#Remus will never let his boyfriend die alone
Feb 1. Prompt: Chocolate. Word count: 161 @wolfstarmicrofic
I haven't written a microfic in over a month but I'm so bored in a night class so here we go.
Sirius is staring up at the crimson curtains around Remus’ bed, unable to sleep.
Remus groans.
“Lily said that dogs can’t eat chocolate.”
“You’re not a real dog, Pads, you’ll be fine” Remus mumbles into his pillow.
“If I eat it as a human, yes, but what if I eat it as Padfoot?”
Remus opens one eye to look at his boyfriend and raises his eyebrow. “Then don’t eat chocolate as Padfoot?” he says, matter-of-fact-ly.
Sirius turns his face towards Remus, looking very guilty, and that wakes Remus up properly.
“Sirius? What did you do?”
“I had a chocolate frog as Padfoot while you were in the shower. I needed to know for sure! But now I’m too scared to fall asleep.” and Remus can hear real fear in his voice, so he pulls Sirius until he’s draped all over him.
“Here,” he presses a kiss into his hair, and Sirius can feel his smile on his head. “That way I can feel if you stop breathing in your sleep.”
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theemporium · 8 months
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click 'here' to unlock the other boyfriends!
In the most non-dramatic way he could ever begin to explain, James Potter would rather die than let you lift a finger if he could avoid it.
You thought you knew the kind of boy he was long before you even met him—you had seen the type. Pretty boy from a wealthy family who had never really been told no. An only child to add onto everything else, no doubt the pride and joy of his parents. And growing up in a family as well-known and respected as the Potters, you expected him to be like every other pureblood prat you had met over the years. 
But James Potter was like nobody else you had ever met in your life, and he showed you as much the first time you ever met him.
It was an undeniable fact that James had a huge ego, it was just a mistake that people seemed to pair with arrogance. But he wasn’t arrogant, not really. He was just extremely confident in a way nobody ever thought was possible. And with that confidence came his unwavering faith to know what people needed before they even realised it.
He knew when Sirius got in his own head, a little down after the latest altercation with his family. James knew he just needed a few more rounds around the quidditch pitch, to put that anger and energy into something else before he eventually opened up about what was bugging him. He knew Sirius liked to bottle up, just so he could wrap his head around his own thoughts before he said something. Not always—no, Sirius Black was firmly an act first, think later kind of guy. Except when it came to his family. And James knew that, he knew what his best friend needed.
He knew when Remus had a particularly rough night, whether it was the full moon or bad dreams keeping him up. He knew what his friend needed, knew that the boy would never outwardly ask for help. He knew that Remus’ pride was his number one enemy but he was glad he never pushed on why James requested a large part of his allowance to be spent on chocolate—the brand James himself hates but he knows Remus loves, knows he will accept under the terrible excuse of forgetting he didn’t like it in the first place.
And he knew it with you, even long before the two of you started dating—or even before you were friends. He knew by the crease in your brows when you walked into the classroom that you were having a bad day, and he would do his damn best to keep the professor’s attention off you for the lesson. He knew the exact way you took your tea in the morning, even if it took three weeks for you to finally trust he hadn’t put anything in it. He knew that he was downright obsessed with you, and he knew you felt the same—even if it took you a little longer to come to that realisation. 
James knew what you needed before you did, and he liked being the one to give you those things—which included his infamous surprise date nights. 
He noticed the way life was starting to take a toll on you. It was more different than either of you expected after you graduated Hogwarts. Suddenly, you were young and thrust into the real world to try and find your footing. And honestly? It fucking sucked.
The freedom was fun until you realised you had no fucking idea what you were doing. And the crappy desk job at the Ministry you had managed to score out of not knowing what you wanted to do with your career didn’t exactly help. Everyone in your department was old, judgemental and liked to think of you as more of a doormat than anything else. 
James hated watching the way it was sucking the life out of you. He hated that he couldn’t help you find the path that would make you the happiest, that it would be a journey you’d have to undertake alone. He hated feeling useless. 
So, he found other ways to cheer you up. 
“There’s my pretty girl!”
You flashed him a weak smile as you shut the front door to your shared apartment behind you, toeing off your shoes and hanging your jacket on the hooks on the wall. You dumped your bag beside your shoes, letting out a soft sigh before you turned back to him. 
Only to pause and frown when you noticed the way he was dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt—clothes far fancier than he even wore to work.
“Why are you dressed like that?” You murmured, brows furrowed as you tried to wrack your brain through what the day could possibly be. “Am I missing something? Did we have something planned?” You froze, your eyes widening. “Fuck, is it our anniversary? Baby, I’m so sorry—”
“Hey, breathe f’me,” James commanded in a soft voice, closing the distance between you both as he cupped your face in both his hands. He gave you a smile, a small one but it made your chest feel funny regardless. “You didn’t miss anything. I just wanted a lil’ date night with my girl.”
“We’re going out?” You questioned, trying not to sound too ungrateful or bothered. But you were dog-tired and not in the mood to get all dolled up and socialise. 
“Mhm, finest restaurant in the country,” James’ grin widened. “Jamie’s kitchen. You didn’t hear from me but I heard the head chef is fucking gorgeous. Might have to worry about him sweeping you off your feet.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Depends what his special is tonight.”
“A nice, warm bath waiting for you before dinner at seven,” he responded as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. “Topped with some fancy lavender muggle thing Evans swears by.” 
Your eyes softened, already feeling your eyes well up a little. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Yeah, I do,” he murmured back, his thumbs sweeping over the apples of your cheeks. “And I have the perfect girl. Got a pretty great life, huh?”
“I love you,” you whispered before finally closing the last few inches between you, your lips pressed against his in a short but sweet kiss. “Any chance I can tempt the chef to join me in the bath?”
James let out a low groan. “Baby, you can’t say stuff like that.” He let out a huff as he dropped his head against your shoulder, muttering something to himself before lifting his head. “This chef’s priority is making your favourite dinner.”
You pouted.
His eyes gleamed with something wild. “But I think the dessert will make up for it.”
You raised your brows. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” he confirmed before leaning down to peck your lips one more, a soft slap on your ass making you giggle against his lips. “In the bath, baby. Want you all happy and relaxed by the time dinner is ready.”
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up-to-some-good · 2 years
I take the “micro” out of “microfic”…
Happy Valentine’s Day! Written for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: February 14th - Passion
“What am I gonna do, Prongs?”
James started as Sirius stormed into the dorm, the sudden movement making him splatter ink all over his Valentine’s Day card for Lily
“Ruin my first Valentine’s Day with my beautiful girlfriend, apparently,” James grumbled in response.
“Fuck your plans with Lily.” Sirius flopped dramatically onto the bed next to his friend. “If I don’t get to have a happy Valentine’s, then neither do you.”
“Does Remus even care about Valentine’s? He’s never mentioned it before.”
As he spoke, James carefully used a spell to siphon the ink off his card, unfortunately removing the flowers he’d spent hours drawing as well.
“Oh, I guarantee you he does,” Sirius responded. “He just gave me a long, passionate speech about the holiday on our way to the library. You should’ve heard him, Jamie. If I don’t do something special, he’ll break up with me and I’ll die alone.”
James hummed in response, barely concentrating on his brother’s dramatics as he tried to redo his drawing from before, managing to just barely recreate the poorly drawn roses.
“It’s too late for me now,” Sirius continued. “I’m going to have to face him and admit that I’m the worst boyfriend alive and hope he forgives me.”
Sirius looked over at his friend, finally noticing his absorption and rolled his eyes, before snatching the card away. James made a noise of distress and made to grab for the card, only for Sirius to pull it further away.
“Focus, Prongs! I need your help!”
James sighed and stopped reaching for the card, rubbing his temples.
“Surely you can think of something by yourself?” he asked. “It’s Moony we’re talking about. He won’t want something expensive or grand. Something small and meaningful is his style.”
Sirius sighed. “Like what?”
“I don’t know!” James yelled. “You’re his boyfriend. You figure it out! And give me back my card!”
“Fine.” Sirius stood up and handed the card back over. “I was gonna offer to redraw those roses for you, but since you’re not gonna help me, I won’t waste my artistic talents on helping you.”
He turned and made to leave the door, exaggerating his slow steps. James took a moment to catalogue what sweets he had from their last Hogsmeade trip before giving in.
“Wait, Padfoot.” Sirius paused and turned back, grinning smugly. “I don’t know that I’ll be much help with Moony, but I will trade you two sugar quills for you to fix the card and brainstorm with you while you sketch.”
Remus Lupin loved Valentine’s Day. When he was a kid, his Mom would give him pancakes with homemade strawberry jam for breakfast every year on February 14th. Since then, he’d been a fan of the holiday, making sure his friends got a little card every year throughout their Hogwarts career. This year would be his first Valentine’s in a relationship and he was looking forward to spending the day with Sirius.
When he woke up on February 14th, however, his boyfriend was suspiciously absent from their shared bed. Instead, Remus found a small origami heart with a note tucked inside on his pillow.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
The note was in Sirius’s perfect cursive. Remus grinned to himself as he tucked the heart in his pocket and got ready for the day, hoping to meet Sirius at breakfast. On his way down to the Great Hall, he ran into Lily, bouquet, presumably from James, with a card that had some suspiciously well drawn flowers on it.
“Morning, Re,” she greeted as she fell into step with him. “Have you seen Sirius this morning? I want to thank him for helping James with the card.”
“Haven’t seen him yet,” Remus responded easily. “But I’ll let him know.”
Sirius remained conspicuously absent for the rest of the day, having different classes all day, but more origami hearts appeared at random moments, each with a small note in his handwriting.
“I love you” appeared at the bottom of Remus’s mug, right before he poured his morning coffee.
“You’re the best” was on his desk when he arrived at Arithmancy.
“You’re beautiful” landed on his shoe when he bent down in a hallway to tie his laces.
“You’re the smartest of us all” fell out with a library book during Remus’s study period.
Each note made Remus smile and blush, tucking the hearts in his pockets and hoping he’d get to see his boyfriend at some point during the day.
Finally at dinner, a heart appeared on his plate as he sat down in his usual spot.
The note simply read, “Astronomy tower”
Remus bolted up from his seat and ran across the castle, only slowing down at the stairs to the tower. When he reached the top, he started to tear up.
Sirius had set up a picnic for the two of them, a red blanket set on the floor of the tower, with a plate of pancakes resting next to a jar of what looked like strawberry jam. A few candles were dotted around the floor, keeping the lighting dim enough to see the stars but still light enough to see each other.
Sirius himself was standing nervously next to the picnic blanket, fidgeting with his rings as Remus didn’t stared at him and didn’t say anything.
Eventually he cleared his throat.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Moony,” he said with a small smile.
Remus immediately tackled him into a hug, pressing kisses all over his face as Sirius laughed.
“You’re wonderful, Pads, do you know that?” Remus whispered. “Thank you for today.”
“I can’t take all the credit,” Sirius responded. “James helped me set it all up.”
Remus pressed a kiss to his lips, running his fingers through Sirius’s hair.
“Thank you both,” Remus said as he broke the kiss. “I loved it all. I don’t know what I did to deserve it all.”
“You deserve everything, Moons,” Sirius whispered back. “Everything.”
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riddle means misery | part 2.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: unknown yet x black!reader
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N I:  My old readers will know, if I have multiple parts finished. I will post them. Except nearly the whole series to be put up tonight— up until the romance part until I decide who. 
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist) 
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You didn’t move despite the charm being off until they were gone. Shakily, you pulled out your wand and muttered ‘Tergeo’-- you didn’t have enough magic to use ‘Scourgify’. You were happy no one was in the common room. Finnegan wasn’t in the room and you didn’t get a good night’s sleep because of it. Sirius wouldn’t hurt an animal just because they belonged to you, right? 
Relief filled your body at Finnegan sleeping on the arm rest of the couch in the common room. You immediately took her upstairs for her breakfast before taking her outside to use the restroom— the cat areas of Hogwarts were really convenient because you would hate a litter box in your room. Remus was the one who caught you crouched in the outer corridor while watching Finnegan enjoy her outside time, skipping breakfast because you didn’t want to deal with anything. You would just get food from the kitchen in a little bit. The house elves were never horrible to you. They were mean but at least they let you get food. 
“Please leave me alone.” 
“I’m doing you a favor by warning you.” 
“Warning me?”
“Marlene wants to duel you this afternoon but is willing to let your boyfriend take your place.” 
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “I don’t have a boyfriend.” 
“Rosier kisses your ass, I’m sure he kisses other things.”
“I would never kiss him. He’s not my boyfriend and I’m not a whore.”
“What makes you think snogging means you’re a whore, your father tell you that?” 
You grabbed your cat and left. Remus stood and jogged to catch up with you. “Bloody hell, that’s true?”
“What’s true, Moony?”
“Merlin’s Beard,” you whispered as the rest of the group showed up. 
“Her father’s little letters told her you’re a whore if you snog someone.” 
All the boys started laughing. James adjusted his glasses. 
“You say you’re not a Death Eater but you listen to Daddy’s letters? That’s a bit heir to the evil throne, Princess.”
“Is there a reason?” Peter asked. 
You knew walking would result in them following. You just adjusted Finnegan in your arms. “Snogging leads to dating.”
“Yeah, that’s the idea.”
“No point in dating if they’re not the one you’re set up to marry,” you mumbled. 
“That little marriage list wasn’t a joke? And here I was going to compliment You-Know-Who on having some humor in his murderous body… wait, my name was on it.”
Sirius blocked you in with his arms. “Nope, nope, you’re not leaving until I know why my name was on it.” 
“You’re a pureblood,” you muttered.
“You’re a pureblood from an old family.” 
Sirius’ hand held your throat, not applying pressure but threatening to. “I’d never date you.”
“It’s not about what you want! It’s a marriage arrangement, you don’t choose it. It happens when my father takes over, you think he cares what we want?” 
“When?” Sirius’ hand around your throat dropped. 
“My father gets stronger by the day and no one is doing anything about it. It’s obvious what’s going to happen. Voldemort will take over and everyone will fall in line or get killed. Muggleborns will have to give up their wands or die and purebloods won’t marry anyone less than a pureblood until we’re all that’s left. That’s life when he wins. When.”
“How are you even allowed to be here?” 
You turned at the random voice. The Great Hall had cleared out from dinner and you were faced with a bunch of your fellow students that only heard you say your father was going to win and kill them all. 
“You should be in an Azkaban cell,” another student said as they all started to walk by. 
“No, I’m not…” 
Your words weren’t finished as you ducked under Sirius’ arm to leave. Finnegan scratched your arms as you were lifted into the air and she jumped to the ground. Your wand hit the ground and you watched James pocket it. Everyone was laughing as the shorts under your skirt were vanished to reveal tiny blue panties with stars on them. 
Your face felt hot as your hands held up your skirt when you felt the panties disappear. You couldn’t cry. Crying would only make it worse, you were sure. No one had ever seen you cry at Hogwarts for that exact reason. Well that was a lie. Up until he graduated at the end of your third year, Lucius had seen a few tears. You hated that he had seen so much of you in a way you knew pleased him and your father.   
“Drop her!” 
You heard that and the shouts of various spells before you found yourself floating back to the ground. Evan Rosier was throwing spells at anyone he could see. Severus looked at you with mild disgust. 
“Why didn’t you do anything?” 
“James took my wand.” 
