wormfunkie · 5 months
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silver is not normal and you won't convince me he is
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parasolladyansy · 12 days
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DxP REWRITE - Rivalry
I mean, in game “Emmet” was Ansy’s rival, so I had to have a good reason why. Testing your friend‘s skill to see whether she truly can help your twin brother seems reasonable.
Also, yeah - the way Galar’s “Elite 4” is formatted (tournament style), there can only be one Champion every year, & Ansy couldn’t have beaten Ikrit. After that first journey together, Ansy had made some improvement, largely thanks to Ikrit (aka the mister taught me about actual strategy lol, where I used to just breeze through the games without really considering stats, STAB, natures, etc).
But Emmet doesn’t know that. Yet.
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🔼 Diamond x Pearl REWRITE 🔽
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truc01 · 1 year
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thefoilguy · 6 months
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Silver from Pokemon - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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akiraidraws · 1 month
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Ink Demonth Day 18: Rival
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Villain: Dreava Bleek, Gallowood Sheriff
It's a gruesome business enforcing the law, especially when the laws are written by an aristocracy who wants their subjects submissive and terrified and it's your business to keep them that way.
There have always been people like Dreava Bleek, blunt instruments that enforce the social order so those at the top needn't bloody their hands. They do it for many reasons; coin, ambition, sadism, but in the case of this villain it's misplaced righteousness: Dreava has had a hatred burning in the pit where her heart should be since she was a child, a bone deep conviction that if people just knew their place and followed the rules that the world could be a place of pace. Nevermind the powerful that abuse the system for their own gain, nevermind the starving poor who break the law only to fill their bellies. In Dreava's word there are only good citizens and criminals, and criminals will hang.
Adventure Hooks:
Dreava earned both her reputation and her title in her campaign against the Gallerwood outlaws, a band of highwaymen who were famed for robbing everyone from wizards and duchesses and who Dreava left hanging from the trees along the edge of their forest. After her little stunt folks started calling the area "Gallowwood" and speaking of how her victims still haunt the roads looking for one last take. Some others mention a secret hideout that the sheriff never found, in which the thieves kept their most valued treasures.
The two easiest ways for the party to end up in Dreava's sights are to already be criminals, or to make themselves the enemy of some belligerent noble who can accuse them (accurately or not) of some transgression of the law
Backgorund: Dreava was young when darkness was wrought upon her soul, when a series of poor harvests and overstepping officials saw her little village rise with its neighbours in a revolt against their feudal overlord. She lost her home and her mother not in the uprising itself but in the violent pillage the lord's forces were allowed after its brutal suppression.
A flip of the coin and Dreava could have been a rebel fighting against authority, but in those grim days the alchemy of terror instilled in her an understanding of just what happens when the poor overstep the place allotted to them by their betters.
Since then her life has followed a pattern. Get hired on by some lord after having difficulty with bandits or other such rabblerousers. Make a show of brutal violence that seems to put an end to the problem for good. Continue to build her reputation until she either becomes her patron's bloody left hand, making their followers just as brutal and jackbooted as she is. End up entering into the service of another lord either on recommendation or after she's ousted for some violence that not even the benefice of the nobility can forgive.
Further Adventures:
Rather than a head on confrontation, Dreava will seek to bait the party into a trap, either by setting up an ambush or going after their known associates. Coerce, intimidate, brutalize, leashed in only by the very limit of what the law might allow. If she doesn't have proof of the party's guilt she'll drag them off to a dungeon to await a sham trial (from which they might be able to escape), but if she's been given the goahead by her superiors she'll gladly execute the heroes in the field, a grim situation which has it's own escape methods.
All her life the sheriff had sworn by the goddess Erathis, seeing herself as a champion of law and civilization. What a surprise for her then after the heroes sever her soul from her body to awake in the halls of the lord of all hells.  While the other gods turned their heads away in shame and disgust, Asmodeus watched with appreciation as Dreava bent her life to punishing sinners, and now offers her the chance to do so again, this time in his service. With a new master to serve and chip on her shoulder against the party Dreava will gladly agree, emerging from her damnation with a newly fiendish form. Consider having her emerge as a surprise villain several levels after the party thought her dead, and the head of a band of fiendish cultists.
