#So i went to a place that sells a croissant
yonglixx · 22 days
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sipsteainanxiety · 10 months
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extervus · 3 months
Why don't you sit on your porch with a yummy drink in the late morning sun and then maybe you'll calm down
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kinoart4 · 29 days
Genos: Sensei... Today I wanted to eat a croissant
Saitama: Quaso?
Genos: So I went to a place that sells croissant
Saitama: Kwaso?
Genos: And I bought a croissant
Saitama: Kwosso?
Genos: And I returned home with the croissant
Saitama: Qwasso?
Genos: And then I ate the croissant
Saitama: Quasong...
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williamverse · 2 months
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My friend and I went to a place, that sells croissants and there was a corkboard for sketches left by visitors so here's what we drew
I left translations in alt text if you're curious what the text on our sketches says
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renaiswriting · 11 months
Baci di Luna (part 1)
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Pairing: Choi Seungcheol/Reader
Saying I love you was never easy.
Having to say it in a language that wasn't yours was not easy either.
Imagine the struggle of that, and now add it to loving someone whose family thinks you're a monster.
It can't be easy at all.
Warnings: None in this part I think.
Word count: 1.9k
If you want to be tagged, please fill out the tag list form.
Baci di Luna masterlist | Next
Moon phases masterlist.
Seungcheol took a deep breath before stepping out of the forest.
It wasn't necessary that early, but it was as cold as if the sun was just starting to rise. His cheeks were freezing even behind the thick scarf he had gotten for Christmas last year. Fortunately, there weren't that many people to notice him leaving the forest behind. They were all busy, either working or buying stuff.
He hated coming to town. He felt like a caged animal, having to avoid walking too fast, avoiding loud noises, or strong smells.
And the people.
He hated to be around so many people.
It was suffocating.
And he was secretly cursing at Wonwo for making him go down to the town he was so ready to leave behind.
Wonwoo had spent the last week and a half mentioning his birthday and the croissants one of the bakeries sells.
He had tried to be sneaky about the hinting too, failing in the attempt.
And Seungcheol would have told him to shut up about it and buy it himself, or get his mother to do so since she was the reason Wonwoo and the rest of the pack got to taste them for the first time.
Well, most of the pack, since there were some left behind, got to even glance at them.
But it was Wonwoo's birthday the next day, and he really wanted to do something for the younger wolf. He had been anything but a help for Noth, Seungcheol, and the pack. Especially with Jeonghan falling sick for almost two weeks in a row.
Seungcheol stopped before he walked into another person; he hated how slow everybody was.
Seungcheol took a deep breath; he had to call himself
He wasn't usually this Impatient.
Or annoying.
But with the pack receiving new members left and right, he only felt like he was wasting time in town rather than buying what he went there to buy in the first place and going back to his pack members.
It wasn't like he didn't want to buy them.
Obviously not.
But he had been busy and tired.
Having a new pup join their pack was never easy to deal with. Seungcheol chuckled; he could even hear Chan saying he wasn't a pup.
He was cute. He was constantly trying to be this scary big wolf, but for Seungcheol (and the rest of the pack), Chan was nothing but a cute pup playing to be scary.
Seungcheol ducked his head when a lady turned her head twice in his direction. It has been so long since the last time he came to town.
He usually made either Jeonghan or Wonwoo come and buy whatever they needed. And even they, the two wolves that were around humans the most, didn't spend more time than necessary.
They all always tried to cook for themselves and make whatever they needed with their own hands. It helped to avoid people seeing them and saved money.
It was a win-win situation for Seungcheol, if you asked him.
He lifted his head, making his cheeks and nose come into contact with the freezing wind of the morning.
Where was that bakery again?
He was looking for a strange name. He wasn't sure how it was pronounced or written, but he knew that he would recognize it as soon as he saw it.
He had asked Wonwoo's mom what the bakery was called, and she wrote it down for Seungcheol. But, true to his lack of sleep and messy room, he lost the note with the name.
Wonwoo's mom made sure to visit his son once every month, twice on special occasions such as Wonwoo's birthday. Visiting him more was only a risk for the safety of the rest of the boys living in the house with him.
So, more times than not, Wonwoo waited until the town was quieter to visit her.
And with this, if Seungcheol happened to want to get the name again from Wonwoo's mom, he would have to wait until it was Wonwoo's birthday, and by that time, it would have already been way too late to buy them anyway.
Seungcheol walked around for a while.
The town wasn't even that big to start with, but it was obvious that more people had moved in since the last time he had set foot there.
His body stopped when his nose started picking up the delicious smell of bread. His stomach growled loudly. He had woken up way before Wonwoo, and he hasn't stopped to eat, afraid that it would take him way too long and wake Wonwoo up.
It has to be that way, he thought to himself.
He took another route to the store, following the smell instead of Wonwoo's mom's instructions.
He stopped walking when he reached a pastel-yellow bakery. It has two white tables outside with two chairs each.
There was no one inside; the lights were not on yet, and Seungcheol was doubting coming back home instead.
He awkwardly stood there, thinking about what to do.
