#She’s fairly easy to listen to and like ….. at first
mauswyx · 3 months
soft-spoken s/o
TLDR: Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, Jennifer Check, and Bo Sinclair's reactions to having a fairly quiet s/o WORD COUNT: 1k CW: none, fluff AO3
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Thomas Hewitt
ironically would not be used to the silence at first; he’s used to chatters and screaming! He’s never met someone who speaks so quietly 
will lean towards you when you speak, listening intensely 
finds your silence comforting after the initial shock and enjoys your quiet presence as he goes about his business
quickly adapts to communicating with you via body language and facial expressions, etc; it is a method he’s familiar with after all
takes great pride that he’s the only one that can read your mind or decipher your mumbling
He couldn’t help but spare you a glance every so often as you sat at the opposite end of the barn as he worked. You were mending a shirt Luda Mae scavenged from some luggage…or at least trying to. Your bottom lip was swollen from being gnawed on and your brow was furrowed–the needlework must be tedious, he concluded. He turned his attention back to his work, a few minutes passed before he decided to glance up again only to find that you were muttering to yourself, trying to rethread the string through the eye.
Despite finding your frustration amusing, he couldn’t take your suffering anymore. He strode over to you, gently enveloping your hand in his before plucking the needle away. He made quick work of the thread, giving you a knowing look as he set back to work, but not before hearing a quiet “Thank you Tommy.” 
Brahms Heelshire
does not enjoy that he can’t coax loud reactions from you; he works so hard to mess with you and you don’t say anything?! How rude!
will switch gears and will purposefully pretend not to know what you’re gesturing to or that he can’t hear you to annoy you; he can play by your game but he won’t play fair
he’s been (watching) studying you through the walls so it’s quite easy for him to pick up on your body language to know what you’re feeling or wanting of him 
actually likes your voice and will do everything in his power to get you to use it; even if it means getting a scolding 
bedtime is his favorite part of the day because he gets to listen to you read; will pick out exceptionally long books to listen to you just a while longer 
Echoes etched the room as you tapped your foot against the dusty rug. He had been in a mood all afternoon: being especially disobedient and ignoring your calls from within the walls. He was being so difficult that you had no choice but to search for him, though it proved to be in vain as you couldn’t find him anywhere. A worried knot began to form in your stomach. There was only one thing you could do. With a deep inhale you rolled your head on your shoulders before letting out a shout.
“Brahms!” Your voice was hoarse–not used to being at such a volume, rolling your eyes in frustration “Please come out!” The scraping of wood met your ears shortly before his long arms wrapped around your waist from behind. You bit the interior of your cheek as you could hear the smugness in his voice, having won his game.
“There’s no need to shout.”
Jennifer Check
“they said no pickles.” embodiment 
at first, mistakes your quietness for being flustered by her and she amps up her prowess only to realize you’re like this…all the time…with everyone 
will speak for you whether it’s ordering your food or answering a question on your behalf; is actually exceptionally good at knowing what you want without much effort 
actually doesn’t mind the silence when you don’t feel like talking—grateful that you two can just share a moment together or that she can have someone to rant to
will not make a big deal if you feel talkative, she’ll casually continue the conversation in hopes it’ll make you feel more comfortable
“-and who does that? It’s bullshit!” she scoffed, gently scraping the tips of her long nails on the back of your hand as she laid next to you. You silently nodded in agreement, staring up at her face: her nose was scrunched and her eyes were glazed over, lost in thought–before suddenly snapping down to stare into your own. “I mean, you don’t think I’m in the wrong do you?” 
You couldn’t help letting your lip curl up at her pout, she had definitely been the cause of the altercation but you’d never tell her that; instead, you opted to halfheartedly shake your head. As expected, your poor acting didn’t go unnoticed and her eyes widened before playfully swatting her hand at your stomach.
“No way! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Bo Sinclair
“huh” x5
cannot understand what you’re saying for the life of him and gets annoyed very easily; more so at his own inability to comprehend you when everyone else seems to understand you just fine
interrupts you when you’re speaking, trying to guess what you’re saying instead of just listening 
puts on a big show to do as you asked when he does finally pick up on what you’re saying 
often wrongly infers what you’re saying but at least he’s trying
“Darlin’…'' he groaned, running a hand down his face “-you’re gunna needa work with me…” You huffed out a breath of air, already annoyed at having had to already repeat yourself twice and repeating yourself a third time honestly wasn’t even worth it; you just wanted the step-ladder to reach something in top-stock, but at this point you’d rather just climb the shelves themselves than have to be stuck in this never ending game of charades. You were half-tempted to do just that, but the look on Bo’s face made you relent; he had been so patient the least you could do was not give up on him.
“I need the ladder…” you said again, this time trying to enunciate your words as best as possible and to your surprise his face lit up. Not a great sign. 
“Bladder?” he repeated, not waiting for a response as he sped towards the shop counter, “Don’t worry baby! I’ll get the restroom key!”
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hoe4sports · 20 days
How this ends p5 (Alexia’s version)
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Alexia Putellas ft Fridolina Rolfo x reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Author’s note: Thank you for being so patient with me. Here is an alternative ending to “how this ends”. Enjoy!
Warning: non
Summary: Alexia struggles to repair what she once broke.
After coming home from your trip to Sweden with Fridolina, Alexia had begged you to come see her. At first, you bluntly refused. Never again, you promised yourself. But then. the leafes turned brown, and the ocean changed into a temperature only a fisherman could handle swimming in. Just like the seasons changed, you came around and agreed to meet her.
Picking a spot to meet her wasnt as easy as it seems. She suggested to meet up at her place, but you refused. You decided that meeting up in what once was your own homes would remind you of too many good memories and you would end up forgiving her on the spot.
Meeting up at Fridolina's place, just felt inapropriate. You had too many good memories with her to ruin your peace. It wasnt like you still loved Alexia. You loved her, but like the number of dates she took you to declined, so did your feelings for her. Fridolina picked up the pieces of what Alexia broke, and she worked hard every single day to glue it back togeter.
Meeting at your place, somehow felt even worse than going to either Frido or alexia’s apartment. Your new home was your home. A place where you could protect your peace. A place where you could create a space made seamlessly for you with your favourite colours and decor. That was why you ended up with wanting to see alexia somewhere neutral.
Arriving at the cafe, you immediately spotted Alexia among the tables. You felt your heart drop to your gut at the sight of her. She was wearing a cap covering her dark baggy eyes as she looked down. Her outfit didn’t resemble something Alexia would normally wear, only a plain pair of jeans with a stain and a white t-shirt.
Even though you felt less affected by the breakup by the day, just like your wounds had started closing up: they definitely hadn’t healed. You felt like your stomach was about to twist inside out, and tried to take a deep breath which only ended in you suppressing a yawn that turned into an embarrassingly squeak.
Alexia immediately shot her head up in your direction before practically tumbling out of her chair. Her frames moved towards you with her hands reached out in your direction. You looked at her hands. The gesture was out of pure routine after spending 13 years together. When she reached you, you gave her an apologetic look and she pulled her hands in, slightly redder in the face.
“Hi” you tried to say confidently, but it ended up being more of a whisper. “Hola” she whispered back.
The pair of you standing completely dumbfounded in the middle of the cafe surrounded by couples and families. The tension was thick, and it made you feel like you were on display for the whole cafe to see. “Wanna walk?” Alexia asked, but it ended up being more a telling you instead of a suggestion.
The pair of you disappear out of the front door before you start walking around the trail of the park. It’s still fairly early, the quietness of the park brings a joy to you that you yourself cannot explain. The fog is lying low towards the lake of the park reminding you that fall is about to move into winter. Yet another season for you to experience without your partner. A season for you to get to know yourself.
It’s odd, you think. You haven’t seen Alexia since before the summer. Now, it’s late September. Everything is different now. It’s has all changed. Eventually, you moved out of Frido’s apartment into your own home. A place with only one tooth brush, one hairbrush and one water bottle. A home where you could eat lasagna on a Wednesday because you didn’t need to cook for an athlete.
As you walk quietly on the gravel listening to nothing but your shoes hitting the rocks; the sound of the silence becomes unbearable. “How are you?” Alexia spills out. You raise your brow at her. Did she really just ask how I am, you think to yourself while internally rolling your eyes.
“I’m alive, atleast. Going to Sweden this summer and staying with Fridolina’s family really really helped.” You practically spit the words at her.
A part of you feels good saying that harsh truth to her, to be brutally honest, but a part of you does still love Alexia. You see the hurt on her face, but she hurt you. She chose this for you, and she dosent get to slip away from the responsibility of the situation.
Alexia shoves her hands in her pockets as she shrugs. "Im happy for you, both of you" she stutters out, clearly feeling conflicted. Her eyes treble to the ground as you walk alongside her. Your face breaks out a confused look while raising an eyebrow.
“Why do you care so much about Fridolina?" You question, clearly annoyed with Alexia’s amount of involvement with your life.
Your tone sounds harsh, but you don’t care. The entitlement that Alexia showed made you wanna throw up. Imagine making assumptions about someone you threw away like garbage. She didn’t deserve your compassion, you decided.
“No, bébe, lo sien-“
You cut her off.
“Why do I care so much about Fridolina? Because she took me in when you threw me out like I was garbage. She took time off of football to take care of me.”
“Si, I’m sor-“
Alexia tries to regain herself, but you won’t let her.
“ She knows that I like roses, but you know what she also knows? That I love bluebells. That bluebells are my favourite. When did you last give me bluebells? When did you last give me your jacket, your coffee or watch me try on my new clothes?”
The resentment you had felt since the breakup had been hiding underneath your skin. Waiting to burst out, like a pimple. You felt angry, disappointed, sad and frustrated. Your arms crossed over your chest in visible agony as you come to a stop.
“Y/N, I know. I’m happy that she takes such good care of you. I wish I did better when I once had you. I don’t know what to say, I’m just really fucking sorry.”
Alexia mumbles out. You, and her both know that no amount of apologies can fix this. Nothing can heal the damage that was done. You sigh as you sit down.
“I’m done being mad..” you mumble while looking out on the lake. A pair of swans seeking comfort in each. You shove your hands in your pockets.
“Tell me what I can do to fix this. What I can do to get another chance”
Alexia says while breaking the silence. Her words sends you spiralling mentally.
“The truth is that I don’t think that anything can make you get another chance. I gave you another chance, every morning, every date, every weekend.”
You confess while kicking some gravel. Alexia sits down beside you. Her knee barely touching your. A part of you wants her to wrap your hands around her. A part of you wants to kill her and dump her in the lake with the swans.
A tear rolls down your cheek. You let out a laugh while wiping it.
“It’s so ridiculous, Alexia. Why did you throw away 13 years? I’ve loved you since you were nobody, since you were a kid with braces and chubby cheeks. And you threw me away, for what?”
Alexia raises her shoulders. Her eyes search for yours, but moves to watch the ground once they don’t find the comfort that they are looking for.
“I got into my own head, si? I thought that if I could quit worrying about spending time with you, being good enough for you, worrying about building a family, stop thinking about finding a house that would be good enough for you and being scared that you would leave me; then maybe it would be easier to just let you go. To let you find someone else. Someone better.”
Alexia lets a tear roll down her cheeks. You look at her. You feel so conflicted.
“If you just would’ve told me this, Alexia. Things would still be good. We would still be good. We could’ve worked it out.”
Alexia swallowed as your words cut through her shell and let out the disappointment she had held for herself in her heart.
“We could’ve? That must mean we still can, right?”
The second Alexia let the words escape her lips, she felt terrified. Her eyes aearches for the warmth she would look for in your face, but to no help. Your face was frozen, still looking out on the lake with your hands tucked inside your pockets. Your lips let a breath escape making tiny littke clouds due to the change of weather.
Alexia felt her heart pounding. It felt the same way when her father died, and when she tore her acl.
"Im sorry, im sorry, i forgot that you and Frido is a thing now"
Alexia stood up next to you, but you kept sitting down. Staring out in the lake. Still not finding a word.
“Say something, por favor” Alexia squeaked out. Mid sentence, you could hear her voice break.
You looked up at her again letting out yet another sigh.
“Fridolina and I, are just friends”
When Alexia heard those words, she didn’t know whenever to cry or laugh. It isn’t too late, she thought to herself. Her eyes lit up with hope searching for your gaze. She needed to get her act together before some other woman would come along to try to wife you up.
“Just friends?”
“Just friends”
You stood up next to Alexia while you started walking next to her, still not touching her shoulder. The pair of you walked to your cars in silence. Alexia was busy trying to put together words, and you were trying to find it in your heart to forgive Alexia. When you reached the parking lot, you walked to your car before stopping in your tracks to the voice of Alexia.
“You said you loved me?”
“You said you loved me, si?”
You couldn’t quite catch what direction the situation was moving towards.
“You said, that I’ve loved you for 13 years, that is present, no? That means you still love me, si?”
You looked up at Alexia. A part of you angry for telling her that. But you knew she was right about what you said. And what you felt, but you weren’t gonna let her know that yet.
“Give me a chance, please. A last chance, you can leave whenever you want to, no questions asked.”
Silence. Desperation started attacking Alexia’s brain cluttering up her words and sentence. Playing with her self control and her calmness.
You couldn’t reply to her. Truthfully, you didn’t know if you could believe her. That she would use the chance to try to better things. Your heart and your brain was going back and forth. Arguing at 400 km per hour. Like a tornado in your brain.
“Please, mi vida, let me prove to you that I’m ready. That I want to be better for you. That i can change for the better. That I want to be what you need and deserve. Please, por favor, just one more chance. I’m begging you, one more chance.”
You looked at her. Your heart was pounding, practically beating out of your chest. Your lips parted, ready to make a decision. The decision hurt your chest. The words felt like they were burning on your tongue.
“Fine, one last chance. One last time for old times sake.»
After agreeing to give alexia one more chance, things hadn’t really resorted back to normal. It was awkward, weird and uncomfortable to be at this stage of your non existent relationship. She would text you something, and you wouldn’t know how to respond.
But, how do you respond? When your ex-girlfriend of 13 years gets granted another chance and she spends every waking minute trying to figure out how to fix your relationship. One minute, she would be sending you soft pick up lines. The next minute, she would send you a picture of something that reminded her of you. What reminded her of you could literally be anything; squirrels, certain lunches, distinct perfumes or songs would remind her of you. It felt nice. Nice to know that things would remind her of you. To see her make an actual effort. To see her work for you instead of against you. The struggle had however turned out to be you. You didn’t know if you could ever love anyone, let alone Alexia again.
“Amor? Are you ready, si?”
You stood about five centimetres away from the mirror, examining your lipstick to make sure it lined perfectly. In your hand, was also your lipgloss. You could never wear lipstick without lipgloss, it just didn’t work. It felt dry, itchy and like crumbles would come off your lips.
“Mm, estoy listo”
You noticed alexia standing in the doorway, in her beige suit with her hair curled down.
“You look stunning, love.”
“Gracias, Ale”
“I love you, so so much.”
Your smile dropped in the mirror, and you pulled the lipgloss slowly pulled away from your lips. Your hands felt sweaty, your knees felt weak and your ears were ringing. Your sad eyes looked at Alexia through the mirror while opening your mouth to find a way to respond.
“Don’t say it back. Not until I deserve it and you mean it”
You turned around to look at her before nodding slowly in agreement while Alexia’s heart broke in silence, but she knew that she needed to put you before her own needs.
Fresh out of the shower, your apartment smelled like Sol de Janeiro’s hot pink shower gel. Your hair was dripping wet on your shoulders, not bothering with the hassle of busting out the hairdryer.
The only thing you never skipped was your skincare. It was a routine by now, engraved in your muscle memory. Step by step was completed like it was a list of tasks you had been asked to do.
Your silky robe was snugly tied to your body, bearing witness of your unofficial bedtime announcement. Well, that was until your doorbell rang. You cursed underneath your breath as you slipped on your slippers before stomping your way to the entrance.
“Hola, Yo so-, Alexia?”
“Hola, I brought dinner!”
You stood in the doorway like a living breathing questionmark, your hair dripping wet making you shiver from the cold wind outside. Confusion filling the air between you.
“Dinner? Food? I brought your favourite from the Chinese place downtown. I thought we could watch a Christmas movie, no?”
“A Christmas movie?”
Tears formed in your eyes. You had begged Alexia to watch Christmas movies with you forever, but she never bothered. She always needed to be productive; movies were a waste of time in her opinion. You shook your head, snapping yourself out of the confusion you had buried yourself in.
“Please, come in”
Alexia slipped into your apartment, taking in the decorative elements of the place. She decided that it felt calming, almost strangely soothing to find herself in your home. A part of her knew that it wasn’t due to the color of the floor to celling curtains or the rug underneath the couch, not even the scented candle had made enough imprint to make her feel calm. In her heart, she knew that it was because she was with you. The love of her life.
“It smells nice, is it that scented candle you got last year? The one with apple and cinnamon?”
Your eyes looked at her skeptically, arms wrapped across your chest protectively.
“Yes, why? Is there something wrong with it?”
Alexia’s heart broke knowing that she had complained about your scented candles just a year earlier. Now, she would do anything to have you light scented candles across her house.
