#So whatever constructive criticism I'll appreciate
samykittyautibi · 4 months
So... do you remember this woman?
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Well, she's Bonnie's mom, and I was hc for quite a long time how her face would look like, and after literal years of not drawing anything and painting it, the muse of art gave me energy to do THIS 👇🏼
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Isn't she GORGEOUS?
I really hope so, if not I'm gonna cry 🥺
Aaaaaanyway..., this was made in [Saturday, 18 of May, 2024], the same day I'm posting it <3
Ñeh... I'm gonna post the dates of any art I publish in this website, just to have a sense of order in this HELLISH MESSY place that is Tumblr
Aside from that, here is the undeniable proof that I've done this fanart myself, look how cute she looks without her hair, cranium &... brain °-°
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Hopefully I'll post more fanarts of whatever BRAINROT I'm currently on ♥️
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 10 months
How to Leave Comments on Fanfiction
So, I recently made a poll to know if people might find it helpful to have a list of things they could talk about when leaving comments on fanfictions, be it on Ao3 or on here. A majority of people were interested in seeing the post so, well, I'm making it. I started writing and posting stuff online when I was a teenager, on a website where leaving constructive criticism was the norm. It's by far the place where I've gotten the most feedback and it was an incredibly formative experience for me as a young writer — and it taught me how to leave detailed comments.
Writing comments doesn't necessarily come easy. It's something that you may need to learn how to do, but the good news is that you can learn how to do it, so don't worry if you don't know what to say at first. Hopefully this list will give you some pointers on how to do that.
This is more or less the list I go through when I want to leave a detailed comment. Even if I don't have a specific idea at first, I'll go through the steps and I never come out empty-handed.
Comment etiquette:
What became apparent with the poll I made was that a lot of people worry about how they'll be perceived by the writers if they leave a comment. Now, obviously, writers aren't a monolith, but 99% of the time writers will be thrilled that you took the time to leave a comment to let them know what you enjoyed in their fic. I cannot stress this enough. We're not going to judge someone based on a positive comment they leave.
As it stands, on Tumblr and Ao3, it's seen as rude to leave negative feedback, unless the author has explicitly asked for it/agreed to it, so that's what I'll be going over here. Since quite a few writers did say on that post that they would like to get constructive comments as well, stay tuned, I'm trying to get something together to do that for authors. Other than that, you're good to go.
The main ways to let an author know your thoughts on a fic on Tumblr are:
reblogging a fic with your thoughts underneath it
reblogging with your thoughts in the tags, which is often less formal
leaving a comment as a 'reaction'
sending in an ask if they're activated on the blog (which means you can stay anonymous, if anon asks are allowed)
Reblogging means that your followers will see the post as well, and is therefore really appreciated on Tumblr.
As a note, you may find different systems work for different fics! Maybe leaving tag rambles works for you when commenting on drabbles, for example for me it's the system I use to leave comments on smut.
General advice:
Everything I'm saying in here is for people who want to be able to leave longer/more detailed comments and don't always know where to start. If, for whatever reason, you're not comfortable or you don't have time to do it at the moment, a simple "I love the fic, thank you for writing it" always goes a long way for an author.
The key thing to keep in mind if you're trying to find something else to say, I think, is to try making the comment specific to the fic you're leaving it on. It shows the writer what you took away from the fic and the fic's strong points, which is both meaningful and helpful to an author.
Comments don't have to be long to be meaningful. Don't stress about writing a ton; a one-sentence comment highlighting the fic's humor or how emotional it made you can be incredibly impactful.
With this out of the way, I'll go through things you can talk about in a comment, starting with what I think is the easiest and moving on to things that could require more thought. You don't have to do all of that. You may never use some of the things on that list. Leaving comments should not be a source of anxiety. So take what you want from the list, maybe come back to it if you need more inspiration, and don't worry too much about it :)
Favorite line(s) : pull from the fic to let the author know what your favorite line was. If you wish, you can expand on that by saying why it was your favorite: did it make you laugh? Did it make you feel something specific? Did the author nail the characterization with it? Was there some incredible metaphor? Did you find it beautiful or poetic even if you can't go into detail? Is there one line in particular at the beginning of the fic that hooked you in and made you want to keep reading?
All of that is very valuable for a writer to know. Some of my favorite comments I've gotten were a list of a reader's favorite lines from a fic with one or two sentences to explain why they liked them, so don't hesitate to do that more than once if you can!
Emotions:  if there’s one thing I know about writers, it’s that we’re thrilled when we’ve made you cry. So tell us: how did the writing make you feel? Did you laugh out loud? If you did, was it the dialogue, or the narrator? Did it make you cry? Which part? Could you relate to one of the characters? Did it make you feel seen? Did the fluff make you feel all fuzzy inside or did the angst twist knots in your stomach? This isn't an exhaustive list, and emotions are great to draw from when you're leaving a comment!
Favorite element of the writing: Is there one thing in the writing that struck you as being particularly good, or what was your favorite thing to read? Is the author a master at writing dialogue? Are their descriptions so good you could see the whole scene? Are they really good at getting in a character's head and describing their emotions? Were you hooked from the start and couldn't stop until you reached the end?
Characterization: Now, this might be less instinctive, but if you've been in a fandom for a while, you'll probably be able to identify these things fairly easily. You can tell the author if you think they've nailed one aspect of a character. Did you have a favorite character in the fic? What did you think of them? Did the author manage to capture their voice? Was the attitude spot-on? Which parts of the character, if you can name them? Were there aspects of the character you particularly enjoyed? Did the author shine a light on something you hadn't considered or on something you don't think is highlighted often enough? Is there one thing from the fic you can actually picture/hear a character doing/saying in your head?
Style: I'd argue this is the hardest part, and you shouldn't feel bad if it's not something you can really comment on. As someone whose first language isn't English, I know I struggle with it. Style can be perceived as the way the author's voice comes through in the text. It can come through in punctuation, in the way sentences are formed, in the choice of the words themselves. If, when you read, you feel something intangible that doesn't fit well in the other categories, it just might be the author's style.
Here are some things (non-exhaustive list, of course) you could say about an author's style: it can be direct, straight to the point. The author doesn't bother with ornaments. Every sentence feels impactful. Maybe the writing feels intense. You're overwhelmed by the characters and their feelings and you feel truly engulfed in the story. Maybe the style is light and airy. It's so easy to read you don't even notice you are reading. Maybe the writing is intricate. Going through it is like piecing a puzzle together, sentences are foreshadowing and metaphors reveal deep truths about the characters. Maybe the style is rich. While not always the easiest, it's a pleasure to read through it, the author has a wide vocabulary, and you might want to compare it to a well-written novel.
If you identify specific elements of that style (metaphors, interesting use of punctuation, etc.), don't hesitate to point them out and let the author know you enjoy them!
That is it for this post, hopefully it doesn't look too daunting — again, you absolutely do not need to do all that in any comment, but maybe going through this list can help you leave comments for authors you enjoy.
I like to end my comments with 'Thank you for writing and sharing this with us', so I'll tell you thank you for reading, I hope this was helpful, and please consider reblogging if you'd like to save this or if you think it could help someone else!
As a bonus, my friend @elidebrey and I (but mostly her) made a 'checklist' for commenting, to help remember all this if that's something you'd like, so use at will!
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A big thank you to @elidebrey, @yoongihan and @antoniorhinothethird for their precious opinions on this ♥
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goosewriting · 10 months
Like a Lost Dalmatian
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summary: after the accident at Alchemax, Jonathan Ohnn is nowhere to be found, until he finally finds his way home. but he’s not the same as he once was. 
relationship: The Spot x gn!reader
warnings: hurt & comfort, my try at describing what his skin feels like lmao
word count: 2.6k 
A/N: the very moment i saw spot in the movie trailer, i knew he’d be my fav. and finally i got around to writing something for him. i just want him to be happy 😩<3 
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
It’s been a week since the accident. What exactly happened, you still don’t know. You only know there were  sightings of several spider-people in the city after Spiderman died. Phenomena that you could only describe as “glitches” started spreading throughout the city, and Jonathan had told you to stay inside.
That was seven days ago. You haven’t heard from your boyfriend since.
It isn’t rare for him to have delayed responses to your texts, especially when there’s a time crunch at work. You’re still not sure what exactly they worked on at Alchemax, but whatever his role was, it was fairly important. And this time it clearly went very wrong, one of your biggest fears becoming a reality: the image of a scientist mixing liquids from different vials appears in your brain. The two substances swirl, mixing together, and the scientist almost gives in to thinking it was successful, but then it ends in an explosion. Except that it wasn’t just a random scientist coughing through the smoke his little experiment caused, while taking off the goggles that left a cartoony imprint on his face. No, this time it was the real world, and the whole Alchemax building exploded. The building where your boyfriend works.
With a shaky sigh, you scroll through your chat history for what feels like the hundredth time today; still no new messages from him. You’ve been calling nearby hospitals and the police station every morning and every evening, but you still refuse to lose hope.
But you don’t allow yourself to let the image of Jonathan buried under several tons of rubble into your brain. He’s smart. He's resourceful. And he’s careful. You know the last project at Alchemax was very important, and he talked passionately about it for weeks on end. If he saw danger approaching, he’d leave. He must have. He wouldn’t be stubborn enough to stay back to try and save some of his research with the building literally falling apart over him, right? … Right?
You shake your head to rid yourself of those thoughts. After giving your phone one last hopeful look that immediately turns sour, you groan in frustration, throwing the device onto the couch cushion next to you. Bringing up your knees to your chin, you hug your legs and look out the window of your flat. Your floor is pretty high up, so the setting sunlight dances over the skyline, bathing part of your floors and furniture in a warm golden hue. Your gaze follows some of the glistening particles in the air, resenting the sun for giving you such a view without being able to share it with Jonathan. He would have loved it, stretching out his hand and looking at the light shining through his fingers like a veil of gold, telling you some fun facts about photons or something. 
A sniffle escapes you, and your face contorts into a grimace, trying to hold back your tears. No, not yet, you tell yourself. If I give in, I'll be mourning. And if I do that, it means I’ve accepted he’s—
Your train of thought is interrupted by the sound of the entrance door clicking shut. Quickly wiping over your face with the back of your sleeve, you get up to your feet, looking around your living room for something to weaponise. However, the only things on your coffee table are the remains of the barely touched take-out you had for dinner. Grabbing the plastic fork, you hold it in front of you menacingly. 
“Who's there?” you demand, taking a careful step towards the hallway. You hear some shuffling and curses under someone’s breath.
“Don’t make me ask you again,” you say, louder this time. “You seriously chose the wrong place to rob today.”
Just as you turn the corner to the short hallway leading to the front door, you choke back a gasp, fork still in hand, albeit trembling slightly.
Even though it’s rather dark, as the sunlight from the windows doesn’t reach this far, you see there’s a person in front of you. Or at least you think it’s a person? Perhaps more of a person-shaped blob, that hurriedly puts on Jonathan's coat, scarf and beanie that were hanging on the rack next to the door.
“Hey, you take those off!” you start, about to approach the stranger.
“Wait!” he says, and you stop abruptly, the fork falling from your hand as you recognise his voice. “Please don’t freak out, a-and don’t come closer. Please.”
You stand frozen in place for a moment, your brain reeling. The wave of relief and happiness from knowing Jonathan's alive clashes with another, much bigger one: the clear feeling that something isn’t right. It feels very close to dread. 
“Okay,” you speak much more gently now. As you take a deep breath, you inspect him further: the coat reaches to his knees, but he doesn’t seem to be wearing trousers underneath, nor shoes. His face is covered by the hat and scarf that he wrapped around his whole head several times. His legs, his hands, and every other visible part of him is of a strange chalk-like white colour with some darker parts, but the lack of proper light might be playing a trick on you. So without hesitating, you take the steps needed to reach the light switch, and Jonathan shrinks in on himself with a slight shriek when the hallway lights up, trying to cover himself even more.
“Don’t look at me, not yet!” he essentially pleads, turning his back to you. “There's some explaining to do before you see me.”
“You’re damn right you have to explain yourself,” you retort, perhaps a little harsher than intended. “I thought you were dead, Jonathan. Where were you?!”
“There… there was an accident,” the man before you starts explaining, and you cross your arms over your chest defensively. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” you mutter. You can see that he’s fidgeting with the hem of the scarf, and you let your arms fall to your sides again with a sigh.
“Did you get hurt? Do you have, like, a huge scar? Singed your eyebrows off?” you try to sound reassuring, but his whole demeanour is just… odd. “Whatever it is, Jonathan, I'm sure it’s fine. Let me see. Please?”
As you talk, you shorten the distance and reach him, gently placing your hand on his arm. It breaks your heart a little that he flinches at that. It's clear he wants to shake you off, but he lets you turn him around to face you, and you start by taking off the heavy coat, letting it fall to the floor as it slides off of him.
You’re taken aback at the sight, as where you expected there to be a human body in the shape of your boyfriend, there now was a rather comically proportioned one, sans clothes, completely white with dark spots all over.
“Is that a new onesie?” you try to joke, but your voice betrays you. Jonathan doesn’t react. Instead, his large hands shoot up to grab your wrists as you’re about to untangle the scarf.
“Please don’t freak out,” is all he says, and you pull the rest of the garments off of him. You take a step back away from him and bring your hands up to cover your mouth when you see him. 
“Where’s your face?!” you ask with a mix of confusion, fear, and even some strange fascination at the sight before you. Jonathan goes on to tell you about the reactor at Alchemax, how they were trying to cross the bridge to a different dimension, and instead ended up bringing spider-people to this universe. He doesn’t hide the resentment in his voice when he talks about how in the end, the new Spiderman with the black suit blew it all up while he was still there. While he talks, you keep walking around him, looking at this new body of his, poking him here and there. 
Once he’s done explaining, you look at the big, oval black spot on his face for a long moment, then quickly pinch his belly.
“Ow! Stop- stop that!" Jonathan says, taking both of your hands in his to stop you from trying to poke and tickle him, and you chuckle. 
Wait, why are you laughing? This situation is… insane, honestly. He's clearly aggravated. As you should be too, you reprimand yourself. Why are you reacting like this? Lifting your gaze again to where his eyes would be, you erupt into a big smile as you can feel the tears coming, definitely of relief this time. 
“Are you… are you not mad?” Jonathan asks, carefully. You take one more moment to marvel at how he’s speaking when he has no mouth. 
“I mean… yes? No?” you shrug and shake your head in disbelief, holding onto his hand to guide him to the living room. “Sure, I'm mad because you wouldn’t answer my calls. But no, how could I be mad when you were probably… adjusting to—“ With your free hand, you gesture at him. “All of this.”
“Right, my phone,” Jonathan remembers, turning his face away from you for a moment, as if thinking back to something. “It must have… exploded. Like the rest of, well, everything.” 
You let go of his hand to cup his face and turn him to look at you. Well, at least you hope that’s what you’re doing.
“The only thing that matters, Jonathan, is that you’re alive,” you say, and you mean it. “And you’re back home. With me.”
His shoulders slump slightly at your words, and the spot on his face twirls to the side ever so slightly. It would take some time to learn how to read his new face, but you’re sure you’ll get there. 
“So you’re not… disgusted? You won’t tell me to pack my stuff and leave?” he asks in an impossibly small voice and you can feel your very soul shattering into a million pieces. 