His face softened and you were actually grateful to the Marauders for once. If the Death Eater posse knew how little magic you possessed, they would stop helping you. He cleaned up the scratches you got from your cat. Severus summoned your wand and some shorts. A blush covered his face. 
“I thought the shorts were more appropriate for me to grab.” 
You thanked him and pulled the shorts up with a vengeance. Evan stopped hexing people only when the Death Eater posse were the last in the hallway. 
Bellatrix reached out to hand Finnegan back to you. “Those mudbloods will be the ones rotting in Azkaban cells if they don’t mind themselves. We can hex them some more.”
“No,” you said quickly before realizing you needed to say more. “School hexes are stupid. They’ll realize Hogwarts isn’t the real world.”
Evan nodded. “If you change your mind, we’ll be glad. I’ve been itching to drop someone from the third floor.” 
The posse walked off, laughing about spells they’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Your life felt like hell. You knew it when you found yourself wishing the Marauders would choose to publicly mess with you that day so others wouldn’t. You would actually even take them shoving you into the Black Lake again like they did in third year. At least they wouldn’t throw rocks at you at first. Every meal was now eaten in the kitchen because the Great Hall was the biggest source of your humiliation. You went to the owlery to get another letter from your father. There was one from him and one with no markings or signatures. You opened the non marked one to find a single sentence:
If you go to Astronomy tonight, you might slip from the tower. 
“Hey, Princess!”
You didn’t even look up at James, just shoved the letter in his arms so he could destroy it like he wanted and ran. You didn’t think they were joking. Taking a failing grade in Astronomy was worth it if it meant you were going to live. You had gotten many threats over the years but no one had been bold enough to threaten to kill you. A lot of letters saying you should die or be dead. But none saying they would kill you. 
In the safety of your room, you cried and hyperventilated on the floor. The bullying was expected, the torment was often, but the moments you truly didn’t feel safe were far and few between. You listened to the letter and didn’t attend your Astronomy class. You skipped breakfast the next morning as well. 
Instead of going to the Great Hall, you went straight to the library. Exams were coming up and you needed study materials. You looked over when you felt stares. A group of seventh years from different Houses were there. The girl in front rolled her eyes. 
“What are you doing, Riddle?” she asked.
You didn’t answer. Maybe it would have been better to say nothing and move on. You just tried to get your books. One of the thick novels smacked you in the face repeatedly.   
“You don’t know how to speak, brat?”
“What do you want?” you asked. 
“Come to Hogsmeade.”
“I’m studying, O.W.L.s ar—”
“That wasn’t a question. You’re leaving with us now. Hogsmeade or your cat might go missing. It was a stray anyway, right?”
You dropped all of your books and left with them. They sandwiched you in so you couldn’t even think about running. You felt one of them grab your wand out the waistband of your skirt. The undeniable crunch of your wand snapping reached your ears only a few seconds later.   
“We’re getting firewhiskey at the pub,” one of them said. 
“I can’t drink till next school year.”
“Learn we aren’t asking questions, unless you want another hex.” 
You followed them to the pub where they trapped you in the booth. You listened to them order— someone got you a butterbeer and multiple shots of firewhiskey. Three shots were placed in front of you. 
They laughed when you coughed as the alcohol burned your throat. The girl who spoke earlier grabbed your chin. 
“When your father takes over, you think all little muggleborns are going to let you take our wands?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, you didn’t hear the fir—”
“Prove it. Prove you’re not a Death Eater then, that you like us mudbloods… I know what I do when I like someone.”
You hit at her wrist. “No, let go.” 
The group laughed. 
“She’s not into girls, I bet,” someone else said. “Sweetheart, we’ve got plenty of mudblood boys too.”
You panicked and hit at her wrist again. You didn’t like this game. Snogging was supposed to be something special according to your books. You didn’t want to be kissed by any of them. You didn’t like any of them. The guy behind the girl raised a brow.
“I thought you wanted everyone to know you weren’t your father.”
“No kissing, you already broke my wand.”
“That was just part one.”   
“Let go, let go!” 
She hissed when you hit her particularly hard. Before the girl could get out another word, a wand was pointed at her throat. 
“She told you to let go. I don’t think she’s friends with any of you.” Lucius sneered. 
They all scampered away. Lucius gave you a hand out of the booth. Just like when you were eleven, you immediately clung to him. He led you out the pub and apparated you both to Diagon Alley when you mentioned that your wand was broken. Ollivander wasn’t even surprised to see you. He was one of the few adults you liked. You knew he didn’t like you— you had caught him talking to one of the other customers when he thought you had left. But, he always treated you like a normal customer to your face. At least he knew how to put on a facade.  
“Let’s try a different wand this time, Miss Riddle. I’ve been giving you the same replacement for years. Try this, beech wood with a dragon heartstring core. Ten inches, unyielding.” 
You cleaned the dust off the counter. Ollivander nodded. You reached into your bag but Lucius paid before you could even fish out the coins and count them. He took you back to Hogsmeade and began the walk to Hogwarts.  
“They’re still messing with you? I told you to tell your father after I graduated.”
“He’d kill everyone, even the purebloods.”
Lucius chuckled. “That’s what happens when you’re a Daddy’s girl. Well, you’re almost done and then you can join him. I think they should all be scared when you join us… You’re wearing the bracelet?”
You nodded. “It’s nice. Thank you for the jewelry.”  
“It looks pretty on you.” Lucius took your hand and kissed it. “I’ll see you around.”
He turned to leave. He had to know about the marriage list. You sighed because Lucius definitely thought he was the number one prospect and was going to do anything to stay that way. You’d quicker marry Sirius than him and that said a lot because you wanted the arrogant boy to drown himself in the lake every other day. You felt light walking into the castle, though. 
Lucius had kept you out long enough that everyone already had gone to bed. The castle seemed empty. You couldn’t wait until it was actually void of students. Summer was your liveliest time even if it was short. The Great Hall was always playing music on the record player when you were cleaning with the house-elves. You were surprised they still didn’t like you all that much despite the fact that you cleaned with them. 
The first thing you did one your first day of freedom was go to the pier to paint your nails. You weren’t really a make-up girl, partially because it was so expensive. But you were a complete nail polish girl. If you didn’t replace your nail polish every other Sunday then the world was coming to an end. 
Your second favorite thing about summer was quidditch. The quidditch pitch was free for you to ride your broom and scream at the top of your lungs. You just knew that you would have been an amazing Chaser. Having the castle all to yourself was always a dream. It was the real you that no one— not even your father— had a glimpse of. 
All the shine was dulled when September came back. You skipped the opening feast and ate in your room. You just wanted another day before all the crap started again. And like you predicted, the moment you stepped outside was the moment it started. Your prefect dropped your schedule in your cup of orange juice and then you slipped on a mysterious patch of ice when leaving the Great Hall. The ice patch broke some teeth. Madame Pomfrey wouldn’t help you, acting like you always had a tooth problem. 
You sat at your desk in your dorm room and brewed your own Skele-Gro. You didn’t take the potion until late at night because you knew that the process would be a bit painful for the teeth completely missing and you wanted to be passed out for most of it. Changing into pajamas, you got ready for the potion. You threw it back and dragged yourself to bed, closing the curtains around it. 
Your roommates noticed a cauldron that your foot had hit as you got into bed. It rocked back and forth before tipping all the way— the purple liquid spilling out of it. The cauldron knocked over other bottles and broke the herb and salt lines around your bed.
It was getting hard to breathe. Your eyes flew open to see nothing but black. Arms hit at whatever was on top of you. The giggling of your roommates was making you panic even more. Spots started to dart across your vision. Your hand tried to reach for your wand but it wasn’t where you left it. The pillow finally seemed to let you pull it away from your face. You sat up, panting heavily. All your roommates made eye-contact with you before going to sleep. Falling asleep again wasn’t an option. You grabbed your wand from one of the roommates’ nightstand and moved to change into day clothes. 
McGonagall looked extremely annoyed when you knocked on her door. “Miss Riddle, you’re out past curfew.” 
“The girls in my room tried to kill me,” you said between breaths. 
“That is a very serious accusation.”
“They put a p—”
“Miss Riddle, did you not hear me? That is a very serious accusation and we don’t take kindly to students throwing it around like nothing. Go back to your room before I give you detention for breaking curfew.” 
Your mouth dropped open. She wasn’t taking you seriously. You turned around to head back to the common room before deciding to take one more chance and go to Dumbledore’s office. Dumbledore gave you the same look as McGonagall when the door was opened. You already knew he would say the same things as her but you tried anyway. You ended up grabbing your bags, your journals, and your cat from your room before camping out in a broom closet in the common room. Hopefully none of the quidditch players wanted to practice early in the morning. 
You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t sleep in your room anymore. What if you accidentally knocked over a cauldron and it happened again? They actually tried to smother you with a pillow. The worst part was they almost succeeded. You decided to walk through Hogsmeade to try and come up with a solution. Also to comfort yourself by buying new nail polish or something. You wanted another research journal. You were old enough now to take your research seriously. Exploring the Dark Arts so you could figure out how to defend them was important to you. Especially because your father’s letters revealed more and more to you. You thought that it would be nice to sit at the bar in Three Broomsticks and drink some wine on the weekends while talking about a spell your father taught you when you were six that was three times worse than the Cruciatus Curse. Maybe The Ministry, particularly The Aurors, would find it very useful.     
You stumbled as a hex hit you, causing you to fall and get a cut on your chin. Ignoring the blood, you looked at your coins in your hand—  there was some money to spare. A butterbeer before going back to the castle seemed like a great start to working on the journals. Besides, you needed to be out of the castle a little longer. You paused when you reached the window of Three Broomsticks. Four faces were talking animatedly to each other and a terrible solution appeared in your mind. You might make yourself a target but it was worth a shot.  
“Are we actually gonna do it?” Remus asked. “We never even figured out who to ask over summer.”
Sirius took the salad that the waitress brought. “Not my fault two of you are straight as a damn whistle. A boy sub is so much easier to find, I know so many. Shit, I’d even ask Archie again. He’s a switch but wouldn’t mind and the breakup wasn’t bad. We would’ve had someone by now.”
“That’s comfortable with four doms?” 
Peter swallowed his bite of food. “If they’re comfortable with fucking Padfoot, they’re comfortable with four doms.” 
That made the others chuckle. The boys had been seriously considering actually going through with the throwaway suggestion one of them had made the summer before when they broke into the Potters’ alcohol cabinet to finally try some because they couldn’t wait one more year to be legal. An alcohol induced night and the fact that they were already way too comfortable with each other led to finding out they’re all doms— which shocked James who thought Sirius was a sub the entire time, vice versa with his friend. 
They began to think more and more about it but never really figured out who they would even approach to ask. They might have been known around school but there were still some things they wanted under wraps which was why they were so hesitant on Sirius’ suggestions even though he knew the most people out of all them— the problem was they loved to kiss and tell which was why he slowly stopped kissing and just went on dates. 
James only could think of people on the quidditch team and didn’t want that messy dynamic of being team captain and sleeping with one of your teammates. He wasn’t about to be accused of benching someone or being harsh during practice because of sex. So they were back to square one of brilliant idea with no possible execution.                      
You walked into the pub with determination. The Marauders blinked when you stood in front of their table. You poked at your thighs and James had to bite back a laugh because you were dressed just like his grandpa— he was positive that he had seen that exact pair of corduroy pants and pink t-shirt in the closet. Even your little tote bag looked old.
“Ring Leader?” Remus acknowledged you. 
“I need friends,” you said. 
“Go find the posse. Aren’t you already friends with th—”
“No. I need good friends… so everyone else will leave me alone.”
James set down his butterbeer. “What do we have to do with it?”
“People will stop if I’m friends with you. No one messes with me if you four are in charge of humiliating me. It can’t be much different if we’re friends. I want that every day. I want it all to stop. I’ll pay you. Whatever you w—”
“I think my money alone is enough for the four of us.”
“Please! M-my roommates t-t-tried to kill me. I can’t be alone and I don’t think I can go back to my room… I need h— I’ll do whatever you want. Give you money, do your homework, review you—”  
“Sleep with us,” Sirius said jokingly before shoving his forkful of salad into his mouth. 
He looked up with wide eyes, nearly choking on his food. “Moony, get up… Princess, sit. Fuckin’ pathetic. You know that, right?”
You slid into the booth, acutely aware of how little space there was with both Remus and Sirius in the booth. You were stiff as Sirius brazenly squeezed your breast. That never happened to you before. A gasp left your mouth when his hand started going for your belt buckle. His hand slid into your pants, moving past your underwear. His fingers spread you open but his face read disinterest. 
“You agree and this is what it is, understand that? Those tits? Ours. Your mouth, ours. Ass, ours. This pussy…”
Your mouth dropped open as he plunged his fingers into you. 
“Ours.” His fingers left as quickly as they entered you. “We get you whenever we want. All four of us. We’re doing you a favor acting like your friends. You owe us. You’re not our sub.”
“What’s that?” 
“How sheltered does You-Know-Who keep you?” Remus asked. 
Sirius continued his first point. “You’re not our sub. Don’t act like it either, understand you’re a plaything. A toy. Do you understand that?”
“Repeat what he said, Princess,” James said. 
“I’m a toy.” 
“Good girl. Whose?”
“Marauders,” you whispered. 
Sirius zipped your pants back up and went back to eating. “You learn quick. Waiter! Can we get… what do you want?” 
“Porridge breakfast and a butterbeer.” 
“Side of fruit or potatoes?”
“Fruit, please.”
The Marauders talked around you as everyone ate. They were mainly pissed that you were staying in their room because you were scared of your roommates. You couldn’t exactly say you were excited. You had never kissed a boy let alone slept with one. Not to mention this wasn’t just one but four. Worth it wasn’t quite the word you would use but it was the only option that you had. The only option you could visibly see. You finished down your butterbeer when James, Peter, and Remus stood up. 
Without delay, you stood up so Sirius could exit the booth. James stretched before slapping your ass. You walked with them wherever they wanted to go. You figured for a couple weeks you would have to be seen everywhere with them before you could ditch them to be alone when they didn’t want you. 
They spent almost the entire rest of the day in Hogsmeade. Peter squeezed your ass as you all entered the common room. No one else was there but you guys so he had no qualms about changing into a rat. You squeaked in surprise at the Animagus form but picked the rat up and carried him up the stairs. Peter leaned against the doorway as you packed up all your stuff. He snorted at seeing the cat your roommates stole for them that one time. His eyes roamed over everything. You had a lot of weird shit. 
“They actually try to kill you?” 
He chuckled a bit when you nodded and pointed to the pillow that you were leaving behind. The Marauders rolled their eyes when you and Peter returned with all your stuff. They moved all their trunks to the front of their beds so they could move the desks around and create the tiniest space for you. You stacked your two trunks against the wall to create a makeshift headboard. 
Remus duplicated his mattress for you. Finnegan’s cat bed was put on top of the third trunk at the foot of the mattress that was going to act like your desk. It was lucky that the others only owned owls. Finnegan didn’t have to adjust to new pets. You barely finished putting up your stuff when you felt yourself get grabbed and put on a bed. Without making a fuss, Peter murmured the vanishing spell and you found yourself completely naked. On instinct, you covered yourself as the boys just stared. Remus clicked his tongue. 
“Not bad, less tits than I thought. Alright, Riddle, turn around.” 
