#Sigh. Like father alike daughter
fumifooms · 1 month
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Dad always said I was like him
Meijack and Chilchuck Tims Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ 1: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 2: Bug like an angel, Mitski / 3: Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle / 4: The Third Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart / 5 & 6: FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK,", Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 7: Batman: Year Three (1989) / 8 & 9 : FROM THE MAKERS OF […], Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 10: Wilt, CJ the X / 11: How Do We Forgive Our Fathers, Dick Lourie / 12: Milk and honey, Rupi Kaur / 13: / 14: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 15: Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong / 16: untitled, joan tierney v 17: Drunk, The Living Tombstone / 18: unknown
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it, and still you stand next to your mother just as silent and just as stoic as her during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight, out of mind. And he’s never really been there, even when he was there, after all.
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seongclb · 7 months
LIKE A MAGNET ! sim jaeyun
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“you’ve called me a lot of things, sim jaeyun, but never have you called me a magnet.”
“not like that! i just meant, we’re not as alike as we think. kinda like a magnet..”
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SYNOPSIS. whereby your academic rival, jake sim, returns after spending a year in australia to come back and restore his place: as top physics student but also your (hopefully) boyfriend.
PAIRING. academic rivals to lovers, slight enemies to lovers, flirty!jake x fmr
GENRE. fluff, light angst.
WARNINGS. cursing, jake being flirty, kissing but not making out.
WORD COUNT. 7512 words
N. finally out yelp i think this is not as good as i wanted it to be but i have to post as promised so pls make sure to give feedback and stuff !! special thanks to mari for beta reading :) i love u pooks
TAGLIST. @sjyuns <3… @dollkis @taejaysmain @dear-hoon @oldjws @jjakey02 @luvistqrzzz @yizhoutv @mrchweeee @darly6n @hoonieluv @ghostiiess @jaeyunsonlyone @en-happiness @loumin908 @tasnim10 @rikisly @samyu01 @ashrocker123 @enhastolemyheart @enhaz1 @viagumi @articxari @vnsux @mersmoon @jungwonderz
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Kicking your shoes off, you step into your house as your mother frantically scours the house for her expensive china plates.
“Mum, what’s going on?” You wonder, looking around at the house and noticing how all your awards and family photos are out. You groaned, this only meant one thing - guests were coming today.
Great, you thought. After a tiring day with your best friends driving you mentally and physically insane, you now had to entertain guests in your own house when all you wanted to do was lay in the comforts of your bed.
“The Sims are back from Australia,” your Mum announces while pushing you up the stairs.
You pause as your heart plummets down your stomach, “What do you mean?”
Your mum chuckles, “The Sims! Don’t tell me you forgot about them already. It’s only been a year.”
“Mother, this has been the best year of my life. Why are they back? Wasn’t Mr Sim, like, settled in his new job? Why are they coming here of all places, too?”
Your mum narrows her eyes at you as your father steps into the room, struggling with his tie, “Ah, Y/n you’re home! You’d better go up and get dressed. The Sims are arriving soon.”
“So, I’ve heard,” you huff. “I know we’re family friends but shouldn’t they settle in their house first? Why are they coming here already?”
“Because,” your dad sighs. “Mr Sim and I have secured a business deal. We’re going to be partners in the firm soon, which is why they’re back. Of course, we have to welcome them with a nice meal.”
You groan and cross your arms, “Isn’t this something you discuss with your daughter first?”
Laughing, your dad pinches your cheek sweetly, “Now, why would this concern you? Go upstairs and get dressed, you must be hungry after practice today.”
It takes every fibre in your being to not stomp up the stairs in defiance. Sim Jaeyun, the cause of your distress throughout your entire school whole life was returning after a blissful year of peace. The mere thought of it made you want to rip every strand of hair out of your head.
Stepping into your room, your eyes immediately set on the expensive dress sitting on your bed that your mum laid out for you. Just as your parents requested, you hopped into the shower to prepare for the dreadful evening ahead. It’s not like you weren’t used to this; your parents worked in especially high fields and earned decent salaries. It was more than normal for them to have these important, yet over the top, dinners every few months meaning you had to dress up like this often. The only issue was him.
You could already hear his irritating giggles from your bedroom. Amazingly, they were the same as you had remembered.
Before you could even take a deep breath, there were soft knocks at your door, “Mum, I’m coming. Thirty seconds.”
There were the knocks again. Rolling your eyes, you swung your door open, ready to ask your mother why she couldn’t wait for thirty seconds, when you saw him leaning on the archway of the door. His lips were curled into that familiar smirk of his, yet Jake looked so different. His hair was much shorter, slicked back slightly but a strand of it falling onto his forehead.
It had only been a year, yet you were more than surprised to see Sim Jaeyun actually looking semi decent.
His eyes are playful as they rake over your figure, checking you out head to toe. The feeling of Jake’s eyes boring into you evoked a sense of insecurity to wash over. Since when did you care about him looking at you?
“Hurry up,” he ruffles your hair as he runs down the stairs. Forgetting about the annoying action he had just done, you pause for a moment; his words replaying in your mind. It seemed that Jake’s looks weren’t the only thing that was different but he had developed a strong Australian accent, too. It wasn���t attractive, though.
No, of course, not. That was impossible, being Jake Sim.
You fix your hair before following him into the living room where his parents are sitting on the couch in your living room.
Mrs Sim smiles at you as you greet her, “Y/n! You’ve grown so much.”
She engulfs you in a tight hug as you giggle, “No, I look the same. You look better than ever, of course.”
She shakes her head as she makes room for you on the couch, “Nonsense, you’ve gotten even prettier just like Jaeyun. He’s gotten so handsome now, right?”
You nod, sending an obvious fake smile towards his direction.
Jake clears his throat as he brings his glass of water to his lips, “Y/n, have you grown any taller since last year?”
You force a polite chuckle, despite wanting to throw your glass at the smile on his lips, “Maybe a few inches.”
Jake nods, pursing his lips to prevent a wider smile from breaking out, “I see.”
He sits opposite you at the dinner table, sending you winks every so often just to get a sneaky middle finger or a dirty look in return when no one was looking.
“Y/n, you’ll have to show Jaeyun around tomorrow,” Your dad says to you.
“I’m sure he knows where everythings been. It’s only been a year,” You smile.
Jake leans over, “I heard there were some changes. I’m afraid I might get late to some of my classes.”
You turn to Jake, “Oh, really? Who said that?”
“Sunghoon,” Jake smirks back at you.
You nod, of course he did. Sunghoon was the little provoker in your feud with Jake; always meddling to give Jake new ideas on how to annoy you. That was clearly one of his duties as Jake’s best friend since he had just given Jake another reason to irk you and follow you around tomorrow.
“So, why can’t he show you around?” You narrow your eyes.
Before Jake can answer, your dad interjects, “It’ll be better for you to do it, Y/n. I’m sure Sunghoon will have practice and other things tomorrow.”
The little shit was smiling way too hard, again. He just gets lucky too often.
The talk quickly turns into business amongst your parents, boring you completely so you use it as a perfect opportunity to excuse yourself to your room until your Mum says, “Why don’t you take Jaeyun to your room?”
Jake’s eyes grow as he smiles mischievously, “Yeah, you can show me what topics you have been covering in Physics. I don’t want to be behind.”
You take another deep breath, it got to the point where every breath now was slow and used to calm you down in order to stop you from lunging at the boy in front of you. He used every opportunity to get you to agree to yet another thing to help him with while your parents were around.
Jake followed you up to your room, standing at the doorway for a moment to look around your room at a different angle before stepping in and tracing his finger over all your trophies and pictures.
“Hey!” He calls, pointing at a particular picture of you with a trophy after winning the Science Fair competition. “We did this together, I’m in this photo. Did you crop me out?”
That day was quite fun, one of the only times that you and Jake had worked together rather than against one another, which was the usual dynamic. That occasion, your father had suggested for you two to work together. Even back then, it had created such dismay for you but you couldn’t deny that he was the reason why you two had won. You didn’t work well under pressured environments, so Jake had picked up the slack and presented most of it but you doubted that he did it for the sake of you. He definitely did it for the mere reason that he wanted to win.
You scoff at the pout on his lips as he picks up the frame, “Obviously. I’d get nightmares with a picture of you in my room.”
Jake touches the picture, a sigh of relief leaving his lips, “You didn’t cut it. You folded it.”
He dismantles the frame, unfolding the picture to reveal a younger version of him, “I was handsome back then, too. Keep it unfolded, you can use it for motivation.”
Fake gagging, you snatch the frame back from him and set it down, “I don’t need motivation. “So, how was Australia?”
Jake shrugs, playing with the Miffy plush that you cuddle to bed every night, “It was fun. Different from here. Better girls.”
You roll your eyes and respond sarcastically, “Sounds wonderful.”
“Jealous? Don’t worry, they didn’t compare to you,” Jake flirts.
“Ew!” Your face contorts in disgust. “Don’t make me throw you out of here, Jaeyun.”
He giggles and goes back to nosily touching all your things. You watch him in silence for a few more minutes, not minding Jake exploring your room. Jake’s parents call him from downstairs, initiating that it was time for him to finally leave.
“This new business deal means I’ll be seeing you more often than you’d like, angel.”
Your eyes flicker up to meet his briefly upon hearing the pet name before he leaves the room. He’s staring at you, searching for a response in your facial expressions but all you can focus on is the luring brown specks in his eyes. The Australian air must have done a number on him; this was not the SIm Jaeyun you knew. Of course, he still used to go out of his way to annoy you before, but the excessive winking and flirting was so unlike him. It was only until you heard him call you ‘angel’ that you realised how different Jake was, now.
You returned down the stairs to bid them goodbye.
“Y/n,” Jake’s father calls. “Jake and I will be here tomorrow morning to pick you up for school. We must repay the favour.”
“What favour?” You question.
Jake’s mother strokes your arm lovingly, and you wonder how a woman so kind can produce that devil staring at you by the door, “We’re so thankful that you’re tutoring Jake every weekend!”
You raise an eyebrow and look at your parents, who suspiciously are avoiding your eyes, “It’s no problem. Is this why Mr Sim is picking me up tomorrow?”
They nod and hug you goodbye, constantly reminding you of their appreciation.
With one last annoyed look towards your parents, you turn on your feet and head up to your room for the night to scream into your pillow about the return of Sim Jaeyun.
The next morning, at the table while you wait for Jake and his father, you see your own come down the stairs to get ready for his own job.
“Y/n, you and Jake have to go to school alone. Mr Sim sends his apologies, he has a meeting,” Your dad informs you.
You groan softly at the light knocks on the door, knowing it was Sim Jaeyun. “That must be him,” your dad smiles as he opens the door. “Hi, Jaeyun.”
“Good morning, Mr Lee. Is Y/n ready?” Jake asks as he steps into the house and meets your annoyed eyes. Slinging your bag over your shoulder and walking towards Jake, you say bye to your father and leave the house with him.
“Why did your dad want us to go to school so early?” You huff. Jake smiles down at you, “So we could go get breakfast.”
He flicks his dads bank card in between his fingers, “Wanted me to thank you for that tutor thing. Did you know about that, by the way?”
You shake your head, “Mum and Dad probably knew I would refuse. Did you?”
You look up at him and see he shakes his head, with a proud grin on his face, “Mum and Dad probably knew I would refuse, too.”
You stop and cross your arms at him, “Why would you refuse? I’m the top of the class, you should be honoured.”
Jake snickers, “You’re top of the class because I was in Australia for a year.”
He ruffles your hair before walking off, leaving you to curse at him under your breath.
With a croissant and a coffee in each of your hands, you walk through the school gates with Jake. As expected, all eyes are on him. Everyone knew him; you remembered the way everyone was heartbroken when he announced that he was leaving last year. Apart from you. You were busy bouncing off the walls to celebrate his departure as now, there was no debate about who the top physics student was. You knew it sounded condescending and extremely nerdy, but you worked hard for your grades; the title was deserved.
“I have to go to the principal's office,” Jake tells you.
“Go then,” You shrug. Jake tuts and drags you to the principal's office with him.
You fight off his grip on you, “I thought you didn’t know where anything was.”
Jake rolls his eyes, “Shut up and wait here. We have class together next, anyway.”
Just as you’re about to argue back, you realise that you do in fact have Physics next. Of course, he was in your class.
You sit and eat the breakfast that he bought you while you wait. Not long after, he exits the principal's office with a few books in his fingers.
“What are those?” You ask as you try to reach over and read them, only to have them held over your head and out of your reach.
“Don’t be so nosy,” Jake tuts. “Let’s go, we’re going to be late.”
You frown and follow him swiftly.
Jake opens the class door, and all eyes are set on him once again. Your Physics teacher calls him to the front while you rush to your seat at the back, away from all the gazes fixed on him.
Thanking God that your first lesson after the dreadful weekend was Physics was a waste since Jake was momentarily ordered to sit beside you.
“Is there a problem, Y/n?” Your teacher asks following your noises of protest.
You shake your head, not that it mattered to Jake who was already sitting in the seat beside you.
“Thankfully, I got placed next to my tutor. What would I do without you?” Jake drawls with a soft smile on his lips.
“Shut it, Sim,” you groan, snatching your things to your side of the table. “My side. Your side.”
Jake watches you pull out a thin ribbon and place it in the middle of the table.
Towards the end of the lesson, you’re assigned individual worksheet tasks that Jake gets done with smoothly. Unlike you, who is struggling slightly.
It’s not that the work is difficult to understand, but you’ve never been that close to Jake to see his hands. Despite your many attempts to focus on your work, your gaze is teared away from the Physics equations on your sheet and replaced with the sight of Jake’s hands only inches away from your own. In order to control your impulsive thoughts, you have to focus your full attention towards not touching his hands which is driving you absolutely insane.
Jake looks over his shoulder at your sheet, eyes widening slightly, “How are you still on the first question?”
Jolting slightly, you scramble to pick up your pen and mumble sometimes about getting distracted.
Jake bites his lip to prevent a giggle from escaping, “If you need help, you can ask me.”
“I don’t need your help,” You respond and commence with the work.
The bells to announce the end of the lesson go off soon after and you sigh in relief, packing your things instantly in order to get away from that nightmare sitting beside you.
Jake watches you pack up as if he was waiting to say something until Park Sunghoon and Jay Park run into the classroom.
“Jake!” Sunghoon smiles widely, Jay following shortly.
Jake grins, “I didn’t see you two this morning.”
“We had to meet up with the football (soccer) team before school. Join us after school today?” Jay asks.
Jake shakes his head, “Can’t. I have to study with my tutor.”
You dart your eyes over to him, “Not today.”
Sunghoon and Jay break out into fits of laughter.“No way, Y/n has to tutor you. That’s so unfortunate, Y/n,” Jay says to you, and you nod with a frown.
Jake furrows his eyebrows, “What’s so bad about tutoring me?”
“Dude, you don’t even need a tutor. Y/n, I’ve been asking you to tutor me for months now,” Sunghoon follows you around your desk.
“I didn’t have a choice!” You remark. “Our parents arranged it behind our backs.”
Sunghoon smiles, “What? Like an arranged marriage?”
“Ew!” You both said in unison.
Clearing your throat, you look at Jake again, “I’m not tutoring you today. They said weekends. “
You grab your bag and leave the room, rushing to find your best friends. Minji and Jieun are sitting at the usual bench near the football field, snacks laid in their laps as they discuss the precious lesson when you rush towards them.
Their attention immediately turns to you and Minji asks, “Y/n, is it true that Jake’s back?”
You huff and nod, “You’ll never believe it.” And, with that, you start filling them in on all the events that have occurred in far little time that you’d like.
They listen intently as you tell them every single detail since yesterday.
Jieun gasps, “How has this all happened in less than 24 hours?”
You shrug and steal a biscuit from her lap, “Honestly, I’m wondering the same thing. I didn’t even know he would be back 24 hours ago.”
Minji leans forward, “Shit, don’t look. Shit, shit, shit.”
Despite Minji’s request, Jieun turns her head with a car and gasps, too.
“What?” You ask, impatiently, wanting nothing more than to see what they were so intrigued about.
“Jake’s in a football shirt,” Jieun claps her hands together and you roll your eyes, although you turn your head ever so slightly to get a look. You don’t see Jake anywhere.
“Where?” You ask, now looking more closely.
Jieun and Minji giggle beside you and you close your eyes in anger after sudden realisation, “He’s not there, is he?”
“Nope,” Minji chuckles. You lightly shove her with your arm as she continues, ���So, Y/n. A crush on Jake, huh?”
“Impossible!” you argue. “I was just looking because you guys were so shocked.”
You cross your arms and stuff your mouth with snacks as your friends stare at you in disbelief, “I do not like Sim Jaeyun.”
Taking tests were usually anxiety inducing, but with your rival back, it was even worse than usual. Jake helped you separate the table into individual seats for the test, watching the way your fingers drummed on the table; a habit to get rid of the nerves.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you, angel,” He whispers, leaning so close to your ear that you can feel his breath fanning onto your cheek.
“Ugh,” You shove him away. “Are you trying to make me vomit before the test so I can miss it and fail?”
Jake sneers, “As if I need to do something like that. I’ll get higher than you regardless.
“We’ll see about that Aussie boy.”
Jake's eyebrows raise upon the new nickname, his eyes gleaming as he watches you take the test paper into your hand and write your name before starting it. Jake leans back in his chair, twirling his pencil in his fingers before he too starts the test.
The school bells go off, signalling both the end of the school day and the test.
Jake stands behind you as you hand in your paper and exit the classroom.
He taps your shoulder, “Did you finish all the questions?”
You nod, “Yeah, did you?”
“Yeah, but I don't think I did that well. I guess it's good that I’ve got myself a tutor, huh?” Jake giggles beside you.
You almost laugh, instead concealing it with a roll of your eyes, “Lucky you.”
“Be ready for one, tomorrow,” Jake ruffles your hair, earning a smack on the arm from you, which he fake winces at. “You coming to the football game next Monday?”
“No,” You guffaw and watch Jake slip his hands into his pockets.
“Hm, I thought you were. A little birdie told me you were,” Jake shoves his phone into your face, revealing messages from your mother telling him that you would go.
Angrily, you twist Jake’s ear and he yelps, “Ow??? What was that for?”
“Many reasons,” You cross your arms. “You messaged my mum to get me to go to your stupid football game! Why do you even have my mothers number?”
Jake rubs his now pink ear, “She told me to take it for the tutoring sessions since you said no to giving yours. Plus, is it so bad that you’re coming? Your friends are there every day.”
“Yeah, to see the boys they like,” You shrug.
“There’s no one you want to watch play?” Jake asks, slipping his hands back into his pockets.
“I have no interest in watching anyone play.”
Jake hums again, turning his face to the side before clearing his throat, “That’s because no one wants you to watch them.”
You glare at him, “Then, why did you ask my mother to force me to go?”
Scorning, Jake responds, “I didn’t force her. I just mentioned it and she said to make sure you go. Why would I want you there?”
At his words, you feel your heart gain a few bruises but you play it off, “I’m not going.”
“Shut up, Lee. I’ll pick you up at 5 on Monday. Games at 6,” With that, Jake walks off to join his friends. You grab your phone and message your group chat with your friends.
