kittykatninja321 · 9 months
dc worse dad poll is seemingly on hiatus but i am impatient and desperate to know how this matchup will shake down so:
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feel free to go crazy with the propaganda in the notes, write essays, provide panel evidence , etc etc get in your lawyer bag
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susielesbianism · 2 years
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
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Why I was immediately suspicious of how quickly those "Palestine isn't the only issue right now ‼️" posts trying to enumerate all ongoing genocides in the world spread tbh. Self described activists need a better nose for this
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will we ever see the end of people posting enraging headlines as receipts for anything? who is the author? where is the source, the link? when was it published? and mostly, what is in the article? are you aware that the media makes headlines enraging on purpose to foster engagement and sales? i see this from all sides of the political and ideological spectrum, even people i agree with, and it annoys the hell out of me. or people will take a single comment from some random person on the internet, usually anonymous, as proof of something. girl if its not an important figure within the movement or political or otherwise powerful figure or met widespread acceptance its not proof that your opponents are foul. there are idiots in every movement. and also, anyone can call themselves a trans activist or terf or whatever you are for or against online, you literally dont know who is behind the account. it becomes relevant when either the post or the poster turns out to be influential/popular.
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nicomrade · 2 months
greeting tumblr user before u is a poll feature thatll allow u to include up to 12 options, that can only be voted in once per user and keeps the votes anonymous. your challenge is to come up w a question + options that actually fits that format, with no user left incapable to answer due to ur oversight and without a "several of these" or "other" option winning. if majority of repliers take to the tags to give their answer instead this will be a sign of failure and ill kill you with this weird rock i found on the ground. good luck.
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bonefall · 1 year
Theoretically speaking, could a leader with multiple lives left lose them to old age, or does multiple lives give them pseudo-immortality? Or will they lose whatever they have left after a certain threshold of age?
I go with the idea that a life fixes one organ at a time. So for example, if the leader died of liver failure, that life fixes their liver.
Old age is just an eventual organ failure. So a REALLY old leader with no lives lost could live into their 20s with each organ renewing one by one.
As another example, if a leader was dying of diabetes because of a blood sugar spike, the life fixes the spike as if it was a poisoning. If the pancreas shut down completely, it would renew the pancreas.
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officialpenisenvy · 11 months
i usually don't count cousins as incest because then everyone would be incestuous you know. especially in sicily lol
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medsocionwheels · 8 months
Sociological Theory and the Canon
It's Sociology Sunday! Today we're talking theory.
What is sociological theory?
Sociological theory is a set of interrelated ideas that allow for the (1) systematization of knowledge of the social world (2) the explanation of that world, and (3) predictions about the future of that world, and which are falsifiable through empirical research.
Theory provides a possible answer to questions like, “why did this happen?” or, “why did they do that?” This means theory is speculation, not fact, but unlike “ideas” generally, theory is speculation driven by a more formal, systematic, process, which incorporates the work of previous theorists and research findings.
The Sociological Canon
Some theories are more popular than others. Some theories, while unpopular, are considered “pivotal” to the foundation of sociology. The “sociological canon” helps us identify the “popular” and “pivotal” theories.
The sociological canon is defined as the theories, ideas, and texts that are widely considered as the most important in the field of sociology (Ritzer and Stepnisky 2018) 
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“I’m not a regular mom theory, I’m a cool mom theory!”
The canonized theories are sort of like the “cool mom” in Mean Girls (oshowing my age here, the original 😘) – others exist, but these are the ones we tend to think of first when we think of “the mom in Mean Girls” (or, in this case, “sociological theory”).
Critics of the canon argue that the canon is not a neutral construction; rather, it is affected by power and the politics of the theory. To some degree, they are right.
The field of sociology has historically privileged theories that have testable hypotheses, known as “positivist” theories, and theories produced by white men faculty. In this, we can see that the canon, and relatedly, the field of sociology,  have tended to reflect power structures in society more broadly. Which means that, yes, technically the canon is full of theories created by old white dude philosophers in Europe in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Nowadays, though, most sociologists agree that the canon includes much more than Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. 
Meaning the canon is now considered to  include theories from other classical theorists writing during the same time as Mark/Weber/Durkheim, like W.E.B. DuBois and Ida B. Wells. The canon has also expanded in the last 40 or so years to include contemporary theories, such as emancipatory, feminist, and queer theories. These expansions were important steps towards accounting for the reality of the field as it presently exists, and to correctly reflect the field’s foundations which expand far beyond whiteness, masculinity, and western imperial culture. Presently, women make up the (quantitative) majority of sociology faculty, and while this women majority was historically white, the number of women, including and especially women of color, in sociology continues to grow, substantially outpacing white men. 
Sociological Theory and Empirical Research
Empirical research is rooted in theory.
Sometimes these theories are the driving force behind research, constituting the research question for an empirical study. You begin with the possible answer to the question, the theory, and you investigate to see if it holds up–your results may call into question some or all of the theory’s propositions. This is called “deductive reasoning.”
