harrylights · 1 year
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yuyuswrld · 10 months
O Captain, My Captain
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Series Intro
characters: various aot boys x reader
genre: SMAU with writing, romance, smut, angst
for my marco fans, there’s a little sneak peak at him at the end :)
notes: this series will be 18+ even though this introduction does not have any smut in it. please do not interact with me if you are under 18. all characters in this series are over the age 18.
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You learned that Eren Yeager was a stone wall incredibly quickly. It was a shock to you, considering how popular he was despite being unable to converse with someone he didn’t know well. You’d have steered away from him forever if it had been up to you. However, knowing your luck, you had to see him every day after all your classes were over.
It was a slip of judgment to allow yourself to be recruited as the next manager of the volleyball team. Sure, you had watched a couple of games here and there for school spirit, not to mention copious amounts of alcohol at the after-parties. But when one of your professors approached you on your way out of class, describing a great way to amp up your resume and get all-expenses-paid vacations, becoming a sports team manager was the last thing you expected.
“It’s kind of funny, actually,” Connie starts to explain after you walk into the gym, noting the tasks you'll be in charge of before you commit to the offer. “Our old manager, Hanna, got pregnant with one of my homies. Now she’s off giving birth and whatnot, so we’ve been down a manager.”
“So what does a manager typically do?” You question, shifting the conversation slightly to get to the point. The more you look at the different stereotypical characters running across the courts and the loud smacks that echoed throughout the gym, the more your desire to take the opportunity dwindles. Sure, cute boys and another achievement on your resume are great or whatever, but you really try to avoid getting committed to sports – especially after crashing and burning last time. You shudder as a chill runs down your spine at the thought before Connie starts talking again.
“Oh, um. I won't lie, I honestly have no idea what she did, either.” You stare at Connie in silence, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Uh, is there someone who does?” You ask. It's getting difficult to ignore your doubts about your decision to come here.
“Yeah, I think so. Let me go grab ‘im.” Connie jogs further down the court, interrupting someone as they finish their current spike. But as your eyes focus in on who was walking closer, you knew you we’re going to have the displeasure of meeting Eren Yeager.
Connie runs over to drag his brown-haired teammate over, who takes his sweet time walking over after sparing you only a glance. He is good looking, sure – but you aren't fooled by appearances, and you've heard far too much about him to even remotely consider him attractive from listening to Petra gossiping about him. She had a big mouth and somehow knew everything about everyone, the good and the bad, but it came in handy when it came to staying in the loop at school. Eren had a nasty habit of cursing out any girl who made an advance on him, citing his career and how a ‘bitch’ would only get in the way of it.
You think back to the memory of Petra sipping her drink, watching Eren walk out of school and head towards his Hellcat in the parking lot. You two had been sitting at the school’s cafe as you enjoyed your “study” date, which had inevitably just turned into a gossip session.
“You see that guy? That’s Eren Yeager. He’s on our volleyball team and he’s a fucking psycho.” She'd rolled her eyes as she recounted the gossip she had gotten from her friend. “Apparently Mina – y’know the one from our bio class? They hooked up at a party and afterwards he accused her of trying to sabotage his volleyball career. He even called her a psycho. That’s not even the only time he’s done it apparently. I know he’s cute, but stay away unless you want to end up on a true crime podcast.”
You brace yourself for the upcoming conversation as he nears.
“You’re going to be the new manager?” Eren says in a monotone voice, as if being forced by his mother to make small talk with a distant aunt. The displeasure of being interrupted is written all over his face.
“No – well –” You start before Eren cuts you off without hesitation.
“Usually Hanna prepares the towels, fills the bottles with water, and mops the gym after practice. Coach Levi's pretty anal about the gym being clean, so pay attention to that. You’ll want to learn about formations and strategies, too; Hanna fucking sucked when it came to game sense. You’ll work with the sports director Erwin to set up practice matches and travel plans. There’s probably more, but that’s your job, not mine.” He jogs back over to do spiking drills without another word. Your jaw slackens, scoffing at the attitude. What a little shit. Connie shrugs at you in an I’m pretty sure that’s right way. You smile at him, politely dismissing yourself before trudging your way back to your professor’s office.
“Absolutely not,” you say, dramatically sighing to emphasize the sheer disappointment you feel from the experience. “I only talked to Connie and Eren, which was already too much. You’d have better luck with a dog trainer or circus clown to manage them.” Your shoulders drop, but you prepare to defend yourself as to why.
“Please,” Professor Hange begs, their eyes beading with desperation. “I was the one who introduced the previous manager to the guy that got her pregnant. On accident, of course, but they’re totally on my tail about getting a new manager to fill the spot!” They spin around haphazardly before collapsing on their standing desk in an unconvincing sadness. “I’ll even see if they’ll pay you as if you were working a normal student job.”
You internally cringe, but are now forced to consider the prospects. Chewing on your lip, you respond. You know if you look back on this moment at any point, you’d want to go back in time and slap yourself.
“If you can make it a paid position, I’ll do it.”
Unsurprisingly, Professor Hange got their way in the end.
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next: part 1, reiner x reader
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
final very superficial appraisal of the live action one piece show:
-the set design was wonderful and had a cool sense of unreality to it (as in, the environments feel like built sets and it’s part of the fun), it was colorful and theatrical and captured the manga’s blend of piratey genre aesthetics (wooden boards, sailing ships, rolled-up old maps) and “modern” elements like t-shirts and neon signs in a really pleasing way
-the show clicks to the top of the first rollercoaster hill at the end of episode 3 and then goes at the start of ep 4 and it’s just one breathless ride to the finish. I didn’t want the show to end. I do not care about one piece and started watching kind of for the bit but now I’ll actually be really upset if it doesn’t get a second season. That’s how good the second half of this show is.
-I love how all of the characters with colorful hair have clearly-dyed hair where their roots are showing (as opposed to wigs), and in flashbacks to a few of them as children the child actors have the exact same sort of imperfect dye job. It’s wonderful. It adds to the theatrical energy of everything, like “we know you know this is artificial, but we trust you to suspend your disbelief and enjoy this fiction with us”.
-with very few exceptions, all of the actors’ performances are great. They are all cool and fun to watch and there are lots of sweet and funny and emotional moments that work because the writing is sincere. Nobody rolls their eyes for the audience’s benefit at how weeeeird their world is— they live here! I love that.
-the trap beat they did for Arlong’s theme music rules
-this story with its global ocean and seafaring/island-based societies is kind of like “what if Waterworld was like a big colorful carnival” and I love that
-the Snail Phones 🐌
Things I liked less below the cut - 👎:
-Zoro’s backstory bff being depressed because “a girl can beat a boy, but no woman can beat a man [in a swordfight]” was a disappointing line to hear two characters just… play straight in a world that up to that point had seemed pretty non-sexist? But this girl sincerely believes that, and this boy doesn’t push back at all. In this world of self-dismembering clowns and people with axes for arms, you’re telling me that there are no champion swordswomen for little kids to admire? Not one?? From skimming the wiki, it seems like in the manga Kuina’s views are influenced by her sexiest dad, but the show doesn’t include that context.
-Kuina dying offscreen in “an accident” was the only tragic thing in the show that didn’t land for me. It’s just so blatant and funny. You’ve got to get rid of her so she can motivate Zoro, because she’s dead in the manga and that’s how you motivate male main characters, with dead women, but… how? Doesn’t matter! There’s been an accident. Typical backstory girl bff behavior. Call that Fridge To Terabithia.
-Iñaki’s energy as Luffy didn’t always work for me. Some character behavior works in manga and anime, but seems awkward and jarring in real life. It’s very difficult to pull off wild limb-flailing anime exuberance in live-action— live-action Cowboy Bebop’s glimpse of Ed comes to mind. But also, I never really liked Luffy in the parts of the manga I read, either, so maybe I’m just not the target audience for a Luffy in any medium. Iñaki seems like a friendly and chill dude and he certainly gave this role 100%— and also Oda himself loved him for the role, so that says a lot.
-the whole thing with Arlong and his Fishman crew where they’re part of an oppressed and formerly-enslaved minority, so of course they have beef with humans (“but slavery’s been abolished!” shouts a human character), but they’re taking things too far and not just fighting for equality, but domination, which includes extorting, killing, and enslaving humans, starting with this poor little girl here. And since this group are clearly evil and have these big evil plans, it’s cool and great actually for the heroes, who are all humans/members of the majority, to kick their asses and kill a bunch of them. Like… I get there’s a whole thing here with Arlong being twisted by hatred into the very thing he says hates, and maybe we’ll meet more Fishmen later in the story who are just people and not bloodthirsty evildoers, but it’s not a great fictional look?
It takes me back to hbomberguy’s critique of RWBY’s portrayal of the Faunus, and the problems with making your bad guys out of an oppressed ethnic group who, the story says, might have a point, if they went about things peacefully, but are just taking things too far with this domestic terrorism stuff. The Faunus and Arlong should really be writing to their congresspeople instead!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
more Glitchtrap and Vanessa things
Glitchtrap mainly manifests as a voice in Vanessa’s head, but he can sometimes appear as a full-body hallucination
Or, at least, she HOPES he’s a hallucination
They’re actually capable of being civil with each other
Dare I say friendly
Which is
Very Strange
For Vanessa, at least
Because isn’t Glitchtrap supposed to be a sadistic serial killer?? And yet he’s making light-hearted jokes with her??
At first she thinks it’s all an act to get her guard down
And sometimes it is
But other times, he’s genuinely just being chill
Because I don’t think Glitchtrap is malicious 24/7. I think he’s capable of being “normal”—as normal as the sentient malware of a dead serial killer’s soul can be, of course.
So sometimes they’ll have friendly banter
Or they’ll make jokes with each other
Not to give him credit, but Glitchtrap is actually pretty funny at times
Vanessa will be out in public, and she’ll hear Glitchtrap mutter something about someone, and she’ll have to fight the urge to laugh
He forces her to eat not because he cares about her, but because her body is HIS body, and he doesn’t want it shutting down because she’s too fucking dense to remember to drink water
Glitchtrap does NOT like Luis
Not one bit (same bro!!)
He may be a monster, but even HE can recognize that Luis is an obsessive creep who’s obviously just trying to get into Vanessa’s pants
“He’s a perverse nut job. I don’t want you talking to him anymore. He’s a distraction to you, anyway. Ignore him.” “What are you, my dad?” “I’m your boss, girl. And you will do as I say, or I’ll take care of the freak on my own.” “Seriously, you sound like SUCH a dad right now.” “It’s almost like I was one, you idiotic bitch.”
Glitchtrap is the CEO of insulting nicknames
They’ll be having a regular conversation, and then Vanessa will slip up in the most minuscule way, and suddenly she’s being called a brainless whore
On the other side of that coin: creepy terms of affection
“My dear” and “love” are most commonly used for Vanessa
They’re usually used in the context of sarcasm or in a sickeningly sweet sort of way
(In a non-romantic way, I should add. Just in case because I know SOME people will take it that way)
Glitchtrap is EXTREMELY volatile in his mood. Little, absolutely minute things will send him into a seething rage. One minute, he’ll be chatting calmly with Vanessa over something, the next moment, he’ll be screaming at her to the point where her ears bleed (literally)
So Vanessa is CONSTANTLY walking on eggshells with him
Sometimes Glitchtrap’s emotions and desires will bleed into Vanessa’s, and it’s quite frightening for her because she’ll randomly get these awful, sadistic urges that she can’t control
Glitchtrap has a scary amount of control over her body and body functions
He can make her fold over in unimaginable agony with one proverbial flick of his wrist, and there’s nothing she can do to stop him because he has more control than she does
This is one of the ways he gets her to do what he wants
He’ll do this shit in public, too
Because his most effective method of “persuasion” is humiliation
Vanessa will be at the grocery store, in a quiet argument with Glitchtrap, and suddenly, an excruciating pain will infect her entire body, forcing her down to her knees in the frozen food aisle
“Stop it.” “Say I’m right.” “People are staring.” “Say I’m right, and I’ll stop.” “No! You’re not—” She has to fight the urge to scream as the pain doubles down more intensely, to the point where she almost blacks out.
Though, she prefers this form of public humiliation compared to his…other methods.
After all, Glitchtrap is a partially digital being. He has access to her computer and any other electronic device. He has access to her private information.
