#So he leaves him alone to do animal control related things in the forest. For some reason??
minotaur-asterion · 1 year
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Concept for a Swap AU
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levia-chan · 7 months
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A/N: Well, for some reason Tumblr doesn't have many works with demon!MC, so I decided to try to write my own, I hope you like it :3
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- No.
- MC, please think again. I assure you, this pact will benefit both of us! - that annoying sorcerer won't leave you alone.
He's been trying to get you to make a pact with him for quite some time. You don't want that. Which, in fact, led to your current situation. You're desperately trying to get away from the sorcerer somewhere far away, and he's still following you.
- I said no. Look for some other demon to make a pact with them.
It seems suspicious to you that such a powerful sorcerer is persistently trying to make a pact with you. You don't have such a high rank and you barely match the level of the fallen brothers, so why would he do that?
Solomon already has 72 demons under his control, so what would change if you joined this list? If he wants a pact with you just because you're closely related to the seven brothers, then he won't get it.
- MC, listen, I don't just want to make a pact with you. I see great potential in you! If we combine our knowledge and abilities, we can achieve a lot! Besides, we will certainly be able to learn something new from each other! - he was hoping to convince you with that sweet talk and friendly smile.
Oh, Diavolo, this man is really testing your patience.
That's it, you've had enough.
You stop abruptly and turn to face him. "Listen, I'm flattered by your desire to make a pact with me, but I doubt we'll be able to learn anything from each other. Besides, you overestimate me. I'm not that strong, and I don't want to be overshadowed by a human."
Now that he finally had your attention, he took your hand in his and gently ran his thumb over your knuckles.
- You're being too hard on yourself. You have your strengths, and I have my weaknesses. If you're still not sure, then how about showing off our skills to each other?
You wanted to object, but first you decided to weigh the pros and cons. In the end, you decided that a show of force wouldn't hurt and would perfectly show who you'd be connected to if you did decide to make a pact.
- Okay, I'm interested. But after this show, my decision will be final. Either we make a pact or not, it's up to me. Is that clear? - you took your hands out of his hands.
Solomon nods his head. He understands your conditions perfectly and will be ready to fulfill them, even if everything turns out not in his favor.
- Great! Now it remains to decide exactly where we would like to do this.
Both of you turned your heads at the same time towards the old dark forest not far from you. There is almost no one there, except for some rarely passing animals, plus it is far from the busy city.
Just perfect.
- Huh, I think great minds think the same way, - you laugh and start moving towards the forest first.
Solomon didn't mind that you were leading him. It didn't take you long to get to the middle of the forest, where you are surrounded only by earth, rocks and some sticks. You are accompanied by a light cool wind that makes the hairs on your skin stand on end, because you were not wearing enough warm clothes.
He noticed that you were shaking a little, so he immediately took his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
- Are you cold? - he was smiling as he put his coat on your shoulders. "I wouldn't want you to freeze. You still need to demonstrate your abilities, MC."
You fell into a stupor for a while. You didn't expect such gentlemanly behavior, especially from him.
- What about you? You people are more fragile. A little breeze won't kill me. Take care of yourself, wizard - you tried to give him back his coat.
The last thing you need is for him to poke you in the face what a sissy you are for the rest of the day.
The sorcerer, also stubborn, forced you to keep his coat with you. "I want you to know that I'm not like other people. Besides, the turtleneck suits me fine," he fiddled with the fabric around his neck.
Well, if he insists, then who are you to refuse?
Now that you have reached the perfect location, you have a large empty space at your disposal.
You turned your head towards him and tilted it slightly. "So, are you starting or am I?" you're flexing your fingers in preparation for the demonstration.
Solomon laughed and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. "Come on, please, demons go ahead."
- Wow, look at the gentleman, - you smirked.
At first, you stretched your hand out and felt the breeze passing through your fingers. You put your middle finger and thumb together and started concentrating. Magic began to crackle in the air. When a ball of magical energy formed in your hand, you turned all your attention to one object.
You looked at a large boulder and sharply reduced the sphere, after which you sent this small ball to the boulder. In just a second, a rather powerful explosion occurred. Strong air currents formed, as well as debris of different sizes, which began to fly in different directions. Some even flew in your direction.
- MC! - Solomon grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away, but you didn't even move.
You looked at the wreckage and clenched your hand into a fist. The stones stopped abruptly in the air and began to fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, forming small craters.
Since the danger has passed, the sorcerer has released your hand. He breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at you worriedly. "You could have been hurt, you know? It's good that you have a great reaction."
- I know my abilities and I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure of my own safety. But it's nice that you're worried about me when you should be thinking about yourself.
He chuckled as it was his turn to show his strength. He will prove that he is worthy to make a pact with you.
- Let's see if you'll keep thinking I'm weak. Oh, and by the way, you're not getting seasick in the air, are you? - he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
- No. Why-
You didn't have time to finish and understand what was going on, because you suddenly flew into the sky. The only thing that could soften your fall is the edges of the trees.
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Solomon was next to you in a second, but he was much better at floating in the air than you were. Watching you awkwardly hanging in the air, he covered his mouth, trying to hide a chuckle. - Well? Are you having fun?
You stared at him, kicking your legs in the air. "What do you think? You just shot me like a projectile from a catapult! And without any warning!"
- You'll get used to it soon, but for now let me help you, - he flew up to you and took your hands. He began to guide you, and now your flight has stopped being so erratic.
It took your breath away to realize that you were so high above the ground. "You don't send everyone you meet flying, do you? Because it's a great way to make enemies."
- Don't worry, I'm not that reckless, - he smiled and gently lowered you both down. "I only do this with those who are really interesting to me and with whom I want to become closer."
You fell silent, feeling his gaze on you. "Solomon, - you haven't called him that for quite a while, - if you want to make a pact with me just because I know my brothers well, then you don't have to continue. I don't like being used."
He seemed to be taken aback by this response. "Is that why you've been rejecting the pact all this time?"
-... Well.. Why else would you sign a contract with me?..
Solomon gently took your hand. "MC.. Pacts are not something you will make with someone for no reason. What I want from you means more to me than strength or power."
Your feet finally touched the ground, and you were speechless after such a subtle confession. You can't even look at him.
- It looks like I'm making things too complicated, - he noticed your stunned state. "According to our agreement, I will accept any decision you make. Pact or not," he lowered his head and looked away, preparing to face rejection.
Before he left, you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
- The pact. I want to make a pact with you.
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Okay, so I wanted to share this about something that me and a friend of mine do. A friend of mine, and I usually get together and watch movies together.
When we do, we always make up some kind of scenario for fun. It’s almost always complete and utter nonsense, and doesn’t make sense but we find it quite fun! And there’s one of these that is my absolute favorite
It’s Wall-E, but with Garling! And I wanted to share some things about it with you all! I hope that you don’t mind!
Please keep in mind though that this is absolute nonsense, and very likely does NOT make any sense…
Scenarios That Don’t Make Any Sense, Mischaracterization, Apocalyptic Setting, Bitchass Celestial Dragons, Almost Dying, Misunderstandings
Okay, so basically we always change quite a bit about the setting to make it fit with our scenario. In this case, it isn’t a typical apocalypse from trash and things.
I have this OC named Ophelia who is Queen of the Fairies. She’s also the S/O of the Gorosei, and her bad ending is them betraying her causing her to seal off her island to protect the fairies. She also makes everyone forget fairies exist.
So for this scenario, we changed it to a hypothetical where the fairies fought back. They slowly overtook the One Piece world, and many people escaped due to Vegapunk. Most of which being Celestial Jackwagons though…
The people left behind were captured by the fairies, some were put into like these stasis cocoons to keep them out of the way. Some were killed, and others were put to work for the fairies.
This work was to clean up, and get rid of things relating to people that weren’t fairies. Each fairy worker as well bears like this glowing tattoo on their arm to indicate that they’re working so a fairy doesn’t cocoon them by mistake, and animals leave them alone.
Okay so in the scenario that we did. Wall-E was a character of mine known as Esther, but I’ll change that while I explain it, and say it’s you. Sound good? Okay.
So basically you’re a fairy worker, and you’ve been collecting small little non-fairy things to keep inside of your home. Your home moves every night due to a regular natural disaster that sweeps through the area every night.
Because the fairies control the weather and the balance of nature, it’s caused by them. They do value you as a worker, so they always alert you when the storm is coming by making your tattoo glow brighter in advance.
One day though, something happens as something arrives in the world. It’s a big spaceship, and it drops off something. This person is in kind of like a hazmat suit almost to protect from fairy related powers like dust, and magic pollen.
This person almost kills you when you make a sound, and you wind up having to retreat. This person is Figarland Garling, and you’re really interested by him so despite the danger. You’re following him about.
Garling was sent back to the world of One Piece alongside a bunch of other Holy Knights in order to see if it was safe to return. How they would do this is that they would attempt to seek out any sort of proof that they could return.
You almost die a few more times while following Garling about, but you always live. As you follow him, you see him become more and more angry too with his inability to find anything.
Man legit goes on a rampage at one point after being caught in a fairy trap like a lot and I mean a lot of forest destroyed. Despite this though, you never really leave him alone as you’re always watching from nearby somewhere.
After the closest encounter with death that you have with Garling, he realizes that you aren’t a fairy but a human. He realizes that he could get some use out of you, so you talk for a bit then when the storm hits. You rush him into your home.
Of course after a bit of explanation, you let him stay with you. You even show him all of your little trinkets to see if it can help him. None can, and he’ll never admit that he’s enjoying himself.
He even gets a small bit too excited at one point, and accidentally hurts you pretty badly. You show him it’s fine though after dousing the injury in a healing potion that the fairies gave you.
You two spend a lot of time together, and even watch a little movie that you have. Once it’s finished, you show Garling exactly what he wants to see. Proof that people can return.
Non-Fairy Plant Life
Basically fairies have their own type of plants, and things. It’s what’s currently covering a lot of the One Piece world, so finding Non-Fairy Plant Life is kind of a big deal.
Garling’s suit undergoes protocol upon him finding it which is to seal it inside of a little compartment in the suit then put him into stasis. That way, the fairies leave him alone as they think he’s cocooned, and the proof is undamaged.
You have absolutely no clue what’s going on, so you kind of abandon your duties as a fairy worker to care for Garling in this state. So much happens, and you’re in so much danger at some points. Despite everything though, you stay by his side.
Honestly you do try to be romantic with him too like holding his hand, but the suit is meant to keep him in a certain position so he crushes your hand when the suit corrects his position.
Soon enough the spaceship comes to retrieve Garling while you have no choice, but to get back to work as the fairies are getting upset with you.
Also if you’re wondering who the cockroach pet that Wall-E has is, it’s just a little mutt dog you found. So you tell the dog to stay put as you chase after the ship, you manage to hold onto it as it takes off.
The fairy magic from your tattoo is keeping you safe as the ship leaves atmosphere. The ship returns to the main ship. There are a bunch of smaller ships out there for people, that’s where Vegapunk is with the other punks. This story takes place on the main ship though where the bitchass dragons live.
So each of the returning Holy Knights are examined, and cleaned. You manage to sneak into the lineup, and remain undetected somehow. Garling is seen to have proof that it’s safe to go back.
Alarms raise, Garling is now in transport to the Gorosei. He’s still in stasis, and you get to see the world that the Celestial Dragons have been living in. The two humans as well that Wall-E meets in the movie, we decided are Doflamingo’s parents like this is how they met.
So typical things happen, you go with Garling to meet the Gorosei who have slept in.
They were fucked by Ophelia’s fairy magic a long time ago due to betraying her, it’s caused them some brain fog that’s decreased into general loopiness. We did that to make them fit the role of the captain, and to have the movies villain make sense.
It isn’t Imu, it’s just an AI. Meant to help people pilot the ships, it was turned on to help the Gorosei do their jobs. It doesn’t want the people to return back to their world though because it thinks that’ll be straight up death so it’s decided to take complete control.
Anyways the meeting from the movie happens. Garling turns out to not have the plant, he’s thinking he dropped it somewhere so he’s looking around. His frustration grows when he sees you’re here.
He checks you to see if you have it. Even to the point of looking in your clothes, and hair. Of course, he can’t find it. It's believed that his suit is malfunctioning. So the Gorosei send him down to the med bay for examination, and treatment as if his suit is malfunctioning then who knows what could be on him…
You’re also found during this time, the Gorosei also have you sent to be cleaned and examined. They would kill you, but the fact that you have a fairy tattoo is enough to make them keep you. You could be useful for research purposes after all.
So you and Garling are both taken to the med bay. You’re in the waiting room while Garling is checked out first, you look around at all of the people around you. Mostly Holy Knights.
Everyone’s looks very intimidating, and/or creepy because Celestial Jackwagons so you’re pretty uncomfortable.
Garling is undergoing typical examination protocol to see if anything fairy related got to him while he was out there. Through the frosted glass though, it looks like Garling is being brutally tortured.
That brings panic of course because “Oh shit!!”, and you want to save him. You get up out of your chair, and chaos ensures as you get into the treatment area. Thinking Garling really is being tortured, you snatch up his sword from where it’s sitting.
Things go in slow motion as you unsheathe it, Garling tries to stop you as he rushes forwards. Only for you to damage something with his weapon. If you thought things were bad before, they’re worse now.
A picture is taken of Garling snatching his sword back from you, and putting it back. It looks like he’s unsheathing it though so the picture makes him look aggressive. You, and him are now branded as criminals on the ship.
Garling’s pissed, but he doesn’t kill you. You both run out of there, but Garling has officially had enough of you.
He drags you to an escape pod, and sets it to take you home. You don’t wanna go as you feel bad for what you did, and want to help him fix it. But he isn’t having it.
Soon something happens though as one of the AI’s little worker drones enters, Garling and you hide to avoid trouble. You watch as the drone turns out to have the Non-Fairy Plant.
Garling watches in surprise at this. The little drone gets the escape pod ready for take off, and Garling is about to rush in to grab the plant when he sees you’ve already done it.
He tries to snatch you out only for the escape pod to take off with you, and the plant inside. Garling quickly puts his suit back on, and rushes out there to give chase.
You of course have no idea how to work the pod so you start pressing buttons to make it stop. So many things happen until you manage to accidentally start a self destruct sequence, this is bad and Garling has no idea what’s happening as he chases the pod.
He just thinks you’re freaking out for no reason until the damn thing explodes. He’s in absolute shock as he stares at what used to be the pod, he doesn’t know what to think. He tries to go closer only to see you zoom past him using a fire extinguisher to push yourself.
Today just keeps getting weirder in Garling’s opinion, he does chase after you though. You try to push back to him, and you go right past each other.
“Hold on, I’ll come to you!” and you slowly push yourself back towards him using the fire extinguisher. You accidentally spray him with it once you’re close enough.
He’s a bit irritated by that, and about to shout at you as everything is boiling up. The Non-Fairy Plant aka the Proof might haven just been destroyed too now that he really thinks about it.
“Wait, wait! Look!” and you pull out the Proof. Perfectly unharmed. It’s safe enough to say that Garling is surprised, but that surprise quickly turns to happiness as he takes it. He stores it inside of his suit, and doesn’t get put into stasis this time
Afterwards Garling is so overjoyed by this that he can’t stop himself, he hugs you tight as you’ve saved his reputation with the Gorosei and even risked your own life to get it for him.
He kisses you through the glass of his suit without even realizing what he’s doing, your lips didn’t actually touch but it’s enough to make you beet red as he lets you go causing you to float away.
Garling tells you to come with him, to deliver the non-fairy plant to the Gorosei together. You try to, but you’re kind of losing control of the fire extinguisher causing you to accidentally get blasted away from him.
He sighs, but he chases after you. What begins as just a chase turns into just having fun as you both fly about the outside of the ship. Even being spotted by Doflamingo and Corazon’s Mother who watches you both fly with the man that eventually becomes her husband.
The two of you are having quite a lot of fun as you fly about together. Meanwhile inside the Gorosei are using the information loaded on the ship to learn all about fairies, their culture and their ways of life. How they keep the balance of nature, how they control the elements.
All of it is fascinating to them, and they start to think back to Ophelia. How heartbroken she was when they betrayed her, the things that she used to for them out of pure love, how she trusted them…
The AI tries to get them to sleep as it’s late, but when it leaves. They completely ignore it, and continue researching things about fairies. During this, they even start to miss her and feel a small bit of regret about what they did.
Once your fire extinguisher completely runs out, Garling catches you and takes you back inside of the ship with him while carrying you bridal style. There are people on the lookout everywhere for you and him.
Garling realizes that you can’t go together as it’s too dangerous, and has a heavy risk of you being found so he hides you. He commands you to stay put.
He heads straight up to the Gorosei, the five of them are just finishing up learning about fairy culture when he busts in. They’re about to call for Garling’s removal, and arrest only for him to produce the non-fairy plant from his suit.
They take it, and they’re surprised that it actually did exist. Once the surprise wears off, they realize that it’s possible to return now.
Immediately Garling is practically bombarded with questions about what the world is like now, but before Garling can answer any. They decide to see for themselves so they hit a button, a little device drops from the ceiling and sticks itself onto Garling’s suit.
It starts to project what he’s seen, all of it. It shows the Gorosei exactly how the fairies have overtaken their world, how entire towns have been overtaken by plants and how the fairies seem to be wiping out every trace of non-fairy life.
The stasis cocoons, the storms, how some people are being used as cleaners.
It’s something that leaves them unknowing of what to say. This doesn’t look anything like what they learned about. They know that the fairies chased a lot of people off of the world, but they didn’t expect anything like this…
“This is madness… Aren’t fairies meant to keep balance?” “Everything is overgrown… I can’t even tell those are buildings…” “How could they do something like this?”
As Garling’s suit starts to replay the movie that you showed him, they all look at it. The movie is showing a big fairy dance. They’re enjoying this sight at least, and they look at the Non-Fairy Plant.
“Somehow despite everything, you still managed to persist and survive… Even in an environment that was hostile to you…”
When the plant starts to die, that’s a cause for alarm. So they rush off to get it some water as Garling watches the recording from his suit.
The footage from Garling’s suit reaches when it put him into stasis. He sees how you worried about him, and how you took care of him. Hid him from fairies, and kept him safe.
He almost feels a little touched as he watches you struggle to care for him while he was like that.
Meanwhile outside, you’re getting pretty worried about him and can’t wait anymore so you leave your hiding spot. It is dangerous to go up normally, you know that so you get an idea to crawl up the garbage shoot.
I realize that I forgot to mention the little cleaning robot guy up until this. I think his name is Mo, but in this version. He’s one of Garling’s guard dogs (headcanon of mine) specifically the leader of them which is a Pomeranian. He’s pursuing you not just because you’re dirty, but because his master clearly has some kind of connection you. So he’s following you because he thinks that’s what he should do.
So the little Pomeranian who I’ll call Pom has managed to catch up with you because your shoes are tracking dirt everywhere that you go. He’s following you, and trying to keep up with you only for your dirt trail to lead him to the garbage shoot.
Meanwhile back up there, the Gorosei have managed to get the plant some water. It’s starting to look not as dead, and they’re relieved. They realize that the plant just like most things needs someone to treat it with kindness and care, so it won’t die from cruelty.
After a realization that kindness and care is required. The five of them make the decision to return to earth, they run the decision by Imu and they agree to return. However when they command the AI to return them home, it refuses and tries to take the Non-Fairy Plant.
They guard it with their lives, and demand to know why the AI won’t take them back to their world.
It decides to explain that returning would be a death sentence, the fairies can’t be reasoned with, and their Queen has lost her mind. They won’t hesitate to kill the arriving people. Non-Fairy life can’t be sustained anyways on that world.
They argue with it showing that the non-fairy plant is proof. The AI simply says that they’re still under the effects of the Queen’s magic, and don’t know what they’re talking about.
Proceed to a fight within the room that results in the little drone from earlier getting the plant. The Gorosei order Garling to take it back, and he quickly whips out his sword to do so. He attempts to strike the drone down only for it to throw it into the open garbage shoot.
Garling tries to chase it, but his suit is put into stasis by the AI.
They all think it’s lost until they hear “Ow!!”, and suddenly the plant is back. It landed on your head as you climb up the garbage shoot, the relief has swept through the room.
The AI tries to rush forwards, and take it from you, you’re fighting with it as you try to keep the plant safe. Eventually the AI gets tired of this, and upon seeing your fairy tattoo decides you must be disposed of immediately.
Cue a piece of metal being shoved directly into your chest, and releasing a powerful continuous electric shock. It leaves you sparking and convulsing, this is a pretty horrifying sight as once it’s over. The AI just pushes you into the garbage shoot like trash.
“Fairy virus cleansed, and disposed of…”
The Gorosei are pretty shocked as the AI just killed a person, and not only that but they lost the plant which is their far bigger priority. The Gorosei try to take back control from the AI, but it locks them in their rooms.
Afterwards it disposes of Garling down the garbage shoot as well to be disposed of. Garling’s suit breaks when he hits the bottom causing stasis to be deactivated, he wakes up and throws it off in anger.
He looks around for you, and winds up finding you about to be thrown out the airlock into space alongside a bunch of trash. Garling rushes in, and tries to pull you out but you’re really stuck in there.
The doors are about to close, but he refuses to abandon you. So he’s struggling, and struggling then just as the doors are about to close. Pom shows up.
It manages to wedge itself between the doors causing them to stop as there’s a blockage. Garling is able to free you, grab Pom, and get out of the airlock. Once you’re all safe, he sets you down. He sees that you’re injured, and looks closely at it.
It’s really bad… Garling doesn’t know what to do, but you pull out the plant… He doesn’t care about that right now so he tosses it aside for the time being…
Only for you to weakly move over to it, you pick it up and hobble back to give it to him again… Garling is speechless as you’re near death, and trying to help him…
So he starts looking around frantically for anything that can help you. Bandages, medicine, anything but it’s all trash. As he’s doing this, the Pom settles itself in your lap. You try to pet it, but it stops you. It licks your hand clean first then allows you to pet it.
Garling can’t find anything to help you, he gets angry only to realize that you had those healing potions back in your home. He knows he won’t find one here so they need to get back there.
He quickly picks both you and the Pom up, he holds you with one arm and whips his sword out.
“…Wh-Where… are we… going?” “Back to your home…”
Garling busts his way out of the trash disposal area, he’s dirty as all hell and looks like absolute shit, but he doesn’t care. He rushes through the hallways striking down anything that gets in his way without a second thought.
He even gets caught on camera doing so making his picture appear everywhere as a dangerous criminal.
When you run into trouble, Garling slices his way through it without any hesitation. He intends to get back to the Gorosei, destroy that AI, and get to your home. Once you manage to get out into the main part of the ship, all the screens pop up with a message from Saturn.
He’s managed to broadcast himself from his room, he explains the situation and tells Garling exactly where he should go. They’ll handle everything that needs to be done, but Garling needs to head to a specific area and put the plant in the little compartment when it pops up.
The connection is cut off after this, Saturn knows the AI is coming so he gets ready. The AI pops into his room, and looks around for him. It can’t find him so “Saint Saturn?”.
As soon as it says this, Saturn ambushes it and starts fighting with it to take back control. He does manage to overpower it briefly, and free the others as they rush to the main room where all of the ships functions are handled.
Ethanbaron, Shepherd, and Warcury are handling the AI while Saturn and Marcus both try to get the ship ready for transport. They manage to do so, and hit a button that gets the passengers ready for transport alongside signals to the other ships that it’s time to head home.
Everyone on the ship is transported to one area. The confusion is immense amongst everyone as they don’t know what’s happening.
