#Sasori creates
sasori-rp · 5 months
Another masterpiece completed. This one I am especially proud of.
Inspiration struck me early this morning, right after @deidara-anon woke me with his insufferable screeching. Apparently I am not allowed to have scorpions in our appartment...
Anyway...a recent muse of mine has crossed my mind, once I was able to find a moment of silence to work. The idea came to me then!
A new puppet. A new concept.
Delicate and small, difficult to hit, due to its agility. And - a perfect weapon. It shall be called "The purple Menace" and it will be equipped with my latest creation of poison. Deadly in more ways than one.
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A piece of art! Ever fair and beautiful and never rotting. Eternal magnificence.
*eyes glimmer*
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A worthy piece to add to my collection.
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queercodedvillains · 2 years
I firmly believe kishimoto made deidara say "I'm not into S&M" because he KNEW everyone clocked his bratty bottom vibe off the bat and he needed to make a canon occurrence to point at to disprove it but the thing is he doesn't know Deidara like I do!! he has noooo idea he accidentally created a queer icon. But I do. And no posthumous editorialization will ever overshadow that.
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
*Sasori and Tobi, alone in the kitchen*
Tobi: Oh boy, Sasori-san! Ain’t this fun, making a cake for Senpai’s birthday!
Sasori: There won’t be much of a cake if you don’t stop sneaking batter from the bowl. That’s enough.
Tobi: Don’t forget to put in the sprinkles, Sasori-san. Senpai loves a lot of colors.
Sasori: Mm, indeed. Speaking of things he loves … Tobi, you spend a lot of time with him, on your missions. You talk a lot. What do you think would be a good gift for me to give him?
Tobi: Hmmmm, well, Senpai’s been talking a lot about a baby lately.
Sasori: … a baby? Deidara … wants a baby?
Tobi: Yeah! He says all the time how cute one would be, how he’d like to raise it with you!
Sasori: That’s certainly surprising. I’d have never thought of such a thing. But … maybe it’s time. Time we created something that isn’t a puppet, or a clay bomb. 
Sasori: But first things first; before a child, I should properly marry him.
Sasori: *pats Tobi on the shoulder, then puts the cake in the oven* Thank you, Tobi. Watch the cake for me, please, and take it out of the oven in around 30 minutes. I’m going to fashion Dei a ring, and I’ll propose tonight, when we’re all sitting down for the cake. *leaves*
Zetsu, coming into the room: Hey, kid? Why did you tell him that?
Tobi: Because it’s the truth!
Zetsu: Did you just forget to mention that the “baby” Deidara was referring to, was a puppy?
Tobi: I didn’t forget, Zetsu.
Zetsu: But you —
Tobi, taking off mask, in Obito voice: Let that wooden asshole get married to Deidara. That hyperactive blonde will drive him insane long before any kind of baby comes into the picture. Then their brat will drive them BOTH crazy.
Tobi, going to lick the bowl: Tell ME I can’t eat as much cake batter as I want? Think again, Sasori.
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itachi-maru · 2 years
when I was a wee young weeb in the bright and sparkling age of 2008 
(ignore the recession we’re talking about Naruto)
I read an Akatsuki-centric modern AU where Granny Chiyo referred to Sasori as “Scorpling” and I’m pretty sure that little tidbit changed how I see Sasori forever
My little Scorpling 
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rose-lalondde · 2 years
every time i read a Drop of Poison the most jaw-dropping shit happens
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
it is funny that b/c sakura is the only person so far with an akatsuki body count orochimaru and co are like "ha ha nice ;) can you kill a couple more of them if you have the chance?" brother she wants to kill YOU
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the-tubort · 1 year
While I at the slowest pace possible continue to draw and write more for my greeed sentai au I'd just like to let people know that in this version that date, gotou, and satonaka would form their own little trio of Birth Rangers because satonaka deserves to kill
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tozettastone · 2 months
First, an honourable mention goes to Orochimaru, who would win this ranking effortlessly but who is no longer part of the Akatsuki.
10. Zetsu is more or less disqualified because he reproduces by creating exact clones of himself. You are his clone, and you are the parent and the parented, the sibling, the self; sometimes all of the above all at once. Don't worry about it.
9. Hidan finds his kid fascinating and funny as fuck. Irrational tantrums about being handed an object they desperately wanted 3 minutes ago? He's laughing. Cute questions about the nature of society that Hidan has never once contemplated the answers to? So funny! Breaking their arm for the sixth time? Absolutely hilarious. The problem with Hidan is that being charmed and amused, and indeed feeling genuine affection, will in no way prevent him from exploring the outer limits of your capacity for suffering, and this only gets worse the more responsible for you he is. He loves you a lot and you will not survive to adulthood.
8. Sasori is adequate at servicing a child's basic needs for care and keeping. He is not a demonstrative parent but he is surprisingly receptive to a child's displays of affection and rarely turns them away. They remind him of his own relationship with his parents — his first foray into his craft, in which he preserved their bodies and made them embrace him as he imagined parents ought to. He understands the emotional component to development with his current, synthetic detachment. He is not very patient, and he's prone to just intervening in your brain chemistry when you frustrate him, which is not a great way to live. The other problem with Sasori as a parent, of course, is that at every moment he feels a sliver of affection for you, he contemplates whether it would be worth it to preserve that "you" forever. Eventually, the clockwork in his head will tick over, and you'll become the most beloved puppet in his collection.
7. Kakuzu swings between strict and angry at some times, and flatly indifferent at others; he's strict and angry when his emotions are engaged, which he hates, and combats with icy apathy. Sometimes he will be angry and indifferent about exactly the same topics on different days. This is a man who will hit a kid for not magically knowing something that he, their only parent, should have been the one to teach them about. He is at his best when he can be a mostly-benign acquaintance in his child's life. The single saving grace with Kakuzu is that you can just leave and he will take months to come after you, if he ever does. Don't expect a birthday card.
6. Itachi is utterly unprepared to be the carer for a child but approaches it with the same steady and dubiously-deserved self confidence with which he approaches everything. He is sometimes affectionate, but he is also relentlessly critical and he will use genjutsu torments as a "harmless" parenting tool, because they are obviously less damaging than corporeal punishment. (It has not occurred to him that a zero-violence approach to child rearing might be, theoretically, possible.) His expectations will only rise over time as he comes to like you better, and his treatment of you will become correspondingly harsher. Expect to jump at shadows until you're 39 and sobbing into your therapist's rug. On this list, you could do worse, but I can't help but feel that regularly obliterating a child's trust in the basic tenets of reality is courting a really severe mental illness.
