#Shuri's a little shit
letitiaslabyrinth · 1 year
warnings: shuri x plus size!y/n, angst, insecurities, Shuri's toxic, relationship issues, toxic relationshis, body image issues, attachment issues, riri x y/n, riri treats y/n so much better, comfort (just a lil) word count: a lil over 1k I think pairing: Riri x y/n A/N: this is 100% just me projecting but we not gon talk bout that. also I didn't proofread this so ignore the mistakes if you find any
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You wake up in you and Shuri's place in Wakanda. You look over and Shuri's not there. You brush it off and get up to start your morning. It's not like this is the first time she's left without saying anything beforehand. You deserve an explanation at least but you knew you wouldn't be able to get one out of her when she reached without an argument taking place.
You go into your shared bathroom and start brushing your teeth when you hear the front door open and slam shut.
She doesn't call for you when she steps inside.
You come out the bathroom and go to the living room. "Morning." You say, staring at Shuri with your arms crossed.
Shuri notices your stance and huffs. She's annoyed. "Morning."
You stand there for another minute or two before deciding that since she wouldn't address her absence then you would. "So, we're not gonna talk about the fact that you just up and left, again, this morning?"
Shuri shrugs and sits down on the couch. "What sense does it make? You ask, I ignore you and the cycle repeats? No thanks."
"Why can't you communicate with me?"
"For Bast's sake, y/n." Shuri groans and rolls her eyes. "Here you go, again."
"Oh, I'm sorry for actually giving a fuck about where my girlfriend is? I'm sorry that I'm not like the other bitches you've been who are okay with you just up and disappearing early in the morning without even saying anything. It's not my fault that you have fucking communication issues and can't have a conversation with me without it turning into a fight."
Shuri stands up and looks at you. "See, that's the thing, y/n, you wouldn't know what it's like to be with somebody else since I'm the first person you've been with. You barely understand how relationships even work and I actually sympathize with that because who in their right fucking mind would wanna date you of all people," She keeps going, her voice getting harsher and meaner, "You are so fucking insecure about our relationship and your body and it's tiring having to reassure you every fucking day. You are so fucking boring, any girl who says that she's interested in you, beyond just fucking you, is full of shit. You're too fucking attached to me—you act like we're supposed to be joined at the hip just because we're dating. You act like I have to tell you everything and everywhere I go just because we're dating and honestly? I'm sick of it—I'm sick of you, I'm sick of having to explain myself to you because I don't. I don't have to say shit to you or do shit to you just because you think I do-"
"Fuck you, Shuri." You say, cutting her off and quickly wipe the tears that fell from your eyes. You don't listen to anything else she has to say, even when she's following you into your formally shared bedroom while you pack your things. This isn't the first time you've left but you were gonna make sure it was gonna be the last. You couldn't deal with her constant degrading and acting like the two of you weren't dating just because she's the princess of Wakanda.
"Awe, the big baby's gonna leave again? Her laugh was mocking. "You gon come back soon enough."
But you didn't.
Once your shit was packed you left for good. You didn't call Shuri again, you didn't try to reach out to her, you made sure to leave her and your relationship in the past. She got the hint after the first two weeks of your separation and eventually stopped calling.
It had been months now and in all honesty? You were glad you left Shuri when you did. You were happy that you didn't have to deal with her any more but the memories still hurt.
Riri treats you better. She doesn't make you feel bad about anything you do or anything you don't. She actually makes you feel loved, which you never thought you could actually feel again seeing as how your last relationship went.
"Mama?“ Riri says softly, shaking you out of your thoughts. She looks at you with worry in her eyes and wipes away the tears you didn't even feel falling.
You put your hand on hers and lean into her. You close your eyes and let her touch settle you. "I'm okay, ri." You open your eyes, smiling. "I'm good."
Riri kisses you on the forehead and leaves her lips there for an extra two seconds before sitting back down to look you in your eyes. "You wanna talk about it?"
Your breath freezes in your lungs. You shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. Your voice breaks as you speak, "No."
Riri brings you into a hug. She whispers comforting words in your ear to try and calm you down.
Your mind just keeps racing about the amount of crap you let Shuri put on you, the amount of hate, the amount of empty promises, and no communication. You let yourself go through that. You were never strong enough to deal with her—she always had countermeasures to whatever you said or did and it was exhausting. And you wonder why you let yourself go through that, why you didn't leave sooner. You blame yourself for her actions. You know you shouldn't but you do.
As if on cue, Riri whispers to you, "Nothing that happened to you in the past was your fault, y/n. She shouldn't have treated you like that."
"I should've left sooner." You mumble into her shirt.
Riri shakes her head. "No. No, you left when you felt you could. You did good, okay? You hear me, y/n? You did good. You stood up for yourself and you made sure to get that hell out of there. And you were strong enough to get into another relationship, mama. That takes a lot for some people."
You stay quiet and let Riri's voice wash over you. It's comforting and you fall asleep in her arms. You know you're safe. You know she's gonna take care of you the way Shuri never did.
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roseamongroses · 4 months
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yknow how i was watching Bridgeton,,,,, and how like shuriri doesn't have 15 pages yet on ao3,,, ill be editing so i can start posting in june. it'll be a prequel to "nothing in the world belongs to me, but"
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rowrowronnie · 2 years
love disney going through it’s anti imperialist arc rn (andor, wakanda forever)
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thegirloffans · 2 years
I've been seeing snippets and fan art of everyone drawing Nashuri in almost every Studio Ghibli variation. They're lovely and I love them all very much...that being said, I must say I'm quite disappointed that I still have yet to see the crossover between them and Howl's Moving Castle knowing that if ANY Studio Ghibli relationship dynamic represents them to a T, it's that one.
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
Peter:...so your dad gave your dad Rizzoli?
Harley: *kicks Peter chair out from under him*
Peter: *laughing*
Shuri: rizzed up on a tuesday
Harley: I'm quitting the team! *stomps off then comes back* and Bucky rizzed up Tony you plebians! *stops off*
Wade: *laughing with peter*
Kamala: that is so much information I didn't need *giggles a little*
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Since it came up recently, link to that therapist on twitter 👆 who was discussing Bucky's terribile therapist in TFATWS and how they should’ve been. 
"As a therapist myself I've had a lot of feelings about Bucky's therapist on TFatWS, and have decided I need to rant a little to let it all out. I've worked w/active duty, trauma survivors, and court ordered clients, so here's some therapeutic conjecture on Bucky's therapy:
Aesthetically her office and presentation don't fit for someone who has been through the trauma that he’s been through. A client like this would need something non-threatening and safe- the whole vibe is overly formal and official in an office building, not at all therapeutic.
6 months working together she calls him Mr. Barnes and then James-he has identity issues and is struggling with who he is, so I think that one of the 1st things they would have done is figure out what he is comfortable being called, by whom and what that means for him.
He is still full out lying to her about pretty much everything including PTSD sx—I’m not saying clients never lie if they have good therapists, but if after 6 months he still doesn’t feel like he can be truthful at all then they haven’t built any trust/ solid therapeutic rapport
The pen and notebook thing-that’s clearly a trigger for him, there’s no reason to antagonize him and take notes in session like a punishment, it’s a power play on her part and it only emphasizes his lack of control in being forced into therapy (she should know his hx w/notebooks)
The whole little arm motion she made when she said “they need to make sure you don’t…” – that made so much light of what has happened to him, he probably feels like his arm is only good as a weapon and things like that will not help him accept it as part of his body
The rules, UGH the rules—from how they were talking about them clearly not something he actively created for himself, more like directives that he’s been ordered to adhere to—something fed to him and reinforced, feels like a way to sign off on liability only
THE AMENDS—this is probably my biggest issue. Amends are for people who need to take accountability for their actions and the repercussions of those choices. He had NO choice. He was a victim of horrific crimes against him, and framing it in a way that he needs to make up for
the crimes that others used him for is abhorrent. The lack of trauma informed care as astounding in the way it is being framed that he has to atone for sins that weren’t his. Its clearly reinforcing the idea in his head in ep 2 when he says “HYDRA were my people".
NO, HYDRA were your captors. They were not your people. That type of thinking needs to get deconstructed and challenged. He can dedicate himself to bringing good into the world and righting wrongs that happened WITHOUT taking on the responsibility of those actions.
Her whole attitude and demeanor were condescending and demeaning. I know some people have said “I love how she calls him out on his bullshit!” That’s not what I see happening. I call my clients out on their shit all the time—this was not that.
And I can only do that with clients ONCE we’ve built the type of relationship where it’s going to be therapeutic for them to hear it, and it’s done intentionally and with purpose. She just came off shaming and mean because they don’t seem to have any form of therapeutic rapport.
She said “you have no history, no family”- there is no therapeutic reason for that, and she’s wrong. He most likely has family alive (he used current tense when talking about his sister) and he was close to Shuri and TChalla, his history is vital to understanding him
When she said “Look, I know that you have been through a lot, but you’ve got your mind back. You are being pardoned. These are good things. You’re free.”—Yeah this feels really dismissive and like toxic positivity. “I know you’ve been through a lot BUT BE HAPPY!!??”
He certainly doesn’t seem to feel like he’s free (especially having therapy mandated), and you can’t just tell someone they’re free. I felt like she was pretty much just like, “shake it off, look to the future!” which feels really shitty when you’ve experienced excessive trauma.
HELLO breach of confidentiality, just introducing herself to Sam as his therapist and confirming it to Walker and the whole police station, it doesn’t matter if they know he’s in therapy you do not break someone’s privacy like that, he still deserves some control over his tx.
Ordering Sam into a session, NO, he’s not your client and you don’t know him well enough to know if that’s appropriate or if it would be harmful to either, and you haven’t asked your client for his consent to have another person in his session
Forcing a trauma victim who was stripped of his bodily autonomy for 70 years into a physically intimate exercise with a coworker that he’s barely interacted with in the last several months? NOPE, just reinforcing to Bucky she has control over him the way his handlers used to
To me, I think she is more focused on signing off on his psychological eval that he isn't a liability rather than any actual healing or attention to his trauma. This unfortunately isn’t unusual in the military where “mental health treatment” is focused on being mission ready.
They are making sure he’s ready to be an “asset” w/ mandated therapy, which he shouldn’t even be forced to do as part of his pardon because he shouldn’t have needed a pardon at all because he was a victim of horrific war crimes, brainwashing, and dehumanization for 70 years.
I’m just saying, if that was me he would be on my big squishy couch, bright open windows, bowl of Hershey kisses, random fidget toys, and two therapy dogs laying all over him while we work through that trauma and he builds back his identity and finds the calm he wants so badly.
And yes he would probably need someone who would see through his BS, call him out when he needs it, not be overly "touchy feely", but only if he feels safe and there is trust, where he gets to work on what HE wants, not what others think he needs.
Anyway thanks for coming to my TEDTalk, I❤️my work and I think being a therapist on retainer for the Avengers would've been a fucking trip, they all needed a team of mental health professionals at their disposal 24/7 and things would've been so much better🤣
ps. They can be a good therapist and just not be a fit for the client, that happens regularly. We know when to make it part of the conversation and when to refer out. Nothing good is going to come out of a contemptuous therapeutic relationship, mandated or not.
pps. That whole situation and the scene with Zemo was so rough. I can't imagine how much it brought back the violation, humiliation, anger, and helplessness of when he was the WS. I'm just imagining him having a therapist he trusts and being able to process that afterwards 😭😭😭"
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fictioninmyblood · 10 months
I Meant That Shit
Summary: N’Jadaka gets tired of waiting for Y/N to forgive him and come home, so he decides to let Killmonger bring her back, kicking and screaming if necessary.
Warnings: 18+, noncon/con, smut, D/s themes, Entitled and pissed Erik being devious. Shouldthere be a warning for angst?
A/N: This was supposed to be short, but here we are. Enjoy my sexually starved thoughts.
A/N: Also, idk if this needs to be said, but I write for my demographic - black females. This has been my disclaimer/notice.
A/N: My work is not to be plagiarized or reposted (on any site other than this) without my explicit consent and recognition.
After his reluctant rehabilitation, there weren't many things that brought out his killer instinct anymore. However, it seemed that lately, despite all the sparring, therapy, and meditation sessions, Erik couldn’t shake the urge to knock some sense into his girl Y/N. 
A few weeks prior when she told him she needed space and couldn’t stay in Wakanda and ignore her life anymore, he said some things. She took it the wrong way and told him they were over, as if.
When she first left, Erik was sure she’d break down and FaceTime him or use the kimoyo beads he taught her to use. She was always more vocal about missing him, so he just assumed she’d break down and restart their communication. Imagine his surprise when a whole two weeks rolled by without so much as a text, call, or video chat. He was desperate for anything from her, even a verbal lashing, but by the time a month came and went, he felt like a fiend going through withdrawal.
During week six, his excitement to finally lay his eyes on Y/N was quickly cut short when he realized she was still talking to his family even though he had been getting the silent treatment. That displeasing information lit him like a powder keg when he saw another man in Y/N’s background, getting dressed no less. T’Challa dragged him from Shuri’s lab ready to bust a gasket when his babygirl asked Shuri to go into a different room and his little cousin actually listened! His whole family was against him again it would seem.
When T’Challa got him back to his room, all he did was pace. It was ten full minutes of the king warily watching his cousin stew when M’Baku walked right into the line of fire as Erik turned to beat the shit out of his cousin. T’Challa easily dodged the current threat on his life as the giant grabbed Erik’s hands in one of his, quickly disarming him and making the pouting man even more enraged. 
“You all have been talking to her this whole time?” N’Jadaka roared.
“Just Shuri and I. She made us promise to let you figure it out for yourself, but you’ve been failing miserably cousin! Absolutely clueless!” T’Challa replied.
Erik struggled against M’Baku’s vice grip to no avail.
“No shit Sherlock. I’m gonna whoop yawls asses. M’Baku let me go.”
“Not until you promise to have a conversation with your mouth instead of your hands. I am not prepared to get involved in another war between you two.”
Erik took a few deep breaths. “Fine, I’m good.”
Once M’Baku was sure there would be no immediate violence he let go.
“You better start explaining real fucking soon T,” Erik spat, pointing an accusatory finger at T’Challa.
“Okay! Okay! Y/N is struggling to accept that you actually want her around long term!” T’Challa word-vomited.
If the prince wasn’t already enraged, the king and tribal chief would’ve laid out in hysterics at how N’Jadaka’s face screwed up. “How sway! How?!”
“From what Shuri has explained and I’ve gathered in my eavesdropping is that she thinks you only want to claim her without actually growing with her. Everything is on your terms, your way, in  your time. She’s been far more  patient than most would be with you so I can’t say she’s wrong.”
Erik jumped at T’Challa, scaring him and the big gorilla chief. “I oughta beat you up for keeping your mouth shut.”
“She and Shuri threatened me within an inch of my life and they scare me more than you. Besides, according to them, you can’t keep relying on us to figure out what’s going on in your relationship and I couldn’t find a valid disagreement.”
Erik nearly did slap T’Challa at the last sentiment.
“Aye aye!” M’Baku shouted, getting between the two yet again, “He is being truthful now. That counts eh? And if I may interject, I think you’re aiming your anger at the wrong person.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Erik said, deflating under the weight of that truth, “but his ass still bout to pay me back and I know just how.”
A few hours later…
“You know, when I told you that you could pay me back with The Royal Talon Fighter, I didn’t expect you to tag along.”
“Who else was going to keep an eye on our Wakandan technology or keep you from murdering anyone in the vicinity of Y/N, especially any man?”
Erik rolled his eyes and huffed. “I guess.”
“Or Y/N from killing you for just showing up jealous despite being radio silent since long before she left Wakanda.”
“Alright alright! You made your point. Damn! Just drive the fancy metal.”
Erik was all confidence until the second they landed in Atlanta. Yeah, Killmonger was out for blood and was ready to bring their girl back kicking and screaming if necessary, but Erik N’Jadaka Stevens? He was a nervous fucking wreck.
T’Challa and M’Baku’s words really struck a nerve and he had nothing but time to stew over them on the ride to your family’s hometown ranch. Before he met you, Killmonger made all the decisions, kept him alive and ahead of the game, whatever game he was surviving at the moment. He lived like that for well over a decade when he met you, but you didn’t bat an eyelash at his swift mood swings, his bloodthirst, or his possessiveness, often putting him in place. You handled him with love and care, showing him how to become the softer version of himself without sacrificing your boundaries too much. He was quickly realizing that he sometimes pushed too hard, took too much, neglected your requirements. It was your stern patience, however, that was enough to allow you to become the first person to get him the person instead of him the killer to come out and communicate, interact, and live rather than survive. 
You did it for him a second time around when he came out of cryo too. He hadn’t told you anything about how he would go about his goals, opting just to disappear and execute so it was a surprise of a lifetime to wake up to your beautiful Y/E/C. After getting over his initial anger over you seeing the worst of him, you were the first person he responded to or let touch him during his recovery. Even going so far as not allowing the medical staff to redress his wounds if he was awake.
Only your touch soothed him, only your voice gave him peace. You made him less of a killing machine and more human again, made him want to address the tsunami of emotions and trauma that he lugged around. He didn’t want to jeopardize your willingness to be that for him but he recognized how you were always giving all you had just to receive an inch of progress from him. If that.
Unfortunately, all of his introspection and nervousness flew right out of the truck T’Challa had them in when he saw you walking up to your personal guesthouse with a man in tow. Killmonger immediately took the reins pushing him and his feelings down into the abyss, and leaping out of the car before T’Challa could come to a complete stop with his cousin calling after him.
“Y/N!” Killmonger shouted from the end of the long-ass driveway, rage evident in his voice.
Y/N was haphazardly trying to get her drunk cousin up the stairs while nervously dropping her keys when she heard Killmonger. She’s only encountered him a few times since meeting Erik, after the first time she brought him back to himself, he did his best to keep that part from her. It didn’t always work since any repressed feeling or issue the man had was poured into his alter ego, feeding his desire to be wild and untamed in his decision-making. So she knew he was out for blood with just the sound of her name.
She got the key in just as Killmonger got to the beginning of her walkway up to the house. As quickly as she could, she pulled her cousin in, slamming and locking the door in her partner’s face, leaving the beast to bang on her door and demand entrance.
“I’m not dealing with your bulldozing tactics Kill! You can come back when Erik is ready to face his fucking feelings and have an adult conversation!”
“If you know what’s good for you and that nigga in there, you better open this ghatdamn door Y/N!” He roared in response.
Y/N’s cousin couldn’t stop laughing, no matter how much she waved him off. Getting trashed 3 nights in a row after a bad breakup and crashing with his favorite cousin after hearing how she was hiding from both the world and the love of her life as well didn’t prepare him for seeing her so out of character. One second she was fleeing from the man, the next she was big and bad from behind a locked door in all her 5’5” glory. It was comical as hell to him.
“You know you look constipated when you cuss? Like that stick in your ass is fighting every syllable.” He said, immediately dying in another fit of laughter at his analogy.
“Who the fuck is that in there with you, Y/N, and don’t fucking lie!”
“The next man. Nice to meet you. You must be the ex.” her cousin shouted out in a drunken slur to Y/N’s horror.
Yeah, she knew she wasn’t in the wrong, and there was no reason to defend herself against this man, but she knew not to press certain buttons once Kill made an appearance. Her cousin, unfortunately, had no discernment to see that he had just pressed the biggest red button Kill had when it came to her.
Y/N watched the myriad of emotions that crossed Erik’s face through the peephole, praying to every ancestor and display of the creator she could think of that this man wasn’t going to go full psycho-killer on them both. The last thing she needed was him taking several steps back in his healing just to unnecessarily add another scar, maybe 2 with how pissed he looked. 
Y/N turned back to her cousin, ready to kill him for putting her in even hotter water, only to find that nigga was sleep, leaving Y/N to deal with the consequences on her own. 
As soon as she had that thought her ears piqued, taking in how silent it had gotten. All she could hear was the crunch of gravel as T’Challa finally pulled in and got out. When she peeked outside the peephole again, she was met with a confused T’Challa looking for Erik.
A chill ran up her spine and her blood ran cold as she slowly turned to her current worst fear; Killmonger pissed as hell, staring her down with a knife to her cousin’s throat.
“Give me one good reason not to paint your brand new carpet with this nigga’s blood Y/F/N then fuck you on the new color.”
Putting her hands up in a placating manner, Y/N slowly inched towards Kill, stopping when he dug the knife just slightly deeper, exposing a thin line of blood, as her cousin slept unawares.
Donning a submissive voice as if she was talking to a wild animal, “Erik, baby calm down.”
“Don’t baby calm down me! You out here giving other niggas what’s mine? Mine Y/N!”
“That’s not–”
“Don’t tell me that’s not what’s going on when you’ve been M.I.Fucking.A. for weeks! And the first thing I see both on video chat and in person is you with some random?! I’ll murder every nigga to ever touch you, keep tryna play me.”
“Nobody’s playing you Daka, look closer, you know him. I promise I haven’t been stepping out on you.” Y/N continued on, internally rolling her eyes at the toddler temper tantrum she had to placate this nigga out of. “My stupidly in love, trying to escape his own heartache, and loves drama when drunk cousin that you have met several times was just egging you on.”
Kill looked closer to the man’s face and released the filter of rage clouding his judgment, upon closer inspection he realized they’d met at several of the many family gatherings he’d attended with Y/N/N. Slowly easing the knife from her cousin’s throat, Erik struggled to fight back tears at his behavior. He was proving he wasn’t good enough for her, he hadn’t actually changed all that much. Kill took the reins once again, unwilling to let him process his feelings of abandonment and betrayal just yet. Rushing towards Y/N, he laid the knife flat on the side of her face, taking up residence on the other side.
Biting a huge hickey along her jawline, before grasping her earlobe in between his teeth, Killmonger growled, “So if you ain’t been fucking him, who you been fucking?”
Although Y/N knew she logically had nothing to feel guilty about, how he was questioning her made her want to lie down and worship him as an apology regardless. She took a deep breath to center herself, understanding that any sign of nervousness would be taken as an omission of guilt.
Y/N ran her hands up his arms and over his shoulder blades to hold his face in her palms. He reluctantly released her earlobe to allow her to face him, naturally allowing the blade to rest against her neck ever so gently.
“N’Jadaka. Erik, baby? Look at me, I have been trying to live without you miserably for the last few weeks. I’ve only been going out since Y/C/N got here and I have to beg for breaks because I’m basically his chaperone. You believe me don’t you?”
Erik looked at her with suspicion clouding his eyes. He dropped the knife and held her throat in his hands, squeezing just tight enough to hint to either pleasure or pain, pushing her against the front door.
“Ion know. Why should I?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
Y/N took a chance and palmed his face, caressing his cheekbone with her thumb. “Cause you know that no matter how much you stress me out, isolate yourself from me, or threaten anyone who seems to have more access to me than you, that I love your crazy ass.”
Erik squeezed a little tighter, not enough to hurt her but enough to reassert his dominance. Y/N put a hand over his, doing her best to ground herself in the feeling of his hands rather than how much she wanted to cum from the pressure of them.”
“Sorry,” Y/N squeaked out, “I love every version of you, no matter how threatening any of them may be and I physically can’t stand to have anyone else touch me the way I let you touch me.”
“Say it again.”
“I love you?”
“Nah, princess, the other part.”
“No matter how threatening-” she started, but was cut off by the growl emanating from Erik’s chest and the pulsing release and pressure of him allowing her small gasps of air. “You know what I mean Y/N, don’t test me lil mama.”
Erik held his squeeze on her neck, tilting it ever so slightly to lick the side of her face and hold her earlobe between his teeth, tugging.
Y/N couldn’t hold back the guttural moan if she tried. Just barely keeping her eyes from rolling back and donning her sweetest sub voice, she said, “I physically can’t stand to have anyone else touch me the way I let you touch me big daddy. It literally makes me nauseous.”
Erik released her ear with a wet snap against her face, “It does?”
Y/N hummed and nodded her head as best she could in her current predicament.
Killmonger covered the forgiving face Erik started to make, replacing it with one of his stern, unyielding looks. “Then why you leave me and give me the silent treatment for weeks?”
Y/N whined at the tightening of his hands, closing her eyes to savor the pleasure only he could illicit lighting her body on fire.
Erik bit her bottom lip roughly, nearly drawing blood. “That’s not an answer.”
Losing the battle against her libido and subspace, Y/N whined again.
In a faux sweet voice Erik said, “Awww, is little mama already too far gone in her head thinking about all the ways imma mark you.”
Y/N nodded again, lost in the many images she’d acquired from her sexual experiences with Erik and Kill over the years.
“Good.” And with those words, Y/N was suddenly looking at Erik’s ass and the floor as he stomped upstairs to her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
He tossed her on the bed and roughly stripped her of her clothes, halter top first, bottoms and panties all in one fell swoop last, leaving her heels on.
He positioned her over his knee and popped her cheeks until her bottom was flushed with his favorite shade of reddish purple and warmed his hands with the heat she emanated.
By the time he was done, Y/N wanted to be a ball of tears, but could only sniffle, her voice too shy to make an appearance when Kill took the reins of their scenes like this for fear of upsetting him further.
Erik used his knee to spread her legs open far enough to see her flower drenching her thighs in her nectar for him. He took two fingers to swipe some of it onto them for him to put in his mouth and savor, groaning at how much sweeter she seemed to have gotten since last he held her.
He laid her onto the bed and got up to undress himself, slapping her already sore ass when she didn’t move a muscle.
“You know what’s up. Face down, ass up lil mama.”
Y/N groaned but slowly inched her way into position. Already feeling like jello, she barely put an arch in her back, struggling not to lay back down and pass out.
Killmonger was not happy with that. After he’d removed everything except his grills and chain he let both his palms come down on her cheeks simultaneously.
Sounding more animal than human, “If you don’t assume the position like you got some sense, I swear to the gods Y/N.”
She was still lethargic, but was eager to experience less of his painful assaults and more of the pleasurable ones that she knew were around the corner. It took all of her strength but she was able to inch herself into position, deepening her arch just the way he demanded with her arms by her side and her cheek resting against the comforter.
“Good girl.”
With how pliant she was to his commands and the evidence of how much she trusted and wanted him dripping down her thighs, it took all of his restraint not to plunge himself into her until he felt her cervix try to push him back out.
Y/N smiled faintly at the praise, humming and wiggling her ass in response.
Killmonger grasped her wrists as he knelt to get up close and personal with his pussy. He spread her lips so he could get an eyeful of her throbbing clit and blew on it, eliciting a guttural moan from Y/N, before replacing his hand back on her wrist.
“Just you wait mamas, you gonna be screaming and crying by the time I’m done with you.”
He licked her juices on both thighs, leaving hickies all over them both before he finally put his whole face in her pussy and ate. If it wasn’t for the grasp he had on her wrists, she would have collapsed immediately.
Erik was a good kisser in general, but Killmonger was a master at french kissing, especially her pussy, until she was questioning whether or not she still wanted the pleasure. Those deep soul sucking kisses always made her question her sanity.
He slurped up and suctioned her clit into his mouth like that’s where it belonged, flicking it with the tip of his tongue until she came with a silent scream, without ever releasing her tiny bud. Then he released it with a pop only to hold her lips open and spit directly onto her hole, watching his saliva drip down onto her clit. He flattened his tongue and licked like the dog he could be until she was a whining, moaning mess, tears streaming down her face just as promised. 
