#She-Ra Spoilers
diversity in children’s media is so important. when i first watched she-ra my mother joined me - she realised it was a remake of one of her childhood favourites and so she was super excited to watch it. most of it, that is. she absolutely adored it, until it got to the ending. until catradora became official.
of course, the signs had been there all along. it was always obvious where their relationship was heading, but she’d always had that plausible deniability to hide behind, until the end.
if i’d been a bit younger and a bit more malleable, the look of disgust on her face might have ruined the show for me. her look of obvious confusion and distaste and ‘now why would they do that?’ would’ve made me think it was weird and unnecessary that they did that.
thankfully, i wasn’t a bit younger. i was old enough to show that her reactions to two girls being in love was very much a her problem.
but most of the people watching that show are younger, kids watching innocent cartoons, often with their parents in the room, parents who think the same as my mother did.
those are the kids we need more diversity for. those are the kids who need good - or even just neutral and existent - queer representation in their cartoons. with how big media has become, it’s turned into such a significant influence of children’s worldviews.
and maybe a cartoon wouldn’t be enough to stop children adopting their parents’s queer-phobic attitudes. maybe it won’t be enough to make any huge change.
but it would be a start. it would be a step towards making queer people a normal, accepted part of children’s worldviews. and for all the kids surrounded by queer-phobic adults, a start is so important.
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mars-doodles · 1 year
my ultimate she-ra post: spoilers for she-ra
just finished she-ra
FOR ONE SEASON Hordak's return has been teased oh my god that's so satisfying "i am not your brother" GET HIM!!!
(he should re-dye his hair back to blue also i'm literally shaking buy her him brown contacts pls)
also i actually would love it if Hordak is imprisoned and Hordak agrees to it because obviously but also Entrapta visits very often and brings tiny food as gift (also the wiki says entrapdak is canon?)
also also of COURSE catra loves you who else would be THAT OBSESSED "i can't stop hurting the people i love but i'm trying" I GET YOU CATRA!! I GET YOUUUUU
also yoooo glimmbow canon?
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
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Etheria’s moons to dubious scale. The second from the right, the blue & purple one, is about the same size compared to Etheria as the Moon is compared to the Earth.
Probably the first thing I noticed when I watched She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was all the damn moons. I’d seen screenshots and clips of the show taking place on a space ship, so I figured “Brightmoon” was literally the name of a moon. But nope--the Starship Darla wouldn’t make her appearance until much later. Anyway. Despite the unrealistic appearance of the moons in the show, I resolved to Figure Out How They Work Eventually. Here’s some thoughts so far.
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I’m unwilling to trust most of these sizes because of perspective effects and because it’s a cartoon. I think probably they’re all smaller than it seems. Obviously the “real” spacing is completely different than in the drawing.
If this image is taken with a telescope, or even a telephoto lens from sufficiently far away, then the original image scale could correspond to the scale of the actual planets.
we only have actual depth information for ONE moon--the blue and purple one in front of Etheria, which means its actual scale relative to Etheria is probably smaller than in the image.
each other moon could be either very large and distant or very small and near to the camera, but the way it looks in some scenes moving towards Etheria suggest that the moons are depicted not much farther or closer from the camera than Etheria itself, so I think taking these as roughly to-scale can serve as a starting point for figuring the rest out.
My progress so far in figuring out how to fit 11 large moons into orbit around one Earthlike planet:
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this is only five. Four ceres in a near 1:2:4:8 resonance (such that triple conjunctions are possible, but rare), with that pink moon represented as a Mars-mass world, orbiting about once per month. If I move the Mars out much more, it might not be stable accounting for solar tides. (Etheria does have a sun? right? it’s not entirely clear to me. Does it have a different sun in Despondos than in the Universe? like, Despondos has Just One Sun? Is Despondos’ cosmic background lighting up half the sky? Or did the Etherian Sun come along for the ride through the portals, off-screen? I’m making the assumption that even if there is no real Sun in Despondos, the moon system pre-dated Etheria’s stranding, so it’s still constrained by solar tides.
anyway. the five there. I think I can add more. the Mars can support subsatellites, which I think should be allowed, and I think I can fit in some smaller asteroid-sized moons in low orbits in between the resonant friend quad.
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I’m not even close to understanding their geology, yet. I need to have a grasp on their basic physical properties first. But I’m guessing magic and technology are both relevant. One of the three moons of enchantment clearly had cloud banding, not impact craters. it could be terraformed--even if the first one’s tech that terraformed it is gone, perhaps it could still carry an atmosphere for the ~thousand years or so the first ones have been gone?
I wonder if the moons were early test beds for first ones to test magic/tech integration on a planetary scale. (which leads to the dark question of “was there a Heart of the Moon Project?”)
Certainly if the first ones were spacefarers they would have had some infrastructure on the moons.
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ashestoashesjc · 9 months
i'm still a couple episodes from finishing she-ra but
glimmer forgives catra for effectively killing her mother so quickly lmao
"i know realistically i should still hate you but we have a show to wrap up, so chop chop, let's found family this bitch already"
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Awhile ago a friend and I discussed a little of Jasper’s thoughts on a handful of existing fictional villains. Gonna post screenshots of some of that conversation for the heck of it.
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(Other villains I didn’t go into detail about but did say he very much enjoys: Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, Megamind, Scar from The Lion King, Zhan Tiri from Tangled the series, Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. Maybe I should pin down exactly what his thoughts regarding them are.)
Feel free to drop more villains in the ask box for me to give Jasper’s thoughts on!
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cringelordtbh · 2 years
I’ve barely seen anything of She-Ra but if Catra in this clip is not me lately then I don’t know what is
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jesterbells · 1 year
She-Ra and Utena
Just finished She-Ra, and before that I just finished Utena and...
(spoilers for the end of both shows beneath the cut)
Keep reading
...The end of She-Ra totally quotes the end of Utena!
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Except this time, they don’t lose their grip and she manages to pull her out!
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This has gotta be intentional.
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silver-heller · 1 year
I have a sneaking suspicion she doesn't like it very much, Netflix.
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I am still pissed off that the end of the first season of She-ra where they decided that Entrapta the neruodivergent coded character was convinced to not only work with facists (as if facists haven’t historically targeted neruodivergent people) but to also nearly kill everyone in the world, so much so that I burst out in anger about it when someone brought it up. I still won’t watch anymore of the show because god damn hate speech this bad shouldn’t be encouraged.
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months
Stephanie: Ready to do something that probably won’t work?
Cassandra: Always.
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virgolioness · 2 years
Looks like the 2020s is the decade where your fave cartoon characters gets possessed by fucking colonizers
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iamthecutestofborg · 1 year
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camscendants · 2 years
Best type of ship is Lesbian X The Floor
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evies20dollars · 1 year
Everything about The Owl House finale was spectacular and I loved it so much, but one smaller thing I enjoyed was that they continued in the She-Ra tradition of affirming all their gay couples and having them kiss in the finale while having their male-female relationship (though obvs Huntlow is queer too) be left technically ambiguous
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raylatdp-astridhttyd · 2 months
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