He taunts her with this private information. Threatens to leak it to everyone and anyone she knows. Even to people she doesn’t know. It won’t be difficult for him to mass spread it all over the internet.
I can easily go more into depth about this specific concept. I won’t on this post, but I just think it really helps highlight how truly messed up Glitchtrap is.
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seagulley · 2 years
Kaija is 18 months old!
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Very long and sappy post under the cut. 
I think the short version of this post is just this: the more I get to know this dog the more I grow to love her. There are things we have struggled with of course, but as she slowly matures and her personality develops, those are becoming fewer and fewer, meanwhile the great, amazing things become more and more.
Overall I think Kaija is on the chill side as far as Aussies go, tho I should say that my sample size is basically... one. For a dog who *loves* to do stuff, at this point she's pretty willing to accept off days, although if there's too many in a row then she might get whiny about it. She's still very funny and very soft (her winter coat is coming in and it's nearly as soft now as when she was a puppy, apparently the undercoat is where the softness comes from), and she still struggles to remain connected to the ground (well I guess it's not much of a struggle in that she just... doesn't). She isn't a barky dog at all - on occasion she might bark if I get her extra amped up in play + I think there's been maybe three times when she's barked at the neighbours' dogs going crazy, but that's pretty much it. Instead she expresses her opinions through whining and through other vocalisations that I don't even have a word for.
Kaija is incredibly easy to work with. She forgives my handling mistakes and powers through even if I'm being annoyingly unclear in what I want from her. I'm a very green handler so it helps immensely that she is so resilient and optimistic. Plus, Kaija is easy to motivate, she loves food and will work for kibble if the environment isn't too difficult, and she's had pretty decent toy skills almost from the start. But the best thing is seeing how much she enjoys our training itself. Yes, the rewards are important to her and I'm more than happy to use them liberally, but you can't miss how she lights up when I bring out our training equipment. I think she loves the puzzle of it and getting it right, as well as simply the chance to work together with me.
We'll be ending this year with one last rally trial on the 18th. I'm really hoping for two more >90% scores - we already have two from our previous trial and four is the max before you have to move on to the next class. I think it would be nice to have all four qualifying scores and start getting ready for RO-2 in the spring. That being said, our biggest struggle is still sustaining focus and engagement through the whole course and this will be a brand new indoor venue for us... So we'll see how it goes.
For the first year-ish that I had Kaija, I wasn't sure whether this breed was right for me or whether we were the best fit. I had the puppy blues for a few months and then for a long time I just had this vague feeling that we weren't completely clicking, like something just wasn't fitting quite right. I remember how in the beginning I was so impressed with her spark and willingness to work with me, but I also felt a bit bad because I knew that someone more experienced could do so much more with her. But we're figuring it out together and I'm slowly learning how to be a better teacher to her. Besides, although I do believe she enjoys the work, she isn't obsessive about and it's only one part of what makes a happy Kaija. So maybe a filthy casual owner such as myself is just the sweet spot for her. I'm still not convinced that I'll have more Aussies in the future (I have to say tho, it's getting dangerously difficult to remember exactly why I was so sure I shouldn't), but holy shit is this dog everything to me. 
Ok that's enough gushing about my puppy for now.
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jojotichakorn · 1 year
OK, I read your tags on that DA2-esque gif set and now I want to know! What do you think Top Hawke would be like?
what an excellent question that will be understood by two and a half people in total jgkdfjgfdjgfdkg no but it will be fun for me to answer so i'm not complaining
credit where credit is due, anon and i only thought of this because of this amazing gifset by the wonderful @sparklyeyedhimbo
i know we've only had one episode, but i honestly think top is as shallow as a fucking puddle and what we've already seen of his slightly more hidden manipulations is as deep as he gets. personality-wise, i think he would be chuckles (aka humorous) - i think he'd be very charming and sarcastic, always scheming but rarely directly aggressive. and speaking of being indirect, he also gives me double-wielding rogue vibes all the way - a backstabber both literally and metaphorically.
in terms of the party, i reckon he'd have a pretty antagonistic relationship with all of them, to various degrees. don't get me wrong, this man can act extremely appealing to literally anyone he'd like to fuck, but the thing about the da2 party is i think each of them has been through so much shit that they are not naive enough to fall for any of it. i'm not sure if we know top's sexuality atm, but out of all da2 companions, the only person who could potentially fuck top would be isabela, and she would do it because she would know exactly who he is as a person and not because she is oblivious to it.
speaking of isabela, i stand by what i said in the tags - she would think he's occasionally funny and extremely alluring. but, as i said, at the end of the day she'd see right through him, so it would be a line between understanding his selfishness and his way of thinking and simultaneously keeping to herself because of the very same thing. anyone who befriended or romanced izzy knows that creating that deep connection with her implies loyalty to her and certain... if not sacrifices then difficult choices that make hawke's life harder because they are trying to help her. that's not something top would do in a million years. i am honestly a bit on the fence on whether she would even return with the relic at the end of act 2, but if she does, top would give her over to the arishok without blinking an eye.
it's kind of hard to make varric disapprove of any hawke, to be completely honest, and i think top would actually be pretty chill with him, because he's a funny guy. and he's helpful. but when push comes to shove, top would still be a dick, and the whole bartrand / red lirium situation would be dealt with in the worst way possible, which would strain their relationship quite a bit.
bethany is a sweet little girl and she loves her sibling dearly, to the point that i believe it's literally impossible to max out a rivalry with her in game no matter what you do. but since top seems like a very "ends justify the means" guy and his ends are very selfish, he'd do some things bethany wouldn't be a fan of. i don't think top would really care about the mage / templar conflict, but he would be choosing the routes that save his own skin first and foremost, which are rarely the pro-mage routes, and that would definitely sour his relationship with bethany.
merrill, i reckon, would have a very distant relationship with top and would probably just try to stay away from him as often as possible. aveline and sebastian (along with andraste on his crotch) would be very *clutches the pearls* about him and would dislike him severely. however, i don't think anyone would hate top as much as fenris and anders. his special brand of selfishness, over-confidence, and bravado is something both of them would hate in ways more similar than they could ever admit.
in general, i think top would always choose what's best for him. he wouldn't ask a lot of questions about who it would otherwise benefit or why, who it could hurt, etc. he would help, but only if you paid him. he would lie and he would cheat, if that served him better in the moment, and he would be honest and direct, if that was the choice that would lead to him coming out on top (pun intended). he wouldn't care about what's right or what's good, he would very much only care about himself.
this kind of makes it a bit harder to make out what his final decision in terms of the conflict would be, because - unless a hawke vehemently supports templars throughout the whole game, which top would not do, or a hawke is a mage, which top wouldn't be - there isn't really anything personal that one would gain in siding with either. at that point, it is simply a moral choice. with a very easy answer, obviously supporting mages is the only right choice, but it's easy for people who actually care about doing the right thing, which top obviously doesn't give a shit about. but at the end of the day, i think h would side with the mages, if not for any reason other than him enjoying chaos and having a deep-rooted value of freedom.
so yes, that's the general vibe i'm getting from Top Hawke jgkldfjgklfdjkgl. thank you so much for asking, this was fun!!
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
Bob's Burgers: The Pickleorette (14x03)
Lots of fun shenanigans on this one!
I feel like I've said this after the first two episodes of the season too, but I do hope we get a school-based episode soon so we can check in with the kids' friends. I miss that crowd.
I love how Bob is just down for whatever Linda asks him to do. He's not thrilled about it, in fact he's completely petrified by the situation he's found himself in, but yeah, he'll do it. He'll drive a limo and he'll pretend to be a different guy with an accent and he'll call the strippers and he'll let stripping happen in the restaurant. It's just a funny trait to have this grumpy, overwhelmed man also be down for whatever shenanigans his wife gets him into at any point.
I liked the mishaps of the bachelorette party too, the way Gretchen messed up the event in every possible way by not doing the very basics of planning it. And yet her sister remains chill and ultimately says all she really wanted was to spend time with her big sis! I'm not sure I'd been that chill if my sisters fucked up plans that badly, but it was sweet to see!
It also prompts Bob to tell the truth about a difficult medical situation... he was feeling too shy to ask Linda to come and hold his hand at the butt doctor. But Linda says of course she will! That's true love.
The kids' subplot involves Tina finding a board game on the street and forcing her siblings to play it. They're both bored, and Tina is frustrated to find herself losing the veterinarian-themed game terribly, causing her to kill many a beloved imaginary pet. I love that Tina seems like a pushover but she can be really intense and bossy on occasion, and even though Louise and Gene both just kind of humor her by playing the game, they do still go along with it and don't just walk away. And then, of course, there's the comedy of the flip being switched when Tina realizes that male strippers will be near. She sneaks herself and her siblings into the vents to spy on the happenings in the restaurant! Tina's enduring horny-ness is such a funny trait for her character to have.
So that's that. A fun episode with lots of shenanigans for the adults. The kids get the subplot this week, but it was an enjoyable one!
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game!
Good god I found this in my drafts from like 5ever ago, oopsieee. Better late than never ig? :’)
I was tagged by the wonderful @outcastcommander, thank you Cast! :’D I’m super late to the party (as usual), so apologies for any repeat tags etc. qAq
I’m not tagging anyone in this purely because I am so fucking late to this party I’m so sorry ;w; XD but if you want to do this then go for it!!
1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
I actually have 2(3 counting Aria!) that all take different “parts” of the Commander storyline if you will.
Vano Shenly - Neutral Good/Light IV - Sith Warrior. The one who takes a carbonite nap, and who ends up subjected to Valkorion in her head. Aria’s wife and (one of) the one(s) who can actually keep Aria’s...murder tendencies, under control.
Saarai Ahaszaai - Chaotic Good/Light III - “Sith Warrior” (not actually a warrior and is in fact a descendant of the former Sith Royal Line, forced into exile when Valkorion/Vitiate took over the Empire as otherwise she would’ve been killed), Takes the Eternal Empress half of the Commander saga and commands the Eternal Fleet. Extremely tired of Valkorion’s shit, wants to Go Back To Her Beach Hut On Rishii Please And Thank You. XD
Aria Saal-Shenly - Chaotic Neutral/Dark II - Jedi Consular (Sith Assassin). Worked as a Sith plant for years, culminating in the Assault On Tython flashpoint battle. “Local dumbass tries to fight Satele and gets her vibes checked into next YEAR” LMAO. Vano’s wife, would fistfight Valkorion to get him out of Vano’s head if that were physically possible.  Technically not a full Commander in that she doesn’t take any of the “important” story strands but she’s Vano’s Emotional Support Commander ok? /lh
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
Vano - She was the first toon I ever did the expansions with, so she kinda got slid into the Commander role by default there. I’m also very much of the angle that the Alliance genuinely is a melting pot of all the better things from both Jedi and Sith and having Vano be (one of) the leader(s) of that really helps to show that. She’s not perfect and has done some dicey things and killed some people she shouldn’t have in the past, but for the most part just wants to solve things as peacefully as possible.
Saarai - She’s my favourite. Ahem I mean....I’m a sucker for “long lost princess taking her crown back but not in the way her overbearing ghost mom wanted her to”. Rai’s just a Very Fun character especially being a big and scary Sith who, when you get to know her is Actually A Very Sweet Person and its really fun to have her do the opposite of what’s expected and watch NPCs be super shocked about how nice/chill she is. Rai’s also the only one Strong Enough to actually kill Tenebrae when they get to that point
Aria - Honestly its just funny. Saarai or Vano try to go about things diplomatically and Aria’s first idea is always “Murder? >:)” She’s the one standing behind them with a “Want me to kill them for you? :’))” sign. Also, again, sucker for an anti-hero and Ari fits that bill to a T. She doesn’t like being nice to people but she’ll do it for her wife even if she complains about it at every possible opportunity and its incredibly funny to work with sdkjdhgjkdgj
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
Vano - Despite being nice Most of the Time, she’s a petty ass bitch sometimes and does not know how to let things go, which creates a lot of tension with certain important alliance personnel (Koth, among others...) that makes certain plot points more difficult. There are certain points where she makes very Darksided decisions (due to stress, Valkorion’s influence etc etc) that are pretty Hard for me to stick to even if its what makes the most sense story-wise.
Saarai- SHE’S TOO DAMN NICE AND WANTS TO HELP EVERYONE INCLUDING VAYLIN. Rai please some of these people Legitimately Want To Kill You, they don’t want Hugs /hj
Aria - Same answer as above, re: “want me to kill them?” “NO”. Also when running her through that content I have to pick a lot more DS options than I myself would normally choose to because I know its something Aria Would Do and that is often Challenging for me!