Garling arrives with you, and he starts looking around for it. He finds it, and rushes there pushing through people. He’s knocking over quite a few people, but he couldn’t give two shits in all honesty.
He gets to the compartment, but just as he’s about to take the plant from you and put it in. The ship suddenly starts tilting heavily as the AI is doing anything to keep the plant out.
Garling loses his footing, and lets go of the plant to hold onto you tightly. A lot of people as well are falling too, they’re sliding across the floor and getting bunched up in certain areas as it’s too slanted to be able to walk properly.
You and the Pom are set down somewhere safe, and Garling rushes into the crowd to find the plant. He’s looking around everywhere as everyone slides down, and bumps into him as they go.
With the tilted ship, the AI is able to shake off the Gorosei and try to shut down heading to earth. The compartment begins to close, and you see it so you stumble to your feet and try to hold it open until the plant is found, but it’s difficult.
As you’re doing this, everyone except you and Garling have fallen down. Doflamingo and Corazon’s mother and father have even managed to cushion the slide of a good few babies who were falling.
Garling is still seeking the plant until he hears something, something big and heavy is starting to fall. He watches it for a moment before seeing that it’s going to very brutally crush a lot of the people who are bunched together.
So he rushes for it, and manages to catch it just before it makes a collision. He’s pushing against it, and trying his best to move it to where it won’t crush anyone but it’s too heavy plus there’s no real place that he can move it too as it’ll just fall again.
He tries to shout for the Gorosei to get the ship back to normal already as he hopes that they’ll hear him. The Gorosei would, but they’re struggling themselves.
Meanwhile the AI pulls up live footage of what’s blocking the compartment from closing, it sees you and it begins to grow angry. It presses the button harder, and harder as it watches you struggle to hold it up.
It presses the button so hard that it breaks, and when it does. That’s when your foot slips, and you’re crushed. Garling can see it from where he is, and he’s horrified beyond belief. He nearly drops the thing to run to you.
The Gorosei can see the footage from where they are so they push themselves, they get up and manage to completely destroy the AI. They announce that they’re officially back in control, and the AI has been shut down permanently.
The ship is put back to normal allowing Garling to finally let go of the heavy object, he vaults over it and rushes to check on you. You’re still crushed between the compartment and the floor. The Gorosei can’t raise it as the button is broken.
His voice booms. No one wants to go against him so everyone starts searching, and once they do find it. It’s passed from person to person to get it to Garling faster. Once it’s there, he shoves it into the small crevice. It scans it, and registers it as valid proof.
The compartment pops back out, and you look absolutely awful. Your bones are broken, you’re bloody beyond belief. He isn’t even sure if you’re still alive, but he and Pom don’t leave your side…
Even as the Gorosei announce that everyone should brace themselves for a return to their world. It’s a fast travel that knocks everyone off of their feet, the force from it is incredible as Garling lays himself over you to protect you.
When the ship returns to the world, they’re the first ones to make it back. The ship lands, and disembarks with your little dog friend watching from your home as it does.
People start to come off, and look at the fairy plants that have overtaken everything. Everyone is a bit shocked to see this sight, but Garling shoves his way through the crowd.
He dashes with you and Pom back to your home. He reaches it, and sets you down. He goes through each of your shelves, and starts pouring every single drop of every healing potion that he can find onto you.
Your injuries do start to close and heal. Garling is panicking for the first time in his life as he does this. By the end of it, you’re absolutely soaked but you’re all better. Garling is worried that you might be dead, he calls your name and sees you start to breathe.
The relief has swept over him, but he quickly notices that something is wrong. You’re staring blankly ahead, and your fairy tattoo seems to have increased in size.
He’s worried about you. So he tries to ask if you’re alright. No response.
He gets some of your collected items, and tries to show them to you to get you to react like “Look how fast I can solve this cube thing you have! …Now you try, I promise you can’t beat my time…” but nothing.
As he’s looking for more things to show you, he hears a sound only to turn around and see that you’re getting rid of your collected items. Like you’re now just a mindless fairy worker. Don’t think that he didn’t try to stop you as Garling did, but it was no use. You walked right outside after you were done, you almost stepped on your little dog friend too.
You walked outside, and started doing your job as the Holy Knights looked on. Garling soon comes out and follows you, he watches you for a bit before grabbing you.
You’re forced to face him, he shouts your name to get you to react then louder when you don’t. All that happens is that you stare blankly, Garling is starting to lose hope and starts to realize that he’s lost you.
Despair comes over him as he takes your hand, he touches his forehead to yours hoping for a miracle. He presses a small kiss to your lips before he starts to turn away to leave you.
But when he feels you grab his hand, he looks back. You’re still staring blankly, but you blink. Once, twice, thrice… Squint…
Proceed to him being absolutely overjoyed at this. He holds you tight like he’s afraid that you’re going to disappear, he confesses that he’s fallen in love with you during your time together.
Honestly considering how strong he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it feels like he’s crushing your bones into dust as he hugs you…
Despite that though, you’re happy to know that he shares your feelings. However joy turns to surprise when you see how filthy he is.
“Garling! You’re… You’re absolutely filthy!” “It’s actually not that bad… I can always shower later… Besides I’d rather stay with you for the time being…”
Even Pom, and your little dog friend are having a tiny bit of a moment. Not anything too romantic, but like a sort of “Hey, I’m Pom” sorta side eye, you get me?
Anyways the romantic moment is cut short when fairies come to investigate what’s going on, Ophelia is among them. Everyone is getting on high alert, some are afraid and the Holy Knights are getting ready to fight.
Garling even moves you behind him as he’s prepared to protect you or die trying.
It’s about to be an absolute all out war when… The Gorosei exit the ship, they ask to speak with Ophelia and she commands the fairies to stand ready as she lands.
Much to Ophelia’s surprise, each of them bow to her. A sight that she has never seen before, so she’s more willing to listen to them.
Each of them take turns giving their most heartfelt apologies for betraying her back then. Like anything that you think they’d say, they’re probably saying it.
The entire time, Ophelia is appearing unaffected by all of this as she simply stares.
Once they’ve finished speaking, she asks if they’re done. They confirm, and she decides to allow them all to return back to the One Piece world.
But demands that things change with Bitchass Celestial Dragons. She also tells them that if they try to do what they did before then she will ensure that they suffer the worst fates she can think of.
The five of them are relieved as Ophelia tells her soldiers to stand down. Multiple of the other ships start coming down, and landing as well that are full of Non-Celestial Jackwagons who managed to escape.
The ending credits start to roll, and shows all sorts of sequences of people returning to life in the One Piece World. Like someone walking up to their house covered in fairy plant life, and fairies pushing it back for them.
Other things are like…
Garling, and the Holy Knights cutting people out of stasis cocoons. Fairy tattoos being removed from everyone who had them including you. Pom and your dog friend running across an island full of Non-Fairy Plant Life. Celestial Dragons being forced to accept changes.
And the very last one being you, and Garling sitting underneath a tree together which is revealed to have sprouted from the Proof.
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lightingway-archive · 2 years
questions sourced from here 🤍
the man is a walking flirting tactic — the spotlight loves him; the crowd adores him. In all seriousness though, most of his behaviors that could be construed as flirting (the jokes, the smiles, the physical contact) are things he does with everyone. raf is fairly picky and doesn’t attempt to pick people up all that often. generally speaking, something doesn’t come from nothing with him where romance is concerned; it’s all built on existing relationships. his actual expression of interest is a quiet, persistent sort of attention, and it’s much subtler than anything else about him. if you’re sure he’s flirting with you, he probably isn’t.
he can, and he does it fairly well! he took formal lessons when he was younger, but give him enough time and he can pick up most things dance-related within reason.
boxer briefs! raf cares about the aesthetics (the streamlined silhouette; the lack of visible lines in dress clothes).
hand-blended charcoal sketches or traditional oil paints in bold colors. realistically though, i think he’s more apt to leave the actual painting to the masters and just appreciate it as a consumer.
he had his own room, but he more often slept with his parents as a kid, so no stuffed animals there either. none that i’d considered previously at least. i could see him having something handmade from one of his grandparents — maybe an owl.
alone, he’s on his back with one hand on his stomach, another hand behind his head (under his pillow), and a knee off to his side, slightly bent. yes, it really is that specific. he’s likely to maintain that position even with a partner (and just let them tuck in however they fit), though he might also sleep on his side to face them, legs intertwined with theirs, lovers’ knot style for the sake of intimacy.
maybe a little, but not loudly.
he doesn’t often drink enough to change his personality much. early-stage drunk: just more of what he already is — lots of laughter, lots of dancing. late-stage drunk: emotional and overly honest, meaning he will cry and tell you all his secrets. sober raf is very in control; drunk raf… is not.  
as far as meals go, he prefers spicy, savory, and salty. for alcoholic drinks, sweet and sour. he’s also fond of fruit — mango in particular.
yes, cello.
he likes lyrical, evocative, metaphor-heavy prose like cien años de soledad and emotionally rich poetry like rumi’s love poems.
men, in the historical sense. he’s not in denial. he knows what love means to him and is willing to pursue it, but he came by it in a more roundabout way than wes did. he’s well aware of the fact that his sexuality does not reflect an ideal situation in many circles of his faith and family, and it’s a source of stress even though he questions the backwardness of it more than he questions himself anymore. he’s partial to rich foods and decadent desserts as well, but he doesn’t feel particularly guilty about those.
it would most likely be something historical and/or related to the arts, so… i’m going to go with monteverdi (shortened to monty).
the cozy snowy cabin or the beach house.
raf’s favorite board game is chess, and — much to his usual opponents’ dismay — he’s well-versed in both strategy and tactics.
winter scents, like pine, cinnamon, and cloves.
he’s very driven by nostalgia, so anything that reminds him of the things he loves will do it. cigarette smoke. seawater. home-cooked meals. he learned to cook from his parents and grandparents, and they have several generations worth of family recipes.
while he does have tattoos, he’s never gotten any while drunk, nor does he often get drunk enough to even consider it. which is a good thing, because if he did, the tattoo would probably be something horrific and regrettable, like a name on his ass. i want to believe that a tattoo parlor would never be so cruel as to allow a drunk man to get a name tattooed on his ass, but one never can be sure.
light, warm, contagious, and a little breathless (particularly at the beginning or end of the laugh). his eyes crinkle at the corners. he can and will chuckle his way through a sentence.
wool coats and knit sweaters, for sure. he’s more vain than wes is (though that isn’t hard to accomplish — wesley’s vanity is sub-zero) and his family has more money, so raf has always looked nice.
he’s much better and quicker with firearm maintenance, but that’s not exactly household-variety stuff. well, maybe it is; we are talking about hope county here… and raf can fly aircraft, but he can’t troubleshoot them outside of the cockpit. the vast majority of engine work would be beyond him. he can do some household maintenance if the situation calls for it, but if it’s anything more complicated than changing a light bulb, he would much rather pay someone to do it (and then probably spend the whole time talking their ear off). it’s just not fun or calming for him the way it is for wes; raf’s idea of free time is more socially motivated.
he simply would not.
carnival games, mostly because he loves to show off. do you want a cheap, ridiculously oversized stuffed bear? because he’s gonna get you the cheap, ridiculously oversized stuffed bear. also elephant ears. (for the uninitiated, those are big, crispy pieces of fried dough smothered in cinnamon and sugar and then sold at food stands.)
definitely showers, and he likes them miserably hot. he’s not going to take a bath unless it’s for the sake of intimacy with a partner, and more often than not a shower serves that purpose just as well (although he has to crank the heat down; how unfortunate for him).
sleep in until the sun wakes him up, water his plants, cook breakfast for himself (and preferably a partner). if he does have a partner, then it’s likely he’s got something planned for that evening that involves driving to the city: an art show, theater, opera, ballet… dinner reservations for two. falling asleep with someone he loves. if he doesn’t have a partner, then he’s likely to be wherever the social action is. chances are he was aware of it ahead of time, but if not he might work his way through his contacts until he gets a bite, maybe throw together a casual dinner party.
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tempenensis · 4 years
a (sort of) comprehensive analysis of the second opening
So, this opening from what I saw really got people think. There’s so much to unpack here.
Heavy spoiler warning.  Also, very long post.
1. The cat and Gojo   
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Right on to the first, we see this cat with only one eye illuminated perching on the window. There’s an allusion to Gege - who always draws themself as cyclops cat. But then there’s a scene with Gojo with one of his eyes shaded white. The one opposite of the cat. 
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By now we knows that sometimes the opening of the anime can allude to the things happening in the manga. In addition to my previous post related to the lyrics of the song used, one of the possible explanation - if we consider the things already happens in the manga - that this might alluded to his sealing during the current arc. Another speculation is that he possibly actually loose one of them in the future to come. 
More liberal and loose speculation; one of his eyes is ‘stolen’ and then put into someone other - possibly an adversary and we may see another “Gojo” emerge as an enemy. The current villain is very capable of doing that.  
2. The Funeral 
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The black clothes, the incense, the rain, and the solemn faces. It all alludes to a funeral. But whose funeral? There are two possibility - first is after Shibuya incident because Nanami is the only one who doesn’t wear black and he also doesn’t wear his glasses. The second one is they are paying respect after the the incident during exchange event with Kyoto school, as several staffs of Tokyo Jujutsu High are killed by Mahito when he infiltrates the school to obtain the fingers.
There’s also Gojo here, walking alone without umbrella because he actually doesn’t need it with his technique - with same atmosphere as a funeral. The interesting thing is the bouquet he brings -- blue flowers and white flowers.
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Someone in twitter points that the blue flowers could be Periwinkle (in flower language means “lifelong friendship”) or American Blue (means “the bond between two people”), while the white flower is possibly lily - a common flower for funeral. As he is shown alone, this maybe indicates that he is in separate mourning from the rest of the Tokyo Jujutsu students and Nanami above. And yes, I mean Getou.
3. The Bubbles 
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There is a saying that human life can be compared to bubbles in a stream. Mahito blowing bubbles here may alluded to him who plays so easily with human’s life. People are nothing but literally mere bubbles for him to toy with.
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Especially here. If you see how this bubble break, it shapes like a jellyfish. Yes, it’s Junpei. This shows how he destroys Junpei’s life.
4. Chocolate desert 
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Alludes to the curse manipulation power that the Fake!Getou coveted that he took control of Getou’s corpse. And then there’s fillings inside the chocolate ball - which maybe a nod to the ‘something’ inside that body - more specifically, inside the skull; the brain.   
5. Nanami’s death 
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Nanami is only shown to be walking straight ahead - yes, that’s all he does in his life. Walk straight in the ‘right’ path of being a sorcerer after he returned from his office job. But where that got him? A half-eaten bread. 
Nanami is a foodie and his favorite food is bread. It is a foreshadowing of his death in the Shibuya arc on the hand of Mahito who is shown right after the bread scene. The ants may be a nod to the transfigured human that he kills just prior to Mahito killing him - leaving only his lower body, surrounded by transfigured human he defeats.    
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Mahito here seemingly is doing the incarnation of the Kusouzu brothers - behind him is a human suspended in T-pose. That means this cour possibly cover the Origin of Obedience arc too.
6. Origin of obedience arc 
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There’s a pretty sizable chunk of possibility that this cour probably covers up to Origin of Obedience arc. That Mahito above and this river with crystal-like structure. This is where Fushiguro does his first ryoiki tenkai to fight a curse who has one of Sukuna’s finger. In addition Sukuna here shown in a river - watching over him.
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Also, here the original Kamo Noritoshi, which we only see during the flashback of the Kusouzu brothers - when they fight against Itadori and Kugisaki on the Yasohachi bridge. 
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7. The traitor 
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Utahime looking for something - rather, someone. Yes, the traitor in the Kyoto school as Gojo asks her. And then we get this shot of Kyoto students.  
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Mechamaru is the only one in the shade - as he is the one traitor working with Fake Getou and Mahito because they have a deal. Literally shady - he is the traitor that Utahime is looking for and finally found. Subsequently, that deal with Mahito causes Mechamaru’s death.
8.  Yu-un and Hyakki Yakou
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Yu-un (Playful cloud) is originally three-section staff special-grade cursed tool owned by Original Getou, which he used when he attacks the school and fights Yuuta in Vol. 0. Here Yu-un shown in the midst of ruins is a strong nod to Getou’s defeat during Hyakki Yakou and subsequently his death. Yu-Un is then picked up by the school and used by Maki to fight Hanami during Goodwill event arc. 
But Yuuta here is really just a cameo. He is with Miguel, ex-Getou family, maybe over there in Miguel’s original country. 
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9. Three becomes Two 
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The three of them are together during this scene. But during the flashing back scene sequences at the end of the opening after the guitar scene - there are only two of them.
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You can probably imagine what will happen to Itadori. This just drive that point home. A strong nod to his death penalty.
10.  Flower and The Fish 
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Another nod to Junpei after that bubble - the same fish that alluded to him as in the first opening. There are a lot of symbolisms here; firstly Junpei’s incident is what makes Itadori “blooms” as a sorcerer. This also supported by how the flower shape likes Itadori’s family crest here, which someone pointed out in twitter. 
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Secondly, a nod to Itadori’s fight with Hanami - the special-grade curse with power based on plant and forest. Hanami has a cannon shaped like flower. Also, the first time Itadori does Kokusen (”Black Flash” - see? Black, like the color of the flower) is against Hanami. Another part of his growth as jujutsushi. 
And lastly, the flower is possibly black lily, which means “curse” that Gege mentions on one of the extra page. It is also drawn in Fushiguro’s flashback scene in the background of Tsumiki who is cursed and has fallen into a coma.
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tl;dr: amazing opening. 100/10.
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inukag-archive · 3 years
Hello! I’m looking for recommendations for a particular trope/genre: Feudal Era AU as @superpixie42 would say. Fics that are Canon-era (Inuyasha-world without Inuyasha plot) but are not quite canon-divergent or fix-it? I’m thinking along the lines of Out of The Woods (Miss_Dyana), Kintsugi, If We Fall Anyway (both Evilillusions), for example. Any other genre/rating is good. Thank you! 💓
Hey @anisaanisa, it's no secret this is one of Mod Pixie's favorite AUs, so thank you for the chance to put this one together!
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Shelter by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Summary: Song fic inspired Stuck with You and Shelter. Inuyasha has been alone most of his life and one moonless night he gets caught up with a young priestess. She saves him and he, in return, helps her. What he doesn't realize is, this priestess holds a lot of secrets which may or may not cost both of them their lives... 
Demon Nature by @shardetector (E)
Summary: He spoke low and gently, although his voice was gruff with his demon still so close to the surface, “You saved me wench, now I’ll repay the favor.” With that, his muscles bunched in his legs as he sprung up and out of the well, a red blur in the night as he made his way through the forest to his destination. His precious cargo held safely to his chest, as he raced to save her with his demonic speed. 
there's no place (for us/like home) by guardianKarenterrier (G)
Summary: Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Inuyasha starts to creep closer to the fire at night. Now that he's not so injured, he's begun to vanish into the woods and come back to throw down rabbits and once a badger at the side of the hut, and Kagome hasn't had to worry about finding enough to eat as the air starts to turn colder. He hardly ever talks to them, or at all, and he won't come close enough to touch- he never comes as close as he had that first day again, but he stays. She's not sure why he stays, but she's glad that he does. 
Comfort Food by @splendentgoddess (E)
Summary: Feudal AU one-shot. An ex-miko-in-training stumbles upon a seemingly human man alone in the woods during the moonless night. He seems all alone in the world - just like her. Goodness, when was the last time he had a decent meal? 
Half-Breed’s Wife by @gypsin (M)
Summary: On the night of the new moon, a runaway girl stumbles into Inuyasha's life. Little did he realize then what he would be undertaking by saving her. But when Kagome has nowhere else to go will he leave her to her fate Or will he rise to the occasion? And what will the humans think? 
Your Lying Smile by @dawnrider (M)
Summary: A beautiful day by the river quickly takes a turn, taking control of her life completely out of Kagome's hands. Her "rescuer" becomes something else entirely before she can get a word in edgewise. A Feudal-esue AU 
We Are Family by @theladyofthewest (T)
Summary: Imagine a world in which the Inu No Taisho lived to raise his sons together, as brothers. Inuyasha never had to learn to survive on his own, he never met Kikyo, never heard of the Shikon Jewel. Now imagine if Kagome fell into this world instead of the one she did in canon. Imagine if she and Inuyasha had ... parental supervision. 
Oblivion @meggz0rz (M)
Summary: Feudal-era Japan. A war to the death between youkai and humankind. Kagome, rebellious daughter of a noble family, is not about to let her grandfather sacrifice himself in battle. So she takes his place, dressed as a boy and ready to fight to survive. But in love and war, things are rarely as they seem, and there is a spy in the army ranks who just might be Kagome's downfall... 
Everybody Wants To Be An Inuyoukai by @superpixie42 (T)
Summary: A birthday one-shot for kstewdeux very vaguely based on the plot of the Aristocats. When Kagome, newly widowed with a newborn son, is named the heir of her mother-in-law's enormous estate things suddenly go from bad to worse. She's drugged, kidnaped, and left for dead on the side of the road. With the help of some unexpected new friends, Kagome finds herself questioning: does she even want to make it back home? 
The Shogun’s Daughter by @shnuggletea (E)
Summary: Kagome's father passed away when she was just a child but his Shogun status still makes her a valuable bride to a Lord of lands that border their village. Lord Inuyasha Tashio is pushed by the council into marriage, assured his new bride was an excellent choice. All their fears and anxiety are amplified when they meet. 
Timeless and Forbidden Love by lunalibro (M)
Summary: Once, a long long time ago in Japan, demons and other horrid monsters out of nightmares roamed the lands. Wars were never-ending, famine, death and bloodshed abound. Admist this chaos, there lived a great priestess named Midoriko who was renowned throughout for not only her incredible power and fighting prowess, but also for ethereal beauty. She defeated countless demons and staved off many dark evils as the protector of humankind. Eventually, Midoriko fell in love and birthed twin daughters. The eldest was named Kikyo and the youngest was named Kagome, While alike in looks, the sisters were complete opposites. Naturally, these girls inherited their mother’s immense powers. From a young age, Midoriko trained them in combat and in the spiritual arts. The sisters grew in strength and looks. However, Kikyo’s powers had matured far greater than that of her sister’s. Midoriko decided Kikyo shall be the one to take her place as the new protector of Musashi. From then on, Kagome would find herself living in her sister’s shadow. Maybe with the help of a young half-demon named InuYasha, Kagome could realize her worth and possibly fall in love in the process. A forbidden love that will last throughout time. 
Beauty and the Hanyou by mishelledor23 (M)
Summary: Inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but Inuyasha style! The terrible half-demon prince Inuyasha is under a fifty-year old curse that keeps him trapped inside his castle. Can Kagome, the reluctant miko-in-training become his friend? Maybe even his love? InuXKag, MirXSan. Lemons and language in later chapters! 
For Better or Worse by Anime Wildfire
Summary: Kagome, priestess in training, turns her life upside down when she saves the life of the half demon Inuyasha… and accidentally finds herself bound to him via pesky subjugation beads. This is not how she thought her day- or her life- was going to go.
By the Match, Not the Flame by @goshinote (M)
Summary:  Inuyasha is a hellbent hanyo on a mission for revenge. Kagome is a wanted miko on the run. Their intentions align in more ways than one, but secrets abound between them as they partner up during their travels. With an inevitable and impending betrayal looming over them, the pressure rises with every day they spend moving closer to the enemy’s clutches.
