#Siriusly go see the movie!
redfurrycat · 2 years
The Man from U.N.C.L.E and Top Gun Fusion - Hangster & Icemav
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IceCold Agency and Inverted Agency are two adversary secret agencies, led by Iceman and Maverick respectively, forced to put aside longstanding hostilities and team up on a joint mission: stopping a mysterious international criminal organization that is bent on destabilizing the fragile balance of power through the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology.
The only lead to infiltrate the criminal organization is a vanished scientist’s daughter, Natasha Trace. To retrieve the asset, Iceman and Maverick each send their best agent: the combat expert Rooster and the smooth-talker thief Hangman.
Thus is created the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement, a secret international intelligence agency. Code name: U.N.C.L.E.
[part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3] - [part 4] - [part 5]
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siriusly-parker · 9 months
—more. [isaac garcia, mlwtwb]
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“Lowly knights and mighty kings, they all want more”
tags. [fluff, angst, bonfire party, childhood best friends to lovers, jealousy, drunken confessions]
author’s note. [thank you for all of the requests!! i got a TON, so i tried to mix a few ideas into one fic, so i could get it out to you guys as fast as possible! ꩜ i siriusly love you <3]
wc. [4k]
—fic under the cut!
‧˚ʚ ⋆ ꜝꜞ
Aside from her predicament with the Walter boys, Y/n did really like Jackie. Who she didn’t get along with where her newfound friendships. Skyler and Grace where gossipers. Y/n knew they just enjoyed being close to the center of it all. Skyler was just annoying, and she didn’t enjoy the way he treated Nathan at all, but she could get past that and tolerate his presence. Grace though… she was just a bitch. She hated Grace, “Gracie” as she used to call her. They actually used to be good friends, until high school made the girl even more of a newsmonger. The slight whiff of a scandal and she’d come running like a dog, even to the detriment of the people around her. She gets carried away, forgets it’s real people and not a movie. Maybe she gets a high out of the attention she gets from sharing the information she dishonestly collects. People only come to see her to know all about other’s lives. Gracie’s own is incredibly boring, she’s sheltered. So, gossiping is her only way of living some sort of excitement, through others, of course. Y/n pities her, in a way. But she mostly, mostly hates her guts.
At the annual bonfire party, after an insane amount of begging from her best friend, Y/n took a ride with the Walter’s. Cole got them there, but Danny was, as per usual, the designated driver. Y/n didn’t enjoy drinking either, but she didn’t have her permit yet, postponing her lessons every chance she got. She liked driving with the boys, she even had her own designated seat. Being their neighbour meant they’d get her to school too, and that Isaac would practice his own driving on his uncle’s truck with her. He was good, she felt safe.
When they got there, Jackie immediately jumped to Gracie, while Nathan ran to see Skyler, who didn’t truly seem to be as excited. Y/n rolled her eyes so hard, she’d probably get a headache from it. “Careful, you’ll get stuck like that.” Laughed Cole as he closed the door and threw the keys to his twin brother. “I can’t help myself!” She pleads in annoyance as she turns to her best friend for support. When she looks at Isaac, he’s looking over at the fire, not listening to their conversation at all.
He had been mostly quiet the whole ride, which she didn’t necessarily mind. They're used to comfortable silence, understanding each other beyond words. Even before him and Lee went to live with their cousins, they often came to visit. Y/n came to know that truck by heart, always sneakily asking her parents if she could go play with the neighbour boys when she saw it drive past.
Isaac actually had a stutter as a child. He wasn’t always as confident as he seemed now. Ashamed, he often stayed quiet. At first, Lee talked for him most of the time, but as their friendship grew, they learned to communicate without much words early on. The banter came later, when puberty hit and he became popular with the ladies. Sometimes though, when they’re alone, his quiet side shines through. Maybe tonight he just didn’t feel like talking much. That would be fine, but she knew there was something more.
“Hey,” It’s spoken softly. Hearing her voice, he shook himself out of his trance and noticed everyone was gone to exactly where he was looking. He was too bewitched by the fire to notice the people around it. “you’re quiet.” She chuckles. She says it as a fact, as something she noticed, but he knows she means it as a question that needed answering. He rubs the back of his neck, not sure of what to say. “Oh… uh~ yeah.” A giggle escapes her lips at that. “Recompose yourself, Garcia. You have a reputation to uphold.” He knows she’s teasing, but before he can answer, her hand leaves his forearm and she’s headed towards the party, like everyone else.
People wave at her, Cole screams something, Danny laughs. All he sees is fire. As if she’s walking right into it. She looks beautiful. The lack of her touch is more noticeable now. It feels wrong. He didn’t even notice she was touching him. It’s not unusual per say, but you’d think he would notice. Maybe it wasn’t her voice that drew his attention, maybe it was the familiarity of her touch. She knew that sometimes he was so inside his head that only a gentle squeeze could do the job that words couldn’t. But the fact she kept it, and he allowed it, like it didn’t matter, was what perplexed him. He’d usually be thrilled, but he was too tense to even feel it. Maybe that’s what made him stutter again. She had that effect on him, even though she helped him through it the most. He couldn’t get the idea of her out of his head, but he didn’t know how to tell her.
“Buddy, c’mon.” Danny’s voice pulled him out of his haze. “It’ll just come out naturally when you talk to her, don’t stress about it.” It comes out so casual, as if it was obvious between the two boys. “What are you talking about, dude? I’m just kinda tired. Didn’t even wanna come to this trash party.” He scoffs unconvincingly to his older cousin. “Yeah okay. You were the most excited. You dragged Y/n here, when you know she doesn’t even like parties. Look, if you have something to say to her, just do. It doesn’t have to be special, or a big deal, or even tonight. Now let’s go. She’s all alone in a party she didn’t wanna go to, with people she can’t stand.” Isaac laughs at that, knowing she’s probably poking at Cole’s last nerves or teasing Alex and Lee. He also knew that, sadly, the company of her friends didn’t compensate for breathing the same air as some deeply annoying people. “Well, to be fair, Gracie is a pain in the ass. Girl can’t mind her own business.” Danny pushes his back harder as he holds his shoulders, guiding him towards their friends. “You know she likes you right?” Danny questions, but Isaac just rolls his eyes. “Right, she likes anything that looks in her direction.” The Walter boy nods enthusiastically, as if it was all evident. “Right, yeah. And, you don’t care—obviously- cause you like Y/n, anyway!” Isaac’s head turns sharp at that, but he relaxes at Danny’s unconcerned smirk. He couldn’t get anything past the boy. His feelings were hiding behind a glass window to everyone, but her. Finally giving up the act, he shakes Danny’s hands off him and walks the final few steps towards the crowd on his own. “Shut up…”
When Isaac finally joins the party, he’s immediately swarmed by a raid of girls. Y/n watched from far away, lightly laughing at the absurdity of it all. But, a part of her is jealous. She doesn’t want him to spend time with these girls, he’s supposed to be her best friend. She’s the one supposed to have all of his attention… and more. Before she can shut down that too recurring thought, she feels someone walk up beside her.
“Isaac Garcia, honorary Walter, and breaker of hearts! Why don’t you join the fan club?” The boy teases in a theatrical manner. She recognized him, Matthew, from the football team. “I didn’t have time to sign up, sadly. But I don’t think there’s any more place to join, now.” She mimicked his dramaturgic expression. “King Garcia has a big heart, thou shall not worry! The more the merrier.” She laughs at that. He’s being ridiculous, but it’s getting a reaction out of her. Matthew did not mind being ridiculed if it meant she would be the one laughing. After the laughter quieted down, she answered honestly. “Not for me, I don’t think so.” But she kept their act going, finding it fun. “I have come to accept this sad reality a long time ago, My Knight! When I was still only a small peasant girl.” He smiles, before dropping the Shakespearean accent. “I am glad.” “You are?” She suspiciously questions. “Of course. That means you can join my club. As the face of it, of course. The Y/n appreciation club.” The play is back on, and so are the theatrics. “Oh, I’d be delighted, My Knight. Not many members I suppose?” “Only me, for now, My Queen. But not by lack of trying from others. It’s just that…” His face drops forward comically, pressing her to ask, “That what, My Kight?” Dramatically, he sighs. “They have to fight to the death to join… and I’m a very good duelist. Very motivated… to be the sole member of this club.” “How so?” She truly wonders. “It would mean that I would have your undivided attention, My Queen. That would be a great prize, indeed.” He says, slowly coming back to his true self. Y/n actually didn’t expect that. Most boys don’t give her the time of day, let alone display their affection so clearly. “Oh…” “Oh.” He teases, and she giggles at the realization.
Through the sea of undesirable faces surrounding him, Isaac sees the interaction. Why is she laughing? What could he be saying that’s so incredibly funny? He should be the one making her laugh like that. But, that’s not really fair, though, is it? He didn’t even come up to her since he left the side of the car. She’d be alone if it wasn’t for the footballer. He’s glad she has company, he just wishes it was him instead. Not keeping his eyes off the girl, he distractedly excuses himself from the herd. Slightly pushing people out of his way, he goes directly towards the new pair of friends. Y/n is laughing and twirling her hair. She never twirls her hair. Her dress is pretty. Short. She was wearing a dress? Is it new? He’s never seen it before. Did she wear it for him? For Matthew? Did they talk before tonight? Why is he so pressed about this? Why does he care so badly? Heart beating louder than the music, his hands reach to another random drink. Suddenly, his legs start to walk on their own towards the girl he can’t help but love.
