#She fought a ghost
masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
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My ILB mc is so pretty and bad ass...😍
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dooblebugss · 2 months
Does Hornet ever worry about Ghost? Like it’s clear she dotes on Hollow because they need it in a way. But if Ghost was in danger, would she sharply inhale? If they became sad (if that’s even possible), would she comfort them?
Sorry if that’s a weird ask, I’m obsessed with people’s interpretations of the siblings’ dynamics 🙌
Hornet does worry about Ghost! And she loves them dearly. She knows they're a lot, well, healthier than Hollow, and she knows they're capable of a lot, but she still worries!
She still patches them up, she still makes sure they eat enough (at least to her), and if they were in danger she'd tear apart anything in her way.
There's a small section in my Silksong fic where I mention Ghost will go to her room for morning cuddles and comforting after a nightmare. Hornet doesn't think she's very good at comfort and reassurances, but she still tries, and Ghost appreciates it <3
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rennorthernlights · 9 months
The World We Knew
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5: The Catalyst on The Dinner Plate, Chapter 6
Warnings: Depictions of d3ath, b0dies on hooks, Cannibalism, MINORS DNI+ 18 AND OVER ONLY, imagery of people eating people, Reader kills for the first time, Homophobia, Issac is his own warning, Abuse towards woman. Tell me if I miss any.
”Tonight,” she says, and Angelica agrees. Grabbing their things to pack. “We’ll need to go about our day carefully and then we can go.” It’s just barely noon from the way the sun shines. Tonight, they can finally move past this and just go somewhere. Anywhere.
“The guards?” Angelica says as she bites her lip. “What are we gonna do about the patrols.” A sharp knock on the door makes them both jolt. Pulling them away from the frenzy of leaving. She grabs their things and hides it to make the room seem normal. Looking towards each other nervously before Angelica rolls her shoulders back and steps forward towards the door. Her brown eyes widening, a hand gripping the door as Issac stares down at her.
“Where’s Eve,” he doesn’t ask as he pushes her aside and steps in. Angelica protests, tries to shove him back with a glare but he walks in like he already owns the place. He looks around and then spots her. “Oh! My sweet Eve, I’ve come to ask you a very important question.” The woman in question tense as they both know what he’s going to ask.
The nails in the coffin about to hammered in. He takes a long step, up close and personal as he grabs her hands the same way he did when she was 10 and he 22.
“I’ve known since the moment I saw you that day in the garden that you are mine. Beautiful Eve,” his skin stretches as he smiles wide. “Marry me.” Looking intently into her eyes as he fully expects her to say yes. His goal finally within grasp, within reach as he’s been begging his father to make it so. To make it where the woman will be forced to marry. He waited, knew she’d say no, somewhere in his obsession made him believe that she was just too shy to accept his advances. Especially with Angelica, in his mind at least, always hovering and poisoning her against him. But now… now she’ll have no choice but to marry him.
She looks to Angelica, the woman that she cares about. The woman that they just barely confessed feelings for each other. One nod from her and that’s all it takes. Rips her hands from him and out of his grip, taking a step back. She steels her voice, “No.”
“No?” The man says with a tilt of his head. He steps back as the feeling in the room drops. Something colder, chilling the growing summer heat that’s outside. His hands ball into fists as it shakes. “It’s because of her, isn’t it? She’s been in the way of us since she joined our group!” He turns and starts walking to Angelica.
Knuckles turning white from the force of his own grip, “Don’t think I don’t know of the sin you committed. Ruining my Eve with your filth!” He raises his hand and Angelica tenses and gets in a stance.
Rushing in front of Angelica, putting herself in the way and Issac is forced to pause. “My name isn’t Eve.” Being stern with him for once. “Don’t talk about Angelica like that.” Glaring at him as she finally shows how annoyed by his very being she is. Emboldened by how much she cares about Angelica. Her hand reaching behind behind her back and Angelica interlaces her fingers with her hand. A silent encouragement that she’ll have her back.
“I’m not marrying you and that’s final.” The silence that follows is deafening. Suffocating in the way he doesn’t even blink as he looks into her that she can feel her soul shiver. Cogs in his head turning as he licks his dry lips.
