#Self Publishing Support
reasonsforhope · 1 month
Book Publishing Resources
Well, since a few people said they were interested and/or that posting about it on here occasionally was a decent idea, here we go!
I'm MC Calvi, a freelance editor specializing in self-help, psychology, spirituality, paganism, workbooks, and LGBTQ books.
You can find out more about me at my website, where I also offer free twenty-minute book/publishing consultations, in addition to regular editing services.
I am also now offering some pay-what-you-can resources on my website and on Gumroad. I'm committed to offering pay-what-you-can resources because the odds are already so stacked against marginalized authors, and publishing shouldn't be pay to win.
I have two new booklets I'm actually super happy with! They both draw on my eight years of experience in the publishing industry to give authors a leg up.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming as I hit "publish" on another good news post!
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haine-kleine · 2 months
anyway. the ending was like That because it was Izuku's hero academia. it was his story told from his point of view and it concluded all the plot points he was concerned with, like his relationship with Bakugou, Allmight, the public's opinion on the heroes, what the new generation of heroes is going to be like, how Shouto is perceived by the public, Izuku's general relationship with his former classmates and Aizawa.
he never really cared about Shigaraki outside of their brief confrontation. he didn't really know Shigaraki as a person, and nor was he interested in getting to know him, even when he got the chance to peek into his past, Nana and Allmight had more reason to be interested in who Shigaraki the person was. to Izuku, Shigaraki started as a terrifying villain and ended as a crying boy he was unable to save. this is why, as he joins the rest of his classmates and becomes a pro hero, he imagines the ghost of Shigaraki looking over him, haunting him, reminding him of his failure but also inspiring him to try harder and 'keep reaching out'.
The villains were the ones concerned with their stories. Spinner wrote that book by himself, as Izuku's notes are being written at the point the book has already been published. Izuku never mentions any contents of that book nor Spinner or Mister Compress. Because they do not belong in his story, not really.
They belong with each other, in the League of Villains, as they have proven time and time again how important they are to each other and how far they are willing to go to protect their own. Shigaraki's thoughts before Izuku had killed him were all about the League. Kurogiri's last act was trying to save Shigaraki from AFO and the heroes. What kept Spinner's spirit from crumbling after losing everyone he had cared about was his burning desire to tell their story to others, to let their stories be heard. Touya finds no solace despite getting everything he had ever wanted from his family and being reunited with them - because his place was in the League of villains, the place where he was accepted just as he was, unconditionally.
the conflict of heroes versus the villains led to nothing but devastation and destruction for the villains. even those who were heard out and validated by the other party ended up becoming victims, or martyrs.
after that experience, after having a whole crowd of pro heroes, the people who made it their lives career to save others witness his destruction by the man who stole his body from him and by the boy who swore to save him, why would Shigaraki be interested in keeping in contact with these people, had he survived? why would Kurogiri go out of his way to let Shirakumo's friends know he had survived their students attempt to take his life and the life of the boy he wanted to save, all because they couldn't accept his affection for that boy outweighing their long gone friendship? why would Toga, when the reporters and the heroes saw her body after starting to transfuse all of her blood to Ochako and not even bothered to pick it up, to save her life or even to bury her?
here is how it went: Kurogiri did end up successfully saving Shigaraki, the fact going unnoticed by the heroes because both of their bodies were crumbling. he had also taken Toga, which is why her body wasn't picked up together with Ochako (and why Ochako doesn't have any memories of Toga's dead body, only of her final words to her). and then Kurogiri teleported them far away, where they healed and started planning how to get the remaining three LOV members back, while they are still alive.
they broke Spinner and Compress out of the prisons. In memory of Twice, Hawks had covered it up, as long as they don't resurface as villains.
Shigaraki and Toga had considered letting Touya stay together with his family, up until the news of Endeavor's disgraced villain son being on his deathbed got out. On the very next day, Shigaraki broke the tank Touya was residing in to pieces. Enji and his sidekicks had covered his eldest going missing by holding a funeral ceremony for him (the second one, this time knowing full well it's a fake funeral). Shouto was enraged with his father's decision and Enji used Shouto's just starting pro hero career as an excuse, don't you want to have a clean start, without the weight of mine and Touya's crimes weighting you down? It's not like Shouto has a choice in the matter, just as when he was a kid. The family wonders about the missing one's fate. Sometimes, Shouto gets messages from unknown numbers. He doesn't share them with anyone, except for Natsuo, who is still devastated about not using his one last chance to reconcile with the brother he had been so sorely missing for 8 years.