As he comes up behind her, Y/n sees Matthew’s expression change. “Well, time is up, My Lady.” He theatrically bows down to her as Isaac puts his arms around her shoulders. Y/n’s confused at his sudden change of behaviour. “I’ll see you later, Princess.” He winks and walks away while Isaac stands confused. Did he just call her Princess? What a player… What even was their dynamic? He didn’t actually plan on interrupting anything, but now that he did, he wasn’t sure how to proceed. Lost in thought again, he only notices her expression when she yells out the other boy’s name and moves towards him, making Isaac’s drunken arm drop. Matthew turns around and softly smiles at her. He motions for her to come closer and whispers something in her ear. That secret makes her blush, and Isaac is furious, not knowing what was said. Why did he have that effect on her? As Matthew leaves Y/n with a pat on the head, she sheepishly comes back to where her best friend was standing. The closer she got, the warmer he cheeks felt, and apparently looked. Isaac noticed, but didn’t truly understand he was the source of it.
“So? What did cocky all-American football star Matthew want to do with you?” Isaac says matter-of-factly. His words start to slur. Nothing makes much sense, except the thought that she may be in love with someone else. She takes a step back. He suddenly went from quiet to mean. What happened in that pit of girls? Was he tired of breaking hearts? Was yours the only one left? “He’s not cocky, he’s actually very nice…” She tries to add, but it comes out hushed, shy. The words hurt more than she cared to admit. Her biggest insecurities highlighted by the one she cared for most. “And- I’m sorry if it’s too hard for you to imagine… that someone could actually like… me,” It comes out slow, as if she was carefully choosing her words and not only trying not to cry. “but there’s no need to be so rude…” Her last words are barely louder than a whisper. With the ringing in his ear and the loud music, he’s scared he simply imagined it. But her eyes tell him that even if she didn’t say it, that’s how she felt. He was deliberately rude and knowingly mean and he felt absolutely awful.
“Y/n… you know that’s not what I meant…” “I don’t know that…” She avoids his gaze, kicking the sand beneath her feet. “I just-” “You what?” “He’s a jock! He must have bad intentions!” She scoffs at that. “Or maybe! Just maybe! Someone likes me! Crazy, I know! But not that impossible…” “I don’t doubt that anyone could like you, Y/n. You’re-” When she finally looks at him, demanding an explanation, his mind goes silent. How could he tell her how deeply amazing he truly thought she was? “It’s just that- He’s a football star! They’re dicks!” That’s the excuse he comes up with. “Ok? Cole was a football star?” “And he’s a dick! I love him… but look at Erin…” She nods sarcastically. “Well, I’m glad you’re concerned, but I won’t follow him around like a puppy, waiting for attention. I’ve done that enough actually…” She mumbles, but he hears. He always hears her. “Y/n…” She dismisses him with a wave. “Go back to your little fan club, Isaac…” As Y/n walks away she blinks back a few tears that were threatening to spill. Isaac watched her sit down by the fire besides Matthew, hugging her knees. He’s making her laugh, and everything gets more real. He was the asshole, and he hated himself for it. Before going to apologize, he just needed another drink.
As he turns his back to the fire, he bumps into Grace, who didn’t seem this shocked. “God! I didn’t see you!” She feigns innocence, as she offers him a new red plastic cup. Isaac takes it without much thought, constantly looking back at where Y/n and Matthew were sitting. He’s too distracted to care about Grace and too buzzed to even understand what she’s saying. He nods at whatever she’s saying before noticing her hand on his shoulder. “Ew, get off, Grace.” The intoxication in his voice is clear, but he’ll never be wasted enough to want her, or anyone other than the girl he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. Gracie doesn’t seem to take a hint, putting her other hand on his free shoulder. By the time Isaac turns back to look at her, Y/n is already on her feet marching towards them. “Oh no… she’s coming to ruin our fun…” Grace pouts, but Isaac doesn’t hear, too mesmerized by the girl stomping her way to them. “Get off, Grace.” Y/n pushes her off and instinctively checks on Isaac. Taking his drink from him and buttoning his jacket back on, she says, “Ok, it’s time to go, pretty boy.” She softly smiles at him, knowing he doesn’t need a lecture right now. After she puts his hair back into place, she turns to a whining Grace and tells her matter-of-factly, “Also.. Gracie… eat shit and die.” She scoffs and flips her hair like in the movies. At least, that’s how Isaac sees it. His savior in slow motion, he thinks and laughs. He looks stupid and drunk, and so so so in love with her. It’s time to go home.
“Y/n, that was not nice…” Jackie comes up to her, but Y/n ignores her, fully knowing the point of her words were to be mean. She could be the devil when she wanted. And Grace was always a free pass for being bitchy. The amount of times that Y/n had to defend Isaac as a child, she knew how to take care of the boy. This came naturally to her.
“You do not want to feel the wrath of the neighbor girl, Jackie.” Cole laughs as he pats her shoulders and goes past her towards the car. Danny joins him, keys in hand. “She’s his fiercest defender, don’t try her. She’d burn the world for him, I’m pretty sure.” He warns, mumbling the last part. “Walter family! In the car! Now!” Y/n demands, holding Isaac up. “Yes ma’am!” Cole winks at Jackie, who’s slowly understing the dynamics of the family. “No one is safe if he’s the one in danger. No matter how much you think she loves you, there’s no one on earth she cares more about than him.” He whispers in her ear as he sits down considerably close to her. “She’s crazy mad, guys! Get in the car!” Danny yells for the others to come. Lee and Nathan run up to the car, fully knowing who’s boss.
When they finally get home, Y/n walks right past everyone with Isaac to put him to bed. No one says a word, knowing it’d be better not to test her in times like these.
Isaac starts laughing when they go past his door. “Y/n! Are you crazy?” She shushes him for being too loud. “Are you crazyyy?” He tries again in a loud whisper. “What are you talking about?” She can’t help but laugh a little too. “You can’t come into my roooooooom. Not at this hour! No girls over. Aunt Katherine is gonna be piiiiiiiissed.” “I’m just putting you to bed, Isaac. You’re drunk.” She chuckles, pushing him towards his bed so he can sit down. “Oh…” He’s quite obvious in his disappointment. As she chooses clothes for him to sleep in, she tries to reassure him. “Katherine said I could stay tonight, ok? Because of the party. I’ll sleep on the couch.” His excitement is brought back by that piece of information. “Oh! We can watch a movieeeeee, and-” “No, Isaac. We sleep. You don’t want to be visibly hangover in the morning. Then, Katherine would kill you.” She turns away from his dresser and puts his clothes beside him on the bed. “Here. Your pjs. Put them on, I’ll put mine on, and then we’ll go brush our teeth, ok?” “Ok…” His eyes wander to her dress. It’s pretty. It’s short. He wants to tell her it’s pretty. Instinctively, his hands wander to the hem of the dress. His thumb strokes the fabric, it's nice. There’s a silence between them. Y/n doesn’t actually leave the room, like she had planned. “Pretty… it’s-“ “Thanks.” She quickly interrupts. In his daze, his hands move from her skirt to her thigh. The touch is soft, feather-like. He’s scared she’ll break otherwise. Y/n holds her breath, but before she can say anything, he lifts his arms up. “Help.” He simply says like a child who can’t undress themselves. It takes a while for her to process his request, but she doesn’t decline.
When she first touches the bottom of his shirt, and her hand accidentally brushes over his skin, she can’t help but feel her heart skip. It’s not as if she had never seen him shirtless before. Countless summers at the Walter household gave her many opportunities to gawk. But this felt different. The two of them, alone in his room. It’s as if, in her anger at Grace, she had forgotten their own fight.
Matthew had abs too, even more, probably. A football star boyfriend would be great, she tried to convince herself. But the thought didn’t persuade her, as it didn’t give her the butterflies that Isaac’s simple smile easily could.
As she lifts his shirt up, she can’t help but think back at what Matthew whispered to her back at the bonfire party. “Go to your King. Do not settle for a lowly knight like me.” She later tried to explain to him she didn’t feel as though he was “lowly”, but he saw through her makeshift walls right to where she hid her feelings for the older Garcia boy. She didn’t know why he acted the way he did that night, so quiet, and then so rude, but she pushed it all away, they’d talk about it tomorrow.
When she finally took off his shirt, she couldn’t help but stare a little. She quickly shook it off and put his old band shirt on. There were a few holes in it, but with his grey hoodie on top, it didn’t really matter. Looking at his neatly folded red checkered pyjama pants, he got up and said, in the same way as before, “Help.” She chuckled, and turned away to leave. “You can do that part on your own, I’m sure.” She could feel his smirk burning at the back of her head.
In the bathroom, she put her own pyjama set on and started her nightly routine. Hearing a knock at the door, she swiftly opened, knowing it must be Isaac coming to brush his teeth.
They brush their teeth together and Isaac sits on top of the counter, waiting for her to finish taking off her makeup and doing all of her skincare. “You’re so pretty…” The sudden break in the comfortable silence shocks her. Of all the things he could’ve said, she didn’t expect this. Seeing she didn’t answer, he kept going. “And smart too. You’re more than your looks of course, but you are very pretty. I know I make fun of you for your thousand steps routine, but I actually do enjoy it. Gives me more time to just look at you…” “Isaac…” She tried to cut in on his rant. “And- And I didn’t mean that… At the bonfire. I know people like you. How could they not… I just- i just don’t want you to like them…” He was drunk, he’d regret it in the morning. She feels as though she’s reading someone’s secret diary. He’s drunk and an open book for her to skim through. “Isaac…” She warns again, but he shakes his head. “I guess I was just jealous… ‘cause you were laughing… so much with Matthew. What were you even laughing at? He can’t be that funny. I’m funny. I want you to like me…” He groans, hiding his face in his hands. “I do like you…” Y/n tries to reassure him. “Well then… I want you to love me.” She takes his hand, making him look at her fully. “I love you, Isaac. A lot.” He smiles. “You’re my best friend.” It drops. “No…” That was wrong. That’s not what he wanted. “No?” She questions. “I don’t want you to love me like a best friend… I want you to love me as… more.” “More?” “More.” He says it as a pledge. “Will your answer stay the same in the morning?” There’s a smile on her face. She can’t help but dwell on the possibility of what could be. “I promise.” He’s sure of himself. “Ok, then we’ll talk about it when you’re well-rested.” She laughs. “Now get down, sleepyhead. It’s time for bed.” Isaac didn’t argue, knowing full well that in the morning, he’d be telling her the same thing. Over and over again if that’s what she wished to hear.
