#Rosabella x Daring
randombook4idk · 2 months
daring: oh please, i don't have a type
the type:
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floralcavern · 6 months
Allow me to rate some EAH ships
•Raven x Dexter -
Oh, they’re such dorks. They’re so precious. Girlboss and malewife fr 10/10
•Raven x Apple -
No. 0/10
•Daring x Cerise -
Honestly, my favorite of all the Daring ships. They’re so precious. I think I have a type. I love the badass woman who beats the misogyny outta the boy. (Suki x Sokka and Daring x Cerise) 10/10
•Daring x Lizzie
Honestly, very cute. But it was just one webisode, so… 6/10
•Daring x Rosabella
Fr.. kinda mid. 3/10
•Apple x Darling
LET’S GO LESBIANS! LET’S GO! I love a sapphic Snow White. Also, Darling being Apple’s true love and not Daring is probably the exact kick Apple needed to realize that you don’t need to truly follow your ‘fairytale destiny’ 9/10
•Cedar Wood x being an aromantic
HELL YA! Aroace Cedar Wood is my life. 10000000/10
•Ashlynn x Hunter
They’re cute. Yknow, that’s all. Just cute. Kinda boring, but.. cute. 7/10
•Maddie x Kitty My beloveds! Teasing and bullying the narrators together 10/10
•Kitty x Lizzie
Not my personal favorite, but I get it, I suppose. But, eh. Not my favorite. 6/10
•Maddie x Raven
They’ve kissed at least once. Refuse to believe they haven’t. 8/10
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alexdrawsunderwater · 20 days
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Daring and Rosabella, they could have developed your story sm more <3
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cometblaster2070 · 9 days
genuinely just OBSESSED with this hc that apple is a complete and utter MESS when it comes to her relationship with darling.
like it's such a funny contrast for the people who know her because this is Apple White; she is calm and polite and put together, and in all the years she dated daring, she was so fucking chill about everything.
daring dating other girls? didn't give a shit. everyone's wondering why they aren't affectionate in public? well, they're just teenagers they have forever after yk. when will they go steady? they have the rest of their destinies to worry about that.
you get my drift; apple does not give a single shit when it comes to this relationship because she is so in control of it. the actual 'relationship' aspect isn't really important to her and as such she's so composed in terms of her relationship with daring.
but throw DARLING in the picture and then there's apple running around like a headless chicken, being absolutely CLUELESS about what to do now that she actually has feelings for someone.
i'd like to have an entire episode of darling and apple going out on a date where there's basically a reverse situation of the dexven date ep where raven keeps trying to hype apple up and keep her calm while thinking 'dear god was i really like this???'
meanwhile, apple's hyperventilating over here just thinking about what to wear, what jewelry will match with her dress, if she's overdoing it or not, whether she should get darling a gift or something, what if she's overdressed or underdressed, and will darling like the food where they're going, and if darling even likes her at all the way she likes darling-
in the end raven grabs dexter and she says fuck this shit you and i are going undercover and tailing them, im too worried for this lesbian disaster.
dexter agrees because he's just come from helping rosabella hide all of darling's armor and assorted weaponry and they had both enlisted the help of the wonderlandians to make sure darling didn't have a breakdown every 3 seconds every time she realized she was actually going on a date with apple.
shenanigans are ensuing and rosabella and raven are getting the worst of it by this point, but they love apple and darling too much so they put up with it.
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phantomstatistician · 2 months
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Fandom: Ever After High
Sample Size: 1,477 stories
Source: AO3
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xbomboi · 2 months
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rosabella “i can fix him” beauty.