Narrowing green eyes while his hands flex. “You’re just confused,” he offers as if trying to convince himself. “You don’t know what you’re saying. She’s poisoned your brain with her sin.” A misguided understanding as that must be why his Eve doesn’t want to marry him.
His smile doesn’t reach his eyes as he backs away and moves towards the door. “Don’t worry. I’m very understanding, it’s not your fault, my beloved Eve.” His eyes hold a glint that makes her hands clammy, hairs sticking up on her neck. A silent warning that something ain’t right. That something can happen at any second. Her chest tightening as she braces for the worse. His hand gripping on the doorknob as he slowly opens it.
He steps outside the door, a forced exhale as she tries to regain her ground. Eyes watching his like a hawk as he leaves without even a word. A hard slam of her door that makes the hinges screech.
The seconds go by as they both stand tenses, fully expecting him to round back. Seconds feels like minutes, minutes feels like hours until Angelica speaks. “This is going to make this harder to leave.” Resting her head against the woman’s shoulder. “I knew it. I knew he was creepy as hell, but this just takes the cake.” Sighing and muttering a curse. She can feel Angelica’s mind rushing a mile a minute.
“You need to leave.”
“What? You can’t be serious.” Angelica nearly yells as she shakes her head. Taking a step around her to look at her. Angelica is dumbfounded as she can’t believe she’s even saying that to her. “I’m not leaving you with that fucker. I’m not leaving you. No way—“
“No way in hell. I’d rather fucking die. I’m being so—“
“Ange!” Her hands cup her face to make her stop talking. Angelica’s brown eyes stare and open more as she leans closer to her. “He’s going to hurt you. He was willing to raise his hand to you infront of me. If I wasn’t here… he could’ve..” her voice breaks as she doesn’t want to think about it.
“Wouldn’t be the first time a man put their hands on me.”
“Ange,” her tone serious as she knows Ange is just trying to be playful. But they can’t be playful right now, they can afford to be. “You leave tonight, I’ll cover for you tomorrow and then we’ll be on our way. No more Issac.” She starts.
“And no more town.” Angelica finishes with a grin. “Alright, alright, I’m only doing this because you’re so convincingly cute.” The woman leans forward and kisses her softly. Angelica’s hands flinch at the suddenness before they start moving from the side to grasp the woman’s waist. Pulling Angelica closer, deepening the kiss as her hands entangle in Angelica’s hair. Biting on her bottom lip and she parts her lips as Angelica pushes her tongue into her mouth. Angelica’s hands more insistent and moving under her shirt.
“W-Wait, wait, wait,” she breaks the kiss and Angelica steps back worried, fearful that she overstepped. “I want more. Believe me,” she laughs and presses her head to to the woman she’s growing to love more and more. “God, I want more but you need to get your stuff and leave tonight.” Brushing her thumb against Angelica’s cheek.
“Alright, alright,” grinning at her, “I’ll let you breathe for now, but I can’t promise I’ll keep my hands to myself when we’re out of this fucking town.” A tease in Angelica’s voice but a very real need on her eyes. Night rolls around quickly and they say their quick goodbyes.
Angelica tells her in a hushed whisper as they step outside their place together. Hiding behind the corner to evade the nightly patrols. “Right next to that old mom and pop shop. Called like Oliver’s or is it Olive’s? There’s a barbecue place right next to it. Can’t miss it, that’s where I’ll be. Okay?” That one is right near the edge of the town, from there they’ll move past it and they’ll be ‘home’ free. No one goes near that area anyways. It’s clear enough instruction that she’ll know what to look for. A quick kiss goodbye as she watches Angelica leave.
The next day she knew she was being watched. Eyes on her as she went about her day. Telling the ladies that asked about Angelica that she’s feeling sick so she stayed home. Issac, who normally finds her, hasn’t showed up. A limp in his walk as he shakes his hand a bit. Shrugging her shoulders as maybe he fell and finally had some sense knocked into him. She wasn’t about to ask why he hasn’t talked to her and if anything, she’s happier to not worry about him sneaking up to her. Scrubbing the dishes clean and listening to the woman chatter and gossip about their day.
