#Rude words
20dollarlolita · 9 months
The good news is that optimizing a previously bad machine embroidery design feels good.
The old was 35 color blocks and over 470 trim commands. For people who don't embroider, you want all of those to be as low as possible, because fewer color blocks means less work from you, and fewer jump commands means fewer chances for your machine to jam. The new is 140 trim commands (for 6 repeats of the design) and 9 color blocks.
The downside is that the amazing optimization was of one of my most famous embroidered shit posts.
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Thank black outline stitches out continuously with no cuts, having been carefully sculpted to alternate between triple stitches and double stitches to smoothly backtrack where a jump could be required. The text next to it fucking says nice cock
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years
I’m officially back to bother you; MxM some angsty & nasty argument where it takes a bit til either side is willing to talk it out and admit their mistakes😩🙏? also happy new years!:)
Glares from Across the Room
Paring: Mai'tuiudh (Male Yautja) x Male Reader
Warnings: just a hint of spice if you squint, cursing, nasty argument, angst
Word Count: 2828
Summary: When you're stuck with only one other being in space, how do you think that'll go?
Author Note: Whoops, I made this with a dripple of spice. Couldn’t help myself… It's always fun when you come to bother me, loving it! Happy new years to you as well!
An uncomfortable position crawled up the length of your spine. Irritation. Your teeth gritted together as all you could do was glare at the floor. You can’t smack your mate. That would be a bad idea and rude in general. He’s your other half. Let’s not forget that detail. That was probably the only thing holding you back from wringing his neck.
Something had Mai’tuiudh being stone cold towards you. At least far more than usual. No words. Mai just takes what he wants from you. If you’re holding a tool he needs, Mai takes it. Even your book that he couldn’t even read. It’s his now. And that was almost the straw that broke the camel’s back. Your hands shook at your sides.
What was the point of taking the damn book?! It’s not like Mai could read it. The only reason the two of you could converse without difficulty was the translator stuck underneath the skin behind your ear. Mai couldn’t even tell you what he was doing before pinning you down and shoving it into your skin. Many curse words echoed around you, throughout the ship for the rest of the day. You didn’t even dare look at the Yautja for about three days. It was on your mind that’s what you get for somehow saving the brute’s life. That was the only reason you were with him in the beginning. A life for a life or something like that is what he told you after you left the safety of the storage room.
With the book no longer in your possession, all you could do was stand there in complete shock that morphed into anger. What has been his problem? He wasn’t next to you when you woke. He’s been running diagnostics on the ship all day long. Not a word sounding from him. Just rumbling clicks as he harshly typed things in.
Mai slammed a fist against the wall next to him and gave a short roar that echoed off the walls. You jumped in your spot before turning towards him slowly. Again, “What the fuck is your problem, pussy face?” you snarled at him and glared daggers at him from across the cockpit. Dumbass is going to hurt himself by throwing a tantrum. Your arms crossed over your chest, a hip jutted out as you placed most of your weight on one leg.
Everything went quiet in the cockpit, but you didn’t feel any of the fear you should’ve. Mai’tuiudh’s head slowly turned, tresses sliding off of his shoulder to hang freely. The predatory look in his eyes should’ve made you turn tail and run. No, you have had enough of this attitude. You can take so much before firing back at the Yautja.
Sharp mandibles twitched as burnt orange eyes bored holes into your flesh. “You wanna say that again, soft-meat?” he bit back, claws flexing at his sides.
You didn’t move an inch. Maybe it was fear starting to creep along your veins. Or maybe you just didn’t care what he did. He needed to hear the truth sometimes. Like right now. “What the fuck. Is your. Problem. Pussy face,” you paused ever few words, dumping it down so he could hear you clearly. Mai knew what you were doing and was swift to stand.
The tool in his other hand clanged when it bounced off the ground. Mai’s low tusks flexed, eyes sharp. He knows what the name calling means and the fact it was demeaning. “An soft-meat ooman has no right to know what I am doing. You’re too stupid to understand.” You took in a quiet, sharp breath through the nose at that. That’s it. If he want’s to push all your buttons in the wrong, so be it. He’ll meet with the consequences one way or another.