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
Vano - She’s canonically Vitiate’s Wrath, so it made most sense for her to deal with the carbonite nap side of the storyline. Also it would be way more boring and confusing if Rai did all of it lmao
Saarai - She’s my favourite. Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae killed her parents and the rest of her family and for the most part I really wanted to give her the opportunity to canonically run him through for that. Girl deserved it after everything she went through cause of what he did to them. Also in spite of Vano’s other life experiences, she often backs down too easily and that’s where Rai comes in. She’s 6 ft 3 and built like a semi truck, she can intimidate people into backing off/calling off attacks without ever actually having to Get Violent, most of the time.
Aria - She and Vano are a package deal, you take em both or you get neither of them. Fully srs LOL
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
At first, they side with Acina/the Empire, but especially towards the newer expansion stuff (AFTER KOTET), even Acina starts to get on their nerves and I headcanon the Alliance goes fully neutral at that point. They refuse to pick a side but can (and do) choose to get between the Imps and the Pubs before they Blow Each Other Up again.
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
YES! I HC that both Catha Niar and Cytharat go with Vano to Odessen/the Alliance (more accurately Catha replaces Quinn as Vano’s second pilot after the Quinncident, and Cytharat becomes apprenticed to my Sith Inquisitor who follows Vano to the Alliance)
I’m also kidnapping Vowrawn and Abaron (even tho Abaron has one (1) sidequest in-game I accidentally gave him Lore so he’s Mine now /hj), they join the Alliance shortly after the Iokath arc :D 
And I would love for Master Timmns to come join the Alliance too tbh, I just haven’t worked out how/when yet! 😅
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
I have not actually played fully through anything past the Tenebrae part yet so I’m not 100% sure to have an answer to this. Although, probably “annoyed”. ala “can we not leave you people unsupervised for FIVE MINUTES?!” 😂😂
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Ni’kasi Ahaszaai - Lawful Neutral/Grey/Light I -  Sith Inquisitor. Saarai’s twin sister and Vano’s best friend. She dips out of the Empire the moment Vano and Lana do and goes with them to the original meet-up on Yavin IV, and this only cements her decision to defect to the Alliance when she discovers her twin is alive and also leading it alongside Vano. Ni’kasi is part of Vano and Rai’s inner circle of advisors, or the Alliance High Council if you will (alongside Lana, Koth, Theron, Hylo etc etc.). Ni’kasi is in charge of the Force Enclave as she’s the most experienced with the Force Fuckery side of things, in all honesty hahaha Adores Rai the most but is pretty close with Aria and Vano as well and considers them her best friend/a good friend respectively!
Merak Shenly & Ziv’erikreen - True Neutral/Light II - Smugglers. Merak is Vano’s little brother, and Ziri is the street kid he accidentally-on-purpose adopted after he found her as an orphan in a run down hospital on Taris. They work for Hylo as the Alliance’s main cargo freighter/transport pilots! They love Vano & Aria but Saarai kinda scares them. Giant Sith Lady = Scary, even if she’s Nice All The Time. Merak can’t quite shake the Sith = Bad mentality after all it was the Sith that took Vano from them on Mirial even if Rai had nothing to do with that, it’s a hurdle he can’t get past D:
Tyûk Ahaszaai - Neutral Good/Light IV/V - “Sith Warrior” - Saarai’s son and Ni’kasi’s nephew. Like Rai, he has the SW class in-game but doesn’t enter the plot until Forged Alliances/Rishii because he and Rai are hiding out there. He’s just happy to be here, honestly XD He’s not very good at fighting (and hates doing so) but he is an extremely talented blacksmith/weaponsmith. If someone in the Alliance has a broken saber or damaged armour, Ty’s the one they go to to get it fixed up uvu He adores his mom and thinks Va and Ari are “okay”. Aria’s a little stabby for his tastes. Vano’s alright but where Vano goes, so does Aria so he tends to prefer to stay away from them bc he...doesn’t really like Aria hahaha
D’leah Ahaszaai - Lawful Evil/Dark I/II - “Sith Inquisitor”/Force ghost - D’leah’s already dead by the time the Alliance is made, but she’s one of the Force ghosts hitching a ride in Kas’s head so by extension she does end up here lol. She’s the only ghost Ni’kasi doesn’t “release” after the Thanaton fight, because for the most part she kinda still likes having her mom to go to for advice 🥲 Come the time of the Alliance setting up on Odessen, D’leah tends to hang around the Force Enclave watching them teach the kids and occasionally giving the twins advice when/if they ask for it, rather than being directly attached to Kas herself, but as long as the girls are happy to have her there then her ghost ass is staying right on Odessen and not leaving hahaha Surprisingly, likes all 3 of the commanders and ofc loves her daughters tho she and Rai had a bit of a confrontation first (there’s backstory stuff they had to sort out first before they could go back to being OK :3)
I also have a (Light-side) Jedi Knight that I plan on chucking into the mix at some point but she is very much Not Fleshed Out At All rn so I can’t say any more than that currently LOL
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
They like it! It’s peaceful and balanced in the Force, what’s not to like about it? :D Saarai and Ni’kasi in particular are quite fond of it as its a bit closer to Dromund Kaas and/or Medriaas than say, Rishii was, and so it reminds them of their childhood etc etc,
Also I LOVE Odessen, I just wish we could explore more of it when not directly involved in the quest parts. LET ME GO RUN AROUND IN THE JUNGLE BIOWARE I BEG
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
Vano - She’s committed to trying to provide a safe haven that doesn’t force Force sensitives (esp. younger ones) to make an impossible choice between family & learning about the Force so she’s all in 100%. She’s not perfect and makes mistakes sometimes but that’s what her advisors are there for!
Saarai - She doesn’t exactly like it, but she understands that she has a natural air of authority and that people look up to and/or respect her. Her attitude is very much “If I don’t do this for them, no one will” sort of deal. But she’s never wanted to be a leader she just wants to go back to the beach with her son before all this complicated stuff happened ;-;
Aria - Actually enjoys it. She doesn’t like being the one calling all the shots but she’s taken surprisingly well to helping Vano with it.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base?
Vano & Aria - I’m not really sure tbh, they really like the whole planet and don’t have a specific fav place.
Saarai - definitely the jungle. It reminds her of Dromund Kaas which she’s never been back to without having to worry about Diplomacy so she likes that she can just wander off into the jungle and sit out there and watch the wildlife for a bit and pretend that it is Kaas <’3
12) Favorite mission in KotFE?
Chapter 4 where they get the Gravestone, and Chapter 14/the Blood Hunt flashpoint where they first meet Shae Vizla and her Mandos. I care that Mando husband/wife duo so much ok. ;w;
13) Favorite mission in KotET?
Chapter 6 where you crash that big party of Vaylin’s. It’s so much fun. Also the final boss fight is p cool :’3
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why?
The fucking walker missions. That needs no other explanation LOL
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Honestly, a bit of both for all 3 of them lmao
Vano - She’s an incredibly talented saber duellist, and also has the most experience (much to her dismay) with Vitiate/Valkorion so naturally it made sense for her to be the leader as she’d know how to “deal with” him best.
Saarai - Slightly because of Luck since its Sheer Dumb Luck that she got away from Vitiate’s Inquisitors and they were too stupid to Check How Many Kids D’leah Had And Make Sure There Was More Than Just One (Kas) before they assumed They’d Won. BUT she’s also (despite preferring not to get physical if she can help it) incredibly powerful and strong so it’s nice for the Alliance to have a giant Pureblood who is Almost Bulletproof leading the battle party. Good for morale, ya know? XD
Aria - More luck than skill. Ya girl is just stupid foolish lucky LMFAO but she’s unrivalled when it comes to stealth/sneaking around so she’s got that going for her too! :)
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
Vano - Force ghosts. And if Lana keeps trying to poke needles into her she’s gonna develop a needle phobia I swear to fucking god LMAO
Saarai - I wouldn’t say she developed any new particular fears but a running theme for her is that she worries she’ll be a bad leader/make the wrong call and someone (else) will die for it. The Vette/Torian thing was Rai’s worst nightmare qAq, also Vaylin’s death was pretty hard on her. She could relate to Vaylin and really wanted to help her (even tho Vaylin...did not want to be helped) and that weighed on Rai for a long, long time D:
Aria - Vano dying (again).
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Honestly I think it would be a hilarious disaster if Vano and Aria switched places and Valkorion ended up in Aria’s head. I think Valk would give up and leave bc he would not be able to do anything that phased Aria XD
Otherwise on a more serious note, Ni’kasi being the sole commander would also be pretty cool! And the ending would’ve worked out pretty different cause I don’t think Kas would’ve given up on taking the original Sith Empire back quite so easily so she prolly would’ve given Acina the boot in the end (not via killing her, I don’t think, but she would’ve produced centuries worth of geaneology and/or her mother’s ghost to basically tell Acina to hit the bricks cause that throne is hers so cough it up bitch 🤣)
So we prolly would’ve ended up with the Alliance taking over the Empire’s territories except Kas wouldn’t let the Republic bait her into Useless Turf Wars either, she’s also tired of that crap, so it’d prolly be just Malgus that they’d have to worry about. Maybe one day I’ll write a short AU thing about it idk. its not priority rn hahaha
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
Arcann and Senya. All the way lmao Those two are not in any of the Commanders’ good books after what happened
Saarai is lowkey getting to that point with Acina now too tho. If she doesn’t stop trying to drag the Alliance into the petty ImpPub squabbling Rai is gonna throw hands LOL
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
Vano & Aria both kept their Darth names and/or title(s)! Vano is Commander Wrath, Aria still goes by her Darth name (Canis) and is Commander Canis, though many in the Alliance have taken to calling her the Wrath’s Shadow as well because she’s usually stuck to her wife like glue to make sure nobody else tries to murder Vano again LMAO
Saarai - technically she does still have her Darth title. Just unlike Aria and Vano she hates using it. She doesn’t want anyone to feel she has more power over them which is typically associated with a Darth name, and would prefer everyone just called her “Saarai” <3
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Rai may be a Reluctant Leader but at this point she’s so deep into it (and so fond of like 98% of the people in the Alliance) that even if she did get the chance to step down and leave I don’t think she would. She secretly is really glad to be able to protect and help people that have nowhere else to go :’)
Rai’s Darth name is/was Kemodu, which is a play on “Komodo” as in Komodo dragon, because the House Ahaszaai emblem is Chirikyât in his Hssiss forms and another “name” for Hssiss in canon is “Dark Side Dragon”. I lowkey wish Rai would want to use her Darth name bc its my favourite out of everyone’s but she hates using it so I don’t get to hahaha
Oddly enough Vano is probably like, the least mentally stable of the three now. What with the whole Valkorion thing. I’m not saying she’s gonna go full Vaylin but she’s defo not doing ok someone please give this woman a hug- XD
Rai is the Eternal Empress but Bioware can fuckin fight me about it being a solely-DS! title/thing. She’s a LS! Eternal Empress and I will not change that /srs
At one point Rai did offer the Eternal Throne/the Fleet to Aria instead as Rai really didn’t want to be in charge of that but in a shocking moment of responsibility Aria turned it down - she was worried that she’d make an errant spite thought about how much she hated the Jedi and end up nuking a planet by accident so she opted not to have that kinda power in her hands LOL
Aria’s Darth name (Canis) is a reference to her father’s Darth name (Noctis), who was killed by Baras shortly before the final confrontation with Vano/the SW in the DC Chamber. She was very fond of her father and wanted to have a Darth name to remember him by, and because his Tuk’ata ended up deciding She Was Pack Now she went with Canis :3
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
hello! firstly I just wanna say that I'm super duper happy to see BoB blogs still around and posting content! love this fandom so much <3 okay, I was wondering if I can have a BoB ship? both romantically and platonic
looks: I'm 5'7", female she/her, light olive skin, black shoulder length wavy hair, and slender build.
personality: but of an introvert (but not to the point where I can't go up to the counter to order food lol), bit sarcastic (not in a mean way ofc!), I'm also called being funny/the joker too by my friends so there's that too, I'm an artist who draws as a hobby, love to listen to music while I'm said drawing or just as background noise, animal lover (preferably dogs and birds, but cats are cool), love to bake sweets, oh and a TV and movie buff!
have a great day 💙
Agreed!! We need more BoB accounts / content, I miss it!! It’s honestly such a nice fandom to be a part of and I think everybody should give writing a go! :)
And of course! Thank you for your request <3
I ship you with… Shifty Powers!
