hii! wanted to say if ties are bothering you, on web (either phone browser or desktop) you’re able to a single decimal place! for example, as of sending this ask, toko is 50.7% and kokichi is 49.3%.
I'm on the Tumblr app so I don't see percentages with decimals I may ask someone on the web next time because ties may because concerning in the future.
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malkaviian · 2 years
Ngl as much as I'm a hardcore shipper and is quite easy for me to quickly found OTPs and various ships in fandoms, the only exception to that rule so far has been OFF
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magalhaessims · 8 months
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Fresh and renewed! One of my very first builds, now with a modern twist! The Thirsty Cactus Diner is the ideal destination for those seeking a brief escape, where you can unwind and savor the perfection of a robust cup of black coffee. Also, I've just created my very first Speed Build Video on YouTube! If you appreciate this type of content, be sure to check it out. I hope you enjoy the video!
Lot Type: Cafe | Bar | Restaurant
Size: 30x20 
World: Oasis Springs 
Enable bb.moveobjects before placing in your game!
Origin ID: MagalhaesSims (remember to enable custom content on!) DOWNLOAD
NOTE: For convenience, some of the CC is included in the Download Folder. Please put it in your Mods Folder along with the CC linked below.
Amoebae: GF Horizontal Slats & Vertical Beans | Vintage Dining Set | Plastered Style || AroundTheSims4: Diner | Paris (Bench) | Restaurant || AwingedLlhama: Nostalgia Living (Blinds) || Charly Pancakes: Chalk (Kitchen Clutter) || TheClutterCat: BubbleGum | Dandy Diary (Glasses) || Felixandre: Colonial | Paris | Soho || Harrie: Halcyon Kitchen | Klean | Spoons || HouseOfHarlix: Baysic Bathroom | Baysic || LittleDica: Delicious Kitchen | Greasy Goods | Rise&Grind | Summer Party || Max20: Cozy Bathroom | Dining Room Kit | Kitchen Appliances | Poolside Lounge (Plants) || Peacemaker-ic: Creta Kitchen (Mini Frigde) || Pierisim: Coldbrew | David Apartment | Domaine Du Clos | Pantry || RVSN: ShopChef Consumables || Simkoos: Clutter Dump || SixamCC: Private Schools (Fire Alarm) || SurelySims: Kitchen Of Tomorrow | Office Space || Syboulette: Crossfit Reborn (Wall Digital Clock) || Taurus Design: Lilith Chillin’ Areas: Coffee Corner || Zx-Ta: Painting | Retro Diner
The CC Sets above are the main ones I used to decorate this specific building and you can find all the links to the creators’ sites on my Resource Page. However, if you can’t find something specific, you can send me a WCIF and I’ll try to help you find it!
If you want a more immersive experience with this lot, I highly suggest downloading LittleMsSam’s Auto Employees Mod. With this mod, NPCs will automatically work at the lot, once you place the correct object for them to appear.
Make sure to read all the information available on the mods pages in order to make it work properly in your game!
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My content will always be free and right away available to everyone, but if you want to, you can show your support through my Ko-Fi Page. Your donation will always be much appreciated!
Thank you for reblogging: @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @mmfinds @s4realtor @coffee-houses-finds and everyone else for helping me boost this post!
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - I Don't Need You
A/N – Since the first chapter got comments and actual reblogs, surprise, surprise, I was motivated to continue. See, Tumblr? This is how it works. I respond to instant validation.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You looked around the dusty hallway that comprised the main entrance to Lucifer’s manor. Yikes, Charlie was right; he really did need a cleaner. You doubted that was her main motivation for placing you in her father’s care but looking at the layers of thick dust and brimstone coating downstairs, you could see it hadn’t been used in a long time.
Lucifer watched you sceptically. Ideally, he would have liked to leave you to find your own way around, but he didn’t want to be accused of not trying by Charlie, should you call her and state that Lucifer was straight up ignoring you.
With that in mind, he bade you to follow him with a wave of his arm and gave you a half-arsed tour of each room, during which he would energetically state its name, and occasionally pepper in a fact if he felt like it and then hurry along.
“Parlor one, dining room, parlour two, library, parlour the… you know what, we have a lot of those, if you see a room with chairs and a fireplace, assume it’s a parlour. Moving on, bathroom, closet, like the parlour situation, there are lots of bathrooms and closets. Kitchen, which is always stocked by the way, so I don’t have to shop,” He muttered a sentence about the Hell of going out there, and then he was back to his bubbly self, rushing you through the rest of the tour, “Games room, spa, my room – don’t go in there – and here, among the unnecessary number of bedrooms, is your room.”
Although every room in the manor was lavish by Hell’s standards, Lucifer had sneakily pre-worked a bit of his magic to make yours somewhat undesirable. It was still large and had all the fixings, but now, it was dirty, damp, and there would always be an underlying scent of slightly rotten milk, that was just noticeable to annoy anyone, yet not something so offensive that he could be blamed for causing it.
The now slightly squalid room wasn’t Lucifer’s way of being petty and cruel; it was just that he wanted you to leave, and that would only happen if you had a reason to. You should go back to the Hotel where you belonged; better yet, you should just head to a different part of Hell where neither he nor his daughter would have to look at your disgustingly human face… A face that, though nothing like Lilith’s, reminded Lucifer of his wife since there was nobody else even remotely like her except for their daughter and now, unfortunately, you.
The simple fact of the matter was that Lucifer was just waiting for you to start demanding things of him, or Charlie. It would likely start with something small, like changing rooms, then if he gave you an inch, you would take a mile, and soon you would demand he use his Angelic Powers to serve you in seemingly impossible ways.
One way or another, the room was a test. You would either see it and leave in search of greener pastures or a better deal elsewhere, leeching off whoever would give you the time of day, or you would stay and start giving orders; either way, Lucifer would be able to return to his daughter with proof that sinners were the problem, not him.
You stepped into the room, accidentally kicking up a cloud of dust that made you sneeze.
After a minute, you turned to Lucifer, “Thank you for the room. It’s lovely.”
Lucifer held back a grimace as you had the audacity to smile at him.
“Great,” He replied in a strained tone, “Just perfect. So, I’ll uh, leave you to get settled in and-”
Just then a portal opened over the canopy bed and two packed suitcases landed there, courtesy of Charlie. Lucifer tasted his daughter’s magic in the air and sighed resignedly; whatever Charlie had planned she wasn’t backing down from what she likely thought was a good idea.
