#Road Accident
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Yume de Mita Ano Ko no Tame ni Ep 5
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theivorlegov1 · 1 year
9 Min Faszientraining: Mein Blackroll Workout nach der Arbeit
Video featuring LAK motor accident victim Markus’ home workout to relieve his back pain
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So I thought about it, and I have decided that I'm going to post my COD au here as well!
I really would love it if you guys interacted with it over on AO3, but if you wanna read it here, by all means!
Oasis ~ GhostxSoap
Moving to a new town should have been easy compared to everything Johnny has gone through in his life.
And yet, life continues to throw challenges at him like he's a fucking dart board.
He didn't mean to lay his bike down in the middle of an empty street, at 3-something in the morning.
He didn't mean to come across 141.
And yet, that neon oasis might be the best thing that has ever happened to him.
Post-Military AU where Soap was never a part of the TF.
The 141 is a garage that happens to be open 24/7.
Hurt and comfort ensues.
Onto the fic!
Chapter 1 - Neon
(Soap's POV)
Like an oasis in a barren desert.
A lighthouse across stormy waters.
A beacon of hope in the vast pitch black of night.
The neon 'Mechanic Open' sign was a beautiful sight.
Against the dark backdrop of 3am suburbia, Johnny couldn't help but feel like this whole situation was a bit surreal. A new town, unfamiliar roads. Odd sounds. Hell, even the air was different. It was like the world was against him, and the nightmares had been keeping him up until odd hours.
His bike was the only familiar thing, now. So of course... he had to go and lay it down in the middle of a dew-slick street.
Thankfully, he had been the only one around to witness his own embarrassment. He and his bike had hit the ground hard.
Unfamiliar streets, and all that.
They were both scraped up, and Johnny found himself limping as he wheeled his girl closer to the town centre. His phone, miraculously, had stayed attached to its mount during the crash. Hell, Maps was still running!
He was scared to start her back up, though. There was something dripping from her engine, but Johnny wasn't about to stop in the middle of the street to investigate.
That's why when - after what felt like at least ten hours of walking - he spotted the mechanic and relief flooded his battered body.
His hobbling slowed the closer he got. Once he reached the driveway, Johnny could see that the shop was actually pretty big for the neighbourhood he was in. A large building with three open roller doors. Warm white light illuminated the space. There was a smaller building attached to the left side, another 'Open' sign flashing on the glass door.
Johnny wheeled his girl up the brick driveway. There was a vintage Cadillac in the bay closest to what he assumed was the office. Its hood was up, but the garage was empty.
The Scotsman stopped just before the entrance of the middle bay, nudging the kickstand down with his bad leg.
A clatter came from his left, and Johnny's head snapped up. The fly screen door that must have lead into the office had been propped open, and a man with an impressive pair of mutton chops was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Bike troubles?"
Johnny shrugged, his shoulder aching from where he'd landed on it. "Had a wee accident."
The man latched the door open before walking over to where Johnny was standing. Analytical eyes ran over the bike. Over the scuffs along her side. Over the broken foot peg and the missing side mirror.
"Mostly cosmetic, but I'd be happy to look it over. Run some diagnostics and such. When'd it happen?"
Johnny checked his watch, only to find the screen smashed to shit. He plucked his phone off the mount and went back through his route history. "About... forty five minutes ago?"
(Price's POV)
The man in front of him was a tough bastard if he was standing outside the garage only 45 minutes post-accident.
John's eyes roved over his figure. In the dim light outside the garage, the only wear and tear he could see was a scuff on his right glove. But given the damage on the left side of the bike, John suspected that a majority of the issues were currently bathed in the darkness of their driveway.
"My name's John, but most just call me ‘Cap’."
The man nodded his helmeted head, sticking out his right hand. John shook it with a significantly more gentle touch than he normally would. The last thing he wanted to do was make the man’s injuries worse.
"Soap- that's what- people call me Soap."
John wasn't about to judge him, given that his business partner seemed to think 'Ghost' was a suitable way to introduce himself.  "Why don't we put her in one of the indoor bays?"
John opened the smaller roller door behind Bay 3 and took the bike from Soap's hands once he had put the kickstand back up. The three bays around the back were mostly reserved for bikes, given the smaller entrance points. Though, Bay 4 was permanently taken up by Gaz's poker table and Simon's Harley.
He set Soap's bike up in Bay 5, before turning his attention back to their new client. John had been correct to assume the damage was primarily on his left side.
