#Remy's here too but this isn't about him!
shapeshyft · 4 months
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My baby... my dottir, she's come back home !
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mariasont · 5 months
Dress Code - S.R
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a/n: got a little carried away with this one, but ugh just imagining spencer reid coming to my defense has me down BAD
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x bimbo!receptionist!reader
summary: in which spencer reid doesn't appreciate an agent questioning the length of your skirt
warnings: fluff, a rando flirting/being rude with the reader, mini skirts 4 life, definitely not appropriate for work but spencer doesn't give a FUCK
wc: 1.5k
"Interesting choice of attire for the FBI," the man's voice commented as you paused in the midst of penciling in his meeting with Chief Cruz. "Isn't that skirt a bit... short?"
The man was tall, though not quite as tall as Dr. Reid. His hair, a dark shade that caught the light as he moved (more so because of the liberal amount of gel in it), was neatly trimmed, but it lacked the effortless charm of Spencer's curls.
You had unwittingly set a standard, with Dr. Reid as the benchmark. You tried to go on dates, to distract yourself from the boy genius, but those dates turned into a mental tally--he's not as smart as Spencer, not as kind, not as attractive. 
Maintaining an unshakeable smile, you stood up from your work area. "You think? I just love how it twirls when I spin!"
You demonstrated--the pleated hem of your pink tweed skirt billowing out around you. You wobbled on your heels, a giggle escaping you as you used the desk to steady yourself. Spencer's gaze followed your every move as you tucked a couple stray curls behind your ears.
Spencer intended to maintain a respectful distance, to grant you some space, but he found himself consistently drawn towards you, as if pulled by gravity itself. You were irresistibly captivating, and it wasn't lost on him that this allure undoubtedly affected others just as much.  
His gaze sharpened into a glare, almost tangible in its intensity, directed at the man who hovered too close in your personal space, eyes trailing where they shouldn't as the fabric of your skirt fluttered with your movements.
The agent let out a soft laugh, inching forward to prop his elbows on the desk's edge, his eyes subtly scanning your legs. "I'd wager it becomes quite the tactical distraction during interrogations."
"Oh, I don't go into the interrogation rooms, silly!" you laugh, a melodic ripple in the air, as you ease back down into your chair. 
You cross your legs, one over the other, the action accentuating the graceful lines of your figure, skirt settling into place with a soft rustle. 
The man's smirk broadened, his eyebrow lifting in a choreographed motion. "You don't say?"
Your smile is radiant, blissfully unaware of the sarcasm in his voice. You tilt your head, a soft gesture as you rearrange a vase brimming with colorful flowers on your desk--a thank-you from Garcia for the cupcakes you gifted her with last week.
"Yep! I'm the first face people see here, and I want to make sure it's a good one!"
He nodded slowly, a sly grin spreading across his features. "The first face, huh? I suppose with a view like that, it's hard for anyone to get past the front desk. But isn't it a bit distracting for the agents?"
"I believe it's all about focus. And our team has an exceptional ability to focus, no matter the environment."
It was a welcome surprise to watch Dr. Reid make his way toward you, his walk a familiar lanky stride that somehow managed to be both awkward and graceful. You like his tie today, still crooked, but charming, and it was decorated with blue stripes that trailed up the side. Despite the sharp lines of his suit, there was something so undeniably soft about him. 
"Dr. Reid, I..."
Spencer didn't let him finish his thought. "And speaking of work, I believe Chief Cruz is waiting on you for those files. Best not to make him wait."
You weren't speaking of work, but the agent was quick to excuse himself, nonetheless.
"He seems nice, doesn't he?"
Spencer's lips twitched, on the verge of breaking your idealistic bubble, but he stopped short, arrested by the sincerity shining in your eyes. The idea of spoiling your untainted perspective felt almost sacrilegious, not when your smile was so genuinely sugary it nearly could've brought him to his knees right then and there. 
"Yeah," he conceded, his eyes trailing over your complacent face. "Nice."
You looked down at your skirt, plucking at a thread that had come undone. "You don't think it's too short, do you?"
You stood, ensuring he had a complete view, your palms delicately pressing the fabric down. Spencer's eyes opened a shade wider, the unexpected display catching him off guard. The skirt's length--or lack thereof--left little to the imagination, your thighs on full display, but he'd keep that thought to himself, and with any influence he had, everyone else would as well. 
"No, it's fine, you look lovely."
"Lovely?" your eyes basically shimmered in this light, your chin gently resting in the curve of your palm as you fixed him with an intent stare. "That's high praise."
"Deservedly so."
"Dr. Reid, I'm blushing."
And you were, pink radiating across your neck and cheeks, but he was sure a similar rosy shade was coloring the tips of his ears.
You rose from your chair, circling the desk to position yourself directly in front of him, close enough for him to detect the light scent of Dubble Bubble on your breath. He, almost instinctively, found himself leaning in your direction. 
"I just love how it feels," you noted, hand brushing against the cloth. "It's so soft, see?"
You extended the hem of your skirt towards him. Spencer's hand hesitated, then tentatively touched the fabric, clearing his throat in the process. He was even closer now, the scent of your perfume--what he thought was a mix of roses and a hint of citrus--engulfed him. The skirt was soft like you had said, but it was the warmth radiating from your skin that sent a jolt through him. 
His knuckles grazed against your thigh, whether intentional or not he really wasn't sure. His usual clarity wasn't up to par, not with you standing so close, looking so nice. The world seemed to spin when he was around you.
You let out a giggle, a soft and effervescent sound that seemed to steal the air from his lungs. "Do you see what I mean? It's like wearing a cloud."
His hand snapped back as if touched by fire, his face awash with a flustered glow. "Yes, it's...very soft," he managed, raking his fingers through his hair, his gaze darting to any point but your legs, the memory of its softness scattering his concentration.
You offered a beaming smile, naively unaware to the sheer havoc you wreaked on his senses. He needed to get back to work to prevent any rash decisions--like taking your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours right there, an act that would certainly mar his professional record. He also wasn't sure you'd appreciate that. 
As though you had plucked the thoughts straight from his mind, your fingertips brushed softly over his chest. "Goodness, I've been rambling on, haven't I? You probably have, like, super important stuff to do."
Your touch seemed to still the air between you, Spencer's breath hitching, momentarily losing his train of thought. "Oh, uh... well, no, it's actually kind of a slow day for me right now."
Your hand, moving from his chest to rest on his arm, offered a tender squeeze. "Oh, that's good, isn't it? You guys are always super busy, it's about time the universe gave you a break, huh?"
Just as Spencer opened his mouth to reply, you bit your lip, cheeks flushed with a sudden realization. "Oh no, I totally just jinxed it, didn't I?"
You quickly rapped your knuckles against the desk. 
Spencer cocked his head to the side, a bemused chuckle escaping him. "What?"
Your words bubbled over with delight, closing the gap between you and Spencer until you were almost chest to chest. "Look at this, I'm the one who is teaching you something for once!" Your smile was wide and uncontainable. "So, knocking on wood--it's supposed to ward off bad luck or reverse a jinx, just like I might have done."
A myriad of scientific retorts teetered on the tip of his tongue, each one ready to debunk the notion of luck and its superstitious rituals. But those thoughts dissolved in the glow of your smile, as radiant and illuminating as an 1800-watt lightbulb. 
"Really? That's fascinating," he mused, his smile soft. "I'll have to remember that."
"Right? Oh, and don't get me started on finding a four-leaf clover. I swear it's lucky. I found one once, and I had the best day ever."
To him, it seemed like you didn't have anything other than good days, despite the statistical improbability. 
"I don't doubt it," Spencer replied with a knowing smile. Noticing the same agent coming out of the hallway, he excused himself. "Well, I'm going to get back. I'll, uh, see you later?"
"You know where to find me," you said.
As you spun to retreat to your desk, he offered a last, discreet glance at your skirt, more specifically the shape of your ass in it, before following after the agent.