"We're almost open; you can take a seat if you want." And an older man suddenly spoke behind Seungcheol; he was carrying what looked like a handmade blackboard, and his pants were getting dirty from whatever was written on it.
Seungcheol took a seat just like he had been told to do; his leg was anxiously moving up and down.
"It's quite a cold morning today, isn't it?" The man asked again; he had a pretty strong accent that made some words difficult to understand for Seungcheol.
"Yeah, I think winter is coming sooner this year." Seungcheol continued the small talk.
The man nodded, mumbling something that Seungcheol couldn't really understand, but it didn't sound like a question, so Seungcheol let himself think it was probably the man thinking out loud.
He finished writing something on the board as Seungcheol's eyes wandered around the outside of the bakery.
Seungcheol's eyes stopped at the bakery's name.
La Dolcezza.
He wondered what it meant, but he wasn't curious enough to ask the busy man in front of him.
He heard footsteps behind him, turning just in time to see a woman who was probably in her late forties turning around the closed sign to the open side.
He sighed happily; he couldn't wait to buy what he was there to buy and go back to the forest.
If he thought the smell was delicious far away, he felt like he was entering heaven once he opened the door and his nose was attacked by the smell of so much delicious food.
"Buongiorno, what could I help you with?" The woman asked, and his accent was even harder to comprehend than the man's. Seungcheol wondered if that was his husband.
"I was looking for some croissants." Seungcheol replied, trying his best to imitate the way Wonwoo's mom pronounced it. He had been made fun of by Wonwoo way too many times for him to say the word comfortably.
"Croissants?" The woman asked in disbelief, looking around behind herself to see what was displayed for the customers to see. "Che stupidaggine è questa?" Seungcheol heard the woman ask herself. "No croissants here." She replied in broken Korean.
Seungcheol frowned; he was sure he could smell them from where he was standing. Was the woman not understanding him?
"Delicious croissant, sweet." He tried to only use words that the woman might understand. At the confused, and probably annoyed, expression on the woman's face, Seungcheol started to imitate the croissant's shape with his hands, maybe making the woman understand what he was trying to buy.
The woman kept looking around, not knowing exactly what she was looking for. Getting frustrated, she called someone else. The woman added something else, but Seungcheol couldn't understand a single word of what the woman said since it was in a foreign language.
Moments later, a young woman walked behind the one who had been trying to understand Seungcheol. Her wavy hair moved over her shoulder with every step she took closer, moving as if it were a black shadow.
She glanced around for a split second, trying to understand what was going on. She then started talking with the older woman; they had the same round face, Seungcheol noted.
The younger girl then started laughing softly.
And when she turned to see Seungcheol with rosy cheeks from the laugh, her round brown eyes unfroze something inside Seungcheol.
A sudden warmth invaded Seungcheol's body, moving from his head to his toes. He was looking at the girl's every move. And when he saw the smile on the girl's face, he felt himself smiling as well.
What are we smiling at? He asked himself.
The girl's mouth moved again, making Seungcheol realize he had been daydreaming for longer than he thought.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asked; he sounded breathless, like he just came from running.
"We don't make croissants here." The girl replied, smiling again.
"But my friend��he said he bought it in here." Seungcheol replied; his voice sounded distant, like he was about to fall asleep.
Or waking up from a dream.
A really nice dream.
"In here?" The girl asked, turning around to see what Seungcheol's friend could possibly have bought. "You're sure?"
Seungcheol nodded.
The girl mumbled, "Could it be..." before going back to where she was before. Seungcheol stopped the whine from escaping his lips; he felt some sort of pain.
It wasn't anything too extreme, but it was definitely there.
Like he had some wood chips on his chest.
His feet moved involuntarily, his legs hitting against the counter in front of him.
He shook his head, trying to think clearly.
What was he doing?
The girl came back, holding something in her hands.
"That's what I wanted." Seungcheol mumbled, "That's the croissant."
The girl shook her head. "No, that's from France. This is a cornetto. Way better than a croissant, if you ask me." The girl joked.
"Are these for you?" She asked, putting six inside a pretty box.
"No, for a friend. It's his birthday gift." Seungcheol added.
The girl smiled in return, taking the money that Seungcheol was handing her.
Her hands were so soft that Seungcheol could swear he felt something when their hands met.
Even when the girl's hand was far away from his, he could still feel where she touched him.
It was burning.
"Well, I hope your friend enjoys his present."
"Thank you..."
"(Y/n)," she replied, "my name's (y/n)."
"Seungcheol. Nice to meet you, (y/n)." He replied.
The girl smiled back, and all the way back to the pack house, that was all Seungcheol could think of.
He even went the wrong way for a good twenty minutes before he realized it.
One thing was for sure: the more he walked away from the girl, the more insufferable the pain in his chest became.
"Well, I hope you took that long because you got some good discounts." Jeonghan sarcastically said so as soon as Seungcheol walked inside the house.
Seungcheol didn't reply. Instead, he dropped the box of cornetto on the table and walked straight to his bedroom.