“Say’s the one who’s been working on the ship all day along. You’ve been huffing and puffing, blowing steam through your ears. I come to greet you only to be greeted with hostility. You fucking brute,” you snapped back at him. This, you took a step towards in a threatening way, swinging an arm door to draw an invisible line through the air. “Also, if I remember correctly, you kidnapped me! I was living happily when you crashed, literally, into my life and fucked it up. Maybe I should’ve let you die in my living room.”
The words were already out of your mouth before you could even think about stopping them. It would’ve been a lie to say it made your heart ache afterwards. But you kept your brows lowered with a glare set on the alien.
Mai’tuiudh’s head lifted just an inch, barely showing the shock on his alien features. You didn’t notice anyhow. Paya, you oomans just loved to act like you’re the center of the universe. Contrary to belief, you aren’t the best species out of here. “I would’ve survived without you, pathetic soft-meat. I am Yautja and you are nothing but dead weight. I am better than you. I follow the honor code. That’s the only reason you don’t stand dead were you are!” he snarled and took two large steps in your direction.
Less than four feet apart separated the two of you. Each of your rage swirling with one another now. Your upper lip curled up, yet not exposing your flat, non-threatening teeth to him.
His words hurt. They only fueled the fire starting to burn your heart painfully. “That’s you’re fucking problem, asshole. Thinking you’re better than me.” You snorted angrily at him then let your shoulders drop. You returned to stand up straight and look the alien in the eye. “I made a mistake loving you. You’re just a monster. You can’t love anything.”
They were out of your mouth in the heat of moment before the logic side of your brain could put on the breaks. Your jaw dropped for a second, body faltering to keep on a mean attitude before acting like what you said did nothing to you.
Hurt flashed in the alien’s eyes. Maybe he’ll finally understand that this whole act today has wounded your heart.
Then, Mai filled his lungs with air and bellowed out a roar, right into your face. Spittle landed on the skin there, making you internally cringe at the feeling. But you stayed standing strong and scowled at him. Mai huffed heavily at your lack of reaction before pulling away and faced the console that was behind him.
There you had it. You said it. The words were already said. He had heard them. Every single word you had said was heard by him. The only other person, being on this ship. The other creature you had started to have feelings for. You just fucked it up by opening your mouth. There was nothing you could do now.
The heart had been already broken.
Now, it was time to retreat. That’s all you deserved. The guilt already surging through your veins, eating away like acid from the inside out. You had hurt him. At the moment, you wanted that, to see him flinch or react in a way that portrayed pain. You had done that. To him. Fuck.
Saying anything more at the moment would worsen things. You gave his toned back one last look before retreating out of the room. You didn’t dare go to the share bedroom. Instead, you trekked to the first place you had called your own in this place.
The storage room.
It was still dark, dingey, and cool in here compared to the rest of the ship. The door slid shut behind, leaving you to be alone, by yourself, and think about the prior words exchanged. Yet, that lingering anger still butted it’s way through the guilt. It whispered in your ear that he deserved it. Deserves worse for all the things he’s put you through. You rubbed subconsciously at the translator hidden behind your ear. Asshole. Your heart ached.
Over at the other end of the ship, Mai stayed like a statue, eyes unfocused. His mind reran the words the two of you said to each other. The way the anger in your eyes and flickered with injury at a couple things he spoke. He tried to convince himself it was the truth. That it didn’t make his chest hurt as he thought about the names he called you. He’s thankful you aren’t a female. He would’ve called you a name that would’ve gotten him thrown across the room if you were.
He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there before letting his shoulder drop their tension. Your presences has been bothering him lately. The smell of you as you laid oblivious in his bed made his emotions go out of whack. Maybe you were right, you should’ve let him die. It was better than dealing with the overwhelming swirl of emotion tormenting him from within. That includes you too. Just the smell, taste of you in the air. Mai growled lowly.
This ship wasn’t going to fix itself. It was your fault really. You continued to distract him daily. Just your presence on his ship made him loose focus on the necessary things needing to be done. All your fault. You distract him. He never should’ve brought you onto the ship. You saved his life and he kept you safe while healing in your home. That would’ve been enough to satisfy the honor code. He could leave and let you live with the knowledge of his people. But, no. Instead, he took you and forced you to live on his ship with him.
It was your fault he’s spending all waking hours to ensure his ship won’t malfunction and kill the two of you. Advanced or not, it’s machinery and needs to be tuned and repaired every once in awhile. Something he’s been neglecting for awhile now. It’s your fault. Not his. It’s never his fault. He’s a Yautja. He wasn’t distracted by you.
