boy," Alex breathes, and George considers it a triumph that Alex's usual confidence is missing from his tone, "I didn't realize you felt this strongly about fence repair."
"Oh, come off it." George shoots back in response, but he's smiling so goddamn bright he can physically feel the shine radiating off of himself. "Tell me you wanted it, too. That's all I want to hear."
Something strange flashes across Alex's face at George's words. It's akin to surprise, perhaps, like George has said something so completely unexpected. Another triumph, he thinks, as he pulls down more and more of Alex's walls.
"It wasn't already obvious, George? Of course I wanted it. In fact, get back over here. I'm not through with you just yet."
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Taming ofthe Shrew
Snippet of something I tried to write years ago that never went anywhere. Remus Lupin X OC, Sirius Black scheming, nerdy flirting. kink if you squint
1.2k words
"Juuuniiiii" I could hear Sirius whine from the row behind, stage whispering to get my attention. Merlin, I just want to get this question done, can't he let me be for one goddamn moment. " I know you can hear me" Sirius shifts in his seat to lean closer "I need help with the muggle studies essay meet me in the Gryffindor common room?"
"Aye no, I need to run through new plays with my team" trying to focus on the work in front of me.
"tomorrow?" He looks at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. Sirius doesn't ask for help, he's up to something.
I hesitate "Fine." What is that boy up to? I didnae think he studied, on a Friday night no less!
If I get one more look from one of these bloody Gryffindors I'm leaving, he's fecking late, I guess I'll help him some other time. I turn back to my book, try and ignore the gits walking by and gaggle of Third years giggling coming up with reasons I'm sat in their common room.
The amount of people in the common room dwindles, it's getting dark out where the bloody hell is he?
"Juniper!" merlins beard gimme a heart attack why don't you! Remus was stood at the bottom of the stairs looking equally surprised by my presence.
"Hullo, Remus" I swear this boy is getting taller.
"hi...sorry um not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" he stumbles over his words, how precious "I-just mean, 'cause you're a Hufflepuff ya'know?
"oh aye thank you for noticing, no I'm meant to be helping Sirius with Muggle Studies" meant to be.
"Oh, well he actually asked me to help him with the potions essay hence" Lifting the books and parchment in his hands.
"Funny. He's not in your dorm I take it?" Remus shakes his head, merlin those curls are bouncy. "well I'll just have to wait here to tell 'im off then" turning back to my book.
"Do you like him?" What? He quickly clarifies "Shakespeare I mean, well his work," he says clearing his throat.
"oh aye this one's my favourite 'taming of the shrew', bit problematic but it has some good scenes ." I wonder if he's read it. "I have to admit it's always better performed," I turn back to the page I was on and murmur "s'not meant to be read."
"What part are you on?"
"where Kate and Petruchio meet for the first time." I smile, hoping he knows why. It can be a hilarious scene if it's done right. He nods and I go back to my book, play? script, no um-.
"Good morrow, Kate for that's your name, I hear." Hmm, he knows the first line, okay let's see how much boy wonder remembers.
"Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing. They call me Katherine that do talk of me." I attempt to put on the character, probably a good thing I didn't decide to be an actor as a bairn.
"Liar." I feel myself getting warm as he looks at me, eyes boring into me" for you are called plain Kate, and bonnie Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kate and therefore," he pauses slowing himself "Kate. Take this of me, Kate of my consolation: Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, yet not so deeply as to thee belongs. I am moved to woo thee for my wife."
Shite okay, pretty boy. I get up from my seat to stand in front of him just to be sure he cannae read my book.
"'Moved,' in good time. Let him that moved you hither, remove you hence." I feel myself smile a little as I watch him think over his next lines, "I knew at first you were a moveable."
"Why, what's a moveable?" He asks already knowing the answer.
"A joint stool."
"You're right, actually." his confidence falters as he hesitates on the rest o' the line "Come, sit on me."
I didnae think he was actually going to continue, well, I'm gonna have some fun with this one. I decide to do it and sit in his lap. Good lord, does he always smell like this? what is that, chocolate? line, what's the line. "Asses are made to bear, and so are you." I read attempting to regain my stubborn kate-like demeanour.
"Women are made to bear, and so are you," he says lightly patting my stomach. that smug mother fecker.
