Hi Noisette!
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"woah, whats that!?"
"tob a ni seciov fo hcnub a tsuj er'yeht yas yehT !yella eht yb edistuo meht dnuof i :)"
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"so, here for the usual? On the house of course, since you're my second favorite customer!"
"..sey esoppus I os ,yrgnuh ma I .dnik os er'uoy"
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"well lil guy! or, guys plural? Anyways, whats your deal?"
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m-aximumjoy · 2 years
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Some interesting similarities between the forms of Falling Devil and Darkness Devil.
There’s the use of multiple bodies to create a singular form, the angular shapes, the mantis-leg-like appendages, the sheer height.
These two also share very strong hand motifs, which makes sense for both of them: when it’s dark, you have to feel your way around, usually with your hands; when you’re falling, you try to grab onto something with your hands.
I’m curious to see if the other Primals look anything like these two.
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not me curling my laptop charger wire the way you curl band equipment cords HAHAHA god i miss it
#i really said “okay big performance in the city square let's make this work” and i did but absolute fuckery of the manager just made me...#and she also used to complain about being an opening act-- like come on that's a nationally-renowned band and we're not there yet 😭#we used to fight a lot though so ack i really should have taken that as a red flag#but i was 14 and stupid 🤷‍♂️#being solo way better uM i shouldn't say this yet but i got a commission today audhauagah i don't even have a portfolio#fuck guys i'm so so so nervous from big changes in life because uM god i just came from actual hell with various things working to make me#kms#but uH we're uH not too keen on that anymore atm and uH it's probably going to all fuck up after i share that i have good news in life#but yk what#let's keep challenging god#i know he hates me#but we will not be defeated we will strangle him by the tie#AHHHH help me i want to get into music again pls pls pls pls pls#anyway back to my old band manager#she was known for being a shitwad in the scene anyw but i was young and stupid as i sais#and i defended her and rationalized her behavior because “we're friends right”#i'm starting to get why my mom is wary of people i get to know#i'm tbh a fucking idiot i would never admit that elsewhere (nah i do) uM my brain is bouncing off the walls#i took a bargain with 7pm coffee and look where it got me#i was also getting up there in my 5 days of uni absences agsgshags#DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY READ THESE I KINDA HOPE NOW NO ONE DOES#IM KINDA UHHH MY CHILD THERAPIST SAID UNCONVENTIONAL#I THINK SHE MEANT FUCKING CRAZY#sorry#oh yeah i walked tf out the band after that big performance set up just for us because i couldn't keep working with that kind of environment#other bands started flocking to recruit or proxy after i was let go by my famously fucked-up ex-manager LOL#but um i have issues so i'm not among them and i think they get the message tbh#appears and disappears#that is actually my brand
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thepollyjustice · 1 month
the absence of an answer can be an answer in itself. if you didn't think him hot as fuck you'd simply say no. any objections?
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“I… er. Uh… No. no objections.. (Sorry, Mr. Gavin!)”
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mewnia · 2 years
Any Tips on how to go about foreshortening?
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Haha! No but seriously, I personally wing it. But I’ll do my best to explain my process! First, let’s take the art that I ~think~ influenced this ask:
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So in order to figure out the perspective, I always have to have a 1) a head to refer to. Then it’s very important to 2) mark the general area to the head that you want the hand to be. 3) shoulder! 4) make a line of action that you want the torso to follow and mold the shape around it.
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There’s also the tube method! Think about arms/legs as shapes, specifically. Most of the time the reason why people struggle with foreshortening is because they try to attack the details before attacking the shape. Don’t do that! You’ll trip yourself every time. Shape first, detail second. You’ll also notice that a forearm has more mass towards the elbow, and thighs are a lot bigger than you think when the leg is bending! Which brings me into my next thing.
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FIGURE STUDY!! STUDY THAT FIGURE! If you’re able to take classes, DO IT and don’t choose a basic seat! Challenge yourself! If you can’t take classes, use yourself as reference or find websites/videos specifically for academic figure study. Draw what you see and not what you know. Look up what a quick pose/gesture drawing is, and if there’s tutorials.
Getting to know the body and its muscles is a VERY powerful tool. Sorry to be a broken record, but the basics are important for a reason. So many artists say “practice,” but I don’t think enough say “observe.” Because that’s literally all that I do and I stare long enough to try and put it to paper. Observe other people! The details! Notice the absence of flat surfaces, how we think we know the body but we don’t—
Ack! Sorry, a lot of these tutorials I give always end in me spilling my passion for figure study. But yeah! Observation, placement, shapes, and uh… winging it! Really that’s all that art is. It’s sure to help with foreshortening.
I hope this helps!
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grief-worn · 2 months
🔥🔥🔥 (Not sorry at all xD)
It's dark. Her limbs are coiled up, caught under the weight of something warm. Something wriggling. Her vision swirls across blotches of gray, and her head is gently pulsing with a dull ache. Where is she? Why can't she move?
After a few determined blinks, she manages to maneuver her neck at an angle, gazing skyward. A circle; the hole she had fallen into. At a glance, she measures a solid ten yards, probably more. Too steep to just climb out. Perfect. Just perfect.
Shadowheart attempts a repositioning of her own body, but her knee catches on something, and her elbow bangs against solid rock. So, it isn't just a hole she's found herself trapped in. It's a very small hole.
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After another squeeze of her vision, an adjustment to the absence of light, she realizes what exactly is crammed up against her nose. A chest, convulsing with the rapid rise and fall of panicked breaths. Her stare travels north, and she locks onto gleaming yellows; Ran's open eyes. They've tumbled into this pit together, bodies squashed, far too close for any kind of comfort.
The Sharran handles this with her usual brand of optimism; none at all.
"This is your fault. You told me you were good at navigating traps. Actually, no, you had claimed you were the best." she blasts out a heated snarl, trying another position, her knee jamming against Ran's inner thigh. "Does this look like the best? No. What this looks like is the very last time I trust you to take me anywhere."
One rudimentary spell from Gale's own collection would be enough to solve their little problem. But this is a stealth mission. They are alone. It was discussed that a whole crowd of shuffling feet would jeopardize their objective, and as a result, every single companion remained at camp. Far away. So very far away.
She detects a pressure against her lower half. The presence of something quite unwanted, nestled tight on the very spot not even god might think to look. "Ack! Get your damn foot out of my—"
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NICO NICO OH MY GOF HI HI I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH im so sorry i just went and disappeared on you like that. went through a really bad time and got sick of my blog (which i honestly have been for a good while) and just decided to wipe everything and be alone for a little. it's so good you should try suddenly disappearing into a fog sometimes I'll just want for you to come back when you've cleared your mind. sorry i miss you a lot and it's so nice to get to talk to you again :). oh here's some poetry from a book i've acquired through ah id say dubious means and ive bookmarked some that reminded me of you and your sea thing. im gonna go through and find some more for you. anyway PLEASE catch me up on things how's everything have you been writing show me show me how are your little silly creatures any new stuff youre insane about any cool things you wanna show me tell me everything man IVE MISSED YOU MWUAHMWUAHMUWHA
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enyway these are the poems 👍. ly man
okay first before anything please please PLEASE don't be sorry for disappearing and retreating into the shadows for a bit. i mean it. you're braver than all of us for knowing when to take a break and even having the guts to deactivate for the betterment of your mental health especially with your posts blowing up and people being annoying and going through shit with your mental health and everything, i'm proud of you for taking that step & happy you did it!!! of course i was worried but i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you were able to do that to help scrape the grime and dirt off <3 seriously. :)
umm how things are going!!! idk nothing much has changed since you've been gone tbh? i just found out my coworkers at the library and i are getting a pay increase because the county loves us soooooooooo much and bc we've been working so hard, so that's cool!! i also finished writing a good omens fic that turned out to be 15 pages long (rip) and it was the first piece of non-poetry writing that i've attempted AND FINISHED in over a year. ACK!!!! im v proud of it :]
ALSO a little bit of tragic news our favorite girl (guitar) vendetta, my beautiful lovely woman, is like. on the fritz for some reason? her channel switch is fizzling out and she's have connection issues with the amp and it's really sad. but!! since my birthday is next month (the 17th), i talked to my parents and they agreed that for my bday present they would help me pay for a NEW GUITAR????. THIS IS THE ONE I HAD MY EYE ON
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last thing, i watched juno 2007 (Finally!) during your absence AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO WATCH IT. elliot page and his little egg self :') idk it made me tear up a little i loved it so much. <3
my cats are as beastly as ever of course. here are some pictures:
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we all missed you so much man it hasn't been the same without you here. i love you so much zed so so so much <3333
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Ack sorry, same anon, but I keep thinking about it. Do the others now… talk to the dolls? I have the very vivid image of Leo and Niles having a conversation and stopping every so often to ask Odin his opinion even if he can’t answer, going as far as to pretend he did. They know him well enough to guess his opinions on stuff, so when they start an argument Niles would throw a “See, Odin agrees with me” leaving Leo sputtering.
And wouldn’t Camilla buy Selena new outfits? She asks Beruka for her opinion and Beruka *tries* because she doesn’t know fashion but for Selena, she’s willing to pretend. On days were progress is particularly slow and they need to unwind, they go out all three of them to take a walk and see the sights, buying whatever catches their fancy. And who’s gonna say no to the princess if she decides to buy a doll house?
With Laslow it’s a tad more complicated, music boxes weren’t meant for playing. Xander and Peri still talk to him regularly, placing pretty flowers in front of the box every day for him to admire, but they are extra careful whenever they move him. Xander wakes up from a nightmare one night and he doesn’t let Laslow out of his sights for the next three days until Peri convinces him that Laslow would probably “get all red with embarrassment like he usually does whenever anyone stares at him”. And Naga forbid the gears rust!
Buuut yeah, thoughts 🎵
(doll au) (feels similar to this ask)
I do like to imagine what would happen after the Trio are turned back into dolls! I love this imagery! Niles saying Odin agrees with him in an argument, leaving Leo sputtering! Love that!!! And Camilla dressing Selena up! Feels very poignant both because that's something Camilla knows Selena enjoyed and also all that attention would keep her (as a doll) from feeling neglected the way she did in the past! Showering Selena with gifts even as a doll! And Beruka joining in even though she doesn't fully know what to do! Xander getting so protective of Laslow's music box because it's so fragile! You have to worry about mechanical objects in there unlike the other dolls. I bet Peri is in charge of dusting the music box and she makes sure to talk to Laslow and keep him aware of what's going on and that she's taking care of Xander in his absence :)
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aCK sorry for my absence. I have been searching for a fuckin voice claim and there is no luck-
hope you get a voice claim for Fuckin soon, and can't wait to meet them!
side note, it took me some time to get used to your new icon. Every time I saw it I would think "WHO'S THAT?"
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Scenario: You fall asleep in their room.
Hawks: You've known Keigo since he first started out as a hero and were living with after a villain attack left your apartment destroyed, which both awesome and devastating to you, awesome you get to see your best friend and crush on his off time! but devastating because he doesn't know you like him... and it hurts knowing that while you're here on the penthouse balcony eating take-out drinking canned wine, looking down at the streets below... Hawks is out on some fancy date with some fangirl, who he's never gonna call again!
A sigh left your mouth as you pulled away from the railing nearly stumbling backwards a bit! luckily the feather Hawks left in the penthouse (or as Kei lovingly called it the nest.) caught you and gently pushed you back on your feet and just kind of hovered close in case you fell over,
(Meanwhile... Keigo flinched feeling his feather impact with something, worried he to excuse himself from his date and call you! and got nervous when you didn't answer.)
Deciding to call it a night you tossed your can in the recycling bin and went to bathroom, not seeing your phone light up when Hawks called... afterwards you managed to stumble into your room and pass out on your "bed" not noticing the fact that that your full size mattress was suddenly a king size and your blankets and sheets weren't the normal purple flannel ones you usually snuggled into.
Keigo got home 15 minutes later...
"Y/n?...I'm back!" He called out looking around the living room trying to see if you were awake, no answers he locked the door and put his keys on the counter when he noticed, the empty cans on it he check the labels and realized they were wine and hard water... he let out a small whistle reading the labels some of these were hard core 17% alcohol!... *She didn't drink these by herself did she?* he went over toward the guest room but saw the door close and assumed you were sleeping...
Keigo then went to his room and got ready for bed, and froze when he sensed he wasn't alone, he looked over at his bed as saw a person laying there, the blond tensed up and kept his feathers train on them as he approached he lifted the blanket and... Keigo's feathers dropped when he saw you laying fast asleep in his bed... His mind kind of stalled to a screeching halt as he stared at you there curled up and vulnerable...
He should've woken you up... should've told you to go back to your room, but instead the avian man just finished getting ready for bed and settled down next you taking your serene features and playing with your [hl/hc] hair as one of his wings covered you protectively before drifting off to sleep.
The it was the crack of dawn you woke up with a bad hangover and confused your bed felt and smelled different... almost like, a large red wing lazily jutted over your body and rested next to your head, Your eyes widened hangover momentarily forgotten as you got a good look around and realized you weren't in your room! you felt an arm thrown over you waist turned to see Keigo sleeping, you swallowed and tried to slip away, while trying to think how your going apologize for this! only for the blond to hold on tighter and pulled you back towards him, you looked back and saw his gold eyes glaring at her half lidded with a clear message. "Go back to sleep." you blinked before laying back down and relaxed in Keigo's arms going back to sleep.
