#sociology sunday
medsocionwheels · 8 months
Sociological Theory and the Canon
It's Sociology Sunday! Today we're talking theory.
What is sociological theory?
Sociological theory is a set of interrelated ideas that allow for the (1) systematization of knowledge of the social world (2) the explanation of that world, and (3) predictions about the future of that world, and which are falsifiable through empirical research.
Theory provides a possible answer to questions like, “why did this happen?” or, “why did they do that?” This means theory is speculation, not fact, but unlike “ideas” generally, theory is speculation driven by a more formal, systematic, process, which incorporates the work of previous theorists and research findings.
The Sociological Canon
Some theories are more popular than others. Some theories, while unpopular, are considered “pivotal” to the foundation of sociology. The “sociological canon” helps us identify the “popular” and “pivotal” theories.
The sociological canon is defined as the theories, ideas, and texts that are widely considered as the most important in the field of sociology (Ritzer and Stepnisky 2018) 
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“I’m not a regular mom theory, I’m a cool mom theory!”
The canonized theories are sort of like the “cool mom” in Mean Girls (oshowing my age here, the original 😘) – others exist, but these are the ones we tend to think of first when we think of “the mom in Mean Girls” (or, in this case, “sociological theory”).
Critics of the canon argue that the canon is not a neutral construction; rather, it is affected by power and the politics of the theory. To some degree, they are right.
The field of sociology has historically privileged theories that have testable hypotheses, known as “positivist” theories, and theories produced by white men faculty. In this, we can see that the canon, and relatedly, the field of sociology,  have tended to reflect power structures in society more broadly. Which means that, yes, technically the canon is full of theories created by old white dude philosophers in Europe in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Nowadays, though, most sociologists agree that the canon includes much more than Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. 
Meaning the canon is now considered to  include theories from other classical theorists writing during the same time as Mark/Weber/Durkheim, like W.E.B. DuBois and Ida B. Wells. The canon has also expanded in the last 40 or so years to include contemporary theories, such as emancipatory, feminist, and queer theories. These expansions were important steps towards accounting for the reality of the field as it presently exists, and to correctly reflect the field’s foundations which expand far beyond whiteness, masculinity, and western imperial culture. Presently, women make up the (quantitative) majority of sociology faculty, and while this women majority was historically white, the number of women, including and especially women of color, in sociology continues to grow, substantially outpacing white men. 
Sociological Theory and Empirical Research
Empirical research is rooted in theory.
Sometimes these theories are the driving force behind research, constituting the research question for an empirical study. You begin with the possible answer to the question, the theory, and you investigate to see if it holds up–your results may call into question some or all of the theory’s propositions. This is called “deductive reasoning.”
Theory is not always the starting point of research, though. Sometimes theory is generated from research. This process is called “inductive reasoning.” In this case, you begin with observations, draw conclusions, and from those conclusions, generate new ideas about the social world. 
Deductive reasoning is often linked with quantitative research. Quantitative researchers usually have some idea of theory before forming their research question, and some quantitative research is constructed with the goal of testing (falsifying) theoretical propositions.  Qualitative research, in contrast, often uses inductive reasoning, beginning with observation and developing theory as part of the study’s conclusions. This is not always the case with qualitative research, though. One approach to creating contemporary sociological theory assumes the “best” theory is constructed via inductive reasoning, and thus, begins with observation, absent of pre-existing ideas. This is known as a “grounded theory” approach, because it produces theory that is “grounded” in observation of tangible facts instead of based upon pre-existing abstract ideas. The sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss are often credited with popularizing the “grounded theory” approach, which they outlined in their 1967 book “The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research”.
Other approaches to qualitative research, like content analysis, may start with theory or observations.
Watch full lecture:
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
Don't Take Snacks From Some Guy
Duke knew better than to take food from strangers. Still it was nice of the other man to offer so he kept taking them.
Duke watched the kid type away at his laptop. He said kid but the guy was probably a few years older the him. Still, he wasn't supposed to be on the roof of a bank, Gotham National Bank to be specific. He didn't seem to be up to anything nefarious (Duke didn't think you needed to be on the bank to hack it) but he was still on the roof a bank. A closed bank at sunrise on a Sunday.
How did he even get up there? Duke doubted that he took the stairs. Unless he worked for the bank but that didn't answer why he was on the roof.
Making a decision, Duke disappeared and made his way over. He was quiet and cautious as he went to look over the other teens shoulder. He was writing …a paper? From what Duke could read it was a research paper (‘in accordance to what the Daily Planet has stated about the city’s hero’ -).
“Could you not breathe in my ear?” 
Duke flinched back and thankfully didn't make a sound. He was pretty sure he still invisible but tired eyes were staring at him - well, in his general direction. (Just to be sure Duke checked, and, yeah, still not visible.) For a moment they just sat still as Duke contemplated revealing himself. (The other could be bluffing but was it really bluffing if he was right?) The guy had known Duke was there and seemed able to at least sense his general position. He seemed annoyed but not violent. It was also clear that he definitely was not committing cyber crime unless the paper was code. (Could it be code?)
Continuing with caution Duke made himself visible and shifted awkwardly, “um, hi, I’m Signal -”
The other boy had turned back to his computer, appearing to read over what he had written. “You were almost pressed against me, dude.” 
Duke blushed, a little embarrassed, “right, sorry, I was just trying to see what you were doing.”
“I'm Danny and I was not hacking the bank, I promise.”
Duke continued to watch Danny as he finished reading and closed the laptop. Standing Danny stretched and started putting the computer away. Duke had winced at the popping of his spine. “So what are you doing up here?”
Shouldering his bag Danny told him, “writing about the sociological impact of superheroes vs vigilantes, or do you not know how to read?” 
Duke contemplated still arresting the man. He could still get him for loitering or trespassing or something. “No, I got that - “
“Did you?”
Ignoring the snippy remark Duke continued and asked “why are you writing on top of the bank? How did you even get up here?”
“The public library’s wifi is awful and this bank has a public password.” 
Duke blinked, “you're up here at sunrise for the wifi?”
“So… think you could help me get down?”
Once back on solid ground Danny had held out a chocolate bar. Duke stared in confusion before realizing it was an offering, “oh thanks, but -” Danny sighed, grabbed Duke's wrist and forced the candy into his hand. Letting go, Danny had patted the vigilante on the shoulder, muttered his thanks and walked off.