There was a large graze down the side of his thigh. Denim torn and spotted with blood. Scuffs ran up the length of his left arm, with a deep gouge out of the leather on his shoulder. But what he was most concerned about was the scratch on the side of his helmet.
"You need to get checked out by a doctor, son."
Soap jolted, as if he hadn't expected John to speak. Even with the dark visor hiding his features, John could see his hesitation.
"Ahm not a... huge fan o' hospitals."
John walked around the bike to stand in front of the other man. A hand made its way onto Soap's right shoulder.
"One of my boys is a retired army medic. Wha'd you say to lettin’ ‘im check you out?"
Soap was quiet for a long moment. But then he reached up and unclipped his chin-strap, before pulling the helmet off his head.
The first thing John's eyes were drawn to was the dark, overgrown mohawk. But his attention soon shifted to Soap's eyes. A beautiful ocean blue. Too blue. It was unusual to see on someone real. Most people with eyes like Soap's were confined to TV screens.
The third thing he noticed was the bloody cut slicing through his eyebrow. And the fourth? The fact that he was exactly Simon's type. Almost ridiculously so.
"Ah guess that'd be okay. Mah leg is a wee bit sore."
"I can imagine," John snorted, taking Soap's helmet from him and guiding him towards the door to their staff room.
He set the helmet on the break table and waved for Soap to sit on the couch. "Back in a moment."
John quickly made his way back into the office. It was nearly 4 in the morning, but Gaz always got up early. He was usually in by 6. So John had no issue calling him.
The phone only rang twice before Gaz's familiar voice answered.
"Can you come in early?"
Despite the question, John knew Gaz was already getting up and ready to make his way over. And it wasn't just because he could hear the man moving around.
"Had a client come in. Crashed 'is bike. Need you to check 'im out."
Gaz hummed. "Ghost is the bike expert, Cap."
"No. I need you to check the client out, not the bike. He doesn't want to go to the hospital. Stands like a vet."
"Oh, shit. Okay. I'll be over in ten."
Gaz hung up before John could say 'thank you'.
Pre-emptively, he grabbed the first aid kit Gaz kept under the front desk and made his way back to the staff room.
Soap was sitting where he'd left him. Though, he'd taken the chance to peel his jacket off and drape it over the back of the couch - torn shoulder side up.
John dropped the kit onto the table before moving to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Soap took it with a grateful smile and a wince.
There wasn't much John was comfortable doing without Gaz present. But he could at least give Soap some gauze and direct his own hand to the cut on his eyebrow.
"Any ideas on how you got that one?"
Soap glanced over at his helmet. "Ah think mah intercom came loose. Ah don't know. Ah just remember somethin' cracking an' then hittin' me. It might still be in there."
John grabbed the helmet from where he had placed it. Inspecting the inside he saw that, sure enough, the bracket for the internal mic had snapped and was hanging by its wire. There was a sharp shard of plastic jutting out of the end of it.
John unplugged the jack and held up the offending piece equipment for Soap to see. "Yer right."
Soap merely nodded, taking a swig of his water with his free hand. "Ah'm just glad that mah eye's still in mah fookin’ skull."
John laughed. The kid had a good sense of humour. Unfortunately.
He was definitely Simon's type.
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maleindistress · 9 months
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lost-jams · 1 year
Hello there
pairing — jimin x female reader
genre — fluff (with a bit of sexual stuffs huhu)
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::If I was given the choice to re-live my life, well I dont think I would make any choices that would differ from the previous ones...because all of them led me to you::
I look myself over one more time in the mirror. I used to wear my hair above the shoulders with edgy bangs, but it's grown a lot in the last couple of years. And not without reason. I brush my fingers through the long, dark strands of hair that I've trained to cover most of the left side of my face. I pull the sleeve of my left arm down to my wrist and then pull the collar up to cover most of my neck. The scars are barely visible like this, and I can actually stomach looking at myself in the mirror. I used to think I was pretty. But hair and clothes can only cover up so much now. I hear a toilet flush, so I turn quickly and make my way to  the door before the woman can exit the stall. I do what I can to avoid people most of the time, and not because I'm afraid they'll stare at my scars. I avoid them because they don't stare. 
