#Quiz on animal habitats
cleverrabbitsworld · 5 months
Wild Wonders: Animal Facts for Students
Animal kingdom opens up a world of discovery and amazement. For students with an insatiable curiosity about the creatures that inhabit our planet, here are some Animal facts for students with whom they can increase the wild knowledge for their growth:
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The Mysterious Octopus: Did you know that octopuses are incredibly intelligent creatures? Not only can they change color and texture to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, but they also possess problem-solving skills akin to some primates. These masters of disguise are truly a marvel of the ocean.
The Majestic Bald Eagle: As a symbol of strength and freedom, the bald eagle holds a special place in many hearts. But did you know that these birds of prey have a wingspan of up to eight feet? Their keen eyesight allows them to spot prey from incredible distances, making them formidable hunters of the skies.
The Enigmatic Platypus: Meet the platypus, a creature so unique it baffled scientists when it was first discovered. With a bill like a duck, webbed feet like an otter, and the ability to lay eggs like a reptile, the platypus is a true oddity of nature found only in Australia.
The Agile Cheetah: Known as the fastest land animal, the cheetah can reach speeds of up to 75 miles per hour in short bursts. Their slender bodies and long legs are perfectly adapted for sprinting, allowing them to chase down prey with unparalleled agility. The Social Elephant: Elephants are not only the largest land animals on Earth but also some of the most social creatures. They form tight-knit family groups led by a matriarch and communicate through a complex system of vocalizations, body language, and even infrasound. The animal kingdom is wonders waiting to be discovered.
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qxmei · 1 month
what is your natural habitat?
temperate forest : forests throughout the world which are made up of mostly deciduous trees, & go through the full range of seasons. if this is your home you are likely quick to adapt & hardworking. animals in the temperate forest: deer, squirrels, red panda, black bear, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs, raccoon, owls, sparrows.
quiz by ✶ whirligiga
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jonjaydami · 5 months
So I need to know what animal they think is the batfamilies special interest.
Like we all know they are on the spectrum like look at Bruce. He's a 30 year old man that dresses as a bat and don't get me wrong there are several reasons he dresses as one but it always has something to do with the animal itself and I always think that's funny how it's even used as a joke in several comics, and animated movies/ shows.
So Bruce knows everything about bat's, shape color, species, what food they eat and how they live and even the different culture views on bat's. He could talk all day about it if asked and he always does it with the utmost care. Like he was giving a speech at a gala or speaking to the league.
I think we all know Dicks is obviously Robin's. Cause why else would he choose to be a brightly colored vigilante that's after a bird from the north? I feel like after moving in with Bruce he took a quiz on what bird he would be cause he was studying birds in school and got a Robin and took that to heart as a passion and not only learned everything about a Robin's but that had just become his identity for awhile and he loved it. Bruce when he heard it at first had thought it wouldn't work but after making him his own costume and even watching several videos on the birds he thought it fit his son nicely.
Jason didn't break away from the Robin role and embraces it actually. But he was always way more shy when it came to discussing his favorite. I think he would have a fascination with bugs and snakes and would absolutely be the kid with a spider or a beardy. He once convinced Bruce to get him a baby beardy and then it became an obsession. He had a sweatshirt that even had a cartoonish looking beardy printed on it and he proudly talks about it to any one who asked. Bruce would silently close his eyes and soak in all the information about them he could.
I totally think Tim loves frogs and even sea creatures. He has a tank with shrimp in it and his boyfriend makes fun of him and calls him a shrimp farmer but he also has a tank that has glass frogs in it. It's a huge tank that takes up over half his room and he loves just watching them sleep and even makes cute little tiktoks with them. He always is getting cute things for the habitat and going shopping. He also takes Damian on these trips. Because they both enjoy walking around and even stopping to pet or talk to the people who bring in their dogs. Bruce also enjoys walking into Tim's room and seeing the frogs and shrimp and even says hello to them before leaving again.