Dabi: You stupidly trusted Toga who was fooling around with her quirk and was disguised as a dude said she'd take you back to your room after you over did it at the bar, you were pretty plastered Kurogiri cut you off and told you to go to bed! Toga offered to help you out, cos Dabi your supposed partner was too busy flirting with some random chick; who had wandered in with her entourage, not uncommon as the league needed the money so occasionally, they'll open the bar to civilians though most of them were drugged by the end of the night and dropped at random spots so that can't tell people where they were. (but anywho)
Toga had said she'd take you back to your room and in your drunken haze, you foolishly trusted her as she led you way from the bar. and far away from a certain cremator, who didn't take your absence lightly... Toga's quirk had worn off by the time she dropped you off in Dabi's room and happily went back to her room, curious about how this was gonna play out tomorrow! Dabi was pissed when he approached your room he went to knock on your door, but paused. You weren't his girl... he can't tell you what to do nor who to screw! So then why hell did it feel like he was being cheated on? He growled and went to his room, where he was in for a shock when he found you passed in his bed!...
Dabi was so confused if you were here? then who th-..." Toga..." he hissed tired and annoyed the raven haired man walked over to his bed and glared down at you with mild interest, "I don't know what the hell you're doing to me N/n..." he huffed thinking back to the bar the rage he felt seeing what he thought was some fugly guy was dragging you off to bed with him. "I turned down... A blonde, bisexual, bridesmaid for you, that's like the unicorn of bar girls!" he mused playing with your bangs as he laid down next to you. "I've been doing that a lot lately..." he hummed voice getting huskier as sleep over took him...while holding onto you.
Shigaraki: You been awake for three days straight, doing random missions for the league and were very disoriented you hadn't even realized you wandered into Shigaraki's room and settled down next to the gaming dust master, luckily your quirk cancels his out, So you weren’t a dust pile when he rolled over in his sleep and instinctively wrapped his arms around whatever was making him feel warm.
Two hours later
The last thing Tomura was expected when he woke up from his nap was him spooning a girl! He jolt out of bed shocked and looked around confused, what the hell were you doing in his room? why did you... his eyes widened when he realized it you weren't dead…how come you weren't a pile of dust?! he looked at his hand then back at you and brought a shaky hand to you cheek gently put all five fingers to you warm flesh.. nothing happened! He can touch you...
Shigaraki let a choked gasp as he laid back down next you to taking in your features, he's noticed you lot as you're always kind of pretty for an NPC and you liked videogames too! but other then that he was too shy to try and interact with you... other telling you where to go and what to do, least  now he had reason to start talking to you more.
He then noticed the bags under your eyes and how sickly you looked... Shigaraki's eyes narrowed as he wondered why that was? he got his answer when he heard two male voices talking down the hall. "Dammit Kurogiri put me on night patrol again!" one huffed as the other male snorted. "So what? just get Y/n to do it.. she's easy to screw over, just tell her you were given her job by mistake." the first asked is that worked, the second one confirmed it.
Tomura was getting angrier as they continued making fun of you! he got up careful not to wake you and opened the door and closed it, "Oh, hey boss!...what are you Ack!!!" there was struggle for a few seconds then Tomura's muffled talking and muffled. "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir!", then Shigaraki walked back in his room, leaving Guy 1 staring at the pile dust that used to be Guy 2. Shigaraki laid back down next you holding you hand.
Bakugou: You went to bathroom and accidently wandered into his dorm and he hadn't even noticed you slip into bed next to him, until he woke up at around 3 am and felt arms around his waist, Katsuki was ready to blow a gasket. "WHO TH-" he choked up and blushed when he saw it was you...his crush, how the... what the hell are you doing in his bed?! how did you even get into his room?! His red eyes fixated on his door and saw it wasn't locked.
He must've forgot to lock it after he told Shitty-hair and Dunce-face to get lost! Well, it was too late now. you were here, and he wasn't gonna let you get in trouble over a mistake! and besides he kind of enjoying feeling you holding onto him like this... it was warm and kind of felt nice Katsuki felt himself relax and drifted of back to sleep.
Needless to say Aizawa was not a happy teacher when he found you sleeping in Bakugou's bed both teens didn't know what was coming as Aizawa slowly raised the bucket full of ice water over his head and... Outside birds flew away the sound of screaming and the deafening explosion that followed.
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fairiesfields · 2 years
SSM 2022 Day 03
Prompt: Shared Apartment
Summary: Haruno Sakura finds her best friend and roommate's friend - Uchiha Sasuke and she won't let her peaceful day end in disappointment. (Mafia!AU)
Rated: M
A/N: Sorry in advance for the possible errors! I have written this fic half asleep hehe. Enjoy!
The day has been relatively peaceful to Sakura's liking. With a smile plastered on her face, Sakura journeyed her way home thinking about what she should prepare for dinner. Not that she knows how to cook other than instant ramen and boiled egg, she is sure that she will just end up ordering some take out.
Her night is already planned out, her best friend Naruto called her earlier that he will be spending the night with her girlfriend Hinata at her house. That's why, Sakura's looking forward to her rare peaceful night. She will soak in a nice and warm bath, eat a pint of cookies and cream ice cream while she watches her favorite series, and maybe wear her new pair of lingerie just because she is feeling it.
With a skip on her step, Sakura arrived at her apartment, fishing her keys out of her pocket. And once the door is open, she relishes the feeling of a clean and tidy abode. Not to mention it is quiet and free of Naruto's incessant talking and loud blasts of music. The thought of a rare Naruto free night makes her giggle. She quickly strips herself off of her clothes, leaving only her underwear. Making sure to pour herself a glass of wine before she bask herself under her warm bath.
She keeps on chanting to herself how she needed this after a long day at work and saving lives. She wouldn't let Naruto's absence go to waste.
Sipping on her glass of wine while humming a tune under her breath, she abruptly stops when a noise could be heard inside the bathroom. Dread fills her entire being, why would an intruder choose this day of all days? When she was alone? Can't they trespass while she's with Naruto? Her whirling thoughts makes her visibly shake to the possibility that she was about to die in her underwear.
Steeling her nerves she grabs a pan and raises it high with both of her hands, ready to attack the intruder and put them in place! Even though alarm bells are ringing inside her ears loudly, telling her to stop and just run for her life. But, no. Her aunt Tsunade didn't raise her to be a coward, she will absolutely pound whoever is behind this door.
What if they have a gun? a voice inside her head whispers frantically. If they have, they should have attacked her the moment she entered their home. Right? Ack, really? stop overthinking!
With careful and deliberate steps she walks towards the bathroom door with her hand and pan above her head. She will knock him out and call the cops. Why don't you call the cops now? She stops on her tracks, mulling about calling the authorities while she can. But the thought of the intruder knowing that she already knows that someone is here is a very dangerous move. They could mean no harm for her and instead they are here because they needed money, and when they hear that she is calling the cops… this could possibly go into a hostage situation!
Right. She starts walking again, willing herself not to overthink any further.
Stopping just in front of the door, she twists the knob and is surprised that it is locked. Of course, it is! Damn! She twists the knob again and again, cursing under her breath. How can she knock him out? She doesn't stop twisting the knob until she is rattling it, no longer scared of the prospect of a danger lying just behind this very door.
Why can't you just open! For fuck's sake!
A click echo in the otherwise quiet apartment. Sakura twists the knob again and it opens. Gaping like a fish caught in the net, she grips her hands around her pan's handle tightly. She inhales deeply and kicks the door open, it doesn't fully open because something or someone is blocking the door inside. Sakura slips inside the bathroom, turning her head slowly to the left like she is in a horror movie, afraid of a ghost lingering around the house.
What greeted her makes her drop her pan, it clunks loudly and it echoes around the tiled floor and walls of the bathroom. She immediately kneels beside the bleeding man. Placing her hand on the wound on his broad shoulders, the man is bleeding profusely.
"What happened?" she asks in a rush and panicked voice, the man - no, Uchiha Sasuke, just grunts his response. Gritting his teeth so hard she is sure it will hurt him. "Let's get you to hospital" she continues to speak and moves to help him get up but she is stopped by his strong arm.
"No, where is Naruto?"
"He's not here and you need help, don't mind him!"
"I wasn't informed that you would be here" did his voice just shake? Oh, this is bad he will lose a lot of blood.
"I'll get my equipment" she says in a rush and takes off.
He watches her leave, willing himself not to look at her very exposed body. Naruto that prick! He told him he would be here and that he would look at his wound himself. He didn't tell him that this little workmate slash best friend of his is here. And apparently as he can see, she also lives here. Another fucking thing Naruto didn't tell him. He swears if Kakashi is part of this ridiculous setup, Sasuke will strangle them to death.
His work was always dangerous, being someone from the infamous clan of Mafias makes him a target. And now that his brother is ill, everyone's eyes are on him because he is the next in line to inherit the title of Clan Leader. All transactions and business, or killings would run to him. And it all means an overflowing amount of money. Not that he cares about that, he cares more about his family's reputation.
Today was one of his bad days, he was caught off guard by the amount of hoodlums sent to kill him. Good thing he has trusted guards and he could hold a gun very well so he managed to escape with only a gunshot wound on his shoulder.
The rustling of bags, halts his racing mind. Sakura sits beside him again. She sits on the balls of her feet and her breasts are so close to his right shoulder where his wound is. He gulps, suddenly his throat is dry. What am I thinking, seriously? And why didn't she put some clothes on anyway?
If only she knew how much restraint he's enduring right now not to look at her body and to keep his eyes on the far end corner. He's trying hard not to appreciate her closely; To finally look at her this close and not just from a far. He always has this sort of attraction to his best friend's friend since that day he first saw her, all ragged and tired from her hospital shift but she still managed to look so pretty and warm.
His heart quickens at the thought of her and he didn't even realize that she already pulled out the bullet and the throbbing on his shoulder has dulled.
"I can't believe I just operated on someone while I'm in my underwear" she grumbles. He just watches her with amusement huff and pout, she crosses her arms on her chest and the act makes her breasts become more visible in his eyes. It will be embarrassing to be caught staring at someone's mounds but he can't help it and a hot searing desire uncoiled itself and it made his member twitch under his pants.
He quickly shuts off his nasty thoughts about the woman who just saved his life. It was very inappropriate and he should be thanking her but instead… Sasuke clears his throat and looks away, not really sure on what to do next. He should go home after thanking her of course, maybe even pay her for her good deeds, but he cannot find it in himself to leave yet. For some reason, he wanted to stop time and just sit here on the cold bathroom floor with Sakura for hours.
You're down bad, huh? Naruto's taunting voice flits through his treacherous mind. He sighs and finally looks at her gorgeous face.
"Thanks," he says.
"You ruined my night! I was supposed to soak in the bath and just relish the time away from my noisy friend!" she shrieks.
In her outburst, he can't stop the laugh bubbling from his throat. At least they have something in common, they are both annoyed by the one and only Naruto.
"Sorry about that" he smiles at her, he is surprised to himself that he had allowed himself to let out a genuine smile. Ah, this wasn't that bad. I could get used to this.
He finds her looking at him with an expression akin to amusement and adoration, a blush slowly creeps down his cheek despite his effort to stop it.
"You know, I could kiss you right now" by her admission his eyes widens but he quickly schools his expression afraid to show some sort of weakness.
But before he could think further for any response to that, his mouth is already moving to say "I actually would not mind at all".
To say that he is surprised by what happens next is an understatement; Sakura moves to sit on his lap and straddles his legs. He sucks in a breath at the sight she has given him. Her toned stomach and milky soft skin invades his senses, her breasts aren't that big but they are full and he wants nothing but to feel them under his calloused palms. His eyes travel around her body without his control and when she finally leans down to capture his lips with hers, all of his senses explode and all that he could think about is how soft she is.
His hands plants on her hips, feeling her soft skin under his palms as he kisses her back in the same amount of fervor. Their lips are tangled and their tongues are dancing with each other, licking and tasting every crevice of each other's warm mouth. He runs his hand on Sakura's torso, stopping on one of her mounds and gently squeezes it. The act promptly earns a moan elicits from her pretty mouth. Fuck, he wants to hear her again. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her flush on his chest.
And a stinging pain erupted from his shoulder as her hand accidentally touched his wound. They both stop, clearly out of breath and she flashes him a sheepish smile. "Sorry" she says shyly. Her cheeks are flushed and her lips are swollen from his assault. If he could capture this moment with his eyes and just remember this forever, he will. There is nothing that he wants right now but her.
He saw her look at his lips, as if asking for his permission to kiss him again and warmth bloom inside his chest on how adorable she is. He is about to kiss her but Naruto's obnoxious voice accompanied by a kick on the bathroom's door interrupts them.
Sasuke casts him an annoyed glare. The moron has the gall to grin and wiggle his brows.
"About damn time, bastard! I will leave you both and do your thing. Don't forget to clean this shared apartment after!"
With that Naruto turns on his heel, leaving the both of them gaping at the closed door.
"Sakura, would you go on a date with me?" he blurts out, ignoring the way his cheeks flares up on what he just said.
It's now or never.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Buri-senpai~ it’s me again! It seems like the Kamado family was respected in town. How do you think the townsfolk would’ve reacted once they realized that Tanjirou hadn’t been visiting with charcoal, only to check up on the family where they see the wreckage. Perhaps Tanjirou had left a rushed note, noting how his family was attacked, how only he and Nezuko were alive, and how they won’t be able to visit for a very long time. If that’s the case, I don’t think Tanjirou will explain the cause 1/3
2/3 of the attack, but there’s a chance that Saburo would’ve eventually realized that a demon had attacked them. Also, side notes: if Kaigaku was still a demon slayer during the events of the red light district, do you think he would've heard about Zenitsu's contributions to the defeat of upper 6? I had read your amazing Ukogi fic and enjoyed the characterization of Kaigaku's crow embellishing his achievements as a slayer. I also enjoyed Matsuemon's fondness of Nezuko and it seems like
3/3 he was ‘conspiring’ (for lack of a better word) with Oyakata-sama behind the scenes, with how the events at Asakusa with Tamayo played out. I'm sure Tamayo's existence was pardoned by the Oyakata-sama of Yoriichi's time. Also, sorry for the length! I enjoy your input on everything!