‎𐦂 hope you enjoyed it!! comment what you think! and please don’t forget to reblog!!! ◡̈
ʚ masterlist + resquests!
taglist ; [making a taglist for my life with the walter boys! plz send an ask, comment, dm to be added!]
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snippet of i'll leave (a light on)
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Sirius smiles at him so obviously full of love and laughter and it's nostalgic.
"You remind me of.." Remus looks into his bright blue eyes and sees someone else. Sees different set of blooming bright blue eyes with blonde hair and a memorable crooked smile promising mischief. Remus remembers late night drive-in movies, sneaking into art museums, the smell cigarettes he used to smoke, the best hot cocoa he's ever had and something saccharine he'll never let go of.
"Of what?"
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guys idk where this is going okay i had a breakdown and wrote this. a ways into the future probably. taglist:
@moonyswarmsweaters @sspadfoot @thingthatoncewastruee @probs-reading @cheekyboybeth
@starving-marauder-lover @yourlocalbadgerscales @taleofapart-timepoet @mirrs-ball @tea-blankets-andstars
@where-is-vivian @amberlink @wastingawayinmyroom @ashes-to-ashesxx @percabeth-trash
@equippedtolove @moon-girl88 @jamespotterbbg @drunktayloratthevmas @labyrinthhofmymind
@s0ggyguts @nyx-taylors-version @will-vs-the-homo-sapiens-adgenda @siriusly-insane
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billsfangearring · 2 years
Tag Game
@allalrightagain and @siriusly-sapphic tagged me in similar games (thank you!) so I’m going to combine them! 
rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
four ships: In news that will surprise zero of my followers who have had to scroll past my reblogs from the past six months, Jess/Lupe from A League of Their Own (TV 2022) is my current favorite! Butch4butch 4ever. Before that I was mostly reading Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens, and Remus/Sirius and James/Lily will always be my HP faves 💛 
last song: Come a Little Closer by Cage The Elephant
last show/movie: The show Vida!
currently watching: Certain ALOTO scenes for fic research purposes 👀
currently reading: A Natural History of the Future by Rob Dunn (finally) (very slowly)
current obsession: After some of my favorite fics were hidden on AO3 last month, downloading and organizing my favorites on my kindle! (I did find a way to download the hidden ones, happily.)
Craving: To get out of the city and see some mountains.
Tagging @consistentsquash @danpuff-ao3 @broomsticks @squidgilator @tahtahfornow @everythingbutcoldfire @thistlecatfics @direwolf-summer @the-dream-team
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picklesonjupiter · 1 year
Music interview tag game (tagged by @siriusly-sapphic )
put your spotify on shuffle, and use the first 10 songs that come up to answer each of the 10 questions with lyrics!
1. first off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
Maybe I'm a fool
Ugly Heart - G.R.L.
2. what kind of [sun sign (Libra)] are you?
I wanna climb into your mind and turn on all the lights
Read all your secrets, see if you wonder about mine
We're just kids tryna' to understand the world
You're still a only a boy, you're scared of a good girl
Ready - Alessia Cara
3. you're visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?
What's up? - 4 Non Blondes
4. if your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
Look inside my heart and find a perilous ravine
Carved within the beauty, the darkness in between
Standing in the balance of complete and incomplete
I identify the echo of what is and what will be
creature - half•alive
5. say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again
King - Lauren Aquilina
6. what would you say about your best friends?
With simple songs I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore
You are more beautiful by far
Our flaws are who we really are
I Hear a Symphony- Cody Fry
7. think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy
8. describe your aesthetic now:
Feeling like your life's an illusion
And lately, you're secluded
Thinking you'll never get your chance
Feeling like you got no solution
It's only 'cause you're human
No control, it's out of your hands
It's OK Not To Be OK - Demi Lovato, Marshmello
9. what's a lyric that they'll quote in your euology?
My little love
I see your eyes widen like an ocean
When you look at me so full of my emotions
I'm finding it hard to be here, sincerely
I know you feel lost, it's my fault completely
My Little Love - Adele
10. and for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather
Heather - Conan Gray
Tagging @smilingformoney @snultiverse @maruke2003
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nuttytani · 4 years
a/n- if you enjoyed reading it; feedback is highly appreciated💖 this is my first hp headcanon 👁️👄👁️ P.S this doesn’t have a specific timeline so that’s entirely up to you + no mentions of hogwarts/magic.
•these are just some hcs i came up with, please don’t take them siriusly xDDD (lol). if you disagree with any of these, that’s fine! this is completely based off of my imagination and my perspective of these characters + most of the points were like ‘in the heat of the moment’ ideas so they might not make sense
fandom: harry potter 
warnings: none except for the whole thing being a ‘i just winged it’ and it’s not proof read.
pairing: remus, james, sirius, gn!reader
❝Living with the Marauders hc❞
Holy cow- idk what to say about this one.
It’s honestly a mess, everything is a mess- from your house- your sleeping schedules, your attire- the two of you…. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G is a mess™ 
Cooking is all on you, because when James joins you in the kitchen- ummm it’s a chaos. Not that he CAN’T cook or doesn’t know how to- James is quite the capable man it’s just...he can be a super messy cooker(is that a word? Maybe chef?). He’ll use up all the spoons in the drawer because ‘that one got dirty’ smh. 
Yep he’s that cook
During the weekends and days off , the two of you would be eating snacks, junk or takeout on the couch while binge watching some chick flick movies...cuz James lowkey likes- nvm- LOVES them. But he’ll never admit it shrug though it’s extremely obvious, you never point it out. He’d be that: wtf-that’s-so-stupid movie watcher. Gets annoying at times so you have to shush him 
James: gosh! Who writes letters to get rid of a crush?
You: ….It’s just a movie, James- chill.
Yea, you get what I mean? (also a bonus if you know which movie i’m referencing)
Grocery shopping goes like this:
You: we’re out of bread and veggies, come on let’s go shopping
James: It’s a sunday!
You: ...
James: let’s go tomorrow?
Lo and behold, tomorrow never arrives so when you’re at the verge of an extremely empty fridge...you grab your wallet (with James) and drag him to the market
When either of you are busy with work, the other will constantly bring food, water and scold ‘take a damn break!’ and all those nice things :”) health is important so never overwork yourself guys!
Laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house- it’s all split between the two of you regularly and the chores are circled around so it’s never unfair :D
God forbid you two EVER do chores together though- it always takes up forever to end. Mostly because of James’ mindless chatter and jokes.
Obviously you have your own room in the house BUT you and James both prefer to sleep together snuggled up! 
Oop- everything is wayyy too clean, wayyy too scheduled with Rem. From morning till night.
He’s like a mom. Keeping things neat and tidy, every item in the house having its own designated place (determined by him) and if it is placed elsewhere...welp- IT NEEDS TO GO BACK IN ITS PLACE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! If not- umm there’ll be consequences. What kind of consequences, you ask? No hugs and/headpats for a day!! Ikr? scary.
If you wish to sleep in, oh no no no- Remus will drag you out of bed. Through any measures! Maybe by: tickling, planting playful small kisses on your face, etc.
The two of you share a room because why not? Remus prefers to sleep with you in his arms because he simply LOVES cuddling with you and feel your warmth.  
Btw, believe it or not Remus owns the same and exact pair of shirts and coats; your wardrobe is filled with it. And it’s all the same colour palette: browns, many and different shades of it. God bless if you ever see a flash of other colours.
You: OHH Remus! When did you buy this red shirt?
Remus: Hmm- I didn’t, you bought that
You: ...nvm
Living with Remus is basically having a mom 2.0 but slightly carefree. And i mean sLIGHTLY
Remus does all the grocery shopping, it just happened to be that way; a silent rule.
Let me tell you a secret though, it’s because of his impulsive chocolate tendencies. He wouldn’t want you to see exactly HOW many chocolate bars he buys- if you do see- it’s a LOT
Cooking is fun, it’s never a chore with Rem. The two of you split the little things to do so making food becomes efficient.
Other chores are split between you and Remus
During days off and the weekends, you two just like to unwind from all the stress and exhaustion aka sleep in (yes, these are the only days you’ll be able to oversleep xD) and laze around the living room. Most of the time Remus likes to stay at home and relax by the couch and do nothing but have you in his arms while the two of you do your own thing.
Sometimes though, you get bored and force him out of his cocoon and venture outside.
Remus: minding his own business
You: Let’s go out!
Remus: nope runs
You: yes link arms with him and drag him out the house
Living with Sirius is unpredictable! And I mean it!
You might expect him to do something, but he’ll do the complete opposite! e.g ‘oh, he’s going to sleep in today- just like yesterday’ but nO
He’ll surprise you by waking up early THAT day
To be fair though, most of the time Sirius DOES like to sleep in with you- it’s a heavenly sort of feeling. Waking up next to you with the sun filtering through the curtains- making both of your skin shine!
(off topic BUt- I hc Sirius to be someone who is carefree and does everything depending on his mood but that doesn’t mean he will force you to go along with his plans or anything of sorts. It’s  just what he does.)