A Private Affair by JeremyMarsh (T)
Summary:  During a simple patrol operation, Inuyasha, a general in a war between demons and humans that has been going on for two years now, goes all the way across enemy territory to reach the village where his betrothed lived before the conflict broke out. Here he is discovered by her younger sister who intentionally reveals something to him that she shouldn't have.
Shocked, Inuyasha decides to embark on a new and dangerous mission that could cost him his life or worse.
Koi no Yokan by @keichanz (E)
Summary: Koi no Yokan: The feeling when you meet someone that you’re bound to fall in love.
A prince discovering a deeper meaning to seemingly random hordes of bloodthirsty demons. A young woman unwillingly sold to a brothel by uncaring relatives, frightened and alone. How could these two circumstances possibly be related?
We are also including the works Anisa mentioned in the ask for those who are unfamiliar
Out of the Woods by @dyaz-stories
Summary: After the murder of Kikyo, the local priestess, the villagers start leaving offerings to the forest's god, who they think they've angered. Kagome, called to the village to replace her cousin, finds out, too late, just how far they're willing to go when they use her as the month's sacrifice. She decides not to go down without a fight — except that, instead of an angry god, she finds herself faced with a hungry half-demon, who's very annoyed he won't be getting a food offering for the month. “What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s my food?” “Oh I’m sorry, am I not a sacrifice satisfying enough?” 
Kinstugi by @soliska
Summary: AU. Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.
If We Fall Anyway by @soliska
Summary: What if the shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story? A tale told in snippets. 
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Forest Wolf Academy Idea
I formed this idea after I read a Miraculous fanfiction where Marinette transferred to a school for magic along with Chloe, Nathaniel, Marc, and her brother. At the school already is Felix and the Quad kids. The magic schools are actually for those that are members of witch covens and you must be a member of the coven to join the school. Luke and Juleka are also witches but in a different cousin. Marinette and the other transfer because of Lila. Adrien soon joins them at the school as well. I also got inspiration from the anime Fairy Tail.
I loved the concept of it so much that it gave me my own idea. My idea if an Adrien-focused story since he is my favorite character and always will be.
My idea started after Miracle Queen. Because of Chloe working with Hawkmoth and because Lila had turned so many of Marinette's friends against her, her parents transferred her to an art school so that she can focus on her designing. The only ones that stayed her friends were Adrien, Nathaniel, Kim, Alix, and Juleka. Outside of the class, she had a lot more friends, but her parents wanted her away from Chloe and Lila.
Adrien's dad still makes him model with Lila despite how Adrien and the staff are always telling him that she is the worst model ever. She never shuts up with her lies, never poses as she is told to do, and is basically also sexually harassing Adrien as well. She drives them all crazy.
But then one day during another photoshoot, Adrien hears some music and is drawn toward it. The music is like a siren song that he does not notice that only he can hear. When he arrives at the source of the song, he finds an old friend of his, Lyon Garden. Lyon and his twin sister Vallia are friends of his that he met in Greece when their family hosted a charity fashion show at their family's nature and animal sanctuary. Adrien had gone there with his parents a year before his mom vanished and he kept in contact with them the entire time.
Lyon and Adrien are happy to see each other, Adrien spilling his guts about everything bad going on. Especially all the things with Lila and Chloe. And Lyon gives him an extraordinary opportunity. The reason why Adrien was able to hear his magical song was because he was magical as well. A fellow witch. So, he was able to offer him a place at his school, Forest Wolf Academy.
The two of them went to Gabriel and he actually let Adrien go to the magic school. It turns out that Adrien's mom had also been a witch and that was why he was allowing Adrien to go so easily. Adrien is more than happy to accept the offer.
When Adrien goes to Forest Wolf Academy, he is amazed to see such an incredible school. Forest Wolf is not the only magic school in the world. Each school is hidden in a pocket dimension where they can be entered in any place in the world through the use of a magical key. But each school still has a main magical doorway in the home of the founder of each school. Forest Wolf's main door is in Athens, Greece.
Adrien only lets his real friends know that he is transferring. He would have told Nino, but he no longer considered him his best friend since he turned against Marinette. But given that magical people can hear Lyon's magical song, there are more teen witches in Paris than Adrien knew about. So, even after he transfers, he is actually soon joined by a lot of his true friends. Luka, Kagami, Nathaniel, Marc, Juleka, Kim, and Alix. And each of them would have their own powers that Lyon and Vallia help them learn to control.
Lyon has siren song magic. He is a real-life siren with the added abilities to control sound and music, not just being able to use his voice as a weapon. Vallia has rainbow aura magic. She is also to surround herself with different color light auras that give her other abilities like how sky blue gives her flight and ruby red helps her shoot fire like a dragon.
Adrien would find out that he has light magic, being able to control all forms of light and even be able to change into it like a human shooting star. Luka would have enchanted instrument magic, being able to do all types of things by playing different instruments while still having his natural ability to hear a person's inner song. Juleka would have a similar ability called music spirit magic, where she is able to turn into magical creature spirits that are hybrids with music like harp playing fairies or werewolf drummers. Kagami would have Requip magic, where she is able to store weapons and armor in a separate dimension that only she can access. Nathaniel would have art-to-reality magic where he is able to bring his drawings to life no matter what they are. Marc would have Fairy Tale magic where he could read from a magical storybook that he has and summon any legendary or mythical creature from it. Kim would have were-beast magic where he is able to turn into any were-creature version of any animal like a werewolf or cat creature. And Alix would have time magic, where she would be able to manipulate time around her while also being able to travel through time on her own.
All of them actually have a great time at Forest Wolf Academy and learn to appreciate and covet their magical lives even if Hawkmoth is still a problem. But he would actually have become less active lately as if he is losing motivation for trying to gain the miraculous.
Vallia would actually gain a crush on Kim and the two of them would eventually start dating. The same would go for Juleka and Alix as well as Luka and Kagami. Nathaniel and Marc would be an already established couple since they are too adorable to break up. Adrien would also find himself gaining a crush on Lyon, something he never expected to have on his old friend.
But, as per all good things, their peace had to come to an end. Magic itself was not hidden, just the people that used it. It was why heroes and villains like Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Hawkmoth all had masks when they used the miraculous.
But, the schools have come under some fire with people thinking that they were secret evil cults that wanted to take over the world. So, they all had to open their doors to people. To politicians, school field trips, and even some tours of powerful world leaders just to show that they were all perfectly normal schools that just happen to teach magic to their witch students.
Only, one of the schools that request to tour Forest Wolf Academy is Dupont High, which puts the new students on edge. Especially Adrien and Juleka because of Lila and Rose. It did not help that Lyon and Alix were very protective of their partners and would hurt anyone that tries to hurt them.
But since they have to keep up appearances as a "normal" magical school, they have to accept the field trip request. Luckily, it is the whole school and not just Bustier's class. So, there are still good students like Aurore, Mireille, and Zoé. It is only Bustier's class that believes Lila, anyway.
Adrien and the others do their best to avoid Lila and her attack dogs. They have their jobs to stop the more temperamental students from attacking the annoying group with how they obviously bully almost everyone around them. Not to mention all of the lies that keep coming out of Lila's mouth that she is related to so many powerful witches, how she is a descendant of Merlin, how her grandparents run the best magic school in the world.
There are a lot of students that wanted her head. Especially since it was known through Adrien and Lyon that she had not heard Lyon's magical song, meaning that she had no magic at all. And since magic was passed down from parent to child, that also meant that no one in her family had magic either. Not unless they were one of those families that had been stripped of their magic for crimes against the magical world.
And if it wasn't Lila causing problems with her lies, Chloe was causing problems with her attitude. And how she kept trying to force the students to do as she says and make them her slaves. Like she would go to those with ice magic and demand that they get her a cold drink. Or she would go to the students with gem and crystal magic and demand that they give her the biggest diamond that they can make.
Once the former Dupont students are found by the group is when things really go downhill. There is a lot of yelling about how they abandoned their friends, that they should not be so jealous of Lila's accomplishments, how they needed to get over themselves, how they needed to stop being bullies. And the group fires back that they can not abandon friends that abandoned them first, that they can not be jealous of accomplishments that never happened, and that they never talk to Lila let alone bully her.
Meanwhile, Adrien is trying hard not to be seen by Lila or Chloe since he does not want either of them hanging off his arm like they usually do. But, Lila soon locks her eyes on him and down try and latch onto him, crying her crocodile tears about how much she missed him and how she wanted him back since he "promised to date her."
That is where Lyon steps in and would be so close to using his sonic scream on the annoying liar. Adrien uses his powers to turn into light and get back to Lyon's side. That is when the two of them go into a big "why Lila sucks" speech and reveals that the two of them were dating and that Adrien would never EVER date Lila.
She is not exposed, but a new demonstration of the more dangerous powers from the students, low key threats against the annoying class, makes them never come back after they leave.
Lila hopes to be akumatized over her rage about not being able to lie her way into dating Adrien, but she does not know that Gabriel gave Marinette the butterfly miraculous and the peacock miraculous already. He gave up once he saw how truly happy his son was and did not want the wish to change his son into any other version of him that would never be this happy. It also helps that a few witches from the school that could heal offered to help him restore his wife.
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xavadak3davrax · 4 years
The Burden of Time
The Burden of Time
Vampire! Fred
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Daddy kink, Dom fem reader sub Fred, Dom Fred sub reader. cum play? idk if I would call it exacly that, but they taste each other. There’s mentions of violance, blood and biting into the reader. Once again i’m sorry if I forgot something and please say something if I did :) 
Summary: Fred as lived on this earth for a long time, and y/n is the cute new worker at the local bakery. 
a/n: So hi! If you don’t like supernatural stuff you can just totally skip this. If this is your type but you’re not sure if you like it, that’s also totally ok! I just did this because my need for vampire stuff came into play and yeah... i just needed to get this out of my system. Also once again, I just really apreciate you all so much, thank you. 
Part 2 
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Fred has lived on this earth for several decades. In all honesty he had lost count of how many years it has been since he was put into this state of immortality. For many this life is hard to get too, the denial phase for them prolongs for thousands of years, the idea of killing other people all because you desire their blood, their flesh. For Fred it was quiet the opposite. Fred had been turned at the ripe age of twenty five, he was working in the forest near the house he lived at with his family when he was attacked by something. At the time he was suspicious of a bear, or a tiger or any other animal that they might know it did not exist. He came to find out after that a vampire was roaming near by his house and had caught his scent and couldn’t resist, so Fred had become this. His family had never found him, the vampire made sure after he was well fed that Fred was kept hidden specially during the transition, because it was very hard on anyone. Fred would wake up with the thirst of a thousand animals and he his creator couldn’t bare for him to destroy his whole family.
After all, it wasn’t Fred’s fault of what had happened and of what he had become. It took a while after being turned came to the conclusion and acceptance that he wouldn’t see his family again, that he wouldn’t touch them or feel them, or talk to them ever again. After a while Fred became use to that life. He had always dreaded death. It was something that scared him and made shivers appear all over his body. He hated seeing people around him die, and think about where they were going, if they were going somewhere. Did their lives ended their? He couldn’t really bring himself to think of him inside that wooden casket and … it was just something he didn’t want to think about. So, after being turned and his creator, Joseph, explaining everything to him and of this new life Fred was at peace. He didn’t have to think about death anymore, in fact he gained peace when it came that. Of course there’s always that small chance that he can be killed, but Fred always made sure he wasn’t getting himself in ay trouble that would allow for that to happen.
Also one of the reasons Fred was so at peace was because he broke one of the biggest rules there is in his species. He had contact with humans after being turned. Can you blame him? He did promise to stay way from his family, so that they could cope his death and morn him and he could find some peace. But he had to break that when his parents were on death bed.
His father was first, dying of old age, in the last hours he would be on this earth, Fred came to visit, when he knew his mother or any other family member would be around. Although without a soul, Fred still felt all the love his parents gave him, and he swore if he could he would have cried there, seeing his father so helpless. He thought for a moment if he should…but then he would be condemning his father to something he never believed in, or probably never thought of. So Fred stayed in that room, held his fathers warm hand against his very cold one and spoke some loving brief words. He had to let him know he was okay, he knew their parents had never gotten over his ‘death’. So this was way of knowing when his father was gone, we would be at peace. Fred watched him take his last breath, a small smile on his father’s face , and his name was the last thing he had said before being gone completely. Fred left almost immediately because his mother had made an appearance not long after that.
His mother had left him a few years after. And this time it was harder for Fred to be close to her because since his father wasn’t here anymore, his siblings were the ones who were there all the time, and like the good kids their mother had raised them to be, they were by her side every second that was possible. It was one day, when his sister Ginny was in the leaving room playing with her daughter and the door of his mother’s room had been left closed that Fred took his chance.
He remembers, the look in his mothers eyes, she barely could speak, but she didn’t hesitate one second to, with all her strength, stretch her hand to him, and Fred took it and squeezed it and murmured how much he loved her, how much he had missed her and, like he had done with his father, that he was okay, that she could be at peace and could meet his father wherever it would be, and they could know he was good.
With his siblings he had to take another approach, he had to watch from afar at the funeral, mourning each one as he saw them pass, they all hurt like hell, but seeing his twin brother, George, go and not be able to be next to him and say goodbye was probably the bad thing at he top of the list Fred had to point, relating to this life. He didn’t have many to point.
After they were all gone, his immediate family he could finally leave that place, although he always made sure he got back and kept an eye on his family. Thru the decades he watched the family grow. Right now he actually lived close to one of them, he was a baker at Fred’s favorite bakery.
His main and most important source of food was in fact Blood, but sometimes to get thru life and situations he had to eat human food.  Although not poisonous and deathly it usually left him a little nauseous after. But he could never deny a good cake or sweet, so every morning after he woke up (when he could sleep) he would get dressed and go there.
He was already use to the smell of blood and Fred was proud to say that he had so much control compared to a lot of other blood thirst monsters he had encountered in his life time, and there were a lot. And the places he visited the most were places were the people who worked there had a neutral blood smell to him, something that he could take and live with and know he wouldn’t get into a horrible fit and cause a very bad scene.
But today, as Fred entered the warm cozy bakery at only seven thirty am, a strong sweet vanilla and mint scent hit his nostrils. His fists became a ball and he could feel his eyes wanting to become red. He had to stop at the door before fully closing it to regain his strength, and to think twice if he wanted to get in or not. But the cute boy behind the counter who Fred found very attractive since he had began working here years ago didn’t allow him to do that because he had already called his name.
“Fred, good morning.” The happy, pale guy, with blonde hair and the greenest eyes he had ever seen said. His name was Philip. Fred gave the best smile he could muster up.
“Good morning.” He was usually a very cheery costumer, he always made small talk with Philip and loved to see him squirm under his look, and give him that sweet smile of him. But today his mind could only think of who could have such a sweet scent that evaded everything in him, his smell, his mind and his thirst.
The bakery was still empty, they had only open thirty minutes ago, and Fred was almost always their first costumer, so it couldn’t be that. It had to be someone behind the counter.
“Today I’m not the one who you should ask what you wish, although I already know your regular.” He said, giving Fred a wink, any other time Fred would have taken a chance to actually do something about that small talk they always had, but today wouldn’t be that today. “y/n here will do it instead.” He said, and in that moment from the door that led to the kitchen and into the counter came out a girl, her hair was tucked behind, and tied in as to not get into the food. She wore the bakery’s apron, and underneath that she wore a very cozy black sweater, along with some black pants and some boots.
As she got out she gave her colloeague a smile and then looked at Fred and kept her smile.
“Hi, I’m y/n. I’m new here. What would you like for your order?” y/n asked, her hands close to the screen of the machine in front of her to register his order and then get onto it.
Fred cleared his throat at the same time he tried to clear his mind. Her scent was intoxicating and he couldn’t find anything to say, she was also extremely beautiful. And also a human.
“Ahm, it’s the red velvet cake with the hot chocolate, with caramel, please.” His voice came out strangled, and a little to low, stripped of the confidence he always had. He got closer to the register and although it was part of him but he didn’t really need to, he always made sure it looked like he was breathing, so people wouldn’t suspect. When alone he would only do that when he was hunting. He looked at Philip that had his eyes on y/n and what she was doing to make sure she was doing it right.
“You’re her first costumer.” He said, he put his elbow on the glass counter and supported his head on his hand looking at Fred with those cute puppy eyes, but unfortunately his attention was on the girl.
He could only nod, and when y/n got away from the counter to prepare his order his eyes followed her every move.
“So, the red velvet cake, and your hot chocolate caramel, that will be, six dollars please.” She looked from the screen to him, and now that he was closer to her she felt less confident. The look he had on him, dominant and dark made her spine cripple with shivers and her hands shake a little. He was also beautiful so to speak. He was tall, which y/n loved that on man, she loved a good tall man that could man handle her. His red hair and those yellow eyes were something out of this world.
Fred was able to keep his eyes yellow, which was a sign that his next feeding was close, because the reddish color they always had, had disappeared and been replaced with this yellow, brilliant color. That was always a problem for him to explain why he had that eye color. He wasn’t very much into using eye contacts.
He took the money he had in his pocked and put it on top of the counter. usually, with Philip he made sure to give it to him to his hands, and feel him get all red and blushy because they had touched. But he thought that if he were to do that with this girl right now, that the outcome would be a lot worst.
“Tomorrow we’re gonna have lemon cake, it’s very good and my favorite, you should try it.” y/n, although feeling intimidated by him, still kept her happy voice.
She was new here, this was her first day after being hired last week. This bakery existed since she was small and a baby, her mother always brought her here, and so working here was her dream job, specially since baking was her favorite thing. She was the one who always did those cool cakes at the parties and her friends and family would always come to her. When the spot had opened after one of the girls in the kitchen had been fired for stealing, she took this opportunity. She was still young, only twenty one, she had a small little apartment at the end of the street, where the cheapest and less expensive and modern part of the town started, but it was everything she could wish for and she made it work. She wasn’t in college, but her dream was to be able to go to culinary school. But she was still saving money for that one.
When Fred had finally gain all his confidence and make himself has presentable as he could in this situation he was finally able to give a genuine smile.
“Of course, if you’ll be here.” He said, but this time looked at Philip, gave him that smirk and then looked at y/n to see her eyes wide and her mouth fighting to stay closed. “See you tomorrow, loves.” He said, took the little bag y/n had put his things in and left.
As soon as he was out the door, the gasp that left y/n was huge and Philip was clapping his hands excitedly.
“Did you see the way he looked at you? Is he always this flirty?” y/n was genuinely curious, for a second when he got in he was so quiet, and almost scared, that this last interaction came to her as a surprise. Philip nodded smiling.
“I think he’s bi, you see.” He started, starting to organize some things that should have been done sooner but the Fred had came in. “He already brought many girls here, but I’ve also seen him with some guys. And he comes here since I can remember and way before I started working here. And then I started here and he always flirted with me. But that’s the extent of it.” y/n was nodding, listening closely. “But he also looked interested in you, did you see? They way he looked at you? I don’t think he’s ever looked at me like that.”
“He’s very beautiful. And looks rich too.” y/n looked at Philip, a puzzling look o her face.
“He lives on that penthouse, near the museum.” Shit, y/n thought, that guy was rich, rich.
People who lived in this area of the bakery and close to the museum were rich, rich. She could only ever dream of living there. And the penthouse, she remembers that old building being remolded a few years back, and the way it was town gossip because they had used millions of unknown dollars to build it, all while the poor were strolling to pay taxes and basic things to live. She remembers her and her mother doubling their time on the nearest shelter to help with food and clothes and things to keep the ones in need, warm. All while the rich were… well living their best lives.
Philip felt the need to continue, after a minute of silence from y/n and the frown that had appeared on her face. “He helps more than you know. He’s donated to every place around here and he’s the first to help if anything happened in those communities. I don’t know if you ever heard, or even remember, but that very bad weather we had, and pipes burst open and all, the responsible of the town took him weeks to help with anything. Fred came right up, presented a stupid amount of money and that’s how thing got better. He also hates the rich, every time he comes and talks a bit more he can only talk bad about them.” He laughed a little.
That somehow had made y/n a little less mad and sad. He cared and helped.
“What exactly does he do to have that much money?” y/n asked, curiosity coming to her. Philip shrugged.
“I don’t know, he never told and I never asked, and no one really knows around here because we don’t seem him actually working you know?”
All she could do was nod, but her mind a little lost, his eyes came to her mind, and his pink lips, dry from the cold weather outside. She shook her head quickly and brought herself back to reality and into her work place. She had a long day ahead of her.
The next, at six am y/n was opening the bakery along with Philip. Since they had left early the day before, they got the job to open today, and they had to be there on time because all the people in the kitchen who did all the baking needed to get started.
y/n was still sleepy, her eyes swollen from the lack of sleep. Her arms were bunched up around herself to keep her warm, even though she had layers of clothing and the warmest jacket ever, given to her by her mother last Christmas.
“Hurry up, I’m cold.” y/n said, pushing Philip playfully, and when he finally did they hurried inside and close the door again to keep the warm inside.
After getting herself ready, and since Philip was preparing the costumer area she was in the kitchen looking at everyone working. This was her second day but most of the people here were her family, since they all knew her since she was little. And since they also knew her love for baking, they, sometimes let her in and decorate cakes herself. Since working here, in these two day, well one, she hadn’t been asked yet, but she was hopeful they would.
“I hope mister Fred Weasley decides to eat here today and not take his food.” y/n looked at him, they were both behind the counter counting the last few minutes before they officially opened. “He doesn’t always, but sometimes if he brings company he does. He never ate here alone, though, so don’t get your hopes up.”
“I wasn’t gonna get any hopes up, Philip. I’ve had one interaction with him, that lasted all of three minutes, I think.” She gave a confused look, she wasn’t exactly sure of long she had talked to him, and between preparing his food and him paying and leaving. “You can have him all you want, I’m sure any cute girl can walk in here and I’ll be happy.” Philip looked at her a big smile on his face.
y/n was never closed about her sexuality. Her mother was always and had always been very loving even when she knew (before y/n officially told her) that her daughter was attracted to girls. y/n’s first ever romantic interaction had been with a girl. She was never scared of being her true self.
“Whatever, the way he looked at you? I’m sure you could punch him in the face and he would say thank you.” Philip smirked, and got from behind the counter to open the door.
For the first ten minutes no one came in, but after that they started to get easy. Some people came to pick up bread, some their coffee, others some treats for the day. And then after eight people started to actually stay inside. But Fred was no where to be seen, and Philip pointed out how weird that was because he came here everyday without missing. Unless he was out of town, but then he always took enough treats with him to last him the full time he was gone.
Until nine am hit, Philip and y/n were having their pause, after an hour of craziness when he got in, gray sweat pants, a white seat shirt on and some tennis. He had a more relaxed look o him, compared to yesterday where he had more of a casual look.
“Morning.” He smiled to both of them, although his look lingered a bit longer on y/n. She smiled, getting ready to take in his order. She had forgotten yesterday that she had suggested the lemon cake, and since Philip told her that his order right now was the one he asked for yesterday she was ready for.
“Morning, is gonna be the red velvet cake and the hot chocolate caramel?” y/n kept her eyes on the screen, trying to not look at him directly, in fear her legs might collapse from how strong his look was on her.
“If I remember correctly, you suggested I try the lemon cake, was that correct?” he took one of the hands that was in his pocket and came to ruffle his already messy hair. Had he just woken up? y/n swallowed hard, Fred heard, they was it went down her dry throat. He could also hear her heart, beating faster after he came in, and the her pulse and her blood running in her veins. He wasn’t very far from her, but even if he was he would be able to smell her in a crowd of people. Her scent something he had never felt before in all his long years of life. His fangs threatening to come out, his venom already trying to make it’s way into them. Control yourself, Fred thought.