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doubleedgemode · 2 months
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Mostly doodles
(Can't thank enough this tutorial on drawing twists (link here) for helping me to draw Ram's hair, both blogs have incredible resources so go give them a visit!)
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bigbadivy · 6 days
If you need me
Just a little longer
Hero took it step by step. Trying to ignore the pain in her leg. Trying to ignore the dread of being weaponless.
Sleep. You will sleep soon
She could already see the campus dorms.
You just need to get in and not get caught or get followed.
Everything was dark. Too dark to tell if she left blood on the floor. Signing, she started taking the steps to the common rooms.
When she reached the top, ever closer to her heaven, she saw a light.
Someone sat on one of the dusty chairs, reading by a lamplight. She doesn’t know how well she’d handle another bout with Villain right now. “Nice of you to come, Hero.”
Never mind. I prefer Villain
“Are you limping to your dorm at midnight?”
“Are you sitting alone in the common room?”
“One of these questions is more urgent.”
Hero tried to walk slower, hoping to hide her injury.
“Just go to sleep. We have a morning class.”
But Rival stood up and walked to her.
“Morning class is the least of my worries now.”
Both of them were almost completely in the dark, but she could tell he was sincere. His voice was rarely devoid of any cynicism or playfulness. He took her silence as a breakthrough.
“You don’t need to tell me anything, but if you’re hurt, I can help.”
“Look, I know you’re tough. Everyone knows. That’s why I hate you. You have nothing to prove. So if…”
He cleared his throat, and turned his look from her. Despite hardly even seeing her face.
“If some bastard needs to learn a lesson, I can help you. I won’t tell anyone.”
Just barely, she could see his honey eyes shining. But the aching pain that constantly throbbed her leg reminded her of the dangers that follow.
Why can no one else know of Villain
Rival asked, she could imagine the anticipation in his features.
“I’m fine, Rival.”
“This is none of your business.”
Her tone wasn’t as harsh as it could be, but rather heavy-hearted.
But he didn’t push it longer, just stood as she at last continued walking towards her room.
She didn’t hear him move or speak until she almost closed her dorm door, his voice barely audible.
“I’m here if you need me, Hero.”
There were about three more seconds of silence.
Rival’s heavy footsteps filled the silence. And following them, much quieter, slier steps. These steps were coming towards her dorm.
She heard Rival spurt back to her dorm’s way. 
Cursing, she hastily thrust her door open, fearing there was no time even for getting her hidden gun. Disastrously, she was right.
Villain held a dagger.
He held a dagger above Rival’s throat.
“Leave him.”
Villain smirked at her. 
His grip on Rival’s arms and the dagger he kept on his throat remained indifferent, both to her threat and to Rival’s struggles.
“Care much?”
“You know this will be a fight to the death, Villain.”
Hero answered, unleashing her own hidden blade. “And you know I will slit his throat way before you limp one step,”
She did her best to not show her dread. Not to imagine the light leaving the honey, radiant eyes she knew.
“But there’s a way to make this less bloody, is it?”
His message was clear. Hero glanced at Rival, his message was clear too. Ever so slightly, he shook his head.
“You are going to leave him, and we will take this outside, civilly.”
Villain gripped Rival’s chin.
He threw Rival to the floor, almost cutting his jaw in the process.
Villain caught his face again.
“Shhh… we don’t want to make this harder for your girlfriend, do we?”
Rival seemed enraged, like he would murder Villain right here if he could, but before he tried to fight again, Hero got to him.
She pushed him away, hugging him, burying her head in her neck. Just below his ear.
Bewildered, Rival froze.
“under the bed”
She whispered, and let him go.
“Oh ~ it almost makes me regret I’ll kill you ~”
Grinning, Villain moved aside and gestured to the stairs. “Ladies first.”
Hero signed, giving one last look at Rival, who seemed disturbed, but determined as well.
As she walked down the stairs, feeling Villain creeping ever closer behind her, loudly thinking of just pushing her down, she hoped she heard Rival searching her room.