“Clark has asked me to marry him.” A woman says with a controlled sigh, the other women telling her their congratulations under a happy guise. A quiet understanding to the situation that they are all in. It’s been a lot of mixed feelings about what happen yesterday with the priest. Some of the woman agree to it and few don’t. Though she can’t help but wonder if they agree because it’s safer. Or because they’ll just have to be pretty housewives and be content for the men. Glaring at the dishes as the woman continue speaking and talking.
Once her shift ends, she goes to grab her ration for the day. The woman handing it to her with a hard smile, another woman that was forced into a marriage. Asking for Angelica’s ration under the guise that she’s sick and the woman tells her that she can’t. “It wasn’t a problem a week ago when Karen was sick?” Her arms crossed as the woman tells her that it’s “New rules.” And that she “can’t give rations unless the person is there.” Sighing to herself as she thanks her and then takes a seat. She hopes Angelica is safe. She knows she can handle herself, a spitfire of a woman she has.
“What’s got you smiling, Eve?”
Her hands tense and he sits in front of her. “Where’s your friend?” She goes to speak, “doesn’t matter,” he winced slightly as he scoots the chair forward. Was there always scratches on his neck? “I heard that she’s sick. Poor thing but it must be divine timing by God. Even our Heavenly Father knows that she isn’t right for you.”
“That isn—“
“I haven’t told anyone about you and her.” He says and she stiffens, “My father would never allow it. Never allow us together if he knew about what she did to convince you to sin. Just like my mother did my father.” His hands move and grip her hand. She remembers when she was ten. She remembers her parents talking about his mother. Her father wouldn’t lie. “She seduced my father just like Angelica is seducing you.”
She tugs her hand back but he grips her hand tightly, refusing to let go of her. “Let go.” She pulls back, “Issac let fucking go of me.”
“You never talked to me like that. Always so sweet and kind.” He says, fully believing in the fantasy that he has of her. A beautiful Eve in a garden. “It’s because of her. You’ll understand why she’s wrong for you, I had to...” He starts but stops like he’s catching himself.
“Had to what?”
He doesn’t answer and she glares, her heart starting to jump. “Had to what Issac?” He stares at her, beady green eyes as he doesn’t speak. He licks his lips and let’s go of her hand. Smiling as he eyes her up and down. Snickering like he’s aware of something that she won’t know, an inside joke that only he’s privy to. He gets up and leaves. Leaving her for once, more confused than nervous.
Walking out to remain calm and then speed walking to her room. Packing her things in a bag and pulling out her father’s rifle that she’s hidden. They tried to take it from her months ago when they started these whole men and woman job. Staying in her room until night rolls around, quietly stepping out the fire escape and carefully moving down the street. Her breath catching in her throat as she nearly got caught a couple times. Panting quietly as she finally makes it pass the guards and the patrols.
“Barbecue place near mom and pop shop.” She whispers over and over again as she shoulders her rifle. Being careful of the dead that roam on the streets. Her lip being bitten as she hides behind some cars as the dead pass by. Her eyes raking over the street signs, and she wonders if she’s in the right place. “Ah!” Her eyes perk up as she finally spots the mom and pop shop when the moonlight illuminates the way. “Barbecue, barbecue, barbecue,” she murmurs as her eyes flicker back and forth and finally she spots it.
“Angelica!” She whisper yells as she walks forward. “Ange!” Cupping a hand to her mouth as her other keeps a good hold on her rifle. Stepping into the barbecue place. She would’ve loved this place before the zombies. Still has a homey feel to it even after a bit of time. The barbecue place is large and even has its own smokehouse!
Looking around and seeing the western décor, her eyebrows furrowing as she sees some blood on the floor. Bending down and touching it, “that doesn’t look old…” she curses and shoulders her rifle. “I swear if you became zombie chow I’m gonna smack you Ange.” Pointing her rifle at ever sound. Teeth clattering as her nerves are getting the better of her.
Moving deeper into the place as she calls out to Ange again and again. “No sign of her…” sighing sadly as she moves to the back of the shop where it would be holding meat from cows and pigs if it was a normal less zombiefied-year. “Last room.” Steeling herself as she walks forward towards the smokehouse. Pushing the door open slowly as she prepares for a zombie grunt but it’s quiet and smells funny. Barely any fire going but the ash tells her that this smokehouse has and is being used.