“No amor, it smells good. I like it”
“You like it? You, the Alexia Putellas like my candles that you despised a year ago?”
Alexia flashed you a sad smile while nodding. Her hands notoriously started unwrapping the boxes of food she had brought from your favourite restaurant. When she opened up a box, you saw your favourite food making your stomach do a loud grumble.
“Go sit, I’ll bring it over to you”
Oddly, you still felt sceptical about the whole situation and especially about her behaviour. It was a huge contrast to what you were used to, but a part of you liked this Alexia. This Alexia also happened to be the girl you fell in love with, over 13 years ago. But this Alexia also changed , and broke your heart, just 8 months ago.
Alexia brought over food for both of you before grabbing the remote of your Apple TV to turn on your favourite movie; the Christmas prince. Again, another factor that had you confused. Alexia hated your Christmas related movies and would curse you for watching them in October. But here sat, the Alexia Putellas, watching a Christmas movie in October without complaining; even looking slightly interested.
After eating, you had laid down on the couch slowly easing into Alexia’s lap. Her hands ran over your hair again and again and again. It felt soothing, almost safe. Her hands playing softly with your locks bringing out the comfort you once found in your shared home. It felt like a little part of you, were healing from the wounds that she had once caused. Sleep anchored down your eyelids while your mouth left out silent snores.
The next morning, you woke up in your bedroom to the sound of birds chirping. Confusion laid thick in your head like a heavy layer of fog until you saw your phone next to you with a message from Alexia.
Amor, you fell asleep and I didn’t wanna wake you. I love you, but I don’t wanna disrespect your boundaries so I slept in the living room. Out for work now, text me when you wake up princesa. ❤️
You blinked at your phone for a second not sure if the message was real or a part of a dream. Alexia never called you amor or princesa in messages anymore. However, you felt at ease knowing how she had honoured your wishes even when you were knocked out. You dwelled on your reply knowing that you didn’t want to tell her that you loved her, not just yet. You needed to be sure, to have some kind of confirmation and connection to her again.
A week later, you had asked Alexia to drop you off for a big event downtown. The event was hosted by Save the children and ultimately it was a fundraiser.
You were however running late, struggling with the zipper of your satin dress. As you were struggling trying to wrestle the dress close, you felt yourself growing sweaty and increasingly hot. The rage of struggling with your dress was becoming increasingly intense, and you yelled out if frustration before flopping down on your bed.
Of course, Alexia was lucky to bear witness of the situation from her car by looking through your window. Her instincts told her to go inside, and she had to. It’s instincts, can’t stop a good urge!
“Por favor, let me help you out hm?”
You looked up at Alexia before rolling your eyes and nodding dramatically. Your frame practically slithered off the bed and into Alexia’s arms. She spun you around before scooping your hair to the side showcasing the back of the dress.
“Amor, you are gorgeous. I haven’t been the best person for you, but I’d like to be. Please? Let me help you”
Her hand slowly reached for the zipper pulling it up sensually before placing a kiss on the back of your shoulder.
“You are gorgeous, Amor. Beautiful, perfect, hermosa”
She whispered softly in your ear. Your cheeks felt warm as you turned towards her. The pair of you standing awfully close, for a pair of ex girlfriends. Her hands on your waist, your hands on her shoulders. You caught yourself looking at her lips for the first time. The small, but meaningful gesture made you instantly search for her eyes.
“Amor, I love you. And because I love you, I’m gonna stop you. I have to prove to you, that you are the one for me, si?”
She reached for your hand before kissing it gently. The butterflies had unleashed in your gut, making you feel the familiarity of falling in love again. A feeling you thought wouldn’t be possible to find within the frame of Alexia.
“Yes, thank you, love”
The last part was only a silent whisper. You testing how it felt to call her what you used to call her. It felt nice, you had to admit it. It made you feel good about her progress, and how your friendship was developing.
Your heels sent loud clicking sounds flying around in the hallway, like when you see doctor Addison in greys anatomy. That was the closest person that described what you felt like.
The pair of you headed out to the hallway for Alexia’s car. You fiddled with your keys for what felt like an eternity. When you finally got the door closed, you turned around to Alexia who was quick to literally pick you up from the ground.
“Baby! Be careful, you will hurt your back!” You giggled.
Alexia’d heart stopped at the sudden drop of her nickname, even though her heart broke when she heard how you worried more about her back than you coming to the event soaked.
After a short drive you were closing up on the event, you immediately pulled out your lipliner to touch up your lipstick. The vibe was good, conversation had been strangely easy.
“I wanted to ask you something, princesa” Alexia said clearing the silence, but still not disturbing you.
“Go ahead, I’m not getting younger” you teased while touching up your cupids bow.
“May I accompany you? I saw the invite mentioned a plus one, and I have already put on my suit for you. I understand if it’s too-“
You looked over at Alexia, she wasn’t wrong. She was wearing her suit, the tan suit you got her for your 10 years anniversary. It made your heart flutter. The decision on bring her as your plus one, wasn’t a tough one.
“Yes, baby. Please come with me, I’d really love that.“
Alexia’s face lit up like a child’s face on Christmas morning.
“Gracias, I love you, bu-“
“But don’t say it back. Yadda yadda” you teased while putting your lipliner into your handbag as Alexia pulled up to the event.
During the event, Alexia was exceptional. She held your bag, held your hand when walking up the stairs and politely talked to people approaching her. She even made a 10.000 euro bid on a trip to an olive farm in Greece knowing damn well that the trip wasn’t worth that insane amount of money.
After the event, she drove you home and decided to walk you to your door. The pair of you stood on the opposite side of the door looking at each other.
“It was lovely, gracias for bringing me” Alexia said softly looking at you while her hazel eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
“Thank you for offering, I had a good time” you said back finally admiring her beauty without being reminded of the hurt she had put you through the last year.
“Well, I should be gettin-“
“Stay, if you want. You can sleep over, I still have a few of your t-shirts and pants”
Alexia stood completely silent across you, her face paused in a big smile. Her head nodded rapidly, like a puppy. The action made you let out a giggle.
“Are you coming in or do I need to bring you a tent and a sleeping bag?” You teased which made Alexia giggle.
After a glass of wine, a shower and skincare the pair of you had found yourself in your bedroom. Alexia was taking in the decor of the room, being reminded of the emptiness that was awaiting her at home.
You both slipped into bed, your head on Alexia’s chest. Her hands in your heart, soft puffs of air being let out on your head. You felt yourself being completely relaxed, almost in a trance as she kept playing with your hair. Sleep weighing heavily on your eyelids.
“Sleep princesa, I’ll be here in the morning, promesa”
You closed your eyes at her encouragment, making you tuck yourself into her side.
“I think I love you”
It was early November and you had been taking steps towards starting a relationship with Alexia again. She was flying out to national duty to play against England. You took the opportunity to have some self care time, and you found yourself curled up underneath a blanket while watching a Christmas movie. It wasn’t a secret that you were a Christmas girl. You shoved a piece of buttered popcorn into your mouth while giggling at the romantic gesture of the Christmas prince. You loved fairytales and stories, even as a young girl you would beg your papi to read your bedtime stories. The same books over and over again.
Your laughter was broken by the sound of your doorbell ringing. It annoyed you at first, as you bluntly ignored it. Your attention shifted to the tv again, popping another popcorn into your mouth. Then, the doorbell rang again. You rolled your eyes, knowing that Frido had a key. So you walked out to the hallway with your blanket wrapped around you, the popcorn still in your hands.
“Fridolina, I told you that you can just use the key. Why would you otherwise need a ke-“
Alexia stood there, right in front of you dressed in her sweats.
“Aren’t you meant to be going to national camp before break?”
You crossed your arms in confusion.
Alexia shrugged.
“And why exactly aren’t you there?”
“I told them I would fly in tomorrow”
You furrowed your brows. Alexia never missed a day of camp. Always showing up early, always prepared and always welcoming the girls to camp.
Alexia smiled at you before reaching out a somewhat ugly wrapped present.
“Open it”
You felt sceptical, and your face mirrored your feelings. Slowly, you pulled the strings of the gift before unwrapping it.
“It’s a jersey?”
You lifted your brow while looking up at Alexia. Not the most romantic move she could’ve busted out.
You lowered the jersey feeling confused.
You replied.
“It’s the jersey I wore when we won the World Cup”
Your eyes shot up at her while holding the jersey towards her. The disappointment in combination with anxiety mixing in her eyes.
“I, it’s too much, I can’t accept this” you stuttered out knowing how much the special jersey meant for Alexia. She always wore the jersey during the mornings before matches. It was her good luck charm.
“Si, you can and you will. You are my lucky charm, so if you wear it; I get double luck”
Your eyes flick between her and the jersey. Its not an easy decision. You don’t really know what to do. Scared that it is too soon, but scared of what others may say. But again, why would you care about what others will think? Alexia looks at you, waiting for an answer with a face that has turned as white as a ghost.
“I don’t mean to push you to do something you don’t want to, or to force you. I just, I miss you at games and the girls misses you. But I’m sorry, I’ll be patient. I shouldn’t have just shown up here. Bye, y/n.”
You cross your arms over your chest while leaning towards the doorway. Alexia turns around slowly, and starts to walk away. She walks down the gravel of your driveway. Your heart is beating through your chest. You curse underneath your breath for making this rushed decision.
“I’ll come.”
Alexia turns around with a confused grin. She dosent trust her own ears, wanting to hear you say it again.
“Come again, por favor?”
“I’ll come, with you, to camp”
Alexia stands still in the driveway confused. She dosent know how to react, or how to respond. Her emotions are bubbling with joy, but she doesn’t dare to become too excited scared that you will pull away. Instead,she moves towards you and wraps you into a warm embrace.
A week later, you are sitting outside with Alexia on the beach watching the sunset after a week filled with media, fun and football. The sun is slowly going down below the horizontal line while its colour paints the sky into the most beautiful painting inspired by the greatest Italian artists that ever lived.
“It’s beautiful here, I’m so happy I got to come here”
Alexia’s hand touches yours gently. When she notices that you don’t pull away, she intertwines her hand with yours. It feels nostalgic, almost like when you were kids and she took you to get ice cream before asking you to be her girlfriend.
The foundness of the memory makes you smile. You think about what a life you’ve had together; filled with ups and downs even though for the last year you’ve endured more downs than ups.
You look at Alexia, who is lost in your beauty; not even taking notice of the sky.
“Thank you for giving me another chance, amor.”
She smiles while admiring your frame. You lean your side into her shoulder, resting your head into her.
“I love you, Alexia” you say while closing your eyes. The best moments are made with your eyes closed.
“I love you so much amor.”
You let out a happy sigh before paying yourself down on your back in the sand. Alexia gets pulled down in the movement letting out a shocked gasp. It feels blissful. The moment feels likeit’s in its own little bubble, hoping and trusting that everything will be okay.
You turn your head towards Alexia while looking down at her lip. She looks back at you, staring straight into your eyes taking notice of where your eyes are looking.
You lean your face towards Alexia before slowly closing the gap.
“Amor, if you don’t wan-“
“Shut up and kiss me”
And you close the gap between you, bridging you together like you were meant to be.
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angelbarelywrites · 5 months
♡ good one | thomas hewitt x reader
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♡ fandoms; Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 + 2006)
♡ characters; Thomas Brown Hewitt
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; references to extreme violence, stockholm syndrome i suppose?, kidnapping
♡ notes; this was literally supposed to be porn but instead here’s some weird sappy stuff lol
anyways hopefully more fics soon, writers block and rehearsals have been a bitch and a half
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
It was a wonder you were still alive. That’s what you thought about, sitting and fidgeting in the strange bedroom with your ankle shackled. Was shackled the right word if it was tied with rope? Whatever. It didn’t matter. You were fairly certain you’d fall prey to the crazy folks running around the place soon enough. The group you’d hitched a ride with was already long gone- one you’d watched get shot point blank by the bullshit sheriff. The others….well, you heard the chainsaw and the screaming. It was an easy conclusion to come to, especially after you saw the bloody smears on the hardwood downstairs.
You weren’t sure why you hadn’t been hacked into bits yet. You’d been indistinguishable from the others- just another wandering twenty-something with tight clothes and next to no money. The only thing you could think of was that gas station. Your companions had been such dicks to the lady at the counter- of course you apologized to her. She’d been just as kind in return, she even snuck a candy into your bag of sodas and snacks. She was the one who’d sent you that way, towards the farm house.
You stilled, train of thought lost as you heard footsteps. Heavy and slow- they were somehow more intimidating than any angry stomping could have been. You curled your legs up defensively, eyes trained on the door. The person stood there more than a second, silent and just as still as you were holding. If you hadn’t been listening so intently, you would have thought they turned and walked away. But then there was some quiet mumbling- a woman’s voice, maybe?- and the door creaked open.
“Go on Tommy dear- I found a good one for you.”
You’d never seen a man so tall- with shoulders so broad or arms and torso so solid. He was massive. He was terrifying. And he was attractive. Once your eyes unglued themselves from his figure you finally took in the rest. Dark, thick shoulder-length waves. A mask that seemed useless as any sort of medical device thanks to the open mouth. Eyes that were dark but not brown. Maybe blue, maybe gray..maybe just pure black. Like a shark’s. In other circumstances you'd be reduced to a puddle on floor over him. But the bloodstains on his shirt didn’t go unnoticed.
You watched him closely, and he watched you just as alertly, stalking forward like some jungle cat…No. Wait. That wasn’t right. He didn’t look scared, but he was cautious, keeping some distance. Maybe a better allegory would be he looked like he was trying to corner a feral kitten- not wanting you to swipe or dart away. As if doing either was possible. You were frozen with fear, though found the courage to lean back a bit as he stepped forward. He grunted softly and persisted, nearly trembling as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
Love at first sight was a stupid fucking concept. That you’d always believe. Maybe something in you just broke that same moment, maybe you were just too exhausted to think even close to straight. Maybe both. But when you and this massive man locked eyes, there was an instant understanding. He was already yours- and more importantly, you’d be his. He just had to stake his claim.
“…you’re Tommy?” You practically whispered. He nodded quickly. You got a sense he didn’t speak much, but you told him your name in return and tried to think of anything to talk about to stall the inevitable. “…you killed those people?” You blurted for some godforsaken reason. He tensed, still hovering over you. “It’s okay.” You added quickly “I didn’t actually know them. They were kinda mean.”
He furrowed his brow just a bit and searched your face, for any signs that you were lying. Before he came to a conclusion, you gave a soft sigh, instinctively leaning into the hand that had raised your face to him. Something immediately softened about him, and he rubbed your cheek in awe. The sleepy giggle it caused seemed almost to startle him. It was like no one had ever been that soft with him. Maybe they hadn’t. “….this is your room right? Can we sleep?”
Tommy still seemed in shock but carefully nodded, undoing his apron and seeming at a loss of what to do next. He frowned a bit as he noticed your bindings and quickly undid the knot that kept you stuck there. His guard was down- you could try to run. But you didn’t want to. Doing so would only be tiring. You wanted to let go. So instead you smiled softly and simply opened your arms, letting him cuddle up with you. It took him a minute to get settled, and all the while treating you so delicately… like you were made of glass. He looked up at you, again searching your face in near confusion. He grunted in surprise as you pecked his forehead. His mama really did find him a good one.
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So I rewatched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe today and I gotta say it's weird to me that people misunderstand Edmund and rag on him about getting taken in by the White Witch because it could have happened to any of the siblings.
In fact, Lucy does the exact same thing Edmund does when she first comes to Narnia. She trusts the first person she meets, goes to his house, eats his food and is put under a spell. Literally the only difference is that Tumnus regretted his actions because he wasn't evil. The White Witch had no regrets about how she manipulated Edmund, but the fact remains that she and Tumnus do the same things.
If Lucy had encountered the Witch the first time she was in Narnia, it would have been incredibly easy for the Witch to trick her, probably without even using enchanted food. Lucy was very willing to trust Tumnus until he actually told her he was kidnapping her. If the Witch had been charming with her and asked her to bring her siblings to Narnia Lucy would have tried, just like Edmund.
Susan wouldn't have been much harder, but she would definitely have required some sort of spell since she's so skeptical. But we know that, presented with the actual evidence that Narnia exists, Susan does accept it. From there it'd be fairly easy for the Witch to manipulate her by playing off how Susan's siblings don't like to listen to her logic even when she's right or has better ideas. I think Susan would also like the idea of being a queen and making her siblings listen to her.
Peter is a little harder, just because he's older and more cautious, but I think that it could be done. He has, honestly, the same vice as Edmund at the beginning. He's frustrated at the defiance his little brother is giving him and overwhelmed by the situation he's in. If the Witch could convince him that, when she made him king, his siblings would finally obey him, I think that he, like Edmund, would fall for it (especially if magic was involved in tricking him).
So, yeah, Edmund is just the kid who happens to get taken in by the Witch, but it could have been ANY of the siblings who betrayed the others. And that's the point. Edmund could be any of us- and at the same time, he is all of us. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That is the point that Lewis is making with Edmund. It is so easy to let ourselves be deceived when we hear what we want to hear, because that road seems so much easier. But in the end it traps us and enslaves us, like Edmund was to the Witch, and there is only one who can pay the price for our betrayal.