The second people notice me, they look away just as fast, because they're afraid to appear rude or judgmental. Just once it would be nice if someone looked me in the eyes and held my stare. It's been so long since that's happened. I hate to admit that I miss the attention I used to get, but I do. I exit the bathroom and head back toward the booth, disappointed to still see the back of my father's head. I was hoping he would have had some kind of emergency and been required to leave while I was in the restroom. It's sad that I'd rather be greeted by an empty booth than by my own father. The thought almost makes me frown, but I'm suddenly sidetracked by the guy seated in the booth I'm about to walk past. I don't usually notice people, considering they do everything in their power to avoid eye contact with me. However, this guy's eyes are intense, curious and staring straight at me. My first thought when I see him is, "If only... this were two years ago."
Its happening again...they are fighting again sighing i look at my mirror "ugh...i need a hair cut" grabbing my car keys I jogged towards the front door, silence...perhaps they finally noticed me "I'll be back in awhile" i told them while putting on my shoes. " Eat something before heading out, come" i finally looked towards my mother, her eyes they are red...so was my fathers, Are they finally letting themselves go? maybe. "No im not hungry" i opened the door.
Would my present be different if i lisened to my mother? Do i want things to be different?
 I want to break out in a sprintin order to get his eyes off me, or if I should walk in slowmotion so I can soak up the attention.His body shifts as I begin to pass him, and his stare becomestoo much all of a sudden. Too invasive. I feel my cheeks flushand my skin tingle, so I look down at my feet and allow myhair to fall in front of my face. I even pull a strand of it intomy mouth in order to block more of his view.
Just a fewmoments ago, I was thinking about how much I miss beingstared at, but now that it's happening, I just want him to lookaway.Right before he's out of my peripheral vision, I cut my eyesin his direction and catch a ghost of a smile. Maybe he didnt see my scars...
It annoys me that I even think this way. I used to notbe this girl. I used to be confident, but i guess the accident broke every ounce of my self-esteem. I've tried getting it back, butit's hard to believe someone could ever find me attractivewhen I can't even look at myself in the mirror.  Ugh.
"As i was saying, I think u should organise a fan meet and stop being an annonymous writer, people want to see u" i tear my eyes from my father to the coffee sitting on my table untouched. "I'm not ready" i heard a sigh. "it has been two years" i shiffted on my sit uncomfortable...my fathers hand reached out to me grabbing the sides of my face, they were so warm. "take as much time u need...im here" nodding m head i smiled but i dont know why i felt so heavy in my heart...it was so heavy. "i think i have an idea for my new poetry" believe me or not but the only good thing after the accident happening to me was me becoming a writer, I didnt know what came in me one day i decided to write a poetry and publish it and it became a best seller.
I should've slept last night i cant think straight, was this always the road i took, God i swear sleep-deprived driving is far worse then drunk driving, I feel my eyes closing...I try to keep them open I see a little girl crossing the road and........CRASH............
blood...everywhere whats going on?
i want to scream but nothing comes out is it the end
i hear footsteps with sirens...am i getting help?
please help me...I want to live
i feel someone pulling me out of the car, i feel his hand on my neck, he was slapping my cheeks....i wanted to open my eyes to make sure the girl was ok, was she ok? is she alive? what happened i dont remember....
My eyelids feel so heavy, i wanna sleep if i open my eyes i have to face the consequences im not ready but i dont wanna die away...Looking arround i see my father on the right side of my bed, Why cant i open my left eye, i try to get up...im covered in bandages, funny i cant feel any pain, im glad im alive.
"Dad" whisperring i poke his hand, he jolts up. Did he not sleep for a week? "U look terrible" he looks like he'll cry any moment now. "You should look at yourself first" how bad can it be?
A week passed by there was no sign of my mother, I was told i hit a pole and the girl lived, i remember her face, she was preety cute. My father says my mother left, i didnt expect much from her but a visit wouldnt hurt right? I just hope my wounds heal faster its super itchy...
A month passed by, its just me and my father we are on our way to my physical therapist so that i can walk again and i dont have to use this stupid wheelchair
We were in the waiting room...whispers...they were whispering about me, poor girl she must be on so much pain. The left side looks so bad. Can't these people tell i can hear them, i opened my ponytail heaving a sigh. i feel heavy...
My therapist told me i should write down my feeling, so....
Whenever the clouds of pain and sadness loomed.
Whenever tears came till the eyelashes,
Whenever this lonely heart got scared,I told my heart, Oh Heart, why do you cry?This is what happens in this world
This deep silence the world has distributed it to everyone, Some sadness is a part of everyone's life, Some sunshine is a part of everyone's life, Your eyes are wet without any reason, Every second is a new season Why do you let go of such priceless moments? Oh Heart, why do you cry?