Maybe it was the truth he could’ve survived his terribly injuries. His two hunting partners gone, left him alone to hide from a prowling beast on the hunt for him. Said beast had already murdered one of his partners, taking her head as a trophy. Back to the enforcer hunting him down. It was seer luck Mai’tuiudh landed on your balcony or else the Night Caller would’ve gotten him.
That wasn’t something he wanted to think about. He’s far away from the Night Caller, off planet where she couldn’t get him. That thing couldn’t kill him, let alone touch him.
What’s he going to do now? You were raging when you left. He still felt the heat of his own coursing though his veins. It would take time, time he didn’t have to waste on apologizing to you. It was your fault. You distracting him. His ship needs more repairs then it would’ve if he stayed on target. Far from the mothership and earth.
It was his fault.
When the last green check mark popped on his screen, the Yautja relaxed his entire body in his pilots chair. It had been hours since he first started. Since then, everything that could do wrong, did. From his ship to the confusing relationship he had with you. The repairs took even longer, distracted by you clouding his thoughts. You weren’t anywhere near him and still affected him. Pauk, what was he going to do?
Mai stood up from his chair and stretched as if his muscles were tired. Nothing he did today was anywhere what his body couldn’t handle. Instead, it was his mind that felt sluggish. He dreaded on having to find you and at least say something to you.
Before he exited the cockpit, his mind was already supplying the first place to check. He should’ve used the room more as time went on but he’s refused to fill it. His feet begin to carry him across the ship, tongue following the lingering scent of anger.
His feet stopped in front of the closed door of the storage room. Your heavy odor struck him with that familiar rage but with salt in the air. Mai took a step forward. The door slid open at his presence. It revealed a sight that made the remaining anger vanish from his veins. It was his fault.
There you were, back against the furthest wall and head leaning against the adjoining wall. You were snoring lightly, eyes closed and chest taking shallow breaths. Your arms were still crossed but the anger on your face had completely went away with sleep. This could be his chance to make it or break it with you.
He knelt next to your sleeping form and lift you up in a bridal carry. Your head lolled to rest on his shoulder. At the movement, you started to wake, eyes blinking groggily. You groaned then snuggled into the warmth hugging into your side currently. A short purr snapped you wide awake, eyes finding burnt oranges peering down at you. You tried to fight the beast to force him to set you down. But Mai easily kept you off the ground and in his arms.
“Let go, you asshole! This is my place. Leave me alone since I’m not important enough to you,” you cried and punched his shoulder. It did more damage to you than him. You hissed as pain zipped up the offending arm then glared at him. Damn him and his toned muscles.
Instead of listening to you, the Yautja twisted your body in the way he wanted. Now, your back was to the wall while his body was slotted between your legs. One of his own held up you. Mai used a hand to hold your chin and force you to look up at him.
Yet, the words were stuck in his throat. You were glaring half-heartily at him. Hurt filled up the rest of your iris’. He didn’t have the right to be in here. This was your space, your safety from him in the beginning. Safety from the monster that doesn’t know love.
“Fucking spit out. I don’t have all day to be here.” You ignored the position he forced you. Ignoring the way your cock twitched in your pants at the show of strength. It was you could do right now.
The large, blue Yautja leaned forward, breath fanning over your face. His eyes searched through yours before letting his shoulders and head drop. Mai’s forehead rested on your shoulder. The action making your entire body freeze. What in the world was he doing? He’s never touched you in this matter. Barely grazing touches when it was necessary when you lived on the same ship together. This was completely out of hand for Mai’tuiudh. You couldn’t tell if you liked it or not.
“I…” Just say the words, damnit! You’re a Yautja for Paya’s sake. “I apologize, ooman. I do not mean the words I spoke earlier.” You’re jaw dropped to the floor. Never in the entire year or so you’ve been with him has he ever apologized. Today was a learning experience by the looks of it.
Your form relaxed underneath him. You’ve been mauling over the words for the entire you were awake inside of this room. Thinking of ever word said to him. How rude you had been to him. Every single thing.