Soon later, when she could feel Villain breathing at her neck, a bang was heard. Villain’s grin froze on his face as he fell. Hero moved aside and looked up, meeting with radiant brown eyes.
I might prefer him over Villain
The next day, after dealing with the police, and after the noise from the tired yet curious students died down, Hero slept like a rock.
When she did wake up, slowly realizing that her morning class is long over. 
Signing, she got dressed and tried to calculate how many library search hours she’d have to go through.
But when she stepped towards the door, she saw something that was sled to her dorm.
They seemed to be, neatly written, detailed lecture notes.
Above them, rested a small sticky note, reading “I’m here if you need me”
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tiny-pun · 11 days
Hanahaki disease
(Unrequited love disease, fictional, causes flowers to grow in lungs)
We’re A is typically unwilling to both confess and get the surgery.
Rival : Look I understand you don’t want to tell them, that you’ll get rejected at worst or don’t want to burden them at best. But I need you to know that it’s not because you’re unlovable okay?
A: B, you don’t have to…
Rival: No, stop. I know how you get. How easily you spiral and how anxious you can get with things like that. Don’t look at me like that I do pay attention sometimes. … Anyway, I know I can’t help you but you need to know okay. I need you to know how amazing and strong and so very kind you are. You are part of this group and whatever happens we will always need you in our lives. I will always need you in my life. You are not only lovable but you ARE loved. By everyone. But mainly… but mainly by me. Cause I am in love with you. And if your love can’t see how amazing you are, I’m honestly gonna be pissed cause who wouldn’t want someone as amazing as you. … Anyway… regardless of whether you confess or not I just need you to know that. So stop spiralling you idiot.
Rival kisses them on the forehead once and then turns.
A is speechless.
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jhugas · 1 year
‘PROVE IT. I’- Jeon Jungkook
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Genre: smut
Pairing: rival!athletic!Jungkook X afab!athletic!Reader
Summary: You and Jungkook both got 1st place in a competition, and as a prize you’re both invited to a luxury hotel. The thing is, you both hate each other. What will happen when Jungkook who believes you’re a slut, gets drunk with you?
Word count: ~2k
Warnings/tags: penetration, clit play, heavy make out, curved dick!Jungkook, jk slut shames the reader (she answers), having sex while drunk, con sex, f gets two orgasms, rough; sloppy sex; make out, mentions of being filmed/ photographed by paparazzis while doing it, very slight aftercare but at least it’s here, unprotected sex (be safe), cums in her, you’re both pretty famous.
You and Jungkook are enemies. It’s simple, from the moment you both got the 1st place at a competition and the same score; war has been declared.
During separated competitions, you’d always get similar scores. So many people would compare you two to each other and said they wanted you two to be against each other. But now that it happened… you got the same score and you couldn’t be more furious about that. You and only you deserved this place. He was an asshole, a complete bastard. He kept on sending you messages on Instagram saying he was about to win, that you weren’t good enough and other shits like this. Let’s not lie though, you did answer to his insults and tried to humble him, but he’s just too full of himself.
The competition was 3 days ago. Pictures of you two were posted on the competition’s official account, and let’s say everyone noticed the tension between you two; you were both staring at each other fist clenched and ready to fight.
This kept going till you both left the field, but this wasn’t the end. Having two winners wasn’t part of their plan, but they couldn’t just change the rules. So as a prize, you won a trip to « The Grand Deluxe Pool Villa », a huge hotel that’s luxury and famous. Not to mention the gorgeous view you have and the perfect pool. Indeed, it is the perfect destination, but you won’t be alone. This competitive, full of himself boy will also be there. And the worst is; you’ll both be in the same bedroom.
Well… at least you got different private jets.
Today is the day you have to leave, you just finished your baggage and you’re ready to go. Not your first 1st place but your first private jet for sure. You can’t help but be annoyed at the fact that he’ll be there. Fun fact, he’ll arrive an hour before you, so from the moment you leave your apartment, you can say bye bye to your intimacy and peace. On the way to the airport, the taxi driver recognized you, you took a picture with him and from the moment he posted it, there were already comments like:
“I can’t believe they’ll be stuck together”
“this whole thing is so funny to me”
“ain’t no way they’ll survive with a pool beside them… one of them is definitely about to drown”
So it was official, everybody knew you’ll be together and everybody knew that you hated each other.