Going to reply to this in a couple parts, but allow me to first borrow one of my LINE stickers to express:
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I'll reply to the fic stuff under the cut, but I'm really honored by your close reading and consideration of one of my favorite fics, "The Legend of Ukogi." But first for your question about Tanjiro!
Honestly, I was surprised by the village's upkeep of their home, including nice new tatami and shelves which Nezuko noticed in the extended epilogue included the Volume 23 version of Chapter 204. I would had assumed they'd have a mess of a home to come back to (and wrote my canon diverent/continuation fic that way, for the first draft was written after Chapter 204's magazine publication but before Volume 23's publication). At least nowadays in Japan, uninhabited homes are often left as-is and fall to shambles, even in cities, causing problems for the neighbors as they become home to pests. Upkeep is an issue, and it seems unlikely the townspeople would had gone out of their way to keep the site of a tragedy so nice.
However, Gotouge seems to stress that the Kamado family, simply for being good people, were often humbled by being on the receiving end of such kindnesses. Even Sumiyoshi and Suyako were on the receiving end of this, as mentioned in a Taisho Secret in Volume 22, for having helped a local lord's wife and son while they were in peril without knowing who they were. Even though they tried to refuse reward, they made sure they had a nicely fixed up house anyway (side note, they moved in to Yoriichi's and Uta's abandoned house).
A sturdy house as returns for their kindness seems to be as much of a running theme in Kamado history as is Hinokami Kagura and making charcoal. We do see that Tanjiro is pretty popular among the townspeople and everyone knows they can rely on him, and if Tanjiro's highly biased word is to be trusted, Nezuko had a reputation as a local beauty. In good whether the little kids must had gone into town a bunch, and Tanjiro (and Inosuke's) continued charcoal business (despite the increasing reliance on electricity) in the Fanbook #2 extended epilogue shows that the Kamado family has always had a reputation for high quality charcoal. Certainly, they've been well-loved long enough that their tragedy would not go unnoticed.
As further evidence of this, in the Giyuu Gaiden, a hunter even notices that on a different mountain nearby there was a family of charcoal farmers slaughtered and a suspicious person in a half-and-half haori was seen around there. Clearly, the villagers were quick to notice the incident and start looking around for the man who might had done it!
But we're still left with the question of how quickly they'd have noticed the absence, how word got around, and just how much they knew. My initial thought in response to your Ask was "there's no way Tanjiro had time for that, he had bury his family and get Nezuko dressed and hurry and go!" but then again, this is Tanjiro we're talking about. Tanjiro who faithfully keeps a diary for Nezuko no matter how tired he is, and who faithfully keeps in touch with all his penpals even with all his demon slaying work to keep him busy. If anyone would had written a letter, it would had been him.
It's possible that his reasoning would had been for Nezuko's sake. Should word get around about the incident, and about Nezuko being a demon, people might suspect she was the one who did it. Even Tanjiro had to consider that possibility when he was first shocked by her transformation, though he had the evidence to clearly determine that she was innocent. So maybe if he did leave something, it might simply had been to inform people that Nezuko still needs help, and he's left to take care of her.
To the townspeople, Tanjiro's word is trustworthy. As soon as someone discovered the incident (and perhaps a letter), word would probably get around pretty fast, and if Tanjiro had circumstances that forced him to leave for Nezuko's sake, that implies that they might make a return once she was alright. That might be what inspired the townspeople, who cared for generations about their local charcoal farmers, to have their hearts wrenched with sympathy for the tragedy these two surviving children have been through, and to try to do what they can by taking care of the house while they're gone.
As for knowing if it was demons or not, it's possible only Saburo knew that. There's so much we don't know about Saburo, but my personal headcanon is that he lost his family to demons and was rescued by the Demon Slayers. While others might have been quick to blame the suspicious man in the half-and-half haori, anything said by Saburo, a man perhaps known for keeping to himself with a sullen personality, was dismissed or taken for mere superstition. Saburo, having told Tanjiro to stay with him that night, might had already felt something was off, and when the feeling kept bothering him, he might had gone to check on the Kamado family and been the first one to discover the massacre. Letter or not, he'd have known Tanjiro survived, and might had gotten there soon enough to trace the footprints to deduce to that one of the other older children must had survived too.
Now because of fic spoilers, Bird Fic commentary below!
As I was doing my best to make that fic fit alongside canon, I tried to consider where the birds might and might not been able to influence the events of canon, and that made Denroku (Kaigaku's crow) one of my favorite small bits to work with. Even though he never makes an appearance in the story (only mentioned as a slightly antagonistic bird), he struck me as having the most potential for influencing events.
Since we see a general pattern of the birds being very invested in the Slayer they work with, I imagined that Denroku would pick up on Kaigaku's ambitions. When he got in trouble for embellishing Kaigaku's achievements, that's when he tries the reverse, taking assignments into his own talons and leading to Kaigaku fighting an enemy out of his league. While most of the Kasugai-garasu would had immediately reported Upper Moon 1 so that a Pillar could be summoned, Denroku's underhanded drive to see Kaigaku promoted is what leads to a situation the Corp would had preferred to avoid.
And that brings us back to Matsuemon, who does his best to promote his underlings' achievements to get Tanjiro recognized as a Pillar. He is protective of Nezuko, having picked up on that from Tanjiro, but honestly, I had not considered Matsuemon leading to Tanjiro's encounter with Tamayo. Letting Oyakata-sama know about it, though, that does seem in character for Matsuemon, which we'll get to!
As for why Tanjiro encountered Tamayo so early on, I posited in this Ask that Oyakata-sama probably was hoping Tanjiro would make a connection with her. Gotouge has stated that the demon Tanjiro was sent to investigate in Asakusa was Tamayo. Like you, I assume that Kagaya's forefathers must had chosen to pardon her existence out of Yoriichi's good word for her, and we know from his later mention of her to Tanjiro and efforts to reach out to her later that he's probably always been curious about a way to gain her trust.
What probably gave him the idea to use Tanjiro, a kid with a demon sister, was Urokodaki's letter. We didn't hear the full letter read allowed at the Pillar meeting, but my thought is that Urokodaki wrote highly enough of Tanjiro that Kagaya was like, "aha! This is it! This might be the person who helps me gain Tamayo's trust!" and that was why he sent Tanjiro to Asakusa on his second mission. As for whether Matsuemon knew that or not, I suspect not initially, but he might had gotten aware of it overtime and been in on the loop of birds who know this but help keep it on the downlow, as per Oyakata-sama's request. Matsuemon might had also been given special instructions to report details to the Kasugai-garasu who initiated the personal correspondence between Oyakata-sama and Tamayo. Knowing this egotistical bird he probably would had loved to brag about it, but he's smart enough and respects the Corp mission enough to know when to keep silent about his achievements.
EDIT: Ack! I forgot to respibd to your Kaigaku question. I do assume Kaigaku was still a Corp member at that time and he probably heard and that it ticked him the hell off. Even if he didn't know the details, the fact that Zenitsu would had been credited with fighting an Upper Moon would tick him off with jealousy. Not to worry, Kaigaku, Upper Moon 6 is only the bottom rung of the Upper Moons. ; P
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travellingarmy · 4 years
║Kaeya║A Cold War
Word count: 3k
You two had been at it for quite some time now. The war between you and the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya, didn't look like it was going to end any time soon. "Honestly, this has gone for far too long that it's silly at this point," Lisa sighs, watching the two of you from afar. "When are they going to make up?" Jean, who stood beside the librarian, nodded in agreement.
You and Kaeya had crossed paths in front of the fountain in the centre of the city one fateful morning. Snarling and angry at the sight of the male, you turned around with a huff and walked away. Although he was your captain, you two clearly showed a much stronger relationship than commander and knight; you two were friends until the fight two weeks ago.
Kaeya sighs at your retreating figure and walked over to the two, tall females who he had noticed was watching. "Good morning," he greets, a hand raised and a smile on his face. "Kaeya, when are you two going to talk?" Lisa asks, a concerned expression on her face.
He shrugs, pretending not to care of the matter. "Who knows?" he simply say. "Anyway, if that's all you're going to talk about, I'd rather get going with my missions." The Cavalry Captain walks away without letting either of the two say anything. Lisa sighs at the retreating captain. "Both of them really are like couple in quarrel," she states, resting her cheeks on her hands. "I find it very cute." Lisa keeps going on about how you two acted like a couple even though you two obviously weren't. Jean looks over at the witch with dismay and shook her head.
You and Kaeya really showed the citizens of Mondstadt of how you two were at war at each other. Kaeya had started to become a grouch and cold while you were fuming with a fit of anger and it showed in everything you do- from training and wiping out hilichurls to simply eating and easy chores.
"We should get (Y/N) to do something else right now, rather than let them wait for Kaeya's orders," Jean says, knowing that even if Kaeya got a mission for you, you won't even listen to him and go do your own thing. It was also bad for you to linger around the city and throw passionate anger into everything you do as citizens reports how an underling of the Cavalry Captain is scaring away people- be it customers or the people themselves.
You were heading off to the training area to train even more. Although you were kind of sore from training from morning till night yesterday, it didn't keep you from training today so that you can make the blue-haired male take back the words he said to you two weeks ago. "You're not capable in doing these alone!" The words rung repeatedly in your head and made you even more angrier, but mostly saddened.
As much as you appreciate Kaeya's concern of your safety, it can sometimes make you question your worth. What are you good for if you are basically told to sit back and do nothing? That's not why you became a knight in the first place; you wanted to seek thrill while protecting the citizens of Mondstadt and you won't improve if he tells you to slack off.
"(Y/N)," a voice calls from behind you, stopping you on your way to the training grounds. You turned around to see the Acting Grand Master with a couple sheets of paper. You guessed it was most likely missions for you. "Are these tasks?" you ask, no sign of hostility in your tone as you spoke with the blonde.
"Yes, we're short of hands right now and was hoping you could take a look at them," she said and hands you over the papers. It is true that since the Grand Master took most of the knights, there aren't a lot of knights left in the city. But, the tasks given to you can be given to any other knights at any time; Jean just wants to help you clear your mind. "Okay, I will. Thank you!" A flare of determination and excitement reflected your hyped tone.
Jean smiles before waving bye and getting to her own things. You look at the papers in hand, seeing that some would take longer than others, but can still be done all today. Not caring to read the full details, you headed to the locations written and wipe out any and all enemies.
In the end, you did clear them all and felt really proud of yourself that you managed to do all tasks alone. You kind of wanted to boast at Kaeya's face but you were too prideful let that happen.
You were making your way inside the city, now late at night, feeling even more sore than yesterday. Although it was hurting you, it felt rewarding since you haven't done this much moving around under Kaeya's orders.
When you got home, you went straight to your bedroom, rather than eating dinner and washing up. You felt the stinging soreness wash over your body when you were taking of your shirt. "Ack!" You immediately lower your arms as a reaction to the pain. "I should deal with this.." you mumbled. You decided to deal with it tomorrow since you don't have the energy to do so tonight.
The next day, you went to the training field, albeit still sore from two days worth of strained movements. The pain really made you question if you had done anything at all to contribute to the Knights of Favonius; you see the Acting Grand Master put her all into everything and the build up of stress and strain on her, Outrider Amber running around and helping anyone who she comes across and scouting areas around Mondstadt, and even the traveller from some place else is doing something much greater such as helping Dvalin, but what about you? You felt miserable.
You headed to the Knights of Favonius' headquarters to see if Jean could give you some missions for today. You knocked on the door lightly and entered when you hear a quick and muffled 'come in'. "Good morning. Sorry to bother you this early in the morning, Acting Grand Master," you started, closing the door behind you. "I was wondering if you could give me any more tasks?"
Jean looks up from her work and smiled. "Ah, (Y/N), good morning," she says. "I heard you came back late last night. Did I give you too much to work?" You shook your head immensely. "No, no, it's just the trips that made it long."
"I see. Well, I don't have any missions right now.. Why don't you see Kaeya and ask if he has any for you?" Jean says nonchalantly as she discreetly adds, pretending she doesn't know what is going on between you and him. Your head slightly drops at the mention of his name. You didn't want to go to him- not now, at least. "Ah, he probably doesn't have any either. It's fine, I'll do some training on my own," you said and left the headquarters.
When you said that you'll train on your own, you mean to go search for some dangers that will help you improve. You still are feeling sore all over but dismiss it. You did, however, applied some essential oil to help relieve your muscle pain and thought that that alone would help. You headed out of the city's wall and looked for some tough opponents.
Kaeya's eyes narrowed as he saw you leaving through the gates, a worrisome feeling in his guts, but he wasn't going to let that feeling in the pit of his stomach get to him. He felt that he was in the right and that you were too stubborn. Your stubbornness and prideful personality made him really irritated, but he felt sad that you two didn't get to chat like before.
He shrugs his shoulders and went to bother anyone who he sees- most likely Diluc, who was at Angel's Share at the moment.