Damian is no stranger to having a soft spot for animals but I know he loves cats and dogs. He is definitely a cat person. Alfred the cat is his prized possession and he will proudly take pictures and then draw them. He loves using his animals as drawing references and has multiple books filled to the brim of just them. Sometimes if they are really good he goes to Bruce and asks them to be laminated so he can hang them up in his room because they deserve to be celebrated and respected. He also tells Bruce odd facts about his animals. How Alfred (the cat) specifically likes to sleep on his left side and enjoys being scratched behind his ears the most.
Bruce loves his weird sons because he is weird and for Christmas he always gets them something related to their animals because it's like a bonding experience for them. Some days they don't even talk about anything but their animals but I can imagine them all settling on a couch and out of pure bordem putting on documentaries and spending time just listening and learning. Of course this could also lead into some heated debates about who's animals is the best.
Jason: no you don't understand
Damian: *scoffs* actually Todd you never understood anything
Dick: ok well I set the whole thing for Robin soooo
Tim: oh please you were eight!!
Bruce: I think we are forgetting how bats-
Kids: *groan because they have been hearing about bat's for over half their lives and are tired*
Alfred just walks in and smiles as he sets a pitcher down.
Alfred: actually you are forgetting how important bee's are to the environment. Which is why I plant only the best pollinator friendly flowers
Cue to everyone rioting cause after all this time Alfred has never talked about the fact he is in fact a bee guy. Ever since he started working for the Wayne's they let him have full control of the gardens and he always loved that in the bleak of Gotham he had his own personal eden with the flowers. Bruce's parents also appreciated him for this and would let Alfred do as he pleased when he would passionately talk to them about the bees. Even when they passed away Bruce had always assumed Alfred just did it because he didn't trust anyone else.
Which was part way true but he loves watching them bumble around and bump into each other as he works.
If anyone knows what Duke, steph, and Cass would like please comment or feel free to debate!! Just please remember to be nice and save the bees 🐝
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broken-synchronicity · 5 months
Hello! I almost forgot about TWST game exchange but I present...well it's kind of a game in the way to can interact with it? Remember the 126-question Wizard Maze by tumblr user wizardisananimal? Yeah I do lets make Malleus do it I think he could do it. Man has the extraordinary ability to go along with any kind of bits ever.
I dunno about anyone else to be honest. Wizard is an animal and mazes are their habitats <|:•)
I've literally never heard of this wtf
I mean, I've seen that particular site before but not that particular.... quiz?????
But yes, I agree, let's let Malleus do it. He would absolutely find it puzzling and a bit charming. Lilia too for the hell of it. Everyone else would get frustrated, but I think Idia and Azul might try to do it out of sheer spite. Their prides' are on the line here!
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iamhussainialvi · 9 months
The Miniature Mischief Makers: Finger Monkeys of the Amazon
Finger Monkeys: Nature's Pocket-Sized Primates with a Big Personality
‍ Bio: I'm Muhammad Faisal Hussaini, an artist with a passion for nature's hidden wonders. Today, I'm taking you on a journey into the heart of the Amazon to meet the captivating finger monkeys!
️ Summary: Dive into the enchanting world of finger monkeys, the pint-sized primates who charm us with their playful antics, curious nature, and surprising adaptations. Discover their unique social structure, fascinating family dynamics, and the threats they face in their rainforest home.
️ Label: Animal Kingdom, Primates, Amazon Rainforest, Conservation
What's on Mind: Have you ever seen a monkey so small it could fit in your palm? That's the magic of the finger monkey! Their tiny size and nimble fingers make them expert treetop acrobats, zipping through the canopy with acrobatic grace. But their charm goes beyond their size. These inquisitive creatures have complex social lives, forming strong family bonds and communicating through a range of vocalizations.
Description: Imagine a primate no bigger than a squirrel, with fur as soft as velvet and eyes that sparkle with mischief. That's the finger monkey, a resident of the Amazon rainforest with a personality as big as its oversized ears. Their prehensile tails act as fifth limbs, allowing them to swing through the branches with acrobatic ease. Their diet consists mainly of fruits and insects, which they skillfully pluck with their surprisingly dexterous fingers.