You: It looks like I'm attending my first school football game next week.
Minji: You wanna tell me this isn't because of the Sim boy?
Jieun: LMFAO FR.
You: Dude messaged my mother to get me to go.
Jieun: No fucking way
Minji: Yeah, so when's the wedding?
You: shut up, we don’t like each other.
Minji: 🙄
Jieun: keep telling yourself that. Want us to pick you up?
You: no… he’s picking me up
Minji: act surprised!
Jieun: Suit yourself, I am surprised!
Usually, the weekends are more than enjoyable; being that you can sleep in bed for a few hours longer than usual without feeling like you're rotting away as you’re still up before noon which automatically means you're being productive. This weekend was different; just like every day has been since Jake has arrived back.
This was now yet another time that he’s randomly been in your house as if he lives there, and waiting for you to join him.
“You’re late,” He says, taking a bite of an apple.
“I forgot,” You respond and sit down at the table with your textbooks.
Jake sits beside you, smiling at your pyjamas, “Why are all of them so childish?”
You frown, “They’re not childish. Anyway, focus!”
Tutoring Jake reveals to be harder than you thought. He either gets distracted every few minutes with an odd would you rather question that he needs to hear your response to or he’s bragging about how he doesn’t need these tutoring sessions, and could easily beat you in the upcoming exam.
Two hours fly by ever so slowly, and you’re silently thanking God that it’s over when the time comes.
Slamming your books shut, you spring to your feet with a wide smile plastered over your lips “Well, it’s been lovely but, that’s me done. Goodbye!”
Jake snickers as he watches you disappear up the stairs in a hurry, “See you on Monday!”
Monday flies by faster than you realise, you think as you sit in Physics next to Jake with your head resting in your palm. Monday was always such a mission to get through, but it didn’t help that you had a particularly late night.
“Tired?” Jake asks, sliding over your favourite bottled coffee. Your eyes light up upon seeing it as you accept it with a slightly enthusiastic nod.
“Extremely, staying up watching ‘Criminal Minds' is not a good idea,” You advise before taking a happy swig of the coffee.
Jake laughs, “Thanks for the warning. You’re coming to the game, by the way.”
You roll your eyes, “Is that why you got me a drink?”
Jake hums, “Why else would I do something nice for you?”
You scowl and hand him the coffee back, only for it to be slided back towards you with a disgusted expression on his, “I don’t want it! You already put your mouth on it.”
You sigh, and put it back in your bag, “Asshole.”
“Idiot,” He remarks.
You flick your eyes up and notice the teacher handing out the test papers from the last lesson, “We’ll see who the idiot is.”
The teacher places both yours and Jake's papers down with a smile.
You read the 97 on your paper, tilting it nervously to reveal to him as you wait for his mark.
“96,” He huffs, setting the paper down with a disappointed frown.
You clap your hands together with a wide grin, “I knew it! Sim Jaeyun, you fell off!”
You tease him consistently, singing celebrations in his ear as he places the paper in his bag, smiling at the 98 written on his sheet that he would much rather keep hidden for the sake of you singing gleefully beside him.
Jake swears he’s never seen you so happy; it's almost impossible to keep his smile under control as he watches you in slight fear that the adoration he has for you is emanating more than he would like.
Your exciting plans to nap immediately after school were destroyed when you heard knocks on the door at exactly four minutes to five pm.
You answer softly, “Come in.”
Expecting one of your parents to walk in, you don’t bother to try and fix your hair or anything so when Jake walks in, you hurry to cover your snoopy pyjamas with your blanket, but judging by the way he snickers, you can tell he’s already seen it.
Jake stands in front of your wardrobe, “Say, Michael B Jordan came into your room and opened your wardrobe. Would there be anything you’d be too shy to show him?”
“No,” You reply, confused. Jake swinging your wardrobe doors open and grabbing a sweater before throwing it at you and walking out of the room was the last thing you had expected. Not to mention that he compared himself to Michael B Jordan, as if you’d care if he had seen your undergarments. Jake, however…
“Ten minutes!” He calls out before closing the door.
You sit in disbelief for a few moments before complying with his demands.
A few moments later, you walk out of the room and hear Jake and your father watching the football game.
“You’re here watching the game when you’re about to play anyway…” You stare at the two, dumfounded.
Jake tilts his head up at you as he gets up, “The game’s too good. Let’s go!”
He says goodbye to your parents and walks you to his car, “We’re kind of early, so you wanna eat something or eat after the game?”
“After the game?” You repeat slowly.
“Don’t tell me you’re planning to run home as soon as the game begins,” Jake runs a hand through his hair.
You stifle a laugh, “I doubt I'd make it before half time.”
Jake laughs, “Alright, let's get going.”
Along the way, Jake plays some songs and you can't help but enjoy the atmosphere. Jake glances her eyes towards you from time to time, fighting the smile that creeps his way onto his face in response to yours.
He can't help but think of how beautiful you look, when you’re not even doing anything remotely significant.
“We’re here,” You say.
“Thanks, Sherlock,” Jake rolls his eyes and gets out of the car. As soon as you open the car door, he pushes you back inside and shuts it. You furrow your eyebrows at him standing by the passenger door.
Jake swiftly opens the car door for you, looking around as you leave the car although it's a struggle to move after a zoo of butterflies started swarming in your stomach from his actions.
“Thanks,” You rub at the nape of your neck as he mutters an ‘its alright’ to you.
The pair of you make your way across the football pitch, Jake greets people as he walks past them while you dodge dirty stares from jealous students. It almost makes you want to laugh; if only they knew how it really was.
To be quite honest, you weren’t sure if you knew either now that you thought about it.
Brushing your thoughts away, you sat down on one of the benches, “I’ll watch from here.”
Jake nods and slings his bag to put next to you, “You’ll watch this, right?”
“Yes,” You huff. “Anything else, kind sir?”
Jake throws his head back as he laughs, “No, madam.”
Before you can look away, Jake removes his top and replaces it with a football jersey. You know you shouldn't, but you can't help it - his abs were literally staring at you in plain sight, so you had to look back at them.
Of course, he notices you staring and tuts, “Didn’t strike me as a pervert, Y/n.”
You gasp, stammering, “You.. You didn't even warn me!”
“Relax, angel. I don’t mind,” He jogs backwards, sending you a few winks before printing off to the rest of his football members.
Just before the game starts, Minji and Jieun run over and join you, already screaming the names of whichever boy they were infatuated with at that current time.
The game proves to be far more interesting as expected and you end up not regretting letting yourself be dragged out of bed by Jake.
You watch intently as Jake dribbles the ball and shoots it directly in the goal. Your adrenaline must have taken over you, since the next thing you know, you’re jumping up and cheering. In the midst of Jake’s celebration around the pitch, he looks over at you with the widest smile he’s ever fathomed. Jieun and Minji share smirks from the side.
By half time, he separates from the rest of his team and runs directly to you.
You hand him a water bottle as he sits beside you, sweat droplets making his skin glow an extra bit.
“I didn’t expect you to cheer for me,” Jake says, smugly.
“I didn’t cheer for you. I cheered for the team,” You correct.
“I didn’t see you get up and cheer like that when Sunghoon scored,” Jake mutters under his breath.
You dart your eyes at him, “You’re lucky I didn’t hear that.”
Jake sits beside you, regaining his strength in the fifteen minute break while you look around at the other members, eyes fixated on one familiar member.
“Oh shit,” You turn around to Jieun and Minji, whose eyes follow your previous gaze and soon replicate your own shocked expression. Jake turns to the three of you, attempting to eavesdrop.
“Is that-”
“Don’t say the name,” You gesture to Jake sitting beside you.
“Woah, woah,” Jake stands up. “Whose name?”
“None of your business,” You snap. “Shouldn’t you go and, like, discuss team plays?”
Jake shakes his head, “Nah, this isn’t a serious game. It’s just a friendly. Who’s the guy?”
Jake nods his head at the guy you were looking at, fury slowly bubbling in his insides.
“He's a relative,” You lie.
“Bullshit,” Jake huffs. “I’ll find out after the game, anyway.”
The guy was Lee Minseok, and he was your first kiss at a party several months earlier. Being a kiss at a party, you don’t even remember it but your friends had informed you of it. He, too, had wanted to reconnect by messaging you on each and every one of your social media accounts for weeks after despite you saying you weren't looking for anything. You’d felt bad, but it was better to leave it as a drunken mistake than leading him on completely. It had also been a shame that he was your first ever kiss, but you were glad you didn’t remember it.
You look at Jieun and Minji again before sitting back down next to Jake, who doesn’t say another word. After a few minutes, he walks off to his members without saying anything. You feel slightly disappointed that he didn’t say one of his flirty remarks, but you don’t pay too much mind.
You continue watching the game, silently cheering whenever Jake scores or does anything remotely notable and you notice how his eyes always turn to you upon doing something well, but again, you don’t think much of it.
It’s only when you notice Minseok slytackling Jake, leading to Jake falling on his back. Soft gasps erupt from the crowd, a way of everyone agreeing that it was far too harsh of a movement. Minseok holds his hand out to apologise, only to be rejected by Jake smacking his hand away and pushing him by the shoulders. It becomes a small brawl, Jay and Sunghoon having to pull Jake away and to the changing rooms. You watch Jake strut over to the changing rooms, a look of rage crossed over his face.
The next thirty minutes of the game go by painfully slow; all you wanted was to know if Jake was alright.
Despite Jieun and Minji’s attempts at trying to get you to go home with them, you wait for Jake, just to find out if he's okay.
It gets dark when you spot Jake walking on the other side of the football field and you call him over, “Jake!”
He turns around and looks at you with a slightly bewildered expression, but waits for you nonetheless.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“I’m fine,” He mumbles. “Did you ask Minseok if he was, too?”
It was your turn to look at him bewilderedly, “No, I couldn’t care less if he was injured.”
Jake’s lips almost curl into a smile. Almost, if he didn’t hear Sunghoons words replaying in his head. Minseok was your first kiss - he stole your first kiss. The feeling of rage bubbled in Jake’s insides again.
“Anyway, I waited because you promised to get me food,” You grin.
Jake looks away, “I can’t. Dad needs help at home.”
“Oh,” You whisper. “Okay, but you owe me another day.”
Jake nods in agreement, and you wait for that familiar smile to return on his face, but it doesn’t.
“I’m going to get going,” You say.
Again, you wait for him to say something, like offer to drop you off home. But, nothing.
You feel like a fool as you walk away from him, his figure growing smaller and smaller behind you with every step.
The next few days are all similar, there are times where you expect Jake to say something to you around the halls or in Physics, but he doesn’t. You don’t even see him around the house anymore, despite his family being there and them saying that he was busy catching up with schoolwork. That was definitely a lie, you knew him.
Mr Sim calls you to sit with them, smiling at you politely.
“Thank you for tutoring Jaeyun. His grades slipped a bit in Australia but, thanks to you, they’re back to normal,” He grins. “I hope there’s no hard feelings, though.”
“Of course, not. Why would there be?” You return his politeness.
Mr Sim sighs in ease, “Oh, I thought you would be since Jaeyun got 98 on the recent test. Although, it was only a marks difference. You’re seriously wonderful-”
The rest of his words tune out, the only thing you hear is that Jake got higher than you in the test but he lied. Why did he lie?
Deciding to head over to his house with the lie that you needed to give him some school work was merely impulsive, it was far too late when you realised at his doorstep. You’d spent the last few days laying in the darkness of your room, wondering why he has suddenly switched off his typically playful manner to a foreign, nonchalant version of himself. You even cried to Jieun and Minji about it, who cursed him repeatedly.
Jake opens the door in Spongebob pyjamas to which you cock an eyebrow at, “And you called mine childish.”
“What are you doing here?” Jake asks, helping you into his house. “Do you want something to drink or eat?”
You shake your head and he leans on the wall in front of you as you take a seat.
“So,” Jake stares at you. “What are you doing here?”
You take a long and slow breath, “Why did you lie about your mark in the recent exam?”
Jake steps forward slightly, “How did you-”
You shake your head, “It doesn’t matter. Why did you lie?”
Jake exhales, “I knew it would make you happy.”
You scoff, getting to your feet, “Why on earth do you care if I’m happy?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jake grits his teeth.
“You hate me. You’ve been avoiding me for days, now,” You breathe out.
Jake stares at you blankly, before breaking out into a fit of laughter, “Hate you?”
He inches closer to you until hes standing directly in front of you, “Y/n, I came back here for you.”
“What are you talking about?” You chuckle. “You came back because our parents-”
“No,” Jake interjects. “You think I didn’t beg my father to take that deal? You think my dad doesn’t know how in love with you I am? Y/n, everyone knows but you!”
You shake your head, “This isn’t true.”
“Look, if you don’t like me back, just say so. But, don’t come here and start spewing nonsense. I’ve liked you since that day that we won the Science Fair together. I’ve been in love with you since I left for Australia.”
You look up at him, “No way.”
Jake rolls his eyes and takes your hand, pulling you to his bedroom. He sits you down in his bed while he reaches into a drawer and pulls out a large box.
Jake removes the lid and brings out multiple items that you recognise and some that you don’t.
“This is my Y/n box,” he places it onto your lap. “Have a look.”
Jake holds a few items in his hand, “This is the bracelet I won at a Physics competition in Australia at the beginning. I planned to give it to you. This is a teddy I won at some amusement park. And, this is a letter I wrote on the plane when I realised that I was in love with you. Well, am in love with you.”
Jake continues, “Even my grades, Y/n. They were nothing without you. It’s like you were my only source of motivation, my grades were average towards the end of the year in Australia. My parents and my teachers all blamed it on the move, but I knew. I knew it was because you weren’t there.”
You’re speechless, he kept everything remotely linked to you since you were thirteen. He thought of you in every little thing he did.
“You love me?” You question.
“Yes, Y/n. I’ve been in love with you.”
“But,” You breathe out. “I’m hard to love.”
Your voice is strained, and isn’t far from a whisper. There’s so many things you want to say yet so little words to conform them to the perfect boy sitting in front of you.
He almost guffaws at your words - Jake might have if he didn’t realise just how serious you were. He didn’t understand; what on earth was so hard about loving you? There was nothing.
If only you could see just how effortless it had been, straight from the beginning. The minute he laid eyes on you standing by a handmade rocket, scribbling ideas down on a piece of paper, it was as if the atoms in the universe had created an inseparable bond that tied you two together. It was as if the poles in the universe had drawn together, creating a magnetic field of attraction.
Jake’s eyes twinkle as he leans closer to you, “There is nothing hard about loving you. Loving you is like breathing out oxygen, so if loving you is hard then breathing is, too.”
You flick your eyes up at him again, now only centimetres away from those pink plush lips of his until you close the gap, pulling him into a soft kiss.
“I love you, too, “ You breathe out.
“Really?” Jake gasps. “You’re not just saying that?”
You shake your head, intertwining your fingers, “No, seriously. I do, I didn’t know I did but now.. Now, I know. I came here because you were avoiding me the whole week and I couldn’t bear it.”
Jake giggles, “That’s because I didn’t think you liked me back after that whole situation with Minseok at the football game. I thought it would be better to just leave you alone.”
Jake gently intertwines his fingers with you, a casual action albeit causing your heart to race a million miles per hour.
“So,” he beams, “if you get higher than me in the next Physics exam, I’ll take you out on a date.”
You cock an eyebrow at him, a grin paired on your lips, “And, what if I don’t?”
Jake looks away, thinking for a moment, “Then, you take me on a date.”
“Well, can I give you a kiss first?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him as if he’s ever going to decline that offer
“You don’t need to ask twice,” Jake breathes out, before meeting your lips with a wide grin plastered on his face.
Seeing Jake knock on your window from outside your house was quite a shock for you, being it was a Sunday evening and you were sorting out your school bag for the next day.
You open your window to let him in with a befuddled expression worn on your face, “What are you doing here? It’s almost 6:30.”
A soft smile is on his lips as he looks at you, and climbs through your window, “I had to see you. Its been so long.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, “I saw you on Friday.”
“That’s far too long, angel.”
You smile as he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you in for a warm embrace, he hums as he closes his eyes and rocks your body with his from side to side.
“Why didn’t you use the front door?” You ask him.
Jake nervously rubs the back of his neck, “I’m scared of your father.”
You laugh at his words, “You’ve known the man for years! What’s there to be afraid of?”
He sits down on your bed, playing with your teddy bears, “Well, he’s different with me now that I’m.. dating his daughter.”
“He’s a bit shocked but he’ll get used to it. You can’t expect him to like you if he finds out you’ve been sneaking in through my window, though,” You pinch Jake’s cheek softly.
Jake nods, “I know.” Jake sighs and leans into your touch against his cheek.
“Why don’t you try going back through the front door? You can ask my parents for permission to grab dinner outside, today,” You suggest, pulling his hands up.
You watch Jake’s eyes glint in excitement as he heads back out of the window. Yet, he doesn’t forget to turn around to press a quick kiss on your cheek before he leaves, only to return to be in your house in less than a minute.
Hearing the doorbell ring, you make your way downstairs while fighting the urge to grin upon knowing exactly who was at your door.
You watch your father open the door, seeing Jake, “Hi Jake, what brings you here?”
Jake stammers, “Hello, sir. I mean, Mr Lee… I came to see Y/n.”
You stand beside your father, “Dad, you haven’t even let him in.”
Pulling Jake inside, you frown at your Dad as your Mum joins the three of you.
“Honey, why are you so awkward around Jaeyun now? Weren’t you the one who always wanted him as a son?” Your mum chuckles.
“I didn’t think he would become a son like.. this,” Your dad darts his eyes towards you and Jake. “So, is the relationship going well?”
You struggle to not break out into a fit of laughter, “Yes, Dad. Thanks for your concern. Jake and I are going to get some ice cream.”
Your Mum nods happily while your father sighs and sits back. Jake bows his head politely and leaves with you.
“I hate the awkwardness,” Jake whines and you laugh, intertwining your fingers with his.
“He’ll get used to it!” You boop Jake’s nose sweetly.
Walking alongside Jake with your fingers wrapped tightly in his own, the crisp autumn air hitting against your cheeks and the streetlights illuminating the sky; you can’t help but feel a sense of longing towards the moment. It just felt right.
“I’ve been thinking,” Jake breaks the silence, tilting his head towards you. “Actually.. No, no. You’re going to make fun of me.”
Jake hides his face in his hoodie, but you can still see the redness in his cheeks.
“What?” You laugh, prying his face out of his hoodie. “Tell me!”
Jake sighs, “I used to think we were alike but I don’t think we are. So, I guess we’re kinda like magnets.”
“You’ve called me a lot of things, Sim Jaeyun, but never have you called me a magnet.”
Jake sighs with a smile on his face, “Not like that! I just meant, we’re not as alike as we think. Kinda like a magnet, but they work out fine. If anything, there’s literal forces of attraction pulling them together. Isn’t that so cool?”
You chortle, “Yes, Jake. That’s very cool. I love being your magnet.”
Jake presses a kiss to your lips, “Stop making fun of me.”
“Stop being a nerd,” You retort.