Nightfall started to set in and you hadn't returned- no sightings of you ever walking around the streets since thos morning. Kaeya wasn't aware of this since he thought you were home like he had always expected of you. It wasn't until the next day when he was summoned to the headquarters by Jean that he knew of your absence since yesterday. "Hey, what did you call me for?" Kaeya says, his usual, playful smirk on his face. However, that fell when he saw Jean and Lisa's expression and feel the atmosphere of the room. "What is it now?" His stomach started to churn in an awful feeling and only one thing was on his mind- you.
"It's about (Y/N)," Jean starts off, making Kaeya starting to feel even worse. "A ruin guard has been found awoken near the Thousand Wind Temple by someone in the Adventurers Guild and no one has seen (Y/N) since yesterday morning. I have a feeling that they are the one who woken it up."
Upon hearing the news, he clenches his fists and his jaws tightened, a shadowed cast over his face as he narrowed his eyes. But, "What does this have to do with me?" he asks coldly. Lisa and Jean looks over at each other with a concerned expression. "Kaeya--" Lisa started off but was immediately caught of by the male.
"They said that they can handle anything so shouldn't you two put some faith in them as well?" he said, raising his voice in anger, recalling what you said to him two weeks ago. "Kaeya, I am aware of the fight you two had but this has honestly gone for far too long that it's silly," Jean says in a calm tone. "Isn't the reason why you don't allow them on dangerous missions is because you care about them?" This hit Kaeya and he hang his head low. It was true that he cares about you deeply and doesn't show the same feeling to anybody else but you.
He imagined scenarios of situations you could be in right now and it made that feeling inside him snap. He turns around and storms off, shutting the door with a boom.
Praying. He was praying to the Archons of your safety as he feels something went trailing down his face from his eyes. It was blurring his vision but he ignores them, running through the darken day.
When he reached to the location of the sightings, he found the ruin guard, awake and walking, but no signs of you. He quickly disposed of the ruin guard and searched the area for you or anything that was on you that dropped that might give him some hope.
A few metres away, there your body lie on the cold ground. "(Y/N)!" Kaeya runs over to your side and felt his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. You were all bruised up along with scratches and blood that was either still running from open wounds or had already dried up. Your eyes were closed and he worried for the worse. Rushing to kneel beside you, heb helped you sit up against a rock, putting his hands under your chin to feel for a pulse. To his relief, he found it beating and pulled your body into his chest, one hand behind your head as the other wrapped around your shoulders. "(Y/N)," he whispers your name, his heart feeling lighter.
Your eyes slowly opens from the sudden warmth that engulfed you. "Nngh!" The moment your mind became conscious, the pain from the battle and the soreness from training before suddenly rushed all over your body. "Ack!"
Kaeya immediately pulls away from you, his face full of worry. "(Y/N), are you okay?" he asks. You look at Kaeya with surprise. "Why.. Are you here?" There was no anger in your tone as you were too exhausted. "I came looking for you, dummy. Now, let me take you back so ease up." You gave a quick nod and closed your eyes, falling into another sleep. Making sure you were asleep, he stood up with you in his arms and made his way back inside the city.
He went to see Barbara in the cathedral so that she could heal you. "My, they're badly injured! Hurry, bring them here," she exclaims with a hand over her mouth at the sight of your badly figure and gestures towards the infirmary. Kaeya listened and places you on one of the beds inside and let her do her thing.
She left as soon as she healed any and all visible, major wounds. Kaeya sits down on the wooden chair beside the bed and waits for you to wake up. You were asleep all throughout the day and only woken up the next morning.
You felt something at the side of you and you slowly turned your head but hissed at the sudden pain, closing your eyes in reaction. Although it lessened thanks to Barbara, the pain didn't fully go away.
Once it subsided, you open your eyes to see whatever was beside you. To your surprise, it was Kaeya. His arms were crossed on top of the bed and rested his head on top of it, sleeping with his lips slightly parted. Your heart warmed and remembered the little scene when he hugged your bruised body.
It looked like he slept late and didn't even bother to comb his hair- meaning to say, he didn't go home and return early in the morning. In that moment, you let your pride down as well as forgave him for what he said two weeks ago. You weakly reached your arms out and tucked a strand of his unkempt hair behind his ear.
You suddenly remembered the reason why you two fought in the first place- you went out to a dungeon, alone, on a mission that you secretly accepted without the help of the Cavalry Captain. It was a simple wiping out of a hilichurl camp but there was no knowledge of an abyss image nearby since it wasn't written on the report.
When Kaeya received word you left on a mission, he was upset and immediately left to find you. He found you soon enough, wiping out hilichurls. His eyes looked off to behind you and see a cryo abyss mage. "(Y/N)!" he warned. You turned to look at him and that's when the abyss image shot an ice crystal. It hit your left arm and you roared in pain. Kaeya quickly made due of the image and quickly rushed to check your wound.
"What were you thinking- going out on a mission alone!?" he angrily asked, gripping your upper arm. "Kaeya, you're hurting me!" you hissed.
"I told you time and time again that you should tell me when you're going out!" he said, raising his voice. "I was doing just--"
"Just fine!? You were hit by an abyss mage, goddamit!"
"It's just a scratch--" He cuts you off again, his tone now booming with anger. "Yeah, it's just a scratch, but what about the next time you go out alone? You could be heavily wounded or even worse!" He wasn't listening to a word you said and the grip on you looked like it wasn't loosening anytime soon.
"Kaeya, would you just listen to me!?" you shouted back in the same volume and tone as his. "I am more than capable as a knight to wipe a few hilichurls and an abyss mage!"
His anger didn't subside but he let's go of your arms, head down as a shadow casted over his face. "So, that's how this is going to be, huh? Alright, then I'll leave you be. See if I care." The words broke your heart. Kaeya turned around and left you there with your head down. That was the last time you guys talked to each other before the cold war.
He groans at the touch, making your heart flutter. Then, you see his visible eyelids open slowly, revealing his unique, blue eyes. He straightened up in his seat with a loud yawn before looking over at you. "(Y/N)..!" he says your name, his visible eye showing surprise.
"Good morning," you weakly greet, a gentle smile tugging your lips. A few short seconds passed before he quickly draws you into an intoxicating embrace. You returned the hug as you bury your smiling face into the crook of his neck. "You dummy. Why did you go out and pick a fight with a ruin guard?" he whispers, deepening the hug.
"I wanted you to know that you can depend on me.." you answer, tears starting to form. "I'm not a child that needs protecting; I'm a knight so please look at me as you would to any other knights." Kaeya pulls back and stare into your eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do that," he said, his eyes stern and serious. "What--"
"Because.. You're different," he cuts you off. You look at him with questioning eyes. "I can't bring myself to not care for you nor can I bring myself to treat you like any other subordinates of mine because I love you." The three words that you never thought you'd hear from the Cavalry Captain came out so easily- it's as if he wanted to say it for so long. "I can't bear to lose you, (Y/N). And just seeing you hurt hurts me more than you realize."
"I.." You looked down on your blanket. "I'm sorry that I made you worried.. I didn't know that's how you felt."
"No, I'm sorry. I should have really told you before you got into anymore danger," he said. You two smiled and pulled you back to a loving embrace. Then, "I love you too, Kaeya."
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salmonmakiii · 4 years
Hiii I’d like to request a time stamp please! 01:25 with boyfriend Kuroo, all fluff pls 🥺
I’m sorry for the late updates T_T I didn’t know my college schedule will be THIS packed T_T Here ya go!
About : Kuroo x reader Note : Fluff, nekoma rich, Kuroo being a whiny boyfriend >:( Sorry if I have any mistakes!
“Tetsu! Stop laughing in my ear!”
You hit your boyfriend’s chest jokingly as he slowly calmed down from his laugh and let out a “sorry”.
Being stuck in quarantine with Kuroo was fun. For the past month, you two would either be cuddling all day in bed, trying new recipes from TikTok, making TikTok with him, or just lay around the house doing nothing. There are a few times where he had to do his work, but with the pandemic right now, he didn’t have a lot he needed to do.
You, on the other hand, didn’t have a job yet. You were about to find one but quarantine strikes first before you could. Kuroo was fine with it since his job could already fulfill your daily needs, that and maybe someone wanted you to be available whenever he needs cuddles after a stressful zoom meeting.
These days were just one of those days where you tow had been cuddling in bed all day, only to wake up a few times to get something to eat and then to go to the bathroom only to fall back asleep in each other’s arms.
That was a big mistake though. Both of you were now wide awake in the middle of the night and your boyfriend suggested to watch some of The Office episodes. The two of you got bored of it after watching five episodes, Kuroo then decided to go back to memory lane as he searched “iconic vines that…” on youtube and now both of your cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling.
When the youtube video ends, your boyfriend used his left hand to move the cursor to peek at the time while his right was still rested around your shoulders.
“Babe,” He called, you looked up from your phone to your boyfriend.
“I think we messed up our sleep schedule,” He let out a chuckle. You looked at the time on your phone and smiled.
“I guess we did,” You shook your head, fixing up your position to stretch out your limbs. Kuroo moved the laptop from the bed to the nightstand.
“You tired yet?” He asked, stretching his hands.
“Nope,” You smiled, leaning in as you kissed your boyfriend on the lips. Pulling back a little to stare at his handsome face. Kuroo gave you a grin as he leaned in once more to kiss you. You cupped his cheeks as he moved his lips on yours and you pulled back abruptly as you squinted your eyes.
“Why is your face so dry?” You asked, rubbing your thumb on your boyfriend’s cheeks.
“Dry? I don’t know,” He answered shortly, clearly uninterested in the current topic as he leaned down once again. You halt him and let out a laugh when he groaned.
“I have an idea!” You exclaimed, letting go of your boyfriend as you scrambled off the bed to go to your drawer.
“If it doesn’t involve you cuddling me and giving me kisses, I don’t want any part of it,” His child-like grumble made you laugh. You took out a few of your skincare products and put them all on the bed.
“We’ve been doing that for a whole day, Testu.”
Kuroo jutted his lips as he looked at you with those sad, cat-like eyes and his hair seemed like cat ears as it went a little droopy. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“We can have that after I put chemicals on your face.”
Kuroo muttered a “Fine,” as he scooted closer to look at the products on the bed.
“Now come on, let’s wash up our face.” You smiled at him, Kuroo groaned once again as he lazily made his way to the bathroom, his feet dragging on the floor.
“Come on!” You said, pushing him to walk faster to the bathroom.
Finally arriving at the bathroom, you gave Kuroo one of your hair bands. Your boyfriend looked at the hairband and then at you. If you wanted him to do things your way, might as well be a little hard to get.
“Can you put it on for me, please?” He asked in a gentle and yet teasing tone but you did as he asked, since he looked so cute. Now that his rooster hair was out of his face, he continued to put his face wash on his face, rubbing it and then applying it to his cheeks first, you follow after him with your own and you both decided to brush your teeth right after.
When both of you finished, Kuroo handed you your towel as he wiped his face with his. You thanked him and walked back towards the bedroom with Kuroo following behind you. You plopped down on the bed and grinned at your boyfriend who’s towering over you.
“Now, let’s begin!”
“You’re weirdly excited about this simple thing.”
You gave Kuroo your toner and he looked at you with an offended look. You tilt your head to the side and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” You asked,
“I thought you were going to put it on for me?” He pouted, jutting his lips out.
“Tetsurou, I swear, you’re a child!” You laugh. Nonetheless, you sat crosslegged, putting two pillows on top of your legs and patting it, gesturing for him to lay down his head there.
Kuroo smiled victoriously and laid his head down, his body bounced just a little as he plopped his body on the mattress. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt your hand ran through his hair.
“You’re so spoiled,” You planted a kiss on his forehead and put a few drops of the toner to a piece of facial cotton. Kuroo only hummed as he relaxed when you pressed the cotton to his face, the pressure you gave him felt like you were massaging his face.
Putting the cotton and toner aside, you reached out to the mini-fridge near you to get those facial masks. Kuroo said something about that fridge being used for drinks, but you put in some of your skincare there anyways. You took out your facial masks, choosing the right one for your boyfriend’s dry skin. Kuroo was still closing his eyes, hearing you rummage through things.
“What’s taking you so long?” He asked, opening his eyes and looking up at you.
“I’m choosing a facial mask for you,” You said, not glancing at him as you continued to search.
“I’d take anything, honestly,” He shrugged, closing his eyes once more. You let out an “Aha!” and tapped Kuroo’s head. Your boyfriend opened his eyes to see you smiling.
“Wanna wear this one? It’s for dry skin.”
“Yeah sure.” He closed his eyes once again.
Kuroo knew what masks they are, he saw you wear it a few times around the house. He even got scared by you when you wore a black one. If he remembered correctly, this was the one where it was like cloth but soaked in some moisturizer…? He shakes the thought away and just went with the flow.
What Kuroo forgot was that this was fresh out of the fridge and it was cold. The second the mask touched his skin he jolted and sat up, looking at you.
“Jeez, babe! Warn me next time! That thing is below freezing temperature!” He complained and you laughed at him, still holding the mask with your fingertips.
“Sorry! Sorry! Lay down and let me apply it to you.”
Kuroo glared at you as he grumpily lay down on the pillow. You laugh silently and warned him by counting. Kuroo flinched a little at the sudden cold touch, but as the mask covered more of his face, he relaxes. You let out a content sigh and gently stood up, Kuroo noticed your absence and let out a groan.
“Where are you going?” He whined,
“Will you stop being a child, Tetsu?” You giggled, reaching for your moisturizer on the table across your bed. “I’m just going to do my routine.” You heard another groan leave him.