❔ Quiz:
What is the scientific name for finger monkeys? (Hint: Think "dwarf spider")
How many fingers do finger monkeys have on each hand and foot? (Bonus points for knowing the scientific term!)
‍️ Answers:
What is the main threat to finger monkey populations in the Amazon?
Four on each hand, five on each foot (pentadactyl)
Habitat loss due to deforestation and illegal pet trade
Hashtags: #FingerMonkeys #AmazonRainforest #PrimateConservation #TinyButMighty #CuriousCritters #NatureWonders #ConservationHeroes
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cleanearthfunfacts · 1 year
Welcome to the Climate Change Quiz!
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This quiz will test your knowledge about climate change and provide you with insightful facts and tips on how you can contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's get started!
Question 1: What is the main cause of climate change?
a) Volcanic activity
b) Solar radiation
c) Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities
d) Natural climate cycles
Question 2: Which greenhouse gas is primarily responsible for global warming?
a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b) Methane (CH4)
c) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
d) Ozone (O3)
Question 3: What is the term used to describe the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature?
a) Global warming
b) Climate change
c) Ozone depletion
d) Acid rain
Question 4: How does deforestation contribute to climate change?
a) By releasing greenhouse gases during forest fires
b) By reducing the Earth's carbon sink
c) By destroying habitats for animal species
d) By increasing water pollution
Question 5: Which of the following is an example of a renewable energy source?
a) Coal
b) Natural gas
c) Solar power
d) Nuclear power
Question 6: What is the largest source of marine pollution?
a) Plastic waste
b) Oil spills
c) Industrial waste
d) Sewage and wastewater
Question 7: What is the concept of "reduce, reuse, recycle" aimed at?
a) Conserving water resources
b) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
c) Minimizing waste generation
d) Promoting sustainable agriculture
Question 8: How can individuals reduce their carbon footprint?
a) Eating a plant-based diet
b) Using public transportation
c) Conserving energy at home
d) All of the above
Question 9: What is the significance of the Paris Agreement?
a) It aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius
b) It encourages countries to transition to renewable energy sources
c) It promotes international cooperation to address climate change
d) All of the above
Question 10: What is the role of forests in mitigating climate change?
a) They absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis
b) They provide habitats for endangered species
c) They regulate water cycles and prevent floods
d) All of the above
Great job! Now let's check your answers and provide you with some insights.
Answer 1: c) Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities
Insight: Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to climate change.
Answer 2: a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Insight: Carbon dioxide is the most prevalent greenhouse gas and is primarily responsible for global warming.
Answer 3: a) Global warming
Insight: Global warming refers to the long-term increase in the Earth's average temperature, largely due to human activities.
Answer 4: b) By reducing the Earth's carbon sink
Insight: Deforestation reduces the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, contributing to increased greenhouse gas concentrations.
Answer 5: c) Solar power
Insight: Solar power is a renewable energy source that harnesses the sun's energy to generate electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions.
Answer 6: a) Plastic waste
Insight: Plastic waste is a major contributor to marine pollution, posing significant threats to marine life and ecosystems.
Answer 7: c) Minimizing waste generation
Insight: The concept of "reduce, reuse, recycle" aims to minimize waste generation and promote resource conservation.
Answer 8: d) All of the above
Insight: Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by adopting multiple actions, such as eating a plant-based diet, using public transportation, and conserving energy at home. These actions collectively contribute to mitigating climate change.
Answer 9: d) All of the above
Insight: The Paris Agreement is a landmark international agreement that aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, encourages countries to transition to renewable energy sources, and promotes international cooperation to address climate change.
Answer 10: d) All of the above
Insight: Forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change. They absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, provide habitats for endangered species, regulate water cycles, and help prevent floods.
Congratulations on completing the Climate Change Quiz! You now have a better understanding of climate change and ways to contribute to a more sustainable future. Remember to apply these insights to your daily life and encourage others to join in creating a greener and more sustainable world. Together, we can make a difference!