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anonymous-vr · 2 months
Self Discipline
It's easy to keep your legs closed.
6.3k words
Bakugou x fem/reader
Author's Word:
My first post on here, enjoy.
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Your suitcase, meticulously packed with essentials for a week, stood as a silent testament to the internship you had tirelessly pursued. As summer draped its warmth over Japan, you felt both drained and invigorated by the experience. The city buzzed with life as you navigated its streets, your tenacious attitude pushing you through every challenge. After finishing your internship, you promised to visit your mother soon after. Her mama-bear nature refuses to let you relish your life without a consistent visit.
In a world where humans are equipped with powers, life-threatening events constantly take place around you. You were thankful nothing happened to you, though you could never be too sure. "Please be safe on the road home." Your mother spoke eagerly on the phone, excited to see her only child. Your reassurance did nothing to calm her nerves though, it never did. "Remember when you told me I needed to get out more? Well, your mama is hosting a get-together. It'll be in the garden. I'm in a club dedicated to mothers with only one child." You couldn't help but chuckle over the phone. Having a mother who refused to get out and meet others was a burden for you, it made leaving so much more difficult. "You can tell me more when I get home Mom.".
The three-hour drive always took a toll on your body as you began to re-enter the city halfway through. Traffic was always hectic this time of year as some traveled away and others went home in the town. You sighed a sigh of relief once you parked in front of your small childhood home. It was small but you loved it. Its eggshell exterior makes a great contrast with the brick guiding visitors inside. The flowers you'd watched your mother plant running up the gate and greeting your fingers as you pushed inside. The slightly rusty gate creaked as you pulled your suitcase behind you. It took two knocks before the front door was yanked open and you were engulfed by your mother's arms.
"You don't know how much I've missed you around here." You followed her inside before making your way to your old bedroom. "I've missed you too Mom, more than you know. Tell me more about this event you're hosting though." You unpacked your suitcase as she detailed the gathering she'd put together. "Wow Mom, you've invited twenty-nine people over? That's insane considering your introverted nature." "I know but I really wanted to listen to you and push myself out there. Now I know twenty-nine other mothers who are also dealing with some sort of separation anxiety. A mother I've grown close to has a son I'm sure you'd get along with." You turned to raise a brow at your mom.
You were successful in almost every aspect of your life, not to her. Your life was too busy for romance, and she pitied you. The story of her and your father constantly brought up to try and ignite something within you, it never worked though. Father passed away when you were still young, romance was never something that you'd seen first-hand growing up. The only depictions of love shown were on TV, and the popular sitcoms portrayed it as fairly difficult to obtain.
"Mom, you know I'm too busy to entertain the thought of having a boyfriend." Having this conversation was like beating a dead horse. "Well, his mother has described him as a very well-known and handsome man. At least be open about this, for me? I don't want you old and alone like me." You let out a soft sigh before pulling your mother in for a warm, and much-needed, hug. "I'll be open but I can't make any promises."
As the setting of the Sun painted the sky with stars, you sunk into your bed and fell asleep. Your rest wasn't fulfilling as you knew you'd need to wake up in enough time to make yourself look appropriate. The nagging thought of this mystery man also kept you pondering throughout the night.
As morning slowly approached, you sadly got out of bed and got dressed. The smell of food filled the little house as your mother prepared snacks for the guests. Pulling on a floral sundress and a pair of kitten heels, you rush out of your room just in time. Looking outside, it seemed as though guests had already arrived. A majority of the mothers had brought their children along with them. They all exuded motherly pride as they finally had the chance to show off the child they'd described over the past few months.
"This is my only child y/n." Your mother gushed as she hugged onto your arm. Chatter started as the other mothers introduced themselves and reached to shake your hand. As everyone began to mingle, you found yourself watching from the sides. As much as you told your mother to get out of her shell, you felt ashamed now as she left to speak to the other mothers. Your phone became enticing, luring you in as you drowned out the world and began checking emails. You weren't sure how much time had passed before you were interrupted by the sound of your mother's voice approaching you again.
"This is my daughter!" Looking up, you were met with an ash-blonde-haired woman. "Well, aren't you a beauty? I'd always wished for a daughter. Instead, I was given that thing over there." She chuckled as her thumb directed you to the scowling man hunched over at a table. He looked identical to his mother, his ash-blonde hair and eyes a piercing crimson color. Turning his gaze toward the three of you, you quickly looked away. "I'm sure he's great." The lie was forced through your teeth, he looks extremely intimidating. "No need to lie, I told him to dress nicely, and he comes out in jeans and a black top. Ignorant just like his father." The two women moved to sit and chat.
Your gaze couldn't help but flicker from the man across the garden. His black shirt curled around his body, displaying his muscles. His big stature exuded confidence as though he owned the place. He looked awfully familiar, like someone you'd seen in the news. Growing up in a small town, you were often isolated from the flashy aspects of city living. You knew of a few celebrities and heroes but never anything up to date. The only new-gen hero you knew about was Deku, you were a big fan. A few of his posters were plastered on your wall from your early college years.
Shaking your gaze from the man, you decided to go inside for a drink of water. The beams of the sun had finally won. As you moved inside, you could feel the eyes of the man on your back as you smiled at a few guests in your path. Once inside, peace washed over you. You were an introvert just like your mom, this newfound inner peace came after you'd graduated from college. At age twenty-two, you were more inclined to spend more time alone than with others. You sipped on a cup of water as you pulled up your phone and scrolled through a few documents you were meant to review.
The sound of the back door opening and closing caught your attention as you placed your phone on the counter. No one was meant to be inside the house, so you assumed it was your mom. "Mom, does your friend's son look familiar? I feel like I've seen him somewhere before." You spoke out loud as your gaze moved outside the window to look at the man again. You were shocked when you couldn't find him though, instead being met with the eyes of your mother as she continued to chat with the others. Face falling in confusion, you swiveled around to be met with the intimidating man. Embarrassed, your eyes widened as you stood awkwardly.
"Y'know where the bathroom is?" He questioned with a stoic look on his face. He held no shame as his demanding eyes bore into yours, expecting an answer. Technically, no one was meant to be inside the house. There was only one bathroom, it was shared by you and your mother. "I uh- It's right down the hall to the left." Your voice was an unusual octave as the older man watched you squirm. He raised an eyebrow at you, his head tilting to an angle. "So, you just let anyone walk through your house alone?" The question had caught you off guard, you'd expected him to leave once given directions. "I'm sorry but um, what do you mean?" He shook his head, obviously annoyed by your ignorance. "You don't know me and you're gonna let me wander your house. Just because you give me directions, doesn't mean I'm gonna follow them. This is why you dumb extras are always in dumb situations."
Your face dropped as you rushed from your spot in the kitchen. His booming voice further intimidates you as you guide him through the house and to the bathroom. His presence was large and strong as he walked behind you. He gave you a lackluster "Thanks" before shutting the door behind him.
Bakugou unzipped his pants and did his business as he looked around your bathroom. The sink was crowded with perfumes, makeup, dental care, and hair items. The soft pink shower curtain was slightly opened, giving him a view into your clean shower. This was definitely a woman's house. It was definitely messier than his bathroom though. He always prioritized having a clean space as it helped him think better. Being the number two hero, he couldn't allow his space to reflect his busy schedule.
Finishing his business, he washed his hands while looking in the mirror. Today was his first day off in two weeks and his mother had forced him to spend it at this get-together. He was upset but understood the importance of keeping a tight-knit relationship with his parents. "There's a girl I want you to meet at this get-together. She's a sweet thing, based on what her mother's said. I spoke positively about you so try your best to uphold what I've said." His mother's words annoyed him, she constantly meddled in his love life as she wanted grandkids sooner than later. Being a busy hero though, he knew he had little to no time for a relationship. He entertained his mother and agreed to attend, promising to be on his best behavior.
As he left the bedroom, he realized you were no longer in front of the door. "Dumb ass, just let strangers wander her house alone." He grumbled before glancing at the bedroom across the hall. He knew it had to be yours. Floral wallpaper, a soft pink rug, and a white bed standing in his vision. His curiosity getting the best of him, he stepped into your room and looked around. A scowl formed on his face at the sight of Deku, his face plastered on a poster you'd neatly taped on your wall. Despite the ridiculous number of knick-knacks, your room was fairly clean.
You'd gone to the kitchen once the bathroom door shut, eagerly grabbing your cup of water to calm yourself. The man seemed even more familiar after speaking to him, his temperamental energy scratching your brain. After texting an old friend and chugging down your water, you walked back down the hallway to find the man. Reaching the bathroom, your brows furrowed at the emptiness. "Um...excuse me?" You called out, hoping for a reply. Maybe he'd found his way back outside. The thought was brushed away though when his voice replied from your bedroom. Heart falling to your ass, you turned around and rushed to your room.
The tall man looked out of place in your childhood room. "This um...this isn't the way back outside." Your reply was stupid, and you mentally cursed yourself for it. "Yeah, I figured. What's with the poster?" His finger pointed to the old poster on your wall. "Oh, it's old, I put that up during my sophomore year of college." You weren't sure why, but you could feel irritation shimmer off his body. "Do you...not like Deku?" A low grumble left his lips as his brows furrowed. "D'you not know who I am or something?" His head turned so his eyes could look at you. You were pathetic, standing timidly in your own room. Your form was much smaller than his, the kitten heels doing little to boost your height.
"I'm sorry." Was all you could get out as the man studied you. His presence made you feel foreign in your own house. Your answer made him turn to fully face you. "You're serious, you don't know who I am?" Words failing, you shook your head no. It pissed him off, Deku's face plastered on your wall, and you didn't know who Bakugou was. It didn't surprise him though considering how small your town was. "You livin' under a fuckin rock or what?" Poison was laced in his words as he stepped closer to you, his cologne slowly sweeping from his body up your nostrils. Your eyes widened as he stalked closer to you, seeming to not care about personal space. "I-should I know who you are?" "Damn right, you should, you're standing in front of the number two hero." With that, everything fell into place. No wonder he seemed so familiar. The hero Dynamight was standing in your room.
"There we go, that little brain finally working huh?" you stumbled over your words as you apologized profusely, something he seemed to enjoy as his signature smirk spread across his face. "So what, Dynamight was never good enough to plaster on your walls?" Your jumbled words began falling again as you tried to explain your reasoning. "This is so embarrassing" You mumbled as your blushing face fell into your hands. You never expected this turn of events, unprepared for his persistent personality. He chuckled as he sat down on your bed. You continued to stand, too nervous to sit next to the towering hero. "So, what's it like being a hero?" you questioned, fiddling with your fingers nervously. He caught onto your nervous habits though, scoffing as you shrunk under his gaze. "Relax, I'm not gonna blow your head off or anything." Your arms immediately fell to your sides as you stood awkwardly. "It's hard work, a lot of hard work. I love my job though." His answer didn't give much detail, but you still appreciated it.
"What exactly... brings you to this part of town? With how busy you must be, I can't help but wonder how you have the time to come to such an underwhelming get-together." "My mom wanted me to come so I came. Something about wanting to introduce me to some woman's daughter." Your face flushed as you began to avoid his eye contact. Picking up on your body language, mentally cursed his mom for putting him in this predicament. "I'm assuming that daughter is you." Your silence was enough of an answer for him. "I promise I wasn't in on this; I was told the same thing you were. Besides, I'm not interested in finding a relationship since I'm too busy with work. I've gone twenty-two years without one so I'm sure I'll survive." Your words sprinted from your mouth as you tried to cut through the awkward tension.
Bakugou scoffed at your jumbled words. "Were you a sheltered little brat or what? You've never been in a relationship before?" He was surprised a girl like you had never been in a relationship before. Your pretty hair was gathered in a low bun, a few pieces framing your innocent face. He watched as you nervously pulled your glossy bottom lip between your teeth. "I never saw the point of it." Your reply was a lame excuse, it was true though. "You ever try having sex?" His question was extremely inappropriate and blunt. The blood rose to your face as your eyes averted away from his. "Of course not if I've never been in a relationship." He let out a deep chuckle, shifting slightly on your bed. You were an innocent little thing. Living in the city, he was used to bold and experienced women who threw themselves at him. You were the complete opposite though, avoiding his gaze and presenting yourself as a modest little thing.
"You never heard of a hook-up?" His question made you look stupid as he stared at you confused. "I-I-I yeah, I mean. I'd never do that." He cut you off with another scoff. "What, you too good for that too?" "That's not what I'm saying I just-" Your fingers began twiddling together again as you spoke, nerves shooting through your body. "I just don't participate in those types of activities." "Come here." His hand patted the bed, signaling the spot next to him. Hesitating, you force your body to move. The bed creaked underneath the weight of you and the pro hero. His eyes glazed over your face and body as you stared straight ahead. His heat radiated off of him and it made you shift. Bakugou was a very handsome man, his blonde locs sitting disheveled on his head. His hair color complimented the intensity of his red eyes. All elements of him accessorizing the Godly build he had beneath his clothes. He was a man to be admired, you refused to give in though.
"So, you just walk around looking all dolled up to reject every man showing interest." Turning to face him, you took in the change of his demeanor. "I mean yeah, nicely of course." His gaze stayed on you, watching as your body squirmed beneath his eyes. "I don't know how you live like that, especially considering how good it feels." "It's honestly not that hard to keep your legs closed." Your reply was snobbish as if you were above the idea of having sex. "Is it easy or have you just not met a man that makes your hands sweat." "No, I've met my handful of handsome men. I just choose not to partake. I personally have great self-discipline."
Bakugou took your words as a challenge. While you thought it made you look like a dignified and "respectable" woman, Bakugou saw you as a snobby, arrogant, cocky prick. The need to show you that you were no better than those who'd partaken in others grew in his chest as he watched you stick your nose in the air. "What a snotty little bitch you are." He spat the words out, emphasizing the title as you whipped your head to look at him. "What did you just call me?" You didn't care if he was a pro hero or not, you didn't tolerate that kind of name-calling. "You heard me, walking around here like you're better than everyone else. You're just as human as your peers, we've all got desires. I'll be damned if I sit here and let you lie to my face like I'm some dunce. Either you're lying or you really haven't found the right extra to pull those panties to the side and fuck you."
His words were nasty beyond your tolerance. You couldn't help the blood that rushed up your chest, no one had spoken to you like that before. Oddly enough, you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together. The mental battle in your head kept you dazed as you couldn't understand why your body reacted to his words. "Fuckin virgins runnin' around thinking they're better than everyone else until they're dicked down." Your movements didn't go unnoticed by the pro, his eyes easily picked up on the way your thighs rubbed together beneath your sun dress. He let out a low chuckle at this. "See, all it took was a couple of words to get you hot and bothered." Your mouth opened and closed in defense as you looked for words. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."
He was tired of your act, ready to humble you back where you belong. His sharp canines showed, and his big hand reached out and rested on your thigh. Blood pooled in the area where his hand sat, you weren't used to being touched by others. His eyes watched your reaction as you did nothing to push his touch away, instead keeping your shocked eyes on his. "What's wrong? Searching for that self-discipline? I've got you red in the face and I haven't even touched you yet." The 'yet' at the end of his sentence had your mind spinning. "Of course you'd let me touch you though, the dumb men in this town could never meet your expectations, right?" His hand began to move as he shifted his body to face yours. "Answer me." He demanded, hand moving to your waist. "N-No that's not it at all." His hand slightly squeezed your thigh causing a soft yelp to fall from your lips. "Give me the right answer." You sighed as his hand moved up to gently cup one of your breasts. You'd never felt a sensation like it, a new feeling of pleasure sending waves down to your core. Your eyes darted down to his hand as he gently messaged your skin. "They could never meet my standards." The reply came out breathy as your body began to crave his.
"Look at you, melting in my touch." As he watched you, his already inflated ego filled the room. Little Miss Untouchable was writhing under the little pleasure he was giving her. "Look at that, I know it feels good. It feels good, doesn't it?" He wanted to break you down and ruin the image you'd created of yourself in your head. Your hot face turned away as you bit down on your bottom lip. "I know you want me to keep going so you'd better open that mouth and answer me." "Yes." The word was all you'd give him as your back arched further into his touch. His hand left your body before you felt yourself be lifted into his lap. Your heart began to beat vigorously as you straddled his hips with your own. "We can't! The guests and my mom and your mom-" "But you want to." The shit-eating grin on his face let you know he had you right where he wanted you. "I need to hear you say it or I can't go further." You sat quietly for a second, weighing your options. On one hand, you weren't sure you wanted to risk your ego for this. On the other, the feeling of his hips between yours was driving you insane.
After weighing your options for a few seconds, you let out a shaky breath. "Just...be quick." "I don't rush shit." Before you could process his words, his lips were on your neck. The sensation was new, nothing like what you'd felt before. His lips were plush and warm as he tickled up your neck. The feeling of his hair brushing your jaw kept you grounded as you instantly melted in his touch. You were fully aware of his hands that rested at your thighs, slowly pushing your bunched dress up your legs. The sound of his lips moving against your skin made you feel dirty like you were committing the greatest act against yourself. Though you felt dirtier because it felt so good.