“When do I take this off?” He asked,
“In 15 minutes,” Kuroo groaned once more and reached for his phone beside him, opening his social media.
Fifteen minutes passed by pretty quickly. Kuroo had set up a timer and he immediately called out your name to take the mask off. You shook your head as you move from your comfortable spot on the bed. You peeled the mask off and he let out an exaggerated sigh.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting for ages.” He said. you saw him about to wipe his face with a towel and you quickly stopped him, pulling his face to you.
“Do NOT wipe them off!” You warned while Kuroo raised an eyebrow.
“But my face’s so slimy,”
“You’re supposed to spread it all over your face,”
You began spreading the excess serum on both of his cheeks, gently putting on pressure to massage his face. Kuroo visibly relaxed and leaned into your touch. A few seconds of massaging his face, you finally let go and moved back to lay down on your spot once more. Kuroo throwing his body beside you. His hand reached for the light switch on top of your bed and the room grew dark, the soft light from the closed curtains being the only light source.
“Now, where’s my cuddle and kisses?” Kuroo asked in a raspy voice.
His hands were already around you and his lips were grazing yours. You giggle at him before closing the gap between you. Kuroo’s lips formed a smile once you started taking the lead, that giddy feeling he always liked resurfaced. Kuroo initiated to put sloppy kisses on your cheeks but stopped and pulled back.
“Ack! Ew!” Kuroo stuck his tongue out as he tried to get rid of the weird taste in his mouth. You stared at him confused before understanding what happened.
“You tasted my night serum didn’t you?” You chuckled, Kuroo frowned and turned to you.
“Yeah, and it tastes BAD,”
“Well, what do you expect?” You laughed, pushing a hand through his hair.
“Something sweet! Don’t they have some kind of strawberry flavor or something?”
“They don’t, Tetsu.”
“Well, they should!”
A good five minutes went by as you hear your boyfriend's complaints before the two of you were out cold. In the morning though, Kuroo was surprised at how soft his skin felt as he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Babe! My face is as soft as a baby’s bum!”
Maybe he’ll let you take care of his skin-care from now on.
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thatonecreatorbitch · 4 years
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Happy Halloween!
I think in finally overcame my fear of digital art!! XD lol, sorry the sketch is so rushed and lazy though, I just wanted to make something quick for Halloween. I hope you all have a great and safe spooky day!
Also, I haven't really been posting much recently cause I've been busy a lot. I even turned off my asks because they've overwhelmed my inbox In my absence. 😂😅 Anyway, on Monday the 2nd, I'm gonna post the next chapter of my anti-void comic along with a total [{𝓼𝓱oo𝓽}] load of random art to make up for not posting so long. ACK- FRESH CENSORSHIP!! >:0 
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kasienda · 4 years
A Miraculous Reveal - New York
Ack! Apparently, I remembered to post this one to discord, but not to tumblr. I apologize to my tumblr followers if they only get stuff here. But here it is now! It’s a Ladynoir angst to happy ending reveal based on the New York Special. Please enjoy. 
Adrien slipped into the silver limo and the door thudded closed behind him with a finality that made Marinette flinch. A moment later, the car pulled out onto the road. Watching the vehicle fade away into the grey haze of drizzly rain, two things were suddenly very clear to her.
She didn’t want Adrien to go. He was precious to her in a way that she could not define. He possessed an unending patience, he had the sweetest and softest smiles for her even when she was babbling or stuttering incoherently, and he was kind. She just didn’t know a lot of boys who were just so genuinely compassionate. She clearly had never really gotten over her crush on him despite her best efforts.
But in that moment as the car turned around a corner and completely out of sight, it was surprisingly easy to imagine her life without him. If Adrien disappeared she would grieve, but she would heal, and she would be okay.
No, the gaping hole in her chest had an entirely different source.
It was Chat Noir that she did not know how to live without.
Read on Ao3
Because it was Chat Noir who had her back every time hers was against a wall, Chat Noir who made her laugh when life seemed impossible to face, Chat Noir who offered her advice and insight whenever she asked even when it was about her feelings for someone else, and Chat Noir who built her up and encouraged her in her lowest moments.
And she was never going to see him again.
Marinette fell to her knees, barely noticing the unforgiving impact of the cement below or the cold water seeping up her pant legs from the ground. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks in contrast with the sky’s frigid rain drops. Her whole form trembled like a leaf in an autumn storm as her tears finally caught up to her.
She gripped his ring in her fist, its edges biting into her palm. It was wrong that she had it. It was his. But she couldn’t return it to him. She didn’t know his name. She didn’t know anything about him.
And now he was gone.  
It wasn’t fair. Hadn’t she done everything right? She tried to be responsible, she always followed the rules, and she sacrificed so much of her normal life to make sure she could be the heroine that Paris needed. Why had everything blown up in her face so colossally?
Chat Noir was gone.
He had supported her through her worst mistakes. Had he not trusted her to do the same for him?
A warmth cuddled at her neck in contrast to the cold damp air around them. “Marinette?”
“I-I’m sorry, Tikki,” Marinette choked out, as she turned away from the red kwami on her shoulder. “I can’t do this anymore. Not… not without him.”
A black streak flew in front of her face. “Then why’d you yell at him?” Plagg demanded.
Her vision was too blurry with tears to make the kwami of destruction come into focus. “Because I was angry! I didn’t think he’d leave!” she countered sharply. “I had every right to be mad at him, Plagg. He promised me that he’d protect Paris in my absence. And then he didn’t.”
To her shock, the kwami wilted like a plant without water. “That… might have been my fault.”
“Plagg?” Tikki asked, a disapproval to her voice that Marinette rarely heard. “What did you do?!”
The miniature cat whirled to face his opposite. “You don’t understand! He never gets to have any fun! He’s always locked up! Every moment of almost every day is planned and scheduled. He’s not allowed to spend time on his hobbies if they are not pre-approved. He doesn’t get to just hang out with his friends! It’s amazing he manages to sneak away to become Chat Noir when he needs to!” He rose and fell in the damp air with a deep sigh.
“He’s my chosen, Tikki,” Plagg continued, his voice more subdued. “He deserves to have freedom.” He said it like a wish.
Salty tears flooded Marinette’s eyes all over again. Her partner didn’t have any freedom in his life? She hadn’t realized. He had always seemed so carefree. He seemed like such a goofball. But she had never asked.
How could she not have known? She should have known.
But they weren’t supposed to know anything about each other.
Another sob threatened to erupt from her throat. She fought it down.
Plagg continued. “A chance for a vacation popped up and he wasn’t going to go! He was all disgusting like, ‘I promised Ladybug I’d be here.’ I may have convinced him that the risk was really small, that he could watch the news constantly on the trip, and hurry back if anything happened.”
Tikki’s antennae vibrated back and forth in agitation.
“And it would have worked if there hadn’t also been villains here. How was I supposed to know that New York was infested with a cesspool of villains and subpar heroes?!” Plagg demanded with all the self righteousness of a wounded animal.
Marinette absorbed this new information stoically. The drizzling rain was starting to soak through her clothes and hair, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
“He deserved the chance to go, too!” Plagg insisted childishly. “Why did your chosen get to go, and mine didn’t? And it’s not like you didn’t know he was here, Tikki! You’re so quick to point fingers after the fact.”
Tikki opened her mouth to argue, but Marinette put a hand up. “It doesn’t matter. He made his choice.” She honestly didn’t know if she was referring to his choice to go to New York, or to his choice to give up his miraculous. “And now, I have no way of finding him.”
And she dissolved into shaking sobs again. “It’s not fair,” she cried. “W-why did I have to realize that I loved him now? When it’s too late.”
She leaned back against a brick wall, the rain still falling down around her. Her pigtails were weeping with excess water. Her lined jacket faired a little better. The cold wet at least hadn’t seeped down to her skin yet.
Plagg zipped up to her face, his eyes searching her face. “You love him?” he whispered. “Chat Noir, him?”
Marinette just dissolved into a new round of wracking sobs.
The tiny catlike kwami patted her cheek. “It’s not too late!” he insisted. “I can help you find him. We’ll give him back the miraculous together.”
Marinette tried to stamp out the hope that sprouted in her chest at those words.
“She can’t know who he is!” Tikki objected.
Plagg whirled to face his counterpart. “Why not?” he asked seriously. “The old man’s gone. She’s the Guardian now.”
Marinette buried her head into her sopping wet knees. Her throat closed off again, making words impossible.
Tikki had no trouble forming words, however. “It’s still a risk. She’s been akumatized, Plagg! She almost handed her earrings right over. And if Chat Noir were akumatized she would be the only defense against unlimited destruction!”
Plagg hissed in displeasure. “Did it ever occur to you that they might be less vulnerable to akumas if they knew each other?!”
“Please stop arguing,” Marinette begged.
Both kwamis instantly stilled.
“I don’t know if I should know who he is yet. But I do know that I can’t be Ladybug without him.”
“But Marinette!” Tikki objected.
Marinette held up her hand. “I don’t want to stop being Ladybug, Tikki. So we need to get Chat back somehow.”
Plagg spun in a happy circle. “I always knew I liked you, Pigtails.”
“Do you have any ideas, Plagg?” Marinette asked, finally letting the sapling of hope in her chest grow unfettered. “Do you know where he’s headed? Is he close enough that you could go directly to him?”
“I don’t think I could get to the airport before he gets on a plane. But it doesn’t matter because I don’t think he’ll take me back. Even if I bring the ring with me. As long as he thinks you’re still mad at him he’s going to reject me.”
“Oh! I am furious with him!” she growled. “But I don’t want him to quit!” And then her face lit up. “That’s it!”
“What’s your plan?” Tikki asked excitedly, spinning around in anticipation.
She turned to her friend and confidant. “You know where he’s going, too, right?”
“The airport. But Marinette, Plagg is right. I likely can’t get to him before the plane takes off, and what if the earrings fell into the wrong hands along the way?!”
“So, you’re saying that I can only go to him once we get home?” Marinette asked, her voice heavy with disappointment. “But…”
“Ladybug?” A warm synthetic voice chimed in. “I need your help.”
Marinette started, whirling toward the mechanical voice behind her. “Uncanny Valley?”
“The akuma is back and it’s gotten worse. I need your help,” the other hero told her without preamble.
Marinette’s chest tightened in panic. She couldn’t face an akuma. Not right now.
Not without her partner.
“I… I want to help,” Marinette confided. “But… I can’t… Not without him.”
Uncanny Valley smiled. “I can help with that.”
Adrien leaned forward in the padded seat on his father’s private chartered plane, his head tucked between his knees as he silently berated himself for every decision he had made over the last three days.
What had he been thinking? He had known Ladybug was out of town and that Paris was undefended. And he had gone anyway.
And Paris had paid the price.
Just so he could have a few days in New York with his friends. How ridiculously irresponsible and childish of him.
The resulting damage to Paris could not be undone.
He buried his fists into his hair, tugging at the golden strands in self-loathing frustration.
And then, once in New York, he had almost failed in the worst way possible. He had almost killed Ladybug. His partner!
The woman he still loved despite trying to move on.
And if he had, he’s not sure how he ever would have recovered. If it hadn’t been for Uncanny Valley absorbing his cataclysm, everything would have been lost.
And that was on him.
Uncanny Valley had died to save everyone.
He had killed her. He hadn’t meant to. But he had still taken a life with his own power. Even if it was an accident. He had killed someone. Chat Noir was supposed to be a good guy, a hero, and he had killed someone. And not just anyone.
The bright and precious girl that had been following Jess around the whole trip. Ladybug’s charm may have brought the girl back, but it could never erase the moment when the dark haired girl had lain in her mother’s arms, unmoving, from his mind’s eye.
Frustrated tears leaked from his eyes, and his form shook silently.
He knew he wasn’t worthy of being Chat Noir.
Not anymore. His selfish choice to go on a school field trip had ruined everything.
His father was right about him.
Dear god, he didn’t want to face his father.
He dreaded arriving home. He knew that his life was different now. He had no way to escape his hollow and empty room at any time of day or night, no Plagg to keep him company, and he would no longer be able to hang out with or help his lady.
He knew would see her. It would be impossible not to. She still lived in Paris, and Hawkmoth was still at large. But it would be from a distance, and even if they happened to be in the same place at the same time, she wouldn’t know that it was him.
But he couldn’t bring himself to grieve those pieces yet. Because that was only being selfish. And being selfish is what caused the whole disaster in the first place.
A loud pop interrupted his internal self loathing. The air around him was suddenly roaring with the change in pressure. It lasted only for a moment, before everything went still again.
He turned around. Uncanny Valley stood before him with a bright metallic smile.
He smiled back, tears burning at the edges of his green eyes at seeing her unharmed once again.
She stared at him for a moment without saying anything before holding out a familiar octagonal black box.
“Your services are needed, Chat Noir.”
He stiffened at the address. She knew. Knew that he was the one that had killed her and she had come to him anyway.
Adrien held up his hands defensively and took a step back. “No, I am not worthy of the ring.”
She should know that better than anyone.
Her silver smile never faltered. “Good thing I didn’t bring a ring, then.”
She held out the miraculous box again.
His curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the box despite his reservations, only to drop it to the ground immediately at sight of the spotted earrings.
Adrien was already shaking his head when the swirl of pink sparkles diminished revealing the red kwami he had met only once before.
“She can’t give me her miraculous!” he screamed. “Tikki! What is she thinking?! She knows that I’m irresponsible and can’t be trusted! I proved that today!”
“Adrien,” Tikki soothed, holding her tiny hands out in a placating gesture. “I need you to calm down.”