You don’t know what made you think it was okay, but you leaned your head to side, resting it against his own. The Yautja didn’t even react. “I’m sorry too. It was the heat of the moment and everything was building up since that morning. I shouldn’t have said those words to you. You aren’t a monster. Will you forgive me?” you apologized as well.
As much as you wanted to bring a hand up to stroke the crest of his head, you stopped yourself. Baby steps. One thing slowly after another. Can’t rush this.
Mai prevented a sudden keen from sounding. This was a touchy moment. He didn’t need it to be more embarrassing for himself. “Yes,” he lowly whispers into the crook of your neck, refusing to move.
In all honesty, he loved this. Loved how soft you were pressed against him. Loved how you didn’t try to hide your neck; a vulnerable spot to you. Loved hearing your heartbeat quicken the longer he stayed glued to you. “Will you forgive me?” is what he asks.
“I do.” You are quick to respond, though barely trusting your own voice at the moment. As for touching him, you settle with a hand on his forearm. He doesn’t react in a outwardly manner.
The two of you stay like for an unknown amount of time. When you separated, Mai kept a hand on your shoulder and invaded your personal space as the two of you walked out. Not that minded he was so close.
Eyes soften and so do hearts.
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rei-ismyname · 20 days
Captain Fuck
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Nextwave is kinda wild. He just gets called the Captain, but would Captain America really beat him up for that? (Assuming he's not lying.)
Anyway, Captain Fuck. It has Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith) in it!
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superbeans89 · 1 year
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Subtle change to the graffiti at work. Imo it’s funnier now
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I have come up with a new word class!
I call them asshole words.
They are words that are rude because of their spelling or shape.
Let me give some examples:
1) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
The fear of long words.
2) Aibohphobia
The fear of palindromes.
3) Lisp
Try saying this one with a lisp.
4) Stutter
Again. Try saying this one with a stutter.
If you have any more then please send them my way.
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jessiesjaded · 1 year
Losing my mind at seeing Twitter Discourse where a girl talks about being a waitress and how sometimes people don't acknowledge her or reply to her at all when she speaks to them and how it feels dehumanising and all the people in the replies are like UM. SOME OF US HAVE /SOCIAL ANXIETY/ You're literally an evil person for wishing people would treat you with bare minimum decency :/ like idk how to tell you this but if a waitress asks how your evening is while she's taking you to your seat in a restaurant and you're gonna pretend saying "Fine, thank you" is a horrific arduous task like. Maybe you're just a massive cunt? Maybe you're just an insufferable fuckwit?
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ashipwreckcoast · 3 months
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calandrinon · 2 years
I work in what you might call a client facing role, and there are often kids around, and while Australia is a famously sweary country I don't want to come out with an absent-minded "fucksakes" in front of the kiddies. But swearing is fun and cathartic, so I figured i could just train myself to swear in other languages so nobody can tell what I'm saying.
So of course I went to do the research and, well.
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shadowkira · 5 months
I totally forgot about this! This woman is so fucking smitten:
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arttsuka · 6 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
last song I listened to: at the time I was tagged I think 'love crime' (that one song from the ending of the hannibal tv series) but at the time I'm actually posting this it was 'personal jesus' by Depeche Mode.
currently watching: the Saw movies (I only have 'Saw X' left and I'll be done with that), the spiderman movies (all of them, in no particular order). Also I'm trying to find the time to properly watch the star trek movies again.
currently reading: Nothing. I'm searching for a 'complete Sherlock Holmes' edition to read all the stories thought.
currently obsessed with: umm, nothing actually. I'm still really into star trek, lupin iii, sherlock holmes and a lot of other things (batman?) but I not hyperfixated in any of them in particular at the moment :/
favorite color: deep red, dark blue (with black/gray undertones), forest greens, yellow...
tagged by: @hope-of-enterprise thank you for tagging me, I have no idea if I did this correctly though (also I'm pretty sure this 'tag game' started as a chain of reblogs or something but got 'broken' along the way and I'm too lazy to track the original post)
tagging: I don't think I even know 9 people but here, let me try by tagging some people that I have actually interacted with. @yirima-chai , @sawbones4117 , @starrycrowz , @kaklord , @kabbage-potato , @purpleenma , @scummybee , @bakersttardis , @current-events-mc
If you've already been tagged in this uhh, ignore it I guess.
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undercoverossifrage · 6 months
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I love the little group of misfits we got to see at the beginning of book ten!