Chores? What chores? Sirius doesn’t know-
He’d rather spend time with you than scrubbing dishes...jkjk- well not entirely jk sweats. He’s rather lazy when it comes to cleaning/chores but will help you out! although begrudgingly
Sirius: Tsk- we could’ve been out right now
You: Yes we could have, but we aren’t… come on! That window isn’t going to clean itself 
Sirius: You’re lucky that I love you-
Days off and weekends consist of forgetting about those unwashed laundry while taking a walk downtown, grabbing coffee, visiting parks or a long drive (on a motorbike or a car, yall have both because why not?). You must be thinking; what about those parties!??? Well… those are rather rare since both of you and your friends have become more busy as responsibilities started piling up , but that doesn’t mean yall don’t occasionally hold casual parties, although they aren’t as crazy as they used to be.
On days when you aren’t outside for a change, you and Sirius like to just lay in bed and talk about whatever and unwind from all the stress. He will also let you play with his hair!
Sirius: ewww don’t make those weird hairstyles on me babe!
Also Sirius: mmmh! Gotta say, i’m rocking the tiny pigtails 
You: snorting you sure are!
Sirius while smiling: puts in colourful butterfly clips around his braids I look like a princess! 
Lots of music playing in the background, throughout the day
Includes silly dancing
Either of you always join the other in the end xDDD lowkey turns into a mix of salsa and waltz (how about saltz/waltza?)
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nebulablakemurphy · 4 years
George Weasley x Reader
Requested by anonymous: George x reader where she's just stressed and tired from studying and she feels somewhat numb to stuff and is constantly losing focus.
I hope you enjoy it! 💜
Words 1.1k
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The sounds of Gryffindor tower swirl around you, from your place on the corner settee. Students of all ages preparing for their first trip home, since arriving at Hogwarts. Roommates exchanging addresses, to keep up on the latest gossip during their time apart. Couples sneaking off to snog beneath self made bushels of mistletoe.
You, on the other hand, think more practically. O.W.L.S. are less than a month away. To say you’re stressed, would be the understatement of the century.
Jotting down a quick note, for safe keeping, you notice a pair of feet stepping into view. George, you’d recognize him anywhere. Your boyfriend’s weight shifts the cushion beside you.
George slings his arm over your shoulders. “Hello, love.”
“Hi,” you chew the inside of your cheek. Reluctantly placing your open book face down, atop your thighs.
“For the weekend-“
Oh, this weekend. You’ll need to spend it studying.
“Sweetheart?” George says, leaning into your field of vision. “Is everything alright?”
Alright? How could anything be alright? Everything’s...“fine.” You force a smile, “everything’s fine. What were you saying about this weekend?”
“I asked if you’re still planning on coming for dinner?” George repeats.
“Oh, of course,” you nod, “I wouldn’t miss it.” Popping over to the Weasley’s during Christmas holiday is a tradition of sorts.
Mrs. Weasley’s cooking is brilliant. It doesn’t hurt that you and George always sneak away, to exchange a few gifts of your own.
“You’ve been hitting the books like mad, for weeks! I think you’ve earned a break.” He reaches for the hardback resting in your lap.
“I can’t.” You press an apologetic kiss to his freckled brow. “I’m nearly done. Why don’t you head on down? I’ll meet you in a few.”
“If you’re sure,” George narrows his eyes at you. “But if you’re not at the table in ten minutes, I’m coming after you.”
“I’ll be there,” you assure him. Back to your work, before he’s out the door.
You make it to the burrow, the day after Christmas. Your entire holiday has been spent researching, in anticipation of those inevitable essay questions.
Even when you’re away from your notes, all you can think about is the fact that you should be reviewing them. The anxiousness begins to creep up again.
You itch for the stacks of bound parchment, waiting for you back at home. Unlike George, you’re very concerned about your test scores. He’s always believed that his future doesn’t revolve around academic achievement. You wish a bit of that would rub off on you.
Realizing you’ve completely zoned out again, you attempt to focus. The dinner table is full of smiling faces, exchanging stories. You want to engage, but the thought alone is overwhelming.
You manage to catch the tail end of a long winded joke, as it passes George’s lips. You’re supposed to laugh, because it was funny. Only it doesn’t feel that way, it doesn’t feel like anything at all.
George, your charming, loving, funny boyfriend; looks to you. Waiting for the laughter that should come, but somehow doesn’t.
“I’m sorry.” You shake your head, to clear it. “I’m very tired, I think I need to lie down.”
“Oh, of course dear!” Molly excuses you from the table, without further questioning. “You do look a bit peaky. George, take Y/N up to your room for a while. She’ll be tip top after a bit of a lie down. Just remember-“
“Leave the door open,” George finishes for her. Guiding you up the narrow staircase to his room, on the top floor.
George flops back on his bed, feet dangling over the edge. “Aren’t you going to join me?” He smirks, “or was this just an elaborate ruse to get me alone?”
You pause, staring down at the floor. “You can go back downstairs. I’m fine, really.”
“We need to talk.” He says.
You know what he’s going to say. He can���t do this anymore. “Ok then, let’s talk.”
“You’ve been a bit distant lately. Maybe we can start with that.” He doesn’t sound angry, maybe things between you won’t end on a sour note.
“I’m sorry George, I’m worried sick over these O.W.L.S. Umbridge upped the passing score, over a hundred points. There’s no way I’ll do well, even if I keep studying.” You draw in a shaky breath.
“It’s all starting to run together. I can’t focus on anything besides how nervous I am. I don’t feel like myself, and to top it all off; you’re breaking up with me.”
“Y/N,” George whispers, “no one is breaking up.”
“But you said, ‘we need to talk.’” You remind him. Nothing good ever follows.
“We clearly do! I’m worried about you. I need to know what I can do to help you feel better.” He’s being sincere, George would do anything for you.
“I don’t know.” You admit, choking back a sob. “I hate feeling like this.”
“Come here,” George opens his arms for you. “We’ll figure it out. You and me, we always do.”
You nod, closing the distance between you and breathing in the familiar scent of his shirt. “You’re very comfy,” you murmur.
“Glad to be of service.” He chuckles, stroking your hair. “You should try to get some rest.”
“That does sound nice,” you yawn. Hiking your leg up against his.
“We can run through the spells and potions, when you wake up.” George nuzzles the crown of your head.
“But you hate studying.” You crane your neck to see his face.
“But I love you,” he reasons, “so it all evens out in the end. After that we can pop on a muggle movie. Dad’s got a makeshift cinema down in the basement.”
“You’re being wonderful about this, you know?” You press your lips to the underside of his jaw.
“I just want you happy,” George confesses.
“You make me happy.” You assure him, leaning in for a kiss. You mean it, with every fiber of your being. George has always, and will always make you happy.
“Here I thought you were tired?” His mouth forms a smile atop your own.
“I’ll sleep better if you wear me out a bit.” You reply cheekily.
“You know you shouldn’t worry so much about school.” George whispers, rolling you onto your back. The length of his body covering yours. “We could be making better use of your time.”
You roll your eyes, hard, “George.”
“I’m only saying, that even if you flunk out, which you won’t; you’ll always have me.” He promises, trailing open mouthed kisses down your neck.
“You make a compelling argument.” He makes it easier to breathe.
“Always do.” George smirks, pleased with himself.
When you finally succumb to sleep, it’s the best you’ve had in ages. George holding you, until you wake.
Taglist: @bforbroadway @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @chaotic-fae-queen @a-mexican-waffle @obsessedwithrandomthings @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @firewhisky-kisses @haphazardhufflepuff @peachesandpinks @iliveiloveiwrite @the-hufflefluffwriter @masterofthedarkness @fific7 @poppin-potter @heloisedaphnebrightmore @mytreec
Twins taglist: @susceptible-but-siriusexual
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skullrock · 4 years
the call - S.H
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pairing: Steve x Reader
request: okay hi if you’re still doing requests: talking on the phone with steve and ending the call with “bye, love you” but you haven’t said i love you yet and it just SLIPPED and steve gets all smiley and cute and is walking on literal sunshine bc he can’t WAIT to see you so he can say it back
word count: 1080
warnings: none!
a/n: this is the cutest thing I've ever written 2 date <3 also ignore the gif I know it’s bad we can move past that ok
“God, I miss you.”
You laugh and turn onto your stomach, playing with the phone cord lazily. “I miss you, too.”
“When will I see you next?”
You hum, smiling. “I don’t know… maybe you can sneak in through my window tonight.”
You hear Steve laugh. “Those days are over, babe.”
“You wouldn’t climb through a window to see me? Your adorable girlfriend?”
“Don’t tempt me,” he says. “I’m a bit rusty, but I think I could probably do it.”
“It’s incredible that you’ve climbed through so many windows that you used to be good at it.”
“I was decent,” he corrects. “I wasn’t Olympic level.”
“You’re Olympic level at a few things,” you say, smiling and biting your lip.
“Oh?” he breathes. “Like what?”
“Being cute.”
You can practically see him shaking his head. “Good one.”
“And being a dork,” you continue, playing with the fabric of your shirt. “And telling funny jokes. And kissing.”
“Yeah?” he asks, shifting in his bed.
“And scooping ice cream.”
“Don’t remind me,” he laughs. “I think I gained muscle mass from that job.”
“I’m sure you did,” you giggle. “You’re pretty strong.”
“Olympic level?”
“Not quite.”
“I miss you,” he repeats, sighing heavily. “Miss you so much. Wish you were here.”
“I wish I was, too.”
“Maybe I can see you tomorrow?” he asks. “I work til seven, maybe we can watch some movies later?”
“Aren’t you tired of movies?”
“Not if I’m with you.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the smile that forms on your face. “Okay, dork. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
You sigh happily. “I’ll talk to you then. I love you.”
You put the phone down and then freeze, blood running cold. Your eyes widen and you swallow hard, jumping a bit when the phone rings again. You pick it up slowly, whispering, “Hello?”
“What did you just say?”
Your words get caught in your throat, and you desperately try to say something, anything - something clever or funny or casual. “I… I ….”
“You love me?” he asks.
You pause. “If that’s… cool with you?”
“Steve, I’m sorry -”
“Unlock your window,” he says quickly, slamming the phone down.