“Right on time,” Lucifer commended the fine timing of his daughter, and even though he was clearly uncomfortable with her plan to give him company, he did seem genuinely proud of her expert timing; then again, he was proud of anything she chose to do even if he didn’t always understand what it was she was doing.
“Great,” He repeated somewhat tiredly. Then he forced himself to smile. It was important that you would see him happy so that Charlie would hear about it later. “You go ahead and unpack. I’m going to do some very important work.”
The sentiment of ‘Don’t disturb me!’ hung in the air, unspoken, but obviously there.
Once Lucifer left, you flopped down on your bed, thinking about all you had seen. You checked your phone, finding several texts from Charlie, progressively getting more impatient as she awaited your reply with a somewhat hyper-anxious anticipation; it seemed the apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree.
‘How was your arrival?’
‘Did you get the grand tour?’
‘Which room did he put you in?’
‘I bet it was the Rococo room.’
‘Oh no, he didn’t put you up in my old room, did he? That would be so EMBARRASSING!!!’
‘Wait, why aren’t you replying?! PLEASE TELL ME HE’S BEING NICE TO YOU!’
‘I can come over if you need me to.’
‘Did your bags get there okay?’
You smiled and decided to put Charlie out of her misery. Your phone alerted you that she was already writing another message, but as soon as you started to compose one of your own, the notification that she was typing disappeared.
‘The tour was fine. Lucifer has been nothing but polite,’ and frazzled, you thought, though you omitted that part from the text; it was best that Charlie didn’t have anything extra to worry about while preparing for her meeting with Heaven.
‘My room is also amazing btw. I don’t know about Rococo or whatever, but it’s certainly stunning, and judging by the lack of stuffed animals and probably cheesy posters, I’m guessing it isn’t your old room.’
You really meant that. While your room was in need of a good cleaning, and there was a slightly off odour, it was indeed beautiful with its lacquered wooden floors, rich velvet drapes (Hell-Red of course) and lustrous emerald wallpaper. It was one of the most beautiful places you had ever seen, especially since arriving in Hell, not long dead after… the incident.
You removed your thoughts far from the grim memory of your death, not wanting to relive your demise. It never did any good to think of such things, and you had to wonder whether all Demons fixated on the manner in which they perished. Perhaps some were lucky enough to die in their sleep or get hit by a bus; at least the latter would be quick, and the former peaceful.
Moreover, you also believed the other part of your text; Lucifer probably kept Charlie’s room as a shrine to her youth. He seemed like the sort of person who was stuck in the past.
Your phone buzzed again, and you expected another message from Charlie, but it was from Angel Dust.
‘When you get the chance, snoop in the Short King’s bedroom and find out what kinky shit he’s into. I’m betting food play. He seems like a whipped cream and apples kind of guy if you catch my drift.’
Betting? He had undoubtedly roped Husk and Nifty into said bet. Husk had likely opted for a safe option like bondage… You didn’t want to know what kind of kinky shit Nifty thought Lucifer was into; that girl was a dark horse.
“Never going to happen,” You murmured to yourself with a chuckle; you would never invade Lucifer’s privacy like that, but Angel’s text had made you laugh and distracted you from your earlier thoughts.
Getting up, you pushed yourself into action and began unpacking both your thoughts and your few clothes and possessions. You lit a scented candle that Angel had gifted you. It was one of his unwanted gifts from Valentino, Blueberry Blowjob. You were glad when the scent filled the air, taking away from what you incorrectly assumed was the faint smell of mildew. The smell didn’t concern you, you had plenty more candles and tea lights with such names as Orange Orgasm, Popcorn Pussy, and Cherry Cum-Shot.
The manner was well furnished, but all of the rooms were neglected. There were seven parlours in total, each matching the theme of one Sin, probably because it would be polite should they ever need to meet with the Royal Family one-on-one. Despite that, they seemingly hadn’t been used in some time, nor had the library or any of the living rooms. You hadn’t seen much of Lucifer’s room as he rushed you past the door, which had only been slightly ajar, but what little you had caught a glimpse of seemed cleaner than the rest of the manor. Did he spend all of his time in there? Alone? That was… It was sad. Lucifer could live well among anyone in Hell, except maybe Alastor, yet he couldn’t see the good in anyone.
Without Charlie and Lilith that must be lonely. How depressing that he had created a kind of personal Hell inside of Hell. You were starting to think that Charlie was right to send you home with him.
Still, it seemed like he needed some time to get used to the idea of company and you had a job to work as his maid. Once you were unpacked, you would seek out the cleaning supplies and get started.
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Lucifer draped himself over his workbench, listlessly toying with a rubber duck. It was one of his worst creations… Couldn’t even breathe fire.
He didn’t even know why he continued to make them. Honestly, he couldn’t think of anything else to make, and it was better to make something than nothing, even if he ended up creating the same thing over and over again, clinging to the memory of how one celestial duck had made Charlie smile.
Her smile was everything. Even Heaven couldn’t take that away, or… Maybe they could, if this meeting went awry. No. Please God, No. Not that. Anything but that. Kill the sinners. Show him the agonising mistake of Free Will for eternity, but he hoped to never see the day that Heaven treated his daughter with the same derision they typically reserved for him.
Lucifer froze, a glower darkening his expression as you knocked on the door.
He had clearly implied that he didn’t want to be bothered. IMPLIED IT! It hadn’t even been one day and you were bothering him.
Lucifer didn’t open the door. He didn’t want you to see inside his room. That was his space and his alone. Yet, he didn’t want any risk of you barging in, so he poofed himself to where you stood outside, using a glamorous entrance to grab your attention.
“Yes?” He said expectantly, leaning forward on his cane, as if leaning closer to you didn’t disturb him half as much as it did.
“Oh,” You blinked back surprise, though you weren’t too shocked seeing how Alastar always snuck up on you at the Hotel in a similarly flamboyant manor. “Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I just wondered if you could tell me where the cleaning products are kept? I would like to get started as soon as I can.”
Cleaning products? Lucifer was stuck on the sentiment as if he’d never heard of such foreign words. Then he seemed to remember, you had been volunteered as his maid. Right… That was Charlie’s way of making him take you.