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raurackl · 1 year
Micky Mouse - Trading Card - Funny Animals - Polar Bear
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This mighty animal knows no enemies. With a body length of up to 2 1/2 meters and its enormous strength, the polar bear is sure of its superiority. Its habitat is the seas covered with drift ice in the northern hemisphere. And he's perfectly adapted to them: his thick white fur immediately drains water, serves as camouflage, collects even the slightest heat from the sun and insulates body heat. The huge paws serve as snowshoes and, thanks to the webbed toes, make excellent flippers. In this way, the polar bear effortlessly covers long distances in its search for prey. Therefore, despite intensive research, no one knows how many polar bears there are. Estimates vary between 7,000 to 20,000 wild animals.
Quiz - Question
1 The weight of polar bear is up to...
A - 300 kg
B - 500 kg
C - 1000 kg
2 They live ...
A - as pack animals
B - as loners
C - in pairs
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francesca925 · 5 months
Blog 4
Based on the New Forest artifact, which was initially conceived, I started a new round of thinking, and I came up with a good idea about promoting and applying it, with the ultimate goal of hoping that more and more people will spread more knowledge about endangered species in this way, and thus raise their awareness of the need to conserve biodiversity and protect the environment:
Overview: Based on Matt's poster about the artifacts, and taking on board the opinions of the two professors, I think it is possible to add a QRcode to the poster, scan it and have a video on the welcome page as well as create a virtual New Forest web-based game, designing a few segments, such as "Helping Animals to Find Their Way Home", "Foraging for Food", "Finding the Way Home", and so on. "Foraging for food" and answering questions with rewards for passing, as detailed below:
New Forest
Promotion and publicity:
(online and offline interaction)
Offline: -Lecture; 1'30s introductory and promotional video about the endangered animals in the park.
-Campus stage: (1) Poster display (with QR code), calling on students and teachers to complete the game challenges in the QR code to get rewards;
(2) Set up a question-and-answer session on animal protection knowledge, and you can get a gift if you answer correctly.
-Poster QR Code content:
1. Welcome page after scanning: 1'30s introductory and promotional video about the endangered animals in this park.
2. Name of the game: Eco Messenger
Objective: To educate players about the habits of endangered animals and the importance of biodiversity conservation by completing interactive tasks.
(1) Game Segment
-Starting Interface: At the beginning of the game, players will first see a short introductory video introducing the mission of the park and the purpose of the game. As well as a demonstration of the operation of the guidelines, players click on "Start Game" to enter the interface for selecting animals.
-Selecting Animals: Players can swipe across the screen to select the animals they want to learn about and help.
Each animal has a short description next to it, including its endangered status, habits and the protection measures it needs.
(2) Task Module: each animal has customised tasks, such as:
-Food finding: the player helps the animal to find the right food in the virtual environment.
-Habitat Building: Choose the right habitat elements to build a safe home for the animal.
-Knowledge Quiz: Complete simple multiple choice questions about animal habits and ecological conservation to earn extra points.
(3) Points and Rewards
-For each completed task, the player earns 10 points.
When they reach 100 points, players receive a virtual badge that proves they are an "Eco-Envoy".
-Points can be used to unlock more information about the animals or to enter a prize draw for physical prizes (e.g. animal dolls, customised mugs).
(4) Sharing function:
After completing a mission, players can share the achievement on social media and earn extra points for each share. The sharing interface provides preset promotional images and links for players to share with one click.
-Online: social media posts, pitching to official media
Format: Post: Copy + Video + Game URL + QR CODE + Poster
The role of promotion and application choosing online + offline forms are:
(1) Educate the public: effectively enhance public knowledge and awareness of biodiversity conservation through games and videos.
(2) Enhance community participation: Through offline activities and online interactions, it enhances community cohesion and promotes exchanges and co-operation among schools and community members.
