#Rat dad is best dad
filthycockroach · 2 years
Pst hey...
Psssssst heeeeey!
Hey there!
I'm glad I caught your attention, now please...
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Ah, ✨childhood trauma✨
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mrjeremyman · 4 months
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Phillip: absolute trouble maker, will escape and will cause chaos. Has to be separated from the group sometimes because he will start fights.
Gregory: Polite and gentle young lad, loves his berries. Ghost tends to let first time rat handlers hold him first to get a feel as Gregory isn’t fussy.
Ivo: Most skittish but over all nice. Never bites, will go bald soon.
Toms: most energetic and curious rat, is usually the one scrapping with Phillip. Fussy eater, might bite of feeling moody. But on a good day, very happy to get pets and to be held. Might run away if too excited.
I love them. So much.
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dash-o-frost · 1 year
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Resident mungo gets kicked out of his own society due to being too old for the cool kids group !
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Copia: Every “scummy sewer rat” used in modern TV and film is actually a healthy, chubby little baby with a nice shiny coat because she lives a blessed little rat life full of fruits and nuts and tummy scritches. I say “she” because almost every rat you see on TV or film is a female. Male rats have enormous balls, and they don’t want to show that on camera. All of the lovely ladies that appeared in the Rats music video are my darling little babies, and they did an amazing job!
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worstmombracket · 1 year
The Worst Dad Bracket Masterpost
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ROUND 4: Ends Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM CST
Feel free to send in any propaganda for the shitty dad YOU think should win the coveted World's Worst Dad cup!
1A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs Dr. Martin Brenner (Stranger Things) - Battle of the Training From Hell Dads Winner: Endeavor
Donald Davenport (Lab Rats) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Rich Dads Winner: Preston Northwest
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Every Dad from Fire Emblem Fates (Fire Emblem Fates) - Battle of the Dads of Timey Wimey Nonsense Kids Winner: Bro Strider
Mr. Turner (Fairly Oddparents) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epiteth Erased) - Battle of the Dads of Kids who Should Not Have That Responsibility Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Viren (The Dragon Prince) - Battle of Dads I Know Nothing About Winner: Straff Venture
Iemitsu Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of Mafia vs Robber Baron Dads Winner: Jacques Schnee
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Trigon (Teen Titans) - Battle of the Demon Hunter and Demon Dads Winner: John Winchester
John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Nyarlathotep (Persona 2) - Battle of the Dads Whose Submission Reasonings Made Me Go WTF the Most Winner: John "Jod" Gaius
1B Matchups:
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Battle of the Religious Trauma Dads Winner: Claude Frollo
William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Roy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Battle of the Purple and Yellow Dads Winner: William Afton
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - Battle of the Bald Dads Winner: Walter White
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs Ghetsis (Pokémon Black and White) - Battle of the Animal Abuse Dads Winner: Ghetsis
Masayoshi Shido (Persona 5) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Battle of Your Rival's Shitty Dads Winner: Manfred von Karma
Harry Wormwood (Matilda) vs Gabe "Smelly Gabe" Ugliano (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - Battle of the Ordinary Shitty Dads with Extraordinary Powerful Kids Winner: Harry Wormwood
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Gozaburo Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Battle of the Corporate Shithead Dads Winner: Gabriel Agreste
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Firelord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Battle of the Dads of Kids in Desperate Need of Therapy Winner: Firelord Ozai 2A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (BNHA) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Classless High Class Dads
Winner: Endeavor
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) - Battle of the Neglectful Toy Enthusiast Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of the Arshitocracy Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) - Battle of the John Dads
Winner: John Gaius
2B Matchups:
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs William Afton (FNAF) - Battle of the Burning Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon Black & White) - Battle of the Kingpin Dads
Winner: Ghetsis
Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs Harry Wormwood (Mathilda) - Battle of the there's not a coherent theme here ngl dads
Winner: Von Karma
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Firelord Ozai (ATLA) - Battle of the Big Bad Dads
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 3 Matchups:
Endeavor vs Martin Blyndeff - Battle of the Selfish Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture vs John Gaius - Battle of the Literary Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
Claude Frollo vs Ghetsis - Battle of the Ominous Latin Chorus Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Manfred von Karma vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Rival’s Shitty Dad… 2!
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 4 Semifinals Matchups:
Martin Blyndeff vs Straff Venture - Battle of the Dark Horse Dads
Claude Frollo vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Awful Authorities Dads
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savemeafruitjuice · 6 months
TMNT 2012 Headcannons Because I Can't Function Well Enough to Make a Fic
yeah I'm sorry for not being able to write super well rn,,, but I'll make headcannons to make up for it!