"Walk with me, yeah?" Spencer suggested, his tone leaving no room for argument. It was out of character for him, but the way his jaw tightened suggested he didn't care. Once the distance granted privacy from your ears, he stated plainly. "Her attire is not up for discussion. If there's a concern, I'm the one you talk to."
The remainder of his day passed just as slow, and in the back of his mind, he entertained the thought that he had your knock-on wood to thank for that.
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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hellooo!!! hope you're doing well!! i love love love your work!!!!
i wanted to request something for remy, cause you are so right, there is not as near enough stuff out there for him!! maybe something like gambit and reader secretly pining for each other, and remy doing card tricks or something to show off or get any amount of attention, then being super smug or flustered when he actually gets it! with a fluffy ending of your choice!!!
i really hope this isn't too much or too little to work with!! no pressure, have an amazing dayyyyy!!!! <3
The Gambit’s Trick
The rec room at the X-Mansion was buzzing with its usual energy—laughter, light conversation, and the occasional clink of glasses as everyone unwound after a long day. You sat on the couch, half-listening to Bobby and Rogue debating over the best pizza toppings, but your attention kept wandering to the other side of the room, where Remy LeBeau was holding court, as usual.
Remy had a deck of cards in hand, casually shuffling and fanning them out with the kind of effortless grace that only he could pull off. His red-on-black eyes were glinting with mischief as he regaled a small group with stories from his time in New Orleans, his Cajun drawl soft and charming. He was in his element, surrounded by friends, showing off with little tricks here and there—but you knew his real audience wasn’t them.
It was you.
Every now and then, Remy’s gaze would flicker in your direction, lingering for just a second too long before he returned to his storytelling. You felt it every time, your heart fluttering in your chest as you pretended not to notice. The truth was, you had been pining after Remy for what felt like forever—ever since the day he sauntered into your life with that lazy grin and smooth charm. But you’d kept those feelings hidden, unsure if the infamous flirt felt anything more than his usual playful affection for you.
But tonight, something felt different. You weren’t sure if it was the relaxed atmosphere or the way Remy seemed to be paying more attention to you than usual, but you could feel a shift.
As the group around Remy started to disperse, he suddenly stood up, stretching his arms before pulling a single card from the deck. He held it between his fingers, flicking it back and forth with a smirk that told you he was up to something.
“Alright, y’all,” he said, his voice cutting through the chatter, “who’s ready for a real magic trick?”
Everyone turned toward him, a few groans of playful protest, but he had their attention. And yours.
Remy glanced in your direction again, that mischievous glint in his eyes growing stronger. “You watchin’, chérie?” he asked, and the way he said it made your heart skip a beat.
You crossed your arms and leaned back in your seat, trying to keep your cool. “I’m watching,” you replied, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“Good,” he said, his smirk widening as he shuffled the cards with a flourish. “Dis one’s just for you.”
Your pulse quickened, and you could feel a blush creeping up your neck. Remy was never shy about his flirting, but this felt more intentional—like he was speaking directly to your heart, not just playing around.
He moved through the trick smoothly, his fingers quick and precise as he manipulated the cards. “Now, chérie, dis here’s a little sleight of hand,” he said, holding up a card for you to see, then flipping it over and placing it into the deck. “I’m gonna make de card disappear, den bring it back, just like magic.”
You watched intently, your eyes fixed on his hands as he shuffled the deck once more. He was all confidence, every movement perfectly timed. But then, as he glanced up at you again—catching your eye for just a moment too long—something went wrong.
The card he was supposed to pull from the deck fumbled in his fingers, slipping awkwardly to the floor. The group chuckled lightly, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little harder than the others. The normally smooth and composed Gambit had tripped up, and it was because of you.
Remy’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly, a rare sight, but his grin never faltered. “Ah, well, looks like I’m a little distracted,” he said, bending down to pick up the card with a playful wink in your direction.
Your giggle only grew, and you shook your head at him. “Distracted, huh? Didn’t think you ever messed up, LeBeau.”
“Oh, chérie,” Remy said, standing back up and sauntering closer to you, his grin widening. “I only mess up when I’m lookin’ at somethin’—or someone—dat’s distractin’ me.”
Your heart raced as he stopped in front of you, standing a little too close, his eyes fixed on yours with that intense, flirtatious energy that always left you breathless. The rest of the room seemed to fade away, the noise of the other conversations becoming background hums as you locked gazes with him.
Remy held up the card again, this time with more purpose, his fingers steady. “Tell you what, mon amour. If I get dis trick right dis time, how ‘bout I get a little reward?”
You raised an eyebrow, trying to play it cool even though your heart was pounding. “A reward, huh? What kind of reward are we talking about?”
He leaned down just a little, his voice dropping to a low, intimate murmur. “How ‘bout a kiss from you, chérie? Just one.”
You could feel your face heat up, but you didn’t look away. Instead, you leaned back, pretending to consider it as you tapped your chin thoughtfully. “A kiss? That’s a pretty big ask, Remy.”
He grinned, his confidence returning full force. “What can I say? I like to take risks.”
You rolled your eyes playfully but couldn��t stop the smile from spreading across your face. “Alright, fine. If you get the trick right this time, maybe—maybe—I’ll give you that kiss.”
Remy’s eyes lit up as if he’d just won the lottery. “Oh, chérie, you won’t regret dis.”
With a renewed focus, he shuffled the deck one last time, his hands moving quickly and expertly over the cards. He pulled a single card from the middle, holding it up with a flourish. The ace of hearts, just like magic.
“There it is,” he said, his voice dripping with pride and flirtation. “Now, how ‘bout dat kiss?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head as you stood up from the couch. “Alright, a deal’s a deal.”
Stepping closer to him, you felt the warmth radiating off of him, and the playful energy between you shifted into something more charged. Remy’s smile softened as you reached up, your heart pounding in your chest. Gently, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath your lips as his breath caught for just a second.
When you pulled back, he looked at you, his eyes full of affection and something deeper, something real.
“Chérie,” he whispered, his voice softer now, “dat was worth more than any magic trick I could ever do.”
You smiled, your heart fluttering in your chest. “Guess you’ll have to keep practicing, then.”
Remy chuckled, slipping the deck of cards back into his pocket as he leaned in a little closer. “Oh, I plan to, mon amour. I plan to.”
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cringe-but-proud · 22 days
Sorry to bother you, but I saw your asks/requests were open, and saw that you write for Gambit, I read through your works and love how you write him! I was wondering if maybe you would be willing to do a drabble/ficlet with Gambit x reader? Where reader has ADHD and anxiety? Her mutant power is Empathy, but she only feels other's emotions; can't tell why they're feeling them, and the combo kinda makes her a people pleaser type who struggles to say no to things, so ends up with extra work from other people all the time, kinda burning the candle at both ends until she basically has a mental/physical breakdown? I just really wanna see Gambit being super loving/protective.
If you don't want to/it isn't in your wheelhouse, by all means just ignore me, sorry again to bother you! Have a great day/night!
We love a Gambit request 😋
Remy LeBeau x fem!mutant!Reader
Warnings: reader cries and also blames herself for all of her problems 😗✌️
A/n: Man, idk what to put here sometimes, y’all. Reader has a regular job (not an X-Man or anything). And uhh, um, erm requests are open 👍
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This whole mess was your fault. All of it. All of the piled up work, and the deadlines you just knew you wouldn’t be able to meet, and the dread over knowing people would be disappointed in you, and your infuriating inability to say no; it was all your fault.
It was days like these when you wished you could get rid of your mutation. That way you might not be such a damn pushover. But, you couldn’t help it. People from work come into the office feeling a little down, and suddenly you’re offering to go get them a coffee, to make some copies for them, to sort out some files, and finish that research project they’ve been putting off. And in the moment, you can feel the happiness and relief radiating from them, and it makes you feel good. But, then you realize (too late) that it’s too much for you to get done in one workday.
Which led you to your current predicament. You were trying to get all of this work (which wasn’t even technically yours) done, but you also needed to get some work around the house done, and your mind couldn’t focus on one task at a time.