"Anyways, we have a meeting with our illustrator this friday be ready" i hum while finishing my coffee. "we should head back" my father said grabbing his things. I hurriedly looked for the guy...just a last glance...he was gone.
Friday came, he is late I took his profile out, Park Jimin....it baffles me that my supposed illustrator gave no picture how will I even recognise him, good thing my father knows this guy, sighing I put my head down...i hate headaches so much...
"Sorry im late" I hear nervous chuckles "you know morning traffics" I look up ITS HIM...THE GUY...ITS HIM... I see the corner of his lips turn upwards, was it me or he was smirking...My father went straight into buisness, everything was so blur, i was just staring at his face, he is beautiful.
He says he has been an illustrator for five years straight, my father seems preety convinced by him, so am i.. If i were to compare the beauty of him and his work, his work wins scoring a homerun for sure. It speaks with such depth that you want to drown in it.
He shook hands with my father, coming right infront of me he offers me his hand...i take it, I feel his thumb brushing against the surface of my skin. Will it be weird to say that i felt excited? I didnt know i was hold my breath till I was inside the car. "I like him" my father utters "Same" I feel my cheeks flushing. I think i might have been single for a while now...
"Are you always like this, flirting with whoever u want?" Jimin snapped his head back to u "I saw u, winking at the waitress" He bit his lower lip...i want to bite it too..his eyes threw a mischivious smile at me, there is something about his eyes, I cant put a finger on it. " Why...you jealous?" i scoffed at that, yes..."why would i be jealous?" chuckling he put his hand on his chest " ouch...i wanted u to be" why would he? "Girls like you are not made for flirting ... they are made for love"
Days passed I was struggling to write, there was something bugging me and the fact that Im alone right now is more depressing, AAAAAA I want to scream, will i have my periods soon? maybe but why am I tearing up there is no reason, God i hate mood swings. 
Alchohol...this thing is a fools gold, you know its bad for u but u cant help but have it...and it also turns u into a fool. Why u ask? because only a fool will ask someone to drop by to their house in the middle of the night. With what reason? because they feel lonely. And here i was contemplating what i should say to the person infront of me. 
"Would u like a drink?" he narrows his eyes at me "you are lonely" fuck...i dont look a him in the eye. i clear my throat " I just wanted to discuss about..uhh" he puts his head on his hands which is supported by the table as he leans in " Wanna go out?" One look from me was enough for him to take a hold of my hand and drag me outside. Was he always taller then me?  I pulled  him back "Its late" i smiled at him. "Do u paint?" 
And here we are infront of his house, because he thought it'll be great to have a painting date in the middle of the night. Was it a date though? It felt like it. I was sitting infront of a canvas processing what was happening. His Art room reminds me a art museum, paintings everywhere, i dont know what an art museum looks like but i think i got a gist of it. "May i paint u?" Shock was written on my face, insecurities filling me in "I-" 
He puts one finger on my lips and he pushes the hair away from my forehead, running hisfingers through it until it's no longer hanging in my face. "Youwear your hair like you do because you don't want people tosee too much of you. You wear long sleeves and collared shirtsbecause you think it helps. But it doesn't." I feel like i might cry.  I feel his fingertips graze my jaw and I flinch. "You havethe most incredible bone structure, and I know that's a weirdcompliment, but it's true." His fingers leave my jaw and trailup my chin until he's touching my mouth. "And your lips.Men stare at them because they want to know what they tastelike, and women stare at them out of jealousy because if theyhad lips the color of yours, they'd never have to buy lipstickagain."
His forehead is resting against mine, and I can feel hisbreath crashing against my lips. Jimin steps forward and wraps his arms around me.Everything about him is comforting and warm and I have noidea how to respond. One of his hands meets the back of myhead and he presses my face against his chest.
few days passed by since that day, I decided to put my hair up in a ponytail. My neck it looks nice, i like how it looks...i love it. I get down for breakfast, i smelled pancakes my father turns arround with a plate delight crosses his face when he saw me. "you look good" I didnt know what was this feeling but it surely feels very light, exciting and comforting . I think I know what to write...
The moment seems to flow like a molten sapphire and there's deep blue silence, Neither there is earth below, nor sky above, The rustling branches, leaves are saying that only you are here, Only me, my breath and my heartbeat,  Such deepness, such loneliness and me...only me, It all makes me believe in my existence.