Jeonghan followed him, worrying. "What happened?"
Seungcheol stayed silent for a while. His eyes were on the wooden ruff, but he wasn't really paying attention to it.
He was deep in his thoughts.
"Seungcheol?" Jeonghan asked again.
"I found my mate."
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
Can i have a headcanon or reaction for arthur tv with a veterinarian s/o pleaseeeeeee
this is so cute... like, i swear... him falling in love with a veterinarian when he has such a huge love for animals.. god, it's almost like fate.
-> it's almost like a chance meet that happens once...
-> and again... and again...
-> and then again until they decide to do something about.
-> there's no fancy party or dating app involved. no mutual friends who knew each other. his friend didn't set him up with her and her friend didn't even know of him.
-> it happens during her hour-long lunch break; a little bakery down the road from her place of work where they sell 'the best baguettes and do the best coffees in town' so she says. she still has her work uniform on, still has her name-tag hanging from her shirt, purse in her hand and her office keys/car keys dangling off her finger.
-> he just so happens to be standing behind her in the queue when she orders her baguette and her favourite coffee. having just finished on a football video shoot with chris down the road, the cupcakes and the croissants and the muffins caught his eye on his walk by, and he felt the need to make a pitstop on his way home to fill his stomach.
-> he notices her order before he notices her.
-> 'that sounds delightful'
-> 'it's delicious, you should try it'
-> 'you think?'
-> 'yeah, not that i was staring at you but you seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed with all the options up there so... try it and thank me later'
-> so he does and he thinks he has definitely found a new drink to fixate upon for the next week... but by the time he tries to tell her his opinion, she's disappeared and he has no idea where she went... his heart sinking in his chest.
-> neither of them thought they would bump into each other the next day... at the same time... except this time, she's behind him and he's ordering before her.
-> 'i told you that you'd like it'
-> 'you have an incredible palate to discover this. it's amazing'
-> he waits this time; he waits for her. he listens to her as she finishes off her order to the person behind the bar (who seemingly knew what she wanted before she spoke and he got the impression that she must have frequented this bakery for them to know her name and her order), almost standing with her as she orders her lunch of a baguette and a coffee at the counter.
-> 'i would stay but-'
-> 'oh, i wasn't waiting for you. i was just-"
-> 'it's okay. i would have asked you if you wanted to sit together but i have work to get back for.'
-> 'what do you do?'
-> 'i'm a vet at the centre down the road. this is a godsend for being so close and doing so many good lunch options. you should try their ham and rocket and cheese baguette. the rocket is a total game changer.'
-> she's walking towards the door and down the street before he realises and comes back to his senses; he's completely enamoured by her.
-> he's already in the bakery by the time she walks in the next day; and he's eating the baguette she told him to try. with the coffee beside his plate. and this time, he threw a curveball and got himself a little muffin that he wanted to recommend to her...
-> 'i feel like i should get a discount for getting new customers to start coming her more often'
-> he's blushing as he looks down at his plate, recognising the voice almost instantly, swallowing back his food and smiling warmly in her direction.
-> 'we must stop meeting here like this...'
-> he assumed she was waiting for his name and he spoke his name shyly. a grin on her lips. recalling his name before she introduced herself with her own name. and this time, she sat with him with her own order... in a bag and a takeaway cup... but he'd take that.
-> 'i have ten minutes before i need to be back. thought you could do with the company, arthur.'
-> and his name just rolls off of her tongue so perfectly. he loves the sound. loves how her tongue wraps around his name. loves how her mouth enunciates his name. loves how she spoke his name. his stomach filled with butterflies.
-> it becomes such a common thing.
-> sometimes she's there before him, sometimes he's there before her and yet, they still wait for the other and share one little fact or piece of information about one other as they get to know one another a little more than before.
-> she's interested in his job and how he gets to film all his fun times with his friends and get paid for it... and he's interested in her job and how she gets to be around animals all day and care for them in the best way possible.
-> she would have been lying if she said she didn't go home and google his name and find him on social media and follow him on his instagram and his twitter, finding him on youtube to watch a few of his videos whilst she ate her dinner or whilst she got ready for bed, stalking as much of his online presence to see what he was really like as a person.
-> 'this might seem forward and i love these lunchtime dates but-'
-> 'you think these are dates? i thought they were just coincidental meetings'
-> 'maybe we could try a proper date?'
-> 'like, drinks and dinner or?'
-> 'anything you want to do'
-> the last thing he expects her to say is bowling and the arcade that comes alongside it. claiming she wanted to do something fun and a little different and not anything boring like sitting down and getting to know one another. not having to be serious. being able to talk and laugh and be as silly as they wanted to do.
-> they exchange numbers. he drops her off home. she invites him in with the invitation of pizza from the local takeaway. she wasn't looking for love but... love definitely found her.
-> and from then on, their lunchtime dates move to her office and he'll always offer to grab them their lunch before meeting her at her work. sitting in the reception, talking to the receptionist (who happened to be her work bestie and wanted all the details), petting the dogs as they left with their owners, giving head scratches to the cats who were in their crates and waiting to be seen. he can always hear her through the close door; always so kind, so sweet, so soft and gentle with every animal she sees and so informative to those who bring their pets in.