You reread the same paragraph for what felt like the eighteenth time, hardly making it past the second sentence before you had to begin rereading it again after your mind had wandered to your laundry that still needed cleaning.
And just when you’d gotten yourself to focus again, there were three knocks at your door. You groaned, letting your head fall to your hands for a moment before you got up and dragged yourself to the door. You looked through the peephole and saw your boyfriend Remy. He was all put together in a nice suit and tie, severely contrasting you in your pajamas with your hair a mess and makeup completely wiped away.
Your stomach sank and you completely froze. You’d forgotten. You’d gotten so caught up in wanting to please other people, that you’d forgotten about tonight.
You just stood at the door, unable to move as your heart began to pound and your throat began to feel tight. Remy knocked again, this time calling your name. You finally opened the door with shaky hands and almost immediately began to sob.
“Woah, woah!” Remy reached out and held you by your shoulders, his hold gentle yet steadying. “What’s wrong chère?”
“I-“ You choked out. “I forgot, Remy. I forgot about tonight.”
Remy had made reservations for the two of you at a fancy restaurant, one you’d been wanting to go to for a while. And you’d forgotten. He’d gotten dressed up all nice for you and it was for nothing, and you, like always, were to blame.
You continued to cry pathetically while Remy guided you over to sit on your couch. “Talk to me, chère.” He said as he gently took your hands.
“I-I forgot-“
“Gambit don’t care about that.” You let your head fall forward onto his shoulder where you continued to sob. “There’s something else, huh?” It was more of a statement than a question.
Sometimes you felt like he had some of your empath abilities as well, or at least some form of mind reading. He could always tell when something was wrong, or when someone was lying. Or maybe it was just with you. Either way, when he suggested that there was something else bothering you, you nodded against him.
“You wanna tell Gambit?”
You inhaled shakily before speaking again. “There’s just…. It’s so much- too much going on— Too much on my plate.” You said, struggling to find the words through your choked sobs and jumbled thoughts.
Remy hummed. This wouldn’t be the first time that you overwhelmed yourself with tasks and work that needed to be done. “Like what?” He asked. And he listened while you listed off all of the things at work that were bugging you and then all of the chores at home that only added to your stress, all the while he soothingly rubbed your back. And once you were finally done, he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. Your tears had come to a small occasional trickle rather than what felt like a flood a few moments ago.
“Tell you what,” Remy said as he began to pull away. “You rest here while Gambit helps.”
“What?” You asked as he put a blanket over you.
“Lay down. Gambit gonna get some of this outta your way, alright?”
You hardly had the energy to protest, and as you drifted to sleep, you could hear the soft whirring of your washing machine as Remy began doing your laundry for you.
You woke up an hour or two later to the smell cooking, and sat up to see Remy standing in your kitchen over the stove. You groggily got to your feet and walked over to him, hooking your chin over his shoulder to get a look at what he was cooking.
“You get good rest?” Remy asked as he stirred a pot.
“Yeah.” You mumbled back. “I’m sorry.”
“For what, belle?”
“For making you deal with this, with me.” You replied, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
Remy turned his head to the side to press a warm kiss to the side of your head. He hummed softly. “You know Gambit ain’t never gonna mind having to deal with you.”
“You mean it?” You asked, a soft smile on your lips.
“You know I do.”
And he was right. In that moment, standing with your chest pressed to his back and your arms around his waist, you were practically drowning in the love and care you could feel radiating off of him. And you knew that he meant it.
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
Compatible choso x fem!reader
remi's note: thank u guys again for 1k AHHHHHHH idk where i'd be without your support!! you guys chose choso so here's the 1k special fic!! i am obsessed with the "best friend's older brother trope" yuji is the best friend :3
content: fluff, meeting, yuji doesn't get a break, etc.
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Being one of Yuji's closest friends you've seen his "roommate" as you like to call him, every once in awhile. He would always leave his room to grab something to eat or such whenever you were hanging out with your pink haired friend.
Today you finally had the courage to ask who he was. You and Yuji are sitting very close on his couch, practically cuddling, while watching Inuyasha on Netflix when you suddenly ask, "Hey Yuji, who's that black haired guy who lives with you?"
He doesn't turn his attention away from the tv but instead answers you with, "you know how I told you I have a brother?"
He notices you nodding in his peripheral vision. "Yeah, well that's my older half brother Choso."
"Oh.. I thought he was like your roommate or something." Yuji chuckles, "haha.. technically yeah. I'm crashing with him until I get a place of my own. He doesn't mind though."
This whole time you thought this was Yuji's place, but it does make sense. Yuji's been job-hopping lately. He hasn't had a stable career in seven months.
And speak of the devil, Choso came out of his room without a shirt on, he passes by the two of you on his way to the kitchen then he stops, "Sesshomaru is the best character."
The two brothers argued about this for twenty minutes. Apparently it's a hot take in their house hold. "Inuyasha is obviously better than his older brother!" Yuji yells for the 9th time.
"Sesshomaru is cooler, and has a better understanding of the world. Like me. You only like Inuyasha because you're a younger brother." What he's saying actually does make some sense.
"Yuji, I have to agree with your brother. On top of Sesshomaru being smarter he's also hotter." Yuji looks betrayed in a playful way.
"What?? Oh come on! Not you too. Might as well go hang out with my brother, you traitor." Yuji isn't serious about the offer but Choso makes the offer real.
"I mean, if you're not opposed to it we can hang out? I don't mind joining you two." He's standing closer to the couch now with a mug of tea in his hand.
His shirtless body does something to you, because your mouth hangs open trying to form a response but you close it again not knowing what to say.
"We're good thanks! Go on back to your cave, Batman!" Yuji rolls his eyes trying to get his brother to leave.
"I was asking her, dumbass. Not you." He says getting close enough to kick Yuji and the younger retaliates by trying to block it.
"Um sure, you can hang out with us." You mumble and Yuji whines in defeat.
"Seriously?! I'm your friend not him!!" To your ears it sound like the pink haired boy is jealous.
"Scoot over Yuji. I'll sit in the middle." Choso says with a smirk on his face.
"Nuh-uh! I'm sitting next to [name] you don't even know her like that!!"
That was the first time you'd hung out with Choso Kamo.
That was about four months ago, as of current, you're sitting on Choso's bed waiting for him to grab the snacks you two bought a few hours ago.
When he returns you show him a tiktok that reminds you of him, "Cho, you look like this cat!" Upon seeing the cat he chuckles a little bit, "I do not."
Yuji's started working a night job so you usually hang out with Choso until he gets off of work.
"Thanks for the snacks. I love these ones." He nods politely at you and joins you on his bed. The first time the two of you hung out in his room you were very nervous and sat on his floor as to not invade his privacy. He thought it was so cute how you were acting and invited you up on his bed.
You told him it was a mistake on his behalf because now you make yourself comfortable in his bed any time you come over.
"Do you wanna finish that show we were watching?" You turn to him and catch him staring at you. He quickly turns away and fakes a cough. You've been wondering if your accusations were true.
Yuji tells you that all his brother wants to talk about now is you. Yuji suspects his brother has a crush on you, but when he confronted him the gloomy looking male denied it. Yuji doesn't know that you like Choso.
"Yeah sure, do you wanna, like, cuddle? Platonically, though." You wonder if he's making it clear for you that he doesn't like you or he's just trying to keep you from becoming uncomfortable.
"What if I wanted to cuddle romantically??" You ask with a sudden sprout of bravery.
"Um.. I'd be okay with that, heh." He says shyly, you noticed how his face slightly turned red.
"I like hanging out with you, Cho." You crawl into his lap and he wraps his arms around you. He places his head in the crook of your neck and breathes in deeply.
"I lik- no I love hanging out with you too, [name]."
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Remy I miss you I love you also. Titus. I love him and miss him. And also Nightlight reader. Babies. Beloved.