Duke watched him go around the corner before considering the chocolate. While the guy hadn't been anything other than a little snarky and rude, Duke wasn't going to eat something a stranger gave him. Even if you didn't grow up in Gotham, accepting food from strangers was not wise. Duke knew this. 
So he had taken the candy bar back to the cave for analysis. 
Upon their seconf meeting nearly a week later Danny had been a lot more cheerful and had apologized to Duke for being grumpy. He then handed him a banana and left. Duke continued to run into Danny on roof tops, fire escapes, and once outside the entrance to a cemetery and while he wasn’t always in a talkative mood when they met (sometimes he would just walk by Duke, shoving food into his hands as he passed) he was always sure to give him something. Duke didn't know what to make of this but he was understandably careful. The banana had been tested like the chocolate, so had the fruit snacks, the granola bar, and the apple. All came back clean.
 It was a few days after the apple was cleared that the bats had come to the conclusion that Danny was not a threat. So when Duke was handed a donut on a stressful Tuesday, he ate it gratefully. Danny had seemed pleased that Duke continued to take the treats and Steph was always happy to eat what Duke didn’t.
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causenessus · 25 days
NESS TO DO LIST!! (just for me tbh but just so that u guys are in the loop)
picrew/tag games while listening to my friends vlog/snapchat podcast LMAO
answer self ship asks!
text friend about my plan bc it's stressing me out (writing it all out here bc i cannot be bothered to move to my scary ugly dark mode notes app I HATE IT IT'S TOO DARK) -> (w is a code name) "planning to cut gels and hang em during sas. we can ask w to help us focus or if ur not busy would u mind just writing cues w/ me? if not, we can do it during 7th and w may also let us write cues or focus lights then. either way, after meeting after school, if we haven't gotten to it yet do you have time to write cues w/ me? we may also be able to do wed-fri it just has to be after auditions which end at 5:30."
keep my little board op in loop abt what day we decide to write cues
finish econ homework
finish english homework (and send to molly <3)
think about sociology hw
decide not to do sociology hw
work on try again/tonics or sleep!
survive double tomorrow! (and answer bug's ask!)
survive shift on sunday! (answer more asks?)
enjoy monday off from school and stress about theatre! (possibly try again update?? or maybe on tuesday)
do aforementioned plans for tuesday
write my warning post (for the fact that i will literally be slaving away for two months starting wednesday)
begin my horrific stage manging era on wednesday.
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chaoticelegant · 7 months
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February 29, 2024
Slow day today, mostly sociology and archeology homework.
Hopefully I finish these worksheets so I can have a free weekend but c’est la vie. I will probably end up doing much of my essay work on Sunday anyway.
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fireheartwraith · 11 months
I feel like I should explain ENEM, aka why the brazilians have been grieving since the date of the november 4th event was announced
ENEM stands for Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National High School Exam). It happens once a year since 1998, and, although at first it was just to gage how the education was on a national level, it soon became a gateway to university.
The test takes place on two days (that are now two consecutive sundays), from 13:30 to 19:00, and each day the student has to answer 90 questions. The first day is always human sciences and languages (Portuguese language and literature, foreign language (English or Spanish), history, geography, sociology, and philosophy) plus an essay. Nobody knows what the essay is about until the moment of the exam, so there’s always a lot of speculation. The theme is always about a social issue: last year's, for exemple, was "the challenges for the appreciation/respect of the traditional communities and peoples of Brazil", like the quilombolas and natives. The second day tests the students' knowledge on maths and exact sciences (biology, physics, and chemistry).
ENEM is famously a very "read-y" test. Every question requires a lot of reading comprehension, interpretation, and interdisciplinarity. Maybe the internet has done americans wrong, but the SAT's look so easy in comparison. We always make fun of them by saying Harvard it's not actually hard, it's just expensive.
Which brings me to my next point: college! The grade you get on the ENEM can get you into a university using three different programs
SISU: gets you into a public (and free) university (the best university in the country is public btw, University of São Paulo - USP)
PROUNI: gets you a scholarship in a private university (it can get you a 100% scholarship but you need a VERY good grade)
FIES: student loans
And, obviously, the better your grades, the better your chances. You are graded from 0 to 1000 in every subject and also get a general grade. So if you want to study physics, you don’t need to do great in literature, but you should still try to get a decent grade. The more competitive courses, like medicine (there's no such thing was pre-med), can get down to the decimals, especially in prestigious schools.
ENEM isn't the only test you can do to get into a university, though! Some schools have their own test. USP, for exemple, has the FUVEST, so you can get in through either test, but FUVEST is always paid and you can only do it in, like, three cities in São Paulo, while the ENEM happens countrywide, which is why it's so important. The tests are called "vestibular" and the people taking them are "vestibulando".
Therefore, most 3rd year high school students take the test. It's basically a rule to do it if you want to get into a university, but if you are not on your last year of high school, you have to pay to take it (my case). Some people have to go to another city to take the test, it's a whole thing.
This year, the first day of ENEM is happening on Sunday, November 5th. And QSMP's most important event so far is happening on Saturday night, November 4th. May the Lord have mercy on our souls
You can check out the "atrasados do enem" for some giggles though. It's the "event" that happens because some people always arrive after the gates close at 13:00 and then break down crying in the middle of the street. It got so famous people started hiring actors to pose as vestibulandos just to go viral.
Now you know a bit more about brazilian culture!