Shaking a bit, you started to move. Apparently too slow for their liking, you felt yourself get turned over. Peter grabbed his wand, muttered a birth control spell, and then pulled you up by the hips. You inhaled sharply as he entered you. He didn’t even wait for any adjustment, just kept pushing himself until he was fully in. His hand snaked around to start rubbing your clit as he rocked you back and forth on him, needing you more wet so it would be enjoyable for him. 
On some principle, you knew that first times were merely a concept. But that wasn’t what you were taught. And after reading so many romance books, you didn’t care how others talked about it, you wanted it to be the special times like the books. You were hoping to at least face them, get a kiss… maybe even someone say you looked pretty. Peter started going faster to chase his high. The pain and discomfort started to turn into weird pleasure. 
“Tummy feels funny,” you tried to warn someone. 
They all laughed. Peter slapped your ass before grabbing your hair and pulling you up. 
“It’s called cumming.”
Your romance books were wrong in the descriptions, then. It felt a lot different from what you had read. Peter jerked your head back slightly.
“You need to ask us permission.”
“Please,” you whispered. “Can I cum, please?”
“No.” He pushed you back down.  
You felt the warmth of his release and soon Peter pulled away. You were pulled by your ankles to the edge of the bed so your bottom half was hanging slightly off it— your feet would’ve been touching the ground if it wasn’t for the rough pace that James set. He groaned and Peter chuckled. 
“She’s tight isn’t she?” 
“Her pussy’s got a fuckin’ grip.”
“That good?” Remus asked, sitting on the bed. 
“Riddle’s good for one thing.” He pulled all the way out to slam back in. “Made to take a cock.” 
They started talking about you like you weren’t there. You listened as they started naming all the things that they wanted to do to you. Taking you all at once made you nervous. This already felt like too much with one of them at a time. You heard a lot of things that you were unsure about. Getting tied up, edging, choking, messing with you in class. But not a single soft thing was mentioned. Of course not. They made it clear that you were a plaything and not their sub. You buried your face in the mattress when one of them threw out the word whore and it stuck. Remus’ face was suddenly next to you as Sirius replaced James. 
“Snogging doesn’t make you a whore, Princess, but this does. This is what you’re gonna be, right, a good little whore for us?”
Peter, who cleaned himself up and was now dressed, smacked your ass. “Letting four guys fuck you all ‘cause you can’t take a few jinxes. Pathetic.” 
Sirius groaned. “Call her that again.” 
“Did she clench up, did you mean to, sweetheart? Getting worked up at being called our pathetic slut?” 
You were just trying to hold back on the funny feeling and your stomach knotting up. Taking a chance, you looked at Peter. 
“Can I cum? Please. Can I?” 
You nodded and dropped your head back against the mattress, hoping that Sirius would be done sooner rather than later. Remus grabbed your hips and sunk into you. The other three were either cleaning themselves up. Your bottom was sore as Remus pounded in and out of you. They said they wouldn’t always take you like this but you felt that more often than not you would have to deal with all four of them. You winced when Remus pulled out. 
“Go pee before you get an STI,” he said, more clinical than caring. 
They watched you wobble over to their bathroom. Your eyes squeezed shut as you went to the bathroom. No one said that it would hurt a little bit. You flushed the toilet and looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t even give yourself a pep talk. So you just washed your hands and went back into the room. They didn’t bother you as you dug through your trunk for some pajamas. 
(part 3)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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loops' pin thingy :D
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| loops | AO3 | she / her | english / spanish | 24 | minors dni |
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As warm as the Calabrian sun [jegulus] (2/2, 8.4k)
Sometimes, when the planets are misaligned and the odds are not in his favor, James Potter gets sick. But even when all seems lost, James hasn’t run out of luck because, when he least expects it, said luck knocks on his door, taking the shape of someone very dear to him. James only has to let him in. *** Featuring a sick James, a cheeky little Harry, an orange cat named mandarina and an unexpected —but not unrequited— feverish confession under the stars. And love, so much love wrapped between white linen sheets and soft summer breeze.
light as a feather, soft as a kiss [drarry] (1/1, 1.7k)
Draco never thought Harry’s face could ever look this soft, every time he has laid eyes upon Harry over the years, his jaw has always been too tight, his entire face set like stone, defiant. And no matter what he did to avoid it, Draco has always been mesmerized by it, even when he was not supposed to be. So now, as he’s tracing the golden skin that seems to glow under the light of the sun pouring from outside, Draco realizes looks can be deceiving and he’s never been more glad to be in the wrong.
slow dancing in the dark [jegulus, wolfstar] (1/1, 2.5k)
James is gone. But that’s not quite right now, is it? Because to Regulus, James is always only one dance away.
some sunny day [jegulus, wolfstar, pandalily] (1/1, 3.7k)
A beach AU with an insane amount of seawater, sand castles, threesome jokes, number two's and grandparents absolutely besotted with the grandkids.
When it rains [jegulus, wolfstar, pandalily] (1/1, 17.1k)
In the last week of November, a storm takes place. Certainly, three days of intense rain would make everyone stay at home. It seems that six people don't get the memo, instead, they decide to take shelter at a random bus stop. Not at the same time and not the same pair each time, though. What are the odds this particular group of people know each other? And in what way are they all connected?
Don't threaten me with a good time [jegulus] (3/3, 7.6k)
No, that doesn't make sense. James' boyfriend can't be an animagus, can he? Besides, a black cat animagus can't actually bring bad luck... right? --- Or: when Regulus messed up with his boyfriend just for the fun of it and they almost die. A few times.
archenemies (or so he thought) [jegulus, wolfstar] (1/1, 3.2k)
Sirius doesn't like cats. He's an animagus dog for Godric's sake, it's in his very magical nature to despise such sneaky little shits. He particularly doesn't like cats who tend to steal his best friend's attention, leaving him alone in pursuing mischief. So when he confronted his best friend about it, the last thing he's expecting is for the black cat next to him, to turn into his brother.
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*in rewrite*
About time, scars and the brightest stars [wolfstar, background jegulus/pandalily] (4/24, long)
About Time AU where Remus discovers he can travel through time and while he tries to navigate through his life with this newfound discovery, he learns about life, loss, love and what it means to be alive.
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atyd1960 · 2 months
Marauders era characters and ships as SOUR songs with little to no explanation cause I’m not at all concerningly obsessed w Olivia!!
Brutal as Peter
- I already said on multiple occasions that I think Peter would be Olivia’s n.1 fan
- I’m so insecure I think, that I’ll die before I drink
- I don’t stick up for myself, I’m anxious and nothing can help
- All I did was try my best, this the kinda thanks I get?
Traitor as Crystalflower/Azkaban Wolfstar
- continuing with the Peter is an OR fan narrative thanks to @rmoony01 hehe
- Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
- Loved you at your worst, but that didn’t matter
- Ain’t it funny, all the twisted games, all the questions you used to avoid?
- God I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.
Driver’s License as post break-up Jegulus (Regulus’ PoV)
- You’re probably with that blonde (redhead) girl who always made me doubt, she’s so much older than me, she’s everything I’m insecure about
- You said forever, now I drive alone past your street
- Today I drove through the suburbs, and pictured I was driving home to you
- Can’t drive past the places we used to go to, cause I still fucking love you, babe!
- I kinda wanna quote every single line but I’ll stop here:(
1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back as 5th year ATYD Wolfstar (specific I know)
- You got me fucked up in the head boy, never doubted myself so much
- Am I pretty am I fun boy? I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff
- I’d leave you but the rollercoaster’s all I ever had
Good 4 u as Post breakup Marylily (Mary’s PoV)
[They broke up even tho they were in love bc Mary had a lot of internalised homophobia&religious trauma that Lily didn’t really know how to handle]
- Well good for you I guess you moved on really easily, you found a new girl (guy) and it only took a couple weeks
- Now you can be a better man (girl) for your brand new girl (man)
- G4U, you look happy and healthy- not me! If you ever cared to ask
- Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you? Well screw that! And screw you!
Enough For You as Grant
- I don’t usually talk about Grant but like… my boy just wanted Remus to love him the way he always loved Remus and meanwhile Remus was 2 busy being traumatized by his ex and it makes me so sad
- I wore makeup when we dated cause I thought you’d like me more if I looked like the other prom queens I know that you loved before
- Tried so hard to be everything that you liked, just for you to say you’re not the compliment type
- I knew how you took your coffee and your favorite songs by heart
- I read all of your self help books so you’d think that I was smart
- But don’t tell me you’re sorry, boy, feel sorry for yourself, cause someday I’ll be everything to somebody else
[gonna go cry now xoxoxo]
Jealousy, Jealousy as Marlene
- I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room, cause all I see are girls too good to be true
- I know their beauty’s not my lack, but it feels like that weight is on my back, and I can’t let it go
- I’m so sick of myself
- I see everyone getting all the things I want and I’m happy for them but then again I’m not
- Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too, I wanna be you so bad
Favorite Crime as post prank Wolfstar
- Doe eyed as you buried me, one heart broke, four hands bloody
- The things I did just so I could call you mine, the things you did… well I hope I was your favorite crime
- I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
- everything we broke and all the trouble that we made, but I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
Hope ur ok as all the Marauders!
- Nothing’s forever, nothing’s as good as it seems
- When the clouds won’t iron out and the monsters creep into your house and every door is hard to close… well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred, but, god, I hope that you’re happier today- cause I love you, and I hope that you’re ok.
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katmoonz · 3 years
Pairing: Wolfstar x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3034
Includes: TW suicidal thoughts, depression, mentions of missing meals, crying, fluff, hugs, angst to fluff, comfort
Do not post any of my work anywhere else!!! I’m fine with reblogs but not with people stealing my work. 
Notes: I have depression, this fic is kinda based off of my experience with depression. I wanted more than anything for someone to notice how badly I was struggling and I was in desperate need of a hug. I can’t change the past but I can write down my thoughts, feelings and what I needed at the time.
Thank you @quindolyn for helping me to fix a couple bits and for helping me decide on the ending xx
Depression is completely unpredictable. You might feel on top of the world one minute and suddenly feel miserable the next. You smile around your friends and family hoping that they don’t notice that anything is wrong but deep down you just want someone to notice, to care, to ask you how you are or just hold you while you cry it all out. You want to die yet you can’t bring yourself to do the actions that would end it all because that scares you even more than living.
Lately, you had been feeling very happy. Remus and Sirius were wonderful boyfriends and would do everything they could to make you laugh or smile. Your favourite moments with Remus are the ones where he decides to cuddle with you, there is nothing more relaxing than just resting your head on his chest and listening to the thump of his heart and his steady breaths.
The best moments with Sirius are when he tries to make up his own jokes, most of the jokes he tries to tell aren’t even funny but that somehow makes it funnier when he tells you a bad one-liner whilst in detention. The sweetest thing about Sirius is that when you least expect it he curls up on the bed and sleeps next to you as Padfoot. It’s the sweetest thing ever waking up in Remus’ arms to Padfoot lying across your chest, Remus just watches over the pair of you with a smile upon his face at seeing his two lovers sleeping so peacefully.
This morning you had woken up and felt like crap, you couldn't quite place it so you skipped breakfast and had a lie-in instead. This caused you to miss your first lesson and most of lunch. You managed to go to your next lesson though which was Charms with your boyfriend Remus.
At first, you tried to concentrate but you felt like a cloud had settled itself over your head causing you to struggle with your work.
You’d been feeling better for a while now but for some reason today had just left you feeling miserable. For the rest of class, you sat with your head in your hand gazing out the window.
Remus could tell that you weren’t paying attention to the class and was starting to grow concerned. “y/n, you okay?” He whispers in your ear.
Not wanting to draw any attention to yourself or bother him, you just nod and force a smile in the hopes that you could pretend that everything was fine.
The bell rang a few minutes later signalling the end of the class period. You had History of Magic next, Remus wasn’t in that class with you but Sirius was. Remus walked you to your next class observing your behaviour.
You weren’t smiling and didn’t speak at all on the way there simply looking at the ground. Remus stopped with you at the classroom door and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. “Are you sure you’re alright love? You know you can talk to me if something is wrong.”
Looking up at him you sigh. “I’m fine,” you say quietly before turning around and walking into the classroom.
Remus was growing very concerned with your behaviour, something was clearly wrong but you weren’t telling him.
Just then Sirius walks down the corridor. “Moony, decided to switch classes have you?” He jokes.
Not wanting anyone to overhear the conversation Remus grabs his arm and pulls him over to an empty classroom shoving him in the door.
“I need a favour,” said Remus in a serious tone.
“What Moons?” replies Sirius, confused at the sudden change in Remus’ behaviour.
“I need you to watch y/n for me and make sure she’s alright. Something is wrong and I want to help her but she won’t tell me anything.” blurts Remus.
Sirius pats him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Remus, I’ll keep an eye on her.” Sirius leaves the empty room and proceeds to walk into the History of Magic classroom.
Sirius seats himself beside you but you don’t notice at first because you are spaced out not paying any attention to the lecture being given by Binns.
You felt like crap to put it simply. You wanted to focus on your classes so badly but your brain was just telling you no.
Your brain is running at a hundred miles an hour making you feel even worse. *I’m going to fail all of my classes. Why am I so useless? Do the boys love me or do they just tolerate me? Nobody loves me, not really. I wish I was dead, why can’t I just die?*
You feel slow tears make their way down your face. You sniffle softly not wanting to bother anyone.
Sirius quickly notices your tears as you sniffle next to him. *Moony is right* thought Sirius *something is very wrong.*
Sirius reaches a hand out to yours underneath the desk and gives it a gentle squeeze as a reminder that he is there for you.
Finally, you have enough of your self-deprecating thoughts and abruptly stand up, grab your things and leave despite only having twenty minutes of class left. Sirius gets up and follows you, grabbing your hand as you leave the room.
The pair of you walk silently through the castle until you get back to the Gryffindor common room. Sirius seats you at the couch in front of the fire before grabbing your bag and chucking it aside.
Sirius sits down next to you as you stare into the ornate fireplace with tears still slowly rolling down your face. “Y/n love, what’s wrong?” He softly asks.
Instead of answering him, you rest your head on his shoulder. Sirius brings his arms around you to pull you into a hug. The pair of you sit like that for a while, listening to the crackle of the fire and your sorrowful sniffles. Sirius simply holds you whilst tears slowly roll down your face.
“I'm sorry, I’m just tired. I think I’m gonna go have a nap” you say softly.
“Alright doll, I’ll see you at dinner then?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you tell him knowing full well that you wouldn’t be in the mood to eat.
Leaving Sirius in the common room you walk up to the boys dorm and throw yourself down on Remus' bed. Grabbing a discarded sweater from Sirius’ bed on the way. You curl up in a ball under the covers on Remus’ bed before letting the tears fall down your face again *why can’t I just feel happy for once in my life? I always fuck everything up, I want to die*
Sirius watches you walk up the stairs to the boys dorm before letting out a sigh and putting his head in his hands. You had never been like this, you were usually so bright and cheerful something bad must have happened because Sirius hadn’t seen even the slightest smile all day.
The bell for the next lesson rings and Sirius remains sitting on the sofa in the common room contemplating what he should tell Remus. He didn’t want to make his friend even more alarmed but he couldn’t hide his feeling of concern for your breakdown in class.
Remus enters the common room behind a babble of second years who were complaining to each other about their homework.
Spotting Sirius on the sofa before the fire he rushes over to sit next to him.
“Where’s y/n? Is she alright?”