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How attractive is this guy? Seriously and this gif omfg sieirkkfkeirir so sexy lmao
but let me start with you honestly sound so sweet and chilled out! I feel like this matches Shifty’s energy perfectly.
even tho you’re more of a jokester/ sarcastic it’s a super good balance in your relationship, and before you and Shifty get together- when you’re still friends- he definitely admires you for how funny you are.
I think Shifty’s dark features would be a good match for yours, you’d be such a stunning couple, and you’d look like a good fit which everybody around you points out before you admit it to each other!
but shifty always thinks you’re beautiful, and maybe he lets this slip when you’re feeling a little shy/ introverted ?
he’d definitely think you’re a massive sweetheart, and you’d sit and talk for hours until you maybe accidentally kiss? I think it would take a long time of talking, maybe you’re both laid together on the grass- it’s kinda a mutual thing.
shifty goes super red after and let’s say you crack a joke he just giggles and goes even more shy.
Why do I feel like he has the odd tendency to be a little dopey?? Like let’s say you say something sarcastic, it takes him a minute to realise what you were saying.
when he finds out you can draw he’s soooo super duper impressed. He’d compliment you so much, and tell everybody around you guys about your talent.
has to tell the odd guy to back off (politely) when they beg you to draw them.
if you drew him omfg he’d be grinning for DAYS. I think he’d be genuinely a very happy, smiley boyfriend/ partner overall. There’s not much that can upset him, unless you have a little disagreement or he sees you upset.
would be good at communication? Maybe stammers a little when he’s trying to explain something difficult, like in that one scene with him and Winters when he’s worried about explaining what he saw at war once he’s home?
sometimes all he needs is a massive hug and he would be the best at giving them back too.
maybe when you’re sat watching a movie together he’d have your head in his lap or vice versa? I think his love language is deffo physical touch.
sometimes he’d just roll up to face you when you’re talking about a tv show/ movie you’ve both just watched and he’d be in awe. He’d have these huge puppy eyes that literally glisten- omg he’s so in love.
probably asks advice from the guys on how to tell you? Not even in a soppy kinda way, he just wants to make it nice and I think Luz would have a big input on this.
likes to take you fishing as you both chill under the sun in the fishing boat.
you sit and listen to the radio together- super chill vibes I can’t imagine there being many disagreements, you both sound super chilled.
brings you a puppy as a present one day!! It adds such an excitement in both of your lives and Shifty falls SO IN LOVE with the puppy- omg you’d have to fight him just to get a cuddle with it!!
I ship you platonically with… Dick Winters!
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Ok I think this friendship might stem from the fact you’re both kinda introverted and therefore insightful. Winters is kinda on the quiet side so you bond fairly quick whilst all the louder people are getting along.
he’s super friendly and not intimidating at all, he finds you really funny, when you start cracking jokes or saying little sarcastic comments about the men.
of course he’s super professional and polite so he’s always very respectful of you which you admire.
He admires your art work, and I feel like he’d really appreciate and feel like he could have a real conversation with you.
Regards you as one of his closest friends, so when he sees you getting close with Shifty he smirks from a distance.
very respectful of your privacy so doesn’t question it until he’s feeling a little bold and you probably just crack out a joke or start giggling- you probably wouldn’t expect it from Dick.
would listen to you talk about whatever movie or tv show you’ve watched.
even if you’ve got a completely different taste he still tries to gives them a watch.
Hates reality tv
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kylo-wrecked · 1 year
"I don' have perfect words. I know its funny but I'm not da kine person who knows how t' sound purposefully poetic an' stuff. So all I know wha' f' tell you is dat--I belong t' ya. I don' know f'ya want me, but I'm yours. An' at dis point, wha'evah way ya need me, I'm here." She can't quite look into Ben's eyes, she can't bear their weight, so instead, she looks down at D.O. and rests her hand on the sweet girl's head. "I-- L-" She trips over the word. "-Love you."
{ from this meme }
— ☾ —
Shame she can't because she misses the look in them, 'way one misses a shooting star when they're not paying attention to the night sky. But Ben isn't so romantic he needs Beth to gaze into his eyes. If anyone knows how difficult it is to say what's in your heart, it's him. Baring your soul to someone else takes the will of the spirit and the body—can take it all, all at once, leaving you a husk.
"C'mere," he says. He takes Beth's hands in his, and leads her to him, to where he's sitting, gently pulling her onto his lap, his thighs making a sawdust crusted denim chair for Beth’s finer frame, and he wraps his arms around her until his embrace buffers out the world. "I know," he says softly. "It's all right." 
Curled in his arms, Beth shivers a little. Shivers all over. Probably not due to the chill. And Ben holds her, holds Beth, a trembling child ripped from her mother too soon, in his forger's arms that have held rosewood and stone pine, swung axe and chiseled jasper, and says, "S'okay angel." 
He holds her for a while till the yellow moon comes up, nudges her cheek with his nose like D.O. nudges his ankle for food. He buries the geometry of his face there to whisper into Beth's ear.
"I love you too." 
Let the moon bear witness so she may tell it to the oceans.
Into Beth's hair, he breathes the words, "A lot." 
'—I need you so bad.'
'—you don't know how.' 
'—as bad as I need air.'
There never was enough air to fill his lungs. Ben clutches at Beth as though she were a raft, a stake, the branch jutting from the side of a cliff; terrified, electric with hope, as he releases the words that have been rattling inside the hollow of his heart, a cauldron of words, and the words come stifled and brusk so that he almost sounds angry, and the words themselves, while rudimentary, express exactly the emotional fever he's been rid with for months, a heat that now comes off the desert range of his body.
There's no poetry like truth.
0 notes
spicycheeto · 3 years
Robby Keene Relationship H/C's
(Cause I got really really bored in class today :))
(I will more than likely redo this in a few days. I just got really bored )
You? Like him? You want to spend regular time with him? Astounding idea
Affection? Unconditional love and care? Inconceivable! 
This is a new idea for him, new territory. And he desperately doesn’t want to mess it up for himself. 
Of course, he understands that people could love him. He understands he’s not an unlovable creature. But it’s never been greatly displayed. His mom was the closest to that relationship he’s ever been given before you. And we all know how that turned out before she went to rehab. So this relationship is difficult for him
He’s just a sweet boy who cares too deeply for this poor world
The world does not deserve him :(
If you dare hurt him, I will find you :(
It took him a while to fully warm up to you. That meant, once you actually got together, you both already knew an entire encyclopedia worth of knowledge (and an entire chapter worth of shared interests)
Regardless of when you became an item, the time of season 4 was a trying time for your relationship
If you started off friends, it was literally the most chill friendship ever
Like one of those with legit no drama, no soap opera stuff. Just the two of you against the world
(Cause we know the world likes to kick y'all around )
I love chill relationships
No thoughts, no problems. Just the vibes
Sam was jealous of you. Regardless of when you got together, or when you even met. It doesn’t matter. Sam was jealous (we’re assuming this part takes place in season 2)
He will encourage you to join either Miyagi-Do or Cobra Kai (depending on where your relationship is on the timeline (or both)), but he will respect your boundaries if you don’t feel particularly inclined to get yourself involved in the karate war
Loves cuddling. No explanations needed
Loves it, and is a touch starved teddy bear
He would totally be okay with a date where you are literally just chilling on the couch in each other’s arms. Watching a movie or something
Love language is either physical touch or quality time. Can’t decide. Maybe both. You pick
He also introduced you to half of your music taste. You could put all the banger songs he introduced you to into an entire 3 hour long playlist. He has a damn good taste in music
He also has an incredible memory. You could be talking offhandedly about a random aspect of your life, and he will remember it and bring it up half a year later. It’s kinda funny
This isn’t related to anything but I think he’s a really good cook
Like an incredible cook
Do you need dinner made one night? No you don’t. Not anymore
I think he knows how to play the guitar, and he plays it well. He is totally your favorite musician
Be fully prepared to be this guy's emotional support mule at any point, day or night
And him for you
Overall I know Robby cares deeply for anyone he connects with. He doesn’t take serious relationships for granted. He will cherish you till the day you die, literally. Even if you break up (better not hurt him, you sick bastard), he will still feel for you. He is the type of person never to truly abandon someone on the emotional level
We love him for it
Sometimes he hurts himself doing that though… we all got a little attachment issues
But you’re not gonna let that happen, right???
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Camping: Crosshair’s Ending
    “I guess I’ll follow Crosshair,” you said.  The sharpshooter hadn’t heard your statement.  He was already on his way toward the edge of the clearing, crossing over into the woods.  
   Omega nudged you with her elbow.  “You’d better hurry, or you’ll miss him!”
   You hesitated.  “I don’t know.  He didn’t wait around for anyone to go with.  Maybe he wants to be alone.”
   “No,” she insisted with a shake of her head, blonde locks waving.  “Trust me, he won’t mind you going.  He likes your company.”
   You had to admit that he wasn’t as abrasive with you as he once had been.  Over time, the sudden snaps and sarcastic comments had died down.  He even showed subtle signs that he cared for you as a member of the team and family in his own little way.  Your feelings for him had grown beyond what you could have imagined in that time.  You didn’t expect for them to be returned, but at the very least, Crosshair didn’t seem to mind you.
   “Hurry!”  Omega urged again, giving you another nudge.  Crosshair had already disappeared into the forest, but he most likely hadn’t gotten far.  You shrugged at Omega before taking off for the edge of the clearing.
   “Here goes nothing,” you muttered to yourself.  A twig snapped beneath your shoe as you stepped out of the bright open clearing and into the shady, cool woods.  It was beautiful.  The trees above created a sort of canopy, only allowing for smaller patches of sunlight to shine through.  Everything was so green, and the air smelled so sweet.  The brush was thick and difficult to get through even though you were following Crosshair’s trail.
   You looked straight ahead to see him standing there several feet away, twisted around to peer at you over his shoulder.  You offered a smile and waved despite the fact that your leg was caught in a bush.  If he was surprised to see you, he didn’t show it.  His gaze swept over you for a moment before he approached.
   “Hey,” you greeted.
   Crosshair’s eyes met yours briefly.  “Hey.”  He extended his hand and pulled you forward so that you could remove your leg from the brush.  It was done swiftly and with ease.  Once you were free, you dusted yourself off and looked up at him.
   “Thanks.  Do you mind if I walk with you?”
   Crosshair turned his body in the direction he’d been walking in before, peering at you over his shoulder once more.  “Do what you want.”  It was well known that he wasn’t the most wordy or expressive.  That phrase was his way of an open invitation.
   You were watching where you walked, but your gaze was also drawn to the one who led the way through the dense woods.  You studied him as if somehow it would give you insight to what was going on in that mind of his.  He didn’t speak for some time.  Your eyes rested on the back of his head of silver hair, traveling down his form and pausing at his arms.  They were left exposed by his sleeveless blue shirt that faded into darker blue further down the torso.  He definitely wasn’t built like Wrecker, but his arms weren’t noodles either.  His lean form held an impressive strength.  You’d witnessed it on the battlefield many times, and even more recently, he demonstrated it when he had snapped the tent pieces back into place in front of you and handed them back.  It had been done swiftly and with ease, whereas it had taken you and Omega both to do it the first time.
   You snapped out of your train of thought at his question.  “Uh, what?”
   “You were staring.”
   Of course, those keen eyes of his didn’t miss a thing.  It was handy when it came to taking out droids, but at that moment, it was unfortunate.
   “Sorry.  I was just thinking.”
   He stepped over a bush and paused, turning to hold out an open hand towards you.  You hesitantly took it, and he helped you over the plant.  “About what?” he asked.  It wasn’t meant to be nosy or demanding.  It seemed he was trying to start a conversation, which was a rare but not entirely unheard of occurrence for him.  At least, not with you these days.
   Your heart was thumping erratically at that point, racking your brain for something to say other than “I was thinking about you.”  Although, you didn’t want to lie either.  “I was just thinking how nice the sights are here.”  It was true.  Crosshair just happened to be one of the sights that you admired.