Here's a link to download last year's exam if you want: first day | second day
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oosaoosaoosa · 1 year
The Essential USWNT Friendship Series: Kelley and Sonnett
Who you are: a person who has stumbled across this post because you are gay, and/or someone who wants to get into the women's world cup and the USWNT but whose fandom experience requires knowledge of the Narratives And Friendships
What this isn’t: an endorsement of being weird to players in public spaces (in real life or comment sections, or on unlocked Twitter accounts)
What this is: a (hopefully) comprehensive collection and explanation of the (public!) friendship between two fan-favorite members of the 2023 WC squad
I know I’m missing stuff and it’s likely I’ll come back to add to this! Every time I try to add anything to this post the draft editor throws me an error message so consider this a part one. Please note this is a sideblog 🫶🏼
29 (as of the beginning of the  2023 Women’s World Cup)
Born in Virginia, but raised in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia 
Attended the University of Virginia, graduated with a degree in Sociology 
Was originally a midfielder, later converted to defense. Primarily plays centerback, but can play fullback on either side, and defensive mid
She is a Sagittarius (this is important)
34 (as of the beginning of the  2023 Women’s World Cup)
Born and raised in the southern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia
Attended Stanford University, graduated with a degree in science, technology and society with a focus in environmental engineering
Was originally a forward (and in fact won the Hermann Trophy as college soccer’s top player, as a forward) but converted to play fullback on either side 
She is a Leo (I told you it was important. Twin fire signs 🔥)
Sonnett’s first cap was against Brazil on October 25, 2015–she started and played all 90 minutes as a centerback (beside Becky). Kelley was on the bench. 
On Feb 15, 2016 they played together for the first time! They both started against Puerto Rico and Kelley scored!
Kelley was a good mentor to Sonny immediately, her little Georgia peach padawan
They didn’t appear to really get close until winter 2016-2017, when they trained together in Atlanta during the offseason and started to hang out in a smaller group and one on one 
Eventually they played on the same team (Washington Spirit in the 2021 and 2022 seasons) and won a championship together! (2021)
It was Kelley's first NWSL playoff run and her first championship, but Sonny's second championship (she won with the Thorns a few years before)
Kelley scored the game-winner in the championship final, in overtime, as a header. She does not typically score, much less with her head (she is like 5'4'' on a good day). It was insane.
Once they were friends they were BEST FRIENDS. Kelley loves to annoy Sonnett and has since day one. Couples massage!!, training together with Moe Brian
Typical rookie/vet prank but cuter because they're besties: BOO!
They drink coffee together: Sonnett Sunday, theee Kelley O'Hara,
Sonny is secretly an artist (seriously, she can draw): Lactose Tolerant Cow
They dance together so much. Seriously, so much (bonus Rose). In the car, anywhere.
They hype each other up: Snacks at the beach, blue on navy, flexin, cutest sports girl ever, Sonnett is an undercover singer,
Even their friends have pointed out their similarities. Are they the same or are they the same?
The 2019 World Cup parade was deeply chaotic: please beer and god they drank nonstop idk how they survived, they also napped on the plane back from france with pinoe and ashlyn
they help each other out: cold towel, guest coach kelley,
They threw out the first pitch for the Braves after the World Cup (with Mal, whose husband Dansby played for the Braves at the time)
They also made an appearance at an Atlanta United game together
They were chaotic in every team picture, X,
they took on the Tokyo olympics together (feat many teammates)
they were extremely annoying in the BFF quiz while Kelley and Alex tried to win (link to the BFF quiz episode below in required viewing section)
Sonny's e-bike is their bike, not her bike, but sometimes they biked together too
More coffee adventures, in DC this time, X + X
Mentoring rookies, but this time together
When half the Spirit got COVID in 2021 and had to quarantine at a hotel in Portland, somehow they did not get tired of each other
Exploring restaurants together
Taking pictures of each other (they called each other Rick and Morty for a while which I try to forget), & with their bikes, & with matching orange beanies, more matching orange beanies
more dancing and celebrating, even celebrating carli as a duo, celebrating moving onto the nwsl final
getting jumpscared by their own rookies...together this time
being stinky and sweaty together and generally chaotic
cheering on the braves together on kelley's couch, being very loud and annoying
celebrating the spirit championship together, X + X + schwasted dancing with Kelley's girl together, doing a tiktok with Trinity and the trophy, making memes out of their championship cellies
showing off their championship rings together and celebrating the CBA signing at Audi together
they went to DC pride with the spirits
they developed this weird euopean cheek kissing thing
clowning in huddles together and doing tiktoks with the kids
Being annoying on the player's pod they recorded with Trinity and Andi (link to the pod below in the required watching section)
Still hyping each other up, of course: nice kick!, sonny's soft spirit fingers
Kelley took a pic of her abs when she got cleated at the CONCACAF tournament in 2022 and in solidarity, Sonny nearly took her shirt off
still taking lots of pictures and videos of each other, mostly Kelley. (I'm putting this in post-Spirit because although we didn't know it yet, Kelley already knew she was leaving DC)
Kelley literally left the Atlanta airport during her layover to hang out with Sonny on her birthday
loving on their Spirit rookies together, even after Kelley was off to NJ, +1 (Trinity's first goal in the 2023 WWC Send-off game)
celebrating Mal's wedding together with Andi and Rose
bringing each other up in every conversation
Being annoying about Taylor Swift
Sonnett almost killed Kelley within the first 30 seconds of them playing against each other for Gotham and the Reign and Kelley thought it was hilarious
Georgia girls
Glued together in Tokyo
More Spirits shenanigans
NT Camp besties
Kelley's visit to Portland in 2019
Hyping each other up in Instagram comments
General camp/NT shenanigans including the infamous "you're so wiggly" video
2019 WC Parade ridiciulousness
More coffee! Plus a cookie (and a "cookie")
more of Kelley mentoring rookie Sonny on the NT
Kelley and Sonny in Atlanta in 2016 or 2017 (I don't remember exactly, I also cropped Moe Brian out of this but it was 800 years ago, sorry Moe)
A moment caught in the background of a post-2019-final celebration picture
Pre-2021 NWSL championship moments: not impressed with someone's pregame speech, Sonny wore 6 for the Spirit so they were neighbors, something Sonny was saying with her mouth full was very interesting to Kelley ,
Some more Spirit NWSL championship moments: they can't believe it, Kelley was beside herself, tongues out for the gals, I would pay to know what Kelley said here, another moment where I would love a transcript,
Kelley's episode of Laughter Permitted with Julie Foudy, where a few of her best friends surprise her with an appearance, including Sonny, Allie Long and Alex Morgan
The BFF Quiz Championship, moderated by Sonnett
The Player's Pod with Sonnett, Andi Sullivan, and Trinity Rodman
1v1 with Kelley O'Hara (pre-camp 2023 WWC)
Throwing the first pitch out with Sonnett, Kelley and Mal
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slocumjoe · 10 months
What do you think the companions opinions of ghosts and supernatural things are?