There was a girl drowning, but she had a smile on her face, the illustration did match my writing. neighther there is earth below, nor the sky above. smart move Mr Park. My poem got selected for the top ten poems of the year. There were incoming calls of congratutions but I was waiting for a certain person. Without wasting another second i called him "Hello?" i sucked in a long breath "you can paint me" 
Fuck....fuck...FUCKKKKK, I am crazy very very very crazy WHO SAYS THAT, YOU CAN PAINT ME WTFFFFFFF. Standing infront of his building i was rethinking my decision, but it was too late UGHHHHHH i rang the door bell. 
His stares, i remember them, so intense I wonder why, is it because of his profession? his eye shape? or is it just him? "I like you" shit...he stands up which makes me stand up  he takestwo quick steps toward me until his hands are in my hair andhis mouth is on mine. He backs me against the wall and his hands and chest andlips are pressed hungrily against mine. He's gripping my facelike he's afraid to let go and I'm fighting for breath becauseit's been so long since I've kissed anyone, I think I may haveforgotten how to do it right. As soon as a whimper  leaves my mouth, he's pressing meharder against the wall. His left hand is caressing my cheekand his right hand is gripping me by the waist, pulling meagainst him.
I feel Jimin's arms wrap around me . He rests hischin on my shoulder. "You having second thoughts?"I shake my head. I'm nervous, but I'm definitely not havingsecond thoughts. Yet."Good " 
"Im leaving for the airport in two hours, i agreed for the fan meet" i pause to look at him, he is smiling, im happy that he is smiling, " do you want me to drive u?" oh no...my dad he is driving me ." Uhh my dad...he-''. Dissapointment runs across is face, and i needed to leave now, I DONT WANNA GOOOO. He looked so precious looking like a sad puppy, did i ever mention anything about his chubby cheeks THEY LOOK SO FLUFFY NOW THAT MAKE ME WANT TO BITE INTO IT. control..y/n...control.
 He stepsback, releasing me. "I should have taken you to the airport andthen as soon as you got to security, I could have dramaticallycalled out your name and run toward you in slow motion." Hemimics the scene in slow motion, moving in place as hereaches an arm out toward me. "Y/NNNNNNNNNNNN," he says in along, drawn-out voice. "Dooon't Leeeave Meeeee!"I'mlaughing hard when he stops acting out the scene and wrapshis arms around my waist again. "I need to go now"
My father grabs our  suitcases and head inside withnot much time to spare before our flight. The airport is stillbuzzing despite it being so late at night. we print my boarding pass,check our luggage, and make our way to security.I try not to think about what I'm doing. How am I going to talk to people I dont know with my amazing social skills. The thought of it makes me want tocall a cab and go straight back to my apartment, but I can't.I have to do this.
 My eyes flick open.I turn around and Jimin is standing at the revolving door. Hebegins running toward me.In slow motion.I cover my mouth with my hand and try not to laugh as heslowly stretches out an arm like he's reaching out for me. He'syelling, "Doooon't goooo yeeeet!" as he moves slowlythrough the crowd of people.People from all directions stop to see what the commotion isall about. I want to dig myself a hole and hide but I'mlaughing too hard to care about how embarrassing this is.What in the world is he doing?When he finally reaches me after what seems like forever, ahuge grin spreads across his face soon he presses his lips with mine. 
I looked at my father, he's too surprised to even react. The room feels like it's spinning, so I suck in a huge rush ofair and try not to sway. "I forgot to say I like u too" with that he begins to walk backward and I'm aware of everyone in ourvicinity staring at us, but I can't help but not give a shit. Rightbefore he reaches the revolving door, he cups his hands aroundhis mouth and yells "YOU BETTER NOT GHOST ME AFTER U COME BACK" 
I don't think I've ever smiled so big. I lift a hand and wavegoodbye as he disappears. "I like him" I look towards my father. "So do I". Going back to the question that i asked myself Would my present be different if i lisened to my mother? Do i want things to be different? I think i like it this way, Everything happens for a reason, you just need to give it a little time for it to fall on the right track anyways I am loving it for now and im living it aswell...
If you have eagerness in your heart, it means you are alive, If your eyes are filled with dreams, it means you are alive Learn to be free like the wind,  Learn to flow freely like the river, Embrace every moment with open arms, See a new horizon every time with your eyes, If you carry surprise in your eyes, it means you are alive, If you have eagerness in your heart, it means you are alive.
