horrorsmashorpass · 2 months
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charactersmashorpass · 7 months
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"Strange and offputting short little man. Insane in the brain insane in the pussy or whatever they say on here"
"campy twink. wet and creepy. what’s not to love?"
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neongreensyrup · 3 months
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sketching-shark · 9 days
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tbh--and especially in this era of many protagonists getting viciously belittled by antagonists while they can't say or do anything except take it while looking sad--one of the delightful things about og classic Monkey King is how his brutal honesty about his own desires & crimes comes with a free telling his opponents to 1-800-GO-TO-HELL.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Different SWK's react to "I want a baby" text:
I imagine these convos are between the different SWK and their LEMs, but it works in general too.
Lego Monkie Kid SWK/"Dawn" + TMKATI au "Peach":
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The Monkey King: Hero is Born SWK/ "Dasheng":
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The Monkey King Reborn/"Smokey":
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The Monkey King (Netflix) 2023/ "Cherry":
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New Gods: Nezha Reborn/"Ace":
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Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King (2000)/"Sugar":
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Smash Legends/"Starfruit":
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I made this as a joke. Add any thoughts you wish.
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alice-ness · 1 day
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happy pride month and reminder
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i-am-confusion-03 · 11 months
The hardest thing about switching from forbidden west to zero dawn is not sending Aloy hurtling towards the ground at terminal velocity because there's no shield wing
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I’ve been replaying the Monster Prom games recently, and I’ve been trying to decipher why I find the meta-humor in those games funny, even charming. Normally meta-humor is one of the biggest turn-offs for a show or game for me. It’s one of the main reasons I stopped watching Rick and Morty after season 3. But, after some thought, I think I’ve finally figured it out.
With the Monster Prom games, the Meta-Humor never seems to come off as the characters hating their genre. Rather, they revel in it. Polly cracks jokes about you having to choose between two equally insane options instead of doing what any rational being would do in that situation. Aaravi gleefully enjoys being an RPG Protagonist in a Dating Sim. You can romance the fucking Narrator. And all of this is enjoyable because, while the characters are aware of the fact that they’re in a video-game, they act in good-humor and enjoy their lives all the same.
Most meta-humor seems to come from the characters resenting the genre they’re in. They joke about how much they hate the dumb story and how contrived it is. It’s always an eye-roll at the camera and it just gets tiresome. Rick and Morty feels like a slog to get through because the characters hate the story itself as well as each other. It just gets fucking tiring.
Deadpool makes jokes about how silly a superhero universe is, but he’s also giddy when he sees Juggernaut and eagerly points out superhero tropes that he enjoys. West of Loathing’s meta-jokes and arguments between player and narrator are charming and part of the fun. Because they all come from a place of genuinely enjoying the genre they’re a part of.
I dunno, just something I wanted to talk about. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go date Vera again.
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"autistic gay transmasc swag"
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queenlua · 5 months
hey tumblr: what's the spookiest/scariest airport you've ever landed in? (as in, the process of landing seems freaky/dangerous/whatever)
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slowlycolorfulavenue · 6 months
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charactersmashorpass · 7 months
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"she will be so mean to you"
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nickysfacts · 3 months
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All hail the mighty King Koopa!👑
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cicadaknight · 1 year
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i hope they never fix this goof with a zenith face model living her best life in chainscrape
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
How does the Wukongverse gang feel about the stone matriarch au updates? Do they still keep in touch with each other?
The Wukongverse isn't a linear au/story, so they just hang out whenever.
That being said, if Dawn/LMK!SWK experiences the Stone Matriarch au and all that it implies...
Dasheng: "Oh hey, you've been busy-" Dawn, thousand-yard stare: "There used to be more of us. There used to be a troupe of Stone Monkeys on Mount Huaguo, and their last Matriarch was out mother." Rest of the monkeys: "...wut" ( 0_0) Dawn: "They were wiped out in the Great Flood when the Heavenly Pillar broke. When my mother thought that she had lost her mate, she deliberately buried herself to form the Stone Egg that would become me." Cherry: "The boulder is our mom!?" Other Monkeys: "Shush!" Ace: "While these plot twists are so very entertaining, can we see some evidence?" Dawn: *quietly reveals Luzhen, fast asleep in a papoose* The Other Monkeys: "!!!" Dawn: "My mother's mate didn't die in the flood, but had become trapped beneath the mountain. He too made a Stone Egg." Starfruit, confused: "He looks exactly like you, man!" Smokey, calculating "Well since mates naturally share dao.. then that would make him our-" Shihou, bounces up excited: "WE HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER!" Sugar, worried: "But what if *ours* is still stuck under the mountain?" All the SWKs: "..." All the SWKs:
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They leave the meeting room deserted within seconds.
Some of their respective LEMs come running too while others are super confused/worried.
Dusk/LMK!LEM just wanders in, checks on Luzhen to make sure the baby wasn't scared by all the noise, and comments:
Dusk: "Wow. You didn't even touch the fact that Guanyin is your mother's reincarnation." The LEMs, all-hearing: "SHE'S/THEY'RE WHAT?!
Lots of chaos ensues across the multiverse as the differnt monkeys try to figure out what parts of the Stone Matriarch story fits their worlds.
The ones who manage to unearth their version of Luzhen clutch the newborn Stone Monkey tight, sobbing at the joy of finding another of their kind.
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lovebites-posts · 4 months
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Nothing between her and her jacket
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