(3) Encouragement of sustained participation: Through the points and rewards system, motivate people to sustain their participation and spread the message of animal protection.
The game can continue to be developed to establish more simulation scenarios located in different countries, regions, and environments, adding more information and knowledge about endangered species protection and reflecting a certain degree of sustainability;
(4) Increase the visibility of the project: utilize social media and official media pitches to increase the exposure of the project and attract more support and funding.
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chloeschoolblog · 5 months
Jungle Theme: Science
Jungle Theme: Science
Objective: Improve understanding about jungle ecosystems and basic plant science; encourage observation skills and critical thinking.
Seeds and soil
Magnifying glasses
Animal and plant flashcards
Jars for observation
Chart paper for recording observations
Model insects and leaves
Illustration materials (colored pencils, markers, paper)
Educational videos on jungle ecosystems
8:00 - 8:30 AM: Jungle Introduction
Activity: Begin with a story about a day in the life of a jungle explorer. Use graphic and vivid descriptions to paint a picture of the diverse jungle environment.
During the discussion, talk about the different types of plants and animals that thrive in jungle ecosystems, using visuals and props to make it interactive.
8:30 - 9:30 AM: Life Cycle of Plants
Activity: Plant seeds in clear jars with layers of soil and label each jar with the plant type. Discuss the stages of plant growth from seed to sprout to flowering.
Learning Goal: Understand the life cycle of plants and the conditions necessary for growth, like sunlight, water, and nutrients.
9:30 - 10:30 AM: Recess
10:30 - 11:30 AM: Jungle Habitat Matching
Activity: Using animal and plant flashcards, create a matching game where students pair animals with their correct habitats. Discuss why each animal is suited to its specific environment.
Learning Goal: Learn about biodiversity and the importance of different habitats within the jungle.
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 PM: Observing Insects and Leaves
Activity: Provide students with magnifying glasses to examine different types of leaves and model insects. Discuss the role of insects in the ecosystem, such as pollination and decomposition. Give them the role of scientists observing the outside environment.
Learning Goal: Develop observational skills and an understanding of the components of jungle ecosystems.
1:00 - 1:30 PM: Animal Adaptations
Activity: Engage students in an interactive drawing session where they choose an animal and illustrate how it has adapted to its environment. For example, drawing a frog with large eyes for better night vision.
During the discussion, you can explore the concept of adaptation in more detail, discussing how physical and behavioral traits help animals survive.
1:30 - 2:00 PM: Review and Wrap-up
Activity: Recap the day’s activities with a science quiz based on the observations and facts learned. Use a jungle-themed board game layout where students move forward by answering questions correctly.
For a discussion, you can emphasize the key ideas about the lesson and jungle ecosystems, discussing how each part of the ecosystem is connected and why biodiversity is necessary for a healthy environment.
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engagedgames01 · 10 months
Roars, Purrs, and Paws: Exploring the Enchanting World of Animal Interactive Games
In the ever-expanding realm of digital entertainment, animal interactive games have carved out a special niche, capturing the hearts of players young and old. These games transcend mere amusement, offering immersive experiences that allow players to connect with the animal kingdom in delightful and educational ways. This article embarks on a journey into the enchanting world of animal interactive games, exploring their diverse appeal and the magic they bring to screens worldwide.
Virtual Zoos and Wildlife Adventures: Animal interactive games transport players to virtual zoos and wildlife reserves, allowing them to explore diverse ecosystems and encounter a myriad of creatures. From majestic lions to playful dolphins, these games offer a close-up view of wildlife behavior, habitats, and conservation efforts. The ability to interact with virtual animals fosters a sense of connection and environmental awareness.
Educational Exploration: Many animal interactive games are designed with educational objectives in mind. These games seamlessly integrate fun and learning, offering insights into animal biology, ecology, and behavior. Players can embark on quests to discover animal facts, solve puzzles, and engage in challenges that deepen their understanding of the natural world.