Once the first sound hit his ears, she couldn’t stop the noises he was pulling from her if she was mute, let alone at the mercy of his insatiable thirst for her most animalistic responses.
Kill continued his assault with his tongue, moving through her folds in a rhythm only he knew. After he’d gotten two more orgasms from her that way, Y/N alternating between screaming and crying, he latched his plush lips back around her clit, assaulting the sensitive bundle of nerves, and plunged his two most trustworthy fingers into her, immediately finding her gspot and caressing it with an incessant ‘come hither’ motion until she was squirting and creaming uncontrollably. Not willing to let go just yet he dragged it out for what seemed like forever since she briefly lost consciousness and came to, lips still parted in the O of her silent screams, with his mouth still eagerly slurping up the waterfall his fingers were responsible for. All Y/N could do was turn her head the other way to watch what she could see of him, whining and moaning.
When she could barely release any more spurts he released her, licking his hand, fingers, and forearm clean as he slowly stroked his hard as steel member. 
In the great deep of her sex haze, Y/N mumbled, “He brought dick too? How are we gonna survive dick too when he almost killed us with just his mouth and fingers.”
Erik chuckled at her ramblings, proud that he was, as usual, responsible for her senseless words.
When his precum made an appearance, he swiped it up with his thumb and rubbed it into her pussy, almost immediately replacing his thumb with the tip of his dick. Wanting to savor this moment of finally being able to reconnect with his pussy, he played with her, just like that. Rubbing the tip of his dick in both of their juices, up and down her pussy lips, circling her clit, and coming to apply just enough pressure to her desperately clenching hole, only to rinse and repeat. On and on he went, teasing them both until his quietly whimpering babygirl was back to guttural whines.
He knew she was right where he wanted her mentally when she started begging.
“Please big daddy, I’m so sorry. Please baba E, please baba, please. Please please please please please pleaaaaaasssssseeeeee.”
When he was good and ready, he pulled her up by her throat until she was flush against him, licked her tears from her cheek, and forced her to look him in the eyes.
“You don’t do that disappearing and silent treatment shit ever again Y/N. You hear me?”
Y/N nodded and blinked at him with a puppy eyed look that damn near melted the ice caps of his attitude, but he was quick to remind her who’s big daddy in their relationship.
“When I told you, you were mine, I meant that shit mama.”
“Yes, baba,” Y/N squeaked out.
He tongued her down with one of his sloppy french kisses and as soon as he felt her body relax in his hold, he did exactly what his body had been begging for since the second he saw her. He pushed himself into her until he felt the tip of her cervix try to push him all the way back out, savoring the fucked out look she wore as her body spasmed with the unexpected orgasm, he held them there letting her ride it out. 
In this moment he was grateful for the years of curated discipline since the way her pussy clamped onto him almost triggered his own mind numbing orgasm. Although he successfully staved off his nut, he couldn’t stop the way all of his fight was knocked right out of him.  Finally rid of the aggression that his Killmonger personality oozed, Erik was able to finally take in his queen, his Y/N, in all her sex hazed glory.
When she finally came down from her high he started moving, giving her slow and deep strokes as he showered her face and neck with kisses, hoping his attempt at lovemaking showed her just how priceless she was to him, how desperate he’d been without her.
Kiss, “I’m sorry too mamas,” kiss “I know how much you love me and I don't understand why,” kiss, “you,” kiss, “insist,” kiss, “on pouring all of the best parts of yourself into me.” He couldn’t help but shed a tear at the relief he felt, having her in his arms again. “I promise to do better,” kiss, “to listen and pay attention more,” kiss, “to treat you like the empress you are,” kiss, “just say you’ll come home with me,” kiss, “promise you’ll take your rightful place by my side mamas,” kiss, “claim your right as my queen.”
Y/N was a moaning, whining mess, barely holding onto consciousness and shedding her favorite kind of tears, just as promised.
Erik tucked his face into her neck, struggling to keep himself from cumming too soon since her pussy was gripping him like a boa constrictor, indicating that yet another orgasm wasn’t too far.
He held himself in the deepest parts of her and put a little whine in his hips. “Please mama, come home with me.”
Just when he thought he could hold out no longer she arched into him and screamed yes over and over, overwhelmed with her orgasm, and squirted all over them both. Erik came in her almost at the exact same time, his orgasm nearly knocking him out with how it overcame him from head to toe. Both of them slumped into the bed.
By the time he finally started to get up, her screams had quieted back to whimpers.
Erik slowly and gently removed her heels from her feet, massaging the soles with just the right amount of pressure.
He cleaned both of them with a warm washcloth and ran the tub, placing some bubble bath soap, epsom salt, essential oils, and dried rose petals in the water. Wanting to balance out the intrusive way he barged back into her life, he lit some candles and incense as well, and placed his favorite body oil of hers on the counter.
When he came back to get her in the tub, she was silently staring into space in the same place and position he left her. After he got her to turn over and sit up, he scooped her into his arms bridal and brought her to the tub, gently placing her into the suds.
Once he saw her relax he went back to the bedroom to strip and change the sheets, wanting their transition back into the room to be seamless. When he came back into the bathroom her head was leaned against the edge of the tub, eyes closed, and tears were streaming down her face, alarming him to the fact that although he’d won the battle, he was still losing the war with treating his girl with the care she really was looking for from him.
Choking up himself, he kneeled next the tub and leaned over her face, kissing the droplets left behind.
“I’m so sorry mamas. You know that right?” His voice cracked at the end.
Although she started nodding yes, she ended up shaking her head no.
“Can you open your eyes for me please?”
Y/N shook her head no again.
“Pretty please?”
Again she shook her head no. She was too scared to look him in his eyes, anytime he touched her or they made eye contact she folded to his desires and needs, abandoning her own.
A little defeated, but determined to win all of her back, not just her body, Erik switched tactics.
“May I get into the tub with you and hold you?”
Y/N hesitated a few moments before she nodded yes. As soon as she heard the rustle of him standing back up she scooted forward allowing him to sit behind her.
Once he was seated, Erik gently pulled her into him, urging her body to use him as she did the edge of the tub. The moment she relaxed in his embrace, head lolling slightly to the left, he started kissing up and down her neck from where her ear met her face to her collarbone.
When he felt enough time had passed, he tried to get her to open up to him again.
“Lil mama?”
Y/N hummed.
“Tell me what’s on your mind please, I promise to listen.”
Y/N held up her pinky and asked, “Pinky promise?”
Erik locked his pinky with hers and brought her hand to his lips, softly talking against it, “Pinky Promise.”
She pulled her hand away, putting it back in her lap to join the other one, under the water.
Taking a deep breath she started.
“Am I a toy to be played with Daka?” Erik was ready to answer but kept silent, knowing she needed to get all of her thoughts out before he interrupted her. “To be taken out of storage to be used and then tossed aside when you’re not getting the desired result anymore?”
Rubbing the sides of her thighs and suddenly very scared, he said, “ no mamas.”
“Then why do you get to demand time and attention and energy from me, but when I ask for a sliver of honest communication, the smallest amount of all three resources you have to offer me, you shut me out? Why is it only okay for you to communicate what’s going on with you and us when you feel like it, when it's convenient? Why do I always have to beg for you to lean on me, to use me softly? Why do I have to beg you to let me hold you. Why don’t you ever just ask? Why do I have to grovel at your feet to be held by you? Why is the only time you make love to me when you’re trying to win me back? Why?” 
By the end of her list, Y/N was sobbing. Erik wrapped his arms around her body and tucked his chin in the curve of her neck and let a few tears drop himself before he answered.
“I don’t know mamas. I guess…,” he wiped the tears from his face and gulped down the rising tsunami of emotion that she so easily created with just a few sentences before he wrapped his arm back around her, “...I guess I’m just terrified.”
“Of what baby? Haven’t I been here? Haven’t I done the best to support you with all that I am, to remain honest with you and show you that I am loyal to our future?”
He kissed her shoulder and said, “you have. I just-”
Y/N pulled out of his arms to finally look him in the eye, “You just what? Aren’t my efforts to build a life with you enough?”
Erik palmed her face and gave her a deep kiss, hoping to transfer all of his emotion into it.
He put his forehead against hers and said, “I’m just so fucking terrified of losing you. To have the warmth of your love snatched away at a moment's notice. I’m terrified in a way I haven’t been in so fucking long that I just convince myself that its better to pull away and show you how unworthy I am of the full magnitude of your love.”
He pulled away and kissed her forehead, grateful she was finally looking him in the eyes again. “But this time of separation showed me I am nothing without you, just a hollow shell, no love to warm my soul and bones. Even the care and concern of my family isn’t enough to fill the abyss that’s created in your absence.”
Y/N swiped away the stray tears from his face, “that’s-”
“I know. Super intense.”
“Yes. But I was gonna say a relief to hear. You never really give me any verbal confirmation that you feel as deeply for me as I do for you unless I say I love you first.”
“I know mamas, but I promise to do better, be better, for you.”
Y/N pecked his lips. “No Baba. For you. You need to talk your feelings out loud so you can hear it too. You need to know that the only reason you’re able to love me so deeply is because you love yourself that deep, if not deeper, first. Understand?”
Erik smirked, yet again grateful that he had such a wise and loving partner who always held up the pieces of mirror he’d sworn he’d broken to pieces.
“Yea lil mama, I understand.”
“Good…,” Y/N kissed him again, deepening the kiss but teasing him slightly with how lightly she moved her lips against his. When she pulled away, she almost regretted bursting his bubble. “...cause I’m not going back with you until I’m ready.”
Erik’s face instantly fixed itself into a scowl. “But-”
Y/N held a finger to his lips. “I said when I’m ready, not never. I came home to get back to taking care of me, love me, and understanding what my needs are.”
His pout deepened.
“And I learned that I need to stop jumping when you say jump. So I go back when I feel that I’m ready, not because you showed up and demanded it of me. Okay?”
He was a little deflated, but still holding onto the hope of her eventually coming back with him.
“Okay, but I’m staying with you until you’re ready.”
It was Erik’s turn to hush her with a finger. “I already know what you’re going to say and my duties will be waiting for me when we go back together. Now that you’re back in my arms I’m in no hurry to lose the privilege again.”
“You’re not!”
“You’re right, cause I’m staying.”
All Y/N could do was chuckle, understanding that she’d lost this battle and relishing in the fact that she won the war. It seemed he was finally starting to understand what she needed because although she was indeed going to complain about him having responsibilities to return to, she really did need him to stay. That abyss he had was mirrored in her heart and only time with him would close it back up.
Both satisfied that they worked through the root issue, they went back to enjoying the bath, Y/N comfortably resting her head against Erik.
When they were all pruney and the water was verging on cold, Erik stood them up to drain the tub and turned on the shower to rinse them both. After he dried them both, he quickly lotioned his body with shea butter, grabbed the body oil and guided Y/N hand in hand, back into the bedroom.
He laid her on her back first to moisturize and massage her front, kneading out all of the tension she held. When he was working his way back up from her feet, he couldn’t help but get stuck between her thighs, using his thumbs to massage circles up them until he reached her pussy again.
Y/N slightly parted her legs, letting one bend and fall open for easy access. He immediately used one hand to part her lips so he could see her clit clearly.
Erik leaned down to softly kiss her clit a few times before he pulled away and used the thumb on his other hand to rub slow circles. He admired her form as he brought her to orgasm leisurely. 
He went back to massaging her thighs until she returned from the heights of her pleasure.
His voice was more gruff than he wanted when he told her, “turn over.”
She easily compiled and continued his massage, paying extra attention to her sore ass.
When Y/N was 2 more seconds away from sleep and he was satisfied with his work he urged her under the covers and joined her. She tried to grab his hardened member to return the favor but he grabbed up her hands, kissing them to soften the blow.
“No, I needed to show you how softly I can treat you, I don’t need to cum right now. Sleep.”
Y/N pouted and whined, wanting to feel him connected to her again.
She lifted her leg over his as they faced each other and inched as close as she could with her hands in his, feeling his dick graze her pussy lips.
Putting a little more base in his voice, “Ay! What I just say lil mama?”
She whined out, “I don’t care, I just need to feel you in me Baba.”
Erik grunted. 
Y/N donned her best puppy dog pout and begged with her words and body, wiggling in his hold and being able to feel the lightest brush of his hot skin. “Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeee?”
“Fine, but careful what you asked for…” he said, sheathing himself in one stroke and stilled her hips before she could start moving. “...you just might get it.”
He released her hands and tongued her down, palming her face.
“Sleep Y/N.”
“But,” she said, her face scrunching in confusion.
“You can keep me warm, but that’s it for now, okay?”
She started to whine again but was cut short when he wrapped the hand palming her face around her throat.
“Sleep mamas. You’re going to need all of your energy in the morning.”
She wasn’t necessarily happy, but she also wasn’t necessarily dissatisfied. She did get her wish after all.
Y/N tucked her head under his chin and started to drift before she sleepily said, “thank you for showing me how much you care Baba E. I’m really happy you’re here.”
Erik kissed her forehead and squeezed his arms a little tighter around her.
“Thank you for letting me.”
He was answered with her cute snores and let the sound lull him into the best sleep he’d had in too long of a while.
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sapphicvqmpires · 11 months
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ who are you?
vampire series | shuri udaku | part 1
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Pairing - vampire!shuri x black fem!reader
Word count - 17k (yup)
Contains - smut (18+), fingering, cunnilingus, clit play, overstimulation, choking/breathplay, biting, edging, strap-on sex, blood drinking, descriptions of blood, gaslighting (it’s a vampire story, so it’s a whole bunch of shady shit going on), and probably more I forgot
Divider From - @firefly-graphics
Sneak Peak - “Shuri…baby…” Your breathless whimpers forced Shuri to release you, her face drawing closer to yours, yet she looked so different. Her dark brown eyes transformed into a blood-red hue, her fangs fully extended, and her mouth stained with your blood. The image frightened you at first and Shuri looked away in shame, attempting to conceal the face she despised so deeply.
Tags - @inmyheadimobsessed @amplifiedmoan @vampzxi @abenomeiiii @heejayy @shurislover @shurismainbxtch @shuriszn @naomis-daydream @prettymrswright @pocketsizedpanther @gardenof-venus @tiii-iiiiii @verachii @ihearttish @playhousedistee @somethingcleaverandwhitty @niyahwrites @tishsrealwife @oceean @sookiesookie @myaraines @cafehyunji @6-noir @ventingfanfics @marsology @imjusthere2readbruv @desswright29 @ooglyboooglybitxh @sweetalittleselfish-honey @kisskourt @shaiwritesss @sapphicbarbz @darkangelchronicles (comment if you want to be tagged in future fics, 18+ only)
Writers Note: whew fuck, this was definitely the most challenging thing I’ve ever written for tumblr. I could’ve went on and on, but I realize that’s not ideal. This is part 1 of a three part story, this part is mostly just an introduction to Shuri and her character, delving into her past and her life as vampire while introducing the vampire lore. Reader is nosey af but who wouldn’t be if they got to question a vampire? I hope you guys enjoy this read! I always love reading your comments!
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“If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain, If you cut me with a knife it's still the same
And I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it's not real
It seems that I still have a tear to shed” - tears to shed, the corpse bride
November 23rd, 2411, New York
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ You found yourself sitting in a bar, one that sat high up in the air as most buildings did in the now 25th century. The night sky enveloped you, its vastness serving both as the reason you are able to walk the earth and the reason you want to leave it, yearning, if only for a brief moment, to bask in the sun's warmth seeping through your dark skin once more. Those days were dearly missed. You missed early morning brisk winter breezes. You missed chocolate sundaes on balmy afternoons. It was the little things that made life meaningful, and you missed it all but most importantly, you missed her and this couldn't possibly be her. It would be too much of a coincidence to cross paths in this exact space at precisely the same time, especially when space and time had lost their significance to you ever since your transformation…that was until this very moment. Moving closer cautiously, you walked in silence, struggling to stifle your gasp.
It was her.
She retained the same appearance as the day you first encountered her; ageless, timeless, and effortlessly divine. That finely chiseled jaw remained a masterpiece, her dark skin still the epitome of flawlessness, and her hair wore the same exact short curls that framed her face in a manner that rendered her the most attractive person you have ever encountered. Even after nearly four centuries, you have yet to meet someone like Shuri Udaku. If a heartbeat resided within you, it would undoubtedly be pounding against your rib cage. If breath were still at your disposal, it would stagger beyond your control. However, for the past 400 years, you possessed none of the two. No breath. No heartbeat. You were frozen.
Closer and closer, you moved forward, until finally you took the empty bar stool next to her in the very empty bar.
She paused. Her body stayed deathly still right before she turned to see the face she missed so much.
And while your heightened senses surpassed any human perceptions, the world seemed to suddenly go quiet, embracing a rare moment of absolute silence. It was a profound silence, the kind you craved after a prolonged period of listening to the world and all its presence for so long and it seemed Shuri felt the same. Both of you embraced this quietude, finding solace in its embrace, until she eventually broke the stillness with the very mouth you had once intimately known.
“It’s been…it’s been almost 200 years, s’thandwa.”
That name. Oh, how you missed that too.
“Yeah…I guess it has been.”
February 16th, 2022, New York
The day was warm, the sun reaching its peak in the sky while your dark attire absorbed its radiance. You reveled in the comforting sensation it provided, a soothing contrast to the ache settled within you, a certain feeling of content that masked the emptiness you felt. Yes, the sky was bright, the day was warm, but your heart was not. Not with the scene that surrounded you.
“We gather here today to commemorate our brother Jonathan. He was a friend to us all, a person that will truly be missed and cannot be replaced….”
You found it impossible not to internally sneer at the kind and flattering words used to depict your former partner, Jonathan, during his funeral. To everyone present, he was a gentle and caring man, someone adored by everyone who had crossed paths with him. However, you were all too aware of the person he was behind closed doors; a coward, a despicable individual who was good for nothing but the depths of pockets. He had used you as a mere pawn in his life, exploiting your exceptional beauty. You were nothing more than an object, a prized possession desired by many men, but he had claimed you. Your parents had practically arranged your marriage to Jonathan, a companion chosen for you due to his wealth. The plan was for you to marry him and become his perfect wife. That was until a week ago when he passed away.
“My son was everything a mom could want…,” Jonathan’s mother began, breaking into sobs as she mourned for her son you hated so deeply.
“He was…the most perfect boy. My baby boy. And y/n…” Her gaze connected with yours, her eyes filled with a pitiful sorrow that you could not reciprocate or even pretend to, and so you did nothing but offer her a weak smile as she proceeded. “My boy loved you, baby. He loved you with his entire being and I hope you know that.”
A pitiful smile graced your face, the only response you could possibly give her amidst your numbness. The pain and hollowness residing in your heart were not born from sorrow or profound grief over Jonathan's death, but rather from the absence of love and affection he gave you. The lack of love in a relationship that had consumed three and a half years of your life weighed heavily on you. All you had received was a shattered heart, and there was no one there to assist you in gathering the fragments except for yourself.
The moment you closed your apartment door, a long exhale escaped you; a mix of relief and stress as you stepped into your now quiet space. It was vastly different from the usual banter Jonathan would welcome you home with, his tendency to pinpoint faults in you as an outlet for his anger that had nothing to do with you in the first place. Yet now, you stood alone. The sentiment was uncertain and you were not sure how to feel about it, but there was an odd form of comfort in the deafening silence. Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a tangled maze of broken strands. Amidst the chaos, your mind always retorted back to one single thing: your friend, Shuri.
You had arranged to meet with her in a couple days and finally address your suspicions head-on. You were well aware that you were most likely overthinking, perhaps being overly dramatic or even irrational, and that your theories might be far from the truth. But after a year of friendship, the burden of skepticism had become overwhelming. The feeling of being kept in the dark, the feeling that she harbored secrets and consistently hid things from you, had pushed you to a breaking point. You couldn't bear this constant uncertainty any longer. You were fully prepared to demand answers and possibly present an ultimatum because you were simply exhausted and as much as it would break you to have to remove Shuri from your life, it was what you needed to do if she refused to provide you with the solace and closure you needed, especially in times like these.
You proceeded with your night routine, changing into your pajamas and getting comfy in your now very empty bed. Was the bed always this large? Or did Jonathan just always make you feel small? Finally, after a long day, you allowed yourself to weep, sensing the tears tracing their path down your cheeks and absorbing into the softness of your pillow. You cried yourself into the most serene sleep you had in years.
You sat at the diner where you and Shuri would always meet at late hours, waiting for her to appear so you could finally voice the subtle anger that had been building within you over the course of a year-long friendship. It wasn't just a matter of her being a weird individual disinterested in sharing about herself—it was everything about her. The way she spoke, the way she was ridiculously smart, the way she has done absolutely everything and been absolutely everywhere in her short 26 years of being on this earth. It seemed she spoke an almost inhuman number of languages, and you couldn't recall ever seeing her eat, despite her assurances that she did. Her handling of alcohol was reckless, yet you'd only witnessed her drunk once, maybe twice.
There were countless aspects that unnerved you, but the most unsettling was her adamant refusal to meet during daylight. She claimed it to be solar urticaria, a supposed sun allergy, and you believed her initially. However, her increasing avoidance of daytime interactions left you puzzled and frustrated. She wouldn't respond to your texts or answer your calls during daylight hours, making it impossible for you to visit her, even when she didn't have to leave her home. Strangely enough, you had never even seen her house.
The mounting suspicions were overwhelming, and you wondered if you were being silly. It couldn't be true, right? There was no scientific proof or evidence to support such a claim. But what else would your suspicions add up to? What other explanation was there, except that she might be a va--
"Hey, y/n," her velvety voice broke through your thoughts. She settled into her seat across from you, and you couldn't deny how fine she looked. She had always held a certain kind of beauty, and not in a friendship type of way; it was a beauty impossible to overlook, one that left a lasting impression on everyone, yourself included. It was an ethereal allure, almost divine in nature. She gave off an attractiveness that surpassed ordinary bounds, and you were no exception to its impact. It was a challenge to put into words, but she seemed otherworldly, perhaps even godlike in her allure. She was undeniably attractive, captivating beyond what your body could handle, yet you continually suppressed any attraction you felt towards her. After all, you were in a relationship, a terrible one, but a relationship nonetheless. The last thing you needed was to lose the only person you believed truly understood you because of a silly attraction you may have felt for her.
"Hello, Shuri," you responded, your voice carrying a hint of tremor from the nerves that had crept in. Shuri caught on, and her self-assured chuckle let you know she sensed the anxiousness that had taken hold of you, further quickening your heartbeat.
"You look beautiful," she remarked, attempting to ease your nerves, though both of you knew that did nothing but make it worse. Her words carried a magnetic charm, one that surpasses the human experience, causing the hairs on your arms to stand up. You managed a soft smile in response, genuine but subdued, as that was all you could offer right now and Shuri immediately picked up on the fact that something was off about you. There was a subtle shift in your demeanor and posture, a slight dimming of the twinkle in your eyes but it didn't escape her notice.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” You’re caught off guard because you didn’t think yourself to be that obvious. You knew for a fact you were never that transparent. But to Shuri, you almost always were.
“What do you mean?”
“Well there’s obviously something wrong.”
“Obviously? I’m just sitting here, I’ve said all but five words to you, how is it obvious??” Your tone turned a touch harsh, frustration evident as you were tired of Shuri's ability to see through you. Raising an eyebrow, she chuckled, revealing her perfect set of pearly whites.
“I’m sorry for your loss, by the way,” she said once she stopped her laughter. You huffed in annoyance, rolling your eyes as you crossed your arms.
“No need to be sorry…I’m almost relieved he’s good and gone.”
Shuri softly smiled, a smile you knew she tried to contain but it was no use.
“Nothing…I just think…I think you’ll be much better without him. You never needed him, y/n.”
For a moment, you almost got caught up in her, lost in her words and the enchantment that peered behind her beautiful dark brown eyes but you remembered what you were here for, and you weren’t about to succumb into her hypnotic gaze as you often do.
“Shuri…I-I need answers…like…like, right now.” Even though your voice trembled, your request was resolute. You yearned for something from her, anything at all. And just when you thought you had the advantage, that same self-assured smirk reappeared on her face, as if she had been waiting for you to bring up the conversation.
“What?,” you questioned her facial expressions.
“What?,” she challenged back.
“No, you’re the one giving me that look so you tell me what's up.”
“The floor is yours, princess.”
You rolled your eyes, inhaling deeply as you debated whether to continue with this conversation. If your suspicions were wrong, you'd feel like a damn fool. Shuri would undoubtedly tease you relentlessly, something she already enjoyed doing. But you pushed aside all doubts and plowed forward despite the hesitations that surfaced in her presence. Clearing your throat, you released a hefty exhale before proceeding.
“Shuri…I know you’re gonna think I sound insane but I’m getting to a breaking point, and I just have to ask…”
“Then ask.”
You paused, glaring at her as you proceeded. “We’ve been friends for about a year now, and there’s no better way to put this but there’s just something incredibly off about you…like, it’s fucking with my head.”
Shuri bit the inside of her cheek, trying to contain her laughter.
“You are insanely talented at like…everything, you’ve been everywhere, you speak multiple languages, I’ve never met your family, or seen your house and I’m starting to question whether you even have a family…or a house…”
“Are you done?”
“Not even close. You never eat…or drink, but you drink an insane amount of alcohol almost everytime we go out yet I’ve seen you get drunk maybe once…?? Shuri, that's not humanly possible.”
“You’re listing things about myself like I don’t already know, pretty girl.”
She always knew her way with words.
“I’m not done.”
She gestured for you to proceed, resting her back against her chair.
“The sun…what is your deal with the day time??”
“I already told you, y/n.”
“No, don’t give me that shit. I don’t buy it…so you’re allergic to the sun or whatever…you can’t pick up your phone?? Answer your texts?? But as soon as the sun goes down…”
Shuri just sits there, interested but also unbothered and you weren’t sure how that made you feel. There was silence for a moment.
“You gonna say something or just sit there and look good all evening??”
Shuri said nothing but another chuckle.
“What’s so funny, Shuri? You’ve been saying nothing but laughing at me the whole time.”
“I was waiting for you to finish what you were saying.”
“I have nothing else to say.”
Shuri leaned in, placing her forearms on the table, her smug grin never wavering. Her eyes shifted between the two of your own, delving into the depths of your eyes. You swallowed, nerves building up in anticipation.
“Come on, y/n. You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“I don’t need to repeat everything you just listed. Why must I answer what you already know?”
“What are you saying, Shuri??”
“Don’t be stupid now. You know.”
“What do I know??”
Shuri arched an eyebrow, and you took in a sharp breath. It couldn't be. There was just absolutely no way.
“Uh uh. Don’t fuck with me, Shuri, this isn’t fucking funny!”
“I’m not playing with you, princess. I have no reason to anymore. You know.”
“Anymore?? What does that mean?? Tell me what the fuck is going on.”
“I’m not messing with you.”
A lengthy silence ensued as you both locked eyes, glaring eachother down. Shuri appeared unbothered, almost captivated by your frustration and that only fueled the fire that was coursing through your veins.