5. Tobi will have a nervous breakdown about his fitness for interpersonal attachments, which he won't acknowledge as a nervous breakdown. He will then respond with complete mental and emotional detachment from his child, strap them to him in a sling and carry them through Akatsuki missions. Their crying will cause a stealth-based plan to fail, multiple times. Tobi will performatively panic every time they cry, and he will play with them any time they like — all the better if it annoys everyone around him. The problems start when you get older and can speak, which is about when it becomes steadily less convenient for him to treat you as a prop in his bizarre fantasy theatre. The more articulate you become, the less interested Tobi is. Where did his cute baby go? :( Expect a relatively physically safe but unstable childhood, oscillating between overwhelming, intense, nonsensical and occasionally cruel parental attention and complete absence. You will learn not to rely on other people for anything, and to tense up whenever someone says they love you.
4. Deidara has absolutely no desire to be responsible for ANY human being, including, often, himself. He resents every second of time your existence steals away from himself and his own projects, and although he intellectually understands that a child can't help needing stuff, he really does regard it as stealing from him. You're a gross, hooked little knife in his side, tugging him away from thoughts of himself and his art. He can't wait until you're old enough to leave on your own for long periods of time, and as he's a shinobi, he thinks "old enough," is, like, maybe five. Expect a short, disrupted childhood full of terse lessons in how not to get blown up today, followed by trying very, very hard to avoid daddy's attention. On the other hand, this is a parent who does not want to give you any attention, which, on this list, can only be an advantage. I can't believe this is number 4.
3. Nagato tries his best but childhood is where the trauma lives, and so every childhood milestone hits him with a rush of agonising memories like a lightning strike. You will become a proxy for him in his haphazard efforts to reparent himself, and he will be equally upset if you're exactly like him OR if you're totally different to him. You will never fully understand his relationship with himself and he will never understand that he's meant to be cultivating a relationship with you. Still, you could do worse.
2. Konan is a composed parent. She manages her own fears and anxieties with icy repression, and that's also her approach to the loving attachments of parenthood. Her child will be clean, educated, fed and sheltered appropriately at all times, but there has never once been an emotional need Konan has indulged. You will develop a deeply anxious attachment style and become a serial monogamist who is furious that nobody can live up to your expectations and terrified that the problem is you. (It is.)
1. Kisame does not wait until six months to give his baby water and he has a worryingly permissive approach to child safety in general. He puts up with pretty much any behavioural problem with steady I've-seen-it-all equanimity — except when his child is lying to his face, which is basically his single, glowing berserk button as an authority figure. He cares about his kid and will generally view them as a person and not as some kind of psychosocial manifestation of his own mental illness at least 50% of the time, which is why he wins the top spot on this cursed list. Kisame will tell you stories about how you must have eaten all your siblings in the womb to be born at all, and that means you're already the strongest possible kid he could have had. This is intended to be encouraging. Roll with it, dude. You could have got Hidan.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 1 month
Hi! Could you please write an Akatsuki X reader scenario where they kidnap shinobi Reader and the best way to convert her to their cause is by fucking her until she breaks? (If you could include Obito that would be awesome too)
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tw: noncon, forced kissing, degradation, nipple play, abuse, mind break, forced orgasm, overstimulation, biting
All characters depicted are 18+
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Deidara knows firsthand just how bothersome it is to be forcibly recruited into the Akatsuki, but despite the shared experience he isn't very empathetic when he tells the young kunoichi that she has no choice but to join their ranks, either willingly or by force.
The girl is loyal to her village, so she'll initially refuse, which angers the blonde artist. He didn't have a choice when it came to his recruitment, so why should she? Deidara is going to make her join, and he knows just how to do it.
Despite his being a lean man, he's very strong, so Deidara is able to knock her backwards with her clay and pin her down with his body, sitting on her chest as he holds her wrists with one hand and covers her mouth with the palm of his other hand, using the mouth on that hand to forcibly kiss her.
The tongue on his palm will force it's way down her throat, making her gag as Deidara rips her clothes off with the other hand, practically salivating at the sight of her perfect breasts, but he doesn't have time to enjoy the scenery when his main goal is to force her over to the Akatsuki's side.
Deidara isn't one to pull his punches verbally or physically, bullying his cock inside of her vulnerable entrance, manhandling her into whatever position works best for him as he shouts threats and insults at her.
"Cmon you little idiot! Just agree to join before I get more forceful, hmm! I'm not gonna stop until you say yes, un!"
He'll force his hand-mouths onto her breasts, using them to lick, bite, and suck her sensitive nipples, his actual mouth forcibly on hers as he pounds into her, the wet sound of skin slapping against skin filling the air as Deidara shoves his tongue down her throat.
He isn't very experienced due to his age and eccentric personality, so he's just fast and rough when he fucks, his his slamming against her ass while his only goals in mind are to convert her over to the Akatsuki's side and get his rocks off, and there is nothing she can do about it.
Deidara will have her overwhelmed from the bombardment of stimulus from his hands, mouths, and cock, he'll leave her whining and squirting underneath him despite herself, much to the artist's delight and smugness.
Deidara is a energetic young man, so he can go for hours if he really wanted to, but he'll stop on one condition. Each time he pulls out after cumming in her, he'll ask her if she's ready to cooperate yet, and if she is; he'll stop, but if she isn't; he'll go for another round with her body.
"Ready to cooperate? Well should be! Because I'm not gonna stop fucking you until you turn into a good little Akatsuki member!"
Deidara is glad that he's able to recruit a brand new member for their little Akatsuki family, now he'll earn the respect of his senior members, and he gets to have a brand new toy to play with as a bonus.
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tw: noncon, kidnapping, drugging, aphrodisiacs, fuck or die, age difference, riding, mind break
Sasori hates dealing with new recruits, they're all just brats who know nothing about art and respect, so when he's tasked with coverting a shinobi they captured over to the Akatsuki's cause, the red haired puppet master isn't the slightest bit happy.
He feels nothing, so Sasori can't appeal to emotion in order to sway her, instead he'll use threats towards both herself, her comrades, and loved ones, but when she doesn't budge, Sasori decides to show her that his words are anything but empty threats.
Before she can even react, Sasori is already injecting her with a special poison he created just for brats such as herself, it isn't fatal in small doses, and it's designed to instill obedience in it's user, but it comes with the very unfortunate side effect of forcibly increasing her arousal levels as well.
Sasori totally didn't anticipate this side effect, but he's not going to let this unique opportunity pass him by, in fact he's going to take advantage of it. He'll force her warm and soft body onto his own cold and wooden one, forcing her onto his cock and telling her to make herself useful for once.