Pet Simulation Games: For those who dream of having a furry friend but may not have the means to care for a real pet, pet simulation games offer a delightful alternative. Players can adopt virtual pets, ranging from dogs and cats to more exotic creatures, and engage in activities like feeding, grooming, and playing. These games simulate the joys and responsibilities of pet ownership in a virtual setting.
Animal Racing and Adventure Games: Animal racing and adventure games inject a dose of excitement into the interactive animal kingdom. Whether riding on the back of a swift cheetah, soaring through the skies with majestic eagles, or participating in underwater races with dolphins, these games offer thrilling experiences that showcase the agility and speed of various animals.
Creature Customization and Creation: Unleashing creativity, some animal interactive games allow players to customize and create their own fantastical creatures. From choosing unique combinations of features to selecting vibrant colors, players can design creatures that reflect their imagination. This creative aspect adds an extra layer of engagement to the gaming experience.
Multiplayer Animal Simulators: Multiplayer animal simulators take the interactive experience to the next level by allowing players to collaborate or compete with others in virtual animal worlds. Whether working together to build a virtual habitat or engaging in friendly competitions, these games foster social connections and shared adventures in the animal kingdom.
Augmented Reality (AR) Animal Encounters: With the advent of augmented reality, animal interactive games have evolved to bring virtual creatures into the real world. Through AR technology, players can see and interact with virtual animals overlaid on their physical surroundings, creating a seamless blend of the digital and real worlds.
Conservation-themed Games: Some animal interactive games go beyond entertainment to address real-world conservation challenges. These games simulate scenarios where players take on the role of conservationists, making decisions to protect endangered species, manage ecosystems, and combat environmental threats. Such games promote awareness and instill a sense of responsibility toward wildlife conservation.
For more info:-
disney board games
dog quiz games
cartoon quizzes with answers
printable sports quiz
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mahampsc · 10 months
Sci-Five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On Invasive Species
For Downtown: A view of Water hyacinth and sewage discharge into the Madambakkam lake on Thursday. | Photo Credit: Velankanni Raj_B/The Hindu Q: Why are invasive species harmful? Invasive species are capable of causing the extinction of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats. reducing biodiversity competing…
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juplayworld · 11 months
First Animal Book | Juplay World
Children can set off on an amazing adventure through the animal world with the help of appealing, contemporary artwork, fun text and incredible facts. Clever camouflage, super senses and life in the harshest habitats are just some of the topics covered. Also included is an animal families wall poster, plus a quiz page. Made in India.
baby activity toys
color toys
babies diaper
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ritaguptablog · 1 year
A Thrilling Trip to Delhi's National Zoological Park
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Zoological parks are fun places to spend some time alone or with family. These are different from zoos since wild animals stay in open enclosures instead of cages. It ensures a more well-maintained, compassionate, and enriched environment. These places also facilitate education, conservation, and a basic consciousness of wildlife.
National Zoological Park is one such initiative in a man-made urban landscape. It is home to a huge number of mammals, birds, and reptile species. They breed well under the finest scientific supervision to build a healthy population. You can visit to witness animals in their natural habitat and ignite your curiosity in our furry friends! Look for early morning Port Blair to Delhi flights to spend a day here. Read on for details.
Points of Interest in NZP
Plenty of welfare programs are conducted here for the prosperity of animals. Below are a few most thrilling ones to know before you start exploring:
Animal Exchange: Endangered species are bred to offer them to both national and internal zoos around the world. This is done in exchange with other animals for better health and research.
Veterinary Care: A hospital and a laboratory are present on the campus. Routine check-ups and general treatment of injured, sick, and weak animals are done here.
Conservation Breeding: Endangered species are successfully being bred by scientists as an ‘insurance cover’ to avoid a population loss situation in the future. Asiatic Lion, Sangai Deer, Indian Rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tiger, and Red Jungle Fowl have been targeted.
Research and Monitoring: Scholars come to undertake projects, maintain animal history cards and stud books, nutrition study, parasitology, pathology, and chemical analysis. Other activities like in-house data collection of various animal aspects are done here.