“Ahm, yes, I did, sir?” Sir? Come on y/n he’s not that older. Sir? Her mind making her every move feel weird and like he was judging her. Little did she know Fred got of on names like that, and it made it even harder for him to contain his pointy teeth. “Would like that, with the same beverage?”  When he nodded, y/n put the last things there and went to prepare.
“To eat here, please.” Philip was shocked, and he didn’t want to show it but Fred was able to feel his change, the smallest detail that silly human eyes couldn’t detect even if they wanted too. y/n was also surprised, but she hid it better, Fred noticed. He knew it was unusual, he only came here to eat when he brought all of his hook ups. Never alone. This was a first.  
She only nodded, directing her route to pick up a plate on where to put his cake, and then making his chocolate. All while he made small talk with Philip.
“Here you go, it’s seven dollars, today.” He gave her the money, three dollars more than the final total.
“Keep the change, beauty.” She winked at her, and then picked up his stuff and went to sit at the table by the window.
“Well, that went…”
“well.” y/n finished for Philip, and they both laughed a little. Her laugh stoping when she noticed his eyes were on her the full time he was eating. And how fucking sexual did he have to make that? The way he bit down on the cake, without his fork, with his hands on it going all messy. A hot feeling spread over y/n. his gingers got all dirty with he buttercream, but instead of going for the napkin, he brough his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. His fingers would also get all sticky after that. The smirk he had on him was sinful, and y/n had to turn around and occupy herself before her mind got to dirty and her panties to wet.
Two days, to freaking days and she’s already getting her mind dirty over some guy? Some rich, also mysterious guy that looked like he came out of a movie? She needed to get her head straight.
Her luck was that other costumers were coming in, some looking surprised at seeing Fred here. From what Philip explained to her later that day when they were organizing their things to leave, it was a very rare sight, since he was completely alone.
“y/n, I’m so sorry can I speak with you for a minute?” It was their boss, Melissa, she was the most kind sould y/n had ever seen, red hair, like Fred’s and a big smile always plastered on her face. y/n nodded, putting her bag back down.
“I’ll wait for you.” Philip said. And y/n nodded going with her boss to little room where she took care of everything related to the bakery but not related to baking.
“I’m so sorry, I know you were getting ready to leave, but the person responsible for closing today, can’t come. They had an emergency. Would you mind doing it? I know it would be your first time, but Philip did all of last week and I can’t bring myself to ask him that.” It was the gentle tone to her voice, the friendly way she always approached y/n that made her say yes, and think how hard it would be to say no.
“Sure, I can do that. I just have to warn Philip to leave without me.”
“Thank you so much my dear, really. And tomorrow you can come in later.” She gave y/n the key and smiled politely before allowing her to leave. She warned Philip who proceeded to leave. And y/n suck up some more hours until closing.
It was midnight when the last person in the kitchen left. y/n helped them clean what was necessary so she could also leave. Because they had stopped serving to costumers a little while ago, but the kitchen remained open to prepare things for the next day.
She was all alone, and truth be told the street where the bakery was, had very little light. So y/n had her phones lantern on, closing the door as fast as she could, so she could head home. The street was also silent and she didn’t know what to make of it. Was it good or bad? Might be good because then it meant she could be safe until home, but bad because at anytime anyone could show up and she would be all alone and defenseless.
She started to walk down the street towards where she lived when a group of man started to walk on the same lane she was in. She wanted to move, she really wanted, but at the same it would bring attention to her and she didn’t want any more unnecessary attention.
They passed her in silence, but then another shadow appear on the other side of the street, and she squinted really hard to see who it was until she realized it was Fred. He was already looking at her, and he was crossing the street coming towards her.
“What are you doing at this hour on the street?” Her mind was still processing the fact that they had found each other outside of her work. It wasn’t impossible, he lived in the area, but still, her luck! She looked back at the group of guys that she hadn’t noticed were looking at her, and she thanked to herself, the presence of Fred.
He had approached because of that. Because he was looking for his meal, and then her smell hit all his senses again and he lost focus. Until he saw the group he had been eyeig pass her and then how they had stopped to look at her. He wasn’t planning on intervening, specially when his fangs where out, full of venom, and ready to bite into a fleshy, smooth skin full of blood.
“Oh hi.” She started, a little less nervous now in his presence, but still not fully. They were only two and the group that had passed them were five. They were in disadvantage. “I just left the bakery, I was asked to close. Was heading home now.” She gave him the uneasy smile, her hands coming to the pockets of her jacket to warm her cold hands.
“I think I should accompany you home.” He said, after he looked again behind her to see the guys lurking around talking, maybe waiting for her to be left alone so they could do something. “Where to you live exactly?”
“I live just too more blocks way.” She said. And when he put his hand, gently, on her back guiding her to start walking, she did so, without hesitation. She also didn’t fight him on, how she was strong and independent enough to go on her own, because she knew that deep down she was scared to walk the rest of her time alone. “Thank you.” She said, when silence fell upon them, his hand had left her back and they had a little distance between them.
“No need to thank me.” He was mostly silence because, well, the proximity they had made it even harder for him to control himself specially when he was mid hunt. Right now there wasn’t a thing separating them. And they had walked a long distance that they were finally alone, in the dark street, and in the cold almost no one dared to come outside.
The mint in the scent was stronger today, and when he, from the corner of his eye, or when he actually decided to look at her for brief moments, could see the thick veins in her neck, the blood pumping thru them, calling for him. His venom leaked a little from his teeth and burned his throat. But he could still smell the sweet vanilla in there, and how that mixture, although unknown to him until now, was something he couldn’t forget.
It made his hunger even stronger.
“Do you wanna come in?” The had arrived at what he assumed was the place she lived. She lived in one of the small buildings that only had two floors and usually only two to three people lived in those. “It’s the least I could do, since you brought me home. I can offer you hot tea, or even hot chocolate?” She suggested, the door already opened. He nodded, his eyes trailing over how old the building was and how cold it also was.
He was a vampire, he was always cold and nothing ever bothered him. A lot of his manners were eyes of him disguising himself to humans, so they wouldn’t suspect he wasn’t like them. He couldn’t care less if the temperatures his below freezing. But for humans? Humans were fragile. He doesn’t remember much from his human time, has it happens to any old enough vampire. With time those images are just memories and sometimes something he thinks he invents some of them. But he knows there fragile, that they get too cold, and too hot. That they need different attention that he does. So this house he for sure knew was very cold, the walls were old, almost nothing separated them from the outside.
But when he got into her apartment, he realizes she tried her best to make it warm and cozy.
She gestured to her sofa. “You can seat.”
“I’ll take the warm tea, please.” He realized he hadn’t answered her question from moments ago. She nodded and after taking her jacket and taking her shoes of, she want to the kitchen.
Also mentally preparing herself because, the cute guy she had seen only two times until now was in her house. And how hot and bothered (in a good way) she was about it. When the tea was ready she brought it to him and put in the small coffee table she had in front of her sofa.
“Thank you again. I-“ she stopped for a moment trying to gather her thoughts. “Those guys gave me an off vibe.” He nodded.
“Yeah, I realized that.” He hid the fact that they were his dinner, and that her appearance had disturbed not only him, but also them on their conquest. She yawned, sitting next to him but still leaving a safe space between them.
Good, she’s smart enough to know, not to get too close. Fred thought, his had«nds picking up the tea cup and drinking some of it. He watched her close her eyes, her once rapid breathing was starting to get calm, she had somehow between arriving and making his tea, turned her small eater on and she was warm, but she still had her work clothes on.
“You are tired, you shouldn’t have invited me in. Go to sleep.” He was getting up, but she stopped him in his movements, her hand coming to grab his pants and pulling him down.
“I’m sorry.” She mumble sleepy. “Stay a little bit more. I can stay wake.” He wanted to laugh, how her voice wanted to show this big girl who was able to stay wake way past her bedtime, and how she was a rule breaker, it was cute actually.
“Sure you can.” He said, trying to hide his mocking tone, and she tried to give him a look but her eyes were threatening to close. And then… then they did.
y/n was so tired, from waking up at five am and then having to close the bakery that she couldn’t take it. Her body gave in. her head was resting back on her sofa, her hands on her lap and her breathing was once again calm, letting Fred know she was asleep. And then is thoughts evaded his mind. How her neck look so delicious. How her smell was even stronger now, because, it wasn’t just her now, it was her whole house. Everything around him smelt like her, and of her, and he had to get up quickly.
His mind fighting, if he should put her in her bed, or if he should just bite down right into her. Drain her of all her blood because, in all honesty her scent was to powerful for him and he didn’t think that if he started he would be able to stop.
But the better part of him was winning, and instead of biting down onto her, her looked around her apartment for something he could cover in. moving himself swiftly around until he found something. And then after that he didn’t gave anything else a thought and left, before he regrated anything something else that could happen.
It had been more than a week since y/n invented Fred to her home and ended up falling asleep not even ten minutes later. When she woke up the next morning she was alone and Fred’s half drank tea was on the table, she was still fully dressed, but warm and cozy non the less.
y/n thought that day would make things awkward for them. She couldn’t help but overthink, on how she invited a complete stranger into her house. But at the same time the feeling of comfort and protection she had gotten from him being by her side. But no, that day he came in and acted like he had the last two times, and y/n imagines all the times before that.
And that first full week of work for y/n was amazing. She loved the place she was working at, loved that fact that everyone was always so nice and she and Philip were so close. Since they were the ones who spent so much time alone in the front they grew closer very quickly.
But y/n couldn’t wait for her break. She was free from work tomorrow, Sunday,  and after the exhausting week she had, she really needed sometime for herself.
“Know what you doing on your day off?” Philip said, throwing the wet cloth he had on his hand on top of the counter.
y/n gave it a thought for a minute, a small smirk appearing on her face after a while. “I will sleep, and rest, that’s all.”
“Boring.” He said, prolonging the ‘o’ on the word, and then started to rearrange some stuff on the shelves. “Mr. Hot could ask you out on a date no? After all wasn’t he the one who took you home?”
“Philip stop. He took me home once, and I fell asleep after ten minutes. It was the shortest interaction we had.”
Philip was gonna talk again when the little doorbell rang and when they both looked, Fred was coming in. Trying to hide the smirk that was threatening to appear on face because… well, Fred pretty much heard what Philip had said, and wished that y/n went on, so he could know what she thought about him. His super earing came in handy in times like this.
Maybe, just maybe he should invite her out. After he left her house that day he couldn’t find it in himself to stop thinking about her. Not only was her blood engraved on every one of his heighten senses, but also her touch, her face, her smooth skin. Everything. After two days, his hand was asking for a time out. It looked like anyone else he had fed upon was not even close to what she smelled like, and what she could possibly feel like.
Fred hated what he was feeling. Every time he fed it was a one-time thing. He never, ever caught feeling for anyone who he had fed upon. Sometimes if he was busy or wasn’t feeling like having sex he would find some criminal and feed of that person. But the majority he would usually feed of the person he was sleeping with. Now, he knows consent isn’t something you can just get when you’re him. But Fred always makes sure the person he slept with is well cared for. He never does anything to make that person unconfutable and they only sleep together if there’s consent. If at any time they want to leave, they can and Fred will find another way of feeding. He also always makes sure that they don’t have any marks after and that they don’t remember anything. One of the things that came with immortality is persuading people into forgetting things and doing what he wants. Fred only does it when he feeds of someone.
“Good morning, Mr. Weasley.” Fred had to contain himself to not moan right there, in front of everyone. The way it just left her lips, those lush beautiful lips, it just made him hard in his trousers. Philip smiled and after saying good morning, turned around leaving y/n to attend to Fred alone, for the first time since she’s here. “What will it be today?”
“How about the chocolate cake, with just a black coffee?” Fred took it upon himself to put his hands on the counter, closer to where she rested hers before going to prepare what he asked. She nodded. “So, how has it been working here?”
“It’s been nice, I like everyone here, and the people who come are also very generous and nice.” y/n said, while preparing what he asked. Fred had the question on the top of his tongue, but… wouldn’t it sound weird asking it? Just like that? Would she find it suspicious? That he was asking her out without even, technically knowing when her free day is? But before his mushy brain could gather anything else it just left his lips. “Do you go out tomorrow?”
Shit, Shit, Shit, he cursed himself all over. The look she gave him when he turned around was of shock. He had to think fast.
“You know, after work I mean.” He said quickly, before she could say anything else. “That is, if you’re free.”
y/n was speechless for what felt like forever, well for Fred after he stammered that’s what it felt like.
“Sure, I would love to. I’m also free tomorrow, so whatever works for you, is fine to me.” y/n gave a small smile, putting in between them Fred’s request, and then taking the money he had already prepared.
“How about I pick you up for lunch?” When she nodded, he felt a sense of relieve all over his body. “ Perfect then, see you at noon?” She gave the same gesture as before, her mouth looking like it had difficulty opening, to speak because she couldn’t believe what she was earing. “Then it a deal. See you tomorrow.” He winked, and this time his smile was bigger, and y/n for a second thought she had seen some sharp enough teeth that could ripple through her skin, or anyone’s for that matter.
Fred often refused to smile big because he never knew when they would be out. Sometimes when he least expected they were out because someone smelled really good, and almost all the time he couldn’t tell when they were out because they’re sharp feeling was something he was use to already. So he didn’t even notice her prolonged stare on his mouth, or even that his teeth were out. When he probably should’ve know that they were because she smelled absolutely divine and it was almost impossible for him to get any control next to her.
After he left y/n was left to her thoughts. It’s weird really, she probably should have looked at those teeth and just put in her brain that he had sharp teeth and a beautiful white and brilliant smile. But sometimes her mind got the best of her and of all the books and things she loved to read online about werewolves, vampires, and just all the other stuff that no one believe it existed, and she sometimes tried to put in her mind that they actually didn’t, but other times, she liked to think somewhere, they did, and that, she didn’t know how, brought her some comfort.
Seconds before Philip interrupted her thoughts, she made herself put in that head of hers that she was just overthinking and things like vampires wouldn’t exist.
y/n was finishing up the last touches of her outfit, the minutes for Fred to arrive coming closer and closer. She decided on something casual and simple since she didn’t know where they were going. She silently prayed it would be somewhere cheap because she wasn’t swimming in rich money to eat at places where plates costed more than god knows what.
So the pair of black skinny jeans, along with a her favorite t-shirt and some snickers would have to do for today. Oh and a jacket, she tended to be very picky when it came to cold.
Although the thoughts of yesterday had gone to the back of her mind they hadn’t completely disappeared, and she didn’t even know why she was thinking about this so much and why Fred. Although other small things Philip had told her until know just made a lot more sense if she looked at him as a vampire and not as normal human. But she didn’t had time to let those thought fulfill her mind again because Fred was here. She knew because the door bell rang and she hated to leave people waiting so she picked up her stuff faster and run to the door.
“Hi.” y/n said, a cute smile on her face, she was messily putting her bag over her shoulders.
“Hi, you look cute.” Really Fred? Cute? Of all the things you could’ve said?
“You look very handsome yourself”. She laughed a little, and thanked all the universe that he had also chose a more casual look that looked way to good on him, and did things to her that she shouldn’t be having for someone she knows for such a little time. But the way the shirt hugged his body, those hands that just looked so muscly and how his jeans hugged his legs and how all of sudden his things looked way to appetizing. Well, y/n was in for a hard time.
And Fred… he also in for a harder time. Because he knew immediately in that small amount of time what he was doing to her because he could smell her. And he was not talking about only her blood. He was talking about the pool of wetness that was forming in her panties, right in front of him. The venom was there again, threatening to leave his fangs, his control almost leaving him.
He had to block all those thoughts before he regretted what he might do. Why, why did she have to smell that good? Why now? After all the time he’s had on this earth, why now? When he’d learned to contain himself.
“Ready?” y/n’s voice took him out of his moment, he streacthed his hand out for her to take and when she did he nodded.
“yes, hope you don’t mind, but I chose the place where we’re going.”
“Not at all, may I know where?”
“It’s a surprise.” He winked, after she closed the door they both went to his car. y/n knew that it wasn’t in town, because otherwise they wouldn’t be taking his, may she had, very extremely expensive car. Entering it even felt like the biggest sin ever, she felt way to weird riding something like this.
Although this clearly wasn’t the biggest sin she had committed and she for sure had ridden way dirtier stuff. She wanted to laugh because of what her brain was picking up. Fred noticed.
“Everything alright?” That’s when she finally looked at him, and the way he had one hand on the stirring wheel and his hand on the gearshift, and how his muscles flexed every now and then because of he changed. She clenched her thighs.  Her smell only intensifying even more.
“Yes- yes everything ok.” She made herself look way, trying to avoid and think to much on the stickiness that was in between her. “Can I know where we’re going now? I mean I know it outside of town.”
“Smart little thing you are, no?” He joked, looking at her for a brief second but the way he retained information was enough for him to know that way the sun hit her face in just the perfect way making her eyes stand out, and her skin be has shinny as his would if he wasn’t wearing things that made him not shine in the sun.
She shivered, only that small name made her tingle all over. If this man wanted to forget lunch and just do it, she, well she wouldn’t mid would she? He was just that good.
“We’re going to the mountains, it’s close but far enough that no one had to know our business.”
She looked out the window, seeing that was the path they were taking. This only confirmed what Philip had said about Fred being a very private person. How he didn’t want people in town to know they were going out. It didn’t hurt her. Actually she was relieved, y/n loved the place she lived in but people talked and sometimes they tried to guess things way out of their league and ended up making rumors that were far from the truth. So, them going to the mountains, was good for her.
She had heard of the restaurant up there, she knew it was expensive but she could take in that type of expensive.
They actualy talked for the rest of the way, both finding it very easy to speak with each other, like they were friends their whole lives. It was easy to look at Fred and want to talk to him, know more about him, it was like he was enchanted and was this person, a brilliant one at that, that just made everyone fall in love.
And Fred? Fred was able to look at y/n outside of a food type of way. He didn’t always looked at her like that, he didn’t always let his animal side come out. But her blood was powerful and sometimes it was hard. But now, in this car and with the way she talked to openly to him about her family, about her work and what she loved the most Fred found his frozen cold heart feel something else. It was like an electric shock, it looked like it was only for a brief second but he could have sworn he felt his skin heat up.
How weird was that? A cold vampire with warm skin? Jokes. Total jokes. But it felt like that. And his hands almost felt sweaty. They were things Fred had last felt a long time ago, when the blood in hum ran in his veins, when he could feel warmth and could blush. It was things he swore he could have forgotten the feeling.
He knew nothing of what he was thinking was happening, but somehow his brain was picking up on those things again.
Fred had become somehow closed when it came to love. He didn’t have a wife, nor a girlfriend in his human time, but he was in love… she was just always out of reach. And Fred had to become what he was today, with a broken heart, knowing he would never love. Because, the rumors were true, vampires were soulless. That’s what Fred had made himself believe even after some vampires he had known along the years had told him otherwise. Vampires who had find they’re soulmates.
Fred had lost his hope a long, long time ago. So this now was just probably a way of his body reacting to her blood. A way of coping that is.
When they arrived, Fred made sure to take up a faster pace than usual but trying to hide his super speed so he could take the role of gentleman and opening the door to her. Some things, even after all this time living on earth, were part of him. He tried to let some things of his time go, try not to be so modest, and in somethings he managed.
But opening doors, and making sure the person he was with was well taken care of? That was something that would always stuck with him. He knew now a days not everyone had that way of acting. They just wanted to get someone to bed.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Weasley.” y/n said in her teasing tone, squeezing the hand he had gave her. He rolled his eyes playfully trying to hide the way his cock twitched in interest in his jeans. When she went in front of him to enter the restaurant he took a few seconds to get himself together.
He asked for the table with the best view, that ended up with them in the balcony that had a beautiful view to everything below, including their town that now looked so small.
“This is beautiful.” y/n stated, putting her bag in the seat next to her and straighten her jacket, because it was breezy outside.
“It is.” Fred was looking at her, although she was still looking around. She just looked ethereal really, angel like, he was lucky she had even said yes to this lunch. It didn’t took them a long time to have what they had asked for in the table. Fred opting for something light. It was now that he was regretting having suggested this because he had to eat and would probably leave him sick. So his best plan was to distract y/n while she ate and maybe she wouldn’t notice he hadn’t touched the food.
It was going well, he made sure to ask some for stuff about some things she had mentioned while in car. About her family, about were she studied, what she liked to do in her free time. But when she finished and was ready to ask for some dessert she noticed he hand’t touched his food.
“Are you ok?” Her voice was filled with worry, she was so distracted sharing things about herself with him she barely noticed his food. And now she felt guilty all over and her eyes had a different look to them.
“More than ok, I just realizes I didn’t want this. Don’t worry I’ll eat something else.” He smiled a little and the hand she had close to him he squeezed in a gentle gesture. She felt his cold skin touch hers. If hers was cold how could his be cold her? She wondered for barely a second, but then justified it with him probably being very cold.
“You’re also very cold, are you sure you’re not getting sick?” her voice still had the same tone. “maybe we should go.” She said ready to get up and pay, so they could go.
“I’m ok y/n, please sit.” He laughed a little seeing how worried she was. His heart could’ve skipped a beat if it wasn’t frozen.
“No.” She stood her ground. “I’m gonna pay and we’re going home, you’re getting sick.” They was she was speaking in that moment was so dominant that Fred couldn’t help getting hard. He was avoiding, thru all the little twitches he gave during the time they had been together, getting hard and he had managed until now. She was worried sick about him and here he was getting hard over it, because well, he wasn’t anything close to sick. It was who he was, she just didn’t know that. But maybe, just maybe he could get on a little about this. He was actually enjoying having her worried sick.
Fred followed her, but did not allowed her to pay. He did tho allow her to drive his expensive cat, because she was focused on the road he was focused on her. He had his head resting back and turned to her, how, unlike him, she had both hands on the steering wheel and only took one when she had to change shifts. Otherwise they were both there, that showed Fred that she didn’t have as much confidence driving as he had, and she was more scared of anything happening than he was. She also had a frown on her face, her features still showed worry.
he looked at her thighs, the way they looked so appetizing in those jeans and how all of sudden thoughts of his fangs biting thru them made him readjust in his seat trying to find a positing where his hard cock wasn’t visible. He had to fight the want in putting his hand on her leg and squeeze it.
y/n realized half way there if she was even ok with her going to his house. But when they got to town and he said to go to his she got the conformation that maybe it wasn’t bad after all. Maybe it was ok. And well her frown had disappeared for a while when she had to take in how everything around her looked. It was so modern and slick, it was amazing.
Fred, on the other hand, was actually getting a little sick, because hiding his hard on was becoming even more difficult. He was starting to feel his body ache, and shivers prickle in his skin. He now looked actually sick. When she took a notice of that, she hurried to his side.
“Oh poor boy, here.” She said, letting him support himself on her, which wasn’t what he needed. He needed her touch yes, but in other way. He was a moaning mess by the time they arrived at the elevator to then get to his house. He didn’t’ even know what had gotten into him.
Never, had he felt like this. He was ok always when he was horny, he was never like this. This achy feeling, his cock somehow already leaking. How had she not noticed it? Fred couldn’t bring himself to have coherent thoughts in his head. All he could think and smell was her. And she was everywhere now. She was right there next to him feeling all of his senses, his house would smell like her. The thoughts he had about her in the last week would be even more vivid not that she was there.