“Uh uh, there’s just no way. No fucking way,” you uttered in disbelief as you made your way out of the diner, coming face to face with the dark night that surrounded you every single time you were with her. Shuri rolled her eyes before she got up to follow you. You hurried behind the restaurant, hoping to get a moment of privacy to collect your thoughts, but that hope dissipated as you felt Shuri's firm grip on your wrist, causing you to flinch at her harshness. Shuri let go abruptly, offering no verbal apology, but her eyes held a silent regret at the action.
“Shuri, what the fuck is going on??,” you asked, attempting to keep your voice down but your mind was too boggled to remember you were still out in public.
“I’m gonna need you to keep your voice down, y/n.”
“Keep my….excuse me?? No! Don’t fucking tell what to do, Shuri! Tell me what the fuck is going on!”
“Y/n…,” a voice of warning, one that was accompanied by her firm stature.
“No, don’t fucki—,” but before you could complete your sentence, your body was wedged against the building wall, Shuri's palm firmly covering your mouth as her body trapped you in. She held you like that for a moment, admiring how you so easily yielded to her control even after your mouth refused to shut up for her.
“You’re a feisty little thing, aren’t you?” Your face softened just a bit, almost relaxing into her touch.
“Are you going to listen to me, y/n?”
You nodded, a smirk appearing on her face at the gesture.
“Good girl.” She let your mouth go. “No wonder Jonathan could not handle you.”
You scowled at her, eyebrows furrowing together as Shuri pinched your chin and tilted your head up just a bit. “Let me take you home and I will tell you everything you need to know. I’ll answer any important questions you have, baby, but you have got to listen to me. Do you understand?”
You were trembling, and though your pride nearly kept you from acknowledging it, fear gripped you. Fear of Shuri and whatever her motives might be. Your heart felt like it could burst through your rib cage at any given moment.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. I’m not gonna hurt you. Just let me take you home. Please.” Her plea seemed to carry a hint of desperation and it provided an odd sense of comfort. You knew that you would be okay and so you agreed.
The car ride remained silent, only the rhythmic patter of raindrops against the car window and Shuri's old tunes playing softly. Your heartbeat felt so loud, you swore you could almost hear that too…or maybe she could.
Once you get there, Shuri swiftly makes it to your side, helping you get out as she softly massages the skin on your wrist.
“I don’t need your help getting to my door, Shuri.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“I’m perfectly fine.”
She lets you go, trailing behind you as you make your way to your apartment.
You made yourself a cup of tea in an effort to soothe your nerves but the absence of conversation between you two left an eerie atmosphere in the space, one that surpasses the fact that you now live alone in a space that was once for two. The rain seemed distant, tapping lightly against your balcony window. Suddenly, the sound of her presence broke through your state of mind.
“So…are you gonna tell me what’s going on, y/n?”
You swallow, trying to contain your composure. “Nah, I’m waiting for you to tell me, Shuri.”
“I think you’ve gotten it all figured out now. Am I right?”
“But I want to hear it come from your mouth, Shuri. I wanna know it’s true because you told me.”
Shuri reclined, stretching her arms casually against the sofa, adopting an almost cocky posture as she grinned at you.
“You gonna fucking say something or what?,” you snapped in impatience.
Shuri raises an eyebrow as she releases a breathy chuckle. “You have such a mouth on you.”
Your eyebrows lightly furrowed together, before you rolled your eyes dramatically. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Fine. Let’s have it your way then. Let me reintroduce myself to you…Hello, y/n. My name is Shuri Udaku and I am a vampire,” she said with a nod of her head, as if the fact meant nothing. Your heart stops for a second before it begins beating uncontrollably, consumed with pure shock. Even though you already knew, you were never prepared for how it felt once it was made real.
“I can hear your heartbeat, princess. Tell me what you’re feeling. What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”
“I…I need some time to p-process…”
Shuri remained silent, her eyebrows knitting together as she observed you, appreciating the way you stumbled over your own words. She was captivated by you, by the way your body responded to her and to this newfound piece of information that you were trying to keep your composure over.
“I want you to go, Shuri.”
But she did not budge. Perched there, she observed you, and an increasing fear of her began to gnaw at you and Shuri seemed to sense this. She rose from her seat, advancing toward you, firmly placing her hands on the armrests of your chair as she hovered over you. Her lips were mere whispers away from yours, and the desire to both flee from and lean into her lips was a thin line in difference. You were torn between pushing her away and surrendering to the magnetic pull. Even though she had always held a certain dominance in your relationship, it was different now. It was hunter and hunted. Predator and prey. You felt so small, utterly defenseless, and you swallowed in anticipation, awaiting her next move.
“Shuri…please,” you choked out.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“I—please don’t hurt me. Please.”
A soft chuckle escaped her lips, and though it wasn't inherently menacing, it sent shivers down your spine. Shuri leaned down, her lips almost brushing against the side of your throat, and your entire body quivered the closer she got.
“Please,” you said softly, unsure of what it was you were pleading for at this point. Did you want her to stop? Did you want her to keep going? There was a thin line between the two and the beat in your heart found its way between your legs and you could only hope she couldn’t sense that too. Shuri pressed her lips into your throat, kissing the sensitive skin as you sigh in relief. You tried so hard to contain the moan that was threatening to escape you but you swallowed it, clenching your thighs together instead. The feel of her soft lips against your throat was threatening to undo you and the sound of her voice nearly made you bring her face into yours.
“I would never hurt you,” she hums as her lips continue to softly assault your throat. A soft whimper escapes your lips, an unwilling beg for her to give you more and Shuri took note of it but did not give into it. She removes herself from your body, coming back to face you and your eyes that drown in both fear and want. She takes your cheek into the palm of her hand, pressing firm into your warm skin.
“If I leave now, are you going to be ok here on your own?”
You nod and she smirks at you, admiring how you and that smart mouth of your was at loss for words and how she was the one that got you that way.
“I’ll see you whenever you want to see me. Let me know and I’ll give you all the answers that you need. Just reach out to me, yeah?”
You nod again. She grabs your hand and helps you off the chair, pulling you in by your hips until your pelvis bumps into hers and suddenly all fear is replaced with pure lust and this was nothing new. You always had an attraction for Shuri, even when you were with Jonathan, you could never ignore how beautiful she was and how her beauty lit a spark in you and though there were never any official titles placed between the two of you, you always knew a part of her wanted you too.
“Shuri,” you groaned, completely overtaken by her and her presence.
“What is it?,” she asked, her voice winning you over with the bass it held. You swallow harshly, embarrassed with yourself and how much you were leaking onto your panties.
“I want…I n-need…”
“Tell me.”
You remained silent, hoping that the desperation in your expression would convey what words could not but that was not enough for Shuri. She let you go and your body immediately ached at the emptiness you felt. Then, she gently gripped your chin, tilting it slightly to ensure your gaze was locked onto hers.
“Call me when you’re ready.” Shuri heads towards the balcony door and opens it, and the coolness from outside immediately strikes your skin and you shiver.
“Shuri, what the fuck are you doing?? It’s raining and it’s damn cold, close the door!”
Shuri only smirked at you, scanning her surroundings before she effortlessly jumped off the balcony as if it was nothing. You immediately gasped, rushing to the edge to search for her, but she had vanished. All that remained was the sound of the pouring rain and the rustle of the wind in the air, clogging your senses and sending a sharp shiver up your spine. You had received the answer you sought, the one you needed, but now you were left with nothing but an insatiable craving to know more.
A week had passed since that night with Shuri, a week of solitude spent grappling with troubled thoughts that ignited an overwhelming sense of desire. Finally, you summoned the courage to reach out and arrange another meeting with her. Shuri agreed, relieved that you were willing to take it up a notch.
“So what about mirrors?”
“What about mirrors?”
“You know…that dracula shit, how he can’t see his reflection and all…is that real?”
Shuri chuckles. “False. I can see my reflection perfectly fine.”
“Ok…uhhh, what about the whole thing with crosses, crucifixes, holy water and all that…?”
“False. Although I do not like being in the presence of those things, only because I find religion to be messy and I never really believed in it.”
You raise an eyebrow at her. “Okay, ummmm…what about garlic?”
Shuri burst into laughter. “You watch way too many movies, y/n.”
“Well shit, I don’t know. Pop culture got you guys all kinds of fucked up.”
“I know, it’s ok. I just…keep going,” she assures, coming back down from her laughter.
“Okay um…the sun.”
“You know the answer to that.”
“I know but I want to hear it come from your mouth, Shuri.”
“You must have heard enough lore to understand that we cannot go into the sun, princess. It is one of our greatest weaknesses. If I go in the sun, I’ll die. It’s simple really.”
A part of you went numb as the fragments and clues started to unravel and fit together before your eyes. Yet, you knew there was a crucial aspect of her you needed to confront, the elephant in the room that you were eager to discuss as soon as she disclosed her true nature as a vampire.
“W-what about your…your diet?,” you ask, already knowing the answer but afraid to hear it anyway. Shuri goes silent, as if she wants to keep the obvious all to herself.
“Shuri, baby…you said you would talk to me.”
“I know what I said.”
“So then talk to me. You’re the one that came into my life. You knew you would eventually have to have these conversations. So tell me.”
“They never last this long,” she replies, her eyes no longer on yours.
“What? Who never lasts this long?”
“What I am trying to say is, y/n…I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of having this same conversation over and over and over again just for that person to run. No one has lasted this long.”
And that’s when it hits you. That’s when you remember that vampires are immortal beings. “Wait…how…how old are you?”
“I’m 26.”
“You know what the fuck I mean.”
A subtle tilt graced her lips as she smiled, exuding the same self-assured manner she always seemed to have.
“I was born in 1794, turned in the year 1820. And I’ve been this ever since,” she says so matter of factly. It startled you at first, leaving you trying to do the math in your head and Shuri notices right away.
“That’s the answer you are looking for.”
“Wait, how’d you…?? Wait…can you read minds??,” you ask startled, worried she may have heard all the dirty thoughts you’ve had about her. Shuri laughs.
“No, not necessarily. I don’t need to read your mind directly in order to know that is what you were thinking. Your body language says it all.”
You glare at her in confusion.
“I have been around long enough to understand what someone is trying to say or what they are thinking through their body language, princess. A skill humans think they have but I promise, you truly do not.”
“Uh huh…so you can’t read minds? Then what can you do? What kinds of powers or whatever do you have??”
“Yeah or whatever the fuck its called!”
Shuri chuckles. “We don’t have ‘powers’. We have abilities. Take for example…the cheetah. The fastest land species…well not necessarily but you wouldn’t call its ability to run fast a power would you? Or the owls' capability to see at night? Is that a ‘power’ to you? How about the elephant's strength? A power? No. They are abilities that help them run from predators and catch their prey. It’s no different for a vampire. We have…capabilities that make it easy to catch our prey.”
You swallow hard, unsure of how to respond to the snarky yet intelligent way she put it.
“Throw that knife at me,” she commands, pointing to the knife you used to cut your steak.
“Do it.”
“Shuri, I’m not gonna throw a knife at you, are you mad??”
“You cannot hurt me, y/n.”
You glanced around, surveying your surroundings and noting the nearly empty restaurant as the night advanced. Gradually, you picked up the knife, taking a deep breath before hurling it towards her. She effortlessly caught it in the palm of her hand, as if she had performed the act a million times before, the blade no more than an inch from her eyes. She then opened her hand, revealing the deep wound the knife had left from her grip and the blood that started to pool. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you observed her flesh healing at an inhumane speed. It was no different than the healing process for a human but sped up by 100 times.
“Whoaaaa,” you say, like a child seeing something extraordinary for the first time.
“I can also communicate to you telepathically,” she says, but her mouth did not move. It was as if she had placed her voice inside your mind and spoke to you that way.
“Wait…how’d you?? Do it again! That was cool!”
“I’ll leave it for another time,” she laughs. “I also have senses beyond the human capacity to even dream of. When I…turned…it was as if I was blind my whole life, like I was a deaf and could finally hear. My senses overwhelmed me, I swore I was going to die with everything that was raging through my body. I’m fast, strong, never get tired…I can talk about my ‘powers’ for a long time. But really…it loses its touch overtime. I often forget those abilities are there.”
At this moment, your jaw dropped in astonishment, completely enthralled with what truly existed and that it had been right in front of you all along.
“So you’re like…a superhero…with super cool powers and shit.”
Shuri's presence briefly darkened as a glint of emotion shimmered in her eye, a momentary pause that was so brief but felt long.
“Superhero,” she repeats. “No…nothing like that. Not anymore.” She mumbled that last part and it caught your attention but you chose to ignore it for the time being, steering back to the original point of conversation.
“Shuri…your diet.”
She looks away in shame, closing her eyes before she proceeds to answer. “I drink blood.”
“Ok…and what else?”
“That’s it. That’s all I eat. Human food tastes like nothing to me, it’s disgusting really. It does not give me any nutritional value either. The longer I go without drinking blood, the more I’ll start to feel it.”
You take a sharp gulp. “So how often do you feed on people?”
“Often…as much as I can.”
“D-do you…kill people?”
A brief pause ensues but Shuri's intense gaze stays fixed on you all the while, her jaw tensing before she continues.
“I have.”
Heat rushes through you. “Do you kill people often?”
“Not anymore.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.”
You looked away, almost disgusted with the person you were sitting in front of.
“We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to, y/n.”
“No I…I want--I need to hear this. When…when was the last time you killed someone?”
Shuri refrained from speaking immediately, choosing to study and began to grow queasy.
“Not that long ago.”
“How long ago?? Did I know you??”
Another deafening silence engulfed the space between you two. There was no need to voice your next question; she already anticipated what you were going to ask.
“It was February 10…2022.”
Instantly, a sinking feeling gripped your stomach, and your heart felt like it might leap out of your chest as tears welled up, ready to surface.
“J-Jonathan?,” you whispered as you choked on your tears. She nodded her head, almost unbothered by the tears you were shedding for him.
“What…what the fuck is wrong with you??!”
“No! No, don’t fucking touch me!”
Despite the near emptiness of the diner, the few present all had eyes only looking at you before you stormed out with both confusion and hurt coursing through you. You climb into your car with determination before driving home, the desire to distance yourself from her was overpowering but when you got home, you were heavily startled to find her seated on your couch, indulging from your stash of whiskey.
“What are you doing here?? How’d you even get in here?!”
“Through the balcony.”
Your fractured sobs were on the verge of breaking free, and your tear-streaked cheeks were evidence of the intense breakdown you had in the car ride back home.
“You can’t just break into my house whenever you want to,” you managed to spit out.
“Can’t I?,” she challenged.
“Shuri…get the fuck outta my house. Get the fuck outta my house, I swear to god, Shuri…”
“I did you a favor, y/n.” The audacity she displayed left you stunned, as you pressed your temples in an attempt to ease the throb in your head from all the tears you cried.
“I never liked him. He never treated you the way you deserved and you just let him treat you that way. I was so sick of seeing you cry, y/n. Is that the life you really wanted for yourself? I mean, let’s be honest. You’re more than happy he’s gone. Now there’s nothing in the way of going after what you really want, seeking for the life you deserve, princess. I did it for you.”
“I--wow. You are mentally insane. What is that, some kinda romantic vampire notion??”
“It can be,” she responded, and you struggled to discern if she was being sarcastic. Nothing could be certain when she wore that enigmatic grin on her face.
“None of that was for you to decide, Shuri! You can’t just go around killing people and for what?? Cuz you don’t like them? That’s a life…a human life you just took away…”
“I’ve decided a long time ago to not care too much for human life anymore. There is no point and it does nothing for me.”
“I…what? Ok…yeah…Imma need you to get the fuck outta my house…like…now.”
Shuri rises from her seat, advancing towards you, and soon you're caught between the wall and her imposing presence once more. Your breath hastens, and the hairs on your arm stand on end as she takes you in. Shuri takes pleasure in the way your body reacts to her, attempting to decipher just how frightened you truly are. You swallow nervously.
“What are you scared of, princess?,” she asks with low lids, her eyes glazed with desire.
She lets out a soft chuckle as she fakes a frown, almost mocking your fear.
“Why?” Gently, she runs her fingers across your cheek as she speaks softly, a sly smile appearing on her face while she observes your pleading eyes locked onto hers. “Tell me why I scare you, baby.”
“You kill people, Shuri.”
Shuri nods, humming in agreement.
“You could kill me.”
“I could…but I won’t. You know why? Cuz I care for you…I care for you and it scares the absolute shit outta me.” She utters these words with a hint of sorrow in her eyes, as if a fracture lies beneath the confident facade she typically displays when you're around. Strangely, this vulnerability lessens your fear. You reach out and touch her face, gently placing your palm against her cheek, and she leans into your touch.
“Do you care about me?,” she asks, her voice coming to soothe you.
“Do you care about me, y/n? Tell me, please. I need to know.”
In an instant, any remnants of warmth and comfort vanish, swiftly replaced by a surge of anger within you.
“Shuri, how the fuck are you even asking me this right now? Do I care about you?? You killed Jonathan!”
“Yeah, and he tasted fucking delicious,” she snarked back. At that moment, you no longer cared about holding back the tears you had struggled so hard to keep in check in front of her. It felt futile.
“Are you…? Shuri, I beg, fuck outta my house…like right now!”
“Do you really want me to go though?”
You did, you wanted her out of your face but there was a part of you that wanted her to stay and learn more, though you decided to push it to the farthest corner of your mind for now.
“If I remember correctly, you told me you were relieved that he was gone.”
“That doesn’t make it ok,” you spat. Shuri sits back down, manspreading on the couch and she looks ridiculously delicious. How pathetic of you to find the attractiveness in her even in the midst of the anger she fueled through you. She tells you to come sit beside her but you opt for the couch in front of her instead and she chuckles at you.
“I just…you can’t be mad at me for reacting the way I am.”
“Who said I was mad?”
You took a brief pause, granting yourself a moment of composure as you regulate your breathing and wiped away your tears. Shuri sensed the warmth emanating from your body and tuned into the steadier rhythm of your heartbeat before she proceeds.
“I just have one question for you, is that ok?”
You nod.
“Are you relieved because of who he was? Or are you relieved you no longer have an obstacle that is getting in the way of going after what you really want?”
“Don’t play stupid.”
“I-I don’t--”
But you were cut off by the swiftness of her body approaching you and it startled you. She was in front of you in less than a second, her figure was nothing but a blur as she ran to you, traveling at the speed of light.
“How did you--” and once again Shuri hushed you with the raise of her finger.
“You ask me about honesty, telling me to come clean to you and all I’m asking is the same from you. I need your honesty as well. And maybe you won’t give it to me today and that’s ok because if there is one thing I have in this life of mine, it’s time. But I need you to relax, just breathe. I know there’s a lot more swimming in that mind of yours and I am willing to clear it for you if you let me.”
You finally allow yourself a moment of calm, inhaling deeply numerous times as your mind relaxed into her even just for a brief moment. She made it so hard to stay mad at her, even for something as viscous as the things she did, she always, always knew her way around you. The two of you sat back down, eagerly waiting to see who would break the silence. You had a multitude of questions to pose, but for now, you chose this one.
“So are you like…dead?”
A soft smile appears on her face. “I prefer the term undead but yes, I died so technically that makes me dead.”
“You died,” you repeat her words to yourself and Shuri nods and there is most definitely a hint of sadness in her eyes.
Her manner transforms, her brows knitting together as she adopts a more rigid seating posture. “It just happened, I guess.”
Confusion sets in. Why would she permit you to ask all the questions you need, only to respond on her own terms?
“Shuri, your hostility is really starting to piss me off.”
She pauses, her face tainted with frustration.
“You said I could ask anything and you would tell me.”
“No, I said I’d tell you anything you need to know.”
“And I don’t need to know this??”
“No, you really don’t.”
“So one minute you're telling me I can ask all the questions I want but when I overstep your boundaries, you back away. Uh uh, that’s not how we’re doing this. I ask. You answer. Or I’m not doing this, Shuri.”
“This? And what exactly would this be, y/n?”
“That’s not my point.”
“Then what is your point?? Don’t I deserve answers too?? Don’t try to play stupid with me, y/n. It may have worked for him but that shit does not work for me.”
A brief interlude of silence engulfed the space, one that almost broke you but Shuri continued to speak.
“I’ll just leave you be for now because you clearly have a lot of thinking to do as well.”
Once more, she leaves you, leaves you with just enough to drive you mad.
2 weeks pass by and you have not seen or spoken to her since that day but your thoughts have been consumed by her non-stop. You took the time to do your own research, trying to find things out for yourself but you were met with even more questions by the end of it. You continuously pull your phone out, wanting to meet with her again, but everytime you gather up the courage to type the message, fear would make you delete it.
You prepare for bed, doing your usual night time routine and when you turn around to go to your bedroom, she is standing right behind and it scares you out of your mind.
“Shuri, what the actual fuck??? You scared the living shit outta me!!”
Shuri laughs lightly, finding amusement in your pissed off state.
“That shit ain’t funny, you almost gave me a heart attack. Quit doing that.”
“I don’t know, your reaction is kind of funny.”
“Fine, fine. I’m sorry. It’s just…you never called, I was beginning to worry.”
“There’s no need to worry, I’m perfectly fine. Plus these things go two ways. Haven’t heard from you either.” Your torn is harsh and short tempered.
“Are you still angry with me?”
“What did I do now?”
“Are you here to tell me what I want to know?”
“Yes and no.”
“I don’t know what that means”
“You will.”
You maintain silence, growing weary of her ongoing games. You walk right past her, rolling your eyes in frustration as you head toward your bedroom, and she trails behind, following you inside.
“If you’re not gonna tell me anything, you can go,” you say as you plop into your bed.
“Actually, I was thinking I could stay the night,” she remarks, casually taking a seat on the bed beside you and getting comfortable. The idea triggered a mix of unease and excitement. Having Shuri in the same bed as you opened the door to countless fantasies your mind could explore, but it also carried the potential for things to become…ugly.
“What? I’m not going to eat you,” she quips, reading your unease and responding in a playful manner. You clench your teeth, attempting to conceal the subtle fear creeping in because even though you know she was simply toying with you, it raises another question: did she have an appetite for your blood?
“I’m serious, y/n. You know that right? I won’t hurt you.”
You pondered it in silence a bit longer before responding to her.
“Fine…but stay on your side of the bed and don’t even think of trying anything,” you remark with attitude and Shuri, per usual, only laughs at you.
“Whatever you say,” she replies with her hands in the air. You roll your eyes in aggression before shifting in your bed, making yourself comfortable as you endeavor to drift off to sleep, lulled by the sound of your own breath and the absence of hers. Your heart races for a while until it finally settles into a deep slumber, a sleep in which you experience the most vivid dream in your entire life.
➳ the dream:
You wake up to the sound of unsettling echoes of a distant battleground, the anguished cries of people you loved and cared for pierced your ears. You had never felt so much fear in your life, disoriented and overwhelmed by your grim surroundings. You never felt so willing to help and use your Bast-given powers that had been passed on to you ever since your brother entered the ancestral plane but it was when you attempted to get up that you realized you were deeply wounded and you could barely move, the healing effects of the heart-shaped herb becoming slow. You were overcome by an excruciating physical agony, you struggle and weep, the most horrific pain you've ever known taking over you. Amidst this suffering, a distant cry reaches your ears, nearly snuffing out your last breath.
“Akayi kuphumelela, kumkanikazi wam! Ukuba uyahamba, siya kufa sonke! Uya kufa!” (“She won’t make it, my queen! If you go, we will all die! You will die!”)
“Hayi, hayi intombi yam! Hayi Shuri yam!! Bast ndicela ungamthathi uShuri wam! Sele uno T'challa, hayi uShuri wam, nceda !! NDIYACELA!!" (“No, not my daughter! Not my Shuri!! Bast please don’t take my Shuri! You already have T’challa, not my Shuri, please!! PLEASE!!”)
The cries were violent, compelling you to move toward them, yet your feeble body refused. Your heart raced, the blood pulsing through your veins as if in a rush, leaving you breathless, and the world seemed to constrict around you under the scorching rays of the sun. The warmth enveloped you, vibrant and teeming with life, a stark contrast to the disturbing sounds that surrounded you.
“Uya kuba kunye nezinyanya, uKumkanikazi uRamonda. Uzakuba noT’Challa.” (“She will be with the ancestors, Queen Ramonda. She will be with T’Challa.”)
"Hayi hayi!!” (“No…NO!!”)
The echoes of agonizing cries gradually diminished until they were nothing, your vision faltering as breathing became a struggle, your body shutting down faster than the healing effects of the heart-shaped herb could manage. Your life was slipping away, breath fleeing your lungs, and you made the decision to embrace it as you faded into a state of nothingness and you saw the ancestral plane for a small moment, its beautiful sky right within your grasp until you suddenly awoke with a sharp inhale and a vicious cough.
You were greeted by the serene night sky, accompanied only by the chirping of crickets and you were startled once you noticed a woman seated before you, her face unfamiliar and her accent foreign to your ears.
“Who—who are you??,” you asked, but she did not answer. “How did you get into Wakanda?”
You adjusted your body to stand, surprised that you were completely healed with no sign of injury or pain. “Did you do this?? Heal me??”
Again, you were met with silence until finally she spoke with a grin. “Something like that,” she quipped, teasing you as she sat man spread on the log below her. The treescape surrounded you, the darkness overwhelmed you and you should be cold but you weren’t.
“How did you do it?? What kind of science is this??!!”
But the woman merely chuckled, finding amusement in your perplexed state and the endless questions you directed at her. "Science," she reiterated, almost tauntingly.
“Who are you??,” you asked once more, this time with more demand but still, she gave you nothing. “I-I have to go back to the palace. I have to see my mom, she thinks I’m dead! I heard her cries!”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“You won’t even tell me who you are! Why should I listen to you??”
She shifted her posture, and under the moon's gentle glow, you noticed an unusual quality about her. Her face, though seemingly perfect, bore eyes that were anything but human; glassy, with a hue of blood-red. This sight filled you with fear, urging you to flee, racing into the forest in a desperate bid to reach the safety of the palace and escape the woman who instilled such terror in you.
As you ran, you began to realize how you moved much faster than ever before. Your senses heightened, capturing details and sounds that were previously beyond your perception. The overwhelming influx of sensations left you both stunned and astonished. The world appeared silent, yet it roared with sound. Every rustle, every detail in the darkness of the forest was vividly clear to you.
You pinpointed this experience to the heart-shaped herb, pondering the potential existence of Bast. Could this be a miraculous gift from the ancient power? But when you got to the palace, that was when you would learn, learn it had nothing to do with the herb or Bast. You climbed the towering walls, reaching your mother's bedroom window, opening it cautiously to avoid startling her but your unexpected appearance had the opposite effect. Fear flashed in her eyes and she wanted to scream but she didn’t.
“Unyanisile ntombam?? Usisiporho??" (“Are you real, my daughter?? Are you a ghost??”)
“Hayi mama, ndim! Ndiyaphila! Ndilungile! Andifanga…” (“No mother, it’s me! I’m alive! I’m ok! I didn’t die…”)
“Kodwa…sikubonile. Ubumkile...njani-” (“But…we saw you. You were practically gone...how-”)
“Kulungile mama, Bast undigcinile! Wandomeleza, wandomeleza, ukuze ndoyise iintshaba zethu. Ndiphilile, mama." (“It’s ok mother, Bast saved me! And he made me powerful and strong so I can overcome our enemies! I’m ok, mother.”)