Conservation Education: This is a way to inculcate understanding and empathy towards wildlife. You can learn about natural resources and how to ensure ecological balance.
Memorable Activities
The national park also hosts plenty of exciting events. If you are taking a Port Blair to Delhi flight with kids, check out what is upcoming. Some of the most popular ones here are Global Tiger Day, Wildlife Week, Nukkad Natak, World Heritage Day, Clay Modelling and Rangoli Competitions, Open Wildlife Quiz, Amateur Photography Competition, Wildlife Conservation Film Show, and On Spot Painting. Participating in a few of these can ensure a rewarding and meaningful experience.
Quick Facts
The park timings are 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. Ticket prices vary for kids, adults, senior citizens, and students. You may hire battery-operated cars for a tour. You also have to pay to shoot feature films and documentaries. Wheelchairs are available for free for the physically challenged. You can buy zoo publications of guides books and brochures for some information education.
Tips for a Great Visit
Delhi’s National Zoological Park is meant to sensitise animal awareness. Try to avoid feeding and teasing, plucking flowers, playing loud music, and bringing polythene packets. Following these simple guidelines can ensure a pleasant visit.
The zoological park remains open all through the year. Plan well and enjoy an exhibition of more than 1,700 specimens with at least 185 unique species before heading back home to Delhi to Port Blair flights.
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quizz-creator · 1 year
Quiz Creator
Fish play a vital role in ecosystems, both as prey for other animals and as predators themselves. They also help maintain the health of aquatic habitats by removing waste and controlling populations of other aquatic organisms. However, many fish populations are threatened by overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction, making conservation efforts important for the health of aquatic ecosystems and the survival of many fish species.
What Type of Fish Am I
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3.1 Process The student presents a process that led to a design concept of which they are the author, and explains the various parts, design decisions and iterations that characterize it. 
In this chapter I'll introduce the process of project S - Rewilding disused bridges. We created a concept and a prototype of a VR experience called The Hedgehog Experience.
The goal of our VR experience is to teach the children what the effect is of making a road through the habitat of a hedgehog and make people aware, that about 355,000 hedgehogs die every year from roadkills in the UK alone. It draws their attention to the important work that Animex is doing, by building wildlife bridges.
WEEK 1: On the first week we got to know each other, because we haven't worked together before. We wrote a team contract and made a timetable, when we will do the work regarding the project. Then we got to know the brief and already came up with questions like: What is rewilding? Why is it important? Research about existing bridges or underpasses, how do they look? What is the location of the bridge? Do we have the freedom to design the experience or do they want to focus on a specific project that they already have? What is the goal that they expect us to achieve in 4 weeks?
After the first meeting with our client we decided that we will not going to "rewild" the bridge, but create something that will make awareness of the danger that roads create in the animals life.
WEEK 2: We decided that our target group is anyone who wants to learn about wildlife. Our goal is to be aware of the problem of animals in wildlife and to create something that is feasible in a couple of weeks that we have. Then we were brainstorming ideas together, but we were stuck a little bit so we decided to do a crazy 8 to speed up the ideation process. A few idea we were considering: a game when the user is the animal and have to cross the bridge. A big screen where are animals and they run away when they see a human, but the user have to make them come back by completing tasks. Doing a quiz and with all the good answers a part of the bridge will be build. The user is the animal and have to experience the difficulties of them by crossing a busy road. We decided that we go further with the idea, when the user is experiencing the point of view of the animal and we had to do research regarding this idea. We divided the the research by 4 topics to the 4 of us. Lidwien was getting the information about the hedgehog and the wildlife. Sjoerd was searching already existing games and experiences, that can inspire us. Sara was getting more information about VR and which software is the best for us to use. I was searching about the environment, that we have to build for example how the forest looks like, what sounds can we hear, what type of animals are there.