Theory is not always the starting point of research, though. Sometimes theory is generated from research. This process is called “inductive reasoning.” In this case, you begin with observations, draw conclusions, and from those conclusions, generate new ideas about the social world. 
Deductive reasoning is often linked with quantitative research. Quantitative researchers usually have some idea of theory before forming their research question, and some quantitative research is constructed with the goal of testing (falsifying) theoretical propositions.  Qualitative research, in contrast, often uses inductive reasoning, beginning with observation and developing theory as part of the study’s conclusions. This is not always the case with qualitative research, though. One approach to creating contemporary sociological theory assumes the “best” theory is constructed via inductive reasoning, and thus, begins with observation, absent of pre-existing ideas. This is known as a “grounded theory” approach, because it produces theory that is “grounded” in observation of tangible facts instead of based upon pre-existing abstract ideas. The sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss are often credited with popularizing the “grounded theory” approach, which they outlined in their 1967 book “The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research”.
Other approaches to qualitative research, like content analysis, may start with theory or observations.
Watch full lecture:
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miggylol · 9 months
Working on class prep, and I'm reminded of how a class I offer this semester typically gets eval responses like:
"incredibly time consuming." "hard. hard. hard." "asks so much of us. Not over the top I guess but yikes." "longest class paper I had to write for any class. I know this is a 400-level elective but I didn't expect this much work."
followed by
[easily the highest numeric scores of any class I teach, across every single area]
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6ebe · 1 year
no one in my family reps my humanities degree 😞
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Is category theory formalized abstraction?
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petrichorium · 1 year
sauntering into your inbox to say you were right about witch hat being more emotionally heart-wrenching than jjk—I got to qifrey’s backstory last night and sat in bed in complete shock. currently preparing myself for the inevitable future emotional damage because there’s no way something painful isn’t going to happen in the next 30 something chapters
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IT SNEAKS UP ON YOU IT REALLY DOES. And it’s just so much more gut wrenching bc it’s SO GOOD at making u love and care for all of the characters………
Also yeah I’m ngl I wasn’t even talking abt qifrey’s backstory (FOR SHAME bc my friend warned me of the exact chapter beforehand and it still shattered me) I was thinking abt the arc afterwards. Which I still haven’t finished (and might not be done? Idk I’ll catch up tn I think. It’s been like six months) but did in fact make me openly weep. Never did that for jjk sorry
Also I must say that while I Did weep during the arc I’m talking about it also has incredible Oru content so at least you’ll have eye candy while ur heart is wrenched in two 🫶🏻
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kiindr · 1 year
just conducted a successful aging assessment on an old person for my psychology practical. god, do people have experiences.
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insighttellers · 1 year
Precision Insights: Expert Quantitative Market Research Services
Our Quantitative Market Research Services help you quickly gather insights from our panellists and understand the changing consumer behaviour. Using our comprehensive services, we find the answers to the most of your questions! Follow this link to know more https://insighttellers.com/services/quantitative-research-market
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madgalena · 2 years
lads why are academic presentations so evil
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Using An Assessment Matrix With Your Business How To Use It
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An assessment matrix is a tool that can be used by a project manager to easily determine the level of risk associated with a project as a whole. With this matrix, you will be able to quickly identify which projects are in need of more attention, which ones are going well, and how much your overall risk exposure is for each project as a whole. The purpose of this article is to show you how to use a risk matrix in your business so that you are able to make better decisions about what projects to pursue next and what to avoid.
What is a risk assessment matrix, and what is its purpose?
An assessment matrix is a way of organizing risk in a way that is easy to understand. The idea is also to prioritize the issues as well as determine what needs to be done in order to resolve them. The purpose of a risk assessment matrix is to help identify the risks in your project, so that you can plan accordingly and mitigate them as much as possible.
Using a matrix of risk assessment, what can I do with it?
In order to be able to identify and prioritise the risks within your business, it is critical that you use a hazard risk assessment matrix. In addition, you can use it to assess them, take actions to mitigate them, and measure your progress over time as a result of them.
Identifying risks for new projects and determining whether they are acceptable
In assessing the risks that may arise for new projects, it's important that you take the following into consideration
The identification of the risks is the first step
It would be advisable to write down all of these potential problems if that is the case.
Determine how likely each risk is by assessing the likelihood. It is best to assign numbers to each risk based on a scale from 1-10, where 1 represents low probability and impact, and 10 represents high probability and impact. Note that there is no right or wrong answer when assigning numbers here.
An example of a matrix for risk assessment
The purpose of a risk assessment matrix is to identify and evaluate the risks associated with a project. If used as part of the overall risk management process, or alone as a stand-alone tool, it can provide a multitude of benefits. Using engineering risk assessment matrix will help you to identify, prioritize and control your risks based on their likelihood of occurrence, impact and controllability. By using the risk matrix, you will be able to determine where your time and energy should be spent. As a result, you can identify the areas in your business where you are exposed to the greatest risk as well as those areas that offer the best chance for success.
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