Moving inside and she gasps. “Holy shit.”
This must be where the town is keeping the meat. No wonder no one goes here. Makes more sense now. “Why is it wrapped though…” Doesn’t make since to have the meat wrapped in a smokehouse. Unless it’s already prepared maybe? Moving to the one closest to her as she starts to peel it back.
“Oh my god.”
Her hand hovers over the meat and she’s still remembers the anatomy classes she took to know what it is. She was the best in her class. She recognizes that this ain’t animal. “This isn’t a deer. This is… oh…” her hand cups her mouth as feels the ration she ate earlier pushing up her throat. She moves and starts unwrapping them as she recognizes them. “Cody, Arianna, Davin, Lucas!” Her shoulders rising and falling as she breathes in and out fast. Fear courses through her heart. How long has this been going on? How long have they been unknowingly eating humans? How long?
Finally, the last one and this one looks upside down, like it’s still being drained. Unwrapping the person and she screams as she sees the brown eyes first. “No!” Tugging the body off the hook and ripping the the wrap off as her hand shakes even more. “No, no, no, no,” vision blurring in tears as she cups Angelica’s face. “No, baby, no, wake up.”
Shaking her face. The deep cut in her throat, the lifeless look in her eyes, the bruises and cuts on the body. “Ange! Please!” Crying as she pulls her close and hugs her tight.
“Not you,” the body limp and cold in her arms as she doesn’t hear the door open. “Why you? Why you?” Crying and burying her face into Angelica’s cold neck. Her arms lifeless and not moving as she screams into her neck. A hand grips her shoulder and she curses angrily at whoever it is. A blind rage when they try to pull her away from Angelica.
“Let go! Let me go!” Her eyes shut as she grips tighter to Angelica. Something hard hits her in the back of the head as she feels like she’s slipping deeper into a darkness. The last thing she remembers is Angelica’s cold brown eyes staring back at her. Lifeless and unmoving.
Coming too in anger as she’s placed on a bed in a room that’s not her own. Getting up and grabbing the bedside desk and throwing it as she screams. Her hands digging into her skull as she bends forward. Finally throwing up as she coughs, her knees buckling under the growing agony and pressure. Tears blurring her vision as her hands grip and claw at the floor. Misery and anguish flooding her heart as she wraps her arms around herself. The door opening catches her attention and Issac walks in.
“Oh, Eve,” he murmurs, “you poor thi—“
Getting up and running at him, her hands balled as she throws a clumsy punch that he catches. “Now, now, is that any way to treat your fiancé?” He glares and she yells profanity’s as she kicks and punches him. Clawing at his face as he tries to settle her into the chair. “Calm down!” He yells.
“Calm down! You want me to calm down?!” Pulling her leg up towards her and tries to kick him as hard as she can. The impact to his thigh makes him growl in anger. Raising his hand and slapping her harshly. She locks up, stiffening from the blow. The stinging in her cheek and her lip split open as she settles from the shock of being hit.
“There we go.” He says and presses a kiss to her face. Her eyes shut tight as she whimpers and breathes in shakily. “Next time don’t make me hurt you. I don’t wanna hurt my precious Eve. All shaken up over that filthy woman.” His hands gripping her arms and forcing her down even more on the chair. “Don’t worry I’ll wash the sins of her touch off your body in due time.”
He’s too close. Far too close to her. Close enough that she sees the cuts on his neck and her mind starts running a mile a minute as she thinks back to their conversation earlier. I had to. Repeats over and over again in her head as she finally looks at him. Tears down her face as she speaks, “Y-You killed her. You killed her! You son of a—“
His hand raises again and she flinches. He smirks and instead he cups her face and forces her to look at him. “I had to.” Confirming what she’s thinking, “After I told my father what happened he said that I couldn’t marry you. He said that the sin will be on you as long as Angelica breathed. I told him,” he leans forward and his green eyes stare at her and then her lips, her lip that still bleeds. “Told him that I’d get rid of the sin for you. You should be thanking me.”
Her heart slams against her chest, “We’ll be married in 4 days. Four days and I’ll be able to throughly cleanse your body.” Jerking in his grip, squirming on the chair. She can only begin to imagine what he has planned for her.
