#Sorta vent
skyedancer2006 · 10 days
The feeling when being aroace-spec is very important to your identity, but is also only limited to real people and fictional characters are still very much on the table
But a lot of people don’t see that as “valid” or “real” so you have to shut up a lot of the time abt the characters that you like in that way
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articwolfclawartist · 24 days
It goes without saying that chronic pain sucks, but having it be so bad some days you can’t even draw just sorta feels like the universe flipping you off
Anyways, here’s a Marcille panel redraw sketch I did before my body gave out
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I really like the Dungeon Meshi manga art style and wanna see what I can learn from it
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angelpuns · 7 months
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Doodle of Eugene having body/joint pains just like me fr :)
I've resorted to sitting in bed to draw cause its the only way I can concentrate and not have to stand up every 10 minutes :/
I think I'm just needing to get used to sitting at a desk for a long time again cause I've gotten used to sitting in a chair :/
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jackalgrackle · 10 months
I hate to brag, like genuinely I hate doing it but being a therian/alterhuman before it was 'cool' is simultaneously the best and worst feelings in the world.
By 'cool' I mean now tiktok has its grubby little hand on the terminology. I understand that it is mainly young therians finding their place on this planet but it feels so invalidating to see these 10 to 14 year old therians owning the alterhuman side of the app.
I know they are just having fun and enjoying themselves, that's good, I'm proud of them for finding out what and who they are so fast, but I'm also not a big fan of the publicity and 'trend' certain aspects of it are garnering.
The litter box situations, the "I chose x,y,z!" , the pressure it puts on young kids to fit into a box or even 'come out' as a therian to their families/friends.
I am glad I wasn't dragged into the tiktok therian 'nonsense', I identified as non-human way back in 2014 when I was only 7 and it has stuck with me ever since.
Alterhumans/Therians on tiktok have their place, they have the right to be there. They just need to remember to scrutinize every aspect of their non-human identity and do research before committing to something that could get them bullied, harassed, or even harmed.
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purpleartrowboat · 9 months
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sometimes it feels like all the commonly headcanoned or canon transmascs + trans guys look like [ and like. every "gender envy" guy ] and it can get exhausting because i feel like i HAVE to be a stickfigure and i cannot have hips and my chest must be perfectly flat and its just like. i cant look like that
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m1dn1ght-lag00n · 2 months
Do you ever
Do you ever like a character so much you wanna just….become them? (Or be like them in a way?) or am I just crazy?
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robbie-roo · 6 months
I told somebody that it is rude to tell a disabled person that their disability is "my worst nightmare" and some woman is STILL arguing with me that it's not
"people are different some people don't find it rude" Ok? well this creator does so don't say it
and so do many other disabled individuals- take a singular disability studies class and learn to grow from your individualism I am begging you
like all I said was "hey that's rude to say to somebody actively going through this" and the original commenter and some other random woman are STILL arguing that it's not rude because they don't find it rude
Jesus Christ.
I also told them hey maybe listen to disabled voices instead of deciding for them and this woman went "I am disabled I have learning issues"
girl. I have learning disabilities too that doesn't mean I can tell a blind woman that going blind is "my worst nightmare" like what the fuck is wrong with you?
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fluffytimearts · 3 months
Tomorrow is the day...🕯️
Wow, time has flown by and tomorrow is my 17th birthday. I, however, don't feel excited about it as much... Lot has changed, I've grown and continue to grow, but... I feel slight dread, a bit of hurt in a way.. I didn't really do much these following years worth remembering besides if course you all and the art I've made and the friends I made. I got one more year... One more year to turn 18 after this.
One more year...so I can cut connection with my father.
One more year...until I can graduate..
One more year...I can finally get out the states..
One more year I can somewhat move on from my past.
One more year... one more fucking year..
just wait a little longer..
Happy March 16th
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kiwikreates · 4 months
I don’t think anyone really talks about that when you recover from an ED you kinda recover from it for the rest of your life. In a way at least in my experience it’s a lot like getting sober. You will always be managing your symptoms, cravings and triggers. If you are on medication for whatever, all that I just listed in relation to your medication. It’s exhausting. So if you’re in recovery, I’m sitting with you in this🖤
The past couple weeks have been hard for me so if it’s been hard for someone out there too. You’re not alone.
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ouroboros-or-ob · 8 months
Why don’t people read the guidebook I wrote? They could easily fix so many of their problems by themselves with those instructions. They shouldn’t feel the need to send things to me that aren’t really broken.
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just-a-we1rd0 · 5 months
I am just as stupid as a dog.
I have been beaten down, hurt, yelled at, yet I run back with a wagging tail.
But for you
something is different.
Whenever I see you
I tuck my tail, I flatten my ears, and my pupils grow wide.
You have hurt me more than the others.
Yet you can be so kind, praising me and telling me im a ''good dog.''
I do not understand you.
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polyghouls · 1 year
fucking just let people be losers let them be anxious dorks who ramble about their favorite things like . do you all not feel happy watching someone talk about their favorite thing?? donttt you smile to see someone so genuinely confident and at peace and giggling their way thru super sentai lore or smthn??
all of u holier than thou witty master of social conventions bullies are so fucking boring you will never be as cute or innocent or happy as a beloved little nerd girl who wont shut up about yume nikki
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allzyfont · 13 days
i frequently oscillate between how much of my own trauma I’m willing to put into my work as I write it. bc like the grace and love of God is always gonna be the center of my stories because i personally cant imagine anything more profound than the fact that it exists and anything more tragic than being pulled away from it.
suffering is part of the process of finding love. there is no redemption without suffering. there is no Christ without the Fall. but also like i dont want trauma alone to be the center of my stories. i won’t deny it exists; there’s no way to heal if you were never hurt. but at what point does it become gratuitous? at what point am i just projecting a mirror image of my own brokenness on the wall through a different colored lens?
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sillycathorrors · 6 months
there is something so incredibly wrong with me i have no idea what it is though. i am feeling very non human today. maybe im dissociating im unsure. maybe its just the fact its past 11 and you cant trust your own thoughts after 11 pm. maybe its the chronic pain and the headaches. maybe its the bright light from my phone mixed with the surrounding darkness of everything else. maybe its the not people in my phone blissfully living their animal lives. why cant i do that too. why am i this thing i call a body. why am i tired about nothing for no reason at all. why cant i keep being this person.
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wyrm-with-a-why · 21 days
Shoutout to the fear of being abandoned for being the worlds biggest cunt in my brain
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the-ocean-is-scary · 8 months
Got called a fucking bitch when I was getting overwhelmed at marching band after beibg told to do 5 different things at once at marching band? Yessir
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