Your mom was taken aback, startled by the way you so openly claimed that Bast saved you when you never believed in such spiritual things before but she did not question you. Her overwhelming emotion was simply relief that you were alive. Your mom was sobbing, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably as she embraced you, holding you as if it were her last moment and you welcomed her in, finding solace in her warmth and familiar scent as you nestled your nose against her neck..and that is when you heard it.
A distinctive rhythm that captured your attention, the steady thump of her heartbeat, so pronounced that it drowned out any other ambient sound. The pulsating rush of blood through her veins accompanied it and it brought you a feeling that was so unclear yet simple at the same exact time. You struggled to comprehend what you were feeling, but the more you resisted, the harder it became to contain. A fiery sensation engulfed your body, saliva pooling in your mouth beyond your control, an overpowering urge rising within you, craving her life source more than you craved anything else before.
“U…uyayiphunga?,” (“Do…do you smell that?,”) you asked, your face still buried into your mothers neck.
“Unuka ntoni?” (“Smell what?”)
"Ndiya yidinga." (“I need it.”)
“Ufuna ntoni, ntombi yam?” (“Need what, my daughter?”)
"Yintoni, Shuri??" (“What is it, Shuri??”)
You held her so tight, you felt like you could break her and your mother screamed in pain as she felt a crack in her ribs. You were breaking her.
"Umama?? Mama ndiyaxolisa...ndiyaxolisa kakhulu," (“Mother?? Mother I’m so…I’m so sorry,”) you choked out in a state of terror, the sound of her ribs cracking haunted your ears as you held her. Tears brimmed to your eyes as you struggled to let her go, your eyes burned with a wicked venom as your thirst gnawed at your whole body and took away any sense of rational thinking. And suddenly she was gone, no longer in your arms as you looked at the mirror in front of you and saw Shuri’s reflection staring back at you, her mouth covered in blood.
Abruptly, the scene changed and it was no longer your mother in your arms but another woman. She was beautiful. She had deep, dark eyes and skin to match. Her hair was as thick as a lush forest, full of vitality and texture. Her lips are as full as ripened fruit, tempting and inviting.
“What are you waiting for, Shuri?,” she said to you, her voice breaking through your psyche in such a calm, inviting way and you wanted her. Wanted her to be yours forever.
“I want to be with you. Forever. Turn me.”
A surge of guilt briefly tugged at your emotions but that was quickly overridden by an intense longing to be with her until the end of time, an overwhelming love that you had never thought was humanly possible and probably because it was not humanly possible to feel as deeply as a vampire feels.
“I want you to do it, Shuri. Turn me. Please. I want this.” Her dark brown eyes shimmered with a blend of desperation and love and you were so scared. So scared to cross your boundaries once again but the thought of not being with her forever scared you even more.
"Please," she pleaded one final time before you pressed your lips to hers, savoring the warmth of her human essence before trailing down to her throat, delicately grazing your mouth across her tender skin and her pulse whispered against your lips. Opening your mouth, you descended, piercing her veins with your teeth and you moaned as her life source flowed into your mouth, embracing the flavor you desperately needed. And you did this until everything dissolved into an abyss, an engulfing darkness that consumed you until finally, you woke up. And you were you.
You woke up with a commotion of feelings; you were confused, hurt, and scared. Glancing to the side, you found an empty bed, leaving you to wonder if Shuri had even visited your place last night or if it was all part of a dream.
The day unfolded, besieged by thoughts you struggled to push away. No matter how hard you fought, your dream clung to your mind, refusing to dissipate. As night descended, Shuri arrived along with it, standing on your balcony and for the first time, she knocked.
“Nkosazana.” The sudden language change throws you off as you step aside to let her in. She has food in her hand, no doubt for you of course.
“Shuri…what language is that?,” you ask with the most curiosity you have ever had so far.
“Xhosa,” she replies without so much as looking at you, emptying the bag of food as she assembles it on your dining table.
“Is that your native language?”
“You never noticed the accent?,” she responds, still not looking at you.
“No, of course I noticed the accent but…Shuri…where are you from?”
Shuri pauses, her entire body freezing momentarily before she resumes.
“Are you Wakandan?”
“So you know about Wakanda?”
“Of course I know about Wakanda. I couldn’t escape it not too long ago, it was all over the news and everything. The world’s most powerful and technologically advanced. A secret hidden in Africa. Home to the…Black…Panther,” your voice trailed off towards the end as you suddenly remembered the reflection staring back at you in your dream. The reflection of Shuri with blood on her lips wearing what you now recognize to be a Black Panther suit.
“Shuri, I need you to tell me something.”
She looks at you for a split second but says nothing.
“Were you…were you the Black Panther?”
Once more, she remains silent, almost entirely disregarding you as she finishes preparing the food. You stand there, observing with genuine admiration. On any other day, her tendency to ignore you would drive you up the wall, your lips ready to hurl curses and demand answers, but this time, you allow her the moments she needs to compose herself. You saw her in a whole new light and you sympathize with her.
Shuri pulls out a chair, signaling for you to sit, and you comply without zero fight on your end as she takes a seat across from you. You bite your inner cheek, plagued with even more questions than you had before.
“You can talk now,” she said, breaking the silence. You took a bite of your food, before proceeding with your abundance of questions.
“What happened last night? What was that??”
“I little trick I like to call ‘dream manipulation.’”
“So you were in my head?”
She nods.
“You made me see…your past?”
Another nod.
“But it’s not like I was watching you. It was as if I was you. I could see, hear, and feel everything you felt as if it was my own. I felt everything.”
Shuri sits there and remains in an unbothered state, only waiting to hear what else you had to say.
“So you were the Black Panther then? A long time ago…or whatever.”
“What happened?”
“You saw what happened.”
“I know but…I want to hear it from your mouth! A lot happened and I need answers, Shuri! Enough with this unbothered facade you got going on here and fuck you! Answer me!”
Shuri’s nostrils flare as you push her temper, but she quickly swallows it down as she comes to realize that you have every right to be upset.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized for your outburst.
“Don’t be. You have a right to know. It’s just…my brother, T’Challa was the Black Panther up until his life was taken from him and the mantle was passed down to me and then I became the Black Panther. We had enemies, enemies that wanted our resources and our vibranium…stories that are still happening today. I was seriously injured one day in combat, so injured that my loved ones left me for dead. And then I met her. I still don’t know who she is but I know what she was. A monster who turned me into this. Thinking she gave me a second chance at life when she should’ve just let me die so I could be reunited with my brother.” Her voice sounded shattered, burdened with hurt and remorse, and your instinct was to comfort her, to alleviate her pain. But as a feeble human, what could you possibly offer to ease her suffering?
“I never saw her again, the woman that turned me. My maker.” She said that last part with nothing but disgust. “And I hated her…for a long fucking time. I still do. I had to learn to fend for myself, had to teach myself to control my thirst and survive in this human world on my own. It’s been such a long and lonely journey. And everybody leaves. Everybody.”
You sat there, your ears and heart open to her as she fought the tears that loomed on the brink of falling. You so badly wanted to jump into her arms and cradle her, promise her everything was going to be ok but those were not your promises to make. There was nothing you could give her and you felt so small and helpless.
“Shuri…I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. It’s not your fault. I just…it has been years since I have said that out loud.”
A faint smile touched your lips as you extended your hand towards her. Despite harboring more questions and unresolved moments, you decided to set them aside, at least for the moment. Shuri reciprocated, reaching out and delicately taking hold of your hand, pressing it to her lips in a desperate gesture as she kissed your skin.
“I want to take you somewhere,” she says.
“And where would that be?”
“It’s a surprise.”
You are in your car, but Shuri is at the wheel, navigating deeper into the dense forest. It's dark and somewhat intimidating, and you begin to wonder how Shuri is driving without headlights down the quiet road, until you recall her mention of her incredible eyesight. Finally, after what feels like an hour, Shuri steers into an extremely secluded area. The quietness is disrupted as you hear something other than the chorus of crickets; a gentle sound of water and soft waves. It's a vast lake, so expansive that it could easily be mistaken for an ocean from your perspective.
Shuri opens the car door and extends her hand, and this time, you accept her gesture. Leading you to the lake's edge, the moon was so big and bright, casting a luminous glow upon the night sky and the surrounding stars. The scene is breathtakingly beautiful and grand, the most picture perfect setting for a perfect moment with the person you wanted to be around the most.
“It’s beautiful as fuck out here,” you commented.
“This is where I live. You see that house hiding behind us? That’s my place. It’s where I come every morning and hide away. It’s where I come to just be…free. Free from this world and be who I was made to be.”
“So you do actually have a home? No coffin??,” you joked and she lightly laughed with you.
“So what else can you do? Show me. There’s no one around us, I want to see you being you.”
Shuri raised an eyebrow. “What is it you want me to do?”
“When I was…you…in my dream, you gave me a taste of what it felt like to have your body. When you ran through the forest that night to go back to your mom, I felt your strength, your speed, all that stuff. I want to see it. Show me the cool side of vampirism.”
Shuri tilted her head in contemplation, a pensive smile appeared on her face as she pondered the idea. Typically, she engaged in these activities alone, leaping through the trees, melding with the forest, maneuvering in ways the human body couldn't fathom.
"Fine then," she says, rising swiftly before running towards the trees at an astonishing speed. As she reaches the trees, the reality is beyond your imagination. Her body effortlessly launches onto a branch, beginning a mesmerizing journey from tree to tree, flipping and diving in ways that leaves you smiling in complete and absolute awe. It appears as if she's floating, moving with such speed that gravity seems to chase her, almost a blur in motion. You had never seen someone look so…free. And as she comes back down to meet you, moving faster than your eyes can track, there's no sign of fatigue or weariness. It's the most alive you had ever seen her.
“That was…wow,” you say in complete shock and Shuri laughs at you.
“It’s pretty neat, I guess,” she replies with a smug grin and it makes your stomach tingle. Shuri sits in the sand near the lake and you follow her.
“Do you like being one?”
“A vampire…do you like being one?”
“What’s your favorite thing about it??”
Shuri chuckles, dipping her head between the arms she has perched on her hiked up knees. “I like being able to manipulate people’s dreams,” she replies, shocking you with her answer. “I don’t sleep so it’s the only way I can dream, I guess.”
“No sleep??”
She shakes her head.
“What about your least favorite thing?”
Shuri goes quiet before answering, pondering the many ways she could answer this question.
“The blood lust. Being frozen. Watching the world change but staying the same.” She says this while looking out at the lake, taking her bottom lip into her mouth.
“Do you think you’re a bad person, Shuri?”
Shuri looked at you, eyes scanning your genuinely curious face before she proceeds. “I’m not sure. It’s not so black and white. It’s this weird thing, like…vampires emotionally feel so deeply but we were cursed with the primal instinct to hunt, feed, and kill. It’s like…with humans…when you guys get hungry, you simply go make yourself a sandwich or something, right? Fix yourself a quick meal. With vampires, it does not matter what we feel…that feeling always becomes hunger. If I’m angry, I want to eat someone. If I’m sad, I want to go eat someone. Horny? Eat someone,” she chuckles. “And then you’re left with nothing but an overwhelming guilt. It’s exhausting. Humbling, in a way, to say the least.”
You swallow, utterly captivated by her and every word she has to give you. This version of Shuri is vastly different from the person you've known over the past year. Seeing her in all her openness and vulnerability makes you realize that you never really knew her and it's only been in these recent days that you've felt so deeply connected to someone in a way you've never experienced before. You could sit here and ask her question after question after question, but there were a few that burned at your heart and it hurt you to ask, but she placed the questions there with the dream she fed you last night.
“Shuri…may I ask you something else?”
“It’s all you’ve been doing, princess. What’s to stop you now?”
“Well…I was wondering if you could tell me what happened to your mom.”
Shuri hung her head low, trying to get lost in the grains of sand and the mere sight of her made you regret your question but once she let out a hefty sigh, you knew it would be ok.
“I went back to the palace that night…the night my life was taken from me and to this day, it was the biggest mistake I had ever made. I thought my senses were some kind of spiritual doing from the heart-shaped herb, that Bast had given me a second chance, how foolish of me!” She buries her head into her hands and you lean forward, not sure what to do but let her have this moment of mourning.
“She thought I was a ghost at first, that I was reaching her from the ancestral plane, claiming that she had watched me die and she most definitely did but I did not know that…yet. She held me in her arms and I did the same and it was at that moment I knew something was off. Her heartbeat was so loud…like a drum pounding in my ears and it overtook me. My throat burned and I could smell her blood and I had never wanted anything more in my life. I wanted it so bad and it scared me. And I made sure that…that I would have it…” She choked on her tears, sobbing into her forearm and you kneeled forward to bring her head into your chest.
“I was brand new, y/n. It was damn near impossible for me to control it. And with no maker to rely on, no counseling or guidance, I was ruthless. An infant vampire and the taste of her blood was the most…feeling that for the first time, it surpasses any human experience. And it disgusts me to say it but I am being honest.”
She sobs in your arms, accepting your embrace as she feels comfort for the first time in years. The feeling was so foreign to her, to feel loved and accepted for who she was, despite acknowledging that she was the monster she believed she was.
“You didn’t know any better, Shuri. You can’t blame yourself for being thrown into this against your will and not knowing how to cope with it. It’s not your fault, baby,” you cooed, lulling her into your warmth as you comforted her.
“That’s what I thought at first, what I told myself for years. But that was my mother, y/n. My flesh and blood. You would think a daughter's love would surpass anything but that just goes to show how strong the thirst for blood is, especially in the beginning. No human equivalent. And it haunts me to this day.”
“I left Wakanda, for good, after that. Left them without a protector, without a ruler…I don’t know how they managed to pick themselves up after that but clearly they did. And I’ve never been back. I would love to…go back, one day. But I can’t. Not with the reminders it would bring.”
She lets out a few more soft sobs before she proceeds. “But hey, I managed to make it on my own. No maker, no guidance. I was ruthless in the beginning. Most vampires are.”
You feigned a smile, one that was just for her. “And what about the girl in my dream? Who was she?”
“That was…she was a dear friend of mine. Someone I loved. Someone I cared for.” A tear falls down her and washes into the fabric of your shirt. “But it does not matter anymore. She’s gone now.”
“What happened to her?”
“What happens to all humans, I suppose. She died. Never got close to a human after that. I tried…many times but they would all run eventually and understandably so. You are my first--the first person who has stayed with me. It scares me, really.”
Shuri gets up, coming face to face with your own tear-stained cheeks as she gently wipes them away with her thumb and you let out a soft smile.
“Soooo…no fangs? No cool eyes? Aren’t vampires supposed to look cool?,” you joke half-heartedly in attempts to lighten up the mood and put Shuri’s aching heart at ease and it seems to work because Shuri lets out a beautiful laugh, that laugh that you have loved for a long time.
“Would you prefer I walked around with red eyes and fangs??”
“I don’t know, you’d look kinda hot,” you half joke and she glares at you in both confusion and admiration.
“Walking around like a twilight vampire,” you tease and she makes a face of disgust. “Heyyy, don’t do Twilight like that. They’re good movies.”
“Fuck that,” she laughs and you laugh along with her.
“You’re really beautiful, Shuri,” you say, leaving Shuri in a subtle shock.
“Where did that come from?”
“I’m not blind. I may have been with someone our entire friendship but I always saw you and you were always beautiful to me.”
“Oh, so now you’re being honest with me? After you had me begging like a fool,” she teased.
“I’ve always loved you Shuri, you know that. You just wanted to hear me say it.”
Shuri chuckles. “Love…what a strong word, thrown around like it weighs nothing.”
“No but I do love you, I’m not playing. I love this version of you. The version of you where I actually know you. Where you let your guard down and just be…you. I love you.”
Shuri sighs, basking it all in. It’s been so long since she’s heard those words and it scares her.
”I wanna try something, if you’ll let me.”
“Anything,” your words rushed out with a tinge of desperation, revealing more than intended, driven by an urgent longing. You craved her, yearned for her presence. Her gaze locked onto yours, her eyes mirroring the same desire, as she tenderly traced your cheek. Finally, she leaned in, her lips meeting yours, and in that moment, you both embraced each other as if it were the last breath you'd take. The kiss ignited swiftly, your breaths turning erratic as you struggled to match her fervent passion. Gradually, she lifted you, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around her, never wanting to break away. She carries you across the small beach, bringing you into her house and not once did you two disconnect your reckless lips. The kiss itself spoke volumes, telling a story of how much you two yearned for one another, conveying unspoken feelings that had resided within long before you ever knew of Shuri’s true vampire nature. The heat between your legs began to rise, becoming warmer and wetter as you felt your clit brush against Shuri’s lower abdomen and that minimal friction alone felt like it was going to be the death of you. Shuri feels what you are trying to do and she grabs your ass in response, helping you feel more as she pushes you into her and it causes you to moan into the kiss.
“Mmm,” you moan, a sound that drove Shuri mad.
“That was fucking sexy,” she remarks and you cannot help but feel a tang of embarrassment for the lust you had for her. Jonathan was never one to tell you how sexy you were to make you feel desired, but instead to feed into his own ego of having you underneath him.
Shuri sits on the couch as you situate yourself on top of her, your crotch above hers, still kissing in pure intensity as the spark between you both transforms into an uncontrollable flame. Your lips were so swollen and sore, but it's inconsequential in the face of everything else. In that moment, nothing exists except Shuri, and your determination to be with her is unwavering. Shuri's kisses leave your lips, shifting towards your jaw and down to your throat as you struggle to hold in the moans that threaten to spill over, your heart beat intensifying. Shuri grasps your ass once more as you begin to grind, your actions portraying sheer desperation as you chase the friction that Shuri’s body gives yours. Shuri's hands reach for hips, guiding your movements and you squirm under the weight of her direct kisses upon your throat. Your heart thumps erratically, syncing with the pounding in your pussy and you are drenched.
“Shuri…please,” you whined, as she bruised and marked your tender throat. “I need you, please.”
Your desperate plea drives Shuri insane, hearing your voice in its deepest sensual urgency was enough to make her take you right there and then.
“You have made me wait way too long to have you like this, s’thandwa. I hope to fuck you at least half as long.”
Shuri lifts the hem of your skirt before her hand finally finds her way to that spot she needed for so long and she groans at how much you are soaking through the material of your thin panties.
“Bast, baby. You’re soaking wet,” she murmurs softly, and you nestle your face into the arc of her neck, concealing both the embarrassment and the warmth that rushes to your cheeks. But she assures her baby girl that there's nothing to be ashamed of, affirming that she had always sensed when your pussy longed for her.
“It’s ok, baby. I love seeing you like this. Let me see you.” Her voice was so smooth and sensual, a velvety depth mixed with a husky rasp that made your head spin as she stroked you though those thin panties, pressing the fabric between your folds as she taunted your throbbing clit. Your whimpers were small and short-breathed as you came back up to face her, your hopeless expression coming to meet a face that was ready to tear you apart.
“I could always tell when you were turned on, nkoszana. I could always smell when this little pussy needed me, so there’s no need to shy away now, do you understand me?”
And you’re nodding your head fervently, almost absentmindedly as you struggle to truly grasp your surroundings with Shuri’s long fingers playing between your dewy folds.
“Want to watch you cum in these little panties of yours.”
“Yeah, that’s it baby. Look at you. You’re so fucking pretty like this.”
“Did he make you cum?”
Shuri chuckled in a cocky manner, a self-satisfied sound that rolled off her tongue as she felt a sense of superiority over you and your body.
“Jonathan? Was that his name? Did he ever make you cum?”
You can hardly even think with the way she was touching you, her firm fingers deliberately swiping at your clothed clit.
“S-sometimes,” you managed to say and that much was true. Sometimes he would make you cum, not because he was taking the time to learn and understand your body but usually it happened as a result of him chasing his own high. A lot of the time you would not even finish and he did not even care to make sure you did.
“Only sometimes?,” she teases, a deliberate tactic to understand how to handle you while also reveling in the sight of your mouth faltering and stumbling.
“F-fuck h-him. Unh…fuck.”
“Fuck J-Jonathan. I’m glad he’s g-gone. Oh.”
Shuri smiles at you, an arrogant grin as she basked in the mess you were as she toyed with you. Shuri’s fingers pick up the pace, pressing firmer into your clit and the waves of your orgasm begin to crest through, approaching in silence as your firmly gripped Shuri’s shoulders. Your hips are bucking into her as your pussy drools through the fabric, leaking directly onto Shuri’s fingers and the sounds coming out of you are too far gone for your control.
“Shuri, Shuri…yeah! Unh!”
“Cum, y/n. I want to see you fall apart from my fingers.”
Your orgasm quietly emerges, a slow, measured sequence that pulsates through your pussy walls as you surrender entirely, collapsing into Shuri’s arms as you ride the waves of your high. And Shuri talks you through it, whispering assurances of love and telling her girl how pretty she looks as her greedy pussy soaks all over her fingers and slutty panties, caressing your clit through the lingering aftershocks as you grapple with the descent from your gradual climax. Overwhelmed, you clutch her wrist, the struggle evident in your lungs as they battle to regulate your breathing, your mind lost in a haze.
“Shuri...I…fuck, baby.”
“You’re so messy,” she remarked with a smirk, hooking those dangerous fingers underneath the fabric of those panties that hugged your waist, tugging until the thin material pressed into your clit and you moaned at the sensitivity. She brings her fingers down and pulls them to the side, your slick sticking to the fabric and Shuri’s eyes flood with lust and desire, burning with a deep hunger that surpasses the blood that lives in your veins. She craves you in every single way. She brings her lips to yours, her eyebrows scrunched together as she ripped the panties off of you and you gasp, finally free of the thin line that was keeping you from Shuri’s skin and she lifts you up once again, taking you into her kitchen as she roughly knocks away anything in her way and places you down on the cold marble countertop. Shuri lets go of the kiss, crossing her arms as she removes her top, coming face to face with her defined abdomen and lean arms.
“Open your legs, y/n. Let me see her.”
You oblige, opening your thick, brown thighs and your pussy glistened before her. There were strings of cum that stuck to your inner thighs as your slick refused to detach from your pussy, creating a web of your arousal and the look on Shuri’s face sent shivers down your spine.
“Fuck, I have to taste her.”
“Then do it. Let me use your mouth.” You were still so delicate and sore from Shuri’s overwhelming touch but you desired more. “Let me fuck your face.”
Shuri got on her knees, bending before the melanated goddess before her as she wrapped her arms around your thighs, resting the back of your knees on her shoulders as she spread you open, coming face to face with the mess she created. You look down at her, admiring the way her arm muscles flex as she wrapped them around your thighs, watching the way your cream stuck to the side curls on her head as she dove into your ocean, wrapping her lips around your swollen clit and you arched your back at the sensation.
“Oh fuck…yes, Shuri, YES! Just like that, baby.”
Her mouth and tongue played with your clit, fucking in and around you in an overwhelming harmony that had you grinding into her face and she allowed it, allowed you to use her face as a means to please yourself. She moaned into your clenching cunt, finding the taste of you being better than she had ever imagined and her fingers pressed into the flesh of your thighs, sure to leave an imprint the following day.
“Unh, unh, unh, oohhh. Yeah.”
She could tell you were getting close, the way your thrusts into her face became more aggressive, the way your pussy continuously got wetter by the moment, and the louder your moans were getting, it was all telling of your impending climax. But she tells you to hold it in, keep it in longer so she can play with you more, feel your pussy clench around her tongue for a few more moments as she watches your clit grow larger with each slurp.
“I c-can’t, baby. Please. I'm gonna cum.”
“Not yet.”
And your pussy is met with a sharp slap of Shuri’s hand that makes you yelp.
“I said not yet. Understand?”
And you nod your head frantically, your knuckles losing its color as you clutch to the ends of the marble countertop.
“Good girl.”
And Shuri dives back into you, consuming your essence as if she was ignoring your whimpers of overstimulation above her but she heard you, and she enjoyed the sound of you. Your cries were soft and fragile, a mere whisper of distress as you struggled for the woman below you, wanting to make her happy, give her the pleasure she received by pleasuring and having her way with you. You grasped onto Shuri’s curls, feeling her coiled hair through your fingers as you tussled with your orgasm that was on the brink of breaking through.
“Please, baby, please. I have to.”
“I know, my impatient girl. You can cum now.”
“Oh…OH. FUCK.”
You fucked yourself against her face, her tongue moving in and out as her nose bumped your clit and you watched your cum trickle along the angular contours of her jaw, glistening against the richness of her beautiful complexion.
“Oooo fuck. Shuri.”
Shuri took one last lick through your folds, attempting to clean you dry but your continual leaking for her made it impossible. She stands on her two feet, resting between your opened legs as she’s greeted with the most vulnerable version of yourself, visibly struggling to recover from the intensity of your orgasms and it was that sight of you that nearly caused her to lose complete control.
“You’re shaking, y/n,” she cooed with a tease. “I’m just getting started with you. I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
“Is that what you want from me? Does getting fucked by a vampire make you wet?,” she asks in a condescending tone. You cannot answer with words, no matter how hard you try and so you nod your head in sheer desperation.
“You will be broken by the time I am down with you. Ruined for anyone who tries to come after me.”
You could hear her voice, yet you were deeply disconnected, unable to fully grasp the profound meaning behind her words and it was so apparent to Shuri that she felt she had to resort to communicating to you telepathically in an attempt to reunite your mind with your body.
“You’re ok, s’thandwa. Follow my voice.” The voice in your head pulled you back to reality, your pussy was still aching but your mind was at ease.
“Now listen to me, y/n. Being with a vampire is nothing like being with a human, especially that little boy you almost called a husband. I’m going to fuck you, and I’m going to fuck you good. If at any point I’m going too hard or I’m hurting you, I need you to let me know.”
“Mhmm,” you manage to say. She cups your face in her hands, brushing the tears that sat on your waterline with the tips of her thumbs, and god, she was in love with you.
“You’re so pretty, y/n.”
“Please, Shuri.”
“Please, what?”
“I want—need you…”
“Mmmm,” she hums knowingly, her eyes dark and seeping in lust as she teasingly drags a finger through your sopping folds, and you wince at her touch, simultaneously wanting more and running away from the stimulation her touch gave you.
“Please? Please, Shuri? I n-need you. Unh.”
“Ssshhh, I know baby, I know. I want to take my time with you.”
Your soft whines of overwhelming pleasure climbed up your throat as she brushed her fingers between your puffy folds, purposefully avoiding your clit and it is enough to make you lose your mind but this is how she wants you; desperate, needy, craving more. But once she presses your clit, you let out a wail as you softly cry at her touch, tears falling down your cheeks.
“My little cry baby.” Her voice is condescending, belittling as she plays between the swollen flesh.
“That’s right, y/n. Cry for me. Show me how much it is.”
“Fuck me?,” you whimper.
“Bast, you’re needy, huh?” she says with a smirk, your desperate plea shooting an ache into Shuri’s pussy because she needed you just as bad, her vampire lust surpassing that of a human experience.
“I know I am…it’s just Jonathan…he n-never—”
“I know, princess. It’s ok. I got you now, I’ll take care of you.”
“Oh sthandwa, I’m going to fucking ruin you.” She said this like it was a promise, like she was sure no one would come after her and if they did, they wouldn’t make it too far. You moan as Shuri plunges her fingers into your cunt, falling in love with the way you immediately clench around her, your greedy cunt letting more slick pour out for her.