"Take this dress off." His voice was demanding as he moved back, waiting for you to follow orders. Your fingers reached down and hesitantly tugged the dress from your body. The sight of your pretty pink panty and bra set had Bakugou drooling. "Sure you're a virgin? Or you walk around with these pretty panties on for nothing?" The question was rhetorical, his lips falling against your collarbone. As he riled you up, you could feel an uncomfortable sensation growing between your legs. You could smell yourself through your panties. Embarrassed, you tried to close your thighs around him to no avail. His hands smoothed up your sides and played with your bra clasp before easily unclipping it. A gasp left your lips as you hugged your bra to your chest. His teeth pinched down on the soft skin of your neck as a warning. Loosening your grip, you allowed him to roughly tear the bra from your skin.
You were completely flustered, never have had anyone see you this bare before. "Look at that, high and mighty twenty minutes ago, and bare for me to see now." Before you could get a word out, he had you flipped beneath him on your childhood bed. Your legs lay beside his thighs as he stared down at you hungrily. "Oh gosh," The words flew out your mouth before you could stop them. Bakugou took this as his cue to continue as his lips quickly flew down to suck on your nipple. His other hand worked at the neglected boob as you watched with lustful eyes. The feeling was nothing short of euphoric, sensations traveling down to your drooling virgin pussy. Your head eventually rested on your pillow, allowing you to indulge in the pleasure.
"You like gettin' your titties sucked pretty girl?" His tone was condescending, dripping with arrogance as he teased you. You were too dazed from the simple touch to argue though, letting out an approving hum. His teeth bit down on your nipple enough to make you squeak. "Speak" "Y-yes, I like getting my titties sucked Dynamight." He chuckled at your submission. "Good bitch." You mewled at the name. Him pairing the derogatory name with praise making your back arch your chest into his face. "Dirty virgin, you like getting called a bitch huh?" His hand slowly began traveling down to the waistband of your panties. "Come on y/n, no way you're that worn out already?" His thick fingers moved to your inner thigh, thumb rubbing circles over your skin. He was teasing you, trying to get you to the point of desperation. Oh, what he'd give to hear you beg for his dick. You stayed quiet, concentrating on the way his fingers slowly moved to the damp area on your panties. You bit your lip from embarrassment. "You're sopping, this the self-discipline you were talking about?" You couldn't get an answer out as his fingers finally rubbed softly over your slit. Your pussy fluttered at the feeling, begging for more as your mouth dropped slightly open. He took this as an opportunity to connect lips, tongue pushing inside your mouth as his fingers began rubbing firmly. It was like electricity was sent through your body and straight to your core. You'd never felt anything like it. His fingers worked expertly, riling you up as his mouth worked against yours. The corners of his lips pulled up into a smirk as soft sounds began to escape your lips. He knew he had you.
"How much do you like these panties?" His question barely registered in your head. You let out a confused hum before the sound of a slight explosion and ripped fabric filled your ears. The cold air from your room finally hit your wet and weepy pussy. His fingers immediately found solitude within your folds, brushing up and down before toying around your clit. "Oh my-Dynamight that-" "It's Katsuki." He grunted out as his eyes explored your face. You were so sensitive, trying to grasp the feelings in your body. His sweet but musky scent helped overstimulate you as you relished in his touch. "Cocky little brat thought she was too good for this." His words were mumbled into your lips as his fingers toyed with your excited core.
Soft breaths hummed from your throat as your legs continuously parted for him. Without warning, he plunged his fingers into your sopping sex. "Kats-oh my gosh." The words came out with a gasp as your hands gripped the sheets. "Just preppin you for what's to come." His eyes watched as you swallowed his finger easily. "Fuck, you're so tight. Not sure how I'll fit in here." His words flew over your head as you easily began to see stars. A feeling rose in the pit of your stomach, and you weren't sure how to react. "Wait wait stop something's coming out." The words rushed out your mouth in panic, but your body remained slack as he added a second finger. "Just relax." Was all he muttered as he watched you fall apart from his two fingers. Your face scrunched as your back arched off your bed. Everything felt lighter as you dipped in and out of consciousness. Bakugou's dick got even harder than it already was, watching as you twitched beneath him.
Once your sex stopped gripping him so tightly, he removed his fingers from your core. Eyes lazily hanging open, your heart skipped a beat as he brought his fingers to his mouth. "Mmm, you taste good." Popping his fingers out of his mouth, he pushed them in front of you. You sat confused at first but shyly took his fingers into your mouth. The taste of your arousal mixed with his spit was so dirty, but you couldn't help the soft moan that vibrated your chest. "Don't you?" He asked matter-of-factly as you sucked the remainder of his fingers clean. Ripping his fingers from your mouth, he wasted no time in ripping his top off. Your desperation for him grew as you took in his sculpted figure. His ego rose through the roof as he felt your needy eyes on him. He ignored you though as he continued to take off his pants and boxers. Your mouth fell open at what was previously hidden.
Beneath his six-pack sat a pretty dick. Blonde hair decorated the top area, emphasizing his sharp v-line. "I promise you'll never see a dick like this again. You'll never feel a dick like this again either pretty girl." Grabbing your legs, he yanked you to the bottom of the bed before positioning both of them on his shoulders. "So desperate to suck me in?" He watched your hole clench around nothing, eager to be filled. Your face was hot as you watched the hero position himself between your legs. You were fully bare for him and, shockingly, it turned you on. "Fuck you're so wet." His words were mainly directed at himself as his leaking head began to smear against your folds. The soft hums leaving your lips stirred him further as your hands fidgeted to find something worth gripping. Your mouth stretched wide as your seeping hole did the same, his hot dick began to push slowly inside of you. "Ow I- Gosh Katsuki you're big." The moans began to fill your room as you tried your best to swallow him hole. "You can take it." The sharp pain was slowly overcome by the feeling of intense pleasure. Your tits bounced softly as his balls finally reached your ass. "Squeezin' me so hard, relax." His demanding words did nothing to loosen your grip, his fingers did though. You almost reached your peak instantly when his hand came down to play with your clit again. Once that little hole of yours finally lost a bit of grip, he began slowly but deeply fucking into you. The sensation was even greater than when you were sucking in his fingers. His hands gripped your hips as he bent down and captured your lips in his. The lewd sound of skin on skin filled the room as you allowed yourself to be swallowed up by his presence. When his lips finally left yours, your hand drifted down to your stomach. "I can feel you." His self-restraint snapped at that moment as his hips pulled fully back before snapping into yours. A loud cry left your lips before being muffled by his hand. "You forgot to close your door Miss Self Discipline." He grunted through gritted teeth. The feeling of his pounding into you was driving you off the edge, and quickly. Bakugou could tell you were reaching your high as your muffled cries began falling from your lips consistently. "Let's test that self-discipline." He mumbled before pulling out fully.
You were on the brig of finishing when he pulled out, a loud whine leaving your lips. "Not so hard to keep your legs closed? I guess it shouldn't be too hard to keep yourself from cumming on my dick." He waited a couple seconds for you to come down before shoving back into you. Your mouth dropped open beneath his hand, tongue absentmindedly darting out to wet his palm. His hips snapped to yours with vigor as you lay there and take it. Removing his hand from your mouth, it swiftly gripped your neck, His arm was situated between your breasts as you lazily looked up at him. "Shit y/n." Your name leaving his in a praise of pleasure had your back arching. "Look at you, needy just like the rest of us. It feels good, doesn't it?" His condescending tone made it obvious that he just wanted his ego stroked. You'd happily do that though with him balls deep in your cunt. "Feels so good Katsuki, so good." You sighed, listening to the nasty sounds filling up the room. "I know it does, needy bitch" His hips began rocking into yours faster and harder, and the feeling of him hitting a certain spot inside of you had tears pooling in your eyes.
"You're a snobby little slut, acting like you're better than the rest of us. Aren't you?" He fucked the ego right out of you as you lazily opened your mouth to reply. "Yes." A slap was placed on your thigh. "Give me the right answer." "F-F-Fuck Katsuki. Yes, I'm a snobby little slut." A sinister grin fell on his lips as he began rocking harder into you. Mewls left your mouth before they were swallowed by his lips. You were teetering on edge, and he knew this. His hand fell between your legs again and began toying with your clit. Your bed shook from the weight. Hands moving all over you, his breathing became ragged as soft moans fell from his lips to harmonize with your own. Before you knew it, he had you seeing stars for a second time. You let out a loud moan into his mouth as your body vibrated and twitched under his touch. He didn't let up though, continuing his fast and hard thrusts as he chased his own high. Soon enough, the feeling of something warm spilling inside of you caught your attention. Too fucked out to care though, you swallowed his own moans of ecstasy before feeling him pull out.
Your body was shocked and still, as your eyes opened only slightly. Between your lashes, you could see him get dressed as he read a message from his phone. "Hero duty calls." He spoke to you as he leaned down and placed a hungry kiss on your lips. "You're fucked out, might wanna pull yourself together though. Looks like your mom's event is ending soon." Before leaving, he pulled his phone out and took a photo of your sprawled-out and exhausted body. You could hear him chuckle as he walked to the door and left.
The week went by fast, too fast, you found yourself kissing your mother bye before driving back to your apartment. The memories from your mom's event constantly invaded your mind whenever you were left alone. He'd triggered something inside of you, ruining your self-image. Late at night, you found yourself touching your cunt, trying to mimic the way he fingered you previously. It was never enough though. You started out with the best and now anything less wasn't good enough.
Pulling your suitcase into your apartment, your phone let out a ding. Standing in the doorway, you quickly opened the message from the unknown number and jumped inside. You'd hoped your neighbors didn't see anything on your phone as an image of your fucked out body splayed across your screen. Your cunt glistened from the light as your hands gripped your tits. Your face was flushed as hairs stuck to your cheeks and forehead. Below the image left a text that had you blushing.
Little Miss "It's easy to keep your legs closed"
Little Miss Self Discipline.
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superbat-love · 12 days
Clark tried to resist the urge to fidget, fully aware of the murmurs and suspicious glances from the mafia men surrounding him as he waited outside the lounge. He reminded himself that he could handle this. His objective was fairly straightforward: gain Mario Falcone's trust, find evidence linking him to the Gazzo family in Metropolis, and expose their crimes.
All he had to do was listen in on conversations, maybe snoop around a bit. After all, he was strong and bulletproof—what could possibly go wrong?
Thankfully, his awkward wait came to an end when a stunning woman in a bodycon dress stepped out from the private lounge.
"Mr. Falcone will see you now, Mr. Kennedy," she said.
Clark stood and followed her inside.
The lounge was as garish as he had expected. Red velvet drapes hung from the walls, gold gargoyles leered from the ceiling, and black stone coffee tables sat amid curved leather sofas. The room exuded an air of wealth and power, albeit in an overly ostentatious way.
In the center of the room sat the mob boss, Mario Falcone, with one arm casually draped over the back of a sofa. He was angled toward the man beside him, their closeness suggesting a more intimate relationship.
"Mr. Falcone, Mr. Kennedy is here," the woman announced. Both men looked up, and Clark felt his forced smile freeze in place.
"Ah, Kennedy! Right on time," Falcone greeted with a broad grin. "This is my lover, Bruce Wayne. He’s the one you'll be protecting."
Bruce Wayne, Gotham's notorious playboy, gave Clark a slow once-over, a lazy grin tugging at his lips. Though this was their first encounter, Clark had heard plenty of rumors about Bruce’s scandalous reputation—his affairs and escapades were well-known, even in Metropolis.
Bruce stood and sauntered over, circling Clark like a shark sizing up its prey. Clark nearly jumped when Bruce’s hand squeezed his bicep, trailing slowly down his arm. Bruce finally stopped in front of him, his gaze briefly dipping before meeting Clark’s eyes.
"Nice gun," Bruce murmured. Despite the casual tone, his piercing blue eyes gleamed with sharp intelligence, as though he could see right through Clark.
“I-I’m not carrying one. I was patted down before I came in,” Clark replied quickly. “But don’t worry, I can protect you even without a weapon. I’m... uh, pretty good with my hands.”
Bruce’s grin widened. “I bet you are, Mr. Kennedy,” he purred.
"What do you think, love?" Falcone asked, leering at Bruce.
Bruce draped an arm around Clark’s shoulder. "Oh, I like him already! The last bodyguard you got me was such a bore. At least this one’s easy on the eyes."
Falcone’s smile stiffened, and he regarded Clark through narrowed eyes. Clark swallowed hard. He had been confident about gathering the evidence and getting out, but now, he wasn’t so sure.
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syoddeye · 3 days
i don't know what this is. lightly edited. price x reader. ~600 words.
cw: dubcon, violence, blood, a little gore, stalking, abrupt non-ending
freshly promoted lieutenant john price is fairly drunk when he spots a woman backed into a wall, staring wide-eyed up at some nitwit. she's clearly frightened, chest heaving, shoulders pulled up toward her ears.
swaying in the mouth of the alley, he thinks he's caught a lover's quarrel. thinks otherwise when the man pinches her chin, and she rips it out of his grasp to meet john's gaze in the dark.
it's instinct. it's duty.
he rolls his bad shoulder as he barrels down the alleyway, face fixing into a glower that's cowed even his rowdiest subordinates. the scrap's short, most are, but he cuts his knuckles on the man's teeth. he sends him stumbling, tail tucked into the night. his hand stings, but a quiet gasp draws his bleary-eyed stare back to the woman on the wall. yet instead of a thank you, she takes three of his fingers into her mouth.
he nearly keels over. he's never sobered up quicker in his life. goes light-headed.
she licks the thin ribbons of blood streaming from the wound, and her eyes roll to the back of her skull. her tongue darts to the webbing of his hand, then laves over the torn flesh. her grip on the front of his jacket tightens, arms slightly trembling as she licks and licks and licks.
it's obscene. disgusting. he ought to push her away. she's a stranger. it's blood. yet he finds himself, a trained killing machine, helpless. stuck watching, rapt, until his skin's clean and soaked in pink-colored spit.
she wipes her mouth with her thumb, then sucks that into her mouth, too. her eyes find him with an almost shy smile, lips curving around the digit.
thanks, handsome, she purrs. what's your name?
he doesn't stick around to share it, and never tells a soul.
he was drunk. it must've been a dream. a nightmare.
it's puerile fascination. a fleeting crush. you deny it until you find yourself stalking him in the streets. loitering outside his residence. staring hard at the walls that separate you. oh, how easy it would be to dig through the rock and burrow inside him.
you learn his name.
john price.
he occupies your waking. slips into the quiet spaces between thoughts. settles in your mind and kicks up his feet. he makes a little home for himself there, whether he knows it or not. after your first and only tête-à-tête, it's clear he's not ready to make it into reality. he needs more time and to see more of the world.
you follow him in town, and when he goes to the city. you're tempted to follow even when he leaves, but your considerable territory needs minding, and your attention is already stretched thin. so you spend his absences fretting like any other wartime wife would.
mrs. price.
years pass in a blink. you wait. both of you take lovers, but your loyalty never strays.
he climbs the ranks. matures. hardens into his own formidable creature. your mouth still waters when he returns home bandaged and bloodied. of the innumerable people you've sampled, his is the only taste you remember.
on that noisy night in piccadilly, you finally get the chance to look after him like he did you. you haven't felt so alive since you, well, were, gorging on the men who pursue and try to kill him. you drag them kicking and screaming into the wreckage, tunneling into chests and snapping necks. you pull the pins on their grenades to cover your tracks.
drenched in blood, drunk with it, you watch him disappear into a ruined building with a younger man. you tag along, sticking to the shadows, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.
husband. mate.
the young man cannot break the lock. the bomb will detonate. over the beeping, the sobs, and the unfortunate's desperate screams—you listen for his heartbeat. it's all you care about. you prepare to launch across the destroyed shop, to crush him to your chest and flee, but then he moves.
he heaves the poor bastard over a railing, and you fall further in love.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Hardersson x Preteen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first academy session
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Your first official day of academy training comes after Momma and Morsa have retired.
You've moved back to Sweden properly now with constant trips to Denmark as well. But, mainly, you're based in Sweden. Momma and Morsa have gone into coaching and sometimes commentating while you're left going to school and practicing.
You'd done a trial in the summer for Linköping FC and got in and now you're sitting in the car with Momma and Morsa psyching yourself up to go in.
You're eleven now - nearly twelve - and you open and close your hands into fists as you look over at the training centre. There's a group of similarly aged girls to you waiting outside, getting ticked in on the register as they stand in a clump.
"Do you need us to come up with you?" Morsa asks, also looking at the girls.
You shake your head. "No. No one else's parents are there." It's a lie, of course. You desperately want them to walk you up there but it'd be embarrassing so you're leaning away from the option.
Momma turns back in her seat and reaches her hand back to hold yours. "Hey," She says," It's only for a few hours. You go in. You listen. You do what they say and then we'll go and get takeout for dinner. Sound good?"
You nod, wiping your sweaty palms on your shorts. "Yeah."
"We love you," Morsa says," And if you hate it, you don't have to go back."
You slip out of the car and approach, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you sign in. It doesn't take long for everybody else to arrive and soon you're all being brought inside and handed trainings shirts and stuff.
Then, names are being read out.