[I had am old blurbo with Nightlight and Titus I scrapped. Here's one for him and Remmy too]
Remmy finding Nightlight Reader at a thrift store while looking for more dolls to add to his collection of antiques. They're the most beautiful "doll" he's never seen- (anything that has a humanoid form and is made of plastic, wood, cotton is a doll to Remmy- even androids). He takes the android home - planning to clean them up and give them a comfortable spot in his room. When Remmy touches the heart on their chest-
"Powering on.......backup battery at 12% percent....Accessing memory...No memories found... error...error...err-"
"Ah!.. That was scary. Hm, where did I end up now? Oh! Hello, tiny person - are you my new owner?"
Remmy instantly falls in love seeing this robot pick up on the dolls on his bed and speaking to it as a normal person. "Um, actually..I think that's me."
"Whoa! Where did you come from? My apologies, owner - what should I call you?
Remmy falls more in love with Nightlight by the second. They're so caring, and warm, and they love to play with his dolls as much as he does. They would follow his every command as part of their programming, but Remmy hardly feels the need to order them around because he knows they'll never leave him and for that he'd do anything from them. Stays awake all night until nightlight carries him to bed making new clothes for them. Buys all the books he needs to repair any minor damages they might have - and completely erase any trace of their memories of the past.
All Remmy needs is Nightlight. All Nightlight needs is Remmy.
Titus is given Nightlight Reader as a present from his guards after finding the android in a landfill on earth and repairing them to working order- The emperor has been more irritable than usual- if he dislikes this bot, his guards pray that smashing them to bits will be enough to quell his anger at least for a time. The guards present the android to their king and wait-
"What have you brought to bore me with now?'
"We believe it is an earth made machine designed to relieve stress for humans-"
The emperor chuckles. "Is that so?~ I have been rather pent up recently, and it isn't a complete eyesore, but you are aware of our difference in size, yes? Are you certain it won't break on first use?"
"Er, not in that exact way, your highness. You see, they-"
Titus huffs. "Then what good is it?"
"Just....allow me to turn them on. Please place your finger on their heart, your highness."
"This is ridiculous...."
The emperor does as instructed
"Powering on....Battery at 100%...System rebooting."
"Mm....Huh? What a strange place... Are you my new own..er? Oh, owner- your stress levels are dangerously high - they're increasing by the second! Why won't I sing you a lullaby while you relax with your favorite drink? I know lots, but I can always make up new ones - maybe one about your pretty eyes."
"That..... actually sounds wonderful. I haven't had a decent night of rest in ages. It's humorous to me how you were able to figure that out in seconds when these fools have been with me for centuries. I think I'm going to enjoy your company more than I thought."
Titus cannot go or sleep anywhere which his little nightlight. Feeling their heated, smaller form is all thats needed to knock him out like a light. Nightlight Reader is restricted from joining Titus in meetings for that sole reason. This whole ass tyrant sits in his chair pouting like a child until he can reunite with his little love. Decorates them like the doll they are with jewelry and adorable outfits. Whenever Titus is in one of his rages, guards quickly run off to retrieve nightlight from wherever they're exploring in the palace
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preseriesdean · 1 month
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for @spnficrecfest day seven: tropes 🧡 also check my case fic list which has some more curse-y case fics!
Speechless by candle_beck 11.2k words, rated T, published 2008 Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Crying Talking Sleeping Walking by FrancesHouseman 3.3k words, rated E, published 2016 The witch dies laughing at Dean. It's never a good sign.
Talk around it by @goshen-applecrumbledore 12.8k words, rated E, published 2021, underage “It’s just a truth spell,” Sam tried. “It could be worse.” Dean looked at him like he was stupid. “Yeah, thank God we don’t have a giant, life-ruining secret that we really, really don’t want our dad knowing. Good thing he’s not on his way here right this second.” He scoffed. “Could be worse. Jesus. Good to know you can still lie.”
Heart Shaped Balloon by winsive 18.6k words, rated E, published 2022, underage Sam and Dad are fighting. No surprise, but it's the weekend before Valentine's Day and Dean isn't missing out on the chance to bang a cheerleader just to console his bratty little brother. He does bring back a heart shaped balloon for him, though. It's not supposed to be cursed.
Flood of Water by sevenfists 9.9k words, rated E, published 2006 "Please tell me you know how this happened," Sam said. "Yeah," Dean said. He sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and let his arms fall away from his chest, his clasped hands settling in his lap. His t-shirt clung to him, worn thin from too many washings, and Sam could see the heavy weight of his breasts, his nipples hard in the cold air.
All That Sam by Catchclaw 10.4k words, rated M, published 2012 Dean thinks of himself as an innovator. A sex god. A professional problem solver. And then Sammy gets hit with some hoodoo and all of that shit gets shot straight to hell.
The Talking Cure by Mollyamory 2.4k words, rated T, published 2013 Dean tries to keep his mouth shut, but as much as he wants to keep quiet, he also wants to say--
Desiderata by @dyed-red 45.2k words, rated E, published 2023, incomplete Dean is hit with a curse. It shouldn’t take that much to resolve, could be a gift under other circumstances, but life’s not that simple for the Winchesters.
Out of Context by doctor_idiot 7.2k words, rated E, published 2017 When Sam and Dean keep waking up naked, all over each other, and without recollection of the previous night, the first thing Sam does is dig into the lore to find out what's going on. Dean is more concerned with the question why he always seems to be the one who bottoms.
And Baby You Can Sleep While I Drive by merle_p 8.6k words, rated T, published 2021 “So,” Dean says, hesitantly. “This is a dream then?” Sam blinks, confused. “Well, obviously.” “Huh,” Dream-Dean says and scratches his neck. He shifts awkwardly from his right to his left foot but otherwise stays where he is.
Cupid's Got A Gun by geckoholic 13.5k words, rated E, published 2012, non-con Fuck-or-die, set in early S4. But they've been fucking for years, so that shouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong. Ever since hell, Dean's in no hurry to get that show on the road again. They've tried, and it doesn't work, too many bad memories from what's been done to him downstairs. A case that involves a cursed cross and a vengeful witch takes that choice away from them, though…
(for you and me) i got no alibi by remy 23.4k words, rated E, published 2019 There are people hitting on Sam wherever he goes, and Dean is doing weird things like holding doors open for him and touching him way more than is necessary, and it's all driving Sam up the wall. It doesn't help that he's been in love with Dean for just about forever, and all of it feels like a mockery of something he'll never get to have. Meanwhile, Dean is at his wits' end trying to figure out how he can make Sam realize that he is, in fact, trying to get into his pants.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
How an animated series saved Remy LeBeau (again)
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It's a bit of a hyperbolic title, but catchy, non?
I was looking over my comic collection as I've decided to reread X-Men's 60 year history over the course of the summer. And it got me thinking about a dead period of 616 canon that I've never actually read. Around the time Rogue hooked up with Magneto and scooted off to the Avengers, I decided I'd be done with comics for a while. And didn't start again until Rogue (and Gambit) came back to the X-books in 2017's Astonishing X-Men. But it made me wonder -- What happened to Gambit in that time??
Well, after his solo ended, he flitted around to X-Factor and hung out with X-23 and then kind of went 'poof' for a good long while.
Why? I can only guess the same reason this is a running motif with Gambit. There's something about him that drives the X-Office crazy. I'm not here to speculate what or how or who of it all. I don't know enough about the back end of Marvel to give concrete answers. But I think what has surprised me (recently) is that he's definitely a fan favorite character.
[Yes, I know he can be a divisive character. Yes, I know elements of his character from the 90s have not aged well. Yes, I know there are those of you who can't stand him. Don't really care - you can get off my lawn, thank you.]
Which got me thinking -- Gambit's original popularity, I believe, stemmed from the original X-Men Animated Series. He had just started showing up in the comics at the time, and had barely any kind of page time. And the X-Men TAS swung and was a hit. And so was Gambit.
I don't really know that Gambit would be around today if TAS hadn't done its thing. Would the X-Office have kept him around? I really have no idea.
But they did try to get rid of him. That was the point of leaving him in Antarctica. And things were just never the same after that. Claremont tried his best in the early 2000s. And then Deathbit happened. Carey's run wasn't bad. But Carey clearly had an agenda for other things... And then, Gambit just kind of faded into the background. (I hear his run as a side character for Laura (X-23) was good - but I haven't read that.)