   “It is nice,” he agreed, pausing to cast an admiring glance at the canopy of trees above.  The leaves created lovely patterned shadows on his face.  You followed his gaze and sighed at how your chest swelled with happiness.  The air was warm, but not quite as blistering hot as it was in the sunny clearing.  The shade held a different kind of quiet intensity, a tension that was still so beautiful to you.
   Your eyes fell back to Crosshair.  The corner of his mouth was turned up in a half-smile at the view.  He noticed then that you were watching him, and he turned his head to look back at you fully.
   “Have you and the squad done this before?” you asked.  “Gone camping?”
   “We’ve camped out for missions,” he replied.  “Never did it for fun.”
  “Technically, Hunter originally told us that this was for team-building.”
   “Funny, he’s the one who let everyone wander off in separate directions.”
   You chuckled at the realization.  “That’s true.  Well, maybe this is part of team-building in the end.  We negotiated an effective way for everyone to do what they want.  I’d say that was a good problem-solving exercise.”
   Crosshair shook his head.  “Good one.”
   The two of you continued through the forest, talking a little along the way.  It wasn’t exactly a chatter-filled walk, but it was probably the most you and Crosshair had opened up to each other.  He told you a few stories about the squad’s past experiences camping out.  There was one in particular about how Wrecker heaved a rock and accidentally knocked over a hive of bees that Crosshair even smirked at.  Fortunately, Wrecker had escaped without getting stung, but he had run off yelling and swatting his hands around.
   You weren’t sure how long you and Crosshair had been out, but it was definitely past lunchtime.  You hardly noticed.  You were having such a nice time with him that the time flew.
   “We should turn around,” you spoke up.  “The others are probably having lunch now.”  Crosshair paused and nodded before turning straight around and heading back the way you came.
   Even as late as it was, It still seemed a little too early for the sky behind the trees to be darkening as much as it did.  The air had grown humid, and the bird chirping had ceased.  The woods had gone from delightfully shady to nearly sunless and dreary.  You walked closer to the sharpshooter, though not so close that you’d step on his heels by accident.
   Then, you heard the pitter-patter of rain beginning to fall on the greenery around you.  It started off as a trickle before gradually morphing into a downpour.  It was so heavy that even the trees didn’t shield you from the drops that soaked your clothes.
   You felt a hand take yours, and you squinted through the rain to see Crosshair urging you to follow.  You let him lead you toward a large tree that had been uprooted.  It leaned against another tree, creating a spot beneath it untouched by the rainfall.
   You rested your back against the upright trunk, panting from the sudden dash.  Crosshair ran a hand through his damp hair and shook some drops from his face.
   “When it lets up, we’ll keep going,” he said.  Both of you stared out into the rainy haze in silence.  You wondered how long it would be before it would subside.  You were glad to have a shelter of sorts, but you were starting to shiver in your soaked clothes.  Crosshair’s eyes locked on you.  He gazed at you, and despite your chill, your face grew warm under his quiet scrutiny.  Finally, he walked over to stand right in front of you.
   “Cold?” he drawled.
   Your words abandoned you at the proximity, so you merely gave a short nod.  Crosshair was just as soaked as you were, but the arm that slipped around you still provided some comfort.  You automatically leaned into him, pressing your face against his bare shoulder which was already warming back up.  His other arm wrapped around your form, and you breathed a sigh as you sank into the contact even more.
   You lost yourself in the rise and fall of his chest as well as the steady thrum of his heart.  It was a melody that you were sure would play itself over and over in your mind after the encounter.  You didn’t even want to think about the after.  You didn’t want this to end.  Your arms had slipped around his waist, and his breath hitched.  You lifted your head to meet his gaze, concerned that perhaps you’d overstepped, but then his eyes locked on yours.
   It was like the bug caught in a spider’s web that caught your eye earlier as you passed through the forest.  You were trapped by those piercing eyes as his face grew closer, though you didn’t feel like the prey you’d seen before.  You weren’t struggling to escape.  You were drawn in.
   And suddenly, his warm lips were pressed to your own.  His grip on you tightened, and you felt like you’d melt into a puddle if it weren’t for his arms holding you.  All at once, something exploded in your chest, and your lips pulled away only to unite again in a more heated dance.  Your back hit the tree trunk behind you, and Crosshair grunted an apology.  His lips met yours again before he pulled away altogether, eyes glinting.
   “Rain stopped,” he said, running a thumb along your jaw.  You didn’t tear your eyes from his to confirm, only noted that the sound had subsided.
   “We’d better head back then,” you replied.
   Neither of you moved for several seconds.  Eventually, both of you were able to pull away, though his hand didn’t let go of yours, and continued your trek back to the campsite.  The walk back was quiet, though you found yourself meeting Crosshair’s gaze many times.  There wasn’t room for embarrassment because he was almost always staring at you first.  Even though there was a bit of a hurry to get back to the campsite before it rained again, you enjoyed every second.
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greenshirtimagines · 3 years
Baking With Bnha Boys (Izu, Todo, Mirio)
A/n: Why do I find headcanons so difficult to write??
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Personally, I don’t think he’d be the worst in the kitchen
He did make Eri that candy apple, after all
He’d be good at following the directions
Will definitely overthink things
“‘Zuku, it doesn’t have to be exactly 1 cup-”
“But won’t it mess the recipe up?”
Will probably continuously pour ingredients in and out of the measuring cups trying to make them reach the exact measurements so please stop him
Don’t even let him think about weighing the ingredients I beg of you
Is overprotective of you and will definitely get distracted in making sure you’re wearing oven mitts and ends up burning himself
Go ahead, kiss it better ;)
Don’t tease him about his muscles while he’s mixing, he’ll definitely get flustered and accidently fling ingredients out of the bowl
Then he’ll get flustered when you make him wipe your face off
Once again, it doesn’t matter if you’re baking a layer cake or cookies, he’ll try to make sure they’re exactly the same size
“Alright, time to take them out of they oven”
“But the timer hasn’t gone off yet?”
“It’s okay, this oven tends to bake things pretty quickly”
“Oh okay. Are you sure?”
“It’s literally my oven-”
Is really proud that whatever you baked is tasty, 100% brings some to his mom
Maybe you and his mom can even exchange recipes :)
His mom loves you, by the way
Your biggest shipper
He will definitely use it as an excuse to see you again
He still gets embarrassed to ask you out even if you’re dating, but can you really blame him? You’re such a catch
Will also volunteer to wash the dishes for you but please don’t abuse that
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Todoroki (+ Family)
You can’t tell me he knows what to do
“What’s a tsp? And why’s it different from a tbsp?”
If you need to melt something, he will probably try to use his fire
Please just tell him to use the microwave
Is very exact in his measurements, but easily accepts it if you say it doesn’t matter too much
Understands that there’s probably a difference between granulated, powdered, dark, and light brown sugar, but doesn’t know what
Thinks he can chill ingredients by using his ice
You have the freezer for a reason, please just make the most of your appliances
“I can try using my fire instead of the oven-”
“It will reduce the electricity cost”
Don’t let him do that either
Just use the oven
Has no clue how to decorate
Just sort of stands there awkwardly
Ends up trying to copy you but fails
Still, he gets points for effort
Probably doesn’t have a preference between baking or cooking or anything, I think he’d just be happy to spend time with you
Also brings some to his mom
She loves you too
But she especially loves the look in her son’s eyes when he talks about you
If you give him extra he’ll also give some to Fuyumi and Natsuo
Oh look, Biggest shippers number 2 and 3
Fuyumi will definitely invite you over to bake/cook with her
You two definitely bond with each other and she loves hearing you talk about Shouto
It means so much that he has someone in his life like you
Natsuo is banned from the kitchen after interrupting your talk and constantly teasing you about his brother and the wedding date
And stealing too many cookies
Todoroki has a broken family but they’re really fun??
Endeavour doesn’t get your baking until he proves himself worthy
That’s right mister, YOU have to be the one to prove your worth
Not just anybody gets (Y/n)’s baking
It’s a blast, really
You’ve already won over your (future) in-laws :)
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This clown spills flour all over himself to make you laugh
It’s not so funny anymore when he inhales the fine particles and hurts his lungs please be careful when baking
10/10 will start a food fight with you “on accident”
Don’t get raw egg in your eyes unless you want salmonella
Definitely wins
He doesn’t really know anything about baking?
Despite knowing this fully well, will also move onto other steps before you’re ready
Doesn’t ask you how to do anything either
“You know microwaving chocolate at 100% will burn it, right?”
“Oh really?”
“Did you just put a metal bowl in the microwave?”
“Yeah! Oh was I not supposed to?”
Probably doesn’t realize how strong vanilla extract is and likes to up the amount from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon
Or heck maybe even 3 you better watch him
“If we bake these cookies at a higher temperature, will they bake faster?”
He probably knows better (with some of these things), but he likes to see your reactions
Unlike Izuku, he will intentionally burn himself so you kiss it better
Don’t let him get away with this it’s not okay
Likes to add in other weird ingredients to see what happens
He’ll try to shape cookies into hearts for you
“I’ll name this cookie (Y/n), cause it’s a sweetheart! Get it? It’s shaped like a heart and it’s sweet? And you’re just as sweet-”
Please accept his terrible puns
He knows they’re bad
You know he knows they’re bad
He knows you know he knows they’re bad
You know he knows you know he knows they’re bad
Will give you a surprise kiss out of nowhere
“I wanted to see if you’d taste like cookies!”
Overall, he’s fun to bake with
But please keep constant watch over him, you never know what he might do
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
First time with Reiner Braun ❤
Fem X Reiner
This is a little different. I wrote it so you can insert yourself or an OC.
  Warnings: NSFW. 18+ Smut and Fluff. 
A/N: Slight Canon divergent as Cadets take place when they’re in their late teens/early twenties. Other than that, it’s all the same. 
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  Reiner had been acting weird all day; but [Name] couldn’t really blame him.  
The last time they were alone together, they’d ended up locking mouths in a steamy kiss. They hadn’t spoken about it since – they hadn’t really had the chance.  Between training and having their classmates around it was a perfect cover to avoid a potentially awkward conversation.  When Shadis announced that for this exam, they would be teamed up together, they had both internally groaned.  
Well, it was going to happen eventually. They’d had another two years of training, they were bound to wind up alone together again at some point. They’d both made sure that during the entire hike, they didn’t let one silence befall the conversation, which would force them to talk about the inevitable subject of their heated kiss.  
It was quite comical, actually.  
Constant talking either about their task, their friends or at one point even pondered and speculated if a person got a sunburn in front of a cannibal; would the cannibal start watering at the mouth?
Anything to not talk about the kiss.  
It’d been a whole week since the incident and it wasn’t like they didn’t want to address it. They just didn’t want to know the others thought on the matter.  They’d both had serious reservations about it; they were totally focused on training and not fooling around.  
And yet...
The kiss only fanned the flames of the huge crush Reiner has had on her since day one. The crush that, over the last thirteen months, had developed into something a lot deeper.  
He’d kill for her.  
He thought about that only earlier when she made a joke about something and it really tickled him to the core; resulting in a loud belly laugh. So, when the sun was starting to set and they had found a good place to camp for the night... that was when things would inevitably go south.  
“Hey Ba- uh, [Name] ?” Reiner called out in a chilled horror. Not only from the slip of the tongue, but also what he had discovered in their shared backpack.  
[Name] was only a few feet away, starting a campfire when a small laugh left her sweet lips.  
“Did you almost call me Bertolt?”  
No. I almost called you “babe”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry. But we have a problem.”
“What is it?” she frowned, heading over.  
He pulled a large, folded bit of material out of the pack.  
“...We only have one tent.”
She looked at him like he spoke another language.
“So? It’s not the first time we’ve had to share a tent with a partner during training. I had to share one with Jean last year.”  
I bet Jean would have loved that...  
It was a running joke amongst the men about when they had to share sleeping quarters with the women, and how they’d lie on the very edge, all limbs tucked in and never once touching them for fear of a testosterone induced erection.  
“Yeah, but I’m a big guy.” He lied, not once being concerned about that at all.  
“Get over yourself.” She chuckled, nudging him playfully as she returned to what she was doing.  
Reiner solemnly obeyed and began to set up the tent, his frown pulling at his face the entire time.  He will not get any sleep – being so close to... her. Alone... Miles away from anyone.  
After they’d kissed.  
He swallowed hard as he fumbled with the poles, wanting to be out of this situation.  
