nestastits · 2 months
You know Nesta really is HER.
She laughed at the children of the blessed.
She can see through Fae glamours and magic.
She told the human queens they were cowards.
She stole from the Cauldron.
She had the Cauldron, the most revered artifact of the fae that has the ability to create life and destroy everything by basically being the womb of the Mother, terrified of her to the point it went after anyone else but her.
She slapped her sister’s toxic fiancé in the face and told him he never deserved her anyway after he insulted her.
She scared off her baby sister’s toxic ex, told him off for his treatment of her sister, pointed her finger at him, and told him she’d rip his head off if he told anyone they were in spring.
She changed the entire trajectory of the books bc Sarah just couldn’t hate her
Sarah’s original plan was to have her with Lucien but the moment Nesta and Cassian saw each other it was a done deal and Sarah (basically the real life mother/cauldron) had to rewrite the books.
She did the math on how many ships the human lands would need in order to evacuate from the war.
She scared a death lord with her Made Sword
She can willed all three dread troves and has a special connection with them to the point of being able to portal them to her
She has a special connection to THE MOTHER. And a bargain with the Cauldron.
She’s been called a Death God, Kingslayer, Lady Death, Queen of Queens, Witch, Pillager of Death, Witch from Oorid, and Death Herself.
She is a Valkyrie and Oristian.
She encouraged some of the priestesses from the library (ones who have spent centuries in there without leaving) to join training by showing them there was nothing to fear.
She got a a usually disdainful blacksmith to smile with her inquisitiveness.
She marked the king with a death promise then beheaded him in the war when she got the chance. And held up his head in victory of her promise being acomplished.
She killed the first Kelpie seen in hundreds of years. Beheaded it and held it’s head in the same way.
She awoke a House and made it sentimental by befriending it with her magic.
She stabbed a man’s dick in the Blood Rite.
She led her team through the Blood Rite. Like any good General would do.
She held the line, giving up the chance of the win, so her found sisters could survive.
She spoke about becoming the leader of the first complete female fighting group in Prythian after five hundred years.
She had actual Death Gods speaking highly of her. Fearing her too.
The most powerful high lord in prythian feared her.
She unmade someone to avenge her mate. Her power stopped time when she unleashed it fully. She saved her sister, nephew, and brother-in-law all in the same morning after completing the blood rite. Gave up a fraction of her power for it, but made a bargain with the cauldron and spoke with the mother. Told her baby sister “I love you” for the first time, this was also the first time Nesta had ever said ily out loud to anyone. Decided that she wanted to have a mating ceremony. Hugged her brother-in-law after his mate and babe almost died even though they had some issues. Again all of this happened in the same morning.
She gave her Mask to an untrustworthy friend and by doing so saved both Prythian and Midgard. Perhaps other worlds and universes too.
She has infinite range👏👏👏
Please add anything that I left out! My girl has done so much I forget to list them all.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Hurt IV
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Morsa gets hurt
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You're sitting in the stands when it happens.
Momma's still not back in the squad so you're not sitting on the bench. You enjoy sitting on the bench more than sitting in the stands but at least you get to eat hotdogs in the stands so that's a win.
You're munching away when Morsa goes down. You stop chewing to stand up properly so you can see and you will Morsa to get back up.
She doesn't.
She just kind of rolls around on the ground clutching at her foot.
"What's wrong with Morsa?" You ask as if Momma would just know.
"It's okay," Momma says though her tight smile says she doesn't quite believe herself," Morsa's being a bit dramatic. She'll get back up, you'll see."
Only Morsa doesn't get back up.
She has to be helped off and you see a stretcher being prepared.
Momma takes your hand and walks you over to the barrier.
"Sam!" She calls out to Scottish Sam," Sam!"
Sam turns, getting up from the bench. She takes you as you're lifted over the barrier.
"Look after her, okay?" Momma hands her your bag. "I'll grab her in a bit."
"Go," Sam says," I've got her."
You're still in Sam's arms as you watch Momma sprint the opposite direction, to where Morsa's being loaded up onto a stretcher. She's crying and you kind of feel like crying too.
"Magda's strong," Sam says as she takes her seat back on the bench," She'll be okay."
"Morsa's crying," You reply bluntly," Don't lie. I'm not stupid."
Sam winces a little but you pay no attention because you stand up to see if you can catch a glimpse of Momma and Morsa. The stretcher is moving away now and they're holding hands.
You're glad that Morsa has Momma to look after her until you get there.
"Hey." Sam taps your leg. "Let's sit down, huh? You could fall."
You grunt in frustration but do as she says. You've no interest in the match anymore and grow a bit restless. You keep turning your head around, hoping to see Momma and Morsa returning but they never do.
Sam rummages through your bag to find something to entertain you.
"What is this?" She asks," A fancy straw? It's kind of big."
"That's my epipen," You say and Sam immediately drops it into your bag like it's burned her," Because Australian Sam gave me bad kiwi and I almost died. Momma makes sure I always have it."
Scottish Sam laughs uncomfortably. "Well...I'll make sure not to give you kiwi then."
"Or banana or avocado because those can kill me too." You think for a moment as your stomach rolls. "Is my Morsa dying?" Your bottom lip trembles. "Is that why she's not back yet?"
"No!" Sam says quickly, shaking her head firmly," She's just talking to the medics. They're very chatty. That's why they're taking so long."
You accept that Morsa's not dying but not really that the medics are chatty. You keep looking behind you all the way up until halftime.
Sam takes you back to the changing room but you dig your heels in all the way because you don't want Momma and Morsa to go back onto the pitch and not know where you've gone.
This whole situation is very worrying and you sullenly take refuge in Morsa's cubby because it's nice and small and smells just like her.
"Lea?" You ask as the woman mooches around nearby," When are my mummies coming back?"
She winces a little. "Sorry, kid," She says," I'm not too sure. Soon, though. It'll be soon."
You sigh a big sigh and huff, reaching out for Lea's hand as she gets ready to go back out. "Is my Morsa going to be okay?"
She winces again and pats you on the head. "She'll be just fine. She'll be back on her feet very soon."
In the second half, Sam has to go on so she hands you straight over to Sarah who has the unenviable job of watching you have a complete and utter breakdown.
You've decided that it's been too long, that Momma and Morsa have been away too long for Morsa to be just fine like the girls are telling you. You curl up into a little ball in your seat and sob.
Sarah looks like she's about to cry too as she wildly looks to the other girls on the bench for help before deciding that the best thing to do would be to pick you up.
It's pretty hard on her part because you won't uncurl from your protective ball and she kind of has to pace around with a little girl whose not willing to give her even an inch of help in it.
You stop crying when you hear Momma speak.
She's standing by the barrier.
"I can take her now," Momma says to Sarah," I'll take her back to see Magda."
"It's fine," Sarah lies," We've got everything under control."
"I'll take her," Momma insists," Magda's been asking for her."
"Oh, thank god," Sarah breathes out before holding you out for Momma to take along with your bag.
"Is Morsa okay?" You sniffle as Momma begins to walk back to where she disappeared too.
"She will be," Momma says," She's a little sad right now and she needs some Princesse cuddles to make her feel better. And I think some Morsa cuddles will make you feel better too."
You nod.
Morsa's still sitting on the stretcher when you arrive. She's not crying anymore but you can see where the tears use to be.
Momma settles you by Morsa's side and you look down to see her bandaged foot.
"What happened?"
"I hurt my foot," Morsa says. She crowds you into her space with a hand between your shoulders, allowing you to curl up properly against her as she rests her chin on the top of your head.
"Is it really bad?"
"I have to have surgery soon," Morsa says," But it'll be very quick."
You think for a moment before nodding, making sure to hug Morsa nice and tight so she knows that you're here for her.
"It'll be okay," You say," Because me and Momma are going to look after you."
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badwolfrose34 · 20 days
Girl in the Fireplace Rant (cont.)
There was at least some engagement on my last post about this so I decided I will in fact post a follow up. GitF was 100% a bad faith episode. Moffat wrote it because he is classist and misogynistic and hates Rose. Unfortunately, part of his purpose for the episode was to show that the Doctor will always prefer a “classy” aristocrat over Rose and he wanted to have her treated as nothing. So, all of us Rose fans have to come up with a headcanon that undermines the writer’s intentions.
I think the most common one is to believe the episode was the Doctor’s attempts to push Rose away because of her mortality and how that scares him.
That never worked for me because a major part of the Doctor’s character is his protectiveness. He would never push her away to the point of danger or abandonment. For me, I feel that fictional or not, the actions of the Doctor in that episode would be entirely unforgivable if they did happen. So my headcanon is that this episode was a nightmare Rose had.
If you are like me are also one of the fans for whom the pushing her away theory doesn’t work, read on for my explanation of why I don’t think GitF could be an actual event within canon. Moffat may be a BBC writer but it doesn’t give him a right to completely undermine the show, it doesn’t actually belong to anyone outside of financial concerns. If you’re content with believing he needed to push Rose away and that the episode did happen, you can ignore this.
Why the events GitF did not happen within canon (but could’ve happened as a nightmare)
1. Doctor Who canon is very loose as it is. With multiple writers across multiple mediums, things do contradict each other and us as fans get to decide for ourselves what fits with canon and what does not.
2. The Doctor has been clearly shown to be in love with Rose. He is protective of her to the point that if a decision will kill everyone else but give her even a slight chance of survival, he can’t actually make that decision. He almost did in Dalek, but after she didn’t get through the barricade the first time he was incapable of significantly reducing her safety for the good of everyone else. He snapped awake from a regeneration coma just because Rose said “help me”. He freaked out when Cassandra had her body and again in Tooth and Claw when she was in trouble. If you count Stone Rose that almost certainly took place before GitF and he once again, lost his mind over Rose being a statue.
I do understand seeing Sarah Jane age freaked him out. And I could’ve understood him distancing himself from Rose a bit in some way. But his instinct to protect her is so strong he’d never sacrifice her safety to push her away. Leaving her alone with clockwork for an extended period of time while he partied and invented drinks is impossible enough. Let alone the way he believed he’d have no way back to the ship when he went through the time window for the last time. Not only had he just promised she could spend the rest of her life with him, but her and Mickey would’ve likely died alone on that abandoned spaceship.
Simply, it’s just too out of character to happen within the rest of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors’ canon.