Bless Kelly Thompson (always) for sparking life back into him with (and his relationship with Rogue). And bless the fact that she actually married him to Rogue. Yes, I understand comics -- my god look what they did to Peter and MJ, no one really gets to be happily married except Sue and Reed. He and Rogue are now really tied together in a way that I don't think is going to be undone any time soon.
Even if the X-Office still isn't thrilled with the guy. Krakoa era has been less than ideal. (I can't comment on it fully - I haven't read much of it, as I'm behind on my comic reading.) But I've heard rumors that one reason Thompson was let go was that she didn't want Gambit killed off. And she didn't like the direction they wanted to take the character.
Which leads me to X-Men 97. Killing him off sucked. Really. As a fan, it really sucked. But - my god, the reaction to it. Gambit was amazing. And all I've heard lately is good things about the character. There's been a Gambit resurgence in the best way. He may have went out -- but he went out with a bang. X-Men 97 made an emotional impact with people. And that changes things.
Gambit is cool again.
And I love it.
What's even more exciting is the fact that the X-Office has changed hands again and Gail Simone on Uncanny who (if her Twitter/X feed is to be believed) is really enjoying writing the character. Which means (hopefully) at least another year or two in the comics of some (hopefully) great Gambit stuff.
And maybe there will be some changing of hearts and minds in the X-Office.
It's actually very exciting.
And, guys, I really (really, really) doubt he'll be completely gone from X-Men 97, too.
Because Remy LeBeau never stays down for long.
But as a fan, it's nice to see him be on top again. And I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon.
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showsandstuff · 1 month
Ways to make a Dale Dimmadome redemption work:
Hi! So, as a self proclaimed Dale Dimmadome redemption truther, I wanted to make this post explaining why a redemption is, in my opinion, very much possible. (I am not nearly as confident about this as I am pretending to be)
Buckle up, this'll be a long one folks!
First, why do I think a Dale redemption could happen? Let's go through it:
It's still a kids show. I find the conclusion to the story that Dale will never love his son a bit grim for a show for children. You could of course make it work by using the found family trope with Peri instead, plus there are plenty of kids shows that have used the evil father of secondary character/antagonist trope, without the father getting a redemption but I do think a Dale redemption is the most satisfying conclusion for this show.
Even Remy Buxaplentys parents started caring for Remy at some point, so I got hope. Though to be fair, they were incredibly one note.
His past with Vicky makes him a bit more sympathetic. Knowing what he went through in his childhood, it makes sense he probably wouldn't know what a child needs. I'm just saying it means there's room for improvement
He emotionally neglects Dev, but his physical needs are met. Which is something, right? Like Yay... And all...
We don't know if Dale doesn't love Dev. I think there's a possibility that he does care but just doesn't know it because he's taken his child for granted. That's not an excuse of course, but it would make a redemption more plausibel. If Dale genuinely does not love Dev whatsoever, I'll give up on my redemption hope.
How could they pull it off, if at all?
Assuming that Dale does love Dev, deep deeeep down, and just doesn't realize it because he's so focused on his company, the best way to show this is through a choice.
Dev doing things that benefit the company has never helped their relationship, Dale just gets happy because Money and it doesn't make him appreciate his son more, Dev just becomes someone useful to him.
But if Dev causes Dale to lose money, that's a good start to see what Dale truly prioritizes deep down.
Dale choosing Dev over his company is what I need if they decide to redeem him. I need Dale in one way or another show us that he truly cares. Maybe have Dale spend so much money to find and save Dev, that his company goes bankrott? Or have his company explodes and Dale's main concern could be Devs wellbeing. Or Dev goes behind his father's back and intentionally hurts the company, but instead of lashing out at Dev, Dale reflects on himself.
Now... That's all incredibly out of character for Dale and I would hate for an unearned redemption. I'd need there to be a lot of build up to that moment, some foreshadowing that hints at Dale not feeling entirely indifferent about Dev. Small moments, nothing too grand. Maybe he'd be worried if he finds out that he had left Dev with Vicky at one Point, and that could be the catalyst to show us that he isn't as awful as we were shown previously.
And after we had enough of those moments and already have a feel that Dale isn't all uncaring, we get to the grand moment where Dale shows us through his actions that in truth, he cares far more about his kid than his cash. It would feel earned and not be out of nowhere then.
Now before yall call me delusional, I know that this is extremely unrealistic and I'm just setting myself up if these are my expectations. Good thing they aren't. I do expect Dev to have something equivalent of his father's love at the end of the show, but that's it.
Here are some examples of what I actually believe would happen:
Hazel and Dev become friends (again) but this time their friendship is explored more. Maybe Dev also befriends Hazel's friends and finds fulfillment through that. (although I think that'll happen regardless and would be unsatisfying if that was all we got)
Involving Peri in this mess and giving him a character arc of his own would work as well. He realizes that Dev doesn't need a Fairy to be happy because, as Cosmo said in the finale, what Dev truly wants isn't something he can get through wishes. Dev, being super rich, is already used to getting "stuff", but love isn't stuff. So Peri basically becoming a parental figure for Dev, which is what he is supposed to be as a godparent anyway, could work. Besides, Peri already solidified himself in this role in the finale when he told Dev that he cared about him. It was a heartwarming moment. We all loved it so ofc we would want more of that.
Anything involving Irep, another Fairy or even Timmy. Dev needs someone that cares for him. My top three go to characters are obviously Peri, Hazel and Dale, but they're not the only ones that could fulfill that role. We just need to wait and see what the writers do.
So yea, a Dale redemption is my first pick for a season 2 finale (or technically my first pick is a hint at a Dale redemption in the s2 finale and the actual redemption happens way later because slow burn) but I do understand that it's pretty unlikely and would be very much satisfied with Peri becoming his godparent with Emphasis on parent, or even the power of friendship with Hazel, though that'd be harder to execute without it feeling cheap (I got faith in the writers)
So this was very long. And I am going to sleep now. Thanks for reading.
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juneberrie · 8 months
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WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN ➜ peter parker, mcu
requested: yes / no — not goodbye. just "see you later"
author's note: i was listening to remi wolf as one does and down the line came on.. and i got the amazing idea to write this. you're welcome! debating whether i should make a part two. . .
��� content: fem!reader, angsty, mcu!peter, takes place during nwh mwahahaha, not proofread
word count : 1.4k || peter parker masterlist
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"you're gonna forget who i am," peter blurts out.
"what?" ned says. mj stares at him, a cut on her forehead dripping blood onto her eyebrow.
"peter, what do you mean?" you ask, voice shaking. so much had happened today; you just wanted to go home, take a shower, and curl up in bed with your boyfriend.
"it's okay," he whispers, taking your hand. "i'm gonna come and find you, and i'll explain everything. i'll make you remember me. it'll be like none of this ever happened. okay?"
you shake your head at him. "what are you talking about?" you say quietly. "what– what do you mean, we're gonna forget you?" your voice cracks.
"i'll explain everything when i find you," he repeats. his eyes are welling up with tears. he turns to ned.
"promise?" your friend asks.
"i promise." peter drops your hand quickly to embrace his friend. when they pull away, tears are rolling down both their faces.
peter turns to mj. "i'll come find you."
she steps forward and hugs him. "you better," she warns. "or– or i'm just gonna figure it out."
peter lets out a shaky laugh. "i know you will." he finally turns to you.
"ange–" he starts, but you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. his hands drop to your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
when you finally pull away, he gives you a soft smile. "i love you. don't forget it."
with sobs threatening to spill out of your mouth, you shake your head. "i don't want to. peter," you beg. "isn't there anything we can do?"
he shakes his head, watery eyes staring into yours. "i'm sorry," he murmurs. "i love you," he repeats.
"i love you too," you whisper, burying your face in his chest. he kisses your head, murmuring reassurances.