You know, I've actually done this before, years back!
Looking back on it now, I have some differing ideas, having spent more time really thinking these dudes over and writing about them. So,
Cait; Surprises herself when she realizes this, but she believes in God. Not just agnostic, she believes in the Christian God. It never occurred to her until one day, when she caught herself and realizes that this was the belief she held. Her parents weren't religious, so it didn't make any damn sense to her. She just sorta defaulted to it. Obviously, Cait is not religious, but yeah, she kinda assumed a Christian mindset. Just never cared. Once she catches herself, becomes staunch atheist, but that shift was sudden and kind of wobbly. Its a "Wait, what do I actually believe in?" moment. As for cryptids, no. Maybe ones before the war. But as for the post apocalypse, anything is possible, so, why bother with trying to make it all mysterious?
Curie; Avid hater of cryptids and Aliens, but fascinated by religion. You ask her for her opinions on the topic, and she'll break off into a sociological discussion of the nature of religion and faith, and what's she's noticed in the apocalyptic modern era. You ask her if she believes in religion, and you can see her eyes go all blue screen of death, Ms. Nanny body or no. For one, the Ms. Nanny programming would never allow her to form an opinion on that. For two, the programming also kind of held everything in place. In a synth form, where her brain is looking for her own answer, but her instinct/programming remnant is looking for coded-in pre-recorded responses...it's a good way to send her into a kind of crisis. The move from metal to meat doesn’t do her any favors, here.
Danse; A loose agnostic. He sees no need to argue about it, but he doesn't believe, but he also doesn't...disagree? Danse's stance here is "we'll never know so what's the point." He tried religion, and he'll pray in...dire circumstances...but if you ask, he'll call himself an atheist. He'll also go into the sociology and go all nerd on you, but where Curie almost physically can't have an opinion, Danse doesn't have one and doesn't feel the need for one. If he needs God to be real, he'll hope for it. Otherwise, nah.
Deacon; would fuck with Buddhism. Would be that annoying dude at the Whole Foods check out buying hummus who holds the cashier at obligation-point to talk about karma. Normally this would be a Deaconism, an inside joke. Not here. This is a genuine Deacon. He'd also be very interested in all religions, but Buddhism is the one he's most likely to consider, if not partake in. Aliens and cryptids? Uh...Deacon likes to have fun, so yeah, but he's probably not a hardcore believer. He's just being a silly goose. Will double down and go full tinfoil hat to be obnoxious, but doesn't really put stock in it.
Gage; nah and nah. He was raised catholic and it didn't take. Or, maybe it took too well, or in the wrong way, depending on your perspective. He still privately considers Sunday to be special, but he doesn't act on it. Cryptids, also nah. Same reason as Cait. Have you seen what radiation does to animals? To people? Why the fuck would anything be surprising? "There was a giant moth the size of a man on my house!" Shit, that means the runoff from the nuclear power plant from up north has reached the watering holes. "I saw a large, hairy man!" That was probably Gage himself. Fuck sake. "There was a man with a goat head!" Thats a Pack member, which is arguably worse than what you think you saw.
Hancock; Religious in the traumatized way. The begging for God to kill you if you deserve to die but nothing happens, so clearly death is too good for you, kind of religious. Hancock has mental breakdowns in churchs, screaming at the remains of the cross in the middle of the burnt pews. Hancock is religous when thematically appropriate and suitably unhinged. Cryptids, he likes the fun of it, but seriously, if Hancock starts mentioning God and crucifixion, you need to check on him.
MacCready; Hardcore no on the religion, hardcore yes on the cryptids. This man would have Bigfoot bumper stickers. He would be on the reddit threads. I don't even know what to write here. Do I need to justify? You know. You know MacCready is a Bigfoot truther. Aliens? Don't talk to Bob about aliens. He'll hold you hostage in a story about the time he went camping up in [insert North Eastern Forest Here] and definitely saw [insert North Eastern Alien of Cultural Importance Here]. This man would go ghost busting.
Nick; religious, but like, very low key about it. He's not a praying man, but he does think the Big Man Upstairs exists. Mostly because there's so many times in his life where he's certain someone is laughing at him, and whatever dumb situation he's gotten himself into now. Does go to church every so often, and steps lighter in the ruins he finds. Aliens? Nope. Cryptids? Nope. Ghosts? Yeah, absolutely. He doesn't buy into those haunted house attractions, but he believes in the afterlife, and that some folks might get lost on their way there.
Piper; no religion. No aliens. No cryptids. Hard facts or fuck off. At least, thats what she says. But the moment something rattles in the basement at 2 in the morning? Piper is superstitious. She doesn't believe, but she's not gonna play chicken with demonic possession or alien abduction. Now, she has some ghost stories, but she doesn't think they're ghost stories. "Yeah, turned out the person I'd been talking to was legally dead for 30 years. Kinda weird." "Piper." "Say its a ghost and I'm throwing my drink at you. Who doesn't fake their death every once in a while?"
Preston; raised religious but didn't take. It's not that he believes in ghosts, it's that Preston has a good head on his shoulders. This man Knows when Something Is Wrong. Preston might not have the highest PER, but he knows when to get the fuck out of somewhere. Aliens, cryptids, whatever. Preston doesn't even know if ghosts are real. He just knows that some places don't forget what happened to them. If you're ever in a weird location, use him as a "back in the car right fucking now" meter.
X6-88; no religion, aliens, or cryptids, whatever. However. Very prone to believing tall tales. Myths. Legends. Mothman? Genuinely thought that was just a species of moth. He thinks they're bullshit, provided the info is being provided with air of literalness. If you open with "yeah, there's this story of a giant half man, half moth creature," he knows its a story. If you go, "There's a giant moth from Virginia that eats people", that's just what moths are like. Why would he assume there isn't a carnivorous moth? Gets very, very upset whenever someone pulls one over on him like this. By someone, I mean Deacon. Its always Deacon.