“You want me to be calm?!” He was shaking like a jet engine. “Tikki, I almost killed her today. Me,” he stabbed his own thumb into his chest. “I did that. It was only because of her,” he gestured wildly toward Uncanny Valley, “that I didn’t.”
“It was an accident, and it turned out okay,” Tikki reassured.
“It almost didn’t,” he repeated stubbornly, letting himself fall back into his seat with his hands clenched into fists.
“Who are you talking to?” Uncanny Valley asked him, her head cocked to the side in confusion.
His green eyes darted towards the other hero for a second, and then back to the red kwami. “Tikkis is the kwami that is bonded with the creation miraculous?”
“What is a kwami? I’m unfamiliar with this classification.”
“She can’t perceive me because we are invisible to cameras,” Tikki explained impatiently.
“Kwamis are like spirits or gods of an idea. Every miraculous has one. They embody the jewelry with their powers,” Adrien explained.
“Fascinating,” Uncanny commented. “What does this creature look like?”
“We don’t have time for this,” Tikki interjected. “Can you please tell her to just playback Ladybug’s message?”
“Ladybug left me a message?” he prompted.
“Yes, of course!” Uncanny held her mouth open, but it was Ladybug’s voice that filled up the room.
“Chaton, I…” her voice trembled, and he knew she was barely holding back tears. “I don’t know what to say to you. I just… I need you to come back. I don’t know how to do this without you…” she trailed off, breaking into a sob.
His throat dropped painfully into his chest. He had made his lady cry. Even after everything, it was her voice that could break him.
She managed to recover, and continued, her voice harder. “I was angry with you for leaving Paris when you said you would be there,” she paused for a second. He could picture her glaring holes through his mask too easily. “But I am more angry that you left me today. How could you do that?” she raged. “When things get hard, when we make mistakes, I need you more! I need you to step up! Not run away.”
“I can’t do this without you,” and here her tone had shifted once again. Now, she was all business, all confident Ladybug with a convoluted plan that would bring everything together. He couldn’t suppress the fond smile that sprouted across his face. “So, I’ve decided that I’m not going to.
“I quit,” she said firmly and decisively.
Wait! What?! But she couldn’t do that! Paris needed her! No one could replace Ladybug.
“Now there’s no one to protect Paris or New York except you. Good luck!”
Uncanny Valley closed her mouth, the recording finished, and looked at him expectantly.
He knew Ladybug was manipulating him, but god damn it, he was never not going to do what she wanted.
He wiped tears from his face that he hadn’t realized he had cried. “She can’t give up, Tikki,” he sobbed. “I’ll go today if she needs me. I will go and return her earrings, but she needs to find a new partner. I definitely don’t deserve any miraculous.”
Tikki shot up to his face. “Adrien! This isn’t about what you deserve or don’t! This is about what she needs! And she needs you! You are her opposite and her partner. You cannot just be replaced. That’s not how this works!”
“She deserves better,” he insisted again, like a broken record.
“Do you not want to be Chat Noir anymore?” the tiny bug asked softly.
He sighed. “Of course I want to be Chat Noir, but there’s a difference between what I want and what is best for everyone! I proved over the last few days that I can’t be trusted not to make selfish choices!”
“That right there is proof you can be trusted!”
Adrien’s eyebrows furrowed together in genuine confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You’re willing to step down and pass on your position to another, even though you don’t really want to because you think that’s what’s best. That’s the opposite of selfish, Adrien.”
“But how can she trust me anymore? I let her down,” he whispered.
Tikki spiraled in the air in clear agitation. “Do you think you’re the first miraculous holder to make a huge mistake? Ladybug screwed up just last month and Master Fu’s identity and safety was compromised! And as a result, every temporary hero’s identity was revealed!”
“But that was an accident!” he growled back.
The kwami whipped up to his face.
“Exactly! It was an accident!”
He felt like she had just punched him.
“And Master Fu responded to her mistake by making her the Guardian!”
The kwami pulled herself back with a sigh, her tone once again soft and patient. “Because he was wise enough to know that the biggest mistakes often result in the greatest learning! And that Ladybug is not defined by her mistakes.
“And you aren’t either, Adrien. Ladybug can trust you more after you’ve made this mistake and learned from it, than she could before you ever made it.”
She paused for a moment as if searching for words. Then she darted right back into his personal space. “Never making mistakes does not make you worthy of your miraculous. Learning from your inevitable mistakes and taking responsibility for them is what makes you the perfect holder of the black cat.”
He hung his head. He wanted to believe Tikki. He did. Then everything could go back to normal.
“Do you believe in her or not?” Tikki asked into the silence.
“More than anything on this earth.” The words left him in a whisper.
“Well then!” Tikki continued passionately. “Believe that she’s right when she says that you are needed.”
Adrien wanted to argue. He feared Ladybug was wrong about him, and he was positively terrified of disappointing her all over again.
But if her message was to be believed it was his leaving that disappointed her the most.
He sighed, feeling emotionally exhausted and battered, but he couldn’t argue anymore. Tikki has definitely given him a lot more to think about.  “And here I was thinking you would be nicer than Plagg.”
“What?!” Tikki screeched indignantly, shooting up another foot into the air. “I’m definitely the nice one!”
He shook his head in disagreement even as he smiled, enjoying the rare chance to rib a kwami even if it wasn’t the one who gave him a hard time constantly.
“So, how do I find her?” he asked.
“It won’t be hard,” Uncanny Valley interjected. “You just need to go where the akuma is.”
He launched himself to his feet. “There’s an akuma?! Why didn’t either of you lead with that?!” he demanded even as he rapidly thrust the earring posts into his ears.
“Tikki! Spots on!” The creative energies crackled over his form, feeling somehow warm and soft, so unlike his normal destructive power. He stuffed down all his doubts and self-loathing. That could all wait.
There was an akuma to fight.
And his lady needed him.
“Watch out!”
Lady Noire dropped to the concrete, cursing the non specificity of the warning. Chat would have told her left or right, up or down in the same number of words. The blast of power rushed over her head and missed her, if only just, so she supposed she couldn’t complain. At least she had an ally in Sparrow. It was better than facing this akuma alone.
Because this akuma - she was blanking on his name. Techno something? But didn’t it also have something to do with the Miraculous? It didn’t matter! Lady Noire couldn’t keep it all straight! That’s what Chat and his love of comics and manga was for! The point was, whatever his name, this akuma sucked!
She vaulted upwards, launching herself from the ground to a street lamp, to one of the lower buildings in the forest of skyscrapers.
Remaining at street level was dangerous. There were too many alleyways and blocked sight lines. But leaping from rooftop to rooftop was almost as bad because it left no places to hide, no options for cover even if she could see all her adversaries coming. And she had to fend off Majestia, Knight Owl, and the akuma on miraculous steroids simultaneously.
At least she was in the clear for the moment. There was no sign of any of them. A distant crash thundered. Lady Noire sighed. Majestia was probably destroying more buildings trying to flush them out.
“Hey, Lady Cat!” Sparrow called. “Follow me!” Then she ducked through an open window a dozens of stories off the ground into a conference room of some sort.
And with another sigh, Lady Noire did just that. She and Sparrow huddled with their heads together out of sight, crafting a new strategy. And again, with Chat, the conversation would have been unnecessary. He could glean her plans from a gesture or three words of explanation.
But she and Sparrow didn’t have that level of intuitive communication. Lady Noire liked Sparrow. The Parisian hero related to the other girl’s desire to prove herself, and she knew the other girl's heart was in the right place. But they didn’t have any experience with each other.
So it took thirty seconds of rapidly exchanged words before they were on the same page and back in the air fighting. It had only been thirty seconds, but how many buildings had Majestia managed to demolish in that time?
Lady Noire honestly didn’t have time to count, as she ducked under yet another projectile - this one launched at her by Knight Owl.
The time delay had been worth it though. She and Sparrow were tag teaming better, grabbing the brainwashed heroes’ attention before they could take out their compromised morals on the city too badly, and covering each other’s back when their three adversaries converged on one of them.
But every move was defensive. They had no plan for an offensive strike. It was all they could do to not get hit by the akuma’s beam.
She wished Chat Noir was there.
She was certain he would come back. He would never leave her hanging. She had absolutely no doubt.
But would he make it back in time? Before her luck ran out completely?
She pounced out of the way of another strike, only to dodge into the blow of another. She had time to curse her mistake, but no time to course correct.
Just when she thought it was over, a flash of red body-slammed her into a third direction.
Relief flooded through her at the familiar sensation of his form pressed against her own. They both readily rolled to their feet, and slid into fighting stances side by side.
“You okay?” he called.
She flashed him a huge grin. “Never better, bugaboy!” Now that he was here.
And unlike the first time they had swapped kwamis, they were perfectly in sync. Even for them, it was impressive. It felt like she could read his mind and he hers.
Or maybe, it was just the contrast of working with Sparrow. Or was her name Eagle now?
Whatever the case, she could feel the difference. Chat Noir was her partner, her other half. He had stolen her heart somewhere along the way, and she couldn’t wait to tell him, even if she would never hear the end of it.
He called for a lucky charm, and she jutted her chin towards a parked taxi cab. He flashed her a grin, and dove into action. And that’s what she meant. He just understood.
“Sorry, Miraclonizer,” Mr. Bug called to the akuma an instant before Lady Noire shot out of the cab and cataclysmed his object. “Third time was not your charm.”
Majestia and Knight Owl cornered the healed villain within seconds of Mr. Bug purifying the butterfly and healing the city.
But Lady Noire paid none of them any mind. She launched herself into her partner’s arms the second it was safe to do so. He caught her as if she weighed nothing, absorbing her momentum with a twirl before pulling her against him.
She had never felt safer.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” she told him, her voice hard. It was the only defense she had against immediately dissolving into a puddle of tears at his feet.
“I wouldn’t dream of it m’lady,” he breathed into her braid. “Shall we go somewhere to talk?”
She nodded into his shoulder. “Go, recharge Tikki. And then we’ll meet up on the Statue of Liberty?”
She bounded away without a word to the American heroes, before ducking into a secluded alleyway three blocks away and letting her transformation shimmer away.
“I don’t have any cheese,” she reported solemnly as she offered one of Tikki’s cookies to the limp kwami that had just fallen into her hands.
“I’ll live,” he replied gruffly, eying the proffered pink macaron suspiciously as if she were offering him poison. He took it, flipped it over and inspected it, before taking the smallest of nibbles.
She sighed. “I’ve seen you inhale cheese, Plagg. I don’t suppose I could bribe you with a promise of a wheel of Camembert later to just hold your nose and inhale that, now?”
“What’s your rush, Pigtails?” he asked, taking another infinitesimally small bite. “The akuma has been defeated already. Your job is done.”
“I just…” she looked away. “I don’t want him to spook.”
Which was a lie. She knew he’d be there. But she… she had lost him today. He walked away once. He might do it again. She wouldn’t feel secure until she had seen him, until he had promised with more than words that he wasn’t going anywhere.
He eyed her. “You can trust him, you know. He’ll wait for you.”
“Like I could trust him to protect Paris in my absence?” she bit back.
Plagg said nothing. Just took another tiny bite if one could call it that.
She sighed, idly running her fingernail along the alley brick wall. “I’m sorry. I’m trying not to be angry. I don’t want him to run again.”
“You don’t have to be what others expect you to be, you know.”
Her eyes whipped to the kwami floating in the dim light of a flickering street lamp. “What do you mean?”
He darted around in an animated circle. “You don’t have to be the bigger person. You can be angry. He can take it. He has lots of practice.”
She hissed at those words, hating that any piece of them could be true, and that she still didn’t know enough about his civilian life to refute or understand them.
“But this isn’t about him, or your feelings for him,” Plagg continued. “This has nothing to do with him at all. This has to do with you being the Guardian.”
She frowned. “I’m not following.”
“You don’t have to be what Paris expects you to be. Or what Chat Noir expects you to be. You don’t have to be what Master Fu expected you to be either.”
Her eyes watered unexpectedly at the mention of her old mentor.
“You just have to be you,” Plagg concluded.
Her knuckles buried themselves into her eyes, as she tried to fight back tears. “But I keep messing up.”
“That’s because you’re trying to follow the rules instead of following your instincts!”
“A hero thinks with her brain, not her heart!” she countered hotly.
“No! You need to think with your gut! Your brain is not what helps you decipher Tikki’s charms. I love her, but that girl can be obtuse! No, you have to follow your intuition, and trust that even if you don’t know what the final piece is when you’re halfway through some convoluted plan, you’ll recognize it when you see it.”
She bit her lip, considering his words. His description of unraveling the mystery of a lucky charm wasn’t wrong.
“Like, why didn’t you bring the horse miraculous on this trip? I know you thought about it!”
Her eyes narrowed at his tone.“Because Master Fu said that having too many miraculouses out and active was too risky!” she began defensively.
“You already proved that your determination, creativity, and your faith in your partner was more effective than that old man’s paranoia when you defeated Feast.”
The miniature floating cat took another crumb off Tikki’s cookie. “The old man is gone! You need to figure out your own way of doing things. His ways won’t work for you because you’re not him.”
“But… I’m just a teenager. I don’t know what I’m doing. He had so much more experience. He kept you all safe for centuries. Who am I to say that his methods were wrong?”
“Who are you?” Plagg repeated indignantly. “You are Ladybug! You have never lost. You are now the Guardian. You are Marienette Dupain-Cheng who is quite accomplished in her own right!”