You're still young so roles like defence, midfield and forward are still fairly flexible but some people (like you) are already firmly in little boxes so you're easy to separate out.
But, most of your peers end up in a group in the middle because they either haven't chosen their roles or don't yet know what they'd be good at.
There's a fairly large group of forwards which Momma told you last night would happen. At your age, everyone wants to score a goal and most of these girls will end up as attacking midfielders before the year is up. Speaking of the midfield, they're a much smaller group than the self-proclaimed forwards and the defenders are even smaller.
You're the only goalkeeper, feeling a little awkward as you sit at a table all by yourself until the trainer comes.
He smiles at you. He's kind of got one of those old people smiles that Momma's dad has, all warmth and happiness.
You smile back.
"You know," He says, his voice barely above a whisper," I wasn't actually expecting any keepers today. Usually, everyone wants to score a goal."
"That's what my Momma says."
"Your Momma sounds very smart," He replies," Now..." He pulls out some sheets of paper. "I'm meant to explain all the ins and outs of everything. It's meant to take a while because we leave time for questions but, if you let me get through this all then I'm sure we'd have time to play a few rounds of noughts and crosses while everyone else finishes up. Sound good?"
You nod.
He's right, of course. Everyone else takes ages to explain everything but keeping is fairly straight forward and you're the only keeper here so there's not other people around to ask questions.
"Whoa there!" Morsa says as you crash into her at the end of training," You're all sweaty!"
She's right.
You are sweaty. Hair sticks to your forehead and your shirt to your skin. You're sure that you're all gross feeling but Morsa doesn't care as she hugs you back before ushering you into the car.
"How did it go?" Momma asks as she pulls out of the car park," Good? Bad?"
"Good!" You say, a grin splitting your face wide open.
"What did you do?" Morsa asks, turning in her seat to look at you.
"We played a little game," You answer, practically bouncing in excitement," So they could all see where we were at and the individual trainers laid out the plans for each week."
"Were there a lot of forwards?" Momma teases as she turns onto a road.
"Uh-huh. I was the only keeper though."
"That'll change," Morsa assures you," Those kids that haven't decided yet will end up cycling through everything. I'm sure one or two of them will be keepers."
"It's fine," You say," I'm not upset. I don't need other keepers."
Your mothers laugh softly.
"You still need to make friends," Momma says.
"I just want to train," You insist stubbornly.
"You can train and have friends too," Morsa puts in," In fact, I'd go so far as to say you need friends to train well. Promise me, princesse, that you'll make some friends."
You huff. "Fine," You say," I'll make friends."
"Good. Now, what did you want for dinner?"
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periwinkla · 2 months
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Sketches for Athena redesigns / or maybe older!Athena as she accidentally came out looking a bit older tbh. For the record, I don't dislike Athena's canon design per-se but I think it doesn't really reflect her personality and story as well as it could. Okay listen.
She's a martial artist. So. Pants inspired by martial arts attire. Baggy enough but not too much to be unsuited for court. Comfy enough it's easy to move in. Her jacket has a simpler design to match with the simplicity of martial arts attire as well.
Her canonical white boots make no sense. Someone as active as her won't have white boots for more than a day. There's no way. And every little scratch will show. Dark sneakers are more suited for her lifestyle.
Waistcoat to match Phoenix and Apollo because that's an adorable thought to me. Also Simon too I guess? Someone like her who has trouble to get people to believe she's a lawyer... I would think she would at least try not to look like she's wearing an high school uniform (at least post SOJ...) and a waistcoat is as fancy as it gets (and we've seen what it has done to Phoenix... he looks like he has his life together with that getup even though we know the harsh truth of the matter)
The first design's short tie is a way for her to show her spirited attitude - the sneakers have a similar goal as well.
The belts of the first and third design are a reference to martial arts belts. Blue belts are a fairly high grade by the way - if Athena could change the color every time she gains a grade, that could also be interesting (although that would depend on what martial art she specializes in and she could also practice multiple so I don't know) The first belt is closer to Maya's style, referencing her mother's love for traditional attire.
forgot to draw her badge but don't mind that hahaha <3 I goofed
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How about someone who was recently turned into a Cybertronian and Team Prime tended to and comforted them? They have a lot of adjusting to do! 👀
TW: A bit of implied disassociation because, holy shit, suddenly you're a giant metal robot and that's kinda hard to wrap your newly non-organic brain around.
((Knock Out is here because there is not enough Autobot!Knock Out and I love him.))
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Team Prime comforting Reader, who just got turned into a Cybertronian, would include...
Optimus reassures you from the first moment that you have a safe home with Team Prime, should you choose to stay with them. Of course, you do. He makes sure you have the time and space to adjust and be comfortable with your new body before jumping into anything. He's just there if you need him, which some days is more helpful than everyone's else's efforts to offer unsolicited advice right off the bat.
Bumblebee helps you adjust to having wheels by challenging you to races that double as training whenever possible. He is almost certainly going easy on you, but nobody ever tells you as much.
Bulkhead is the first to realize that maybe you just really need a damn hug right now, if only because he's not very good with words. He hugs you and reassured you that it will be okay, and you're amazed how warm and fuzzy you feel afterwards, even though you're fairly sure your new body doesn't actually feel such minute temperature changes.
Ratchet tries to be "comforting" by explaining how your new body works... in detail that goes way, WAY over your head. But eventually, you get him talking about Cybertron's history and culture, and realize that your two species aren't all that different after all, which helps more than an anatomy lesson ever could.
Smokescreen is quick to remind you that you don't have to go back to your boring human school/job/house/whatever. Depending on how much you liked/disliked your old life, this is either incredibly helpful or incredibly irritating. If you get upset with him though, he's quick to apologize, and it's hard not to be comforted by that well-meaning smile and a servo patting your shoulder.
Arcee might somehow be even more protective of you than she is of the humans - she knows what happens when bots overestimate how much they can handle, and she figures that's really easy to do when you go from being a tiny, fragile human to a giant robot. Sometimes it's hard to hear her remind you that you're still mortal, but she means well. "Okay Mom, I get it."
Wheeljack, like Bulkhead, isn't very good with words, but he's also not very good with affection. What he can do, however, is listen. He's there the first time you get frustrated with the rest of the Team - not because they truly did anything wrong, but because being cramped into a tiny base with people you've just met will irritate anyone - and he never breathes a word of what you vented to the others. The Wreckers had their spats too - he knows you'll all be cool at the end of the day.
Oh Primus help Ultra Magnus he doesn't have a comforting servo in his body, but at least he's honest about that. In fact, he's the best bot to go to when you're ready to have things less sugarcoated.
Knock Out doesn't understand what the fuss is about - why would anyone ever want to be a squishy, gross organic when they could be Cybertronian? Humans couldn't turn into cars, for one, and couldn't be polished. He gives you a fresh coat of paint and polish and tells you how much better you look now - it does help, in a way. Being able to pick out new paint makes you feel a little more like your new body is really your body.
But honestly? Your biggest comfort might just be Jack, Miko, and Raf, if only because they will remind you any time you so much as frown just how cool being a giant robot is. And then you remember, yeah, it is pretty cool, actually.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Speak Up
Requested Here!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x shy!fem!reader
Summary: Your shyness makes it hard to speak up for yourself. Your boyfriend Deacon makes it easy.
Warnings: angst?, reader is belittled and harassed, fluff and comfort!
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Deacon Kay is unlike any other boyfriend you’ve ever had. Though you are used to disappointment and broken relationships, many of which you blame on your shyness, you know that what you have with Deacon is different. Your relationship is fairly new, you’ve been together less than a year, yet you survived the honeymoon phase and the weeks that followed. Perhaps the most incredible part of Deacon and the relationship you’re building with him is how he treats you. From the beginning, Deacon acknowledged your shyness but has never abused it or treated it as a flaw. He supports you, talks for you when you struggle, and has never shamed you for being shy or falling into quiet moments.
As you move around your home, getting ready to meet Deacon, you realize that Deacon doesn’t know the full extent of your shyness. He knows that you have trouble talking to strangers and look away when he compliments you to hide your warming cheeks. The other part, the one that leads you to be quiet because you know people won’t listen even if you did speak, the one that drives you to watch videos on how to stand up for yourself, is the side that Deacon hasn’t seen. Your phone buzzes and you forget about your struggles being shy as you see Deacon’s name appear on the screen.
You smile at his text, a simple message that he’s looking forward to seeing you. Once you’re ready, you slide your phone into your bag and exit your home. Deacon often runs late for dates, but you don’t mind waiting for him. You’d wait forever for a man like Deacon.
At the restaurant, you linger by the door for a moment. There was no sign of Deacon’s car in the parking lot, but it’s so busy tonight that you wouldn’t be able to see him even if he was here. You consider asking the hostess if Deacon’s here yet, but there’s a crowd around her stand.
“Are you in line?” someone asks behind you.
“No, sorry,” you answer softly as you step out of the way.
“What was that?” the woman asks.
You shake your head this time, and she laughs in your face. There’s nothing to say in response to that, nothing you want to say at least, but when she turns and calls her friends over, your eyes drop to the floor.
“Aw, she can’t even talk,” one of her friends says over their laughter.
“Did you get stood up, honey?” the first woman adds. “I can see why.”
With your eyes on the floor and your bottom lip pinched between your teeth, you don’t see Deacon walk in. You also don’t see him stop to watch the high-school-level bullying you’re facing just for being quiet. He wonders how often you deal with this; how many people have treated you like a doormat that can’t argue rather than the amazing, beautiful woman you are.
“Hey,” Deacon says as he walks to your side.
You close your eyes and sigh in relief when his arm circles your shoulders. However, you tense when you realize what he just witnessed.
“Go back to your table and harass each other,” Deacon tells the woman.
“We were just having a little fun, handsome,” she argues.
“I’m not.”
She rolls her eyes and leads her friends away, whispering about you even as they leave. You want to take Deacon’s hand and thank him, but he steps back before you can.
“Come on,” he urges kindly.
You allow him to take your hand and follow Deacon to your table. Rather than sit across from him, you slide into the same side of the booth and look toward Deacon. He smiles at you, his eyes nothing but caring and loving. Nothing like the judgemental look of the women earlier.
“Thank you,” you murmur. “But it’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“It’s not fine,” Deacon argues firmly but kindly. He takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “And you shouldn’t be used to it.”
You shrug, and Deacon raises his other hand to your jaw. He cups it gently as he repeats, “It’s not fine. And what they said wasn’t true. You’re not different or undesirable.”
You nod; the only reason you believe him is because he shows you daily.
“You deserve better than that,” he continues. “I’m not going to convince you to stand up for yourself if that’s not what you want. This isn’t about becoming someone you’re not to stop that from happening, okay?”
“I know,” you assure.
“Besides, you don’t have to do anything about people like that when I’m here.”
You chuckle as he puffs his chest, then lean against his shoulder as you examine the menu before you. Speaking up for yourself won’t be easy any time soon, maybe never, but you know that Deacon will always be here to tell you the truth.
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Deacon thinks that he can read you well, and after what he witnessed at the restaurant, he’s convinced that he is getting even better and knowing what you need and want without asking. As you sit on his couch the next evening for movie night, he gets confirmation.
Your legs are folded underneath you, but your shoulders are rigid as you toy with your fingers. You need something, Deacon thinks, and though he’s told you everything here is as much yours as it is his, you struggle to help yourself to what you want. And sometimes, you can’t bring yourself to ask.
“Are you okay?” Deacon inquires during a lull in the movie plot.
You nod and send him a small smile in reply.
“I’m going to the kitchen for a refill. Do you need anything?”
Your eyes drop quickly, but you answer, “No, thanks.”
“You can talk to me, you know that, right? Anything you want to ask, I’ll do it,” Deacon adds.
“I…” You pause as you try to find the right words to say. “Thanks.”
“Most people, in the past, I mean, tried to force me to talk. When they thought I needed something, they kept pushing, but that makes it worse. So, thanks for inviting me to ask.”
Deacon’s jaw clenches quickly. He gets angry for you sometimes, and upon hearing that people have pushed you to talk when you are obviously shy angers him tonight. There’s no reason to force you to talk, Deacon thinks, because you’ll ask when you’re ready. And the more comfortable you get, the quicker it comes. Last week you left his side to get a snack and he’d never been so happy to be abandoned on the couch. But right now, rather than letting his anger show, Deacon pulls you into a hug. You happily wrap your arms around one of his and lean closer to his side as the move continues.
Deacon can’t help but smile when you ask, “Do you have more popcorn?” ten minutes later.
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“Can you help me with something?” you ask Deacon.
“Of course,” he answers without hesitation.
“You don’t know what it is yet.”
“Of course,” he repeats firmly.
“Okay… I want to learn to speak up for myself. If I can.”
“You can.”
“Online it says to be prepared, identify your feelings, be assertive, set boundaries, and be confident. I don’t know if I can do all of that all the time.”
“You’ve researched this?” Deacon asks.
“Is that weird?”
“No, no, and it’s good advice, but a lot to remember. Maybe that’s just my brain getting old.”
You laugh and gently shove Deacon’s shoulder. He grabs your wrist and uses it to pull you closer.
“What if, next time someone says something you don’t like, you ask them to stop? Not much to remember and it would be over quickly.”
You nod as you lean against Deacon’s chest. “What if they don’t stop?”
“Walk away.”
Before you can ask if Deacon has any advice on what to say, he kisses you, and you forget about the question. With Deacon beside you, you feel like you can do anything. Even learn to stand up and speak up for yourself.
“Can I have another kiss?” you ask boldly after he pulls back.
Deacon smiles and rewards you with several kisses instead of the one you asked for.
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Waiting in the police station isn’t something you do often. Deacon usually meets you in HQ, but he’s in a meeting, so you take a seat in the lobby.
“Hey, aren’t you dating Sergeant Kay?” an officer asks.
You look up and nod, surprised that anyone can recognize you as Deacon’s girlfriend.
“Yeah, you’re the one that never talks. How can you think he actually loves you if he doesn’t even know you?”
“I’d rather not talk about my relationship with you,” you respond.
Your soft and polite version of asking him to stop only spurs him to continue. As the officer continues making inappropriate and unwelcome comments about how unhappy Deacon must be with you, you stand. Deacon once told you that you were welcome to come into HQ if he was running late. So, you’re taking his advice to leave the situation because the person you spoke up to didn’t listen.
“Who will do all your bidding when Deacon gets tired and leaves you?” he asks, following you into the hallway.
“Stop,” you demand.
“Or what? You’ll give me the silent treatment?” the officer taunts.
“Officer Duncan!” Deacon calls as he enters the hall. “Sounds to me like you’re interested in armory duty.”
“Sergeant Kay,” he replies quickly. “No, sir, I was just talking to your girlfriend here.”
“Really? Because it sounded to me like you were pushing her after she told you to stop. Do you do that often, Duncan? I’m sure IA would love to make an inquiry into your treatment of women on and off the force, if so.”
“I’m sorry,” Officer Duncan tells you. “Excuse me.”
Deacon smiles once you’re alone and hugs you tightly.
“You did so well,” he applauds quietly.
You duck your chin to hide against his shoulder, but the truth is that you’re proud of yourself, too. The shyness inside you won’t disappear, but with Deacon teaching you to speak up for yourself and helping you when you can’t, it’s not so bad.
“I love you,” you say against Deacon’s shoulder.
“I love you,” Deacon replies.
He proves it with a kiss, and you find that you’re not shy about the public affection. Deacon is good for you, and he always will be.
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Heyyy! I'm hoping I still got the time to request something!
Lorraine Day x Fem!Reader
Lorraine lives after the "accident" (did not get that headshot...) just has a scar on her face, don't know which side. R also survives and her and Lorraine gets closer, then they became an item.
R always caresses or gives kisses to Lorraine's scar/scars on her face, so she knows she's still that beautiful young lady as before.
I just want a fluffy, romantic one shot with my baby😭😭
Feel free to ignore this! Have a nice day/night!
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Lorraine Day x female Reader (Request)
Word count: 1.5k
You never should have agreed to this, you should have been happy working at a local store, away from all of these crazy ideas of movies that would make your life easy. Instead of that now you were trying to stop the bleeding from your left arm from the crazy old man trying to chop it off with an axe. And you needed the damn keys so you could get the hell out of here.
So, though it hurt as hell, you managed to get back into the house through the window and felt relief when you saw Lorraine and Maxine, relatively fine inside as well.
"Y/N! We need to find the keys!" Maxine told you as soon as she realized it was you and not one of the crazy duo.
"No shit," you looked through the drawers, desperately trying to find what you needed. "Lorraine, could you check these drawers to the side?" you asked, only now realizing the girl was on the verge of a panic attack.
"No! This is all your fault! I never should have listened to you!" she screamed at Maxine and you couldn't help but agree somewhat, though you figured most of the blame still fell on the crazy old people. But then Lorraine went toward the door and you just went after her.
"Wait, Lorraine!" you managed to grab her just as she came to the stairs and pulled her back. The resounding bang of the shotgun being fired deafened you for a moment and you expected pain, but you just felt the girl whose arm you were holding slumping back against you. "Shit!" you cursed, pulling her inside despite the amount of blood you saw on her face as the bullets just narrowly missed you.