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puppyluvfics · 4 months
You Don't Go To Parties
Gaon/Kwak Jiseok | non idol au, college au WC: 1.6k Summary: You didn't mean to come colliding with your feelings this way. You were new to this school, having transferred after deciding you finally needed to get out of your hometown - there were far too many bad memories there. Which is how you found yourself packed tightly in a party one night. Things take a turn, literally, and you become quickly acquainted with Jiseok. Warnings: drinking (legal), suggestive if you look between the lines, likely inaccurate because i didn't go to parties in uni LOL A/N: I wrote this with the intention of keeping it going and making it a longer series, which I still plan on doing, but after proofreading, I realized this could serve as a standalone, too! So, that's cool!
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The air hung heavy with the smell of cheap beer, sweat, and desperation. When you initially decided to move a few hundred miles away from home to go to a new school, you didn’t think your university experience would be like this. You had been invited to this party by the girls you met in your sociology class, and they seemed nice enough, which is why you agreed. Yet, here you were, standing alone while bodies collided into you. It’s not that they meant to ditch you, but they were much more extroverted than you were. “New town, new school, new start,” you thought to yourself. There was a zero percent chance of anybody recognizing you, and for that, you were grateful. 
You glanced up at the clock that hung near the front door. 1:36 am. You couldn’t use class as an excuse to leave; it was Saturday. Well, Sunday, now. Still, you really did want to leave. You took another sip from the red solo cup in your hands. Your drink, whatever it was, had turned warm from how long it had sat in your hands as you awkwardly shuffled through the house, pretending to mingle. It was still filled relatively to the top. You weren’t much of a drinker—not around strangers, at least. You didn’t consider the girls in your class to be your friends; you’d only known each other for a week, but you felt like you needed to at least find them and let them know you were going to head back to your apartment. Because you had transferred so close to the start of the new year, you didn’t get a chance to apply for a dorm on campus, but you were grateful to be able to afford an apartment just off campus. 
You moved through the people, the yellow light of the kitchen serving as the end of what felt like an endless, packed hallway. You muttered a few apologies as you slid past people, trying to balance your drink. Several untimed steps later, you feel your foot come down on someone else’s. You turn around to apologize to the girl, but she is far too wasted to care. You still apologize, but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing you wouldn’t gain a reputation on your first social outing. You spun around to continue your search for your classmates, but what was once a clear-ish path to the kitchen was now dark. 
“Fuck, sorry.” You said, realizing you had collided with someone. The drink that was in your hand was now soaking through your clothes. The person in front of you turned around to face you, and to your surprise, there was nothing but concern on his face.
“Oh, shit, my bad!” He said, his voice loud over the music. You shook your head and held your hand up, trying to signal to him that it was fine.
“Don’t worry about it! I was just on my way out actually, I just needed to say bye to some people.” You yelled back at him, realizing he probably hadn’t heard your original apology. His brows furrowed as he took you in completely, tracing your body with his eyes. Before you could apologize again and push past him, he grabbed your hand and led you through the crowd and up the stairs. 
“I really should get going.” You started, your normal volume being loud enough for him to hear now. The last thing you wanted right now was to hook up with some random guy who soaked you in some blue alcohol. He opened the door and led you into a bedroom, and you felt your heart sink. “I don’t want to hook up, I’m sorry.” You said bluntly, hoping you could pass off being drunk enough for it to not matter.
“What? I don’t either. Wait here.” He said, leaving you in the doorway as he rummaged through the closet.
With a small sigh of relief, your focus shifted. “Oh, good. I still don’t think you should be going through someone’s closet, though. I’m just gonna go…” You said, hesitantly. You realized you were still holding the cup that was becoming increasingly sticky on your skin. You set it down on the floor, saying a silent apology before turning to leave.
“It’s my closet.” He started. “I’m Jiseok; this is my party.” He said, a stupid grin on his face. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him—really looked at him. He was cute. Not really your type, but not exactly not your type either. 
“Oh. Oh! I’m so sorry for spilling shit on you; oh my God, this is so embarrassing.” You started to word-vomit, and all he could do was laugh lightly. 
“Chill, you’re good. I host parties every weekend; it’s kind of what I’m known for around here. I’ve seen my fair share of things; this was nothing. You must be new if you’re geekin’ about spilling a drink on me.” He turned back to the closet, continuing to rummage through clothing.
You put your thumb between your teeth. Was it that obvious?
“Um, yeah, actually. I just transferred here; I’m (Y/N).” You said nervously gnawing on your nail.
“Oh yeah? Cute name. It suits you. What’s your major?” Seriously? He was making small talk while you were soaking wet in his doorway?
“Undeclared right now. Look, it was really nice to meet you, Jiseok, but I really should get going.” Your voice came out almost whiney. 
“Wait, no!” He finally emerged, holding a fistful of t-shirts, all of them wrinkled. “Here, try these on; keep the one that fits the best. It’s the least I can do.” He said, a dumb smile still on his face. He shoved the pile toward you.
“No, it’s okay! I promise! I don’t live too far from here; it’ll be fine.” You said, taken aback.
“You can just give it back to me next weekend, ‘kay? You’ll be here next weekend, right?” A smirk had formed on his lips. What was his plan? You weren’t really sure you wanted to find out, but if it meant you could go home and take a shower despite it being the middle of the night and crawl into bed and forget the whole night, you would oblige.
“I suppose so. Where’s the bathroom?” You said, giving in. He nodded his head to the right, and you nodded back, grabbing the shirts from him, careful to nestle them in the dry crook of your elbow. You stood in front of the mirror, your hair messy and tussled around you. Your makeup still looked good, thank God. Your top and jean shorts were almost certainly ruined, though, which pissed you off just a little. You peeled the wet fabric from your body and tossed it by your feet, taking the opportunity to wash off the sticky layer that had formed on your skin. It was no shower, but it would do for now. You dried yourself off with a nearby towel and began ruffling through the shirts. The least conspicuous one was an ACDC shirt, whose design almost faded off. The less attention you brought to yourself on your way out, the better. You slipped it on and thanked every higher being that it was long enough to cover your ass. You folded your own shirt back up neatly and eyed your jeans. “Better safe than sorry,” you thought, pulling them back on, the cold, wet fabric scratching at your legs. A shower couldn’t come soon enough.