"Faster, brat, or do you want me to increase the dosage? Good girl, now ride it like your life depends on it, because it does."
Sasori won't make any noises, facial expressions, or even blink as she reluctantly bounces on his wood, her discomfort contrasting his indifference. If she slows down too much for his liking, Sasori will inject her yet again, although he's careful not to give her too much of his poison, he doesn't want to kill her yet.
Despite his lack of moaning or any expression at all, Sasori is rather enjoying the sight of the needy prisoner moving up and down on his cock while under the effects of poison is very satisfying to the emotionless puppet master, but the only time his satisfaction will be known is when he's cumming inside of her.
Eventually the combination of the stimulation, humiliation, and the drug is too much for the poor kunoichi to handle, being too drugged up and overwhelmed to even resist anymore, reduced bouncing on his cock and obeying his demeaning demands like a good little puppet, much to Sasori's satisfaction.
Sasori won't even bother to hold back his taunts at her expense, finding it incredibly satisfying that he was able to reduce a respectable ninja to his own personal puppet with just a few injections and his cock.
"Good little puppet, you'll make a perfect pawn for the Akatsuki, and the perfect hole for my cock..."
Before he knows it, the Akatsuki has a brand new member and Sasori himself has a brand new puppet to play with, which is very convenient since he's been looking for a new test dummy for his poisons.
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tw: noncon, genjutsu, mind break, size difference, fingering, forced kissing, mental torture, mild degradation
Forcing people to do things they don't want to is a rather trivial task for Itachi Uchiha, but he prefers to not use violence to get his way, so when he's tasked with forcibly recruiting a new Akatsuki member, he'll get the job done using his specialty: genjutsu.
It's almost too easy, all he needs to do is make eye contact with her, and she's all his. He won't just use a genjutsu that makes her loyal to the Akatsuki, because it would just wear off eventually which would cause problems in the future, instead he'll cast a genjutsu that will make her more susceptible to his demands and advances.
Itachi is much bigger and stronger than she is, especially when she's in such a state, so it's not much of a challenge for him to take advantage of her, slipping his hand into her panties and his tongue into her mouth while she squirms in his grasp, under the effects of his sense heightening genjutsu.
His enjoyment won't be very evident on his face due to his stoic nature, but it's most certainly evident in his pants, the bulge in his pants pressed against her clothed pussy as his fingers move inside of her and he speaks to her in his usual flat tone, yet with a hint of mockery underneath.
"This feels uncomfortable doesn't it? I would stop if you would just cooperate, but I can plainly see that someone like you wouldn't know compromise if it stabbed you in the face..."
Eventually he'll pull his fingers out of her, which is somewhat difficult with how tightly her cunt is squeezing them, although her pussy won't be left empty for very long once Itachi forces his cock into her, hitting even deeper places inside of her that his fingers couldn't reach, such as her precious womb.
Itachi doesn't just jackhammer into her like a uncouth mutt, instead his pace incredibly slow, bordering on torturous as his cock slowly stretches her out and hits her womb with each thrust, his cock forcing her into submission better than any genjutsu ever could.
He'll have her whimpering and squirming underneath him in a matter off seconds, reapplying the genjutsu on her whenever she fights back too much, eventually she'll be so deep in the genjutsu that she won't be able to distinguish between reality and illusion, she won't even be able to tell if she's actually getting fucked or if it's just another genjutsu, it's an incredibly disorienting and terrifying experience, one that Itachi tells her she can end anytime if she just cooperates with the Akatsuki.
Eventually she'll become so disoriented and overwhelmed by both the illusion she's under and the sensation of him roughly fucking her that she'll practically burst into tears, weakly whimpering and sniffling as she begs Itachi to stop the genjutsu already, she won't even ask him to stop fucking her, she just wants to be free of the illusion, and if she agrees to the Akatsuki's terms, he'll gladly oblige her.
"Good girl. See? That wasn't so hard was it? All you had to do was ask nicely, it's quite simple really, even for someone so bereft of knowledge..."
He isn't surprised that she ended up caving to his demands, mental torture is his forte, and if she ever steps out of line with the Akatsuki's goals again, he'll have no qualms about giving her another 72 hours worth of suffering.
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tw: noncon, size difference, double penetration, monster cocks, mind break, creampie, breeding, biting, degradation
In terms of physical appearance, Kisame is the most terrifying member of the Akatsuki, standing at nearly 7 feet tall with a set of razor sharp teeth and a shark-like appearance, he's the best in the organization at intimidation, and Kisame is more than happy to use brute force when attempting to force a potential recruit over to the Akatsuki's side.
Usually just flashing his teeth or brandishing Samehada is more than enough for Kisame to get his way, but when his dear little prisoner future coworker doesn't give in, Kisame decides he needs to take a much more rough and physical approach with her, the blue skinned man has been rather pent up as of late, and dealing with a brat is just increasing his frustrations, so he decides to kill two birds with one stone.
He's a brute, so he'll just throw here down onto the ground and force himself on top of her, his body huge compared to her slight form, Kisame practically moans at the sight of her eyes widening in terror when she feels his massive bulges rubbing against her, making it more than clear what Kisame is going to be taking from her.
Her pussy is almost comically tiny compared to Kisame's twin cocks, it would be damn near impossible for him to fit even one of his huge members inside of her virgin cunt, but Kisame Hoshigaki has never been one to let a little bit of difficulty stop him from getting what he wants from someone.
"Oh come now, don't go whining and crying on me yet! You don't even have the first one all the way in yet! So save your bellyaching for when they're both deep inside of you, sweetie..."
Befitting his appearance and reputation, Kisame is rough when he fucks, forcibly cramming both of his cocks into her tight pussy as he pounds into her, his huge body engulfing her's entirely while he's having the time of his life turning her body into his personal cocksleeve.
Kisame is a biter, he just can't help himself, it's in his nature after all, and he especially can't hold back his more primal urges when his cocks are balls deep inside of her and he's cumming directly into her fertile womb, his sharp teeth digging into her neck hard enough to draw blood, and when sharks see blood, they go into a feeding frenzy.
Kisame's sheer size is all the more apparent when his entire muscular weight is pressed down on her as he rearranges her insides with his cock, his huge body smothering her only adds to the poor girl's disoriented state, it's nearly impossible to breathe when a giant shark man is on top of her and using her as his breeding toy.
When Kisame eventually cums inside of her, he cums a lot, emptying his huge balls into her sensitive little womb, and the poor kunoichi is left completely cockdrunk just from one round of Kisame bullying her poor pussy with his big cocks.