Sirius takes a deep breath before sitting back on the sofa. “No, I can see what you mean Rem, she’s very upset.”
“What do you mean?” replies a panicked Remus
Sirius turns to face him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Look mate I don’t want to worry you but in class, she just sat and stared into space, then she started crying and walked out.”
Remus let out a pained sigh and ran his hands down his face before clasping them in his lap. “Is she okay? where is she now?”
“I walked her back here, we had a cuddle for a while then she said that she was just tired so she left to have a nap,” replies Sirius
Remus stands up from the sofa and brushes his sweaty palms off of his trousers, “let's go and check on her.”
Sirius rises off of the sofa too, he turns around and looks around the common room before turning back to Remus. “Maybe she just needs space, she told me she’d come down to dinner so let's just give her some time alone and if she doesn't come to dinner then we can go and check on her.”
Staring into Sirius’ stormy grey irises Remus stays standing for another minute before nodding and sitting back down.
The boys study in the common room for an hour in complete silence, both of them preoccupied with thoughts of their distressed girlfriend. Sirius and Remus then head down to dinner, sitting down at the end of the Gryffindor table closest to the doors so that they could spot you as soon as you walked in.
The boys sit and pick at their food mindlessly for ten minutes continuously watching the door in hope that you’d join them for the meal.
Sirius lets out a deep sigh and drops his fork on his plate rubbing his brow before looking at Remus. Remus looks up at him offering a small smile before standing up. “Come on Pads, our girl needs us”
Sirius quickly stands up and grabs Remus’ hand dragging him out of the great hall. The boys briskly walk hand in hand back to the Gryffindor common room and quickly ascend the stairs to the dorm.
Remus opens the door quietly in case you are sleeping and peers in, he feels his heart break as he catches sight of you. You are lying in his bed fast asleep with puffy eyes from crying.
Remus approaches the bed and sits down on the side closest to you. Gently he starts to stroke your face with his hand whilst gesturing for Sirius to come over to the bed with his other hand. Sirius kneels on the bed next to Remus, reaches out and starts playing with your hair.
Remus watches as you slowly awaken, your eyes fluttering as they adjust to the light in the room. “Darling are you alright?” He asks you softly while rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
You feel your eyes fill with tears but don’t want the boys to see them so you roll over and put your face in the pillow hoping that they leave you alone so that you can compose yourself again.
The boys look at each other trying to figure out what to do next. Remus nods at Sirius gesturing for him to try and get a response from you.
“Baby, why didn’t you come to dinner?” You still don’t respond, making Sirius panic. “Please talk to us, we want to help you.” This makes you feel even worse, they just wanted you to be happy but instead, you’d caused them to leave dinner to look for you.
Your body starts to shake as the tears start rolling down your face. You keep the sobs in not wanting to make them even more worried.
Remus carefully runs a hand over your back worried at the lack of response. “Y/n please talk to us, we love you baby we only want to help you. It’s killing me that you are this upset and we want to be here for you.”
This is the last straw and you lose control of your crying, finally letting out the sobs that had been building up all day.
Remus’ heart breaks even more “Oh baby, come here”. Remus turns you over and carefully pulls you into his lap.
You press your head into Remus’ neck and let out all of the emotion that had been held within you all day.
Sirius sits down next to Remus and yourself at the head of the bed, he runs one hand soothingly up and down your back. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay.”
Your entire body shakes with sobs, tears soak the front of Remus’ sweater whilst the boys continue to make attempts to console you.
Remus rocks you in his arms carefully trying to calm you down. “Shh darlin’ it’s okay”
You start hyperventilating from the force of your sobs, Remus pulls you back from his chest slightly brushing hair away from your face.
Sirius reaches out to you and picks up one of your hands, he brings it up to his chest so that you can feel his steady heartbeat. “I know you're upset baby but you’ve got to breathe. Can you do that for me?”
Sirius breathes in and out slowly emphasising each breath for you to follow. “In...and out, in…and out.” This continues for a few minutes as you try to regulate your breathing.
“Good girl, you’re doing such a good job baby”
The sobs slow down slightly as you regain control over your breathing, tears still fall down your face but not as quickly as before.
Remus cups your face in his hand wiping away stray tears with his thumb before pressing a solitary kiss to your temple. “Y/n, what’s wrong? Please tell us” he begs.
You let out a sigh, opening and shutting your mouth a few times trying to come up with something to tell them.
Sirius notices your hesitation and gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s okay love, you can tell us anything. I promise you that we’ll try to help you and nothing you say can make us love you any less.”
Looking into his eyes you see nothing but love and concern. You sniffle and wipe one of your sleeves across your face. “I don’t know, I just don’t feel good”
Sirius runs a hand through your hair before giving you a sympathetic smile. “Is it that time of the month baby? You feelin’ sick?”
Tears well up in your eyes again. “No” you reply softly “I don’t feel sick”
“Then what is it babe?” asks Sirius with a small frown on his face.
You consider lying to them for a moment not wanting to burden them with your thoughts and emotions but in the end, it’s the pleading expression upon Remus’ face that makes you give in.
You take a deep breath, “sometimes I just feel really sad, like nothing will get better. I feel like no one loves me. I don't want to bother you guys because I don’t want you to leave me.”
The tears fall down your face again as you turn around and put your face back into Remus’ sweater, your fingers have a firm grasp on him as if letting go would make him disappear.
“Please, please don’t leave me, I’m sorry” you beg them as you cry into Remus’ chest.
Remus feels tears well up in his own eyes but swallows them down in order to comfort you. “No no no, sweetheart, it's okay. I promise that we aren’t leaving you.”
Remus holds you even tighter in his arms “I wish you’d told us that you were feeling like this sooner darling. We love you so much”
Sirius sits in silence listening to Remus comfort you before lifting a hand and rubbing your back. “Look at me baby,” he says with a stern tone.
You look up at him, he has a more pronounced frown upon his face than what was there previously but it softens slightly when he realises that you are watching him.
“You need to tell us when you feel like this okay? You aren’t bothering anyone, we just want to help you and we would never leave you over something like this.”
You remain silent looking away from him, the tears slowing down again so all that remains are the odd couple every few seconds.
“Promise you’ll tell us when you feel like this baby?” He asks, holding your face in his hands.
You sniffle softly before agreeing “m’kay, I promise”
“Good girl, you’re such a good girl for telling us baby,” he says fondly before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. As he pulls away from your cheek he gets a mischievous look upon his face. “Hey babe, what do you call a cow with two legs?”
You look at him confused for a minute before saying “I dunno”
He leans in towards you with a grin upon his face as though he is telling you a secret “Lean beef”
This causes you to giggle, Sirius smirks whilst Remus chuckles. The boys are pleased to hear you laugh after having been deprived of such beautiful sounds for an entire day.
“Good one wasn’t it?” He asks with a cocky smirk on his face.
“No” you reply, still slightly giggling.
“No!” He repeats back to you in disbelief. “What do you mean no? I thought it was a good one”
Remus raises an eyebrow looking at Sirius “c’mon Pads, you can do better than that”
“Fine, I’ve got a better one” huffs Sirius. “What does the perverted frog say?”
“I dunno” you reply again trying to keep a straight face.
“Rubbit” he replies.
This joke was much funnier than the last and you burst out in laughter. You have joyous tears of laughter pouring down your face as you giggle until your sides hurt.
After a while you yawn and rub your eyes, Remus smiles affectionately at you before moving you off of his lap changing positions so that you are laying half on Remus’ chest with Sirius spooning you from behind.
“C’mon darling, let's get some sleep,” he says quietly.
Sirius buries his face in the back of your neck before mumbling out a quick “I love you”
You settle down into their embrace, relaxing all of your muscles and just as you are dozing off to sleep you feel Remus run his hand through your hair as he whispers “I love you darling, more than you will ever know.”
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kaythegay2022 · 2 years
Stick It to the Man (Ch. 1)
All’s Well That Ends
Summary: Remus and the rest of his band weren’t sure what to do after Virgil, their lead singer, disappears. They have no idea where he is or why he left. No one is more upset about this than Remus. The two had been close, having only just started dating. But they don’t have time to dwell on Virgil’s disappearance. The Battle of the Bands is coming up, and this year they might actually have a real competition. And maybe that band has a couple of familiar faces...
This story is stuctured like a songfic throughout it. 
The song for this chapter is All’s Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
Relationships: Romantic Dukexiety
Warnings for this Chapter: implied cheating
This story is the first part of my fic for the Thomas Sanders Big Bang 2022 ( @sandersidesbigbang ). It had been so much fun to get this story written and have had the time of my life!
Thank you so so much to my amazing artists as well!!! All of their art is amazing, and I am so happy to of gotten to work with them!!!
@purplecrayonismine art which is amazing!!!!!
Also a huge thanks to my beta reader, @antisocial-xxxpert ! You have been so amazing helping me with writing!
And finally, a huge thank you to my partner I met through this big bang, @clemjolichose I love you so so so much my dearest. You’ve helped me with this so much. 
Read on AO3
Part 2
Wait, for just a moment. Breath, deep and from the stomach. Stay focused, don’t let the crowd get to you. There’s the guitars, signaling the start of the song. He would never get used to the anxiety that starts a show, no matter how many times they perform. It was a rush of adrenaline and fear, mixing together to create something new. He would hear Remy starting the background vocals, a haunting sound that carried so smoothly. He glanced over at Remus, who was smiling without a care in the world. He wished he could be like the bassist, who was now grinning back at him. He looked away as Janus started playing too, the beat carrying him back to the moment.
Virgil was ready, and he knew he could do this. He’d done it hundreds of times by now, after all. 
“The colder the night, the warmer your hands hold
Held in your arms, the hole in my head grows whole.”
There was Remus, staying in time with Janus’s beat. It was a relatively simple song for the both of them. For all of them, actually. But simplicity often sounds chillingly beautiful.
“I don't want to die alone, but I don't wanna die at all.
I'm not gonna keep you by the phone, dear
Hang up when you've had enough,
Too much to talk.”
Virgil could remember writing these lyrics. It had been after one of his late night phone calls with Remus. He’d been sure Remus would hang up soon, tired of talking to him. But instead he stayed through the whole night, until Virgil fell asleep during the call.
“Call me when you're coming down, call me when you hang.
All is well that ends well, but all is well that ends.”
The music still played in his head, even after the show had finished. The first song in particular seemed to stick to his brain. The crowd loved it, cheering for the newest song. 
“Clocks made God from the monsters in my head.
Do you wanna know my name?
Is that all you want to take from me?”
Where was Remus at? The bassist had disappeared backstage almost immediately after they finished playing. The music was still ringing in the singer’s head. Janus and Remy seemed a bit worried about him, but Virgil wasn’t for once. This was a pretty normal occurrence. They all got overwhelmed by the crowd, and Remus tended to disappear when it got to him. Virgil knew where he went to hide anyways, so he told the others he would go get him. They had a meet and greet after this show, after all. He didn’t want to force his- boyfriend? Lover? What were they?- friend to do this, but it was part of their contracts. 
“Josh, stop it.” Well, that was Remus. But why was he talking to Josh? They’d broken up over a year ago, at least. He’d been the last guy since he and Remus had… Well, since they developed whatever they had. The bassist’s ex hadn’t been around since. Virgil shivered, anxiety suddenly spiking. Remus wouldn’t cheat, right? Even though no one knew they were dating. Virgil had wanted to keep it a secret, after all. Was Remus tired of waiting for him to tell everyone? He felt like it was an understandable fear… They were becoming so popular after all. No need for the fans to know their relationship.
In your arms the end is in my eyes.
And I don't want to die in my sleep, when you're left.
Virgil rounded a corner and spotted the two others. He hid behind the corner, peeking around to see them. Josh was blocking Remus from his sight, seemingly boxing Remus against the wall. Virgil couldn’t see Remus’s face. His heart was pounding, his brain telling him that this was it. Remus had finally figured out that he was too good for the guitarist. 
“I miss you, Rem. Come back to my place tonight? I know you want to baby…” 
“I can’t Josh. Not tonight, at least.” Not tonight? Did that mean… Did Remus plan to go some other night? All he could see was Josh leaning down and kissing Remus. It didn’t seem like Remus was going to push his ex away, either. 
Call me when you hang and
Call me when you're left.
Call me when you come down, call me when you hang.
Virgil took off, retracing his steps. He couldn’t stand there and watch any more, and there is no way he could have confronted the two. He couldn’t bear to watch Remus do anything more. How could he? He had said he wanted to be with Virgil forever… He had said that they were soulmates, that they were meant to be. How could he have lied, looking Virgil in the eye while he did so. It had all seemed so real… Had he just been a rebound for Josh?
I don't wanna to die alone, but I don't wanna die at all/
I'm not gonna keep you by the phone, dear.
Hang up when you've had enough,
Too much to talk.
Remus was tired of him. That had to be it. There was no other explanation. He had overstayed his welcome. The other was annoyed and couldn’t stand to be around him anymore. It made sense. Virgil could barely blame the bassist. Remus had canceled their plans all last week, hadn’t he? Virgil should have seen this coming…
Call me when you're coming down, call me when you hang.
All is well that ends well, but all is well that ends.
Call me when you hang,
Call me when you…
No, Virgil decided. This wasn’t his fault. It… It couldn’t be. Remus was the one cheating on him. That wasn’t okay, no matter if the bassist was tired of him! No, he was done with this. Virgil shoved past Janus and Remy, ignoring their calls for him to come back. He was leaving, and no one could stop him. They would be just fine without him. Remus had proven that. 
Virgil hadn’t even noticed that he was crying as he rushed out the back door of the venue they were at. He was focused on leaving. He was going home and moving. They would never find him, he would make sure of that. He’d block all their numbers, find a new band to play with. It couldn’t be too hard, with his popularity. Any band would take him in a heartbeat, right? Remus would regret doing this. Virgil would make sure of it even if it was the last thing he would ever do. 
Hang your head and cry if you like, but all is well that ends.
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princeanxious · 3 years
New au idea just dropped: abducted by aliens + found family; familial anadukeceit addition with a twist:
tw: minor abducted by aliens, mentions of illegal scientific experimentation on a minor, general au theme following the rescues of ppl getting abducted, those are the big ones, lmk if i missed anything!
Virgil and Remus are normal adult humans that are part of a galactic crew that specializes in rescuing aliens that were abducted for black market trade and experimentation purposes and rehabilitating them
Janus is a young teenage human who'd been abducted and experiemented on for two years before his rescue, leaving him half-covered in abnormally healthy scales, sharp fangs and coldblooded-like qualities, and without a way to talk like he used to.(he can growl and hiss and whine ect., but they mostly ruined his ability to mimick sounds without it being painful and thus he cannot actually try to speak without pain.) He's not seen another live human in years, and is way too young to know how to cope with it, so he doesn't trust anything anymore and often comes off as extremely violent because he doesn't know whats a threat and what isnt, and isnt honestly sure hes not experiencing a vivid nightmare half the time.
Cue this team getting a report from a different rescue group about requesting help for a specific rescue from their mostly human rescue team, this time its about a small earth-like dealthworlder that had been discovered and rescued as one of the few surviving aliens from an illegal testing facility.
Report lists it as extremely volitile and hostile, but only when provoked(see: any attempt to interact with it). If left alone, it simply cowers in a corner and cries. There have been efforts to get it to eat that have only been semi successful due to the poor thing seemingly not being able to digest certain foods, and they worry it will simply die of starvation, or loneliness, if they cant get it's condition stable.