You left the bathroom with the extra shirts and your own shirt in different hands and walked back to Jiseok’s room, expecting him to be there. “He must have gone back down to the party.” You whispered to yourself as you left the pile of now-folded shirts on his bed. You looked around quickly, trying to find some kind of pen and paper to write a thank-you note, but failed to do so. Your eyes burned, your head hurt, and you wanted to just get home and sleep. A shower wasn’t even on your agenda anymore. You tiptoed down the stairs, trying to blend in with the sizable chunk of people still there. It wasn’t as loud as before, which you were thankful for. You slipped out the front door and started off toward your apartment, ditching your stained top in a nearby trash can. “Man, I really liked that top.” You thought to yourself as your feet hit the pavement, each step getting slower and slower until you pulled yourself up the stairs to your apartment door. 
You stepped in, breathing in the sweet scent of your new home; it was a much better smell than the beer that had infiltrated your nostrils the last few hours. You kicked your shoes off by the door and trudged your way to the bathroom, standing in the mirror once more. It was too late for a shower. You’d deal with it in the morning, you decided. You had gotten off the sugary drink and the color in Jiseok’s bathroom, and your hair would be fine for a few more hours if it meant you’d get some sleep. You tossed your jeans into your hamper, slipping into your pajama shorts. You hated to admit it, but you were really comfortable in his shirt. You looked in the mirror one last time as you rubbed a makeup wipe over your face, using your free hand to trace the letters on your shirt. You were satisfied with how much makeup you got off, accepting that your skin would hate you in the morning no matter what. You shut the light off and walked to your room, your feet shuffling more and more. 
You threw yourself onto your bed and wiggled your way into a comfortable position, all elements of grace and poise leaving your body. You nuzzled your head into your pillow, your eyes finally shutting for good that night. 
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Hello, hello, hello!! It's been nearly 9 months now that I am running a fan page for Good Omens on Facebook, "Le Belle e Accurate Analisi di Good Omens"! It started with a weekly publication in italian language, on Sundays, with thorough analysis on several aspects of the series, from Psychology to Science, from Sociology to Religion. In August I added another weekly update, on Thursdays, about the Art in the fandom: every week an interview to an artist, an insight on their life and works. So, I decided to translate my posts in English and I see the appeal! This is the reason why I am now carrying on this blog, as well as an AO3 account - both on slow update! But nonetheless, I will have these both working, I promise! I will probably add more social; in that case, I am going to post the complete list here! Enjoy some nice thoughts and artworks, then!
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medsocionwheels · 2 years
Sociology Sunday Lecture Series
New series kicking off today! This one is squarely sociology. You can already find several sample lectures on my YouTube channel (below), but I will now be releasing full unit/topic lectures. Some, like this one, are adapted from previous course lectures. Stay tuned for NEW original content!
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First up: lecture on sociological theory. Here I cover grand theorists like Simmel, Mead, Habermas, and Giddens. Available on YouTube (@MedSociOnWheels or video attachment below), on Facebook (Medical Sociology on Wheels or video link below), and at medsocionwheels.com.
(Edited for privacy purposes; originally created for the undergraduate course, "Development of Sociological Theory")
Watch on YouTube:
YouTube Channel
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Find on my website:
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ericleo108 · 9 months
Blog Navigation 2023
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“The nation's greatness can be judged by how it treats its weakest members.” - Gandhi
Blog Navigation List: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
Last Updated 12/29/2023
I make these navigation posts at the end of the year to give a wrap-up and a look back on the year. I post a long-form Update every sunday to YouTube that ends up being in my Friday song release blog post. (You can find the Sunday Update YouTube playlist here.) My book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” is still fundamental in understanding my story, perspective, and the content I talk about here in the blog. I put the cosmic luve log first this time because I think it’s the most relevant. If you actually understand what I’m saying about how these celebrities are reflecting me and I think the coincidences are how Gaia is communicating using them as a vessel, you get it. The only real new treatise editions are to FarmingHumans.com where I came out with a new rendition for the “American Inequality” song release and the “Corporate Rule” album expands upon the public reaction to this in an aggressive tone.
2023 Cosmic Luve posts: (In Chronological Order)
In Last year’s blog navigation (2022), I listed all the cosmic luve entries since the very beginning. This year, I will begin where we left off and the last entry about Taylor Swift’s Folklore.
CosmicLuve.com April 2023 - Sun: In this entry, I give more of a personal update and set goals while relating it to the semantics I’ve been experiencing and previously mentioned. 
CosmicLuve.com July 2023 - The Main Thing: In this entry, I talk about how Emma Watson is the main thing and the reason for all my aspirations, so we can become friends. I talk about her posts on Instagram and relate them as a response to my poem in the Hope Sept 2022 entry. 
CosmicLuve.com August 2023 - Orange: In this entry, I talk about how it appears as if Gaia got me a taco for my birthday. I came to this conclusion after getting semantics from Selena Gomez and Connor Price. 
CosmicLuve.com September 2023 - Bam: In this entry, I introduce Janelle Monae as a cosmic luve and explain how Blue has diabolical plans against Big Carbon. 
CosmicLuve.com November 2023 - Cosmic Bros: In this entry, I induct Connor Price as the first cosmic bro after relating new semantics to the previous entry, Slender Man, Connor’s new “Thrillin” video, and new Hailee Steinfeld reflections. 
CosmicLuve.com December 2023 - Deer: In this entry I give a prophecy by identifying semantics from Gaia that come from Emma Watson being referenced by a deer, a tree, the color purple, etc.
Media and Treatise List:
🏚️FarmingHumans.com 2023 - This was the “American Inequality” song officially released this year and posted as the official Farming Humans 2023 edition. In this post I talk about what socialism is, how money is speech, and how corporations are legal persons and farming humans for labor and money (through consumption).
🎃Corporate Rule Album - The “Corporate rule” album expands upon the information outlined in the “American Inequality” song. The album is a response to that assault on democracy with an Immortal Technique approach. The blog post expands upon how there is a conspiracy of the corporate rich working in unison (using far-right tactics) because it serves their self-interests.
🧾NouveauEconomics.com 2022 - In this post, I talk about how the economy needs to account for what the environment does naturally and give it a monetary value. A start is how certain parts of the environment, like Lake Erie, are being granted personhood. This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at NouveauEconomics.com
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise, I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added to our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise, I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🌲Marijuana Treatise 2021 - Published on April 20th and introduced with a discussion of my personal use, in this essay, I wrote about the versatility of hemp, the immorality and failure of the war on drugs, and the medical benefits of cannabis. 