“My pretty slut to ruin.”
“I don’t care, just ruin me.” You buck your hips into her fingers in desperation, craving more and more from her and you were so embarrassed with how loud your pussy was, how much your clenching walls needed her but you didn’t care enough to stop yourself.
“Please, baby, pleeaseee,” you beg. “Fuck me, Shuriiiii.”
Shuri chuckles, licking her lips as she salivates at the sight of you, finding it increasingly more and more challenging to restrain her hunger. She could sense your heartbeat growing louder, sense the blood flowing through your veins and your pussy walls, and she wanted it, wanted you. She wanted to witness your struggle as she claimed from you what sustained her life as she fucked you into another realm of sex.
“Oh fuck,” you whine as Shuri's touch finds the bundle of nerves inside you, intensifying the throb within your walls as your pussy squeezed her fingers. She swiftly took her fingers out, leaving you to whimper at the emptiness you felt yet that sensation quickly dissipates as Shuri starts swishing your clit from side to side. Your eyes roll back, and uncontrollable groans take over.
“Unh…Shuri…fuck, I’m gonna—you’re gonna make me—“ but Shuri immediately detached from you, your slick sticking to her fingers and creating a trail on the floor.
“You’re a messy girl, huh? Fuck…open your mouth for me.” And you do, moaning at the taste of your own flavor and the sight makes Shuri so horny, so wet, she cannot stand to not be inside you any longer. She wanted to feel how deep you were as she buried herself inbetween your dark thighs, get lost in the way your pussy swelled up with each hard thrust she fucked into you. Shuri removes your top and her bottoms, leaving you both in nothing but your bras just before Shuri fiddles with the device on her wrist, her strap snugly fitting to her waist. Your eyes subtly widen at the size of her, she was much bigger than that fucking man you hated so much. Shuri grabbed her shaft, slowly pumping it as she brought it to the swells of your folds, rubbing her tip against your overwhelmed clit and you whimpered at the touch. She puts the tip in, and you immediately clench around the sheer girth of her tip, letting out a soft scream as your body grapples with her size.
“Yeah, you’re gonna be fun to play with,” she comments with a sly smile. She lifts you up and you wrap your legs around her once more, your clit is pressed into her dick making your kisses turn into cluttered moans as you pant into her mouth. She grabs your ass and presses you into her, guiding your hips to grind into her until finally you meet her bedroom and your back hits her mattress, her lean but muscular body hovering over you as she purposefully made sure her shaft caressed your clit. She continued to press fervent kisses into your mouth, in awe of the way your mouth struggles to reciprocate those kisses as you feel her dick moving between your folds, caressing your bulging, beating clit.
“Look at you, how helpless you are,” she taunts as your breathing picks up.
“Shuri pleeasseee,” you whine, so overwhelmed and loving the way she took her time with you. This was all a new feeling to you, your mind and body being loved and explored and it was almost all too much, but your need for her overtook that feeling. Shuri removes herself from on top of you, resting her back against the headboard and she gestured for you to come sit on top of her.
“Take this off,” you complain, gesturing to her bra. She grins before crossing her arms and removing her bra. Her perky breasts were so beautiful and you could not help but take one of her erect nipples into your mouth and it causes her to moan, a sound you could never get tired of.
“Turn around for me.”
“But I won’t be able to see you.”
“That doesn’t matter, you’ll feel me.”
“But—” and she cuts you off by snaking her hand around your throat, causing an immediate gasp to escape your lips. She applies a gentle pressure to your windpipe, deliberately restraining her vampire strength to avoid hurting you. You revel in the way she makes you feel, sensing her containment of crossing the boundaries of her strength and it makes you feel dizzy. Using your throat as a grip, she turns your body towards the mirror.
“I love how you look when you shut up,” she whispers into you, her palm still firmly placed around your neck and you stifle a choked whimper, grasping onto her forearm as you feel her veins protruding through her human-like skin. She takes her tip once again, placing it between your sopping wet folds and your eyebrows clench together in anticipation.
“You ready, princess?”
You nod, and finally, finally you feel full, filled to the brim as her dick moves inside you, stretching you out in ways you have never before and she feels devine. You knew in that instant, she had left an eternal mark on you and you wanted to keep her inside you forever. Shuri whispered praises into you, making sure you knew just how much your needy pussy was squeezing her dick, how deep and wet you were as she thrusted slow, harsh movements that reverberated into your pussy walls and it fucked your mind up. Your moans were staggered, uncontrolled sounds as Shuri’s hand remained around your throat, pressing kisses into your shoulder.
“Shuri,” you cried and she removed her hand from your throat, and when you thought it was over, she unclipped your bra, grazing the material over your nipples as she brought the skimpy fabric to your throat, brushing it over your trachea and you swallowed in anticipation, understanding what she was going to do next and you allowed it. She pulled it, pressing the fabric hard into your windpipe, not enough to choke you completely, but just enough to have you gasping as you left your breathing to her. The act was so sensual and heightened the pleasure that coursed through you as she continued to thrust into you, trailing her other hand down your torso until she reached your clit, circling your bud excessively.
“Oh fuck, Shuri…yes, YES. UNH.”
She admired the view in the mirror in front of you two, got lost in the way your breasts bounced with each hard thrust she pounded into you, the sweat and drool that trickled down the valley between them and you were both a wreck, both so close to your release.
“That’s it…that’s…fuck. That’s a good girl. My good girl.”
“Fuck. I’m gonna cum again, Shuri. Can I? Please?”
“Mhmmm,” is all Shuri can manage to say as she approaches her own orgasm, tugging the fabric into your windpipe and you let out a strangled moan.
“Sh-Shuri…I’m cumming. Shit, don’t stop fucking me. Keep ch-choking me j-just like that. Oh…unh.”
Your orgasm surged within you like a forceful, tumultuous wave, roughly rushing through every aspect of your existence. It started in your pussy, pounding through your throbbing walls before spreading through your veins and dominating your entire body. It was seraphic, a celestial pulse that made you squirm against her, moaning through it as you noticed Shuri approaching her own high but she quickly dug her face into the nape of your neck, an attempt to contain her own moans that threatened to escape her throat.
“Fuck…y/n…,” she sobbed into your skin.
“No, d-don’t do that. Fall part for me, Shuri. I w-want to see it. Let me see what I do to y-you, baby.”
“Cum inside me Shuri. Please.”
With her vampire speed, she switches the position so you’re lying on your back and you’re met with the hunger that surged through her eyes right before she pressed her lips into the side of your throat as her moans sink into your skin.
“I-I can’t,” she whimpers. “I need it. I need you.”
And immediately you understand what she’s talking about. She wants you. All of you.
“Ssshhh, baby, it’s ok. Drink from me, Shuri. I know, just…please.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” she struggles to say in your neck and your heart races. Everything is pounding. Your head. Your heart, Your pussy. And you were so overwhelmed but she was buried so deep into you, her thrusts were so surreal and you were no longer fearful of the woman above you. She was unraveling before you, revealing her true self and desires, baring it all before you.
“I know Sh-Shuri…it’s ok. I promise, it’s ok.” You’re grasping her curls, moaning into the curve of her neck and she lets out one last beaten whimper before she sinks her teeth into your throat. It hurts at first, a sharp pain that scared you but the more you basked in it, the better it felt. Her plunges into you were getting sloppy and uncoordinated and it did not take long before you could feel her dick twitch inside you, grazing your walls as her cum spilled into your used pussy. It was an exchange of want, giving you her cum as she took your blood and it only took a few more messy pumps until you were cumming as well, one last blissful orgasm as your mind danced with stars. You are both moaning in each other's necks, the pulse in your pussy slowing down, a hard yet slow beat that had you twitching and your heartbeat felt the same. As Shuri continues to drink from you, you begin to feel dizzy, lightheaded, your physical body needing her to stop but your mind and your pussy ached for more.
“Sh-Shuri…I-I think—unh.”
“Mmmm,” Shuri moaned, struggling to detach from you, in a world she craved for for so long as your blood brought her to a state of ecstasy. You were addicting, making it a struggle to stop as her body rushed with pleasure.
Your breathless whimpers forced Shuri to release you, her face drawing closer to yours, yet she looked so different. Her dark brown eyes transformed into a blood-red hue, her fangs fully extended, and her mouth stained with your blood. The image frightened you at first and Shuri looked away in shame, attempting to conceal the face she despised so deeply.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, ashamed of herself.
“Hey, hey, look at me. Don’t hide from me, Shuri. I-I want to see you. The real you.” Raising your hand to her face, you guide her gaze back to yours and slowly, she complies, exposing herself openly, displaying her true self and she was hauntingly beautiful. You tenderly caress her face, appreciating the intense red in her eyes, the sharpness of her fangs, and your blood trickling beneath them, her mouth colored crimson from the intimate exchange.
“I’m sorry,” she repeats and you gently hush her.
“Ssshhh, it’s ok, baby, it’s ok. I’m not hurt, ok? You didn’t hurt me. You did amazing, my love. You did so well.”
She nods and as you lean in to kiss her, the flavor of your blood meets your taste buds and though it isn’t pleasant, the significance of the act outweighs the taste. Shuri cleansed your lips of your blood by licking them, then did the same for herself before withdrawing her strap that was still buried inside you.
She runs her tongue over the blood that stains your neck before planting a kiss on your forehead. Cradling your head in her hand, she gently leans your forehead against hers and whispers:
“That was better than I ever imagined.”
Both of you lay sprawled against her bed sheets, cuddling against her chest as you bask her scent while the sound of waves crashing not too far away filled the air.
“I have one more question, and then I think I’m done.”
Shuri chuckles at you. “And what would that be, s’thandwa?”
“So vampires are like…dead, right?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever…I just wanna know…how exactly does one become a vampire?”
Shuri raises her eyebrow. “Why do you need to know that?”
You roll your eyes. “No reason, I’m just curious. Like there obviously has to be some kind of process.”
“Well of course there is.”
“So then tell me.”
Shuri gets up, presses her back against the headboard and you straddle her. She eyes the bite mark on your neck, tracing the unhealed scar and you wince.
“So fragile,” she whispers, almost mockingly and your heartbeat escalates and Shuri hears it, causing her to softly chuckle.
“You’re always laughing at me, so what’s funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I love the way your body responds to me.”
You gaze at her in confusion and she only stares at you in admiration, a profound sense of affection and tenderness reflected in sharp gaze. Her expressions held an unspoken language, a silent conversation that speaks volumes of how much she loved you.
“To become a vampire, you need to be dying, at the threshold of death. Then a vampire will give you their blood to drink, once that blood enters your system, it will kill you completely.”
You softly gulp.
“And then the blood will ‘fix you.’ Rid you of any scars and imperfections, rid you of wounds and disease until your body is brand new and strong and gives you back your life, making you the strongest you’ve ever felt. But not without consequence…of course.”
“That sounds…terrible,” you softly laugh.
“Trust me…it is,” she chuckles along with you, drawing you closer for a kiss that you wish could linger forever.
“The sun will be coming up soon. You’ll have to stay here until it goes back down, I won’t be able to drive you home until then.”
“That’s fine,” you reassure. “I’m tired as fuck anyway, I’ll probably just sleep here.”
She nods in agreement.
“Yes, y/n?”
“I lied earlier…I actually have one more question.
Shuri sighs. “Last one?”
“For now.”
Shuri rolls her eyes. “I’m all ears.”
You place a quick peck on her lips before you proceed. “You know I love you, right?”
“For a while now,” she teases and you flick her shoulder. “Is that your question?”
“Well I’m waiting…”
A deafening silence enveloped your surroundings, overpowering Shuri's heightened senses, allowing only the distant waves' sound, the rhythm of your heartbeat, and your faint breath to echo through her ears. Your palms began to sweat, and you nervously bit on your bottom lip as you contemplated whether to proceed with your question. Shuri gazed at you, filled with anticipation, almost wishing she had the ability to read minds so she could put her own at ease.
“Y/n, you’re scaring me…what is it?”
Your eyes glistened, and she sensed the hairs on your arms standing on end, yet your voice shattered the silence with your burning question; one she had hoped never to hear again.
“Turn me?” ❁ཻུ۪۪♡
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Whew fuck, I need her baadddddd. Also, thank you so much for 800+ followers on here, that’s insane! Love you all and congrats if you made it through that long ass fic
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buckyalpine · 2 years
always you’s angst only ending … feed us a tiny lil drabble of maybe bucky not stopping until he and bruce and maybe even shuri (cause bby’s the smartest) find a way to bring her back?
like he enters the portal, scoops up her body, and kisses her back to life. then throws her over his shoulder, locks her in his bedroom, and makes love to her for like a week straight.
“she’s barely been back for a month- AND SHE’S ALREADY PREGNANT?!”
- ur local angst slut who’s actually hella sensitive and cannot handle this shit, gossip girl 💋
Always you angst alternative ending 
Okay YES, if your a pure angst fiend, you may ignore this but I'm here to mend hearts from the sadness that was this fic.
Warnings: Angst, FLUFFFFFFF, Smuuuttttt, happy ending 
5 years later
Bucky refused to accept you being gone. He tried to heal, going to therapy, grief counselling, medication, writing letters, everything under the fucking sun to help him come to terms with the fact that he’d never see you again. 
It was impossible.
It ate him alive.
He was physically stronger, pouring all his time into the gym to find a way to numb the pain but he was more mentally fucked than ever.
It had been 5 years, nearly 6 and the raw pain he felt was still fresh. Every night, he'd wake up searching for you. He couldn't let go, holding onto the pieces you had left behind. He wrote to you as often as he could, keeping a locked diary of things he wanted to tell you, letters he knew no one would see but what else could he do when he wanted to talk to you so badly but you weren’t there. 
That didn’t stop him from finding a way to pour his heart and soul somewhere. 
Happy Birthday babygirl,  I wish I could wake you up with kisses today, tell you how special the world is with you in it, make you pancakes, feed you in bed because I know you’ll cuddle up in the sheets until noon. Buy you a pretty dress, take you out, maybe even go dancing, even if its just me and you and Steve’s playlist of songs from the 40′s. I’d hold you close to me all night until your feet were sore or until Tony told us to turn the cheesy music off. 
I know he secretly ships us (Peter taught me that word) 
If it were up to Stark, he’d throw you the biggest birthday party ever; that wouldn’t stop me from trying to sneak you away for some more birthday kisses. birthday cuddles. Birthday sex...is a new song Sam introduced me to. 
I wanted to do so much with you today sweet girl. Show you how much I love you on your special day. I should have shown you before it was too late. I regret it every single day. I’d give anything for just another day, just so you’d know. 
It was always you. 
Steve brought you some flowers today, Sam brought some balloons. I hope you see them from wherever you are. It’s not the same without you here angel.
We miss you baby. 
I miss you. 
Till we meet again,  JBB 
Hi Baby, I know it’s not a special occasion, I have no real reason to write today. I missed you though. I wanted to tell you about how I jumped out of a plane today and all I could think of is how much you would have laughed because I didn’t use a parachute. You’re laugh is the sweetest sound in the world and I’d give anything to hear it just one more time.
Sam recorded it all, you would have been the first person he showed the footage to. I’d probably ignore you both and then you’d probably tease me about being grumpy and I’d want a kiss to feel better. And a hug. Maybe some cuddles. Please? 
Also you’d be proud of me today, Red Wing broke and it wasn’t my fault. Promise. I even apologized to Sam after but he doesn’t think I’m being sincere. And I’m not because red wing is a little shit. So is Sam. 
I miss you sweets. I wish you were here. It hurts. Everything hurts. 
I hope we meet again. I’ll never let you go. 
Yours, JBB
My y/n,
I’m sorry. I should have told you. I regret it everyday. I’ll never stop trying to find a way to get you back. 
I love you,
It’s been almost 6 years. It still hurts.
Till we meet again, JBB
I can’t anymore. I need you back. 
There were some days where Bucky was able to focus, writing as much as he could, spilling all of his feelings onto the paper, a tiny part of him hoping that one day he’d be able to give you all his letters so you’d know you were all he could think of. 
Then there were the days where sobs tore through his body, his breathing labored, only managing to scribble three words before crumbling into a dark abyss. Bucky wracked his brain every single day; if you were able to go back once, there had to be a way to get you back again. Bruce and Tony had spent countless hours in the lab trying to find a way to reopen the portal but nothing led to you. 
Bucky stared at his burner, pressing call and ending it before it could go through multiple times before finally letting it ring. There was only one other person he could turn to. He knew he wasn’t going to be immediately welcomed back into Wakanda but this wasn’t just about him. Everyone wanted you back. Nothing was the same without you there. If there was a 1% chance to get you back, he had to try. His chest felt tight as the jet landed in a secluded area having arranged a private meeting with Shuri, the one person he trusted with his life. 
"I-I have a favor to ask" Bucky's eyes were already pleading with her, his heart racing as he approached her, ready to fall on his knees. 
"Anything Sergeant Barnes" Shuri smiled, sensing he was there for something urgent, nodding for him to continue. There was zero hesitation as she immediately agreed to come back with him to try and get you back, bringing her own lab equipment with her so she could work with Bruce. After filtering through a number of timelines and timestamps, she’d managed to pinpoint the portal to find you but it wasn’t without its consequences. 
“You understand you may not return” Shuri whispered as Bucky threw on his tactical gear, insisting on getting you all on his own while rest of the team watched in pin drop silence, reluctantly letting him go alone “And y/n...we can get her back but there's a chance she may not...” 
She squeezed his hand before he stepped onto the platform, not wanting to finish the sentence but he already understood. He knew it was possible he’d find you again but it didn’t mean he’d find you alive. 
“Then at least I get to say goodbye” He gave her a strained smile; he had to bring you home one way or another. If this was how he had to go, he would run happily to his death; he’d be at peace knowing he died trying to find you. With the push of a button, he was instantly thrown into a warp, transported to where you had last been with Nat. Everything came to a halt as he found himself at an abandoned hydra base, the cold nipping his skin. Bucky blinked, his vision focusing on the fuzzy figure laying on the ground, his feet moving before he could process anything. 
There was no one else around. 
It was you. 
His doll. 
His y/n.
He sprinted to you, tears clouding his vision as he approached you, dropping to his knees, both fear and hope fighting for dominance. He found you. You were there. But would he ever actually get you back? Were you even breathing? 
“Y/n?” Bucky cradled you to him, scooping you in his arms and chasing the portal that had already began to close. He held your face to his neck, his metal hand protecting your head, holding you securely against his body as you both fleshed back to the present. 
The team gasped as he appeared on the platform again with you safely tucked in his arms. They didn’t dare move, everyone holding their breaths while Bucky laid you down with you still in his arms, his hand softly stroking your cheek. 
“Y/n? Doll?” His heart was beating erratically, your skin was warm, a glimmer of hope burning stronger as he gently shook you, pressing his cool metal hand against your face. “Please” 
“C’mon doll, come back to me baby, I have so much I need to tell you” He pleaded, his warm breath fanning against your face, tears brimming his eyes. Tony and Steve itched to whisk you off to the medbay while Sam silently shook his head, wanting to give Bucky an extra minute, hoping you’d be able to wake up in the super soldiers arms where you belonged. 
“Baby, wake up sweets” Bucky couldn't help himself, pressing his lips softly to your forehead, trailing feather light kisses down your face while cuddling you. “C’mon I l-love you” His voice cracked, his lips finally pressing against yours. They were still soft, warm, you had to wake up, you had to-
Your lips stirred, your eyes cracking open, taking your first breath as your eyes focused on Bucky. 
“Sweetheart?” Bucky's eyes grew wide, unsure if he was dreaming or not, scrambling to hug you closer, cupping your face gently.  
“Bucky?” Your voice was a raspy whisper, leaning into his touch, feeling his tears fall onto your skin as he pulled you into his chest. 
“My doll” He let out a soft sob, cradling your head as you buried your face into his neck, moved to cling onto him, the last thing you remembered was darkness and now you were in his arms again surrounded by his warmth, his scent. Everyone stayed rooted in place, tears falling freely, dying to grab you, hug you, hold you again but they were not about to separate the two of you, not after how badly Bucky had yearned to get you back. 
“Bucky” You wept, your mind still piecing together how you were back but it didn’t matter, not when he was holding you again. 
“Hi baby” He whispered against your hair, wiping your tears with his thumb, cupping your face, kissing you all over before capturing your lips again, relishing in your touch, feeling your fingers card through his short locks. You lost yourselves in each other, the rest of the world no longer existing. 
“Okay white wolf, When do we get to say hi to our girl” Sam snorted, sniffling seeing you tucked in Bucky’s arms, the brunettes lips curved into a smile for the first time since you’d been gone. Bucky loosened his hold around you, helping you to your feet, giving you one more kiss before letting go. 
“Come here” Steve scooped you up immediately after, struggling not to squeeze you tight, “We missed you sweet heart, so much”
“Hasn’t been the same without you” Sam gave you a once over, determining you were well enough for a slightly bone crushing hug before having you grabbed away by Tony. Tony wasn’t able to say much, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling, hugging you the longest, reluctant to let you go. You were engulfed in Nat’s arms as she wept, squeezing you like her life depended on it. 
“You saved me” She whispered in your hair, her tears falling onto your skin, “Don’t ever do that again” She hissed sternly, grabbing your face to look at her, “Don’t ever ever do something like that again” 
“Give me my baby back” Bucky grabbed you, tossing you over his shoulder as soon as everyone had gotten their hugs and kisses, not interested in giving anyone a second longer when he needed you so badly. You squealed, giggling as he carried you straight down the hall towards his room without glancing back. As soon as he locked the door, his hands were all over you, holding you tightly to him. 
“Your baby?” You shyly whispered as he rested his forehead against yours, nodding and chasing your lips. 
“M’never letting you go again doll, never” He trailed kisses down your neck while unbuckling the straps of your gear letting it drop to the floor. “I want to love you, I want to hold you, I want to make love to you, I want it all with you” 
Bucky tore your clothes off, hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you over to the bathroom, turning the hot water on, hot water pouring over both if you. The steam made you woozy, your body turning into jelly under his touch as he massaged your muscles with delicate touches, his lips ghosting over every bruise and scar that had marked your skin. You let out a needy whimper, staying close to him, your butterflies erupting in your tummy every time he touched you. 
“Bucky please”
“I want to love you so badly baby, love you the way you deserve” Bucky willed himself not to take you right there, focused on rinsing off and grabbing a towel, carrying you over to his bed. He tossed to towel off, climbing on top of you, neither of you having the patience for a slow build or teasing. Your belly clenched feeling his hard length rut and rub against your bare cunt, your slick coating his cock. 
“I need you” He rasped while you whined, wrapping your legs around him, bucking your hips up. “You have no idea baby, God I need you” His eyes were pleading with you, his cock starting to leak feeling your arousal. 
“Wanna feel you Bucky” You spread your legs for him, your breath hitching feeling the tip of his cock rub through your folds before pressing into your entrance. 
“Gonna make love to you so good sweet girl” Bucky whispered as he started to push his cock in, his heart beating faster, cock growing harder feeling your heat pull him in deeper. He groaned, letting his body weight fall onto you as he started to thrust, pleasure consuming both of you immediately. 
“JAmessss” Your gasp melted into a moan, your head pressed against his pillow as he filled you, stretching you open, letting you feel every ridge and vein of his cock. “Stretching me to so good Buckyyy” 
“Yeah? You feel so good wrapped around me baby” He rasped, his orgasm already creeping down his spine as he pressed sloppy kisses all over your face, overwhelmed with emotion and the feeling of you under him. Your moans made him twitch, nearly growling when he felt your nails dig into his skin as he kissed your cervix with each roll of his hips. 
“I missed you so much baby, didn’t know what to do with myself, I-I couldn’t breathe without you, couldn’t live-” Bucky could feel tears brimming his eyes, struggling to keep them away, “Fuck I missed you so much, I felt like I was drowning every single day” 
You sniffled over his words, your heart connected with his, squeezing your thighs around his waist, desperate to keep every inch of his body pressed with yours. 
“It-it was always you” He kissed your forehead, as he kept you caged under him, moaning against your skin.
“I love you” you cupped his cheeks, brushing his tears away, his nose lightly bumping against yours. You pulled him down for a sweet kiss, only pulling away for air. All of it was so much all at once, the quietest cries and softest kisses, feeling every inch of each other, making up for lost time. Bucky pulled the covers over you both, wrapping you in a cocoon of warmth, hiding you from the rest of the world, savoring this moment with just the two of you, his sweet girl back in his arms again. 
He let his arms roam across your body, stroking your waist, your thighs, gently cupping your breasts, softly suckling your nipples, his body trembling as he tried to hold his climax off and make this moment last forever. 
“M’gonna marry you, you know that?” His hands came to lace with yours, pinning you against the bed, eyes locked with yours. His pace didn’t falter, thrusting into you, loving the way your pussy fluttered around his cock, rolling his hips so he could push into you deeper. “W-will you? Will you marry me babygirl” 
He knew you had just come back but he wanted nothing more, unable to stop the words from slipping out. You let your own tears fall down your cheeks, pulling him impossibly closer. 
“Yes” You whimpered, sniffling back sobs as he stroked your head, smiling against your lips. 
“Gonna make you my wife baby, marry you and take care of you until my last breath” He started to fuck you faster, panting, the muscles in his body tensing. 
“Tell me more Bucky, please?” You whined, your heart aching for more, everything you’d always wanted with the one person you’d always been in love with. 
“Oh baby, M’gonna get you pregnant sweet girl, have a family with you, everything with you, take care of your swollen belly, make love to you even when you’re full of me, show you how much I adore you princess” You gasped as he braced himself, his grunts growing louder, his body heat radiating off him, unable to stop the pleasure that was growing. 
“Tell me your mine baby” He whined, wrapping his arms around you while you threw your head back, your eyes rolling back at the feel of his pubic bone rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves with each thrust. 
“I’m yours Bucky” 
“Fuck don’t stop y/n, please, I need it” His voice was needy, desperately clinging onto your body, craving to hear nothing else. “Say it again doll”
“I’m yours Bucky, all yours soldier” You moaned louder, your legs shaking around him “I’m gonna cum” 
“Cum with me baby, same time, please” 
“BuckyBuckyBucky- You cried our, your walls staring to flutter, ready to fall off the edge with hi. 
“M’right here, I got you, togther, c’mon, cum with me princess” Bucky rolled his hips, pounding you into the mattress, biting down onto your neck as he felt your nails scratch down his back while white hot pleasure tore through you, your pussy milking his cock. 
“FUCK JAMES” Your body trembled as he fucked you through your high, burying his face into your neck, his lips brushing by your ear. 
“YES, Yes baby, my good girl, my sweet girl, s’perfect for me, yes, I’m gonna give you my cum, get you pregnant, have a baby with you, take care of you, love you, all of it with you baby, fuck- I LOVE YOU- UGGHHH- 
Bucky collapse on you, filling you with his cum until the bed was damp, his body jolting from sensitivity each time you fluttered around him while kissing his temple. He hardly moved, a steady stream of cum still pouring into you, staying connected to you the entire night, cuddling you next to him. 