The reason theyre requesting Virgil's team is because the original rescue has never seen this kind of alien before, but it looks mostly human and thats the assumption. Humans are known to have high-packbonding instincts, and that persistence for kinship is pretty much this rescue's last hope.
To the humans, its a bit of a far leap seeing as they arent provided with any clear pictures of the thing, but its their job and theyre getting paid to do it, might as well try.
They.. They arent prepared to arrive to the sight of a child. Well, sort of child. A teenager? Whose regardless way too thin and quite too small to look anything but vastly unhealthy.
From his one side of his ribs curled up all the way around one side of his face and down that arm are rich yellow scales, that perhaps look like the healthiest part of him.
He wears a blindfold from his previous containment, and word has it the first alien to try and take it off was met with the worst lash-out yet and was still in recovery. They had kept it on him because he wont let anyone near take it off. It keeps him calm to be sightless, and its unfortunately all they can do to keep him that way.
And well, while Remus has always been the best at taming some of the wilyest deathworld creatures, its actually Virgil who has skill in taming those few labeled 'deadly.'
He sees this 'dangerous' behavior for what it really is.
This is a child who is scared, terrified, and lashing out at anything that doesn't feel safe.
So you can imagine the brief uptic in nervous alien chatter from the main observation room when Virgil decides to walk straight into the containment room with no gear, no food, nothing but himself and his jacket.
Its a little jarring to hear a teenager hiss angrily at you, but Virgil used to Be That Teenager, so he doesn't really react. And he can see it when he speaks, using a soft and comforting voice, the way this kid freezes at being spoken to. In a langauge he understands.
"Hey buddy."
There's an immediate growl of uncertainty, pressing himself further away. Disbelief. It cant be, right? It's been 2 years since hes been in a room with another living human, there's no way.
"Cmon now, none of that. It's just me here right now. My names Virgil."
He doesn't really want to believe it, that hes hearing another human. But he cant help the instinctual need to turn and hide the scales, the thing that makes him a freak of nature, no human would want him after what had been done to him.
Its a slow back and forth, really. Virgil asking a mundane question and getting some cautious hiss or growl or click in reply. But slowly, ever so slowly, the boy is relaxing.
"Can I reach my hand out? I wont touch you, okay? I want you to reach out too, if you're okay with that. We can move at your pace, okay?"
And maybe he gets a slightly petulant whine, but theres no aggression. Just. stress.
He holds his hand out, palm down, and waits. And is rewarded with an extrsmely shaky hand reaching out and grasping his own with a little fumbling. And then theres a pause, where the boy is taking thw time to register the hand.
And then the boy is all but flinging himself forward, blindly reaching out with a sob. Maybe some aliens in the observation room tense, but the humans in the room remain completely calm.
And now Virgil has a lap full of entirely too distraught child and no say in the matter, but thats fine. Hes content to just hold the poor thing and let the kid cry it out, god knows he needed this.
They learn this kids name, Janus, through some shake tracing of fingers on skin, then pen to paper. He's barely 16, and was abducted at age 14.
They learn one eye had been tampered with as well to match the scales, but all that was successful was a color change to yellow. It fortunately affects Janus's sight very little, except when hes tired and finds himself with migraines from his eyes being tired.
Janus is a special case, because he cant go back home, not with the things hes seen and experienced, as the galactic rescue is still a bit of a secret to earth. But hes a minor, so he cant very well join the rescue yet, even if he wanted to.
So, Virgil and Remus adopt him. Janus is more than happy about it, despite his struggles to show it.
They have a number of humans and humanoids on their team, one of which is a therapist named Emile(human), and another who is their navigator and unofficial translator named Remy(half-human).
Janus p much gets unofficially adopted by them as well, standing in as the cool uncles most likely, but through them he learns to deal with his trauma, and gets to learn how to communicate via galactic hand-sign language.
Sometimes a family can be a Team Rescue Group Leader, his Danger Tamer Chaotic Boyfriend, and their Half Danger-Noodle Half-Sassy Human Son, and two fun uncles who collectively know how to heal trauma and 47 different ways to say 'fuck you' in alien.
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juuuuliee · 3 years
Her Sun
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Wordcount: 1.4k
Pairing: Sirius Black X Reader
Genre: fluff, (a little) angst at the end
Warnings: War
Sirius shone. Sirius glowed. Whenever he walked into a room, he glowed and you couldn't take your eyes off him. He was like the sun, hidden behind clouds some days. It didn't want to be seen. But other days it shone so much that you could just pay attention to it. It made you happy when it shone.
Sirius Black made you happy.
He didn't even have to try hard to make you laugh. You just did when he grinned at you with his grey eyes, with the unpredictable gleam in them. You had to be happy when you saw Sirius Black.
Y/N Y/L was happy when she saw him and that was enough for him.
It was a grey day. The weather was muggy and there were occasional showers, which encouraged the students to stay indoors rather than out. Y/N was walking down the corridor with Lily Evans, her best friend, on her way to History of Magic. Listlessly, Sirius and James trotted along behind them.
"I don't know what we're going to get out of this subject. Merlin, the teacher is a bloody ghost. If that doesn't tell you something, I don't know what does." Maul Sirius and James agreed with him: "I'm sure he died of boredom too..."
Y/N turned to her steady boyfriend and his best friend with a roll of her eyes.
"It's only an hour. Besides, you guys don't pay attention anyway and always sleep. What kind of effort is that?" "Exactly! We could do so much more than just sit there." Agreed James, who seemed to have misunderstood a bit, to which Lily and Y/N just sighed.
"Yes, Potter you could pay attention and get a good grade in the subject." Said Lily snappishly, who had now turned to the boys as well.
"Oh Evans, I was hoping for your help to be honest." James replied with an insolent grin.
"Forget it, Potter! I'm not going to help you with a subject, you're not even trying to help yourself with and maybe LEARN- I know, a term you're actually afraid of!" taunted Lily back, to which Y/N and Sirius could only roll their eyes.
And so it went all the way to the classroom, James flirting with Lily and Lily bitching at him....
It was obvious to everyone, really. James liked Lily. Lily liked James. Everyone knew it, it wasn't a secret anymore. Not to anyone but the two of them. James, who for years had been LONGING for Lily's approval- yes, you could say that- and Lily, who just didn't take the boy seriously. Merlin, who would? James Potter was as mentally ready as a fourteen year old girl, in the middle of puberty and with severe mood swings! Unfortunately, Potter could only be laughed at in parts; sometimes he liked Lily and wanted to marry her, but then he became mean and totally idiotic.
But Lily wasn't always better either... Of course Y/N loved her best friend, but sometimes she just wanted to kick her butt and order her to finally go out with this boy so he would shut up.
They were like little children.
To be fair, Y/N and Sirius were like that too, possibly even worse for others.
When they arrived at the classroom, Lily and James stopped throwing unnecessary and childish things at each other and the group split up. Lily and Y/N sat down at their table and started taking notes on the, admittedly, boring class topics.
After a far too long, dreadful lesson, which reminded Y/N very much of the train journey in which she sat alone in a compartment with Lily and James because the others were in another carriage, Y/N stood up, hung her bag over her shoulder and left the room with a sigh and a final "bye" to Professor Binns.
On her way to the Great Hall, she met Lily, who had to (or was allowed to) leave class early to meet the other confidential students.
"My goodness, every time I see Malfoy it almost makes my head spin. Merlin, you can't really be more stupid and mean than that. Luckily he'll be gone next year and no longer be Head Boy. The way he treats me and the other trusties! As if we were dirt. And his partner, the other head girl, Amanda - I think you know her - she's really nice, from Hufflepuff. She's a friend of Alice and Frank's. Merlin, I feel sorry for her." Lily sighed and Y/N stroked her shoulder reassuringly.
Was it that bad?" she asked, pity in her voice, and Lily nodded vigorously.
"I just don't understand..." she began, "Why can't he just leave us alone and go back to his basement with his Death Eater friends where he is relatively wanted. Yes, we are Muggle-born! Merlin, what more do you want to say to that..." sighed Lily and Y/N nodded empathetically.
Unfortunately, many purebloods still had something to say about being muggle-born..., "Mudblood", "We don't want you here", "We're better than you" were phrases that Y/N, Lily and other muggle-born students were accused of by many. One could say that it was still humble when reading the news in the Daily Prophet....
Arriving in the Great Hall, the two sat down next to Remus and Sirius, who were talking to James, who was sitting across from the boys.
Sirius greeted Y/N with a smile before giving her a small kiss on the lips.
"Hey," she greeted him and he looked at her suspiciously.
"Are you okay?" he asked with his eyebrows drawn together and she nodded quickly as she put something on her empty plate and gave the still suspicious Sirius a smile, which he returned.
It had long since grown dark and the students had long since retired to their Dorms. So had Sirius and Y/N, who had gone to sirius dorm together. Y/N leaned her back against the edge of the bed while Sirius lay nicely long with his legs over hers and his arm wrapped around her stomach.
Y/N looked out of the window thoughtfully, but there was nothing to see but darkness.
"Do you think it will get better?" whispered Y/N into the silence and Sirius lifted his head to look at her.
"What?" he whispered back softly, running his fingers over her forearm to get her to look at him. She turned to look down at him. She could only make out the outline of his face because of the darkness, but she noticed how his grey eyes studied her face.
„Everything. The war. You know who..." she whispered back and she saw his expression become more serious. He sat up and wrapped his right arm around her shoulder, touching her neck lightly.
"I don't know... I hope so." Sirius replied after a few seconds and you could tell he was unsure about having said the right answer. Y/N nodded slightly and closed her eyes.
After a few minutes of silence, she opened them again and began to speak: "I'm scared." She confessed and bit her lips.
„I am afraid for my family and my friends. I'm afraid for you and I'm afraid that it will never stop and that day by day it will become less and less and more and more will die. I'm afraid that it will become a daily routine to lose people you love. I don't want that. I don't want to die... I don't want you to die or Lily or James or Remus or Peter. I don't want any of that..."
She hadn't realised that she had started to cry and Sirius had pulled her into a tight hug after she had spoken the words that had been stuck in her throat all day.
"I'm scared too." Whispered Sirius into her hair as his arms tightened around her middle as if he never wanted to let her go.
"It's going to be okay though. As long as we have each other, we'll be fine, okay?" he whispered against her ear this time so she could hear him better.
She just nodded and buried her face a little more into his jumper so she could breathe in his comforting scent.
As long as he was there, it was all good. As long as, she could pretend he was her sun, everything would be okay.
Because when he was there, she was happy.
Maybe only for a brief moment. He made her happy and shone for her...
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sidespart · 3 years
For the fake fic title, “who tf is Larry?”
Human AU /fake dating AU Intruality or pre relationship Patton/Janus/Remus
okay so Patton Sanders is away at collage and he is a Good Boy (tm). He volunteers Saturday, goes to church on Sunday, arrives 30 min early for his 8 am Monday lecture and brightly asks how everyone’s weekend was. He brings home made cookies to his seminars and lets everyone copy his notes and is always polite and kind to everyone he meets.
Unfortunately, a lot of this gets him labelled as weird, childish, naïve etc etc
Which he can cope with when it’s strangers, but he can’t help but get annoyed when it comes from his family.
He’s got three big brothers. Roman and Logan are both massive overachievers, Roman is super social and has had an endless parade of boyfriends, Logan claims he isn’t social but runs like 5 different clubs at his college and has an endless parade of minions. Both of them have a bad habit of talking over Patton and not truly listening to his contributions. Virgil’s a bit more chill but he’s completely overprotective and treats Patton like he’s a kid who can’t survive on his own. (Early episode vibes).
So there's some family obligation (mom wants them to...take grandma to the... old folks .. .church picnic? IDK something) and everyone just straight up assumes Patton will go because 'its not like he's doing anything else' and its just one step too far and Patton just blurts out "UM actually I'm busy that day. With Larry."
Which...who tf is Larry?
After that Patton maybe gets a bit addicted to the Larry excuse. Can't bring cookies because his boyfriend Larry licked all of them. Can't help you move this weekend, going to SeaWorld with Larry. Oh wait SeaWorld's unethical? Yeah he knows, it's a protest. Larry's going to dress as an ochrea and scream at people. Cant lend you the money - Larry needs it for bail.
(This might not have escalated so much if Patton wasn't TERRIBLE at lying, juts blurting out the first nonsensical thing he thinks of, but also has such a reputation of goody-two-shoes-ness that no one suspects him of lying. But everyone is very concerned about his association with Larry.)
The only person who knows Larry is fake is Patton's roommate Janus, who was there when Patton was on the video call and originally came up with Larry. He thinks the entire thing is hilarious and does absolutely NOTHINHG to reign Patton in, frequently helping him maintain the ruse/ escalating it further ("Patton would DIE if he knew i was telling you this, but the real reason he can't come to your birthday is Larry's old prison injury is acting up again..."). This whole thing has brought them closer than any of Patton's prior attempts at bonding with his roommate so he's a bit pleased.
Things go wrong when his brothers insist he bring Larry home for thanksgiving break. He's already told them that Larry got disowned by his family (seemed easier than making up a whole supporting cast) and is unemployed so he can't think of a great excuse (and his brothers are VERY insistent) so he ends up agreeing.
Patton and Janus get drunk in their room to toast the end of the Larry ruse. Janus insists Patton should just get a friend to pretend to be Larry to keep the game going but Patton says his only real friend is Jan and his family already know what he looks like (he has a pretty distinctive face tattoo) so that cant happen. Jan say's in that case lets just hire someone on Craig'sList to be your badass brother bothering boyfriend and Patton laughs and then has no memory of the rest of that evening.
So Patton drive's home. Hungover and resigned to having to come clean about lying for months and months. And when he walks in the door his mom hugs him and says “oh! Larry got here just before you! You never told me he had a moustache!”
So then a guy Patton has never seen before in his life is planting a big ol sloppy kiss on his cheek and yelling 'Heya honey bunch!!" and his brothers are in the background looking like they're about to have a collective breakdown and um.
He really just needs to get 5 minuets away from his family and 'Larry' so he can call Janus and ask what the fuck have you done, but with Larry clinging to him like an octopus and his brothers refusing to let them out of their sight that's almost impossible
bonus points!
Remus considers himself a method actor and refuses to respond to anything but Larry/ stop pretending to be Pat's boyfriend even when they're alone
Pattons mom is, inexplicably, completely charmed by Remus/Larry and wont stop telling him how much more confident and happy Patton has been since the two of them got together
his brothers are all horrified by Remus/Larry
Patton does eventually get in contact with Jan who is like...okay yes maybe i wrote the criaglist add after you passed out but in my defence i was extremely drunk at the time
Patton tells his mom that Janus wasn't invited home for thanksgiving (which tbf, is true, because his family's in freakin' europe) so of course she insists that he drive over an join them
this does not calm anything down, as he pisses off Virgil within the first 20 seconds of arriving, but he does distract everyone to give Patton more chances to sneak away with Remus
eventually Patton has a bit of a break down/ rant to Remus about the whole situation and Remus finally drops character to comfort him and is like "I don't get why you need to lie about yourself anyway?? Like I've spent this whole weekend learning about you and you're awesome the way you are??"
