#Seattle musicians
perseephoneee · 2 years
if you like...
Then you’ll probably like my band:
The Sleepy Haunts
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We’re an indie pop rock band located in Seattle and we’ll be releasing our second album, Bloom, this year. Our first album, queendom, is on all streaming platforms. We write about anxiety and all your favorite nerdy things (Charmed, Twin Peaks, Sex Education, Marvel, etc)
It would mean the world to me if you guys gave us a listen :) Happy haunting.
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sporecored · 1 year
Breaking to no longer pretend
Choking on everything
Looking ahead in time
Run through the mountainside
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adamshallperish · 1 year
i really hate posthumous statements that try to evaluate what kurt cobain would feel about what people do with his art, but i also can't fucking imagine anything kurt would hate more than ai. nothing is more of a bastardization of all he stood for than a machine taking his voice to try to replicate his art. he literally called pearl jam, an actual band made of real people, "fake music" (a statement i don't agree with, kurt could be a bitch at times) so imagine how he would feel about this shit. no ai will ever replicate kurt's voice, musical style, or lyricism in a way that matters. he's dead. grow up.
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faetoothofficial · 10 months
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The Funhouse in Seattle, WA // September 18th
By Victoria Kellogg (gr4ves.jpg)
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peloblancophoto · 1 year
Such an amazing show by the ridiculously talented @megmyers at @elcorazonseattle. I also really appreciated how open she was about her physical and mental health. I wish more artists would bring to light their own physical and mental health challenges. If you have the chance, go see her live.
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findlesbians · 5 months
hey! i’m a 27yo feminist lesbian living in the seattle area of washington state, would love to make friends w any lesbians (online too, but especially local!) — about me: i love making art/music, into punk and indie rock, sober. i’ve been told i give off “pleasant energy” and i’m vegan. in a relationship but i DO have a few single female friends i can matchmake you with 😇 feel free to message me!
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adysen · 4 months
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Happy World Goth Day! 🖤
Flashback to a teenage me.
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soupy-sez · 2 years
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Beastie Boys: Seattle Endfest, 1992 [X]
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smokeitm · 2 years
random guitar (and bass) tips; growing pains and ergonomics
Just some info bits I've gathered over time that I would've appreciated when I first started playing guitar.
Disclaimer; I'm not classically trained, nor am I a medical professional.
Don't play for an hour at a time.
It's actually not optimal, at least in my experience. It can lead to recurring or worsening joint pain, especially in the fingers, wrist, and elbow. If you're trying to play for an hour everyday, try to space it out over the course of the day in 15-20 minute chunks.
As a personal note, this is why I hate when my bandmates push for long sets (45 minutes to an hour). It usually puts me out of commission for at least a day. Moreover, I've always gotten bored when watching bands play for longer than 45 minutes; it's around that time that everything starts sounding very samey.
Conserve your joints.
There are so many things you can or have to use your joints for. If you're trying to practice guitar on any given day, consider the amount of work you need to do that heavily utilizes your joints; common examples include typing, writing, washing dishes, folding laundry, video games, drawing, etc.
This also extends to the joints in your back and legs; if you spend a long portion of your day standing/sitting, consider doing the opposite while practicing to avoid overexertion.
Play through (some of) the pain!
Soreness on the pads of your fingers is to be expected, especially when you are first learning guitar. This is pain that you can play through, if you choose to.
Hand/finger cramps are usually a good sign to stop, as is joint pain. If these kinds of pain are recurring despite efforts to avoid them, consider and experiment with the ergonomics of how you are playing; examples of adjustments you might make are guitar strap length, strap positioning, the way you sit/stand (get some lumbar support!), the angle at which you pick, the way you hold a pick, pick thickness, string gauge, chords/licks/songs you play, and even the instrument itself.
Parting notes
In my opinion, playing guitar should be fun and comfortable, not painful. Experiment; try a new pick thickness, even if you've been using the same kind for years, or that new guitar with a tummy cut. Moreover, remember that learning to play an instrument doesn't have to be a race; practice 15 minutes a day, every other day, or even once a week and you will see progress.
