#Russia- Ukraine war
mysharona1987 · 9 months
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You just know the NYT has a “style guide” for this sort of thing.
Maybe someone there should get fed up and leak it.
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drsonnet · 7 months
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The last words of Aaron Bushnell before he set fire to himself outside the Israeli embassy in Washington - Free Palestine.
The original scene is true: capture photo from video shows #AaronBushnell sets fire while a policeman is pointing a gun at his burning body!! Cop went for gun instead of an extinguisher.
DrSonnet — #CNN #BBC #SKY #NYT,.... SPEAK UP. It's 2024, not... (tumblr.com)
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all…Free Palestine.” -Aaron Bushnell
"This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal"
-Aaron Bushnell
Shortly before his final act in this world, Bushnell posted the following message on #Facebook: "Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' "The answer is, you're doing it. Right now."
RIP Aaron Bushnell.. He decided to be a free man and not to be complicit in #GazaGenocide.. His last words were (Free #Palestine).
Photo credit: SOURCE: Krime Krime (@krime_1) / X (twitter.com)
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#RIPAaronBushnell #AaronBushnell
#Gaza #freePalestine #PalestineLivesMatter
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folklorespring · 4 months
If you want to support Ukrainians, DO NOT donate to Red Cross. Can't speak about their work in other countries, but they're useless in Ukraine. The only trustworthy international organisation I can think of is World Central Kitchen.
Donate to World Central Kitchen
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And it's even better to donate directly to Ukrainian organisations. Here are a few good legit places:
hospitallers.life - "Hospitallers", Ukrainian paramedics on the frontlines
savelife.in.ua - "Come Back Alive", assistance to the army
prytulafoundation.org - "Prytula Foundation", assistance to the army, humanitarian causes
starenki.com.ua - "Starenki", helping elderly people
everybodycan.com.ua - "Everybody Can", helping disabled children, elders and hospitals
uanimals.org - "UAnimals", saving animals
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eelo · 1 year
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odinsblog · 4 months
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Give 👏 Amal 👏 Clooney 👏 her 👏 roses 👏
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kashiomi-art · 5 months
Not gonna lie, my morale is at the lowest point it's been since the beginning of the invasion. Russians are successfully occupying more and more territories and shell frontline regions every day. People are dying, our culture and herritage is destroyed. International aid dwindled significantly because of american bullshit. Mobilization law has been signed and there is a chance that my family members get conscripted soon. Don't even get me started on internal political problems. A bunch of articles in foreign media talking about our defeat and "peace talks" (what a joke).
It feels like there were no at least moderately good news in a while. On top of that, the feeling that we are screaming into the void is stronger than ever. I'm happy when I see a foreigner online supporting us and spreading the word, because it gets rarer. Ukrainians feel like none of what's happening gets outside our info bubble. Most likely no one but Ukrainians will see this post either. Honestly don't know what to make of all of this.
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thyinum · 4 months
It's so wild to me to see under that Xiran Jay Zhao's post about the bombed ukrainian printing house comments like "I hope everyone is safe." And I get it, people are saying this out of kindness and pure consern, there's nothing wrong with it. It just shows how little coverage our war has abroad.
No, no one in Ukraine is safe. No one in that printing house was safe, in fact, 7 people died. No one in a huge hypermarket in Kharkiv on Saturday was safe, in fact, there were 18 killed and 48 injured. And all this happened in the span of only a few days.
No one is safe in territories occupied by russians because the whole family can get killed by refusing to give up their home to russian soldiers. And every time ukrainian army liberates some region, they find mass graves and torture chambers there.
No one is safe even far away from the front line and the border with russia, because missiles and drones fly all over Ukraine, and you never know when the next one will land on your house.
Hell, ukrainians aren't safe even abroad, because there's always a chance there will be some crazy russian or russian supporter who will decide to beat or kill us. And I'm not making this up.
I'm aware that I'm more safe than the people close to the front line and the border with russia or in occupied territories. I don't hear explosions every day, unlike my friend from Kharkiv. But that doesn't mean I'm completely safe. Missiles and drones fly by at least several times a week, especially at night, when I don't hear the sound of an air raid siren simply because I'm asleep. 
I am not safe.
My family is not safe.
My friends all over Ukraine are not safe.
We're not safe until russia is gone from our territories. That's why we need all that ammunition and aid. War won't magically stop if our allies stop sending us weapons; that's not how it works. We'll just be more unsafe, because russia won't stop unless it is forced to.
Here's ukrainian news sources you can follow that report daily:
United24: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter
Svidomi: Instagram, Twitter
WeAreUkraine: Instagram
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quintillionairetee · 1 year
How The Russia's War Has Wreaked Havoc On Innocent Ukrainians
The Russian-Ukrainian war is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. Millions of people have been displaced from their homes, and thousands have been killed. The war has also had a devastating impact on the country’s infrastructure, with hospitals, schools, and homes destroyed. A Ukranian woman in sorrow The war has also had a significant impact on the mental health of the Ukrainian people. Many…
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ultimatraditor · 3 months
Russian military has bombed the largest children's hospital in Ukraine
Okhmatdyt (Охматдит in Ukrainian is short for охорона материнства й дитинства = protection of motherhood and childhood) is known to most Ukrainians, even those who have never has children or have never been to Kyiv, as the main children treatment facility in the country.