He was a whiny mess. When she managed to open the door to his house she didn’t have time to take in everything around her. The closest she managed to bring him was his sofa, that she for moments realizes was a dark blue color, almost royal.
“Fred.” She called gently, now that he was laying down on his sofa he had let his eyes close, he was trying very hard to get is head straight. To think rationally and not do anything that might ruin him. Or her for that matter. “Fred, come on let me help you.” The gentleness in her voice, his hands in fists to make him stay in that position and not abuse anything. He opened his eyes a little, a small smile on his face, she had a pillow in her hand and he got his head up a little so she could put it underneath is head. “I’m gonna go find something you can take.”
Fred couldn’t speak, so he couldn’t tell her she would find zero things around his house for him to take. He was a vampire and he they never got sick or needed any of those human medicines. But now, in the state he was in he was reconsidering everything in his life and trying to pull up any thought of anything he might’ve read that would explain this.
Well, he… he did remember once his creator had explained to him what this might be. It was a weird thing that rarely happened to vampires. If the need for blood was to much, they could get to a point where they were a complete mess. Fred knew she had created this. Her blood was to much for him and he should’ve known, he should’ve pushed her way from him. He should’ve stopped when he could’ve, but he didn’t. And now here he was, hard like a rock, his cock leaking in to his boxers and probably his trousers too, he couldn’t tell. All because her blood her smell her touch had brought him to a breaking point.
“Fred I didn’t found-“ She stopped mid sentence, because from the place she was coming she could see it clearly. The dent in his trousers. She had taken a lot more time because she didn’t knew his house and he could barely speak to explain everything to her so she had to manage on herself. She looked in the bathroom she had found, but nothing came up. He moaned a little louder now, turning on his side and them on his belly, his cock rubbing against the material oh his jeans and helping him getting some relief. The movement of his hips got a little faster, y/n was at lost for words.
She had so many ways she could react to this. She could leave and let him take care of it alone. She could stay and try to figure out what he had and she could also stay and help. Somehow her brain was yelling that the last option was the best.
“Shit, y/n.” If she had any doubts, the moan of her name made the decision firm in that option. She walked slow like any sudden movement was gonna scare both of them. She kneeled next to the sofa, she brought on of her hands to his face and moved it so he could look at her. “Fuck.” He shook, his whole body starting to get rigid because he was so, so hard and achy that any movement brought him close the edge, and then her touch just made him a whole lot more close.
“You have to tell me Fred, what is wrong?” She knew he was hard she had seen it and now knew he was trying to find some kind of relief, but she was lost, she had mistaken the signs for him being sick, and he was… just horny? Very much at that.
“Fuck, please.” His voice was low, almost sub like, his eyes closing his movements becoming faster, he was gonna bring one of his hands to cup himself truh his jeans. She stopped him before he could do that.
“Please what, baby?” Her hand caressed his fingers slowly, every fiber in her body now almost matching his, like they were synchronized, made for each other. Her body starting to match his, in pleasure and adrenaline.
“Please, I need you, so bad, please.” His voice was raspy Fred had lost himself completely, to the point where his fangs were out, right there in front of her, and his brain couldn’t pick up on it. But y/n, she still had some coherent thoughts and she picked up on it. But she wasn’t scared. Her body telling her to trust him.
One of her hands came to stay on his face and the other that had his hand in his let go of it and grabbed his cock thru the jeans and she squeezed it hard, a loud moan leaving his mouth.
“Does it feel good baby?” Her voice was so gentle, and Fred was so lost in himself that anything she said or do, only brought him closer to the edge. He nodded. “Words, please.” She asked nicely, since she could very much see how lost in pleasure he was wasn’t doing it on purpose.
“It does, please, I beg you.” His voice was breaking into moans and whines and his hips came to meet her hand, trying to find his release. She smiled, taking the hand that was on his face of, and coming to help her other hand open the zip of his pants. And she didn’t waste to much time teasing him because she knew he needed this. She pulled his pants down along with his boxers, letting his cock spring free. He was red, and hard and he was veiny to. y/n felt her mouth water, he was beautiful. Now being on his side his cock rested in one of his flexed legs, even the slightest touched making him feel overwhelmed.
y/n didn’t waste any time taking him in her hands, stroking him first in a slow and gentle manner to get a feeling and grip of his cock. He almost shouted at how it felt.
“F-fuck.” He opened his eyes to look at his cock, her warm and soft hand gripping him so good he felt his stomach tighten and his orgasm so, but so close. “Thank you.” His voice was low, and raspy because he was feeling he was loosing it. y/n increased the speed of her movements, her hands massaging his cock all over, from the base where she squeezed a little more and then back to the top, keeping the pressure almost the same until she hit the head of his cock, where she would engulf it a little more, seeing his legs tremor and his mouth open in pure bliss.
“So close aren’t you lovie?” She had such an adorable look and at the same time so dominant and Fred was feeling so many things that this moment would forever be engraved on his mind. “You weren’t sick after all were you?” He shook his head the best he could, she had her hand at the head of cock pressing her thumb on the little whole where his cum was gonna come out of way to soon. “You just needed a little attention, baby boy just wanted someone to touch him.”
“You.” It barebly came out of him, y/n look at him, they locked eyes and they way she lowered her head to meet the head of his cock all while mantaning eye contact, he lost it there. As soon as her lips envolved his head and the rest of her hand massaged the base of his cock he was a gonner. He came so hard his vision went white, his whole body got rigid, but somehow his toes kept moving almost like little spasms. “Only you.” He managed to get out, mid orgasm, one of his hands somehow finding her face to caress it.
y/n swallowed every single drop he gave her, she milked him dry, sucked him all thru his orgasm. All while taking in the sight he was, how he looked so but so beautiful that her pussy tingled with just the look of it. How she could cum from just looking at him.
When he was sensitive, she moved away, bringing one of her hands to her face to clean the bit of cum that was threatening dropping to her chin. She collected it in her finger and brought it close to his face. “taste it for me baby, you taste so good don’t you?”
He opened his mouth the best he could, a vampire had so much strength and barely needed any sleepy, barely anything could tire him. But here he was, lost of words, tired but in a pure state of bliss. He involved her finger in his mouth and sucked on it, tasting himself. y/n felt the velvety skin of his mouth and how those sharp teeth she had thought about since yesterday, were scratching at her finger, but never once hurt her.
Fred was astonished with himself how he could have done that and not bite into her. Although tired that desire was still there, so present in his mind. She pulled her finger out and rested her hand on his tummy and gently petted him.
“Did so good for me too didn’t you?” She came closer to his face and finally what she was also thinking during this, came to happen. She kissed him. It was a deep kiss where she felt sparkles happen all over her. Her hand fisting around his shirt and she moaned into his mouth. Fred had been so lost into his pleasure, the post orgasmic bliss that he had forgotten that she was had been wet for had long had he was hard and had his cock twitching. She, in that state that made humans even more vulnerable, had taken care of him.
Shit, she really was something else. He went to get up, still kissing her but she stopped.
“No, you don’t have to.” She said, looking at thse beautiful eyes, where she could get lost so many times.
“I don’t, but please, I want to.” She was still on her knees on the ground next to the sofa so when Fred sat down on it he was taller than her and all of a sudden, y/n who had been dominant moments ago, felt all that power get taken from her just by the way he looked.
“You also did so good to me baby didn’t you? Sucked my cock like the good girl you are, went around the house looking for medicine to make me feel better… but the only thing I need is you.” His hand came to pet her face, his thumb on one side and the rest of his fingers in the other and he squished her face a little. His fangs came out of his mouth for the first time, the pointy tip meeting his bottom lip. The realization hit him but somehow instead of panicking, he gave a devious smirk, because he could hear her heart beat speeding up, the blood in her veins running faster, going to meet the little bundle of nerves between her legs that was aching to be touched.
y/n wasn’t scared, she realized finally that Fred wasn’t like her, but in this moment, right between his legs, his cock that had soften starting to get hard again, she couldn’t care less. She needed him so bad. Her cunt so wet that she knew when she took her panties that her wetness would drip down her legs.
She nodded. “Words y/n.” he was more dominant in the way he was speaking than she was. She was soft, and he although still soft and caring had a different way of speaking. She felt her spine tingle and came to rest her head on his thick thigh her look lingering a little bit to long on his cock and then look at him in the eyes.
“Yes daddy.” Fred groaned, one of his hands coming to pull at her hair.
“Up you go then little girl, come and lay here.” He patted his other hand next to the big space next to him, given his sofa was so big, and y/n was about to find out cozy too. She did as she was told. “But take your jeans and panties first beauty.” She nodded, her trembeling hands coming to do just that.
“The shirt and bra too, daddy?” She asked a little low, she was feeling so many things too, she couldn’t wait for what Fred was thinking of doing. He nodded. She was fully naked in front of him. The first thing he looked at was her wetness, he could see it dripping down, but before he even looked, as soon as she took her panties the smell hit him like a thousand things. If it was strong before, it was now consuming everything in him.
She laid down and Fred turned to his side, kneel and opened her legs moving himself in between them. He looked directly at her pussy for a few moment and then at her perky rigid nipples.
“You just wanna be touched don’t you baby? Just as desperate as daddy was for your touch.” Fred referring to himself as daddy had her clenching her pussy around nothing, Fred noticed and one of the hands that was on her thights keeping her legs opened came to graze at her pussy. He touched from her clit to her entrance where he rolled his index finger around, spreading her wetness all around. He then brought that finger to his mouth and sucked on it, the sight making y/n moan.
“Please, daddy I was good. Please touch me.” The desperation in her voice made Fred feel pitty for her. He nodded and came to lean down on it. y/n was about to get her pussy eaten by what she possibly thought was a vampire, and she should be scared and run, or stop this and ask so many questions, but she felt this immense trust for Fred and that he would always stop if she asked, if she needed and he would never do anything she didn’t feel comfortable with. His face was so close to her pussy and he didn’t waste any more time and sucked at her clit. His fangs giving a different kind of touch that her screaming in pleasure her legs threatening to close around him, but one of his hands kept one of the legs where it was before, the other came around his shoulders.
She was so wet, she didn’t think she had ever been this wet with a man. She usually found herself never releasing when she was with a man. They had all but forgotten and negletected her during. She usually only got to come when she was by herself or when she was lucky to have a beautiful girl laying with her. So being with a man and being so wet without any foreplay was astonishing to her. Fred was alternating his mouth movements between gentle and more harsh suckles on her clit and small little pecks and kissed that had her clit tingle in pleasure. y/n was a complete and whining mess, both her hands coming to meet his hair and pulling at it hard. Fred moaned into her and that only made her belly tighten in pleasure.
The two fingers that where now inside of her where moving fast, the only sound in that room besides y/n’s loud whines moans and whimpers where the wet splashing sound that were coming from the wetness of her pussy, that was now a mixture of her juices and Fred’s spit. He pushed his face away and looked at her his mouth was as messy as her pussy. His face and chin covered in her wetness and her spit. The coldness of his touch in her contrasted so well with how warm and velvety and squishy she felt and it was all too much. Her orgasm was so close and the pressure felt so… so different, it was like it was pulling al her muscles and wanted to just explode all over.
“Come on baby, I can feel you squeeze my finger good, gonna cum for me aren’t you? Gonna cum for your daddy.” His voice was like a melody to her ears. “Fucking soake me baby. Give me all this sweet honey I know you have.” His fingers curled right on her spongy spot, she screamed his name and her body tensed. He lowered so his face was close to her pussy again and went on to suckle at her clit again, and the way her pussy was being touched by Fred, how he knew what to do and where to touch her, in just the right placeshad her orgasm splitting her open inside.
Her hands threaded his hair in between her fingers and pulled at it hard, and that only had Fred moan into her, making her orgasm all more intense. Her vision was so blurry and her hearing had a piercing noise that she only heard sometimes and never during this time.
She was so lost in herself that she wasn’t seeing what Fred was seeing, her juices hitting his face, wetting him all over, his fingers coming out of her to rub at her clit feverishly only intensifying it more and he pushed back so he could take in all of her, the way she had now her eyes close and moans of his name were coming out, come low others a little higher and how her juices started to decrease and she started to shake and tremble and her hips trying to get way from his touch letting Fred know she was very sensitive. So he stopped, he put both his hands at her thighs so they had to stay open, and she couldn’t close them like she was trying to do.  He felt her shaking beneath his touch.
“Fuck- I- daddy.” She couldn’t master up any thoughts and her hands that weren’t on his head no more, were squeezing her breasts, finding some conform in that gesture. Her nipples still hard and unplayed with, but Fred knew what he was doing.
“Are you too sensitive baby? Or can you take my cock?” He asked gently, caressing her things very smoothly too and letting small kisses along her bare legs.
“I can take your cock daddy, I’m a big girl.” She opened her eyes finally, and  that’s when she finally looked down to see the mess. The shirt he still wore now see thru because her orgasm had made it that way. All wet. Her thighs also wet and his face just like that too, but the smile on his face didn’t let y/n be embarrassed because, well she took it that he liked it. And she had liked it very much also. Fred shuddered at her words, his cock rock hard again and coming to meet his stomach. He was so big and thick and y/n just couldn’t wait to feel all of him.
“Please.” She asked lightly, and took one of his hands in hers and pulled him to her. Fred took his other free hand to his cock and positioned it to her entrance. He looked from her they meet, from where his cock scratched at her pussy, at her cute little clit, to look at her, her mouth opened, a whine leaving it.
He sinks in slowly, not only because he cared for her, because he knew he was to much for her to handle if he just went fast and hard, but because Fred cared and although he always cared for the people he slept with, he cared differently for y/n. The girl he knew for so little while but that was making his heart feel some kind of way. A deep groan leaves his throat, his cock coming to sit snuggly against her smooth walls, his balls fitting snug against her ass. The hand that had been on his cock came to rest next to y/n’s head to give himself some leverage and the other hand now free came to play with  one of her nipples, pushing it and rolling it in between his thumb and pointer finger. She clenched deliciously around him.
He back up his hips after he feels she’s a little use to his size and then comes to meet her hips again, the slow yet hard movement made both of them moan. He was so big, now inside her felt even bigger than when she touched him with her hand. She could feel the vein that ran up along his cock caress her walls and along with that the pure look of pleasure he had in his face was making y/n a moaning mess again.
Fred kisses y/n, her tongue rasping around his sharp teeth and the feeling had her whimper into his mouth. He pulls out a little faster this time and came snapping against her again, the force of this had his pelvis coming to meet her clit, the extra pressure and sensation had her legs quiver hard.
Fred was fucking her now hard and deep, his other hand on her nipple came to the other side of her face so he could gain more force and speed and his head lowered down do his mouth met one of her nipples, the one who still hand’t gotten much attention and proceeded to get it all wet and messy with his spit, sucking on it while also moaning against it, because y/n was squeezing him hard, and spasming around him. He knew her orgasm earlier had been strong, squirting always made people extra sensitive after, and he knew she was more than usual, and that also having her nipples played with was even mesmerizing.
All the little nerves in her body are on high alert, feeling and letting her know another orgasm approaches, how her hands come to find Fred’s face and pull him in for a deep kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance, his hands becoming fists around the cushions on his sofa. His legs also threatening to give out, because he also had a strong orgasm earlier and he was closer than he would like to admit.
She has to pull herself way from him because her orgasm hit her like a truck, she was expecting to last a small while longer, but all of sudden everything came crashing down on her. The orgasm again strong, she shakes and quivers all over, her hands squishing Fred’s face strongly and her mouth wide open, whimpers start to leave her mouth again
His movements never stop, now that had come, Fred could chase his own orgasm better. He continues, he fucks y/n thru her orgasm, one of his hands comes to her throat and squeezes it. y/n smiles the best she can and turns her head to the side exposing her neck to him. The orgasm still pumping thru her veins, and the vein in her neck prominent, he could see the blood passing in them.
“Bite me.” She said low, if Fred didn’t have that hearing he could’ve sworn it would have pass him. His body almost gave out on him. He felt himself ask low ‘What’.
“Bite me.” She repeated again, with one hand taking the one that was still around her throat but kept her position. “Please.”
“y/n..” Fred started but she didn’t let him finish.
“I’m giving you consent, bite me.” Her pussy squeezing his cock and the request had Fred at the brim of his orgasm and then when he lowered his head again, his lips brushing against her neck and his fangs that had been out all this time and full of his venom came to bite down on her skin. The sweet honeyed flavor of her blood was something that made Fred feel his body relax and just… well Fred didn’t even know how to describe what he was feeling.
y/n screamed, it felt like a sharp, sharp pain in her skin, but then after a few moments if didn’t hurt anymore, it did sting a little, from what she thought was his venom entering her system.
That’s how Fred came, with her pussy spasming around him, sensitive from the two strong orgasms he gave her, him, also sensitive because this would be his second orgasm and from her taste on his tongue, on his mouth and her smell everywhere. He moaned close to her, and right after he hit the top he pulled way from her, licking at the two small marks his teeth had left and it healed.
y/n was now a little lost, he made sure to only drink enough to sustain him, but he had still drunk her blood so she was a little limp.
“Thank you.” Fred said gently, caressing her face and kissing her lips gently.
y/n was trying hard to find words, feeling a little loopy, but still there none the less.
“You’re welcome.” She yawned. “But you have a lot of explain to do.” The both laughed, Fred scooted y/n over a little so they could both fit on the sofa and pulled a blanket that was usually there to just be, but now it would cover and warm y/n.
“I will, I promise. Thank you for trusting me.” That was the last thing y/n remember Fred say before she fell into a deep sleep, snuggled into Fred’s chest.
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allegedlyanandroid · 3 years
Hello! For the fic prompts! Can I got a 900Gavin A/B/O fic about alpha!RK900 who try to bite Omega!Gavin scent glands when they first meet because RK900 didn't have a social program but have only a primal instinct program? Could pls keep it fluff and light,plssss? 🥺 I read too many dark fics but if it couldn't then it ok too.
I took some artistic liberties with this one and made Gavin a bounty hunter for the sole purpose that I couldn’t figure out a good reason as to why Fowler would assign them as partners if Nines tried to take a bite out of him on first meeting.  I mean... who can blame him though? Gavin is a snacc. Did I think to much into it? Yes, definitely. Either way, I hope you like it @therainnight, fingers crossed that it has an okay ratio of fluff in it <3
There’s nothing to suggest he’s being followed, no out-of-the-ordinary sounds, no footsteps, no nothing. Doesn’t matter. Gavin has always had good instincts and right now they’re telling him that something, or someone, is stalking him. Glancing as far behind himself as he can through his peripheral vision means he catches the glimpse of movement before it’s too late. Gavin whirls around just as he’s pushed backwards against a tree and the impact is enough to knock the breath from his lungs.  
A forearm keeps him pressed against it while he stares uncomprehending at razor-sharp teeth set in a half-finished face.
‘Oh, hell no,’ is what comes to mind and it’s through pure instinctive reaction that he manages to get a hand up between them and shove it as far into the android’s mouth as he can ‒ quick enough to keep it from sinking its teeth into the glands in his neck. He’d rather lose a few fingers than be bond-mated on first meeting like some omega bride in the twentieth century. His other hand is still free so he ignores the glowing eyes peering into his soul, and the curious gnawing over the digits he unceremoniously shoved in the android’s mouth, in order to find the glowing circle in the middle of its chest. Digging his fingers into the minute crack the thirium pump regulator slides into his hand with a muted hiss, strangely warm and disgustingly slick with thirium.  
The android yelps, scrambling backwards, and releases Gavin’s saliva-slick hand as it falls down in a crouch. It stares desperately at the cylinder held aloft in the air. It jolts forward when Gavin squeezes it between claw-tipped fingers until it threatens to bend under the strain and render it useless, eyes are wide and sorrowful, the glow in them sapping away with every passing second. Gavin nearly feels bad for it.
“Why are you following me?!” he demands to know, pushing the thought aside.
It doesn’t answer, shifting in place as it continues to stare at him.
“You can have this back if you tell me.” Half-truths. The android merely curls in on itself, pressing the palm of its hand against its own throat. It mouths something but the dark plating making up the lower part of his face makes it impossible to see what. Then it clicks. “You can’t talk?”  
It nods.
Maybe it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the droid looks anything but finished. Gavin can see parts of its biocomponents pulsing a subdued red behind clear panelling mixed in with sleek metal in a colour so dark it’s nearly void. The upper part of its face has synthskin, including his upper lip, but everything below is made of the same black material. Its ears nearly blend into the raven hair on its head and Gavin can’t find it in himself to be angry at it. Clearly, it’s a lost ‒ and potentially broken ‒ thing. Not unlike himself.
Gavin tosses the regulator in the android’s direction and marches on. He has a job to do after all and tracking only gets harder the longer he dawdles. Almost immediately the feeling returns and he groans out loud. The time-limit forces him to keep moving regardless of his silent companion. His target already has a two-day head start and the moment Weiss crosses the border into Canada Gavin can’t do jack-shit to him. He jerks the rifle higher on his back and continues to follow the scent of old blood laid into the earth. Evidently the bastard isn’t worried about being followed so much as setting a fast pace despite his injuries. 
When night begins to fall, the shadows lengthening around him, Gavin reluctantly sets up camp. There’s maybe another two days before he catches up and seeing as they’re about a three day’s march from the border he’ll be cutting it close.  
The area he finds is partly protected from the elements and close to a stream of trickling water. “I know you’re there,” he calls while rummaging around his supplies to find kindling. There’s a rustle of the underbrush to his left and the hulking mess of an android appears at the edge of camp. It looks hesitant, almost skittish, where it stands. It makes little sense given how bulky the ‘droid is and how aggressive it behaved earlier. Clearly it should be able to hold its own going off design alone. Gavin returns to ignoring it after a last wary glance and swears beneath his breath when the wood won’t catch flame.
The android shifts into his line of sight and approaches slowly, like one would a vicious or scared animal. It stops again and gestures to the attempted fire, tilting its head in question. Gavin sighs. “Sure, why not,” he shrugs. “‘s not like you can do a worse job.” 
Despite the less-than-friendly tone, the android visibly perks up. Gavin watches as it rearranges the collected wood with meticulous focus before stripping one of its fingers of plating and snapping off a few wires. The resulting electric sparks is what it uses to light the kindling. The fire slowly spreads over bark and wood until they’re engulfed by flames, cracking and popping in the still evening. Satisfied, it prods at the still-sparking wires with a finger, completely transfixed by the reds, oranges and yellows found in the flickering fire. 
Gavin offers a crooked grin in thanks. “Wonders of technology. You need any help with that?”
The android shakes its head no, poking the wires back in place, before clicking the plating back where it belongs. It looks to be smiling slightly as it reluctantly gathers itself up to leave.
Gavin stops it with a hand on its wrist.  
“You can stay.”
It’s basic human decency Gavin tells himself when he watches the android shuffle closer to the flames, hands outstretched as if to absorb its warmth. With the light’s help he can just about make out the serial-number etched into its chassis right over its thirium pump. “RK900, “ Gavin reads, “-that’s not one I’ve heard of before.” The droid turns to him and holds up one finger, turning it afterwards to point at himself. Gavin hums. “One of a kind then. I can relate to that.”
The android slides closer, looking up with a soft “go-on” like gesture that Gavin is helpless to resist.