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - This book is fundamental to understanding me and stands as the foundation in which I build my artistry. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. To survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2022 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. Sentientism explores the belief (whereas knhoeing is the knowledge) that Gaia is conscious and communicating. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting.
📐 Expanding on Plato’s Philosophy: Forms and the Tripartite Soul (2020) - In this treatise, I explain how Plato’s forms are stored and strived for by Gaia and how Plato’s theory about the tripartite soul is similar to my theory about the will.
♟️ Logic - This post is a short introduction to logic. I use quotes and pictures of pages from the book “How Philosophy Works.” The content includes deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning, fallacies, and formal logic. I have also embedded a couple of CrashCourse videos.
🕸️New Release Blog at EricLeo.org - Over the last year I have been releasing at least on the 1st, 3rd, and if there is a 5th Friday of every month if not every week. Each release has its own post in my new release blog which is constantly being updated. The same posts are also here on this Tumblr blog as I post them at the same time. A list of releases is cataloged as follows:
Read 108 - about my book
Vibe on the Wave - catchy intro
Eat The Mind - intellectual rap
Bump This Banger - party music
Cloud 9 - about recreational drugs
Who’s Hip-Hop - my perspective in hip-hop
Black Lives Matter - support for the cause
Smoke Blunts - high intellectual bars
Flossin - dance track
Hey Emma - dance track, made for Emma’s everywhere
Champagne and Chocolate - romance track
Just Us Two - expression on evolution and companionship
Make It Hip-Hop - Homage to favorite artists
My Word - Celebrating 10 years
Gaia and Blue - Expands on “108” book
Love the Mission - the purpose of my music
Hit Me with the Download - a great tune
Talk to Me - romance track about wanting more
Cunnilingus - dating life experience track
Just Dance - dance track
Just Like You - happy expression 
We Dance - play when dancing is a protest
Come On Dawg - what my music stands for
The Villain - playing the role of the villain
Rage - subjects will put you in a rage
Bounce with This - party music inspired by Charlotte
Take Your Medication - Kayne Diss
Gold Shaw Farm - about Morgan and Alyson’s farm on YouTube
Betsy - about the character from Hulu’s “Dopesick”
Bo Peep - political rap about America
Atheist Raps - self-explanatory, rebuke’s Christianity 
Blow Me Up - asking for help with exposure
Michigan Love - romance track about love in Michigan
I Got You - Letter asking for help from my fans
Breaking Bad - Eminem and Dr. Dre homage
Bleed - heartfelt plea about ending mass shootings
Going Gaga - fun romance track with Gaga Gaga-inspired hook
Funk You - response track to Olivia Rodrigo’s “good for you” and “deja vu”
What Now - 6 track EP about and inspired by other artists
Bong Hits For Jesus - about how when you smoke, you smoke with Jesus
Up Wasted - subjects and getting “fucked up wasted”
God Damn - fun and energetic track showing skill
Love You Mom - A thank you to my mother for being a good mom
American Inequality  - about how America is an oligarchy
John Wick - gets out aggression toward sex traffickers
Philosophy 101 - based off Cornel West’s Introduction to Philosophy Masterclass
Yeah We Bang - about American imperialism
Legend - about my feelings toward the music industry
We Make The Party - Party music with global warming bars 
Freaky Naughty - emulating Dr. Dre’s sound with global warming bars
With You - Cmadd feature about riding with your girl
Vulnerable - Selena Gomez response to her song with the same name.
Mitten Kingz - a song with artists representing Michigan
Soldier For Love - a message to keep going out of love
Our Love - a break-up and get back together song
My Everything - how your lover is your everything
Be My Dream - how I want Emma Watson to be my dream come true,
Reputation - A response to Taylor Swift's reputation 
Karma - about your fate in terms of civilization
Corporate Rule - 8-track album in Immortal Technique style
Earth - my hit and best representation of my music
Back to Life - Hailee Steinfeld response and homage. 
Process, People, Product - about Marcus Lemonis 3 P’s business philosophy 
All Homo - An edgy and controversial take on support for the gay community
Cosmic Luve Brownies - A response to Taylor Swift’s Lover album
Praises - a sexually charged song from artists from Kalamazoo Michigan 
Chalice Mixtape side note: “Talk to Me” (2022), “John Wick,” “Be My Dream,” “Reputation,” “Karma,” and the “All Homo” ep, were all remakes from ‘The Chalice Mixtape. “Charlotte’s Web” drops April 15 2023 and the remake for “I Love You” is in production. I will probably never remake “Listen Alice,” “Loyal,” “Problems,” or “The Profit.”
Already uploaded and scheduled to drop in 2024:
Kyle Beats Collective EP - 6 tracks made with free beats from Kyle Beats. Jan. 5th
Check it out - track from the (unofficial) party politics era/album Jan. 19th
Kato & Wysh Album - 7 tracks made with Kato and Wysh beats. Feb. 2nd
The Industry Album - 12 tracks with 14 features some with big names over Anno Domini beats. March 1st
Sun poem - spoken word track I recorded from the Cosmic Love Sept 2022 hope post. March 19
Charlotte’s Web - Emma Watson-inspired track released on her birthday. April 15th
Westside Connection Album - 7 tracks with big name features over Anno Domini beats. May 3
YOU - Song based on John Gottman’s 7 principles for making marriage work. June 7th
Can You Hear Me? - Rap song about global warming and summer heat. June 20th
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gossippool · 16 days
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hi hello welcome! i'm leanne, 21, and i'm from singapore! i study sociology and literature. i'm also @fearandhatred (good omens) || storygraph/letterboxd/discord: auderium
i love talking to people (and in general) so let's be friends <3 dms, asks, and tags are open for anything
#user: gossippool 😝 for all original posts, #gossippool writes for fics, #gossippool draws for art (and here), #gossippool metas for meta-ish posts/headcanons
live laugh love hawkeye vol. 4 and deadpool vol. 5
all things weird and freaky and gory <3
my marvel babygirls: tony stark, wade wilson, logan howlett, james rhodes, clint barton, bruce banner, matt murdock
others: crowley, kaz brekker, din djarin, luke skywalker, abed nadir, jesse pinkman, taylor swift, ethel cain, bo burnham
musicals: the phantom of the opera, hedwig and the angry inch, the book of mormon, the sound of music, falsettos, hamilton
usual DNIs + i reblog nsfw + i do not follow accounts that don't post (mainly marvel or at all) or interact with others
posts about newly released (2 weeks) movies/shows will be tagged #[name] spoilers. currently tagging for: agatha all along
---MY FICS <3---
(ao3 | tracking #gossippool writes)
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good omens fics and poetry + my magnum opus
xoxo, gossippool (poolverine collection):
q: how do you make an onion cry? (5.3k words, 1/1 chapter)
There are many things Wade brushes off, but words hit different when they come from someone you might probably definitely love. With time, Logan begins to unpeel Wade's many, many layers, and finds a man underneath it all.