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rebelcharmings · 1 year
she’s everything… he’s just ken
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aestheticsaddicted · 2 months
The fact that Faybelle and Briar consider themselves frenemies it's just...the tension, the drama, the yearning
I needed a Darling x Apple interaction beside the "she's poisoned, I kiss her, oh Darling you're such a good friend" what. Do. You. Mean. Apple White!!! You have spent your entire (I'm gonna say) second year in love with your roommate and when your literal SOULMATE kisses you, aaaaAAAAAAAAA
They give us whatever the fuck was that storyline with Rosabella and Daring that managed to ruin both characters. "I can fix him" leave him alone woman he's not for you. Honestly such a waste Rosabella was such an interesting character and they made her into some sort of comedy
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froggywentaprincin · 2 months
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coconuttiee · 2 months
rosabella: im going to fix daring!!!!!! lizzie: even though daring has his flaws, i believe that there's much more to him then how he usually presents himself
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theyapper0 · 2 months
OKAY!!!!!! This is my rewrite of EAH Epic Winter!!!!!! It's a LITTLE MESSY and just a BIT disorganized but you'll be able to get the general idea!
If there's any confusing parts, feel free to ask me questions!!! (•◡•)
I was originally gonna draw out like,, the entire thing like how I did w Dragon Games BUT IT WAS A LOT?? Like there's WAAAY more that I changed in Epic Winter (sorry but the whole thing had to go, I BARELY stuck with cannon LOL)
But I drew SOME of it ^^
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I think Daring and Rosabella would both adopt a few kids and have biological ones. Daring seemed to love the family reunion and playing with the younger cousins, so I think he would like a lot of kids.
I know Rosa was an only child, but I wish we could have seen her interacting with Briar’s 8 little brothers. And I think she definitely seems like the type who would want to give kids in need a good home.
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cometblaster2070 · 1 year
Rosabella: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Daring: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks, I don't want to hear shit.
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romancemedia · 11 months
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Cartoon Romances + Fantasy Kiss
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
just realized how they could've played more with the idea of rosabella misunderstanding daring as being a vapid, selfish prince when he really isn't, (like he definitely has his moments, but they don't define him as a person.)
it would've been so interesting to see her surface level judgment of him paralleled with his belief that his value lies in his looks and have them both realize that his beauty comes from within, along with bella acknowledging that she was in the wrong for judging daring in the way that she did / too quickly. it'd be more inline with the original version of beauty and the beast, too, (where beauty also grows rather than it just being the beast.)
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cupcak2 · 1 year
rating ever after high couples 🫶🏻 ☆
apple & daring — 0/10
like r you kidding. were this two ever considered a couple anyway? they were only together because of destiny, and we now know that's not daring's destiny lol. big no no
cerise & daring — 2/10
yeah it was cute... in 2014. now it's just kinda weird to me (mostly because now i headcanon her as a lesbian) cause there was like only one scene of them together ?? anyway not good i liked them tho
lizzie & daring — -10/10
EW. literally ew. there was no chemistry ok NO CHEMISTRY it was a BET and she was reluctant most of the webisode r you kidding i hate them
rosabella & daring — 37287429/10
now THATS what were talking abt. this right here. idc that most of the fandom thinks they're were random and forced and shit i literally dont care they are perfect. rosa made him a better person, she helped him when he needed and was the only one to not judge him by his looks when he became the beast. plus theyre destined for each other 💋
darling & apple — 5/10
idk they're lowkey cute but this one feels weird. i think i would like them more if in the series they talked more about the "kiss" and their relationship after that. minus points because darling told daring to "turn the page" when he was freaking out when he literally just lost his fucking destiny ? not cool darling. im a daring defender first and human second !
dexter & raven — 9/10
THEYRE SO CUTE ARE U KIDDING have yall ever read dexters diary, the way he talks about raven is so sweet i really like them. theyre kinda awkward most of the show but that makes it very cute
hunter & ashlynn — 8/10
i love them. i kinda ignore some things about it tho— like the fact that hunter only noticed ash because cupid helped her . anyway think about how sad she must have felt while signing the storybook of legends <\3
darling & chase — -2/10
LITERALLY the most 2015 ship ever who even came up with that. ngl i kinda liked it but not now could be cuter if he only showed up more in the series but shes canonically a lesbian so
dexter & cupid — 2/10
do i even have to say anything. i dont like them but im only giving it two points because i really like cupid and i feel sad about her situation— being friends with the guy you like and helping him to get together with the girl he likes. its sad. or it was sad, but now she turned the page and moved on ! we stan
briar & faybelle — 10/10
THEYRE THE CUTEST i love their relationship. like they're friends kinda but they still tease each other they are very dear to me
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