“I finally have my baby back, my sweet sweet baby, she’s back” 
It has been nearly a week since you were back but you hadn’t left Bucky’s room once. You only took a few moments to eat and sleep, the rest of the time wrapped up in each other, connected in the most intimate way possible, while whispering sweet nothings, 
It was everything Bucky needed. Emotional. Warm. Soft. Loving. 
He couldn’t help the tears every time he was inside you, he finally had you back, wrapping his arms around you every time you made love, making sure you knew exactly how much he had always adored you. As much as he wanted to take you apart in every way imaginable, he couldn’t help but slip into missionary every single time, wanting to see your pretty face, feel your body, have your legs wrap around him as he came inside you. 
You threw on your coat while Bucky slipped his arm around your waist while you both made your way down, passing through the living room on our way out. 
“Damn future Mrs. Barnes” Sam whistled, along with the rest of the team, everyone gathered for a night for a movie. “Where you off to?” 
“The three of us are going out for dinner” Bucky smiled with a child like grin, snickering to himself while the team looked at you with confusion. 
“Three?” Steve cocked his head, noting the way you shied into Bucky’s chest, giggling while he kissed your head, his hand slipping down to brush over your belly. “THREE?”
Steve’s eyes grew wide as he shot out of his seat, pointing at your tummy. “THREE” He whipped his head to Tony, Nat, Sam and Clint who slowly connected the dots. “THREE” 
“For fucks sake, it hasn’t even been a month Barnes” Tony snorted, while everyone pilled onto you both, a large mess of hugs and tears. 
“You didn’t waste any time, huh” Sam wiggling his eyebrows while Bucky wrapped his arms around you, his hands splayed on your tummy. 
“Never again” He whispered, tilting your chin to kiss you deeply, “Never ever again” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc      
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desswright29 · 1 year
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku X Confused reader
Word Count: 7.2k 😳
Contains: Fluff, Smut(18+), Reader has a child
A/N: This story kicked my ass so I really hope y’all read and enjoy! An homage to what’s beautiful about being with a woman.
Queen: I needed to get away. I’ll be in your city. Can I come by to see you guys tonight?
You look down at the message and smile. Shuri. You two became fast friends when you began an internship at one of the outreach centers. You ran through the ranks easily which caught the attention of the Princess, and caused you two to form an easy friendship. After your internship was over, you got a job at Stark enterprises with a glowing recommendation from the now Queen of Wakanda. You and Shuri remained friends, though you didn’t see eachother as often due to both of your busy schedules. But every once in awhile she came around to unwind from her chaotic life.
 Angel: Anytime Queen. We’ll be glad to have you. 🥰
You text back and sit your phone down. You turn around to your seven yr old son sitting at the Kitchen table, eating his breakfast like a big boy. “Guess what little guy!” He looks up from his food, and smiles at you beaming as he senses your excitement. “Shuri’s coming by today!” His eyes widen as he bounced a little in his seat.
 “Shuri!” He said voice filled with joy “Mommy, You think she’ll bring me something cool!” He asked. Eyes big and bright, already anticipating his new gadget. “Who knows kiddo.” You say with a smile. “Finish your food and have an awesome day in school and we’ll see.” You already knew she’d definitely be bringing him something. She was particularly impressed with your son and loved giving him things that would eventually cause you grief. 
  “Zahir, Let’s go little one!” You yelled to him from the living room. He came hopping down the stairs. You’d gotten yourself and your son ready for the day, and were out of the house in record time, now you were eager to tackle your day. You dropped off Zah with a hug and kiss and headed to work, all smiles and waves as you headed to your office with a bounce in your step. Asia, your work bestie, saw you coming as she got coffee from the break room. Her brow raised over top of her cup as she took a sip looking at you suspiciously. Your eyes connected and you continued walking right past her. “Oh no you did not!” She yells after you as she jogs to catch up, falling in your step.
 “My aren’t we chipper and ready for the day!” She says to you sarcastically doing a happy little wiggle. You look at her and roll your eyes. “ I’m always happy to be here. I love my job nosy.” She scoffs. “Uh huh, speaking of nosyyyy, I hear the Queens in town.” She smiled big, cutting right to the chase, typical Asia. You raise a brow avoiding eye contact. “British?” You say inquisitively as you both enter your office. She closes the door behind you both.
“Bitch, you know what Queen I’m talking about. The one that’s got you walking through the office smiling and waving like Ms. America!” She mocks you smiling big, waving, laughing, and pointing, amplifying your earlier interactions. You laugh “I was not doing all that. You’re so extra!”
“Whatever girl, that’s not what I’m here for. Have you heard from her?” She sat in one of the leather chairs infront of your desk making herself comfortable. You follow her lead sitting in the the chair behind your desk. “ Yes I have she’s stopping by tonight.” Asia squeals. “Oh hell yea! I’m coming” You raise both brows and shake your head “Absoluetly not! Don’t bring your ass to my house Asia.” 
“You’re right, I don’t wanna be in the way.” She said wiggling her brow and rolling her body. 
“Get a life.” You say trying to hide your grin. 
“Damn girl! Leave it up to you to pull a fine ass African, stud Queen. Where they making those at? Talk about one of one.” You try to hold back your laugh. “I really hate you, who says shit like that Asia. And Shuri is not a stud, she’s a Stem, and we are very much FREINDS and that’s ALL.” You say with emphasis.
“Ah Ha! You said that shit like you believed it. That was cute. It’s giving Letitia Wright.” She laughed, and you flicked her off. “I’m just saying, Stud, Stem, whatever the fuck she wanna be, I’m straight as an arrow and she could fold me in half and strap my ankles to the headboard! Do you hear me! I’d be turning all the tricks! The neighbors would know my na-“
“Aight! Damn Asia you always take it far. Get out of my office so I can start my day.”
“That’s cool. I’ll do that. But you better hop on that strap before somebody take your seat hoe. Give that baby a stud daddy!” She gets up out of her chair. 
“ Please, Leave”
“BYE! Bougie bitch.” She whispers the last part under her breath as she walks out. 
“I heard that!” You yell.
“SO!” She yells back.
You shake your head laughing. You smile and continue your day happily anticipating the night. 
You looked in your mirror placing your locs in a high ponytail leaving two locs out in the front. You’d showered and changed into a form fitting black short set. The shirt rose just above your naval showing off your waist beads. You sprayed on your “Killian Love Don’t Be Shy”, glossed your lips, and headed to your kitchen to check on your sides before putting the steaks on the grill. You turned on your speaker and danced around as you cooked. Shuri loved your cooking. You smiled as you thought of how she always reacted to your meals. Zah Sat in the living room playing games on his Nintendo Switch, when you both heard the door bell ring. 
  You both stopped what you were doing and raced eachother toward the door. Your son ran past you pushing you out of the way. “Boy!” He got to the door and smiled at you. “Beat you Mama!” He laughed, and opened the door. You didn’t have time to react before your heart dropped to your stomach. There she stood with that sexy ass smile, hands behind her back. Her undercut was fresh, beautiful curls sat neatly atop her head stopping right above her brow, right ear adorned in several earrings, and she had a single gold chain around her neck. She wore a dark grey shortsleeved compression shirt with matching sweat pants. Her lean muscles more pronounced than the last time you saw her, tattoos gracing her arms making her even more of a work of art. She looked at you and smiled with a wink before squatting down in front of Zahir. 
“SHURI!!” He yelled running into her arms, that she held out for him, as she dropped the bag she’d had in her hands. “Wow little man! You’re getting so big.” She says pulling back and ruffling his individual twist. “Yea, Mommy says I’m a big boy. I got muscles too. “He says stepping back flexing for her.
“Ooooweee!” She reached to touch it and snapped her hand back fast. “Dang kid! You almost broke my finger.” 
“Yep, I’m gonna be really strong and fast like you!”
“Oh you’re coming for me huh little panther?” She says as she picks him up and throws him over her shoulder as she stands and walks in the house. Using her foot to close the door. He laughs and kicks as she holds him tight while walking over to you. It felt like your world slowed down, like she was moving in slow motion towards you. Your eyes trailed her body. The way she moved, the way she paired her femininity with masculinity was feminine in its own right. Only something a woman could master so gracefully. With her hands being full, she could only lean down and press a gentle  kiss on your forehead in greeting. You wrapped your arms around her and Zah, Her scent immediately enveloping you; vanilla, cinnamon, and a hint of burnt cherry. She was intoxicating. 
“Hey Shuri poo!” She pulled back and smiled. “It smells good in here.” You roll your eyes and smack her arm playfully. “It’s good to see you too Shuri” She looks you up and down, eyes lingering on the swell of your hips a while longer than they should, she smirks. “Always a pleasure Ms. Y/l/n.” She walks away, drops her bag next to the couch, and then takes Zahir off her shoulder into the air and slams him into the couch. “Shuri! Don’t start that rough sh- stuff already!” 
Shuri looked at Zah with wide eyes. “I know what she was about to say, do you know what she was about to say.” “Shuri! Don’t get put out immediately. Give yourself time.” She bunches up her lips in skepticism. “ Girl, please. We could take her right Zah! We could beat her up and take over the kingdom.” “Yea! You don’t want none mommy!” Shuri laughs. “Tell her Zah Zah!” You bite your lip, and shake your head at the interaction. “It’s been thirty seconds and I’m tired already.” You say walking back into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile listening to Shuri and Zahir continue to wrestle in the living room as you finished up cooking. 
  Zahir excitedly runs into the kitchen with Shuri trailing behind him, she’d taken off her shoes and made herself comfortable per usual. “Mommy! Mommy! Look at what Shuri made me.” You look down at the gauntlet on his wrist. As he aimed it at you and shot little foam balls. You stare at Shuri blankly as you get hit repeatedly. She looks at you, lips folded clearly holding back laughter judging by the furrow in her brow. 
“Wow! Another well thought out gift that won’t drive your mother crazy! Way to go Shuri!” You say with false excitement, narrowing your eyes at Shuri. She burst into laughter. “All in a days work!” She says with a salute. You smirk rolling your eyes, and turn back towards the stove. You feared your eyes would roll out of your head by the end of the night. Zahir ran out of the kitchen to continue launching balls from his gauntlet all over your clean home. Shortly after he leaves you feel arms wrap around your waist, as Shuri nuzzles her head into your neck. You lean back into the hug, laying your head onto hers.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” She askes as she moves her hands up and down your sides, then lower to began caressing your lower back with her thumbs. 
“Ofcourse not. You’re not doing anything I didn’t expect. He loves it when you visit you know.” You say bringing your hand up to stroke the side of her face, as you close your eyes body melting into her touch.
“Yes, I know, I wish I could be here more often. He’s a blast.”
“Yea? It’s almost like he’s the only reason you come.” You say teasingly.
Shuri turned you to face her taking your hands in hers, gently placing them around her neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist pulling you flush against her as she placed her forehead against yours. 
“You know that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’ve missed you, Ntomb'am (my girl), You look so appetizing.” You blush looking into her deep brown orbs. 
“I’ve missed you too. You look aight” You say, laughing at your own joke. Shuri gasped in exaggerated offense. “Aight!? Damn you’re cold. I’m truly, truly hurt. Really.” She says, staring into your eyes, both of you getting lost until you were interrupted by the chime of her kimoyo beads. You both unwrap yourselves from eachother and you turn fast trying to slow your heart rate, as she steps back to answer the call. 
“Hey! What’s going on?”
“Nothing I just missed you, called to see how everything went today.”
“It went great! You know I walked out with them in the palm of my hand.” You hear a little giggle from the other end of the call. 
“Ofcourse you did. You’re brilliant!” Shuri smiles, you internally roll your eyes. Turning around to plate your steaks. 
“Thank you! You’re so sweet to me. I’m getting ready to eat dinner now, and then I’m gonna lay down. It’s been a long day. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow though. Ok?”
“Ok babe! Talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up and you looked at her as you turned off the stove, eyebrow raised. 
“Yea.” She says walking back over to you placing her arms back around your waist. 
“She sounds nice. You two together now?” You ask. 
“Why? Do you want me?” A glimmer in her eye and mischief on her face. Those words made your pussy quiver. 
“Shuri, don’t start.” You removed her arms from your waist. 
“I’ve already started sweet girl.” She stepped back licking her lips. 
“Dinners ready” You say trying to hide the effect she was having on your body.
She smiled and nodded. Eyeing you knowingly.
“Hm. Ok Y/n.”
  Your relationship with Shuri was….well… complicated. You see, Shuri and you were indeed only friends (much to Shuri’s dismay) because you were “straight”. Atleast, that’s what you’d told yourself all of your life. That is until you met Shuri. From the moment she’d entered your workstation in the lab of the outreach, she’d created thoughts in your mind you had never imagined experiencing before. Casually put, she confused the fuck out of you; and as time passed it only got worse. You’d insisted she keep her distance so that neither of you crossed any lines, figuring that would quell the desire. But, the longer the time apart, the more intense your want became. So, when you would see eachother, touches would linger, hugs got longer, turning into gentle caresses, and intimate forehead kisses; but never further than that. 
When she informed you of her budding romance with Riri Williams you’d thought you’d feel relieved, like you move on, but jealousy hid itself deep in the pits of your stomach; And that’s how you intended to keep it. You couldn’t have feelings for Shuri. You were straight and she was no experiment. She was human, and a damn good friend. You couldn’t loose her.
 Shuri called Zahir in to eat and then helped you set the table. You all sat down at the table to a dinner of steak, creamy potatoes, broccoli, and homemade rolls, like a happy little family. Moments like this made you fantasize about what it would really be like to be the Queens woman. Whenever she stepped into your home it felt as though everything was complete. Her and Zahs connection made your heart swell, watching them together gave you butterflies.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head over there? “ You were snapped out of your thoughts and met with Shuri’s curious gaze across the table from you. “Nothing really just zoned out a bit,” You lie. Zah giggled. “You said mommy’s head is pretty.” Shuri laughs with him. “It is a pretty cute head kid, you gotta admit. That’s where you get it from”
“You two are so childish” you say. “I am a child mommy.” You all laugh together.
 Once you all finish eating, you start clearing the table and preparing to wash dishes. “Alright Zah, it’s time to get your toys all put away so I can give you a bath.” “Aww, mommy I want to stay up and play with Shuri.” He says with his lip poked out. “No sir, you have school in the morning and Shuri will be leaving soon. All of your toys need to be up by the time I finish the dishes.” You told him sternly.
“I don’t wanna!” He screams at you, stomping his foot. Your brows furrowed as you walked up to Zah. “Little Boy-“ 
“Woah! Allllright little one.” Shuri said swooping in and picking him up, saving him from your wrath. “How about I stay? You go in the room and pick up your toys, let mommy give you a bath, and I’ll come in and hang out with you until you go to sleep. And in the morning I’ll be here to make my famous pancakes. How does that sound?” 
“Yes!” Zah shouts.
“Only if it’s ok with mommy, and you have to apologize to her and promise me you’ll never speak to her like that again. That wasn’t cool little guy.” Zah looked at her and nodded. “Ok I promise” Zah wiggled out of Shuri’s arms and walked over to you hugging your legs. “I’m sorry mommy. Can Shuri please stay?” They both look at you with puppy dog eyes and lips poked out. You look back and forth between them and let out a sigh.“Ok, Shuri can stay.” 
“Yes!” They both say, and give eachothers high fives. “Go before she changes her mind.”
Zah runs out of the kitchen at lightening speed. “Zah slow down!” You yell after him. Shuri looks at you with a grin like Cheshire Cat. “You two are gonna be the death of me. And how do you plan on explaining where you are to everyone? Where are the Dora?”
“Y/n, I am the Black Panther a security detail is hardly needed. I am also an adult. I can go and come as I please.” You look at her skeptically.
“Y/n it’s fine.” She said dismissively. “And I already came prepared to stay.” She said using her head to point towards the overnight bag on the floor in the living room. “Really Shuri.”
“Really, really. Now let me help you with the dishes.” You moved over and allowed her to help, knowing there was no point in saying ‘no’ to her. As you guys finish up the dishes, “Can’t get enough” by Tamia started to play over the speaker. “OOO I love this song! I learned the dance too. Come dance with me.”  She said as she turned up the speaker. 
“Oh now I gotta see this.”
“You doubting me?”
“Not at all Panther” You leaned back against the counter looking at her. Humor filled your eyes as you waited for her to dance. Shuri’s eyes lowered as she placed her bottom lip between her teeth with a smile, and began to dance. Just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore attracted to her, watching her smoothly get through the complicated line dance, made your stomach flutter. “Come on entle, don’t leave me hanging!” She says, stopping to sway her hips side to side and raise her arms up in front of her, making a come hither motion with both her hands. Your body floated over to her, grabbing her hands as you danced together laughing, having a blast until the song ended. 
“Ok, ok I see you, you smooth with it.”
“ I’m African, of course I am!” 
“Oooook conceited.”
“What’s wrong with that?” She says licking her lips. “If you know, you know right.” She walked up to you grabbing your hips. Pushing you back into the cabinets, looking you deep in your eyes, licking her lips. She was laying it on thick tonight and you weren’t sure how much longer it would be before you crumbled under the pressure. You pull away quickly. “I gotta get Zah ready for bed.” She stood smirking. “I’ll finish up in here.” She calls after you. It was gonna be a long night.
You’d now gotten Zah all washed up and dressed for bed. Shuri sat beside his bed,after a game of hide n seek and reading him his millionth bedtime story. You were down stairs enjoying the quiet with a glass of wine and “Living Single”.
“Alright Zah Man, you gotta go to sleep little guy. You don’t want to be sleepy in the morning. You can’t be the smartest kid in the world if you don’t let your brain rest.” Shuri says. 
“Ok. But can I ask you a question?”
“One more and then its sleepy time. Promise?” She held out her pinky. Zah nodded. 
“Promise.” They locked pinky’s. 
“Now what’s up little one.”
“Shuri can you live with us? You make my mommy smile a lot and you’re the coolest! I wish you could be here forever.” Shuri looked at him a moment, gathering her thoughts trying to figure out what to say. She stood and walked over to lay back on the bed with him as they both looked at the ceiling. She sighed.
“ You know if I had it my way, you and your mommy would be in Wakanda with me. You are such a brilliant little boy. I’d be proud to have you in my lab teaching you all that I know. Maybe one day your mommy will let me take you. Hm? But, right now you have to be here in school, your mommy’s work is here, and I have to be in my Country. I’d love to be here more often, but I’m busy making sure the world is safe for you. I promise to see you and your mommy more often though. Ok?” Shuri looked over at Zah who was obviously fighting sleep now, his blinking slowing down. 
“ Ok.” He says in his sleepy little voice. “I love you Shuri.” Shuri picks him up and lays him on her chest, her eyes watering a bit. “I love you too, Zah.” She says rocking him to sleep.
   Shuri lay a bit longer with Zah. The conversation they’d just had overtaking her thoughts. In all honesty, Shuri was taken with you. Had been the moment she’d laid eyes on you. She wanted nothing more than to come home to the both of you everyday. But, you were “straight”, so she respected your boundaries. It seemed that as time passed though, those boundaries became lax. Almost as though you felt the same. She’s tried to let this go, but it’d become so much more than a crush, and she couldn’t fathom that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Maybe she was setting herself up to be hurt, overthinking the signals. Either way, Shuri knew she was in love with you, and it felt like you loved her too. 
   She sighed, placing Zah gently on the bed and quietly making her way out of the room after placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. As she made her way to the living room, she stopped at the top of the stairs, looking down at you as you sat brows furrowed in concentration, as you tapped away at your laptop. She took note of how effortlessly beautiful you were. How just the sight of you made her heart pick up in pace. How being here with you and Zah made her feel at home. She quietly walked down the stairs, sneakily walking up behind you, she placed her hands on your shoulders. “You work too hard.” She says as she began to massage the tention out of your shoulders. You let out a low moan at the pleasure of her touch. 
“Says the Scientist Queen Panther.” You look up at her and smile. Shuri lets out a chuckle, as your eyes close and your head lulls forward giving her better access to your tense neck and shoulders. She bent down to whisper in your ear, “Don’t forget masseuse.” You let out a hum, as she kissed you right bellow your ear. She stopped massaging and walked around the couch to stand in front of you.
 “Is there a deadline?” She asked referring the work you were doing. “No. Just staying ahead of the game.” “Good, you’re done for the night. Relax with me.” She removed the laptop from your lap, and placed it on your coffee table. Plopping down on the couch and grabbing your legs to place them on her lap, you bit your lip as you watched her beautiful, tattooed hands go to work on your feet. “So what’s been up here? Have you started seeing anyone yet? “
“Why do none of my friends beat around the bush. Right into it huh?”
“No point. Answer the question.” 
“No. I mean, I’ve been on a few dates. They were just… Shit.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“Hm” Shuri turned to look into your eyes as she massaged you.“ I just had quite an intresting conversation with Zah.” 
“Hm? Really? What about?” Your eyes started to close again. Her hands were like magic. You couldn’t help but wonder how they were in other a-. “He says I should move in with you guys” Your eyes snapped open, and her eyes were still locked on you. “He says I make you happier. Do I?” She says, she scoots down slouching more in her seat resting her head back on the couch, not taking her eyes off of you. Quite frankly, Shuri no longer wanted to pretend so here it goes. “ I-I enjoy when you’re around? Yes.”
She snickers “You enjoy when I’m around huh?” She turns her head away from you staring straight ahead a moment before turning her body toward you fully. “Y/n. I gotta be honest. I want to move forward with Riri. I really like her. And she likes me. Like really likes me. She’s beautiful, intelligent, she makes me laugh, she’s easy to talk too, and she knows what she wants. Everything I could ever want or need in a woman. I deserve that.” You remove your feet out of Shuri’s hands and off of her lap placing them underneath you. “You’re right. You do deserve that. So what’s stopping you?” Shuri stares as though she’s looking through you.
“That.” She points at your eyes wiggling her finger back and forth between each eye.
“What?” You say, following her finger before swatting it away in irritation.
“The jealousy in your eyes when I mention her. The little eye roll in the kitchen earlier. I saw it.”
“Y/n, how do you feel about me? And before you answer, you should know that I see you. The way you look at me. How your body reacts to my touch. You haven’t been able to have a serious relationship since we met eachother. It’s been years. So what I need is for you to be honest with yourself.” You look at Shuri trying to figure out what route to take. You could continue on with your silent crush, or you could lay it all out on the table. You sigh and choose the latter. You stand and began to pace. 
“Shuri, you mean the world to me. I’ve never felt like this about anybody before let alone a woman. It’s scary. These feelings I have for you..i-it’s crazy how you make me feel. Just a look from you could bring me to my knees Shuri. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you look at me and touch me, It’s all so overwhelming. I honestly don’t know what I feel  or why I’m feeling it, and feelings are involved. I don’t want to experiment with you to try and figure out whatever these feelings are and then I loose you completely. Fuck! I’m so confused.” You continued to pace avoiding eye contact with Shuri. Nervous tears streaming down your face. 
  Shuri gets up from the couch walking over to you, grabbing your face with both hands wiping at your tears, and pulling your body up against hers. Wrapping your arm around her waist with one hand, she grabs your chin and lifts it until your eyes meet hers with the other. 
“ You’ve never asked if I wanted to be used.” You looked up at her, your confusion apparent. “I don’t think you’re confused. I think you know exactly what you want and it scares the hell out of you. But, see we’re at an impasse here. I can’t move on because you and that little boy have my heart, and believe it or not, you can’t move forward because I have yours.” You try to look away and she turns your face right back to hers.
  “Let me take care of your body. Express to you how I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually. I can show you how it feels to be loved by a woman. And if you don’t want it after I’m done. I promise you’ll still have me as a friend.”
You look up at her, heart racing, terrified at what she was proposing. This could potentially complicate your friendship, or you could end up in a relationship with the intimidatingly beautiful Queen you called friend. Both were equally scary for you. But, with her standing infront of you offering up her body to the science of your chemistry, you couldn’t resist. You nod.
“Take care of me.” Shuri smiled and nodded. Slowly she leaned in capturing you lips in hers. Her hands began to massage you everywhere releasing your tension. You’re heart beat against your chest as you finally kissed the lips you’d dreamed about. You let out a shaky breath against her lips. This was so much better than a dream. You couldn’t have imagined the feeling of being in Shuri’s arms like this in your wildest dreams. The first brush of her lips against yours took your breath away. Now as you stood kissing her, your hands entangled in her curls, you felt your knees give way. Shuri felt it as well, Her strong arms tightening around you as she moved backward to the couch. 
She sat as you straddled her lap your lips never breaking contact. She placed her hands on your plump behind pressing you into her, signaling for you to move. You began to grind against her as her hands moved to your hips helping you as she rolled her body up into you. Shuri breaks the kiss, lust now pooling out of her eyes.
“ That right baby. Keep moving for me.” She slapped your ass. “Here’s how this is gonna go sphalaphala sam (my pretty one). I’m going to make love to you. Well. Very Well. I’m going to make your body feel things it’s never felt before. I’m going to fuck your mind, your heart, and this pretty little pussy all at once. This will feel spiritual. I’ll be gentle this time, but If at any point you want me to stop just say it, and I will. Do we have an understanding?” At this point your body was screaming for her. You were salivating and would do whatever she said. 
“Yes” You moaned, and Shuri smiled. 
“That’s my good girl. Keep going.” She leaned foreward and removed her shirt. 
“Look at you. So sexy in this tight ass set and those waist beads.” She eyes you with her hands still on your ass, still grinding into you as you rolled your hips onto her. “Nah you’re not confused mtuwam. You know exactly what you want huh beautiful?”  You opened your mouth but the words got stuck in your throat. You could only let out a soft “Ah”.  
“Awww, My sweet Y/n, you need me don’t you. Tell me what you need?” You were panting, rocking against her, pussy tingling from the friction. 
“I-I n-need you to t-touch me.” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were here crossing a line with your friend that could change everything. But you were here now and there was no turning back. 
“ You sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes! Yes. Please Shuri” Looking into her eyes, you were now putty in her hands. She bit her lip, and raised her brow as though she was not convinced.
“Please baby. I n-need it so bad.” You whisper leaning in ghosting your lips over hers. You could feel heat seize your body as she smiled against your lips.
“Yea?” She whispered back. “I know baby.” She reached inbetween the two of you rubbing your pussy through your shorts. “She’s talking to me. Leaking through your shorts, so wet and warm. I can smell her. She’s calling out to her Panther.” She rubbed with a little more force as you continued to grind. “ You hear her..” She leaned up to your ear and whispered “Panther, Panther,” as she pressed into your pussy making it squelch.
“Fuck! Shuri please!”
“Shuri’s not here any more babygirl.”
“Ha uuuhn! Panther!”
“You learn fast sthandwa. Let’s take this to the bedroom hm?”
  She picks you up carrying you to your master suit. Closing and locking the door behind you guys. Once you two exited this room nothing would be the same again. 
“Griot play my “Y/n” playlist” 
“Yes, Panther” 
You looked at her shocked as “Anywhere” by 112 began to play.
“You made a playlist?” 
“What can I say. I am always prepared” She grabs your hips and kisses you walking you over to the bed sitting you down. She breaks the kiss once again. Backing up,she begins removing her sports bra. “You see, the best part about being with a woman. Is the body.” She removed her sports bra. “The curves, so soft and supple.” Her voice so soft and  seductive drove you crazy, as you were now met with her pretty breast “Do you want to touch me Y/n?” You nod, mouth slightly ajar as you took in Shuri’s breast. 