-> she never takes her work home with her... but he'll always ask. he loves animals and if there was anything she ever wanted to speak about, especially if she had a bad day or had to deal with something that was really sad and upsetting to her, then he wanted her to be able to talk to him and use him as a shoulder to cry on so she didn't have to deal with it by herself.
-> 'you don't have to ask me.'
-> 'i know but i want to. you ask me about my day, i ask you about yours'
-> both of them are so interested in each other and it's something that starts off slowly.
-> something that they slowly work through; his schedule was always different from day to day whereas her's was always regular and the same everyday. a classic 9 to 5 job with the odd day off for her to use at her leisure.
-> they take their time.
-> they enjoy each other before they become something official. they like to be by themselves. without everyone else knowing about them. sharing the sweetest kisses, cuddling, sneaking around from their friends and family because they just weren't wanting to share each other just yet.
-> and when they've become boyfriend and girlfriend, after a few months have flown by of knowing one another, they slowly introduce the other to their family and then their friends... which arthur was always going to be nervous about. having friends of such a high social media influence, he didn't want her feeling out of place or like she was different to them or that she didn't belong...
-> and his friends never do make her feel that way.
-> fitting in perfectly with everyone... they love her and she loves them and they love having her around in their group nights. they love how she teases arthur like they do yet they can tease her and she knows they're being silly and she doesn't take anything to heart. it's like she's known them for years... especially george (who she ends up being the best of friends with)... and arthur finds it so endearing how they've just welcomed her and how he felt welcomed within her own little group.
-> a coincidence meeting... but the best thing to have ever happened.
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CA: Florida used to have a really nice Spanish accent, and he learned English too well
FL: I practice it every day!
CA: You're too good at English now!
FL: Every day I wake up, I look myself in the mirror, and I'm like
FL: today I wanted to eat a croissant
FL: So i went to a place that sells
FL: --croissant
FL: So i bought a croissant
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tetcho-apologist · 2 years
Date with them
pairing- doa x gn reader ;
warnings- none fluff , lil cheesy but whatvr its cute
synopsis- A date with them in Paris
note- inspired by that one hot chocolate with whipped cream, also might start writing about like genshin or something if I don't get lazy. 
An opportunity like this was a rare thing, free time in the beautiful city known as Paris. They had some time to kill, so why not go out on a date?
You decided to walk around and take a look at the shops around your hotel. Nikolai noticed a clothing store with funky hats and immediately dragged you by your hand inside.You took turns choosing hats for each other to wear. His favorite hat you put on had to be the green feather top hat. He secretly bought it for you the next day.
The smell of fresh pastries guided you to a small bakery. You bought a chocolate croissant and some tarts. You got crumbs on your clothing, but the pastries were so delicious you couldn't complain.
To end the night, you went up to a rooftop. You talked about old memories and the funny things that happened on the airplane. Sigma was involved in most jokes about the trip. Poor him, but he made you laugh an awful lot
“What a nice night it is! We should go steal the mona Lisa after this!”
Museum date! You look at paintings and sculptures and talk about your favorite elements in them. It was nice to go to places like this with him since he could point out many interesting details.
 He isn't too fond of crowds, fearing you might get separated from him. He prefers to take you to places with few people so he can show you affection without feeling too awkward. He generally likes to give you a small peck and a hand squeeze here and there. 
As soon as the sun started to set, you made your way back to the hotel you were staying at, passing by a night market. You stopped by a jewelry stand and admired the pretty things. A certain amethyst necklace caught your eye and Fyodor noticed. He quickly distracted you and bought it behind your back. The old lady selling the jewelry couldn't suppress her smile at the sweet gesture. 
“A gem as beautiful as its future owner.” 
You were walking down a street to a cafe when you noticed a cute kitty laying down on a flower stand. Instinctively you crouched down to pet it, letting it purr into your hand. Sigma was scolding you a little, saying that you could get sick if it had fleas and such, but stopped as soon as you shot him a sweet smile saying how cute the cat was. 
god, why did you have to be so pretty? 
When you finally entered the cafe, you ordered some hot chocolate with fruit tarts. You heard Sigma tell you all about his day and how running the sky casino was going. You reassured him with your smile and complimented his abilities as the sky casino manager.
 Once the stars were out and the sky was painted a dark blue shade, you practically dragged him by the hand while running saying how you couldn't miss the sight of the Eiffel tower with its lights on. To him, he was already seeing the prettiest view Paris could offer.
“If a beautiful view is what you wish to see, I could always take a picture of you.” 
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Epel Felmier Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 1
"It was a great shop!"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[City of Flowers]
Azul: Well, then. We've successfully seen all there is to see in the City of Flowers.
Azul: It is still too early to head back towards the set assembly point. How about we head off on our own, and meet back here in about half an hour.
Deuce: Then, I guess I'm gonna head back to that shop we went to earlier and eat another croissant.