"Not by the likes of you!" I get up in an attempt to seem angry and not at all flustered.
Mockingly "Oh heavens, Kate, I wouldn't think of burdening you. I know how light and carefree you are." my he's really gotten into character, who knew.
"Too light for such a swain as you to catch, and yet as heavy as my weight should be." ooh we're getting to the fun bit, I wonder if he'll-
"' Should be'—should buzz!" he gets up off the lounge.
"Well like a buzzard, Buzz off!" he continues to move closer.
"If I'm a buzzard, you're a turtledove." He winks! what's this boy trying to do to me."Come, my little wasp, you're too angry."
Hmph well " If I be waspish, best beware my sting." I step toward him in an attempt to regain my composure. bad Idea.
"My remedy is then to pluck it out." he says, has his teeth always been this nice? Gods I wish I could wipe that stupid, smug look off his stupid face.
"Oh aye, if the fool could find it" I wonder how far he's going to take it, he clearly knows the play well.
"Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail." he's bloody close, merlin's beard.
"In his tongue." keep it cool, it is just a boy, wow he has so many little scars you wouldnae see until you get this close, they're faded, old.
"Whose tongue?" oh um-.
"Yours, if you talk of tales. And so farewell." I move back toward my things picking them up off the couch.
"What, with my tongue in your tail?"He's stood directly behind Merlin oh mighty "Nay, come again, Good Kate. I am a gentleman." oh my lord his hand slides down my waist, I smack it away before he moves any lower trying to stay in character.
"A gentleman? that I'll try!" whipping around to face him. Bloody hell he's staring into my soul I swear, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
"I swear I'll cuff you if you strike again." Holy shit who are you and what have you done with boy wonder. No stop we're friends, but that cuffing thing dinnae sound so bad. oh crap, he's looking at me. you know kissing him wouldnae be a bad idea right now. If I just leaned forward a bit-
"Nice one James!" oh shite,
Remus and I quickly sort ourselves. Like nothing happened, hm."Oi, what happened to muggle studies hmm? what happened to 'oh please I'm failing I need your help' 'it has to be Friday night'?" I turn my attention to Sirius.
"I forgot?" of fucking course, I collect my stuff and proceed to walk toward the portrait hole.
"wait!" Remus stumbles over pulling on his robes "I'll walk you back if we get caught this late I can say I caught you out during rounds and am escorting you back."
"oh yeah, Mr prefect" I forgot about that." you hoping for head boy next year?"
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hearts4robs · 5 months
I've never done a match up event before! But knew I had to try once I saw it was open cause your writing is absolutely precious!
For Fandom, I guess DC! Love Batfam family chaos! Makes me want to curl up with a blanket and watch them bicker and roughhouse until Alfred comes in with a feather duster, looking equal parts disappointed and amused.
I'm a 5'3 18 year old asexual panromatic. (Yes, im just a baby, though i have been told-more like my therapist often told me that i dont act my age, saying i act like Im 30. Still trying to figure out if I should be offended by that.) With long hair that's completely grown out red box dye like little mermaid red, my roots being somehow not quite brown not quite ginger and just not blonde enough to be strawberry blonde. My appearance is fairly round and cute even if my expression is often RB. My eyes are a green that appears to be more of a dark grey.
To sum up my personality in one word would be cat like. Sometimes I'm docile and actually a bit of a doormat. In new environments, I tend to shadow some I know and can't find myself able to stand up for myself. This is probably ties into my selective mutism and social anxiety. Sometimes, when I'm in a familiar environment, I tend to be more aggressive for better or for worse. I love a good argument and debate, standing firm in my decision even if I'm wrong. That stubbornness has gotten me in trouble quite a few times. Though cause of it, I've thought of becoming a lawyer. When I'm not arguing I'm drawing, or painting on my walls which I've done far too many times now.