Anyway so eventually OBVIOUSLY they fall for each other and fake boyfriend becomes real boyfriend
Remus and/or Jan deliver some sort of smack down speech to the bros about how they need to have more faith in Pat/not treat him like a child etc etc
Patton learns to stand up for himself and also realises he's so lucky to have so many people who love /care about him even if they are all completely ridiculous
at some point, Remus initiates a food fight
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
3005 || part 3
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3005 [part 3] || “sound good, Princess?"
[no matter what you say and what you do // when i’m alone, i’d rather be with you]
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When Y/n steps into the forest clearing the next day, she finds that Hoseok’s not alone. There, seated on the large tree trunk near the cauldron where he stands, is her new acquaintance. Yoongi’s eyes flick up from the book he’s reading when he notices movement, Hoseok still having not seen her since his back is turned. Yoongi clears his throat to alert his boyfriend, but there’s a few seconds before he does so. He first takes his time holding eye contact with her, and she can see, even with a book in the way, that there’s a smirk playing on the edges of his lips. And then he’s blinking, returning his gaze to the page before him as he clears his throat.
Hoseok glances up from where he’s carefully filling vials of wolfsbane potion, glancing over his shoulder when Yoongi tilts his chin up, gesturing in Y/n’s direction with his head without ever moving his eyes from the page. Hoseok spins on his heel smoothly, grinning easily at Y/n.
“Princess! So kind of you to join us.” Even though she’s looking at Hoseok -- not really looking him in the eye, but still looking at him -- she sees Yoongi lift his head, and she wonders what he’s thinking about the nickname his own boyfriend’s given her. As if reading her mind, his opens his mouth, breathing out a laugh before he speaks.
“‘Princess’, huh? I wasn’t aware you were Cinderella -- you know, since you like pumpkins so much.” Yoongi meets her eyes again, that little smirk returning when she instinctively squints, glaring at him.
“I told you I hadn’t thought about the fact that they use the pumpkins for the food--”
“I’m just saying, I was wondering why the pieces of pumpkin in the soup the other day were so soft--”
“That’s not how that works!” Yoongi’s smirk widens, her reaction pleasing him endlessly. Hoseok only looks between them, eyes wide.
“Uh… do you two need a minute? Because I have no idea what’s going on here.” Yoongi breaks eye contact then, returning to his book.
“Your little wolf’s fond of Hagrid’s pumpkin patch.” Y/n flushes angrily, thrown both by the fact that he’d just referred to her as Hoseok’s little wolf and that he hadn’t even come close to properly explaining the situation.
“Okay, well your little boyfriend interrupted me in the midst of an existential crisis, which, frankly, is just rude.” Hoseok had been looking at Yoongi, also surprised at the name he’d given her, but he whirls around then, eyebrows hidden under his hair as he stares at her in shock. Yoongi also looks up, decidedly shutting his book and setting it down beside him before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh, so that’s what you were doing! I wasn’t sure if that was just part of your regular lunchtime routine, or…” Y/n huffs loudly, and she feels herself growing frustrated by the obvious enjoyment Yoongi’s getting out of teasing her. But Hoseok’s reaction to their conversation surprises her enough to halt any irritation she would have felt.
“Okay -- you two are acting really weird… I mean, I can’t say much about Y/n since, apparently, she hates me enough to never talk to me, but Yoongi…” He looks his boyfriend over with surprise, causing Yoongi to deflate slightly after a moment. He uncrosses his arms, setting his hands in his lap as he shrinks shyly under Hoseok’s gaze. But it’s the way Yoongi’s ears are turning pink that tips Hoseok off, and he hums knowingly.
“I see--” He turns to Y/n then, the arrogant smirk she’d come to know over the years filling his face. “You’ll have to forgive him, Princess -- my little Prince isn’t the best at making friends.” Yoongi’s blush deepens, and he digs the toe of his converse sneakers into the dirt below him stubbornly. This is not the same Yoongi that had just derived joy from teasing Y/n, and she’s very surprised to see how quickly he changed. Glancing at Hoseok, she finds that he’s got his eyes on Yoongi, fondness dancing in his gaze as he smirks at his boyfriend. She decides then that their dynamic confuses her, but then she remembers what Hoseok had said.
“I don’t hate you…” Hoseok turns, eyes genuinely surprised that she hadn’t let the comment pass. Y/n only makes brief eye contact before looking away, never having been able to properly meet Jung Hoseok’s intense gaze for very long. “I don’t hate you.” She’d wanted to explain why she’s so shy around him -- that he intimidates her, probably without meaning to -- but she’d only repeated herself, unable to find any other words. She hears Hoseok snicker, and when she looks up, he’s got his back to her again, having returned to his potion.
“Well, that’s certainly nice to know. Maybe I should only give you one vial at a time -- then you’ll have to keep finding me every day, and I can finally get to know you.” There’s a pause, one where Y/n isn’t sure how to respond, but it ends when Hoseok glances over his shoulder at her with a toothy grin.
“I’m just fucking with you. I wouldn’t hold out on you like that.” He turns, holding a small container, one that she’s very familiar with. She steps further into the clearing, approaching the pair, head bent as she pretends to watch where she’s walking on the uneven ground -- a habit formed over the years so she doesn’t have to look Hoseok in the eye.
She stops when the little wooden box comes into view, and he hands it to her. But when she moves to pull away, he doesn’t let go, holding her there with the grip of his hand on the box of her vials. She looks up in surprise then, finally meeting his eyes without even thinking about it. She finds that Hoseok’s smirking, as usual, but it widens when she looks at him.
“There she is.” It’s whispered, and he doesn’t take his eyes off of her for a second while he says it, causing her breath to catch in her throat from the sheer effect of his overwhelming presence. She feels trapped by him, prey being mocked by that smirk.
Her eyes flick over to Yoongi, expecting to see some kind of reaction at her proximity to his boyfriend -- annoyance or irritation maybe -- but she finds that he’s only regarding Hoseok with eyes filled with intrigue. A thought seems to have crossed his mind when Hoseok had acted, because Yoongi’s examining his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow, like he knows something she doesn’t. And when he finally glances at her, it seems the shy Yoongi that Hoseok had dragged out has disappeared again, leaving a new Yoongi who only looks her over with surprised interest.
She doesn’t even realize Hoseok’s released her vials, too stunned by the suddenness of the moment. When she looks down and sees that she’s the only one holding the box, she’s still not processing it, so she stays close to Hoseok -- much closer than she’d ever been before in the 4 years she’d known him. He’s warm, she notes -- his body heat is as overwhelming as his gaze, passing over her in waves as a reminder that he’s there while she stares down at the box, eyes wide.
She also notes that, while Jungkook is much the same, warmer than most due simply to an internal adjustment made to his body after becoming an animagus so young, this is not the same. Where she’d always found her brother obnoxiously warm and only tolerable on the coldest of nights, Hoseok’s warmth is surprisingly pleasant -- nothing more than a reminder that he’s there, living and breathing beside her. It’s oddly comforting to know that the cold, offputting boy she’d come to know is warm in some ways.
The moment comes crashing to an end with the sound of footsteps in the distance, realization hitting Y/n like a truck when she thinks of what this situation could seem like to someone else. Stumbling backwards until she’s about as far away from Hoseok as she’d been from the start, she barely even hears footsteps falling into line beside her, her heart still pounding in her ears.
“Oh, hey!” Glancing up at the sudden voice, her heart flies into her throat when she realizes it’s Remus that’s right beside her.
Am I just gonna have a heart attack here? This is how I die, is that it?
She can’t even manage to smile at Remus, too flustered by the entire situation. She only glances over at James and Sirius, who have come along to keep Remus company. They wave, smiling knowingly at the blush on her face -- on the tree trunk not far away, Yoongi smirks, knowing they aren’t aware of the whole truth of Y/n’s current state.
“Hey, Hoseok! Sorry again for having to cancel on you last night -- we, uh--” Remus hasn’t noticed Y/n’s frazzled existence, addressing Hoseok like nothing’s off about the situation. He points between himself and his friends, looking sheepish. “We got evening detention, so…”
Y/n chances a look at Hoseok then, seeing that he seems to have forgotten the entire moment with her, smiling politely at the Marauders while turning to grab Remus’ doses.
“Don’t worry about it, man. This one told me that his friend Jungkook had gotten into trouble, so I figured you might be in the same boat.” Hoseok nods over to Yoongi when he says ‘this one’, and the boys seem to only notice then that Yoongi’s there.
“Yoongi! It’s good to see you, man -- I feel like whenever we find Jungkook during lunch, you’re missing from the group.” James approaches the seated boy, clapping him on the back good-naturedly. Yoongi only nods, an easy smile coming to his features. He looks mildly uncomfortable, but it’s clear he and the Gryffindors are familiar with one another, and Y/n wonders briefly what Yoongi’s like as he gets to know someone.
She doesn’t even see that he’s meeting her eyes curiously until he responds, his voice bringing her back to reality. She watches as he doesn’t look away, eyes locked on hers as he speaks, that infuriating smirk making another appearance.
“Yeah, sorry about that -- I’m usually busy during lunch.” Y/n’s mind flashes to when she’d accused Yoongi of interrupting her existential crisis during lunch, not ten minutes prior. She flushes, that annoying pounding of her heart growing when she sees that the comment is lost on James, his words meant strictly for her. Remus shifts next to her, and when she glances up, she sees that he’d noticed the moment, looking between her and Yoongi with curiosity. He clears his throat, shooting her a quick grin as he addresses Hoseok again.
“Well, I’m glad I ran into this one at breakfast today and heard you guys were meeting now -- I’d hate to take more time out of your schedule.” Remus reaches out, brushing his fingers along the inside of her wrist when he calls her ‘this one’, referencing Hoseok’s previous comment about Yoongi jokingly. Y/n’s eyes widen as she glances down at her wrist, watching as Remus’ fingers slide off of her skin before returning to his side, where he lets his arm hang.
She glances away quickly, trying not to make a big deal of the gesture, and she ends up catching Hoseok’s expression as her eyes pass over him. Remus had meant the comment innocently, of course, but the look in Hoseok’s eyes -- cold, hardened eyes that gaze emotionlessly at the spot where she and Remus had just made contact before flicking up to meet Remus’ eyes -- tells her that maybe he doesn’t like that she’s being referred to in the same way Hoseok had referred to Yoongi.
She’s not sure why -- a personal association to the words, an inside joke between the boyfriends, perhaps -- but Hoseok’s teeth are clenched, his jaw locking and unlocking as he smiles in response, and it sets her skin on fire. He’s not even looking at her, gaze trained evenly on Remus, but she feels the heat of his glare, very different from the heat she’d felt radiating off of him earlier.
“It’s no problem -- I’d have been happy to reschedule.” The words are understanding, but there’s an edge to them, the tone in his voice razor sharp. Y/n glances up at Remus and finds that he’s already looking down at her, his eyebrows raised as he looks at her knowingly.
“I get the Look all the time… just me though…”
Y/n blinks, confused as she remembers what he’d said to her yesterday. She looks to Hoseok, but when he flicks his eyes over to her, his gaze softens, and he looks away and scratches at his neck awkwardly. Behind him, Yoongi is looking at the back of his boyfriend’s head, eyes curious as he glances between Hoseok and Remus. His expression is fairly even, but Y/n can see that he’s been making silent observations when he finally smiles to himself and lowers his gaze to his lap, twiddling his thumbs as he thinks.
Hoseok moves to hand the box of vials to Remus after a moment, still slightly awkward from his obvious display of annoyance as he approaches them. When he passes the doses to Remus, he takes a moment to glance at Y/n, eventually reaching over to tap a single finger on the top of her own container.
“Don’t let me find out you aren’t taking these with food like last year -- sound good, Princess?” Y/n inhales sharply, only having heard the name when they’re relatively alone. Remus’ jaw drops, accompanied by James choking on his own spit and Sirius making some kind of strangled noise behind his hand. She looks past Hoseok to see Yoongi smiling widely, eyes dancing with amusement.
Nodding quickly, Y/n lowers her gaze and turns, pushing past Remus as she heads for the path back to the castle. Remus follows, stunned, and James hops off of his seat, not even bothering to wave at Yoongi as he and Sirius take off after Y/n, their teasing voices ringing out through the forest as they go.
Hoseok watches them leave, Yoongi only watching Hoseok. Finally, the boy on the tree trunk hums, eyes trained on the side of his boyfriend’s face as he speaks.
“So… She’s interesting.” Hoseok doesn’t take his eyes off of Y/n’s back, shrinking in the distance as she and the Marauders walk back to the castle. He swallows hard, sighing softly before responding.
“She’s certainly something.”
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lupiningwolves · 3 years
You can’t die | Remus Lupin x fem!reader
summary: you have boggarts in your DADA lesson and are afraid of what will happen
warnings: mentions of death, mentions of food, angst, fluff
Y/A is your animagus
Y/M/N is your marauders name
„Good morning, Y/N.“ The sweet voice of your boyfriend filled your ears and made you turn around in the common room. As soon as you see his smile there is no other way than smile too. No matter what happens or when it happens, he has always a smile for you.
„Morning, Love“, you said and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
„I still can‘t believe Moony is the first one to have a girlfriend“, Sirius said from behind Remus.
„Well, I‘m still on Lily. Maybe you should just try to talk to a girl instead of snogging her and just leaving“, James retorts. You laughed a little at his comment and shook your head.
„Just because you ask Lily out on a date every week, doesn’t mean you really go“, you replied. „Anyway, want to get breakfast?“, you asked. Remus was the first one to move by grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the common room followed by the other marauders.
„How was your night?“, Remus asked you. You loved how caring he was. Before he met you and the other marauders in first year he didn’t really have anyone and felt alone. So he tried to make sure you were always alright.
„It was good, Rem. And yours? Prongs talking about Lily?“ You laughed but he furrowed his eyebrows together.
„He wants to write her a poem“, he whines. „A poem. And he needs my help with it.“ You just laughed and let go of his hand to open the door to the Great Hall. The tables were full of any kind of food you can possibly eat for breakfast; toast, bread, bread rolls, bacon, eggs of every kind and so much more.
As you take your seat next to Lily, she smiles at you. „Morning, Y/N“, she said.
„Good morning, Lils“, you replied with the same smile. „Are ready for the day? I must admit I am a bit afraid of DADA.“
James, who couldn’t take his eyes of Lily, now interacts in your conversation. „Why is that?“
You shrugged your shoulders a bit embarrassed. „I don‘t know. It‘s just the boggart.“
„We are doing that today?“, Marlene, who sits next to Lily, asked. You nodded you head. „Well, if you know your biggest fear you can prepare yourself.“
„That‘s the point“, you stated. „I don‘t know what it is.“ Sure, you were afraid of a few things. Maybe heights or the darkness, the upcoming war. But those aren‘t your biggest fears.
And then everyone started talking about their biggest fears. Remus and you were the only ones that stayed silent. You, because you didn’t know. Remus however, because if he told them it was full moon, people would ask questions.
In third year you found out he was a werewolf. His scars and monthly disappearances were suspicious but you never really cared. Until you learned about werewolfs and animagi in DADA and it just made so much sense.
So James, Sirius, Peter and you learned how to became animagi. James a stag, Sirius a dog, Peter a rat and you a Y/A.
„Oi, Y/M/N, Moony, you coming?“ Sirius question roughly pulled you out of your thoughts.
„What? - Yes, of course“, you said and turned then to Remus. „Are you ready, Love?“
„Sure.“ Together you made your way to your friends and walked to your first class, Transfiguration, the only class you were better than Lily.