In the morning of July the 8th, about 60% of the facility have been destroyed by a Russian missile Х-101.
As of now, it is known of at least two dead adults (one of them was a nephrologist at the hospital) and several injured children, and there still are people under the rubble (yes, including children). Lots of medical equipment has been destroyed, much of it cannot be found anywhere else in Ukraine.
The toxicology department is the most damaged one, which is also the location where children have been undergoing hemodialysis at the time of the strike. Many of the patients did not have the option of being transported to the bomb shelter promptly after the air raid alert, as they require intensive care treatment (such as kids on life support, lung ventilation, in sterile boxes etc.)
Patients are being evacuated to other hospitals around the country, rescue operation at the strike sight still underway.
In case any one of you is willing to help, I'm sharing a link to the Okhmatdyt charity fund (the page is in Ukrainian, but there are instructions for foreigners as well — please scroll until you see info in English).
I just have to add that it was a direct and deliberate strike — two other hospitals have been under attack that day as well (one in Kyiv too, and one in Dnipro).
May the good people of the world live in safety without fearing for the lives of their children, and may those who bomb children's hospitals answer for their crimes
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lengthofropes · 3 months
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Full article here: https://united24media.com/war-in-ukraine/ukrainian-hospitals-have-been-repeatedly-targeted-by-russia-the-latest-attack-is-not-a-coincidence-1134?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZnWizqUhHBRudALVzeWkIPQsBgove3zFFDPbzV-20BLrnXHEEL41C3rwE_aem_xleeCAq_D56UukWHzqXIdw
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suratan-zir · 20 days
If you're confused, don't know anything about Russia's war on Ukraine, and aren't sure which information to trust, you should know at least one thing:
Everything - everything - you see professionally filmed from within the Russian army, or that comes from Russian-annexed territories of Ukraine, must be approved by the Kremlin. A journalist or filmmaker cannot gain access to Russian-controlled areas without a green light from the Kremlin. Even if it seems apolitical or oppositional, even if the creators claim to be against Putin - if they were able to film professionally or over an extended period within Russian-controlled spaces, they got permission. Please keep that in mind.
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mylight-png · 5 months
You know how I know that the anti-Israel hate is deeply rooted in antisemitism, and not just "social justice" or whatever people are calling it right now?
Let me tell you a common situation I encounter:
So, being a college student away from home, I don't have a car here. This means that if I ever need to go anywhere, I need to get an Uber or Lyft or something along those lines.
I always tuck in my Bring Them Home tag, magen david, turn my "am Yisrael chai" pin to the inside of my clothes, etc. I hate doing it, but I have heard of violently antisemitic drivers, and I'd rather not risk it, considering I'm alone in the car with them.
Every time, I call my mom. It makes me safer to have someone on call. And every time, she makes the same two recommendations.
The first is to put in an address of a neighboring house for pickup, because the house I live in has my landlord's car out front, and his car has stickers in Hebrew on it.
The second is, if asked where I'm from, to say Russia. I don't get asked where I'm "really from" unless I'm with my parents usually (they both have strong accents). But it's a warning my mom repeats every time anyway. The choice of Russia isn't random, I was raised fluent and can back up the claim if need be with random knowledge. But I have never been to Russia, except for the airport once to catch a connecting flight to Israel. I was, however, born in Israel, and I've been there multiple times (unfortunately not since 2014 though). So to say I'm from Russia is a lie, and to say I'm from Israel is the truth.
Both are countries at war. Russia, unlike Israel, actually started the war. Unlike Israel, Russia actually does have a history of colonialism, genocide, imperialism, and worse.
So why is it safer for me to lie about being from an aggressor country than to tell the truth about being from a country caught in a war it didn't want?
Antisemitism. Anti-Russian hate crimes globally didn't spike, Russian women haven't been raped as "justice" for Ukraine. Russian businesses weren't commonly vandalized simply for being from Russia. Meanwhile, all of these things were done to Jews as a result of a war Israel did not start.
If this global response to the war wasn't antisemitism it would be equally safe or unsafe for me to give either answer.
But in reality, it's safer for me to lie about being from Russia than to tell the truth about being from Israel.
That's how I know it's antisemitism.
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folklorespring · 3 months
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Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv, Ukraine after russian missile attack.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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guhfis · 7 months
today, February 24, second year of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The tenth year of the war. A centurys of struggle. Thousands and thousands of killed and maimed people. Endless grief and pain. Fear and rage. If you have Ukrainian friends, support them today, this is a difficult day for all of us 🫂
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swemtpotamtam · 7 months
Tomorrow is gonna be the second anniversary of the invasion ruzzia launched against Ukraine, and the tenth anniversary of ruzzian aggression since 2014
Please, support us, keep talking about us, we are still being attacked and killed everyday
Make sure to donate to Come Back Alive, to Serhii Prytula, to any Ukrainian creative to keep us all afloat
War and genocide isn't a trend for social media, those are not some silly things for people to talk about and then forget once it's not "popular" anymore, those are actual atrocities that shouldn't even be a thing in the 21st century
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