“Is that why you took so long to come back?” you retort instead, grazing over the sides of his face with your thumbs. He nods. “Oh, Jonathan… If that isn’t proof that you’re still you in there, then I don’t know what is. And that's the very reason why I do, in fact, not care what you look like.”
You sit down on the couch, and when he follows, you pull his face closer to place a kiss on the white part at the side.
“I’ve always loved you, and always will. Still do,” you assure him, giving his other cheek a kiss as well, for good measure. Then you smile to yourself, unable to bite your tongue. “Of course I won't tell you to leave. Even when you do look like a lost Dalmatian.”
“Ah, there it is, okay,” he chuckles, and his whole body language changes, sitting a little more upright. He places his hands over yours, and even though there are no eyes, you can still feel his tender gaze on you. 
“I love you too,” he whispers in a shaky voice. “And right now I wish I still had lips,” he adds with a sigh. You chuckle.
“We’ll figure it out,” you assure him with a smile. Your hands fall from his face to his shoulders, and once again you find yourself exploring his white exterior, running your hands up and down on his arms, bringing your face closer to the spots to inspect them further.
“So, how does it feel?” you ask suddenly, brushing over his arm with your fingertips. He leans back, thinking it over.
“It’s… strange, for sure,” he starts, trying to put it into words. “I feel lighter, for some reason. Like my insides are made of paper or something. But I don’t think I’m that fragile.”
You hum in response, bringing your eyes up to the spot on his face.
“How can you see, though?” you wonder. “Or talk? Can you smell? Taste?”
“It’s hard to explain,” Jonathan says, tilting his head to the side. “My whole perception changed. It’s more like I can sense what is in front of me. Does that make sense?”
“Like echolocation?” you propose.
“Not really, I’m not producing any high-frequency sounds myself, so…” He straightens up again. “As for the rest of your question: I can still eat and taste and smell, which I’m very relieved about.”
“I bet!” you chuckle, and take one of his hands into both of yours, admiring the blue lines that seem to both wrap around and go through him all at once.
“How does it feel to you?” he asks after a moment. Your head whips back up to look at him. For a second you’re confused as to what he means, then you look back down at his hand.
“Oh, uhm,” you crease your brows in concentration, focusing on how Jonathan feels against your skin. “Well, at first it’s cool to the touch. But if you linger, there’s a warmth that irradiates from you. It’s also smooth, but there’s still some texture to it. Not like fabric, but not quite like paper either.”
Jonathan just nods, seeing that you’re still trying to come up with a better comparison.
“Oh! I know,” you finally say. “It’s like a dumpling. A big, pudgy dumpling. But dry, thankfully.”
“Pudgy?” he asks in mock offence, removing his hand from yours. 
“Well, yeah, you’re squishy!” you retort with a laugh, poking his side to make your point. 
Except that you didn’t poke anything, because instead of touching the white part, you look down at where your hand disappears into a black spot all the way to your wrist. You immediately pull back your hand, checking to see if all your fingers are still there. A sigh of relief leaves you as you see your limb is intact.
“Oh, yeah, be careful with those,” Jonathan warns, carefully plucking a spot from his arm with his index finger and thumb, then releasing it mid-air, where it levitates. He wriggles his fingers like a magician building suspense before pulling a rabbit out of his hat. “Check this out.” And with that, his hand is gone in the void. After a couple of seconds, he retracts his arm. The spot disappears and he places what he’s holding in your own hands. It’s the plastic fork you left in the hallway.
Your eyebrows are so high up in surprise, your forehead is all scrunched up. Your eyes go from the fork to his face, then back to the fork. 
“Your spots are… portals?” you ask in complete disbelief, your mind already coming up with a multitude of uses and things you want to try. But that will have to wait until tomorrow, because now that you have Jonathan back in (relatively) one piece, you can feel the sleep deprivation of the last couple of days catching up to you all at once. 
Standing up with effort, as your whole body feels impossibly heavy all of a sudden, you stretch out your hand to your boyfriend. 
“It’s late, let’s go to bed,” you say as he takes your hand. “Tomorrow we can start with the experiments.”
“E-Experiments?” he repeats in surprise.
“Well, duh,” you reply as if it was obvious. “We have to see how far your new powers can reach.”
“Right,” he says with a chuckle. This is such a you thing to propose given the whole situation. 
Despite not feeling his body like he once did, Jonathan is glad that at least the familiar warmth is still spreading within him when he looks at you.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @galaxtic-writings, @dybynyght, @wings-of-sapphire, @backalleygays
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persephone-writes2 · 1 year
On the Streets of Coruscant
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Padawan! Obi-Wan x Fem!reader
Part Two (posted on my new account)
Description: The reader meets the dashingly handsome Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi at a club, deciding to take him to see the sights of Coruscant.
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings & tags: slight swearing (i refuse to use canon swear words), drinking, kissing, lots of fluff, pre phantom menace, everyone is an adult in this! me making up star wars names (this shit is hard!), bittersweet ending, saying “chuckled” too much
Notes: This is the second fic I've ever posted, and its been YEARS. Its also the first time I've written Obi-Wan, so sorry if this is awful! I would appreciate any constructive criticism and reactions <3 Also, this was inspired by these bts pics of Ewan cause ughghghg!!
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The streets of Coruscant were always buzzing, day or night, and whatever the weather. The only refuge one could find from its constant commotion was indoors, preferably on the upper levels, where the noise could be drowned out and the shades could be drawn. While not on the lowest level, Y/N had no such luxury, having to deal with the hustle and bustle no matter what she did. However, it was a small price to pay for leaving Corellia, which was beautiful, yet boring. It wasn't her fault that some of the best schools in the galaxy were located on Coruscant, or that their clubs were so good.
It was Zhellday, which meant Y/N had once again found herself in her and her friends usual club, which one of their fathers owned. It was the best mid-level bar in the region, and they got to drink for cheap, so they rarely went anywhere else. They sat around one of the many small seating areas away from the dance floor, nursing some early drinks and gazing around at the crowd. Ya'sami, a twi'lek who had come to Coruscant for the same reason as Y/N, quickly downed their drink, smiling at the group.
"Someone dance with me," they said, looking around at the group.
Ripp shook his head. "I'm not drunk enough." They all knew you had to get Ripp good and drunk if he was going to dance.
"Alright," Y/N said in an exaggeratedly annoyed tone, "If you insist."
"Finally!" Ya'sami laughed, "Its what we come for, is it not?"
Laughing, Ya'sami took Y/N's hand and led them to the dance floor. The music was annoyingly loud, but neither noticed, forgetting their loads of schoolwork and impending due-dates in favor of the drumming boom of sound. The music was different on Coruscant than it was on Corellia. While Corellia wasn’t known for its soft melody’s or brooding lyrics, Coruscant’s made it seem so. On Coruscant, music was meant for partying, and Y/N took it up on its enticing offer.
After a while, Y/N grew parched, and yelled to Ya'sami over the noise, "I'm going to the bar!" Ya'sami kept on dancing, now in their own little groove.
Y/N pushed through the thick crowd, bumping elbows but trying her best to be polite. She muscled her way to the front, finding a small empty space along the surface of the bar. She rested her elbows against it, waiting for the bartender, who knew her well, to come over. It would take a while, since it was peak hours on a Zhellday, but she didn't mind. It was nice to cool off, as she could feel her arms growing sticky with the heat of all the bodies pressed into one room.
The bartender came up to give the man beside her his drink, throwing her an apologetic look. "Sorry Y/N, I'm swamped, I'll be there in a minute."
"No problem," she said, smiling.
Just as the space opened up next to her, another came to take his place. She felt something rough brush against her arm, and glancing over, she caught a look at the unfairly attractive man next to her. She looked away quickly, smiling sheepishly to herself. Even as an adult, Y/N always felt like a schoolgirl around attractive people. Trying to act inconspicuous, she dared another glance. His hair was a reddish brown, cropped short and spiky around his face. His nose was straight and his brow was strong. As the colored lights danced against his face, she noticed a small dimple on his chin. Stars, was he cute. Furrowing her brows, Y/N first thought it strange to wear such an outfit at a club of all places. His robes were plain and loose upon his chest, his deep brown cloak draped over his shoulders and billowing down to the floor. Then, the realization hit her as her eyes honed in on the small braid cascading down his left shoulder.
Y/N looked away quickly, head reeling. She knew little about the Jedi, only what her friend from Coruscant had told her. "Very secretive," Ripp had said, "All any normal person really knows about them is their 'force' or whatever it is, and their light sabers. And, once when I was a kid, I heard one got kicked out because he was seeing a woman on the outside."
And, Y/N had found out one way or another, before they were Jedi Masters, they wore a long braid on the side of their head.
Nothing Y/N knew about them said they couldn't go to clubs on their nights off, or did they even get a night off? Even if they technically could, Y/N had never seen one casually grabbing a drink anywhere, or even heard about it. It seemed like something people would gossip about.
The bartender came wizzing around the corner. The man, or rather Jedi, beside Y/N stuck his hand out as he passed.
"I'm looking for someone named-" he began in a strong Coruscanti accent. The bartender only glanced his way.
"Sorry kid, I'm a little busy," he said before quickly walking away, carrying far too many drinks.
The Jedi huffed, hanging his head for a moment before looking back at the sea of people. Before Y/N even knew what she was doing, she turned to the handsome stranger.
"I might know who you're looking for."
He turned to her, eyes blue and bright, and she nearly gasped. Stars, she kept saying over and over in her head, stars, stars, stars.
He raised his eye brows at her, looking around for moment before turning back to her gaze. Her eyes bounced around, fearing he may be able to tell she fancied him just by looking at her.
"You might?" he asked, clearly surprised, though Y/N didn't know what exactly for. Was he shocked that she was listening to him, or that some random club-goer dared to speak to him, a Jedi-in-training. She couldn't think about it for too long, as he was waiting for an answer.
"Y-yeah," she stuttered, "I come here a lot, and my friends father owns the place."
He nodded, giving her a small smile, making her nerves build even more than they had before. She wasn't sure if it was because he was so handsome, or the fact that she knew he had a light saber stashed under his robes and lived in the big temple on the upper level.
"I'm looking for a Mirialan named Craz. He's said to spend some time here." He looked at her sternly, yet with a clam air about him. Y/N had expected him to be arrogant, someone of such importance. However, she had the feeling he was not at all, despite the authority he could so easily command. Although he was on the job, or so she assumed, he posture was relaxed and easy like his robes.
She shook her head, feeling guilty or taking up his time when she had no answers. He only looked slightly disappointed, a crease forming between his brows.
As he went to speak, Y/N interrupted, again without thinking. The thought of him leaving, without learning even so much as his name, made her want to prolong it as long as she could. She told herself it was curiosity, rather than hopeless attraction.
"My friends might know, though! Most of them have been living here longer than I have."
His eyes turned upwards in thought before he glanced around. He shrugged, smiling once again. "Thank you," he said, letting Y/N lead the way from the bar.
She could feel him following behind her, so close yet never touching. Weaving through the crowd, she looked back once to see if he was still there or had been lost amongst the people. He was, catching her looking and staring straight into her eyes. While he was not smiling, he seemed somewhat amused at her guilty glance. She realized it was foolish to think he, a Jedi, might have lost his way.
They made their way to her friends, most of which were still sitting at the spot where she left them. While a few had gone to dance, Ripp, whos father was the owner, was thankfully still there. If anyone would know who the man was, it would be him.
"Guys," she said, the man standing beside her, "this is..." She faltered.
"Obi-Wan," he said.
Ripp's eye went wide, and Y/N could feel her face heat up already. She should have known they'd freak out at the sight of her bringing along a Jedi.
Dani, who was sitting beside Ripp, began to giggle. Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing it was he was handsome.
"What brings a gentleman such as yourself into a place like this?" Ripp joked. Dani bit her lip, making Y/N want to crawl inside of herself. Obi-Wan either didn't notice Dani's shameless display or chose not to react. Rather, he chuckled at Ripp's joke.
"I am looking for a Mirilalan, Craz. I was told you may know where he is."
"Oh, I know Craz," Ripp answered, leaning back into the couch, "My father had to throw him out of here a few months ago and told him never to come back."
Obi-Wan put a hand on his chin in thought. "Do you know where he might be these days?"
Ripp shook his head, "No clue, sorry."
Obi-Wan huffed, placing a hand on his hip. In doing so, he revealed his light saber hanging from the leather belt along his waist. Y/N had never seen one up close, only catching glimpses on the holo. It's impressiveness did not escape her, nor did its elegance. For a moment she wondered if he would let her see it closer if she asked, though she promptly pushed this thought from her mind. Not only would it be rude, but she felt as if outside eyes on such a weapon could somehow tarnish its great power.
Besides the deadly force hanging from his belt, Obi-Wan appeared the more normal he had all night. His stance was even more relaxed than it had been before, as if he was just another club-goer waiting on a drink.
After a moment of thought, Obi-Wan spoke again, "Thank you for your help, and I apologize for taking so much of your time."
Y/N nearly laughed, for he had not taken more than a minute. She wondered if all Jedi were so polite. As he turned to leave, Ripp called after him, not hiding his excitement, "Nice meeting you, Obi-Wan!"
Obi-Wan turned and smirked, offering a courteous, "Likewise." before walking away.
As he disappeared into the crowd, Dani stared dreamily into the distance. "Ya'sami's going to be so mad when she hears about this! Stars, are all Jedi that cute?"
"He can probably still hear you," Ripp joked, making Dani go pink.
For the third time that evening, Y/N acted without thinking, all due to the handsome Jedi. Without responding to her friends, she turned and followed after Obi-Wan, trying to reach him in the crowd. He was hard to spot, but she caught him skirting around the dance floor, robe flowing behind. As she neared him, she shouted his name. He turned, not looking all that surprised. Perhaps he sensed me coming.
"Yes?" he asked, accent smooth and level, even through all the noise.
She hadn't thought of what she was going to say, and her heart began racing, threatening to burst from her chest. She had never acted on so many impulses in one night before, usually allowing herself a single bad decision and refraining from the rest. The common culprits were almost always benign, such as one too many drinks or dancing too close to a handsy guy. Never had she been so forward with someone who she knew, deep down, would never fall for her advances.
"I-I," she stuttered. Maker, get yourself together. "I feel bad, for not helping you more, taking up your time."
He did not laugh, but looked at her with a soft pity. "It's quite alright. Your friend provided me with important information. I will search elsewhere."
Elsewhere, not here, not with me.
"Well, let me at least buy you a drink," she offered, smiling. Seeing his reservations, she offered another excuse, "I get them half off anyway."
He thought for a moment, tilting his head slightly before meeting her eyes. Could Jedi even drink?
“Come on,” she pleaded, growing a bit desperate. Embarrassed by her own words, she attempted to backpedal a bit, “one for the road.”
"Alright, if you insist," he answered, looking towards the bar. They found a spot to wait, Obi-Wan resting an elbow against it and peering out across the room. Y/N angled towards him slightly, though kept a polite distance.
"I'm Y/N," she said, holding out her hand.
He took it, handshake far softer than she expected. She felt a spark run up her arm.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Y/N".
She loved the way her name sounded on his lips. She never was one to swoon over the Coruscanti accent, as she had run across many travelers with it on Corellia. There was just something about his voice, subtle but strong, serious on the edge of jest.