3. The horse. I have been a big horse person my entire life. Horses have extremely strong flight instincts. Even the most trusting and well trained horse in the world is never going to jump through reinforced glass. I do realize as Sci Fi fans we have to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. But we are never given an explanation as to why this horse would behave so dramatically differently from another horse. Every bizarre thing we accept in the DW universe is explained to some extent. There is a book where the Doctor tames a horse with psychic paper. But that horse is never asked to violate its instincts. That horse behaves as any other tame horse behaves. That is an example of acceptable DW suspension of belief. There is still a sci fi/alien technical explanation and I can absorb it. I cannot absorb a horse jumping through a firm glass window unless they were running from something even scarier. No matter how well trained a horse is, it’s not jumping through glass just because a humanoid asked them to. Nothing was chasing Arthur and his body language did not suggest any kind of fear to indicate he was running from something even scarier. All the droids were already in the other side of the window as well. It’s simply bizarre and impossible, even in a sci fi snow. Within this very show the Doctor states you can’t hypnotize someone beyond their survival instincts. I believe this applies to horses and a horse’s instincts is to avoid jumping through or into a reinforced barrier.
Next, we are given no explanation as to how this horse jumped through glass unscathed. Glass that was said to be so strong only a truck could break through. Horses are also extremely delicate and many have fatally injured themselves just playing in the paddock. Even for injuries not that extreme, every horse person knows that even small things result in giant vet bills.
Finally, it is once again grossly out of character for the Doctor to take a living animal and make them do something he previously calculated would required a truck.
4. Things are back to normal as if the episode never happened by the Rise of the Cybermen. If the Doctor had really developed feelings for another woman so strong that he would leave Rose for dead, then lost her, would he just be back to being the same old Doctor the very next episode? I doubt it. The Doctor is also a character known for holding on to guilt. Even if Reinette was mechanism to push Rose away, the way he abandoned her would’ve caused enough guilt he wouldn’t just be normal the very next episode. The show carries on as if Reinette never happened because Reinette never happened.
The only reference to that GitF is some clockwork droids in John Smith’s journal. Which could be explained by another encounter with the droids or by the Doctor looking at Rose’s mind to see the nightmare. Which would be an intimate enough moment to imprint on John Smith’s subconscious. The words “a girl in every fireplace” can once again refer to the Doctor seeing Rose’s nightmare or another off screen adventure entirely. There is no reference strong enough to confirm the actual events of GitF ever happened. The show functions exactly the same way without it. Because, it never happened.
5. The events of the show make perfect sense as a nightmare in Rose’s head. Take it from someone with a degree in psychology. Rose has abandonment wounds from Jimmy Stone. She also has abandonment wounds from her father dying when she was too young to understand it. School Reunion, the episode right before GitF triggers her abandonment wounds by making her see the Doctor has previously left companions and did not come back for them. It also makes her wonder if she is special to the Doctor. These doubts combined with her past trauma are a perfect recipe for her to have a bizarre nightmare where she gets abandoned in the most horrific way after the events of School Reunion.
I will leave you all with my fic where this was all a nightmare. Or you can write your own if you prefer. My point is that for those who feel the way I do about this episode, we do not have to accept the events as canon. We do not have to believe the Doctor has ever treated Rose this way except in her worst nightmares.
Update to address Deep Breath:
1. Doctor mentioned seeing clockwork droids before, but we know that the Doctor has many off screen adventures. He could’ve encountered the droids at any other point in his entire life besides GitF.
2. As for that episode stating the SS Madame De Pompadour existed, that still doesn’t confirm anything. There was a real life ship called the USS Queen of France. This was named for Marie Antoinette. Jackie dated a sailor once and Rose had a friend named Keisha whose brother was a sailor. This means Rose could’ve heard one of them discussing historical naval ships. This how she would imagine a ship named after Madame de Pompadour in the first place. She and the people who built the SS Madame de Pompadour and SS Marie Antoinette would’ve simply drawn inspiration from the same place. Also, there’s the fact that someone named a fictional ship Titan many years before Titanic ever existed.
Update 2: Rose was going to get an A level in French if she hadn’t run off with Jimmy. So she could’ve reasonably been familiar with some aspects of French history and able to imagine all of these things in a dream, even if it wasn’t a historically accurate dream, everyone knows weird things happen in dreams.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
I don't know if you are taking requests and I'm sorry if you aren't (feel free to ignore this message if you like), but I would like to ask something like the reader meeting Sarah for the first time. Joel talked to her about the reader and she doesn't know how to feel on a first date because she is the first woman Joel introduces her to. Thank you for your attention and I love your writing <3
Thank you so much, you're so sweet. 🥰🥰Love this idea nonnie. I hope you enjoy. 😉
Head Over Heels
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, PinV sex, breeding kink, talks about the future, cursing, fluff, meeting Sarah for first time, admission of feelings.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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You could get used to this. 
Sitting on the couch, cosying up to Joel as you both watch one of his favourite movies. You weren’t sure what exactly he’d thrown on and to be honest you didn’t care. All that mattered was that you were both together. 
“Not fallin’ asleep are ya darlin’?” He asked, the rumble of his voice stirring you from where you were nestled on his chest. 
“Would I ever?” You teased and his fingers moved up over your hip to pinch your ass. A small yelp passed your lips, and he couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, you are in for it now, Miller,” you laugh as you sit back and glide your hands under his arms, tickling him.  He wriggles beneath you as he laughs hysterically. 
“Stop…please…” he begs as he continues to laugh. “I’m beggin’ ya…. please darlin’.”
You pull your hands from under his arms and let them slide down his torso. His gaze meets yours and you suck in a breath at the way he’s staring at you. Like you're the only thing that matters in the world. Obviously, you know that’s not true, Sarah is his priority but maybe you’re a close second? 
“I love you, baby,” he breathes out and you swear your heart has stopped. He loves you. It’s the first time he’s ever said those words in the eleven months you’ve been dating. 
Of course, you’d hoped he felt that way, had even suspected it from the way he treats you but to actually hear those words fall from his lips, it was like you’d died and gone to heaven. 
“I-I love you too, I…”
“I want you to meet Sarah,” the words had fallen from his lips so fast your heart stuttered. “What?!” You gasp. 
He takes your hands in his and rubs his thumb against your skin soothingly. “We’ve been…. I mean we’re together a year next week and I….I love you so fuckin’ much baby and I want to introduce you to my baby girl. What d’ya say?” 
His eyes shift between your own waiting for an answer but all you can think about is how your heart is going to burst from your chest. “You said you don’t introduce women to her, that you’d only do it if…. if it meant something…. I….”
You bite your lip, and you look at him with a smile on your face. You can feel your skin heating and when he places his hand on your cheek, you release a breath.
“I did say that, and it’s true. I’ve never introduced anyone to her before, never wanted to. Baby, I’m madly in love with you and I want the two most important people in my life to meet.” 
His brown eyes are gazing at you as if you held all the answers to the questions in the universe, as if he could see straight into your soul. A sob escapes your plush lips as a single tear runs down along your cheek. “Yeah, ok. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah?” He asks, his voice low as he beams down at you. You nod and then his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. “We’ll have dinner over at mine next weekend. I’ll cook. Now,” he says as he slouches back on the couch, pulling you with him. “Let’s finish the movie.”
Sitting at the table eating breakfast, Joel plays with the food on his plate. He’s nervous. He wants to introduce you to Sarah, to have her meet you because he feels it deep in his bones that you're his one. 
“What’s going on?” The sound of his daughter's voice startles him from his thoughts, and he turns to look at her. “Hmm?” 
“I said, what’s going on? You seem distracted this mornin’.” She places her knife and fork on the table and turns in her chair to face him. 
“How’d you know somethin’s going on?” He asks as he takes a gulp from his coffee mug. Sarah raises her eyebrow at him. 
“Alright. Ok, you win. I’ve been seein’ someone.” He chances a look at his daughter to gauge her reaction only to find her smiling at him. “What?” He asks. 
“You honestly thought I didn’t know? You’re not very subtle dad.”
“What are ya talkin’ bout. I’m subtle.” Sarah laughs as she places a hand on his arm. “Yeah. Subtle as a sledgehammer more like.”
“Hey now, I can be subtle.”
“Hmm Hmm. Whatever you say, dad.”
“Anyway, as I was sayin’, I’ve been seein’ someone, and I want to introduce her to you. She’s uh, she’s…I really like her. Hell, I love her and I think it’s about time you two meet. What d’ya say?”
Sarah stares at him and he can see she’s having a battle inside her head. “It’s alright. Forget I said anythin’.” He continues to eat his breakfast when Sarah touches his arm again. 
“Dad, I’m sorry. Don’t mind me. I’m just- it’s just you’ve never brought anyone home before and I’m worried.”
“Hey now, what are you worried about baby girl?” He holds her hand, rubbing it with his thumb soothingly. 
“What if she doesn’t like me? Or she pretends to and then once she moves in here with us decides she doesn’t want me here.” Sarah rambles and Joel can’t help but smile. 
“Baby girl, you know you are always gonna be my number one. Ain’t no one ever gonna change that, ok? If you meet her and it doesn’t work out or you don’t like her, then I’ll end it.” 
Joel’s heart clenches at the thought of ending it with you. It would break his fucking heart but if you and Sarah don’t get along, then that’s what’s gonna happen. Even if it kills him. 
“Ok. When were you thinkin’?” She asks as she pulls her hand from Joel’s and continues to eat breakfast. 
“This weekend. Was hoping to have her come here and I’ll cook dinner for us all.” 
“You’re gonna cook? This I gotta see,” she says with a laugh. 
“Hey,” he nudges her with his elbow, a playful smile on his face. “I can cook.”
“Yep. Sure you can.” Sarah stands dropping her plate in the sink before making her way back upstairs. 
Joel sits back in his chair and rubs his hand down his face. “Fuck. I can’t cook for shit.” What the hell was he gonna do? 
You were nervous, fiddling with the strap of your bag as you pushed the doorbell and waited with bated breath. 
Not two minutes later, Joel was opening the door with a huge smile on his face as his eyes took you in. “Damn, baby. You look fuckin’ hot in that dress.”
He leans in, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you close as kisses you softly. “It’s not too much?” You ask nervously.
He shakes his head. “It’s perfect, baby.” He smiles down at you as he closes the door behind you and just when he’s about to lean in and kiss you again, the sound of the fire alarm blaring startles you both. 
“Shit.” He curses before running off towards the kitchen. You stare after him with a smile on your face and then a creak on the stairs has you turning your head. 
“I told you to order take out. Better hope you can salvage it before…. oh,” the girl says a little startled and you can only assume from how closely she resembles Joel, that this is Sarah. 