That was three weeks ago and the entire ordeal after that felt like a blur, you somewhat remembered getting back into the house and trying to hide with Lorraine, and then being called just once by Maxine that she would leave if you don't get your ass out in fifteen seconds, and then dropping you off at the hospital, probably because you threatened her, and then you never heard from her again.
You came out of the ordeal fine, just the nasty scar on your left biceps and overall less strength in your left arm. Lorraine though… She lost a finger on her right hand and the right side of her face was scarred. It could have been worse, she could have gotten her face shot off, but instead you managed to pull her back just in time to prevent her death.
The damage was already done though, she was mostly blind in her right eye, and the scars were fairly prominent no matter how she tried to cover them with her hair.
The two of you ended up living in your house, left to you by your grandparents, but Lorraine hardly left the room, choosing instead to stay in the room you gave her. She barely spoke to you unless you spoke up first, she barely did anything and you could tell she wasn't doing well.
Not that you could blame her, given how she came the closest to death out of the three of you. You knocked on her doors and waited until she eventually told you to come in, you were carrying a tray with her dinner on it. Just some soup and mashed potatoes, since she was still struggling to chew, though doctors were sure her jaw would recover completely soon enough.
"Hey," you set the food down on the table next to her bed and sat down at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
Lorraine looked to the side, hiding the right side of her face from your eyes. "Like I should have died," she spoke honestly for the first time. "I thought I could be an actress, and look at me now, an ugly freak," you saw a tear sliding down her cheek as her voice shook.
You stood up, stepped closer to her and knelt down. Carefully you reached up, touching her right cheek. "Don't say that, please," you whispered, your heart breaking for the girl when she pulled away from you.
"You shouldn't have pulled me back," she sobbed and the two of you just sat there, in an old room, with wooden boards for floors and an almost antique furniture, and barely any sunlight coming through the window.
"Lorraine," you whispered, lowering your hand on her shoulder.
"You're still beautiful, you're still you," you felt like your words weren't reaching her, but she leaned in, perhaps just desperate for comfort and allowed you to hug and hold her.
“No, I should have never let you go alone, I should have gone with you,” you told her, and she just shook her head.
The two of you met that day, nothing, absolutely nothing that happened should have made you feel obligated to come with her.
“I know it’s difficult for you, I know you’re stuck in that place, replaying what happened all day long and then falling asleep to those same thoughts. I know that every time you look in the mirror you want to cry, but I’m here for you. And I won’t stop until you can once again see that you are still beautiful,” you promised her. It’s only been three weeks since you met, yet you figured surviving something like that brought you and Lorraine closer together.
“That’s not possible,” she sobbed, and you heard a small gasp when you cradled her scarred cheek.
“Maybe, but I won’t give up without even trying,” you weren’t sure where the boldness came from, but you leaned in and kissed her forehead, the right side of it.
“Y/N,” she spoke your name so softly you barely heard her, and she looked you in the eyes and saw nothing but affection and honesty. You didn’t find her scars ugly, or hideous, or anything that must have been going through her mind. You still saw the beautiful shy girl that stepped into the van that day, only now with the proof that she was a survivor on her face,
About half a year later you were resting on the porch and watching the sunset with Lorraine leaning on your left shoulder. You put an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
"Y/N," she giggled and it was like a melody to your ears to hear her happy once more. Following the first time she opened up to you things became easier for both of you and now you could enjoy each other's company just like this, even if Lorraine remained self-conscious about her scars.
"Hmm?" you kissed her forehead, where the top of her highest scar was, then moved down and kissed just beneath her eyebrow, down next to her eye, on her cheekbone, several times on her cheeks and along her jaw.
"You'll miss the sunset," she sighed, but she ran her fingers through your hair and lifted her head up a bit to give you better access to her face.
You caressed her left cheek, pulling her a bit closer. "Mhm, there's someone much more beautiful right next to me," you whispered, and only then, only after she parted her lips, you softly pressed your lips against her own, enjoying how she immediately pulled you in closer and kissed you back.
"You flatter me," she smiled, and you felt like her smile was even brighter than the Sun at its brightest. She went through so much and still had it in her to smile like this.
"It's not my fault my girlfriend is worth every praise in the world," you told her as the sunlight faded away.
"Yeah, and we missed the sunset again," she complained, huffing jokingly and leaning against you once more. The truth was you've been missing the sunsets for the past month, ever since Lorraine first kissed you in this exact circumstances, while you were watching the sunset and you gently caressed her right cheek. It made Lorraine feel better, and you genuinely thought she was still beautiful, that she was still the same girl you met that day in the van.
"I can't help it, you're so kissable," you defended yourself.
"Is that even a word?" she chuckled.
"It is now," you said and she pulled you in for another kiss, this time a bit more heated as her tongue teased your lips.
"Yeah, I think that word works," she muttered as she just barely pulled away.
She was so damn beautiful, and she loved you back, and while you wished she never got hurt, while you wished so many people didn't get killed by lunatics, you were happy the two of you were together.
A/N: Well, anon, here you go, hopefully a short but mostly sweet and fluffy one-shot. Thank you for the request!
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revehae · 5 months
maneater (r. fantasies)
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warning: noncon, semi-public sex, jisung × (f) reader x jaemin
wc. 1.3k
love that i wrote this for @neocentral and she’s also the only reason i was able to recover this 🫶🏽 EVERYONE SAY WE LOVE YOU BELLE
maybe it was jisung's fault, the unfortunate outcome of his generous naivete. foolishly, he had mistaken your kindness for infatuation, your exuberant flashes of teeth when you glanced his way as flirtatious gestures of mutual affection.
jisung wouldn't consider himself a loser. he had a couple of friends. sure, he wasn't the most popular guy around, especially not with girls, but that didn't make him a loser. there was no reason to doubt his chances with one of the campus' most popular students, especially not when you made it so easy to like you.
too easy, jisung would think, clenching his pale, whitened knuckles into stiff fists when he saw other guys talking to you, checking you out from head to toe like you were a fresh slab of meat on display.
deep down inside, even if he refused to admit it to himself, jisung couldn't fault them like he wanted. your wit was admirable and your beauty rivaled that of goddesses. to say nothing of the fact that you were so amicable and approachable, maybe too approachable.
idiotically believing under the trance of your bewitching stare and enthralling smile that you reciprocated jisung's less than platonic feelings for you was his first mistake.
mustering the courage to approach you and ask you out was his second.
at the very least, you were sweet enough to let jisung down gently. even as you ripped his thudding heart out his chest and shredded it with bared teeth, unraveling the thread upon which his very world spun, your lips were fixed in a perfect smile as you apologetically told him that you didn't feel the same way, tenderly brushing your hand against his.
how kind of you to shatter his heart in the most beautiful way possible. you had to have done this a dozen times before, maybe even twice as much, so accustomed to rejecting every male's advance that you knew all the right words to say.
"you'll forget you ever felt this way," you'd told him at one point, most of your other words becoming white noise to his ears as indignation poked holes into his chest and swallowed him whole.
jisung liked to think that he handled the rejection fairly. outwardly, at least, it was true. you wouldn't have guessed from looking at him that the world as he knew it had been upturned and rage was festering in side of him quickly and brutally. he should've listened to his friends when they told him, dude, she's a maneater.
to think only days ago jisung thought so highly of you. now, whenever he saw you, only the most degrading of words came to mind. what a picky, arrogant whore, hissed his thoughts bitterly.
you must've thought you were so much better than him. you must've got a good laugh at his expense, leading him on and making him believe even for a minute that you liked him the way he liked you. or maybe you were just playing hard to get, so entitled that you thought he would chase you.
wrong. jisung was not like those other guys that would come begging at your feet and he refused to lower himself to such degradation, solely so that you could feel better about yourself.
it had to only have been a couple of weeks forward, jisung's anger intensifying by the day, when he heard those godawful noises coming from just around the corner.
he recognized that voice - your voice. jisung would never admit that he was obsessed with you, but there was no doubt in his mind that the high-pitched, agonized cry he heard came from between those glossy lips of yours.
naturally, it was jisung's first instinct to investigate, to wonder what was so terrible that you were shrieking so sharply. he became especially curious when the sound was cut off, suspicious sudden and abrupt, as if it had been muffled.
jisung tiptoed around the corner, quiet as to not disturb the scene unfolding just shy of him. although, given how busy the city was, bustling with everyday life, it would've been more difficult to hear him approaching.
jisung nearly gasped at what he saw, poking his head around the sturdy brick wall and spotting your frame caged behind jaemin's as your back was pinned harshly against a cold wall.
"shh, sweetheart." jaemin crooned, tone of voice cheating his violent hands. "wouldn't want anyone else to see you like this, now would you? imagine how hard it would be for you to have a good future if all anybody saw when they looked at you was this loose little pussy."
jisung wanted to say that that was already what people saw, but he held his tongue. he didn't want to risk making his presence known. one slightly wrong move, one bad step, and both of you would know that he was watching, lurking discreetly in the shadows. 
shameless, jisung whispered in his brain, shaking his head as he kept his eyes locked on the incident in front of him. jaemin was forcing himself onto you in broad daylight, for fuck's sake. without a care in the world if anyone saw him.
even as people walked only mere feet away from the sight, burdened with the tasks of their own problems. people that wouldn't randomly think to check around an alleyway to see if there was a girl attempting to fight off her attacker.
your face was familiar, but hardly recognizable all at once. your usual heart-stopping smile was surely upturned into a piteous frown, though it was obscured from jisung's vision as jaemin smothered your screams with his palm. moisture stung your eyes, gathering at your lashes and dripping thickly down your tear-stained cheeks.
even with jaemin's palm pressed flat against your mouth, your whimpers still faintly traveled through the hot, stuffy air. you thrashed in his burly arms, struggling to wrest your way out, but jaemin kept you in place with his spare arm.
part of jisung was bristling with pain and seething with white-hot anger watching another guy touch in ways only he should've been able to, but he couldn't move and he definitely couldn't look away. your stiff nipples were exposed from where jaemin had yanked your shirt down, jisung arriving only moments to see how jaemin sucked at licked at the tender buds.
"i don't take no for an answer," jaemin whispered, stuffing you full of his thick, veiny cock. your pussy was sore from how vigorously he was using you, but nothing would stop jaemin from doing as he pleased if he wanted it enough.
jisung's cock twitched in his light sweatpants. he only wished he could've felt the way your cunt squeezed his cock for dear life, milking it for every last drop of cum like it did jaemin's. if only he would've had the courage to slam you against a wall and take what he wanted, show you who was in charge.
it kept him up sometimes fantasizing about how tight and wet you were as he fisted his own cock to ecstasy. the sight of jaemin abusing your poor little cunt was infuriating, but erotic. not taking out his cock and pumping in his hand took all of jisung's willpower. 
watching how wide your gorgeous, fretful eyes were, how your chest heaved quicker and quicker, skipping breaths to get to the one that came after, jisung almost felt bad for you. he liked to think he would've been much more tender, had he gotten the opportunity, setting the mood and taking his time to please you.
until you broke his heart. now, whatever happened to you was out of his hands and jisung couldn't have cared less, ignoring the panic in your body language and obvious pain tensing your features.
jisung had the power to stop his friend if he really wanted, to intervene and save you from your troubles, and he most likely would've, had you not wounded him. but he remembered the gash still fresh on him, your smiles rubbing salt in the cut, and decided this was what you deserved. you'd get over it.
yeah, she'll forget she ever felt this way, jisung mimicked resentfully, those words burned onto his heart harshly. so in the end, against jisung's better judgment, he kept on walking.
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sleep-escapes-me · 5 months
didn't know they were dating
Imogen x Laudna
word count: 2569
a modern au told through the eyes of convenience store employee, Cynthia, and the observations she makes while working
read the full version on ao3
“Are you able to work independently in a fast-paced environment?”
“Yes, sir. At my previous job, my boss was impressed with how—,”
“You’re hired.”
The evening shift is Cynthia’s new home. She’s grateful for the opportunity at something different but more so for the money. Having hobbies is expensive and horses are expensive. So when your hobby is horses…well.
And school of course. Money for school.
“Welcome to Faramore’s!”
The cheery disposition is easy enough to muster. And once her manager stops randomly showing up during her shifts after the first week, Cynthia realizes the pep isn’t necessary. At least not with the crowd of customers she’s slowly getting used to.
It's a nice job for the pay. The shop she works at is located in a sleepy neighborhood on the city's outskirts so it rarely gets busy. Every night so far has been peaceful. Giving Cynthia plenty of time to finish any homework and people-watch.
She comes to recognize the regulars fairly quickly and learns all their names only because she’s nosy and the receipt is right there.
There's the blue-haired guy with the nice smile, Dorian, who more often than not has a guitar strapped to his back. He usually shows up with his boyfriend, seemingly always coming from a workout at the gym, Orym. His eyes are incredibly discerning if not a little unsettling. He stares at her like he knows all her secrets. But they’re always very polite and ask how she’s holding up in the late hour. Cynthia likes them.
Protein bar Lip balm Ready-to-bake pie crust $15.99
There's the incredibly tall gorgeous woman, Fearne, who always smells like a garden of wildflowers when she walks in. Cynthia’s been scared to ask what perfume she wears after an incident where she caught the woman attempting to steal. Maybe Cynthia is just naive but she thought being caught once would deter further attempts…but that strangely wasn’t the case. She's had to let it go altogether because she just gets so flustered. One playful wink from the woman has Cynthia forgetting all about the incident to the point that she makes an effort to make sure her manager never finds out about the missing stock.
Novelty monkey lighter Cinnamon gum 3 tubes of lipstick Pack of ribbons Costume jewelry Various postcards $0
Then there’s the punk-looking one with the spikey purple hair, Ashton, who always shows up exactly at 1 AM every other night. Cynthia was weary of him at first but then he gave her some really great unsolicited advice on how to not get swindled when negotiating with flaky people. After that night he started tipping her a single dollar and imparting arbitrary wisdom. Cynthia hasn’t yet figured out if it’s some kind of prank…
Two cases of beer Travel sewing kit Toothbrush $20.06
Probably the loudest customers are the two old men who have the strangest conversations every time they enter the store. Cynthia desperately wishes to get in on whatever strange schemes the hairier one, Chetney, seems to always be involved in. Half of them can’t be true but his imagination excites her regardless. The other one rides in on a bright yellow scooter half the time and always wishes Cynthia a smiley day without fail no matter the time of day. He never brings any money or pays for anything so Cynthia doesn’t know his name aside from the obvious nickname, Letters, that she hears thrown around by Chetney. The lack of money always starts an argument between the two old men that she has to awkwardly stand and listen to. She learns new curse words all the time from them.
Wood finisher Scented body oil $18.12 Chamomile tea Cigarettes $12.87
And her favorite; the girlfriends. Or at least that’s what Cynthia assumes they are. It’s hard to tell.
The spooky-looking one, Laudna, tries to make small talk while at the register. Cynthia isn’t shy by any means but it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the odd topics of conversation. Soon enough Cynthia’s learning about her pet rat who’s so old he should be dead and how he’s always jumping off high places attempting to fly. Cynthia nods politely and keeps her opinions to herself.
Mixed seeds Red yarn Super glue $15.26
The other woman Laudna is always with, Imogen, is a bit more demure—or maybe guarded is more apt. Her eyes never leave Laudna and seems content to listen to her prattle on as they shop. She rarely buys anything. It’s usually at the behest of Laudna reminding her of some arbitrary thought.
Pencils Hand lotion $11.07
Imogen comes in alone for the first time since Cynthia started working. There's a nervous titter of energy around her as she runs up and down each aisle like a bat out of hell. Cynthia debates if she should ask if she needs any help before Imogen rushes to the register.
“This all for you today?” Cynthia asks habitually.
Imogen nods with a quiet sigh. “Hopefully.”
Box cake mix Candles Black sprinkles Oven mitts $14.47
Once she’s left, Cynthia muses over how sweet their relationship must be for Imogen to want to bake a cake for her girlfriend. She herself is an abysmal baker so it makes her yearn for a relationship in the future that’s just as thoughtful. She imagines Laudna walking through their front door, the house smelling of freshly baked goods. Imogen walks out of a side room with the cake decorated, candles lit, and a big smile on her face…
She speaks too soon when Imogen comes back in a little over an hour in a visibly sour mood, black crumbs stuck to her shirt.
Box cake mix Frosting $3.69
Cynthia can’t help herself as Imogen sullenly reaches for her purchase. The words tumble out of her mouth. “Havin’ trouble?”
Imogen startles at the sudden question and Cynthia holds back a grimace. She awkwardly gestures to the items she just bagged.
“Using milk instead of water makes a better box cake. More fat is supposed to improve it or something. At least that’s what my mama always says.”
Imogen frowns and checks over her shoulder toward the fridge section. She looks back at Cynthia for a solid two-count and nods.
Milk Energy drink $4.25
Imogen smiles warmly at her, taking her groceries. “Thanks.”
Cynthia beams. “Of course. Hope it turns out well.”
Imogen doesn’t show up for the rest of the night.