The private jet was gorgeous and the travel was fine. Only drawback; there wasn’t any food? So after all these hours, you were dying of hunger. All you wanted to do was to arrive to the hotel, and eat. Another taxi driver brought you to the hotel and you were finally there, in front of the big door that’s the entrance of hell and heaven simultaneously.
‘Why you taking so long’
A deep voice said through the doorbell. Shit. It had a camera. You huff and tell him you don’t have the damn keys.
‘Beg to get in’
‘Shut the fuck up and open the damn door.’
He laughs and opens it. He doesn’t even look at you that he starts going back to the pool. He was only wearing his bathing shorts, and some bruises over the competition a few days ago now. You close the door, put your baggage down and immediately go to the kitchen. To your surprise, he cooked. Some little dishes were on the table. You ate all of them then decided to join him. You changed and put on your bikini then went to the pool.
‘Dressed like a slut I see’
The man says while looking at you up and down.
‘You’re talking? You think you look hot with all of them tattoos?’
You cross your arms
‘I do, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about.’
He answers and frowns his eyebrows.
‘You really think I don’t know you fuck everyone in the team? Your opponents… arbitrators… huh? You won’t get me though.’
He assumes full of himself. You can tell this dork is proud of what he just said. It was obviously fake, you never fucked anyone just to get some points or a win. All of your wins existed thanks to your efforts. You truly deserved all of your prizes.
‘I never fucked anyone to get a win loser. I won thanks to myself for believing in me and giving me every chance to win. And guess what? Next time I play against you, believe me, you’ll be crying in your 2nd place with your poor medal.’
You said confidently. You meant every word you said. The night goes on and you’re now both of you sitting beside each other on the couch, alcohol on the small table in front of the TV, a romantic movie playing but you don’t pay attention. You both love to drink, and especially after big efforts and wins. So you won’t stop yourselves and you take multiple shots till you get drunk as hell.
‘Fuck! This shit is burning my throat’
Jungkook said as he turned around to look at you, waiting for your reaction. You lick your lips, tasting the sweet flavour of the drink you just drank and look back at him lazily. You’re too drunk to act normal, so you just stare at him. Nothing in mind.
‘Ha, you really think you can get to me huh?? Licking your lips, staring at me, making me drunk and exposing your body like you always do. You’re just a fucking slut.’
He says as he grabs your chin and gets closer to you and as you can smell his strong, masculine perfume he put on right after the pool. You also get closer, crossing your legs and your cleavage naked, open to the man in front of you.
‘I am not. A slut. So stop treating me like one.’
You said, clearly trying to stop all of this.
‘Sure little thing…’
He whispers as he gets even closer to your face and places his lips only an inch away from yours.
‘Prove it then.’
Is the last thing he said before smashing his reddish lips into yours. Slowly sucking your top lip while you’re slowly trying to keep up with his pace. He’s kissing you eagerly, leaving all of his problems behind, or maybe just putting out his emotions in it. He closes his eyes, frowning his eyebrows as he tilts his head to the side to get a better angle and to get a better taste of you.
The kiss is sloppy, imperfect, but there’s nothing you can do about it, he was all the way in. He assumed every move he was doing, licking your lips, switching in between your top and bottom ones, biting on your bottom ones from time to time. It’s like he had planned all day long to make out with you all night long.
He brings his hands to your waist, hips, neck, and hair. The kiss was also slow, romantic and passionate. He grabs you like someone was trying to steal you away from him. He tastes you like you’re his last meal. And kisses you like he’s been in love with you since forever. It’s like you were the only thing he cared about at that time. Was it winning against you? Or winning you?
He starts going “mmh” in his kisses, going deeper and bringing you closer to him. You pull out to breathe but it’s like he needed you to live. He pulls in back immediately and carries on with what he started. You start moaning into the kiss, your pussy’s starting to get wet and he knows it.