Azul: Hm, I wonder just how many of these places I've listed here that I'll be able to visit in 30 minutes… Right then, see you later, Epel-san.
Epel: Yessir!
Epel: Where do I even want to go…? Nothing really comes to mind, so I guess I'll just kinda wander around here.
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Epel: There's a ton of stone buildings in the City of Flowers. Even though it's also in the Shaftlands, it's so different from Harveston.
Epel: Urk! That store on the corner over there's got a ton of posters that's got Vil-san on 'em!
Epel: Is that… a beauty shop? Oh cool, they have soap made of goat milk. Uhh, what do they got over there…?
???: Whew! At this here rate, I ain't got no clue how much more I can carry…
[Apple falls to the ground and starts to roll away]
Epel: Ah! Excuse me. An apple fell out of your crate.
???: Oh, why thank you. Sorry to trouble… Oh, hey, is that you, Epel-kun!?
Epel: Oh hey, you're from Harveston! Why're you here!?
Stall Owner: So, I come to the City of Flowers and open up a special stall that sells apple pastries during these festivities!
Stall Owner: Why are you in this city, Epel?
Epel: I was invited here for a social gathering hosted by Noble Bell College. I'm in the middle of touring the city with some school mates right now.
Epel: …But, uh, are you okay? You look like you were strugglin' carrying all those apples…
Stall Owner: That's the thing… The truck I was using to transport the apples today broke down, and it's just not starting up anymore.
Epel: EEEEH!?
Stall Owner: That's why I'm carrying all these crates full of apple. I can't bake anything if I don't got my ingredients.
Stall Owner: And these apples from Harveston are so plump and heavy, y'know. If I don't hurry up, it'll get dark soon. Ahahah!!
Epel: Oh, then, I'll help too!
Stall Owner: Don't worry, don't worry. You're with your school friends, right?
Epel: Nope, it's okay. Right now we've got some free time, so I've just been wandering around the city by myself.
Epel: 'Sides, I can't just turn a blind eye to someone from Harveston struggling like this. Let me help you!
Stall Owner: Oh, alright, thanks… My truck is over there. I'm going to take these apples I have now, so head that way for now.
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Epel: There's the truck! Okay, then let's get down to it… Wow, that's a ton of apples!
Epel: This is gonna take way too long if we gotta carry this by hand. I wonder if I can carry a bunch in one go if I use magic…
Malleus: Is something the matter with these apples?
Malleus: I was exploring the City of Flowers, and I merely happened to pass by. What is happening here?
Epel: Uh, so…
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Malleus: Hm, so all these apples need to be carried to the stall, you say.
Epel: That's right. I just wanted to help that guy, because I thought it would be tough for him to do it alone…
Stall Owner: Sorry to keep you waiting, Epel-kun… Hm? Is this a friend? He seems to be wearing a similar outfit to yours.
Epel: A-A- A friend!? Malleus-san!? You got it wrong!! This guy… I mean, His Lordship is…
Stall Owner: I see, I see, you called for some support, huh! Why, thank you, this is a great help!
Epel: W-Wait, no! Malleus-san just passing by! We can't use him for manual labor like this!!
Malleus: I do not mind. Allow me to help.
Epel: Eh!? R-Really… Are you sure? Malleus-san, you're supposed to be enjoying your trip…
Malleus: No need to hesitate so. It matters not my own travels; I am not so narrow-minded so as to forsake a person in need.
Epel: Thank you very much! Then, let's quickly get these apples moving.
Stall Owner: Woah, amazing! All the crates with the apples are suddenly floating!
Malleus: What are you doing, Felmier?
Epel: What do you mean, what…? I thought we could bring the apples over by floating the crates…
Malleus: Is there time to do it in such a painstaking way? If we are in a rush, we only need carry everything together.
[everything starts shaking]
Epel: Carry everything together…? EEEH!!!???
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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roxannepolice · 1 year
Twelve: Today, I wanted to eat a croissant.
Missy & Saxon: Quaso!
Twelve: So i went to a place that sells a croissant.
Missy & Saxon: Quaso!
Twelve: And I bought a croissant.
Missy & Saxon: Quaso!
Twelve: And I returned home with the croissant.
Missy & Saxon: Quaso!
Twelve: And then I ate the croissant.
Missy & Saxon: Quaso!
Bill, Nardole & every single cyberman:
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": croissant.
*a theatrical spotlight shines on to Ares who is currently on a stage. Poetic music starts to play*
Ares: *not fully understanding why he is doing this*...ugh...*takes out a paper* "Today, I wanted to eat a Croissant*." (*Pronounces it as "Cross-sent")
Dionysus: *in the background* ✨Quason✨
Ares: "so I went to a place that sells croissants". *Again horribly mispronouncing it as "Cross-sent"*
Dionysus: *more assertively* Quason.
Ares: "and I bought...a croissant." *Mispronounces it for a third time*
Dionysus: *now just dropping the act mid performance* Dude seriously is pronounced "qua-son"!