A defiance gathering in her eyes, she spits at his face. His thumb digging into her jaw as she cries out. “I’ll train you to be better. You’ll be so beautiful as my wife and as the mother of my children. So enticing even right now,” his other hand moves from her arm and down her stomach as her muscles tense and seizes. “I could cleanse you now but then we’d be committing sin.” He huffs and steps back.
Her hands rub her jaw as she quickly gets off the chair and steps back. He leaves, the door shutting and locking with a hard ‘click’ noise. She thinks that’s the end of it until he come back with a plate. Her eyes widen, “Don’t worry it’s just meat.” He grins and she doesn’t trust him, not one bit.
“How long?”
“Sit down,” he motions to the chair.
“How. Long.” Balling her fist as she refuses to even touch the plate of food. Thinking back to when people were getting sick. Thinking back to when people thought the rations were getting spoiled from the ‘animals’ they found. Chalking it up to the ‘animals’ being sick. Her stomach is empty even as she can feel the growing need to throw up.
“Long enough that everyone’s eaten someone here. Tasty, no?”
The amusement in his voice, the way he enjoys her suffering, enjoys seeing her so distraught. Almost as beautiful as her happiness. The smile she never gave him but always to Angelica, the happiness in her eyes when Angelica walked in the room, his hands grip the plate as he breathes in and out. He places the plate on the table as he watches her contemplate everything from the start.
Staring down at the plate and then at him. “I’m not going to touch any of that. You’ll have to force it down my throat.” Defiance in her voice as she won’t eat a lick of food from him or anyone else in this town. He snickers as he nods fast at her.
“Sure, sure, Eve,” he smirks, “I’ll be patient. I prepped a special dinner for our wedding night. You’ll just love it.” Leaving her alone with her thoughts as he takes his leave again. Shutting the door behind himself. The windows barred and no real way out. Stuck in this room with a plate of food that most likely is more human than animal.
The days pass and he tries to make her eat but she refused. He even forced her mouth open as she kicked and cried, forcing the meat down her throat as her throat constricted and she threw up on him. Making him yell and beat his fists into her. Her bruised body shaking as he realized what he did and told her off for making him hurt her. For making him be a monster when all he does is love her.
The day of the wedding came far too fast and she was forced into a white dressed. Too weak to fight back, too emotionally and physically exhausted as she nodded and barely spoke as the priest wedded them. Issac looking happier and happier as the reception was creeping up.
Her heart beating fast in her chest as the plates were being served at the reception. Issac in the middle with her to his right and the Father on the left. Her hand shaking as she grips on the fork. Her stomach growling and rumbling as she nearly gives in to eating.
Issac leans to his side, her hands grip the table as his lips brush against her ear. He whispers, “Hope you love her. I prepared her just for you.” His voice bouncing and echoing in her mind.
Her whole body tensing. Her eyes widening as she stares down at the plate and all she can image is Angelica. Angelica as the meal. Angelica as the meal the townsfolk are greedily eating. Tearing into her flesh to feed their sick bellys. The laughter, the glee, the sickening smile from Issac as she turns her head to him.
Mouth parted as a white-hot anger grips into her, burning the embers that were almost snuffed out. Warm brown eyes flash before her eyes, a distance of the woman she loved now prepared on a white plate and she knows what she needs to do. Blood demands blood.
Her hand grips on the fork and without thinking stabs it into his hand. He yells in pain and she takes the knife and stabs it into one of his eyes. For fully digging it into the socket as the blood seeps out. Staining the once white dress as she yanks the knife out and Issac falls head forward on the table. Father Abraham comes around and she’s quicker than the old man and swipes it at his neck. The knife itself is dull but she put enough force into it to slice the skin.
Everything blurs from then on. Last thing she remembered grabbing is her fathers rifle from the armory and bolting into the streets. The men yelling to find her as she runs and runs. She doesn’t stop running not even for the dead that try and grab her. She just runs. Runs farther and farther.
Forcing herself to keep moving, to not give her name, to sleep in random buildings and move on the next day. To never look back and keep as much distance between the hell she escaped into the hell that is everyone’s reality. The zombies would love her more gently than Issac can. That thought alone made her nights colder until she found that radio. The radio that changed it all. Made her open her carefully guarded heart to the men on it.