So he slowly gets one of his hands to slide down from the back of your head, to your cleavage, breast, massaging it a little, to your tummy, the hollow in between your hips and thighs, and finally, your throbbing pussy. He starts playing with your clit through your shorts. Going slow then fast, sliding his skinny, long fingers to your entrance occasionally, and caressing the edges. His hand play is too good. You already feel ready to cum. Your body heats up and starts shivering. All he does is pull back, look at you and nod as you stare at him, incapable of kissing back. An electric feeling going up your spine as you finally reach your highest and cum in your little panties. He watches you carefully, squinting his eyes, proud of how he’s making you feel and admiring your pretty face too. You slowly come down but Jungkook isn’t finished. He grabs your ass firmly and brings you to the luxury bedroom. Kissing your jaw, and going down to your neck, leaving purple marks on purpose. Wanting to embarrass you with his very own hickeys. It smells good, everything is so clean. The bed’s sheets already in disorder from Jungkook before you arrived. He throws you on the bed and takes off his clothes.
‘Can I?’
He asks while looking at your clothes. You nod and he starts taking them off too. You’re now both naked, with nothing separating you two. He first admires your athletic body; this is the first time he’s ever seen a body like that. Totally his type. You also observe his body, including his tall, thick cock standing on its own. He gets on top of you as you put your legs around his waist, already tired from being drunk and your previous orgasm and take a deep breath.
He asks you if you’re ready, you answer yes and here it is. Everything he wished he never knew.
A tight cunt, wet and ready for his big and curved dick. He slides in, finally getting to feel a warm feeling from you around his cock and he watches your reactions; your nose scrunching, eyes closing firmly, and moans slipping from your wet, swollen lips. You probably taste like him now, he thought. He pushes himself in out your tight walls, squelching noises resonating in the bedroom along the night birds outside. The curtains weren’t close, anybody could see you, and it wouldn’t be surprising that a paparazzi was filming or photographing you two. But you didn’t care, this was a chance, and a chance you’d take legs wide open like the slut you are.
Slapping noises and moans breaking the weirdly comfortable silence. He whines and says your name under his breath, like he’s sort of ashamed of actually getting pleasure. And nothing could prove this more than him starting to get sloppier as he starts moaning louder. Seeing him like this and his dick hitting all the right spots makes you approach your orgasm faster than you thought.
You close your eyes, making sure to capture this actual warm, welcoming and peaceful atmosphere around the room. Then before you can think about it, you’re both reaching your highest, approaching a strong orgasm and finally releasing your semen in the same spot. His cum meeting yours as he stares at you deeply. His cum slides down to your asshole as he slowly pulls out, making sure to not wake you up too soon from this unreal feeling you’re going through right now.
And just when you open your eyes, he falls on top of you and lazily hugs you close. After a moment, he gets up and carries you to the toilet then tells you that you’ll shower together tomorrow. Right now, you’re both too tired and drunk to do pretty much anything. He brings you back to your bed, already asleep, and you drive off in a deep state of sleep while being cuddled in Jungkook’s strong arms.
What will happen when you both wake up tomorrow?
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Prove it masterpost
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 2 months
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this is just a random post, because I am bored and don't want to do hw, with some the songs I've recently been listening on repeat lol>>
(not my fav songs because that's hard to choose, just a few songs I currently play on repeat)
♪Lavender Haze- Taylor Swift
♪DiE4u- Bring me the Horizon
♪Dangerously- Charlie Puth
♪Sleepwalking- Rival
♪Still Monster- Enhypen
♪We can't be friends- Ariana Grande
♪Down Bad- Taylor Swift
♪Let me down slowly- Alec Benjamin
♪But Sometimes- Boynextdoor
♪Sucker x There's nothing holding me back (on yt, I don't remember the channel)
♪Smart- Le Sserafim
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truc01 · 1 year
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ambereddragonfire · 3 months
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making a rival for my fake pokemon region! shes really mean <3
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datfluffypillow · 4 months
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Playin ace attorney again, back into it.
Shout out to my most hated character, fuck you Luke, almost found another person who stole your apot but he was cut short lol.
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