WEEK 3: We had our first meeting with Code d'Azur (our mentor agency) and to prepare for the meeting we made a Get-Who-To-By exercise. Together with them we decided to go to a direction that we are recording videos and sound and we need to come up with an interesting storyline to engage the users. It also came out that it is probably not feasible to make a VR 3D built, due to nobody had ever worked with these types of software. We found it more valuable to make a good product that shows the impact well than to make a product whose quality is not quite right and therefore does not fully realize the impact. Therefore we went with a 2d video, because we felt it would reach the same point as a 3D environment. The idea is to create an impactful video switching the POV between being a hedgehog and being human. The storyline would start with a hedgehog who is living in it's environment going from A to B for food. The image is blurry and we hear the sound of the forest. There is a voiceover during the video, maybe personalize the hedgehog or from a 3rd person's view. Then next image is from a car on the highway, showing the road, probably from the back seat (where kids are seated). We humans build and use the highway to go from A to B, but it is so common to us we are not even thinking about that achieving our goal is affecting animals achieving their goal. Image is clear, sound of the radio or music, we are sitting in the car. The 3rd image is the hedgehog again, wants to go back on the same road but the is a highway crossing it's path. Image is blurry, huge objects (cars) are passing very fast, everything is very loud.
We had some questions coming up like: How can we achieve the best quality? What tools should we use? How should we tell the story eg: voiceover, conversations, texts? How to record sound in good quality? Where should we make the videos?
Reflecting on it with input from teachers, we agreed that a video alone does not trigger children enough, because they have a shorter attention span and we would like to play in to that. Together with Code d'Azur we brainstormed on different ways to keep attention en came up with a more feasible solution to use VR: VR imaging.
WEEK 4: We had came up with a plan that we had to achieve in a bit more than a week. We had to rent and test the camera, figure out the scenes, shoot the scenes with the 360-camera, come up with a name for the experience, come up with a tagline, draw the UX, build the platform in A-Frame, write the script for the voiceover, record voiceover and put everything together in A-Frame and after all test it. We came up with a storyline, that we will guide the user through the adventure of Bernie the hedgehog. From the human POV the user can hear facts about the hedgehog and from the hedgehog POV Bernie will tell about his adventure of going to his friends birthday and what difficulties he has to face because of the roads in the middle of his living environment. We divided the rest of the tasks. I went back to Hungary for this week and I shoot all the 360 images, because here is a forest very close to my parents house, that looks like the one in the UK, where the wildlife bridge of Animex is. I also made a prototype in Figma for the UX. I recorded the audios in the forest and next to the road and footages to the video we had to provide for the presentation.
At the end we put together everything for the exhibition and we had to make a video that presents our idea and design decisions. I suggested to make it together, because I had a vision how can it be aesthetic and the layout should match with the whole concept. Sjoerd basically made it all by himself without consulting with the rest of the team and when I commented it he basically felt that if we don't go with his video then it was a waste of time. I was very frustrated, because the quality of the video was not something I would ever provide. I asked him to change at least the stupid mistakes in the video like using 4 different fonts in it, which he did, but at the end I still wasn't satisfied with the result of the video.
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raurackl · 1 year
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Walt Disney - Micky Mouse Trading card - animal children - The little Tiger
Of all the animal children, the young tigers stay the longest with their mothers. About the age of eleven Months are they allowed to go hunt by themselves for the first time, but then stay - esspecially in the northern, colder habitats of the tiger - upto five years long with their mother.
After a gestation period of about three months, most of the time two or three cubs are born. Even the fathers are taking loving care of their little ones. Often the mother will have to chase them away from the family later on, when new cubs are born.
Captured at an early age or raised in captivity tigers can become very tame and clingy and are very docile at dressages. As man-eating predators tigers were pursued and exterminated without mercy for years, although they are generally shy and hide in the inpenetrable undergrowth. Nowadays tigers belong to the animals most threatened by extinction.
Quiz - Question
1. The tiger with the darkest furr is called...
A - Aral-tiger
B - Amur-tiger
C - Island-tiger
2. The rarest predator is the Kaspi-Tiger. He lives in....
A - Persia
B - Afghanistan
C - Caucasus
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