If you have any suggestions/additions/arguments, please feel free to add.
(Link to my most recent random tips)
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bisexual-yuri · 1 month
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More of the seattle files
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themonsterthing · 2 months
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Gasworks Park
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haleygravesofficial · 2 years
"It was easier being gay than black in Maine..."
Check out this awesome article The Lynnwood Times released about me yesterday. I talk about growing up in Maine, identity issues, Being Black in a predominantly white state, changing the game in Pop Punk and much more in this week's Lynnwood Times!
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stuffydollband · 11 months
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Talkin about my upcoming album, "Ganymede Gives Up The Ghost" day 7!
Today's song is "Seattle Chic".
You may have guessed from the illustration, if you've been following along, that this song is the sister-song of "Tampa Avant-Garde" and I went pretty hard on that concept. These two songs are exactly the same length, same structure, but with inverted keys and very different melodies. A sort of strange take on a reprise.
In that vein, this song is about being queer in a place where everyone is fine with queerness. The contradictive experience of being reduced to your queerness while also being stripped of your uniqueness. The pressure to perform your identity, to be the "right kind" of queer, to be interesting outside of your queerness but to always be brought to the table because of your queerness. Don't get me wrong, Washington is my favorite place in the world, but it is a very strange feeling.
I guess to condense that thought: In oppressive places, individuality thrives. In accepting places, you become a featureless component of a greater whole. Security versus freedom. I guess that's always the question, ain't it?
A sample of the lyrics:
"Nobody really wants me, just the controversy
I'm a figment of fame, twisted filigree
I give my identity out for free
It always seemed unfair to me"
Have you experienced this? Do I sound crazy? Let me hear about it!
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faetoothofficial · 1 year
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WE’RE GOING ON OUR FIRST TOUR! We’ll be ripping through the West Coast this September! Tickets are on sale now!
(9/15) San Francisco, CA @ Neck of the Woods
(9/17) Portland, OR @ Mano Oculta (21+)
(9/18) Seattle, WA @ The Funhouse at El Corazon
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4XmNaL83i5Nz9ISVZDdFY1?si=RpFm_YiURgKLZ1TLDZVGTA The Fabulous Downey Brothers are a group of squares who are very normal and never think outside the box or try something different. There is no way outside the VR Matrix. Get tickets to our show from Ticketweb on Feb 24th at The Clockout Lounge: https://www.ticketweb.com/event/clock-out-lounge-presents-clock-out-lounge-tickets/13449333?pl=Clockout%20Lounge&REFID=clientsitewp Follow: https://www.instagram.com/thefabulousdowneybrothers https://www.tiktok.com/@fabulousdowneybrothers https://www.facebook.com/fabdownbros https://twitter.com/FabDownBros
Shot by Josh Chin Production Manager: Daniel Kelleher Actors: Jackson of Fightmilk , Chandra Farnsworth, Liam Downey, Tyler Fiala, Crow Ross and Sean Downey. Song by Sean Downey and The Fabulous Downey Brothers Lyrics:
Vectoring velocity Falls flat in philosophy without root you got it Kitchen cash catastrophe building bashing blasphemy in a suit A swanky suit if you’re picking up where you left off you just might find that everything has just changed a million times because recoding never dies it doesn’t matter what world you go to still inside it doesn’t matter how hard you try still inside it doesn’t matter what you’re thinking you’re still inside It doesn’t matter how hard you cry you’re still inside Synthesizing symphony sounds sweet in a room full of fools you got it Picking prodding parakeet flies so high up in the tree and it’s cool - really cool if you’re jumping off from where you climbed up then you just might find that everything has just dropped 40 million miles because they’re changing all the files
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ahhscheisse · 1 year
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Observing. Peaking, if you will. | click me 😈 for prints and pins and stickers and more
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