You waited patiently for a response, having quickly learned that your host tended to drift between a fast-talking façade or thoughtful distractedness. You wished you didn’t have to ask him for help, but after searching three floors and the attic, you had gotten somewhat turned around, and you had no idea where you had already looked; the manor was massive.
Finally, Lucifer seemed to come to and he began boredly examining his hand.
“That won’t be necessary,” He stated demurely.
“It won’t?”
“No. It won’t.”
Behind you, Lucifer caught sight of a portrait of his family. The frame was carved blood-wood harvested from a Tree-Demon who once dared to insult Lilith in Lucifer’s presence. Two winged snakes adorned opposing corners of the portrait. With a lazy wave of his hand, they creaked and snapped, coming to life, and escaping their previous wooden home, leaving only indentations where they used to be. With another magical flourish, they grew slightly and became more life-like, shedding splinters as their new uniforms appeared.
“There, see, two half-sized cleaners. They’ll take care of everything.”
You stared hard at the new servants of the house, somewhat amazed by the show of power; nobody else in Hell could do anything close to creating life, and it seemed that Lucifer didn’t even care that he had such power.
Frankly, Lucifer was upset with his new creations. He had finally strayed from ducks, creating something new for the first time in over a century, and they were still bland. When he had created Razzle and Dazzle for Charlie, he had done everything he could to make them beautiful and unique. These abominations in front of him were cheap copies of that Sir Pentious fellow he had seen at the hotel. He just didn’t have anything left worth creating. There was no point.
Whatever. The snake servants would do their job quietly and obediently. And they’d be more useful and less annoying than Charlie’s reptilian friend.
“Oh, okay. Well, is there anything else you’d like me to do?” You asked, wishing to be useful. “I can cook pretty well, or I could run errands, or-”
“NO!” Lucifer snapped.
“Don’t you get it?! I DON’T NEED YOU.”
Lucifer forced himself to take a calming breath, his gaze downcast so he didn’t have to look at you.
“This is all my daughter’s plan. All you have to do is stay out of my way here and Charlie will be happy. Do you think you can manage that?”
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shaylogic · 4 months
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 2:
Seeing the inside of Charles' Bag of Tricks and learning more about the mechanics of it
Charles running into one/some of the bullies that killed him. They're much older now. Maybe he has realizations about them like Edwin did with Simon. Or maybe they're still scum attacking people, and Charles poltergeist-haunts their asses
Finding out more about how Edwin learned all these languages, magic tools, and supernatural creatures lore. Did he pick it up in Hell or after he got back from it?
On that note, what exactly went down with him in Hell? "--traded to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to something WORSE than a demon!"
Crystal family/ancestor tree realm and powers. I'd love to learn more about each woman at the table, like Avatar past reincarnation life flashbacks
Niko new character love interest?
Mission to help Tragic Mick. Maybe we get to see Sedna?! Crystal could potentially make that happen, since she addressed Lilith and the Forest Spirit.
The Dandelion Sprites/"gods"? become cursed to be mortals and now they have to figure out how to navigate the world as attention-seeking assholes. Maybe they work with Crystal's parents lol
Crystal and Charles really make a go at dating to see if those feelings can really go anywhere, but there ends up being quite a bit of conflict and difficulty. Still, we get lots of nice ship moments in the early half of the season.
Edwin has started accepting and leaning into modern gay culture and tries chatting up guys to distract himself from Charles and Crystal (trying to be a good friend to Charles, especially).
If they can get the copyright permission, please gods give us Edwin and Niko watching Heartstopper together. Charles happens to witness a bi Nick scene when he's walking through.
More Niko & Charles friendship development. They didn't get enough moments together in season 1.
More ghost possession! The Night Nurse is already well aware of them, so they're not alerting her. But of course she would not allow it.
Night Nurse refuses to be a secretary and forces the boys to do paperwork after every case. They've got homework now.
Also, in s1e1, there's a pregnant pause between Edwin and Charles talking about the dangers of possession. There's a story there, and I need to know it in season 2. What did Edwin do? Who'd he try to possess?
More clear explanation to the audience of how touch works between humans/ghosts and ghosts/ghosts on various planes (earth vs hell for example, so we can go back to scream and cry at s. 1)
Crystal and Niko girls' day sightseeing in England!
Now we're in London, we're back on the boys' turf. Where are their main hangouts, contacts, and magic shops? Do they have any place special to the two of them with nostalgic memories? It's been 30 years!!!
We've seen some Edwin culture clash (and I want more!) but also more Charles culture clash with modern times (charles: "😮‍💨 Can you believe they don't make mixed tapes anymore?" Niko: "🥰they do playlists online now. I'll make you one! " Crystal: "👀 You made mixed tapes, Charles?")
Cat King and Meowpheus interaction
Domestic friend fluff (core four all in a big bed together watching movies)
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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Ask: this is a request you don't have to do if you don't want to, but teen! reader that wants to strike a deal with Lucifer, but with all the work he has, he asks Charlie to go instead. but when she goes there, she realizes that it's just a kid that wants to get away from her awful family. So Charlie helps her and then they get closer like siblings and then when she dies (either due to an accident or by doing it herself) they go to the hotel and there she meets everyone and bc Charlie helped her, she stays and helps out with the hotel by doing things like cooking, cleaning etc. I'm kinda rambling but I hope you get the gist.
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•Charlie Morningstar x teen! reader
•platonic, no horny
•what if…there was a kid who worked as a butler at the hotel
You ran. As fast as you could. Your mom was going to send you away. Somewhere far, far away. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You were going to make a deal with Lucifer in order to have a safe space. It was the only way. You couldn’t survive in that house. You had to summon him. The only problem is that when you did summon him….
she showed up.
Charlotte Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. She helped you. She gave you a safe space, a little hole in space time that she could visit you in, and you could access without her. If only you didn’t have to go back to that dreadful home at the end of the day.
Over time, Charlie became like a sister to you. You would celebrate birthdays together, watch movies, laugh, and just be…happy. You cared about Charlie, and she cared about you. She didn’t understand why you would sell your soul, but accepted it nonetheless. But atleast if you didn’t, she wouldn’t have had a cool new younger sister.
but….on your thirteenth birthday, when she showed up with a cake….