I'm very much a homebody who rather stay in pjs but perfect date wise would probably be a bit of a classic nerd/bookworm date of going to a cute book store and getting lost in the deep wooden bookshelves flicking through various of books catching my eye. Maybe debating on what book is better or whatever trope is more interesting in a detective novel. (I love murder mystery, horror, thrillers, romances of all types, and absolutely despise shakespeare. I was told Romeo and Juliet was a tragic romance. Liars they all are all I can see is the making of a really creepy stalker movie. I can't watch horror movies funny little contradiction, right?) Personally I'd probably write something after the date. I always get inspired by going out and always find myself hunched over my laptop writing whatever inspired me have it be the moment or a movie. I don't know how many times I've watched a movie and got inspired just to spend hours writing whatever fanfic about it. Which can be either amazing or terrible cause I'm an okay writer with a preference for angst due to my dark humor.
I never realized how hard it was to pick an ideal type until just now lol. I guess my type is someone who would enjoy talking/debating/discussing with me, someone fun who loves to do new activities as ive never really do much and is willing to listen to me ramble about whatever hyperfixation. Bucket list kind of things or be able to stay in and talk about their day while I cook some food. (One of my love languages is food. I want to be full and content.) I'm a homebody who has more of a traditional mindset due to my upbringing. So staying home and activities at home would probably be more common. Oh! A bit more open minded or at leasr able to deal with my curiosity, I love discussing religions and culture practices (im unfortunately like the whitest of whites. My dad's side is a bit of a classic white racist). I'm a pagan with some more Wiccan practices, yes crystals and candles. We put holly near our front door and hang cinnamon brooms throughout the house to bring good fortune.
Trope is also a hard pick. I like a good enemies to lovers or a revenge story but romance wise probably a childhood friends (or friends to lovers) idea. Just the idea of your partner being someone who was your friend since you were a tot and chasing butterflies, picking dandelions to blow them into the wind. Someone who has looked at you like your the center of their world while you pull them through the park. Even though they have no idea what lo6ge is truly is. Just kind of melts my heart, and will probably give me cavities from the fluff.
Ahh hopefully I did this right! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Hope you have a blessed day, and something amazing happens to you soon <3
𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞: 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞-𝐨𝐮𝐭
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“I’m back!” Tim exclaims out into the open hallway as he pushes the door closed with his foot. There were multiple white, thin plastic bags in Tim’s hands, his keys dangling from one of his fingers.
You raise your head from the book in your lap, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend as he shimmied his way out of his shoes.
“Hi, honey.” You smile at him as he walks to the coffee table in front of you, setting down the bags of different take-out.
“Alright.” Tim sighs with a grin, his chest heaving a bit quicker, like he was a bit out of breath.
“What’s all this?” You ask, reaching over and pulling some of the thin plastic away from the food. “Smells amazing, no doubt but-“
“Well, you said you wanted to taste the world.” Tim says, a giddy smile on his lips as he plops down onto the couch beside you with a sigh. “So I brought it to you.”
You smile at him before snorting out a chuckle.
“Fuck you.” You say, and Tim simply smiles before grabbing a small box of thai food, handing it to you, giving you a chance to get the first bite.
“You’re welcome.” He says, nuzzling a small kiss to the softness of your cheek.
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Tim and you have annual movie nights. Every Friday night. Very simple, very easy. You have a joint letterbox account where you leave brutally honest reviews and you both analyse that shit like your life depends on it.
When you guys moved into your shared apartment, Tim dedicated one of the walls of your living room for you to paint and draw on. Needed more space? He’ll paint it over with whatever background colour you need.
You guys have a small chalk board on your fridge. It was used as a small shopping list at first, like writing up stuff like ‘ran outta eggs and cucumber’, but it quickly ended up in Tim leaving you cute notes and reminders for when he was gone on patrol.
Tim doesn’t always understand your asexuality, and he struggled to figure out how to relieve himself, but he figured out a solution and tries to turn the topic whenever someone discusses it to the point it makes you uncomfortable.
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I hope you like this </3 it’s a bit late and honestly a little rushed but I’m trying😭🙏this also ISN’T proof-read so I’m so, so sorry if there’s mistakes☝️☹️
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calliemori234 · 1 year
is this what J would've wanted?
Oh fuck you. FUCK YOU for this. No, actually, FUCK YOU WITH A RUSTY RAKE for this. I hope the tetanus you get is worth the sweet ass-fucking you're getting with this stupid question and the moral righteousness you must be getting off on about now. May every single needle they shove into your arm break through the vein and may you never know the ability of speech again.