“Unlock my window?” you ask out loud, but you do it anyway. You realize that he’s definitely going to try to scale your house, and you’re a bit worried at what that might entail - he’ll probably fall and break his back. And, God, what does he want to say? That you’re a moron? Too clingy? Is he coming to break up with you?
Steve arrives in record time, five minutes later, jumping out of his car without even bothering to lock it. He stands below your window and rolls his shoulders, and you watch him, eyes wide. “Just use the front -”
“No way,” he says. “I’m scaling this god damn wall, and I’m going to say it back.”
“Say what back?” you ask, stunned, as Steve begins to climb on top of the air conditioning unit at the base of your window. He’s deep in concentration, biting the inside of his cheek while he thinks of his next move.
“You don’t happen to have, like, ten feet of hair, do you?” he asks.
“Ask yourself,” you reply, and he grins up at you, eyes squinting shut.
“You tellin’ me,” he starts, and hops up to the windowsill, one foot resting on the wall, “that I’m not dating Rapunzel?”
“That’s not my name,” you say, and then you gasp because he falls, feet landing on the air conditioning unit again. “God, you are bad at this -”
“One sec,” he says, jumping again, hands on the windowsill and both feel on the wall. He hoists himself up, grunting dramatically as he does, until his body is halfway through your window. He stops here to take a break, panting. “Christ, slinging ice cream really did give me muscles.”
You help him through the rest of the way and he stumbles into you. Steve pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist, and he smiles down at you, the giddiness apparent.
“Hi,” you say.
“Hi,” he says back. “Say it again.”
“No,” he says, squeezing you closer. “That you love me. I wanna hear it again.”
You blink up at him, blushing a bit. “I love you.”
His smile widens, surely hurting his face at this point, straight white teeth shining through. “Again.”
You laugh. “I love you!”
Steve picks you up, spinning you around, making you squeal. He puts you down and, still smiling, responds, “I love you, too.”
“I don’t climb through windows for just anyone -”
“Oh, bullshit, Steve -”
“Not anymore!” he protests. “God, I love you. I love you. I love you.”
“I love you.”
He groans, leaning down to kiss you deeply. Your arms wrap around his neck and you pull him closer, both of you smiling into it, making it clumsy and awkward.
“It’s a miracle to hear someone so beautiful say something like that to me,” he whispers against your lips.
“You’re worth it,” you whisper back, taking his lips in yours again. You pull back briefly to say, “Darling, you’re worth the world.”
“I love you,” he says again.
“And I love you.”
Steve pauses, brows furrowing. “My… my ribs kinda hurt.”
“Well, you did just throw yourself through my window.”
“I’ll leave through the front door,” he says, but you pull him towards your bed.
“Stay,” you whisper, pulling him down beside you. “Please.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” he murmurs, kissing you again, his hand snaking up to the back of your neck. You both stay like that for a moment before Steve starts to giggle into your lips.
“What?” you giggle back.
“I just can’t believe it,” he sighs. “Can’t believe you love me.”
“Believe it,” you say. “I’ll say it every two seconds for the rest of my life. I love you.”
“I -”
“I love you.”
“Okay -”
“I love you.”
“I get it!” he laughs, pulling you to lay on the bed with him. “I’ll never get tired of it, though. I love you. So much.”
“We’re annoying,” you sigh. “But I love you so much, too.”
“We sound like Tommy and Carol in the seventh grade,” he says. “Oh, God, gross -”
“Yeah, you kind of ruined it,” you say, resting your head on his chest. “But I still love you.”
“I love you, too.”
taglist (join here):  @harrington-ofhawkins @comedy-witch @gothackedalready @wolfish-willow @sassisaluxury @willowrose99 @harringtown @write-from-the-heart​ @m-blasterrr​ @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred​ @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby @yall-wildin-like-siriusly @andyl394 @astil-be @troop-scoop @ilovebucketbarnes@mybestfriendthedingus @unknownherelm @metuel18 @magnitude101999@simplesammyx @lukeskisses @stevenismyboy​  @dungeons-and-demodogs​ @scoopsahcy​ @strangest-hour​ @lucifer-reads​ @stevexscoops​
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redfurrycat · 1 year
👯Merged Tag Game👯
I've decided to do two tag games at the same time, 'cause...Why the hell not? :D
Tagged by @marianatrenchprobably, @spacewinter for the Lock Screen Tag Game, and by @ladylanera for the 5 Songs Tag Game. Thank you all precious people!!! 💖💖💖💖💖*catbonk*
Lock and Home Screen -
My Beloved Cat is ALWAYS my home screen, but I regularly change the picture (I've soooooo many of them xD).
Other picture is my latest commission from @Forsty... I am in love and obsessed with the art, and I just *sigh* each time I see my home screen. (Siriusly, just go admire this artist's art! <3)
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Pinterest Homepage -
Don't have it.
Last song I listened to -
The Pulp Fiction Song, You Never Can Tell by Chuck Berry.
5 songs -
*me trying to find singing songs instead of OSTs in my playlist*
Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz (heard in Alex Rider Stormbreaker, and one of House MD episodes where House runs listening to this song... :D SO GOOD to listen to!!!!!!)
Friction by Imagine Dragons (Opening Theme of Crossing Lines, that TV SHOW CAST is absolutely *chef's kiss*)
Gonna Make You Sweat by C+C MF (Heard that one in the movie Ticket to Paradise, liked the dorky dance xD)
Jai Ho Slumdog Millionnaire (THAT MOVIE IS SO SO GOOD!!! :O)
Push it by Salt N Peppa (heard that one because of B99!!!!!! xD)
(YUP. I've just demonstrated I listen to singing songs mainly because of movie and shows.... *shrugging*)
No pressure tags, for any tag game you want to do (or none): @anadorablack, @coins-that-never-land, @hangmanbradshaw, @itshoneywhatever, @merryandrewsworld, @missathlete31, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @pollyna, @semperhuggs, @wilddreamprincess. (Also, accept this hug from afar, and have a beautiful day! <3)
Lock Screen Tag Game Rule: Lock screen, home screen, Pinterest homepage and last song you listened to!
5 Songs Tag Game Rule: ✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
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I Wanna Hold Your Hand (Hetalia Germany x Reader)
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Word Count: 1, 616
Summary: Ludwig wants to confess to [Y/N]. Adrian, their friend, gives him an idea.
Warning/s: None so far.
Notes: This may be a little dated since I've written this for a long time now and it also haven't seen the light of spell and grammer check. Hehe!
Wattpad Link: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (Hetalia Germany x Reader)
Song Featured: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
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Adrian knocked on Ludwig's door before opening it to see him very frustrated.
"Hey, sir, you needed help?" She asked.
"It's getting out of hand!" He said as he paced around the room.
Adrian went in and sat on his bed.
"Your love for her?" She asked.
"Yes! Gilbert says that I should confess to her but - ugh!"
"You can't do it?"
"I -"
"General! Just be yourself, that's what girls usually wants."
"SIRIUSLY, General! Just say it to her."
"But how?"
"I dunno, sing?" Adrian shrugged.
"Sing?" He asked.
"Serenade her? I dunno. Wait!" Adrian ran out of the room to get Gilbert's guitar.
Ludwig followed her and they both sat in the living room.
"I have a plan!" Adrian said as she started to play the guitar.
"Is that supposed to be The Beatles?" He asked.
"Yeah, I accidentally rummaged the tapes arranged in the stereo because there was no WiFi." She said. "Does she understand German?"
"Yeah, why do you ask?"
"Komm, gib mir deine Hand~!!!!" Adrian sang.
"What?! No!" Ludwig blushed at the thought of singing it to [Y/N].
"What? I guess it's better than others. Besides, you just wanna hold her hand. What's wrong with that?" Adrian asked.
"If I get rejected -"
"I don't think so."
"But does it have to be in German?"
"It's your native language." Adrian deadpanned. "Do you even know how to play this song?"
"I'll call for back up for the drums and such." Adrian said as she gently placed the guitar on the center table before taking her phone to call the BTT, mostly Gilbert.
"Wait, what back up?" Ludwig asked.
"Your brother, Francis, Uncle Antonio and maybe Lovino too." She said as she waited for the phone to pick up.
"Come on, you'll need back up. And they're good at lovey-dovey stuff than I am. All I know is mysteries and murder."
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"So a band?" Francis asked.
"I'm in." Gilbert says with a smile. "So that my little brother here can finally have a frau."
"Good idea, mi hija." Antonio smiled at Adrian. "Although, how many guitars are we gonna use for that?"
"I'd say about three and one drum set." Adrian says. "Mainly a rhythm guitar, bass, and lead."
"I can hear hand claps. Who's gonna do those?" Lovino asked as he listened to the music.
"I volunteer for the lead." Gilbert says.
"I'll go with bass." Antonio says.
"I'll be with the drums then." Lovino says almost reluctantly.
"I'll be rhythm." Francis says.
"Then I'll be the one who'll do the hand claps." Adrian says before turning to Ludwig. "You're on vocals."
Ludwig nodded nervously.
"Let's start?" Adrian asked.
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"Wait, how do we know where she is?" Gilbert asks as he carries his guitar.
"I got that arranged." Adrian says as she helped Lovino with the drums. "Man, my hands are gonna bleed later."
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[Y/N] was with Adrian's friend, Reese. They were in the park. Sitting on a bench talking about things like movies or cosmetics and such.
Reese was in the plan of Ludwig serenading [Y/N]. Adrian told her all about it and that Reese will be given a signal when the band was ready.
It was agreed that if Adrian send Reese a text message of "IWHYH", it was a signal to start and that would mean Reese has to lead [Y/N] to them.
Reese was occasionally checking her phone to get the message and [Y/N] noticed it.
"Waiting for someone?" [Y/N] asked.