“Says the one who got 100% in the last quiz!”“Don’t be jealous, Sim. You’ll get on my level someday.”
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
My refuge
Tommy Shelby x reader (daughter)
Request by @kpopgirlbtssvt Thank you for sharing this incredible idea around, I decided to give it a try, but I highly encourage any other writer who wants to join in because the way I approach it. Might be completely different…
I think this idea was the perfect match to celebrate K @runnning-outof-time 3K followers celebration! 🌹🌷💐🌺🌼Congratulations dear K, I adored your Tales from the Garden theme and had this visual idea of the garden…
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“Daddy? I brought some tea.”
Tommy looked towards the door, where you were standing poking only your head inside his office, his heart still skipped a beat every time he heard you call him that.
“You can come in sweetheart.” He stamped his cigarette in the ashtray.
Michael sighed loudly as you interrupted their conversation, his annoyance didn’t go unnoticed by Tommy.
“Frances helped me bake cookies, I hope you like it.” Y/N smile made Tommy smile as well, how could he reject you something? If his only daughter wanted him to eat a cookie, he’d eat a fucking cookie.
“Thank you love.”
Michael scoffed again, watching the interaction.
“Will you be busy for the rest of the afternoon?” You asked sweetly as your father took another sip of his tea.
“Because you promised we’d go riding.”
Tommy’s expression softened.
He stood up immediately, looking in Michael’s direction. “We’ll see this tomorrow.”
“What? No, Tommy I need y-”
“Michael.” Tommy warned giving his cousin a death stare, he wouldn’t repeat himself.
Turning his back at him, Tommy got rid of his suit jacket, and started rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.
Michael looked annoyed at you and then at Tommy, he felt a strong dislike for the long lost daughter that suddenly appeared, making his cousin a soft, ridiculous, old man.
Michael grabbed the papers from Tommy’s desk and stormed out of the office without a word.
“He’s always angry.” You stated with a giggle, making your father chuckle.
“Let’s go my darling.” He took the remaining of his tea in one big gulp and then the cookies you baked to eat on the walk to the stables.
It was impossible to not feel calmer around you, Tommy noticed. Realizing how full of life he felt, how much he wanted to protect you.
On their way to the stables, you stopped to smell one of the bushes with pink roses. Your Dad, who was usually in a hurry, stopped on his tracks to take in the moment, wishing he could be more like you. But deep down he knew he wasn’t made to enjoy simple moments like those.
“I love your garden, I could spend all day sitting here surrounded by this beauty.”
Tommy felt constantly in awe by the things that made you smile, his mind trying to storage every moment, every word, trying to make up for the time he lost.
He stayed quiet as the two of you were riding, thinking of how much you and the woman he once loved looked alike.
“I shouldn’t have interrupted your meeting with Michael?” You asked worried. “Sorry, I thought you were free.”
“What? No, none of that, you’re my priority from now on.”
“Then why are you so quiet?”
Tommy was forced to look up at you, fighting against the lump in his throat. “You look exactly like your mother.”
Without even knowing, you had started a revolution within him, made him go back in time when he was young and carefree.
“How did you and Mum meet?” The question had been on your mind for a while, you looked in his direction with curiosity, not understanding the reason why everyone looked at your father with fear in their eyes, he was the sweetest man on earth.
Tommy took his time to think of how to elaborate a proper answer.
“I saw her at an Appleby fair, she was dancing with other girls… she was like a magnet, I couldn’t look anywhere else.” For an instant, he was back in time into that very moment.
“What happened then?” Your face lit up, moved to have this little piece of information, for years, you only knew your mum’s side of the story, now, it was time to get both.
“She asked me out to dance with her, then it started to rain heavily and the fair was canceled, we went to my caravan and I’ve never been happier,” Tommy stopped and winked at his daughter, “until you stood in my front door.”
“She always talked about you, until her very last breath.”
“I wish I could prevent her parents taking you both away from me… but when I went to France and sent her letter with no answer, eventually, I stopped writing.” A heavy sigh abandoned his body as he stopped by a tree.
In more ways than he thought, talking about your mother helped him heal a part of his heart that had been broken for a little over two decades.
You came down from the horse and saw how your father secured both next to a tree.
A tender hand came to rest to the side of your face. “I’m just so glad you found me.”
There was a bittersweet look in his eyes, you noticed.
“I made quite an entrance, fighting off the maid, telling her, no I demanded a word with you.”
Small lines appeared around his eyes. “Like the good Shelby that you’re.”
“You never doubted for a second?”
But your Dad was already shaking his head. “No way, I knew it was you in that very moment.” He admitted, in his mind images of that day playing in his mind.
He was running late that morning and as commotion was happening downstairs, he rushed with a gun ready. Even from afar, as he took in your features, he knew it was you.
“But I confirmed it when I saw the broken Black Madonna around your neck.”
You looked at him confused.
“Back then I didn’t own anything,” he explained bending one knee, “so one day I found this broken Madonna relic, it was missing the hook to attach it to the chain, so the owner of the stand gave it to me for free, I tried to fix it and gave it to your mum for one of her birthdays.”
“That’s beautiful.” You touched it, feeling your heart beat under your hand.
Saving these memories in the deepest part of your soul.
You talked for hours, Tommy had never felt more free to speak his mind, his fears , his dreams, he realized his daughter understood him at a level nobody else did. You were his blood, and the exact same image of your mother.
“Good morning, thank you for coming.” Tommy walked into his office not realizing the door didn’t close completely.
“Finally after canceling this bloody meeting so many times.” Michael sighed as Tommy entered the office.
“I like your enthusiasm Michael, hopefully you will still carry that around by the end, ey?”
Leaning back, Michael tilted his head, he was clearly annoyed with the delay.
“Hopefully someone won’t interrupt us this time around over a fucking cup of tea or to go and pick up wild flowers to make a crown.”
The cigarette Tommy was about to light didn’t reach his lips, as he stopped midway.
“What didya say?” Tommy squinted his eyes.
“I said I’m fucking tired of your daughter interrupting us every single time-”
“Y/N, her name is Y/N Shelby.” Tommy dragged his words slowly, leaning his palms on his desk staring deeply into his cousin’s eyes.
“I don’t know you anymore, since when you push everything to the side Tommy? This business demands your full attention an-”
“Since she showed up in my doorstep!” Tommy slammed the desk with his hand, his voice raising. “After being away from me for twenty years, it really shouldn’t be a surprise she has become my priority now.”
“Michael.” Polly tried to warn him.
But Tommy raised his hand, to let him speak.
“I just can’t stand how you immediately turn into a fucking puppy as soon as she walks into any room, her little happy bubble is fucking annoying, this is a serious business and we don’t need a child with a bouncy bow interrupting everyone fucking meeting.”
Tommy remained quiet for a few seconds, his mouth pressed in a tight line. “Are you done, Michael?”
“I mean if you want to take some time apart from the company to spend time to work on your family bond.”
As you took the last step of the staircase, you noticed the voices coming from your father’s office, it was probably your family as you noticed Polly’s voice.
Walking closer to join them and before you could reach the knob, you heard something that stopped you on your tracks.
John couldn’t hold it any longer and started laughing.
“You definitely look like a fucking puppy, you can’t deny it… as soon as you see Y/N you turn into a fucking marionette, she does whatever she wants with you.”
“She turned you into a softy, brother.” The voice of your uncle Arthur pointed.
“Sometimes I wonder what the hell is she doing in a place like this.” Michael stated in a serious tone. “She doesn’t match the Shelby energy. What if someone comes at her? Does she even know how to use a fucking gun?”
Your heart sank to the floor, listening to what they thought of you.
Then it was your aunt Ada’s voice what you heard next. “She’s just a happy girl.”
“Ada knew how to use one at her age.” Polly admitted, you saw her over the slightly open door looking into her purse.
“Little Finn knew how to shoot before he was eight.” Arthur informed them.
“She’s a weakness, Tommy,” Michael insisted, “her happy bubble will lead us all into trouble someday.”
And for the first time, you felt anger building inside your body.
“Even Charlie seems to be more keen to be part of the business.”
With an unknown courage, you pushed the heavy door and stared at each of them. Shock reflected on their faces.
“I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to be happy, and I’m sorry for being in my little, weak bubble, but you’re probably right… I don’t belong here, I shouldn’t be a fucking Shelby.”
You didn’t waste another second to listen their answer, you turned your back at them and stormed out of the office, rushing towards the doors.
“Y/N wait!”
“Shit, how long has she been listening behind the door?” Ada asked.
“Did she really curse?” John asked shocked.
“I hope you’re fucking happy now, look at what you caused.” Tommy spat at Michael, leaving his family to go after his daughter.
But he wasn’t fast enough to go after you, when he reached the fountain, your small figure had already disappeared from his eyesight.
Looking down, he found the ribbon you always wore around your hair on the floor, about to fly away with the wind. Crounching down, he took it between his fingers, kicking himself internally at the thought of you feeling hurt.
“Get me the horse!” He barked, realizing how he wouldn’t be able to reach you by car.
You felt the way your heart was beating, uncontrollably while the tears blurred your vision. Realizing how silly you felt by thinking that you had found your place.
Being a Shelby by name wasn’t enough for them, no, you had to cut people’s eyes and be ruthless and clearly, you weren’t like that.
And you’d never be.
Your legs were burning from running, after moving aimlessly you sank down, finally letting out a sob from the deepest part of your soul.
You felt broken inside, sad because no matter what, you would never be a part of their world, you didn’t understand the family business, didn’t feel familiar with weapons, you were weak according to them.
Perhaps Michael was right after all.
Back at the house Polly scolded her son for the words he said, should mind his own business and stay away from you.
“You have to change that bloody attitude, Y/N is one sweet little child, she lost her mother.”
“She’s not a child and Charlie lost his as well and he doesn’t go trying to get Tommy’s attention all the fucking time.”
“It’s a different dynamic Michael, you can’t expect them to behave the same.” Ada interrupted him.
“Y/N and Tommy have a special bond.” Polly admitted sipping on her tea. “You can see it in his eyes… Y/N’s mother was the love of his life.”
“I don’t remember her much.” Ada expressed pouring herself some whiskey.
“I didn’t even know he had a secret relationship with her.” Arthur sighed.
“They were young and in love.” Polly explained, she had covered her nephew a couple of times from his father for not being around, lied saying she asked him to run some errands. “She was a good girl, but I never saw her again. Guess her parents moved out angry when they realized she was pregnant.”
“I can’t find her.” Tommy announced with his breath caught up in his throat and a panic look in his eyes. “Arthur, John come with me. Ada take the car around,” he clicked his fingers. “Want every single maid looking for Y/N.”
Then, he threw his cousin a death stare. “If anything happens to me daughter… you’re a death man.”
Tommy couldn’t conceive the idea of you being out on your own at night, he needed to protect you.
In his heart he made a promise to your mother the day you showed up in his house with the letter she wrote him, explaining everything; how her parents sent her away to live with an aunt in the mountains when they found out she was pregnant, they let her keep you but under the condition of being raised as a sister and not daughter.
And he was failing.
Defeated, he rode back home, trying think a plan to find you. Where would you go?
He felt desperate and frustrated, about to explode from the worry, after returning to the property finally he stopped to let someone take his horse to drink some water after spending hours looking out for you. Taking his watch from the pocket in his vest he noticed it was close to sunset now and it would get cold.
If only he could tell you how much you meant to him.
They looked for you at the stables and around Arrow House, but you were nowhere to be seen. Tommy started to feel like a lion inside a fucking cage, he needed to calm down to think where would you go, looking to his right, his eyes fixed on a bush and that gave him the hint to go and look at the garden.
Feeling his heartbeat drumming in his ears, Tommy was determined to find you so he entered the maze. He followed the herbaceous border and took a right to find the fountain, walking past the yew buttresses. Wiping the sweat from his chin, he noticed a silhouette sitting by the steps of the gazebo.
And he couldn’t feel more joy in his chest, recognizing immediately it was you.
“Y/N.” He whispered out of breath.
You were pale and didn’t answer him.
Once more, he called your name, finally getting close enough to touch you. “Wake up baby girl.”
“Daddy?” You blinked away a few times, taking in your surroundings.
“You’re so cold.” He took his coat off and wrapped it around your shoulders.
The previous events slowly coming back into your memory. You probably fell asleep after crying endlessly.
“I’m sorry I’m a disappointment to the Shelby name.”
“Oh my darling you could never disappoint me.” He rocked your body slightly, trying to warm you up with his hands. “You have more heart than anyone in that house.”
“I dreamed of Mum… she gave me a hug and a kiss and said it would all be alright, because I’ve you.”
Tommy wasn’t able to answer as the words got caught up in his throat, so he did something he rarely did.
His arms wrapped around your back and he pushed you in a tight hug.
One that was repairing him from the inside out. One that was repairing his broken heart.
“I know my girl, cause she will always be with us.” He kissed your hair and looked up in the starry night thinking of your mother and how much he had loved her. “Let’s get you home.”
From afar, Polly witnessed the interaction knowing nothing in this world would ever tear you and Tommy apart.
“But they don’t think I belong here.”
“You belong here way more than any of them, this is your house and this is your family and they’ll have to learn to accept the fact that you’re the light of my eyes.”
And your eyes lit up by your fathers words, tears of happiness making your vision go blurry.
“I ordered the gardener to create this for you, it’s not finished yet though… I wanted you to feel in this place at home.”
Slowly, you broke away the embrace to look at your father, with a tender touch, he wiped the tears from the corner of your eyes.
“This is for you.” He encouraged with a smile. “It was a surprise I was saving for later.”
Taking in your surroundings, you couldn’t believe the beautiful oasis before your eyes. You haven’t noticed before.
“Daddy!” Your hands flew to your mouth. “That’s white daffodils.”
Tommy chuckled. “Oh don’t expect me to know that.”
“These are peonies!” You were delighted. “And irises.”
Tommy saw you moving around the garden, enjoying the peace you being happy in this place brought him.
Taking you by the shoulders, he made you turn around to face the gazebo.
“I particularly love that… imagined you sitting there for hours.”
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You were lost in the colors and smell, but soon you turned around to look at your father.
“Thank you for giving me this.” Your arms found their way around his body, time stood still.
“I was hoping this would be your refuge.” Tommy whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“Can we join the hug?” Ada interrupted, making you both turn around.
“I’m sorry about what Michael said,” your aunt Pol apologized, “I do enjoy your cheerful energy.”
“It’s a balm to this fucking family madness.” Ada explained.
They each linked their arms around you tenderly.
“You’re a sweet child and I love you.” Arthur blushed but joined the hug as well, behind him, uncle John looked at you.
“When you came into our lives, I knew it was you the one who could make him line up.” John winked at you.
“Come on you two, don’t stay back there.” Ada shouted at Finn and Charlie, who were standing awkwardly a few steps away.
“You’re the sweetest young girl, we love you just like that, Y/N it doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, don’t let this cruel world change you an ounce.” Polly said caressing your face.
And you believed her, them.
She then looked at her nephew.
“You did a wonderful job with this place, Tommy.”
He didn’t need something like this though, since he felt like having you close, was his own kind of refuge. His safe haven.
Master list
A/N: Oops this got a bit long 🤭 but there were so many things I needed to add, I hope you enjoyed it!
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane
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luminoustarlight · 7 months
As Fate Would Have It | Chapter Two
It's your first day of work at Skywalker Enterprises.
◂ chapter one ▸ chapter three
rating: mature | pairing: dilf!anakin skywalker x afab!reader | wc: 3.7k | read on ao3
warnings: swearing, age-gaps, sexual fantasies
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The moms at St. Lucas Preparatory School are shameless. Single, divorced, and married women (and some men) alike can’t help but hold their breath when Anakin Skywalker steps onto campus. The dads are intimidated by him and the moms… well, let’s just say the moms have less than school appropriate thoughts about the billionaire. 
Anakin detests the end of the year. He hates being involved at the school. He doesn’t want to spend 2 hours of his day off packing meals in a crowded gymnasium with other parents who also don’t want to be there. 
He doesn’t want to make small talk or ask about Luke and Leia’s classmates because frankly, he doesn’t give a crap. The only children he likes are his own and he won’t pretend otherwise. 
“Mr. Skywalker,” Leia’s teacher, Ms. Clark sighs, “you are the only parent in my class who has yet to sign up for a slot at this year's Cranberry Sauce.” Cranberry Sauce is just the name the school gives the Thanksgiving Drive to make it sound more “fun”. 
Anakin gives his children a kiss on their foreheads and sends them through the school gates. Once they’re out of earshot, he addresses Leia’s teacher. “I already wrote a check to buy the damn food. Isn’t that sufficient?” 
“Mr. Skywalker,” Ms. Clark repeats with annoyance. If it were up to her, she’d let Anakin donate all of the money he wants in order to keep him from volunteering at school events. She thinks he’s arrogant, stuck-up, and far too handsome for any man to be. So she decides to loathe him since she can’t fuck him. But Headmaster Franklin is adamant Anakin attends the event. 
“I really insist that you participate for at least an hour at Cranberry Sauce next weekend. It is important for your children to see you involved at the school. At their school.” 
Anakin’s tall and broad stature seems to grow even larger at this statement. How dare this woman insinuate anything about him as a father? 
“You think I’m not involved in my childrens’ lives?” Anakin has just enough self-control not to completely raise his voice at his daughter’s fourth grade teacher. Especially since parents are continuing to drop off their kids. “You think I’m an absent father who gives the school money to compensate for my lack of paternal instincts?” 
“I didn’t say that,” Ms. Clark answers cautiously. “There is no need to make a scene. I have no doubts you are an excellent father, Mr. Skywalker. I don’t think Leia would be the young lady she is if you weren’t. One hour. That's all we ask.” 
Anakin raises an eyebrow. “We?” 
“Oh, um, well-” Ms. Clark stammers. Busted. She sighs with defeat. “Headmaster Franklin would very much like to see you there.”
“I’m sure he would,” Anakin replies smugly. Headmaster Franklin wants him there for publicity. Anakin should be more pissed about that than being accused of not being a present parent, but he’s not. He likes his ego stroked every now and then. “One hour.” 
“Thank you,” Ms. Clark smiles tightly. “Does 10-11 work for you?” 
“Fine,” Anakin waves his hand dismissively as he gets a message on his phone. 
Ben Kenobi 
Your new secretary is here. 
Shit. It’s Anakin’s first day without Dorothy. No wonder the morning has gone the way it has. Between Luke spilling orange juice on his shirt, Leia’s uncooperating French braids, and his conversation with Ms. Clark, Anakin can’t help but fear the change in routine with a new assistant. He types his response. 
Anakin Skywalker
Assistant. Not secretary. I’ll be there in 20 minutes. 
Ben Kenobi 
If you say so. 
Ben Kenobi is Anakin’s closest friend. Some might even call them brothers. Ben is fifteen years older than Anakin, married to the mayor, and enjoys fly fishing on the weekends. He’s also Luke and Leia’s godfather. Should anything happen to Anakin, there is no one else he’d trust to raise and watch over his children than Ben Kenobi. 
And Ben knows better than anyone that Anakin doesn’t like change. He’s been dreading Dorothy’s last day since she told him she was retiring a year ago. How was he going to find someone as good as her? Someone who anticipates his needs before he does? 