He wakes up the next morning feeling as if everything has tilted slightly to the left and groggily gets himself ready for the day, rolling up his sleeping bag and kicking dirt over the fire’s embers, while RK stares at him with intrigue. They begin the trek not long after with Gavin wolfing down a protein bar in lieu of breakfast. RK frowns at him then, his brows furrowed severely, but it quickly turns to confusion when Gavin sticks his tongue out at him and picks up the pace. While they walk, he contemplates when in the previous evening he began referring to RK as “he” instead of “it”. There’s no doubt that the android is alive, for lack of a better term, animated and interested and latching onto every word of Gavin’s tales the way he used to do himself when he was younger and less jaded.
Gavin, lost in thought, doesn’t notice RK disappearing for a moment. His return is difficult to miss though since he presents him with a perfectly symmetrical trientalis europaea, its yellow core surrounded by seven white petals. A stark contrast to the black hands cupping it; delicate fragility resting in palms simply not made for such sweet blossoms. There’s excitement radiating off him, nestled in his glowing eyes, which doubles when Gavin asks: “Is that for me?”
The nod is quick as RK moves his hands an inch closer. Gavin takes it with a soft “thank you.” He looks at it for a moment longer and then takes his notebook from his inner pocket to place the flower there, snapping it shut and tying it with twine to really press flat. RK preens, turning his gaze bashfully to the forest floor, while Gavin pretends his cheeks aren’t flushed red.
When at last it comes time to make camp Gavin is pleased with their progress. “The scent of blood is more prominent. Even if he’s on scent blockers I can pick up smoke from the campfire. We’re getting close.”
His statement prompts an explanation about the reason he’s in the woods to begin with. The concern he shows upon hearing of Gavin’s chosen field of work is quickly dismissed with a: “I managed to bring you down, didn’t I?” which RK’s lips twitch at. He settles even closer to Gavin today, surreptitiously scenting the air between them, until Gavin asks him about it point-blank.
‘You smell nice,’ RK writes out on a torn-out page in Gavin’s book. ‘It’s what drew me in.’
“I smell like fuck-all while on blockers.”  
‘Leather, coffee, something sweet like honey.’ It takes a moment before RK writes the next part: ‘You’re an omega.’
Gavin is still reeling when the last part of the sentence hits him like a punch to the gut. He takes his blockers near religiously, there’s no way RK should be able to‒  
...but then the air around him floods with hints of metal and ozone. He’d smelled it before, when RK first came at him, but it had been absent since.  
An alpha.
As soon as the scent envelops him it lessens again. ‘It’s hard to concentrate, to control myself, unless I turn that part of my programming off. Although, it means I have to get in close to smell anything.’
Gavin doesn’t know what to say to that, to any of it, so he remains quiet even if he doesn’t move away to allow RK to take in his scent as he pleases.
The weather dips dangerously in the late night and Gavin wakes up shivering. “Fuck, dammit,” he curses. Maybe he should keep moving. Catch the fucker earlier and finally get away from here. ‘Terrible plan,’ Gavin reminds himself as another shiver wracks through his body. Weiss is an alpha and as much as Gavin loathes to admit it, they are stronger than him. His strength is his speed and precision, dancing out of people’s range until they tire, or using his omega status as a lure. The last one wouldn’t help him here and the former only works if he’s well-rested and alert.
RK is just now stoking the fire. It helps, a bit, but Gavin is still feeling numb; fingers and toes hurting when he attempts to stretch them out.  
“Hey, RK. C’mere a second.”
The android obeys without question, crouching down next to where Gavin has struggled into a sitting position. He places his hands against RK’s bare chassis to test his theory. There’s a low thrumming vibration beneath his fingertips and the metal is surprisingly warm to the touch. RK moves to clasp Gavin’s hands between his own and slowly rubs over them, keeping them covered while his chassis suddenly generates more heat.  
Once they’re an appropriate temperature again RK moves to sit behind him. Gavin watches him, a question etched clearly into his eyes, but RK merely lays down, waiting and watching. Glacially slowly Gavin joins him on the ground and the android smiles shyly before turning his back on him. Gavin mirrors him once more, shuffling until they lie back to back, and both the warmth from the fire and RK enveloping him is a comfort he didn’t know he needed.
The morning after is filled with glances out of the corner of his eye, with the urge to hold RK’s stupid hand, and he wonders when he became so starved of touch, of someone showing the slightest bit of kindness to him, that two days are enough to want to pull RK down by his hair and kiss him senseless.  
They catch up to Weiss a short few hours later and Gavin presses the rifle into RK’s hands as a safety precaution before throwing himself into the fight. It’s quick and dirty with Gavin using every trick in the book to gain the upper hand while dancing around the wildly thrown punches. Grinning through the rush of adrenaline Gavin eventually stops toying with the man and brings him down with a few precise kicks and punches. He locks handcuffs around Weiss’ wrists, arms behind his back, while Weiss shouts abuse and obscenities at him. Gavin pays it no mind, explaining with a sick sense of satisfaction that the cuffs aren’t coming off without a DNA signature from his friend and that running would mean a slow death for him left out in the elements. “Truth be told, I don’t care whether or not you’re still breathing when I bring in proof of your capture. I can afford to lose the difference in compensation.”
Weiss falls limp at that while Gavin slowly rises to his feet. When he looks up, remembering they’re not alone, RK is standing still as a statue. He stalks over, bearing a striking resemblance to a predator approaching prey, and presses right up into Gavin’s personal space to shove his nose into his neck and inhale. A rumbling noise is caught in his throat, a growl that has Gavin’s knees weakening slightly, as sharp teeth graze over his throat. Ozone and metal. Wicked claws not present before gripping his jaw tightly.
He reaches up to stick his thumb in RK’s mouth, pressing it down on his tongue with narrowed eyes. RK pricks it with his fangs and laps at the drop of blood with his tongue, all the while keeping eye contact. It makes Gavin squirm, just a little bit, and he’s thankful the heat suppressors keep him from getting wet or the walk back would be uncomfortable to say the least. With a graze of his teeth, RK loosens his hold and puts distance between them again, eyes dark and wanting.
Weiss tries to run about two thirds of the way back and Gavin sighs as he readies his reclaimed rifle. Turns out he never has to use it. RK’s head snaps up and he tracks the man’s erratic patterns for a second before giving chase. He’s practically a blur of movement and Gavin watches, transfixed, as he takes Weiss down in one graceful leap. The lack of being able to catch himself smacks Weiss’ head hard against the ground. RK doesn’t seem to care about the man’s dazed state as he drags him back to Gavin, his claws buried deep into the sides of his neck, hand cupping the back of it. He tosses him at Gavin’s feet and offers a razor-sharp grin, nudging the guy with the tip of his foot.  
Gavin gives him a light kiss on the cheek for his help and can almost imagine the tail wagging behind him with excitement at the gesture of affection.
What doesn’t fit the crumbling infrastructure in the slums or the dingy office he rents for cheap is the well-kept lady in smart business attire standing next to him behind the desk.  
Maurice Gacy, the guy they usually make business with, is a weasel of a man. His thin greasy hair and slimy smile fits his role of lowlife criminal perfectly. His side hustle of collecting bounties for the Guild is the only reason Gavin interacts with him, puts up with his leering and comments. Trust only extends so far between them but... all in all he gives the money owed and he keeps his mouth shut when talking to the cops which is all that really matters in the end.
RK tenses behind him, something Gavin senses in the clicking of his machinery, and Gavin frowns at the broad smile beginning to stretch over her face. “You found it,” she says lightly, walking in a measured pace while Gacy warily trails behind, heels clicking across the linoleum.
Gavin takes a step forward to meet her and bares his teeth in a snarl. “Back off.”
She nods sagely, uncaring for his hostility and lengthening canines. “Yes, of course. Money first. Always the same with you lot, isn’t it?” The node she produces from her fitted jacket flares to life and he stares, heart stuttering in his chest, at the very familiar face displayed.
RK900, MODEL NUMBER #313 248 317 - 87
REWARD: 1.000.000 $
Metal and ozone laced with a bitter tinge resembling fear.  
A flower stuck between yellowing pages.  
Viscous saliva and thirium dripping from his hands.
Whatever RK’s crime can Gavin truly bear to have more of his blood on them when it’s sure to stain them always? The thought is on the forefront of his mind when RK walks up to stand by his side, resignation already home in eyes and slowly sapping them of light, and in that moment, Gavin has his answer.
His arm shoots out to block RK from moving further and slowly raises his chin in defiance. “No.”
“Excuse me?”
They’re all staring at him, RK with a mix of wonder and trepidation, so Gavin sets his jaw and forces calm into his voice. “You can fuck right off with that shit, he’s not the reason we’re here.” With a nod to Tina, she steps forward and shoves Weiss at Gacy. Thankfully he’s too much of a coward to pick a fight and transfers the agreed upon money to her before whisking Weiss away towards the back. Tina raises an eyebrow at him, bumping their shoulder together lightly as she walks out the door, and Gavin has never been as thankful to have her as he is right now when the unmistakable sound of an engine rumbling to life filters in from outside. “Come on, we’re done here.”
It’ll start a shitstorm, that’s for damn sure, but with RK leaning forward to peer out the front window as they tear through the streets, Gavin can’t find it in himself to care.  
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mmvalentine · 3 years
**Requests quietly into the mic**
Feysand as werewolves💀
Hahaha anon I love it okay, I'm gonna do like maybe a 3-parter angst fest (werewolves necessitates angst, right?) but I am doing a sort of shapeshifting power type rather than a loses all control at the full moon type, I hope that's okay. Here we go!
Afraid of the Dark pt 1
Feyre didn't know why, but of the many things Tamlin had taken away from her, this bar was the one she'd fought for.
At his behest, she had stopped seeing her sisters, lost contact with a number of friends, and quit volunteering at the art school. It had happened gradually- the things that Tamlin had liked about her at first, suddenly felt threatening to him and over time, she left them all. It was just that he was so insecure. He had had a terrible childhood, didn't know how to relate to other people sometimes and he loved her so much that it hurt him to see other people hang off her. Other men hang off her. He was just so protective.
Or at least that's what Tamlin said.
But Verlaris bar was Feyre's favourite place. She did not make it there often, but she was there today, and walking through the door felt like coming home.
"Feyre!" a familiar voice greeted her. She looked up at found Rhys, with the same broad grin that he always had when he saw her.
Rhys, who wore black leather jackets and onyx rings. Rhys, who had been a regular at this bar longer than Feyre had. Rhys, who seemed to frequently have blood on his knuckles and a dimple in his cheek. She probably should have been scared of him, but he had always made her feel so welcome.
"Hello you," she said with a soft smile.
"Hello prick," Tamlin said, walking up behind her.
Of course Tamlin hated Rhys. But to be fair, Rhys was as provocative to Tamlin as he was sweet to Feyre. He met Tamlin's gaze now, and grinned wider, which she knew would infuriate Tamlin more than his frown.
"Oh hello to you too, sunshine," he said, and waggled his fingers. Tamlin just growled, and stalked to the bar. Feyre sighed, and followed him.
"I don't know why you always want to come here," Tamlin said.
"This is the bar we had our first date," Feyre reminded him. "I've always liked it here." She ordered a drink, and then was surprised when Tamlin pulled her into his arms.
Less surprised, when Rhys walked up and leaned his forearms on the bar next to them. A show of possession, then.
"What are you drinking, Feyre darling?" he asked her. "The usual?"
"She's not your darling," Tamlin snarled. Rhys just looked at him with mock sincerity.
"Don't be jealous, Tamlin dear," he said. "You can be my darling, too."
"And you can fuck right off," Tamlin snapped. "Or I'll come over there and make you." Rhys just rolled his eyes.
"Tip number one," he said. "The new scotch they've brought in is delicious." He winked at Feyre, motioning for the bar tender to pour her one. "Tip number two." He leaned toward Tamlin, and suddenly his voice was low and velvet. He looked right into his eyes as he spoke. "Don't threaten a man in his own bar."
Then he pushed off the counter, and returned to the pool table where his friends sat.
"Feyre," Tamlin said tightly. "Why does that dickhead always talk to you like that?"
"Like what?" Feyre asked, warily.
"Feyre darling," Tamlin mimicked. "The usual?"
Feyre shrugged. "He's known me for as long as you have, I guess."
"I don't like it."
Tamlin said nothing else for the next hour. Just sat and drank, and drank some more while Rhys's friends tried to talk to Feyre. The more they talked, the more hunched over Tamlin got, until Feyre started to worry and sent them away.
"Let's go," he growled, and pulled Feyre out the door.
When they got home, Feyre sat down on the bed to take her shoes off, and Tamlin sat heavily next to her and put his head in his hands.
"Do you hate me?" Tamlin asked her roughly.
"What?" Feyre said. "No, of course I don't hate you."
"Then why do you always need all these other people?" he asked. "Why am I not enough for you?" Feyre sighed. They had had this conversation so many times.
"Of course you're enough," she said. "I just like to have different people in my life."
"I don't," Tamlin said. "I don't need anyone but you. And I wish you loved me as much as I love you. Maybe you just never will."
"No, that's not it, Tamlin of course I love you."
He looked at her, with searing eyes. "Show me," he said.
So Feyre got up, and sat back down in Tamlin's lap. Straddled him on the bed and put her mouth on his. Kissed him until his arms were wrapping around her waist and her fingers were in his hair and he was pulling off her shirt.
"I love you," she murmured.
"Don't go back to the bar," Tamlin pleaded. He smelled like beer. "Promise me. Promise me you won't go back to the bar."
"Promise me. We don't need anyone but each other. Otherwise I swear, I could just burn it to the ground." Tamlin's hands tightened as he said it, squeezing her sides too tightly. He shook her once, and her teeth clicked together. "Promise," and this time, there was an edge to his voice that had never led anywhere good in the past.
And so Feyre closed her eyes, said "I promise," and let Tamlin pull her backward onto the bed.
Later that night, after Tamlin had fallen asleep, Feyre crept out of bed and out the back door. She pulled on a coat and shoes, and walked all the way to the edge of the forest near their house, before she sat down on a fallen tree, put her hands over her face, and cried.
This was not the first time Feyre had been out here. Tamlin didn't like it when she cried, so she had gotten good at bottling up the need and only letting it go when he was not around. Passed out drunk and sated in bed was a fairly safe bet.
So here she was, in the forest at midnight, with no one to witness her tears but the moon. It was strange, Feyre had been so afraid of the dark as a child. And now, the empty night was her only comfort.
After a few minutes, Feyre had cried enough to feel calmer. Exhausted, in fact. She stayed though, seated on the log and staring at nothing, not ready to go home yet.
It was in this empty, numb space that she saw it.
Thought it was nothing at first, fireflies maybe. But no, when she peered closer, two violet eyes peered out of the darkness. She gazed at them for a moment, and as if realising it had been seen and not bothering to hide anymore, out of the shadows stepped an enormous, black wolf.
"Hello," Feyre said softly. She wondered vaguely if she should be afraid. But she was so tired, and so emotionally drained that she couldn't quite muster up enough feeling to care if it did eat her right then and there.
The wolf took a few steps forward, and then, wondrously, sat down opposite her. Lay on the ground, and rested it's muzzle on the toe of her sneaker. Feyre sniffed.
"Oh, not hungry then," she said. "And here I thought I was alone." She stared down at it, and wondered why it was interested in her.
"I've made a dumb promise," she told it. "I promised Tamlin I'd leave Velaris for good." The wolf just watched her with its strange, purple eyes.
"I feel so sad, and alone, and I don't even have anyone left to talk to about it and now I'm here talking to a wolf." She laughed bitterly to herself. "Well, I suppose you're here. And you haven't eaten me yet, so I may as well tell you."
Feyre looked out into the forest.
"Velaris was the last place I felt like I had friends." She looked back at the animal. "Would you like to be my friend, Mr Wolf?" The wolf gazed back at her, and of course said nothing.
After a while, Feyre got up, dusted herself off, and walked home. The wolf didn't move, just watched her go and she waved at it as she went.
After she had disappeared, and her scent faded, the wolf got up. Shifted back into its human form, and took Feyre's place on the log.
Rhys put his chin on his folded hands, and frowned.
Another concept I would never have thought of on my own, thanks nonnie! Part 2 now up.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars
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lilmissbacon · 4 years
Frozen 3 concept
I'mma start off with explaining that I'm not the biggest fan of Frozen and I'm definitely not a fan of Elsa's character in general.
But as much as I love the songs and outfits of the second movie, the inconsistencies and how it never explains how sh🤬 works in the world with magic and such are just infuriating. As well as why the spirit that connects them controls ice which is just a variation of water. And how the Frozen franchise just loves to make Elsa more special within every installment.
I am so very tired of it. So I came up with a way that it could all be fixed and make sense if they make a third movie.
Also to note that Anna and Elsa are supposed to be two halves of the fifth spirit but that's VERY briefly touched in movie (quote: well actually a bridge has two sides and mother had two daughters) and Disney themselves take Elsa as the fifth spirit alone so that's stupid.
Why Elsa specifically controls ice
We all know how we're frustrated with the fact that Elsa is supposed to connect all the elements when she only controls ice.
But let's think about it from another prospective. The first movie is based about the seasons. It's a seasonal theme rather than an elemental theme like in its sequel. So why not bring that back?
The enchanted forest cannot be the ONLY place that has mystical spirits. What if there were three other forests with their own fifth spirits and each fifth spirit represented a season?
And each seasonal spirit's magic is a mix of two elements.
Elsa/Winter: Ice = water + air
Spring: Plants = water + earth
Summer: Lava = earth + fire
Fall: Lightning/Storms = air + fire
This still fits in with the fact that the fifth spirit can play back moments in time as well. Each spirit has their own Ahtohallan. Elsa's is made of ice because it's just frozen water and the water is was plays back those moments in time.
Spring's would be like an island made of plants, fungi and marsh. Plants have water running within them so they can take the form of moments in time like Elsa's ice statues.
Summer's would be a volcano with a river flowing through it. Lava and water can mix to create lava rocks. When doing so the memories within that water would be imbedded into the rocks they form and therefore be able to play moments in time as rock statues.
Autumn's would basically be a fog bank with almost ghostly figures making up the memories since fog is a mist, aka: water. Kinda like the scene where Elsa fights the wind spirit and their powers mix for a moment.
Where the others come from
For this, I decided to look around other lands within that side of the world that has legends of spirits. I decided upon:
Spring = Scotland
Summer = Arabia
Fall/Autumn = Japan
I chose for Arabia to be summer, of course , because it's a desert country so it very hot. Japan is autumn because it's culture and everything just always reminded be of the beauty of fall. And Scotland is spring because that's what was left and when I think of Scotland, I think of it's green forests and plants.
Nothing too deep.
You think I'd make Summer hotheaded and spring, giddy and bouncy, right?
No, because you see, as I've stated in another post of mine; Why Frozen Doesn't Work In The Big Four, I explained how Elsa's personality reconciles more with summer. The opposite season of her own.
Elsa is kinda quiet, gentle, diplomatic, practical, worries silently and is angelically innocent (even though she doesn't deserve to be).
All are traits relating to summer. So if her personality is opposed to her season, then it'd be the same for the other fifth spirits.
Spring would be a leader, confident, energetic, true to a cause, dependable, easily irritated and stubborn.
Summer would be reserved, well mannered, a good listener, natural poise and pessimistic.
And autumn would be energetic, tender-hearted, optimistic, friendly and overly talkative.
How the spirits work
I fully believe that the spirits have no physical form but rather inhabit certain things. Basically possession but the spirits don't have control over themselves once they choose a vessel and depending on the solidarity of what their element is, determines what kind of vessel they need.
The wind spirit is said to be a playful spirit and would want to make its own choices. Being an element you can't hold, it doesn't really need a host.
Water is liquid and needs something to be it's host but doesn't necessarily need something alive. Therefore it can inhabit a small animal or it inhabits its own element, hence a water horse.
Fire isn't a solid or liquid but it's not necessarily a gas either. Fire always needs to burn on something in order to burn. Therefore it cannot just make out it's own body like water but it doesn't need a large vessel. Hence, a little salamander.
Earth is the most solid of them all so it would need multiple hosts in order to sustain itself. That's why there are multiple earth giants and not just one like the other spirits.
I believe the spirits don't have control over their actions once they choose a host because all the spirits (besides wind) seem to not know what's even going on most of the time. And that would explain why the spirits didn't get rid of the dam themselves, because their vessels didn't know that was the problem.
I also believe that they need a host to begin with because they are actually susceptible to death. As it has been confirmed that Elsa is NOT immortal and there wouldn't have been a legend of a fifth spirit if people hadn't seen one before.
It would also explain how the spirits drove the citizens out of Arendelle without physically being there; they managed to leave their hosts for a time in order to do so. Along with what the light that Elsa was following at Ahtohallan, was. The fifth spirit was able to sustain itself by staying in its birth place and activated the memory of Elsa's mom singing, to bring Elsa there and when Elsa's dress transforms is when the spirit possesses her.
Why does the fifth spirit need to be human? Because humans are more durable. The fifth spirit doesn't control anything completely solid like rock so it doesn't need multiple vessels but it also controls more than a single element, therefore is too much to figure out/control for just any animal.
That's why it chose a very young child to give it's powers to rather than the person who actually did the deed of saving their enemy. It needs to be someone who will have the time to learn and control their powers by adulthood.
(Despite Elsa not truly being worthy and being a horrible sister, she was already chosen at birth and she at least gets the job done. At everyone else's expense but still.)
How would the seasonal spirits meet? Why would they leave their homes for this? What brings them together?
The four sided snowflake represents the elements connected to the winter spirit. Every season would have their own version of this. But there are also four seasons just like there are four elements.
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So, could there be a fifth spirit for the fifth spirits? A fifth spirit to connect the seasons and if so, what is it? What's their power?
I believe, much like the winter spirit called to Elsa, the ultimate fifth spirit will call all the seasonal spirit's to come together at a single location. Anna would come with Elsa as well, of course, and during their journey, they'd all eventually meet each other along the way.
Eventually Anna would start to feel a little neglected when Elsa keeps talking to / about the other people who also have magic. Anna doesn't wish for magic, but she wishes for Elsa to finally see herself and Anna as equals (because Elsa clearly wouldn't after finding others like herself, let's be real). So Anna goes off to have her own sort of "Show Yourself" moment and is the one to find the location they've been looking for which is where she becomes their fifth spirit; the Aurora Borealis.
It was in one of the original scripts for the first movie that Anna was gonna have the power to control the Aurora Borealis, but then the creators decided that took away from Elsa's agency for self isolation due to her powers.
It's true that Anna having been able to accomplish what she did without powers is one of her best attributes but Anna becoming the light spirit is really the only way she's gonna get any appreciation within the fan base or the disney community. Plus Anna's done all the work to begin with so she deserves it.
With the other spirits being seasonal & elemental, it would only make sense for the one to connect them all would be light.
But all the spirits also have an opposite to balance them out:
Fire | Water
Earth | Air
Winter | Summer
Spring | Autumn
So maybe the reason they were all being called there is because Light's opposite is Darkness and it's plotting to take them all out. They are in charge of keeping balance and darkness wants to create chaos. But you also need darkness for balance, so maybe someone else will be with them through the journey and become the vessel for darkness in order to control it. Because, again, spirits have no control once they have a host.
This could be a possible redemption arc for Hans. We could learn about what he's been through and what truly drove him to be the bad guy because from what we know of his brothers, they were really bad. I think he just really lost a nerve due to unintentional (or intentional) abuse and was trying to prove to his family that he was better than they believed. People who suffer from abuse can be irrational like that.
I think it would be a phenomenal thing for him to overcome his inner darkness while also taking control of the literal spirit of darkness.