"Are you allowed to tell me what this Craz has done to warrant your search?" Y/N was half joking and half curious, especially since learning that Ripps father had thrown him out not too long ago.
"He's an important member of a crime syndicate that runs out of the lower levels, but they've been making their way up the city for some time now."
"Maker, I didn't know we got those kinds of characters in here." She truly was shocked, for she had only seen a few fights break out here, and never with blasters.
"You usually don't. It's easier to keep it contained if they don't spread levels, which is why I'm here."
The bartender interrupted them, looking a bit dazed due to his consent running around.
"Y/N," he said, and then looking towards Obi-Wan, "Sorry about before, Kid. What do you need?"
Obi-Wan replied before Y/N had the chance, "It's all taken care of."
The bartender looked pleased to not have to answer any questions on such a busy night. "So, what can I get you?"
"I'll have a phattro," Y/N began, "And you'll have.." she said, looking towards Obi-Wan.
"A corellian," he said, glancing towards her with a thankful nod.
"A phattro and a corellian," the bartender repeated before walking away to make the drinks.
Y/N smiled towards Obi-Wan. "A corellian," she said slyly. Obi-Wan gave her an amused look. "Thats where I'm from."
"A planet rich with history," he offered, for the first time seemingly genuinely intrigued.
"Yes, and a stagnant present," she chuckled dryly, "have you ever been there?"
He shook his head. "I have not had the pleasure."
"I'd say it is more of a pleasure that you haven't been there. It's excitements pale in comparison to Coruscant, unless you enjoy working long hours on ships."
For the first time, he fully laughed, rather than a reserved chuckle. His eyes shined in the lights, forcing Y/N to look away before her knees gave out.
"I'm not much for flying," said Obi-Wan, still looking at her, "My strong suits lay elsewhere."
"And where may that be?" She leaned in a bit closer to him, for a moment forgetting he was not just a man she met at the bar who happened to catch her eye. He did not move away or look displeased. In fact, he appeared amused.
"Conversation," he answered simply.
The bartender came over with their drinks.
“Put it on my tab,” she said to the bartender, who nodded and walked off.
Y/N watched as Obi-Wan took a sip of his, emptying half of the small glass.
"Then I shall test your abilities," she said, smirking as she lead him away from the bar and into the crowd. They stood amongst the others for a moment, now closer than they had been to each other all night. Once again, his cloak pressed against her shoulder, though she now felt his arm beneath it. She tried to hide her childish joy at the barely-there connection, taking a sip of her drink.
It was a bit louder now that they moved farther into the thick of things. Obi-Wan was forced to lean closer to her ear as he spoke, "Did you come to Coruscant only for the excitements?"
She couldn't help but laugh, "No, I go to the university. The night life is only a bonus."
"What are your studies in?" he asked, surprising Y/N for the umptenth time. She hadn't expected him to be interested in her life.
"Intergalatic relations. I hope to work for senatorial office one day."
He smiled brightly. Stars, he had a lovely smile.
"An honorable profession."
She could feel his eyes on her as he spoke, swearing she could catch him daring a look at her outfit, which was far more flashy than she would wear in her day-to-day life. Rather than feeling embarrassed, she thanked herself for putting so much thought in her partying appearance, which Ya'sami had said was totally smokin'. At the time she had brushed it off, laughing, though now she realized Ya'sami may have been right.
"Not as honorable as yours," she chuckled nervously. It was the first time either of them had hinted at him being a Jedi, and she soon feared that it would scare him away. While he did not seem to be easily frightened, rather on the contrary, she did not know if he was bending any rules to have a drink with her.
He looked away, seeming to remember his place for a moment. To Y/N's delight, he turned back quickly.
"We all have our place," he offered, "Without the senatorial office, who knows what would have become of me."
Boldly, Y/N began to push the boundaries of whatever this was. "I'm sure you would've done great things either way. I can't imagine you back home in the shipyards."
"Without the Corellian shipyards, where would the senate procure their greatest ships?" His question came off not as defensive, or even as if he was trying to steer the conversation away from himself. Rather, Y/N had the feeling she had genuinely engaged him in an interesting topic of conversation. She tried not to let her chest swell with a strange sort of pride.
"I have to say, your respect for my home world surprises me, especially due to their exceedingly cold attitude towards the Senate."
He laughed, making Y/N wonder how she could make him do it again. She wanted to listen to him laugh all night.
"I am starting to see why you left."
"Perhaps you are coddled by the comforts of Coruscant. Though I'd think that you've traveled to your fair share of systems." She took a sip of her drink, watching him from the corner of her eye. A pink light shined against the back of his head, highlighting his spiky hair.
"It's one of the perks," he said before finishing the rest of his drink. Fuck, he'll probably leave now.
Thankfully, he kept talking, "Though you often do not get the chance to sight-see."
"What a shame." She sincerely felt sorry for Obi-Wan, realizing that he likely didn't get out much. Perhaps thats why he allowed her to buy him a drink, why he so thoughtfully indulged her wishes to entertain him, even for a few minutes.
As she thought on this more, she pondered the possibility that he had never been taken around Coruscant, shown the touristy landmarks that everyone visits when they first arrive. Likely he had been all around the city, though it was probably for work with the inability to stop and take it all in. All at once, she had the ludicrous, irresponsible idea of taking his hand and dragging him around to all the sights that enthrall the thousands of tourists that flood the streets everyday.
"I assume you've seen the sights of Coruscant?" she asked shyly, internally pleading that he would say no.
He shook his head and she forced herself to not jump for joy. "Only in passing, though I know my way around the lower levels quite well. But I do not think that is what you meant," he chuckled.
All too eagerly, she spoke in excitement, "Well, how much time do you have?"
He sighed, looking weary. She could tell he was going over the time in his head, thinking about going along with her across the city, and about whoever was waiting for him back at the temple.
"I really shouldn't..." he said, mostly to himself. A smile began to form at the corner of his mouth.
"Come on," she pried, grinning up at him, "It'll only take a little while. Just call it a much needed break." In an act of flirtatious desperation, she held out her hand for him to take. Looking down at it, then up to her, he placed his hand in hers, smiling.
She quickly began leading, or rather pulling him towards the exit of the club. As they passed a small table, they each half hazzardly placed their drink down. For a moment she remembered she was here with friends, who were likely wondering where she was, though she hadn't the mind to care. Caught up in the temptation of spending the evening with Obi-Wan, with whom she had grown more and more enthralled with, Y/N giddily pushed the heavy doors to walk out into the cool city night. Now outside, the music was muffled, yet the bass was still heavy in the air. Despite the crisp temperature, Y/N's body was still warm with the heat of the club, and with the feeling of Obi-Wan's hand clasped in hers. She turned back to look at him, who was a bit more collected than herself, but still more carefree than he had been in the club. Perhaps he wasn’t used to suck loud music, or being surrounded by drunk patrons looking to dance. Slowly and to her glee, she could tell he was forgetting the original purpose of his visit.
"So, do you have a preference to where we got first, or I shall I choose?" she asked.
Obi-Wan answered quickly, "You choose."
"To the Plaza then," she said, beginning to walk down the crowded street. Hands still in one anothers, she lead Obi-Wan down the enclosed street towards an opening to the roadway. They each looked out across the wide space filled with cruisers and neon lights on the side of the skyscrapers. Billboards flashed bright images which reflected upon the fast moving cruises, pictures clear against the long transports. Openings in the platforms above revealed the deep black of the night sky, which did not shine with stars.
"Its the one thing I miss about Corellia," she began, staring up at the sky, "The stars."
Obi-Wan looked up and then back at her, though she did not notice, too busy imagining what night looked like on Corellia.
"I remember the first time I saw them," he said with a sigh. Y/N turned towards him, gently holding his hand a bit tighter. "It was on Noe'ha'on. Before then I had only seen them in ships, or briefly on the holo."
For the second time, Y/N felt sorry for Obi-Wan. She almost made herself laugh at the thought of feeling sorry for a Jedi.
He began again, "It was if I was seeing them for the first time. I could not imagine anything in the galaxy more beautiful."
They were staring at each other now, and Y/N felt her heart begin beating faster. She wished he was talking about her and not to her. For an instant, she thought about saying no, you're the most beautiful thing in the galaxy. Then, fear struck her. Could he hear what she was thinking?
"You must see them a lot now, going place to place."
"Yes, but they deserve a moment of peace which does not often find itself on missions.” He seemed to grow lost in thought, and Y/N enjoyed simply watching him think for a moment.
"When I was a little girl,” she said, breaking the silence, “I would sit and look at them for hours. In the winter, if you were lucky, sometimes you could catch aurora borealis." She began to think about showing Obi-Wan the show of lights that would grace the Corellian skies.
He smiled at her words. "I have seen that too, though only once. That was long ago."
"Its too bad I can't show you that tonight," she said with a sad smile, "though I will keep my promise and show you what the travelers come for!" Her excitement returned, and she turned to hail a taxi. One came wizzing by and to an abrupt stop in front of them. The door slid open, and Y/N was forced to let go of Obi-Wan's hand. She mourned the loss of his touch, which she did not expect she would receive again. The excuse to take his hand was all but gone, so she settle for sitting next to him.
The droid asked them their destination, with Y/N answering in the calmest manner she could muster. She thought it wise to hide her elation at his company, attempting to present an air of coolness that would likely fail. Obi-Wan had not yet recoiled fully at her advances of friendship, which she was thankful for.
Y/N looked out the window of the taxi, watching as it climbed through the air towards the upper levels. She had been on Coruscant for a year now, but the foreign beauty of the city was not yet lost on her. Obi-Wan watched her expression of wonder at the sights, which she was meant to be showing him. He chuckled at her childlike enrapture, making her turn to him with a confused look.
"Are you making fun of me?" she asked in amusement. He seemed a bit horrified at the thought of offending her.
"Oh, no, I-"
She cut him off with laughter., “I'm only teasing."
He visibly relaxed at her words, his smiling returning.
"I still can't get over the sight of the city at night," she explained, "I lived a ways off from any city on Corellia. I'm not entirely used to it yet, though I'm not sure I want to be."
"Wonder is a great gift," his voice was tender, much softer than before, "most loose it as they grow."
Her chest warmed at his words, feeling fuzzy. She had never met anyone like Obi-Wan, and not just because he was a Jedi. His poise came off not as a cockiness, but rather comfortably dignified. She did not get the impression that he thought her below him, even though she met him as he was on some important work and she was blowing off steam at a club. They way he took her hand so easily, the way he allowed her to take him away in a taxi, and the way in which he complimented a trait of hers she often felt insecure about; her ceaseless wonder at the world around her, made her feel as though she could tell him anything. She fought the urge to tell him just that, that she felt as though she could tell him anything. Don't scare him away.
"You're very kind," she said instead, feeling as if it was somewhat comparable to her true thoughts.
He smiled softly. Y/N reasoned that he smiled at everyone that way.
"Kindness is also a virtue, though I do not lie. It would do many good if they had a bit more wonder left in them." He seemed serious, and under any other circumstance, Y/N would have expected him to reach out and touch her. Stars, did she want him to, though she knew he would not.
"They say it's a Corellian thing, we've always got an itch."
He pondered her words before speaking. Y/N noted that he always spoke carefully and with purpose.
"Can you truly assign a trait to an entire planet?" he asked with a chuckle.
She knew she wasn't meant to answer, but she shrugged anyhow, deciding to tease him. "Lets see. Where are you from?"
"Well, I'd normally say I was from Coruscant, though I was not born here. I was born on Stewjon." She sensed something stir within him. Perhaps she should not have asked where he was from. Y/N did not know how the Jedi got to the temple, if their parents were also Jedi who lived in the temple, or if they were normal people. Her understanding of the force of elementary at best, having no clue if it was hereditary or something which just occurred. All she knew was Ripp's words, I heard one got kicked out because he was seeing a woman on the outside. Did they mean they could date on the inside, or not at all? Either way, she knew she had little to no chance of catching his eye.
Before she was fully caught up in her thoughts, she folded, "Hm, you've seemed to beat me. I know almost nothing about Stewjon."
He smirked, looking quite proud of himself, though Y/N knew it was just an act.
"I thought you said you were a intergalatic relations student?" he taunted. She flashed him a glare, though a smile played on her lips.
"It's impossible to know things about every system. Though, if you'd like to test me, ask me about someplace else." An impish glimmer shined in her eyes.
Obi-Wan thought for a moment, placing a hand on his chin.
"Hm, what about Kerev Doi?"
"Kerev Doi," she repeated slowly, searching her mind, "Located along the Nanth'ri Trade Route, it is home to Bodach'i. It's economy is mainly dependent on its spice mining, though it is aided by the various crime syndicates which have their hands in a variety of different enterprises across the planet, which I am sure you must be well aware of," she answered proudly, holding her head up high, "Would you like more?"
He raised his brows, chuckling at her manner. "No, you have proven yourself a fine student."
She giggled, catching herself smirking at him in a not so friendly manner. Darting her eyes away, she cleared her throat, "Thank you."
The taxi came to a rushing stop, with the droid announcing they have arrived at their location. Y/N reached into her bag for credits, but Obi-Wan beat her to it, pulling some out of his robes.
"Allow me," he said in passing, handing over the credits and stepping out onto the platform. Butterflies erupted in her stomach at the simple gesture, even more so when Obi-Wan leaned over and offered his hand to her as she stepped out.
"Thanks," she said, trying to hide her smile. He only nodded at her, turning to look at the Plaza. It was even busier than the streets outside of the club, though the people were far more diverse. Visitors of all ages crowded around the street vendors, many others lazily strolling around the open space. A few long lines of people were gathered outside of restaurants, others coming in and out of the shops.
"I've never been here at night," Obi-Wan said, a bit breathless, "and I have never gotten the chance to look around."
It was the first time that night that Obi-Wan seemed to be the one mesmerized and not Y/N. The change gave her a hope that she knew she shouldn't have, though she let it lead her anyway. She instinctually looped her arm through his and began walking into the Plaza. Obi-Wan looked down at their linked arms but did not comment, nor pull away.
They strolled through the Plaza at a leisurely pace, each gazing around at nothing in particular. Y/N stopped them in front of a restaurant, which emitted soft music from its closed doors.
"Have you ever been to this one," she asked, pointing at the restaurant.
He shook his head.
"Me either. Ripp says its been here practically forever, but you need to make reservations a year in advance," she laughed, "I also heard it's wildly expensive."
"I've been to a few fancy banquets," he began as they started walking again, "but I personally feel they're overrated."
"Well, thats good for me," she joked, wondering where he would have found himself at a banquet.
"If I am being honest, I have found the best food is often not found in such places. You have to go to the seedy parts of town," he chuckled, gazing at her as if she was an old friend.
She laughed along with him, feeling whatever tension she was once experiencing wash away. She had all but forgotten her promise not to scare him away, giving into her desire to speak with him as if he weren't a Jedi.
They began walking down one side of the Plaza, stopping to look in the window of a shop. The display was filled with items of all sorts; jewelry, beautiful glass blown bowls and vessels, and at its center a metal sculpture.
“There’s a sculpture like that on Mandalore,” he said, pointing to it.
“You’ve been to Mandalore?” She asked excitedly. He nodded. “Tell me what it’s like.”