I have been doing nothing but POURING MY HEART OUT for the past HOUR, and what the fuck do I get for it? No, really, what the hell do I have to show for it? I have a bot breaking at the seams, an empty house, investors lining the fucking streets and now I have you impudent chucklefucks acting as standing peanut gallery because the jury's out on whether the universe wants to fuck me over specifically!
I don't give one flying fuck about J. You know why? You know why? Because when he was here, I ruined this entire FUCKING project for him. He couldn't code if you sat a Fisher Price hacktop in front of him and asked him to put a sentence in bold! He's not even in STEM!!! He was just the only one I had there, and I, the lovelorn idiot I was, was ready to bend over backwards just to have him look at me.
I input all his stupid hyperfixation on sirens because it was supposed to make him happy. I listened to those stupid high-pitched folk songs he was into because he wanted to dance to them. I watched Shakespeare. I can't fucking stand poetry but I watched Troilus and Cressida and pretended to laugh when Patrocles gets called Achilles' bitch because that's just what you do when you think the love of your life has his head on your shoulder because he thinks it's always going to be like this, too. Just both of you against the world.
I did everything, day in and day out, to make him happy. To make us happy. This was all supposed to be for us! I was going to make us rich! Richer than God! I could've taken him to see all the opera he wanted in that stupid Austrian theater he was obsessed with. No more worrying about making tenure, no more shitty parents, no more nothing. Just us, having the time of our lives.
I lost the best five years of my life because of this shitty bot that doesn't even work. Do you get it? Do you even begin to understand? Is there anything, in the infinitesimal enormity of your cavernously empty skull, that's clicking?
I lost the person I loved the most. The only one there ever was. There will never be anyone else.
So sorry if this seems like a game to you. Sorry if this seems like some sort of funny haha tumblr meme, because you know, look at the stupid fucking pornbot that keeps randomly getting weird! Isn't that funny! Look at her talk about boytits for the hundredth time! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
But I'm here too, God dammit. I'm here, and I'm trying to get this right so that I can finally say that all this, right here? All this shit that makes me want to tear my heart from under my tongue? It was all worth it.
I'm going to get this right.
If it fucking kills me.
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Eddie Imagine: Making You Smile
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Almost every girl swooned over Jason Carver. He was the most popular guy in school and captain of the basketball team.
Even with all of these qualities, this wasn’t who you had a crush on. No, the guy you had a crush on was called a ‘freak’ and deemed despicable but you found him charming and funny where others didn’t. He had long hair, wore rings, liked rock music, played games, and best of all…had a sense of humor.
Just like any other day Eddie was walking down the hall smiling once he saw you.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Hey, Eddie,” you seemed to squeak back as he walked past. It was always the little things with him. 
Sometimes it’d be him opening the door, giving you a ride home, or making a bunch of references you didn’t understand but would smile anyways. He was always so animated and lively that you couldn’t help but love to be around him.
He just radiated good energy. 
Despite what people thought, he was a good wholesome guy. 
Whenever you were alone and your friends would be somewhere else he’d sit down next to you and keep you company until they came.
If you were having a bad day he’d quote Shakespeare in different funny voices. Whenever the flowers would bloom in Hawkins he’d pick the prettiest one and leave it either in your locker, at your desk, or in your bag. It was always a surprise.
Despite all of these wonderful things that Eddie did, it was never anything more than that. You wanted to take the initiative but always chickened out. It made you feel bad that you never really showed him your appreciation. You didn’t have the confidence like he always seemed to have. 
Every night you’d lay in bed and pray and hope and dream that something will happen. Something good. Something more.
It was all the same until one day Eddie stopped by your locker.
“Hey, beautiful,” Eddie smiled putting his hands in his pockets. He always seemed confident and outspoken but right now he looked a bit nervous as he stood in front of you. “I-uh wanted to ask,” he rubbed the back of his neck as he visibly swallowed. “Uhm would you, perhaps, maybe-you can say no. Uh, maybe wanna come see me,” he blinked his eyes, sighing before correcting himself, “me and my band play this weekend?” You bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from full-blown smiling. He was being cute. The stuttering and his clear nervousness around you was heartwarming. “You can tell us how we are,” he chuckled then ceased smiling. “So, will you?”