“Hi,” you say with a wave of your hand. “I’m Y/N, you must be Sarah. I’ve heard so much about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
She stands still with her eyes trained on you and you can feel anxiety begin to bubble inside you. Oh shit. She hates me already. 
Suddenly she’s making her way down the stairs towards you with a shy smile on her face. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you too. Dads been a nervous wreck all day.”
“I can imagine.” The sound of pots banging and a slew of curses coming from the kitchen draws both your attention and you turn to face each other before bursting into laughter. 
“Think maybe we should go help him out. What d’ya say?” You ask, eyes shining brightly at the girl you hope will one day become your step daughter. 
“Most definitely. I told him not to cook, he’s never been overly good at it but he insisted. Think he wanted to make a good impression on you.”
“I don’t know why, I’m already madly in love with him,” you blurt out and when Sarah stops in her tracks you worry you’ve said the wrong thing. 
“You love him?” She asks, a hint of hope in her voice. 
You nod your head sheepishly. “I do. If
I’m being honest, I’ve been in love with him from the first date.” Sarah doesn’t say anything as she turns away from you, but you catch the smile on her face. 
“We’re here to help,” you say as you walk into the kitchen, Sarah standing beside you. His eyes meet yours and you want to laugh at how adorable and flustered he looks. 
“I-I don’t know what happened…” he huffs out a frustrated breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh god it’s really bad, he only does that when he’s really stressed,”’you whisper to Sarah and she nods in agreement, the faint hint of a smile on her face. 
“How about I cook us something?” You ask as you move towards him, reaching out and wrapping your arms around his waist. “I can’t ask you to do that. I said I’d cook for us.” 
“I know, but I don’t mind, baby,” you say softly as you run your fingers through his hair. He releases a contented sigh and closes his eyes at the feeling of your fingers in his hair. 
“If you’re sure?” He looks down at you with eyes full of love and gratitude. “Positive.”
“Can I help?” You turn to find Sarah staring at you both with a huge smile on her face. “Sure,” you say as you pull away from Joel and slap him on the ass. 
“Why don’t you set the table and we’ll cook something up.” He raises his eyebrow at you, a cheeky smirk on his face. “You’re gonna regret that later, baby,” he whispers in your ear before turning and making his way to the table. 
“Ok,” you say, clapping your hands together as you look around at the mess. “First things first, let’s clean up your dads mess and then we can see what is left to work with.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Sarah says as she empties the burnt pot into the bin.” 
Joel takes a seat at the table, watching as you and Sarah work together to make dinner and he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face.
His heart swells as he watches the two of you laughing and joking, both getting on like a house on fire, something he had been so nervous about since he met you. Wondering if the both of you would get along. Hoping you would because he didn’t know if he had the strength to keep his promise to Sarah, to break up with you if things didn’t work out tonight. 
As far as he was concerned, you were the love of his life. The woman he was going to marry and start a family with. The woman he was going to grow old with. He’d even bought the ring. Hidden away in his sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment. 
“Dinners up,” you shout startling him from his thoughts and he sits up smiling as you carry over the plates of food. 
Sarah joins you both at the table and turns to her dad with a smile. “We made a stir fry. Y/N used the steak that was left, and we found some veg in the fridge.”
“Well, it smells delicious. Thank you.” He beams as he reaches across the table to pull Sarah into a tight hug. 
You smile at them and your heart flutters at how much they love each other. Joel is such a great dad. You hope that Sarah has warmed to you, and that Joel might consider settling down with you. 
Everything is riding on tonight. You can just feel it in your bones. Joel had told you before that if Sarah didn’t get along with the woman in his life that the relationship would have to end. God, you don’t want it to end. 
“That was amazing,” Sarah says as she finishes off her food. “You are an amazing cook, Y/N. Maybe you could teach my dad some simple dishes, or better yet, you could come live with us and then I’d always have nice meals all the time.” She says with a laugh but stops abruptly once she realises what she’s said. 
Her eyes drift to Joel but she finds him staring at you with googly eyes, a happy contented smile on his face as he holds your hand in his. She knows at that moment that she could never ask her dad to give you up, not that she had planned to anyway. You were amazing and perfect for him. 
“I really like her,” Sarah whispers as you grab the popcorn from the microwave. Joel’s gaze drifts from her to you and back again. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. She’s amazing, dad. I feel silly now for ever being worried. I’ve only known her a few hours and I know already that she’d never come between us or want rid of me. If you ever want her to move in, I’d be ok with it.” She shrugs her shoulders and Joel smiles down at her as he squeezes her shoulder. 
“Ok. I’m ready. Let’s turn it on,” you say as you sit back on the couch and snuggle into Joel’s side. “Don’t you two fall asleep now, ya hear?” 
“We won’t,” you say in unison as you wink over at Sarah who’s curled into Joel’s other side. Within ten minutes you hear soft snores coming from the other side of the couch and you lift your head to find Sarah fast asleep on her dad. 
“Every time. Are my movies that borin’?” He tilts his head in your direction, his fingers running along the length of your arm. “Maybe just a little,” you tease. 
Sitting up he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips. “I’m gonna lift her up to bed and then I'll be back, ok?” You nod at him as he stands and gently lifts Sarah into his arms. 
“Be down in a second.” You smile at him as he walks towards the stairs carrying Sarah close to his chest. Maybe I should get going, you think to yourself as you begin to tidy up. 
“Hey, what are ya doin’ baby?” He asks as he walks up to you in the kitchen, arms winding around your waist. 
“Just tidying up before I go.” His eyes drift from yours to your lips and back again. “Was thinkin’ maybe you could stay, ya know, the night.”
“You askin’ me to sleep with you Miller?” You tease, running your finger along the seam of his bottom lip. 
“I am. So, what d’ya say baby? Want to stay over and sleep in my bed tonight?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you can’t help the laugh that escapes past your lips. 
“I would love to be in your bed tonight baby. So, we gonna go now or do you wanna fuck me right here?” 
He groans loudly into your neck as his lips kiss a trail along your skin. “As much as I love the sound of that, I don’t think my back would let me.”
“You’re not that old, Joel.” You gasp as his teeth bite into your neck, a wave of slick pooling in your panties. 
“Old enough, baby. Now, I need to get you to my bed because I need to be inside you.” He pulls back and places his hands on either side of your cheeks as he pulls you into a searing kiss. 
Grabbing your hand, he leads you towards his room as quietly as he can. Once he has you inside, he quickly closes and locks the door before pulling you against him, kissing you passionately as he walks you back towards his bed. 
His hands pull and grab as he quickly removes both your clothes before laying you back on his bed. His lips leave a trail of kisses along the skin of your thigh and it’s clear what his intentions are, but you don’t have time for that, not with how horny you are.
“Joel, please. Not tonight, I need you, now,” you plead as you pull him close, his body flush with yours as he nestles himself between your thighs. 
“You sure, baby?” He asks as he runs the tip of his cock along your slick. You nod frantically because you’re unable to speak. 
“Need you to say it baby.” 
“Please Joel, I need you inside me. Just fuck me already…. oh god,” you gasp as he rolls his hips, sheathing himself inside you. His hand comes to cover your mouth as he stares down at you with lust blown eyes. 
“Gotta be quiet, baby. Don't want to wake Sarah.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continues to thrust into you, the thick length of his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re so damn tight…. made for me….so good….god I love you,” he groans as his grip on your hips tightens. 
He can feel your cunt flutter around him, and he knows you’re about to come so he kisses you roughly, swallowing your moans. 
“Oh god…. Joel…. fuck,” you breathe raggedly as he begins to pick up the pace.
“Fuck baby…. I’m close…..I’m gonna…..can I-can I cum inside you….please…” he begs, practically feral at the thought of spilling inside you and watching you grow round with his baby. 
“Inside…fuck…. cum inside, please. I want it Joel…want you to fill me up…”
He groans into the curve of your neck as he thrust once more before he spills inside. He slumps on top of you and you both stay like that for a little while. 
His head resting on your chest and your fingers running through his hair until you can feel the weight of sleep take hold.
 “M’just gonna get somethin’ to clean you up baby. Be right back,” he says as he pulls out of you, kissing you softly before he hops off the bed and grabs a washcloth.
 He’s gentle with his touch as he cleans you up, and then he’s handing you one of his t-shirts to sleep in. “Thanks baby,” you say softly, throwing it on and snuggling under the duvet. 
Joel throws on  pyjama bottoms and slips into bed behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. 
“Think it’s safe to say that Sarah likes you, baby,” Joel whispers into the shell of your ear. 
“Well, I really like her. She’s amazing, Joel. You did a great job with her. You should be so proud of yourself because it’s not easy.” 
He’s quiet. And you worry you’ve offended him somehow until his grip on you tightens. ���I love you so much baby. You’re it for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, baby. Just me, you, and Sarah.”
“You can’t forget about Tommy,” you tease, and he pulls your face towards him, kissing you softly. “Couldn’t forget about him, even if we tried. And maybe…. maybe we could have a baby of our own. Ya know…if you want of course, I’m just sayin’ it would be ....”
You turn in his arms and quieten him with your lips. “I’d love to have a baby with you, Miller.”
“Yeah?” His expression is soft, and you honestly can’t believe that this man is so perfect, and that he’s completely yours. 
“Yeah. Our own little family of four. And Tommy.” 
“Sounds like heaven.” He whispers as he snuggles closer. After a few minutes you hear his breathing even out and you thank whatever god brought him into your life. 
“Sounds like heaven indeed."
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac   @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 months
The Naughty Nanny Chapter 2
Summary:  Bucky had a lovechild from a one night stand.  He barely even remembered it, and was surprised to find a baby on his doorstep 9 months later.  But one look at that little girl and he knew she was his and that he’d die for her.  The only problem was, he knew nothing about babies, and being an Avenger meant he couldn’t just drop everything and be a dad full time.  Then he found the perfect nanny…or so he thought.
**In this universe Steve never left, Tony never died.** **curvy reader** Warnings: talk of sexual harassment, unwanted/non-consensual touching/sexual assault, eventual smut
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“Stupid…fucking…UGH!”  Y/N grunted as she plopped down hard onto the stool in front of the vanity mirror.  She tugged her tall heels off and threw them down on the ground, then pulled the dollar bills from every nook and cranny on her body that she had tucked them into.
“Don’t tell me, he’s here again,” Tiffany, a fellow dancer, sighed and rolled her eyes as she applied more lipstick in the mirror next to her.
“Yes,” Y/N said curtly.  She turned to her mirror and started wiping off her makeup harshly.  “I’m done.  I can’t do this anymore.”