The ghosts of Toga, Shigaraki and Dabi live on, haunting the heroes who failed to save them. Himiko, Tenko and Touya also live on. They are very different from these ghosts.
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night-market-if · 4 months
Holy fucking hell guys! My daughter just self published her own book at 17! She did it all on her own, didn't even tell me she was doing it, and surprised me with it today.
Go support her! Support her over me. I am so fucking proud of this girl.
Buy here
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Romance? https://a.co/d/jfwi81f
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grimae · 3 months
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Last day for my art book's campaign! Only 24 hours left to pledge.
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rontra · 18 days
as the holder of extremely niche isako lore it's really important to me that you know i didn't make this whole writer thing up. the p3 club book brings up that she's a writer as a hobby, specifically so that it can then say she hasn't had any particular success with it. her whole profile is so hilarious but this bit really gets me. mean to her
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goodluckclove · 5 months
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Hey guys, we're all aware that if you get contacted by a person with some variation of an account like @catherine-med123 that they're clearly a scammer, right?
We know not to trust someone to market our books who doesn't have a full name or any professional, or even amateur credentials?
We can tell the icon is probably a stock photo?
This is all very clear to all of us right????
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I fear a mass will grown within me In the shape of my mother. It will kill me, I’m sure of it.
-Mère, Carleigh Menzie
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apolline-lucy · 1 year
marketing my book is so hard because I don’t wanna be like ‘hey I wrote this cute but kinda spooky sapphic fantasy with witches and monsters and mystery, please add it to your tbr on Goodreads and buy it next month when it comes out’ but at the same time that’s exactly what I should be doing lol oh to be a writer in this economy
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oatmilk-vampire · 1 month
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I don’t talk about my books often, but this is something monumental.
My book just made its way to my local library on Friday, and to my atonishment people actually want to read. Are actually reading it.
I'm this close to having a panic attack.
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marydublinauthor · 2 years
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❤️Ryan and Nicole from @kendsleyauthor and I’s upcoming novel, The Restoration Program.
Aren’t they adorable? 🫶🏻
((I’m sorry I’m so bad at drawing hands HA))
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
When I told my mom that I write "secret" romance novels, she asked what the title was.
I said that's the secret part. I don't hide that I write them, but I'm not telling anyone in rl what name I write them under because if I had to think about them reading it, I would overthink the whole thing.
She said, "But if I don't know what it's called, how will I buy it?"
I love her.
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physalian · 29 days
“Why don’t you try harder to get your book into stores?”
“’Cause I know indie authors have the whole damn casino rigged against them.”
“Shoot for the moon and you’ll land among the stars~”
“Babe, I don’t have the time, the money, or the resources it would take for this hypothetical rocket. The ad campaigns, the relentless social media hustle and squeaky-wheeling. Shooting for the moon is for people with dumb money who can afford to burn resources because they don’t have a finite amount. I am building my base organically and I am happy, even if it’s small. It might not look like success to you, but this is how I’ve chosen to measure it. This is my moon, and I’ve already planted my flag. If you want to support me, buy a copy.”
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night-market-if · 10 months
Chapter Two Public Release
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Chapter Two is now live for everyone! Head on over to itch.io or the next chapter. Go and see your RO's. Explore more of Artisan Alley. And unfold more of the mystery of the MC.
Read now here
Also, remember all post chapter two stories are available on my Patreon. Join now for extra Night Market content.