"Oh how cute! You did didn't even last one single round! What was our leader thinking asking a pathetic weakling like you to join our little family..?"
This entire experience has once again reminded Kisame why he just adores newbies so much, they're so weak and overconfident even when against someone as fearsome like him, and the stubborn toys are all the more fun to break.
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tw: noncon, sadomasochism, abuse, degradation, fuck or die, misogyny, slapping, blood play, fear play
It's no surprise that a sadist like Hidan loves nothing more than causing distress and pain to others, even if it isn't for his religion or organization, so he's as giddy as a schoolgirl when he's given the task of forcing their latest recruit into submission, and if there's something that brings Hidan joy, it's forcing people.
He isn't the strongest in the Akatsuki, but he's one of if not the scariest member when it comes to just how unwaveringly brutal and heartless he is, and not only is Hidan brutal, he's also a complete pervert, a fact that will become almost instantly apparent to his already scared captive when he starts groping her and talking about how pretty of sacrifice she would make to Lord Jashin.
Hidan hurts people as easily as he breathes, so the morally bankrupt Jashinist has absolutely no qualms about forcing himself onto someone, it's like a power trip to him when he gets to have complete free reign over the organization's prisoners, subjecting them to his depraved whims at his leisure.
The white haired man will absolutely love it when she desperately fights back, kicking and scratching at him with the futile hope of getting him to back off, but getting hurt by her mid-fuck just turns Hidan on even more, he's the kind of man who loves both giving and receiving some of that sweet pain.
"Ohh..! F-Fuuuck yes~! Keep fighting me like that, babe~! It just makes me want to hurt ya right back, you feisty bitch!"
While Hidan really does love receiving pain, he's still going to return the favor tenfold, he'll slap her across the face for every kick that lands, and practically stab her with his spike each time she scratches at him. See? Hidan isn't a selfish lover at all! He's returning all of the sweet, addictive pain she's so graciously giving him, she should be thanking him really.
Hidan has the highest sex drive out of all his comrades, practically using her as a pocket pussy to empty his balls into, and to no ones shock, he doesn't even try to be gentle, forcing his fat cock in and out of her with the main goal of getting his rocks off, slapping her ass or breasts with each rough and sloppy thrust.
She'll inevitably start to bleed a little bit from how many times he's bitten her or poked her with his sharp weapons, but that won't deter Hidan in the slightest, in fact it'll only excite him more, and he'll even lick up the blood from her wounds, resulting in his skin taking on it's skeletal pattern, which only terrifies her all the more.
It doesn't take too long for his sheer sadism and brutality to take a toll on her, and she's begging him to stop, sobbing that she'll do whatever the Akatsuki says as long as Hidan just stops. Hidan is incredibly annoyed and disappointed that his fun is being cut short, and all because she can't handle him going easy on her.
"Huh?! Done already?! Geez, this is just what happens when ya let the broads join the boy's club, but fine! Welcome to the Akatsuki, you whiny cunt!"
Hidan isn't particularly happy about having another shrill pussy with legs in the same organization as him, but he manages to look on the bright side of things; at least he doesn't need to go down the street corner for a quick fuck anymore, now he only needs to go down the hall.
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tw: noncon, age difference, size difference, tentacles, gaping, degradation, misogyny, bondage, anal
Kakuzu hates newbies, they're all brats without a shred of respect for their elders, it's bad enough that he has to put up with Hidan's nonsense, but now he has to deal with converting a new member? He's going to make her pay for his troubles, despite the fact that she wants to be there about as much as he wants her there.
He'll cut straight to the chase, plainly telling her to join the Akatsuki or else, although he doesn't elaborate at all on what the 'or else' will entail, so she doesn't take him seriously and immediately refuses. Kakuzu doesn't like that very much, he absolutely hates not being taken seriously, so the miser decides that there's no time like the present to make sure he knows that he's a very serious threat to her.
She can barely even react when his threads emerge from underneath his mask and cloak, quickly wrapping around her limbs and forcing themselves down her throat, muffling her noises of protest when the rest of his threads start slithering towards her vulnerable holes between her legs with no regard for gentleness or permission.
Kakuzu's metallic tentacles are uncomfortably harsh as they force themselves into her pussy and ass, stretching her holes out to 'prepare' them for Kakuzu's big cock, all she can do is weakly struggle and bite down on the threads in her mouth as Kakuzu gives her a stern talking to about how much of an ungrateful brat she allegedly is.
"Stop biting, brat. It hurts when you bite down on them like that. But I'll hurt you a hell of a lot more than you could ever hurt me if you don't shut up and take it."
He'll use his tentacles to spread her pussy out enough for him to get a good look at it, being sure to make sure he knows how shocked he is that she's still a virgin with how indecent she acts. Girls these days are just so disrespectful towards men, probably because none of them have a big strong daddy to put them in their place, but Kakuzu is about to change that.
His cock is just as big as the rest of him, so it will stretch her out a great deal when he forces in inside of her, even after all that preparation. Kakuzu is a product of his time, he doesn't prioritize his pleasure over her's at all, because that would imply he even considers her's in the first place.
He doesn't even really need to hold her down given how strong he is, he has her bound for his enjoyment, not his convenience. Kakuzu always finds it amusing when his prey struggles against his superior experience, and he finds it almost hilarious how she squirms against him, even with his thick meat buried balls deep inside of her.
Kakuzu doesn't really care where he cums, just as long as he does. He doesn't think it really matters if he cums inside of her, he's nearly a century old, he probably can't get her knocked up, so she can stop being so damn hysterical about such a slim possibility.
"Shut up. Trust me, idiot, I'm far too old to give anyone a baby, much less a whiny twerp like you. Besides, having a baby is all women like you are good for."
New members are always so troublesome for Kakuzu, all they do is drain the Akatsuki's finances even more, and Kakuzu is going to make sure that his dear newbie pays him back every last cent.
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tw: noncon, power imbalance, mind break, god complex, violence, piercings, humiliation, kidnapping
Pain is the leader of the Akatsuki, so he'll deal with coverting potential members more often than not. He's the best man for the job, he has the reputation, status, intimidation factor, and most importantly; he has the abilities to back all those qualities up with action. Only a fool would try to deny Pain, but it seems that his dear future subordinate is something beyond just foolish with how much she's resisting.
She can resist to her hearts content, but she's a mouse in a trap compared to his godlike powers. When she inevitably true to make a break for it, Pain will simply use Universe Pull to force her back towards him, pinning her down underneath his cold body, his body temperature being enough to nearly make her shiver, even with his cloak on, and the proximity doesn't help matters at all.