“Officially this time?” Tiffany gave her an unimpressed look.
“Yes, officially.  You just missed the screaming match I had with Benny,” Y/N said, flashing a triumphant smile.  “I quit.”
“Girl, good for you.  Get out of here.  He’s been hounding you for months.  Save yourself,” Tiffany congratulated her with a proud smile.  “What are you going to do now though?”
“I’ve been sending out my resume to a bunch of places.  I got a message from a company about a nannying job.  My interview is tomorrow morning,” Y/N rattled off as she finished wiping off her excessive makeup and shoved her things into her bag.
“You didn’t put this place down did you?” Tiffany asked incredulously.
“Are you crazy?” Y/N laughed.  
Tiffany laughed with her.  “Did you cash out?” she asked as she stood when her cue rang through the backstage intercom.
“Yep.  And hey,” Y/N stood and reached out for a hug.  Tiffany smiled and embraced her.  “You should get out of here, too.  Or go apply somewhere else.  This place isn’t worth it.  He’s not worth it.  It’s not…safe.”
“I know, I’m working on it,” Tiffany said and gave her one final squeeze.  “Text me how your interview goes.”
“I will,” Y/N agreed and hefted her bag onto her shoulder.  “Good luck.”
Bucky was up early and ready to go.  He handed Winnie off to Steve so he could finally watch the interviews with potential nannies.  The interviewing process was taking months, with Tony insisting on extensive background checks and finding “the best of the best” as he called it.  Bucky was needed on certain missions, and desperately needed help at night to get the rest for said missions.  Pepper was the head of HR so she would be conducting interviews, while he and Sam watched in the next room with a reflective window between them.
“How many interviews are there?” Sam asked, settling into his chair and opening a bag of candy.
“Eight,” Bucky answered, settling himself down as well while thumbing through the folders of the candidates.
“Ugh, what a great day it’s gonna be,” Sam groaned.
“You don’t have to stay and watch,” Bucky shot back at him.
“I’m an uncle, I know what’s needed for good childcare,” Sam said.
“Sure.  Weren’t you the one who lost Cass at Coney Island a few weeks ago?” Bucky replied.
Sam narrowed his eyes.  “He was perfectly safe.”
“And lost.  At a huge outdoor amusement park.  In New York City.  I wonder how Sarah–”
“Hey!  You said you’d keep quiet!” Sam admonished, throwing a few pieces of candy at him.
Bucky caught one and popped it in his mouth.  “Keep it up, Birdman, and she’s gonna learn about AJ trying out your wings.”  Sam glared at him and sat back quietly.  “That’s what I thought, ‘uncle of the year,’” he smiled mischievously.  
Pepper stepped into the next room with a young man and had him sit down.  “Man whatever.  It’s starting,” Sam griped as he watched the interview.
Bucky was bored by the third interview.  He’d read each candidate’s profile and reviewed their background checks thoroughly, but so far each of them just didn’t seem to have what he was looking for.  He wasn’t even sure what he wanted, just someone who seemed like they could take care of Winnie but also care for her personally.  
“Lucky number seven,” Sam chimed as Pepper shook a woman’s hand.
Bucky looked up from the folder and did a double take.  The woman had a wide, pleasant smile, her plump cheeks making her eyes squint.  She was short next to Pepper’s tall frame, and plus size, her curves slightly jiggling as she walked and took a seat across from her.  She was beautiful and exuded a confidence and self-assurance that made him watch her more carefully.  
“And how do you pronounce your name?”  Pepper asked.
“Y/N,” she answered.  He even liked her voice, soft spoken but firm.  
“She’s pretty,” Sam remarked, seeing the look on Bucky’s face.
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed quietly, leaning forward in his chair.
Pepper asked her a number of questions.  “So it says here you got your degree in early childhood education with a minor in music, you were working in a daycare for about ten years, and all your daycare certifications are still up to date.  Is there a reason for your gap in employment on your resume?”  Pepper inquired.
“Yes, I, uh…” Y/N paused, looking down at her hands.  The confident facade slightly slipped as she bit her lip hesitantly.  “I was looking after my mother for a few years, and taking whatever odd jobs I could.  When she died I couldn’t find anything in child care again.  Everything was full.  The job market has been rough the last few years since the Blip,” she replied.  She met Pepper’s stare.  “I’m going to be completely honest with you because, well,” she gestured to the facility around her.  “You guys either know already or will find out.  Um…I was working at a burlesque club before this.”
Sam sputtered, looking down at her folder again.  Bucky’s eyes widened.  Pepper showed no sign of surprise.  “Really?” she asked.  
“Yes.  I’ve always loved the art of burlesque and thought I’d give it a try.  That being said, it was a toxic work environment and I felt unsafe, so I started applying to other places.  I understand if that pulls me out of the running, since it’s not exactly a very ‘upscale’ type of job to have, or could cast a not-so-pleasant light on an institution like the Avengers–”
“Not necessarily,” Pepper chuckled.  “I mean, we have the likes of Tony Stark here, so it’s not that scandalous.”
“True!” Y/N laughed.  “No offense to your husband, of course.”
“None taken,” Pepper laughed with her.  “Of course I’m just the middle man, the parent looking for childcare will make the final decision.”
“Of course,” Y/N agreed, her eyes flicking to the glass behind Pepper.  Bucky almost flinched, realizing she knew someone was watching.
“Otherwise, your resume looks good, and I have no other questions.  We’ll reach out to you with a decision by the end of the week,” Pepper said as she stood.
Y/N quickly stood with her, offering another smile and shaking her hand.  “Thank you.  I look forward to hearing from you.”
As she left the room she looked back at the window and flashed a knowing smile, waving at the people she couldn’t see.  Bucky almost waved back but stopped himself.  “Huh, I like her,” Sam said as he watched her leave.  
“Me, too,” Bucky said, a small smirk growing on his face.
@angelbabyyy99 @capswife @julvrs @bellabarnes1378 @mostlymarvelgirl @mega-kittyglitter-1 @buckitostan @drdbnkl2008 @wintrsoldrluvr @danzer8705
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sometimes I see David Tennant's face in Doctor Who as he monologues about time travel/immortality/the eternal loneliness and I go...that's him. that's my rotten lil guy. my wretched wreck of a dude. wreckage in humanoid form. the lonely divine corrupted by himself forgiven by himself made by himself made by his companions made by the universe. horrible and horrifying and far too human and not human enough. the worst thing to ever happen to so many (Martha, Adelaide, Astrid, everyone else who flashed through that whole montage thanks to Davros). a corrupter. a corruption. a cleansing. a man carved out of grief and love and pathos and hatred and grudges and forgiveness who can only make the worst decisions with the best, most selfish of intentions. a man who loved until he lost everything. a man, more than any other doctor, who should never be left alone, and yet he dies alone, with the shortest regeneration speech of any doctor. desperately lonely, desperately tragic, a disaster of a man who is too careless with everything and everyone around him.
And yet I care about him so much, because he is also the man who at the end of it all, after he lost everyone and everything he held dear, after he lost rose and donna and sarah jane and jack and martha and mickey left him and he was more alone than he's ever been, he does the right thing. the kind thing. he stops the time lords from descending on the earth. he once again gives up his people because he understands that the Time Lords Victorious cannot and should not ever be the way to go. he steps in and he saves wilfred mott. he lets himself become the doctor once again. he doesn't want to go, but instead of taking that one final step into godhood, he gives his next self a chance at being a better doctor than he ever could be.
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alexxness · 11 days
A thread on how I'd portray Gravity Falls x The Last of Us (Part 1) [I was bored last night]
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This post is based on @eerizon recent Gravity Falls x TLOU drawing :P
First of all, the artist above totally saw my (and everyone else's) vision, bc I also thought about this idea, but I wanted to wait for someone else to draw it
So now, I'm just gonna write down who would be who in this universe just for fun (feel free to drop your own ideas too)
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Starting off with: Stan as Joel
It's logical and makes total sense!!
Two father figures who lost someone in their lives get attached to some who didn't have good impressions at first, and protects them with their lives
I'm still trying to figure who'd be Sarah though..
Dipper and Mabel as Ellie
I'd like to highlight Mabel the most, bc it also makes sense that Stan gets more attached to her, and later saves her from her death at the hospital (which means she'd be the one immune to the infection)
As for Dipper, he'd be most important for Part 2
Dipper could be the one figuring out that Stan broke the siblings' trust/promise, when he discovers that he lied about Mabel being useless to the cure of the infection
He'd also get revenge for Stan's death as well
For obvious reasons, Ford would be Tommy
Their relationship with their brothers is very similar, and I'm pretty darn sure that Ford would do the exact same thing that Tommy did when Joel died
They're extremely good shots, and ✨ survivors ✨
Eda (from The Owl House) as Tess is an interesting idea, and I love it
The fact that Eda gets infected, is a pretty good replacement for her curse, and I just love that concept rahhhh
I ain't 100% sure, but I think Wendy as Bill could be an interesting idea
She's a survivalist, and she would absolutely rule making traps like Bill's
Frank could be one of her exes or something, idk haven't thought enough about it yet 😭
This is another one I haven't thought through at 100%, but once again, Fiddleford as Maria could also be a cool concept
Sure, who wouldn't want a partner telling all the probabilities of things that could happen if this and that occurred, right?
Took me a while to figure this one out... This wouldn't be a sibling situation, but a partner one--
I think Blubs as Henry and Durland as Sam is sad, but also an interesting idea
It's a dark turn to take for these two sillies, and I'm sorry for this :(
[Human]Bill would be David for sure (but he wouldn't be a PDFFile omgoshh)
The simple logic is bc he tricks both Dipper and Mabel, and tries to kill them to feed his gang
(which he technically does this during Weirdmageddon [he offers Dipper as a snack to 8-Ball and Teeth])
Blind Ivan would be the perfect fit for Marlene
This basically makes the Society of the Blind Eye, the new Fireflies, which is actually pretty cool
Pacifica would probably take Riley's role
She's besties with the twins, and wants to be free from her parents (as usual)
Who's gonna kiss her later at the abandoned mall?? Dipper or Mabel? You decide!!
Unfortunately yeah, she gets infected-- And she's never seen again :'D
And for last but not least... Bud as Jerry
Seems like a logical reason, right?? Kinda makes sense...
Hmm... I wonder who's going after Stan after this...
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And that's it for my Part 1 ideas!!
I can drop your opinions/ideas, I'll be happy to read them and discuss with all of you!!