🪷✨🪷✨ If you want to support me 🪷 ✨🪷✨ 
🌿 Free Demo 🌿Book 1 Steam🌿Book 1 Itch.io🌿🌿 Patreon 🌿Discord🌿FAQS🌿
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moonshine-nightlight · 9 months
2024 Writing - Plans
similar to last year, i wanted to post a little look forward at my plans for writing this year are. the necessary disclaimer: this is 100% high level, optimistic, ideal situation and subject to change but i still like thinking about it and posting for anyone who's interested. see this post for last years!
so, i like separating things out it mini goals/sections so see below:
Nothing's Wrong with Dale: with DSM self-published under my belt, I'd like to focus on the NWWD publishing journey next! The main obstacles/costs are time and money. Hiring an editor and a cover artist are the pricey-est part of the process but my own edit (first to convert everything from 2nd POV to 3rd POV and then another high-level edit/revise once i've got it in the right POV) will take the most time and needs to be done before i hand it over to an editor. Then after the editor takes their time (and NWWD is much longer than DSM), and finally i need to process all of their edits as well. And i need to do all of this while i do my day job lol.
i've already converted the first 11 chapters to 3rd POV (i hav some IRL friends/betas who only read that version, so if u feel like the tumblr version took a lot of time lol). the timing of being able to publish this year will all end up depending on how quickly i can do all that and kick off the part of the process that depends on outside parties. Even if i manage to self-publish in this year, i don't expect it to come out until lik December and even that's ideal, super best case scenario.
Long Stories: I want to outline both A Perfectly Ordinary Research Position and Shadow Diplomacy and then pick one to be the new long story on here. I do what i call a chapter outline and a scene outline, which is confusing to not!me because the scene = a chapter on here. i should probably rename that process lol. (NWWD was 11 'chapters' and 35 'scenes' for reference).
once i pick a project, i just hope to post as many chapters as i can. Since this will be new, long, and likely just building steam, i actually think it'll be my lower priority after the Short Stories and NWWD publishing, but we'll see. i'd like to start putting that up in June, according to my tentative 2024 schedule.
Short Stories: Since i didn't get as many of these done in 2023 and they've been haunting my brain longer, i want to for sure get some of these shorter stories done. learning from last years overestimation lol, i plan to post 3 short stories: Courtship Confusion, Feral, and finish Free Piano: Haunted, in that order. i'm excited about all these stories and will let me cover 3 different types of pairings (although technically all are Reader) which is fun. All have been outlined and have parts and pieces written. I wish Feral and FPH could both happen in the fall but the timing just doesnt work out so summers gonna b a little spooky lol.
The schedule i worked out makes it so all this will be possible, but also basically has no breaks in sunday postings after my haitus which is beyond optimistic but i lik to start overly confident lol
Hiatus: this is also your reminder that my work has a specific Busy Season which honestly started already (lucky me) and i will b beyond busy Jan-March at a minimum. i hav more projects than ever with my promotion, a lot to learn, and a lot to juggle so minimum 6 day work weeks will be the name of the game - but hopefully all goes well and i'll get a nice bonus i can feed directly to my editors lol
anyway, that's where i'm at right now and I'm looking forward to all the exciting writing and publishing to come in 2024!
Feel free to send in any asks about upcoming/current stories!
Thanks again for all your support in 2023 and Happy New Year!
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maybemockingbird · 5 months
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Since my cozy horror, paranormal boys love romance web novel The Night Farm's first season is finally done on both Patreon and Tapas, I wanted to share the full wrap (small changes pending) to the physical edition with cover art by the amazing K. Lynn Smith! This series is perfect for fans of Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and other cozy slice-of-life games and webcomics/manga, titles like Welcome to Night Vale, Gravity Falls, and Love Tractor. Pre-orders will open for the public on the 17th and include a small pre-order discount, a bundle of fun goodies, and you can upgrade to a coffee mug bundle, too!
I'm SO excited to share the physical edition with everyone, and I urge you all to check out the series on my Patreon (the book is available for $1 a month and season two will be coming along shortly) or my Tapas (on a several week delay). I ONLY sell my books through my website, so you'll have to buy directly from me if you want a physical copy, but I ship quickly and send goodies with every package!
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crrhillin · 3 months
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The Orphan's Code graphic novel, page 1. Buckle up, friends. I'll be doing one page a day until I inevitably give up because people don't care.
My goal is to get 100 readers before the first novel, THE ORPHAN'S KING, comes out this year!
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