“Y/n? Are you there? I brought you a birthday cake.”
Poor sweetheart found your suicide note on the table. She was heartbroken, but knew you would be in heaven. Oh boy, was she wrong.
When you woke up, you were in this really bright place. It was on fire, and it smelled like a bar and dried corpses. But worst of all was the way you looked. You were fluffy, with a bright pink maids dress, white fur, pink hair, a little cotton tail, and…bunny ears. YOU WERE A FREAKING BUNNY KID! That’s worse than being a spider(angel dust slander).
You tried to look at some tv’s, hoping to find a news broadcast that could tell you about this weird afterlife. Instead you saw an ad for a dumb hotel-wait. Is that Charlie? HOLY SHIT, ITS CHARLIE!
You rushed to the Hazbin Hotel as fast as you could, and you were greeted at the door by none other than Charlie herself. She scooped you into a bear hug and showed you to everyone in the hotel.
Once Charlie told you about her mission, you were eager to help. You were too young to do much though, you simply helped clean and cook. You always smiled through the work, just like your mom taught you. A smile was safe. When you smiled, you didn’t get hit.
The hotel is better with you in, you always bring in a bright atmosphere, and you cook the best meals though. Sometimes you miss your friends in the living world, but you wouldn’t want to get your new friends sad, so you kept smiled. Although, someone might see through it.
___________________ Lmao this was so rushed.
I have this and a few other fanfics saved in my drafts on my main blog so they’ll get posted there then reblogged on @thathastagbiotch bc that’s my fanfiction blog so follow that account not this one
I’m so sorry this is so late
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vantaesfairie · 2 years
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔳𝔦𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔢
atlty’s tarot readings - dm for paid readings and prices!
choose a picture below:
this is a bit of a bigger scale pac rather than my usual 3 cards. please reblog and share, it helps a lot. enjoy!
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pile 1, flower sink:
an adventurous, passionate soul. always looking to expand, especially intellectually and mentally. constant action. red feathers, strong horses. moonlight on a dewdrop. hoping to be recognized. longing for development and change. hopeful. determined. quietly shy. fire burning in your heart ready to burst out in flames. main character headspace. coming of age. moving to a new city. university after-lecture discussions. 
pile 2, rose quartz sink:
a complex, growing soul. seeking for happiness, to escape a bad mindset and/or lifestyle. self-fulfilling negative prophecies. self-separation, hugging knees in the shower. jungle nature retreats with big leaves, learning the it-girl / boy way. disappointment. wanting internal happiness and satisfaction. regeneration. spring. sun rays coming out at sunrise. black cloaks. heavy weighted blankets. clouds surrounding your head. in bed. 
pile 3, amethyst sink:
a weather-worn, armoured soul. temptation, sex, lilith. alluring, seductive beauty especially your eyes. long elegant, simple gowns. inner passionate creative with a love for various artistic mediums. heartbreak, mending one’s heart back together alone. dangerously attractive. violet. longing for someone to come and treat you kind, love you like a fragile glass sculpture. thunderstorms brewing. a dove’s wing covering her chicks. trying again and again. bared teeth. 
pile 4, quartz sink:
a dominant, daring soul with a confident exterior. bright oranges and yellows. red capes. reading diplomatically from a royal scroll. golden staff on a throne, leadership. old knowledge. valued ancient texts. blue whales. social media high-technology aesthetic. fast heartbeat. anxiety, worry. self-blaming, isolation. binds that just wrap tighter every time you struggle. blindfolded. chained on the ground but the key is beside you. 
pile 5, geode sink: 
a protecting, nurturing soul. warm, soothing yellow. birds conversing and chirping in the sunlight. plump fruit. a life of leisure. marie antoinette. smart rectangular glasses. phone conversations with the bank. fresh markers on a whiteboard. canary. pink lovers. gentle hand holding. a giant golden coin. sewing at a countryside sunset. cottagecore. creating and cherishing love and partnership. 
please interact and give me some feedback on this 👀👀  it’s my first time working on such a topic so i’d like to know if i got some vibes right! 
likes and reblogs are heavily appreciated! check out my paid readings if you’re interested. have a nice day!
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bloody-teared-angel · 7 months
Archangels, Angels or how the show could write itself
I mentioned in one of my posts that Miss Medrano got even the Angelic choirs wrong and by opening up wikipedia page, I also had to refresh my memory with how it works - also on Pinterest are great visuals, alright, let's begin.
I'm going to briefly touch up on Seraphims and Cherubs as they were also used wrong - at least to the knowledge I gathered.
Also, keep in mind there are different versions of each so I'm using the general knowledge that I have, if you want to get deeper into it, I strongly advise to do research on your own.
Also also, I'm taking some info exchanged with another user, sound off in the notes or reblog so I could give proper credit.
Seraphim - they are right under God, singing his praises. They have six wings, flying with one pair, covering their body with two pairs of wings, as if to not blind with their Holy light or to not outshine the great Allfather. So...by this information alone, whoever saw Sera's body (Emily's too...is she a Seraphim? *quick wiki check* Yes, yes, she is) They should be blind or down on their knees as they are moved by their beauty.
Cherubs or Cherubim - dear Allfather upstairs, this one hurts - they are under Seraphims and they respond directly to God and are the protectors of Garden of Eden with their flaming swords.
"But then, who could she use for the C.H.E.R.U.B.S. episode?!" I can hear you say?
*holy trumpets*
Watcher Angels.
Watcher Angels are both good and bad and as the name suggests, they are watching over humans on Earth and many of them descended to couple with human women, which Nephilims were born - blood thirsty giants ( Asmodeus was also born from this coupling but it is one of many versions, in some he's born from Lilith and Adam which I won't get into details.)
And boom. You have a story to use against Haven and some criticism - how Watcher Angels weren't punished but instead one of their children - Asmodeus.
I would also like to make a suggestion: Replace Adam with Kushiel: 'Rigid one of God' one of seven angels of punishment, who punishes individuals in Hell.
There, angel who's main purpose is to punish and no need to make Adam, The First Man into a dumb jock.
And if you want to have a female representative in Heaven - Archangel Ariel: The Lioness of God is right there or if you want someone more popular Archangel Gabriel has both male and female forms. Archangel Jophiel: The Beauty of God is female too but I don't think she would fit very much.
If you want potential angst, Archangel Michael is there.