"Yeah, Adrian. She told me she'd be here." Reese replied, covering up her real reason.
"She'd be here. She usually keeps her word." [Y/N] said and gave Reese a comforting smile.
"Thanks, [Y/N]." Reese smiled.
Beep! Beep!
Reese looked down at her phone to see a message from Adrian.
It's time!
She unlocked her phone and read the message:
"IWHYH now! At gazebo! Come ASAP!"
Reese looked at [Y/N].
"She's here! At the gazebo!" She said happily.
"Well then, let's go! I know you two wanna hang out too." [Y/N] said as they stood up from the bench and went to the gazebo.
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"Hey, bruder! I can see the frau coming here!" Gilbert called to him as he saw Reese and [Y/N] approaching.
"The plan's working! Thanks, Reese!" Adrian thought with a smile.
"Are you guys ready?" She asked to them.
They were all dressed in black suits like The Beatles, even Adrian was dressed in them despite being a girl but it looks great on her with her short boyish looking black hair.
"Yeah! Let's do this!" Gillbert said enthusiastically.
By now, a crowd of people were watching them in curiosity.
What are they doing there?
That was probably in their heads.
"You ready, General?" Adrian asked Ludwig.
"Y-Yeah." He answered.
He was nervous!
There were people watching him! What's more, [Y/N] was there too!
"Hey, calm down. Breathe in, breathe out..." Adrian said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You can do this, General."
Ludwig took a deep breath and nodded as Adrian smirked, giving the band a thumbs up.
Adrian nodded at the other men and Lovino struck his drumsticks three times before the band started playing as Adrian played her recording of hand claps and went out of view for a moment.
"Oh yeah I tell you somethin'
I think you'll understand"
Ludwig started to sing. He saw [Y/N] from a far and he quickly turned crimson.
"When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand"
[Y/N] was shocked to see him at the gazebo singing. It was a rare sight but she couldn't help but smile.
"I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand"
Adrian, who had retreated to the sides, gave a thumbs up at Reese.
"Oh please say to me
You'll let me be your man"
The crowd grew more and more by the second and some people started to record a video of what was happening on their phones.
"And please say to me
You'll let me hold your hand"
Other people were whooping and cheering in the background which made the band smile a bit.
"Now, let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand"
Adrian was jumping in the background in tune with the guitar riff.
"And when I touch you
I feel happy inside"
Reese looked at [Y/N] and saw that she was really staring at the blonde German singing in front.
"It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide"
The blonde German man continued to sing.
"I can't hide"
Gilbert joined in while he flashed a handsome smile.
"I can't hide"
The three guitarist sang with the blonde German man in chorus.
"Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand"
The blonde German sang again in solo as the other members in the band just continued to play.
"When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand"
"Hey, [Y/N]," Reese said. "let's get a closer!"
"I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand"
[Y/N] nodded and Reese pulled her all towards the front of the stage.
"And when I touch you
I feel happy inside"
As Ludwig sang, the people cheered him on.
"It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide"
[Y/N] smiled as he saw him sing up close.
"I can't hide"
Francis smiled and showed the audience a smile that made a lot of women swoon.
"I can't hide"
The four men sang again in chorus, gaming a louder cheer from the audience.
"Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand"
Ludwig pointed at [Y/N] just as they band practiced the days before and everyone's eyes focused on you.
"When I feel that somethin'
I want to hold your hand"
It surprised [Y/N] that she couldn't do anything but blush as Renee fangirled in the background along with some of the audience.
"I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand"
Adrian smirked from the side as the song started to end.
"I want to hold your hand"
Ludwig sang the last line before the song ended and the crowd went wild.
He looked down at [Y/N] from the makeshift stage and asked her, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
All at once the crowd gave a series of "awwww"s and some told [Y/N] to say "yes".
Even the BTT cheered on, Ludwig was probably blushing madly and was also panicking inside as he waited for an answered.
"Well, girl." Renee whispered to [Y/N]. "What do you say?"
"Is it a 'yes' or a 'no'?"
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[Y/N] took a deep breath before she prepared herself on what she was going to say.
"Yes!" You smiled up at him and everyone cheered!
He jumped down from the makeshift stage and hugged you.
Adrian gave Renee a thumbs up and smiled at the BTT and a rather grumpy Lovino.
"Bitter Italiano." Adrian chuckled at the thought.
"Ah, la'mour." Francis sighed with a smile as they went down the gazebo.
A happy ending, but it's just the beginning.
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"I-I-" [Y/N] stuttered, she was panicking inside and she was a blushing mess!
Of course you love the German but you were just too shy!
She closed her eyes ran away.
Leaving the people confused.
Leaving Renee alone and shocked.
Leaving Adrian with fear.
And most of all. . .
Leaving him without for an answer.
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The End
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mischiefandi · 4 years
✨Event Announcement !!✨
Hi everyone <33
SO i told yall i was planning something new for my blog and i actually got this idea not too long ago. I’ve got a new bi-weekly event in the works: let me explain !
✨Musical Monday✨
The concept behind this is fairly simple, i’ll explain below the cut !
Every other Wednesday, I’ll post a little something to remind you that Musical Monday is in the works for the following week. You can then send in either 
-an album you enjoy by any artist 
-or a spotify playlist (that you created or that someone else created (with credits pls!))
-a book/show/movie who’s characters you want me to pair the songs with
my job is to then assign the characters from these shows/movies/books to the songs in said playlist/album.
!! (you can specify who you definitely want to see in the list if you’d like but it’s not necessary) !!
Every other Monday (meaning every fortnight), I’ll be posting the characters with the songs as well as a piece of writing underneath explaining why I thought they matched the song. 
The whole point of this is to discover new music, hopefully give you my own recommendations as well, and also just to have fun and spread some love for these characters. I also genuinely adore analysing characters and digging deeper into their story arcs so this’ll be the perfect opportunity for me to share my thoughts with you and hear your own!
✨What shows/movies/books can I request?✨
you can request just about anything however I obviously haven’t watched every show or movie on the planet and I have definitely not read that many books so here are a few ideas to get you all started if you’re at all interested:
anything MCU, Teen Wolf, Sex Education, Gossip Girl, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, Sherlock, any Choices book, the Haunting of Bly Manor, the Haunting of Hill House, the Office, Bridgerton, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, the Maze Runner, Shameless, the Goonies, Outer Banks, the Society, Derry Girls, American Horror Story (1-7), Grey’s Anatomy, the 100, Star Wars, Fleabag, Little Women, Disney movies, Barbie movies, Narnia, and many many more
if there’s anything else in mind that’s not on this list, that’s 100% ok, you can definitely still send it in. if i haven’t seen/read it and don’t plan on doing so, i’ll just say so (respectfully ofc), or i’ll add it to the list of stuff i have to watch!
✨What type of music can I request?✨
I’m a big fan of indie rock, alt-rock, hard rock, pop, soul, 70s music, honestly you can send in just about anything, I’m always down to listen to new stuff and I’ll mostly be focusing on the lyrics anyway! 
✨Can I request a show/movie/book if it’s been requested before already?✨
honestly there’s hundreds of combinations you could send in. Someone could send in a request for Derry Girls x a specific Harry Styles album, and two months later someone else could request Derry Girls x a David Bowie album, or request How I Met Your Mother x another Harry Styles album. There’s little to no chance you’ll request exactly the same thing as someone else so please don’t hesitate to send in your asks! 
it wouldn’t truly be a mischiefandi event if themes weren’t involved of course! when it comes to seasons, holidays and international days like Valentine’s, Christmas, Halloween, New Year’s Eve, Summer, Spring, Winter, Autumn, or other random prompts, I’ll tell you on the Wednesdays before Musical Monday, notifying you that it’s a special edition (along with additional guidelines if there are any). 
✨Dos and Don’ts✨
do make sure to send in A) a playlist or album + B) a show, or movie, or book (remember: A+B!). I expect I’ll get quite a few requests over the next few months and I won’t have time to go and ask you for more info privately, so please send in both or I’ll have to delete your request.
do be patient with me! if you sent in a request a few months ago, chances are I’m still working on it or you’re on the list and I’m getting to you :)
do send in multiple requests if you want to! i genuinely will be super happy to add them to the list!
don’t harass me with the exact same requests over and over again please haha. Like I said, chances are you’re already on the list and it’s really easy to see when a specific anon keeps sending the same asks so pls don’t. 
don’t be rude to other people if they don’t necessarily agree with your point of view about a specific character description. this is all meant to be fun and light-hearted. debating and discussing these characters is 100% encouraged as long as it’s constructive, polite, and civilised. any unnecessary rudeness or hate will be deleted immediately.
don’t make fun of people for the characters or books/movies/shows they like. if on one specific Musical Monday you see the post is about a show you’re not a big fan of, just scroll. let people enjoy things!
don’t hesitate to ask me any questions that you might have about Musical Monday. anon is always on for my shy peeps out there and i’m more than happy to give you more clarification if needed!
✨How do I get notified when Musical Monday happens?✨
i’ve updated my taglist google form so please click here and fill in the Musical Monday taglist box if you would like to be tagged every other Wednesday as a reminder for the next Musical Monday, and every Musical Monday of course. 
You don’t have to be on my writing taglists to participate in this and you definitely don’t have to be on the Musical Monday taglist in order to send in a request. Anyone can join at any time, the taglist is only for the people that want to make sure they don’t miss a Musical Monday. 
Again, if you have any questions about this game, my inbox is open <3
I am super excited about this project and I’ve been mulling it over for a little while now. Hopefully this is something that you guys will enjoy and want to participate it. I know a lot of you enjoyed the musical blurbs i did in November (still have a ton to do btw), so I thought that this could be fun also! My hope for this game is that it’ll create dialogue about these characters that we love so much and I’m so excited to hear your guys’ thoughts and recommendations!!