Pain's method of restraining her is swift and cruel, he'll stab one of his chakra rods straight through both of her hands, pinning them to the ground and causing immense pain, to which he shows no remorse, because he's about to show her an even more intense pain with a very different kind of rod.
His Rinnegan eyes will be locked onto her's as he forces himself on top of her. She isn't as foolish as he initially suspected, and she instantly knows what he's attempting to do to her, but Pain will pay no heed to her struggles, treating what he's about to do to her like its the most justified thing in the world.
"Enough resistance. It's futile against me. I am God, and now you'll get the privilege of witnessing what happens to those who resist God's will."
Pain's cock is both thick and pierced, so it fills her up to the brim and the cold metal of his piercings touch every inch of her untouched depths. It's hard to tell if Pain can even feel the sensations of her pussy gripping his member, since his remains cold and impassive throughout.
Its unsettling how calm Pain is throughout the ordeal, lecturing her about understanding pain and the Akatsuki's goals, all while he's pounding into her, his thick cock bullying her womb with each thrust, increasing the intensity of the agonizing mix of pleasure and pain.
He could just use his Rinnegan to put her under his control and 'tame' her, but Pain doesn't have to do that, he's physically strong enough to brute force her body into submission, and the most effective way to do that is to brute force her pussy into submission first, and the rest will follow.
Once Pain has had his fill with her holes, he won't even need to ask her if she's going to come along with him or not, she has no choice. He's already destroyed her village, so she has no choice but to join his cause or be left to die alone.
"Playtime is over, little one. It's time for business. You will join the Akatsuki, or I'll just have to put you through this torment again..."
Swaying even the most stubborn of individuals onto his side is a trivial matter for someone like Pain, it's truly amazing how a little bit of destruction and degradation can go such a far way in terms of the elimination of one's insubordination.
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tw: noncon, facesitting, suffocation, cunnilingus, rimming, age difference, piercings, power imbalance, fuck or die, humiliation
Being one of the most important members of the Akatsuki, Konan is used to recruiting new members. While she isn't a brute, Konan isn't above using physical means to get what she wants from the more particularly standoffish individuals.
Konan will attempt to negotiate at first, gently explaining the benefits of being a part of an organization as well-known and feared as the Akatsuki, and how it's much better than serving any village. But when the young woman continues to refuse Konan's kind offers, she decides to take more forceful measures.
Like a stern mother about to punish her unruly child, Konan will give the girl a few moments to reconsider her foolish choices, but when she inevitably doesn't, Konan decides to test just how stubborn someone is able to continue to act when they're unable to move or breathe underneath their superior.
Konan is a very strong woman despite her lithe physique, so she's easily able to hold the other woman down and sit on her face, pressing her entire weight down as her mature pussy presses against her face, practically suffocating the younger woman underneath her perfect ass, not budging an inch until she secures the girl's cooperation.
"Sorry, but you aren't allowed to come up for air until you agree to join the Akatsuki. If you keep squirming like that I'll simply add another ten minutes to your sentence..."
Konan is a very patient woman, she has all the time in the world, so she won't be in any rush to move from her rather comfortable seat on her face, simply occupying herself with her origami or by explaining more details about the Akatsuki and their goals, being sure to speak very highly of the organization that the girl will belong to in the very near future.
While patient, Konan is no saint, so she'll get bored of simply sitting around and waiting for the uncooperative girl to come around, so she'll demand that if she wants to live, she better get Konan off before the suffocation gets to her first, with how stern Konan sounds it's difficult to tell if she's being serious or not, but it would be foolish to take that chance.
While not usually very vocal, Konan will let out soft moans when she feels the younger woman's tongue against her perfect womanly holes, the wetness caressing the piercing on Konan's clit. If she keeps up the good work, then Konan will be more than happy to let her live.
She's a stern woman, but she isn't overly cruel, once Konan is brought to climax, she'll finally let the poor girl breathe, that is, if she agrees to the terms, and between joining a criminal organization and dying in such a humiliating way, becoming a rouge ninja is the much more preferable fate.
"That's a good girl... Now I just know you'll be a lovely fit for our great organization, you have the perfect... talents for us all to enjoy..."
Konan is very glad that the Akatsuki finally has another female member, now the purple haired woman will have someone she can go to whenever she finds herself needing a more female touch.
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tw: noncon, overstimulation, degradation, pussydrunk!Tobi, size difference, exhibitionism, humiliation
Tobi is giddy at the opportunity to prove himself to his comrades by converting their lastest member over to their cause. But there is one small problem: she doesn't take him seriously at all, and really who would? He presents himself as a bumbling and immature man child, so nobody really pays him any heed, much to Tobi's dismay.
Poor, sweet Tobi tries to be nice, he really does, but she's just so mean to him, calling him an idiot and shoving him away whenever he gets close to her. Tobi looks like he's about to give up and sulk, when the masked man suddenly remembers the advice his sempai gave him; that a true Akatsuki member needs to be cool, concise, and mean.
Tobi is shockingly strong for someone so apparently airheaded, his muscles pressed against her body as he gets on top of her, revealing a surprisingly huge bulge in his pants as he does. Tobi seems completely oblivious to the fact he's rubbing his cock up against her however, scolding her in his squeaky voice to stop squirming and being so mean to poor Tobi.
He'll act as though its a freak accident when he fat cock slips into her pussy, he'll even sheepishly apologize when it happens, but since it's already in there, Tobi decides that this is the perfect opportunity for him to get to know his new best friend even better!
"Whoopsie daisy-! You were moving too much and I slipped! Now you have to be a good girl and take responsibility for getting Tobi stuck!"
For someone who's apparently so well meaning, Tobi is incredibly rough with his new toy friend, his hips slapping against her ass while he roughly holds her in place with his gloved hands and making obnoxiously loud noises of pleasure from behind his mask, clearly he's never gotten his cock wet before judging by how whiny and overwhelmed he gets almost instantly after sticking it in.
He's so loud that it's more than likely that the entire Akatsuki can hear what he's doing behind closed doors, the more annoyed members will even chime in, telling him to 'shut up!' and 'keep it down in there!' from outside the room, the fact that her other captors can hear what's happening to her is all the more embarrassing, but Tobi is too lost in the feeling of her perfect cunt around his meat to care.
Tobi is just too pent up for his own good, recklessly dumping his load into her pussy whenever he cums (which is a lot), and he'll feign surprise when she panics about him cumming inside, he as a grown man will claim that he didn't know that was how babies were made, demonstrating that he's either completely stupid, or a brilliant actor.