The sound of fingers snapping, and a voice forced her out of her memories. Brought into the present and she doesn’t know if she’s rather stay in her past. “Eve? Hello? Earth to Eve. Oh poor thing still distorted from when you hit the wall,” he laughs that stupid noise. He waves a hand in front of her face and she jolts a bit.
Nearly 4 months. 4 months she’s been away from this hell hole. Away from him and everyone in this godforsaken town. “That’s not my fucking name.” She finally gets a good look at him. Her face pulling into a grin as she eyes that stupid eyepatch. “Should’ve stabbed your other eye out. Never liked the color green.”
His hand ball into a fist. She continues speaking, “Thought you were dead. Hoped you were considering I stabbed that knife into your eye.” She grins at him, “Is your daddy dead? Hoped he was after I sliced his thro—“ a harsh slap against her cheek as her eyes widen. Her arms jerk in the binds as she turns her face to glare as her chest rises and falls from the anger.
“You will learn to respect me, wife.” She can’t help but grin as she knows she hit her mark. At least one of them is dead. Good riddance.
“I’m not your fuk-“ another backhanded slap and this time she cries out in pain. His hand grips her jaw hard like he did those months ago but this time. This time she has more fire in her eyes. More than enough anger to hold her over. “Fuck you.” She says and pulls on the moisture in her mouth to spit at him.
His other hand wipes his face clean. “Oh, but you are. My father married us before God and the church. Making you, my wife.” Jerking his hand back harshly as her neck stretches back. Her back arching as she tries to accommodate to the forceful stretch. “You’ll be my perfect wife by the next couple of days. You’ll give me a son and I’ll name him after my father.” Like hell she will. She’s rather die than give him anything.
Tilting his head back as he laughs at how helpless she is in this moment and all she can do is grit her teeth and bare it. For now at least until she can find a way out. Or maybe the Captain will make do on his promise to get her.
A silent prayer escapes her lips, a plead for them to find her before it’s too late. Before she breaks under the pressure.
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batcavescolony · 5 months
S2 E1 Supernatural
Now this is a good season return, this would have been devastating in 06. Dean almost died, the reaper saw him scared of her real form took another to make him feel safe and able to move on. This really shows that not all Supernatural is evil some are here for a job, like this reaper. Sam and John don't have Dean to mediate so they just fight. John sells his soul and the gun to the yellow eyed demon to save Dean, then before he goes he says bye to the boys and they don't know how to take it. He want him and Sam to not fight and he said sorry to Dean for making him grow up too fast. Oh and John saying that when Dean was a kid he'd comfort John and take care of Sam! 💔 guys ahhhhh. Just such a good episode.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 7 months
Just listened to Bayo3’s Moonlight Serenade and it just hit me again how absolutely furious I am about this game. Waiting 5 years since the announcement and then 2 further years before I could finally play it just to be met by that was… I don’t even have words for it.
And the worst part is - I was having so much fun playing it! Sure, it wasn’t on the level of Bayo1 or Bayo2, but it was still a delight to play! I loved the new designs, I loved the new weapons, I loved the music, I loved the new flow of combat, I genuinely had such a great time! Alright, the writing wasn’t exceptional, but the idea of parallel universes was still fun to explore - and I’m not fond of the enemies’ design in general, but I had a blast fighting them once I figured them out, and I appreciate the fact that they tried to do something different once again (after fighting angels in Bayo1 and demons in Bayo2). I even loved Jeanne’s little spy levels!! They were so cool and charming and so much fun to play through!
And I liked Viola! The narrative really didn’t do her justice but she was still such an endearing character! Her fighting sections were different but still enjoyable, and I enjoyed everything about Cheshire, which made her levels even better.
And I just - to take all that potential, all that joy, and squander it so completely and maliciously right at the end was just… devastating to me. I know Bayonetta isn’t made for the girls and the gays, but that’s not even the point - I would’ve at least enjoyed a Cereza/Luka ending if it had been written properly! Instead they decided to assassinate the characters we all knew and loved, spit on all the established lore and themes of the previous games, stomp on all the newly introduced characters, and all to shoehorn in a fated-lovers narrative that doesn’t even work on its own, without taking into account everything that contradicts it in the previous instalments.