Love you all and hope you’re all having a lovely February
✨When will the first Musical Monday go down?✨
this Monday! exceptionally it’s on short notice, but for future reference, you’ll have a whole week to send in your requests no so worries! Please send in any requests you have for this Monday though!!
the theme for this Monday (15/02/21) is Valentine’s Day of course so my descriptions will be love-related but if you have any requests for stuff that has nothing to do with love, that’s more than fine, I’ll be adding them to the list for the upcoming Musical Mondays!
✨Tagging everyone in my taglists just this once + some mutuals to spread the word✨
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @r0s3mm @redstringlovers @captainbuckyyy12 @soincredible @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @cheesecakes-randomshitz @traveleraroundsworld @alwaysforever73 @thelittlestkitsune@glaimtruelovealways @texaskitten30 @abitofeverythinggg @alwaysforever73 @hcomet28 @thegirlwhoimagined @cherriesanwine @decaffeinated--fangirl @shutupstyless @x-give-em-hell-kid-x @teen--marvel @soincredible @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @bibliophilewednesday @jazminebrightxx @cheesecakes-randomshitz @traveleraroundsworld @perrytheplatypus11 @stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff @drakewalker04 @superapplepie @apatheticanvas67482 @theamazingtomholland @earthlyholland @siriusly-harry @solstilla @mrscutiefandobhaz @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @isaiahjesus -> it’d mean the world to me if you could signal boost this to spread the word, but if you’d rather not interact, that’s totally okay! don’t worry! you won’t be tagged anymore unless you’ve added yourself to the Musical Monday taglist here. 
thank you and see you on Monday 15/02/21 at 8 pm CET (= UTC+1)  /  7 pm GMT (= UTC)  /  2 pm EST (= UTC-5)  /  11 am PST (= UTC-8)
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faerykingdom · 3 years
💌 from my bb james ALSO CONGRATS ILY
To My Deerest,
You, my love, are the light of my life, the candy to my eye, the doe to my deer. The days we spend apart are like my soul is being ripped from my body. I love every inch of you, from the way you love to sit outside in the rain to read, to the way you love Audrey Hepburn and her corny movies. Siriusly, love, --NO, Sirius, I am not talking to you-- can we go a night without watching Roman Holidays?
Well, my deer, I should probably wrap this up. The lads are practically jumping on top of me trying to read your letter. I just wanted to tell you I love you, and miss you deerly. I cannot wait until summer is over, so I can see you once again.
Your love,
James Potter
I feel like James would be spewing deer jokes throughout the entire letter. How did you like it??
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Birthdays || Steve. H
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Request: Steve taking care of reader on her birthday cause she’s having her period on the same day. she’s having terrible cramps so Steve and the kids need to cancel their plans for the party, but they’re worried about the reader too. timeline can be after s3 or in between s2 and s3, you decide hehe. love ya! -✨
(sparkle anon, I literally love you sm <3 and HAPPY VERY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!!) 
Warnings: period cramps.
Word Count: 1061
A/N: the last request I wrote was for a friend, and it was also about cramps and stuffs, and at the time, I hadn’t ever had cramps before. And since then, I have. and um. . . ow.
• • •
Everything wasn’t going to plan, on either of your ends. 
Steve wanted to throw you a birthday party, and the moment he came back to your shared home with the cake he’d bought from the only bakery in Hawkins that was mediocre, you were on the kitchen floor, in an odd position. 
Your leg was hooked over an open cabinet, the other on reaching the counter. It was a hard position to describe, but you looked like a broken child’s toy. 
“Babe?” Steve questioned, putting the white box on the counter, away from your barefoot that was lazily thrown onto the cheap white material that was always stained. 
“Hm?” You responded, dramatically turning your head to look at him, hair being tossed in front of your face. 
“Why are you on the floor? I thought you were gonna go pick out movies? Keith said he’d give you a discount.”
When Steve and Robin had talked about your birthday coming up, and how the two of you just bought the VCR for the TV, and wanted to start collecting VHS tapes, Keith offered to give you a discount on the movies to buy or rent. 
You made some sort of grunt, or maybe it was a gurgle or mumble. 
“What?” He asked, kneeling down next to you grabbing onto the open cabinet for balance as you stared at each other. 
“Who decided that I should be punished for not conceiving a baby? This is bullshit and I hate it.” You grumbled, once again dramatically turning away. “Baby’s are evil anyway.” 
“Oh, yeah don’t say that in front of my mom.” But he understood the sentiment you had.
You only grumbled in response, but while it did take him a second, he soon realized why you were grumbling. Because it wasn’t really a grumble, but you trying to keep your pain to yourself. 
“Come on.” He told you, unhooking your leg from the cabinet and bringing the other to the ground from the counter. 
“You’re having cramps, right?” 
Your cheeks flushed bright red and all he could do was sigh before helping you into a sitting position. 
He picked you up from off the ground, carrying you to the couch and laying you down on the green cushions. You never really had much of a choice in most of what the furniture looks liked. Two highschool graduates who worked part time at a video rental store that almost went out of business because of the rental store that had once been in the mall, couldn’t really afford brand new furniture. Most of it was second hand. 
“I’m not a dog,” You mumbled as he walked away, disappearing into the hallway. 
Within a few seconds you could hear the hall closet being opened and him rummaging through it. He came back, without closing the closet, with an ice pouch in hand and a fleece blanket you’d brought from home. 
“How is the ice pack supposed to help?”
“I can put hot water in it. . . that can help right? I mean I got leg cramps all the time when I played basketball.” You let him ramble a bit, letting him figure it out when he noticed you didn’t try to interrupt him. “Right um. . . hot water?” He suggested. 
You gave a small smile and nodded, reaching out for the blanket. 
Steve called the kids, and Robin, letting them know that they couldn’t have the party today. You weren’t a big fan of the plans that they’d put together anyway. You were never one for big parties, having always had them as a kid. You really just wanted to stay inside anyway.
You were pretty sure their plans were to take you to the pizza place that had just opened up in downtown Hawkins. Not that it was really a downtown compared to big cities. It wwas just where most of the stores were, as well as town hall. 
With the warm ice pack on your abdomen, you’d relaxed a bit more into the couch with your blanket. You had a bottle of water from the fridge next to you, while Steve turned the air on. “What do you wanna watch?” He asked, walking over to you, basically hovering. 
“Do we still have our Highlander VHS? Or did we lend it to the boys when they went to visit Will and El?” 
He sighed a bit, “We lent it to them like three months ago and I have yet to see it.” 
You chuckled a bit, grimacing as another cramp came and left. “What about Empire Strikes Back?” You asked.  
“Star Wars, Steve.” You reminded. “The second one.”
“So not the one with teddy bears?” 
You laughed and shook your head. “No,” 
He smiled down at you before leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek, going to the stack of VHS tapes you had begun to collect. There were only a few, and oftentimes you guys just watched TV instead. 
You took an occasional sip of water and tried to get into a comfortable position where the cramps weren’t as bad, and when Steve had gotten the VHS into the player, and it started playing, You’d gone to having your head in his lap, your arms wrapped around his knees like a pillow. 
You’d gotten comfy, and halfway through the movie, you were turning to face Steve, the cramps subsiding a bit. 
“They were worried about you, by the way.” He pointed out, playing with the ends of your hair. 
He hummed in response as the sound of basters echoed through the apartment from the TV. “Dustin and Lucas asked if you were dying.” 
You shook your head a bit. “They’re also boys who don’t have older sisters.”
“Mike just said ‘okay’”
“Because Nancy, and his mom. . . What did you say?” 
“You were having girl issues.” He shrugged a bit. “And that I needed to stay here.” He smiled a bit, and in return you smiled back. 
“Yeah, that’s not very subtle.” You told him with a laugh. “Maybe we can have the party tomorrow? But we can order it for pickup? That way we can all just a night in.” 
He nodded in response. “That sounds fair.” He told you. “Happy birthday by the way. I know I said it this morning, but I need to say it again.”
• • • 
Add yourself to the taglist!
@jxnehxpper​ @willowrose99​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ilovebucketbarnes​ @mochminnie​ @big_galaxy_chaos @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
Okay guys, I think it’s time...
So for years the Harry Potter fandom has been fancasting these four boys as the Marauders:
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter
Ben Barnes as Sirius Black
Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin
Jamie Bell as Peter Pettigrew
Now there are some alternatives for these fancasts but the four above are the most popular and are the ones you will probably see most often. However, it was pointed out a while ago that these actors are literally old enough to now play the adult!Marauders. Our boys have officially grown up :,(
So... I decided, why not find some more age appropriate Marauders?
Obviously the four og’s will always be the go to, but I thought it would be fun to cast them with people who fit the age range. Now, this is all just my opinion so don’t take it too siriusly (lol get it? Like Siri-? Okay, moving on).
Starting off with the legend himself, we have Noah Schnapp as James Potter:
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When it comes to casting James I think it is very important to remember that Harry looks just like his father. Idk if you noticed but it’s mentioned once or twice in the books 🙃
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And I mean... look at this. You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that they don’t look alike
(also s/o to @wallowskywalker for creating and posting the pic of Noah edited as Harry Potter! I edited the scar out of the first pic to give it more of a James vibe but guys the original edit is amazing and all credit goes to them :))
Next, we have Finn Wolfhard as Sirius Black:
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Yes, I know, this kid is everywhere, but look at the facts:
Finn is already often used as early year versions of Ben’s Sirius and/or Regulas, so he obviously has the Black family look.
If you really wanna see Finn as a Sirius-like character, watch The Goldfinch. His character Boris reminds me of Sirius so much and he even gives his friend in the movie, Theo, the nickname Potter because of his glasses.
Plus there is the added bonus that him and Noah are actual friends in real life and have filmed together so it wouldn’t be hard to edit them together.