After spending so much time playing with her perfectly snug pussy, Tobi loses his composure, his voice dropping multiple octaves as he let's his mask slip, although not the literal one, but even with his face still covered, it's like there's a completely different person talking now.
"Soooo are you gonna be a good little girl and join the Akatsuki? You are?! Great~!! Now learn your place in our ranks, you pathetic slut."
She's most certainly learned a very valuable lesson now, she was right in only one assessment; Tobi isn't someone to be taken seriously at all, but Obito sure as hell is.
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ladykissingfish · 6 months
Very Random Akatsuki Headcanons
Sasori would 100% have a garden, and most of the stuff he grows would be illegal or highly toxic. He would ask Zetsu for tips a lot and force Deidara to help him weed it even though Deidara will LOUDLY complain about it the whole time. Sasori will gently sing to/ talk to his plants when he thinks no one is looking.
Kisame the type to nag others about how important it is to drink water and stay hydrated but. He has never fully finished one single bottle of water. Any place they are, you can immediately tell that Kisame’s been there because every surface area will have plastic water bottles sitting on it with various levels of water in them.
Hidan has many, many bad teeth, mostly in the back of his mouth. Missing, chipped, cavities or straight rotting. Always in some level of pain but never seeks out help because you know, Lord Jashin encourages personal suffering. Was finally tentacle-held to a chair by Kakuzu and forced to let Sasori do what repair work he could after the others got tired of hearing him curse and grumble all night over his mouth pain. Absolutely loves his new smile afterwards but never admits it.
Every single member of the Akatsuki has at some point had a crush on Konan. Including Zetsu. But it went away once each member started seeing her as a sister or mother figure. The only one it didn’t go away for is Nagato, but he’d never admit his true feelings because he values their friendship and working relationship too much.
Itachi likes to collect rocks. He’s an amateur geologist and enjoys finding different types of stones when he’s out on missions. The others learn this about him and will sometimes take the time after missions or when traveling to pick up “pretty” rocks to bring back to him.
Deidara has a lot of anxiety and restlessness, and keeping himself busy alleviates that. He prefers doing things with his hands which is why he’s always making little sculptures with his clay. If no clay is available he’ll tap or drum his fingers on things or fiddle with his hair. The faster his fingers move it means the more anxious he feels. Sasori would get annoyed by this behavior so he created for Dei what would essentially be a ninja world version of a fidget-spinner. Deidara loved it and he makes sure to pack it with him whenever he leaves on missions.
Nagato’s fingers are often bloody because he’s a nail-biter to the extreme. He’ll chomp those things down right to the quick of the finger. The others will “gift” him gloves to try and prevent this from happening, and it’ll work for while, but sooner or later he’s right back at it again.
Deidara once gained ten pounds in two months because Tobi kept convincing him to stop at sweets cafes while they were out traveling, and then to have seconds and thirds of whatever they were eating.
Kakuzu figured out that Hidan didn’t know how to read when Hidan would avoid looking at the map on missions and kept giving Kakuzu wrong information about sign posts along roads. After a lot of convincing that he wasn’t “making fun of him”, Kakuzu finally got Hidan to let him teach him basic reading and math skills over the course of a year.
When Orochimaru was a part of the Akatsuki, one day he managed to get Konan alone and was hitting on her in a very creepy Jiraiya-esque way. Turns out that he was merely trying to get her to trust him so that, when he ultimately left the Akatsuki, he would be able to convince her to follow so he could study her body and paper-jutsu. Having had no close experiences with women other than Tsunade, who always responded favorably to flirtatious behavior, he’d assumed that this was how ALL women would react. If Itachi hadn’t driven Oro away, Konan would have blindsided and killed him first.
Nagato (in a Pein body) gave the sex talk to Deidara, Hidan and Itachi. All three of them hadn’t the slightest clue about how anything worked in that regard. Sasori gave him diagrams out of his medical books to aid in his talk. Nagato kept having to add on to his talk because of the questions. “What if you’re a guy who likes guys? How does that work?” “What if you don’t like anyone like that, or you don’t want to ever do those kind of things; is that okay?”
In strong sunlight:
Konan burns bright red.
Itachi and Hidan brown.
Zetsu withers.
Nagato dehydrates within two minutes. As does Kisame.
Deidara sprouts freckles.
Sasori smells like a fire.
Obito and his Hashirama cell DNA photosynthesize like a damn tree.
Kakuzu also turns into a freckle-factory but because his skin is already so dark, it’s unnoticeable.
Sasori has fairly moderate misophonia and especially can’t stand the sound of people chewing. It was one of his primary reasons for turning his body into a puppet; so he no longer had to endure the sound of himself eating. He thought he’d died and gone to hell when he found out that Deidara chews food with all three mouths.
Deidara likes Tobi to read to him at night. It gives him a very comfortable sleepy feeling. The more Deidara nods off the more Tobi lets his voice become more natural/Obito. This is pleasant to Obito because doing the “Tobi voice” all day puts a huge strain on his throat, so it’s nice to be able to break character once in a while and speak normally.
Hidan is extremely sensitive to the cold and will do anything to avoid having to travel or do missions in the winter.
Konan has kept a diary of her life ever since she was a child. She picked up the habit of writing during the period when Jiraiya was staying with/watching over her, Nagato and Yahiko.
Deidara developed a hell of a crush on Kakashi after “meeting” and getting his arms blown off by him and the Konoha nin. He’d gush about Kakashi for days afterward … to Tobi. Tobi who had to grit his teeth and not start screaming over how Kakashi unintentionally attracted everyone that Obito was ever interested in.
Best Smelling to Worst Smelling:
Itachi (would be higher but often smells like strong, bitter medicine and night-sweats)
Nagato (his actual body, not a Pein body)
Hidan and Sasori tie for worst because both smell like blood and corpses
Obito never killed his grandmother during the Uchiha massacre. He used a very powerful jutsu to erase her memory and then relocate her to a place in a village far away that took care of the elderly. He pays the facility with the money he earns/steals during missions, and every so often he’ll go and visit her at night, when she’s alone in her room. She doesn’t know who he is and just thinks that he’s a nice young man that’s there because he’s visiting somebody else.
Kisame loves to bake. It started because he was worried over Itachi being so thin and never seeming to want to eat anything other than desserts. So Kisame taught himself how to make cakes and pies and cookies, etc. Over time it became a zen-like activity to him that helps him relax and clear his head when he’s stressed out.