TMNT 2012 HCS! (Slight spoilers! Don't read if you haven't finished season 4!)
TW!: Some Swearing! (my bad)
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why does he look like that- /j
I feel like he's decently ticklish but hides it most of the time because of his "I want to look super professional and ninja-y" persona, but there are times when he can't help it.
Worst spot is probably his sides (I've seen this around and it just suits him)
Second worst is likely tied between his feet and underarms
After the battle with Shredder and his vocal cords were trashed, his laugh is much more raspy and doesn't get very loud. Shrieky giggles at most.
Hasn't effected his sensitivity though.
Will squirm like his life depends on it, but generally is sapped of his strength after a few seconds.
Splinter would tickle them as tots, but as they got older it became less and less common.
However, when Leo became more edgy and stoic, his dad came around to make sure he kept smiling.
Gets tickled the most by Splinter and Raph
If asked, won't downright admit to being ticklish, but definitely won't deny it if it's with someone he's comfortable with.
Karai had to do some serious coaxing to get him to let her, but after that she continuously pokes at him to catch him off guard, sometimes even full on tickling him until he can't remember his own name.
All ideas for attack and protection go out the window as soon as he's tickled
Just flops around a bunch
Can't take multiple lers at a time unless it's light tickling- he almost instantly crumbles
Gets really flustered hearing "the t-word"
He'll blush and stutter, looking all taken-aback
Will literally always get his ler back
Unless it's Splinter, he only tried that once as a tot- never again.
Big brother privileges galore
If Leo's in a good mood, he'll take any and every opportunity he can to wreck his siblings
Tickles all of his brothers equally, but it's really just a matter of who needs it the most, as well as who happens to fall into his sight.
Likes using cheer-up tickles- and needs to. (These poor children are so traumatized)
Tickles vary between scribbling and poking, to squeezing and wiggling his fingers.
Isn't suuuper ruthless, but his brothers still fear him.
Especially if they've made him mad.
If so, it's game over.
Is also very teasy.
Will avoid saying the word because it flusters him as well, but still makes sure to embarrass his little siblings to no end.
I feel like he'd laugh along with his lee, making notes on the silly faces and noises they make.
The most common reason of being forced to take his wrath is refusing to move from in front of the tv while he watches Space Heroes.
Likely a ler-leaning switch
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Donatello looks like he's super ticklish.
And absolutely is.
Worst spots are underarms, thighs, and general stomach-area, but he's definitely ticklish everywhere
Screeches and flails when tickled no matter how light
Laugh is pretty loud, but his giggles are very light and airy.
Will beg the entire time, but doesn't actually mind being tickled all that much.
There was a time when April found out he was ticklish (she walked in on Mikey wrecking his shit) and joined in.
Let's just say his face had never been as red as it was then.
Is tickled the most for not sleeping for literal days straight, or for freaking out, but there are times when his brothers (+ April and sometimes Casey) just tickle him to mess with him.
If multiple people are tickling him, he just completely loses himself.
Don isn't able to formulate words, his face goes beet red, and will go limp after a while.
If April is tickling him, he is so terrified of accidentally hurting her that he just stops moving- complete bodily shut down.
He still laughs and pleads with her, but refuses to move an inch, barely even pulling him arms down to protect himself. He gets teased about it so much too.
That completely flips if it's his brothers though, slapping and punching and kicking so much that it's the main priority to pin him down, rather than actually tickle him.
Actually cries very easily when being tickled
Gave his fam a big scare the first time it happened
Cannot take teasing.
He will hide in his shell until he either feels safe again or is forced out.
Such forcing is done by giving him raspberries on his shell. (The method was discovered by Mikey, and was passed down to everyone they know)
I don't see him as much of a ler, but let's give it a shot anyways.
Isn't very teasy per se, but there are lots of little things he does that fluster his lee regardless.
Things like creeping his hands close to a tickle spot before actually getting it, pausing every once in a while, things like that.
Doesn't really say much, and kinda just stares at whoever he's tickling. Especially April.
After everyone started noticing this, he switched to giving compliments sometimes so it was less awkward.
Tickles Mikey and April the most, but it's still pretty rare.
Has pretty light tickles
Spidering, soft scratching, and tracing are his go to.
Has only tickled April a couple of times, but it didn't go on for very long because 1) He got too shy, 2) He didn't want to hurt her, and 3) She turns the tables every time.