The Angelic Choir is also very vast and rich and it is just one click away with modern technology.
(Not joking, I found Angelic Choir on pinterest)
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hells-morning-angel · 8 months
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Welcome all to the circus! Please take your seats and let us begin, shall we? For my first performance, I'll recite my list of rules from the top of my head! Amazing, right? Totally! Now pay attention folks, you'll need to, as there is a hidden password hidden somewhere between the guidelines to this blog!
1) For my very first rule to you dear audience, it's a simple one to follow! Please do not rush my responses, I do have a life outside of this little blog! With that said, I do enjoy and prefer if we have conversations outside of roleplay too! I can be dmed for conversations most times! Believe it or not, I am very shy to approach one of your Audience members first, so please please approach first. If we have more conversations OOC, I'll become more confident in what I write with you and in turn, be open to more possibilities!
2) For my very second rule and I know this should not have to be said BUT I will say it anyways in the event some need to be reminded to have respect for others of different races and identities! In this circus we do not tolerate any hatred directed towards other races, sexualities or gender identities! We respect proper pronouns and names of adress! Any form of disrespect will result in a block!
3) For my very third rule and if this boundary is broken, then it'll result in an immediate ban! On this blog proshipping (Child x Adult content), incest (Family x Family) and problematic ships of that nature are absolutely prohibited! None of that belongs here!
4) And for the fourth rule, please be kind and respectful to people who have different opinions then you! In life, we won't all share the same opinion all the time and it's completely natural! There's no same person after all!
Moving right along onto our next topic, here is more information on the blog itself and the ships it will do!
On this blog, I welcome a variety of ships and pairings, including OC x Canon! I play a variety of the canon characters, Lucifer is simply my main muse! Here is a bulleted list of those I have mused before!
Lucifer Morningstar
Lilith Morningstar
Angel Dust
There are characters that I am open to trying as well in this other conveniently placed bulleted list!
Carmilla Carmine
Charlie Morningstar
If you have another character, please request! I may also be willing to muse them for you! The one character I ban is Valentino!
As far as ships go, I do enjoy Huskerdust, Appleradio, all sorts of ships! I simply do not ship Charlastor or that one pairing with Vaggie and Angel Dust!
I am willing to muse characters on two different social media platforms! Discord and Tumblr! Just specify which audience member and you shall have your request honored! This is an 18+ blog only, please keep that in mind, viewer!
Annmd with that final message, I take my leave for now! Farewell dot now and goodnight! Did you find the password yet? The password is: There is no password! If your interested and only if your interested, please like, follow, comment, reblog or dm me!
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siriusfeels · 9 months
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🗝 𓂃⊹ “You have the Potter name and blood, but you possess none of the power or prestige that comes with it.”
⁺˖ ⸝⸝ summary: Lilith Potter is the younger sister of Harry. She is always known as a shadow compared to her infamous brother. Lilith struggles to find her purpose and things become more sinister the fourth year of Hogwarts continues. Lilith finds out a dark secret about herself.
— genre : Harry Potter, story is based on Goblet Of Fire movie / Books. Lilith Potter, Mystery, angst, romance, Magic. Just everything Harry Potter lore offers fr. Love triangles ! Lgbt friendly.
.⋅〰. Chapter 1: Tournament? .⋅〰. Chapter 2 Lilith “Trouble” Potter .⋅〰. Chapter 3 Shut up Draco .⋅〰. Chapter 4 Consequences .⋅〰. Chapter 5 Killing Curse .⋅〰. Chapter 6 Black Lagoon .⋅〰. Chapter 7 Do you know me? .⋅〰. Chapter 8 The chosen one .⋅〰. Chapter 9 The Cursed Child .⋅〰. Chapter 10 Prophecy
— Tag list: @marksluvr0
⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯⎯
@onyourhyuck (my main) @siriusfeels please reblog this post so i can continue writing. Make sure to follow me for updates it helps out.
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To be honest I dunno what OCs you have so I dunno how to ask about them. Or even just some of the characters you like. I dunno whom you don't like either...
▪︎^▪︎<-me disappointed I forgot to interact with your posts earlier and only now realized I didn't actually reblog those things I thought I did.
(would love to talk about your ocs tho! And your interest.)
I’m gonna go on a long oc rant under the cut
Okay so the main ocs are for my story it’s about this writer who gets sucked into their story world and they have to manage to get out and defeat the big bad so they can get home and finish their story
the mc’s name is Angel, they have 2 older siblings named Delilah and Abel, and their father is named Michael. Their mother died in childbirth with them (rip Eve McCarthy-Madden you will be missed)
Angel has a crush on a girl in their class named Lilith. This will be important later
in their story world, they have personifications of the 7 deadly sins named 1-7 (creatively)
1 is gluttony, 2 is sloth, 3 is wrath, 4 is greed, 5 is lust, 6 is pride, and 7 is envy! Envy is the big bad and has disguised themself as Angel’s reflection after being trapped in the deepest pit in the middle of hades since the dinosaur ages
1, 2, 3 and 6 are brothers
4 and 5 are in a situationship
5 has gone on at least one date with all of the other sins besides 1. This makes her angry.
1 is engaged to one of the original Succubi, Orona.
Lily (told you Lilith would be important later) is one of Angel’s newest ocs. She’s the first human Angel meets when they arrive in their story world aka mirror world. She’s heavily inspired by Lilith. She gets her arm ripped off in the first 5 chapters and almost dies 6 times throughout the story, dying officially twice
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jisungsbff01 · 1 month
No one every really knows what they wanna do in their 20s, but Y/N has always known what she was going to do. So, she began the journey to her dream and is so close to reaching it with no distractions at all. Until her brother introduces her to a few of his friends and she connects with one in particular…
Her whole plan is soon thrown off the track she’s had it on for 21 years….
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Y/N: main character, producer, college student(senior), majoring in music production, 1/3 of the ‘doomatory’,sister of Minho
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Lilith: Y/N bff, choreographer,college student(senior) majoring in Performance and Choreography, 2/3 of ‘doomatory’
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June:Y/N bff, soon-to-be business owner to a bakery, college student(senior),majoring in culinary, 3/3 of ‘doomatory’
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Chris: producer/songwriter, college student(senior), majoring in music production, 1/4 of ‘Heathens’
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Felix: choreographer/songwriter, college student(senior), majoring in performance and Choreography,2/4 of ‘Heathens’
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Hyunjin: model/dancer, college student(senior), majoring in Dance, 3/4 of ‘Heathens’
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Han:Songwriter, college student(junior), majoring in songwriting/music appreciation, 4/4 of ‘Heathens’
Official Chapter 1 coming soon!!