Metaphorical-wise it's beautiful.
I edited the other seasons + Anna off of concept art for Elsa's white dress while Hans is kinda my own creation but I still used his concept art for a base. Everything after that are purely original.
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Location they are led to ⬇️
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Let me know what you all think 👍
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faustonastring · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon of the six reacting and dealing with a MC whose magic going crazy (maybe going along with their emotions) . Things like if they're mad their hair will turn to flames or turning things to ice randomly. Just wild stuff.
Hi thanks for requesting! Hopefully this is what you wanted!
Request R Open! :+)
Main 6 reacting to mcs magick going crazy depending on their emotions!
This is new. This is very new. When he saw that you couldn’t walk or talk when he brought you back (yes, in case you didn’t know this is sadly canon) he figured he would have to reteach you magick, he also figured you would naturally be good at, but not so good that it effects you every day life.
Even though your magick going crazy at times is very life threatening, and scary, he finds it very attractive, but sadly for asra, he has to teach you to conceal it, to dumb it down a little, if he doesn’t you might set the shop in fire, or freeze another person to death
Over time it gets a little better, instead of your whole body lighting up when your mad it’s just your hair, and instead of you accidental freezing people when your upset, your hands just get very very icy, instead of big ass fireworks lighting up when your excited, just tiny ones, and instead of the whole forest flocking to the shop when you’re happy. Just a couple of nearby birds. And a loud squawking raven....?
When ever you get upset with him and your magick starts acting up, he quickly gets over his anger. Part of the reason is because if he can’t calm you down, something bad is bound to happen, but if you do manage to control it, well then he is quick to say he’s sorry, and offer to make it up to you if you know what I mean.
God help the poor courtiers or nobleman/woman that upsets you. Because they are going to have a rude awakening when they realiszed they messed with the wrong magican.
When it first happens with Nadia, it’s not because your mad, it’s because you so overjoyed (you can decide why, she’s your wife not mine) that you start to shoot fire works from your fingers. Nadia is most definitely surprised and taken aback, but when she sees that your embarrassed by it....well that changes her reaction almost immediately
She doesn’t want you to suppress your feelings, she wants you to express them freely, it’s just a little hard to do when things are always catching on fire, or freezing, or just going completely wrong, and even though who ever you were having the meeting with looks very frightened and confused. Nadia looks very amused.
The only reason she looks amused is because that person was probably pissing her off too. But if you were to mess up a very important business deal that will Better impact Vesuvia? Well your going to have to make it up to her later.
It freaks him out everytime. A little less everytime. And he doesn’t mean to offend you, he would never mean to do that, he’s just confused. Terrified. And horny all at once and it’s not the best feeling in the world (definitely not the worst though)
When it first happened you were upset with him for gods know what, and your hair turned into flames. Julian thought you were being possessed or turned into some sort of demon of sorts, so he started asking if “you were still in there” or if he “needed to call an exorcist” which only enraged you more.
After you calm down a bit after being mad, he tries to make light of the situation he tries to make jokes about what happen, as terrible as they may be. One of his most frequent jokes is “maybe you were the one who set Lucios room on fire.....haha ya’know. Because of the hair” this is either a hit or miss depending on your mood, the type of person you are, and how many times he’s made that joke in the past week.
He thinks the when your hair turns to flames is hot. When your hands get icy. Hot. But what about the other ones? Like when you get excited you start to shoot fireworks, or when you get happy and a flock of animals starts to run towards you? That. He finds that cute. No not cute. Absolutely adorable.
She loves it. She loves it the most out of every one. She may be small, but people know better than to make her mad. And now she has a partner that has magic fire hair, and iced hands, can attract animals, and can shoot fireworks. Don’t make them mad either. If you do it’s over for you buddy.
When she first finds out she’s shocked! The two of you were upset over finding out some very sad news, and your hands started to ice? She instantly notices it’s some magick thing, and she is quickly torn out of her sadden state and is asking you everything about it.
You’ll gladly answer any of her dying questions (as you should) and your iced hands start to slowly melt away, and next thing you know pepi is crawling all over your lap, meowing and purring like crazy. (Because of this her new nick name for you is cat-nip)
She finds it more cool than attractive, granted I think she finds anything magick related that you do attractive, and as time goes on she adds it to her list of turn ons, but early on in your relationship she just simply finds it cool
He already knows. He knows everything. Asra no-boundaries Alanzar tells him everything, espically if it’s about you, espically x2 if he isn’t sure he made th right descion about you, and things aren’t going exactly as planned
Even though he knew, he didn’t know what to expect, but one day when he was happily walking in the forest with you, and a heard of chickens, cam running up to you, and a couple of dears...then a bear. Well Muriel feels like he just fell in love all over again.
He tries his best not to make you upset, he doesn’t like seeing your hair get like that, and he doesn’t like seeing your hands get all icy. And god forbid any one were to make you upset, because Muriel doesn’t need violence to leave an impact on some one. His glare alone says it all.
I don’t think he finds it a big turn on, I mean you attracting animals is very cute, and he thinks the fireworks when your excited are a nice touch, but nothing he’s too wild about, I feel like Muriel only likes to get intimate when he’s feeling a deep connection, with some one, and this is one of those things that he doesn’t really connect too. (Not to say he doesn’t connect to you, that is)
Oh no. Oh god no. Nonononononononono. This isn’t good. This isn’t good for lucio, and this isn’t good for your relationship with lucio. He loves you he really does, it’s just.....does your hair have to turn to flames? Can it turn into something else? Please
He isn’t pleasntly surprised when you get mad at him one day and your hair turns into flames. No he’s terrified. Not only is there fire, but your fire. And your mad. You’re mad fire and your mad at him, with your fire, and there fire going everywhere, and oh god no he can’t do this again-
He tries to do everything to make it stop. He loves you. He really does. He loves you more than anything In the whole world. Your his light. His angel who came to save him from that damn room- but he can’t with the fire. There’s too much trauma. Too much ptsd. The man was burnt alive. Everytime your hair gets like that he feels a little piece of him cripple away.
Im sorry lucio stans, but this might be a deal breaker for him. He can’t deal seeing your hair get like that. It pains him too much. It’s just too much. If you’re really paitent, and it happens once in a blue moon, then maybe. The maybe he can hold out, and look past it. But if it’s happening every other week, month, day? I’m sorry, but he can’t. As much as he hates too, he has to let you go.
Thank you for reading hopefully it came out alright! (I’m slowly getting out of my slump, so my writing is slowly increasing to what it used to be!)
Next headcanon: main six with an mc that leaves love letters around (5/14)
Request r open ;)
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Summary: You’re strong independent woman who keeps to yourself. That however doesn’t stop a certain outlaw from burrowing into your heart. He visits often enough, but a few months pass before he comes back. With him at your will, you have a little bit of fun.
Warnings: Smut, D/S undertones, ropeplay
AN: This was straight up inspired by @mrskrazy ‘s most recent Arthur drawing, because she is an absolute gem and I love horny cowboahs.
Two months.
Two long months had passed since you last peered into those bright blue eyes. Since you’ve heard his gruff voice. Since you’ve felt his warmth encompass you. His large rough hands holding yours. His breath ghosting across your face when his lips made contact with yours.
Two long months since you’ve last seen the man known as Arthur Morgan.
He never went more than two weeks without seeing you. The longest he’d pushed it was a month. It was no secret he was an outlaw, living life on his toes and law almost breathing down his neck. He told you when your feelings toward one another became apparent. You knew quite well that at any given moment he could be shot dead or captured.
As each day passed, your heart grew heavier with that very real possibility. You said you wouldn’t fall too heavily for him, but damn you and your own wants. Falling in love with Arthur was as easy as breathing.
Regardless of his lifestyle, he treated you much better than any man ever did. It’s why you never chose to marry, much to the displeasure of society. You lived on a small homestead tucked away from civilization, only coming into towns when you needed what the land couldn’t provide. You grew and hunted your own food, fought every intruder tooth and nail for what you had. Your initial meeting with Arthur was no different. You were out hunting one day when you noticed an unfamiliar horse on the edge of your property, and the door to your house wide open.
You were no fool. You grabbed your rifle and quietly stepped in, following the creaking and rustling until you found him rummaging through your wardrobe. You held the barrel up to his head. To your surprise he didn’t try to fight. He instead surrendered and turned around, his eyes wide and on you.
He towered over you and could easily outmuscle you, but he kept himself submissive. With your weapon still up, you ushered him out and watched him ride away on his horse. It was certainly the first time you didn’t have to shed blood to defend your home, and a small blessing.
But then you ran into him a week later, finding him hunting in the same area you were about to. Your first instinct was that he would try to rob you, but he surprised you. He thanked you for not killing him that day, which somehow eased your apprehension. You inquired as to why he didn’t try to fight back, and he answered with he knew when he was outmatched. His comment instilled a sense of pride in you, and your curiosity grew. Any other person would have ether attempted defense or worse. Why was he different?
Soon you began to see his face more. A rare occasion when you brought yourself to town to indulge in some alcohol. He was already there and tipsy, which allowed his lips to become pliable. You learned his name, enjoyed his sense of humor and his ability to hold a good conversation even more. When you left that evening, he seemed to stay in your mind more than you’d care to admit.
It only went downhill from there. Arthur Morgan had captured your heart, and he was no longer the polite man who tried to burgle you.
He always visited you in a timely manner, staying a few days before leaving and promising he’d return soon.
You could still remember the way he held you on the last day, his strong arms pulling you to his chest as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head. His smell surrounded you, a pleasant medley of forest pine and earth, with a slight hint of tobacco and gunpowder. It lingered in your bed for days after he left only to fade with time, and you would give anything just to smell it again.
You sighed heavily, pausing in gathering some vegetables from your garden to lean against the fence post. A swell of emotion overtook you as you turned your eyes to the blue sky ahead. He’s been gone too far long. You had to assume the worst by now, yet somehow it didn’t feel right. You couldn’t just accept the fact he was almost positively dead. Denial however was dangerous to your heart.
You shook your head and gathered what you had already to head toward your well for washing. It was no use to dwell on something that was doomed from the start. You were always meant to be alone in the world, without a person to tie you down. Having relations was a useless feat, lest you endured heartbreak.
You reached the well and began to pump, though the water wasn’t the only liquid flowing. Tears stung your eyes and you drew in a shuddering breath, trying to keep yourself under control.
“Stop it.” You hissed to yourself. “Stop crying over useless men.”
You froze on the spot. That voice. So quick that you might’ve even imagined it. It however called to you clear as day. Your mind had to be playing tricks. But you turned around anyway, your grief transforming to utter shock when you laid eyes on the being standing just a few feet away.
His lips stretched into a smile when his eyes met yours. “Hey, darlin’.” He greeted.
You couldn’t say anything, you hadn’t even conjured up any words. The vegetables lay abandoned on the ground as you bounded forward, closing the gap between you in a short second, leaping into his arms.
You buried your face into his shoulder, letting him overwhelm your senses. He hugged you so tightly, his warmth soothing against the cool air. He whispered your name, his voice low and rough and comforting. More tears formed in your eyes, your heart hammering in your chest with happiness and relief.
A long moment passed before you lifted your head up, leaning back to look at him just as his grip loosened slightly. His hands reached up to catch the tears falling, wiping them away while the smile remained.
“These for me?” he asked quietly.
You sniffed, shaking your head and chuckling. “No, ‘course not. It’s for the other outlaw in my life.”
He chuckled as well, moving his hands to rest on your waist. “Guess I’ll have to kill ‘em for makin’ my lady cry.”
“Not before I tell him off for being late.” You joked, gazing at his face fully. Beneath the brim of his hat betrayed a look of exhaustion, though attempting to hide it behind his smiles. It struck a chord in you, wondering what exactly he’d been through. However, your eyes landed on those beautiful lips of his. You reached up and pulled the hat off, your other hand snaking around his neck to pull him in for a deep kiss.
Arthur’s exhaustion grew more apparent as the day continued. You learned that his gang had experienced a particularly rough patch that led him to take on much more work than necessary. Death, failed plans, and constant running had worn him to the bone. He apologized profusely for not coming sooner, but you just shook your head and responded that you couldn’t blame him for any of it.
You provided him with a meal that he scarfed down. He then passed out on your bed soon after, and it was just early evening. Arthur was always much stronger than he gave himself credit for, and this was the first time you’d seen him so fatigued. He looked so peaceful and almost dead the way he sprawled out on the mattress.
He hadn’t moved when you turned in a few hours later. You were careful to ease into the bed next to him, hoping not to arouse him when you lay down. He remained still as a statue, until you were nodding off. His body shifted to wrap his arm around your waist and pulled you in tightly.
You woke early the next morning nearly forgetting he was there until you’d realized he still had you against him. You carefully peeled yourself from his grasp, only disturbing him slightly while he expressed a small groan and rolled over. You wanted to lay with him for hours, but there was always work to be done on your little plot of land.
A little while had passed of you doing chores. Chickens and goats were fed, fresh water refilled the troughs and taken into the house. You were just moving a bale of hay from the barn when Arthur exited the cabin, his gaze sweeping around until landing on you. He trotted over and fell in step with you as you carried it over to the small pasture where your horse and his waited peacefully, their ears pricked and their excited nickers sounding when they spotted you.
“Coulda woken me up, woulda helped ya Y/N.” he spoke.
“Nah, I can handle it myself,” you responded while dropping the bale and pulling your knife out to cut away its confinements. “Besides, you looked like you needed at least a week’s worth of rest.”
Despite your initial refusal, he bent down to grab a few hay flakes, tossing them over the fence with ease. You peered over at him, noting the shadows beneath his eyes had almost completely vanished. He turned to look at you. “Overnight did me good, as you can see.” He pointed out with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “You know I never needed a man’s help, right?” you reminded him.
“’Course I do,” he answered, reaching forward to gently hold your hips. He pulled you closer, your torso flush with his as his eyes stared softly. “It’s jus’ an excuse to spend more time with ya. I have a lotta catchin’ up to do.”
You smiled at his charm, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yes you do, cowboy,” You giggled, granting him a quick peck on his lips before reaching to gently flick the tip of his nose. “That’s for making me worry.”
Arthur winced from the contact and laughed, stepping back to quickly rub his nose. “Love you too, sweetheart."
You only shot him another smile as you headed back toward the barn, and he followed like a puppy. With the animals fed, the only thing left to do was to straighten up the inside of the barn. You’d neglected cleaning it for the past few weeks. A powerful storm swept through the area and stirred up quite a mess. The floor was littered with old hay and feed sacks, as well as some materials strewn about.
You sighed heavily. You were reluctant to even complete it, but it had to be done regardless. “Gotta get this cleaned, then we’ll settle and have some breakfast, okay?” you said to him.
He nodded in response. “Sounds good.”
And so you began to work. A normally slow process shortened with Arthur’s help. He took over the heavier duties while you resigned yourself to sweeping the hay out and replacing smaller items. A half-hour passed before it was clean, or at least clean for a barn. You straightened up and clapped the dust off your hands before wiping them on your jeans, sighing in relief. Arthur finished placing some wooden planks against the wall before coming back to your side.
“Think we did pretty good.” He commented, his hand reaching to rest on your lower back.
You leaned to his embrace, resting your shoulder against his chest. “Yeah we did,” You sighed, peering up at him. “Thank you.”
He offered a soft smile. “Now what was that ‘bout me bein’ useless?” he recalled, noting your moment from yesterday.
You turned to face him completely. “Think you were hearing things, Morgan.” You said, though mirroring his smile.
“Ah I don’t think so,” he replied, pulling you closer to him. “Think I’ve earned an apology.”
“Do you now?” you challenged while raising an eyebrow. “After making me wait for you for two months?”
“’M here now, ain’t I?” his voice vibrated with a chuckle, moving a hand to rest on your cheek. “Better later than never.”
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes as he moved to tangle his fingers within your hair. With gentle pressure he pulled your head closer, lips connecting to elicit a tender kiss. He held you to him with his free arm, his grip tightening. Your arms wrapped around his neck automatically, your own fingers toying with his sandy locks.
He pulled back slightly to look at you, lips parted as he took a deep breath. “God damn did I miss you, Y/N.” he sighed out.
“Me too,” you murmured to him. “I… honestly thought you were dead.”
“Ain’t dead yet,” he replied. “Ain’t gonna leave ya that long ever again neither.”
“That better be a promise, Morgan. Or else you’ll catch some hell,” You lightly threatened. “You’re already on thin ice.”
“Then what can I do to make it up?” he asked you, catching the small amused smirk that played at his lips.
You hummed to him in response, sliding one hand from the back of his neck to the front, trailing your fingertip along his exposed skin. Your other hand guided him back to you for a new, much deeper kiss. You traced his collarbone before dipping further, nimbly unbuttoning each button, easing each apart to reveal his union suit underneath. All the while his tongue was exploring your mouth.
Once completely undone you tugged the loosened fabric from his pants and pushed it to the side, him helping you by shrugging it off along with his suspenders. You worked on those buttons next, though much slower than before. One by one the buttons fell open, exposing his wonderful torso to you.
Just as you pulled the top half off, he immediately reached to do the same with your clothes – only to step back out of his grip. He stared at you in confusion, his mouth forming in the beginnings of a question.
But you had an idea. “Now now, Arthur. Do you think I’d let you undress me just like that?” you softly interrupted with a teasing tone. Your eyes slowly raked across his figure. Bare from the waist up and standing in the morning sun, it almost made him appear like a deity. One for you to ravage at your will.
Your body called to him, yearned for him. Having gone so long without his touch, without his warmth, without him being inside of you. Of course you couldn’t truly blame him for having to focus on his gang, it was his life after all. But the thought of teasing and punishing him set a new fire in you that could only be quenched in one way.
“Why can’t I?” he spoke quietly.
“You know why.” You swiftly answer, stepping to the side and grabbing a coil of rope from atop a crate. A smirk formed on your face as his only further twisted in bewilderment and slight apprehension.
“You ain’t gonna hogtie me, are ya?” he asked.
“No, but I have a different idea.” You explained as you moved further into the barn, glancing up to peer at the support beams. You tossed one end of the rope up and over, tugging the ends until they were even – and happy to find they were the perfect length. You turn back toward him. “Come here.”
He peered at you with faint unease – he was nervous about what you planned to do, but he trusted you regardless. He slowly made his way over to you.
“Sit here.” You pointed.
He appeared as if he wanted to ask why, but kept silent. You crouched down and took his wrists, raising his hands to your lips to kiss them with small reassurance. He seemed to visibly ease a little, and you raised his arms to the rope ends. You wrapped them around his wrists with a snug fit. Once he was secure you stepped back to admire your handiwork, the large and powerful outlaw now appearing almost like a prisoner to you.
He met your gaze with bright and curious eyes.
“Are you comfortable, Arthur?” you ask him.
He wriggled in place, tugging at his restraints. “It ain’t uncomfortable, am I a hostage now?”
“No, you’re always free to come and go as you please,” you say. “But it’s mighty bold of you to think you could touch me so easily.”
He blinked at you. “What do you mean?”
“You know how many lonely nights I spent wishing I had your company?” you continue, reaching to place your hand upon your chest. Your fingers began to ease the buttons of your shirt apart, slowly revealing the chemise underneath. You soon shrugged it off and made quick work of the restraints on your pants. Though you didn’t tug them down, you instead slid your hand beneath the denim to appease your growing heat.
He was watching you intently, his eyes widening as you touched yourself. You were already beginning to dampen the sheer fabric of your bloomers, and you pressed against the bundle of nerves. You bit your lip and smirked at him. “Can’t say I ain’t used to my own hand and wayward thoughts nowadays.”
His chest heaved with a sharp intake of air. His eyes flitted to between your legs for a split second before coming back to your face. “I…I felt that way too, darlin’. Missed feelin’ your softness.”
“I know,” you mumbled, closing your eyes as you further teased yourself through the thin cotton barrier. “I’ll admit I sometimes thought of you thinking of me…you all hard and riled up with no release…all because of me.”
You opened your eyes again. There was a look of faint strain on his face, his fingers flexing slightly.
“Too many nights like that…” he mumbled.
“I agree, too many.” You said, your voice sharp. You pulled your hand from your jeans and allowed them to fall from your hips. The cool air breezed through your underclothing like nothing, but you paid no mind to it as you kicked your pants away. Stepping closer to him, you planted your hands on your hips. “So much frustration knowing I couldn’t have what I wanted all along.”
“Then why prolong it, sweetheart?” he questioned, keeping his voice even.
“Didn’t say I was.” You smirked, bending down to keep level with his gaze. Your hand caressed his cheek, sliding down his neck and chest. You followed his midline down, tracing your fingers along the ridges of his abdomen. You halted at the waistband of his pants, loosening them easily and inching them down. With each inch his lower half was revealed, your eyes caught the somewhat prominent bulge underneath his union suit. You of course took care to avoid even grazing it as you tugged his jeans right off. He lifted his hips to help you, awkwardly bending his body without use of his arms.
The eagerness on his face was plain. He however wasn’t aware of the thoughts flowing through your mind. You straightened up and stepped backward, tugging at the drawstring of your bloomers. The sheer fabric loosened instantly and fell to your feet. Your top was next, peeling it off slowly and sensually in front of him. Your clothing lay forgotten at your feet as you presented yourself completely uncovered. A cool breeze blew through the barn, stirring locks of your hair and bringing a chill to your exposed skin.
His expression changed. A subtle transition to one of desire, the carnal glint reflecting in his eyes. He audibly swallowed and his legs spread slightly, prompting you to look downward again. The bulge was significantly bigger, the thick fabric of his union suit constricting him. You smiled smugly and ran your hands along your body, circling your hardened nipples and smoothing against your lower curls.
“You wanna know how I did it, Arthur?” you asked in a purposely breathy voice. “How I was able to get myself off from imagining you?” you continued as your hands roved over your body. “I thought of your voice…saying my name, calling me beautiful…”
You tilted your head back and closed your eyes, allowing your pleasure to build while you touched yourself. Your legs opened to expose yourself even more, making him watch as your fingertips teased the little hood of flesh nestled below. A soft sigh passed your lips. “Your hands all over me, your lips teasing me. My body feeling so ready for you.”
“Darlin’.” You heard Arthur groan. You opened your eyes to see he was at full mast beneath his suit. His eyes were bright with a growing desperation.
“You take your time with me, I’m writhing in your hands…” you continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “But all the while I have you in my hand, and I can hear you groaning my name…” you slid a finger in and bit your lip, teasing your entrance. “God, your body is amazing…”
You now lock your sights directly onto him, enjoying how tortured he appeared. His body shuddered, hips twitching. “Y/N…” he sighed. “Please, I wanna –”
“And then you push into me, all nice and slow like you do.” You cut him off, pumping your finger in and out before adding a second. “I’m underneath you, enjoying the sight above me. Your skin to mine, your eyes to mine. Listening to your voice break as you moan…”
Arthur’s breath hitched, and he mumbled out a swear. The support beam above him creaked as he pulled at his bindings. “Sw – sweetheart,” He stammered. “C’mon, don’t do this to me.”
“But you know how it ends,” you respond. “Because you always make sure I finish first…” you quicken your hand, breathing heavily as you begin to barrel toward your peak. “Because you love to see how my face looks.”
“I-I do,” he groaned. “You look s-so damn beautiful.”
“Like this?” you asked, whining as you increased your pace further. With another moment passed your peak hit. Your body trembled and your jaw fell open. You tilted your head back once again, a low moan sliding from your throat. “Fuck, Arthur…” you added, sighing as you pulled your fingers out, now coated with your fresh juices. “See what I can do alone?”