In all the times he's tickled people, there was only a time or two that they didn't get him back.
Almost completely a lee.
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I'm not sure where his worst spot would be, but for sure has a really ticklish torso and neck. Also Underarms.
I love that he's canonically ticklish- it's just so wonderful.
Gets tickled the most by Mikey (much to his embarrassment), but Leo is a close second, followed by Mona.
His laugh is surprisingly high-pitched, making a prime topic for lighthearted bullying.
Attempts to hide his reactions, and does so fairly well, although there are certain things that absolutely make him crumble.
Fights and fights and fights until he's too tired to move.
Absolutely will not hesitate to knock a tooth loose or beat anyone who tries to tickle him, but there are two instances where he will restrain himself.
One of these instances is when it comes to Mona Lisa.
If she is tickling him, he'll wiggle around, but composes himself enough to not accidentally hurt her.
Both of them know there's no way he'd actually do any substantial damage, but better safe than sorry.
The other instance is if he really pisses Leo off.
This has only happened a couple of times, but it is extremely scary.
Raph pretty much accepts his fate.
There's still a struggle, but there is a significant decrease in the amount of effort he puts in to stop his older brother from tickling him.
Still stubborn af though.
Mikey was the one who found out he was ticklish and has been using it against him ever since, almost always resulting in Raph absolutely getting him.
Despite the ler energy I've seen him with, I feel like he doesn't tickle people a whole lot.
Doesn't mean he isn't the scariest ler in the Hamato household.
When the tickle monster that is Raph is unleashed, all of his brothers cower.
Has a much rougher approach to tickling, leaving his lee a breathless mess on the floor
He's also extremely teasy, though it's more so sarcastic comments the entire time.
Running from this turtle is not an option. He can and will catch you every single time.
Donnie has learned this the hard way, very many times.
There's a pretty even balance as to who Raph tickles the most, but the most common to see tickly-interactions with is Casey.
Those two have tickle fights all the time.
Leo has rushed into the lair multiple times because of Casey's unholy screeching.
Tickles people the most for getting on his nerves or to get them to be quiet. (Mikey)
Has tried and failed to tickle Mona, and is still unsure to this day if she isn't ticklish, or just hides her reactions well.
Switch-leaning ler
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stopp what is this gif 😳
Very ticklish boy.
Worst spots are neck, knees, and ribs
His laugh is loud enough to make his ler retract and cover their ears for a moment before continuing.
I think he absolutely loves using tickling as a way to mess with his bros or just have fun.
Is mainly tickled for being obnoxious, but April and Casey will get him more casually, exchanging pokes and squeezes every now and then.
That said, his main lers are April and Casey, followed by Raph.
Squirms around a bit, and tries to hide in his shell half of the time.
Isn't as stubborn as his brothers, but he has his moments.
Is more sensitive to physical teasing, such as wiggling fingers, etc.
Needs some kind of affection after being tickled, such as a hug, head-pats, even just some water will do.
If caught off-gaurd, he may accidentally punch his ler in the face. (It has happened on multiple occasions)
Is generally open to being tickled, but will get a little flustered if asked about it directly.
Pesters his brothers All. The. Time.
Loves to sneak up behind them when they're not paying attention and poke them or wiggle his fingers into their side.
Is the only one of the four to incorporate tickling into every day life.
Seriously, he'll sneak it into training to gain the upper hand, (it never works for long but A for effort) cheer-up tickles after a tough mission, even declares tickle fights sometimes!
A very quick tickler, rapidly changing spots and moving his fingers at terrifying speeds.
Gets extremely full of himself when he takes someone down, teasing and laughing galore, though this is usually his downfall.
Tickles Raph and Donnie the most often, Raph just to annoy him, and Donnie to initiate a tickle fight, or to make him relax.
Casey is slightly rarer to see, but that's because he mostly hangs around Raph and Donnie.
Loves playing chase before getting his lee.
Also will tag-team with April to get his nerd brother, secretly being a wingman to up his ego in April's eyes.
Makes goofy noises when tickling people to make them laugh more, and it works a lot of the time.
A full switch
Geez, I apologize for not responding very much, my mental health is seriously kicking my butt, but I'm still holding things together so far! Next on my to-do list is lee 2012 Raph, so I'll see what story I can put together for you all. I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful day/night!