And the story continies....
Heyyy I hope you liked the story, feel free to give your opinion on it, this story was inspired by a novel I read on my early teen days, kinda didnt like the way it ended so I made up my own version of it,
Happy reading.
ps: its kinda my first time [HELP (T_T) ]
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keyrousse · 1 year
Today was the first time I called for an ambulance to an accident. I wasn't a witness or even affected, just on my way to work I saw a small group of people surrounding a motorbike rider lying in the middle of an intersection of two slow roads. He was conscious and coherent, just beaten. Nobody managed to call 112 yet, so I stayed and called. Another guy came up and actually started to do some useful things around us. Ambulance and police came after a few minutes, I left.
It was nice, however, how many people stopped and offered help. Yes, I was one of them and I was happy those instincts kicked in. It could have been that 'other people are here, they'll help'. I'll try to do better next time, too.
Also, yesterday I decided I want to go to USA and/or Australia and New Zealand before I hit 40 (in 3 years). 19 day organised trip to the Antipodes would cost me about 38k PLN (at minimum), which is a price of a decent car. It's still something to think about. I'd probably go alone (not with a family member or friends which I don't have), so I'm not sure if I want to try to organise it myself.
So, yeah. Slice of life as my break at work comes to a slow end.
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nataliet12345 · 2 years
I have to make a will byers omorashi! Or a Mike omo so I’m gonna make one! 🌸
“Mike..” will said slightly as he scooted away from his best friend “what’s up?” Mike said scooting closer making will uncomfortable “I- never mind..” will stuttered shifting his legs. Jonathan was looking through the mirror and Arygle was listening. “Would you still be my friend.. if I said somthing embarrassing…?” Will said blinking and staring into mikes eyes “what is it, I will be your friend no matter what” Mike said concerned. Will lowered his voice and said “I really need to pee…” Mike put his eyebrows down and opened his eyes “oh.. uhh..” Mike stuttered. “What happened??” Jonathan looked back at wills face and mikes. “Mmm..” will whined, shaking his legs and trembling. “Mike? What happened” Jonathan asked “Will needs t-“ Will looked at Mike and tears filled into his eyes. Mike stopped talking “he needs to what??” Jonathan looked at Will with a really concerned and confused face. Will felt a drop of it come out onto his underwear, trying to stop his bladder from dribbling anymore he grabbed his crotch and tried to stop. “Dudes are you sad about that guys who died earlier or somthin?” Arygle questioned “Will is acting weird I don’t thinks it’s because of the guy..” Jonathan quickly noticed Will shifting around and grabbing his bladder.
Some time passed and Will was fighting his bladder not to let go. It was almost visible! He has leaked a lot by now and he is squeezing mikes hand “ow!” Will squealed. Mike and Johnathan flinched back and Will was practically crying by now “M-mike I can’t.. hold it anymore..!” Will whispered into his ear. Mike soothed his hand “ it will be alright.. just like an hour ..” Mike whispered back “a-ahh” Will moaned, leaking a lot more where it was a little visible and Jonathan noticed this he looked closer to see a wet spot forming “Will?” Jonathan said as will quickly looked up and starting blushing as soon as he noticed where his older brother was looking.
Will crossed his legs and tried to hide it but then Jonathan added “are you going to wet yourself?” Mike and Will looked up at him really fast and Mike said “he is desperately holding it..” Jonathan was concerned and worried now. Will was shifting around and Arygle was listening to the whole thing “woah woah woah.. Will needs to piss?” Arygle stated “ I can pull of the road” Will felt really embarrassed he started crying and leaned into Mike.
Mike put his hand on wills shoulder and stroked it “no, you don’t need to now” Jonathan said. Will was completely soaked due thanks to his weak bladder. Mikes thighs were soaked as well and obviously the seat.. “man please don’t tell me that you just took a dam piss on the seat!” Arygle sounded annoyed “Arygle calm down he’s 15 he dosent have as much bladder control as we do!” Jonathan stated “I spent hours cleaning this car to make it look good dude!” Arygle yelled “I’m sorry!!” Will cried, mike scooted closer to Will, making will really uncomfortable now. Will was scared and embarrassed.
“Maybe we could pull over” Jonathan said to arygle “..what’s the use he already pissed on the damn seat” arygle was really mad “Arygle don’t curse infront of will..” Jonathan said calmly.