Her eyes burned at the praise. And coming from Plagg who pretended he didn’t care about anything? Well, that meant a lot to her. Especially today when she was feeling so raw and like she had screwed up just for coming on this trip at all.
“And just so you know, Master Fu took on the role of the Guardian when he was twelve. He didn’t know what he was doing either. He made tons of mistakes. You will too, but they don’t have to be the same ones.”
Marinette leaned up against the wall behind her, carefully considering every word. “Why are you telling me all this?” she whispered.
He flipped the cookie over on its end and nibbled into the untouched end. Really, the whole cookie looked unmarred. They were going to be here all night.
“You brought my kid back. You didn’t let him go. I figure I owe you a favor.”
She smiled softly. “You seem to care about him a lot.”
He frowned. “He gives me only the finest of camembert!” he gushed. “Not every holder can pull that off, you know.”
Marinette reached out and scratched the little cat behind his ear, and to her delight he leaned into the caress and purred. She suspected Chat Noir meant far more to the kwami than cheese, but she wasn’t going to call him out on it.
“Tikki says you can’t ever take anything seriously.”
He looked affronted. “I can be serious!” he argued. “When it’s important!”
She giggled. “I can see that,” she conceded. “Thanks, Plagg! I think I needed to hear this.”
“Like I said, I owed you a favor. It’s nothing more than that.”
“Oh, of course,” she agreed readily, an amused smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
He popped the rest of the cookie in his mouth, and gulped it down in one swallow.
“So are we going to go meet my kid or what?” Plagg asked. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting all night! He’s going to think you’re still mad at him or something.”
“Are you serious right now?” she screeched, staring at the stoic kwami in complete disbelief. “You were just pretending you had to eat that cookie so slowly?”
He did the kwami equivalent of a shrug. “You asked me to hurry it up. And I did! Don’t know what you’re complaining about.”
“Oh my god! You’re impossible!”
“Still waiting on you, Pigtails,” he countered smugly.
“Plagg, claws out!” she growled out, his laughter echoing in the humid frigid air around her even after he was sucked into the ring.
Dark crackling energy enveloped her body from head to toe, thrumming with raw power and energy. Her normal transformation felt warm and comforting. And the black cat wasn’t cold - it was more like lightning. And once her transformation was complete she just needed to move, to run, to pounce, to be free.
She vaulted from the ground, shooting off towards the monument of liberty that she could see clearly now that it had stopped raining, eager and excited to speak with her partner.
As she approached, she could see he was already there - a spot of red that stood out against the green of the statue’s oxidized copper. He was sitting under that railing of Lady Liberty’s torch, his legs dangling playfully over the edge.
She vaulted up and landed next to him in a feline crouch.
“M’lady!” he greeted brightly as if they hadn’t planned on meeting not twenty minutes prior. “I was starting to get worried. What happened?”
“Plagg happened,” she growled. “Apparently, he eats cookies really really really slowly.”
He laughed. And god, it was a gorgeous sound. One that she would never take for granted again. “Yeah, he’s pretty annoying when it comes to food.”
She sat down next to him, closer than she normally would have, wanting to have him close. She crossed her legs at the ankles and they stayed relatively calm compared to his active swinging. Neither of them spoke for a minute, they were just staring over the city of lights. The city that was not their own, but they had just saved.
“Thank you,” she whispered into the silence.
His spring-green eyes snapped to her in surprise. “For?”
“For coming back,” she told him simply, still not daring to look at him. If she looked at him she was fairly certain she would cry. And while tears were likely inevitable this evening, she didn’t want to start off with them.  
“I’m sorry for ever leaving,” he told her solemnly.
“It’s…” she broke off. She was going to say that it was okay, but it wasn’t. “Thank you for saying that,” she said instead. “Can you promise me something?”
“Anything,” he said immediately. Her eyes jumped towards his face, surprised at his total lack of hesitation. He gazed back at her, his face calm and serene as the breeze that swept across their cheeks.
“You don’t want to know what it is first?” she asked.
He shook his head with a soft smile. The expression almost seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it. “I already know I would do almost anything for you, M’lady. I thought you would have known that by now. And the one or two things I wouldn’t be able to do, you would never ask.”
Heat bloomed across her cheeks at his raw faith in her. She was never certain how she had earned it.
“What did you want to ask?” he prompted when she still didn’t explain.
“Just that… next time, if there’s a next time, which I hope there won’t be,” she rambled. “But if there is a next time, can you please talk to me first? Before you make your decision?”
He stared at her for a second. “Next time for what?” he finally asked.
She glanced at him, then looked back down to her knees. “A next time you want to quit…”
And then he said nothing. And she couldn’t stand it. Her gloved fingers writhed in her lap.
“It’s just… you left without letting me say goodbye,” she confessed, her voice softer than the cold breeze. But she knew he could hear her. She looked back at him again, gauging his face for a reaction, but for once she couldn’t read him. “I…” she bit her lower lip in thought, and looked back down. “I don’t want you to be trapped in this. You’re never obligated to continue, but…”
His hand, gloved in red and black, reached out to hers soothingly. “But?”
Emerald green eyes blinked at her from behind a spotted mask, and she found herself missing the vertical pupils that came from wearing the black cat miraculous. When had his eyes stopped looking alien and strange to her? When had they become a source of comfort?
“If you ever want to stop doing this, please… just let me say… goodbye,” she choked out over the massive rock that had just lodged itself in her throat. Hot tears fell from her eyes, over her mask. She hated crying in the mask.
He pulled her against him, she felt safe and warm in his arms. Her body responded by convulsing harder with wracking sobs. He rubbed her back soothingly, and rocked her back and forth.
“Oh bug, I’m so sorry,” he said softly, and then he kissed the crown of her head. “Of course I promise.”
“The last thing I said to you was out of anger,” she sobbed into his chest.
“Shhh… it’s okay. I’m right here. And I know you,” and she could hear the smile in his voice. “You were never going to let that be our last conversation. I’m apparently really bad at staying away even when I think it’s for the best.”
She stilled at his words, at the self deprecation in his tone. “Do you…?” she hesitated, carefully keeping her head down and not looking at his face. “Do you still... think it would be best for you to give up the miraculous?”
He didn’t say anything.
And suddenly, despite his arm around her shoulders, the night was freezing once again, overcast, dark, and grey.
“Chaton?” she prompted. She was terrified of what he might say, but she had to know. She had to know if she could rely on him.
His head dropped, his forehead rested against the top of her braid. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “In the moment that I renounced Plagg, I did it because I just didn’t see any path back for me. I just kept making mistake after mistake. I didn’t want to keep letting you down.”
“You didn’t let me down,” she objected automatically.
Her partner laughed, but there was no amusement here. It was not the bright, rich laugh that came from his belly that she coveted and cherished. This laugh was bitter and dark.  
She huffed out a sigh. “Okay! Fine, you let me down, but not in some irreparable sense that you seem to be thinking.”
His arms tightened around her. “I almost killed you today,” he whispered so softly she almost didn’t hear him.
She sat up then, and traced the sides of his downturned face in both of her hands. She urged his gaze up to hers and waited until he was looking at her before speaking. “But you didn’t.” Her voice didn’t waiver.
His lower lip trembled and soon his whole body was quaking. She jerked him into her arms, and his head came to rest on her bony shoulder.
“I… I don’t know… w-what I would do… if I lost you,” he gasped out between sobs.
“You’re the one that was going to leave,” she couldn’t help but point out dryly.
His nose burrowed deeper into her shoulder. “Only because I am afraid that at some point I will screw up so badly, but instead of me… you’ll be the one to pay the price. I don’t want to be your partner if I am not the best one to protect you. You’re too important to me to let my ego or selfish tendencies get in the way.”
Her arms tightened around him.
He looked up at her then. His eyes were glassy and as green as new spring grass. “But then Tikki said some things that made me think about it differently. That maybe coming back was more important?”
He said it like it was a question. That he needed her confirmation more than anything.
“Kitty, I don’t know how to convince you. I know you won’t be perfect. I won’t be perfect either. I know our mistakes have very real consequences for more than just us. And I would definitely appreciate it in the future, if anything that affects our responsibility changes, you would tell me rather than pretend like everything was taken care of.”
He nodded in agreement.
“But you are it for me! I cannot do this with anyone else because you are the only person who was here with me through this whole crazy thing, the only person who has believed in me even before I believed in myself! You are the person that I trust the most. The only person that can really understand my life. That’s why today was so hard. I…” She broke off into tears.
She started sobbing uncontrollably, harder than either time before. Her throat was tight, and she felt like there was no air. She couldn’t talk, but she desperately needed him to hear these ones.
“I… thought I was… n-never going to see you again,” she choked out.
His hands traced her jaw as his thumbs brushed away her tears. “Do you want to know who I am?” he asked, his eyes serious.
She laughed hysterically through her tears. Of course she wanted to know; she had always wanted to know. But she was still scared. Plagg’s advice about being in her own kind of Guardian warred with every word of caution Master Fu and Tikki had ever given her. Because learning who he was wasn’t something they could take back.
She needed to think about this very carefully. But she wanted to just know. And she wanted to tell him.
“I’m serious,” he told her. “I will tell you right now. You don’t even have to reciprocate.”
She sucked in a breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and smiled brightly at him. She wanted to give into his offer with every fiber of his being. But even if she wasn’t scared to know anymore, it was still probably wise to give it careful consideration before rushing into anything.
“I know who you are,” she told him.
He started. “Y-you do? What gave me away?”
Her smile grew, and her fingertips traced the side of his face. “No, that’s not what I mean. I don’t know your identity. But I do know you. You’re my partner. And my best friend. The boy I trust more than anyone else on this planet. And the most important person in my life. I know your heart.” She placed her other hand on his chest. His heart was racing, too. “I know you.”
She leaned forward before she could think about it too much. He met her halfway.
His lips were chapped, and his breath tasted of mint. His fingers found a home in the small of her back while hers became tangled in his golden locks. Everything about their contact was warm, sweet, and soft.
She didn’t want the moment to end.
It was perfect.
So when he started to pull away, her hands held him in place. And she could feel him smile against her lips.
She finally pulled away with a gasp, and only because she had to breathe at some point, and she was rewarded with a dopey grin on his face with his masked eyes still slitted closed.
She watched him fondly for a few seconds, her giddy smile likely echoing his own. But when he didn’t move, and he didn’t open his eyes, she grew impatient.
“Chaton? You still there?” she teased lightly.
“Yes, m’lady!” he answered brightly. But his eyes remained stubbornly closed.
She poked him in the shoulder. “Why are your eyes still closed?”  
He sighed happily. “Because I’m trying to memorize the best moment in my life so I can replay it later when I need it.”
She snorted. “I can’t believe I fell in love with such a dork.”
His green eyes snapped open. “You love me?” he breathed out as if he could scarcely believe it.
She curled her hands around his again. “Where the hell have you been?” she demanded. “Did Uncanny Valley not play you my message?”
“She did, but…”
“And you were here for that confession and kiss, right? You remember it? You weren’t under some akuma’s control or anything?”
He shook his head, even as his fingers tightened around hers. “No, but you didn’t say love,” he objected.
She turned towards him again. “Chaton, the boy I told you about, the one I told you I loved?”
He went rigid, his expression suddenly carefully neutral. “What about him?” he asked casually.
“He came on this trip with me,” she explained. “But today he left. I watched him drive away and it felt like he was leaving me. And it was hard. But it barely registered in comparison to the devastation I felt listening to your echoing footsteps fade away after you left your miraculous behind.”
His gaze dropped to their joined hands. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “I’m not trying to make you feel more guilty. I just… that’s how I knew.”
She turned and kneeled before him, still not letting go of his hands. “I had to let go of both of you today,” she told him. “But you were the one where that did not feel possible. I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines you snuck into my heart, made it your own, and I don’t want you to leave.
“Because I love you,” she whispered.
His eyes turned glassy, but he was smiling. “I love you, too.”
She couldn’t stand to see him crying even if they were tears of joy. So she leaned forwards and kissed him again. And then again and again until she lost count and they were both giggling like children.
“What does this mean?” he asked her later, when they were giggled out, and her head rested against his shoulder once again.  
She sighed. What she wouldn’t give to just be! Be here and now, and not have to worry about Paris or New York or decisions that she didn’t want to be the one to make! “I don’t know. I want us to be together, I think. But this is dangerous. But… Plagg said I needed to make my own rules.”
He started. “Plagg said what?”
She ignored his interjection. “And he was right! I… I’ve been trying to emulate Master Fu because he is the only example I have.”
“Plagg gave you advice…? Like useful advice?” Chat objected again.
She frowned up at him. “You’re getting distracted, kitty.”
“Sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free arm. “Go on.”
“I just worry that if Hawkmoth knows we’re in love, he’ll find a way to use it against us. Love makes us strong in so many ways, but it also makes us vulnerable.”
He threaded his fingers with hers. And she had never thought she would enjoy holding hands with someone as much as she did.
“Do you really think he couldn’t have already done that before when assuming we were just friends?”
She pursed her lips, considering. She supposed he had a point. She kept her identity a secret so that Hawkmoth couldn’t get at her through her family or friends. But Chat Noir had always been a friend she couldn’t hide.
“It’s just more pronounced, I think,” she concluded.
“Would you want to keep it a secret then?” he asked, his expression betraying nothing about how he felt about that idea. But she knew that was his way of being supportive by letting her take the lead.
“Keeping our vulnerabilities secret does offer some protection. That’s the way Master Fu did it. He always stayed in the shadows and was secretive and he was able to protect the kwamis and to stay hidden for almost two centuries!”