In no way is this story depicting any real actions, words, or thoughts of members of Stray Kids, they are being held as face-claims, do not copy or repost anywhere!!
Tag, Reblog, Comment<3
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errorryx · 3 months
I've been listening to so many female artists lately, it's gotten to the point where they're consistently outnumbering male artists in my playlists. It's an incredible feeling to have successfully re-centered my focus and appreciation on women instead of men, and I wish everyone could feel this kind of joy. So I'm gonna try to do something about it.
If you're into music, I'd really love it if you took the time to reblog this post with your favorite female artists/female-led bands in the tags, comments, additions to the main post, whatever you want. I want the notes to be a resource for people to find new music if they don't know where to start. Most of us have probably listened to Mitski or Florence before (though I love both of those artists, don't get me wrong), so I'd love to hear about some lesser-known musicians. I don't know if this post will take off, but I really hope it does!
A small selection of my personal recommendations:
The Narcotix: they're an incredibly talented and criminally underrated duo. I shout their music out every chance I get because I've never heard anything else like it and I think everyone should give them a chance. They make complex, beautifully orchestrated music, described by their website as psychedelic art-rock. I think folk music fans would probably eat this up.
Thao: formerly of Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, she was the subject of an intense hyperfixation of mine last year. She started out doing Appalachian folk-rock and pivoted into indie music with some more electronic elements. I love her to death and it's hard to condense that adoration into a brief summary, but suffice it to say she's an amazing musician.
Japanese Breakfast: I think she's pretty popular actually, but I need everybody to hear the above song. It's been driving me crazy for months now. She's got a very distinctive way of climbing up to high notes that just sounds heavenly, and it really shines through on this track. (If you're more into bouncy pop music, check out her song Be Sweet, you'll love it.)
If you're looking for more specific recommendations anywhere in the realm of indie, rock, or folk music, please don't be afraid to send me an ask or a message! Let me know what you're already listening to and I'll do my best to throw you something I think you'll like. And if you're thinking of adding your own recommendations, don't limit yourself to those genres just because it's what I happen to like. All types of music are welcome.
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magalhaessims · 8 months
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Formerly the residence of Lord and Lady Shallot, the Von Haunt Estate has undergone restoration and now welcomes the public as a museum. Inside, visitors can explore the personal art collection and belongings of the estate's previous lords. However, a word of caution: the lords were known to be quite possessive of their possessions, and there are occasional rumors of their ghosts wandering the grounds... It's likely nothing to worry about. If you want to check out the construction progress, watch the YouTube video linked below.
Lot Type: Chalet Gardens
Size: 40x30 
World: Windenburg 
Enable bb.moveobjects before placing in your game!
Origin ID: MagalhaesSims (remember to enable custom content on!) DOWNLOAD
NOTE: For convenience, some of the CC is included in the Download Folder. Please put it in your Mods Folder along with the CC linked below.
Amoebae: Pile In Carpet || CharlyPancakes: Chalk | Precious Promises || TheClutterCat: Busy Bee | Dandy Diary | Fairylicious (Jewelry Holder) | Hello Horses (Prize) | Mellow Moods (Candle) | Spring Spirits (Perfumes) | Sunny Sundae || Felixandre: Berlin | Chateau Set | Colonial | Florance | Gatsby (Flower) | Gothic Revival (Painting) | Grove | Paris | Soho (Bathroom Mirros) || Harrie: Brutalist Bathroom | Klean | Kwatei (Door) | Octave | Spoons || Hose Of Harlix: Baysic Bathroom | Orjanic (Vase) | The Kichen (Plant) || Lilis Palace: Intarsia Heirlroom (Decor) || LittleDica: Delicato Living (Glass Vases) | GreasyGoods (Bathroom Stalls) | Rise&Grind || Peacemaker-ic: Creta Kitchen (Mini Fridge) | Hinterlands Kitchen (Stool) || Pierisim: Auntie Vera | Calderone | Coldbrew CoffeeShop | Combles (Decor) | Domaine Du Clos (Decor) | Pantry | The Office | Unfold (Clutter) | Woodland Ranch (Paintings) || PlumbobTeaSociety: Rustic Romance (Cake Holder) || S-Imagination: Japandi Dining Room (Plant) || Sixam-CC: Home Office || Syboulette: Fancy Set || Taurus Design: Lilith Chilling Are: Coffee Corner
The CC Sets above are the main ones I used to decorate this specific building and you can find all the links to the creators’ sites on my Resource Page. However, if you can’t find something specific, you can send me a WCIF and I’ll try to help you find it!
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My content will always be free and right away available to everyone, but if you want to, you can show your support through my Ko-Fi Page. Your donation will always be much appreciated!
Thank you for reblogging: @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @mmfinds @s4realtor @coffee-houses-finds and everyone else for helping me boost this post!
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Male-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - I Don't Need You
A/N – Since the first chapter got comments and actual reblogs, surprise, surprise, I was motivated to continue. See, Tumblr? This is how it works. I respond to instant validation.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You looked around the dusty hallway that comprised the main entrance to Lucifer’s manor. Yikes, Charlie was right; he really did need a cleaner. You doubted that was her main motivation for placing you in her father’s care but looking at the layers of thick dust and brimstone coating downstairs, you could see it hadn’t been used in a long time.
Lucifer watched you sceptically. Ideally, he would have liked to leave you to find your own way around, but he didn’t want to be accused of not trying by Charlie, should you call her and state that Lucifer was straight up ignoring you.
With that in mind, he bade you to follow him with a wave of his arm and gave you a half-arsed tour of each room, during which he would energetically state its name, and occasionally pepper in a fact if he felt like it and then hurry along.