"i promise i'll fix this," he says. you look up through blurry eyes, taking in your boyfriend one last time. the boy who had been by your side for the past year and a half, building star wars legos, having study dates, binge watching movies. the boy you loved.
he looks behind you, at mj and ned. his face settles into stony determination. "take care of her. of– of each other," he says.
"we will," ned promises. mj gently places a hand on your back.
peter swallows, his adam's apple bobbing. he lets go of your waist. he jumps up onto a piece of a fallen wall, turning back to look at you one last time.
"bye," you say quietly, salty tears streaming down your face.
he shakes his head. "not bye. see you later."
he swung away, leaving the three most important people in his life crying behind him.
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the door jingles as someone pushes it open, letting a cold gust of air in the cafe. mj shivers as the air reaches her bare arms.
"it's so fucking cold out," she complains, pouring coffee into a cup. you snort.
"that's why we're inside, mj," you remark, taking a bite of your donut.
she rolls her eyes at you. "you should do stand up," she says, snapping the lid onto the cup and sliding it across the countertop to a waiting customer. "when's ned getting here?"
you check your phone for any texts. "soon. he say's he's almost here."
right as you say that, the door jingles again, and you turn to see a boy holding the door open for ned. "he's here!" you say to mj. she rolls her eyes again, smiling. she turns to the other boy, who looks strangely familiar.
"hey," ned says, sliding into the seat next to you.
"hi," both you and mj reply. she gives the two of you a small smile before turning to look at the boy, who's glancing between you, ned, and mj.
"can i help you?" mj asks. the boy looks slightly startled, but shakes his head and smiles.
"hi!" he clears his throat. "um. hi. i'm peter parker and i....." his voice falters as he looks at you. he takes a deep breath. "i would like a coffee, please," he says.
mj side eyes you and ned, who bites back a laugh. "okay, no problem, peter parker." she turns to grab an empty cup and moves to the coffee pot.
as she does this, you notice the boy, peter's, eyes quickly flitting between you, her, and ned. his eyes lock with yours and you raise an eyebrow, a small smile playing on your lips.
he clears his throat again, looking away. mj hands him the coffee and tells him his total. he pats down his pockets before pulling out a wallet and handing her a few crumpled bills.
"thank you..." he says slowly.
"no problem," mj replies.
he looks at ned's sweater, the mit logo emblazoned on the front. "you excited for mit?" he asks.
"huh?" ned turns to him, then looks down at his sweater. "oh, yeah. which is weird. usually i'm not excited about things. i kind of expect disappointment."
peter takes a sip of his coffee. you see his nose scrunch up slightly. he hates black coffee, you think. you blink. what was that? how would you know that? you shake your head ever so slightly, telling yourself that its a normal reaction to pure black coffee.
tuning back into the conversation, you hear him ask mj, "are you okay?" he's looking at the bandaid on her forehead.
"yeah," she says simply. "don't remember how i got it, but it doesn't hurt anymore."
"thats good," he replies. a silence settles over the coffee shop, the only sound being the wind outside.
"is there anything else you need?" mj asks him.
"um." he glances at you again. "no, actually. thank you."
"no problem. see you around," she says, grabbing a washcloth and starting to wipe down the counter. peter pushes the door open, the bell jingling, and steps into the cold new york air.
immediately, mj turns to you, leaning her elbows on the counter. "he was checking you out," she says bluntly.
"what?" you feel your cheeks get hot. "no way."
ned poked you in the side. "yes way. he was totally into you!"
you shake your head, laughing at the two of them. "yeah, alright."
the three of you laugh. you had to admit, he was pretty cute. but you probably would never see him again, so what was the point in getting caught up with a crush?
walking back to your apartment, you shove one hand in your coat pocket and use the other to fish your key out of your bag. you trudge up the stairs, thankful for the shelter from the freezing, snowy air outside.
as you reach your floor, your hear the landlord say, "rent is due on the first of the month. don't be late." he brushes past you as you make your way towards your apartment.
peter from the coffee shop was standing outside the door in front of yours, struggling to balance a box and slip the key into the lock.
"oh, hey!" you say. he turns to you and nearly drops the box. you grab it before it hits the floor. "need any help?"
his face flushes. "oh– uh, yeah, that'd be great." you smile at him as he fumbles with the key, finally getting it in the lock and twisting the knob. he pushes the door to his apartment open, holding it open for you. you set the box down on the kitchen counter, then turn to him.
"i'm y/n," you offer.
"peter," he replies. he hesitates before holding his hand out for you to shake. you laugh at his nervousness. it was kind of endearing.
"nice to meet you, peter," you smile, taking his hand. "hey, if you need any help moving in—" you point across the hall, to your door. "—i'm right over there."
he smiles. "that'd be great." he glances down at your still joined hands and flushes slightly. he lets go. you stand together in his empty apartment for a few moments.
"well, i'll see you later?" you say, a hopeful smile on your face.
"yeah, yeah," he nods quickly. "sure."
"cool," you smile. "well, bye!" you step out of your newfound friend's apartment, fishing your key out of your pocket.
"see you later," you hear him murmur. smiling to yourself, you unlock your door and slipping inside and shutting your door. you can't wait to tell mj about this.
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thorias · 5 months
I didn't expect to come back to this blog, but after watching ep5, I really needed to get some thoughts out of my head.
So I haven't exactly recovered yet from having my still-beating heart ripped out of my chest, but the more I think about it, the more I'm calming down about what X-MEN '97 just did to Gambit.
Remy Lebeau is NOT going to his grave thinking that Rogue chose Magneto over him. That is not happening and Cable is going to be the key to undoing it.
Cable showing up right before the attack on Genosha means that time travel is going to be involved here, so the normal rules don't really apply. And his brief scene with Madelyne strongly hinted that he's already tried to stop the attack multiple times. This is what Cable's arc for the season is about.
This was all set up from ep1. Now we know that the weird ghost thing Maddie saw on the psychic plane was Cable trying to warn her (you can tell from the voice and the same musical queue in both scenes) amidst visions of her infant son and a giant graveyard.
And what happened just one episode later? Rogue delivered baby Cable. No way that's a coincidence; that connection is there for a reason. Cable owes Rogue one and you know what that means.
And frankly, the writers kind of overdid it in this episode because SO many characters died here, there's just no way this isn't going to be undone somehow; these are characters the writers are going to want to use in the future.
Are they going to kill a character whose storyline isn't even finished yet and then not bring them back? Are they going to keep Maddie dead and just abandon the psychic affair story without wrapping it up? Come on. There's no way we're not going to see her again and the same goes for the others.
I'm not saying Cable will prevent the attack entirely, but he's going to change things enough to make a difference. It's the whole reason he's here.
And how fitting would it be for Cable to save Gambit when it's Chris Potter voicing Cable now? Plus, Cable's introduction scene in X-MEN TAS was him meeting Gambit AND he has that connection with Rogue now too. It's perfect symmetry.
Beau DeMayo even said that Gambit dying thinking Rogue chose Magneto instead of him would be key; this is a story point. That is going to absolutely haunt Rogue and she's going to stop at nothing to set it right.
Cable's gonna fix this shit. Cable will save Gambit, probably with Rogue's help. I'm not ruling out Gambit becoming Death for a while along the way, but this story definitely ain't over.
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aspartame-parent · 4 months
Random X-Men Headcanons!
Me and my friend have compiled a lot of headcanons for the X-Men (mainly formulated from jokes) so I wanted to put some here! A few of these are headcanons, most are jokes lol
Kurt listens to really peppy music when he's upset, the main one being the Beach Boys. Just imagine him, poor little German boy, singing Surfin' USA tiredly, trying to turn his mood around.
Erik listens to girly pop music, mainly Katy Perry and Ke$ha. Why? Because it's funny. Let him be girly pop.
Scott tells a lot of jokes but he's deadpan so people can never really tell. Like sometimes he'll just say some insane shit, plain faced, and see how the others react.
Dancing headcanons! Remy is a very good dancer, being particularly prolific in swing dancing. Logan somewhat refuses to dance, but he can line dance. Morph doesn't know how to dance, but they act like they can, dancing like a drunk white girl. Scott and Jean like to dance in private, but Scott gets nervous to dance in front of others. Ororo can bust that shit down.