“But?” he prompted when she stopped.
And she smiled, pleased that he could read her so well. “But we’re on the front lines. We don’t have the luxury of staying in the shadows. It’s harder to build an impenetrable wall of secrets when you have to be out in public all the time fighting monsters. When you have to balance a double life without anyone noticing. When you struggle with so much, and can’t confide in anyone, or ask anyone for support…”
And suddenly, now that she was really thinking about it, she was angry. Livid that she had been put in this situation where she was almost alone in keeping an entire city safe, and told that she could share that with no one. How long would it be before she broke? How long before she was akumatized?
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
She shook herself out of her thoughts. “Yeah, I just… I didn’t realize that I was so angry. Master Fu dumped a lot of responsibility on me without leaving any avenues of support,” and she immediately tensed realizing how her words can be misconstrued. Her eyes jerked upwards to his. “I didn’t mean you,” she told him.
He smiled. “No, I totally understand what you meant,” he assured immediately. And then his smile faded and his gaze turned distant.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Do you want to give up your miraculous?” He asked softly, clearly afraid of her answer.
She jerked back violently. “What?! No!! I can’t give it up!” Even she was startled at how visceral her reaction was. “No,” she said again, her tone more calm. “It’s hard, yes. And definitely unfair. But it would just as unfair to put this burden on someone else.”
“But do you want to be Ladybug?” he asked again, this time his green eyes were intense and insistent, rather than worried.
“I love being Ladybug,” she whispered back. “I love knowing that I have helped someone. I love being able to protect the people I care about. And well, even the challenge of figuring out how to defeat an akuma or interpret a lucky charm… It's empowering,” her voice grew louder the more she talked. “Just knowing that when the chips are down, I’m capable of thinking stuff out like that. Most people have to run when an akuma strikes, but not me. I have agency. I can do something. And I’m good at it!”  
“Damn good at it!” he agreed with a huge smile.
She smirked. “And I suppose flying over the city by yoyo is pretty cool too,” she tacked on.
“I had to ask,” he told her. “I want you to know you have an out, too.”
“Thank you kitty. I appreciate that.”
“So if you’re committed to sticking it out, what do you want to do differently than Master Fu as the new Guardian?” he asked. “And whatever you decide, know that I will always support you.”
Her eyes locked onto his. “I want to trust. I want to trust you completely. Maybe others too, but I want to start with you. I don’t want there to be secrets between us.”
She felt him freeze underneath her.
“So… does that mean…” he fidgeted nervously. “Tell me if I’m jumping the gun again, but may I tell you my name?”  
The question hit her like a lightning bolt, sending both her heart racing and her gut fluttering. Even though he had mentioned it earlier, this time felt different. Now, she felt ready. But she was still nervous. But not in the way that she used to be. She wasn’t worried for her friends and family because this was Chat! Her partner. He would give his life for her, she already knew. The idea even brought a sense of relief.
No, the butterflies in her stomach were more a giddy nervousness. She tried to calm herself by breathing deeply. Knowing his name wouldn’t change how she felt about him. And she had to believe that his knowing hers wouldn’t change the way he felt either.
“Only if you want to,” she said. God, she wanted him to tell her so bad, but she didn’t feel she had the right to demand anything after she had already put him off so many times.
He grinned. “I’ve always wanted to. It works out for you, too, in this case because you’ll always be able to track me down when you need to yell at me for something without having to send a third party or worry that it will be our last conversation.”
She laughed. “You sure you don’t want to wait like two weeks when we’re not so emotionally raw? When our heads are on straight?” It was the more pragmatic choice. There was no rush. They didn’t really have to burn through all the secrets between them in one evening.
He barked out a laugh of his own. “Two weeks for you to come up with a million and three reasons about how bad of an idea it is?” He shook his head, even as he chuckled. “No, I don’t really want to wait for that.”
“I’m not that bad!” she objected.
“Oh, yes, you are,” he grinned, darting in with a quick kiss to her nose, which she scrunched up in response. “It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
“Yeah, well! You’re so impulsive!” she countered, even as she grinned.
“And you love me anyway,” he countered, cheekily.
Heat flooded her neck and face; even her ears felt hot in the cold air. “Yeah, yeah, I do.”
“I love you, too.” His voice was so soft, like velvet, and his eyes were even softer. Love poured from them. It was so intense it was hard to maintain eye contact. She had never felt more exposed or vulnerable. He had all of her heart. He had stolen it.
But he didn’t say anything more, and it was driving her mad.
“So…” she prompted, “What’s your name?”
He started, and then grinned again. “R-right!” He cleared his throat dramatically. “Adrien.”
She reeled backwards as if burned. “W-what?!” she exclaimed. She thought she had been prepared for anything! She thought his name wouldn’t change anything.
She had been wrong.
“My name… it’s Adrien,” he repeated.
Her eyes were bugged out of her head, and her jaw was on the balcony floor. But she didn’t know what to say. It couldn’t be him, could it? That would be too simple. And too unfair all at once! The universe was clearly laughing at her. It had been laughing at her for years!
He frowned. “Is that bad?”
She could hear the tremor in his voice. God, he was freaking out. She had to fix that.
“N-no…?” she stammered. Crap! She was stammering. He was totally going to see straight through her.
Would that be so bad?
“Just… unexpected,” she said lamely.
“Were you expecting a Louis, or an Antoine?” he asked jokingly, clearly trying to bury his vulnerability in silliness, but she could see through him. He was terrified. “What name did you give me in your head?”
“Chaton,” she whispered, squeezing his head, managing to look right into his anxious eyes.  
His whole form relaxed and his jokester face melted into the softest smile at her admission. And oh god, it was totally him. How had she never seen it before? She was such an idiot.
“Okay seriously,” he laughed. “What is wrong with the name Adrien?”
“Nothing!” she insisted.
He kissed the knuckles of each of her gloved hands. “Then why are you freaking out?”
So many panicked thoughts swirled through her brain just like it always did when she was trying to talk to Adrien. But this wasn’t just Adrien anymore, she reminded herself. This was her partner, her best friend, her love, and her Chaton. She had just said she wanted no more secrets between them not five minutes prior.
She took a deep breath and prayed for courage. “Adrien might be the name of the boy I had a crush on,” she admitted. Somehow, it was easier to be indirect about it even though she already knew that it was him.  
“What were the chances that I have the same name as…?” And then his whole body stilled and his eyes widened. “Unless… No! I cannot be that lucky,” he mumbled more to himself than her. “But… you said…” His eyes searched hers. “You said… your crush walked away from you today. If that was me…”
And suddenly his eyes watered and he was crying again. Only this time, she had no idea what was wrong.
He couldn’t be that disappointed it was her, could he? The possibility had never occurred to her.
“Chaton? What’s wrong?”
He yanked her to him, his arms wrapped around her petite frame from both sides and he cried onto her shoulder.
“Marinette, I’m so sorry!” he sobbed.
And she shivered at her name on his lips, laden with such emotion. She felt her panic begin to fade. He definitely wasn’t disappointed.
“For?” she asked.
“I walked away from you twice today.”
And with those words the last of her fear faded away. She rubbed circles on his back. She hoped he found them soothing.
“Chaton, it’s okay,” she reassured, feeling remarkably free herself. She had managed to confess to both of the boys she loved in one go!  And she was feeling much better about this whole Guardian business just as a bonus. “This makes things surprisingly simple,” she said, framing both sides of his face in her gloved hands.
He shook his head and nuzzled his cheek into one of her hands. “I don’t deserve you,” he croaked out.
She shook her head. “I think you deserve the world, Chaton. That’s why I fought so hard for you to be able to come on this trip. I just didn’t realize you were also the person that I needed to stay behind.”
He laughed through his tears. “You’re so amazing, Buginette. I have thought so this whole trip. Until I screwed up royally, I was thinking about asking you out when we got back to Paris. Marinette you, I mean.”
“R-really?!” she squeaked.
“What changed?” She asked. “If I recall, Chat Noir already rejected Marinette.”
“I don’t know that anything did. It’s like you said… I think you snuck in a long time ago and I just didn’t realize it because I was so focused on Ladybug.”
“Ladybug is pretty great, I guess,” she grudgingly admitted.
“Ladybug is definitely amazing! I’ve looked up to her for a long time, but Marinette… she is so much more because she fights for justice without the benefit of a mask. She always stands up when it matters. She goes out of her way to include everyone, she gives people second chances. She gave me a second chance.”
Her eyes watered with his sweet, sweet words.
“She was the first friend I really made on my own, and I think it’s one of the best things I have ever done, and I save Paris on a weekly basis!”
A laugh tore through her tears, and he smiled back.
She tilted her head up and kissed him, trying to convey how much his words meant to her. Because she could not put it into words.
“I love you,” he finished when they pulled away.
She grinned even though she was still crying. “I love you!”
She studied his face, his eyes sparkled and his mouth couldn’t stop smiling. Happiness suited him. She realized that she had never seen her partner completely one hundred percent joyful. She had never understood before that half his jokes and tendency to want to play around was one part outlet and another part defense mechanism, but now, he made so much more sense to her. And she loved him more.
She hadn’t realized that was possible.
“It makes sense now,” she confided.
“What does?”
“Your attitude and personality as Chat Noir. You barely ever are allowed anything, so of course you go a little overboard when the opportunity presents itself. Ladybug has always primarily been a duty for me. Chat Noir is freedom for you. And well, if my miraculous was the only way I got to be free, I wouldn’t listen to my kwami either.”
He laughed. “Plagg actively encourages my rebellious moments,” he said, his eyes still gleaming.
“Really?!” she scoffed. “No fair! Why did you get the fun kwami?”
“He’s not that fun,” Adrien immediately disagreed. “Quite annoying really. He goes through so much expensive cheese you wouldn’t believe it. Nathalie still asks me questions about how much cheese I buy. And he makes a point of leaving cheese crumbs everywhere, which makes everything smell weird.”
She ate up every word like a child on Christmas morning. It was so mundane, but they got to do this now! They got to share every bit of how their civilian and hero lives clashed.
“But he’s definitely the nice one,” her partner concluded.  
“What?!” she screeched in mock outrage. “Blasphemy! Tikki is the sweetest!”
He grinned. “She is definitely the mean one.”
“Whatever! I guess you should give her back to me then, since you clearly don’t appreciate her!” she bantered back.
She hadn’t expected the immediate flash of pink light.
Tikki materialized a split second later, but Marinette spared no attention to her constant companion. She was looking at her unmasked partner. He stood before her, unfairly tall. His blond unstyled hair looked more like Chat’s than Adrien’s and she loved it. His cheeks were slightly pink, but his eyes…. It was like she had never seen them before, which was ridiculous because he was Adrien. She had seen them thousands of times before. But she had never seen them knowing he was her partner. They were emerald-green, and they were shining with complete trust and love, and she was lost in their depths.
She traced the curve of his jawline with a gloved hand, but her eyes never left his even when she started tearing up all over again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
His golden eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. “For?”
“For making you wait so long for this moment,” she confessed. She was so mad at herself for costing them so much time when they could have been supporting each other completely in both parts of their lives.
He smiled. And she could see her kitty in his face and it was amazing!
He turned his head into the hand on his face and kissed her palm. “You had to be ready. I know I was less patient on some days, but I’m glad that we waited until we both were ready.”
Maybe he was right. It was better this way because if it had happened sooner she might have combusted realizing it was Adrien and been unable to talk to him. Or she might have been angry if he had shared before she thought it was okay. And this… this was better.
She dissolved her own transformation in a flash of green. Plagg was there immediately, glanced between them in their civilian forms, and he smirked.
“Oh thank god!” he exclaimed. That was as far as he got before Tikki swooped in, and wrestled him out of sight.
Adrien carefully took out his earrings, and they reverted to their red and black form in his hands. He held them up, gesturing to the side of her head. “May I?” he asked.
A blush bloomed across her face at the question. She nodded, not trusting herself to form words.
His bare hands gently pushed a few errant strands of her hair behind her ear, before he carefully slipped one earring into her right ear. “Thank you for making me come back and thank you for trusting me with… yourself and everything else.”
He moved to the other side of her head and slipped in the second earring just as gently. “I promise to do everything I can to live up to your trust in me.”
Then he kissed her forehead before pulling slightly away, but she captured his hand before he could escape entirely.
She caressed each finger one by one, and then took off his miraculous, which was a rose gold on her hand, but instantly turned black when it was free of her finger. She watched in fascination as it turned silver when she placed it on his finger.
“I want to thank you for always supporting me, for being patient,” she started.
“Mostly patient,” he interjected, his voice light with teasing. She pushed a finger to his lips.
“Hush! It’s your turn to listen.
He nodded, his eyes sparkling with mischief. It was such a Chat expression on Adrien’s face. And that made her smile.
“I want to thank you,” she began again. “For always being there when no one else was, for picking me up in my lowest moments, for giving me advice, for being a bright spot in the darkness.”
“Can I get a do over?” He asked, his voice cracking.
“Nope!” She snapped back playfully. She had loved what he had said. “And I promise to be transparent with you as the Guardian the way Fu never was.”
She kissed his hand. Then he pulled her up and his lips met hers again. He was so warm. And he was sending tingles down to her toes.
Would she ever get used to his kisses?
She hoped not.
He pulled away just slightly and her vision was filled with his green eyes. “It feels like we just got married,” he told her.
Heat rushed from her cheeks to the tips of her ears. “I don’t think I’m ready for that. But… maybe someday?” she suggested with a shy smile.
He grinned back. “I look forward to that day.”
She did, too.
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