Kakuzu is as vain over his hair as Deidara is over his own. At least once a week they’ll get together and give each other trims and deep conditioning treatments. Sometimes Itachi will join if he feels up to it. Hidan mocks them for this but is secretly trying to grow his hair longer so that he can join them.
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bakapandy · 2 years
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Some Suna history...
My theory is that Sasori develops a sick and twisted desire to "forever preserve" the people he "cares" about, which was brought on by the death of his parents. His first attempt at creating a human puppet was with Komushi, his one and only friend.
more under the cut...
But why have we not seen Sasori use Komushi's puppet? My theory is that Komushi's death was too sudden, the body too "fresh"...and it eventually decayed and fell apart. And so Sasori started developing new methods to "prepare" a body for his art.
Starting with small animals, like rodents and "lost pets", he experiments with different recipes until he finds one that works reliably, however the process is very slow. And so he basically gradually poisons Sandaime to death, who trusts and cares about him like his own son.
Sasori deserts the village while everyone is preoccupied with Sandaime’s declining health, so no one notices he is gone until it is far too late, and proceeds to raid nearby tribes and other satellite villages, finding victims to perfect his puppetry art and build his arsenal before returning to retrieve his magnum opus. 
The reason there was a whole year between Sandaime's disappearance from the Kazekage mantle and Rasa's ascension to the title, was not because the village was "searching" for him, but bc everyone hoped he would recover. When it became evident that he wouldn't, Rasa became Kazekage.
At this point, Sandaime was incredibly ill and essentially bed-bound. Sasori sneaks back into the village and finds him in his home to collect his ultimate prize. The next day, the bed is empty and the village is in a panic the Sandaime had vanished. No one knows what had happened...until decades later when the events of Shippuden occur.
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rae-writes · 2 years
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The thumping music vibrates the floor, sending a nice strum through everyone. The air is hot and thick around the packed dance area but thins out to a nice, cool temperature the further away you get. Alcohol and sweat are the main scents tonight, and with the increasing amount of grinding bodies, it’s clear no one seems to care.
It makes for easy cover; no one bats an eye at your chosen seat of straddling his lap, nor does anyone blink at the sight of your hips leisurely grinding against his. It’s happening in every corner, light and dark, of the club so it’s quite the common scene— except that underneath your dark skirt, his cock is neatly nestled inside you.
The difference makes adrenaline pump through your veins, prompting your hips to move just a tiny bit faster. His hands create a path of tingly heat on every inch of skin he grabs at and the sounds of his breathless moans sends your eyes rolling white. Your hands grip his shoulders tightly, nails digging in, and you can’t help but start to bounce on his cock instead of grind.
The instant shot of pleasure up your spine is addictive, making you work harder and harder. It’s clear to anyone who looks over at the two of you what’s happening- you aren’t trying to hide the way you’re riding your man.
And he isn’t trying to hide his pleased grunts and occasional moans. The wide-eyed looks from the people who glance over don’t bother him in the slightest. I mean, why would he stop you when you’re clearly having such a good time?
HAWKS, DABI, Kirishima, SHOTO, BAKUGO, Aizawa, AOMINE, IMAYOSHI, Wakamatsu, Himuro, DAZAI, CHUUYA, Fyodor, Nikolai, ATSUMU, IWAIZUMI, SUNA, Kyoutani, Semi, TENDOU, Kenma, Yaku, KUROO, SANZU, [Bonten+Original]MIKEY, DRAKEN, Baji, Ryusei, Rin+Ran, HANMA, Shisui, SASUKE, Naruto, SHIKAMARU, Sai, Sasori, Kankuro
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muffinmonstah-art · 6 months
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Dick & Sakura adventure
Nightwing fullfilled his promise to take Sakura to his universe for a day. He chose her birthday to do so. Dickieboy is also special when it comes to make his way into villains' good sides. He will gain Sasori's trust eventually
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
Shout out to the medic nins in the Naruto world who keep trying to piece things back together in a world made of violence and destruction.
Shout out to Lady Chiyo, who created a jutsu to give her life force to bring a puppet to life because she knew Sasori missed his parents. Later, Chiyo used that technique to save a girl who took a sword to a vital point to protect her and told her to use the last of the antidote for poison. Later, Chiyo used it to save Gaara after he was long gone, hoping it'd make the world a better place. It was her love that defeated Sasori, what brought him down in the end.
Shout out to Tsunade, who saw the corpse of her little brother after an ambush. She fought so that every team could have a healer having their back and fell in love with the man that supported her. The same man who died with Tsunade's hands covered in his blood, the other man she couldn't save. Shout out for her for saving so many nins, for overcoming her trauma, for becoming hokage and draining herself again and again and again to save others. Shout out to the woman who got cut in half and fought her way back and kept healing and lived to see the world she promised Nawaki and Dan, the world they'd have wanted to create.
Shout to Karin, who was used and abused and who got treated like trash, whose mom died of giving things she didn't want to give, who got bitten in far too private places since she was nothing but a kid. And yet she used her skills to save others. And yet she fought.
Shout out to Shizune, who never left Tsunade's side, who followed the step of her uncle and the woman that should had been his wife. Tsunade, who lost too much in one war and then led the medic corps on the next, the woman who stepped as counselor and assistant for both Tsunade and Kakashi, who cared for the wellbeing of the village more than in just the physical aspect.
Shout out to Kabuto, found his way back from the darkness and devoted his life to atone and heal and do as much good as he could.
Shout out to Rin, who saw one of her teammates get crushed by a rock and had to perform field surgery to remove his eye and give it to her other teammate. The girl who fought and loved and who preferred to die by a friend's hand than to be used as a weapon against the people she loved.
Shout out to Sakura, who saw two of the most realities develop in her teammates lives, so she promised she would become the absolute best and find a way to be strong enough to deal with the aftermath. The girl who used herself as a human shield to protect older people and kids and teammates and enemies. She healed Karin, she offered to be Chiyo's puppet and she held her in death and she led Konoha's hospital and saw it get totally destroyed by Pain, fallen to her knees. She was beaten and mocked and insulted and pushed aside, never enough, but when the medic nins couldn't reach the battlefield, she unlocked in record time and ability only the best medic nin possessed to heal them, so she could fight. In a world of powers and gods, she kept Naruto's heart beating with her hand, breathing for him.
Shout out to every medic nin who got targeted and killed and who risked their lives to save the lives of others. Shout out to the strength it takes to never break, even when death is something you face every day, not only in the battlefield. Shout out to their saviour complexes and the ones who become martyrs and the ones who forget to take care of themselves because they are as valuable.