“No, no sweet girl. Use your words”
“Yes, I want to touch you.” Shuri proceeded to walk up to you, still wearing her sweat pants, while her upper half was completely bare except for the gold chain that contrasted so beautifully against her mahogany skin. She grabs your hand placing it up against her soft yet toned stomach. She let out a sigh as you moved your hand upward. Up, up, up until you were cupping her breasts. Shuri bit her lip as you pinched her nipples. 
“Can I taste them?”
“You can do whatever you want babygirl.” You lift yourself up and catch her nipple in your mouth. Suckling like a new born cub. She throws her head back. “Mhm. That’s good my pretty girl.“ The taste of her skin in your mouth and the sound of the moans that came from her made your pussy pulse. You hum with her nipple still in your mouth. Shuri pulls on the band of her sweat pants. 
“Take these off for me Sthandwa, finish undressing me.” You happily oblige. Reaching forward pulling Shuri’s pants and underwear down at the same time. She giggles. “Eager hm?” She stepped out of her pants and laid back on the bed. “Strip for me, slowly, I’ve been waiting for this, and I want to savor every moment.” You got off of the bed slowly and began to seductively strip for Shuri, determined to put on a show for her; not knowing she had plans to put on a show of her own. She slowly opened her legs and began to play with her pussy, eyes never leaving you. “Watch me while I watch you” She moaned. You were placed in a trance. 
You let your shirt come up over your head, as she began rolling her body into her touch biting at her lips. Her soft moans driving your senses wild. The light layer of sweat building up on her begining to make her body glow in the moonlight. Her breast heaving up and down as she let out heavy breaths moaning your name. Her toned thighs spread wide for you, folds glistening, a stream of light hitting it perfectly putting her on display. She was all woman, and that excited you. Your shorts collect one last release of your want before being pulled down your thighs. 
“You knew what you were doing with those tight ass clothes and waist beads.” Shuri smirked. “Straight my ass. Look at you. Mouth and pussy drooling for me. There’s nothing like a woman huh? Ahhh!” Her head falls back in ecstasy as you stand there caressing your breast, and teasing your nipples; completely naked, physically, and emotionally. You were entranced in her pussy, your sight not leaving her drenched core. The sounds calling out to you. “Shit! I could cum just from how desperate you look right now. Is that you want intel? You want to watch me cum for you?”
You nod but quickly correct yourself “Yes. Yes Shuri I want to see you cum please.”
“No.” Your eyes glance up to meet hers. “Tell me pretty girl. Tell me to cum for you.” You look at her. You smirk feeling a bit bolder. You lick your lips. “Cum for me beautiful.” Your voice was low in octave filled with lust. Shuri’s eyes widened briefly at the sudden change, before you watched her stomach contract and her body began to shake, as her once methodical strokes became sporadic. “Oh B-bast! Y/n! I’m c-cumming for you! Uuuhhnn!”
  As you stood and watched her cum, you knew for sure you were hooked. You wanted to hear her scream your name like that all the time. The girly tones of her voice awakening  something inside of you. She was a woman.
“Come my love. Touch me, feel what you do to my body.” You walk over to the bed and hover over Shuri leaning down to kiss her lips, as you reached down and touched another woman for the first time. You moan into her mouth at the feel of her. Her slippery folds encasing your fingers. Meshing around them perfectly. “That’s all for you baby. Now let me show you what I can make your body do for me.” The look in her eyes was devious. As she sat up positioning your body to straddle her thigh. “Grind for me”You began to move your body against her. Shuri wanted to ignite all of your senses, so she grabbed your waist and brought you closer wrapping you in a hug, pressing her body up against yours completely. 
 The feeling of her bare breast pressed against you felt so erotic, as she held you close and placed kisses all over your chest. “Oh Shuri.” You moaned in a whisper. She handled you so gently moving her hands down to your plump ass massaging into it as she helped you get off on her thigh. It felt as though she was worshipping your body. She kept one hand wrapped around your body and the other she brought inbetween the two of you, finding your pussy she began to rub. “Ah fuck! Baby!”
“You like the way I take my time baby. No rush. I want you to feel good in places you never knew you could.” Before you knew it you were laying on your back as she kissed and sucked down your body, making her way toward your pussy. She held up your thighs caressing them as she prepared to dive into her meal.  She licked and sucked all around your pussy, before finally making contact with your clit. “Fuck Shuri!” 
“Mhmm” she moaned into you as she devoured you. 
“Oooo eat this pussy Panther!” She smacked the inside of your thigh. Then she wrapped her arms around both of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Devouring your pussy. “S-Shuri ha hooo my g-god!” You were very sure you were seeing heaven, and then she placed a finger inside. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head “M-more. P-please Shuri more!” You reached down grabbing her by her curls grinding against her face. She placed another finger inside of you, and you felt like you were floating. “OMG! Uhn! I’m gonna cum Panther!” Shuri said something but you’ll never know what it was between euphoria and her mouth being filled with pussy. 
  You came hard in her mouth, she continued eating, getting you all cleaned up. And then she kept going. “I want some more pretty girl. Can you give me more.” 
“Uhn! I d-don oh Sh sh pleasassee!! “ your words were failing you.
“Yea you can give me more.” She palms your ass. Getting back up on the bed laying on her back. “Come sit on my face. Drown me in that shit baby. Use me.” She opened her mouth wide sticking out her tounge ready to be your seat. You carefully lower yourself onto her face, but she grabs your thighs holding you down as she ravished you. You started moving your hips faster getting close to another orgasam. “Oh baby I’m gonna cum again! Fuck me Panther! Drink me!” Once again the band snapped and you were cumming, but this time liquid sprayed from your pussy as you squirted on Shuri’s face. She took it like a pro drinking you up.
“Good fucking girl! You’re my good girl huh Y/n. You taste so good.” She said as you fall to the bed trying to control the shaking from the after shocks. “You’re doing so good for me. You’re going to give me one more. Can you do that for me? Want to watch me cum on top of you? ” You look up at her tears falling from your eyes. You didn’t know if you could, but you’d damn sure try if you could see Shuri cum for you again. “Mhmm” is the only sound you could get out. Shuri understood loud and clear. 
Shuri sat up, grabbing your legs pushing them all the way back, she straddles you in a squat.  “As bad as I want to strap you until you’re unconscious, I want their to be no misunderstanding that it is a woman is fucking you like this” She begans to move against you, feet planted firmly on the bed, the muscles in her legs flexing. “Mmmm!” You let out a long groan from the overstimulation. “Shshsh. Don’t worry baby I got you.”  She slowly whined her body against you in a circular motion. You looked down at her, chin still covered in your cum, body glistening in sweat. “ Ahhhh! fuck” she moaned throwing her head back. You followed a large bead of sweat  that moved down from her long sexy neck, to her chest, down the valley of her breast, slowing at her waist that whined expertly above the backs of your thighs. It was femininity in all it’s beautiful, ethereal, glory. You snapped. “Oh My God Shuri! You’re so fucking sexy!” You reach and grab her waist moving underneath her as best you can. 
She looked down at you like a goddess on her throne. “ You never felt like this before?”
“I c-can’t t-take it. You’re d-driving me crazy. Please! I want you! I need you Shuri. I want to be yours! Please Let me be yours!” You screamed, tears streaming down your face, as you were full out crying now. The whole experience was overwhelming. 
“Nobody’s ever known your body like this b-baby? Uuhn! Made you c-cum s-so much? Knew exactly how touch you huh?”
“N-no, n-no, nobody baby! Nobody m-makes me feel like you Shuri! I’m gonna cum again for you!” Shuri fell to her knees, causing her pussy to grind harder against yours as she picked up the pace. “Oh Fuck! Go ahead b-baby let it go, I’m right behind you!” As if your body ran on her command you opened up the flood gates cumming into Shuri’s pussy, as she followed behind. 
“OH GOD SHURI! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU! I’m so in love with you.” You cried. She collapsed on top of you shaking and breathing hard from her intense orgasam. You both held onto eachother tight. You wrapped your legs around her waist as she nuzzled her face into your neck. You heard the sniffles before you felt tears dropping onto your neck. 
“I know sthandwa. I’m in love with you too”
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Your Highness // Shuri // 18+
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Summary: You and Shuri can go at it whenever and wherever. She reminds you that being in public won't stop her from making a mess of you.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warning: Shameless Smut // Fluff // Shuri is a sneaky little shit // Fingering(Reader Receiving) // Public Orgasm
Word Count: 3.3k
Author's Note: I'm done with my first ever Shuri one shot! I need a couple of gallons of water after writing this one. Shuri had me in a whole chokehold in my own fic. How sway? Hopefully the queen of Shuri fics approve. @haechvn I did my best sis XD.
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You scrolled through all the document pages on your tablet as you made your way to Shuri's lab. She had been hiding away in there for the past 4 days so you decided to drag her out to clear her mind a little bit. The doors opened and you were greeted by Griot as you stalked closer to the princess. She was much taller than you but you made up for it with the puff that rests on top of your head. You sat down the tablet on a nearby table before bringing your hands to rest on her torso. 
"Hey baby." You mumbled placing a kiss to her spine. You felt her shiver in your arms as she turned her head to look down at you. 
"Hi my love. What are you doing here, I thought you had a conference to go to in the states." She questioned and you grinned while letting your hands roam. It's been a while since you had her in your arms, so you want to savor it.
"I do. But I fly in tonight. Was wondering if you'd like to tag along and go to dinner?" You suggested and she sighed.
"Baby you know I have so much to do around here." She said with a frown.
"Let Griot take over. You've been so busy and I miss having you so close to me." You muttered as another kiss landed on her shoulder.
"I don't know Y/N. I don't really have much time to relax nowadays." She said leaning into your soft kisses.
"Exactly my point. You need it." You pushed, running your hands down her thighs. She grabbed your wandering hand before turning to you with wide eyes. 
"Okay, I'll go. Enough with your roaming hands woman." She chuckled as she finally took you in her arms and kissed your lips. You rested a hand on the back of her neck as the two of you refused to part before Okoye walked into the room.
"Am I interrupting something? I can come back at another time." She smirked as Shuri pulled away from you. 
"No it's alright Okoye. I'll have her all to myself when we land tonight." You said before walking out of the lab. 
"Okay princess. I see you." Okoye jokes, causing Shuri to roll her eyes.
"What, jealous?"
"Of course not. Just never expect to walk in on Wakanda's princess with her tongue down her girlfriend's throat." She retorted before handing Shuri the files she was instructed to. 
While Shuri was finishing up in the lab you had packed a suitcase and drew yourself a bath to relax before the long trip. You let the warm water relax your muscles with a sigh as you thought about the conference taking place the next day. You heard the door open and lock before a quiet shuffling sound. 
"Bathing without me I see." Shuri grinned and you turned in the tub to face her, resting your cheek on your arm to stare up at her. Her curls resting over her eyes as she took a seat on the toilet next to you.
"You were busy. Besides, I wanted to get some relaxation before the trip." You told her and she reached down to cup your cheek. Brushing her thumb across your skin before moving down to your lips. You paid no mind to her staring until you realized how lustful her gaze became. You silently watched her as she leaned down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss. She held your jaw as your hand grabbed hold of her legs.
"You know there's room for one more. This tub is big enough." You spoke against her lips and she stood to take off her jacket as you watched with anticipation running through your bones. Once she was completely bare she stepped in the tub before pulling you in her arms. Her lips found your once more and you quickly wrapped your arms around her shoulders. You could feel your arousal gather between your honey thighs as her hands roamed your body. Without breaking the kiss she maneuvered herself behind you and you subconsciously spread your legs, welcoming her in. You sometimes forget how easily she can make you come undone with just her kisses. One of her hands slid up before clamping down on your throat. You couldn't help the moan that left you as she gently squeezed while her other hand was preoccupied with your breast. 
"Shuri-" You were cut off when she pinched your nipple, causing you to jolt while she brought her lips to your ear.
"We talked about this Y/N. What do you call me?" Her tone was firm and you shuddered against her.
"My apologies, your highness." You moaned out as she gave a sharp tug before leaving you. 
"Good girl." With her praise you leaned your head back, giving her more access to you. Her hand left your nipple before submerging under the water moving to where you craved her the most. "So wet for me, yeah."
She was teasing you and you wiggled your hips starting to grow impatient. She grabbed hold of your thigh and gave a light squeeze as a warning for your whining. "Stop whining. You wanted me to relax. I'm doing just that." Her voice held so much passion while her fingers ran over your slippery folds. Slowly. The way she stroked you had your nerves on fire. Every now and then her thumb would graze the throbbing bundle of nerves begged to be touched.
"Please princess, enough with the games." You groaned out, your body eagerly awaited her next move. 
"As you wish, my love." She mused in your ear as she finally buried a finger inside of you. Your back arched at the intrusion, but you welcomed it. The way her touch sent your nerves on fire. You humped into her hand, chasing your release as she mumbled praise after praise.
"Look at you. You're doing so good for me." She wasted no time slipping a second finger into you and your eyes fluttered closed. Your legs trembled at the sensation as you felt her fingers curl to rub a specific spot inside you.
"Fuck." You cursed before you turned your head to find her lips. 
"You're so close now. My pretty girl wants to cum on my fingers does she?" She taunted, her breath fanning against your lips. Her fingers sped up as she swallowed all your whining moans signaling you're nearing your release. Your pussy clamped down on her fingers as you came all over her hand. She chuckled in your ear before pulling out her digits bringing them in front of your face.
"We're in a bath and yet you can still see the mess you made." She said as you took that time to catch your breath. She brushed her hand over your folds and you twitched slightly. Your pussy sensitive from the finger fucking you just got from your lover. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we." Shuri took the time to bathe you as you were slowly coming down from your post orgasm bliss. After the two of you got out of the tub, you spent the next few hours getting everything you needed for this trip. Any notes, files and documents. You had your hair braided before finishing up your packing to give it a fresh look. You went through your mental list making sure you had everything you needed for your trip while Shuri gave instructions to Grio.
"Okay I think that's everything. We're both all packed." You said zipping up your suitcase. 
"Not quite. You're forgetting something." She said as she went to the dresser where she pulled out a box with a bow. "I got these for you. For our date." She handed you the box which you quickly made away with the bow. You opened the box with wide eyes and a soft gasp left you.
"Shuri!" You said in a hushed shout. "You dirty girl." You eyed the lace 2 piece lingerie with gold accents littered over the pieces. You held up the underwear to inspect it and ran your fingers across the lace.
"Thought you would look amazing in it." She told you and you bit your lip. 
"I see. Guess I was forgetting something then." You grinned as you packed the lewd clothes in your bag. 
"Now we're ready." She smiled as you grabbed your bag. You put on a tshirt and jeans while the princess rocked a purple track suit. You know you're on a tight schedule. But damn she looks good. She caught your stare before grabbing your chin.
"Like what you see Y/N?" She questioned and you swallowed some spit before fixing her collar.
"What I can't admire what's mine?" You asked and she pecked your lips.
Okoye and Ramonda greeted the two of you at the aircraft.
"Now I want you to be careful. Remember this is a business trip. No funny business." The queen said with a knowing stare as she eyed her daughter, who had a smile on her face.
"Of course, queen mother. I will make sure the princess doesn't go astray." you said and she snapped her head in your direction. 
"It isn't me she should be worried about." She said and you rolled your eyes. 
"Princess. Y/N. You two are to keep your kimoyo beads with you at all times. If anything happens or goes wrong you are to return to Wakanda with haste." You nodded and Shuri rolled her eyes. "Or Okoye will retrieve the two of you."
"Of course mother. Now we have to go now." Shuri rushed as she grabbed your hand, dragging you to the ship. As soon as the two got through the river border the ship flew on autopilot and the two of you took the chance to get some sleep. You pulled out the makeshift bed and Shuri looked at you with an arched eyebrow. 
"Don't get any ideas. It's for us to sleep until we reach our destination." You told her and she let out a loud laugh. You gave her warning eyes as you put your hair up.
"Fine. I'll allow it." She said taking off her jacket and tossing it on the bench. The two of you got comfortable and you snuggled under her arm whispering sweet nothings to each other until the two of you dozed off.
Shuri was the first to wake up and saw that your destination wasn't too far out. She turned to you sound asleep resting on her chest. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead where your baby hairs are greased down. After a few moments of silence she woke you from your slumber and you prepared to land. Soon after you made it to the hotel you were staying at. 5 star hotel, funded by Nick Fury himself. Fury being the reason you're here. 
"Fury sure does know how to extend an invitation." Shuri said as she scanned the lobby. You checked in under your alias and took the princess to your room. When you arrived you opened the door to the king suite. Shuri took one of her kimoyo beads and attached it to the wall. 
"Griot?" She called out holding your arm to keep you from completely entering the room. You admired how protective she was over you.
"No malicious threats detected princess." The AI spoke and you raised an eyebrow at her.
"Have to be sure." She shrugged as you put your bag next to the bed. "Besides I could think of a million ways to make this room more safe than it is."
"Hey! No lab talk. We're here to relax." You said with a frown and she held up her hands. 
"Okay. No lab talk. Only relax." She repeated and you shook your head.
"8:37. We made the perfect time for that date." You smiled and she nodded as she walked up to you grabbing your waist. 
"There's a restaurant not too far from here. I've already made reservations." She told you and you frowned.
"What? I travel a lot. Always one step ahead of you love." She grinned as you playfully scoffed. 
"Alright then, we should be getting dressed then." You said kissing her cheek. "Shall I wear the gift you gave me?"
"Of course. Even though it'll just be on the floor afterwards." She smirked and you felt your face heating up. You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. The bra held your breasts so securely and even gave them a little lift. The panties were nothing short of innocent. Covered everything except maybe a little bit of the curve of your ass. 
"Cheeky princess." You muttered as you slipped the black dress over your curves, thick fabric covering the provocative pieces you had underneath. Once you were done with your makeup, you stepped out of the bathroom before coming to a stop. Shuri stood before you in a black blazer with black dress pants. 
"Damn. Looking good." You said as your mouth went dry and she grinned before putting the kimoyo bracelet on her wrist. 
"I can say the same for you." She said, eyes racking up and down your figure. You grabbed your clutch before reaching for her hand. 
"Come, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I believe we have a reservation." You smiled at her as the two of you left the hotel room. The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel so it didn't take too long to get there. When you arrived you looked around in awe at the decor and sheer environment of the space. Once you were seated you held up the menu looking over the variety of choices. You felt a heated gaze burning through your head and you looked up to meet the brown orbs of the princess.
"Can I help you Shuri?" You asked and she seemed a bit too quiet. You noticed her toying with her kimoyo beads and opened your mouth to speak but nothing came as you felt a warm sensation run through your body. Assuming it was the warmth from the restaurant, you paid it no mind. 
"Have you decided on what to eat yet?" Shuri asked you as she looked over her own menu. You shook your head as the sensation persisted when the waitress appeared.
"Good evening ladies. What will you have to drink tonight?" She asked, looking between the two of you and Shuri spoke up.
"A bottle of your finest red wine please." She smiled and the waitress wrote it down before walking off to the bar. 
"Are you alright my love?" She asked you, toying with her kimoyo beads again and you nodded ignoring the dull sensation. It was only then the sensation became more noticeable. Your body started to grow a little warm and you crossed your legs. Then it hit you. The sensation was vibrations coming from between your legs. Although there's nothing under this dress but-
"You did not." You said as light panic crossed your features. She shrugged her shoulders feigning confusion as the waitress returned with a fancy bottle of red wine. 
"Here you are ladies. Now what can we get started for you this evening?" She asked opening the wine and Shuri's eyes flickered to you with fire behind them.
"Can I have the bourbon glazed salmon?" She asked and the waitress turned to me waiting for my order after filling our glasses to the middle. Shuri had the chance to flick her kimoyo bracelet a third time and you had to uncross your legs to keep the panties from pushing against your clit. 
"Can I just have the same please?" You asked and she smiled before walking away and you finally looked Shuri in the eyes. 
"Are you serious right now?" You asked in a hushed tone trying to cover the moan that nearly slipped out and she smirked. 
"Whatever do you mean Y/N? We're just sitting here having a nice dinner." She stated and you closed your mouth as the vibration went up a notch. You wanted nothing more than to swirl your hips into the vibration but you had to fight that temptation. If you were behind closed doors, you would indulge in her little game and give her a show. But you're not only in the public eye, but in a crowded space. You'd die of embarrassment if someone saw you cum in a restaurant booth. 
"Shuri-" Her eyes found yours and you could see the silent warning blazing behind them and you cleared your throat. "Your highness. Please don't make me cum here."
"But you look so pretty like this. Squirming around being all needy." She gave you a dark chuckle as the waitress walked up with your plates. Something about the way she said it, made you even more wet than you already were. You lowered your head so your braids would fall and cover your face to protect the little dignity you had left. "You ladies, enjoy! Anything else I can get for you?"
"No thank you. This will be all for now." Shuri spoke calmly as if she wasn't on the verge of making you cum in your seat. The waitress looked over at you and you gave the best smile you could muster up and she fell for it before walking over to another table. 
"Please stop." You moaned softly as you covered your face when your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Why when you seem to be enjoying this more than I am?" She questioned as she began to cut into her salmon. You couldn't call her bluff, because it was obvious you were enjoying yourself. But you wouldn't admit that to her. It'll only stroke her ego. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten as your release neared. You shifted your hips slightly and wanted to just get it over with. "If you want to cum so badly just let go. No one is stopping you." She touched her kimoyo beads one last time and you swear you could see stars. 
"I want to see my pretty girl cum. Go ahead." Her full attention was on you now and that was enough for the coil to snap. You groaned softly into your hand as you cum in your panties. Legs squeezing together as if to soften the blow. Luckily no one turned to look at you as you rode out your organsm. She held the most satisfying grin on her face when she reached down to turn the vibration off. Your body went slack as she continued to eat her food. You caught your breath before sitting up straight to brush your sweaty palms on your dress. You grabbed your cup and downed your wine in a couple of sips. Your eyes found hers and she still held a burning fire behind them. Letting you know that your night was far from over. You finally began to eat without another word and the waitress found your table when you completed your meal. Shuri paid the check and you grabbed the bottle of wine off the table as the two of you left the restaurant. You could still feel your arousal between your thighs the entire ride back to the hotel. 
"What, are you mad at me now?" She asked in an amused tone and you scoffed. 
"That was the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened. What if someone saw me?"
"No one saw you, baby. I promise you." She laughed and you crossed your arms. "Okay I'll make it up to you when we get back to the room. I'll make you feel so much better for doing so good for me." She squeezed your thigh and you couldn't help but bite your lip. 
"After that stunt you better." You mumbled and she brought you hand to her lips. 
"I will. I can promise you that."
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amplifiedmoan · 1 year
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 (𝑷𝒕. 𝟐)
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku x Black!fem reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), long distance relationship, strap on sex, cunnilingus, scissoring, overstimulation, kimoyo bead toy, switch!Reader, switch!Shuri, etc.
Word Count: 2.4k
Synopsis: Shuri came to visit you on campus again while Riri is away. Refer to Part 1.
Song Inspiration:
Author’s Note: Whew! Y’all, I’m slut, you’re a slut, Shuri’s a slut. I can’t make this up… Please leave your thoughts and criticism in the comments. I love y’all! Byeeee
Long distance was hard.
You weren’t sure how long you and Shuri were going to be able to keep this up, but for the time being, you just enjoyed each other’s company.
Riri went home last night to see her mother. She’d often get homesick and her mother is usually all alone whenever she was on campus. A family reunion was in the works and she wanted to help her mother cook and prepare for it.
The night air blew in from the dorm room window. The oxygen around was thick, a sexual aroma marinating in it. It coerced you. The headboard creaked against the wall, scraping against the new paint job.
“Oh, fuck!” You screamed. Your walls were sealed around the strap that Shuri was pouncing inside of you. “Agh… yes yes yes!” Moans flew out with small breaths. Your calves sat fittingly on her shoulders as she took out any and all frustration on you and your body. Your eyes closed shut tightly as she picked up her pace, fighting for not only your release but her own. Your boobs danced beneath her, unable to stay in place. Her eyes flicked up from your enticing brown nipples to your beautiful brown eyes.
“How’s that, nkosanza?” (princess) Shuri uttered, leaning down to kiss you on your soft lips as she continued fucking you. Damn, she made you flexible over time. She’d never let you limit yourself or say what you thought you couldn’t do. “I’m… I’m gonna cum, baby.” You replied softly against her mouth. Your brain was completely incompetent but you drowned in ecstasy.
“Mmhm.” She smirked. Whenever you were about to cum, Shuri would prepare to fuck the shit out of you through your orgasm. It made her feel powerful. “You’re so pretty, Y/N.” She spoke, reaching for your neck. She began pushing in and out of you slowly. Shuri watched your pussy swallow the vibranium and then release it afterwards. You moaned at the feeling of her veiny, tatted hands violating your windpipe.
“So are you.” You smiled softly, eyes still closed with bliss. “I’m going to be rough, usana.” (baby) She voiced, looking up your body, rubbing gently against your throat with her thumb. “I know.” You whispered, opening your eyes, allowing her to view the consent resting in your pupils. Before you knew it, your girlfriend was drilling you into the mattress beneath you two. She moaned softly, as the strap rubbed up against her pussy, leaving her nice and wet.
Your body burned with pain and pleasure all at once. “Please, fuck! Oh my g-” Full sentences were a little too advanced for you at the moment. Shuri pushed deeper into you, rolling upwards to create some more friction. “Ah… ah.” Your voice shattered and tears pricked through your eyelids. Shuri truly knew how to make you lose your mind.
“Mmhmm. Take it just like I know you can.” She nodded, tightening her grasp around your neck. That alone sent you into a frenzy. Her deep and purposeful thrusts lead you both closer to your orgasms. “Shit… Always so tight.” She declared. You clasped sharply around the vibranium, sending Shuri over the edge.
“Oh… fuckkkkkkk!” You shouted as Shuri began ramming into you deeper, faster and more profound. The overstimulation had her breathing heavily, her jaw flexing as she began to cum again with you. “Damn, girl.” She whispered like she’s never came like this before. You chuckled at the satisfaction on her face.
“Bast, your pussy is so good.” (God) Her eyes flew open as she pulled out of you slowly, watching your slick detach from her sinful creation. You smiled softly at her words. You knew that already though, Shuri just had to remind you every chance she got. She began removing her strap and you rolled over to check the time on your phone. “Damn, babe… It’s 11.” You scuffed, realizing she has to leave around 6 am tomorrow.
“It’s alright. You know I’ll sleep perfectly fine on the flight.” You shut your phone off and sat up on your elbows to watch her as she shoved her boxers down her legs. “You’re insane.” You said, sulking in the sight of her bare body. She wasn’t anywhere done for the night and you knew it.
Shuri bent down on the bed, crawling towards you. “Let me eat it.” She said, voice all raspy from her constant moans. Without hesitation, your legs spread wide open for her once again tonight.
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“Baby… agh.” Was all that escaped your pretty lips as Shuri sucked and nipped at your clit. “Mmm.” She moaned in between your legs, sending micro vibrations through your body. “It’s so good.” She whispered against your sensitive bud. Your head fell into the pillows and you used them to bite away your moans.