Reiner Braun was desperately in love with this woman and he was supposed to be keeping away. If they kiss again, he’s a total goner. There would be no way he could reject her if she reciprocated his feelings even in the slightest. Luckily, their kiss had been interrupted so he didn’t know how she truly felt. He thought that if he never knew, it’s a problem he would never have to face.  
His fingers clumsily began to fix things together;  [Name] already having the fire going and preparing dinner.  
His eyes almost began to water at the thought that he was about to get her famous, amazing cooking.  
Sasha had been furious he was paired with her.  
His chest tightened and his head became fuzzy. He wished he didn’t have to be in such a complicated situation; he would just ask her to marry him already.  
“You need help?” her voice called over after he dropped the pole fixtures for the third time.  
“Huh? Uh, no I got it.” He wavered a hand dismissively without turning around.  
What the hell am I going to do? He panics in silence.  
Eventually the sun had set and the tent was erected, the two of them sitting by the fire after they’d eaten. The warm orange glow of the flames encased them cosily as Reiner sat back and patted his stomach in awe.  
“Amazing. As always.” He smiled. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” She beamed beautifully.  
 Surrounded by the trees under the stars and being embraced by the warm glow of the flames; [Name] now began to feel weird about their intimate moment they’d had.  It wasn’t very often they had time alone and her feelings for him remained the same since.  
They sat back, gazing up at the stars in a comfortable silence.  
“It feels like we haven’t stargazed in forever.” [Name] commented quietly. “I bet Marco is looking at them now too.”  
“Yeah, he will be.” Reiner marvelled.  
Another silence.  
He noticed she had been pretty quiet since they began relaxing by the fire.  
[Name] was wondering why he hadn’t mentioned the kiss. He’d had plenty of time now.  
Maybe he regrets it?
She bit her lip at the thought, her eyes lowering to the flames sadly. God, he’d grown on her a hell of a lot and she resented that fact. It hurt to think he didn’t feel the same.  
Reiner noticed this.  
Shit, she looks sad. Is it because he hadn’t mentioned the kiss? Should he ask her? There’s no way he would ever stand for her feeling down, let alone because of him.  
What the hell should I do?!
His brain hurt. More so, his heart.  
She flinched a little in surprise when he slowly creeped his hand across the ground and intentionally skimmed his skin across her fingers. He didn’t look at her though. It was his way of sending an impossible telepathic message of; Don’t be sad. I can’t say it but God, I love you.
She, however, assumed it was an accident.  
Ah hell. I’m going to have to mention it. I can’t see her feeling down.  
He took a deep breath.  
“You alright? You look a little down.” His usual façade of serious, concerned solider coming out.  
“Oh? I’m fine.” She lied.  
He knew she was lying. He knew her too well.  
“It looks like it’s going to rain though.” She noticed the thick clouds that were rolling in, beginning to block their view of the stars. “We should get some sleep.”
“R-right.” Reiner nodded, deflated.  
He didn’t know what he expected. His heart, body and soul ached for her lips against his again, but his mind screamed to stop being an idiot.  
As she went inside to get ready for bed, he stood and began to snuff out the flames of the fire, along with any hope he’d had of being with the woman he was so desperately in love with.  
  Sure enough, as they lay facing away from one another, the sounds of soft pattering began to tap the tent above their heads. They lay back-to-back with as big of a gap between them as possible; what the small tent would allow anyway. Reiner’s arms were tucked up around his chest and his eyes were wide.
[Name] had her limbs tucked away too but that was for a different reason – as always when she camped out, she was freezing. It didn’t matter the season. As soon as that sun sank below the horizon, her body temperature would drop.  
Reiner on the other hand was like a big insulated heater, sleeping in just his underwear under his sleeping bag. His heart thudded harshly against his large chest.  
She’s just there! Kiss her! Talk to her! Tell her how you feel...
 He’d been close to telling her a few times over the course of the last month or so. He couldn’t help it. Even before they shared that kiss, his feelings would bubble up to the surface and almost spew out of his mouth. He’d always managed to stop himself though, although it was getting increasingly more difficult each time.  
She was just so... perfect.  
Not only was she extremely attractive and half of his classmates wanted her, but she was strong. Smart. Funny. Caring... His eyes closed in a frown as he listed the endless attributes he loved about her in his head. He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it.  
Bertolt. Annie. Marcel. I’m sorry. I tried... I really did.  
He glanced back and that’s when he noticed her curled up in a ball, shivering.  
His eyebrows furrowed.  “...You cold?”  
He instantly turned onto his side to face her, his sleeping bag rustling against the fabric of the tent.  
“You should have said something. ‘C mere.”  
With a sigh he sat up and began unzipping her sleeping bag.  
“What are you doing?” her teeth chatted.  
“Helping you warm up. I doubt you wanna get sick and miss training.”
She averted her eyes away from him when he unzipped his bag and fastened them together into a double. She knew he slept in his shorts.  
Her breath caught in her throat when he wrapped his big, strong arms around her and pulled her back against his warm chest, heat rolling off him and encasing her like a huge bear was holding her. His scent rolled off him and embraced her sense of smell, relaxing her immediately.
He kept his pelvis away from her, his manhood already stirring awake and he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.  
“T-thank you.” She whispered, still trembling.  
“Don’t mention it.” He sighed, silently kicking himself.  
I definitely won’t be getting any sleep now.  
Her heart almost stopped when his head rested and lay between her neck and shoulder, his hot breath blanketing her skin. Rushes of unexpected heat ran down her body to in-between her legs and seemed to just pool there.  
His brows furrowed behind her; inhaling her intoxicating scent silently.  
Although he was trying his hardest not to brush his hips against her, he still felt so comfortable having her in his arms like this, like she was supposed to be in them. He was meant to protect her. To care for her. To love her.  
His mind fluttered back to how he’d almost told her he loved her before. He’d hinted so hard but she just looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what he was trying to tell her. When he was around [Name], it was like all of his troubles just melted away. Colours seemed brighter, his worries were brushed aside and life was just... amazing. She made him laugh, he could tell her anything (almost) and she always knew what to say to make him feel better after a particularly rough day. But to him, the best part of it all was how excited she got him for the future. One that was bleak and full of sorrow was spun upside down and into a promising one, brimming with all possibilities.
“I have something to tell you.” He said softly, not able to stop himself this time.  
Maybe it was being this close to her that sent him over the edge. Or maybe it made it easier that she was facing away from him.  
“Hm?” she hummed softly; her eyes closed and enjoying the warm embrace.  
“...I love you.”  
That was it. It was out.
There was no way to suck those words back into his lungs.  
The tense, pregnant silence within the tent was only filled by the light tapping of the rain against the material that covered them.
He felt her tense in surprise, her eyes flying open.  
She swivelled around to face him, her eyes searching his narrow golden orbs for any sign of deception.  
But there wasn’t any.  
A crimson flush washed over his cheeks.  
“I... I mean, you know –” he began before she silenced him by pressing her lips against his.  
Both of their eyebrows pulled back as if pleading above closed eyes, his hand cupping her face, thrilled to be kissing her once more.  
She pulled away, her own pink hue colouring her face.  
“You... Love me?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet.  
He pressed his head against hers, closing his eyes and nodding.  
“ [Name] , I’m crazy about you.” He whispered in honesty. “I always have been.”
“...How crazy?” she teased, trying to tear away any awkwardness or negative feelings in his confession.  
He smirked. She knows just how to make him comfortable.  
He grinned slyly, looking in her eyes.  
“Oh, absolutely insane. I should be getting carted away to the asylum, with Sasha and her potatoes behind me.”
She laughed beautifully, her heart swelling with joy. Even from that dumb little exchange, confirmed to her that she definitely felt the same.  
“So, you don’t regret that kiss...? Last week?”
“Of course not.” He replied, eyes returning to a desperate pleading. “I was just having a hard time accepting that I’ve come to cadets to be a soldier and.... Ended up meeting the woman I wanna marry.”
Every word that left his lips felt like a warm pleasant jab to her heart.  
“You... Wanna marry me?” She whispers, totally blown away from the intensity of this confession.  
“I do.” He admitted shyly. “You don’t deserve anything less. It’s just how I feel... Sorry”
“You know...” she whispered shyly. “It’s more efficient to share body heat when you’re both naked.”
His eyes enlarged and breath caught in his throat.  
“That’s if... You’d want to.” She added adorably.  
“Are you sure?” he whispered, praying she would say yes.  
She nodded in reply.  
“I want you, Reiner.” She breathed. “I love you too. I want... you to make me yours. I want to be yours.”
Reiner was bombarded with emotion.  
Elation. Excitement. Arousal.
Not to mention he was beginning to wonder if this were a dream. If he were going to cruelly wake up next to Bertolt and his weird sleeping positions.  
There’d been countless times he’s imagined her utter those words in his head; sometimes while stroking his own cock.  
He’d lost count how many times he’d furiously tugged himself while she occupied his mind. But as his feelings for her deepened, it became less and less so; guilt always creeping into his conscience. He just respected her too much.
He propped himself up on his elbow, running his now trembling fingers through her hair.  
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He breathes.
“You won’t.” She shook her head. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I under –”  
He put his arms under the sleeping bag with great speed and shuffled a little, before pulling his shorts out and throwing them to the side.  
She let out a laugh when he returned to his original position with haste.  
He returned her laugh, rubbing his nose against hers.  
“Okay...” she muttered shyly. “Look over there for a moment”
He turned around obediently as she began to nervously undress under the now warm sleeping bag.  
All he could hear under the movement of her undressing herself was his heart pounding in his head.  
There’s no way this is real and happening.  
His cock was already hard at the thought of her undressing inches away from him. His previous reservations about being teamed up with her were quickly washed away as she threw her clothes to the side, before nestling back down and hiding under the cover.  
“Alright... You can come back.” She informs him.  
At the speed of a firing bullet, he turned back around; painfully keeping his eyes glued to hers.  
His arm flinched, about to pull her back into his embrace but he hesitated.  
“Are... you sure?” He asked again, not able to believe the situation.  
“Yes.” She giggled, nervously.  
His eyes enlarged and jaw slackened when he felt her satin soft skin against his, her bare breasts pressing against his hard chest and her lower stomach and groin against his solid erection. 
A gasp parted her lips as she felt, not only how hard he was, but how big.  
His arms snaked around her, his narrow orbs keeping their gaze onto her orbs as he pulled her now naked form against his.  
“R-Reiner...” she couldn’t help but stammer, her face heating up as well as her insides.  
A pink hue raises over his cheeks, not having really thought through the situation. He was nervous. He was excited. He was close to hyperventilating. 
Her lips softly press against Reiner’s once more, her fingers grazing across his scalp, her breathing heavy and needing. 
His arm snakes around her stomach, his brow pulled down and creased while his nose pushes out a blow of air, his heart hammering and his cock leaking with pre-cum. She could feel it weeping against her flesh as it throbbed and danced against her lower stomach. 
She pulls back for a moment; “Reiner. Only take me if you’re going to cherish me. This won’t be a one time thing for me...” 
He catches her gaze, lips parted and eyes still hungry. “Of course. I meant what I said.” 
She smiles - elated at his words as she returns her kiss, her hands roaming his ridged, solid muscles. 
His mouth moves down to her neck, slow and tender kisses - each one sending jolts of searing hot electric through her entirety. Reiner’s breath is deep; quivering and panting as he tries to hold back his eagerness and excitement. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long...” He groans, his large palm pushing her arm above her head as he hovers over her a little, his fingers interlocking with her own, still kissing her deeply. 
The pink hue across his face was deepening to more of a crimson, his eyes heavy lidded and jaw slack the entire time. The way he kisses her is with such compassion, such tenderness. He grazes his large nose against hers, hands caress her hair as he keeps himself steady over her, before gingerly rolling on top of her completely, keeping himself suspended with his forearms. 
He made sure every single graze, every grope was as gentle as possible - afraid of his lumbering huge form would somehow break her as they explored one another’s bodies, their tongues entwining in a slow dance within their mouths. Deep, short groans vibrated his throat and chest from time to time, and not once did that furrowed look of desperation leave his face. 
 The only sounds that could be heard was their kisses, whines and groans as well as their laboured breath and the pattering of rain against the tent. 
He suddenly stops their kiss, placing his head against hers and rubbing his large thumb across her cheek, back and forth. 