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adhd-languages · 9 months
When someone speaks a foreign language in public and I’m desperately trying not to stare like I’m sorry I’m not racist I just desperately want to hear the different vowel sounds you’re making. sorry.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
what i like especially about the pronouns in the goblin emperor is that this language doesn't just have the T-V distinction (aka informal vs. formal second-person pronouns, in this case 'thou' vs. 'you'), it also has informal and formal first-person pronouns. having BOTH of these distinctions in the same language lets you fine-tune your tone by mixing and matching. with only one axis of formality, when you use informal pronouns, are you being familiar in an intimate way, or in an insolent or dismissive way? when you use formal pronouns, are you being polite or standoffish? you can't tell just from the pronouns; there's ambiguity. but a language where you can use a formal first-person pronoun in the same sentence as an informal second-person pronoun allows you to distance yourself (via the formal first) while also being familiar (via the informal second), thereby achieving the conversational tenor known to linguists as Fuck Thee Specifically.
#just kidding i don't know what linguists call that tenor. or any tenors. i'm not totally positive what a tenor even is#but i can't let that stop me from writing a jokey post on tumblr dot com#register is a very interesting area of linguistics that i know very little about#so i'm probably revealing the depths of my vast ignorance here to all the sociolinguists who surely hang on my every word#but i've always thought of the formal/informal pronoun thing as being about two things: intimacy-distance & rudeness-politeness#and of course you can usually tell from context whether a formal pronoun is meant to indicate distance or politeness#(plus distance and politeness are related to each other (to various degrees depending on culture))#but it seems like it would be cool to have a built-in alignment chart of sorts just for pronoun combos#instead of prep jock nerd goth...why not try intimate self-effacing polite superior?#the goblin emperor#pronouns#register#sociolinguistics#my posts#f#anyway i know i said i wasn't going to reread the goblin emperor...but guess what. lol#and i edited my tags on that earlier post but fyi the language DOES distinguish between plural and formal singular pronouns#i had said i thought it used the same pronouns for plural and formal but i just wasn't paying close enough attention#so anyway i just reread the part where maia is talking to setheris in formal first and informal second#and you can see setheris going ohhh shit. oh shit oh shit oh shit#i'm in biiiiiig trouble#you sure are dude. that's the Time to Grovel signal#it's interesting because at the very beginning of the book when i first saw the formal first used i just thought it was the royal we#because i knew the main character was supposed to be royalty#but then EVERYONE was doing it. so it's not the royal we it's just the formal we#however. this does make me realize that the way the royal we would function in a language that retains the t-v distinction#is the same way i'm describing here. it's just reserving that particular tone (i'm better than you and am displeased with you)#for royalty only. which makes sense given royalty's whole deal
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reichenbachfalle · 17 days
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our circle of Hidden in Plain Sight from a few candela obscura one shots!! from left to right: knyazhich Veles Romanoff (occultist), Erin Wood (criminal), professor Erika Loveheart (....professor), Nadia Kshatri (explorer)
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(veles) "and then, miss wood, I tell him..." (miss wood) "shall we tell him..?" (nadia) "nah"
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
A Necessary Post - Yang, Taiyang & Seeing Red
I debated this being a message or a note or a reblog, but ultimately this warranted an essay. Because a hatred of nuance is not even remotely the reason why Tai is critiqued as a teacher or father.
With that fact in mind, let's begin:
During RWBY Volume 4, Episode 9: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back Taiyang has a great deal of critical feedback for Yang regarding her fighting style, personality & Semblance.
The issue is that Tai's words and advice when compared to what we saw on screen before & afterwards demonstrate he does not understand how it works or how she used it.
So here for your reading pleasure if a more or less line by line breakdown of Tai's advice and why I don't feel it holds up & more to the point, why I don't believe Yang utilized it.
Taiyang: Do you realize that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?
Yang rightfully points out that her using Burn is no different than anyone else using their Semblances. I would add that Yang's Semblance only serves to enhance her already present abilities with damage taken in a fight. So her not using it would be stupidly holding back extra energy for no reason.
Tai's critique also fails to register that when using her Semblance to take out FNKI, Yang specifically disrupted the ground so Neon could not skate effectively & used the boost in power to turn Flynt's own weapon against him.