“Aht… No! Let me hear how good I make you feel.” Shuri smacked the inner flesh of your thigh and your pussy pulsated vigorously between her lips. You fought the urge to touch her hair while she was spitting so comfortably on your flesh. It all felt so riveting.
You reached for her curls and she smiled alarmingly at your touch. “Talk to me, usana.” (baby) She encouraged the obscenities that cooked up in your throat to come out, whenever she ate you like you were her last supper. Your eyes watered again, unable to hold the tear drops that insisted on traveling down your cheeks.
“Fuck!” You exploded. She continued to lick upwards so that she can witness you fall apart right above her tongue. “Mm, yeah!” You shouted, trying to push away from Shuri’s grasp. “Please!” You begged her to release you. She saw that you couldn’t tolerate it much longer.
Shuri pulled her tongue away for a moment and allowed you to catch your breath. Something about the smug look on her face made your stomach feel queasy. She looked at you, tilting her head as if she was thinking about what she could do to you next.
You shut your eyes for a split second and there she was, stretching her leg across yours. That damn herb had not only enhanced her strength, but it enhanced her endurance and energy as well. She could honestly fuck you all night. It was a blessing in some cases but a curse in others.
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“Y/N!” Shuri screamed to the top of her lungs. You rubbed your pussy against hers abruptly. Her mouth hung open and her moans were consistent. You were now in control.
“You like this, baby?” You moved in a circular motion against her, reaching for one of her breasts. You massaged and pinched her nipples, attempting to send a rush through her body. That you did. “Ah, shit!” She spoke, looking so helpless on top of you. She came already, so this orgasm would definitely hit a little harder, you thought.
“That’s right.” You moaned. Your breath hitched and you watched as Shuri’s body began to jerk above yours. “Fuck…” was all you heard before a stream of liquid poured from her pussy and onto your body. She quivered above you and you began cumming at the sight. “Shit!” You whimpered. After a moment, she slid off of you slowly. Both of your bodies laid frail right next to each other.
After a few much needed minutes of rest, Shuri got up and headed to the bathroom. You raised your head from the bed, to relax it on your hand while you watched her turn on the bath tub. You both were extremely fatigued, but that didn’t stop you from telling Alexa to play a little bit of 90s Sade.
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The hot, soapy water felt amazing lathered up against your back. Shuri continued to scrub you slowly to the beat of the music. “Feel good?” She asked, while leaving a few kisses on the top of your ear. “Yes, baby.” You responded, smiling wider with every kiss.
“There’s nothing like you and I, baby.” You sang to her softly, pressing your back against her chest. Your vocals separated in the room, echoing perfectly around you both. The ambiance was so beautiful. “This is no ordinary love.” You continued, finishing it off with a little humming.
“Nkosanza?” (Princess) She whispered against your neck. The sudden contact made you go stiff. “Yes?” You answered, eyes closed and relaxed. Shuri pushed a curl behind your ear and spoke. “I have something for you.” Your heart felt like it was slipping down your chest. Shuri gifted you things often, but something about her current demeanor frightened you a little. It sent a thrilling chill to your stomach, but you liked it.
“What is it, Shuri?” You chuckled nervously. The silence in the bathroom was nothing less than suspenseful. Shuri lifted her arm from out of the water to show you her Kimoyo beads. They lit up and she looked at you and then back at them. You looked back at her a little unsure of her reason for showing them to you.
She lifted her chin, gesturing for you to turn back around. “I’m going to give you one.” She muttered. You were still a bit confused but she clearly wasn’t done explaining, so you just continued to listen. “I am going to give you a singular bead, that I will be able to control while I am away.” She added. The atmosphere went balmy and you groaned a little at her words.
“Control it how?” You asked, genuinely wondering. She clicked on a bead and it fell off of her wrist immediately. It almost hit the bath water but her reflexes allowed her to she catch it in time. “Here you go.” She awaited your opened palm to take a hold of the bead. You grabbed it and brought it closer to your face. “So what do I…” before you could finish your sentence, she was commanding you. “Put it in your mouth.” She instructed.
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“Ugh!” You whined, gripping the tub for support. The bead was vibrating harshly against your clit and there was honestly nothing you could do accept deal with it. “What did you do?” You fought to get those words out. “No, it’s what you did.” She smirked against your neck, licking it to test your endurance.
“Okay! Just-” You pleaded. Shuri looked down at how the vibration created bubbles in the water, making her snicker. With a click of her bracelet, the vibration slowed down and then came to a complete stop. She reached down in between your legs, to remove the bead from your fragile pussy. “I think you understand.” She whispered and that alone nearly sent you over the edge all over again.
“When you put it in your mouth, it gathered details about your tolerance and your patience. I just added a little bit of my touch.” She opened your palm and put the bead back inside your hand. “Your touch?” You asked. “Now I can do things to you without laying a finger on you.” She chuckled mischievously and your clit throbbed slightly. “But let us get some rest, Y/N.” She stood up behind you in the tub, the water droplets off her skin began hitting your back. You yawned softly and gave her your hand to grab.
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“I’m going to miss you, Shuri.” You two stood outside on campus, waiting for her transportation. You hugged her tightly, taking in the fresh layer of cologne on her sweatshirt. She breathed in your cocoa butter shampoo that she loved so much, before releasing her grasp.
“I’ll call you soon, usana.” (baby) She assured you. Her voice a little low but she was smiling at you. You really did love this girl and there was no doubt that she loved you just as much, maybe a little more. At least that’s what she’d always say. “I love you.” You shouted as she walked backwards, not leaving your eyes. “I love you more, beautiful.”
The Talon Flyer appeared out of thin air and the force blew some of the leaves off of nearby trees. Shuri walked over to it quickly, before people started to pay too much attention to the advanced spacecraft.
The stairs became visible and she traveled up them, looking back at your face again. You were teary eyed like always. You couldn’t help it and she knew that. Shuri then blew you a little kiss, in attempts to make you smile. She succeeded. You started walking towards the double doors and The Talon Flyer’s doors shut swiftly.
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You sat on your dorm room bed, scrolling on your laptop. You were catching up with all of your mutual’s recent instagram posts. You have been offline since Shuri arrived and now that she’s gone, it’s all you really could do.
“Mmm.” You bit into the juicy piece of pineapple that Riri cut before she left. Damn it was nice and fresh. You reached under the covers for the remote to turn some music on. When it got too quiet, you’d start to feel a little lonely. Sade always helped in times like this. “Play No Ordinary Love.” You shouted. “Now playing No Ordinary Love by Sade.” Was all you heard before you walked passed your dresser to look in the mirror. You wanted to do a quick twist out for class tomorrow.
A sudden buzz on your dresser left you confused. You looked under your Tv to see if you were losing it, but you actually weren’t. “What the fu…” You saw the kimoyo bead, calling for your attention. You picked it up and stared at it a little, trying to understand the cause of the buzzing.
It stopped vibrating once you picked it up so, you softly placed it back down. You headed back over to the mirror to start on your hair. Shuri didn’t necessarily explain to you all of the details about the bead. You were going to call her and ask her about the random buzzing later, until you heard a familiar voice. “Nkosanza.” (Princess) She called you. The sudden sound made you jump.
“Yes?” You walked back in front of your dresser. “How did you…” before you could ask, she was ordering you. “Get undressed and lay down.” She said. Shuri was sitting back in the Talon Flyer, in a room alone, watching you. She “forgot” to mention to you that she could see your hologram, whenever she turned the bead on. “Why, babe?” You asked curiously.
“I want to see you cum.” She responded shamelessly and you were a little confused but you didn’t question anything. You pulled your sweatpants down and reached for the clasp to take your bra off. Meanwhile, the music played gently in the background.
“This is no ordinary love. No ordinary love.”
I hope you enjoyed! Please do not repost my work outside of tumblr. ©
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jordisblogg · 9 months
am i worthy of this gift?
shuri x reader
summary: after the birth of your newborn daughter, shuri makes a promise to her, she’d always be there.
it was around 3– maybe 4am, you and your wife, shuri were laying in bed, soundly asleep, until the sound of your daughter, amani’s, cries interrupted your slumber.
ever since the bundle of joy was born, it seemed like you haven’t gotten any rest, and it looked and quite literally was taking a toll on you. as you groaned and prepared yourself to get up, shuri stopped you.
“lay back down, umfazi, i’ll get her.” she reassured you softly, giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead and throwing the duvet off of her while you laid your head back down on your silk pillow.
shuri steadily walked up to the crib, “hey, hey..” she whispered to the tiny one, picking her up and softly bouncing her in her arms, making her way to the large accent chair.
catch me i’ve fallen in love for the first time
she rocked amani close to her, letting her hear the steadiness of shuri’s heartbeat as she took slow, calm breaths, softly rubbing her back and kissing her atop her head.
soon the girl’s cries turned to hiccups, then to coos.
for you i drop the tough guy shit, on this bus i sit
the queen chuckled to herself, “made all of that fuss.” she teased, smiling down at the little princess. she studied the infants features, god she had to be the most gorgeous baby she’d ever seen, or maybe she was just biased.
“hi omncinci” she whispered, gently wiping off the tears from her daughters chubby cheeks with her thumb.
“you were waking mommy up, you know? she’s been really sleepy..”
amani only stared up at her with her big brown eyes.
the royal shook her head, “i don’t know why i’m talking to you as if you can even comprehend words.” she exhaled, watching the gummy smile spread across the princess’ face. the sight only warmed shuri’s heart more.
reminisce when you came out the womb
“what am i going to do with you omncinci?” she spoke, mainly to herself.
she was blessed with the intelligence to be able to grant the gift of the both of you, two females, to create a child with both of your combined dna. but she feels like she might waste it.
what if she isn’t a good mother? what if she doesn’t know how to help you when you need her? how to connect with the little bundle of joy once she grows and matures? will they both fight? will they even like each other?
the soft giddily screech of her daughter snapped her out of her thoughts.
she brought amani up to kiss her over her face, she couldn’t laugh just yet, but shuri could tell she was trying, it made her giggle to herself.
“are you trying to laugh? are you laughing at me encinci?” she mocked, tickling the infant in her stomach, causing her legs to squirm.
tears of joy i think filled up the room
she could remember the day that you both had announced the birth of your daughter to the nation. they called her the kingdom’s gift, and that she is. she was something, someone, you all needed.
shuri remembered the spark in your tear filled eyes as amani was brought into your arms. she hadn’t cried when she came out of your womb, she merely looked around, after just coming into the world, she was curious little thing.
you told her how perfect she was, how beautiful she looked, she had shuri’s skin complexion but had your eyes, with the longest, prettiest lashes. a mop of curls set atop her head. and she was so little, almost as if you could crush her if you held her too hard.
she truly was perfect and had to be the most gorgeous baby you both had ever laid your eyes upon, and the kingdom agreed.
you are now the reason that i fight
it had seemed like time had slowed down as shuri had first seen the baby girl. she had never cried that much since the death of her mother and her brother.
but now she was blessed with the gift of a family of her own.
“i promise you,” her voice cracked, as a single tear fell down her cheek, “i’m going to be here for you, i wont ever let you go.”
i ain’t never did nothing this right in my whole life
“i always give you a shoulder to cry on, then i’ll dry your tears, i’ll clear the skies when it rains, i’ll make sure you never feel anything but joy, i’d give you the moon and stars if you asked me, i’d move mountains for you, i’d keep away all the big bad wolves that would even dare to mess with you, i won’t ever let any harm come to you, sithandwa.”
got me thinkin’…
“i love you.”
am i worthy of this gift?
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
I'm on some unhinged shit right now
Peter recording some of the avengers, during the workout/training sessions
Harley and Shuri decides to make Peter recording a thirst trap.
Confusedly bucky has a huge fan base now xD
Tony may have bucky part of the video on loop somewhere.
Steve may or may not have a video of rhodey and Sam somewhere. A screen shot maybe.
These bitches are thirsty. Bucky has passwords on all his devices for reasons (Tony reasons)
It is a hormonal mess in the tower and compound. Natasha is making bets with carol and jessica as we speak.
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Oooooo yes. Oki it's a bucky/reader
Reader was an asset at the same time as bucky and her orders were to keep him safe at all costs, so even if it ends with her taking a bullet. So they've had an intense relationship and hydra being hydra uses it against both of them.
Fast forward to the snap, she doesn't get dusted and manages to escape hydra. She meets nat who helps with her trigger words. They don't fix her since shuri is gone but ends up tweaking it so she's really only listening to her handler- nat or bucky as that's a default lol.
Come to the blip and her and bucky reunite and he has some lingering winter solider tendencies when it comes to her and being protective af. So Sam being sam notices it and gives bucky shit. He snaps and essentially says that she reminds him of hydra and can't stand her.
So typical angst troupe. She avoids him until they get put on a mission and she gets triggered. So bucky ends up taking care of her. Can be smutty lol. Like any part of this can be used. Doesn't have to be the whole thing lol
a/n: Hope you don't mind I simplified it cus I think I'd need more than one part to write all of this properly!!!
Hope you enjoy reading this I put all of the angst into it 😅😅
Sorry this is so long 😅😅😅
To forgive
pairing: bucky x exhydrasoldier!reader
summary: tension between you and Bucky is unbearable and when a misson goes wrong apologies are in order
warnings: f word couple of times / angst a lot of it
Sam actually doesn't know how he managed to get stuck with not one but two super soldiers who have a staring problem but this is his reality right now.
Recently you and Bucky have been staying with Sam since you two could not live with each other alone anymore.
Bucky became your roommate after everyone came back after the snap.
At that point you were 5 years free of Hydra and mostly recovered, you had been found by Natasha and she had helped you a lot and so has Steve. Steve already had experience watching his friend struggle with what had Hydra done and his heart ached seeing his friend in you. The same lost and broken expression made him sad.
They did everything they could, Natasha and Steve even bought you to Wakanda but without Shuri the progress was slow but it was still progres.
Steve before leaving talked to both you and Bucky and suggested you two could help each other out since there was no one else who could understand more what you two had lived through.
It had been good in theory but in practice it was not.
Buckys' recovery was way past yours, and it frustrated you, you were angry especially because you still had this need to protect Bucky at all times.
Being Hydras punching bag was not fun, you didn't blame Bucky it wasn't easy for him either but he was so precious to them that they needed someone to protect the most important asset. It wasn't like you were the only one, you just survived the longest. There had been many before you, who had been removed or just killed in a mission to protect The Winter Soldier.
To Bucky, you were just a reminder of the torture he had survived. Some nights neither of you slept because the same nightmares haunted you, and yet you didn't talk to each other.
You both remember very little about each other from your time in Hydra, the pain is the only thing you both remember so clearly.
It had become impossible to stay together the night when Bucky had a nightmare and you had tried to help, it was awful. That night when Bucky woke up he had thought he was back at Hydra because he saw you. He yelled and screamed and even attacked you, telling you to let him go, and you didn't even defend yourself immediately going back to your training with Hydra.
"Protect the asset no matter what. your life is not important, the winter soldier must be saved. Do not hurt the asset or you will be punished."
That night had changed everything. The weak friendship that you've had with Bucky vanished and all you ever did was fight.
"The dishes aren't washed princess."
"Can the Winter Soldier throw out the trash sometimes?
"Does princess need to be reminded to not use all the hot water."
Oh but the missions are the worst for everyone.
Sam started to bring a spray with him whenever you and Bucky even try to speak to each other because sometimes it is so unbearable that it could ruin the mission.
Sometimes against your wish you jump in to protect Bucky, the Hydra training instincts rooted deep inside you.
"You don't have to protect me!"
"I don't have a choice here asshole! If it were up to me I wouldn't care less if something happened to you!"
But when Bucky had jumped from an airplane without a parachute your heart had dropped. And it was not because your instincts had kicked in, you had watched the man you've been protecting many decades jump from an airplane that was like 30000ft in the air!
You put a parachute on you and brought one with you and jumped after him.
"Dumbass you forgot something!" you had yelled over the wind catching up to Bucky.
He'd ignored the parachute you tried to give him and left you to just watch him descend.
You have no idea how he survived but you were pissed off and were ready to kill him yourself.
You had pushed him hard enough so he stumbled a bit but that's only because he didn't expect it. Bucky had also received a slap to the face which Sam might have enjoyed way too much. It had caused an actual fight between two of you and it took Sam 30 minutes to separate you. By the time you had to fight people you had come to fight in the first place you and Bucky already had battle wounds.
Tonight you're in Madripoor and the plan was that Bucky pretends to be The Winter Soldier, it made you nervous.
Sharon had give you a dress and some flat boots in case you needed to run, Bucky and Sam had received some very nice suits.
When you saw Bucky in a suit your heart flipped at the sight of him. You've never seen him in a suit before and you weren't sure how to feel about it. He looked handsome, it's not the first time you had that thought but usually there was annoyance clouding any other thoughts about Bucky.
When Bucky looked at you as you exited the room you were changing in his brain and heart malfunctioned. He'd never seen you in a dress before, you preferred clothes that covered your body completely - the scars on your body made you feel very insecure - Bucky was the same the more his body is cover the less attention he has on himself.
But God, have you taken his breath away. It isn't like he thinks you're ugly, you're gorgeous, and if you had known each other back when he was himself and before you had been brainwashed to protect him he would've loved to have taken you to a dance. Unfortunately your situation was too complicated and it had made it impossible for you two to have any kind of relationship not only romantic.
Bucky and you have a very awkward moment where you made eye contact and then quickly looked away. The tension in the room grew to a 100 real fast.
"So ugh about the plan." Sam coughs to fix the awkward vibe that has enveloped the room.
While Sam is explaining the plan you and Bucky glance at each other when the other isn't looking and Sam pretends not to notice.
The club is crowded and the atmosphere changes when people start to notice The Winter Soldier.
You're on edge the entire time.
Suddenly a fight begins but all you hear are the trigger words which do not affect Bucky but you're entirely a different story.
As Bucky was about to get punched you had jumped in front of him stopping the hit with your hands. You break the the guys hand and turn around to hit another big guy.
"Get out of here I will take care of this."
"No you won't."
And when you don't Bucky pulls you by your hand and you have no choice but to run with him.
When you finally arrive at a safe destination away from everyone who's trying to kill you Bucky turns to you.
You only stare back at him not even blinking.
"Bucky stop she's not okay can't you see?" Sam puts a hand on Buckys shoulder backing him away from you.
"She fucked up she wasn't supposed to engage."
"Bucky look at her."
That's when Bucky notices that you're not looking at him you're looking at the floor, your hands behind you as if waiting for punishment.
And suddenly it clicks, your trigger words. Some of them were the same as his.
"I'm so sorry. I- I didn't notice I'm so sorry."
You stay in your place not moving an inch.
Bucky tries to touch you and at first you flinch, he doesn't know what to do - he hugs you, surpsing himself.
He stands there his arms tightly around you.
When you finally come back you start sobbing and Buckys heart breaks. He was supposed to know better.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should've known I should've said it was a bad idea I'm sorry."
You're shaking in his arms and his heart breaks a little more with every whine.
It takes you 45 minutes to stop crying and that's only because you've exhausted yourself with crying.
Bucky carries you to a dodgy motel that him and Sam found. Your limp body in his arms makes him feel incredibly guilty. He feels awful, he'd been awful to you for months and you're right he's been selfish. Bucky can only hope you can forgive him.
You wake up with a headache the light coming through the window indicates that it's for sure not early morning. The sun is gentle and you can tell that sun is about to be gone. To the right of you there's a night stand and to the left is Bucky sleeping on a chair, sitting up.
You notice that you're in Buckys shirt and your pyjama pants.
You turn at Buckys voice.
"I'm sorry about last night I was out of line. I've been out of line for a while. And I'm really sorry I've put you in danger-"
"No I need to say this, please."
you nodd.
"There's so much I regret but I regret putting you in danger and giving you shit the most. I've done nothing to make your life easier I've only made it worse. And you were right I was selfish. I was in my head too much and you're the only person who completely understands what I've been through. Last night shouldn't have happened but I was stupid. I hope you can forgive me and I'll do everything in power for the rest of my life to make it up to you."
"Bucky... I-... What happened to us is not fair and we both did stuff we regret, I also wasn't fair to you. I'm not okay. I haven't been a while and last night wasn't your fault. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for calling you The Winter Soldier and for hurting you purposely. And you have nothing to make up for nothing that happend is your fault."
Bucky and you stand in silence for a while each trying to process words and the situation you're in right now.
"Fucking Hydra."
Bucky breaks the ice with that statement and you both laugh.
"Bucky, could I ask you for a favour?"
"I haven't been well for a while and last night only showed how much I need help. I'd like to go to Wakanda so they get me in cryo to fix my brain. Please be there for me when they put me under and when they wake me up."
"I promise."
True to his word Bucky is there when they're preparing you for cryo.
"It's going to be okay. These people are the best they know what they're doing. Besides they had their experiment animal way before you!"
"Oh shut up..... Thank you Bucky. I'll see you when I wake up?"
He smiles and gives you a tender hug full of emotions but mostly love.
"I promise."
The last thing you see are Buckys blue eyes looking at you softly he doesn't let himself cry.
The next time you see Bucky is when your new life begins.
This is gigantic udhdhdudud I'm not sure If I should've written so much but it was fun?
Likes reblogs and Comments are appreciated <3
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drurrito · 6 months
Are You The One? - Two
A/N: Little installment for this, all mistakes are mine--thanks! Edit: excuse my poor attempt at tagging people. It might be a tumblr thing or very, very much a me thing.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, cursing, Jerk!Vision lol
Your side of the bed is empty when Wanda wakes up.
Wanda sits up with a groan, rubbing at her burning eyes. She can hear the sounds of silverware clanking against dishes and conversations about "how drunk was I last night?" coming from the common areas. Wanda throws her hair into a messy bun before padding out to find you sitting next to an empty chair. You smile at her like she's the sun peeking out after a long stretch of gloom.
"Good morning," you greet her softly, pouring her a glass of water, "everyone just woke up, figured you wanted to rest a little longer."
"You were...you were going to wake me?," she asks, gingerly taking the glass.
"In about...20 minutes, yes," you turn off the timer you set on your watch while Wanda tries to process why you would even bother to do something like that for her. She gives you a tight-lipped smile before leaving to pour herself a cup of coffee.
The view from behind the carafe keeps Wanda entertained while her coffee brews. Eyes bouncing around the table, cautious touches, smiles finally reaching eyes, and scattered lips to ears -- there's a different air about the house after last night. The clock is almost through ticking and aside from the prize fund, people are determined to find their match.
"How was last night?" Steve snaps a finger in your direction with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes.
"We talked a lot, I think we're on the same page about trying this out for the ceremony."
"For what it's worth," Sharon cuts in, leaning over Steve who just puts a meaty arm around her shoulders, "I think you two would be a cute couple. Plus, you can't argue with a genius like Shuri."
You hum in agreement, "thank you," you lean back and take a sip from your glass. You glance at Carol, she greets you with a wink that can wake the moon up at this point. You feel your cheeks radiate enough heat to fry eggs.
"I don't see it," Steve interrupts with a mouthful of food.
"You don't?"
"No, I mean-the chemistry is there for sure, but Carol can have chemistry with a toaster if she really wanted to," Steve rips into his other piece of toast, "personally, I have trouble seeing it between you and Wanda, but love is complicated, plus, I'm not going to argue with Shuri's logic."
Steve continues eating, ignoring the way your head tilts and your face does the perfect impression of a question mark. Wanda misses it too as she sits back down. Her eyes don't travel far around the room after almost catching Vision's pitiful look he's been wearing since last night.
"Game day!" Tony pops the top off a bottle of beer and cracks it over the mouth of Scott's beer, making an impromptu volcano. Tony only chugs half the beer before slamming it down to head outside, where the camera crew is waiting.
That's right, it's another game day. Wanda twists the fork in her hand idly above her food while everyone else begins to file out of the house.
"Hey," you watch Wanda's eyes soften a bit when they meet yours, "you ready for this?"
Wanda was in fact, not ready for this.
Her hands ball into stiff fists, sitting at her sides as she watches you pick Carol's pickup line over hers. Wanda doesn't miss the twitch in your jaw the moment Carol stepped forward, maybe you were hoping for a date with Wanda too?
Wanda's eyes are locked onto the flight path of Carol's hands on your body when she feels someone nudge her side, "Val picked you," Maria whispers.
Wanda makes sure she's smiling big enough for the cameras to see as she walks over to Valkyrie. She doesn't spare a glance at you as Val throws an arm over her shoulder to pull her in.
Despite everything that's happened in the past 24 hours, the boat ride is a little fun, if only a little.
"So," Val drawls, "talk to me about y/n."
"We don't have to, I'm on this date with you," Wanda drums her fingers against the side of her champagne glass that's been full since she first boarded. Val gives Wanda a gentle smile and leans forward.
"For what it's worth, I think you and y/n make a cute pair. Something is there, I'm sorry you weren't able to chip away at it on a date today."
Wanda's head tilts as she chews on her lip for a moment, "thank you," she says, "we have a little bit of time, we talked for a while last night."
"Trying to feel for a connection within a week is probably not ideal, given you spent so much time with Vision up until now."
Wanda's shoulders begin to droop, she puts a little more space between her and Val, "I feel awful for only listening to my heart," she says to the floor of the boat.
"I mean, Vision didn't really give you a moment to breathe, let alone think. This might be the most we've spoken since we got here," Val flashes a crooked smile before taking a sip from her glass. Wanda lifts her head, eyebrows furrowed.
"Is that what everyone in the house thinks too?"
"Some more than others, we just got worried about the both of you never finding your match--and costing us the prize fund, but still," Wanda shakes her head with a giggle while Val refills her glass.
"You think Shuri is right?"
"I think Shuri is more tuned in to everything going on in the house than the lot of us," Val leans back against the seat, her limbs sailing across the leather of the seat into a more comfortable position.
"I spent too much time trying to play the field instead of fostering any type of connection," Val takes another sip, throwing her head back with a groan. Wanda cracks a small smile when she remembers the foursome facilitated by Val and Carol within the first week of being here. She remembers watching everyone eavesdropping by the door while she tried to listen to Vision's monologue about the many lives he's lived before now.
"Who did Shuri say your match was?"
"Carol," Val barks out a laugh.
"I can see that."
"What?" Val picks her head up, "we're both recovering playboys, that seems like a recipe for disaster."
"I think it will lead to change more than anything. Neither of you wants to keep doing the same things forever. You might even share a deep understanding of your ways because you're so similar," Wanda shrugs, finally taking a sip of her champagne.
Val hums with a cheeky smile on her face. She keeps Wanda under a watchful eye while she sips from her glass, "you know you're pretty wise when you look around for longer than a few seconds."
That gets a playful scoff from Wanda, there's no point in defending her behavior, "I wish it would have happened sooner, maybe we wouldn't be racing against the clock."
Val only nods once, "it's a hard game to play," they both share a look at the horizon for a few moments before realizing their date is about to end.
"Tell you what," Val sets her glass down and takes Wanda's too, "tonight, I'll find Carol and bare my soul to her and you try to deepen your connection with y/n, deal?"
The boat is being docked by the time Val finishes her sentence. She's holding her hand out to Wanda. Has she just made a friend? Is this what everyone else has been doing while she was too busy with Vision to care?
Wanda docks her worries and reservations by putting her hand in Val's. They both walk to the house with a new sense of determination, this game isn't over yet.
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