That’s why he tasked her with finding her own replacement. He’s just too busy to interview a replacement for Dorothy himself. He wouldn’t know what to look for, anyway. If he doesn’t know what he wants in a woman to date, how is he supposed to know what he wants in a new assistant? 
“Mr. Skywalker is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?” You’ve uttered that exact sentence at least seven times since you arrived at the office at 8:00 a.m. Now, as it nears 9:00, you expect to see your new boss very soon. 
Each time you hear the elevator ding, you look up with hopefulness at the arrival of the esteemed Anakin Skywalker. What will you say to him? How will you introduce yourself? Will he be nice and welcoming? God, you hope so. You’ve read just about every article, watched every interview, and listened to every podcast he’s done to prepare yourself for the job. The consensus is the same in all of them. 
Anakin Skywalker is generous, he’s polite, and generally gets along with everyone— if you don’t get on his nerves. And, according to Dorothy, he’s a charmer. 
“Yes, absolutely,” you say while taking notes of the message on a legal pad. Your head is down so you don’t notice Anakin walking out of the elevator. He stops 5 steps away from your desk. His ribs feel like they’re collapsing around his lungs because of that voice. Why does he know that voice? 
“I will let Mr. Skywalker know you called as soon as he gets into the office.” You hang up the phone and as you look up, there he is in all of his gorgeous glory. 
You actually have to tell yourself to take a breath because he’s even more handsome in person. Faint lines around his eyes represent years of life he lived before you were born. His dark blonde hair is combed back effortlessly and is it wrong that you want to run your hands through it? Yeah, probably. He’s your boss and over twenty years older than you. 
“It’s-” Anakin can’t even say more than that because holy fuck. Is he dreaming? He squeezes his eyes and then opens them, only to see you now standing with your hand extended to him. “It’s… you.” 
“Um, yes,” you say while awkwardly returning your arm to your side. “I’m Y/N. Your new assistant. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Skywalker.” 
“I- um, yes,” Anakin clears his throat. Christ, that wasn’t even a sentence. “I need to take care of something,” he says on his way towards his office. “I am not to be disturbed until I come out. Do you understand?” 
“Y-yes. Yes, sir,” you barely answer before Anakin’s office door is shut violently. Well, that certainly wasn’t the introduction you were expecting or hoping for. You’re starting to think not meeting him beforehand was a bad idea. It honestly should’ve been a red flag but Dorothy insisted it was fine. 
It doesn’t seem fine. 
And things definitely aren’t fine. For Anakin, that is. To say he’s freaking out is putting it lightly. He paces the length of his office, shoving his fingers through his hair and muttering to himself. “It can’t be. There’s no way it can be her.” 
Maybe he’s hallucinating. Maybe he’s having an incredibly vivid dream where his favorite OnlyFans performer, who he has known as HoneySuckle for the last three years is his new assistant. What did you say your name is? Anakin couldn’t hear you over the erection that was forming in his pants because he knows your voice. He’s cum from your voice alone. He’s cum because of you so, so many times. 
This can’t be happening. 
He’s never seen your entire face but he knows it’s you. He’d recognize your lips in a police lineup. He hears your voice in his wet dreams. He just knows it’s you. 
And the fact that he has a hard-on is a problem. A problem he wishes you could take care of but you can’t because now you work for him and he’s your boss. This is all so, so wrong. 
Anakin doesn’t so much sit on his leather chair as he does collapse into it. This was never supposed to happen. Yes, he has dreamed about meeting you on more than one occasion. He’s thought about telling you who he is during your countless direct messages so many times. He’s thought about using his infinite resources to find out who you really are on more than one occasion.
But he always concluded that it would be so insanely wrong and borderline creepy if he did that. You were always supposed to remain a fantasy. Just a nameless woman on a screen who doesn’t live in the same country, state, or city as him. 
Yet here you are— sitting outside of his office, taking his calls, calling him Mr. Skywalker and being even more beautiful than he could have imagined. 
You are no longer the woman on his tablet spewing filthy words as you make yourself orgasm. You’re tangible. You have a name- although he can’t remember what it is. He replays the interaction over in his head. The feeling he felt when he saw you was reminiscent of seeing his wife walk down the aisle at their wedding. He was a blundering mess then, just as he is a blundering mess now. 
He doesn’t even want to think about your first impression of him. He’s supposed to be Anakin Skywalker for crying out loud! The suave, handsome millionaire who has the ability to make men cower and women fall to their knees. The embarrassment he feels from that interaction is enough to subdue his hard-on. He pours himself a bit of Bourbon, shoots it back like it’s a normal thing to do at 9 in the morning, and prepares to reintroduce himself to you. 
Anakin smooths his hands down his slacks before opening his door. As his eyes are magnetized to you, his heart starts beating irregularly. Get a fucking grip. 
You stand attentively when you notice Anakin walking towards you. Worried you made a terrible impression on him, you wait to speak. But Anakin doesn’t say anything either and now he’s standing in front of your desk, all tall and lean and smelling like Cedar and Whiskey. He’s looking at you with an expression you can’t read. Did Dorothy tell him anything about you? Or did he go into this just as blind as you did? 
His eyes seem to dance all over your body which makes you feel like he’s studying you. Or criticizing every single thing about your appearance. From your simple burgundy dress to the pearl studs you bought with some of Skyguy81’s most recent (and overly generous) tip. 
Finally, because his gaze on you was becoming too much to bear, you are the one to talk first. “Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Skywalker?” 
Yeah, you can remind him of your name for starters. “Do you have messages for me?” is what he asks instead. 
“Yes,” you answer, picking up the pad you’ve been scribbling notes on for the last hour. “Rex sent over the final schematics for the 0525 project that needs your approval by 3 p.m. today in order to begin production. Mayor Kryze’s office called about the upcoming Gala in December and wanted to know if you would be in attendance. And if so, how many tickets should they reserve? Oh, and someone from St. Lucas Preparatory School called to let you know that your son ripped his pants and needs a new pair brought to school because they don’t have any new pants in his size.” 
Anakin taps his index finger on your desk while he listens to you. He barely registers anything you say because it’s really hard to hear your voice without getting aroused. It’s hard even looking at you without automatically picturing you naked. There’s not an inch of your skin he’s never seen. Well, except for the top half of your face which now, of course, he has seen. And God, does he love what you have to offer. 
You’re still relaying messages but suddenly you’re bent over your desk, gripping the edge of it with pale knuckles as Anakin slams into you over, and over, and over. He’s making you yelp his name so loudly the whole building can hear you. 
“Mr. Skywalker?” 
Anakin snaps back into reality where you’re still fully clothed and definitely not moaning his name. “What?” comes out a little harsher than he intended. And he immediately regrets it when he sees you visibly shrink right before him. 
“What- what would you like me to tell the Mayor’s office?” 
Anakin has gone as a bachelor to the last two Christmas Galas. Ben stays close to Satine the whole night and he really doesn’t see the point in asking a woman he has no interest in to be his date. Plus, going alone lets him leave the party with whomever he wants or to call it a night and go home early to watch ELF and drink peppermint cocoa with his kids. 
“Have them put me down for 2.” 
You nod whilst making another note on the pad. “And what about your son’s pants?” 
“Did they say where he ripped them?” 
“Right down the middle,” you answer. 
Anakin shakes his head. “Oh, Luke,” he mutters to himself. “Alright, I’ll go home and get him a new pair.” 
“Icandoit,” rushes out of your mouth. 
“Sorry, my mouth moved faster than my brain,” you reply, hoping Anakin will find it endearing instead of annoying. “I said I can do it. I don’t mind. It’s my job, isn’t it?” 
Anakin opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything. Yes, technically it’s your job to do this sort of errand. But Anakin doesn’t want you going to his house alone, sifting through his son’s drawers, and bringing him new pants to his school. 
Primarily because he’d much rather you be in his home under different circumstances. 
“We’ll go together,” Anakin decides against his better judgment. “I’ll drive.”
So, Anakin definitely didn’t think things through when he said he’d drive. 
In what world did he think sharing a close, confined space with you was a good idea? This whole morning has been a cluster-fuck. Honestly. He’s still struggling to wrap his head around who you are. When you announced Squirting for Sky was going to be your last video, he thought what a devastation it would be to not look forward to your videos every week. Who would’ve thought you’d be the one replacing his dear old assistant the very next week? The odds of it all are overwhelming. 
But isn’t this what he’s always wanted? The opportunity to meet you? To know your name and know you personally? Every wish of his has been granted— except for the fact that he is your boss and you are technically his subordinate. He says technically because Dorothy always felt more like family than an employee. 
You could be family. 
You could be so much more than his assistant.
Oh, Jesus Christ, Anakin. Be reasonable. She’s your employee. She’s practically a kid. 
Anakin looks over to you for the first time since getting in the car. You’re pressed against the side of the passenger door, knees angled away from him and arms crossed over your chest. “Are you cold?” 
“Oh,” you say, looking at him with a tentative smile. “A little.” 
“You should’ve said so,” Anakin turns on the heater and your seat warmer. “My kids call seat warmers butt toasters. Let me know if your butt gets too toasty.” 
You have to bite your lip to keep from laughing. 
There’s an awkward pause as Anakin realizes what he just said. He absolutely cannot think about your butt any longer than he has to because we all know how that will end.
 (A hard cock, in case that wasn’t clear). 
 “I mean, uh- shit,” Anakin briefly closes his eyes to compose himself. Let me know if your butt gets too toasty? 
“Just turn it off yourself if you get too warm.” 
Do you make him nervous? No way. You decide to let it go. “Kids? Plural?” 
“Yeah.” Anakin drapes his right arm over the center console and taps his fingers against the gear shift. Long, dexterous fingers at that. You have to look away before you start thinking about something completely inappropriate of your boss. “I have twins. A boy and a girl. Luke, he’s the silly one. Right now he’s big into archeology. He’s also pretty clumsy, hence the rip in his pants. And Leia, my daughter, she’s far too serious for any 9 year old to be. She says she wants to be a senator when she grows up.” 
This is the longest you’ve been able to look at Anakin without feeling your cheeks burning. Now, they’re just hot because of the heater blasting in your face. “You light up when you talk about them,” you say. “You must love them a lot.” 
“More than anything,” Anakin doesn’t hesitate. “Here we are.” 
You should’ve been paying attention on how to get to his house from the office. Surely, you’ll be running these errands on your own if things go well with your employment. Oh, well. That’s what the Maps is for. 
Anakin’s house is a stunning Eichler. It looks straight out of an Architectural Digest cover. The lawn outside is perfectly cropped and perfectly green but littered with a soccer ball, football, a baseball bat and whiffle balls. You wouldn’t have pegged Anakin for a mid-century modern kind of guy. You would’ve thought he’d opt for an insanely modern, sterile house. 
As you walk through the atrium and into the main body of the house, it’s clear it is a family home. Anakin uses his foot to sweep his kids’ shoes out of the way so you don’t trip over them. “Sorry about the mess.” 
“It’s okay,” you shrug. Anakin’s house isn’t even all that messy. It just looks like a home. There are so many pictures on the walls, it would be impossible to look at all of them in one go. One in particular, though, catches your eye. It’s the largest out of all of them and the only one in black and white. A significantly younger Anakin is at the bedside of who you presume to be his wife with two bundles of babies in their arms. They are both looking down and smiling. His wife was stunning. They definitely made an attractive couple. 
It’s not lost on you that there are no other pictures of Anakin’s kids with their mom. He’s only spoken about his wife’s death in one interview, about a year after her passing. If you remember correctly, she died shortly after the twins were born. 
You can’t imagine the kind of pain and heartache Anakin must have felt losing his wife. You don’t know what it feels like to experience that kind of grief. You want to tell Anakin you’re sorry for his loss, but what good will that do? Is there any consolation in that at all? 
You’re still looking at the photo when Anakin returns from Luke’s room with a new pair of tan pants. You can feel his presence right beside you and the silence is louder than words. 
He shouldn’t have brought you back here. It’s only your first day and you’ve already seen too much of his life. 
“Let’s go,” Anakin orders. You nod without a word and follow him out to the car. 
The tension in the air is palpable on your way to St. Lucas Prep. You feel like you’ve done something wrong by simply stepping foot in Anakin’s house. His whole demeanor shifted when he came back to the front room with Luke’s pants. Does he regret bringing you to the house? If so, why? Dorothy clearly laid out your responsibilities to you. Tending to personal matters at Anakin’s house is part of the job. You are not just a professional assistant, but a personal assistant, too.
You can’t stand not knowing why someone is upset with you. “Did I do something wrong?” 
Anakin’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. “No.” 
Wow, how reassuring. “Okay, then why do I feel like I did something to upset you?” 
You’re really pressing your limit with him right now. You’ve only just met 2 hours ago. See, this is why meeting him should’ve been part of the hiring process. You’d be a lot more acquainted with each other than you are right now. 
If only you knew how acquainted Anakin is with you… 
“You didn’t,” is all he says. But with a twitch of his jaw, you still feel like he’s not telling you the truth. 
“Look, Mr. Skywalker,” you begin. “I understand Dorothy meant a great deal to you, and her leaving is going to be an adjustment. But I promise you I am capable of this job. I’m never late, I’m up late all the time so if there was anything you needed, I’d be able to fulfill it. I love kids, I’m a hard worker and I would really appreciate it if you gave me a chance before making any decisions about me.” 
“You’re right,” Anakin says. “I’ll give you a chance.”  But he’s already made up his mind. He doesn’t have to ‘give you a chance’ to know that he wants you. He is crawling out of his skin with how badly he wants you. And he knows it’s wrong, probably immoral, but he really doesn’t care. Because now that you’ve been inside of his home, the boundary that should exist between him as your boss and you as his employee feels impossibly blurry.
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◂ series masterlist ▸ chapter three
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mrkeatingsblazer · 1 month
The Prophecy [Oh, Was It Punishment?] Part One
Apollo x Child of Hermes! Reader
Part one Part Two
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“No man of mortal blood could ever love you.”
It rings in your ears; the words of Eros haunting you till this day. It was no major exposure like that of Nico’s, who was forced to come out to both Jason and you to appease the love God, but still; you felt as though the ugly truth of your soul was revealed to the two boys and you recall that you never liked surprises. Even though the sentence rushes and pillages through your mind like a crazed wave, you’re strangely enough soothed by it. To know that every worry and concern of your ability to be loved was not from any fault of your own but rather the weaving of the fates comforts you to the point of sighing in relief. It’s not you but what was forced of you, a true demi-god faith if you do say so yourself.
You have never been a stranger to a prophecy, being a big aid to Percy during the war against Kronos and your half-brother, Luke, and being a member of The Eight, destined to defeat Mother Earth herself, Gaia. As much as you despise prophecies you can’t help understand the glory of the previous ones you’ve been a part of. Sure, a couple friends and families die but at least you get the title of Hero of Olympus, am I right? This prophecy [is it even a prophecy or just a God's way of giving a diss] is just downright depressing. Almost as depressing as when your Godly parent was revealed.
At 15 years old, after defeating Atlas and rescuing both Lady Artemis and Annabeth, you stood as an unclaimed child watching as the Gods debated if you should all just be killed. It was only when Artemis was asking you, along with Thalia and Annabeth, to join her hunt did anyone question parentage.
“And you [name], who has not been claimed by God or Goddess alike, allow me to claim you as my own and join as a member of my hunt,” Artemis spoke with such kindness, almost reminiscent of a mother. You shook your head at that thought; she was definitely more like a big sister. Before you could even begin to respond to the Goddess, Zeus raised his hand into the air.
“The child's parent should be given the chance to claim her,” he declared with an air of authority, “before any decisions are made.”
“She is 15 solstices of age, has that not been enough time for the child's parent to claim,” Artemis rebukes with narrowed eyes only to be met with the same expression from her father.
“You first take my daughter, whom I allowed to be given,“ you heard Thalia scoff from beside you, “and now you fight against my order, purposely trying to disobey me in public.” His voice comes out icy and dangerous.
“father -” Apollo nervously begins from the throne beside his sister.
“Quiet Apollon!” Zeus demands. “If any one here owns the child speak now.”
The zoom grows silent, you watch as the Gods’ and Goddess’, interested or not, scanned the zoom waiting for someone to pipe in. Tears built up in your eyes and a lump began to form in your throat, you didn’t even have time to process or even blush when Percy slid his hand into yours, giving it a comforting squeeze.
Your eyes landed on Apollo, to his concerned frown and his perfectly furrowed eyebrow. You recall meeting him barely weeks before now, finding him alluring and bubbly as he chatted with you during the ride on his Sun Chariot. When we got to camp, you remember him engaging with his children in envy. He swung them around and messed with their hair, conversing with them with questions about their hobbies while also never failing to make them all laugh and feel included. You always kind of hoped he was your father ever since you found out you were a demi-god. You sloppily used a bow for a month straight before giving it up; everyone knew Apollo always claimed his kids a month into them being at camp. That didn’t stop you from hoping, from writing poetry and sending offerings to him every meal. Even now you hope he says something, eagerly looking at him like a moth to a light.
“She’s one of mine.” Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice, to Hermes who looked as though claiming you was the last thing he wanted to do that day. It made sense, really, and made you feel stupid for not realizing sooner. Grover always said you were a built in lie detector and you ran faster then anyone in camp, probably anyone in the world. You look up hopefully above your head to nothing; he didn’t even use his sign.
“So,” Artemis said, bringing back the attention to herself, “knowing now the God who conceived you, do you accept my offer to join my hunt?”
All eyes were on you, the deities’ large and looming forms leaned closer as if to hear your answer better even though they had perfect hearing. You once again looked, from Lady Artemis, to Lord Zeus, Lord Apollo and back to your father, Hermes. You caught a hint of interest in his deep brown eyes and sadly, that was all you needed.
“I appreciate your offer, my Lady, but I must decline.” you hear sighs from your friends beside you. Percy once again squeezed your hand, sending you one of his charming smiles that made your stomach weak. Hermes seemed quite happy with himself at your decision, as if he wasn’t forced to claim you moments prior, while Lady Artemis gracefully nodded in acceptance and that was it. There was no pulling you aside to talk with your father or even a look as far as you were aware. He partied into the night during the biggest moment of your life.
That memory fades from your mind, the lavish party of Olympus merging into the end of war celebration at Camp Half-Blood. Just like the former, you had no energy to join in with the festivities. With Leo dead there didn’t seem like there was much point to, the rest of The Eight agreed. From across the haggard bench you sat on, you watched as the sun set down upon the camp. It was poetically finite but still you had a stabbing feeling that this wasn’t finished, you weren’t finished.
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shinestarhwaa · 2 months
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Husband!San x Fem!reader
Word Count: 0.6K
Tags/Warnings: Married Couple AU, San & reader have a daughter, fluffiest fluff ever, pregnancy announcement, I cannot think of any warnings
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno
''Babe, she won't eat the salad I made,'' San pouted. You looked at your daughter and laughed at the sulky faces both she and your husband made. ''San, honey, she's two. Most two year olds do not eat salad.'' ''But she has to try it! I made it with love,'' San sulked. ''Nabi knows what she wants and what she doesn't want is eating your salad. Instead she wants to eat mommy's sandwiches, right sweetie?''