Arthur took a stuttering breath. “But you ain’t alone right now.” He softly argued.
“Right now, but I was left to my own devices for a while,” you replied, standing in between his legs to drop to your knees. You held your fingers up to him, glistening in the beam of sun from behind you. “See how wet I can get just by my thoughts? Seems like I could do better without your actual touch.”
There was a flash in his eyes. A dangerous, heated flash that nearly sent a shiver down his spine. “You know that ain’t true.” He growled, his voice deep.
“Do I?” you simply responded, trailing your damp fingers down his naked chest again. Your eyes followed your trail to your target. The tent of his suit had a small darkened spot at the very top, evidence of how far his own arousal had grown. You peeled away his confinements, allowing his length to spring free. “I’ve always been independent regardless, as you know.” You added, wrapping your hand gently around him.
He twitched underneath you, almost thrusting his hips forward in vain for more friction. “’Course I know,” he huffed, his voice cracking slightly to your touch. “Never said you wasn’t.”
“Then why should I indulge you, Morgan?” you ask, moving your hand up and down, memorizing every inch.
His head tilted back as he sucked in air. “Because – shit, Y/N….” he sighed. “Spent ‘nough time apart from one another…”
“What else?” you prodded him, quickening your hand.
“Ah –” he moaned. “I love ya, n’ I missed ya.”
“Hm…” you hummed, rubbing your thumb along the head, dragging his precum along the sensitive skin. You watched his eyes flutter. “Anything else?”
He focused his gaze on you, an incredulous stare crossing his face. “That ain’t enough?”
“Not quite,” You teased, your other hand reaching to gently run your nails across his chest and abdomen. “Even if I was able to pleasure myself, there were still many…many…lonely nights.”
His body shuddered from your touch, stimulated by each sensation pleasantly. “I woulda visited sooner if I had the chance,” he said. “Y-you know that.”
“Of course, that don’t account for my bed being empty though…” you sighed, rubbing your thumb in a circular motion against the swollen flesh. His breath turned shallow. “Maybe this is good enough, hm? Since I imagine this is all you did too.”
“N-no,” he whined. “Y/N…I wanna be inside you.”
You smile at him, releasing him so you could scoot up, moving your legs to straddle him. You leaned against his torso, his skin hot against yours. His cock sat between you two, nestled against your stomachs. You leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “How bad do you want it, honey?”
As you leaned back, you caught the utter raw desire and helplessness etched on his face. You’d never seen him in such a state, but damn did you enjoy every second of it. His mouth parted in a breathless plea. “I want you. More’n anything else.”
You smirked at him, reaching between the two of you to grip him again, pumping your hand in a lazy manner. “Think you’ve been good enough for it?”
“Yes, god – yes,” He sighed, his face slightly twisting as you granted him more pleasure. “Y/N, please!”
His pleading was like music to your ears. It was just enough for you to finally cave in. You leaned back and brought yourself up on your knees, keeping hold of his length as you guided it toward your center. The smooth and rock-solid flesh split through your folds easily, and you sunk down on him.
Arthur was impatient. He thrust up, meeting you halfway to bury himself to the hilt. He let out a sigh of relief, though his arms strained against the rope. He wanted to hold you and fuck you, but you were in control.
And so you met his gaze once again, placing your hands on his cheeks as you rolled your hips. The absolute pleasure that radiated from being filled by him was unlike any other. Your hands and thoughts could only do so much in place of the actual thing.
He groaned deeply, a thankful look crossing his face. Though he kept his eyes to you, his eyelids were fluttering the more you moved on him. Easing him into a sweet kiss, you hastened your hips, riding him a little harder. He kept in sync with your movements, thrusting when he could. Every muscle in his body steeled with tension. You knew if he slipped out of those ropes, there would be nothing holding him back from unleashing his pent up frustration onto you.
That didn’t stop him from abusing you when he could, nipping at your lip and growling like a starved dog. He uttered multiple swears under his breath, tangled in with your name. You raked your fingers through his hair, moaning against his mouth and uttering sinful whispers to him. His mouth latched onto the crook of your neck, marking every inch of flesh he could reach.
“Shit, Y/N.” he grunted against your skin. “Fuck…you feel so damn good.”
Your arms wrapped around his torso, welting the thick skin on his back and drawing out another groan from him. His muscles flexed from the inability to do much else, wanting to be free.
“I wanna…pin you down so bad…” he continued, biting into your shoulder.
You nearly flinched from his teeth, though you giggled. “I’m in charge, Morgan.” You reminded him, grinding your hips in an undulating manner. Your second release was beginning its ascent. One hand slid down, toying with yourself to heighten the waves rolling through you. What started as a slow climb instantly started to barrel upwards. You sang out a moan, calling out his name while the tendrils of a fresh orgasm curled through your body. Every inch of your being shuddered while it washed through your body.
You brought your attention back to him. His eyes and face reflected amazement while he watched your pleasure take hold of you. “God damn,” he breathed. “Always so beautiful like that.”
Smiling at him, you drew him in for another kiss. He responded eagerly, eliciting his gruff moans into your mouth. You pulled back slightly to murmur, “Now give me your release.”
Before he could respond, you adjusted yourself slightly for a better angle. Bringing yourself up on your knees once again, you began to bounce on him. Your inner walls engulfed his entire length over and over.
He swore out loud, wriggling underneath you in failed attempts to match your movement. You watched as the muscles and veins strained hard in his arms, outlined by his pale sweaty skin. The rope creaked loudly as he tried to pull himself free. His breath escaped in short puffs, heated and wet against your face. “Y/N –” he choked out, his eyes squeezing shut when he couldn’t finish his sentence.
You egged him on, leaning in to whisper sweetly in his ear. You encouraged him to let go, complimenting on how handsome he looked underneath you.
And he broke completely with your doing.
His breath caught, your name sliding off his tongue with a guttural groan. His hips stilled beneath you with the arrival of his release. He bucked once with a shallow, fleeting movement in effort to milk himself into you. His chest and stomach heaved against your torso. Setting yourself upright to gaze at his face, noting the look of fatigued satisfaction written all over it. His blue eyes met yours and he beamed at you.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “That was different.”
You offered him a loving smile, reaching to push back locks of his hair dampened with sweat. “I’m happy you enjoyed it as much as I did.” You giggled.
“You’re full o’ surprises, sweetheart,” he murmured, pulling himself closer to kiss you. “Now lemme outta these things, I wanna hold ya.”
While it was oh so tempting to keep him there, you knew better. You brought yourself to your feet, your legs trembling beneath you as you did. With quick movements his wrists fell free of his restraints. His arms fell to his sides and almost immediately you felt his finger slide through your slit.
“Arthur!” you gasped, your body twitching in response.
“Jus’ lookin’ at the aftermath,” he responded innocently, chuckling as he did. “You’re drippin’, I made a mess.”
You hummed, bringing yourself back down to him. His arms wrapped around you instantly. “Not that I’m complaining.” You sighed, nuzzling yourself underneath his chin.
He chuckled again, pressing his lips to your head. “Now was that the breakfast you promised?” he jokingly asked, tracing his fingertips along your back.
As if your body was in tune, your stomach growled rather loudly. However your muscles were sore, and you needed a little bit of time to recover before you even thought of getting back up. “Just might be.” you answered.
“Then what ‘bout lunch n’ dinner?” he continued.
You peered up at him, mirroring his smirk with one of your own. “Whatever I say, Morgan.”
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chris-spacehere · 4 years
hey girl, i had to make a greek myth for english class and im too lazy to make my own characters i made an au.
Penthos: philza Thirio: Techno.
Aplistos: Dream
(ok that was just a clarification cuz i had to change their names for obvious reasons)
uhh enjoy this crappy fic im kinda proud of also i had to write this as a greek myth set in modern times so please don’t kill me for the shitty way i wrote this.
Penthos was a mortal, whos soul had fallen to the rivers of Hades as he fell to his death, pleading he wanted a second opportunity to see the sun another day, Hades agreed on the deal as Phentos became an immortal, by the price of having to live as all the people around him die, family, neighbors, beasts, animals, his power became a curse, proclaimed as the ‘Angel of Death’, fallen from grace, watching everyone and everything fall with him.
He watched from afar, as the mortals challenged gods, filled the world with machines and power-hungry beasts, hiding on the woods, hiding from the horrible monsters humanity has become, scared of getting attached to anyone, scared of the death from those around him.
He lived in the woods, scared of going out, scared of himself, as he was walking and gathering fruits to make food, he found some pointy pink ears going around, as he thought this was a pig, he instantly went to hunt it, but when Penthos found it, There was no beast or pig, but a child, He had long elf-like ears, glasses, a bright pink hair, a white shirt, black pants and a dead bunny in his hands, plus he looked like he was around 14 years old, why would a child be alone in the woods? Where are his parents? and why are his ears so weird?
“who are you? Where are your parents? Why are you alone? what’s with your weird ears and hair?’ were some of the many questions Penthos asked the child, it’s been ages since the last time he talked to someone. “i’m an orphan” the tiny kid answered in a very soft and low tone, “aren’t orphanages a thing? you don’t need to be in the woods alone, the animals could eat you or-” the orphan interrupted Penthos before he could finish his claims of how dangerous it was for him to be alone. 
“I am a strong person, old man! i can’t die and if i tried going to whatever on earth those humans were doing outside of this woods, they would just get me to their labs or treat me as a pet just for some pointy ears, you know you people just treat people like me as dumb animals for being different!” the kid cried in anger, pushing away Penthos “i understand you” Penthos said trying to calm down the child who seemed to have so much emotions going on his head “i made a deal with gods, y’know back then when people actually respect the olympus and all of this machines were just dreams of what the gods could barely make, i didn’t want to die and they accepted my cries but..everyone around me died, it is hard to not me human, but what happened to you? It has been so much time since i last saw someone like you..” Penthos said, trying to relate to the kid, so much time without being with people but he did miss the feeling of trying to make a child smile.
“They cursed me..” the orphan said “they cursed me to be a ‘beast’ for eternity, my own city exiled me for what I've become and now i’m here, but i don’t need some old man to tell me what to do! I've been surviving for one month already, I can handle myself, I know how to fight and I know I will never die, just like you or whatever you say the gods did to you!” The kid exclaimed while shoving back his tears. Penthos was surprised by this kid's confidence and use of words, he may not have understood well what he meant, but he thought he might have finally found someone like thim, a companion for his everlasting time on this planet, someone to share stories with, someone to take care of, a friend.
Penthos open heart seeking for company after all of this centuries, lonely, decided to invite the child to stay in a shack he built in that forest, he was known for not letting himself  get attached to stuff but this time it seemed like he wasn’t going to leave this one, this time he felt comfy and wanted around. “My name is Thirio by the way” The kid said to penthos on their way to the shack. “Penthos” Penthos replied softly to the kid as they walked their way to home.
It was nice, for first time since the old ancient greece times he had a family, they touched the guitar and sometimes went to the Mortals cities to watch what was going on, you could say they didn’t really like the way governments and economy were working this days, just an old man and an smart child ranting about society from afar while cracking jokes.
One time when they were done with their visits to the Cities of the mortals as usual they returned to the woods and headed to take a nap on a lake near their shack, but this time there was someone following, an unknown man with golden hair in a green hoodie, he just silently followed them into the woods, no words, just a long walk back home.
As Thirio and Penthos relaxed in the lake the man with the green hoodie came out of the darkness, he was just a human wasn’t he? there was no reason to be scared, he was probably just a wanderer, Penthos told Thirio to just try avoid talking to the man as they started getting ready to go back home, but the man was staying still.
The man’s hands would slowly be turning into black void covering his skin, as his green hoodie slowly turned into tiny green vines surrounding the black void skin, and his face slowly turned into a blank “ :) “ face in a really bright white color in his black void face, Penthos turned his head before going back to his shack as his eyes open wide open to the reaction of the wide figure standing still staring at them.
Penthos yelled at Thirio to run fast into the shack and so he did, Then the man chuckled behind his breath “i’m sorry for catching you off-guard, i must present myself, i am Aplistos, sent by the gods to punish humanity for you all abusing the resources they provided you mortals and just wasted it and threw it over and then had the audacity to try challenge the gods!” Aplistos claimed at Penthos, clueless of his gift and curse from Hades, as then Aplistos pulled out a knife, Penthos thought he would finally be granted death,  but the terrifying figure of Aplistos ran with his knife to another direction far from Penthos, what was the point? did he know he was immortal? no, then Penthos had the realization, he knew exactly where Aplistos was going, then Penthos went running after him but it was too late.
As soon as Penthos arrived he saw how Thirio’s body fell into the floor dead, as aplistos started laughing like a mad-man “i’ve noticed that taking people’s attachments is much of an easier way of having control over them,  it’s easier to make you mortals learn your lesson this way you know?’ Aplistos said as Penthos got filled with rage as tears fell from his eyes, his worst fear came true, the one person he cared about, the kid he raised, the reason he learned to be kind and soft once again, the ‘kid that never dies’, gone forever. As the rage filled Penthos while Aplistos laughed to death, Penthos grabbed a rock and smashed it on Aplistos head as Aplistos reached the same destiny as Thirio. 
But one does not cry forever, as Penthos made honor to his name, he reached acceptance and in honor to the one person that ever made him laugh, Penthos swore the rest of his infinite life to protect poor mortals from horrible monsters such as Aplistos, and make some good for humanity in all of the time he had got on his hands.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested on anon: Hey there! I’d like to request a memory and Aesthetic matchup from the Dream Smp! My outfit choices are usually comfy, and casual clothing (Mainly sweatshirts and hoodies), and my favorite aesthetic has either got to be Galaxy or Dark Academia! My music taste is very much all over the place, but I mainly listen to some Anime stuff sometimes and I usually just hit shuffle on any existing playlist already. I’m very much a morning person, and I love waking up to see the sunrise. Rainy weather is another thing that I find beauty in, and I love sitting in my room and doing some watercolors whilst enjoying the sound of the rain pouring outside. If I had to pick a favorite memory, it was when (at the time) my best friend was upset, and they really needed someone to be there for them. I remember when they were upset, I spent the entire day with them and made sure that whenever I could, I’d distract them from the situation at hand. And there was this one moment where I just hugged them, and we stayed there, just like that for what seemed like an eternity. We made a promise that day to never end up in some stupid drama. Hopefully this makes sense! Thank you!
Hi sweet anon! You can absolutely get a matchup <3 the galaxy and dark academia mixture is so cool and super unique, I absolutely love it! Not to mention the beautiful memory you included as well seemed like such a special moment. From the ingame dsmp characters, I think I’d pair you with…
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^ artwork by SAD-ist on YouTube
I feel like you and c!George would be really close for whatever reason, and I think that stems from the fact that he’d just really like to spend time just watching you do things you enjoyed. While he likes sleeping a hell of a lot (yes, I am making that canon in the plot, leave me be), he’s always glad to come sit with you as you paint or fix up something to eat. Expect him to snag a bit of your meal as he appears in your room’s doorway, murmuring a groggy ‘good morning’ and dodging a splash of paint when you scold him for finally waking up two hours past noon.
I think George would love the rain, whether it’s the biggest rainstorm or the smallest of summer drizzles out of nowhere. He’s all for being chaotic around the house but never actually leaving, so whenever the skies open up and don’t appear to be stopping soon he uses it as an excuse to just hang around the comfort of the indoors. If it’s a nice night outside though, he isn’t opposed to some late evening stargazing — he’ll point out made up constellations and name them ridiculous things to make you laugh, too.
OH ALSO: sometimes George whines about wanting to help you paint something with your watercolors, and so you both came up with this idea to choose shades that he couldn’t discern very well with his colorblindness and have him choose them randomly. It’s just a really cute way to bond and laugh about unimportant shit, which I think both he and you could use in a world that is otherwise a mess of crazy. Some of the final products of your combined artist expertise actually turn out really good. George even framed a couple and pinned his favorites around his room. He really loves the ones that you’ll do of the sunrise and sunset, mostly because you’ll describe what the colors feel like while you paint. He could sit beside you for hours just listening to how beautifully you describe the blend of yellows, reds, and pinks in the sky — it just makes his heart so content and nostalgic.
One time he came to visit you in the afternoon and simply collapsed onto your bed without a word, and just the expression on his face told you that something had happened to positively ruin his emotional state for the day. It took a while for him to open up about it and tell you exactly why he was so upset, but after some food and a really long hug he spilled everything outright: he was losing his closest friends as a result of factors over which he had no control, and it was terrifying to think that one morning he might just wake up all alone without anyone to lean on or talk to. So you spent the entire day together and did anything you both could think of at the time, none of which related to the uncertainty he was feeling. Going into town, walking through the nearby forest, yelling over a cliff’s edge for no reason but catharsis — whatever came to mind is what you did, and it ended up being the perfect medicine for your predicament. Y’all definitely had a sleepover afterwards too (even though George practically lives at your house for half the year already).
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jurassic-tales · 4 years
Jurassic Park III - Amalgam Testing
RECORDING TRANSCRIPT SUBJECT: AMALGAM TESTING - DAY 01 ISLA SORNA OCTOBER, 1997 DR. KAJAL DUA: Okay, so we successfully finished sequencing the Corythosaur...and the Ankylosaurs and Ceratosaur are in the can, so to speak. I would ask if we can finish and get out of here before we break the Gene Guard Act anymore, but...those new papers say different, don't they... DR. HENRY WU: Here's what we're going to do next...I'm going to call this 'Amalgam Testing'. No matter what happens, I want this 'testing' to be recorded as a 'failure'. DUA: Why, what...Wait, 'Spinosaurus'? There isn't even enough bones in the world, let alone... WU: I know; we have next to nothing...Only enough material to sequence a third of what we need. But if we introduce other specimens... DUA: Hence 'Amalgam'. This is going to turn it into a hybrid. WU: Yes. Technically all of our clones are 'hybrids' with frogs, but our Dilophosaurus proved that more - experimental - hybridisation was possible. DUA: So what, do the same with the Spino? WU: Not exactly...We know next to nothing, but what we do know is that it's related to two other animals we do have material for; Baryonyx and Suchomimus. DUA: Three dinosaurs in one! WU: Exactly. It will be a challenge, but Masrani intends to honour Hammond's wish of a fully functioning theme park and we need to be prepared for every kind of project he may throw at us. DUA: 'Challenge' is an understatement; with the combined DNA, we'll have no guarantee of size, of metabolism...we can't even be sure that we can keep the female chromosome! WU: That won't matter; we're only going to breed one specimen. DUA: Yeah...One... DAY 45 NOVEMBER, 1997 DR. HENRY WU: What happened? DR. KAJAL DUA: It bit him; it's only a few days old, but it nearly took his hand off. WU: Fascinating. DUA: He lost a lot of blood, but he'll live. But that goes to show what happens with accelerating the growth hormones! WU: But showing signs of developing strength already; that's new. DUA: Merging three dinosaurs together might do that...! Looks like the 'amalgam testing' worked...For now. WU: It will need to be under constant supervision. DUA: And you're asking me to do so...? WU: I'm asking everyone to do so. DUA: That's fine...Until it starts being able to run around and pick us off, one-by-one! WU: You make it sound like a monster. DUA: Hm...I suppose I'm just worried if we can control it or not. WU: We will control it...We'll need everyone we can to run every test possible. DUA: Well, you'll be glad to know I already ran one basic test; congratulations, Doctor...It's a boy! DAY 67 DECEMBER, 1997 DR. KAJAL DUA: For the record, I did think the cattle prod was a bit much. DR. HENRY WU: It was necessary. Has it been feeding? DUA: Yes...Feeding well, drinking well...He definitely likes fish. But even with the amount of food we give him, he still snaps at us. WU: Sounds like a behavioural issue; in time we may need more than just a few volts. DUA: So that's how we're proceeding then; he gets stronger, we fight harder...? WU: It needs to learn who's in control. DUA: I agree. But as he gets older, he's going to learn that he can take control very easily...quickly. Dangerously. Two of our team are already in intensive care; what happens when we actually lose someone? What happens when it's just you...? WU: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now let's just stick to the testing. DUA: Let's give him a chance to recover, first. WU: We don't have the time...Unless you don't want to...? DUA: Well, I will but...I don't like the way he looks at everyone... WU: It's had a taste of human blood; you might look like a meal. DUA: I wish it was. It's like...there's hatred in those little green eyes. In between every test, there's pure anger glaring at us. DAY 88 January, 1998 DR. HENRY WU: The data we're getting is incredible; testosterone levels, resilience, muscle and bone density... DR. KAJAL DUA: Yes, unfortunately we're running out of restraints. WU: The sail is a wonder in itself... DUA: You know we're putting hum through unbearable pain by your demands...? WU: I bred this hybrid for survival. I need to know its breaking point. DUA: Well, lucky for him the anaesthetic wears off faster than it used to... WU: Don't you want to know as much as possible? DUA: Of course, his behaviour is of my professional interest, which is why it's frustrating that we can't observe him close-up without him wanting to kill us! WU: And yet you still seem to care about it...? DUA: You're not here all the time, Dr. Wu; I've been through observing his early days of cowering in the corner of his cell to listening night after night to his deafening howls...calls that can't be answered because he's all alone, no doubt. WU: I haven't heard anything like that. DUA: That's because a week ago he became quiet. I've been watching the night footage and he's not sleeping as much as he used to...He rests, but he's always on guard. And look at this from last night...He's barely three months old and he's worn himself out buckling the bars of his cell and smashing the concrete wall. WU: It could break out. We need a deterrent. DUA: With what? Since he learned he can maim us, he's had no fear. WU: All creatures are afraid of fire, Dr. Dua... DAY 102 February, 1998 DR. KAJAL DUA: The force of his bite is going to match a Tyrannosaurus. DR. HENRY WU: That will be the Crocodilian DNA I included; a little something for the fusion to hold together. DUA: Well, your cocktail may hold together a bit too well; I don't believe it's exaggerating to say that when he gets to adulthood, he could cause an extinction-level event on the island. WU: That's the potential I was hoping for. DUA: As long as he keeps to himself, other predators don't intervene and no more humans appear - which I know is unlikely since San Diego - he should fit in with the ecosystems. WU: I hope it doesn't stray too far to the forests in the South-West... DUA: Careful, Victor, that almost sounds like you care about him...! WU: I don't want it encountering the Tyrannosaur couple. We may need it for further research when Masrani's plans develop. We're well behind the perimeter fence at least. As long as that holds up, most of the other assets should be safe. DUA: I see. Well let's say the fence fails, the aviary will be the next at risk...Those are the accidental Pteranodons we don't want flying free, if I remember right. And then that's on the river; what if he gets off the island? WU: Let's not get too speculative, Dr. Dua. There's no if when...Wait, what's that...? DUA: Shit...That's them, isn't it; they're coming! WU: Hm...It was only a matter of time. We've got the necessary data; We need to get going. DUA: What about the Spino? WU: What about it? DUA: We're just going to...leave him? WU: We'll have to. DUA: Okay...I'm releasing him now. WU: What?! DUA: Yes, he'll break out eventually, but if you don't want them finding out about the testing, then this is just speeding things up...Then there'll be no survivors. WU: Using him as a weapon! DUA: Surprised you didn't think of that first. WU: Well, I'm...surprised that you did! DUA: I won't be long. WU: Dr. Dua...Make sure you're careful; when Masrani's park gets on its feet; we'll need you. DUA: I'll take that as a 'thank you'! I'll meet you at the boat. WU: Good luck. ((Originally posted in five parts on my non-Tumblr blog here))
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