I might make a post about Part 2 eventually, so stay tuned if you're interested
Have a good day/night, everyone!!
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 4 months
watch my video boi 🧌. transcript 👇🏾
the issue at hand here isn’t sarah as a white woman writing a white female character. the issue is sarah as a white woman making intentional writing choices that place her bipoc coded characters in positions of servitude, whether as a literal position of service such as handmaidens and servants or under a metaphorical purpose where either a part or the whole of their existence in the story is to further the development of their white counterparts.
nuala and cerridwen only exist in the story as servants to rhysand and by extension the inner circle. they cook for them, making entire dinners that they don’t get to eat at. they work for them as spies, they care for elain. these are all positions of servitude.
the point you make of only seeing racial issues in fantasy because they exist in real life is, well yes! stories do not exist in a vacuum where real world connections can’t be drawn because all stories are made by real world people, with real world backgrounds and real world biases. biases that show up in the stories they create. racial issues exist in fantasy because fantasy is created by people who know what racial issues are, and sarah is no exception. in fact, she uses racial issues as plot points in her stories, with no sensitivity, of course.
slavery is a construct that exists in all three of her series and a slavery is a racial issue, so pointing out the racism literally baked into her work isn’t looking and reaching for problems that don’t exist. race is a social issue in all her universes because she makes it a social issue in all her universes. simply switch out humans with black people and people of color, and the fae, high fae, magical creatures in positions of power are white.
it is racist the way sarah write her bipoc coded characters, and i really, truly want to emphasize that. there are no ifs, ands, buts, urms, urhs, that’s not the way she meant its, about it. it is racist, point black and period.
moving on to nehemia, you say she fought and died for her country but that is not the reason for her murder that the plot at large emphasizes the most. at every turn in the story past crown of midnight, nehemia’s death is discussed as the plot point that furthered aelin’s character. it is heavily implied that she orchestrated her own death because aelin wouldn’t act against the oppressive power over their world and she was prophesized to.
it has been a really long time since i read of throne of glass but i cannot recall any mention of nehemia’s death that did not tie back to how it made aelin feel, how it was what spurred her into action, made her overcome her cowardice. the narrative never mourns nehemia’s death as the loss of an individual person, the loss of a great mind, the loss of a princess to largely enslaved nation.
nehemia is mourned as aelin’s loss. her murder is set as somethings that happens to aelin. nehemia didn’t simply die, it is aelin’s best friend that was killed. she serves only to further aelin’s character.
if the main message readers were supposed to take away from her death was how she fought for her country until the very end, why do we hear nothing concrete about how ellywe reacts to their princess’ homocide. why is nothing on page about how ellywe mourned a member of their royal family? because nehemia didn’t die for her country, she died so aelin, a white character, could start fighting against tyranny.
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buddiesmutslut · 3 months
Somebody write Green Arrow Buddie bc my brain won’t STFU about it but I don’t have the time 😭🤣
Buck - Oliver Queen (bc I want Chris in this universe, & don’t see a way to do that with Eddie as Oliver)
Eddie - I really want Eddie to be his bodyguard, even if that’s not how they do it in the show. I feel like Oliver Queen/Eddie & Felicity Smoke/Buck could work, but idk, I don’t see Eddie “Technophobe” Diaz working in IT 🤣
Obviously Athena is the cop, Maddie is Thea.
I have no idea who Laurel or Sarah are bc Sarah & Thea are my FAVORITE people in that show & I don’t feel like I connected with any of the female LI’s in the way necessary to cast them as Sarah Lance, White Canary & leader of the Time Gang 😩
Get that confusing divorced/estranged relationship that Diggle & his wife had with Eddie & Shannon (without them getting together again tho, bc this is a Buddie fic & Eddie & Shannon were not meant to stay married in any universe 🙅🏻‍♀️)
Connor can be Tommy & die in the 2nd episode or whatever it was, idc.
Margaret Buckley will never be Moira Queen, & I can honestly see Philip Buckley trying to save his own ass instead of sacrificing himself for Buck, so maybe Buck comes back & is all vigilante because of his shitty dad, instead of for him, ykwim? So obviously Bobby is around somehow & he and Athena are the parents Buck deserves. (Nobody dies tho, that’s very important to me 🤣)
Idk. I haven’t seen Arrow in forever, but my brain was yelling about it this morning. I feel like it would only work for the first season or two, before they start doing crossovers & fighting aliens and shit bc then it would just be too complicated 😅
Tumblr writers, pls take this from me 🙏🙏
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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The Stolen Earth/Journey's End and Day of the Doctor tied. These are the 12 stories that were closest to making it through and so have been given a second chance
synopses and propaganda under the cut
The End of the World
The Ninth Doctor takes his new companion, Rose Tyler, to the year 5,000,000,000 to see the sun expand and destroy the Earth. The observation deck space station, Platform One, is holding an event with the richest beings of the time observing the Earth's destruction, but mysterious metal spiders gifted by the Adherents of the Repeated Meme to the other guests are secretly infiltrating and sabotaging the station.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Father’s Day
Pete Alan Tyler, the father of Rose and husband of Jackie, died on 7 November 1987, the day of Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clark's wedding. Rose was just a baby at the time, Jackie told the young Rose that nobody was there for Pete when he died and that the hit-and-run driver was never found...
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The Runaway Bride
Killer Santas, exploding baubles, an alien spaceship shaped like a giant star — Christmas with the Tenth Doctor is anything but a silent night...
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The Tenth Doctor takes Martha Jones to New Earth, in the far future, only to find that the entire city has become a deadly trap.
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The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
When Earth and twenty-six other planets are stolen and taken to the Medusa Cascade and the Doctor is nowhere in sight, it's up to the combined forces of UNIT, Torchwood, Sarah-Jane and Rose to fight off the thieves, who only have one thing to say to the resistance: "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
I will never get over the woman who thinks she's nothing being the most important person in the universe, and the huge loss she suffered immediately after. So bright and so dark at the same time. So much happiness and so much sadness. Excellently done 10/10 (NikMONSTER)
The Eleventh Hour
After a literally explosive regeneration, the brand new Eleventh Doctor survives a crash-landing to Earth. However, he has little time to recover. With a mysterious crack in a little girl's wall and a missing alien prisoner, the Doctor is in for an adventure. However, with the TARDIS damaged and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, can the Doctor capture the rogue alien before its jailers burn Earth to a crisp?
Omg i love this ep so much.  It was the absolute perfect way to introduce the new doctor to the show; Matt had some big shoes to fill after David but he did so perfectly in this episode.  All of the other doctors I had to get used to, and I especially thought I’d have to following my fav ten, but i immediately fell in love with 11 with this episode. I also feel like this was a great plot overall and I loved both Amy and Rory in it. (@lavenderlace16 )
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
The enigmatic River Song hurtles back into the Eleventh Doctor's life, but she's not the only familiar face returning — the Weeping Angels are back! Following River's calling card, the Doctor is recruited to help track down the last of the Angels, which has escaped from the Byzantium starliner and into the terrifying Maze of the Dead.
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Amy’s Choice
It has been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Eleventh Doctor. However, when he arrives by accident and they have a reunion, Amy is left questioning what is real. Is she actually living with her husband Rory in Leadworth, 2015, or is she still travelling with Rory and the Doctor in the TARDIS? Which is real and which is fake? Dream or reality? Only one thing is clear: it's Amy's choice.
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The Doctor’s Wife
The Eleventh Doctor receives a message from an old Time Lord friend. The message brings him, Rory Williams and Amy Pond to another universe where they meet an alien who eats TARDISes.
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The Girl Who Waited
The Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams and Amy Pond land on Apalapucia in the middle of a plague. Amy is left behind, and the Doctor and Rory must save her...but time for Amy is running at a different speed.
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The God Complex
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory investigate a hotel of horror where repeat business is low but the body count is high, where a mighty monster stalks the corridors and the rooms hold visions of angels, apes, and creepy clowns. Who — or what — has brought them to this place? Can the Doctor solve the mystery before the residents check out in grisly style?
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The Day of the Doctor
The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th-anniversary special. In the 21st century, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space, an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.