Nabi happily took one of the small sandwiches in her hand and ate it as she continued to play with her dolls. San sighed and leaned back, letting the early spring sunrays hit his skin. You admired him for a second, drowning in his immaculate beauty.
You were so lucky to have him, you thought. He was always so kind and gentle with you, making sure you were okay and he was so funny. San won over your heart in no-time and now a few years later here you were: sitting on a blanket in a beautiful meadow in April.
''I brought a drink, to celebrate our anniversary,'' San smiled, reaching for the little champagne bottle in his bag. You bit your lip to hold back a giggle but he noticed. ''What is it?'' San asked. ''Well I can't drink that...''
''Oh, honey I know champagne is not your favourite but this one is really good actually, it's from France and it's very sweet and bubbly and you definitely need to try it becau-''
''Sannie, I'm pregnant.''
He gasped and paused, looking into your eyes to detect some kind of prank-situation, but it was true. You smiled widely as you placed your hand on your stomach. Nabi showed no reaction - probably not knowing what it even meant to be pregnant - but San's eyes were filled with tears of joy.
''You are pregnant? Really?'' he asked, unsure. ''I am, sweetie. Five weeks actually,'' you explained, holding his hand. ''Oh wow, darling this is... Incredible. We're having another baby? Baby number two?'' You laughed and nodded, ''Baby number two!''
San started laughing and he hugged you tight. ''You're pregnant!'' ''Mommy pregit?'' ''Pregnant, honey,'' San repeated, ''You know what that means?'' Your daughter shook her head no. ''This means you're getting a sibling... A little brother or a little sister... In 8 months mommy and daddy are having another baby,'' San explained.
''Sibling?'' Nabi said, eyes widening. A smile played on her small pink lips and she let out a giggle. ''Yes honey, you'll have a little brother or sister to play with, how's that?'' you asked, taking her in your lap. ''Fun!'' she exclaimed, giving you a hug.
You kissed her head and held her, remembering what it was like when Nabi was born. She was born a few weeks early and you were very worried about it, but San assured you that she would be fine because he was born early too and the Choi family only has fighters, so she'd be a fighter too. San didn't lie because Nabi was a true fighter, growing up well.
Immediately you knew that San and Nabi were very much alike. She gets sulky if things go wrong, she laughs a lot with her uncles and she's very determined. You knew that she'd be in good hands with San as a father but you had no idea how incredibly devoted he'd be. Even if it came to playing with her he'd go all the way; joining her teaparty Thursday's and playing with her dolls. It was so endearing you thought you'd burst.
For a while you just laid in his arms, Nabi happily playing in your lap. The nice spring breeze was calming and so relaxing. ''I can't believe it,'' San said after a while of cuddling, ''We'll have two babies to love... How lucky are we?'' ''The luckiest people on earth, darling.''
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babygirl-riley · 7 months
Hiiiiii sorry to bother- but i'm OBESSED with dad!Simon. have you seen those tiktoks of dad's crying while their baby girls get ear piercings? They look more in pain than the kid themselves?? I'd like to ask for a short drabble please!! ❤️❤️😩
Silent Treatment
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Simon and your baby girl are shunning you after getting her ears pierced
A/N: ANON ANOOOON! Those tik toks make me laugh because it’s like damnnn those dads wanna fight mom soooo bad. 😭 But yes yes I love this idea!
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
You felt bad truly, you stood in the door frame as Simon didn’t look at you. Same with your infant daughter. “Si, we talked about it.”
Simon shook his head. “Doesn’ matter, she was in pain. Almost took the bitch’s head off,” Your daughter clanged to her father as she sighed into his shoulder. “We are not happy about it, aren’ we princess.” Simon said whispering to Millie.
You chuckled low before sighing. “Simon she is fine now. She isn’t even crying.”
“Her ears say oth’r wise.” He commented looking at her subsiding red ears.
You smirked as you saw Simon smirk, he was milking it now. You glared at him still smirking as you fold your arms. “You can’t gate-keep her forever you know.”
Simon’s smile grew bigger as he looked at Millie than you. “You try to take her for me and see who’s gate keepin’ who.”
You roll your eyes, chuckling. He was right, she was the one clinging onto him without any hesitation. When you tried to get her out of her car seat she screamed for her daddy. You really pissed her off, you knew she was daddy’s girl but never has she refused you getting her out.
Millie looked over her shoulder and her head was still laying on his shoulder. Her brown eyes looking right through your soul. You could feel the anger on the toddler. God how much both Millie and Simon were alike, even in her toddler years. That look that she was baring into your soul was the same look that her father gave the lady that pierced her ears.
“Okay dad you can go on the other side so I can just snap one on,” The lady said pulling out the piecing gun. Your mom did it to you when you were younger, easier to do it when they won’t remember it. Raise your daughter to have a routine of having earrings. Millie looked up at you as you sat her on your lap. She was confused, first having a stranger holding her ear and mom letting the stranger holding her ear. The lady smiled up at you. “You ready?”
Simon looked over at her. “It won’t hurt her too bad yeah?” You swore he was more nervous than how Millie looking on your lap.
You smiled holding her closer. “She will cry Simon but it shouldn’t hurt too much. It will feel like a pinch.”
Oh how wrong you were, once the piercing went in she screamed. Simon snapped his head up to the lady before giving her a death stare, as he moved over to the side to see her ear red. Millie kicked and tried to pull you off of her. You watched as Simon’s hands clenched into fists. “One more! I know baby.” The lady said walking over to the other side cautiously.
You saw Simon watch carefully as the lady lined up the piercing. You swore you saw fire in his eyes but also pain. You haven’t seen Simon express that emotion in years, it made your heart hurt to see him in pain as well. Millie started to lift herself as she reached for Simon. Simon tapped his foot waiting for the session to just end.
You tried to grab her hand to soothe her but instead she batted away. She tried to reach for Simon once again as you held her still. You looked over to see tears in his eyes, which made your heart drop. “Simon,” You soothed. “She is okay.”
Simon snapped his head to you. “She doesn’ look okay to me.” You frowned as he looked back to Millie as you petting her head until the lady got her gun in place of her earlobe.
After the last snap, Millie screamed again, having her arms raised to Simon. It was like flash of lightning when Simon was right in front of you. Simon grabbed her immediately, bounced her up and down. Shushing her, soothing her, rubbing her back.
Simon left the store immediately, leaving you in the dust. You sighed as you handed the money to the lady. “Don’t worry all husbands do that with their babies. The good ones at that.” The lady whispered to you. “Some of them actually shed tears.”
You smiled and thanked her, however she was wrong about him not shedding a tear. You knew why he stormed out with her, you saw the single tear leaving his eye when he snatched her.
You paid the lady and thanked her as you watched Simon hold Millie closer. Both of them gave you the silent treatment, like you did the piercing. You rolled your eyes as you tried to hold Millie but she refused you as she clanged onto Simon all the way to the car.
After getting out of the car he went straight to her room as he rocked her. Holding her. Soothing her. You followed him into the doorway, as you listened to him mumble sweet things to her. It wasn’t until then he started to speak to you.
“I’m not mad at ya,” He said sighing. “Didn’ like my babygirl cryin’ like that.” His voice lowered even more as he rubbed her back on soothing motions. Holding her even closer than he already had her before.
You nodded. “I know you don’t. I am sorry you felt that way. My heart hurt too, I didn’t expect her to scream cry,” You fell silent as you watched Millie turn to cuddle more close to his neck. Gripping his shirt. You chuckled having Simon start to smile looking at you. “I think you scared the lady as well.”
Simon scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Good she hurt Mills, should have just stared at her the whole time to have her stop.”
You chuckled coming in more, Millie watched as you walked up to her and Simon. “Then she would only have one earring.”
Simon followed with his eyes as you stood in front of him. His eyes softening as he chuckled. “That’s the new thing isn’t it?”
Now it was your time to roll your eyes as you giggled. “I’m sorry baby,” You whispered kneeling down, rubbing the top of her ear. “Think you will be the only one to have pierced ears if we get you a sibling.”
She cooed as you leaned up to kiss her forehead. She laid back into his chest. It was quiet for a moment before you stood up. “Damn right.” Simon mumbled, smirking down at you.
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dragon-watcher03 · 8 months
If you can. May I asked for another MK1 x MILF Reader intro dialogues with daughter as well with Mileena,Liu Kang and Tanya if you can 🫶🏽 Love your work
Oof, idk if I'll do Mileena and Tanya very well, but I'll try for you anon <3
Mk1 x Milf! Reader pt2
Ft. Mileena, Liu Kang, Tanya
Note: Idk if you're asking for flirty into or not, so imma do flirty just in case.
Mileena: As an empress, I could use a consort. Y/n: Oh? Is that an offer, your majesty?
Mileena: D/n is certainly an interesting being... Y/n: Interesting is a bit of an understatement.
Mileena: I now understand why Liu Kang made you so perfect. Y/n: laughs Flattery? Really?
Y/n: It's a shame you have no lips for me to kiss. Mileena: That won't stop me, darling.
Y/n: So, you and Tanya had a thing for each other? Mileena: Yes, but now I want you as my queen instead.
Y/n: You seem to forget that the Tarkatan doesn't affect my kind. Mileena: That I am glad about, so nothing will get in my way of having you.
Liu Kang: Do you feel the same about me as prior timelines? Y/n: If by that you mean completely lovesick for you, then yes.
Liu Kang: D/n has been making exceptional progress in training. Y/n: With you as her mentor, I'm not surprised.
Liu Kang: Not even me in prior timelines can resist your beauty. Y/n: giggles How sweet, you really are smitten for me.
Y/n: So... You plan on making yourself D/n's father yet? Liu Kang: I'm working on it, Y/n. I must make sure everything is perfect first.
Y/n: You're like, really pretty. Just reminding you. Liu Kang: I don't think I'll ever get used to your advances, Y/n.
Y/n: Up for another spar, pretty boy? Liu Kang: I-uh... sigh Look what you do to me, Y/n.
Tanya: You would make an excellent Umgadi. Y/n: I would be honored, Tanya.
Tanya: Both you and D/n are very alike. Y/n: Like mother, like daughter.
Tanya: How is a woman such as yourself single? Y/n: What? Are you trying to change that?
Y/n: I see you and D/n have been training together. Tanya: Indeed, and she's proven quite a formidable opponent.
Y/n: D/n told me she's down to have 2 moms. Tanya: Then we'll make that happen after this.
Y/n: You got some nice legs, little Phoenix. Tanya: They'll be wrapped around your head once we're done.
D/n: Boy am I glad our kind can't get Tarkatan. Mileena: I agree, I'd hate to see you and Y/n get infected because of me
D/n: So like, you wanna get something to eat after this? Mileena: It will be my treat, D/n.
Mileena: Have I earned the title of "mother" yet? D/n: Honor me with Kombat, and you will.
D/n: So is this another training session? Liu Kang: Y/n asked me to test how well I've trained you.
D/n: Say, why didn't you make me one of your champions for the tournament? Liu Kang: Because I didn't want to risk losing you, D/n... And Y/n would've killed me.
D/n: You're one of the only people I know who fights with a weapon. Tanya: I can teach you to wield one if you wish.
D/n: Imagine people's faces when I say I have 2 moms. Tanya: You always find the small things amusing.
Tanya: You and Y/n would make excellent Umgadi warriors. D/n: Woah, really?
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halsteadlover · 10 months
Night Struggles
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: your daughter has to sleep in her bassinet but Jay isn’t on the same page.
• Warnings: none.
• Word count: 785.
• A/N: so I had this in the draft for a while and decided to post it since I was craving some dad!Jay. I got this idea from a tiktok so here it is lol. I hope you’ll like it, let me know what you think and comment, like and reblog if you want ❤️ Thank you so much for your constant support, love you all xx
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“Babe! Where's Isabel?”.
You walked into your bedroom while your husband was lying in bed, pretending to be focused on his cell phone and not hearing you.
You stood in front of him, hands on hips and eyebrow raised as you waited for him to look at you.
“Huh? What did you say darling?” he asked dumbly, finally looking at you and flashing you one of the most charmed smiles he was capable of.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “You heard me, don't play dumb Halstead.”
“I don't know what you're talking about babe, Isabel should be in her bassinet,” he feigned a hint of concern. You pulled back the blanket that was partially covering his chest, revealing your little girl in his arms who wouldn't stop waving her little arms and giggling as soon as she saw you.
“Jay! She should sleep in her crib!” you scolded him and pointing your finger at him as you tried to hold back a smile at the sight of that wonderful scene. She was lying on his bare chest, her little head resting on his shoulder as he stroked her back.
“No she doesn’t!” he exclaimed with an almost offended expression as his arms spontaneously squeezed his baby, as if he was afraid you might take her away from him. “She wants to sleep here with her dada, don't you princess?” he asked her, however aware she wouldn’t be able to answer him. He lifted her into the air as she kept waving her arms and legs, giggling and screaming as she watched her father. “Oh yes she does. You always want to be with your dad, right? You're still too little to be alone. You’ll sleep with mama and dada.”
You chuckled as you let out a frustrated sigh, knowing he'd never give in. “But she has to start sleeping in her bassinet baby, or she’ll get too used being with us.”
“She has to sleep with us, she told me that and I can’t say no to this little pretty face. No, I can’t,” he replied using his baby voice, but always keeping his eyes on his daughter who was drooling as she had his little fingers in her mouth and babbled with her little voice. He pulled her closer to her and left kisses on her cheeks. “She won't go anywhere without me and she’ll sleep here tonight, from tomorrow she’ll stay in her bassinet I promise.”
You knew this would never happen but you didn't respond, instead sitting on the edge of the bed as you continued to watch Jay's love for his little girl with a huge smile on your face.
There was no doubt he was madly in love with her, from the moment she let out her first breath as a newborn. You had never seen him like that, so happy. Of course, he had always been sweet with you, so thoughtful, attentive in everything he did and everything that concerned you, but the way he looked at Isabel, God, that little girl had him wrapped around her little finger.
Jay would’ve never believed how such a tiny creature could turn his world upside down like that and yet there he was, his heart bursting with joy as he hugged his little girl.
“Come on baby, how can you say no to this face?” he asked, placing his face next to Isabel's and turning to you. You alternated your gaze between one and the other and still almost couldn't believe how much they looked alike. There would’ve been no need for a paternity test, you had birthed Jay's twin.
You sighed, unable to pretending being mad any longer. It really was impossible, not when the loves of your life looked at you like this. “I hate you Halstead,” you muttered.
He laughed and opened his free arm, as an invitation to join them. “Come here my love.”
You didn't make him repeat it twice and you lay down next to him, leaving a kiss on his lips and on Isabel's forehead who extended her little arms towards you, eager to be held by her mother.
“I love you two so damn much baby,” he whispered in your ear as he kissed your cheek, his hand caressing Isabel’s little head.
This was all you wanted, all you wished for. Your beautiful little family and, God, you couldn't be happier. You had a wonderful husband who loved you and his little girl with all his being, and a wonderful daughter, full of joy and life, and even though it was difficult sometimes and there were moments where you thought you couldn't do it, you wouldn't have it any another way.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @mrspeacem1nusone, @halstead-severide-fan, @allivzs
Jay Halstead tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @ixna-mikaelsn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippi3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutlOver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @baby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher, @itserickalove, @23victoria, @slytherlight, @goingwiththewind, @notanordinaryprincess95, @mel0809, @cadyfanninger, @acewritesfics, @iloveest, @instantpizzacat, @wickedlovely121, @hart-kinsella
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scarisd3ad · 3 months
You’re too sweet for me
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Pairing - dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
Warnings - age gap (readers in early/mid 20’s and Joel’s at least in his late 30’s/early 40’s), cursing, angst
A/N - can’t get hoziers new song out my head, and can’t get the fact that it’s so Joel miller coded out my head either.
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I'm standing in Joel Miller's living room, arms crossed over my chest, eyes watering, wishing I could just disappear. It's 2 pm on a Tuesday, which means my father and his daughter, the two people we didn't want to know about our relationship, are working. "Y/N, you're too young for me," he says, standing about 4 feet away from me. I wasn't too young for him when he was balls deep inside of me two days ago, so why all of a sudden was I too young?
"Why now?" I ask, his brows furrow as he asks, "Huh?" I roll my eyes. "Why now?! Did someone find out?" he sighs, arms resting on his hips as he says, "Tommy, he found out. he's threatenin' to tell your daddy unless we break this off," he says, gesturing to the both of us. Tommy Miller is again the world's biggest snitch. "can't we just lie?" I ask, blinking back tears as Joel takes a few steps towards me.
His hands rest against my upper arms, both thumbs caressing the supple flesh beneath my cotton tee shirt. "You should find someone your own age. Someone you can actually have a future with." My eyes fill with tears once again as I plead, "Please. I want a future with you."
He shakes his head. "We can't, y'know that." Joel was obviously older, in his late 30s, and me in my 20s. I was closer in age to his daughter than him, but that didn't mean we couldn't be together. "Please, Joel," I say, hands grasping at his arms. "Honey, we aren't anything alike; tell me, did you think this was ever going to be anything other than sex?" and just like that, my heart breaks in two. Tears flood my eyes and stream down my face.
Maybe he knew something I didn't; with all the years he had on me, maybe he learned something in one of those I hadn't yet. Perhaps he could see into the future and wanted to save me from himself, but I still can't take it without shedding a few tears. "I love you, Joel," I admit through tears. His mouth is left a gap as he stares down at me, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can almost hear his brain tick, tick, ticking as he thought. "Baby…" he shakes his head, "you don't love me. Kid, you don't know what love is,"
I feel more angry than sad. "Don't call me kid," I mutter as I pull myself out of his arms. How could he say I was incapable of loving someone yet loving him yet. I didn't need to live a million years to know I love him. "c'mon, you're just too sweet for me. We're too different." I was the sunshine, the light of everyone's day, and he was the rain clouds rolling in to ruin everyone's day. I quickly wipe my eyes before turning around to walk out of his house. "don't come crawling back," I mutter to myself as he shouts, "You know we can't be together without ruining both of our families."
The egotistical part of me wants to say I'm the best thing he'll ever have, but I know that's not true. I know there's going to be some age-appropriate woman who comes and sweeps him and his whole family off his feet. A girl who will single-handedly make him forget all about me. A woman, my dad, will talk about how 'good she is for him' and how 'this is it for him, I know it.' a woman I will try to force myself to hate, but I'll never be able to. She'll be the best thing he'll ever have, and I'll just be a fuzzy memory in the back of his head.
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thehusbandoden · 11 months
Like Father Like Daughter -Dad!Hawks x Mom!Reader
Fluff upon fluff | 540 words | your daughter's name is Keiko (kay-ko)
Summary: you come home from a hospital visit to your very clingy husband and daughter.
Warning!: Use of Hawks' name
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"Shhhh we can't let mommy see yet!"
"But daddy~!"
"Shhh baby bird- mommy's going to be home any minute-"
"What's this I hear?" You ask, stepping into your living room.
"MOMMY!" Two voices yelled, followed by two pairs of footsteps loudly coming your way.