He paused to collect his words, each still looking at the sculpture in the window. “It is quite unique, the architecture is magnificent, unlike anything in the galaxy that I’ve had the chance to see.” He turned to her. “There’s more metal than you’ve ever seen, everywhere you turn it is there, towering above and below. Thats another system with a rich history, though I am sure you know all about it.”
“Yes, it is fascinating,” was all she could muster at the moment, imagining it. “I’d love to visit one day.”
“If you work for the Senate, I’m sure you will find yourself in many different places.”
“Yes, well, I’m still taking in Coruscant," she said with a sigh.
They strolled along, chatting as they went, with Y/N asking most of the questions. She learned of some of the places Obi-Wan has been over the years, though did not pry into why he was there. She knew it was likely on Jedi business, assuming that such things should be kept secret, or least not told out in the open. At the sight of a display of dresses, Y/N began telling him about a festival on her home world.
“It happens every spring, there’s a big band on this stage in the center of town, with ships flying overhead. The streets are decorated with banners and flowers. Stars, it’s beautiful. There’s dancers as well. One year, not too long ago, I danced. It took months of practice, and when we all walked into the streets I thought that I might faint. We wore dresses just like that,” she spoke animatedly, recalling the joy she had felt at the festival, one of the only times she did not find living on Corellia boring. Obi-Wan listened to her intently, holding on the every word as he pictured her description.
“I would have liked to see that,” he said with a wide smile.
“I’m sure you can make an excuse to see it one day,” she replied, though he shook his head with a laugh.
“No, I meant that I would have liked to see you.”
Y/N felt her face warm, and too embarrassed to look at him, cast her eyes downward. They began walking once again, this time with her leading him towards the center of the Plaza. They soon neared Umate, and at the sight of the mountain peak, Y/N pointed.
"Look!" she said, pulling him towards the protruding rock. As they came towards it, she looked over to Obi-Wan. "You must have seen the peak before."
He stared at the tip of the mountain, deep in thought. The warm glow of the street lamps showed the contours and ridges on its surface. Every time Y/N saw it, she couldn't help but picture the vast surface which lay beneath the platform, all the way down to the planets surface.
Almost whispering, he answered, "Only in passing."
They each stood gazing at the peak, Obi-Wan spoke seemingly to himself, "The only uncovered surface."
Arms still linked, Y/N slowly inched her hand up without realizing what she was doing, softly gripping his arm. She felt Obi-Wan tense, and at the realization of what she was doing, she quickly dropped her hand, though did not drop her arm from his completely. Neither said a word, and Y/N feared she had shattered their bubble. Now you've done it.
As she kicked herself, Obi-Wan looked past the peak and towards a vendor. He turned to her, and if Y/N hadn't known better, she'd think he looked nervous.
"Y/N?" he asked, breaking the silence.
"Yes?" she said, a bit surprised and wondering if he was going to say he had to leave, that she had shown him enough.
On the contrary, his eyes looked back towards the vendor. "I have to admit something."
Intrigued, her confused expression turned into a smile. "What?"
"I've never had a popsicle, and I was wondering if we could-"
Before he could finish, Y/N grinned and began pulling him in the direction of the vendor. Obi-Wan began to laugh, making her chuckle along with him.
"This is the kind of initiative I like to see!" she joked, leading them to stand in line.
"My masters going to kill me." His tone was light hearted enough, though Y/N got the sense he wasn't entirely joking. However, in the moment, he seemed receptive, so she allowed herself to ask him a question.
"You master?"
His gaze met hers before she glanced at his braid which was now thrown behind his shoulder. She longed to run her hands down it and ask him why all young Jedi had one.
"Yes, all Padawans are paired with a Master until they become Knights," he explained, eyes dancing across her face.
"Padawan, knight," she repeated, then laughed to herself, "you're making me realize there are a million things I do not know."
"I am sure you know more than me about many things," his voice was soft and tender as it was before in the taxi. She felt herself begin to melt.
She shook her head. "I don't think so," she paused, "At least not about many things."
"Seeing is not knowing," Obi-Wan commented, head turning to peer at his surroundings. "I am not yet a knight, and there are many things I have not come to learn."
"The we are the same, I am still a student myself," she retorted. Obi-Wan seemed to have been defeated, not saying anything further on the subject. In his silence, she wondered how a Jedi could never think she, a simple student at the university, could possibly know more than him about anything. In comparison, she had been almost nowhere, seen almost nothing. One of the only things she had an upper hand on was knowing how much rent cost in Coruscant, or possibly what a good deal on a ship was due to her childhood spent among the shipyards.
They had now moved to the front of the line, the vendor asking what flavors they'd like. Obi-Wan looked to her, unable to answer. Y/N ordered for them each, paying before Obi-Wan had the chance.
"My treat this time," she said to him with a small smile. He looked at her thankfully, taking his popsicle.
As they began eating, Y/N lead them to a bench. Their arms came a part as they sat, making her sigh. She hoped Obi-Wan had taken it for contentment, rather than disappointment.
"So," she said between licks, "Is this not the best night of your life?"
Obi-Wan chuckled. I did that, she thought.
"Its in the running." His smile had not ceased, much to Y/N's delight.
They ate their popsicles in mostly silence, with Y/N pointing to a few other shops, telling Obi-Wan about what was inside. A bit of Obi-Wan's began to run down his hand, making each of them laugh. For a moment it felt as though they were both normal people, both simply club-goers who happened to cross paths. After they both had finished, Y/N smiled at him, then nodded to the waste basket a ways away.
"Think you can make it in?" She asked, head cocked. Even though she didn't know squat about the force, she figured making a stick into a waist basket was likely child's play to him.
He gave her a devilish look, and smiling, placed a hand over his eyes. Then, he threw the stick, which expertly landed in the center of the basket. Removing his hand, he grinned.
"Lucky shot," she challenged, holding out her stick for him to take. He did so happily, doing the same thing again and wielding the same result.
Rolling her eyes at him, Y/N decided to be bold. "Does your master usually send you out alone?"
"It is unusual, though it depends on the mission. Searching for a criminal, especially without a set location, can be done alone."
The freeness to which he answered the question gave Y/N the hope that she may have the opportunity to ask more about him, though she did not want to overdo it.
"My life must seem boring in comparison." She retreated inwards for a moment, all too aware of how he might see her, as just some random student.
"I long for boredom," he said, not seeming to be joking. Y/N gave him an odd look, making him smile. "Tell me about the university. What is it like?"
She felt her face heat at the thought of him caring about her life, what she did. How could she make anything interesting to him? Even to her it was often dull.
"It was quite scary at first, leaving home and coming to a place like this," she paused, thinking his question over, "But it's interesting, learning about all the different star systems, the politics, how the Republic is structured. It all felt so little at home, even with all the travelers that would come in and out of the ports. Now it's as if I'm in the thick of everything all at once. I could spend hours in the University archives, reading about all these little planets and moons that I didn't even know existed."
Lost in her rambling, she did not catch the twitch in Obi-Wan's hand, nor the fascination on his face.
"You'd love the archives at the Temple," he said, turning away to look at the Plaza. Y/N kept her eyes on his profile, which she wanted to keep in her memory as long as she could.
"I can only imagine," she said with a soft breath, "You could never get me to leave."
He looked back to her. "I wish I could bring you there, in repayment for tonight."
She smirked, biting her lip before she could stop herself. Obi-Wan stayed where he was, head now angled towards hers.
"No, your company is enough," she replied sweetly, the urge to reach out her hand and touch his shoulder almost too much to resist.
“I have always appreciated the city for its beauty, for the energy which permeates its every corner. Yet, I have never seen it in this light.”
Obi-Wan sighed, eyes softening. Under the lights of the Plaza, they look dazzlingly blue, reminding her of the ocean back home. After an entire night of stopping herself from saying something foolish, Y/N gave in fully, throwing all caution and embressment to the wind.
"Your eyes," she whispered, forgetting about the people passing by and the chatter of their voices, "they're just like the oceans on Corellia. Clear, like aquamarine."
Obi-Wan breathed in sharply, staring at her with a clipped intensity, as if he was holding himself back. His robes, loose around his chest, billowed as his shoulders relaxed, revealing a sliver of his golden skin. Obi-Wan did not speak, eyes darting across her face. Slowly and with great care, Y/N lifted her hand and placed it on his shoulder as she had wanted to before. It inched towards the hood of his robe, all the while Obi-Wan allowed her to do so, making no move to stop it. Her nerves went wild, shooting bursts of warmth all through her, up her arms and down her spine. With a final press into the rough texture of his robes, she reached up towards his face, brushing his cheek with the backs of her fingers. Obi-Wan shuttered, so slightly that Y/N would have missed it if she hadn't have been fully taking him in, absorbed in his presence.
Breaking her from her trance, Obi-Wan reached for her hand, taking it in his. He brought it down to his chest, cradling it softly.
"Y/N..." he began, rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand.
"I know," she said, not waiting for him to finish.
He sighed deeply, dropping his head and looking at her hand within his, still moving his thumb back and forth. His expression was blank, though a crease formed between his brows. Just like before, she thought.
While much of Obi-Wan was still a mystery, she knew he was overthinking every step he had made that night, her hand in his, arms linked, the fast beating of their hearts. She longed to stop his train of thought, to tell him that it was all okay, that this was far from bad. Out of pure instinct and selfish desire, she leaned down to catch his eyes. Below his face, she stared up at him, who for the first time that night appeared entirely unsure of himself. While he had seemed weary before, never was he so lost, completely out of his element. His inner turmoil played out within his eyes, though as she looked into them, the more he seemed to bend. She glanced at his lips, which were slightly parted, sucking in a breath as she slowly moved forward. Giving him time to pull away, to jump back and send her off, she placed the hand that was not in his on his opposite shoulder. With Obi-Wan's head still tilted forward, their lips softly met.
Her heart fluttered even though neither of them moved. The touch of his lips against hers was impossibly delicate, as if it was the first time she had ever kissed someone. She feared that deepening the kiss or moving an inch would scare him away, but was still content with its simplicity. Obi-Wan released her hand, moving to cup her cheek. Smiling into the kiss, she took as an innovation to go further. She opened her mouth, pressing harder into him. He responded slowly, yet did not pull away. Rather, he leaned in as well, allowing her to carefully run her tongue along his lower lip. Sighing deeply, he moved away, though not far. Y/N could feel his warm breath upon her, and she smiled sheepishly.
Their eyes met, and Obi-Wan began to stroke her face with his thumb as he had done with her hand. She fisted the robes which lay across his shoulder, body moving towards his.
The guilt then came upon her, flooding her with a unique shame. She looked into his eyes and spoke softly, "I'm sorry, I-" she faltered. Obi-Wan's expression changed to that of sadness, or perhaps pity.
"It is my fault," his voice was thin, as if it were spread taut. Y/N placed both her hands on his face, letting her head fall against his chest. For a moment Obi-Wan did nothing but keep his hand where it was on her cheek, though soon brought her face back up to at his. "There is a code," he whispered, "It is my duty to keep to it. I should not have allowed myself such an indulgence."
All this time Y/N had thought he was indulging her, and his admission causing a pang within her heart. Her hands dropped from his face.
"But I should not have done that," she said with full sincerity.
He smiled sadly, studying her face which was still in his hands. He brushed the backs of his fingers across it again.
"I have never," he paused, sighing to himself, "You are lovely, Y/N, and you have given me a great gift,” he stopped, pressing his lips together tightly as if to keep himself from speaking further. With another shaky exhale, he dropped his eyes from hers.
"I have never met anyone like you," she said, hoping he knew what she meant. It was not that she had never met a Jedi. No, she had simply never met a man, or person like himself.
"Likewise," he answered, chuckling dryly, looking back into her eyes.
They both sat for a moment looking at one another, not saying a word. Y/N hoped to prolong his departure as much as she could, feeling it coming upon them far faster than she would have liked. She studied the shape of his kind eyes, his strong chin, his lips which were now stern. The desire to memorize him was given into greedily, just as she had given into their kiss. It was almost gluttonous, the way she took in the last remaining drops of his presence. Don’t forget his eyes, don’t forget his words, don’t forget our kiss.
She nearly stopped herself from speaking, though reasoned that it was no use now. She had already shown him all he could know. "I wish it were different," her voice barely cracked, though she knew he noticed.
"As do I." He dropped his gaze again, and they each sat quietly for a while, how long Y/N could not tell. It could have been ten seconds or ten hours before he spoke again, "I must go," his voice trailed off.
Y/N moved away from him as he stood, already missing their closeness. He stared out across the Plaza for a long moment before turning back to her, who was watching him, thinking about his braid. “Let me see that you return safely,” he offered. Y/N shook her head.
“I have plenty of credits for a taxi,” she replied, still feeling a bit dazed from their kiss.
“Are you sure?” He asked, seeming quite concerned. If she wasn’t so forlorn, she would have laughed.
“Yes, I’m sure. I’m used to getting home at night.”
Looking somewhat disappointed in her stubbornness, Obi-Wan leaned down and kissed her temple, holding his lips there a for a moment longer than she had expected.
Half to herself, Y/N spoke out into the night at no one in particular, “I’ll never see you again, will I?”
Again, Obi-Wan smiled down at her. “Perhaps one day.”
Then, Obi-Wan walked away into the crowd. Y/N soon lost him amongst the rest of the people, a strange feeling stirring in her stomach. She didn’t expect to ever meet anyone like him ever again, Jedi or not. Though, there was always the hope that one day, they may cross paths again.
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uva124 · 3 months
Hello everyone! As these days I have not been able to draw much I decided to try my first writing for my wish Au, I am very new in these things so if you can give constructive criticism I would appreciate it very much!
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But first of all I have to give some warning:
-This is angst
-If you haven't seen some of my posts you probably won't understand much of this, if you want you can take a look at my profile :]
-TW: Blood, character death.
You have been warned, that being said I hope you enjoy the read!
That's all Haedus can feel right now, he can't think of a solution, he can't move, even if he could breathe he probably couldn't at this moment, all he can do is see Magnifico holding Nembus tightly by the neck with a sadistic smile that reminds him deeply of a monster with sharp teeth.
The whole room is silent, nothing can be heard except for the faint cry of Nembus.
Haedus tries to give a glance to the place where they are to find something that can distract the maniac couple from his little brother, there is nothing, he can only identify the horrified face of Asha on the verge of tears looking directly between Nembus and an unconscious Naos in the corner. To tell the truth he can feel the tears running down his face too, they don't deserve this They are just children for God's sake! I would never have thought the couple could get to this point, but it's too late now.
All he feels is rage and hatred towards Magnifico and Amaya, fear for his little brother's life, but above all frustration with himself, how could he let this happen? He himself promised to protect them at all costs since he met them and now he has failed.
"Do what, try to kill me with your useless powers? Or lecture me? Awww you still don't seem to understand the fact that in this world you are a FOOL, you are nobody, so stop pretending to be the savior of a fairy tale" The star was identifying the lord's mood as he said every word, but he couldn't care less when he sees the terror filled eyes of the smaller star as Magnifico tightened his grip even tighter.
More and more you can see Nembus having more and more difficulty to stay conscious, the stars can't breathe and remember hearing that they couldn't be hurt by mortals either, however this guy for some reason has the power to generate wounds to them or in this case axphysize us, or do some damage to their necks, who cares? Haedus has to do something now.