And as if that’s not enough, they forced it into the most depressing, most nonsensical, most malicious finale I have ever witnessed. Why are you punishing me for winning the fights? Where is the reward for getting to the end? I was waiting at the edge of my seat for the entire game to see how Cereza would turn the situation around, how she’d overcome the impossible odds and come out dancing on her enemies, and instead they told me no, she saves almost no-one, she dies a pointless death she could’ve easily avoided so we can get a) the stupidest romance ever seen and b) a new protagonist that we spent no time developing, and nothing you did in this game had any meaning at all, fuck you.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m just… I’m so disappointed. I really really wanted to like this game and instead the finale ruined the whole experience for me. I literally sat in silence as the final scene and credits rolled out because I just couldn’t fathom what I was watching. How do you take such a great cast of beloved characters and decide that this is what you want to do with them? With a 5-year development time, no less? They deserved better, Cereza especially deserved better, and we all deserved so much better.
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monterisso · 3 months
replayed oph book 1 and god it's still such a great book, start to finish. the friend group dynamics. the twists and turns. the humor, the heart. uvhhbbbbsbsn they were really cooking something
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bitchyblkqueer · 3 months
yo my lash tech trauma dumped on me the entire time which is so strange…. i’ve never had a lash tech talk that much before. but my lashes look so good n the price is right so she might see me again next month……
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Wondering exactly what causes Type 3 ghosts. Both the skull and Marissa suggest they're people who've turned their faces away from death. The more you resist the Other Side, the stronger you are in this world. Type Twos usually have some kind of unfinished business before they move on; Type Threes just do not want to die at all. But in that case it's odd to me that they're so rare. Lots of people don't want to die. So maybe it also requires latent psychic talent and/or a pre-existing exposure to the supernatural... Marissa and Lucy are once in a generation Talents; maybe Type Threes are people with that level of ability. In which case Marissa will almost certainly be a Type 3. Arguably she already was.
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randomeeveelutions · 7 months
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
Thematic and Dramatic
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Rind considers herself a realist and skeptic on all things having to do with ghosts and the paranormal. Though barring the literal Ghost-type Pokemon that inhabit her world.
She always puts on a brave face when confronted with spooky atmospheres and ghost believers, going out of her way to shut down and disprove any fears that the dead haunt the world of the living with a sort of know-it-all swagger you could expect from her. If objects start floating, Rind will look for strings. Specters are actually holograms first, and ghosts last.
Rind has fully convinced herself that dead souls are either reborn or go to an afterlife, and anything else is plain silly.
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wellfell · 1 year
honestly if there's anyone out there who won't be kind to nor gentle with sa.dako ya.mamura it's probably akina .
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yk, i imagine gondor to be a bit strict abt their drinking age, (as opposed to bree where I feel like it's just: eh whatever) mostly just because ✨vibes✨ but also because it's incredibly funny.
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
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blueteamtexas · 2 years
yall ever remember how tex church and omega gave caboose severe brain damage and then everyone was really mean to caboose for like 10 seasons and scream really hard
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Healing Factor
Danny Fenton is a little shit, everyone knows that. Now, consider he is medically inaccurate, but on purpose, and it makes everyone question their life.
Because he has an accelerated healing factor. He is also a ghost and his bones are nonexistent half the time. He may look like a human, he may act like a human, but he is not really one, and he forgets about it sometimes. Or maybe he's just fucking with everyone.
So imagine he got caught up in a fight in Gotham, Crime Alley to be exact, and he fist fought some robbers or muggers or whoever. Then Red Hood comes to save the day, and when he asks this teenage scrawny boy who looks like he doesn't even know what taxes are, is he okay, Danny just
Spits a bloody clot on the floor, looks at it for a moment, and goes, "Oh. That's a tooth," with little to no emotion to it. Jason is now concerned because it kind of looks like the boy is concussed. But that's definitely a tooth on the floor, yes.
"Shouldn't you be more worried about it?"
Danny shrugs nonchalantly, "Why should I? It's gonna grow back."
"You know how when you are a baby, your teeth fall out, and then you get new teeth? So since I lost one, a new one's gonna grow out," Danny explains, and Jason is not even sure what to say because, first, no, that's not how it works, and second, who the fuck doesn't know that at fifteen? Has this boy ever been to dentist?