I will be addressing Mercury further down but she used it effectively and intellectually here and to great effect.
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What's more, every other fights fighting style, weapons or both were literally built around their Semblances. Yang's threat level remains fairly consistent without her Semblance, all three of these other characters take a huge dip.
Taiyang: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum.
Ignoring that calling the manifestation of Yang's soul a temper tantrum is another in a long line if dickish things Tai says to Yang. Her Semblance literally does not work that way.
Her anger has jack and shit to do with it, this has been explained & demonstrated time and time again. Yang only gets a power boost when she's been injured, the fact she tends to be angry when using it is because being hurt sucks and she's usually in an intense fight. When the fight is going well and she still gets to use it she's not angry, as seen with a pleased smirk here:
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So as before, Tai's critique is bereft of any merit, Yang's Semblance does not work that way.
Taiyang: I'm serious! Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible!
Cite a time Yang thought she was invincible, cite it provably that Yang thought, said or indicated that she felt she was invincible. You can't because Yang never indicated as such this is something Tai is assuming about her at best.
& no her jumping in the Nevermore's mouth is not an example because she was not using her Semblance, did not take damage, it was a very effective strategy & seemingly either part of the plan, or was so easily understood that it could be safely and reliably worked into the plan. She wasn't using her Semblance here but finding evidence of risky behavior was hard, especially with her Semblance, go figure.
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In fact every time Yang used her Semblance she did so only because someone landed a blow, which just happens in fights sometimes.
Taiyang: It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired!
We know what happens when Yang misses, she can swing again!
After the first blow on the Paladin she missed & needed help to catch it, her missing had zero impact on her Semblances.
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As to what happens if they are stronger, um, she loses, that sometimes happens in fights. Its not something Yang can do anything about by holding back on extra strength. Not to quote Qrow but sometimes bad things happen. Other characters losing to stronger opponents don't get given this kind of diatribe's because its pointedly obvious that there was nothing to be done about it.
& on the final piece, she was very pointedly not weak and tired after using it. The only times she has been shown to be is when she was extremely low on Aura regardless in which cases not using her Semblance is a death sentence.
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So again, we've established Tai's critique comes from nowhere & his understanding of her Semblance is nonexistent.
Taiyang: But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head, and think before you act. Your Semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it.
This is so painfully unfair it hurts.
No other character gets this kind of shit for expressing emotions in combat. In fact we see characters expressing emotions in battle all the time. Nor has she stopped displaying emotions in combat:
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I already outlined how in all two of the Yang fights Tai actually witnessed she used strategy and retained excellent combat form. So again, baseless claims from Tai.
What's more, Yang primarily does use her Semblance as a fallback rather than rely on it in these fights. She only whipped it out against Mercury when he'd unleashed his seeming kill move on her and was confident he'd won.
Not using it here would be dumb and make no sense.
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Yang doesn't rely on it to save her, she deploys it when it makes sense to & she has the energy or the need. This is more than we see from many characters.
Taiyang: It won't always save you. Obviously.
So now he is critiquing her for a fight he didn't even witness & knows jack shit about. So let's break this down once again:
Yang has spent the last 24 hours questions her sanity.
Yang's new home (Her words) is burning down.
Yang's sister is missing in all this chaos.
Then Yang's partner gets fucking stabbed, and the guy who did it is standing between them with a sword & gun, with fire all over Grimm all around.
Anything Yang can do he can counter, she tries to go around he only has to pivot. If she tries to fire from long range she might hit Blake. She tries an earth shock wave, she launches Blake into the fire.
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She quite literally had no others options & zero time to try anything else because he can just shoot or stab Blake whenever he wants.
Taiyang: You definitely have your mom's stubbornness.
This, this right here is where all this is actually coming from. Tai is once again projecting Raven onto Yang despite them frankly having almost nothing in common.
With most of Yang's visible personality tells being inherited from Summer, such as the mother daughter shoulder check of V9. Thanks to chittychittyyangyang for the GIFs
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Or as outlined in some songs with Yang's side of the lyrics explicitly citing how she is trying to fill the Summer shaped void in their lives.
Like the smell of a rose on a summer's day, I will be there to take all your fears away.
Taiyang: Your mother was... a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults are what tore our team apart. And, it did a real number on our family.