Ares: NO I WASN'T I REALLY CAN'T PRONOUNCE CROISSANT RIGHT! *again pronounces it "Cross-sent"*
*the both of them start getting into a fight*
Apollo: *still playing the music*
Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon and Amphitrite: 😐
Hestia: WHOOHOO! *Claps* Good job boys what a lovely performance!
Zeus: Hestia I'm not certain if that is part of this performance.
Poseidon: *flips through a program pamphlet* hmm must one of those "post-modernist reimaginings".
Apollo: *makes a sudden stop and stands up* DID YOU REALLY JUST USE "POSTMODERNIST REIMAGINING" IN A SENTENCE?
Poseidon: AH FINALLY, I GET TO HAVE A WORTHY F-*Amphitrite stops him*
Amphitrite: Not tonight darling.
Poseidon: yes sweetie shell.
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
i’m going to amsterdam in a couple weeks so if you have any recommendations of what places to visit please share!!!! i also cannot sleep on planes, people don’t understand the struggle😵‍💫
hope you have a lovely time bee, you deserve it :))
- 🦔
Hi hedgehog!! I waited to answer this till I left Amsterdam so I could give you my full experience recommendations lol
We were supposed to have two full days in Amsterdam but due to our flight out being cancelled and rescheduled we ended up only having one so we didn’t do as much as we wanted to. But we went to the Rijksmuseum which is this gorgeous and huge art museum that I absolutely loved, but definitely only go if you’re into art museums lol. We also wanted to go to the Van Gogh museum which is right by where the Rijksmuseum is but they were sold out for the day we were there so if you wanna visit buy your tickets ahead of time
We also went to a very cool flea market called the Albert Cuyp market! Lots of neat stuff for sale and walking over there we found a few vintage clothing stores which were very fun to browse through. It’s a very pretty area in general with lots of shops so I highly recommend it
Also word to the wise: coffee shops in Amsterdam do not sell coffee, that’s where you get weed. You gotta search for cafes on your google maps if you wanna find coffee in the morning when you’re half asleep 😭 this morning we went to a cafe near our hostel called Latei that I ADORED. It’s a small place with really cute decor, and as someone who genuinely likes the taste of coffee and doesn’t like it to be super sweet, the coffee was so good. I also had a croissant with cheese and tomato on it and it might be one of the best breakfast sandwiches I’ve ever had highly recommend
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were-team-fortress · 1 month
Today…I wanted to eat a croissant (QUASO)
So I went to a place that sells..croissant (QUASO)
And I bought…a croissant (QUASO)
And I returned home, with the croissant (QUASO)
And then I ate…the croissant (QUASO)
- to Spy
[He covers his ears at the horrible pronunciation!]
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
What do you mean love is real?
So apparently today is aromantic visibility day. Why did no one tell me 😫 I was so unprepared! So here is the best I could do. Happy Aro Day!
“Do you wanna maybe grab a coffee later?”
Four blinks in surprise. His pen stills on the paper and he looks up at the blushing barista who’d come to his table to deliver his refill. She smiles at him, the corner of her eyes crinkling up.
“You seem like a really nice guy,” She says, “And I happened to notice that you always stick around for my whole shift even though you don’t buy anything other than your coffee. So… do you want to grab a bite later?”
Four sticks around because the cafe lets him sit as long as he wants and he gets free refills for just three rupees a day. The place is dry and warm and gives him a space to work on applications. It helps that the staff is nice, but Four didn’t even realize he tended to come in when this woman was here. But he can’t tell her that. He doesn’t want to embarrass her.
Plus, he feels a little flattered that she’s asking him out. No one’s ever done that before. He doesn’t consider himself very attractive and he doesn’t have much to offer. He’s never gotten so much as a second glance before. It makes him feel good. Confident, even.
So he checks her nametag and smiles back. “Yeah, sure. I’d love to get a coffee with you later.”
“Damn - what’s next? Hooking for cash?” Shadow cackles, sticking his hand into Fours paper bag and pulling out a pastry that’s just past its sell by date. “Smart though. I’d never have thought about dating a barista for access to food.”
“I’m not dating her for the perks.” Four speaks around his mouth full of danish.
Shadow unwraps his croissant and moans obnoxiously at the treat. “Oh no? Then why are you dating her? You like her?”
Four only hesitates for second.
“Yeah,” He says. “She’s great. Why wouldn’t I like her?”
Three months later Four’s playing a different tune.
“I thought things were going well. You said you were happy.” Her voice is low and shaky, eyes directed at the floor to hide the tears in them.
Four winces and looks away. He’s holding her hands in his and he squeezes them in comfort. Even while he’s the one doing the hurting.
“I was happy. Am happy.” He fumbles with his words, “It’s not that anything went wrong. It’s just that I’m not… feeling it.”
“What did I do?” She chokes out.
“Nothing! Nothing. You’re great. I just… I’m not…” Four sucks on his tongue in thought. “I’m just not feeling that kind of connection.”
And it’s true. She’s been a great girlfriend. She respects his space and his privacy. She doesn’t mind that he doesn't have any money. She’s even bought him dinners at restaurants and a pair of new shoes.
She’s been so great to him.