“I’m happy to just do this.” He breathes, wanting to prove to her that he really was just so happy she felt the same. “We don’t have to do anything else.” 
“I want to...” She replies, the snake coiled within her wrapped far too tightly to be ignored now. “I want you to make me yours. That’s...if you’d like.” 
He nods - returning his kiss, his top lip folding as his lusted haze results in him missing his mark slightly. God it was hard for him not to touch her between her legs. But he’s a gentleman. He didn’t want to unless he knew one hundred per cent that she was sure. 
Taking his fingertips, he nervously and slowly grazes them down her stomach to her pubic bone, pausing before taking a leap of courage - his calloused pads grazing down her clitoris and to her soaked lips. 
They both gasp at the sensation. The feeling of his warm, large fingers against her most intimate area was indescribable. And for him, her thick slick was heavenly. 
“Is this all for me...?” He whispers in awe and disbelief, his shoulder flexing with his movements as he continues to slowly stroke her. 
She nods, biting her lip. 
“Sh~~~it.” He swallows hard, eyes closing for a moment before returning to hers. “It’s my first time. I won’t last long.” 
“I don’t care.” She groans, pulling him by his head for another deep kiss. 
 As much as he wanted to enter her, he refused to allow himself. Instead his lips trail down her body, her eyes locked onto his broad back flexing with every tiny movement as his head moves, his lips connecting with every inch of skin it could find - his hands gently rubbing and massaging - memorising every single gasp from her mouth. Every hitch of breath. He would remember where he’d been when she made those noises and made sure he damn well took it all in. 
“Reiner, I can’t take it.” She eventually moans, writhing beneath him, fingers running through her own hair. “I need you. Please...” 
He instantly returns to her face, cupping it and his muscular back hunches - his free hand grabbing the large base of his shaft. 
“You ready for me, baby?” He breathes. 
She nods. 
He lines up his gleaming head before pushing gently, her tiny entrance being invaded by him as he hisses, her back bending with a loud moan. 
“ [Name]...” He whimpers, totally overwhelmed both with physical stimulation and emotion. 
He pushes again, a little firmer his head popping in past the first hurtle. 
“You okay?” He asks, sounding like he’s just finished sprinting a whole cross-country race. 
He pushes again, her tight insides slowly ingesting him like a snake with a large meal - her ridges massaging him as they spasm with glee around him - his moans now a lot louder than before as he jitters to a stop at the hilt. 
“Fuck...” His tone sounds like he’s about to burst into tears as he slowly starts to pull out and slide back in again. 
The full feeling of Reiner Braun was better than ecstasy, his girth pushing and stretching her, his cock bending up slightly at the tip, already pushing against her g-spot as he trembles above her. With each slow thrust, her pleasure was pushed to an impossible new high, her nails sinking into his large back as she clung onto him for dear life - tears pooling at the corners of her orbs from how amazing it all felt. Like the only two people in the world were her and him, souls connected and swirling around the cosmos in the eternal dance of lovers. 
 “I can’t... Reiner. It’s too good.” She sobs, her insides now pulling in a rhythm as her coil tightens more and more. “I’m going...” 
“Oh, baby...” He groans, eyes rolling as he plunges a little faster. “Me too. It feels so - n’urgh. So good...” 
“Reiner!” She sobs hysterically as she snaps, coming undone around him as her legs tremble and head throws back. 
 As she unravels around him, her name leaves his lips over and over and over again, each time louder than the last as his thick and large cumshot explodes inside of her, his atomic detonation causing mass devastation as his legs quiver, eyes cross and even a bit of drool hangs from his mouth. 
 You are one special person to capture Reiner’s affections while he held such high walls around his heart for reasons not yet known to you. But you managed it, and god is it such a beautiful thing. 
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Halloween Oreos (Michael Myers x Reader)
Original Ask: How about some snack time with Micheal uwu sharing Halloween oreos with his s/o or someone me whose getting close to him. Perhaps they buy him some huehue
Haddonfield had become a rather quiet place following the Halloween murders, the following years becoming somewhat grim.
Halloween was no longer the same, or at least it was something that made the residents of Haddonfield tense up. Even after thirteen years, people were sometimes too afraid to speak the Boogeyman’s name. At least, people finally came out of their homes, as if the plague was already over with. After thirteen years, one could have said that the Boogeyman was no more.
October had finally come around, and this year Haddonfield was gifted with a veil of fresh white snow on just the third day of the month.
You grunted as you fixed the plastic bags in your hands, the mittens you wore making it somewhat difficult to properly hold them.Today was the day to go out for groceries, a task you only did every now and then due to your current living condition.
“Need help there?” you heard a voice behind you, prompting you to turn and see the cashier that had rung you up in the grocery store.
“Oh! Ah,” you gave a nervous chuckle as you once again fixed the plastic bags. “I-I can bear, thank you though.”
“I really don’t mind lending a hand, especially in this weather.”
“It’s alright.” you insisted, especially after a chill ran down your back, your eyes glancing around as an uneasy feeling came over you. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I just need to get going right now. Somebody’s waiting for me.”
“Ah, I see.” he nodded, taking a step back as you sighed in relief. “I’ll leave you to it then.”
“Thank you, have a nice day.” you nodded as well, not bothering to watch him leave as you knew the consequences of such things.
As you headed to your car, you took notice of a news crew that had stationed itself across the road, right at a sidewalk that led to another array of stores. The crew was specifically focused on a hardware store that had its glass windows broken, even the farthest eye could see the bloody handprints that were splattered on the walls inside as well as other blood prints.
You shivered at the thought of what had gone down inside, instead focusing on the trunk of your car before loading everything inside. Not paying much attention to the camera crew, or at least not wanting to do so, you hopped into your car to drive out of town. But not before taking a good look at your surroundings, on edge about the eyes that were possibly watching your every move.
Home was a rather lengthy ride, no more than an hour’s time thankfully, but the searching for it was what made up for that isolation you required. Considering the situation you lived in, your partially preferred living arrangements lie in the woods outside of town, where things were calm and quiet.
Hopping out of your car, you felt as the snow began to fall once again. This meant that in the morning, the veil would be much thicker and there was no going out, especially as your small home was situated in a deep part of the woods.
Hearing your boots with every step, you unloaded the groceries which would definitely be taking more than one go. You made your way towards the cabin in front of you, coming to stop after walking onto the porch as your eyes caught crimson.
Right on the wood were boot prints, every single one as red as the blood from the hardware store.
Your eyes followed the trail that led to the door itself, and you took notice of it being ajar.
Dropping the bags onto the porch, you placed a hand on the door to cautiously take a step inside. The creak of the door was enough to have you jump back the slightest bit, especially as your eyes continued to examine the trail of blood that led into the kitchen.
Now, you knew not to act like a girl in a horror movie but…
“Hello?” you called out into the emptiness of your home, holding your keys close to either fight with them or immediately flee to the car. “Is that you-”
Soon enough your scream pierced the air as you jumped off the ground, this due to feeling a rough hand clasp onto your shoulder from behind.
Once you had turned around, you groaned at the sight of an older man that stared down at you with dead eyes.
“Michael!” you yelled at him, then fixing your jacket which had slightly crumpled up at the shoulder where you had been grabbed. “I thought you were someone else.”
The man before you in no way flinched, not even bothering to blink as he continued to watch your every move.
“You leave in the middle of the night without a word and leave me alone all day.” you mentioned before passing by him, knowing that he turned his entire body to always be facing you. “Well now that you’re done with scaring the hell out of me, I’m done with the groceries. Won’t need to go out until January I think. I hope so, since it’s starting to get pretty cold out.”
Michael Myers, the Shape or Boogeyman of Haddonfield, stood right at your door with not a care in the world. If anything, your door to your house, was his door to his house. It had been this way for quite awhile now.
A few years actually.
It was surprising that he was not wearing his mask, his blue and clouded eye completely fixated on your figure as you grabbed the bags right at the entrance.
Once you had grabbed the bags at the door and then the remaining ones in the car, you shut and locked the door before being followed by Michael into the kitchen.
After he had spared you years back, Michael had come to act like a cat. Always with his nose on the lookout for what it is you would be feeding him. Hilariously, that was just how Michael reluctantly came into your life.
“I haven’t prepared anything since I’ve been out most of the day.” you admitted, ever so quietly laughing at the soft groan that rumble in Michael’s throat. “I did find some sweet goodies at the market though. Especially at WalMart.”
Michael didn’t always understand the things you talked about, but he was always listening. Always watching. Learning.
“They have these new cookies for the season. The orange looks kind of funny, but I’m pretty sure they taste the same as the originals.” you mentioned as you set the groceries on the counter, looking through the bags as you began to put everything in its place. “I also got you some stuff to shave off that scruff.”
Michael’s eyes darted down in an attempt to look at his chin, instead seeing you hand placed under it as you softly rubbed your thumb on it.
“Though I have to admit that it’s starting to grow on me.” you smiled before making your way back to the groceries. “Just like the greys in your hair.”
It really had been a few years since you had met Michael, a relationship forming after a pretty good while. He was in his mid-twenties, practically a middle-aged man now who hadn’t been found by the authorities this entire time thanks to you.
As you began to prepare a hot beverage for yourself, and Michael who you knew would ignore it but drink it behind your back, you knew that Michael was watching you intently. His eyes were glued on your hands that grabbed a pumpkin you had purchased. Somehow, he had not even realized the large vegetable as you brought it in.
“Found a recipe you might like, especially for the cold.” you spoke before grabbing a kitchen knife, one that piqued Michale’s interest but was not enough to have him snatching it away due to its size. “Especially with all the pumpkins that are out now.”
To his dissatisfaction, you set the knife down besides the pumpkin on the counter before facing him.
“But before I make that, I’m gonna go change. These clothes are starting to make me feel stuffy.” you removed your jacket as you walked around the counter and out the kitchen, for once not being followed by Michael who was now focused on the knife you had left behind.
Knowing that you would be too focused on finding one of his shirts to wear, he approached the counter to take hold of the knife, bringing it to his face to admire how it shone under the kitchen light. He first held it pointing upwards, but changed it so that he was instead gripping it with the blade pointing down. His head craned to the vegetable beside him, and instinct got the best of him.
“I see you got started with the pumpkin.” he heard your voice, turning around after having jabbed the knife down into the pumpkin which had more than a simple wound.
Michael grabbed the knife once again to pull it out, his entire body facing you once again as he tilted his head at your figure.
Your eyes fell to the knife that contained a bit of pumpkin residue, even a seed or two managed to slip out due to Michael’s brute strength. Now your eyes were on his blank features, and you couldn’t help but give him a smirk.
It wasn’t often that you lit the fireplace as to avoid any attention from outsiders, especially authorities who had honestly given up on the search for Michael despite his former psychiatrist’s demands, but you believed that tonight was just the night for a warm fire.
Despite the cold weather, you only wore one of Michael’s shirts with socks, perhaps a little something on your bottom. You figured that there wasn’t an entire need for covering yourself when Michael was your human blanket, and one that refused to come off you.
With all of the day’s work done, you sat on the couch, or more like Michael’s lap as he sat on the couch. Your legs were crossed as your torso was constricted by Michael’s strong arms, his chin casually laying on top of your head as you ate the last of your pumpkin soup.
Both pairs of eyes stared up ahead, almost next to the fireplace where your TV screen was placed. You were both watching the moving pictures, or at least Michael resumed that when you made comments about the movie.
“That’s so cheesy, no girl would scream and faint on the spot if she saw a monster.” you ever so slightly shook your head, Michael’s chin too heavy to actually complete the motion. “At least, nowadays. However, that looked like that one scene from the latest Child’s Play movie where the guy has a heart attack.”
It was an old monster movie kind of night, your mood demanding it and Michael no doubt being curious. Frankenstein actually seemed to catch his attention.
The man’s eyes glanced down at you as he saw your arms stretch out with your empty bowl, attempting to put it on the coffee table in front of the couch. This of course was quite impossible with Michael holding you back, his grip on you only becoming tighter as you were managing to barely escape his grasp.
“Michael!” you groaned, pulling your head forwards until his arms made a ring around your hips after you were able to snake the top part of your body out.
As you reached out to set the bowl down, you felt Michael bury his face right into your back before rubbing himself all over and taking in your scent simultaneously.