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baby-alien11 · 6 months
Y/N Ulrich Universe First Anniversary
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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She got the title of the 'Ghostface Princess' when she started to do content of Scream on social media
The title of 'Serpent Princess' was because the cast f Riverdale started to call her that during filming and interviews
While rehearsing for Carrie: The Musical, she was Chris Hargenssen while Spencer, her boyfriend at the time, was playing Tommy Ross, and during one rehearsal, she pulled the rope with the bucket (empty) and accidentally hit him in the back, he was okay, only a bruise for a few days (they broke up in january because he moved to Iowa)
The one sided feud with Kira started because she thought Y/N last name was weird and funny, until she found out who was her father
Sometimes when she doesn't have space in her room or closet, she uses her siblings room as storage room
She knows how to play piano
Her favorite book series is PJO and The Selection
Her favorite fashion houses are Vivienne Westwood and D&G
She became a TS fan during 2011 after seeing the music video of Our Song, and the rest is history, she has been to three tours: 1989 with her family and friend group, the Rep Stadium Tour again with family and friend group, and recently to The Eras Tour with Jack
The first horror movie she saw wasn't Scream, it was Alien
Her first kiss was with Sarah, before entering high school they were talking on how both of them haven't had their fisrt kiss yet, so they decided to kiss so that way they didn't regret having it with some other person
She already knows that when her wedding day comes, the song for the dad-daughter dance is going to be 'Never Grow Up' by TS or 'Slipping Through My Fingers' fom ABBA, Skeet agreed to that because the songs makes him emotional
She was in the teather club since elementary school, participating in Beauty and the Beast as Plumette, Grease as Sandy, The Little Mermaid as Vanessa, Matilda as Matilda, Bring It On as Eva, Hairspray as Penny, Les Mis as Cosette, West Side Story as Graziela, Carrie The Musical as Chris Hargenssen, her last role was going to be Sophie in Mamma Mia until pandemic started
Once a year, Y/N and her siblings have a small golf competition
Her first fashion campaign was with Kate Spade at 14
One ime during the filming of Scream VI, Melissa and Xavier adopted her for a day having a family day
The first thing she bought with her first salary as a Riverdale extra was her Prada nylon purse and bobba tea
(This is going to hurt) Luke Perry was like a second father to her, when Skeet had to film a violent scene, he would always distract her, helping her with homework or things like that, also attending her school plays, so when he died, she didn't left her room for a week because she coulnd't stop crying,even if the memorial was held at the Ulrich household, and when TS released evermore, she did a cover of Marjorie in his honor that she posted on Tik Tok
Her favorite movie is Corpse Bride, and always cries during the Emily song and the final scene
Her campaigns with brands include Pretty Little Thing, H&M, Coach, Hot Topic, Kate Spade, Killstar, Rare Beauty, Nyx, Charlotte Tilbury, alo, BaiBai Jewerly, Oh Polly, Tous, Armani, Club L London, Petco (ft Tatum), Dolls Kill, Cloe, KitchenAid
Her fashion icons are Zendaya, Cher, Princess Diana, Rihanna, Audrey Hepburn, Lewis Hamilton, Bratz, Monster High, Nicole Kidman, Blake Lively, Marilyn Monroe, Salma Hayek, Grace Kelly, Anne Hathaway
The love for VFX make up started when Skeet was telling her BTS facts about Scream, and it considelating during season two of Riverdale while helping with Cole Sprouse make up at the end of season two when he is beaten up by the Ghoulies
Besides the Southside Serpents leather jacket, she has a Vixens uniform (and all the variations), a Bulldogs football shirt, a Jughead beanie, a Pops uniform, Pussycats ears, a S shirt, letterman jacket, a Pretty Poisons jacket, and a 'Farm' shirt
Due to having family in NASCAR and with interest on racing, she learnt to drive at fourteen, and also knows how a motorcycle works
She (as almost everyone), had an 'all black clothes' phase, until she missed combining it with colorful clothes
Her favorite youtube horror cannels are dead meat and CZsWorld, and non-horror are uncarley, WatchMojo and Ms Mojo, Wait in the Wings, Spill Sesh, haylo hayley, Tea Spill
After meeting Jack, the song that she started to hear in her head was 'Enchanted'
Her first Ghostface mask was gifted by Wes Craven, after Skeet called him to tell him she watched the movies, the next week she recieved the mask with a handwritten letter
A F1 driver tried to hit on her two days after her 18 birthday, she left him on read (we all know who was at this point)
As almost every nepo baby, she got a bit of hate when she started to be a public figure, but ignored them, until they started to talk about her relationship with Jack and she couldn't ignore them
She knows all the Riverdale musical numbers and coreographies from season one to season five episode three
Since becoming best friends Y/N, Sarah and Abby anways practiced coreographies during sleepovers, the last time they presented them, where at the halloween party doing Sexy by Mean Girls Musical, Vigilante Shit by TS (chairs included) and Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia (ABBA)
Her favorite F1 teams are RB, Mercedes and Ferrari and drivers are Sergio 'Checo' Pérez, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Michael and Mick Schumacher, Max Verstappen, Dorianne Pin, Abbi Pulling, Pierre Gasly, Niki Lauda, Alex Albon, Yuki Tsonuda, Carlos Sainz Jr, Charles Leclerc, and queen Susie Wolff, and has extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire
Her phone case is the Casetify snake one, she just changes it depending on the model of phone she uses
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
Thank you, Anon (who I sneakily suspect to be @eljeebee forwarding the SQOTD Anon 😉) and @nocturnalazure for the same ask (on the same day 😊). ❤️
Here's a list of very random facts about my student bunch and two bonus characters. Some things may be known to some already, but I think most can be considered obscure. It is, of course, an essay. Because I'm simply never a woman of few words, especially when it comes to blabbing about my characters. 😊
James wrote his first original song at age 8. It was titled "Parent-Free World", and sometimes he still hums it absentmindedly. He bites his nails when he's nervous and the only place he "self-services" is in the shower because that's the least messy.
Sarah has been considering breast reduction surgery because she has back pain often. She and James developed "twin language" as toddlers and still remember and use some words.
Daniel secretly hoped he would have siblings, but it wasn't on the cards. This made him closer to James and Sarah, though. He's on the verge of failing university. Not because he's not smart enough but because the lectures bore him. His learning style is more visual and kinesthetic, and the University caters more towards auditory learners.
Jill sometimes remembers smidges of a past she can't really place and is convinced these are memories from a previous life. She knows all the songs from High School Musical by heart, but she doesn't tell a soul about this because she's embarrassed.
Seth is extremely intelligent and is a member of Mensa. He doesn't want to be cocky, so he hardly mentions it. He avidly plays D&D online, and his character, a sorcerer, is named Zeno Morningsteam.
Sadie is a wonderful singer and has a great musical ear, but it bothers her that she doesn't know how to play an instrument. She has a tiny birthmark somewhere on her body shaped like a heart (when seen up close). Her parents' marriage is going through stormy weather, but they hide this from their children (for now).
Rachel does yoga every day. She secretly liked it when Sadie spent every night with James because, as much as she loves Sadie, sharing her personal space with someone every night is very demanding for her. She's written seven chapters to a fantasy story, but this is a well-kept secret. If she tells someone about it, they may want to read it! 😱
Finn has a nut allergy. This was discovered when he was three years old and had to be rushed to hospital after sneaking a taste of Nutella. After his hospitalisation, "know what you eat" became a huge topic in the Richardson household, and this is actually what inspired Jill to want to become a chef. Since lots of food contains traces of nuts, Finn is very careful what he eats and always checks the packaging.
***Bonus characters (since they're fresh on everyone's mind)***
Joshua actually hasn't sworn off religion like his sister Martha has. He still has faith but is finding his own way. His crush on Joel is slowly fading, but he's happy about this. He hopes to find love soon but knows this is difficult in a small town. He ordered a free information booklet from The Rainbow Alliance entitled "Boys." which very openly and very detailed (in drawings) explains anything and everything boys who like boys need to know. It left him extremely flustered, but it's also his favourite thing to read now. 🤫
Morgan named Jonah after the love of her life, Jonas, who died in a car crash many years ago. Morgan has a subscription to OMGYES. Aside from writing, she has another creative passion: playing the violin. She's very good at it too. She's not looking for a relationship right now, life is too busy as it is.
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elliespuns · 3 months
I gotta ask, do you think joel would be into being called daddy lol. Or actually, would you be able to make a poll of this 👀 i gotta know what the people think! My take is young joel would be more into it than post outbreak joel, but it'd only be an occasional thing for both lol.
Well, I'm getting this question a lot, and I usually avoid it because I never really cared about this topic, but since you're asking, hun... I think he'd always have to think about Sarah and how she'd call him that.
I know people love the idea of him liking it, and maybe he would (before Sarah), but if we keep canon in check, I think it would be highly unlikely? 
I mean, there are fathers and fathers. Some would deal with their loss of a daughter by indulging in kinky sex, and maybe they'd even like this, but I don't think Joel would be this kind of father. 
It surely is an interesting part of fandom because, considering this, I wonder whether the fics people write about Joel liking being called "daddy" during sex are about canon Joel or Joel that has nothing to do with the fact he lost his daughter.
A poll is actually not a bad idea, because I wonder what people think too! Let's try it.
Now I'm really curious.
Please respect that this is just a "survey" concerning a topic a lot of us are very curious about and not a thread that allows people to start hating.
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mendessi · 2 years
iii. the stars
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When the Star appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling inspired. It brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time. pairing: joel miller x fem!reader
summary: you're figuring out life after the outbreak but can't stop thinking about what life was like before
word count: 2.5k
warnings: canon typical violence, both pre and post outbreak day (there are flashbacks), mentions of death, fluff?, mentions of sex, insinuation of sex, flashbacks in italics, no use of y/n
author's note: sorry i didn't post yesterday, i underestimated how busy my week would be ):
minors DNI
You, Joel and Tommy had been camping in the woods after leaving a triage clinic shortly after Outbreak Day. You both had wounds that needed to be tended to, your's worse than his. You still had to wear sling sometimes to manage the pain from your shoulder being dislocated and being shot twice in the arm. It was hard to tell how much time had gone by but you didn't care. You weren't even sure if trying to survive was worth it anymore if this was the world you'd be living in. You didn't know where you were going or what the plan was. Tommy and Joel had explained it to you a million times, however you couldn't pay attention long enough to hear it.
Ever since outbreak day and losing Sarah, you weren't there. You were there physically but your mind was always somewhere else. Joel and Tommy did their best to support you and remind you that they were there, but they knew that the chaos had been a lot on you. You tried to be there for Joel, knowing that he had lost his only child but you were stuck hating yourself for being the reason that she had died.
Joel didn't and never would blame you for what happened. You tried but saving her wasn't a possibility. He knew it was eating you from the inside out and wanted to do anything to make you realize that it wasn't your fault.
"We'll set up here for the night." Tommy said after examining the clearing in the woods. They set their backpacks down and pulled out their sleeping bags and you did the same. "I'll take first watch."
After leaving the triage clinic you were lucky enough to find a camper that had yet to be rummaged through and found enough supplies to last a few weeks and enough sleeping bags for each of you. You didn't know what to grab so Joel packed yours for you.
You lay in the dark, no fire present and turned your back to face them. You pulled the blanket as tightly as you could around your body and stared into the clearing of trees, a shiver running down your spine.
Time passed and eventually you could hear both of the boys snoring. You crawled from your sleeping bag and sat against a tree, pulling your blanket over your chest. Tommy was typically really good at taking watch and never fell asleep, so he must've really needed the rest. You didn't mind taking watch, nothing ever happened when they were sleeping and it was only fair you do your part.
"C'mere." You turned your head to Joel who was holding his sleeping bag open, gesturing for you to join him. A few hours must've passed of you being on watch and you could tell because the moon had changed position in the sky. You grabbed your blanket and snuck into the sleeping bag with him laying on your back and looking up at the stars through the clearing.
"Why are you up?" He asked you. His voice was groggy as he had just woken up.
"My turn for watch." You replied.
"Lay with me." He mumbled into your hair and you could tell he was already falling back asleep. He rolled onto his side and draped his arm across your waist causing you to tense up. The idea of being touched made you uneasy since outbreak day, even by Joel, but you allowed it because you knew that he needed it in order to stay sane. Everyday you questioned why he still wanted to be with you when you had killed his daughter.
You looked up at the night sky with a short sigh and closed your eyes.
"You wanna go camping?" You asked with a laugh.
"Sarah wants to go and I think it'd be fun if you joined." Joel said taking your hand. "One more little trip before she goes back to school."
"If Sarah wants to go that's fine with me." You said. "You're lucky I already took the weekend off."
Joel had came to visit you at work on his lunch break which was a nice occasion because he never had time to see you during the day. He had brought both of you Whataburger which you loved because that was what you had eaten on your first date. Not ideal but the circumstances called for it.