He can hear Asha yelling at the couple and trying to stay as strong as possible, however before he knows it he is already flying at full speed towards the couple, hell his powers are useless, if he can at least get Nembus out of their hands that's enough for him, but before he can even get close Magnifico creates a greenish colored barrier that prevents the passage, the young star can still see the evil expression of the adult.
" Hehe I wouldn't do that if I were you, now that you are close enough let me warn you what will happen if you take one more step and don't do as I say" after saying this sentence Magnifico's face turned into a grim expression as he created an emerald green energy staff and points it towards Nembus.
"NO-" That's all Haedus can hear coming from Asha until he only hears white.
Haedus sees red.
Magnifico stabbed Nembus. The boy's eyes open letting out a scream full of pain followed by a cry that makes a shiver run through the whole body of the young star, if before he was angry now the only thing he can feel is pain ,panic and above all HATE.
"NO NO NO NO NO NO! don't do anything to him please! leave him alone I'll do whatever you say ok?! just don't do anything they have nothing to do with this." That's the only thing that can come out of the major star's mouth at the moment, his panicked look seems to give them a great satisfaction to the maniacs that had Nembus at the moment.
"Oh how sweet, looks like they were family after all wasn't it sweetie?" now it was Amaya's turn to tease the vulnerability of the young couple and the two little stars.
Before the adult couple could continue talking they see the young girl running off in a certain direction.
Oh naive as always Asha.
-ASHA'S POINT OF VIEW----------------------
Asha was sobbing at this point, how could this happen, why of all the people who could help Haedus and his siblings did she have to be the one on the roof that night, now everything is a mess because of her, if she hadn't been so naive, so selfish, so pessimistic-No. she can't be blaming herself right now, there has to be a way to help, there has to be something she can do! Looking around the room she can see Naos unconscious in the corner of the room, without hesitation she runs to his direction, she has to help these children with her life, they can't-.
"What do you think you're doing young ady?" before he can reach towards where the child was there is a green hand picking up the small body of the child with golden curls like gold.
Naos is now visibly awake, but as soon as he regains consciousness his expression changes to one of horror at the sight of the new scenario. Asha can do nothing but stand still in panic "And I thought you were my most faithful assistant Asha, I know you were always....different but I didn't think it would come to this, I feel totally betrayed, after all I did-" The words of the asult man are interrupted with Asha's words spitting like poison.
"Oh please they're just stars! They're not even human or anything, besides being useless compared to us, however they can be a great source of power don't you think? let me show you." The adult's voice is chillingly carefree and humorous, Asha could feel from before she finishes the sentence a shiver running down her spine, something is going to make "No-".
"AAAAAAAHHH" Nembus gives a scream so loud that it runs through the entire room, his golden colored tears slowly turning a dark greenish.
Nembus was pierced by Magnifico's scepter.
No.....no no no no no no no NO! Naos can't get hurt! He still has so much to live for, Asha still has to teach him how to draw like she promised! She still must buy him and his brother candy, she still must take them to that silly parade they have every year in Rosas, please, they need more time, there are so many things she needs to show them.
Asha's train of thought is interrupted by Haedus' scream and Magnifico's uncontrollable laughter as the latter's staff becomes enveloped in a magical golden aura that upon reaching the man's hand causes his eyes to turn a brilliant green. Nembus gradually gets dark scars that resemble the edge of withered tree branches as his screams gradually turn to sobs.
The young lady is enraged, but before she can say anything Magnificent finishes absorbing Nembus' magic as he laughs in satisfaction at having star magic coursing through his body, he grabs his beloved wife's hand as she only has such a delicate smile but one that Asha from afar can identify as sadistic, soon after she too is enveloped in a purple aura as her eyes turn a bright green "I would like to stay to continue enjoying this , but my beloved and I have a party to attend so if you'll excuse me."
Magnifico pulls the staff from Nembus' body with a quick movement ignoring Haedus' screams and the crying of the little stars, then proceeds to make a quick movement with the staff ending with it touching the floor with a sound that echoed throughout the room, now only Asha sees a green flash and then nothing.
Magnifico and Amaya are gone.
The only thing left are the bodies of Nembus and Naos lying on the floor, the latter tries with all his might to go and hug his little brother as soon as he touches the floor but he is too weak to make it. The only thing he can do is to grab the little hand of the other little star before being unconscious again.
Asha comes out of her state of shock quickly to go check on the condition of the two children, but before she gets there someone is already there, Asha can see Haedus panic as tears run down his face with a pained and worried expression.
The young girl can't help but wonder "How could I let this happen?".
HAEDUS'S POINT OF VIEW-------------------
Haedus flies to his siblings, he just wants to hold them in his arms again.
He carries both children as he kneels down, the image in his head where the man stabs Nembus still lingers in his head, but he tries to calm his little siblings just the same.
"You two ere going to be okay! I promise I- I'll find a way to fix it ok? You're going to be fine, we're going to be fine, when this is over I'll take you two to that place they wanted to go so badly with Asha and I, you're going to love it just- please don't leave me...." Haedus at this point can only stammer in panic What is he going to do? He doesn't know how to reverse the wounds of the stars, he knows almost nothing about this world.
His thoughts are interrupted by Asha coming running to see the state of the 3, the older star also notices the panic in his eyes, quickly Haedus passes Asha an unconscious Naos, he won't know how to treat wounds, but at this moment he is desperate, he can't lose Nembus, not his family.
He cradles Nembus in his arms as he tries to examine him, however the sobs and agitation of the little star do not make the task easy "I know it hurts Nembus but you are going to be fine, I am here ok? your brother is going to take care of you but I need you to let me see the wound" Haedus feels his voice shaking but he does his best efforts to make it not so noticeable.
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However the little star's sobs are getting faster and shorter.
Haedus manages to see the large wound covered with golden blood covering the small body of his little brother.
Haedus knows what is going to happen to the little star.
Haedus does not want to acept it.
"I know it hurts baby but I have to get you up just- we have to get out of here ok? c"mon, you can baby c"mon, c"mon baby ,c"mon you can we'll get out of this like we always did with Naos remember?" Star tries to carry the child, this only increases his cries "I know baby, I know, I know, I know, I know! Just stay awake yet I- just stay with me please, I know it hurts...."
Again the babbling begins, panic is creeping up on the girl and the star.
"I know it hurts, I know, I know..."
Haedus's voice is getting louder and more desperate.
Asha doesn't know what to do
"Stay awake please I-"
Nembus' cries are getting softer and less loud.
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Haedus turns his head in Asha's direction for help.
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The star knows what the young girl wants to say but can't- HIS LITTLE BROTHER CAN'T LEAVE!
The star turns its head again in the direction of Nembus.
The little star no longer cries.
It no longer writhes in pain.
The kid no longer has the gleam of childish joy in her eyes.
Nembus is no longer there.
"No- Nembus wake up come on little buddy no-just wake up please! don't leave me don't leave me please don't leave me please, I'll be a better brother I promise just-don't go"
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Haedus hears Asha's sobs, but soon everything turns to white noise again.
Edus gives his little brother a kiss on the forehead.
"Forgive me please, sorry I'm so sorry, forgive me pleae sorry, I'm so sorry forgive me please…" These are the only words he can articulate as he finishes saying goodbye while his voice grows weaker from crying.
Asha soon kneels down next to Haedus to say goodbye to the little star, but no words come out, only pain-filled sobs.
Nembus is gone.
Sorry not sorry :D
So …… I don't know if it's the right thing to do but some of these sketches really took me several attempts to be satisfied, so why not do a DTIYS challenge?
There is no deadline really, if you want you can participate or not, use any material you want, you can draw any of the sketches I used for this scripture and please tag me to see it! I would love to see your drawings.
Again I hope you enjoyed the reading see you later! ✨✨✨✨
@annymation @emillyverse @rascalentertainments @oh-shtars @tumblingdownthefoxden @your-ne1ghbor @signed-sapphire @spectator-zee
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tbb-appreciation-week · 3 months
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The Bad Batch Appreciation Week 2024 is HERE!!!
The time for appreciating Clone Force 99 has arrived! Y'know, like the cavalry 😅 Don't mind my bad pun!
What I was saying? Oh, yeah! The prompts have been revealed HERE, so we must refresh the rules. They're the same as last year, but it doesn't hurt to review them again, right? So:
Event Info & Rules
TBB APPRECIATION WEEK is a week-long, prompt-based creation challenge to celebrate our love for the Batchers and the show. There are 7 groups of prompts—one for each day of the week—, which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to be an inspiration without being taken literally (i.e., you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts in your work). Feel free to interpret them at your convenience. For example, if the prompt is “anooba”, you can create either something about the animal, use it as a name/mascot of a sports team in your modern-day AU, or as an analogy for someone with a voracious appetite. It’s up to you.
Each group contains a Theme (which is in and on itself a prompt), an AU/Trope, Dialogue, an extra character, NSFW, and a color palette). You can use them in combination or just pick one. The idea is to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible. The participants can create works in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, art, edits, gifs, videos, playlists, cosplays, etc. The only restriction is that it needs to be focused on The Bad Batch (can be on a particular Batcher alone).
Also, people can participate as little or as much as they want, meaning that they don’t have to do ALL the days if they can't/don’t want to.
Collaborations are welcome and even encouraged. For example, if an artist and a writer want to work together, or a writer and a podficcer, or two writers, go for it!
When uploading TBB Appreciation Week content to your Tumblr blog, be sure to mention this blog and add the following hashtags:
#the theme of the day and/or #prompt(s) used
#medium (gifset, fic, podcast, fanart, etc.)
#trigger warnings, if applies. (Please do NOT to add “tw” in front or at the end but only use the word/trigger itself, because the way Tumblr tag blocker feature works, it makes it harder for people to block the right tag.) (List of trigger warnings)
#nsfw (only for NSFW content)
#any other relevant tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING (both by mentioning the blog and putting the necessary tags). That'll ensure that your post will be reblogged on this blog.
I'll do my best to reblogged everyone's posts, but if it passes 2–3 days and I haven't posted yours, please let me know.
If you are posting NSFW fics or art on Tumblr, I ask that you use the Keep Reading break to hide the NSFW portion of your work; and please, give the proper warnings. On Ao3, please, use the correct rating and warnings as well.
If you want, you can also add your work to the Ao3 Collection (closed at the moment, but I'll open it in due time). (Use the tags TBB Appreciation Week 2024 and/or TBBAW 2024 when posting.)
There won't be censorship in this event, so everyone is free to create whatever they want. Participants are expected to hold judgment to themselves of others and their works, even if they don't agree with or find it repulsive. That means that harassment of anyone or anything that they post (even if said work is something you personally find morally reprehensible) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Anyone that breaks this rule will be banned from the event. Curate your own experience by blocking what upsets/squicks/triggers you, and leave everyone else alone. That's the importance of the correct tagging, as it says above.
Important!! Show support to other participants by liking, reblogging, AND commenting. If an author or artist has asked for constructive criticism (not the same as a comment, and with constructive being the keyword) you may give it. However, refrain to give any of the unsolicited kind, as it can be discouraging for the author or artist.
But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! This is meant to be a lay-back event to show love for our favorite characters.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
If you have questions, you can check out the F.A.Q post. But if you don't find there the answer you're looking for, send me a message to the ask box or a DM, either in this blog or my fandom blog @nimata-beroya.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
Mare 💜
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reneethekraken · 2 years
What a Doll
Being an office rep at the Revision of Hero Society comes with costs, talking to everyone and trying to not make an enemy out of the wrong ones. Somehow this means becoming business partners/ Frenemies/Pining lovers with Backugou and Kirishima. Though, Gangsters, they know everything about their community and these people are still people, and it's your job to help them. Being so young and running for office means being bullied by the older members of the Pro Hero society and eventually being pushed to the company, laying her off and leaving her alone with her thoughts. Shutting everyone out for weeks before finally leaving to party with Mina for a bit and when she sees Bakugou in the bar she dashes leaving her purse and keys on the bar counter. And of course, seeing her he follows her taking her keys with him.
WARNINGS: Angst, emotional, Bakugou doesn't realize how mean he is because Kirishima likes it, Reader is soft asf, Bakugou is definitely still an asshole. Blank blogs and ageless blogs DNI
PAIRING: Bakugou x reader, suggestive kiribaku x reader
A/n: constructive criticism is always appreciated
This is ridiculous. I couldn't think of a sillier way to go home than this one. Walking slower than my thoughts so I can keep up with myself and not throw my eyes over my left shoulder. My feet are sore from the jacked up heels, my blouse is too wet from my urgency to have a good time and my pants are too thin as the wind blows around me on this street. All while my car slowly rides to the left of me.
He's mocking me, he has to be
He mocked my choices trying to tell me that he's already won. I don't know what to say because the thought of speaking to him brings tears to my eyes and my throat gets so tight I want to die.
I’ll never be prepared.
I'll never be able to stand up to them. Even on the days, everyone thinks I have them right where I want them, a board full of pieces that I've already accounted for. They'll never understand that the two of them are the ones who drew up the board. It's greedy, to have someone who shares similar ideas as me yet degrades my every move
“That was a selfish decision. You would have done better writing up your damn think pieces and putting them in a burn book instead of slathering your name all over an unfinished piece that makes you look like a lousy piece of uptown nobility. I don't live here but you all are making a ruckus and it makes me feel bad that I get to sit in my highrise and even look at ya.”
“If I was on the board you would have been put out the commission a long time ago, fixing my city yet telling me how’re gonna take my job, drink my coffee, and fuck my wife all before noon.” 
That's a sick way to live, miss board member, good plan. Even better spokesperson. The Daughter of mass Mutiny comes from the 3rd and last gang in the U.S. and yet she sits here in the Commissioner's office thinkin’ she's better than me. That title doesn't negate that if I wanted you and your bright ideas I'd take I’d still side with the very office that's shooting down every punch you make. And when you're beaten down thinking there's nothing else you could do, I’d give you my hand and let you realize there's nothing ever you'd be able to do in my city without my okay.
“You're lucky he sees something in you otherwise we wouldn't be friends, Doll.” 
Always had that same condescending tone as he called me about whatever decision I publicly made. Most of them were good ones; he was literally just a hater. 
“Did good out there today Doll, real good. Eiji and I are real proud of the progress ya making in sectors 7-9 keep that up and maybe I won’t have to berate ya every other day. Don't get too comfortable though Yakato is speaking wi-”
On the rare days I did get a good call he always managed to put his stamp on it. And sometimes even when he talked down on me I sat there and took it with wet panties and bated breath ready to hear him be soft with me again right before he stamped it.
Friends?!? Friends, I wouldn't even bat an eye if he choked tomorrow! In fact, I would be the first in line!  Until he knew exactly what it felt like to have his entire life's work spit on and shredded because of it being work of public relations community service logs. He's greedy and he won’t have me, because that's all it’ll take for him to win. Presenting me to his partner like a Christmas present. Popping champagne while I sit there naked and waiting for orders like all the other sick fucks that follow behind them as they need them.
I don't need them. But I do need him to get the hell out of my car. Maybe that's why I put my pride aside, I tried not to let my tears show and my anger release through my words.
Teeth clenching and eyes lowered into the passenger window, “What do you want Bakugou, why the hell are you following me late at night? You know stalking is a crime, correct?”