"Kid, no, you only get two sets of teeth," he carefully tells him, "Baby teeth and adult teeth. That's it, no more teeth, you're not a shark."
Danny blinks at him slowly. Then, he reaches inside his mouth with his fingers, touches his teeth, and shrugs, "How come it's back already then?"
Before Jason can ask anything, the boy opens his mouth to reveal a perfect set of teeth. Nothing is missing. He looks back to the floor, and, yup, that's a tooth there.
But no teeth are missing.
What the fuck.
"Wanna keep it to offer to the tooth fairy? No one said she only takes your teeth," the boy asks him.
Later, Danny calls Jazz with a single purpose of telling her he is now a shark and hanging up on her.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 5 months
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Simon Riley
Call Of Duty Masterlist
word count: 400
description: in which you and ghost have a baby girl who loves to copy your facial expressions
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You always wore how you were feeling on your face, everyone could tell what mood you were in based on your facial expressions. It was one of the many things Simon loved about you, considering he was so stoic and neutral faced something that he learns from his years in the military. 
When you and Simon had your baby girl Liliana, you two always fought about her favorite was and who she favored more which was clearly you. But the one thing she loved to do was copy anything  and everything you were doing including your facial expressions. 
Simon found it hilarious when you would be glaring at someone graves for example and babygirl would try and copy or whenever you were mad him, he would not only have one set of eyes glaring at him but his own babygirl glaring at him because her mom was. But the moments you were happy and in a good mood, he would find that smile he fell in love with duplicated on y'all's mini which made his heart grow.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of Graves, making a displeased sound at seeing the man as you adjusted Lilly on your hip. Liliana saw this and immediately tried rolling her eyes at Graves and making a noise of disapproval before giving him her best side eye that she learned from her mama. 
Now the guys had heard stories about Lily copying you're facial expressions but never truly got to see it until today and their reactions didn't disappoint. Kyle was barely keeping together upon witnessing this. Now Soap couldn't hold it together at the sight of Liliana try to copy you at the sight of Graves and ended up laughing at the sight. 
"Ghost...does she always do this?" Price asked looking at you and Lily who were still side eyeing Graves. 
"Always. Anything mama does, she copies." He said with a smile.
"Like mother, like daughter." Price said with a smile as he looked over at you and Lily. Simon smiled at his comment before making his way over to where you guys were standing gently pulling your attention away from Graves and towards him. 
"That's my mama and babygirl." Simon said pressing a kiss to Lilly's forehead and then one on your lips. 
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femoso-seben · 7 months
Stupid idea that I thought up half asleep
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Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got you pregnant when you two were teens (17)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got yelled at by your father for getting you pregnant and band him from seeing you again
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who immediately went through all stages of panic. Got his ass beat by his father, before getting his shit together and start providing
Baby Daddy Ghost! And you were force to married
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who sent his first paycheck to you without even saying a word
Baby Daddy Ghost! And you fought because you two were scared
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who was there in the delivery room and was too stunned to speak and just nod along to what the nurses said, stared at his baby daughter until the nurses took the baby so she can lay on your skin.
Baby Daddy Ghost! who didn't let you drop out of school because he knew you had a bright future.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into Butchary so you could go to college (your parents were more opening and caring and help baby sit your daughter unlike his)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who come back from work and cradle his daughter and sleep with her.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into the military for his own purpose which you agree he should go into. (did college through the military)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spend that summer saving Tommy and be more of a family man
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who divorce tokep you safe after his family was slaughter and move you into a rural place in England and keep a low profile when visiting you and his daughter. (remember he’s consider dead, visit at night and don't really leave the house to continue to deception your a widow)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spends all his time off with your young daughter on his off time, (sends most of his money to you even if you have a good job he want to provide and your money can be use as fun money.)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who becomes more authoritative figure once she becomes a teenager and has to vet every man or woman she dated.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who only tells the task force once they saw his personal phone’s lock screen (photo of his daughter on her birthday changes it yearly) brought her around and turns out she's a volleyball player (got some of simon’s height)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who gets a little sentimental seeing his daughter playing volleyball in the national youth lead
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