Your last lesson was DADA. The whole day you’re were nervous and worried about what will happen. „It‘s going to be fine, Puppy“, Remus said. He was scared too but he noticed that you were panicking about it.
„Thank, Rem.“ He gave you a kiss on the forehead before entering the classroom.
The desks were moved to the side. In the middle of the room was a big, brown wardrobe. Everyone stood in front of it, curious about what will happen.
„Alright class, like said, you will be facing a boggart today“, your professor announced. „It will represent your biggest fear. The charm that repels a boggart is Riddikulus. But you also have to think of something funny so the fear can be replaced by amusement“, your professor said. „Now repeat after me. Riddikulus.“
„Brilliant. Get in a line so we can start.“ The first one was a Ravenclaw boy you never really talked to. You were behind Marlene followed by the other marauders.
The wardrobe flew open and the boggart took form as a snake, a dragon, darkness, heights and so many other things until it was your turn. Marlene gave you a last smile before stepping to the side.
You took a step forward and watched as the boggart switched his shape. Eventually, Remus was in front of you.
You were scared of Remus? How could that be? Some people started mumbling something then the room fell silent.
Remus wasn’t alive anymore. His eyes slowly closed and he fell to the ground. „Remus“, you whispered with tears in your eyes. „No. No! NO!“ Someone grabbed you from behind and pulled you away from the boggart, which your professor put back into the wardrobe.
„Class dismissed“, he announced.
„Shh, Darling. It‘s okay, I‘m here.“ Remus voice echoed in your ears. He pulled you into his arms and held you tight.
„You were dead“, you sobbed into his chest. „You can’t die. Please, don’t leave me.“
He slowly stroke your head and gave you a kiss on the forehead. „I’m here, my love. I‘m not leaving. Never.“ He let you go and wiped your tears away. Then he pulled out chocolate from his cloak and gave it to you. „Come on, we‘re going to my dorm, okay?“ You nodded while unwrapping the paper.
When the two of you were back in his dorm, James, Sirius and Peter had a lively conversation about what just happened to you. When they saw you and Remus entering the room they immediately shut up.
„Are you okay, Y/N?“, James asked. The three boys looked hopefully up to you.
„Yes, I‘m fine.“ Remus nodded to the door as a sign for them to leave. They smiled and left without saying a word.
Remus grabbed a sweater from his wardrobe and gave it to you. In the bathroom you changed into it. When you came back to him, he already laid in bed with a lot of chocolate around him.
You forced yourself to a smile and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his chest. „It’s okay, darling. I got you.“
„You can’t die“, you mumbled. Your hands were buried in his sweater as an attempt to hold him and never met him leave.
„I won’t. I promise. I won’t leave you.“
He stroke your hair and just hold you in his arms. Soon you were so exhausted that you closed your eyes. „I love you to the moon and back“, you said.
„I love you to the sun and back“, he replied.
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tinawriting · 3 years
This is what we fought for (S.B)
Requested: Yes/No
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader
Summary: Everyone is trying to keep the Potters safe during the war. Sirius suspects. Y/n has an idea.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, one sex joke, little bit of angst at the end, not proofread, my english.
A/N: Everyone lives/Nobody dies AU! This was really fun to write and an amazing idea. This is how things should have gone.
Word count: 2.4k
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Green lights were surrounding them. His breath was caught on his throat, the not knowing if they were going to get out of this one, the panic rising. He felt a hand grip his, he looked up to meet warm and soft eyes, home.
It was always like this with her, they could communicate with just a look. He nodded and let himself stand up, gripping his wand tightly, out of the corner of his eye he saw Y/n stand up as well. She was next to him but he had never felt so far away from her, he needed her touch, he needed her to get out of this one. Even if he didn't.
He started running towards the lights and felt how Y/n was closely behind him. When he saw them he didn't hesitate in start hexing them, not to kill them, no. Dumbledore said they had to just stop them, much to Sirius' dismay, if you asked him, he wouldn't care if all Voldemort's Death Eaters died tonight.
He started throwing hexes at everyone, but his mind was elsewhere. Y/n wasn't on sight anymore, and even if he knew how capable she was he couldn't help but looking for her among the crowd. He was so distracted he failed to notice the person coming from behind him.
Sirius turned around to see Y/n face to face with the disgusting Antonin Dolohov. She had intercepted the spell coming in Sirius' direction. Coward, he thought, his only way of attack is from behind. Dolohov raised his wand in her direction with a sneer on his face.
He grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her roughly behind him, his body shielding her from Dolohov.
"You hurt her and I'll fucking murder you." He said gritting his teeth, not breaking eye contact. He felt her tugging on his sleeve from behind, his arm still keeping her in place.
"Sirius, we have to go now," she said in his ear. "They're coming from everywhere! Let's go!"
He doesn't want to tear his eyes from Dolohov, but he can hear how they're being surrounded. He grabs her more firmly and Apparates them away.
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"I could've handled him."
"I was just protecting you!"
They were in the Order Headquarters. After Apparating there, a couple of healers had help them with their wounds. Then, Y/n had grabbed Sirius' arm and guided him to an empty bedroom to talk to him about the Dolohov incident.
"Do not raise your voice with me Sirius Black," said Y/n lowly and with fire in her eyes. "And I don't need you to protect me. When we're fighting you're not my boyfriend anymore, you're my partner. I needed you to keep fighting."
"So you're saying it's my fault?" He said with an incredulous look on his face.
"I did not say that. But it you keep underestimating my abilities you're going to get us killed."
"I don't underestimate your abilities!"
"Then why the fuck wouldn't you just keep fighting and let me deal with Dolohov?"
"I don't want to lose you!"
"You will if you keep this up!"
They were screaming at this point, the eye contact almost unbearable. The silence allowed them to hear the laughs coming from the other side of the house.
"I can't lose you," he whispered. "I would kill me. I can't."
She took a couple steps towards him and he opened his arms for her. One of his arms on her back hold her close while the other kept her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and rested his chin there. Until this moment he had forgotten how small she was compared to him, how he would need to look down to look at her in the eye. He felt her shaking and how a puddle of tears were damping his shirt. In that moment he realized that tears were forming in his eyes too.
"I don't want to keep fighting Sirius," she said, her voice muffled by his chest. "I want this to end. I want to live normally, I want a house, a family. I'm tired of watching the people I care about die."
"I know my love, I promise you that I will give you that. Everything you want and more."
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"I'm just saying," said Sirius. "You should keep an eye on him."
"I think Sirius is right." Said Peter.
"I don't," said James sternly. "Where did this come from?"
"We're not allowed to go on full moons with him anymore, and he’s supposed to get information from the other werewolves. How do we know what he does with them?"
Lily and Y/n were in the Potters' living room sitting on the couch. Y/n had a sleeping Harry wrapped in a blanket on her arms while Lily was reading a book.
"Do they think we can't listen?" Said Y/n looking at the closed kitchen door, behind it, James, Sirius and Peter were discussing who could be the spy that had been telling Voldemort details only people from the Order could know.
"They probably think we can't hear a word." Said Lily nodding. Y/n frowned at the closed door and decided she had to have a talk to her dear boyfriend. She gave Harry to Lily and stared a moment at the love in Lily's green eyes when she looked at her baby, this is what we're fighting for, she thought.
She opened the door a little harder that she wanted to and stared at Sirius' grey eyes, his soft smile fell when he noticed the hard look she was giving him.
"What is your problem? You don't trust your friends anymore?"
"Darling, this is really not your-"
"Not my place? Not my problem? What Sirius? Do you think the fact that there's a fucking spy breathing on my best friend's neck isn't my problem? Do you think that you talking shit about our friend behind his back without any other argument that 'he's a werewolf' isn't my fucking problem? All your life you've been judged for being a Black and you're doing the same with him? Do you really think Remus is the spy?"
"I'm not saying he's the spy just because he's a werewolf!"
"That's exactly what you're saying!"
"We can't trust anyone anymore!"
She scoffed. "Do you suspect me? Do you suspect Peter?" She noticed how Peter made a soft sound and turned to look at him, his hands were picking at a loose strand of his sweater and was trembling slightly. Strange. She looked at Sirius again. "Don't you trust your own friends anymore? Who are you?"
He looked incredulously at her and a little bit hurt. "Of course I trust you! You're my life, I will always trust you." He then looked at Peter. "And I trust Pete of course, you know what? That's it! He should be the secret keeper instead!"
"What?" Said the rest of them in unison.
"Yeah! We won't tell Lupin and he'll think I'm the secret keeper. It's just a precaution."
She huffed. "Fine. Do whatever you want." And then she got out of the kitchen and entered the bathroom. What was Peter's problem? He had always been a nervous boy but the fact that he had contradicted James earlier and agreed with Sirius was something weird. She didn't want to judge him without any reasonable arguments like Sirius did with Remus. But how could she protect her friends? She heard a knock on the door and she just knew who it was, they were connected.
Se opened the door and saw Sirius standing there looking sheepishly back at her. "I'm sorry."
She sighed and let him in. "I know, I'm sorry too," she said closing the door. "I feel like we're fighting all the time lately."
He exhaled and met her eye, a smirk forming slowly on his face. "We've been doing other things too." He said looking her up and down. She chuckled softly, the tension leaving her shoulders. He raised a hand and held her cheek, caressing her softly. "I love you so much."
"I love you more." She said smiling softly at him.
"Imposible." He said leaning down and connecting their lips. She tried to show him how much he meant to her into the kiss. She let her fingers run through his hair and opened her mouth for him to deepen the kiss.
After they parted, she looked at his soft grey eyes, home.
An idea popped in her head. "I'm staying here."
"I'm staying here, I'll be locked up with them until the Order needs me."
"What if I need you?" He looked like he was about to cry and her heart broke.
"I'll come home. I will," she said holding his face. "But I'll be here a lot, that's it, you won't even notice I'm gone."
"You know I will," his eyes were a little glassy and she hugged him tight. "Please be careful."
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A week after that, Y/n wanted to give Harry the Halloween hat she knitted for him. It was absolutely horrible but she just wanted an excuse to go see her godson.
"That's really pretty." Said Sirius coming from behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She laughed.
"No, it's not."
He chuckled. "It's really not." He kissed her cheek. "Are you going to be alright? Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"I'll be fine," she said turning around in his arms and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you."
"I love you."
She grabbed her bag and wand and Apparated to Godric's Hollow, she walked where the house was and knocked. James was opening the door in no time and let her in, once inside he pulled her in a bone-crashing hug. "It's so nice to see you." He whispered into her ear. Soft giggles could be heard from upstairs, she smiled brightly and ran to see Harry. Lily was next to his crib and kissing his plump cheeks, she walked up to them and hugged Lily, Y/n kissed Harry's head softly and then placed the hideous hat on it. Lily made a face and then smiled kindly.
"It's horrible." She said.
"I know." Y/n replied.
Then, a loud explosion was heard downstairs, Lily and Y/n looked at each other wide-eyed.
"Send a Patronus." Said Y/n.
Then Y/n ran out of the room at the same time James cried out "Lily, Y/n, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"
Her eyes were almost out of her skull and she couldn't go faster. She saw in a blur James' wand and she shouted "Accio wand!"  She then saw James trying to hold back Voldemort wandless and looked in horror at how he raised his wand in James' direction.
“Avada Kedav-”
"Impedimenta!" She cried.
Y/n watched how Voldemort's action slowed down, she grabbed James by his arm and got him out of Voldemort's reach. She handed him his wand and heard various 'pop' of people Apparating, she hoped it was their friends and not some Death Eater. She watched as Voldemort's actions were slowly coming back to normal when Sirius and Remus appeared at the front door, Voldemort's red eyes made contact with hers.
In a fraction of second, her back hit the ground, a high-pitched noise in her ears was making her head hurt, she could feel herself screaming but couldn't hear it. All her limbs felt on fire, the pain almost unbearable. She lifted her head to see three rays of green light from her friend's wands being directed at Voldemort, and then, everything went black.
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Her head hurt so much. She couldn't move. She couldn't even open her eyes. I must be dead. That's why I can't move. And then, she heard soft sobs and someone -no, Sirius- grabbing her hand delicately.
"Please, Y/n. Please come back to me." I'm here Sirius, I'm okay. "You saved James, and Lily, and Harry. And I'm so grateful for that, but I can’t be happy if you’re not with me. I’ll never be happy without you. I know you can save yourself too, you can do this my love, please come back. Come back so I can give you that house we talked about, so we can get married and have kids. Please.”
She slowly opened her eyes, her vision was blurry and when she turned her head she saw Sirius sitting on a chair with his head down, his hair shielding his eyes. She squeezed his hand weakly and he lifted his head so fast his neck made a sound.
He got up and sat down next to her in the bed she now realised it was James and Lily's. "Hello princess," he said kissing her softly, and her headache disappeared for a moment. "You had me worried." He chuckled, but it was empty, she noticed the tears strains in his cheeks and she lifted a hand to caress them away. He smiled. He hadn’t smiled a real smile in days and she thought she had never see him more beautiful.
“You’re beautiful.” Y/n said and he laughed softly. Then, she remembered. “Peter.” She whispered.
Sirius smile fell. “Yeah,” he said. “Remus… he didn’t do anything, you were right. We’re good now, though. He was understanding of the whole situation. I can’t believe I ever doubted him.”
“Did you kill him?” She asked wide-eyed. “Voldemort?”
“Yeah, the three of us used the killing curse on him. Dumbledore said we won’t go to Azkaban for doing it.” She scoffed, of course they weren’t, she would get them out herself if they were. “It was all thanks to you. James told us what you did, they would all be dead if it weren’t for you.”
“And Peter?”
Sirius’ frowned. “He… he disappeared, that stupid rat, we don’t know where he is. But it’s over now.” He started sobbing again, but he was smiling. “It’s over, we’re okay. We’re all okay. James, Lily, Remus and Harry. Harry is perfect! He has that disgusting hat on and he laughs!”
She smiled and tears were falling from her eyes as well. “I want to see them.”
“Yes, of course,” he said hurriedly before kissing her forehead. “I’ll bring them.”
Sirius got out of the room and she took a moment to breathe. It was over now, Voldemort was gone. The Potters were fine, Remus was fine, Sirius and her were fine. When the door opened again, the first thing she saw was the smiling face of her godson and thought this is what we fought for.
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wonder-womans-ex · 4 years
Conversations, Conversations, in the Early Morning Glow
Of all the things James was expecting to see today, Sirius Black sitting on his couch at five-thirty in the morning was certainly not one of them. 
He had been prepared to get up early, make some coffee and maybe an omelette, and head out for a quick jog before practice. But when he turned on the light, there Sirius was, one leg propped up over his knee, fingers drumming nervously on the sole of his shoe. 
Sirius looked up. They stared at each other for a moment, and then James took off his glasses and put them back on again. “Hello,” he said. 
Sirius bothered with none of the preamble. “How do you tell someone you’re in love with them?” 
“What the fuck?”
“I’m in love with someone and I want to tell them so, but I don’t know how.”
After taking a moment to process this information, James walked over to the kitchen. “I need caffeine for this conversation,” he said, glancing backward over his shoulder. “Want a coffee?”
“I—yeah. Sure. No sugar—”
“Lots of milk. I know.” 
They grinned at each other, but Sirius’s smile was slightly… off. There was something tense about it, almost like he was holding back. 