“It is if there's proof and your life is endangered. It could be from someone else looking to have a lucky night with a lady walking on the side of the road at 2 am looking like a call girl.” He smiled, put the car in park, and opened his door slowly. Standing over the side of the vehicle like he wanted more, needed it. “Nobodies seen ya in 3 weeks. We all thought that Having to step down from the board made ya yoke. I was hoping it had not.” He said the last part softer but that boyish grin never left.
“ It’s temporary.”
“My decision to step down from the board is temporary and if it runs till November I’ll resign and apply again.” I was closer now to the passenger side. I wanted to show him that he didn't own me and that he didn't scare me.
“Always the fighter. Did you not have time to come see us before ya left?”
“I came because Mina said I could have a good time, I left because I was ready to go.” He sucked his teeth hearing my quick retort.
“You're hurting my feelings, thought we were friends?” He slowly rounded the car, stopping in front of the hood to play with the radiator grill.
“YOU and Kirishima are not my friends, were business partners who come together to correct hero society on blue moons-
“Then I’d say we've had more blue moons than the smurfs”
“I'm trying to be serious and professional and you're making it hard for me.”He was in front of me now and I couldn't help but look past his neck. I wasn't strong. I let the media get the best of me and the hero community. I let Bakugou and Kirishima’s backhanded compliments and weird pinning throw me off my game and accept my resignation, no temporary relief of position. He was too close, his collared button down hiding the swirly black ink of his gang insignia. The ring holder chain held a ring with opal on it. I wondered what my ring would look like next to Kirishima's
 “I don't need you rubbing my failures- I lost and because of me the city and its people will be without someone advocating for them, all of them. Someone who cares about them. WHO WANT THE BEST FOR EVERYONE EVEN IF IT MEANS DISMANTLING THE VERY SAME SYSTEM THAT KEEPS THEM SAFE BECAUSE IT ALSO KEEPS OTHERS IN SITUATIONS THAT LEAVE THEM WITHOUT.
The Tears fell and I was finally looking at him. He wasn't smiling anymore. I pushed his chest, again and again, and again. “And you were nowhere to be found, NEITHER OF YOU AND I
He grabbed my arms and pinned them to my side as I cried, into his shirt, into his skin, holding onto the very fabric that held the man that I swear I hated “I know and I’m sorry. Some things were more important at that moment–”
With a croaky voice and a tighter grip, I asked what I always wanted, always needed, needed to know from him.“Am I not enough? Am I not important enough to come to the rescue? Are my problems not satisfactory on your list of important shit that needs to be tended to. What about my feelings?” He hugged me tight and sighed into my hair. “ You won ya know.”
“I didn't wanna win, I wanted to make you work hard, I promise I just wanted to prepare you for what was out there. If I coulda I woulda been on the first flight back to help but I couldn't and were sorry, Doll. Eiji is waiting for us at the house. You want me to drop you home or do you want to stay the night at ours because I swear–”
“I wanna see him too, I’m tired of this runaround. Are we friends, are we enemies, our business partners on the occasion when both sides of the coin retire us to some janky place to drink scotch? Are we pining after each other? I Don't know what we are or how we're gonna make,” I point to the space in between us, “work but I’d like to see where it goes just lessen up all that damn bark. I’m sensitive.”
He pecked the top of my head and opened the passenger door for me. Jogging over to the other side. He threw on some random radio station and put the car in drive.
Please please reblog if you like it so I can get feedback, and find things others like to read so I produce more content! 🥰
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hammerhead-jpg · 5 months
Helloh:D Helloh:D
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Abt me post try two!!!!
Helloh helloh my name is Kristian (pronounced "Kris-tee-an" because I just found out not everybody knows that) and I'm here to post some of my art and ramble about the media I'm currently interested in
I'm 16 years old, currently residing in Serbia, transmasculine and queer and my pronouns are they/he!!
I'm a digital artist basically my whole life goal is to improve my art (so although it may hurt ouch) criticism of my art is welcome (constructive criticism that is) (I don't really couldn't just saying "*insert part of the drawing* looks bad" as criticism :P)
If you wanna know which fandoms I'm in or what media I'm interested in:
-Redacted audio! I feel like most of my follower know me for my redacted posts and 90% of my posts are about redacted but just so you know this isn't a redacted fan blog or a strictly redacted based blog it's just the media I'm currently obsessing about!!
Always known as a #1 Vega lover (despite my favorite character being Lasko :P) and redacted fanartist (and sometimes fanfic writer)
-Bungou stray dogs (biggest sigma truther!!!)
-Mha (tiktok 2020 fandom and Instagram MHA oc community survivor🔥🔥)
-Don't hug me I'm scared
-Chainsaw man
So on and so forth
Btw little disclaimers for my account:
-I'm sorry if I don't reblog enough posts! I'm still quite new to tumblr and rebloging often isn't a part of my muscle memory quite yet!
-I'm sorry if I don't respond to your compliments about my art! I just sometimes get nervous about responding/don't know what to respond with/procrastinate too long and ten worry it's too late to respond but alo of your comments have a special place in my heart and I appreciate it so much!
-you can tag me in tag chains and stuff but I can't guarantee I'll continue them because I'm too nervous and stuff:)
-my account isn't necessarily nsfw but it isn't quite sfw either, obv I don't think I'll be posting anything actually explicit (except for maybe drawn blood and gore??) (Before any of y'all start saying "weeh weeh you're a minor you shouldn't be posting NSFW!" It's NOT ACTUALLY NSFW OKAAYYY) but there definitely will be discussions of heavy themes and pervy jokes and implications so consider it like like 13+ but anything that is more spicy than a dick joke I will be putting a warning on
You are not welcome on this blog if you:
-are racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, abelist a zionist ect ect
-are a proshipper or thinks sexualizing children fictional or not is okay
On another note: if you're uncomfortable with a minor talking about nsfw ish topics you're free to block me
This is a safe space! I don't care if you're a furry, therian, use xenopronouns/neopronouns or xenogenders I'm cool with whatever
My art tag is #hmrhd arts and a tag for my wip story is #hmrhd pfl
Have a lovely life, stan Adam always and free Palestine
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archive-of-the-lost · 8 hours
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @babulejka
Your ideal match is…Vil Schoenheit!
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♡ The moment I read about your old Hollywood type of beauty, Vil popped into mind. I hoped that your personalities and interests would align enough to work out, and it did! But I'll get to that in a moment. Who would look better with you other than Vil, renowned actor and model? Though he doesn't share the same fashion sense as you, he finds your love for weirdly shaped jewellery endearing and will buy some for you whenever he comes across one that he thinks you would like. He'd also love styling your long hair, if you'd let him.
♡ Vil appreciates anyone kind-hearted and compassionate. They have such a joyful and comforting aura that spreads to everyone around them. These are also traits that he lacks. As much as he cares for his dorm members, he comes off as strict rather than caring. It's almost an opposites attract kind of situation. He also really likes how you're elegant and ladylike. You both fit so well together.
♡ He also loves how you're not afraid to stand up for yourself and have a mature side to you. Your bubbly and caring personality was already enough to make him weak in the knees, despite how he sometimes acts exasperated at your antics. But these different sides to you show that you're a well-rounded person, which makes Vil appreciate you even more. He also falls into the trap of overworking himself sometimes, and has been trying to work on that. He wants you to do the same for yourself too. You both can work on it together.
♡ Vil is someone who appreciates the talents of everyone, and you are no exception. It's not often that he meets someone trained in so many things art related. He supports you in everything you do, and would love to see you dance, sing, and play any instrument in front of him. Whatever you're comfortable with. Given his personality, he will give constructive criticism on whatever he's confidant he knows enough to comment on. But he also makes sure to find at least one thing to compliment, as well as your hard work. On a related note, your silly chants about random things never fails to make him smile. Giggle even. But then he worries about getting smile lines and huffs at you.
♡ As someone working in the arts, he bonds with you over that shared interest. Mostly filmmaking, as he's more interested in that and loves to talk to you about it. Maybe get some ideas from you for the Film Research Club's next project. But of course, he's also happy to learn more about other forms of art with you. He'll find that he quite enjoys painting and photography, so you helped him to discover some new hobbies. Now, won't you join him in partaking in them more?
♡ Vil is quite passionate about potionology, and he would say you both share that same interest, despite your expertise being herbal medicine. Every time someone tries to correct him, Vil brushes them off and says they're basically the same thing. You are not the exception. Well, at least Vil isn't completely lying about sharing the same interest as you. He also grows some of his own herbs and flowers for his potions, and enjoys gardening together with you. He would like the aesthetic of your house being filled with so many plants. It's so vibrant and calming in it's own way.
♡ Vil's main (giving) love language is definitely gift giving! Besides buying you weirdly shaped jewellery, he often gifts you flowers and supplies for your doll making hobby. If he ever brings you to an event, he'll use it as an opportunity to get you tailored clothes. Your whimsigothic style stands out to him, and he'd like to see you in clothes that you like that also looks flattering on your body. When he goes off to work, you'll notice that he sends you texts throughout the day to remember to drink water and stretch once in a while if you've been sitting for a long time. It can come off as nagging, but really he just thinks about you while he's working and worries that you're not taking care of yourself well when he's not around to make sure you are.
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
So sorry for the inactivity!! I have vacation for like a week so i'll be a little more active!
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Content: fluff
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღHongjoong as your boyfriend
Hongjoong as a boyfriend is literally the sweetest thing ever
it might not look like it, but it's so obvious he likes you
and the members cannot get enough teasing him
he goes so so soft for you
it's as if he was a whole different person
he's a simple but creative man
so he confessed in a simple but sweet way
like writing a letter, cause he didn't have the guts to tell you in person
LOVES late night dates
it doesn't have to be anything extravagant
even if it's just chilling in his studio, he'll be content
he doesn't care if he's exhausted, he will always make time for you
he's a huge perfectionist and it shows when he's always making sure you're feeling comfortable or having fun
hence, words of reassurance are a huge boost for him!
even if it's the smallest of things, hearing your soft words make his day so much better
we all know he's a workaholic so you gotta force him out his studio sometimes
he forgets to eat when he's so sucked up in his work so he really appreciates when you bring him food!
I don't see him being big on affection but he certainly can't refuse a cuddle session every once in a while
it helps him calm himself and forget all the work he carries on his back
it's in these moments when he's most soft and expresses how much he loves and appreciates you
dating him means you're bound to end up in the chaos of the whole group
you're a part of them now!
whatever shenanigans they're up to, you're joining them
music is a huge part of his life so if you're someone who's on the artistic side as well then he's gonna get enthusiastic about it
if you're into music production as well then expect to end up in his or your studio for HOURS
but honestly who could get mad at him, he's just so excited to show you his music and listen to yours
y'all give each other tips and constructive criticism as well!
a little tradition between the both of you is sharing a song every day
to him, sharing his taste in music is something intimate and doing it with you makes it all the more special
feel like he low-key gets jealous easily but it's honestly so cute
cause he has a pout on his face that begs to be kissed, which you do
and with that, how can he stay mad at you
he kinda feisty too like damn bro chill tf out
but at times it's also VERY hot
he's just the perfect boyfriend and the biggest sweetheart ever who loves you so fucking much
the highway be looking kinda comfy rn
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aikaterini-drag · 10 months
Chapter 6 Serenity
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Author's notes: This is one of my fav chapters in this series. I hope you enjoy it! Reblogs, likes, comments, and whatever makes you feel happy is deeply appreciated! I love to interact with you, and above all, I appreciate constructive criticism. I'm here for whatever you want to share! Happy reading.
Warnings (whole series): Violence, Non-Con Abduction, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, First Time, Emotional Sex, Protective Bucky, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering,Barnes Gets all the Love he deserves.
Find more chapters of the "Fading Scars" Series here ♡
Grace trembled in her sleep, lost in a terrifying nightmare. Her lips trembled, her shoulders skating with emotion. She saw her mother, laying limp in a pool of blood, her name tumbling from her lips in a poignant plea. Fear clogged Grace's throat, suffocating her as her trembling hands became drenched in the carnage surrounding her, Sila's voice haunting her mind.
Gracie, you can't get away from me. You're weak. Worthless.
His ghastly voice etched itself onto her senses, freezing the breath in her lungs. She gripped the sheets of the bed, fighting to will away the nightmare. When the terror became too much to handle, she jerked up, clutching the covers while a soft scream escaped her mouth. Reality welcomed her with open arms, and through the haze of fear, she felt the gentle grasp of James' caring hands.
Breathing shakily, she sunk into his embrace as if seeking shelter from the storm. As the terror of her dream receded, she drew back awkwardly, her gaze rising to meet his. Fear lingered in her eyes, but his on the other hand, were crystal clear and impossibly bright, the combination of blue and silver in his irises causing her to fully calm down.
She didn't fail to notice the change in him; gone was the fierce-looking look and attire of the Winter Soldier. Instead, he was wearing a burgundy T-shirt layered with a black undershirt and complemented by casual black jeans. His metal hand was covered, a leather glove concealing it. He was just like an ordinary man, yet strikingly handsome in his simplicity.
"Breathe... you're safe," James said, worry evident in his features.
"Safe..." her voice trailed off, soft yet fragile. "Am I truly safe?"
"You are safe," he assured hoarsely. "Here. Drink this."
In slow moves so as not to scare her, he outstretched a hand toward the bedside table and grabbed the water bottle. He unscrewed the cap before handing it to her she gratefully consumed it. 
"Thank you..."
After setting the empty bottle aside, she reclined against the headboard and tried to calm her breathing. She was still wearing his jacket, its comforting weight enveloping her, feeling as if it had become an extension of herself, a shield against unease.
Moments drifted by as she studied her surroundings. The room she was in exuded an antique charm, its furnishings bearing the marks of time and neglect. Dusty tables and velvet chairs of another era adorned the place, casting a nostalgic aura. However, plenty of light filtered through the windows, filling the room with a warm radiance.
"Where are we?"
"It's a safe house in Vienna," he replied, tensing under her steady gaze. "It might not be perfect, but it'll provide shelter."
"Hydra's base is also in Vienna? Is that where I was taken captive?" she called out in shock.
"Yes... But we're far away from them."
Grace stood in silence. So the Winter Soldier abducted her from California and brought to another country altogether.
"I'll explain everything. First, relax and eat something."
"Food?" she said and just in time her stomach growled; it was a full-on roar.
In the hour that followed, they ate the sandwiches he had prepared. There was nothing but flour, bread and some honey in the house but he still managed to create a tasty miracle for their breakfast. He appeared ashamed for treating her so plainly but unlike him, she was grateful. He had taken care of her, in his simple but thoughtful way.
More importantly, he also gave her a pair of freshly washed clothes and her inhaler, which he managed to snatch away before their hasty escape. James revealed to her that his original plan was to escape from Hydra while cooperating with Steve Rogers. He had arranged this safe house a long time ago. Nestled within Vienna's labyrinth streets, it was the perfect place to hide from the enemy.
They chatted for some time and after that, Grace headed to the bathroom to freshen up. She had a proper bath that relaxed her sore skin and tense muscles. As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she traced the bandage covering one side of her neck. James must have taken care of it and she was now certain that he had also given her the cream for the bruises back then.
Without meaning to, she smiled. It was the first time she was smiling after being through so much.
Humming softly, she unfolded the clothes and undergarments he had given her. They were a couple of sizes too large, clearly belonging to him,. She flushed when she saw the black boxers, yet found a peculiar comfort in wearing his stuff. She changed quickly and after some pacing around, found him in the living room.