"You're home~!" Keiko squealed, throwing herself onto you in a bear hug.
"Hey baby~!" You coo, wrapping your arms around your darling litte bird as you kicked the front door shut.
"Where's my affection?" Keigo pouted, causing you to roll your eyes adoringly as you openend your arms for Hawks to sneak into, landing right next to Keiko.
"You were gone for so~ long!" Keiko whined, attacking your face with kisses as she semi-aggresively shoved her dad out of the way.
"Baby- I was only gone for an hour or so." You chuckle, kissing her forehead sweetly.
"Exactly~!" Both of your babies whined, causing to roll your eyes once again.
"You two are so alike, did you know that Keigo?" You tease, kissing his' forehead as you made your way into the living room, curious to see what they were hiding.
"Wait! You did not get permission to go in there yet!" Keiko huffed, jumping out of your arms to block your way.
"I- need permission?" You ask, smiling as Hawks took the opportunity to leep back into your arms.
"Yes." Keiko replied, pausing to glare at her dad.
"Oh- then may I please go into my living room?" You ask politely, petting Keigo's head as he rubbed against you, fairly similairly to a cat.
"Yes, yes you may mommy. But only if you say that you're mine."
"Yes, hunny. Mommy is yours."
Keiko just grinned wickedly before turning back to the living room, skipping into the spacious room with a gigantic grin stuck on her face.
Walking in, you smiled as you layed eyes on a perfectly set up family movie night. The couch was covered in pillows and blankets, the coffee table was stacked with snacks, and the tv already had your family's favorite movie on pause.
"Oh- guys you're so sweet! But what's the occasion?"
"Well~ mommy it's the weekend! Which means that I can stay up late, right? And daddy says you haven't been feeling very good, so we thought that some cuddles and movies can help!"
"Oh- you two are so sweet." You coo, smiling up at Keigo who moved to ruffle your (as in both of yours) daughter's hair.
"Oh- speaking of~. What did the doctor say?" Keigo asked, warm, honey eyes now focussed on your -in his words- perfectly goregous face.
"There's nothing wrong with me, but~ I do have something to tell you."
"Oh oh! What is it!" Keiko asked, jumping up and down.
"After Keiko's in bed." You smile, playfully sticking your tounge out as Keiko pouted.
"Is it anything serious?" Hawks asked, a hint of concern laced in his tone.
"No no, nothing like that."
You continued to smile as your little family of three got situated for movie night, causing your heart to swell up with joy.
As you thought about your mini family, you sighed contently as you remembered; you were soon to be four.
Like this: Snuggles and Fried Chicken
Requests, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!!
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There is no judgment here, so please don't be shy <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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yourfatherlucifer · 7 months
Stay With Me (CS)
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Prince!San x Princess!Reader
Summary: You were the king's trophy, a mere prize from the neighboring kingdom as a peace treaty. The king didn't care about you. Only wanted to flaunt that he owned the most beautiful princess, but his son fell in love you, and he wants to run away with you.
Warnings: Slapping, I think that's it.
Genre: Fluff
AU: Royal/Joseon
WC: 1.1k
Taglist: @yunho-mp3 @senpai-of-doom @kwanisms @yoonguurt @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungqueen @mjyungi @frobin4ever @megseungmin @rockstarsanie @sanspuppet @asherthehimbo @aquariose @hyukaslvr @marirose25
Nets: @cromernet @pirateeznet @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @kflixnet @wonderlandnet
Four Years Ago
“You have no choice in this matter, Y/N! You will go to him and you will stay there. We have no need for you, the people don’t want a queen. They want a king to rule them. Your brother is our heir.” Your mother scoffed and looked down at you in a disgusted manner. 
“He’s only eight! So if you or father suddenly dies, then what? The people are left with a child for a ruler. That’s what you want? You’d just throw away your daughter just to have peace between the kingdoms?” 
Your mother’s palm slapped across your face, “You will NOT speak to me that way! I am still your mother, you brat.” 
“Not anymore. No mother gives away their child just for a peace treaty.” You spat in her face, picking up your hanbok’s end to walk away. 
The Present
The King’s eyes bore into you, “Maybe I should’ve made you a concubine.” His disgusting smirk plastered his face, you turned your nose up to him, how dare he? You are of royal descent, you are a princess! Not some object for this man. 
You turned your head and rolled your eyes, could this man get anymore revolting? You met the eyes of his son on the other side of the throne, his beautiful cat-like eyes. He was gorgeous and was nothing like his father in any way. Choi San, the most dreamy prince around. Women and girls fawned alike, but he only had eyes for you. Afterall, he was in love with you.
The king soon became surrounded by his actual concubines and dismissed his son and you, both away, saying he wanted to be alone. 
You made your way back to your private chambers, glad you weren’t forced to share with the vile king. San ran after you, his hand grabbing your wrist, “Y/N, wait!” 
You turned to face him, an eyebrow raised, “Yes, Prince San?” 
He smiled and pulled you into a hidden section of the palace, “I wanted to see your cute face,” you smiled back at him and placed your hand on his chest, “and to say I’m sorry about my father, please remember to ignore him. I wanna take you away from here so bad.”
“San, you can’t just leave your duties, you’re the crown prince after all. And eventually, he’s gonna have you married. You know it won’t be me.” You sigh and release him, leaning your back on the stone wall, “I’m surprised I still have my status and not living in the dungeon yet.” 
San smacked your shoulder, “Don’t say such things! You know I hate that, besides, he’s old as hell, if he dies before he can engage me. Then I’ll have you. I’ll get rid of all those concubines as I will never need them.” 
His sweet words ached your heart, he was such a dreamer. You both knew his father wasn’t gonna die anytime soon, the man seemed immortal, his wife passed during San’s birth, which made him surround himself with women, forcing you to be by his side. You are his most beautiful piece, but he won’t touch you. Even said himself, you are just a prize for him, other than that, he has no means for you. He would still inappropriately touch you, but other than that, he usually ignored you. 
Just why did he keep you around? To show you off? To say he owns the most beautiful princess ever? The most sought for woman? To keep you so no one else can have you? So you die alone? But you were loved, loved by his son. It’s not like you’re his step mom or anything, just someone trapped in his kingdom. 
Tears escaped your eyes, “You know that's not true, San. Your day to get engaged will come soon, I’m sure of it. Then I will go back to being alone.”
San pulled you to his chest, “No, I will not allow it, you’re mine, and I want you to stay with me.” A few tears fell down his face, “I want only you.”
You nodded and held his cheeks in your hands, “I know, I know, but we can’t.”
When you finally push him away and leave him behind, tears flood his cheeks. 
You sat on your bed, face in your hands, his father banished you to your chambers as he didn’t wanna see you around the palace at all. He was already tired of seeing your face, hopefully, you thought. If that was true, maybe he’d finally let you leave, or something else you dared not to think of. 
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts, “Princess Y/N? Crown Prince San would like to speak to you.” You dismiss your maiden and allow San in. 
He quickly ran over to you once the door shut behind him. He tackled you to the bed, giggling, “Hi, Y/N, I missed you.”
You looked up at him before smacking his back, “San! You need to be careful! One of these days you’re gonna get caught.” 
He giggled again and squished your cheeks in his hands, “What’s he gonna do? Nothing, I’m his only son and heir, and he can’t knock up his concubines.” 
You gagged, “Don’t even talk about him.” 
San sat up and pulled you to his chest, “Okay, okay. So, Y/N, I was thinking.” 
You raise your brow at him, when he’s thinking it's never good. 
“What is it?”
“Let’s run away together.”
San halted your protests with his lips on yours, molding them in a warm and intimate kiss, “You don’t have a choice, we’re leaving, I’m abandoning my title. I want to be with you forever, I don’t care about being King if I can’t have you by my side.” 
“I already had one of my servants prepare everything we need to leave with, I have the gold and some clothes for us. We will head five villages over, he will never look for us, trust me, my princess.” 
San hikes you up and carries you out of the room, running towards the back of the palace, carefully dodging staff. 
When he makes it to the carriage and nods away the servant, “Thank you, for everything, remember the story.” The servant smiles and bows. 
“Farewell Prince San and Princess Y/N, may you two live peacefully.”
And thus began your journey to freedom, the story ends with two lovers living happily in a remote village, in a nice farm house, no one aware of their former statuses, just a happy couple living together till the end of their days. The king never found either of you, he eventually died of old age and a magistrate took over the kingdom.
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tlou-reid · 2 months
spencer!dad with a teen daughter, theyre having an argument (bad grades, behaviour, sassy etc) but in the end she feels bad for her actions and apologises. fluffy/happy ending please <3
the only way to comfort your daughter most of the time was to remind her that spencer was a statistical anomaly.
there was such a small chance of him having such a big, beautiful brain, and it was completely unfair of her to hold herself to the same standards he held himself to. but, she did it anyways. and this caused a lot of tension in the house. especially since she started high school.
claire, your oldest child and only daughter, has been gifted. she was years ahead of her classmates, already taking calculus 1 instead of the algebra her friends were in. but being in these classes came with a lot of work on her part. and you did not mind helping her, but keeping up with the way schools change how they taught or trying to do the hard math she was doing wasn’t going too well.
so, spencer stepped in.
“you’re looking for the derivative here,” spencer spoke, frustrating clear in his voice. “that’s what i just said!” claire exasperated, throwing her arms up and tossing her pencil down the table. “you’re not listening to me!” you could hear the frustration and the hurt in her voice. you wished you could step in, but you knew you’d be no help.
“if you knew that, you shouldn’t have asked for help.” spencer rolled his eyes, growing equally as frustrated. “stop being rude, claire. i’m just trying to help you.” communication had never been spencer’s strong suit.
from your place in the kitchen, you could see the way spencer’s face was getting redder and redder, not liking the way his daughter was talking to him. “hey guys,” you called, quickly hustling around the kitchen to throw together a snack plate, “why don’t we take a break? i have a pre-dinner plate for you guys!” you did your best to cover up the real reason why you were interrupting them. hearing them go back and fourth broke your heart, you knew they didn’t want to argue with each other and it really did upset both of them.
“i gotta get done, mom.” claire deadpanned, once again rolling her eyes. “be kind to your mother.” spencer demanded. “dad!” she shouts, needing spencer to just be quiet.
“claire, go to the living room.” you pushed, shooing her away. they needed space from each other. they were too alike for their own good.
“you didn’t have to do that,” spencer sighs, accepting defeat. “yes, i did, spence. you gotta be nicer when she asks for help.” spencer nods, not really caring for your opinion.
claire had disappeared to her room, working on assignments for other classes. she doesn’t come out until you call everyone down for dinner. she asks her little brother, benny, to switch seats so she could sit next to spencer.
as you’re in the kitchen scooping everyone’s plate, you hear claire talking to her. “dad, i finished the homework.” she says, not elaborating. “yeah, how’d it go?” he smiles at her. the anger he was feeling washed away just as quickly as it came. “yeah, i had mixed up the different variables a few steps up. i had to resolve it like six times.” she explains. “great job, claire bear.” claire smiles.
claire was like her father, never one to apologize despite knowing she was wrong. neither of them would say the words “i’m sorry”, but the way they shared a bowl of chocolate ice cream for dessert was more meaningful anyways.
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
i keep thinking about like seo yul who has been hired to be a personal guard to the reader. and she's either like the daughter of a rly noble family or a princess just someone rly highly established in society who needs protection
and yul falls in love as soon as he sees her, he's literally so whipped he would do whatever she asked him. and once she realizes that he's not gonna tell her what to do like everyone else in her life, she starts to fall too. and like he helps her sneak out and they're just idiots in love <//3
training // calming balm
author's note. HI ZANNA CUTIE THANK J FOR THE YUL REQ LIKE I NEEDED RHAT IN MY LIFE!!! i hope u enjoy it bc personally i feel like it isnt the best thing i’ve written :(
summary. yul falls for you // soft moments w yul as your guard
word count. 3,6k
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“a bodyguard?” seo yul repeated in disbelief, eyes wide and directed at his uncle. his voice echoed in the wide room as the older man just nodded.
“the l/n family just moved here and they’re a well respected people. their daughter was raised not to cause any harm and live peacefully; therefore, in case of an attack she wouldn’t be able to protect herself” park jin explained calmly. yul just nodded “it’s not going to be a permanent occupation, only until the time they find a professional guard for their daughter”
“i understand” yul bowed gently.
“i’m glad. we’ll pay them a visit in a while, i’d want you to go with me” park jin announced. his nephew didn’t say anything, just nodded. the older watched him leave the room almost as quietly as a rustle of wind.
yul was smiling gently while talking to your parents, genuinely invested in why they moved here. the tea that was served was truly delightful and he couldn’t help himself but ask for more. when the discussion topic turned into a political one, the young mage looked around the garden. the gazebo they were seated in was cozy and prettily decorated, you could see the majority of the open space with one’s bare eye.
suddenly, yul saw a movement behind the peony bushes. he straighted his back and his hand rested on the grip of his sword.
eyes trained on the bush, he frowned upon hearing some voices.
out of the blue, someone fell from the bushes with a yelp. everyone looked that way, lady l/n letting out a huff.
“there she is… gods, this child will make me die because of an heart attack one day” she mumbled.
indeed, there was a young lady standing in front of the peony bush. she was dusting off the pink flower petals and leaves from her pastel purple hanbok. everyone could notice she was saying something to herself and seemingly, she didn’t realise she wasn’t alone.
“this is our daughter, y/n” your father sighed.
you looked up and suddenly saw the four people’s gazes on you. blood of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks, you approached them.
bowing gently you greeted the guests and a young man caught your attention. it seemed that you caught his too – he was staring at you in awe.
“greetings” you mumbled and refused to look at the unfamiliar people.
“where have you been– you know what? i done even wish to know. this is your new bodyguard, seo yul” your father pointed at the young man in light purple hanbok. you smiled upon realising it had the shade as yours. sending him a nod, he bowed.
his face was truly handsome and being honest, you were glad it was him and not the older man seated next to him.
“it is my pleasure to meet you. i promise, a single hair won’t fall off your head as long as i’ll be guarding you” he said softly. his ebony irises were glued to you, enchanted by your beauty. park jin just lifted the corner of his lips in a smirk, noticing how smittened his nephew is.
“and your name is…?” you asked, ignoring the look your mother sent your way.
“seo yul, lady l/n” the brown haired man replied, his feline-alike features causing you to study his face. then, your gaze fell upon his plum-shaded hanbok with tender, blueish sewings forming peonies. how ironic.
“i like your hanbok, seo yul” you smiled and bowed, then looked at your parents “i still need to unpack my baggage so if you’ll excuse me, i shall get going”
they just nodded and dived back in to the conversation whereas the young mage’s eyes followed you until you disappeared inside the house.
you were so pretty and graceful yet – unlike choyeon – you had a rebellious spark in your eye. something in you just intrigued seo yul and he didn’t even notice when he tried to drink from an empty porcelain cup.
the young mage arrived at your residence, the warm sun heating up his skin pleasantly. the fresh air was filled with the scent of flowers that blossomed in the garden, the birds’ singing beautifully filling in the silence.
someone from the servants led him to your chamber and knocked gently, looking at the new addition to the staff.
“lady y/n is very… childish. please, don’t be afraid to tell her no if she has an ridiculous idea or a foolish request” they said. yul frowned and suddenly the door opened, your maid looking the man up and down.
“you may come in” she said and yul stepped inside.
“who is it?” your voice rung in the room yet you weren’t nowhere in sight. only when your maid came to the folding screen and stepped behind it, he realised you’re there.
blush hit his cheeks and he shook his head.
“it’s seo yul, lad–” he started.
“we’re the same age, i assume. please, don’t use any of the honorific words and nicknames” you hummed and then said something to your maid “this ribbon, please”
yul looked around the room. he didn’t spend much time with noble women except choyeon, yet he thought it’s something known that women tend to be tidy. well…
maybe your room was somehow clean, it definitely had it’s own charm. history books on the floor, along with calligraphy supplies. horse-themed ornaments scattered on the wooden furniture, makeup tools next to a pretty mirror and… empty plates.
“can you show me around the city today, yul?”
his gaze snapped up and he felt his face get warm when he noticed you caught him staring. but there was no anger or disgust in your eyes, no. pure amusement and excitement.
“of course” he nodded, taking in the sight of you. today, you decided to wear a faint yellow hanbok. the sewings at the bottom of the dress were gold and formed a beautiful scenery: young deers, forest plants and wild birds. the rest of the clothing, including the frame of your sleeves, was white. there was a yellow ribbon in your braided hair.
“we shall go, then” you grinned and energetically stormed out of the room. he looked shocked at the maid. the older lady just sighed, dramatically wiping her forehead.
“good luck” she just mumbled and seo yul chased after you, with a love-struck smile.
“so? what are you going to show me? can we see the mage place?” you asked, not even turning around when you heard his footsteps approaching.
you knew he’d say no: you heard that only mages were allowed to enter the place and after all – sadly – you were no mage.
“sure, i’ll take you to jeongjinjak. but be aware that the mages might not be too pleased to see you there” he answered casually and just when he caught up with you, you halted your movements. yul realised he had to stop and turn around, blinking.
“really?” you asked in disbelief, lips forming into a huge smile.
“of course, why not?” seo yul returned your smile.
“i thought… ah, it doesn’t matter. we should go, then” you hummed happily.
yul already knew that he won’t be able to resist you.
“oh my, it’s beautiful here” you sighed when you entered jeongjinjak. the place was spacious and quiet, the air filled with a feeling of seriousness and a scent of old books “do you live here?”
yul nodded, his hand intertwined behind his back as you two strolled around the place carefully.
“my uncle is in charge of this place” yul added. passing by some young mages that were training, you sent them a sweet smile and bowed gently.
they all stared at you in awe, immediately losing focus and stumbling over their own feet. giggling at that, you failed to notice the disapproving look yul sent them.
“i always wanted to at least possess the power ryusu” you hummed sadly “but my parents were never willing to find me a teacher, even though they know some of the stages themselves. selfish, isn’t it?”
you turned to yul and his apologetic smile. there was a certain softness in his features, a look that was different to what you always stumble upon. most of the people assumed you’re a spoiled brat and treated you this way. but yul was the only one who didn’t: he was carefully listening and genuinely cared about what you said.
“i can teach you the basics, y/n” he offered and before you could burst out with happiness, he quickly added “but it must remain a secret between us”
“of course it will” you grinned and quickly went to hug him. you realized your actions and froze, feeling ashamed of your impulsiveness. seo yul noticed that and his heart ached with a strange feeling. were you taught to suppress your emotions? “thank you so much, yul”
“it will be my pleasure, la– y/n” he smiled, ebony irises glinting with happiness. you held eye contact for a mere moment longer before there was a sudden bang.
it was the mages in training who were just staring at you and didn’t notice that they tripped over the edge of the passage.
spending time with yul became a part of your routine. however, it wasn’t a negative thing. you loved his company; for the first time ever you felt like you had a friend. someone who truly cared for you.
a knock at your door caused you to smile. yul had a specific pattern of knocking – it sounded like a tender melody, rhythmic but pleasant to listen to.
“come in!” you hummed, finishing braiding your hair. your guard entered, bowing and scanning your figure (not so) secretly.