Laudna shows up alone one day in a tizzy and Cynthia instantly recognizes something is wrong. It tests her resilience as an impartial convenience store employee to not get involved in customers' business…but Laudna’s frazzled appearance and her very loud speaking over the phone at least paints Cynthia a vague picture.
“Okay, darling, I’ve just arrived. I’m walking to the medicine aisle. Ooh, those snacks Pâté likes are on sale—right, sorry. I am in the medicine aisle. Which one is it?” She pauses. “There’s a yellow label and a blue label.” Another pause. “Are you sure? The yellow label says extra strength.” Pause. “Well, I don’t care if it’s extra money! This is your health! I’m not yelling! Oh, nope. I am. Sorry, sorry. Hold on. I’m grabbing the yellow label.”
Cynthia watches Laudna do that in two more aisles.
“Okay, darling, I’m heading to the register. I’m hanging up. I have to pay.” She frowns. “I'm telling you so you don’t worry.” She looks at the phone then at Cynthia. “She hung up.”
Cynthia bites the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. “Find everything okay?”
“Oh, I hope so.” Laudna’s shoulders droop. “I get so flustered in a crisis that sometimes I forget my own name. Isn’t that just silly? I’m lucky Imogen is always so collected.” She chuckles lightly while nervously pulling at the ends of her hair.
“It’s not silly when you’re worried about someone.”
“You’re so sweet.” Laudna's eyes crinkle with a smile. “You know, I see you working whenever I come in. No matter the time. Do you always work this shift?”
“For the time being, yes.”
“You’re so young,” she muses.
Cynthia hands over the bag to Laudna. “Well, I hope everything is all right with your girlfriend.”
Laudna’s face slowly drops as she processes Cynthia’s words. “Excuse me?”
She scrambles. “Nothing. Nevermind. Here’s your change. Have a good evening.”
Laudna stares at her for a long moment before reaching for her money. Then trails out of the store in a mumbling daze.
Scar cream Pain meds Bandage wrap $25.73
Cynthia resists the urge to run in the back room. Was she wrong? Were they even dating? Were they already married? She’s never seen a ring on Imogen. Or has she? Laudna…definitely had one, right? The shine of a sparkling red ruby ring enters her mind. Fiancé?
Imogen enters the store alone the next night but seems perfectly normal when interacting with Cynthia. She even tells her to have a good night as she leaves.
A bag of chips Two energy drinks $6.86
It isn't until Laudna is back again at the end of the week when the fruits of her fuck up unravel. She doesn't enter with Imogen. Instead with someone Cynthia is shocked to see such a sweet woman like Laudna in cahoots with. The thief!
Cynthia watches the pair peruse the aisles aimlessly until
“Fearne!” The yell comes from the back of the shop. Laudna’s arms can be seen flailing over the tops of the shelves. Cynthia strains to listen.
“It’s all right,” Fearne says. “She doesn’t mind.”
Laudna stutters. “You still shouldn’t steal from such a sweet girl. That could be grounds for termination.”
Fearne hums. “She hasn’t been fired yet.”
Finally, the two of them make their way to the front. Fearne pivots toward the door with a familiar flirty wink before Laudna grabs her arm.
“Where are you going?” she admonishes. “We still have to pay.”
“Oh. Oops,” Fearne giggles. “Silly me. It just slipped my mind.”
Cynthia is mostly sure Fearne didn’t forget.
Laudna's eyes don’t quite look at Cynthia as they approach. Fearne seemingly takes notice and saunters up to the register.
“You must see Laudna here a lot, right?”
Cynthia feels her mouth go dry. She realizes she’s never heard Fearne’s voice this close because the other woman never comes to the register. It somehow even further adores her to the enigmatic woman. Cynthia slowly nods. “Sometimes.”
She leans across the counter. Her eyes twinkle with a mischievous sparkle. “So…are you the one who called Imogen her girlfriend?”
“Fearne! Okay!” She pushes her friend aside and drops a bill down on the counter in a fluster. “That's enough of that. I think we’re done here. Yes. Thank you so much, young lady! You have a lovely evening!”
Cynthia forgets to ring them up.
At this point, it’s been several weeks since seeing Imogen and Laudna enter the store together. Cynthia is so on edge thinking about the two women's situation that it’s starting to affect her sleep schedule.
The curiosity eats away at her until the next time Imogen walks in. The gentle ding from the door’s bell erupts like a blaring alarm for Cynthia. Her focus zeros in on the unsuspecting woman and tracks her around the store like a hawk. The next time she passes by the front, the word vomit hurls from Cynthia’s lips when it’s simply too much to hold back.
“Did you break up?” She blurts out instead of her usual script.
Imogen’s eyebrows furrow. “Huh?”
“Your girlfriend—uhh, or maybe fiancé?” She says it like a question and Imogen stares at her like she’s grown two heads. “Laud—the one woman you’re always here with. The spooky one?” Silence. She should really shut up. “Aren’t you together?”
The other woman goes deathly still. “No…”
Cynthia feels the embarrassing red-hot heat flooding her cheeks. “Sorry. I thought you were. It was wrong of me to assume.”
A muscle in Imogen’s cheek tightens. Her mouth opens and closes several times before she asks, “Why would you think we were together?” Her voice is stony. “Did she say somethin’?”
“What?” She doesn’t sound accusatory or angry so Cynthia is confident she hasn’t completely insulted this woman. The word vomit continues. “No. It’s not that. I mean I did mention to her that you were her girlfriend and she never really denied it. I thought—I honestly didn’t think you were dating at first. But after a while it was hard to ignore when the two of you seemed so…” She trails off when noticing how pale Imogen has gotten.
“In love?” Cynthia finishes lamely. Her cheeks burn with mortification.
She makes a noise somewhere between an acknowledgment and a whimper.
It’s all Cynthia gets before she turns and makes a beeline toward the back. She stands in front of the liquor aisle for an exorbitant amount of time. Cynthia has half a mind to ask if she’s all right but cowardice of saying the wrong thing again stops her. Finally, she makes a selection and Cynthia has to struggle to not cringe as she rings her up. No pleasantries are exchanged.
Box wine $8.99
She comes in the next day.
Cynthia wants to crawl into a hole.
Box wine Tissues Pain meds $14.68
And the next.
Cynthia considers quitting just to stave off the unparalleled embarrassment and shame coursing through her.
Two bottles of wine Decongestant Pint of ice cream Effervescent tablets $36.87
She never sees her again.
Mainly because Cynthia quits her job at Faramore's soon after. She’s accepted into an apprenticeship across town and can’t justify the commute anymore.
She doesn’t tell her regulars because that seems like a silly thing to do. It’s not like she talks to any of them or knows them beyond the stories she makes up in her head by their brief interactions. It’s strange when she realizes she will miss them. There’s a melancholic kind of insight she garners—missing someone you don’t really know.
Months later Cynthia finds herself in the neighborhood after an event takes her back across town. The curiosity hits her a bit too hard and soon enough she finds herself back at her old store. It’s like walking into a time capsule. She doesn’t feel any claim to the shop as it’s one of many and she’s gone to others in the franchise but it still feels strangely familiar as the bell dings when she enters.
The guy at the register is more apathetic than she cares to comment on. He rings up her items without so much as a greeting.
Gummy bears Bottle of water $4.33
On her way out, the door whooshes open and the bell dings softly. As if in slow motion, in walks Laudna, a big smile on her face, arm around a giggling Imogen’s shoulders, whose own arm is securely wrapped around Laudna’s waist. Laudna leans her head down to kiss the top of Imogen’s head. Then Imogen smoothly turns her face upward and they share a chaste kiss without breaking their stride. They don’t notice Cynthia walk past them.
Maybe Cynthia sheds a single tear later that night when she thinks about them or maybe it's just this very emotional movie she’s watching about a horse that defies all the odds in the end.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Indigo- Cobalt
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Hellooooo.. Here is part 3 to indigo! Hope you enjoy tattoorry. 
Warnings- tattoos, mention of needles, blood, brief mention of vomit, anxiety, you're going to want to eat harry
Check out our Patreon!
WC- 2.9k
Y/N felt dizzy.
It wasn’t the prospect of getting a tattoo that was making her so nervous- it was the fact that Harry’s thigh was pressed right up against hers, his body angled towards her as he sketched on his ipad drawing program. He’d said he prefers pencil and paper but it was easier for this type of session to do it there. Faster. She had no input other than the fact that he smelled really fucking good and his leg was warm against her own.
She had indulged some information to him. First and foremost, she wanted a sunflower. A dainty little sunflower with a bit of shading and a longer stem that would go down a bit and twist near her wrist. Her plans for one day having a floral sleeve with her favorite flowers and the birth month flowers of her family had been shared, but she wanted to start off relatively simple with the first one. See how her body reacted, her healing time, all while leaving room if she liked it and wanted to continue with the sleeve.
Harry had been endeared and slightly impressed. It was rare that he got new clients anymore, as most were fairly covered by the time they got to him. However when he did do new clients back in the start, most didn’t have the extensive research she had done, nor the plan. He was all for going for what felt right, but Y/N had been specific and practical in her planning and it made him feel even more fond. She had taken the time to research not only the safety, but the importance of listening to artists suggestions and double checking the work.
It’d been a while since he had done a floral piece, but he was up for it. Truthfully, Y/N could have told him she wanted a rose skull with an infinity symbol in the eye socket and he would have done it for her, but he was relieved it was something that was relatively easy to perfect.
The man knew that he was a perfectionist when it came to his work. Harry didn’t do sloppy- at least not in his work. He kept clean, crisp lines and smooth shading, he did his best to keep any blowout from happening as much as he could on his own end, and he educated each client on the likelihood of the colors they chose longevity and when they’d probably need it touched up. His tattoos were for the clients, sure, but it was also a representation of his work. He was lucky enough now to have his choice on taking clients- there were plenty he turned away or handed off to other artists he thought could better suit them. His hard work had bled into the success he had wanted, leaving him the ability to be picky.
Normally he wouldn’t want to do a first time client because, well…  he really didn’t like doing them. First timers didn’t know what to expect the majority of the time, they didn’t know how to sit still, they would wince and move and complain far too much for Harry to feel at his best. He wasn’t judging them, but now that he had a choice he chose to keep to people who had at least one.
Y/N was the exception to the rule.
He felt honored that she would like his art on her, a bit of that primal satisfaction that it would be his too. No one else would have touched her with the needle, no one else had a shot at marking up her pretty, soft skin. It was a privilege, especially considering their origin.
“What do we think?” He murmured, showing her the second sketch with some of her notes. She hadn’t liked the thickness of the stem originally, and Harry had agreed it had been a bit too leafy so he had taken some off. “S’a bit thinner in the stem and I did a curve at the bottom so it’ll fit with the movement of your arm.”
“Moment of my arm?” She asked curiously, hitting him with a curious gaze. Harry had been extremely patient with her thus far and it made her nervous to ask for corrections, but he had told her that it was going to be on her forever and he needed it to be exactly what she wanted.
“Mhm. Where you’re putting it… The skin moves when you rotate your arm. S’why we don't usually put straight lines there, at least I don’t unless in specific situations. We want it to run smoothly regardless of which way your arm is positioned. So adding a bit of a curve in the stem would make it look straighter when you move it.” He showed the motion on his own arm so she could have an example.
“Oh. I never would have thought of that.” She blinked, watching as his arm moved. He had quite a few tattoos, some she had never been truly able to make out. Now being up so close, she had a front row seat to the anchor on his wrist and the cross on his hand, some of the little doodles that she had been so curious about. He seemed to have different styles of work and she liked that each one seemed to differ just a bit. “How many tattoos do you think you’ve done in your career?”
The question popped into her head out of nowhere but it still remained there. She was increasingly curious as to how he had gotten started, what he did and didn’t like doing. Pure thirst for the knowledge of what went through his head. He’d been a silent shadow most of the time she’d known him, so it was interesting to purely listen to him talk.
“Erm.. I’d say a couple hundred? There are some days I only work on one, some I do none, some days I can do three to four.” He paused, placing his apple pencil down, turning slightly to look at her. Their thighs pressed further together. “When I first started, I did a lot of flash sheets of shit that wasn’t my own. Think of, like, the pinterest stuff. Little hearts and stars, stuff on my mates, myself. They had me practice a ton when I was apprenticing but it made me good.” He brushed the hair out of his face. He really needed to find his hair clip. “Was frustrated at first, because I knew I could draw and stuff, but they were making me do those tiny things for basically no money- but, y’know, It’s harder than you’d think. Especially on someone who’s moving or someone who’s giggling with a bunch of their friends that they brought.”
“Is that why there was that sign out there?” Her face broke into a little grin, remembering the hand lettered sign before you went back to the rooms. ‘No children, No drinking, No plus threes’. “I find it hard to believe that people want to bring three people into the room with them.” That was inconsiderate. One? She could understand. That made sense if you were nervous. But multiple people just made it more crowded and loud. She’d rather be alone and deal with the experience being potentially awkward rather than make herself an inconvenient client.
His scoff took her by surprise, head tipping back in amusement. “Oh, they do. They did. Now it’s limited to one person in the room and you’ve got t’be over 18. Special allowances are made sometimes, but some of the places I worked at before starting my own place had no one enforcing or making those sorts of rules. It’s just unsafe. You’d be surprised how many drunk people come in demanding ink.” It was one of his least favorite clients. Drunk people tended to squirm and vomit, you know, besides getting a permanent image inked into the skin. That’s one thing he would never do again.
“Hm. Well it seems like you’re running a great place. I saw your stuff on instagram.” Her praise made him flush slightly, feeling a tiny bit shy as she continued. “And then the articles and awards you’ve got up front. It’s massively impressive. I’m surprised you’re tattooing me if I’m honest. She said up front I had virgin skin?” A head tilt at the end of her words reminded him of a puppy.
“Well, like I said. Special occasion.” He knocked his knee against hers in a playful attempt. “Just means no ink. Nothing nasty. I usually don’t do people with no ink because they can be twitchy and I can choose the pieces I do now. Usually I do more long and involved ones but, I’m more than happy to be doing yours.” His smile was a reassurance that he was more than happy to do it.
“Are you sure?” Y/N frowned slightly, suddenly feeling a little guilty. She didn’t want him to do a tattoo he didn’t want to do, or even more so do it on her just because he felt bad about the times before. “If you don’t want to do it, I’m happy to go to another artist in your shop-”
“No, I want to do it.” His voice was fast, interrupting hers without meaning to. It had rushed out without his permission, but the ugly twisting inside his gut had started at the mention of someone else doing this. She had wanted him, had planned on him, and if he was being honest? He was a bit selfish. His art was meant to go on people like Y/N. People who appreciated the art, who appreciated the skill. Add in his big fat crush, and it was not something he was going to pass up.
“O-Okay.” Y/N smiled, looking back down at her lap. His jeans were against her leg, and she couldn't stop thinking about how warm he was. How happy she was that he had chosen to sit with her on here instead of the armchair. A giddiness bubbled in her stomach as she felt his eyes on her, a hand coming down into her field of vision and gripping her knee. Her face felt hot, looking down at the fingers that curled over. It felt like she had been shocked at first, but moved into a warm glow.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
If she was any less strong, she would have squeaked. The large hand rested there, giving her leg a squeeze before he continued to speak.
“You ready to get some ink, then?”
“You’ve had somethin’ to eat today, right?” Harry’s voice spoke to her as she sat in the red leather seat. His back was turned to her as he opened up a few drawers, grabbing what looked to be some sort of tape, vaseline, ink caps, different wrapped needles maybe? A blue liner sat over the tray, keeping it sanitary as he placed the supplies down. There was no reason to doubt he would be, but it only furthered her comfort.
“Yeah, I had a croissant and a pastry. Coffee too.” She peeped, hoping that would be good enough in his eyes.
With the way he turned in his chair, it wasn’t. “C’mon, babe. You’ve gotta eat better than that… but I can say m’glad you didn’t have a heavy meal a few minutes ago.” That would be a nightmare if she felt the need to spew. “Nothing with protein.. If you feel like you’re getting lightheaded, like you’re going to faint? Tell me immediately. This shouldn’t be too bad, all things considered, but there's no shame in taking a break.” He really didn’t mind it. That was much preferred over someone passing out on him.
“Okay. I’ll tell you.” Her eyes widened slightly but she avoided his eyes again, instead choosing to look at his hair. He’d found his hair clip when they’d walked in, saying something about having been looking for it for ages before gathering hair at the front of his face and clipping it back out of the way. He looked fucking adorable.
Tattoos, piercings and all, he looked adorable. Y/N had always thought he was handsome, hot, even, but his little smiles and concern for her had made her feel a little floaty and giggly and she needed to contain herself.
“Good girl.” His hand squeezed her leg again before turning around on the stool to finish unwrapping supplies.
If he heard her squeak, he didn’t let her know it.
They sat in a comfortable silence, the music hooked to his phone playing at a comfortable level as he did his thing. Y/N looked at his back, admiring the broad nature, his strong shoulders and how it strained slightly against his shirt. At this point, she was nearly positive she was just being extremely thirsty over the man who had always been a faraway object of desire- even if she had thought he hated her.