Scott tries not to laugh when he, or someone else, is doing a bit. Like he tries not to break as he jokes along, to the point where he has to stop talking to not smile, biting inside of his mouth.
Furthermore! He also has a loud laugh, and people get a little caught off guard when they hear it. Me and my friend have described his laugh as a goose honk sound.
Kurt gaslights for fun, and he can get everybody pretty good, except Scott and Jean. You may think "oh because Jean's a telepath, right?" No, because--
Scott and Jean gaslight each other for fun, and they formulate these fake, big arguments, just as a bit. So, they're very familiar with gaslighting tactics, being they lie to each other as a joke, so when Kurt tries to, they immediately meet him-- A little too well, because Kurt is used to just messing with people.
Scott will occasionally freak people out by lowering his glasses (keeping his eyes closed of course). Like someone says "Hey, take a look at that." and he'll lower his glasses and go "Where?!" as a joke.
Everyone loves Kurt. Like, everyone. If Kurt doesn't like someone, everyone has a distaste for them as well.
Jean refers to her own psychic abilities as her "Jedi Mind Tricks"
This one isn't really a headcanon, just a running gag me and my friend do, but something bad will happen, or something inconvenient, and Remy will go "Don't worry.", insistently. Like a loud explosion can go off, and Remy will just say "Don't Worry." Occasionally this will be lengthened to "Don't what? Worry!"
We don't call Leech by his name. We call him Gneep Gnorp. That's it.
Kurt and Remy are super close (as pseudo brother in laws) and they hang out a lot, also doing that guy thing where they flirt with each other as a joke.
No one likes Emma. That's it.
Scott is autistic.
Warren is well manicured. He always has his hair just as he likes it, his wings always preened, his clothes always ironed. He'll a snazzy lookin' fella.
Rogue is a great singer. This barely a headcanon, her voice actress literally put out a song "Mojo Man (Ode to Remy LeBeau)", go listen to it.
Kurt's very coy and playful. Like, "Staaahhppp, hehe!" He also laughs at his own jokes all the time, like he cracks himself up.
Music headcanons! Here's just a few of the ones we made-- Scott likes dad rock obviously, mainly soft rock and folk rock (The Beatles, Hall & Oates, The Beach Boys, CSNY), Logan likes harder rock (Metallica, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden), Morph likes new wave and glam rock (Oingo Boingo, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears), Remy likes a fun mix of jazz, country, and soul, with a little rock sprinkled in (Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, Queen), Jubilee likes a lot of pop, pop-rock, that sorta thing (Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, ABBA, Wham!)
Kurt has a lil hyperfixation on pirates and ships-- this is kinda canon in the comics. But he loves talking about pirate history and ships and misconceptions.
I'm sure there's a bunch of ones I can't remember but there ya go lol
thanks to @the-death-defying-night-crawler for being funny and making these with me lol
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choster33 · 4 months
Gambit- X-men 97's Romantic Hero
I love Gambit and after watching X-men 97 I'm sure that he's a lot of people's favorite right now. After watching and rewatching, season 1 I think that the writers have set him up as the Romantic Hero which is not just that he's a main part of a love triangle which he is but Romantic in the Byronic literary archetype way of "possessing the qualities of being larger than life, enjoying suffering, being isolated from society, being always haunted by an unseeingly unidentified sin and is known for being quite cynical" according to Brainly.com. Not to mention having a long suffering love interest!
He is not in the series for a lot of time, but his arc through episode 5 and the impact that he has throughout the whole show is monumental. He begins with a splash looking hot in his iconic pink crop top. I mean, there are very few people who would make this look good and he really does. He also comes off as way more interesting than Scott who bores me to tears. I sometimes skip Scott and Jean stuff to be quite honest and that comes from Remy being a good guy, but not boring. He has a sense of humor, a sense of adventure, and an all around down to earth personality. He is a strong fighter and loyal X-men, but even from the beginning he is seen as charming, funny and right. There is less of a threat after Xavier's death and Scott, Bishop and Ororo did have it handled.
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Then we get to the club and Gambit is the ultimate lover in that he pairs up with Rogue and then proceeds to look at her lovingly whilst telling her what any worthwhile man would do to be with her. Swoon.
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Then we have episode 2 where Rogue and Magneto reestablish their connection. We may cheer Rogue for being able to touch someone, but look at Gambit's hurt and sad eyes. Long suffering relationship indeed. Romantic heroes seem to love suffering and what is more painful and self inflicted than falling in love with someone who can't touch, but also is full of insecurities about love and commitment. I love Rogue, but she's afraid of love and terrified of hurting someone else which shows in how she handles relationships.
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Mon dieu, it's freaky Rogueneto telling him what he tells himself, his deepest fears. A good Romantic hero always has demons and haunted by past sins and who is more haunted by his past than Gambit. I have to say here that some people might be thinking who is more tortured than Magneto, but I disagree. Magneto has a dark past, but he thinks he's right. Whereas Gambit is wracked with guilt and feelings of not being worthy of being called a X-man and being Rogue's man. He grew up a Cajun swamp rat from a Thieves guild raised by thieves, assassins and other nefarious people and lived most of his life as a thief. What makes him interesting is the tortured guilt and modesty that Gambit has.
He goes to Genosha because he's jealous and wants to make sure that there is nothing going on between Rogue and Magneto. Magneto even says as much. He wasn't even meant to be there and might have been safe on Earth, but we know what happened to him tragically. Plus we see how he is not cowed by Magneto and willing to ask questions no one else is willing to ask. Another reason why Magneto is not the Romantic hero, is that he is mutant MVP in this show, the heir to the X-mansion and the X-men, asked to be king of Genosha, and etc. where Romantic heroes are on the fringes of society like Gambit, who is a hero as a X-man but not wanting fame, glory, or power like Magneto.
Kurt is so observant and sees instantly the connection the two have and calls Gambit out on being theatrical. Gambit calls himself a scoundrel and yet again dismisses the possibility of a happy ending for himself. Then we get that iconic line of "There is no love without sin. Love is best measured in what we forgive." Gambit again falls into the Romantic hero trope of thinking he is too low for love, but isn't going to necessarily change his ways, just accepts that he is on the fringes of society and all that entails. One of the things I love about Romy is their understanding about one another. They both have murky pasts and are filled with self loathing and self doubt. They are strong attractive X-men but they are best friends because they GET each other.
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Oof, the breakup scene. How more Romantic and tortured was this? He showed how amazing a man he was by patiently listening to her tell her story and then at the end not blowing up at her or making her feel like shit, but just wanting the truth from her and showing how much it hurt him. He played the Swamp Rat, because a lot of that was a game, a way for her to feel OK with keeping him at arm's length, dangling on a string, never fully letting him in because intimacy was too scary.
It's scenes like this that make me wonder if they have touched before even accidentally because Gambit as a character is so self loathing that if she touched him even by accident, she is holding so much of that loathing in her which may be something contributing to her doubts. A part of comic!Rogue leaving Gambit in Antarctica was because she absorbed him and was filled with self loathing.
He is such a gentleman that he even kisses her hand and agrees to be friends. And granted that the Magneto and Rogue dance was hot, but that must have been torture for Gambit. Then our Byronic hero becomes a man of action and hot damn we get James Bond level action and heroics. He shows his strength and does whatever is necessary to save his lady. Despite his differences with Magneto, he doesn't petulantly sulk but does what is required of him because he is a hero at the end of the day. He is brave and selfless and chivalrous. He is giving old school knight chivalry here and I'm here for it.
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Then my heart breaks as does every other viewer at the death scene and the "can't feel you" line. It's very soap opera-y and dramatic to kill him after breaking his heart, but here we are. Rogue is the long suffering love interest and most Romantic stories don't necessarily have a happy ending. He wasn't even meant to be in Genosha and because of love and circumstance ended up dying tragically as the ultimate hero. He died a hero's death dying to save thousands, but more importantly to save the love of his life.