But that hasn’t stopped Four from feeling drained just holding her hand. The absolute exhaustion of pretending to like cuddling and bumping knees under the table. The constant need to smile at her and pay attention and be attentive and act like he’s having more fun than he is. It’s more than just his introverted nature that makes him dread having to respond to her texts. More than his general touch aversion that causes the uncomfortable feeling in his gut when he kisses her. He doesn’t know what that is though.
“S-so what? You wanna just be friends?” She asks, finally picking her gaze up. “Is that it? B-because I don’t want that! I really, really like you!”
“You barely know me,” Four says weakly. It’s only been three months. How can anyone really like anyone after just three months? He sure can’t.
“I know you.” She sniffs and wipes her face. “I do. And I love you!”
Four sighs.
“So no more free snacks? Damn. Are you sure you’re not into her?”
“If you’re that into the loaf cakes, she’s single now.” Four says flatly. He pulls his backpack away from Shadows searching hands. “You date her.”
“Nah. She’s too goody two shoes for me.”Shadow waves him off. “If you can’t handle her then I don’t even wanna think about it.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Four can’t help but defend her. She was an amazing girlfriend.
“Oh? Then what was it like? Why dump her if she was so great?”
Four pauses.
“I just,” He says, “I wasn’t feeling it, I guess.”
Shadow quirks a brow. “Incompatible?”
“Yeah. I guess so,” Four says quietly, “Must have been. Yeah.”
“I had a great time. Walk me to the train?”
“Of course.”
She links their arms together and leans into his side, humming happily. Four dutifully lets her cuddle into his side and subtly checks his watch. Her train is leaving in a few minutes. Enough time to hover on the platform for a little while.
He wonders if he should kiss her.
Because they had a great time. She was fun, with just enough wit and charm to keep him engaged. It was nothing like his other girlfriend, who’d been so kind but felt untouchable in her purity; this woman was a firecracker, all tongue and cheek. She kept him on his toes, never meek or wary. It helped that they had so much in common - she was also a down on her luck gig worker. ‘Who’s gotten the most crap from a shit employer’ had been a fun topic over a cheap dinner. It had been unusually enjoyable and Four found himself laughing hard enough to choke on his burger.
So he should kiss her, right? That’s the norm when you have a good date, right? How to affirm you enjoyed your time together and signal that you would like to do it again?
He glances at her from the corner of his eye and wonders if this squirmy feeling in his stomach is the fluttery feeling everyone always talks about. It must be. There’s no reason it wouldn’t be. Sure, it feels a bit like what he used to feel with his ex, but it’s probably different. He had much more fun on this date. So it must be different.
He checks his watch again. The train pulls up, ruffling both their hair. She pulls herself off his arm and turns towards him.
“Thanks for coming out with me,” She says, “We should do this again sometime.”
“Yeah, we should.” Four smiles, stomach-squirming kicking up a gear. Why do they call it the butterflies when it feels more like worms? “I’ll call you.”
“You better.” Her lips quirk into a smirk. “Or I’ll have to call you.”
Four swallows thickly. “Yeah.”
She leans forward slightly. Angles her chin up. Tilts her head just slightly to the left. Stares into his eyes.
“Well,” Four says, “Goodnight.”
He drops her hands and gently guides her onto the train. Waves at her through the window while it pulls away. He sighs in relief.
“So she never texted you back?”
Shadow whistles, earning himself a chastising glance from the librarian. He waves apologetically at her.
“I really thought she’d like you,” He says quietly. “She seemed like your type too. Weird.”
Four shrugged. He wasn’t upset about it. Truthfully he felt kind of relieved. Even though he’d had a good time.
“Were you weird or something? Is that why she’s not interested?” Shadow questions him. Looking for ammunition, as always.
“That’s none of your business.”
“Wrong! I set you two up. So you owe me an explanation.”
Four sighs. “I didn't kiss her at the end of the date. That’s probably why.”
“What?” Shadow groans, dropping his head on the table and keeping Four from turning the page in his book. “Why? She’s so hot. She’s almost out of your league.”
Four shrugged again. He hadn’t actually noticed if she was attractive. He’s never been interested in stuff like that.
He pauses. He’s never been interested in stuff like that.
“Huh.” He says. “I must be gay.”
“- I don’t know. I think the spontaneity to be part of it, ya know? Like, that’s where all the passion comes from!”
“I guess,” Four says, “But I prefer to have a warning before being kissed. I like to be prepared.”
His date groans dramatically. “But it’s so mechanical then!”
“I like mechanical,” Four says. He takes another step forward. They’re waiting on a bus line. He’s going downtown, his date uptown. This is where they part.
“Haha,” His date rolls his eyes with a tiny smirk, “Because you’re a mechanic. Very funny.”
“I thought so.” Four leans to the side to see how long the line is. Not too far now. He glances at his phone and pretends to check his messages.
He wonders if his date is going to kiss him.
Probably. That’s probably why he started talking about why he enjoys the spontaneous kiss more than the asked one. He was probably asking permission, or something. In that strange, avoidant way that all of Four’s dates always like to use. He wishes they’d just come out and say what they wanted.