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crownedcrowrow · 1 year
Oooo 2k3 requests Splinter holding them gently like hamburger
Or turtles holding Cody gently like hambeurger
Always up for good rat dad doodles. You know when people pick up dogs and hold them over water so they start to paddle? I like the imagery if the tots doing that.
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A bonus shit post
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bornetoblood · 1 year
Okay fuck it, Gehrman, Maria and the Doll Post.
Buckle in bucko cus I have lots of thoughts. This isn’t really evidenced or a lore post, it’s just a compelation of assorted Rat (tm) opinions on these three’s relationship and how it intersects with some of those delicious themes in my brain.
Gehrman, Maria and the Doll are, basically, about legacy to me- particularly Gehrman’s failure to secure the continuation of his hunters through Maria.
We know Maria as Gehrman’s apprentice, possibly one of a few but that is left vague, that he had a “curious mania” in regards to her that she was unaware of. This “mania” to me is Gehrman’s desire to keep his legacy going, his methods of hunting and the workshop (kinda like a parental figure trying to make their child a little them). This is reflected in Maria’s desire to gain strength through practice and her dexterity, not innate abilities.
They have a pretty wholesome dynamic of ‘mentor you trust enough to kinda consider your dad’ thing going if you ignore all the murder. Maria being separated from her Cainhurst family as she deliberately distances herself from them and Gehrman (who is very very family oriented to me) likes looking after people.
Maria’s acceptance of the First Hunter 2.0 role, however, runs up to the Fishing Hamlet Massacre, and then crashes.
The Hamlet and the events there forced Maria to realise the violence such a role entails. Additionally, I can see her putting two and two together about what exactly the beasts are here also. Unlike Gehrman, she doesn’t see the murder of these people as an act of mercy, and forgos her status as a hunter, throwing away the Rakuyo. This creates a divide between them and they aren’t as close ever again.
When the Healing Church gets going, they both participate. Gehrman does his whole ‘hunting from the shadows’ deal while Maria works in the research hall. They get into arguments sometimes about their different views of the hunt and its validity, and Maria’s depression progressively worsens as the Research Hall gets more violent and her crush gets slugs put in her brain. She is complicit in the Research Hall out of a desire to ease the pain of the patients and this compounds the guilt she’s still feeling from the Hamlet. This guilt, eventually, leads to her death.
Gehrman doesn’t take this very well. As a result, he gives up hunting and isolates himself; having failed in his mission to create a lineage of hunters, help Maria with what she was going through, and simply be an alright dad to her. He misconstrues Maria’s more masc presentation, her headstrong and dynamic personality, as an extension of the hunt and thus strips those qualities of her in his attempt to memorialise her.
Gehrman, foolishly, thinks that he alone is to blame for Maria’s disillusionment. He thinks that Maria would’ve been the most comfortable as a traditional feminine figure (he.... doesn’t know many women, only what he’s read in books). So this is what the Doll is- Gehrman’s attempt to atone for making Maria’s life miserable.
This is complicated when Flora brings the Doll to life to accompany Gehrman in the Dream; the Doll is nothing like Maria because they have been stripped of everything that made Maria who she was. Gehrman just avoids them as a result, effectively abandoning his wooden child without them having a clue why.
The Doll is not Maria. Although it’s implied they share some memories (or the feelings those memories evoke) and the Doll is put at ease when Maria is put to rest in the Nightmare, I see this more as Great One shenanigans than them being the same person. Flora animating the Doll with Gehrman’s memory of Maria is the most interesting take to me- he’s forgotten a lot about her and what’s left is someone unrecognisable with the same voice. 
And that’s where it stays. The Doll is an animated product of grief who unintentionally freaks Gehrman out and makes him feel sick and they have 0 idea what they’re doing wrong.
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addaxus · 2 years
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Encantober Day 23 ~ Rats 🐀
I really wanted to do this day because I had this idea at the front of my mind so it’s a day late but I did it and that what matters haha.
Bruno shows Mirabel his little family of Siamese rats🥺 and she wants to feed them cheese cubes.
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bigender-cowboy · 22 days
Dude im thinking about my mom rn and it’s actually crazy. I broke a whole ass glass bowl and she laughed it off but my sister made brownies (I was watching her + I called mom for permission because she wasn’t home) that tasted good and I got hit????? Like?????? Wth is the logic??????
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shironezuninja · 4 months
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Ok, I’m done again.
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greengoddesssmoothie · 11 months
Summary: "He hovers in the main room, the night-time ritual completed. Because it has been completed, he reminds himself. There is no reason to repeat it.