Arygle pulled over and Jonathan started cleaning the seats for argyles sake. Will was pretty tired and he was asleep on mikes arm. Mike scooted with Will to the other end while Jonathan was still trying to clean the seats “You guys need to get changed somewhere ..” Will was still wet and his pants were covered with a darker shade.. Mike was a little soaked, Will calmed down right before he fell asleep and Mike was thinking about things.
A few hours past and Jonathan was sitting in the back with Mike and Will.
Will was asleep on Johnathan and Mike was by the window. Jonathan was messing with wills hair while arygle was driving to find somewhere for them to change.
Pt.2 Anyone??
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Aerial and Symmetric View of a Road in the Woods Free Stock Photo
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picardypie · 2 years
Elon Musk has said that Artificial Intelligence is more dangerous than nukes and will lead to the death of humans.
During a four month period, in the US, Tesla Autopilot lead to the deaths of 10 people out of the 11 that died in a Tesla during that time frame. Safety advocates are saying that the amount of deaths due to Tesla's driver assist are increasing.
So I guess that was one of the few time Elon was actually telling the truth. His monstrous car AI is killing people.
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natarizmo · 2 years
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townpostin · 2 days
Road Accident Victim's Treatment Delayed, Sparks Protest in Jamshedpur
Basti Residents block RD Tata roundabout after TMH refuses care over payment Key Points: • Bittu Kalindi injured in Kalimati Road accident, taken to TMH • TMH initially refuses treatment due to lack of funds • Protesters block RD Tata roundabout, police intervene to clear jam JAMSHEDPUR – The treatment of a road accident victim was delayed at Tata Main Hospital and this infuriated the residents…
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healthauthentic · 6 days
First Aid For Road Accidents | Emergency Precautions | Dr. Bharadwaz | Dr. Ranjith Kumar Konduru | Health Information
Learn everything you need to know about First Aid for road transport accidents in this comprehensive guide. From assessing injuries to administering crucial first aid steps, this video covers the essentials to help save lives in emergency situations. Whether you're a bystander or a professional, get valuable insights into handling common injuries like fractures, bleeding, shock, and more. Stay prepared and informed for any accident scenario with this complete first aid tutorial.
Dr. Bharadwaz | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
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theivorlegov1 · 2 years
Милиці  -  Very pleased to share a Video with you featuring a one-legged Russian accident victim contact of mine showing us his crutching skills with a tied pants leg.
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indianfasttrack · 8 days
बाइक सवार ने किया महिला पर हेलमेट से हमला, भीड़ ने कर दी पिटाई ..
दक्षिण मुंबई में रोड की एक घटना में मोटरसाइकिल सवार ने महिला पर हेलमेट से हमला कर दिया। इस दौरान मौके पर जमा हुई भीड़ ने बाइक सवार को पिटना शुरू कर दिया। स्थानीय पुलिस ने किसी तरह युवक को बचाया। (Bike rider attacked woman with helmet, mob beat her-Mumbai News) इस्माईल शेखमुंबई– दक्षिण मुंबई से रोड की एक घटना सामने आई है जिसमें एक बाइक सवार ने महिला पर हेलमेट से हमला कर दिया। घटना को लेकर पुलिस…
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rightnewshindi · 16 days
टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों में फंसा शख्स, ड्राइवर ने 10 मीटर तक घसीटा; हॉस्पिटल में हुई मौत
टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों में फंसा शख्स, ड्राइवर ने 10 मीटर तक घसीटा; हॉस्पिटल में हुई मौत #news #viral #trending #update #newspaper #breakingnews #currentaffairs #dailynews #newsletter #newspapers #newsupdate #People #Media #info #Journalism #Press
Connaught Place Man stuck under car: देश के दिल दिल्ली में दर्दनाक सड़क हादसा हुआ है, यहां एक शख्स टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों के बीच में फंस गया। जिसके बाद डर और भागने की फिराक में कार ड्राइवर उसे करीब 10 मीटर तक घसीटता हुआ गया। पीड़ित किसी तरह वह कार से छूटा तो आसपास के लोगों ने मामले की सूचना पुलिस को दी। घायल को समीप के अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया, जहां उसकी मौत हो गई। चालक की नहीं थी…
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gendecoder · 21 days
'car accident' equates to 38 like the word 'death'
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Notice they say twenty-one dead in three separate accidents. Numerically that reads as 2, 1, 3, or 213, the number associated with the word 'death'
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Coincidence? Hmm 🤔
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