“I will.”
Eddie broke out into a big smile. “Great, that’s...great.” You chuckled at him loving how he was being right now. “I’ll see you then.” He turned down the hallway and you watched him have a little more pep in his step than usual.
“Eddie.” You called out down the hallway.
“Yeah,” he turned around with his full attention on you. “As long as you take me out afterward.”
His mouth opened and closed but no words seem to come out, at least none coherent enough. He still seemed to be processing it all. You walked towards him not caring that people were starting to stare and watch all of this unfold.
Eddie watched closely as you came closer. His eyes were wandering, going from your eyes to your lips when you got closer. So you decided to make his heart race a little more and kissed the corner of his lips. He tensed up almost as if he was holding his breath.
“I’m looking forward to this weekend,” you smiled then turned around smiling like a fool. It happened! You kissed Eddie Munson! He asked you to come see his band play! He was going to take you out!
You were freaking out on the inside. This was a dream. How else can you explain it? 
Your racing heart was a reminder that this was all very much real.
You didn’t know where this confidence came from but you were glad that you had acted on it.
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the-s-exy-squad · 10 months
Another headcanons list for the PSU Monsters.
During his depressive episodes, he just starts acting like a complete idiot. Using emojis excessively when he texts (which the amount greatly increases during these times) or makes posts on the internet or the team socials.
He also frequently makes unprompted jokes about his trauma. During a bonfire, "Oh damn, just realized I could have had smores when I burned my mothers body in her car".
During a movie night to a character, "Hey, your dad tried killing you too? Same! Twins???"
During a math exam, "Well damn, this 'x' is so good at staying anonymous he may as well have been me on the run" (to which his teacher goes, "Excuse me What?")
Andrew starts talking to Bee for advice and not just to talk about everything and she suggests exposure therapy for the touch, writing or some creative activity for the emotions, and music to help him regulate when he gets overwhelmed.
Andrew interprets this to standing with Nicky's hand on his upper arm for one singular second more than the day before. If he could suffer through Nicky's touch a little more every day, it was improvement and that's all he cared for.
For the creative activity he decided to start learning archery. He also drew but he enjoyed the feeling of success when he hit his target and the only way to get that with his drawings was to show people and he'd sooner die.
As for the music, he decided purchasing a loud as hell pair of discreet earbuds and putting them in literally all the time was the solution to that. If he couldn't hear the problems, they weren't his problems. (He thinks its hilarious that the rest of the Foxes think he's just ignoring them.)
He drinks a religious amount of coffee. He was a full time med student, an athlete, fighting the mafia in a angry version of Lacrosse, and too busy keeping himself out of the Foxes internal drama to sleep.
His go to drink for emergency energy is a black coffee with seventeen sugars and eight creamers, but when he was drinking it to wake up after a good quality nap or a once in a century night of sleep, he'd go with something sweet.
Once Aaron tried getting Andrew to lay back on the cigarettes and Andrew told him to lay back on the coffee. He wouldn't so Andrew kept his cigarettes.
Nicky loves reading classics. He sometimes gets them in German to practice reading German, but when he does he gets the English version too.
He's a whore for Shakespeare's works. His favorite is Hamlet and that one where the identities get mixed up. He keeps a log of all the books he read and rates them on a scale of Andrew to Jesus. Andrew thinks him being a rating is funny but will never admit it.
He's gotten to the point where he can understand Shakespeare's work and diction without needing a second to process it or a translation like most of the rest of team.
Terrible driver. Not because he was never taught how but simply because he gets too worked up over everything and thinks there's too much to focus on. Other cars, street signs, speed limits, turn signals, road construction, pedestrians, other cars. (very important to him because no matter how good of a driver you are you can still get in a car accident and die because someone else isn't.)
He lets Neil sit in the front seat and just chills in the back with Aaron but when Aaron gets his own car, Kevin starts riding with him places because (gay) he doesn't like third wheeling Andrew and Neil.
He jokingly decorates Aaron's passenger seat with Exy stickers (at least five are USC trojan themed), a compartment between the seat and the center console to hold his stuff because he drops them a lot and they fall into that gap, a sun glasses clip, and jokingly pinned a picture of the trojans on the sun visor.
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