“good morning” he hummed, stepping in. you could read it on his face that he wanted to add something but halted from doing so. ‘you look stunning today’ was what lingered on his lips, albeit his shyness prevented him from wording it out.
“what should we do today?” you asked, tilting your head.
you adored seo yul – he always kept up with your ideas and temper. most of the maids were old and always too tired to even take a short walk. even though he wasn’t your maid – and certainly, he wasn’t old – he never had a problem with taking strolls around the city or showing you the neighbourhood . sometimes it included walking through hills, high grasses and small rivers. but he was always willing to do so.
“is there something particular you wish to do?” he asked, his tender voice calm as always.
“not really, no” you shook your head.
“then, we could go–”
he wasn’t meant to finish when your mother barged into the room. her face morphing into relief when she noticed you.
“you’re here, good. do not leave the house today, i heard there are some… civil commotions in the city. and it’s been dangerous lately” she said and her eyes met yul’s. he bowed “oh, you’re here. you can go home now. y/n’s not leaving the household today”
“but mother, i–” you started.
“no. it’s too dangerous” she cut you off and left, the maids closing the door behind her.
yul watched your features grow sad and his heart sank. you lost your excitement, eyes gradually fogging with a strange, bland emotion.
“it’s fine. i’m not in the mood anymore, you can go home” you mumbled, turning your face to the window.
“i’m not in the position to disobey your mother’s orders, however i’m your guard” yul offered and carefully studied your reaction “and not to brag or be overconfident, but you’re going to be safe under my watch”
there was a ghost of a smile dancing on your lips as you played with the hem of your hanbok.
“mhm… and what if my parents found out?” you hummed, cocking your eyebrow.
“i’d take the responsibility” yul said seriously. shaking your head, you stood up.
“no need, i was just teasing you. shall we go, then? where are we going, anyway?” you asked.
“to the market. i believe you haven’t seen it yet, y/n?” he asked with a tender smile.
“no, our maids do the duty of providing food…” you hesitated and stopped yul before he left. his eyes widened when he felt your hand on his chest “how are we going to leave? it’s the middle of the day, everyone will see us”
“just trust me, lady” he hummed and slid his hand to grab yours “may i?”
you nodded. yul’s gentle and smooth hand took in yours, as if scared that he’ll cause harm. blush spreading across your cheeks, you looked away and let him lead you.
seo yul was like a cat – his moves were sharp and calculated, paying attention to if someone is coming or not. in no time, you left through the back door and the garden. finding yourself in the middle of a busy street, you looked at him with wide eyes and a smile of gratitude.
“i’ll be using this route” you grinned and saw a flash of fear go through his face.
“no, don’t do that… you’ll get hurt or…” he started and you let out a gasp, drawing some passersby’s attention.
“what is that? that colorful thing? wait, yul, are those parrots?” you yelped in excitement and he couldn’t help but laugh sincerely. his features dropped when you ran off.
“wait a moment!” he giggled, adoring your excitement.
yul walked you through the market, explaing who’s selling what. the delicious smells and colors surrounded you, mouth agape as you took in all the amazing views. the young mage was stealing glances at you and how adorable you were while doing that.
“oh, the sweets!” he hummed and noticed you look that way curiously.
“can we get some?” you asked.
“of course” he grinned, hands interlocked behind his back. he followed you slowly while you already approached the seller. eyes meeting, you stood closer to him once yul arrived.
“what are we having? my treat!” you grinned “all of them look delicious…”
“my favourite are the pine pollen tea ones” he mumbled shyly, pointing at the greenish cookies.
“well then, we’ll have each one of everything” you hummed and noticed the seller’s eyes widen.
“ah, yul!”
you both turned around and saw a man with blonde hair approach you. while yul was distracted, you said something to the snack seller.
“what a beautiful lady… my name is park danggu” the blond man bowed dramatically as you stared him up and down.
“uh-uh. nice to meet you, i’m l/n y/n” you smiled and frowned, looking at yul. he just smiled.
“that’s a friend of mine” your guard explained and noticed all the snacks are already packed, waiting for you. suddenly, yul had a strange feeling ache in his heart: he did not want you to talk too much with danggu. “shall we go home?”
“oh, already?” you pouted, grabbing the bag. yul took it from you, fingers brushing against each other. blush spread on both of your cheeks. danggu smiled upon that.
“yeah, i’m busy either way. i will see you around, yul. don’t come home too late, though” danggu wiggled his brows and was off before yul could even say something.
“he’s silly” you snickered and poked his arm. yul seemed flustered.
on your way back you chatted all the time. you decided you won’t go anywhere once you’re home, so you dismissed yul to go back (only after thanking him for his company, of course).
once back at jeongjinjak, yul was surprised to see a package addressed for him.
it turned out you bought all the pine pollen tea snacks for him and had them delivered at his dorm.
the mage couldn’t help but melt and smile absentmindedly at the gesture.
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for a couple of days yul was dismissed from his duties: your parents gave him some spare time and you said you’re not in the mood to leave the house. it left him pondering if something is wrong and decided to ask you if everything is alright.
the time he spent without you made him realise something: life is bland when you’re not by his side. you’re so lively and energetic, yet so adorable at the same time. he missed you and had this tingling feeling in his heart whenever you weren’t around. yul was looking forward to the day he’ll meet you again.
after finally coming back to his duties, he went right away to your chamber. it was late and dark outside but a messenger called him, saying it was urgent. the mage thought something dangerous was happening.
“y/n?” yul asked, coming into the room. there was a couple of candles lighting up the room, shadows dancing on the walls.
“yul! let’s go out!” you whisper-yelled, grabbing his hands. a pleasant warmth spread through his body before he processed your words.
“what? i thought it was an emergency and you got hurt…” he mumbled.
“no, no. i’m fine. just bored to death… are there any horses…?” you asked hesitantly.
“h-horses?” he choked out, eyes widening. you shrugged nonchalantly.
“i feel like going on a horse ride”
you are insane.
“sure, we’ll find something” he scoffed, shaking his head. he shouldn’t be doing this; none of this, at all. he’s about to sneak out with a lady he was supposed to protect and do something that could potentially harm you. which, he was here to prevent in the first place.
but he couldn’t help it! he felt like you put a spell on him, he just wasn’t able to resist.
“we shall go then, my lady” he hummed. good thing the room was dimmed, otherwise he’d see how your face reddened with a shade of ruby-alike shade of the yin and yang jade.
yul held your hand gently and helped you leave through the window. erupting into quiet giggles when you almost stepped on his feet or when you passed the peony bush where he first saw you. under the cover of dark night sky, yul led you to a nearest stallion. he looked around, making sure no one saw you.
“y/n, do you even know how–” he turned around and gasped when he saw you already on the horse.
“can we go to the pretty fields? please…” you mumbled. yul nodded slowly and hopped on a horse too, leading the way.
“we should be back before sunrise…” he mumbled. there was a look of calmness in your face, almost unfamiliar.
wind in your hair, the sound of horse hooves pleasantly clacking against the ground underneath the starry sky caused your heart to soothe. the smell of fresh grass and yul’s silhouette beautifully framed by moonlight – it was a moment that you wanted to stay in forever.
arriving at the fields, you stopped next to a small stream. the water was rustling pleasantly, hypnotizing you. yul realized that you stopped following him and turned around, looking at you. something was troubling your mind, clearly.
even in the faint light you saw his eyes widen. cute.
“yes, y/n?” he asked, voice gentle.
“i think i… no. um, actually, no. i’ve been practising ryusu! can i show you?” you asked and he nodded, locking his hands between his back.
you put your body strength on your legs, focusing to keep your moves sharp and clean. chest moving up and down to keep your breathing regular and steady. just when you thought you got it–
“y/n, i think… my heart longs for you when you’re not present but then it acts as if it was possessed whether you hold my hand… i’d rather look at you than all of the stars or beautiful ornaments” yul said, his words carried by wind.
letting out a shaky breath, you looked at him. moonlight shining on his handsome face and somewhat scared eyes.
“why did i say that…” he mumbled.
you let out a melodic laugh and ran up to him, wrapping hands around his neck. yum was startled but held you gently.
“you fool” you mumbled, smiling against the fabric of his hanbok “my heart calls out for you too. i’ve been meaning to say that for while, that’s why i needed some time alone”
you leaned away and gently grabbed his face, cupping his cute cheeks.
“you’re the only one who understands me, yul-ah. i bask in your warmth and kindness, your spirit makes me feel alive– can… can i kiss you? i’m out of words” you asked. yup nodded shyly, unsure what to do with his hands.
placing your lips on his plump ones, he instinctively wrapped hus hands around your waist. pulling you closer and smiling softly into the kiss.
when you felt like you were running out of your breath, he pulled away.
“you need more training though…”
a frown formed on your face and he snickered.
“with ryusu?” you asked, unable to believe he just said that.
“no– well, yes. if you train your breathing, you’ll be able to kiss longer” a smirk danced on his lips “or the other way around. fortunately for you, i can help with such matter”
suddenly his eyes widened, the flirty behaviour disappeared in a blink of an eye.
“don’t tell your parents. or my uncle. we’re kind of… breaking the rules”
“i won’t” you smiled sweetly and tip-toed to smooch his cheek.
years spend alone without friends or love, barely with your parents caused your heart to ache in a mysterious and hurtful way. but now, with yul by your side, a soothing feeling washed over it as if someone put a calming balm. a balm called love.
masterlist <3
taglist. @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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radiaurapple · 1 month
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Lucid Dreams of New Orleans: Chapter 3
CHAPTER SUMMARY: IN WHICH Lucifer makes a choice he is likely to regret.
The last time Lucifer saw his father, he was granted a fragment of His divine power — a punishment in the guise of a blessing — that he might serve as steward of the wayward souls cast down into Hell. It is a cruel gift, designed to ensure that he will always be haunted by his mistakes; Lucifer has endured the past seven thousand years by avoiding its use at all costs. But in the aftermath of the fight with Adam, Alastor's worsening injury threatens the foundations of his daughter's dream. Lucifer does what any good father would do: he uses his long-forgotten power to deliver Alastor's soul from the brink of destruction. In turn, knowing Alastor — with all his sins, past lives, and heartbreaks — teaches Lucifer a little more about what it means to be human.
Hi! here's the latest chapter of my radioapple fic!! things are gettin crazy!! Im very excited about this chapter so I attempted a drawing to accompany it as well ❤️ As always next chapter will be posted in 1 week. 📻🍎
Chapter preview below!
Charlie is still a little girl on the night of the first extermination. When the screaming starts, Lucifer is in her room, curled around her tiny body, his wings a cocoon around them –– he sings softly in her ear, even as she cries and bangs her tiny fists against his chest. 
“Daddy,” she sobs. “Help them –– please!”
I can’t, he doesn’t say. She hasn’t learned, yet, that there are no correct moves in this game –– that he is a pawn locked in Heaven’s trap, always three steps behind. 
It is Lilith who oversees the exterminations. In those years, she often returns with a scrape or two from an angelic weapon. These are a joy to heal –– her soul is made of Lucifer’s most treasured memories. It feels less like a curse, then, to crawl into her arms –– to press his forehead to hers and dive back into Eden. 
When he touches her, it is easy to forget that Eden was an age ago.
When Charlie is thirteen, the Exorcists arrive six hours early; the denizens of Hell are unprepared, still out drinking to their own impending doom. It is a massacre. 
When the rift opens, he is at Lu Lu World with Charlie. He brought her there to cheer her up before the extermination. The Exorcists swarm the park in seconds — Lucifer pulls Charlie against his chest to whisk her away, but not before she catches sight of a ticket-taker with an angelic arrow in his heart.
She struggles in Lucifer’s grip, her hand outstretched, as if there were anything she could do — and then they both dissolve in a red shimmer of light. 
They materialize in the parlor.
Charlie snarls — her horns sprout from her forehead. “Let me go!” she yells.
Lucifer releases her instantly. She stumbles forward; Lucifer reaches out a hand to steady her, but she rounds on him and bats it away. 
“I can’t believe you!” She says. “I know you heal Mom when she comes back from the exterminations. If I had that power, I’d be out there right now, trying to save as many lives as I could. They’re our people, dad!” 
Lucifer frowns, removes his hat, and runs a hand through his hair. “Come on, Charlie. You know I can’t do that.”
Charlie squares her shoulders in defiance. “Why not?” 
Lucifer sighs. He crosses into the dining room and sits at the table. He’s tempted to tell her the entire truth –– but of the host of indignities that come with his sentence, the worst has always been explaining each punishment to his daughter. Her naïve confusion when she learned he once lived in Heaven still haunts his nightmares. 
He drops his head in his hands. 
Charlie’s soft footsteps –– she pulls out the chair next to his and sits down.
Lucifer sighs and settles for a partial truth. “You and I are very alike,” he says. “It is sometimes more natural for us to … care.” 
Charlie’s hand lands on Lucifer’s back. He looks up at her.
“One day you’ll understand that caring is part of our punishment here,” Lucifer says. “The more you care for these sinners, the more it hurts.”
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ewanmitchelll · 5 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (XIX): This Is Me Trying.
Imagine Aemond Targaryen imprisons you during the late civil war.
Warnings: long post, drama, angst, light smut, fluff ending.
• Before the War.
I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting. I didn't know if you'd care if I came back. I have a lot of regrets about that…
When Aemond meets you again circumstances are about to erupt in an event that most involved wish to prevent. He’s lost an eye, and though for gaining something more important, his pride never amended for the loss.
You, on the other hand, are his cousin via his uncle Daemon’s first marriage to Lady Rhea Arryn. In theory, you should be ruler of that House, but women hold no rights there so that is why you are there with your family.
With your dark hair and darker eyes, you attract your cousins’s attention. It’s a week before the fatidic dinner when he spots you, dressed in dark blue, ignoring the rising tensions between the already formed green and black parties.
“You look as if this is the place you wouldn’t want to be”, you hear him address you.
In all fairness, last time you’ve been there he was a child and so were you. Hardly surprising it is to find the quiet boy a taller and handsome man.
“Lord Aemond”, you smile when recollecting his name. “It’s been years…”
“Indeed. Many events have transcurred since we last spoke, Lady Arryn”, he side smirks, eyeing you intently, pleased to make you blush.
As children, you were playmates before your father remarried to Lady Laena of House Velaryon. She took you as one of her own and under her care you remained until she came to past away. And then your father espoused Princess Rhaenyra, whom also took you as her daughter.
And here you are.
“They have, yes”, you nod, transfixed by his enigmatic presence. “I’m sorry about your eye. I wasn’t there when this happened.”
“You’d think I didn’t notice?”, he raises his eyebrow. “Where have you been?”
Silence hangs in between the two of you. Aemond resents your absence, how out of reach you’ve been when you were once close. How on earth have you become strangers?
You look down at your wrung hands, but when carefully lifting your gaze you still find his good eye glued on you, trying to understand you.
“I tried to reclaim my inheritance at the Eyrie right after my stepmother’s decease. I couldn’t do so earlier as I was too young, but now…”
“Are you their lady now?”, Aemond softens.
You smile almost unconsciously as the tension between you two dissipate and the prince leads you to the gardens.
“No. They accept no woman as their overlord”, you sigh. “My father doesn’t take it nicely, though. He intends to reclaim it on my behalf, refusing the proposal of my maternal uncle.”
“Oh?”, he furrows his eyebrows, fearful of the response. “What that’d be?”
As you two move towards the gardens, you barely notice how your arm slides to his, distance now shorter than before.
“Marriage. What other proposal would be?”
Aemond chuckles lightly, but you spot no amusement in his good eye.
“It is the way, is it not?”
“For us women, usually is. A duty that requires plenty of sacrifices.”
As he looks at you, Aemond doesn’t resist the urge of asking:
“What would you be prepared to sacrifice, lady Y/N?”
As you two lock gazes, you are reminded of the time spent together. As children, you were both so alike in temperament, in likes and thoughts. What has changed now?
You open your mouth, but you do not know what to say. Aemond gently parts of you, hands behind his back, expectation somewhat filling behind his good eye.
He knows the answer. He can tell by your heavy breathing, the light shake of your hands, how your bottom lip trembles… what will come out. Sensibility rises behind your coal eyes like darkness pulls him into it.
He waits.
You won’t say it. You won’t say it.
But you do.
To your dismay, the prince smiles. Taking your hand in his, he says:
“I’ve always thought about you. I’m glad you haven’t forsaken me, Y/N.”
You blush, moving your gaze instantly away. A torrent of words are being held back. Aemond, who knows you so well, gently makes you look at him.
“Do not slip out of me. I ask you this.”
“Even though I am the elder sister of the twins who attacked you?”
Aemond chuckles.
“No one is perfect.”
That being said, he takes your hand and there presses a kiss.
• The Dinner.
Pulled the car off the road to the lookout. Could've followed my fears all the way down and maybe I don't quite know what to say…
Right before the expected meeting at the King’s table for the evening meal in a familiar gathering, you are found at Lord Aemond’s company. You see he’s been acting weirdly, even though nothing on his face betrayals it.
“Why are you in a glooming mood?”, you inquire, your face rested in his lap, looking up at him as his long hand strokes your hair.
“I am not”, he says in a dismissive tone. “This is who I am, you know.”
“Do not play me a fool, Aemond”, you stand reluctantly, but never too far of his grasp.
Aemond likes how wild your hair is, mirroring a tempest that is forming behind your eyes as you stare at him. He strokes your face, prompted to succumb to his desires if circumstances were different.
“Will you force me speak my mind?”
“If I must, yes”, you narrow your eyes.
Again, he chuckles.
“You can be stubborn when you want to be, Y/Nickname.”
“A trait you also have, if I recall well.”
Aemond leans so close to you now that you fear you are about to lose your balance. Especially when his lips are pressed against your forehead, there lingering in a gentle, but intense kiss that spreads fire over your body.
A sentiment that you think wise to ignore.
But when his slander hands slip from your face to your long hair, resting around your waist, you find yourself holding your breath.
“Always beautiful, my sweet Y/N. I could never let go of you, nor hold you accountable of others’ sin.”
You realize the feud between him and your half siblings are deeper than you’d judged.
“My sweet”, you hold his face gently. “Do not feed these grudges. I understand the pain of losing what is dear to you, by no chances I mean to demove you of this sentiment. However, vengeance is not changing what happened.”
It is as if you are twins, one knowing the other so well, able to feel what other feels, to think what the other thinks. As if your soul is made of the same material as his.
Even if where he is fire and you are water, a perfect mix has always tied each other.
He takes your hands and there presses a kiss.
“Come, we better not get late to the dinner.”
To your disappointment, Aemond stands, waiting for you to take the arm he offers you. But the moment you take it, it feels as if you are growing apart.
“Where have you been?”, your father asks you the moment you slide to your chair, next to Baela’s seat.
“By a certain somebody’s side”, you hear your half-sister grumble.
“Would you please mind your own business?”, you snort at her.
“Girls”, interferes Rhaenyra. “This is not the place nor the time.”
“Indeed it is not”, agrees Daemon. “And I pray you have not been randomly wandering around with him again.”