"Thank you for the clothes," she greeted, stepping towards him.
His eyes sparkled as they fell upon her. Fresh from the shower, her hair cascaded like silken strands while her features, once shadowed by weariness, now radiated with an angelic glow. His clothes almost swallowed her petite form, stirring a surge of protectiveness he had never felt before.
James cleared his throat. "I'll buy you some new ones once I get the chance."
"There no need. They're very comfortable."
"You look nice," he mumbled under his breath before pointing at the armchair next to him. "Take a seat."
Once she settled down, she peered at him warily. "What's the matter?"
"The matter is that I still can't believe that you risked your life for me. Don't ever expose yourself like that." He rubbed his eyes wearily, his voice carrying a weight of concern. "Not for me, not for anyone."
"But I hurt you first. Because of me—"
"Enough." His tone was firm, his gaze locking onto hers with unyielding determination. "Give me your word. Promise me you won't place yourself in harm's way."
"I promise..." she said softly. "But you must also promise to take care of yourself."
"Don't worry about me."
"I can't help it. You've endured so much because of me. You—"
"I treated you horribly. I must apologize for everything." He stared at her, fierce blue eyes piercing through her. "I can't fully control myself... what they've put inside me is still there."
"But you managed to uncover the truth. Despite Hydra's brainwashing, you never abandoned yourself. Do you know what triggers your memories?
"Pure force of will and a bit of luck," he said, rubbing his unshaven cheek.
"And who were you talking with that day when I interrupted you in your room?"
"Steve. I was talking to Steve Rogers."
She smiled. "Captain America."
"Yes," he said, the corners of his lips tugged. "He was the only one who could contact me. We were planning to take down Hydra from the inside."
"Until I came and ruined everything."
"It's the truth. You've suffered so much because of me."
"I'd go through it again if I could keep you safe," he said and immediately regretted his bold statement.
"That's foolish. You hardly know me, yet you risked everything, your mission..." Her words faded and instead of meeting his eyes, she stared awkwardly at her clasped hands.
"It was worth it. And to be honest, I think it's better that things turned out this way. Now, I can freely join Steve and face Hydra head-on."
"What will happen to us? With Silas out there, our moves are limited."
"We'll be fine. I will make sure you have a normal life, far away from danger."
"And you? What about you?" she asked and felt a deep sadness inside.
"I'll do what I do best," he replied, rising from his seat. "I'll head outside and bring us some supplies. Is there anything you need? I can buy it for you."
"I'm fine."
"I trust you to stay here. Please wait for me," he said, his voice emitting kindness and fear at the same time.
Grace nodded gently. She had no intention of leaving.
Bucky walked along the quiet street, stopping near the empty playground. Adjusting his cap and slipping his hands into his pockets, he stood there, a solitary figure amidst the hush. Several seconds passed before the faintest footfalls drew near, a presence stealthily approaching. He turned his gaze in the direction of the sound and offered a subtle wave.
"Looking good, pal," Steve's voice carried warmth as he came to a stop before his childhood friend.
"As good as I can..." Bucky replied, a soft smile gracing his lips.
Steve lightly tapped Bucky's shoulder, his concern etched into his features. "How're you holding up? And Grace?"
"We're both fine. She's a bit stressed but she's hanging in there, considering the situation."
"You were reckless, Buck." Steve breathed a shaky breath. "You could've waited for me. We could've rallied some backup—"
"They were about to inject her," Bucky cut him off. "And you have no idea how harshly she was treated all along."
"You really care about her..."
"I have to protect her. At all costs." Bucky said, scrubbing a hand over his tired face.
"Does she remember?" Steve asked, worry painted on his face.
Bucky's mouth hung agape for a moment until he finally spoke, "No..."
Steve furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, Bucky."
"It's for the best..." he said, though a pang of remorse lingered beneath his words.
"I don't believe you," Steve said and when his friend didn't reply, he added, "You are troubled, alright. I won't burden you."
Bucky released a slow breath, finally breaking his silence. "What's our plan?"
"I suggest you keep a low profile for a couple of days."
"Silas must be having every man searching for us," Bucky figured and rubbed his forehead in frustration.
"My sources say that he is ready for a manhunt. He's even more dangerous now."
"I'm prepared." Bucky paused then met his eyes and said, "And Steve? Thank you."
"For what?"
"For helping me. Trusting me. It's thanks to you that I gained control," he said, ashamed to hear his own voice break. "That day on the helicarrier... you triggered my memories. Even when Hydra dragged me back, you kept supporting me."
"You've done so much more for me." Steve smiled and hit him friendly on the shoulder. "You're family, Buck."
"So are you."
"I won't let Hydra harm you or Grace. I'll be right by your side."
"Right back at you. We'll be in touch," Bucky said as he slowly stepped back.
"Hey... Buck?" Steve smirked. "Don't do anything stupid."
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "How can I? You've taken all the stupid with you."
Upon returning to the safe house, Bucky's gaze darted around, his heart quickening with each footstep. Where was she? Did she leave? The questions stressed him as he ventured further inside until he found her in the kitchen. A sigh of relief escaped him, the tension that had gripped him dissipating. Wearing a pair of oven mittens, she was taking out a baking form with what seemed to be a delicious cake. A sweet scent filled his nostrils and Heavens, she looked so lovely.
"Welcome back," she said, her lips curving in a smile.
"What are you doing?"
"I decided to bake a cake. I hope you don't mind."
"I love cake." He smiled, raising his hands to display his haul. "I went to the store, but I might have gone a bit overboard."
"You think?"
Amusement on her face, she approached him and blinked at the multitude of bags he was holding. She could distinguish at least six transparent bags brimming with a colorful assortment of vegetables and fruits. And there were two more paper bags that remained a mystery.
"I'll sort these out, and then we can get dinner ready," he suggested, gently placing the items on the dining table.
"I'll help you."
"I can manage." He sifted through the contents and handed her the mystery bags. "These are for you."
Curiosity piqued, she peered into the first bag, her mouth opening in surprise. Inside were jeans, an array of colorful shirts, a soft jacket, and even underwear, neatly folded as though fresh from the store. A faint blush colored her cheeks as she realized the effort he had put into selecting such personal items, but deep down, but she also found it highly pleasing. Turning her attention to the second bag, she discovered a pair of slippers and another set of sneakers. Their size was just right and she positively beamed at the thoughtfulness of his gifts.
"I hope you like them," he said with an air of nonchalance to conceal how nervous he was to hear her reply.
"They're amazing!" she said, genuine delight reflected in her eyes. "Thank you! Really. I promise to repay you. I won't forget your help."
"You don't owe me anything. And since we're talking about money... here," he said and extended a thick stack of 50 euro bills towards her. "Take these as well."
Grace took a step back. "I can't accept these."
"Please, take them," he insisted, his hand hovering in the air.
"I won't take your money."
"It's necessary. You should have some funds on hand."
"No," she said, her voice clear and strict.
He sighed, persistently holding out the money. "I'm asking you to."
"Oh, but I can't—" she began, but seeing how stubborn she appeared, she eventually relented. "Fine... but I'll only accept 50 euros from that insane bundle. The rest will stay on the dining table, to be used only in emergencies."
He breathed out in relief. "As you wish."
"Is our situation that bad?" she asked and studied him. "I can tell you didn't just go shopping. You seem worried."
"I met with Steve earlier today."
"Is it safe for you to contact him?"
"My movements are untraceable," he assured. "I've learned that Hydra is on high alert, and Silas is particularly agitated."
"As expected," she muttered. "So, what's our plan? What do we do?"
"We have to keep hiding for a while longer. I want to catch Silas off guard."
"I understand..." she hummed. "When it's time to act, I want to help."
"What? Absolutely not." His voice was firm and he crossed his arms with resigned irritation.
"It's my choice. I want to be a part of this," she insisted stubbornly, met with his unyielding gaze.
"I didn't save you so that you can risk your life again."
"Nothing will go wrong if I'm with you."
"I..." He hesitated, uncertainty in his chest. "I can't allow this. You can't handle violence. Do you think I'll engage in a simple discussion with Hydra? Of course not. I will fight."
Grace brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, a determined expression on her face. "I want to be useful. I don't want you to bear all the risks alone. Besides, I have knowledge about my father that might prove valuable—"
"You don't need to do anything," he interrupted, his intense blue gaze holding hers. "Hydra is far more dangerous than you realize. You've tasted their cruelty, but trust me, it's even worse than you can imagine."
"But I can be useful. You can teach me how to protect myself."
"You're certainly persistent," he muttered, his brow furrowing.
"So, I'm just supposed to stay here? Hiding while you go out and gamble with your chances against Silas and Hydra?"
Bucky was meaning to say 'yes' but knowing that his answer would frustrate her, he decided to change tactics and play along with her plan. He was scared that she might do something foolish and get herself hurt if he denied her. For the time being, Grace had to remain safely hidden in the safe house, far away from danger.
"Alright," he finally said. "I will include you but you must give me some time to form a formidable plan against Silas."
"That's what I like to hear. Thank you. It means a lot to me."
He looked at her radiant smile and couldn't help the pang in his chest. "I understand it's difficult, but I need you to trust me. I'm not the Winter Soldier. Not anymore."
"I know that. Can I call you James? Or do you prefer Bucky?"
"James?" he said, completely unused to hearing someone call out his name. Especially from her lips. The sound rolled out so smoothly. It was... beautiful, peaceful and carried a sense of belonging.
"Isn't that your name? James Buchanan Barnes?" she asked as their eyes met.
"Yes, it is," he admitted with a faint smile. "You can call me James, yes."
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lesuccube · 11 months
➚ 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐊 𝐃 : ᴀᴜ-ᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ — ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛ
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — dancing with danger .
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — no malware detected
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 — not beta'd , constructive criticism is welcomed. reblogs and comments are appreciated .
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according to aristotle, humans are social animals, that we thrive best in the company of others. while that may prove true to some, it wasn't to you. the only thing this phrase would describe you as perfectly was an animal. running on pure instinct and adrenaline. an untamed beast.
a wolf in sheep's clothing? no. a more accurate representation of you would be a black mamba. blending into the night, hiding in places the light doesn't shine, the shadows became your home. it's your job to but at the same time, you liked your isolation.
far away from nosy people, from people that talked too much, that took up too much space and didn't know when enough was enough. you hated that, you hated them. and your handler took advantage of that.
taken in by a mysterious man, he raised you learning how to fight, self defense, martial arts, to kill and maim with your bare hands. he also taught you how to fight with every weapon known to mankind, even something like a spoon. now, why would you as a child let yourself be taken in by such a person? because as much as you loved being alone, living with him where you had a roof over your head instead of sleeping in parking garages, food on the table three times a day instead of scavenging for scraps, a shower instead of stinking, the works.
growing up, you were detached from your emotions. you were extremely apathetic and unfeeling. he knew that and took advantage of it to do his work. now, being an assassin wasn't all that bad. most of the time, your assignments consisted of cleaning society of very bad people and you relished in doing it, after all your services weren't cheap. and some days, you were sent to chase after regular people with regular lives. normal people who's worst crimes was probably arguing with others. but as stated before, you were unfeeling. robotic even. you don't care about all that jazz.
until jake lockley. your next assignment. the target on his back? your handler never explained except for the fact that someone really high up wanted him gone to get back at his own handler? whatever that meant.
but see, the thing was, he knew how to fight back. and he never backed down from one either. and the longer you chased him, the more you seemed to be captivated by him. all those witty spanish comebacks, all the subtle Itouches when he dodged your blows and every single close call that sent you both toppling over each other… they all made your heart go crazy for some unknown reason.
for someone so isolated from the world, you sure craved his company. and that's what boggled you the most; you just can't seem to understand your attraction towards him, unable to distinguish it from the innate loathing you held for each and every one of your assignments.
maybe that should've been your warning but you were never the type to listen to anyone but your gut anyways, and your gut tells you that you either liked him or hated him and it continues to perplex you so. so on one fateful encounter after the other, you managed to pull him under you after a hard blow to the head.
you pointed the tip of your dagger to his throat, a snarl on your lips as you breathed heavily, agonizing bruises blooming underneath your layer of clothing. "i'll cut your throat! that'll shut you up!" you rasped, threat half empty even with your weapon ready to slit him bloody open.
with ragged breaths, jake looks up at you, nose bloody and his own lips curled into a small smirk. "you're beautiful…" he whispers and those two words was enough to send your heart ablaze and your tummy churning with thousands of butterflies. your cheeks heated at the simple compliment, breaking through your murderous intent, turning you, a cold-blooded assassin into a mess like a teenage girl that just got her crush to notice her.
in your mind, you think you'll never be able to finish this assignment. jake will forever play with you this cat and mouse game, a neverending chase that tiptoed the border of love and murder, bloodied fists and bloody hearts. both your claws ready to tear each other open to reach into the depths of your chests and swap hearts in your carnal desire to be with one another.
there is beauty in violence where love is the center of it all. one soul so alone in the world and the other trying to find its place away from the shadows of those before him. there is beauty in violence in the way you would continue to rush after each other, hoping to be the first to touch and feel the other underneath fingertips and desiring gazes. there is beauty in violence the way jake will always be ready to receive you no matter how bloody you two will end up afterwards.
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panelshowsource · 6 months
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i agree that the podcast really is so interesting — and imo it's a lot of plain gossip and tv criticism masked as "professional insight", which i live for lmao — but there are times she is really too much... she often mocks or eye-rolls things in a way that, again, doesn't feel constructive and comes off as very rude. mean girl energy. it also bothers me how she will talk at richard instead of engaging in a back and forth, and sometimes that turns into an episode in which she speaks 80% of the time. then again, as content cycles throughout the year, sometimes what's on/hot atm is just more in her wheelhouse than his, so we just have to wait for new taskmaster, new bbc comedies, new doctor who, whatever interests him, and then hopefully he'll have even more opportunities to shine... i do cherish when he gets a chance to speak lmao
but fr take a shot every time she says "a friend of mine who works at _______ told me blah blah"
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i'll work on tracking that down!! it would be fun to watch more of them 😋
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aren't they too much? i was just thinking how amazing would it be if they were a pair on pointless celebs ...........
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you know how once you notice an actor then suddenly you start to see them everywhere? (especially on uk tv which is not as big a pool as you'd think it would be...) that was me and charlotte ritchie! it was like wow this girl is everywhere!
anyways, i'm not sure what her aims are atm... she's done quite a bit of comedy but am i the only one who thinks she would body a crime series? or something like broadchurch?
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glad you got a chance to catch my response and watch some fun things! i was thinking a little more about what else to recommend, and i think if you enjoy the quirky nature of repertoire then you should check out huge davies, and if you enjoy the storytelling format like greg davies typically does then you should try out dara ó briain and russell howard (maybe the 2021 lubricant special to start) :) enjoy!!
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hahaha this is funny... it's a good question 😅 there are a few reasons... he's good bantz! he doesn't take himself too seriously, laughs at himself, can be teased, isn't mean spirited. people really appreciate that. plus, he represents a lot of people who aren't otherwise on tv — not primetime bbc, at least. there starts to be an issue when he just...doesn't try, doesn't contribute. he's fallen asleep on like three different shows? didn't he just...not show up to the second-half of his bakeoff special? often he's got nothing to say? mo really carried the convos on his talk show, his teammates carried him on bfq, and so on. he just doesn't seem to have the interest or perhaps the stamina (orrr perhaps the respect) for long records 😅
anyways, he was being pushed for a little while, but that appears to have stopped. he's hasn't been around too much lately 🤔 (tho ngl idk what he's up to!)