The coffee machine whirred quietly to life, red light blinking on, and James grabbed two mugs from the cupboard: the WORLD’S BEST DAD one Kuny had given him after Harry’s birth, and the one with the rubber ducks Sirius always used. He filled the kettle with water, flipped the switch on the side, and finally spun around to face his friend. 
Sirius had hopped up to sit on the counter and was swinging his legs slightly, bumping them in turns against the dishwasher; his gaze was focused somewhere on the floor in front of him. James paused for a moment before walking over and sitting beside him. “If Lily catches us, we’re both toast,” he said, finally, trying to lighten the mood. The corners of Sirius’s lips twitched up only slightly, and that was when James knew something was truly bothering him. 
“So.” The two of them took a breath almost in unison. “I’m going to need some backstory here. Are you in a relationship with this person? Are you merely admiring from afar?”
“In a relationship.”
No matter what he had asked, James had assumed Sirius was merely harbouring a crush. He’d thought that surely, if Sirius was dating someone, he’d say something about it. “You have a girlfriend? And you didn’t tell me?” 
“That’s the other thing.” A pause, like he was working up the courage to say something. “I’m gay, James.”
For the second time that morning, James took a moment to process this. He arranged his face—or tried to, anyway—into an expression that less resembled someone who had recently run into a brick wall, and then he put a reassuring hand on Sirius’s shoulder. “You have a boyfriend? And you didn’t tell me?”
The look of relief Sirius gave him was both immense and immediate. “Well, it’s pretty recent. Only a few months, really—since my birthday—and… I was scared. I’m still scared, but not as much as I was. But I love him. I really, really love him, and I want him to know that.”
Nodding, James slid forward off the counter to pour the now-boiling water into the top of the coffee machine. “Is it anyone I know? Is he from Gryffindor?”
“Yeah, you know him. It’s—well, it’s Loops.”
“Remus?” James jerked his hand backwards, away from the spill of hot water from the kettle. He hissed in pain when a drop landed on his wrist. “Remus Lupin? Our PT?” 
“One and the same.” Even without looking, he could hear the smile in Sirius’s voice. 
“And you want to tell him you love him?” 
“And you came to me for advice?” 
Sirius leaned over and smacked his arm. “I can’t tell whether you’re insulting yourself or me more.” 
“Shut up. But in all ser—sincerity… does he love you, too?”
“I think so,” Sirius said, biting his lip. “I hope he does, anyway. I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t.” 
James whistled quietly, not wanting to risk waking Harry. A crying child was the last thing either of them needed. “God, you’ve got it bad, haven’t you?” 
“Look.” James crossed his arms, staring Sirius right in the eyes. “I’m only going to say this once. You are my best friend. You are the third most important person in my life, falling just behind my wife-to-be and my son. If I had to pick one person to be stranded with on a deserted island, the only reason I would not choose you is that I think we would die within a week because neither of us actually has that much common sense. That being said, there are very few situations in which I would not trust you with my life. In the words of the youth, you are my bro.”
“Why is this starting to sound like a marriage proposal?”
“Fuck off. The point is, Pads, you deserve the best of the best. You deserve someone you love and who loves you. If that’s Loops, that’s amazing and I support you. If it ends up not being him, I’ll be here for you, and I’ll make sure any future boyfriends you may have don’t break your heart. Got that?”
For a moment, Sirius said nothing, and James grew more and more worried by the second. “Cap? You okay?” 
“No, I’m not okay, you fucker; I’m crying.”
“I hope they’re happy tears.” 
“What do you think?” Swiping the back of his hand across his eyes, Sirius let a grin spread across his face. “Are we supposed to bro hug now?” 
“You know what; why not.” Even just two years ago, they would have put their arms around each other nervously before awkwardly pulling away again (hell, two years ago Sirius probably wouldn’t have suggested it in the first place), but now they were miles past that, James even rubbing a noogie onto the crown of Sirius’s head. 
“Coffee machine looks like it’s about to overflow.” 
“Oh, thanks.” There was a comfortable silence as James poured out two mugs of coffee and added milk (Sirius’s) and sugar (his own), not broken until Sirius, mug in hand, said quietly, “How do you think I should tell him?” 
“Well, my advice, which is flawed at the best of times, would be to just tell him. But if you were planning on doing that, then chances are you wouldn’t have come to me in the first place.”
“I want it to be… I dunno. Romantic.” Sirius raised his coffee to his lips, taking a sip. “This is the worst coffee I have ever had in my life.”
“Well, duh. For the romantic part, I mean. Not the coffee.”
Laughing under his breath, Sirius poked him. “Try it. It sucks.”
“It does not—oh.”
“Told you so.”
James was halfway through pouring his coffee down the drain when Sirius’s phone rang. Both men froze. 
“Who is it?”
Sirius fished the phone out of his pocket, checking the caller ID. He visibly relaxed at what he saw, swiping up to answer. “It’s Remus,” he whispered. 
It was only thanks to the silence of the house that James could hear the voice on the other end of the line. 
“Baby?” Remus asked. “I’m, uh, I’m at your house—I bused—and, um, your car’s not here.”
“Oh, fuck, is it six already?”
“Yeah.” After a moment, he added, “Where are you?” 
“At the Potters’. I’m with James.”
“Are you okay?”
A smile flickered over Sirius’s face. “Yeah. I’m great. I… I came out to him.” 
James held his breath until—”Oh,” said Remus. 
“Oh? Is that—is that okay? Should I have waited—”
“No, no, of course not,” Remus assured him, the emotion in his voice audible even through the speaker. “I’m just surprised. And I’m proud. God, baby, I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“I’m proud of me, too.” 
“As you should be. Hey, I’m hugging you right now. You feel that? That’s my arms. And now I’m kissing you. Okay?” 
Sirius actually giggled, a sound James had never heard him make before. “I’m kissing you back.”
James wasn’t sure whether he grabbed the phone to put at least a temporary stop to all the mushiness, or whether his intention stayed the same all along. In any case, the first thing he said after wresting it out of Sirius’s grasp and pressing it to his own ear was “If you hurt my bro, I’ll kill you.”
“Hi, James.”
“Got it?”
“Yeah, I got it. But between you and me—and Sirius, I guess, ‘cause he’s probably listening, too—if I ever hurt him, I think I’d die before you even chose your weapon.”
When James glanced over, he saw that Sirius’s eyes were shining.
“Oh,” Remus added. “And please send Cap back over here. He’s not just my boyfriend; he’s my ride to practice.”
“You got it.” He waited until Remus hung up to say, “Hey, Sirius?”
Sirius took the phone when James held it out to him. “Yeah?”
“Get out of my house and go get your man.”
“Oui.” He slid off the countertop, landing on the floor with a slight thud. 
“Oh, and one more thing.” 
“What Loops said? Over the phone? If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.”
He got a grin for that, but he also got an elbow in the ribs as Sirius passed by him. “I’m going to tell him. Today.”
“You do that.” 
“Wish me luck. I’ll see you at practice.” 
“See you,” James said, leaning against the doorframe. “And you’ve already got all the luck you need.”
He hadn’t forgotten. He really hadn’t. He’d just had a lot on his mind, and Sirius’s promise of ‘today’ was pushed to the back. But when Cap’s car pulled into the parking lot with Loops in the passenger’s seat, it was brought immediately to the front again. He watched as they shared a warm, private smile, eyes not breaking contact for almost ten seconds. 
As soon as they walked through the arena doors, James was there to ambush them. “Good morning, gentlemen.” 
“Wipe that smirk off your face.”
“Well, we are temperamental today.”
“It’s because of your godawful coffee.”
Sirius smacked his arm. “I’m serious—and please don’t make that pun. I would like to be left alone with my boyfriend, with whom I am very much in love.”
“All right, all right!” James said, raising his arms in mock surrender. Go make out in the PT room; I won’t stop you.” 
Remus smiled when Sirius turned to him. “Yeah, sure, we can do that later. You go ahead—I need to talk to Pots for a sec.”
“‘Kay. Love ya.”
“Love you, too.”
Waiting until Sirius disappeared down the hallway to speak, Remus pursed his lips, trying to smother a grin. “Thank you,” he said, finally. “That—how accepting you are, I mean—means a lot to him.”
“I know.” 
“No, really. You were the first… you’re the only person he’s told, other than me. Coming out to you—it really goes to show how much more comfortable he is with himself. When we got together… well, he’s really come a long way.” 
James waited for a moment, sorting through the emotions in his head. “The thing is… I made him feel like I wouldn’t be accepting. This morning, when we were talking, he said he was scared. I’m part of the reason he was scared.”
Already, Remus was shaking his head. “He wasn’t scared you wouldn’t be accepting; he was scared of other people finding out. No, not of you telling people. Just that they’d find out.”
“That literally makes no sense.”
“Look, James, the way he grew up—if there’s one thing he learned it’s that if you tell one, you’ve told them all. He came out when he was ready to come out. Maybe not to the world—not yet—but to you.”
He nodded slowly. “I think I’ve got it. Oh—and, Remus?”
“He makes you really happy, doesn’t he?” 
“Really happy.” Even without the words, Remus’s grin would have said it all. 
“You make him happy, too. Happier than I’ve seen him in a long time.”
“Don’t mess it up.” 
Remus laughed. “I should have known. Trust me, though, Pots; I’ve got no intention too.”
That seemed to be that—James made his way to the locker room, catching Sirius’s eyes upon entry and winking. Sirius simply rolled his eyes and walked over, bumping their shoulders together. “What did you guys talk about?”
James didn’t even try to lie. “You, mostly.” 
“Should have guessed.” Glancing away briefly, Sirius lowered his voice to barely more than a whisper. “Thanks, by the way.” 
“For what?” 
“Bullying me into telling Loops I love him?”
“Eh, that was mostly you. I just kind of stood there and let you talk at me.”
“Fuck off.” 
“Really, though.” James was only partly joking when he added, “I’ll be here for you again when you want to propose.”
A red flush spread across Sirius’s cheeks. “Maybe not for a while yet,” he said, smiling straight ahead at the jersey hanging in his locker. “But someday.” 
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moonyswriting · 3 years
So since the server was just talking about Jules Angst- and i knew this was coming, that youd chose him to protect above all else- that this would be a good time to post this.  Blame @moonofthenight for the ending. thanks for beta-ing :) Characters as always by @lumosinlove
“Remus, honey, you still need to schedule your next PT session. It’s almost been a month.”, Hope said, looking over to where Sirius arms snaked around Remus waist. They were quietly talking to each other, exchanging quick kisses every once in a while.
“Leave them be for now. They’re still in their honeymoon phase”, Lyall berated his wife. She looked a bit caught off guard, but left the two lovebirds to be alone.
Jules had still been in the kitchen at that moment, but left quickly after both parents made their exists.
You know the parts in movies, where the couple sleeps next to each other? When one wakes up and looks at the other lovingly, tracing circles onto their skin? The part where the other was already awake, a rough, sleepy voice whispering “Good morning, baby.”? The part where they hold each other tight, exchanging love confessions and sleepy kisses?
That’s what was currently playing in Julian ever racing mind. That’s what he imagined, was happening in his brother’s room right now.  He didn’t want to bother them, breaking into their cute morning routine, for his selfish wish to get to his brother.
He was bouncing on his bed a bit, waiting for sounds that would indicate his brother woke up and had a spare moment for him. Then he heard them. Remus’ door opening and closing, steps on the floor and then the bathroom door.
Julian stepped out of his room. He wanted to surprise his brother with the gift he had made for him. It was always exciting for him to see how Remus would react to his gifts. It was Julian’s favorite part of giving gifts and he didn’t really want to wait any longer. Excitement running through him, he stepped out, into the middle of the hallway, determined to not ruin the bliss his brother and Sirius had probably been in and to wait until they were separated to hug Remus and congratulate him. It was only then he realized, he had no clue if it was Remus left in the bedroom or the one that had went to the bathroom. Checking the bathroom was a no go, as, if it was Sirius in there, he would straight up die from embarrassment. Just walking into his brother’s room was definitely the better option, but first of all, who knew what Sirius could be wearing if it was him, if he was even wearing anything. Jules wasn’t stupid, he had payed attention in biology. And secondly, the conversation, he would have to have with a sleepy Sirius, who might mistake him for his brother worst case, was not a risk he was willing to take.
So he waited again. Walking back into his own room, disappointment slowly seeping into his bones. He had lost his chance until they would go down for breakfast with their parents. He heard the bathroom door after a few moments, footsteps and Remus’ door, before everything went quiet again. Before the were together again.
He knew Sirius liked him. Well, of course there was always the option of him lying, but if so Sirius was a damn good actor. Julian was never the one to expect the worst, Sirius liked him, he was sure, but that didn’t mean he’d be okay with his boyfriend’s little brother bursting their romantic birthday bubble. Jules definitely didn’t want to make Sirius upset. He wasn’t allowed affection and love for so long, the least Julian could do was leave them to themselves on Remus’ birthday.
It was fine. Julian had been excited about his brother’s birthday, of course, he was every year, but he could wait until they were ready for him.
Still, he couldn’t help but think back.
Julian just missed the cuddles. When they were smaller he had always snuck into Remus room on his birthday as soon as he could. The older had slowly blinked his eyes open and had just lifted the covers for Julian to crawl in. That might have been his favorite moments. Feeling Remus hugging him tightly, them both falling asleep again to be woken up by Lyall and Hope a little later with his brother’s cake.
He couldn’t have those anymore. Not now that Sirius was with Remus. Jules was incredibly happy for them, of course, he just missed the moments that were just for the two of them sometimes.
And so he waited patiently, sitting on his bed, turning the gift over and over in his hands, thinking about Remus’ and Sirius’ love and how happy he was that his brother had been lucky enough to find something like that.
Later Julian congratulated Remus with the others. It was less personal than the last birthdays. Remus opened all the gifts he got, thanking everyone for them, telling them over and over again, how that wasn’t necessary. Julian’s gift was still behind Remus. Out of view from the other guests.
His heart dropped a bit, when Remus didn’t even open his gift now. He kind of just wanted to leave. Sit in his room, alone. This didn’t feel like a celebration to him.
They chatted over the birthday cake and Jules waited patiently for them all to slowly leave so he could get back to his room. What had he been expecting? Remus had a boyfriend now, he didn’t need him anymore.
“Hey, Jules. You got a minute?”, he heard from behind him.
Remus had followed him half way up the stairs and when he looked down, he saw his gift in his brother’s hands, holding it carefully. Sirius was talking with Hope and Lyall in the kitchen at the moment.
“Sure.”, he answered. There must have been as little enthusiasm in his voice as he felt and Remus eyes turned worried, but he didn’t say anything, just walked into his room, holding the door open for Julian to slip in behind him.
They both sat down on the bed. “Sorry we couldn’t cuddle today.”, Remus told him and that was not what Julian had been expecting. Before he could answer, his brother continued. “And I’m sorry I didn’t open your gift before. I know, you were probably a bit disappointed, but your gifts are always my favorites. I wanted it to be special. Just us two again. You know?”
Julian didn’t really know what to say. He hadn’t expected his brother to feel the same. He was older, less sensitive. He had a boyfriend he could cuddle with, but apparently he still needed his brother. Julian smiled up at him, eyes shining a bit. If Remus noticed, he didn’t comment on it.
“So let’s open this, yeah?”, his brother asked and the younger could see the excitement blooming in his smile.
“Yeah.”, Julian exhaled. His brother hadn’t forgotten about him. He hadn’t been replaced. He wasn’t just another person to Remus, he was his little brother.
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