It seemed like the world was against the two of you having your first official date. You had planned for a nice dinner on the lake but a major accident had happened and the ER got slammed so you had to stay late and missed your reservation. He offered to order take out and you'd just watch a movie at his place that way you could meet him after work. However when you finally got off your car wouldn't start and it was almost midnight, but the two of you were determined to make your date happen that night. After weeks of scheduling conflicts you agreed if your date didn't happen that night, it wouldn't happen at all. Joel drove into the city and picked you up and by the time you had gotten close to his place both of you were starving and the only thing open was Whataburger. You ordered a plethora of food and ended up parking by the lake and sitting in the bed of his truck looking at the stars.
That Friday you helped load up the truck and you and The Millers were off to Wimberly, Texas just an hour south of Austin. When you arrived the sun was already beginning to set and the boys were gathering things to make a fire.
You and Sarah sat on the edge of the lake as you and her took turns reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to each other, which had just been released a couple of weeks before. You and her were obsessed with the books and they had just started adapting the books to movies which you both loved.
"Look at you two nerds." Tommy said, sitting in front of you and Sarah. He took the book from your hands and put on the most horrible British accent you've ever heard. "'Give her hell from us, Peeves.' The hell is a Peeves?"
Sarah snickered and took the book from him, bookmarking the page you were at, "That's just because we can read and you can't."
You burst into laughter and turned to Joel who was also laughing at his daughter's sassy comment.
"That's all her, she didn't get that attitude from me." Joel pointed at you and you held your hands up in defense.
"Hey, I've only been around for barely a year, don't blame that on me."
"You know we love you, Uncle Tommy." She smiled and shut the book, glancing over at you.
"Sometimes." You nodded.
"Harassment. This is called harassment." Tommy stood up and made his way to his brother as you and Sarah burst into another fit of laughter.
You spent the weekend swimming in the lake, swinging off of the rope and at one point diving off a small cliff. You even had driven into the small town with Sarah and tried on what seemed like a million dresses at a small boutique. You hiked and went canoeing and did pretty much anything you could think of. Each night you sat around the bonfire and read Harry Potter with Sarah and by the end of the weekend you had Tommy hooked despite him not reading any of the books prior. You knew he'd never go back and read the series but he made you both promise that you'd show him the first two movies when you got back into town.
Sarah and Tommy both crawled into their tents on the last night, but you and Joel snuck down to where the truck was parked at the edge of the lake with your blankets and crawled into the bed.
You had brought a copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower down and were reading it to him. He never listened when you read aloud, he simply stared at you, watching as the words fell from your lips. You could be speaking gibberish, but he just loved to observe you, take in your appearance and wonder how he got lucky to have someone as beautiful as you.
"I'm dating a nerd." He said with a small smile once you finished the chapter and closed the book. He couldn't recall what had just happened in the book, but he'd always remember the way the moon was reflected in your eyes.
"Just because I read doesn't mean I'm a nerd." You said as you both got cozy under the blankets. "Me being a nerd got me through nursing school."
"You're turning my daughter and brother into nerds too." He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You both looked up at the stars that were never this clear due to the light pollution of the city.
"I wish they looked like this in Austin." You said with a sigh. "I'd lay here forever just looking at them."
"Yeah." He wasn't paying attention to the scars, but instead was fixated on you.
"I think that's the big dipper, but I don't know. Maybe I should've brought a book or a guide or something. I will next time." You said, unaware of the fact that he was staring at you with tiniest hint of a smile.
He looked at you as you looked at the stars and something clicked in his head. You were a bookworm, sure, but you were giving and warm. It took you awhile but once you opened up to him you, he saw a completely different side of you. No matter what dark times he had, you always managed to brighten his world. You made Sarah happy and safe and you loved her like your own even though you'd only been together a little less than a year. You'd become an inseparable part of his life and there was nothing more he wanted in the world than you. He knew it for a long time, he just never knew how to say it or if what he felt was even it, but it all fell into place at that moment.
You looked over at him and your cheeks warmed up at the smile he had on his lips, "What are you looking at?"
"I love you," he said for the first time.
You sat up and looked down at him, "What?"
You hadn't meant for that to be your reaction, you just weren't expecting it. You had loved Joel for a long time a couple of months into your relationship and you were waiting for him to say it first. You knew this was his first relationship since Sarah's mom and maybe just maybe he was a little closed off because of it. But you could tell the second he fell hard for you, the second he realized that he might love you. You didn't push him, you just waited til he was ready to say it. You didn't think that'd be now.
"I love you today, tomorrow, next month, next year, I'd love you in the next life if there is one. As long as I live I am yours." He said. His voice was low and his hand was on your thigh as you looked at him. "I love you and maybe it's taken me a little too long to realize it but you're the one I intend to grow old with. My days would not be complete without you."
"Joel," you rested your hand over his, your eyes nearly brimming with tears. Joel was never the sappy type even around you, but listening him put his love into words sounded like the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said. "I love you, too."
"You do?" He asked, but he knew the answer. He knew there was no way you didn't love him.
"Duh." You cupped his cheeks and leaned in to kiss him. His hands gripped your waist and pulled you towards him as he leaned you on to your back sliding his hands up your shirt. "I've been waiting for you to say it." You mumbled against his lips as he smiled and kissed your nose.
That night was your favorite night with Joel Miller. Every second was filled with passion and love and you knew you'd never forget it. The polaroid in your pocket would never let you forget it either. You put your hair into a bun as the both of you walked back towards your camp hand in hand, giggly and shushing each other to try not to wake Sarah and Tommy for they'd definitely know the two of you had just slept together in the bed of the truck.
Everyone would always tell you that since you met Joel he had hung stars in your eyes, but you put the universe in his.
"Joel." You whispered, looking over at him.
"Hm?" His eyes were closed but he still responded.
"Do you still love me?" You asked and his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly.
"Of course I do. Why would you ask that?" He stared down at you in disbelief that you'd even ask that.
You take a few moments to respond as a million thoughts try to leave your mouth at once. The first one that makes it out is, "I'm sorry about, Sarah."
Joel's face softens and you feel bad for bringing her up. Nobody has spoken of her since you buried her in the woods. It's a tough subject for all you, so it's best to pretend that it never happened at all.
"That wasn't your fault, baby. You have to know that." He said, resting his hand on your thigh.
"I don't want to pretend like she never existed." You sit up and look down at your lap.
"We won't. We won't." He said, tilting your chin to look into your eyes.
"She was your daughter and she's not here anymore and I let her die." Your voice cracks as tears start streaming down your face.
"There was nothing you could've done." He said. His hands cupped your cheeks as you looked up at him. "It's just us now. We gotta make this work. We gotta figure it out."
"I know. I know." You nodded.
"I love you and nothin will change that. Not now, not ever." He rested his forehead against yours and shut his eyes, taking a moment to breathe. Finally talking about Sarah was hard on him, but he knew he needed to no matter how much he wanted to keep his feelings bottled up. "Sarah's gone. She was mine but she was also yours. We move day by day until we figure it out and we do it for her."
You nodded your head and he kissed you softly before pulling you into a hug, holding you tightly against his chest as he rocked gently. You clutched the fabric of his shirt as you both lay down under his sleeping bag. You snuggled into his warmth listening to his heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall of his chest, the combination putting you to sleep.
Joel stayed awake to keep watch, but he kept you in his arms. You and Tommy were all he had left. They were gonna fight and do whatever it took to keep you alive and safe. No ifs ands or buts.
So long as you were breathing with a heartbeat, you were his reason for living.
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dumbingofage · 2 years
how long have you known mike was going to die? was that a tough decision to make? did you sacrifice him for the sake of the plot/other characters' development, or was there another reason he had to go? he's my favorite out of all your characters, and after he died i went and reread all of shortpacked just to cope, haha. and now i want to know everything about your thought process re: killing him. if you have the time!
Mike never really fit in very well in Dumbing of Age? There was always somebody who'd be better, narratively, delivering his observations. If he's saying something cutting and acerbic to Joyce, then that's something that Sarah would be better off saying. If somebody was going to be a sarcastic wise-guy, that's Walky's wheelhouse. If I want somebody to be mean out of spite, there's already Ruth. He was kind of a drain in that specific way. Plus, like, in a cast mostly full of ladies and such, it felt off having this white dude off to the side always there to have their upper hand. He worked better in a different comic.
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That didn't mean I never tried to make him work, though! "Of Mike and Men" was an attempt of mine to give him a better foothold in the story, in that world, with (I think) limited success. You can only give the guy so much more depth without making him Not Mike. It's a very narrow tightrope to walk, with him. All the room for his growth was essentially covered in Shortpacked!, and I didn't want to retread that.
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The plan for Mike's death came in the wake of my own mother's death. I wanted to process feelings about death, I suppose. At that point, I hadn't decided yet that Amber and Becky's evil dads were also going to die, and I figured, oh, hey, I'm doing a timeskip. I can kill somebody. Those are the rules I gave previously, the "Not Killing Anybody Because Of IRL Years Of Depression And Sadness, Because Of How Slowly My Comic Moves In Time." I was already going to skip ahead months, and so my need to figure things out aligned with my upcoming planned timeskip, and I had to figure out who was going to go so I could process those feelings. And after some "no, not them, not them, not them, no not them," I remembered, oh, huh, Mike fits into this need almost perfectly. 1) He's at odds with the narrative, as established above. 2) I just set up this "origin" story with him that I could directly follow through on. 3) He'd be dying before being able to "redeem" himself fully in the eyes of other people, which is important to the angle of story I wanted to tell. I've got so many other characters who have done shitty things and are working their way through them to hopefully a better space, and it was important to me to have somebody who didn't get that chance. Somebody who left their standing with other characters at an awkward place.
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And I remembered one of my walking tours of Indiana University, and seeing a bunch of stairs on the side of one of the buildings, and thinking, Hrm, that's an Amazi-Girl setpiece.
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And it's high up.
and it's one of the least gruesome and/or body-horrorish ways in which to die, so
anyway, tl;dr: since summer/fall 2019
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ayoungpascallover · 1 year
Sweet Belle
Joel Miller x OFC!Belle
Summary. Tommy trusts his brother Joel to keep the new girl in town safe.
Warnings. Explicit content, smut, big age gap, vague description of oc. Mild violence, insinuations of SA and harassment, angst, fluff.
A/N. I tried to keep the character as neutral as possible but it's assumed she's got an stereotypical hegemonic image and the female gender it's specified. Please dni if this or any of the warnings triggers you or makes you uncomfortable.