In later episodes, his death is a catalyst for Rogue taking action and even turning darker. Her love for Gambit shows more when he is gone and is going to be a fundamental chapter in her life. One that might make her think twice about being commitment phobic and using her abilities as an excuse not to feel intimacy and how wrong she got it with Gambit. It was love, true love and she didn't see it until she was too late.
This may just be a chapter in their story and we may have more drama and angst with Deathbit in Season 2, but even dead Gambit was the troubled Romantic lead that made X-men 97 work and be so interesting. Episode 5 was my favorite and probably the best episode next to the finale and that's due to Gambit. We relate to him and feel deeply in his pain, self loathing, jealousy, and love of Rogue. I find Magneto interesting and Rogueneto is fun to read and write about, but Romy is the OTP and Gambit is Lancelot.
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mellowwillowy · 11 months
Lazy sex with Bailey is good-good. (Soft Yan Bailey AU)
He's too tired of extorting managing the orphans so the moment he plopped down into the bed with you, cuddling session is in need.
Looks like you've gotten the stockholm syndrome achievement, no more begging to leave the orphanage, he won't let you step out of the front door else Avery might see you.
If Avery sees you, he would inform Remy, Briar, Eden and Landry about it to make him hand you to them. Sharing isn't his thing, he's a greedy man just like the others after all.
God, you smell so good tonight.
Bailey nuzzles himself deeper into the crook of your neck, his hip thrusting up into yours unconsciously. He needs to do something about his pent up frustration.
Unbuckling the belt to his pants, he slid down his pants and boxer, his cock lining up between your thighs. It starts out slow, kisses all over you before he picks his pace. Doesn't take long for him to line it into your hole.
"Let's get to it yeah? Missed you so much, how many years have it been? 18 years are not short," he mumbles as he fucks you slow and steady, "could have sworn we all saw your body burried and now you are here..."
"I love you."
It's an everyday rite for him to feel you all for himself. It's only a matter of time before the other finds you.
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(this is very much inspired by @/fauxyandere's self aware kylar, i've caught myself rereading it so often, its so good!)
Thinking about self aware Kylar, that one day gains sentience and realizes he's not meant to be alive, he's not meant to be anything past words on a screen. This is all fake, his parents aren't real, his world isn't real, his love isn't- Wait...
The person he knew as his love may not be real, but... Who is this, he can faintly see behind them, seemingly tied to his former obsession ? Who is this person, this ghost, this puppeteer ? He tries to ask PC who you are, but he's only met with a blank stare and silence. Is he the only one that can see you ?
What are you, anyway? Are you PC's guide, are you some sort of God ? He needs answers, now. He continues trailing PC, but with a different intention now, he needs to learn more about you, you obviously are more than a ghost. You seem so detached, so nonchalant. You're obviously not from his "world", no, you seem greater, much much greater. He's started to notice that, sometimes, the universe stops moving, and it seems like time completely stops, but only he is aware of it. Clearly, you're in control here, I mean, the world stops and starts at your command, doesn't it ? You're the one making the world go round, you're like a god !
He needs to make his way to you, he can't be trapped here forever in a facsimile of life, no, this isn't fair! No no no, he needs to get to you, I mean, you guided PC to him for his happiness back when he was still a fool, surely you only have his best intentions at heart. He's sure of it, and he starts giving you little hints as to his awakened state.
Instead of "Something is watching you", it's "Someone yearns for your gaze", instead of Kylar mainly staying at the park or the arcade (or the manor), you can find him pretty much anywhere in the game. Oh, you're getting a check-up with Dr.Harper? He's restocking on some meds and ready to escort you out. You're bartending at the strip club ? Guess who just decided he should start building up his tolerance ? (he's the lightest of weights let's be real, one flute of champagne and he's out like a light, he's so cute) Even Remy's farm isn't safe (or unsafe ?) from him, he's either becoming a hucow himself or just rescuing you by manipulating the code in his favor, something he had to learn to do because you kept ignoring him...
After what feel like days of trying to him but are probably only a few minutes to you, he reasons he has to get more aggressive, so he starts just leaving you "cute reminders" every two or three pages of text, like: "don't keep me waiting too long, my love" or "please get me out soon, i want to see you darling!"... He gets more and more impatient, surely you see his little notes ? What are you waiting for...
On your end, you're just thinking you downloaded the wrong update, and you wish the next one will fix all the weird bugs you've been getting, you're pretty sure your encounter rate isn't supposed to be his high... And man does Kylar take up so much of it, you're just trying to find Whitney in peace and it feels like he's just there at every corner. You're starting to think you should delete this save, but you have so many hours in it, it'd be kind of a shame, no?
Meanwhile, Kylar has gotten tired of waiting, and has just decided that if you won't try to get him out of this hell prison nightmare torment place, then he has no choice but to bring you in as well, so you can see how much he had to suffer, and surely this will bring you to see his side, right ? Then you can both leave and live happily together, never to see this fictitious town again. Won't that be nice, darling ? Be ready, you'll be with him soon.
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
I had a thought for your baby thirteen au!
I always see house as the type of parent to have separation anxiety,so logically he'd take thirteen with him to the hospital and it'd actually go great,house barely had any contact with the patient so he could just chill and be silly with her while the ducklings took care of the patient
But this time it was different,the case got too complicated and he had to step into action,but he can't bring his baby daughter to an autopsy so he lets her in the care of the ducklings while he's in surgery.
Oh but little Remy isn't having none of that,she's restless and pouty and constantly asking for her daddy,but its when the water works start that the ducklings really panick
The quick solution would be take her back to her father but he was knuckles deep in someone's liver right now so they would be needing the next best thing
So they take her down to Wilson's office
I imagine one of them just barging into the room and handing her over to Wilson as she enthusiastically spreads her arms to him and saying "here,take her, all she does is ask for her daddy and we don't know what else to do" and leave with a very stunned Wilson behind.
What they didn't realise was Wilson had a patient a sweet old lady who misunderstood the situation and immediately assumed Remy was Wilson's daughter and she'd be all "aawn doctor Wilson your daughter is really sweet,whats her name?"
And before he can explain thirteen isn't his daughter she's just clinging to him and resting her head In the crook of his neck making that point very hard to believe.
"Remy,her name is Remy" that's all he'd say before keeping the appointment with the sweet old lady while holding a very sleepy yet content thirteen!
Anon, I cannot express in words how adorable this is and how much I love it!!!
I so agree w/you about House being a bit of a parent with separation anxiety. I think he'd be like 'well if she's with me all the time, then she doesn't have as many chances to get herself into something and then that eliminates the need for worry. if it works it works.' i think bby thirteen would have less separation anxiety than him when she's very little (lol) but he's definitely her favorite person in the entire world, and so of course she ends up missing him when he gets pulled away for something intricate on a case.
i haven't given thought to who the ducklings would be in the au (besides taub vaguely), but i LOVE the ducklings trying to fix things and failing, and being clueless and eventually taking her to wilson. of course they go to wilson. it would be even funnier if house and wilson are like, together at that point, but not publicly out/together yet? so the fellows don't know that house and wilson are in a relationship; they just know wilson's always with house and bby thirteen/remy, and that bby thirteen trusts him and adores him.
ough. her nuzzling into the crook of wilson's neck and clinging to him. and wilson inadvertantly saying/accepting that she's basically his daughter too. stepdad wilson!! i'm emotional and melting into a puddle.
House comes back from the autopsy to find his office filled with ducklings, but very childless. After the initial burst of panic and snapping at them "What did you idiots do? Where is she?!", he immediately goes to Wilson's office once he gets an answer from them. And he just stands in the doorway for a few minutes, watching Wilson do paperwork with bby Thirteen cuddled up to him, and House has the softest smile on his face. the kind that only comes out around wilson and his kid. and then he'd break the reverie to say to Wilson "Aw, you sap. you like her."
And Wilson looks like he's about to protest, but then thinks better of it because he glances down and sees Thirteen smiling up at him (because her dad's back! yay, both dads together!!). He grins a little and very softly says, "Yeah. Yeah, I do."
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