“Parlor one, dining room, parlour two, library, parlour the… you know what, we have a lot of those, if you see a room with chairs and a fireplace, assume it’s a parlour. Moving on, bathroom, closet, like the parlour situation, there are lots of bathrooms and closets. Kitchen, which is always stocked by the way, so I don’t have to shop,” He muttered a sentence about the Hell of going out there, and then he was back to his bubbly self, rushing you through the rest of the tour, “Games room, spa, my room – don’t go in there – and here, among the unnecessary number of bedrooms, is your room.”
Although every room in the manor was lavish by Hell’s standards, Lucifer had sneakily pre-worked a bit of his magic to make yours somewhat undesirable. It was still large and had all the fixings, but now, it was dirty, damp, and there would always be an underlying scent of slightly rotten milk, that was just noticeable to annoy anyone, yet not something so offensive that he could be blamed for causing it.
The now slightly squalid room wasn’t Lucifer’s way of being petty and cruel; it was just that he wanted you to leave, and that would only happen if you had a reason to. You should go back to the Hotel where you belonged; better yet, you should just head to a different part of Hell where neither he nor his daughter would have to look at your disgustingly human face… A face that, though nothing like Lilith’s, reminded Lucifer of his wife since there was nobody else even remotely like her except for their daughter and now, unfortunately, you.
The simple fact of the matter was that Lucifer was just waiting for you to start demanding things of him, or Charlie. It would likely start with something small, like changing rooms, then if he gave you an inch, you would take a mile, and soon you would demand he use his Angelic Powers to serve you in seemingly impossible ways.
One way or another, the room was a test. You would either see it and leave in search of greener pastures or a better deal elsewhere, leeching off whoever would give you the time of day, or you would stay and start giving orders; either way, Lucifer would be able to return to his daughter with proof that sinners were the problem, not him.
You stepped into the room, accidentally kicking up a cloud of dust that made you sneeze.
After a minute, you turned to Lucifer, “Thank you for the room. It’s lovely.”
Lucifer held back a grimace as you had the audacity to smile at him.
“Great,” He replied in a strained tone, “Just perfect. So, I’ll uh, leave you to get settled in and-”
Just then a portal opened over the canopy bed and two packed suitcases landed there, courtesy of Charlie. Lucifer tasted his daughter’s magic in the air and sighed resignedly; whatever Charlie had planned she wasn’t backing down from what she likely thought was a good idea.
“Right on time,” Lucifer commended the fine timing of his daughter, and even though he was clearly uncomfortable with her plan to give him company, he did seem genuinely proud of her expert timing; then again, he was proud of anything she chose to do even if he didn’t always understand what it was she was doing.
“Great,” He repeated somewhat tiredly. Then he forced himself to smile. It was important that you would see him happy so that Charlie would hear about it later. “You go ahead and unpack. I’m going to do some very important work.”
The sentiment of ‘Don’t disturb me!’ hung in the air, unspoken, but obviously there.
Once Lucifer left, you flopped down on your bed, thinking about all you had seen. You checked your phone, finding several texts from Charlie, progressively getting more impatient as she awaited your reply with a somewhat hyper-anxious anticipation; it seemed the apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree.
‘How was your arrival?’
‘Did you get the grand tour?’
‘Which room did he put you in?’
‘I bet it was the Rococo room.’
‘Oh no, he didn’t put you up in my old room, did he? That would be so EMBARRASSING!!!’
‘Wait, why aren’t you replying?! PLEASE TELL ME HE’S BEING NICE TO YOU!’
‘I can come over if you need me to.’
‘Did your bags get there okay?’
You smiled and decided to put Charlie out of her misery. Your phone alerted you that she was already writing another message, but as soon as you started to compose one of your own, the notification that she was typing disappeared.
‘The tour was fine. Lucifer has been nothing but polite,’ and frazzled, you thought, though you omitted that part from the text; it was best that Charlie didn’t have anything extra to worry about while preparing for her meeting with Heaven.
‘My room is also amazing btw. I don’t know about Rococo or whatever, but it’s certainly stunning, and judging by the lack of stuffed animals and probably cheesy posters, I’m guessing it isn’t your old room.’
You really meant that. While your room was in need of a good cleaning, and there was a slightly off odour, it was indeed beautiful with its lacquered wooden floors, rich velvet drapes (Hell-Red of course) and lustrous emerald wallpaper. It was one of the most beautiful places you had ever seen, especially since arriving in Hell, not long dead after… the incident.
You removed your thoughts far from the grim memory of your death, not wanting to relive your demise. It never did any good to think of such things, and you had to wonder whether all Demons fixated on the manner in which they perished. Perhaps some were lucky enough to die in their sleep or get hit by a bus; at least the latter would be quick, and the former peaceful.
Moreover, you also believed the other part of your text; Lucifer probably kept Charlie’s room as a shrine to her youth. He seemed like the sort of person who was stuck in the past.
Your phone buzzed again, and you expected another message from Charlie, but it was from Angel Dust.
‘When you get the chance, snoop in the Short King’s bedroom and find out what kinky shit he’s into. I’m betting food play. He seems like a whipped cream and apples kind of guy if you catch my drift.’
Betting? He had undoubtedly roped Husk and Nifty into said bet. Husk had likely opted for a safe option like bondage… You didn’t want to know what kind of kinky shit Nifty thought Lucifer was into; that girl was a dark horse.
“Never going to happen,” You murmured to yourself with a chuckle; you would never invade Lucifer’s privacy like that, but Angel’s text had made you laugh and distracted you from your earlier thoughts.
Getting up, you pushed yourself into action and began unpacking both your thoughts and your few clothes and possessions. You lit a scented candle that Angel had gifted you. It was one of his unwanted gifts from Valentino, Blueberry Blowjob. You were glad when the scent filled the air, taking away from what you incorrectly assumed was the faint smell of mildew. The smell didn’t concern you, you had plenty more candles and tea lights with such names as Orange Orgasm, Popcorn Pussy, and Cherry Cum-Shot.
The manner was well furnished, but all of the rooms were neglected. There were seven parlours in total, each matching the theme of one Sin, probably because it would be polite should they ever need to meet with the Royal Family one-on-one. Despite that, they seemingly hadn’t been used in some time, nor had the library or any of the living rooms. You hadn’t seen much of Lucifer’s room as he rushed you past the door, which had only been slightly ajar, but what little you had caught a glimpse of seemed cleaner than the rest of the manor. Did he spend all of his time in there? Alone? That was… It was sad. Lucifer could live well among anyone in Hell, except maybe Alastor, yet he couldn’t see the good in anyone.