Medic mins will forever be one of my favorite parts of the Naruto universe.
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wing-ed-thing · 11 months
Tobi x Reader x Deidara Three-Man Squad Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Tobi is Scary
𓆃 Haha... it's stupid.
𓆃 It's a three-man squad dynamic where Deidara has somehow taken over as the brains of the operation. Assuming you've stuck around to be a part of the Deidara and Sasori dynamic, it's quite the 180 to see Deidara transition from someone who hardly had to think to someone mapping out strategies.
𓆃 Because with Sasori, Deidara was primarily occupied with showing off. He got his jobs done just fine, but never put too much effort in planning.
𓆃 But when Tobi came along, it was almost as if Deidara stepped up out of spite.
𓆃 You supposed that perhaps it was the same with Sasori all along— that Deidara played up being more carefree to get on ever-organized and calculating Sasori's nerves.
𓆃 He seemed to be happier when he was more carefree, and now Tobi has made him into a monster, which makes for a hot and cold dynamic.
𓆃 Because Tobi is almost always high-energy and cracking jokes (which used to be Deidara's thing), and the energy level of Tobi is inversely proportional to Deidara's snippiness on any given day.
𓆃 Deidara, with a temper shorter than a teaspoon, is prone to violent outbursts on any given day. Whether it's sudden detonations or just yelling, he and Tobi keep each other busy.
𓆃 Deidara doesn't even seem to enjoy making his art at the rate he used to. Instead, most of it has been angry and spiteful, shoving random clay birds and bugs in Tobi's face in an attempt to get Tobi to appreciate his art.
𓆃 And of course, it's on Deidara when he places such an expectation on Tobi knowing he won't understand.
𓆃 You can most definitely count on being stuck in the middle of the disputes, because Tobi is hiding behind you to get away from Deidara and Deidara is strongly petitioning you to just fucking agree with him!
𓆃 Most of your dynamic will hinge on who you side with. Whether you gang up on Tobi together or take pitty on the pathetically seemingly incompetent third member.
𓆃 Ganging up on him will more likely lead to establishing a hierarchy within the squad, and you'll find that Tobi is more than willing to take commands and orders with the right direction.
𓆃 Despite having to quite literally train Tobi like a dog, you can create some pretty powerful team moves together. Tobi is a surprisingly competent support on the battlefield.
𓆃 Taking pitty on Tobi won't be too much different in the short-term, but has the potential to be helpful in the longterm... not that you know that.
𓆃 He'll continue to hide behind you. You'll incur Deidara's wrath before he cools down. Rinse, repeat.
𓆃 And perhaps you'll enjoy his little jokes every now and then, especially on grueling missions where you need entertainment.
𓆃 Tobi is willing to serve even more than he would under Deidara's pressure, and will bring you little useless gifts from time to time.
𓆃 He's so pleasant and goofy you'd hardly notice the off comments he says from time to time.
𓆃 Because he mumbles. He mumbles and mutters to himself, but when you ask him about it, he insists that he has no idea what you're talking about.
𓆃 Sometimes, you hear him in the middle of the night talking to himself about revenge and a girl you've never met. His voice is lower than you had ever heard it...
"Tobi?" you say somewhere off into the darkness.
He's close by, just in front of you, where you can make out the vague outline of his cloak. His back faces you as he rocks, muttering to himself in the same deep voice that had been waking you up for a few nights now.
It wasn't every night, but every so often, you'd shoot out of sleep, the mutterings of an unfamiliar man shaking you to your core.
You groped at the ground in front of you, dirt sinking into your fingernails as you pawed across the leaf litter on the forest floor. The pads of your fingers brushed against the ends of Tobi's cloak, and you swiftly grasped it.
"Tobi?" you repeated in a whisper, barely awake. You blinked with a yawn, the dimness only serving to further discombobulate your tired mind. You tugged on his cloak with another soft hiss of his name.
He grabbed your wrist, yanking you forward before you could even process. And in an instant, you were face to face with Tobi's orange, swirling mask. The single hole for his eye was as pitch black as the night.
He just stared at you and you stared into the abyss.
You tried to recoil, but the hold on your wrist didn't loosen. Your eyes flickered back to the dark circle.
You could feel his breathing. Slow, low, and steady as the muscles in his hand flexed around yours.
He said nothing, just muttering about the gift. The very whispers made your voice hitch in your throat as your heartbeat quickened.
The muttering grew angrier, and the words less coherent. Your other hand shot to Tobi's punishing grip on you as you tried to jerk yourself away. He only held onto you harder as you began to kick and thrash, somehow maneuvering your leg to break yourself free before you tumbled across the dirt ground.
You scrambled to your feet, your chest crushed with panic as you grasped to collect yourself in the moonlight. A cloud passed overhead, allowing the dim moon to coat the forest clearing in a silvery sheen.
Tobi sat by himself in the middle, legs folded under him as he stared up at the sky. Deidara slept soundly at the edge, undisturbed by the commotion.
Tobi turned to you slowly.
The feeble beams of the night left mild shadows across his mask, leaving his frame looking almost transparent.
"What are you doing awake, silly goose?" Tobi giggled. He rose to his full height, and only then did you realize how truly tall he was. He raised a fist in the air. "Tobi has night watch all covered! Isn't Tobi a good boy?"
He stepped toward you, and you instinctively stepped back. Tobi stopped in his tracks, mask tilted downward to stare from your offending foot to slowly back up at your face. The mask cocked to the side, seeming angered. You couldn't prevent the chill that jerked your shoulders.
"Isn't Tobi a good boy?" he asked again. You didn't trust the softness in his tone. You gulped, nodding.
"Yeah," you resigned, frozen where you stood. "Tobi's a real good boy."
"Yes, Tobi is! Now go back to sleep."
You didn't know what to do. Too afraid to do anything else, you curled up at Deidara's foot and remained wide awake for the entirety of the night.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I like how the panel cuts off in such a way that it looks like one of them (Tobi) took a bite out of the post.
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sakura-gyarugal · 7 months
Akatsuki Sakura doodles.
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The diamond on her head isn’t the 100 healing seal but instead a dupe. Orochimaru became interested in it after his battle with tsunade and tried to create his own-BUT it didn’t end up the same. Instead of healing, it does damage to sakura’s skin leaving marks. It still stores her chakra and increases her power when she unleashes it but it can be dangerous. Orochimaru is kind of using her a test by also injecting senju cells into her. So far it’s working and she’s able to use mokuton.
She’s also being taught unethical “medial” jutsu from Sasori and Orochimaru
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