fridgefanatic · 3 days
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some practice expressions I did of Penny in 2022
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bloodraven55 · 3 days
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holy shit this actually happened
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tawfiksatooom · 3 days
Thank you for your donation🫶🏻🫶🏻
I hope you will boost the link🍉.
There are only 5 days left for the PayPal Campaign end 😞
Please share & donation ♥️♥️
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Verified by : @el-shab-hussein & OOB LINE 238 🫶🏻
@sayruq @sar-soor @nabulsi @90-ghost @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @helppeople @tamamita @pcktknife
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pilot-boi · 3 days
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Atlas-era Nora and Penny fusion for @rwby-encrusted-blog
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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dummybirdnero · 1 day
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sir-adamus · 2 days
RWBY started as an amateur project made by a team who had never done anything like it before (Monty's previous animations had been fight scenes for the sake of fight scenes with nothing resembling a plot, and using characters from pre-existing properties. RT's previous output had primarily been comedy machinima, so primarily focus was on the comedic character writing because character and location design were all provided by the medium they were already working within), and only grew in quality and scope as time went on
detractors have always been entitled whiners who never treated it fairly, whether it be over the initial awkward animation (which was because it had a very limited budget, and, again, amateur production), voice acting (amateur production), that there was voice acting at all and it wasn't just non-stop contextless fight scenes (which would've gotten unbelievably dull both to watch and to make - and these people clearly ignored the small narrative and character moments that Monty had included in his previous work), that it wasn't full of adult humour and a comedy show like every other RT property (god forbid creatives branch out) and that it was intruding on anime space by evoking an anime artstyle but not being 'good' (elitist "thing: japan" weebs who think they're the arbitrators of what is and isn't anime and treat their subjective opinions as fact) - who all congealed together into a homogenous mass of obnoxious complaining after Monty died because they could use his absence as a cudgel to attack the show and the team over any aspect of it they didn't like (while pretending like they weren't the ones pissing and moaning like the show was holding them hostage through the first two volumes)
RWBY has always been the punching bag because people abjectly refuse to meet it where it's coming from (an amateur production) and get shirty when it doesn't meet their expectations of what it was going to be (when those expectations weren't the show's fault and weren't ever promised) and they've spent a fucking decade responding to the mere mention of it with bizarrely intense vitriol even when being apparently reasonable on all other topics
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Yang is still a pun-sexual.
Yang: Ah damn! Something’s in my eye!
Jaune: Are you okay?
Yang: Y-yeah. I already got out. It was just an eye lash. You know it’s funny, they’re suppose to keep things out of your eye, but they get in them more often than anything else.
Jaune: Don’t you mean it’s… *points to his eye* eyeronic?
Yang: …
Jaune: … 😀
Yang: …
Jaune: … 😁
Yang: *Suddenly wearing a wedding dress* Babies. Now.
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shiftythrifting · 1 day
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Found in a local thrift store in california
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juanarc-thethird · 2 days
Ready for our date?
Jaune: Ready for our date, pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Mhm, I even made a plan.
Jaune: Wow! Let me see
Pyrrha: *She gives him a piece of paper*
Jaune: *Reading it*
Step 1: Fuck the shit out of you
Step 2: Cuddle ur cute ass to sleep ♡
Jaune: *Looks at Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: *Smiling with the warmth of a thousand suns*
Jaune: A-Are you sure thi-
Pyrrha: *Interrupts him* Take off your pants
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phishcaek · 3 days
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Yang design adjustments and weapon rework
I liked the cable carrier idea for em but now that I'm making blake the one with chains n stuff I'm thinkin abt what if their gauntlets were kinda like turbines which exert thrust
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howi99 · 2 days
First time at the cafeteria
Jaune: *eating like a starved man*
_NPRRWBY: ....
Jaune: *looking up at them, gulping down the food with some orange juice* Oh uh... Sorry. My mom's not really the best at cooking anything other than sweet and my father can't taste anything so.... *Start eating again with twice the gusto*
Yang: Damn, where will those calories go?
Nora: *grinning* I WON'T GET OUTMATCHED! FOR I, NORA VALKYRIE, NEVER LOSE! *start eating as much as him*
Nora: *in the bathroom, sick* Uuugh, how did he ate that much? Why am i sick?