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Minors dni +18
Joel remembers the first time he saw her in Jackson, helping out in the greenhouse and wearing overalls two sizes too big for her with only a thin worn-out tank top underneath with her long shiny hair falling over her face. He stared, obviously, like everyone else did; but she smiled back only at him. Ellie gave him shit about it for hours until his patience ran out and he had to send her over to trade a new jacket he'd found on his last patrol. "Jesus christ, kiddo. Just take this, it didn't fit. Go see if you find something you like." Joel had gotten rid of Ellie for a couple of hours before having her back with a new pair of converse and the same snarky comments about the younger woman from the greenhouse. And as much as he tried to ignore Ellie and the fact that the gorgeous new girl in town smiled only at him. Eventually she crawled her way to the back of Joel's mind; she was by far one of the most beautiful woman Joel had come across, even before the outbreak, so he understood the fuss around her. But he also understood in what position it put her to look like that, he had seen too many young girls sold around like objects back in Boston, Joel sometimes thought maybe it a blessing Sarah had died before she could see the hell that it was for women the first years after the break. That was why he put those thoughts aside, she was a young woman alone in a new place, Joel would never take advantage of it.
"You've seen miss universe 'round town?" Tommy asked him one night. Joel was drinking a glass of whisky as he watched his little brother fix a pair of shoes for Maria.
"The new girl...?" He wondered, his curiosity perking up at the mention of her.
"Some of the kids call her Belle. Y'know, like from the movie Beauty and..."
"Sarah was obsessed with that movie, 'course I know. It suits her" He smiled softly at the fond memory of his daughter and because it really did suit.
"You think?"
"I mean she's hard to miss. We haven't been introduced though."
"I should probably get you two to meet"
"Leave it alone, Tommy. The girl's too young and you said it yourself, she's the beauty then am I supposed to be the fucking beast?"
"I know that, after what happened with Lauren. I'm done playing fucking cupid for you. You're impossible"
"Then what the hell do I have to do with the girl?"
"She's your new roommate."
"Yeah, she's been drawing lots of attention you know. There's good folk in here, but you never know..."
"I don't see what's got to do with me"
"Look, Joel. She's a very pretty girl and we thought it would be better if she wasn't alone. You've seen the way some guys stare at her, you've got a free room in your house and Ellie likes her"
"She's a stranger"
"You are the only one I trust. Maria and I, we anwser for her, just see if it works, give it a month and if doesn't work we find her a place. Hopefully there'll be a new sensation in town by that time"
"C'mon, Joel. What if it was Ellie? The poor girl had no one when she got here, she's just afraid and the fucking men are desperate assholes. Please..." Joel couldn't keep his eyes from tearing, because Ellie had been there. She had been the girl who was alone; he would not let it happen again.
"Two weeks, if she gets on my goddamm nerves I'm kicking her out"
Then of course, it wasn't only two weeks, nor a month. As the weeks went by, neither of them could go back to when they weren't together, on the same house, on the same space, on the same bed. She was soft-spoken, gentle with those who knew her well enough, she was smart and kind and easygoing, just as she was funny, she had a witty sense of humour and sometimes a dumb silly one like Ellie's. She had a killer smile and bright eyes with long lashes adorning them, when she kissed him, her lashes would tickle his cheeks. He was too drunk on her; taken by her laugh, her voice, her moans... Taken even by the tiny and not so tiny scars spreaded across her body that seemed to have nice shapes, Joel liked to trace them all and connect them in different patterns. Sometimes she'd fall fast asleep as soon as Joel started touching her, however somedays it would take a little more to get her to sleep. On rough days like that morning, she was restless, mortified even just thinking about closing her eyes, like if whatever was tormenting her would inevitably reach her in her sleep. On days like that, Joel was a step ahead of that, taking control over her to get her out of her head. It was like a sacred ritual, he would shower with her, help her rub oils and lotions on her body, he would dressed her and untangle her hair carefully. Sometimes he would convince her to eat or to sleep, depending on the situation, but most times Joel would spend the rest of the night making her feel as safe as he could; hugging her, singing to her, sometimes fucking her the way she asked him to. Whatever would make her feel loved.
Even though most days she would be the one to do that for him.
They had gone together outside, the patrol seemed to be going well, easy. They were in a group of four with Tommy and and a kid who had just turned eighteen, they were showing him a route, the safety houses and where to hide the guns and provisions; it was fine, she looked happy to be outside Jackson for a change. Until those fucking raiders thought it was a good idea to take her from him, it -she- slipped from Joel's hands in a blink. But then just as fast as he lost her, he got her back to him.
By dinnertime the four of them were riding back into town, both Joel and his girl cover in blood. Tommy and the kid were both as pale as a ghost but intact, harmles; Joel had done it all. "Just take her home, get cleaned up. You did what you had to." Tommy grabbed the saddles of their horses and covered her with his own Jacket, avoiding the prying eyes on them. Joel nodded at his brother and guided the younger girl back to his home, their home.
"What the fuck happened?!" Ellie jumped out of her skin at the sight of them, getting up from her sit and putting down the guitar to open the door with shaky hands.
"I'm okay, Ellie. It's okay, the blood isn't ours" Joel heard her say, of course the first thing she said after almost dying was to comfort someone else. Because she was just that kind.
"I'll help her get clean. You think you could get her something to eat?" Joel asked Ellie with a trembling voice, once you were inside your bedroom waiting for the bath to fill up.
"Of course, you okay?" Ellie scanned him, her worried expression betraying the fake confidence in her voice.
"I think so, I'm sorry we scared you. I got scared too"
"It's fine, I'll bring something to eat and give you guys some space. I was going to Dina's if that's okay"
"Thank you, kiddo"
The bath happened with no more commotion, quietly they both calmed down, the hot water helping them release the tension they were holding. "Can you brush my hair?" She asked once he was done rubbing the body lotion all over her body, despite being a twenty year old lotion, the vainilla scent lingered nicely on her skin. Joel put her on one of his shirts, it was old and it smelt like him, but it was warm and comfortable enough to get her to sleep.
"Of course, sweet girl" He whispered, taking the brush in his huge hand. "You have to eat something, though"
"I'm exhausted. I can't eat"
"I'll let you sleep then"
"Take a nap with me, I need you close."
"Whatever you need, honey"
The next morning when Joel woke she was still soundly asleep, the cold autumn weather making her look cozy under the warm duvet, and her messy hair covering her face filled his chest with pure emotion. Her soft snores putting his mind at ease, she was alive and safe next to him. Joel could feel her warmth, her heartbeat, her breathing; he could feel her.
"Wake up, Belle." He whispered softly, tucking a few strands of rebel hair behind her ear. "C'mon my sweet girl. I need you to eat something"
"I was having a dream. A really good one" her croaked voice made him smile wider, she kept her eyes closed but her body was moving now, her arms looking for him and wrapping around his broad shoulders to get him closer.
"Yeah? Was I in it?" Joel taunted playfully as his fingers caressed the soft skin of her stomach.
"Mhm, between my legs. You were licking me clean, I'm so horny now" Her voice was breathless and Joel dared to move the duvet to peak at her almost naked body. Her perky nipples showing through the old shirt's fabric and the soaked panties grabbing his attention instantly.
"You want me to eat your pussy, my sweet Belle?" His cock pulsed at the thought of tasting her, she had never let him. Their relationship still too new to let herself be so exposed, it was one of the many things he had yet to show her. And even though Joel never pressured her, fuck, he was dying to have a taste.
"Please, Joel" she mewled desperately into his neck. How could he say no?
He kissed her face first, light little kisses pressed all over her. Then Joel moved unhurriedly to take off her shirt and down her body to pull off the panties he had dressed her on the night before, he kissed her on the stomach, and then a little lower, and then lower, until he was kissing her clit, softly and sweet. Barely brushing his lips against her, Joel kissed her cunt again, taking time to give attention to every part of it. Enjoying the soft cries falling from her lips. Satisfied with how wet she was, Joel dragged his raspy tongue between her folds making her jump in surprise and pleasure, soon enough he was sucking and open mouth kissing all of her.
Her legs were open wide, resting on his shoulders and her breathing was heavy and unsteady. He stuck his tongue inside her, and licked upward, his calloused fingers finding her clit to press sloppy circles on it, until she was sobbing for him. Belle was a patient girl, always trusting Joel to coax her into her orgasms, but suddenly she felt greedy, her whole body burning for more of him. She looked for her own release pressing her pussy down onto his tongue, into his face and grinding desperately. Joel took his hand away from her core and reached up to grab her breasts to pull her down harder into his mouth, his perfect nose bumping sinfully down her clit overstimulating her enough to not miss his fingers.
"Joel, I'm so close. I need your cock" He obliged, rushing to freeing his hardness from his tight boxers and pushing her legs open wide to slid into her. She was fully awake now, staring at him with teary eyes full of lust and pure adoration. As he entered her slowly, they both cried out without looking away from eachothers eyes, Joel and her being both on the edge, held one another tightly, moaning and crying for eachother.
It felt as if they were out of their bodies, everything was unexisting, unreal. It was just Joel and Belle. Fuck the rest. It was perfect like that. Soon enough, after only a few thrust, she came hard. Her muscles contracting painfully and her body twitching and trembling under him, a few tears slipping down her flushed cheeks. Joel was sure his back was a sight to see, all scratched from her high.
"Need to- need to pull out" Joel whimpered, not being able to recognise his own broken voice. Her pulsing core only pushing him closer.
"Cum on my pussy" She whined as he pulled away from her. Joel got on his knees close enough to grab her small softer hand and guide her to his twitching cock. Splitting her legs further, she grabbed his member, her own hand covered by his and moving it up and down at his own rhythm.
"Fucking hell, you're so fucking filthy. My pretty Belle, all mine. Those bastards wish they were me... Fuckfuckfuck" Joel was rambling, making her stroke faster and harder as the first drops of precum slipped between their fingers.
"I'm all yours, only yours"
Her words were enough to break him. A loud grunt filling the room as the white thick liquid splutter all over her puffy cunt. Giving Joel a soft squeeze, she let go of him when he winced in overstimulation. Once she got her hand away, Joel dropped his body next to her, immediately wrapping her in a tight hug.
"Are you okay? You need anything?" He asked, gently. His face buried in her neck and only coming out to steal kisses every few seconds.
"I'm perfectly happy, you make me so happy" she giggled making him chuckle with her and smile with his full teeth. "I only need you for now, let's just stay here for a little longer. Can we?"
"Whatever you want, my sweet Belle."
She was his, and for as long as he could. Joel would keep her safe.
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