Tai blames Raven for tearing their team apart. Save that by all accounts, barring her absence things seemed to be going fine. Qrow seemed to be present in their lives, Tai looked happy, the girls were happy & Summer at least seemed happy though we know she was covering up a lot of dread.
Keep in mind Tai is projecting Raven, the woman he blames for destroying the team and damaging the family onto his daughter who literally kept the family together after Summer died. Yang's established this, Ruby has established this, its canon.
Yang: I had to pick up the pieces. I had to keep things together. Alone. (pause) Weiss, if you have something to say, then say it. Ruby: If you thought we wouldn’t come for you, then you must’ve forgotten who raised me.
Tai was not the one holding that home or family together. Unless you think the writers are gonna randomly swerve & say both Yang & Ruby are big whiny liars for some utterly nonsensical reasons. So no, I don't take him seriously as a narrator or critique of Yang, I have no reason to.
But let's push on, because I'm not done.
Taiyang: You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. (pointing at Zwei) That strength is all that matters in a fight.
Ah yes, Raven, the woman famously known for thinking the easiest way to deal with an obstacles is to tackle it head on. That's why she spent years adorning herself in a Grimm helmet that hid her eyes & raised a False Maiden to serve as her body double.
A woman so inclined to rely on her own raw strength that when she was ambushed by Salem's forces she decided to trick them into an ambush.
Then when fighting Cinder and was at a disadvantage she freezes her in place while making Cinder think she is going on the offensive leaving her to be crushed by Stalactites & also utilized mind games to distract her & deal the finishing blow... Cos she only relies on strength.
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As to his final piece of advice I already address it up above, there was no way around Adam, the situation was fucked from the start.
Saying it was Yang's fault she was dismembered is no more than victim blaming, I stood by that in Volume 3 to to this day & beyond.
Taiyang: But if you just take a second look, then maybe you see... (walking toward her, stepping around Zwei) there's a way around as well.
But let's actually look at Seeing Red & if Yang listened to Tai's advice or if she not only ignored it but did the opposite of what he ordered.
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Let's see she goes in with open aggression & emotions, and also takes many blows rather than going 'around' them somehow.
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Yang, as if she were 'indestructible' outright tanks a massively charged up Aura beam for the purpose of increasing her strength.
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Then burns through all of her Aura & Semblance energies delivering one direct blow, relying on it to save her & leaving her weak & tired.
Or in other words, she:
Yang didn't miss, but we know that isn't a real issue anyway.
Yang used her Semblance to 'win' the fight & very much did rely on it to save her.
Yang expressed anger & many other emotions in the battle & still continues to does so.
Yang willingly took huge risks that involved her being able to take tons of damage rather than go "Around" the problem.
Yang knew Adam was likely stronger given it was 2 V1 but relied on her Semblance to get her out of that bind and she was in fact left weak and tired.
This is also the first time she has done several of these things, or otherwise demonstrated these traits, such as being left weak and tired or willingly tanking big attacks rather than just being hit by surprise or due to being overwhelmed.
I don't take Tai's advice seriously because none of it was accurate or aligned with the Semblance we saw in action or had described to us.
I don't trust Tai's opinion on Yang because his take on her is explicitly informed by Raven & not the Yang we spent four & then five more volumes getting to know.
I don't take Tai's words over Yang's, Ruby's or what we see on screen because Tai is at best a secondary or minor character & a recurring theme in RWBY is the failure of older generations.
These failures are not just in the past but how they have been consistently failing the next generation as the story is being told. There is zero reason to think Tai is some magic exception to this narrative trend when much more well explored characters like Maria, Qrow, Ozpin, Ironwood, Raven, and hell, Summer Rose are not.
& that is my stance on that, thanks for tuning in!
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Okay, I changed my blog name because I'm tired of the pro-paley squad thinking I'm Israeli (no offence meant, it's just not where I'm from and I have no idea what it's like). I talk about aboriginal issues too [North America]. Where I actually know what it's like to grow up, where I actually live, where I see issues here that need to be addressed. I can be a fully practicing Jew, from maternal lineage, but also be aboriginal, since it takes two people to make a baby, I am also half aboriginal. I am close to both parts of myself.
I am a proud Jew, I am a proud Cree Tribe member.
When people yell at you and you have no idea what to do or say because you have no experience, I needed to differentiate.
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