“I just want to put the damn bowl down.” you wheezed, eventually releasing a sigh of relief when your glass bowl safely landed on the table. But it made you also pleased to have grabbed the plate you had prepared along with the bowls of soup, making sure it or its contents didn’t slip out of your hands as you adjusted your body to the former position.
Michael gave a grunt as he placed his chin on your head again, this time making sure that you had no way of escaping him.
“You wanna try one, Michael?” you lifted the plate just a bit, having Michael peer down at the plate that contained black little circles that smelled weirdly to him. “They’re the newest Oreos. The cookies I mentioned earlier.”
You placed the plate on your lap, wishing that that was enough to hold them up while you took one of the cookies and offered it up to Michael.
“I don’t have any milk right now because you’re not gonna let me get any, so take it like this.
Michael squinted at the cookie, the orange filling enough to have him blinking at least once. In this state of his, you were able to break free and spin your body in place so that your legs were no longer crossed but instead on either side of Michaels’ waist. The plate of cookies was safely put on the empty space of the couch so that nothing could fall.
Having a mind of their own, Michael’s hands wrapped themselves around you as he once again stared at the cookie.
“It’s just a cookie Michael.” you giggled, lowering it before taking a bite out of it yourself.
Michael’s eyes landed on your lips, watching the way they moved as you chewed the cookie piece. Tiny black crumbs adorned your lips, every now and then shifting the more you chewed.
You watched him as well, finding it how funny his curiosity was. So, you popped in the remainder of your cookie before eating it as well, now feeling one of Michael’s arms leave your waist.
Instead, his fingers brushed against the warmth of your skin as his nails carefully scraped your cheeks. The tips of his fingers now coming close to your lips, his index finger actually on your bottom lip before it pulled it down and open.
“Michael,” you breathed out, knowing that Michael was merely observing the crumbs left on your lips.
Blinking up at Michael, you saw as he brought his face down to yours. His lips now dangerously close to yours as he continued to play with your bottom lip, making your breath hitch as he neared more and more.
Soon enough you closed your eyes when Michael closed the gasp, but not with his lips but his tongue.
Your eyes shot open as you felt his tongue lick the corner of your lip, continuing onto your lips themselves. You placed your hands on his shoulders, gripping onto them as you felt his own twist around the shirt you wore.
Your lips had already been parted from the shock of Michael’s actions, that good enough for Michael to slip in his tongue to get a taste of your mouth.
He didn’t care about your nails digging into his shoulders but in fact enjoyed it, pressing your chest against his as his tongue continued to explore your cavern, tasting every bit he could. But before you could follow along with his treatment, Michael retreated himself and looked down at you with half-lidded eyes that matched yours. Well, his didn’t have as much emotion as yours for he was difficult to faze of course.
“Michael?” you sighed at him, thoughts clouded with what just happened. You were then snapped out of it when Michael let go of you with one hand, reaching to the side where the plate of cookies was.
He had grabbed another one, bringing up in between your faces and leaving it there for just a moment. Soon after, he brought it to your lips, scraping it against them before slowly slipping it in so that you could take a bite.
As you chewed the cookie, Michael took the other piece into his mouth, leaving the two of you with crumbs on each of your lips.
His tongue slid out once again, licking the crumbs off of his lips before you got the memo.
The flush on your cheeks was more than enough to warm you up on this chilly October night.
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annabethy · 3 years
57. “I come here whenever I need a quiet place to think…to sort my head out.”
36. "How do you even know that this is here?"
in which Percy and Annabeth aren't the best of friends, but meet on the rooftop and discover that maybe, they're exactly what the other needs,, percabeth
It’s two in the morning, and Annabeth finds that she can’t bring herself to sleep.
She tries to hold her eyes shut in hopes of the sleepiness she’s felt all week slipping over her, but another hour passes and she’s still wide awake.
When Annabeth sits up in her bed, she has no intentions of slipping out of the apartment, past her dad’s room, but then she looks out the window where the city lights are awake as can be, and she finds herself already unlocking her window and stepping onto the fire escape.
It’s a long journey up the metal stairs, so she takes her time to appreciate the blow of the winter wind and the noise of New York City that she’s come to love. It’s a biting chill, one that has her wishing she’d put on a jacket prior to her midnight voyage to the top of her apartment building, but it comforting and welcome.
When she does reach the end of the fire escape, she hops onto the ledge of the building and stares off into the skyline. It should be dark so late at night, but instead, it’s glowing. It’s beautiful, she thinks, the industrial feel of the city. It’s so unnatural, but it’s where she’s grown up. She’s used to the honking of horns and the noises that fill the silence.
Annabeth walks along the edge carefully, focusing on the views further in the distance. She wonders if she’d be able to see where the Earth begins to curve and thinks about how big the planet really is (and how small she is in comparison). She can spot the point where the lights seem to have a gap, and she thinks she’s looking at what would be a river in the daylight.
She feels as though she can finally breathe in this moment, though she hadn’t realized how suffocated she had felt before, stuffed into the small space that was her room. Her hair blows in the wind, and she refrains from thinking about how difficult it’ll be to brush it out later. It’s freeing, relieving, and—
“Don’t fall,” a voice warns.
Annabeth rolls her eyes at the voice that is all too familiar, turning her head to she can look over her shoulder. It’s darker atop the building, but even she can spot the mischievous glimmer in her eyes that’s always irked her much more rigid personality.
“Jackson,” she says, a tone of sarcasm in her voice, “What a pleasure.”
“I always am,” he says, grinning. He’s leaning against a metal unit, staring at her, and had they been anywhere else, at any other moment in time, she might’ve made some snarky remark to wipe the grin off his face. She tells herself she doesn’t have the energy to deal with it right now, and that it’s the reason for her silence. “You plan on getting down from there anytime soon?”
“Aw. It’s so sweet you’re worried.” She knows it’s true, despite the small laugh she hears pushed from his lungs. That’s something that she’s discovered about him. Even with the person he hates most in the world, he cares.
“If you fell, people would probably think I pushed you.”
Annabeth snorts.
He’s not particularly wrong. The rivalry they have going on in school is strong, and people probably wouldn’t put murder beyond them.
“Seriously,” he says. “Get down.”
She jumps down from the short ledge towards him. Her eyes adjust slightly to the light, and she can see him better now. He’s in a windbreaker, and his own hair is ruffled in the wind. She finds herself wanting to run her fingers through it before catching herself. It surprises even her – Percy’s made her life nothing but literal hell, and she’d rather die than get caught playing friendly with him.
Annabeth stands next to him but doesn’t sit yet.
“What are you even doing here?” she asks.
“I’m stalking you,” is his answer.
Annabeth kicks him lightly and suppresses a laugh at his dramatic hiss of pain. “What are you actually doing here? You don’t live in this area.”
“I come here whenever I need a quiet place to think…to sort my head out.”
“Percy Jackson can think?”
“Haha, you dick.”
“I’m messing with you,” she says. She chooses then to sit down beside him. She thinks it may be the first time she’s sat near him voluntarily. Annabeth supposes there’s no harm if there’s no one there to see. “How do you even know that this is here?”
Percy shoots her a look, though not an unkind one. It has her neck flushing red despite the temperature outside. “How do I know that this building has a roof?”
“You know what I mean, smartass.”
Percy shrugs and extends his legs. His feet nudge hers playfully. “I’ve lived in this corner my entire life. I know just about everything there is.”
“That’s fair.”
“How about you, Chase? Why is my princess out past curfew?”
Annabeth chooses to ignore the nickname she’s hated for so long (and the way he calls her his).
“Couldn’t sleep,” she admits.
“Something bothering you?”
She hums. “Nothing in particular. I just figured if I was going to be awake, I might as well spend it outside.”
“And spend it with me,��� Percy teases, elbowing her lightly.
“Because I love spending time with you,” Annabeth says. There’s a particularly harsh blow of wind that has her crossing her arms over her chest.
“Are you cold?”
“I’m fine.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
Annabeth’s never been one to swallow her pride, but it seems to have gotten significantly colder in minutes, and she’d rather not sit outside for who knows how long without any barrier from the wind. Still, she’s hesitant. “Are you sure?”
Percy chuckles lightly and slips his jacket off his shoulders. “Here.”
When she puts it on, it’s immediate relief. It’s still warm from his body heat, and it smells like him. It’s nicer than she cares to admit, and somehow, she feels comfort in the oversized fabric that she’s practically drowning in.
As she tightens it around her, breathing in the scent of him, she mumbles, “Thank you.”
Percy’s response is a brush against her arm with his fingers.
“So, what were you thinking about?” she asks. “When you came to my secret place?”
“Your secret place?”
“I called dibs. If you wanted it to be yours, maybe you should’ve tried harder.”
Percy gives her his lopsided smile at her remark. “I’m not really sure. Life, I guess.”
“About how you plan to torture me at school next week?”
“Oh, of course.”
“That spider was not funny, you know.”
“It’s because I have a crush on you.”
“And here I thought you hated me.”
“Do you think I would give my jacket to someone I hate?”
“I guess not,” she says, laughing. “You can have it back if you want.”
Percy shakes his head. “I’m alright.”
“Are you sure, though? It’s cold outside, and we’re not exactly best friends.”
He grabs her hand from her lap and squeezes it. “I’m alright, Annabeth. I want you to have it.”
Annabeth bites her lower lip, but gives in, sinking further into the jacket. It’s kind of heaven, she hates to admit. She feels as though she should hate this, spending time with Percy Jackson so late into the night, but somehow, she feels more at home than she has in a long time.
“Also,” Percy begins again, “not best friends?”
“Do you really consider us best friends?”
“I mean…you’d definitely have to define best friends. Two people that playfully bully each other? Sure.”
“Playful?” Annabeth chokes out. “Nothing about our relationship is playful. You hit me in the eye with a pencil a few days ago.”
“In my defense, that was actually an accident. I felt really bad about it.”
“But that doesn’t mean we’re not friends, right? I mean, I’d totally kiss you if you wanted me to. I think that qualifies as friends?”
Annabeth is no stranger to his lighthearted flirting, so she just rolls her eyes fondly. “That qualifies as something entirely different.”
“Probably.” Percy squeezes her hand again, and she realizes that he’d never actually let go. “But I’m actually going to miss bullying you every day once we graduate.”
“You’ll find a way, I’m sure. You’re going to NYU?”
“And you’re going to Columbia,” he responds back.
“I’ll be close enough to be bullied, then.”
“I guess so. Maybe I don’t want to bully you, though.”
“Aw, bummer. What would our relationship be without your flirtatious bullying?”
“Maybe something more?”
Annabeth looks at him then. He seems to be genuine, and so she finds she can’t look away.
“I do actually consider us friends, Annabeth. I mean it.”
Somehow, she knows he does.
“I guess friends isn’t so bad,” Annabeth says quietly, “if sitting up here is any indication.”
“We could have our weekly ventures to our secret spot.”
“My secret spot,” she corrects.
Percy grins brightly.
“But I wouldn’t be so opposed to that, as long as you never try to hit me with a pencil.”
“I didn’t mean to the first time,” he says lightly.
“Then friends,” she says.
“We’re living our own enemies to lover story.”
“Ew. Never mind. I don’t want to be your friend.”
Annabeth just muffles a laugh into the sleeve of his jacket, choking out a quick kidding, and he pinches her in indignation. They fall into a silence, and the sounds of New York drown out in her ears. All she can hear is the rhythm of his breathing, and she can only focus on the warmth of his body.
“Do you actually have a crush on me?” she asks, suddenly curious.
“Maybe I do. I guess you’ll just have to stick around long enough to find out.”
Annabeth’s heart flutters. “I guess I will.”
Really, she’s starting to think maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world. Perhaps he’s never been as awful as she’s been telling herself. Maybe it was always just her pride.
Maybe Percy Jackson is exactly what she’s always needed.
Annabeth really has no control over it when her eyes begin to flutter shut. She doesn’t even realize it’s happening until Percy opens his arms towards her – an invitation – and she slides right in. His arms wrap around her, his face pressing into the top of her head, and she lets herself drift into the sleep she’s been wishing for.
She doesn’t wake up until the sun begins to peek over the horizon. She’s nestled deep against him, able to feel every breath he takes and hear his heartbeat. He’s sleeping when she lifts her head, so she allows herself to fall back against him, a subtle smile on her face.
It’s unexpected, but she feels safe in his embrace. It’s warm and happy in their secret spot, and she never wants to leave.
Annabeth stays here with him, in their secret spot, for just a bit longer.
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