“Alright.” Harry returned, voice making Y/N jump slightly. “Sorry, sorry. I’ve got the stencil.” Holding it up, he let her take a look and smiled to himself as her eyes rounded and she smiled widely. It did that weird thing to his chest as she squirmed, sitting straighter as he approached with it. “Good? We can put it on in a moment. Just got t’prep you.”
“It’s so beautiful, Harry.” Her wispy voice nearly made him fall off his chair. He wished he wasn’t so weak, wished he wasn’t such a soft heart for her, that he could be a bit more suave, but when she spoke like that, looked at him like that, said his name like that? All he wanted to do was scream.
“M’glad you think so.” He replied gently, taking his seat. “Is it okay if I touch you? I need to adjust your arm.” Touching bare skin was a limit a surprising amount of people had- himself included. He usually preferred his bed partners keeping their hands to themselves, no matter how much they wanted to trace his ink. His actual partners, he enjoyed, but people didn’t have much of a sense of boundary sometimes.
“Yeah! Yeah, of course. You can do whatever you want to me.”
Dangerous fucking words, Harry thought. He couldn’t allow his thoughts to stray at the moment, so he decided to save that sweet tone and double meaning sentence to obsess over at a later time.
It didn’t take him too long, his fingers brushing over the skin as he shaved it to make sure the canvas was clear and prepped her for the stencil. Y/N was quiet, watching his concentration. He got a cute little thing between his brows as he focused on her, making sure the stencil was straight and where she wanted before laying it and pressing down.
When he peeled it away, she audibly gasped. “This is perfect.” Her voice went up in pitch. “It’s better than I imagined, H. Really. I love it.” Speaking like the ink was already in her skin, he flushed again as he placed the paper into the tray.
“You sure? Placement’s good?”
“Perfect. I like it right here.” She nodded, eyes not leaving the blue stain.
“Okay. We’re going to get started then, okay?” He pulled on a pair of fresh gloves, scooting himself and the station a bit closer to her. “We’re starting with the outlining, then we move to shading. It’s gonna be uncomfortable, mostly when I have to go over the lines again but we aren’t going to be too close to bone so It shouldn't be terrible.” He was doing his job now to mentally prepare her. “You can tell me if you need the bathroom or if you need to move at all. Everyone’s pain thresholds are different. Don’t feel embarrassed. I’m sure as hell not going to judge you.” His smile was reassuring as she looked a little nervous, but more so the excited type. It was easy to tell.
“I will tell you. Do you need me to stay quiet when you're tattooing? To keep focus? I don’t want to distract you.” Y/N questioned, big eyes looking at him with curiosity.
Anyone else? Anyone else in the entire world, he would tell them yes. He preferred a quiet environment to work, to get into the zone and truly concentrate. But there was no way in hell he was going to pass up an opportunity to hear her talk and babble. She had been so quiet around him before- rightfully so, considering she thought he would tell her to shut up- but he ached to just get a little bit closer. That yearning of his soft heart was pulsing, wishing to get to know her more. His brain was telling him to relax and be logical, but they both knew who would win out.
“Absolutely not, Sunflower. Chatter away.”
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intynidad · 11 months
Imagine a Soldier, a DILF,Huge, muscular, and so intimidating! But there are a few drawbacks.. He is VERY possessive and overprotective! (Yandere)
He can’t see you with another man! Or even the thought of a man breathing in your direction is enough for him to throw a sharpened knife at his head.. Even women are rivals to him.. He is a MaleWife! I’m his free time he wants to take care of you! like imagine the pink frills and bows but with camouflage pants and dog tags..
And the way he looks at you.. with so much adoration and love.. Even after transforming into a beast a few moments ago and glaring at the one who dared to even look at his sweet darling!
Scary dog privileges!! A huge almost 7 foot man stalking behind you with a preditorial gaze.. Sending death glares at anyone who passes near you..
you don’t know how he is so stealthyfor being so huge..
Has a huge and muscular body! So he has huge hands and arms.. With lots of bulging veins!
(Imagine grabbing his moobies after a hard day of work.. He would moan and whimper like a bitch in heat.. a string of Thank yous coming out his mouth..)
I imagine he has a hidden piercing probably on his tongue.. but no one knows.. except you.. but isn’t noticeable because he wears a balaclava at work!
Petnames!: Darling, Sweethear, Angel, My love, Princess, Lovely
It took some time but i really like how it came out owo
I got a little lazy on the end but is still good
TW: yandere behavior, description of violence(not towards reader), use of pet names (sugar cube and darling), female oriented reader ??? Tell me if i miss anything owo
Enjoy !
War was not kind to anyone.
First, your father was drafted to fight on the front lines. He tried to write every time he could, but one day, you and your mother stopped getting any letters. That's when you knew it - that your father was dead.
Your now-widowed mother was absolutely heartbroken. You tried to initiate a conversation, saying, -"Hello, Mom,"- but were only met with silence. This is how things have been going since the news of your father. It’s been a lonely and difficult time for your family.
You often found yourself staring out of the window, watching the seasons change. The world outside seemed to carry on as if nothing had happened, while inside your home, there was a void that couldn't be filled.
You saw how the war started to consume your little neighborhood, first your father, then your mother, and now your friends.
"I can't believe it," you said with a shaky voice. "You can't leave me."
You clutched the small phone in your hands while the other person on the line gave a low chuckle, full of sadness. "I know, I know. It's not like I want to."
"Dylan, please," you begged, your voice choked with a sob. "You're sick. You can't go to fight."
"I can't just stay still while the war consumes our lives, sugar cube," Dylan replied with determination. "Listen, I'm going to do everything I can to stay in contact, but I refuse to stay still while our enemies burn our homes and kill our people."
You understood his sentiment, but the fear of losing yet another person you loved was overwhelming. The war had taken so much from you already, and you didn't want to lose Dylan as well.
"Dylan, promise me you'll be safe. Promise me you'll come back," you pleaded.
"I promise I'll do my best, sugar cube," Dylan said softly. "And I promise we'll be together again when this nightmare is over."
As the call ended, you clutched the phone tightly, tears streaming down your face, thinking of the destiny of one of your closest friends. With your vision blurry, that's when you saw it:
[Be the hero of our heroes!]
[Become a war nurse and help today!]
The training was fairly easy, but the hardest part was saying goodbye to your mother. It wasn't because of the response she gave you, but rather the lack of it. The war had taken so much from her, and you leaving to join the medical corps was another sacrifice she had to bear in silence.
After three months of training and preparation, you reached your destination - the front lines. Well, it wasn't exactly the front lines where bullets flew, but it was a place where you felt like you were helping. The makeshift field hospital was a hive of activity, with wounded soldiers being brought in, and the dedicated medical team doing their best to save lives and ease suffering.
Your heart swelled with a mix of fear and determination as you donned your nurse's uniform. You had a newfound respect for the doctors and nurses who worked tirelessly in these conditions, and now, you were one of them.
Every day, you encounter injured soldiers, each with their own story of bravery and sacrifice. You offered comfort, administered care, and listened to their fears and hopes. It was a harsh environment, but the camaraderie and shared purpose among the medical staff gave you strength.
As you continued your work on the front lines, you knew that this was where you were meant to be, where you could honor your father's memory, support your friends, and be a beacon of hope in the darkness of war.
That was until one particularly slow day. Well, as slow as it could be in a war hospital. You were preparing some medical supplies for the medics to take to their respective camps when a superior of yours called you.
-"Y/N! Could you come over and take care of this new patient? I'm kinda busy right now,"- the woman said in a calm tone.
-"Sure, just send them back here, and I'll take care of them,"- you responded.
Her tone was pretty chill, so it was probably just a bruise or maybe a cold. You were preparing some medicine and band-aids when you felt a small tap on your shoulder.
-"I'm sorry to keep you waiting; please have a sea-" When you turned around, you were shocked to see a man - no, a practical giant - towering over you.
The soldier was immense, with a rugged face that bore the scars of battle. He had a stern, almost intimidating expression, and it was clear that he had seen his fair share of combat. As he hunched down to enter the tent, you couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation.
-“Captain Samuel Reynolds, a pleasure to make your acquaintance"- he said in a deep, gravelly voice. His uniform was tattered and stained, and he clutched his side in obvious pain.
-"Y/N,"- you replied, trying to regain your composure. You quickly gestured for him to sit on one of the makeshift beds. As he eased himself down, it became apparent that he was wounded, a bandage around his abdomen stained with blood.
-"I heard you're the best nurse in this place,"- he said, his voice filled with both gratitude and a touch of humor.
You blushed at the compliment. The reality was that you were just doing your best, like all the others in the medical corps. You started to assess his injuries, trying to hide your nervousness as you worked to remove the soiled bandage.
-"You've been through quite a lot,"- you commented as you cleaned the wound.
Samuel winced, but he nodded. -"The front lines aren't a picnic, that's for sure. But I've seen worse."
As you stitched up his wound and administered medication, you couldn't help but feel watched as his gaze practically pierced through you. But you continued to do your work, focused on providing the best care you could.
-"Okay, that should do for the bleeding, Mr. Reynolds. Let me go grab some bandages and some painkillers for you,"- you said.
His response caught you off guard, -"...why?"- Samuel said, almost confused about your reasoning.
-"Because, um, you are hurt?"- You stammered, wondering if you had said something wrong.
-"Thanks for the offer, sweetheart, but this pain won't kill me. Plus, there are some other people around that probably need those painkillers and bandages more than me,"- Samuel said matter-of-factly. He expected it to be the end of the conversation. You would probably tell him okay and assign him a bed, and that would be the end of it.
But you surprised him with your firm resolve. -"No,"- you said.
-"Thanks, so I will be going to my bed, then,"- Samuel was more than confused when he registered your words.
-"Wait, what?"- he asked.
-"I'm sorry, Captain, but with all due respect, I will not allow you to do that,"- you said firmly.
-"Do what?"- Samuel was clearly taken aback.
-"I'm sorry, but as long as you are here, I'm in charge of you, and I won't let any of my patients go suffering when they can perfectly take some rest and medication,"- you said, giving him a small, determined smile. It was clear that you weren't going to back down.
Samuel's eyes met yours, and he seemed to be processing your words. His tough exterior had met its match in your unwavering dedication to your patients' well-being.
As you delicately applied pressure to his wounds to wrap them up in bandages, Samuel couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. The way your hands worked so skillfully and delicately had a calming effect, and he found himself strangely drawn to your touch. It was as if your care had the power to make his pain vanish.
However, the sensation of your fingers on his skin made him nervous. His heart raced, and he couldn't quite understand why he felt this way. Samuel, a battle-hardened captain, suddenly felt a wave of discomfort.
-"I'm sorry, but are you okay?"- you asked, looking into his eyes as you reached your hand to his forehead. -"You're a little bit hot."
-"I'm f-fine,"- he stammered, full of shame. How was it possible that he was suddenly stuttering? What was happening to him?
Samuel couldn't quite comprehend the mix of emotions he was experiencing. Here he was, a soldier used to facing danger and making difficult decisions, and yet in this moment, your caring presence and gentle touch had him feeling vulnerable in a way he had never felt before.
A couple of weeks passed, and you continued to care for him. It didn't take much time for Samuel to realize that he was in love. A cold-blooded soldier had become completely enamored by a tiny (in comparison to him) nurse. He couldn't help but follow you with his gaze as you waltzed around the hospital, tending to the wounded and offering comfort with your warm smile.
He felt a profound happiness with you in his life. The war, which had taken so much from him, had also given him something unexpected – love.
One day, when his wounds were practically all healed up, he went for a run around the hospital perimeters. Part of it was to use some of the energy he had built up during his recovery, but deep down, he also wanted to make sure you were safe.
During his run, he stumbled upon a small river with water lilies floating on its surface. They were small in comparison to his massive hands, delicate and beautiful, just like you. Samuel found himself captivated by their fragility and elegance.
He decided then and there. He would confess his feelings to you when the sun went down. Those lilies, a symbol of the tenderness he had discovered in the midst of war, would be his gift to you. They represented the love that had grown in his heart, unexpected and pure, just like the delicate blossoms on the river.
He advanced with a spark to his feet, feeling his heart sincronice to each step he took.
At the entrance of your “office” (it was just a big tent but you liked to call it that) , he called out to you, -"Um, Miss Y/N, are you there?"- He couldn't help but feel a certain nervousness in his voice. It was an unfamiliar feeling for him, like he was a teenager again, not a battle-hardened soldier.
When he didn’t hear anything he decided to just enter and wait for you.
It was weird. You usually would check for medical supplies and then come back to your tent to put on your uniform and THEN start the day…not like he had your whole schedule memorized of anything.
He started to worry. Maybe you had been distracted or were in some kind of danger. The concern for your well-being began to overshadow his initial nervousness. He scanned the tent, looking for any signs of where you might be or if there was trouble.
He bolted to his feet again running to the “hospital”, full with worry.
When he got there he asked to another nurse if they had see you
-“oh, Y/N. O boy let me tell´ya. They been all lovely dovey with somebody on the back”-
-…what- Samuel felt his heart freeze
The nurse continued without noticing -“ya’ apparently it was an old friend of them. Let me tell’ya boy. The moment that guy enter she almost fainted of happiness. She was like “omg its been so long and””-
Samuel stopped listening half way through. He didn’t care about that guy.
He cared about you.
Who was this guy
How do you know him
He was dangerous?
Was he an enemy ?
He walked with a heavy step. Until he hear a small voice sniffling.
Samuel froze. It was you.
-“aww don’t worry sugar cube. I’m alright told ya’”- a voice he didn’t recognize talked to you
He cringed at the nickname the stranger gave you. Sugar cube
Yes you were sweet and all of that but he had no right to call you that.
-im sorry Dylan is just that *sob* the tears don’t stop- you responded
Dylan huh…where did he heard that name before.
He peeked a little and what he saw made his blood boil.
You were there with tears staining your beautiful face. And that disgusting man was kissing them away. Like he had any right to do that.
He continued to observe in silence.
He saw how this man sat you on his lap while kissing you.
At this point the lilies were long forgotten crushed to mere crumbs into his hands.
And when he saw Dylan slowly caress your leg he couldn’t stand there any longer.
He opened the curtain that separated you three and walked with a heavy step.
-“may i know what you are doing, soldier?”- his voice low and authoritative
Dylan that was not paying attention, bolted his head toward him and with super speed put you down on his side
-S-Sir i'm sorry is- Dylan tried to explain himself while he brushed up his uniform
-“I don’t want to hear it,soldier. Identify yourself and your section”-
-“Dylan Ramirez sir. I just got transfer to site 2-A sir.”-
Ah. That where he knew him. He was a new transfer to HIS section.
-why are you in this stablishment and not reporting to me of your arrival- samuel said with maybe a little to much volume
-“i wanted to say hello to nurse Y/N sir. She is an old friend sir.”-
Friend…he didn’t believe that bullcrap
-i want you out and to run 10 laps around the perimeter.NOW-
And with that Dylan rise to his feet and run towards the exit.
You that were looking at the whole exchange. Felt slightly intimidated. Like the first time you met Samuel. He been so nice with you that you forgot that he is a high rank in the troops.
When your two sights encounter you couldn’t help but look to the ground.
-“are you alright?”- say Samuel on a voice much, much softer than the one he used with Dylan.
You didn’t say anything.
-“is just that…I heard you cry and got worried”- that was partially the truth but he was sure you wouldn’t mind.
-“yea i apologize for the whole scene…Mr Samuel”- you said with a hint of shame on your voice
-“you don’t have to apologize for anything,darling. Is just we are going tomorrow to the front lines again and maybe im a little nervous”- another half truth but alas it was for the best.
-“can i ask you to do something for me?”- you said, still looking at the ground
Oh if only you knew what he would do for you
-whatever you need-
-Please take care of Dylan on the front lines. He is a very important person to me-
Why. Why he was such an important person to you?.
Why does he had that he didn’t?
Why you looked at them without fear and when you looked at him your gaze was on the ground?
-“sure. Ill make sure Dylan is taken care of”- samuel say after a moment
-“thank you”- you said with a small smile
He still though of that small interaction. He almost felt a hint of guilt for breaking his promise. Almost
He choose Dylan as his second in command to investigate a supposedly abandoned enemy base. That way they could maybe find supplies or a hint to end this war.
He had done this dozens of times.
The feeling of the bone breaking and the warmth of the blood on his hands. But the adrenaline on his veins this time made it a little different. Almost like if it was more personal.
If he had to compare Dylan to an animal it would probably be a deer of some kind.
A frail and sickly one but still a deer
First it was a shoot to the leg. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground but we both knew that nobody would come.
Then Samuel stepped on his hand with all his force. It made a crack that send a pleasant chill to his own spine.
The beating continued for a while. For too little time on Samuel’s opinion and if Dylan had the ability to speak he probably said it was for far too long.
But no one can really talk with a broken jaw and without a tongue.
When he came back to the base. Nobody question the story of an ambush.
Nobody question that fact that his knife was missing.
Why would they?
After all he was the first in command. He was the commander Samuel
But the acting when he came back to you was supreme. Maybe he should had been an actor instead of a soldier but anyway.
You cried and screamed and punched the air.
It did broke his heart that you looked so sad. But don’t worry he would be here for you as long as you need him
And you wouldn’t need anybody else.
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