You raise your gaze only to meet your father’s inexpressible pair of lilac eyes studying you. Praying you are able to hold back your emotions enough not to blush, you smirk.
“Oh please, father. As far as it may be difficult for you to accept, I have other companions to spend my time with besides my relatives”, you lie blatantly at his face.
“Right… If that is what you are telling me, I have no need to preoccupy myself then”, he reclines back at his chair, ignoring how the small conversation has captured Aemond’s attention.
Though he sits at the other side of the table, the prince monitors you. He can tell you are lying by how you close your first around the glass, how you cast your eyes to the plate, chewing your bottom lip nervously.
He can tell you are upset at some sibling provocation by the blush that paints your cheeks and the air of impatience that makes you roll your eyes. The discomfort at it is crystal clear as you feel an outsider as your twin sisters talk nonsenses with the Velaryon boys.
You do not belong there. Your looks outstand the Targaryen looks, that itself makes you uncomfortable. He wishes he could tell you many great things—amongst which the depth of his affections for you.
As you raise your eyes, you meet his gaze and for the first time during the dinner both of you smile. He wishes to reach out for you. But then something changes.
It all happens very fast. The food and mutual implication of Aemond’s loss of an eye lead him to subtly stand.
“I would like to have a toast…”
You barely blink. Tension is in the air and you see by their faces that everyone is holding their breaths.
You know Aemond is up to no good. You try to convince him not doing what he’s about to, suspecting this has something to do with his long standing rivalry with the Velaryon boys.
To your disappointment and not entirely surprise, vengeance takes his best. Aemond sees the moment he speaks unwanted words how aghast you look.
“…for these three Strong boys.”
And what happens next prevents him to reach out for you again.
• War.
Wind howls violently at the top of the hill. You stare at your dragon with silver eyes and black scams. It’s time, you know it.
Your hair is tied in a long braid and you dress for your first battle at this disgrace war that has been waged since your sweet prince has caused the death of your half-brother.
You could not forgive him for this atrocity, even if part of you doesn’t buy the narrative that Aemond chased Lucerys and purposely ended with his life. You recall how that day you and Rhaena entered in a fight because you were accused to stand for such a kinslayer, an accusation you refused to absolve her for.
“Are you sure you are ready to do it?”, you hear the voice of your father not long as you prepare to mount your flying beast.
Clouds clash, resulting in electric storms. Not the most propitious skies to fly. Daemon looks at you with fatherly concern, reading in your impulsiveness the need of proving your worth.
“I ask you not to fight this war unless it’s absolutely needed to. You should not do it because of your sisters. What Rhaena has said to you…”
“I care naught about what she said”, you turn your head at him. “This isn’t about me or her, but our cause. I will not disappoint you, my father. You’ll be proud of me.”
“I am already proud of you”, says Daemon with his greeted teeth. “I see myself in you. There is no need to have Targaryen looks to be one. You have the dragon blood in you, Y/N. Listen to me, this is not the time…”
“I am a woman now, father. As capable as anyone else to stand for the Queen.”
You swallow your tears, smashing your childhood fears down to your throat. And you fly with your dragon without further waiting, wishing to wipe off your thoughts the nights spent with Aemond at the library or running the corridors or when each confided insecurities to the other.
You wish you had not in mind the envy you felt when seeing your twin sisters sharing the Targaryen looks. You wish you were not mocked upon because of that.
You rise, aiming to fly higher. And your dragon feels your angst, howling through the air. As electric as it is, you seem immune to it.
But of course when you play the game of thrones you either win or die. What shall be the destiny gods hold to you?
Nothing of it comes to your thoughts when you spot Aegon, the Usurper, mounting his dragon. He flies right against you. The battle scene is prepared and you promptly join it.
The dragons dance and your temper takes the best of your reasoning. Nevertheless you hold the advantage of having a dragon bigger than Aegon’s.
But inexperienced.
A fault that will come at you when Aegon commands his dragon to fly right into you. It’s a violent battle to see. He tries to attack you wearing his sword, but his blows are useless.
So suddenly you wish you have heard your father. You are not prepared to fight your cousin on your own. And when a greater dragon casts its shadow below, you have realized you fell to a trap.
Aemond doesn’t take pride in taking you with him as his prisoner. Your silence is a harder blow to take, unprepared he was to face it.
“Do not, I ask you, make these matters worse to you.”
He takes you to Harrenhal with him, reclaiming you as his war prize, against his brother’s will, who certainly had other plans for his uncle’s daughter.
You are still processing the trauma of losing your dragon to those beasts you share your blood with. Perhaps it’s not a misfortune to look such an Arryn this time.
You answer him not. Aemond knows this is a difficult battle to fight—and what’s worse, his conscience tells him this is the result of his doing.
“You shall stay in these chambers”, Aemond tells you. “It used to belong to…”
He’d say these were his mistress Alys’ bedchambers before she came to pass after a hard labor, but to avail should he remind you that he supplanted you in his affections?
Or did he plan to say so as a form to plague you with remorse for daring to fight his brother alone?
Such thoughts are slipping out of his mind before the sight of your distress, already plagued by traumas of a war… caused by him.
“To your whore?”, you cut the silence by saying what he could not. “How thoughtful of you, Aemond. Thank you for being considerate.”
Your sharp remark leaves him astonished at your bluntness. It hurts him more than he admits, but as you turn your back at him, entering the bedchambers and there locking yourself in, Aemond realizes that what you two once shared is no more.
You sob violently when being left alone. Your imprudence brought you such tragedy and at times you consider going to the window and jump to death at long last and put an end to your misery.
As your father’s daughter, however, your inclination to life speaks louder than letting broken pride taking the best of you.
However, for how long will your spirit resist this? You were never someone to be easily caged.
And yet, here you are…
• Reproach: the aftermath…
They told me all of my cages were mental so I got wasted like all my potential and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad. I have a lot of regrets about that I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere. Fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here pouring out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't pour the whiskey…
Like strangers you meet. Dressed in a green silk gown with hair loose behind your back, a sign of resistance, you join the prince in an awkward dinner.
“Will you not eat?”
“I lost my appetite”, but your mouth is dried and you eventually take the silver glass poured with red wine to your lips.
Aemond softens before you.
“We have started wrongly. Again time steals you from me. I, who possess all that gold and titles can purchase, was deprived of the luxury of having you.”
How openly and crudely he speaks these words make your eyes go wide open at him. You down your glass, skepticism stamped in your features.
“You cannot be serious.”
“I mean every word I say.”
You do not answer, fearful of being brought to the edge of your tears. The old signs Aemond sees: you chew your bottom lip, you close your wrist in a fist, your shoulders remain tense.
Your body screams resentment when you spirits locks in silence.
“You don’t.” After a while you add. “Has Lady Alys been what then?”
“A replacement of you.”
You promptly stand.
“Stop it. Stop right there, my lord prince. Do you take me as a toy you can play at your will? Have you not taken enough of me to satisfy your thirst for vengeance?”
So does he stand.
“I lost a lot for the wrongs I’ve done, lady.”
“You have never missed me!”, and you at last explode. “You’ve forgotten me long ago! You took that woman to your bed, making her your wife in all but name! What have you sacrificed?”
Aemond shortens the distance as he holds your wrists, pulling you closer to him. When removing his eye patch, he hisses:
“I sacrificed you! Us! All that we could have been! Caged my own shadows, I was misled to believe I would earn no peace until they paid for the wrongs I suffered!”
You weep violently, drowning in your sobs as he holds you against him.
“Do not torment me more than I am tormented myself”, he whispers in your ear. “This is me trying, Y/N, to exorcise my demons and be a better version of me to you.”
He buries his head against your neck, smelling your scent, being reminded of peaceful days that now look old, ancient ones dusted in the wind.
His long fingers bury his nails tightly in your waist, nearly provoking physical pain as impatiently begins to unlace your gown.
You shiver before his touch, not hissing away of the pain you two inflicted each other. Now the only sound you hear is of his small sobs. Your hands go to his head.
Two souls harmed, pained in long term angst. You lift his face with scars exposed.
“How did we get here? I used to know you so well, Aemond. My sweet Aem, what have we done?”
“I swallowed vengeance as a medicine and had me poisoned. Never wanted to get you involved in this.”
Fireplace warms the prince’s chambers and soon you and him are sitting on the ground, close to the flames that warm the cold there is in either of you.
“Will you be the death of me?”
“Never”, he takes your face with his face and finally kisses your lips. “I will not let you go.”
As much as you want to be kissed, as much as your lips devour his in a fervent kiss, as much as your gown starts to slip out of your shoulders and your hands get to remove his shirt, you pull out and Aemond knows he should be more clear.
“There is a plan.”
“Then share it with me.”
“I’ll make you Lady of the Vale. You will sit at Eyre as their only lady. I’ll be by your side as you reclaim your inheritance.”
You can barely believe in what he’s saying.
“No more wars. No more tragedies. No more blood spent. This I promise you. I will make you my wife.”
When his lips twitch at a small smile, that sweet smile that has always melted your heart, you know what he speaks is true.
“Make me yours.”
That being said, Aemond, more than willingly, rises to claim your lips. And right there, before the flames, two dragons meet in flesh.
• Lady
And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town…
A feast is thrown at the Capital. Civil war has come to an end and you are told there had been no survivors of the black party. In spite of the plans secretly arranged with Aemond, you’d still have to go through the humiliation of being seen as a trophy to the green cause.
For him, you try. To conceal your grief, to mourn underneath a well masked emotionless face.
For him, you try. To dress in the colors of his house, to act composedly even when Aegon laughs at you, even when the usurper mocks at all you know.
But Aemond keeps his word. He stands for you, refusing to let his victory to perpetuate wounds that should be closed, that must be cured.
It’s when the Dowager Queen comes at you.
“There has been many losses to our sides”, she plays the diplomatic role that is expected of her position. “I lament it deeply how this ended. She was dear to me, you know.”
You cast your dark coal eyes to see a pair of green ones plagued by vicious sadness staring back at yours. There are many things you want to say, but no words make to your tongue.
Instead, you opt for the cold, silent treatment. However, when seeing how Aemond has stood for you—as he has always done, once you’ll learn-/, you eventually say with your dry throat:
“Your condolences are welcomed, Your Grace. I assume this is where I should congratulate you thus.”
“Congratulate me?”
Oh her cynicism prevents you try further to be genuinely polite.
“Indeed. Your schemes came to fruition and here your son rules uncontestedly, notwithstanding his father’s wishes in keeping Princess Rhaenyra’s his heiress. But what do I know?”
Leaving the paled queen prompted to another access of tears, you excuse yourself to the gardens.
A film of past, merry days is relived behind your eyes. Lady Laena educating you next to her twin daughters, only two years younger than you. The tutors, the moments spent with your father, who somewhat was distant but always caring to you.
The sadness of losing Lady Laena being replaced as you witness your father marrying Princess Rhaenyra. You remember her kindness and her favours. The dragon egg she gifted you in your late teenager days…
You sob as you miss your black dragon. A hole in your heart is open and your knees go weak. You can hear Rhaenyra telling you this is not your fault for Lucerys’ demise.
“This is not your war to fight.”
But you fought it, didn’t you?
“Don’t go”, your father’s eyes cried out to you when his words attempted to pull you down.
But you wanted to prove his worth… And that was the last time you ever saw him.
Here you are, hardly free. A trophy for all those victors to exhibit. And in this cruel circumstance, you miss him coming at you, standing by your side.
“Come”, he says, taking your hand to his.
“Where?”, you do not mind disguising anymore.
Your castle tumbled and you are nothing but the ruins of days that are not going back.
“To reclaim your inheritance with me”.
Aemond senses your reluctance and stands with you, now out of others eyes. And right under his gaze you sob violently, and he takes you in his arms, feeling your pain as if it’s his own.
“It shouldn’t be this way. I cannot apologize enough for what I’ve done to you.” And leaving his pride aside, he takes your face with his hands and wiping your tears, so he says: “Please, forgive me.”
Underneath grey clouds, out of the bloody feast, it’s just you and him. Trying.
“I forgive you”, you concede genuinely, forgiving yourself too for the impulsiveness.
“I shall never leave you. Ever”, he vows it.
And this is the start of a new journey to you. Where you are neither trying it, but making it. It’s time to amend the wounds of the civil war.
You regain your strength, your old self the moment you land at the seat of your mother’s house.
You are not entirely surprised that the local noblemen welcome you reluctantly, as if prepared to engage in war.
“Peace”, you tell them. “I come in peace.”
Aemond leaves you to settle it. He is by your side, hand resting in his sword. Having claimed Blackfyre, he wears it proudly. Not to mention the grand beast behind them.
Although calmly, Vhagar stares at those pair of eyes as if she’s about flame them all.
A dark haired young man comes at you. He could easily be a lost sibling, but the similarities end there.
“Lady Y/N Targaryen. I thought we’d not meet.”
“How kind of you, cousin. A very warm welcome on your part”, like your father before you, snark remarks are something you do well. Aemond himself doesn’t conceal a smirk.
“What are you here for? You have no right here.”
You really forgot how the people of Vale could be ruthlessly straight to the point. It’s when Aemond Targaryen comes in the scene.
“You either bend your knee on behalf of my lady or else you’ll face consequences in the name of King Aegon, Second of His Name.”
Those present still remember from stories when Vhagar last came there. Her rider was lenient and they prayed you and Aemond remain so.
But your maternal cousin, Lord H/N, doesn’t seem prudent. Silence hangs.
“Well? What is your choice going to be? Westeros has bled for more time than it needed. Will you be the reason why the Vale will meet blood and fire on the wrong way? It’s not shameful to bend the knee.”
“I shall never bend a knee for a treacherous whore as yourself.”
It’s enough for Aemond unleash his sword and… let its blade kiss the man’s neck.
“No one who offends my lady walks out free.”
Just like that you reclaim your inheritance and you barely conceal your satisfaction at it. Who’d else dare to resist you after Lord H/N’s unwelcoming reckless?
You are dressed in the colors of your mother’s house. How ironic it is that your father’s enemy helped you to obtain what he could never achieve not even as his widower’s alleged claimant to Lady Rhea’s inheritance.
You look at your prince, who stands at the higher table as your Arryn’s relatives welcome you with a proper feast.
“Thank you”, you smile at him and Aemond is pleased to find no sadness behind your eyes.
“It is only right to amend the wrongs”, right under the table he takes hold of your hand and there squeezes it. “It pleases me more to see your kinsmen and the folks here did not provide any sort of resistance.”
“Despite my surname and whom I take after, they remember my mother well even if I don’t”, you sigh shortly. “They see how diplomatic and reasonable I am. No matter how tied I am to this new regime, they want and need the peace these years took from them.”
Aemond smiles at you and you are content for finding peace at last behind his good eye.
“Thankfully you are. I don’t see how this could be otherwise.”
Earlier that day, before the ceremony of your rise as Lady of the Vale began, you and Aemond were lawfully married before the Seven. This feast intends to celebrate both occasions with tons of merriments. The next day a tournament will be given on behalf of their new overlords.
“My lady”, he kisses your neck and bare shoulders, his hands already removing your line nightgown.
Sitting behind you at your bed, your husband stands all bare as you let him take his time to contemplate this new state both of you are.
No more childhood sweethearts. No more lovers parted due to war. But a husband loving his wife.
You tilt your head to the side, already feeling a heat ache in the between of your legs. Your nipple is already hardened as he exposes it, and you’d gladly touch yourself to ease this burden had he not held your wrist.
“Leave it to me”, he bites your neck, there leaving his bruise.
You arch your back in silent protest.
“You are torturing in me”, you moan, turning your head as you make sure to remove your nightgown and begin to climb on your nude consort when he turns you to be laid under his body.
“Am I?”, he smiles, his hair a mess as you bury your nails on his shoulders, pulling you to him. “Am I torturing my beautiful wife?”
“For years”, you grumble before breaking in a loud whimper when he inserts a finger in between your legs. “Oh, husband!”
His tongue now slides to your chest, path trailing before reaching your nipples. There, the night finally begins to you and your prince gladly takes his time.
Until you begin to reach the climax, he climbs back at you.
And not entirely unexpected…
“Ah, yes!”
He groans as he slides inside you. Raising your legs to fit better his moves, he matches the pace of his hips with yours.
Locking hands with you, he pursuits your lips and in a very passionate kiss you give all you have to him.
Some years later.
You watch from your scribe quarters how Aemond trains your son, Daeron, with his sword. You are writing a letter to your sister-in-law, the Queen, to ask a favor on behalf of the Vale when the lovely scene captures your attention.
Your son is now four years old. He has silver hair with some dark shades, a trait you’ve once seen in Lady Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was. His eyes are painted lilac, likes his father’s. Your boy is every inch Aemond’s son.
But his temper is quiet, like yours. He possesses attentive, fierce eyes. He has a quick wit, and some say he’s a precocious boy. He’s indeed very healthy.
The scene is adorable. Whenever Daeron mishits a blow, he pouts.
“I am terrible at it, daddy!”
Aemond chuckles, very patient and says:
“Take your time, young man. You have to go back to our lessons when holding a proper sword.”
“If you gave me a real sword, I’d do better.”
You laugh quietly at the sight, especially when Aemond reprehends him for this thought.
“Nay, son. You need to uphold a wood sword or else what’s the point in holding a true blade? And even if you did, your mother would kill me.”
He then lifts Daeron and ruffles his hair.
“Come, let’s see what your sister is doing.”
Not too far from where he is, your daughter Rhaella is climbing a tree under the supervision of your trusted maid. When seeing her father, the dark haired little girl with purples irises beams at him and promptly goes down the tree to run at him.
You get emotional at the sight. Aemond and your offspring. Your children, your heirs. A family you never thought you’d have to call yours.
And there’s a third one, a newly born baby who now reclaims your attention. The maid brings little Aemon to be breastfed as you insisted you do so.
“My little boy”, you turn at him, stroking his silver locks. You once joked to Aemond how the Gods amused themselves by sending a child with silver hair and another with dark locks. “My prince. Come, you are hungry, aren’t ye?”
You are doing so the moment the door is open and your husband comes in with the two children.
“My lady”, Aemond greets you with a kiss on your temple. “How is our son?”
“Healthy and hungry, praised be the Gods”, you chuckle. “And our children?”
“Mama, I must tell you what I did today!”
Suddenly your husband is pushed aside and Rhaella and Daeron begin to compete for your attention. Aemond, as amused as he is by the dispute, has to intervene.
And here’s how the rest of your afternoon is spent: surrounded by your family you love.
But there’s a surprise that might come to shake the grounds of your hard worked for stability. Before you get to dine with them, a lady of your trust comes at you in a hurry.
“What is wrong, my dear?”
“Someone wants to meet you. I am forbidden to share his identity and he wants to see you alone…”
It’s when Aemond has a glimpse of the conversation and he promptly entrusts his children to your lady before saying:
“She shall not meet this stranger alone, regardless of the conditions he imposed.”
The said woman messenger only gives you a look before doing as said. You and Aemond shoot glances, but neither dares to speak.
What surprise it is when, opening the door, you spot Daemon Targaryen completely weary standing before you.
He gives Aemond a long look before looking at you.
“Greetings there, daughter of mine. I’m alive.”
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