They’re almost to the front of the line and Four starts fidgeting with his clothes. The squirmy worms are back, writhing around in his guts. He still doesn’t know if these are the butterflies everyone talks about. And he’s getting less sure with every kiss he gets. But maybe this one will be different.
He’s gay and his date is a man. So it’s going to be different this time.
Four holds onto that hope until he gets to the front of the line and his date loops his arm around him to pull him in for a kiss.
His date’s skin is dryer and his chin is scratchy. That’s the only difference.
Four gets on the bus and slumps into the seat.
“So you’re taking a break from dating?” Shadow asks. He swipes Four’s bottle and takes a swig
Four grabs it back and scowls. “Get your own. These aren’t cheap.”
“Oh, I know.” Shadow smiles back, reaching for the iced coffee again. Four slaps his hands away. “Meanie. So what went wrong this time? Still just not feeling it?”
“No, I'm not. But this guy was actually kind of annoying this time. So who knows.”
“Ah, I see. Polluted the experiment.” Shadow nods sagely. “Well, there’s always next time.”
Yeah, Four thinks, Next time.
The next time someone asks Four to grab a cup of coffee, he turns them down.
“Wow, oh my god! Four! It’s so crazy to see you here! How long has it been? Two years?” She laughs, going in for a friendly hug.
“Just about.” Four smiles at his ex girlfriend, returning her embrace. He hadn’t seen her since he broke up with her and he hadn’t expected to see her again. But he ran into her on the street. A welcome surprise since she really is a lovely woman. “I didn’t expect to see you here in Termina. I thought you wanted to go overseas after you got your degree?”
“I did! But my boyfriend got a great job here in the city so we relocated here.”
“You relocated for him? It must be pretty serious then. Congrats,” Four says sincerely, “I’m happy for you.”
She laughs it off. “Thanks! He’s great. He’s going to be a doctor so the move was necessary. After he’s done with his residency we’ll probably move though. But enough about that - how have you been?”
“I can’t complain. I just moved here myself. More job prospects here in the city.”
“I hear that. Did you get your mechanics license?”
“Yeah. I’m certified now.” Four says. “I work for myself when I can and do temp work when things are slow. But it’s picking up so I’m hoping that it’s going to take off soon.”
“That’s so amazing! I’m proud of you!” She beams at him, genuine happiness on her face. It’s enough to make him feel all gooey. “So are you here alone?”
“Uh, yeah. I just came to pick up a few things. Why?”
“I don’t know,” She laughs. “I guess I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend.”
“Oh.” Four blinks. “Uh, no. Turns out I'm gay, actually.”
“Really? Huh. Well, I guess that makes sense,” She laughs. “It explains the blank-faced thing, anyway.”
Four stares at her. He racks his brain but he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. “What do you mean?”
“Oh. I guess I never told you about that.” She bites her lip nervously. “I’m talking about how you’d go expressionless after we said bye after dates. I used to watch you through the window when the car pulled away or when the bus started. I always thought it was a little strange, that you’d lose your smile pretty much instantaneously after I wasn’t in view anymore. Like you finally decided to drop your act. Usually after seeing your girlfriend a smile lingers, you know?”
She puts her hands up apologetically. “I’m not angry or anything! And I’m not trying to insult you. I’m just saying that it makes sense, since you weren’t really into me back then.”
Four is quiet for a while. Chewing on this new information. He’d always known he felt tired after dates, but he didn’t realize it was so weird. In the movies when lovers turned away from each other with big, lovesick smiles on their faces, he thought it was just a fake trope. Like exploding cars. Or moaning during sex. Just something to visualize the budding romance.
He didn’t realize that happened in real life.
Four stared at his book without reading a single word. He turned towards Shadow, who was laying on the hood of the car next to him. Engrossed in his phone.
The blonde cleared his throat. “Did you know that it's normal to feel giddy after a date?”
Shadow snorts. “Yeah right. That’s just a dumb movie thing. That’s not real.”
Four stares at him until Shadow looks up. His friend’s mouth drops open at Four’s expression.
Four comes across the term by accident. He’s reading something about asexuality, someone's private experience with it, and they mention it in passing. One internet search later and Four is texting Shadow in the dead of night.
Aromantic. It’s the lack of romantic attraction.
??? There’s a term for that?
Cool. That you?
Cool. Me too i think
Oh, the stories I could write onto my blorbo~
All of these things actually happened to me while I was still in my discovery phase. They’re a little altered to fit the character but it’s very much based in real events. Including the “oh I guess I’m a lesbian” thing. That was an interesting two years. I told a lot of people I was gay back then 🫠
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polvillodecanela · 1 year
Dream: Today I wanted to eat a croissant.
Hob: Quaso
Dream: So I went to a place that sells croissant.
Hob: Quaso
Dream: And I bought a croissant.
Hob: Quaso
Dream: And I returned to the dreaming with a croissant.
Hob: Quaso.
Dream:And then, I ate the croissant.
Hob: Quasoooo
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