diner blues and birthdays (1.5k words, 1/1 chapter)
Logan has some revelations about Wade in the void's diner that he refuses to acknowledge. A year later, they revisit that moment in another '50s diner down the block—this time, with a celebration.
sunday morning synesthetics (6k words, 1/1 chapter)
That's who Wade is, Logan realises, pulling him in even tighter: a man who fights like it makes him feel alive, and loves like he's dying.
An old ghost comes back to haunt Wade, who infiltrates all of Logan's senses like tar.
ignore this section this is to keep track of my reblog tags
movie + character (if applicable) + category // actor + franchise (mcu)
art, textpost, meta, hc, comic, edit, fanfic, gifset, photoset, misc, poll, mutuals 😛
movie tags: d1, d2, dw, xm, mcu (im1, im2, ca1, etc.)
characters: first names
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jerzwriter · 1 year
OK, I saw Barbie, and I'm having an existential crisis. I feel like Barbie did; I'm feeling things, and I understand some of those feelings, but I'm so confused about others. I feel uneasy, and I know some things will hit me in a day or two after they simmer a bit.
I already knew it was deeper than what you'd expect a "Barbie" movie to be walking in. But it hits points that left me breathless. There are some things I would have liked to see done a little differently, there are others that I'm just in awe of the brilliance. I'm still processing it, and I will be for days. That's the sign of a great movie. I think this will be analyzed in psychology, sociology, and film classes for years to come.
As to those who are butthurt over the movie? I could say a lot, but some people are never comfortable with the truth, and those usually aren't typically good people to surround yourself with.
My daughter saw it Sunday and came to see it again with me tonight. I told her I planned on seeing it again very soon. She said that's exactly how she felt. Wow... gotta give it to Greta and all involved... they created something special.
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chickensarentcheap · 6 months
seven sentence sunday
I was tagged by @asirensrage :). Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
I am tagging: @themaradwrites @munstysmind @mrsmungus @thebejeweledwatercat
Her eyes widen; the heat in her cheeks and the tips of her ears increasing.
“There. Feel better? Now you’re not alone.  We’re BOTH embarrassed.” He reaches for his beer; the fingertips of his free keeping that small, innocent contact with the side of her forearm. “So what DO you know? About me.”
“More than you realize.”
“You were born in  Port Douglas.  A little town in Queensland. You were an only child; your father worked in construction and your mother was a homemaker.  But she taught right up until shortly before you were born;  home economics and sociology were her specialties.  She even won Queensland Teacher of the Year.  Twice in a row.”
“How do you know all of this? How…?”
“Come on now…”  Her eyes sparkle mischievously.  “...a woman has to have SOME secrets.”
My peeps: @tragiclyhip @youflickedtooharddamnit @secretaryunpaid @alisbackalleybbq @residentdormouse @kmc1989 @ninjasawakenedmystar and anyone/everyone else that reads/supports :)
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theghostofashton · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
thank you for the tags @carlos-in-glasses @bonheur-cafe @lemonlyman-dotcom @reyesstrand <3
“Are you going to the library?” Carlos pauses with his hand on the doorknob and turns his head to look at him. He nods slowly, a confused expression on his face. Probably because TK’s never awake at this hour, let alone speaking to another human being. “Can I come?” “You… want to come to the library with me?” Carlos asks. “Yeah.” “Why?” Carlos says, and then seems surprised he did. “I mean, I don't- You don’t really-” He cuts himself off, looking embarrassed and a little upset. “Sorry.” TK has to force himself not to smile. “It’s okay. I know, I’m not a big library person. And especially not on Sundays.” “I’m just going to study,’ Carlos tells him. “I have my sociology midterm next week.” “Can I study with you?” TK asks. “I’m kinda behind on reading for my climate change class.” A lie, but Carlos will definitely believe it. The beginnings of a smile start on Carlos’s face. “If you want.”
i'll tag @sanjuwrites @paperstorm @lightningboltreader and leave an open tag for anyone else who wants to share!
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iftitah · 2 months
okay so 3 weeks in college has started collegeing thoda bht. i've been selected into 2 committees abhi tak, cultural + the ngo. and they're both v active so it's cool plus 15 august is coming soon. i'm drowning in projects and pprs and research work 😔😔 how can they expect a literal baby to do all that like make it sense bhai it's only been 13 days for me 😔 anyways the campus is v green and it has a lot of snakes too. mess is BAKWAS except aloo poori (my love). my steps went from 10 to more than 8000 per day in a month. like that's proper crazy. anyways some people are nice here some are mean and rude and shit and all the bad words u can think of. i DO NOT understand sociology bhai pta hi nhi kya chal rha hai mereko rona aa gya tha pehle din. seniors are v cool too they're helpful and nice except obv a few. sir maam wala culture hai plus jis din meri intro hui uske agle din someone complained so it's like proper banned now 😔 even tho it was sm fun. i got termed as the storyteller even tho i was making half the shit up just so they could think i'm good at that😭 also made us imitate trains and phatak + basic wali cheeze it was nice plus weather was good too. i have to go to mess now for dinner and i don't want to kyunki its literally like you've told a 5 yr old to cook 🙏 can't wait for sunday also i'm surviving on 5 hours of sleep 😋
im so proud of you that seems a lot honestly but it's just your very regular college life sigh there's always going to be that one person that complains instead of enjoying like damn learn some tolerance and all the things you don't understand maybe just give it some time? once stuff is done it starts coming in full circle until then enjoy the nice weather and take lots of sleep whenever you can <3
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