And yet…"
Leo has done an excellent job of hiding whatever it is that's wrong with him. Tonight, though, he's tired of pretending.
Or, Leo has OCD and lets his dad comfort him.
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stormyykat · 2 years
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pittyober day 2 - skull island / rat
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eggmeralda · 5 months
just woke up from the best film I've ever watched in my life only to realise it was a dream
#IT DOESN'T EXIST. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION#is there an animated film about like these 6 rats or something escaping from this guy but there's all these themes that they go through#and the final theme is death bc one of them gets impaled by a rose thorn and it's like FUCK bc they were almost gonna get away#so there's this old guy who's a bit of a prick but he becomes nicer at the end but he's the one that dies#and these two girls one of them is like idk she's good at a lot of things and the other one is kind of a pushover#then three guys one of them is really pathetic one is kind of silly and one of them i guess is the Normal Main Character type#also there's humans going about their lives in the present but for some reason the rats' lives are set in like? early 20th century italy#and there's all these shots of like the italian scenery for some reason. idk why it's set there but it's a vibe#idk who the guy they're getting away from is or what he wanted with them but yeah#and bc they're rats or whatever type of rodent they were they would like hide in bushes and it would be really intense bc like#what if the guy can see them#and basically not to give any spoilers but then the old guy died and they wrote some quote on a bit of paper and drew a pic of him and stuc#it on the wall as tribute. and idk who's gonna see it bc I think they were amongst some plants at the bottom of like#one of those bench booths you get in restaurants or cafes. I have no idea#but then it ended with them walking up this hill into the sunset or something idek#with this like late 60s/early 70s big produced sweeping strings tambourines etc. banger playing over the credits#also my car was in it occasionally. and this guy I went to college with and never spoke to#and my best friend briefly#and earlier on I had another dream but idk if it was connected. but it was stan kyle kenny and cartman#but they got a job where my dad works in this park as like. toilet assistants. as in when someone went#to the toilet they'd open the door. that was the whole job#but one of the job requirements was they had to be beatles coded apparently#like that's what it said on the application. so they basically just reenacted the history of the beatles#while opening toilet doors#it was like 4 dreams in one but they were all somewhat connected. also the lining in my coat was so reflective it made a sound#and I was telling someone about my favourite chord progression idk what relevance that had but standard dream i guess#anyway. rodent storyline was going on as it did but at the end it became a film and suddenly I was there. watching it with my friend#and i was like ''god originally I would've given this a 4 maybe 3.5 on letterboxd but now it's getting a 5 + a ❤''#ramble#oneiro
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Just found out my two siblings are in my mom's will, but not me. Also my grandpa has told the entire family about his engagement. Except for me. Also my dad told my siblings that he and my mom bought a plot of land. Can you guess who they haven't told?
#these tags are about to be a massive trauma dump tbh so avoid if you want#when i was fifteen i came out as trans. and my mom was terrible about it. and my dad was up for a promotion so we were considering moving#and i found a list of my moms pros and cons for moving. on the pros was 'people there dont know about (deadname)'#so that was ideal for a suicidal fifteen year old to find. and tonight i just learned that im not in her will#both of my siblings are. but im not. and its just always been like this#im treated like im not part of the family anymore. and it's been that way since i was fifteen#i heard from my brother that my grandpa is engaged. and he told both my siblings about it directly. he never told me#i reach out to my parents. i never hear back. my aprents text my sibling to check on me (sib and i live together)#everything is kind of shit rn. one of my rats is dying. my family doesnt love me. im broke. my best friend and i arent really talking#because he fucked my ex gf and now things arent really the same anymore. strangely enough. he doesnt reach out anymore#so i have no one to talk to about any of this shit#last night i was crying about my rat and i guess my roommate heard it cuz this morning they said#'are you okay? if you ever need someone to talk to who will never bring it up again you can talk to me'#and thats the most loving thing ive heard from someone in months. from a woman ive known since august#im. just. at a loss. since i found out tonight. that im not in my mom's will#its not about money. or assets. its about the fact that im her fucking child and both of her other children are in it but im not#after she dies shes willing to help them out but i can get fucked ig#i wonder if im gonna be invited to my grandpas wedding. i wonder if any of them would want me at their funeral#i wonder if any of them would come to mine
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It’s kind of funny that 2k3 is considered the more ‘grounded’ version of animated TMNT when it had the turtles being beamed into space in the season one finale. (This isn’t remotely a criticism of the show, it’s just funny).
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