Ren: *deadpan* You ate 47 pancakes and only pancakes. What did you expect with so much sugar?
Nora: *being miserable*
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The Paladin of the Party
Weiss: Good gods...
Ruby: What's wrong, Weiss?
Weiss: In order for the four of us to continue adventuring, we have, *have* to have a paladin from the, Order of the Rusted Knight assigned to us.
Yang: What? Why do we have to do that?!
Weiss: Because my bastard son of a whore father said so.
Yang: Ahh...
Blake: That makes sense. Control freak whore...
Ruby: Well at least they're from the, Order of the Rusted Knight. Those guys actually know what they're doing unlike the, Order of Lamp.
Blake: You mean the, Order of the Drunkard! I swear I don't care what he says, but you're uncle is defiantly an honourary member at the least!
Yang: I'd place money on that.
Ruby: So we're just going to wait here for this, Paladin to show up?
Weiss: What else can we do?
Yang: Ditch 'em, and run?
Weiss: My father is helping financing our adventures. As loath as I am to say it, until we can get a better foothold to stand on our own, we need the money.
Ruby: Besides, some extra muscle wouldn't hurt, this Paladin could be the tank our team needs!
Yang: That will remain to be scene.
: Excuse me; but you four wouldn't happen to be Team RWBY, wouldn't you?
Ruby: Yes, that ussssss...?
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: Ahh good! Hello, my name is, Jaune Arcadia, of the house of Duke Achieus Arcadia. I am a member of the Holy Order of the Rusted Knight. And, at the behest of, Marquis Jacques Schnee I have been assigned to join your team. It is a pleasure to meet you~!
Ruby: Hello! My name is, Ruby Rose, I'm the leader of Team RWBY, and these are my teammates!
Yang: (Whistles~!) A dragonborn? Don't see many of your kind around here. My name is, Yang Xiao Long, this little twerps older sister, nice to meet you!
Jaune: A pleasure.
Blake: My name is, Blake. Blake Belladonna. If you don't mind me asking, what's a dukes son, much less a dragonborn doing in a, Holy Order.
Jaune: Oh a combination of noble obligation, and childhood dreams. And, you must be my sudo-ward, Weiss Schnee. Tis a pleasure to meet you.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: Weiss? Weiss!
Weiss: I'm fertile.
Ruby: WHAT?!
Blake: Well, now we know what, Weiss's type is...
Jaune: Haaa... Not again...
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tawfiksatooom · 13 hours
Please boost and donate generously⚠️⚠️.
‼️‼️Time is running out‼️‼️
only 3 days left for the PayPal campaign😞
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@el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @helppeople @northgazaupdates @90-ghost @tamamita @vakarians-babe please share
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superiorsturgeon · 2 days
Game Night
Blake: So, I guess we’re partnering up for game night?
Jaune: Yep! 😁
Blake: I’m surprised you didn’t want to be with Pyrrha since you’re married.
Jaune: Have you ever played with Pyrrha for game night?
Blake: …no?
Jaune: …ever been trapped in a closet with a rabid wolverine?
Game night two weeks ago…
Pyrrha: Tag! Got you, Jaune~! *tags Jaune with a forehead kiss* 😚💕
Jaune: Whoops! Guess you got me babe-what the hell?!
Pyrrha: *handcuffing Jaune to a cinder block* Good luck catching me, crap face! 😈
Pyrrha: Also, I love and treasure you~! 😘
Pyrrha: *runs away*
Jaune: WHAT?! 😰
Back in the present…
Jaune: I love Pyrrha, but she’s got a MASSIVE competitive streak.
Jaune: I thought I could use it to my advantage a while back, but in hindsight it wasn’t my best idea…
Jaune: Hey, Pyr! Remember that cool thing I did at game night a year ago?
Pyrrha: All I remember was you on your KNEES! 😝
Jaune: I was proposing!
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pilot-boi · 17 hours
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V8 Ruby and Cinder fusion for @bridgyrose
The goth ever. The mommy issues are astronomical. Welcome to the Black Parade is the anthem of her soul. My god this girl needs therapy
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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