Without Charlie and Lilith that must be lonely. How depressing that he had created a kind of personal Hell inside of Hell. You were starting to think that Charlie was right to send you home with him.
Still, it seemed like he needed some time to get used to the idea of company and you had a job to work as his cleaner. Once you were unpacked, you would seek out the cleaning supplies and get started.
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Lucifer draped himself over his workbench, listlessly toying with a rubber duck. It was one of his worst creations… Couldn’t even breathe fire.
He didn’t even know why he continued to make them. Honestly, he couldn’t think of anything else to make, and it was better to make something than nothing, even if he ended up creating the same thing over and over again, clinging to the memory of how one celestial duck had made Charlie smile.
Her smile was everything. Even Heaven couldn’t take that away, or… Maybe they could, if this meeting went awry. No. Please God, No. Not that. Anything but that. Kill the sinners. Show him the agonising mistake of Free Will for eternity, but he hoped to never see the day that Heaven treated his daughter with the same derision they typically reserved for him.
Lucifer froze, a glower darkening his expression as you knocked on the door.
He had clearly implied that he didn’t want to be bothered. IMPLIED IT! It hadn’t even been one day and you were bothering him.
Lucifer didn’t open the door. He didn’t want you to see inside his room. That was his space and his alone. Yet, he didn’t want any risk of you barging in, so he poofed himself to where you stood outside, using a glamorous entrance to grab your attention.
“Yes?” He said expectantly, leaning forward on his cane, as if leaning closer to you didn’t disturb him half as much as it did.
“Oh,” You blinked back surprise, though you weren’t too shocked seeing how Alastar always snuck up on you at the Hotel in a similarly flamboyant manor. “Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I just wondered if you could tell me where the cleaning products are kept? I would like to get started as soon as I can.”
Cleaning products? Lucifer was stuck on the sentiment as if he’d never heard of such foreign words. Then he seemed to remember, you had been volunteered as his cleaner. Right… That was Charlie’s way of making him take you.
You waited patiently for a response, having quickly learned that your host tended to drift between a fast-talking façade or thoughtful distractedness. You wished you didn’t have to ask him for help, but after searching three floors and the attic, you had gotten somewhat turned around, and you had no idea where you had already looked; the manor was massive.
Finally, Lucifer seemed to come to and he began boredly examining his hand.
“That won’t be necessary,” He stated demurely.
“It won’t?”
“No. It won’t.”
Behind you, Lucifer caught sight of a portrait of his family. The frame was carved blood-wood harvested from a Tree-Demon who once dared to insult Lilith in Lucifer’s presence. Two winged snakes adorned opposing corners of the portrait. With a lazy wave of his hand, they creaked and snapped, coming to life, and escaping their previous wooden home, leaving only indentations where they used to be. With another magical flourish, they grew slightly and became more life-like, shedding splinters as their new uniforms appeared.
“There, see, two half-sized cleaners. They’ll take care of everything.”
You stared hard at the new servants of the house, somewhat amazed by the show of power; nobody else in Hell could do anything close to creating life, and it seemed that Lucifer didn’t even care that he had such power.
Frankly, Lucifer was upset with his new creations. He had finally strayed from ducks, creating something new for the first time in over a century, and they were still bland. When he had created Razzle and Dazzle for Charlie, he had done everything he could to make them beautiful and unique. These abominations in front of him were cheap copies of that Sir Pentious fellow he had seen at the hotel. He just didn’t have anything left worth creating. There was no point.
Whatever. The snake servants would do their job quietly and obediently. And they’d be more useful and less annoying than Charlie’s reptilian friend.
“Oh, okay. Well, is there anything else you’d like me to do?” You asked, wishing to be useful. “I can cook pretty well, or I could run errands, or-”
“NO!” Lucifer snapped.
“Don’t you get it?! I DON’T NEED YOU.”
Lucifer forced himself to take a calming breath, his gaze downcast so he didn’t have to look at you.
“This is all my daughter’s plan. All you have to do is stay out of my way here and Charlie will be happy. Do you think you can manage that?”
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fjwkfnskfa · 7 months
hello my fellow alastor obsessed peoples. I am actually SO scared alastor will remain the main villain of hazbin hotel instead of only being the villain for a short amount of time and then getting redeemed.
this is my theory:
My prediction for liliths motives is that she wants to ruin the hotel instead of helping it. I think that she was offered life in heaven in exchange for keeping hell in check and once Charlie started the haze in hotel, she needed help so she somehow got alastors soul. I think Alastor was initially indifferent and didn’t mind ruining the hotel, but that scene w nifty where he talks fondly about the hotel really showed us that he began to care about the hotel. I think he is going to be forced to backstab Charlie and unable to tell them why everyone will hate him (except Charlie who will still have a special place in her heart for him). I think he’s going to be forced to force husk and nifty to join him, not wanting to loose angel (it’s a canonical slow burn vivi confirmed it) he’s going to spill alastors secret to angel explaining why they have to betray them which will give us a similar flashback sequence to when mimzy explains alastors past except with some plot holes filled in (like how he got so powerful and where he was for 7 years). I think alastor does crave power (not necessarily against Charlie) but he just wants to be properly respected like he was before. Vox going against him and Carmella not really caring about his whereabouts made him feel weak (even if he isn’t) and the fact that he was unable to defeat Adam Didn’t help w that feeling. That’s where the line I’m the finale “guess who will be pulling all the strings” comes from because he believes his deal is restricting his power, which may or may not be true. I also predict that the line “great alastor altruist died for his friends” refers to the fact he can’t believe he is starting to care about the people he was meant to destroy, but it also refers to the fact that he doesn’t want people to perceive him as someone who WOULD die for his friends because in his mind caring for others makes you seem weak. I think that in his life, before he was a serial killer (ITS CANNON NO ONE COME FOR ME) he was betrayed again and again by people he trusted making him an “altruist”. So tee hee yeah those r my theories
IF you want this to happen pls copy and paste it around so that vizie might see it and make SOME canonical bc I know she took a bit of inspo from fantheories for season one.
so reblog, copy and paste in comment sections, tell your friends, lie and say it’s your own, IDFC JUST MAKE THIS KNOWN
Thank you my radio demon obsessed lovelies and goodbye
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