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yesss this is a great video and i'll link it here in case anyone wants to check it out! it reminded me that i really need to seek out his celeb hunted episodes hahaha
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when the news came out he would be playing an 'egon spengler type' i was like yep lmao
he and ed mention quite often how many auditions they go to, especially james, for big movies like wonka and ghostbusters — no surprise to me imo! especially since it seems he's focused on films over tv 🤔
can't say i saw ghostbusters tho i'm sorry 😭
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WELLLL now that it's out how have you been enjoying it? 😊🥰 where is your review, anon !!
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susie dent gifs are high on my list, working on those for this week for sure!!! it's just...how to choose...she's just too pretty....
but i love ALL of your suggestions, duly noted 😍
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goosewriting · 8 months
“Have we met?” - Part 2
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summary: Fives keeps finding himself coming to see reader, so they decide to confront him. 
relationship: Fives x gn!reader
warnings: hmmm angst :^), mentions of characters’ deaths, implied brainwashing?, comfort at the end
word count: 1.7k
A/N: i'll do everything in my power to bring this man back time and time again >:')
prompts used (source): - it hurts me, just how much i ache for you - i feel your absence in everything that i do alone, in every place i go without you
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 (you're here!)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
→ PART 2: When you came back to him
Several days go by without you and Fives interacting much. He’s mostly focussing on his missions, and you’re focused on your work as well, trying to distract yourself from the pain of being away from your beloved by taking shift after shift. The nights are long and cold for you, and you can barely sleep. You wonder if he feels the same at all.
One evening, a ship comes back in such a bad state, they call all hands on deck to repair it. So you go down to the hangar to work on turning whatever is salvageable from the wreck back into a working part. After taking one last sip of your caf (it was going to be a long night), you set the cup away and crawl under a panel, looking at the messy wiring. It isn’t long until you hear some steps approaching and stopping beside you.
You climb out from under the ship and see none other than Fives, just standing there, helmet tucked under one of his arms. He looks unsure and kind of tense. You lean onto the ship’s frame.
“Hey, handsome,” you greet him with your usual pet name. 
“Hi,” is all he replies. You rise your brows at him, asking for him to continue, but he doesn’t. For a moment, all you two hear is the sounds of machinery and indistinct chatter of the hangar. 
“So,” you stretch out the word. “What brings you here this fine evening?” 
“I’m… honestly not entirely sure myself,” Fives responds, looking around as if he only now realised where he was without knowing how he got here. Then he heaves a sigh. “I found this in my last mission and had the sudden urge to bring it back for you, for some reason.”
He digs around in one of the pouches on his belt with his free hand and takes out a little rock. Offering it to you, he holds out his open palm, and you almost burst into tears right then and there. Back when you started dating, you had jokingly told Fives that on his next mission he should bring back a souvenir for you. And since then, he’d always do that, bringing you rocks or trinkets he found. Once he actually gave you one of his old armour parts, a shoulder pauldron, that got absolutely obliterated in an explosion because he hadn't had the time to get you anything better. You kept it anyway, because it was a reminder to both of you that even after going out there and risking his life, you were here waiting for him to come back to you.
And he had, every single time. Except that this time, he came back, just not to you.
Seeing that you're just staring at the rock in his hand, Fives clears his throat.
“You know what, nevermind,” he mumbles, about to put the rock back into his pouch. “It was silly anyway.”
“No, wait,” you stop him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to space out. I’ll take the rock.”
You take it into your hand to inspect it, turning it around in your fingers against the light. One half is of a brick red, while the other partially transparent, of a milky blue with specks of green and gold. It looks a bit like a galaxy, and the thought brings a smile to your face. Clutching the rock in your fist, you bring it to your chest and look up at Fives with a genuine smile. 
“Thank you,” you say, tilting your head to the side slightly. “It’s been a while since you brought me one of this colour.”
“Right…”, he says and starts studying your face, but then his hand shoots up to his head as he takes a sharp breath through his teeth.
“Are you okay?” You reach out to him, but he takes a step back.
“I-I’m fine,” he says through gritted teeth, trying to calm his pained breaths. “Sorry to interrupt you while you’re working. I better get back.”
“See you around, I hope?” you ask, hugging yourself.
He leaves with a nod, but you could have sworn you heard him say “me too” under his breath.
This goes on for a couple of rotations; Fives suddenly appearing at your workstation in the hangar looking like he’s lost, or entering your workshop only to come to a sudden halt, as if he forgot why he’s there right after passing the door. Often he'd have a little trinket for you. Other times he’d just come by to say hi. But every time you try to bring up something from your past together, his head starts hurting and he leaves.
At some point, you decide you've waited long enough. You'd get nowhere by just waiting. After all, he was coming to see you. Even if he didn’t know why himself. So now it’s time to go to him instead. You've wooed him once, surely you can do it again… right?
On a particularly frustrating day at work, after trying to design a new electrical panel for a ship and not being able to make it work after what felt like a hundred tries, you decide you need to get out and move a bit to clear your mind. You’re still grumbling and thinking about the panel, turning it over and over in your mind’s eye, trying to find the problem. All the while, your legs are walking on their own, and it’s not too long before you find yourself at the barracks of the 501st. 
Standing in front of the door, you sigh, thinking back to how many times you had sneaked in and out of here. Officially, clones weren’t allowed to have romantic relationships, but you knew there were actually a handful on this ship. And everyone who was in on it kept the secret. The 501st was well aware of your relationship with Fives, and they had always been supportive, Rex included. You’re sure the Generals also suspected something, but they never said anything, for which you were thankful.
Unsure of what you even wanted to do here in the first place, you’re about to turn around and leave when the door suddenly slides open and you’re met with Fives, sans armour. He’s only wearing his blacks, a bag hanging from his shoulders; he’s going to the gym. 
“Oh, hi there,” he greets you with a small smile. “Were you looking for someone?”
Screw it, you think.
“Actually, yes. You,” you answer and gesture towards his bag. “Leave it, we need to talk.”
— — —
Entering to your room, you sit down on your bed, and Fives sits down on a chair next to it.
“I’ve been wondering for a while now,” you start, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. “Do you remember what happened on Ringo Vinda?”
The question takes Fives by surprise, but he makes an effort to try and think back to those events. He tells you what he knows, from the start of the mission to seeing Tup shoot General Tiplar, his memories ending when the Kaminoans put him under for a routine check-up.
“I had this recurring nightmare for several days after I came back,” Fives ends his retelling with a frown. “I kept seeing Tup on Kamino, in the room next to mine. He was dying and there was nothing I could do to stop it.” 
You reach out to hold his hand, but as his head starts spinning again, he retracts his hand from yours at first. But this time, he reaches back for your hand with a groan, and brings it to his face so you cup his cheek. 
“Every time when I’m with you, it hurts,” Fives speaks in a whisper. “My head is screaming at me to get away from you. And at the same time, it hurts me, just how much I ache for you.”
He tightly closes his eyes to refrain from crying, but the tears are already rolling down his cheeks. You feel incredibly helpless.
“Why can’t I remember who you are?” he asks, his voice breaking, just like your heart. “I don’t remember seeing your face or hearing your voice before, yet I feel your absence in everything that I do alone, in every place I go without you… I find myself looking for you wherever I go.”
By now, you can’t hold it back any more and take both his hands, pulling him to sit beside you on the bed, and hug him. This time he hugs back, and he's shaking. 
“I don’t know what happened to you, Fives, but it’s okay,” you say into his shoulder, gently stroking up and down his back. “You’re back here with me. We’ll be fine.”
By the way he’s shaking, you can tell he’s trying to choke back a sob.
“It’s just you and me, sweetheart, just let it out.”
Fives starts crying properly, holding onto you for dear life, his face buried between your neck and your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, Fives,” you say, your own tears staining his blacks. “I wish I knew what to do. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” he breathes as he pulls back slightly to look at you, and for the first time since he came back to the Resolute, it feels like he’s finally properly looking at you like he used to; eyes filled with love and a little bit of mischief.
You lean in, your hands at the nape of his neck, and pull him in for a kiss. It's sweet, almost shy, like he's kissing you for the first time. He sighs into it and pulls you even closer, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
Once you break for air, both of you panting, you lie down on the bed, pulling him down with you so he’s on top of you, and you hold his head to your chest. 
“Can I stay here tonight?” Fives asks, and you can’t help the light chuckle that escapes you.
“Of course.” 
You spend the next minutes in silence, just basking in each other’s presence.
“Will you tell me about us?” he asks after some time. “How we met, and how I definitely charmed you?”
You laugh, running your fingers through his hair.
“Sure thing, I’ll tell you everything.”
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @dybynyght, @galaxtic-writings, @kalea-bane, @soka-writes-things, @padawancat97
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elshells · 2 years
Welcome, Traveler!
Hello! Ella here, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I've only been on Tumblr for a couple of years, but I've been sharing original stories online since 2018, and writing for fun even before that. Mainly, I dabble in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and everything in between. If you read or write within these genres, we'll get along great. And even if you don't, hit me up! I'm always looking for another good read, and I'm pretty easy to please.
In the writeblr community, I welcome asks/tag games and am always looking for an excuse to talk about my beloved characters. Granted, it takes me forever and a day to respond to literally anything, but I'd love to get to know you and your WIPs!
If I'm not writing, I'll hop on to see what y'all are up to, and sometimes I'll chime in with whatever's on my mind. Usually late at night when I should be asleep. As one does. You know how it goes around here. And if I happen to say anything hilarious, there's a 60% chance it was unintentional. I rarely think I'm funny in real life.
The bottom line is, if you enjoy my WIPs or just wanna be friends, please don't be shy to reach out! I'm often afraid to make the first move, but no matter how I end up on your feed, I hope I can make you smile!
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—‌Currently pursuing a degree in English creative writing and gender sexuality, and race studies, with minors in publishing and printing arts and music performance. So, naturally, I can be a busy gal.
—‌My dream is to be a published author (looking into the indie route), with the goal to debut before I graduate. I also have aspirations to be an actor in community theatre and/or voiceover work; we'll see how that goes!
—‌I've played the flute for almost ten years, and am slowly learning piano and guitar. Eventually I'd love to learn my way around a drum set as well, if I ever find the time, money, and discipline. Maybe I'll even write my own music one day, who knows?
—‌I love to swim, do yoga, and I rode horses for several years. Beyond that, I'm pretty much hopeless at sports, especially the ones that involve throwing around a ball.
—‌Occasionally I'll find the motivation to make some doodles. I haven't been that dedicated to the craft lately, so I've lost a lot of my mojo, but I hope to get back into drawing some day and maybe share some of my art!
—‌As a teenager, I volunteered at my local zoo and aquarium—‌and I would still love to go back one day—‌but for now, I work as a lifeguard and swim instructor.
—‌PFP is my current DND character, a tiefling bard named Enyo. If you're interested in learning more about her, check out this post (which includes a full-body artistic interpretation!)
—‌Like I mentioned before, I'm here to make friends! I'll talk to anyone about anything, as long as the conversation stays friendly, safe, and respectful. I won't tolerate hate in any form.
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If you enjoy a chapter, please consider letting me know by reblogging and leaving a comment! I welcome anything you have to say, so long as you're kind to me, yourself, and others. Useful and constructive criticism is always encouraged if you catch something I didn't, so feel free to share any feedback, opinions, or questions you have. I'm always looking to improve and I appreciate all the support I can get!
THE HARMONT HEROES SERIES —‌A fusion of science fiction and urban fantasy told through the dual POV of two sisters on opposite ends of society. This saga features mystery and intrigue, thrills and chills, and an array of LGBTQ+ characters. -BOOK ONE: Agent Ace -BOOK TWO: TBA -BOOK THREE: TBA -BOOK FOUR: TBA
EMBR OF THE EARTH (Standalone)—‌In the far, unknown future, the world is overrun by human survivors, robot scouts, and hostile, alienesque creatures that came from nowhere. A ragtag group of teens choose to leave the safety of their satellite and return to Earth, determined to discover what happened to planet and if there's a way to save it. -ON INDEFINITE HIATUS -The current draft is still available on Wattpad; read it here.
ENCORE (Standalone) —‌An eighteen-year-old girl is rescued from a deserted island as the lone survivor with an unbelievable story. Twelve years later, the girl, now a struggling musician who's still tortured by the past, is given an opportunity to go back in time to save the others. But with such high stakes to succeed, the price may be too much to pay. -A twist on the Final Girl trope in classic horror. -COMING TO TUMBLR SOON! Get started with the first five chapters here.
Am I a poet? I don't know, you tell me!
Water Nymphs
Alley Cat
Sea Urchin
* * *
Wattpad: @ persephonehale
AO3: @ elshells *In the meantime, thanks for saying hi!*
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joompheart · 11 months
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My Toa Mahri and Barraki!
The Toa Mahri are super duper cool but they also show off the weakness of being too unique, imo. Where previous Toa series like Metru and Inika were pretty uniformly viable to play with and equally cool, Nuparu and ESPECIALLY Kongu just get left behind with the Mahri I say.
Like, from the Inika sets: Matoro and Hewkii are way cooler than they were, going from middle of the back to the best by far for my taste. Jaller and Hahli are at least as cool as they were, if not cooler. But Nuparu still has the same problem of being so black he blends in with himself and is hard to really admire. Plus his mask went from super iconic to probably the most forgettable, a sort of blend between Hydraxon's and Matoro's. Still super cool, probably the best thing about the set after the shield.
Nothing really needs to be said about Kongu but I'll say it anyway. Poor guy gets NO unique parts, just a slightly interesting breathing tube setup that's overshadowed by the really cool ones like Matoro, Hewkii, and Jaller. Torso construction is cool but shared with Carapar who actually does have unique parts AND is more colorful. Two guns could be cool but he doesn't have anything else! The Cordak blasters look great but they don't function super well, so he ends up feeling like the worst version of Kopaka from Phantoka or Onua from Mistika, or Pohatu from Phantoka. All of them have a better focus on the action gimmick or a better use of the torso construction. (I still love him though who can dislike Kongu :])
Matoro Mahri and Hewkii Mahri are some of my favorite sets out of all the original run though. I love the Great Kanohi Garai a LOT, probably my single favorite overshadowing even the Inikia's organic masks. And Matoro has really grown on me, he subtly has the best set of all the Toa I think.
For whatever reason the Barraki have never done much for me, but I still appreciate them. I think I'm inclined against too much "biological" in my "biological chronicle," oddly enough. The squid launchers are pretty worthless in my book, even though they look cool. And I didn't really like the funky construction of a lot of their torsos, though I appreciate it as super cool and a way to make more unique bodies than you could if you were sticking rigidly to the Inika building system.
Mantax and Takadox are my favorites. They're the best for actually playing with, and have really great colors! I can appreciate the other four in one way or another, especially for the colors, but I don't super duper like any of them. Pridak especially is super hard to pose because of how weirdly bunched up his joints are, moving one part throws everything else off too.
I think I came off as really critical here but I wouldn't have these guys if I didn't love them :]. Complaining about them is really just an excuse to keep paying attention to my favorite things in the world!
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