Joshua Bassett as Remus Lupin:
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I know y’all love this recent white boy of the month so here’s why I think he would be a good Remus.
Honestly, I had trouble trying to decide who could do our precious werewolf justice. I eventually decided on Joshua because for some reason he gives off big ‘adorable and wholesome/responsible and studious’ vibes and that’s what our Remus is all about.
(Plus, imagine him and Finn as Wolfstar 👀)
Graham Verchere as Peter Pettigrew:
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When I saw this kid in Stargirl I instantly thought he gave off big Peter vibes. The energy I got from Graham’s character was very ‘I’m just happy to be here’ and I think that honestly sums up Peter. Early on in the movie there was a scene where a rat climbed onto Graham’s shoulder and that’s when I knew it was fate.
(He isn’t necessarily big like Peter was described in the book but neither is Jamie Bell so 🤷‍♀️)
Danielle Rose Russell as Lily Evans:
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Now I know some of y’all are gonna be mad and/or confused about this one.
Again, this is just my opinion!
It took me forever to find a Lily Evans that I liked. Now I know that there are about a hundred young ginger actresses and that half of them work with Finn Wolfhard, but they just don’t fit the image of how I see Lily Evans.
I’ve always had the headcanon that Lily’s hair was more auburn red or dark red rather than just ginger, and that she had little to no freckles. I mainly think this way because it differentiates Lily from Ginny.
I also know someone is going to bring up her eyes, but if we are casting off of movie!Harry (like casting Noah as James based off of his similarities to Daniel) than her eyes match Daniel’s blue ones perfectly. I mean, it’s better than Rowling saying, “The only really important thing is that his eyes look like his mother’s eyes. So if you’re casting Lily, there needs to be a resemblance, but they don’t absolutely have to be green” and then casting a girl with brown eyes to play Lily (no hate, just facts).
Plus, Danielle already plays a witch on Legacies so why not???
Final Points:
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(I’m not great at editing please don’t judge me)
(Also, all I did was photoshop the new faces onto an edit with the og fancast so s/o to whoever made the original :))
You can disagree with these, that’s totally fine. Obviously, I would never try to replace the original Marauders, they’re iconic. This was just something I thought of for fun :)
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lucywrites02 · 3 years
24. Caught in the Rain
Main Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
Pairing: He/they Loki x gn! Reader
Word count: 334
Loki tag list: @twhiddlestonsstuff @dreamingyouth @xladyxfatex @castiels-majestic-wings @lokistan @cozy-the-overlord ​ @whatafuckingdumbass @electroma89 ​ @dpaccione @gaitwae @poetic-fiasco @lokitrashfan @weirdfangirl2416 @rorybutnotgilmore @the-emo-asgardian @wolfish-trickster @serpentargo @darkacademicfrom2021 @imnotrevealingmyname @nyx2021 @theaudacitytowrite @high-functioning-lokipath @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @funsized-mimi @aliiiyyaaah @handmaiden-of-mischief @bouffantofdoom @mischief-siriusly-managed @selfship-mishaps @kozkalovesloki @sarahpaq08 @lostgreekgod @thewindandthewolves
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“That was nice.” You said, squeezing your lover’s hand tighter as the two of you crossed the road.
“It really was!” Loki smiled and sighed, enjoying the smell of cold, evening air. “We should visit places like that more often.”
“As far as I know there are two other botanic gardens not so far away from here.”
The streets were always quiet at this time of the day and the only sounds you could hear were the sounds of yours and Loki’s boots stepping on the sidewalk. The god wanted to enjoy the peace before you went back to your shared apartment in the city.
“Or maybe let’s go to the aquarium?” The trickster proposed, swaying your jointed hands as you walked to the train station. “The one in Manhattan is huge.”
“It’s a date then.” You said, looking up at your lover with a smirk.
A comfortable silence fell between you when suddenly you felt something wet on your head. You didn’t have time to think because the rain poured down on you a second later. Loki ran, still holding your hand tightly, literally dragging you behind them. Norns damn him and his long legs! Thankfully, you didn’t have to run too far because your lover quickly spotted a small bus stop with a bench inside.
“Well, that was,” Loki wiped the water from his face with his hand and moved their hair away from their forehead.
“Very unexpected.” You finished the sentence and laughed. You were cold, but there were many perks of dating a sorcerer.
The trickster snapped his fingers and both of you were dry again.
“What are we gonna do now?” You asked with a frown, watching the rain hit the empty street.
“Let’s be that crazy couple from a romantic movie that dances in the rain, thinking no one can see them.” The god joked, but you knew that deep down they wanted to do that. It was probably on his bucket list.
“Sounds like a good plan”
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nebulablakemurphy · 4 years
Help Wanted
Requested by the lovely @iliveiloveiwrite: Hey Christina!! I love the idea of your comfort fic fridays so much! Could I request a Harry Potter x Reader where the reader doesn’t get the job she wanted and had worked really hard to get. Understandably upset, Harry just comforts her? (Can you tell I’ve been rejected from jobs a few times? 😂) thank you so so much!! Lots of love, @iliveiloveiwrite 💚.
Lots of love to you too, Millie. I’ve also been turned down from a job, or two. 😂
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You can hardly believe your eyes, when you find the ‘help wanted’ poster; hung in the corridor, near the entrance of your department.
Your current position is entry level. Although you’re comfortable there, and would be for sometime, this job is the job. The one you’ve been dreaming of since graduation.
Your legs can’t carry you back to your office fast enough. You’ll need to begin preparing straight away. An updated resume, letters of recommendation from all references and... oh gods, Harry.
You’re going to have to cancel your plans for the evening, in favor of getting all your ducks in a row. Surely he’ll understand.
“Welcome home, love. How was work?” Harry smiles, watching as you toe off your shoes.
“Same as yesterday,” you shrug. Nothing eventful to report on your actual job front.
“You seem awfully chipper for just another day at the office. Or perhaps it’s because you’re excited about our dinner reservations.” Harry suggests.
“Actually, I have to pass tonight.” You tell him, nervously biting at your bottom lip. “I’m really sorry, Harry.”
“Is something the matter?” He asks, cocking his head, of dark hair, to the side.
“No, everything is going swimmingly.” You explain. “The job I’ve been on about finally opened up.”
“That’s wonderful news, darling!” Harry replies, brightly, “I’ll call the restaurant now and move our reservation to next week. We can have a proper celebration.”
“I haven’t even applied yet,” you call after him.
But Harry will hear none of it.
You spend hours compiling a detailed list of your qualifications; complete with past employers, character references and a copy of your advanced wizarding degree. A crisp cover letter seals the deal.
Harry even gives it a once over, before stating, “I’d hire you in a second.”
Still you’re racked with nerves as you hand the stack of papers over, to the head of the department.
Everything you’ve been working for depends solely on this application.
“We’ll notify all applicants of our decision, by owl.” The older man tells you, placing your resume atop the large pile.
“Oh,” you realize you’ve been standing at the desk, for a moment too long. “Of course, I look forward to hearing from you.”
“There you are.” Harry greets, when you arrive home from work, using the floo.
“Hello, Harry.” You smile, tiredly. Brushing wayward ash from your clothing.
“This came for you.” He shakes the sealed envelope, from the department.
“Just now!” You squeal in excitement. Rushing over to grab the letter and holding it against your now racing heart.
“Not even five minutes ago.” Harry confirms, watching you from the table.
You take a deep breath, sliding your index finger beneath the top flap. This is it, the moment of truth.
‘Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
It is with deepest regret, the department informs you that we are unable to extend you any position, at this time.’
You can’t stomach reading the remainder of the words. Silently allowing the harsh reality to sink in.
“When do you start?” Harry wonders, trying to gauge your sudden change in mood.
“Harry...” you pause, gathering the nerve to speak. “I didn’t get it.”
His beautiful face falls, closing the distance between you. “What’d you mean? You’re exactly what the position called for. If anything, you’re over qualified! I’ll go down there right now and sort it out.”
“No, no I appreciate it. But I can’t let you do that.” You reach out a hand to stop him. You’ve never allowed Harry to pull strings for you.
“I hate seeing you upset.” Harry frowns, catching your face in his hands.
“Well, I am a bit disappointed,” you confess. “I’ll get over it.”
“Anyone who can’t see how wonderful you are, doesn’t deserve you. There’s plenty of other jobs, you could come work with me. I’ll put in a good word for you with the boss.“ Harry strokes your cheek, softly.
“You are the boss.” You roll your eyes. “I appreciate the offer, honestly. I think I just need to sulk for a bit. Get it out of my system.”
“Alright,” he nods, in understanding. “Are we sulking with music or a film?”
“Mmm,” you hum, mulling it over, “film.”
“Chocolates or popcorn?” A kiss lands on your forehead.
“Here I thought you knew me, Potter.” You feign hurt.
“That’ll be chocolates and popcorn.” Harry amends, he knows you very well. “Why don’t you decide what we’re watching, while I go get the snacks?”
“That sounds perfect,” you sigh. He is perfect. “Thank you, Harry.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” he shakes his head. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You say, setting off to pick a movie.
When you return to the settee, Harry is waiting, with open arms. Popcorn, drinks and sweets are laid out on the coffee table.
You can’t fight back the smile that tugs at your mouth, as you make yourself comfortable against his chest.
“Can I get you anything else?” Your wonderful boyfriend whispers.
“No, this is all I need.”
When the time is right, what’s meant to be yours, will be yours. Until then, you don’t mind spending your nights curled up next to Harry.
Taglist: @bforbroadway @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @chaotic-fae-queen @a-mexican-waffle @obsessedwithrandomthings @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @haphazardhufflepuff @pcseidcnsvoid @iliveiloveiwrite @the-hufflefluffwriter @masterofthedarkness @fific7 @poppin-potter @heloisedaphnebrightmore @mytreec @izzytheninja @whack-ed
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