#Soul Growth Astrology
mistermisfit · 1 year
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perzephonluna · 3 months
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This use to be a spiritual thing I didn’t really like looking into just because it triggered my fears, I can’t even begin to describe my fears which have nothing to do with 1 thing and more to do with my inner self , childhood wounds really played a part in this ache I felt towards love. Anyhow today is really fun to observe my life more than be so consumed by my thoughts and so on. I wish there was 1 simple word to describe what those words mean but it’s complex. I want to say 😊Never Hang On To Toxic Romantic Relationships Or Even Toxic Platonic Friendships Relationships Not To Mention Toxic Family Relationships.
SOULMATE: A soulmate is someone from a past life or many life times ago that was in your same soul tribe before you incarnated into a physical person.
This person pops into your life unexpectedly and most importantly that perfect moment when your embarking on a new path of self love even or I f your not there yet but you made a big moment for yourself to try to balance yourself even if your struggling. This person usually pops into your life randomly or you get the epiphany of interest when you let go of your KARMIC RELATIONSHIP.
It brings Passion , love , healing , commitment clarity , communication & many other positive things outweighing the bad times for sure.
This persons mission( vice versa) (both people feel this balanced electric pull) both of you help each other heal or elevate sometimes intentionally other times simply by being in each others space . Honestly this relationship is one I wish upon EVERYONE it’s cute it’s understanding, it’s bright, it’s beautiful it’s a heaven sent match there’s hardly no room for harm because a Soulmate is one who can find it hard to communicate at first but once it begins you guys won’t shut up for hrs and time will feel like it wasn’t moving but it’s been hrs. There’s no room for judgement they are perfect anger is the last emotion because there’s tons of empathy and communication. This is the most romantic relationship you’ll ever meet especially if you go back many life times. A soulmate feels a recognition like “I’ve known you.” “I feel like I remember you but idk how?” “Have we met before?” “What is this odd feeling” Sometimes some soulmates can even get memories from a past time. Honestly this connection feels very very special. We have so many soulmates by the way because we all were in the same tribe of souls before coming to earth in a physical form. If it doesn’t work out it it’s not an intense angry harmful , resentful story it’s usually a beautiful story of that ALMOST MARRIAGE TYPE OF FEELING when you think of it it’s just a beautiful story that ended because it’s usually previous life time energy in a beautiful story it definitely takes a while to revive from but it’s never a regret it always leave you feeling the need to continue to grow even through pain and permanent separation in this life time again with no anger or remorse.
| Rose Dewitt & Jack Dawn from Titanic | Sam Wheat & Molly Jensen from Ghost .
•VENUS CONJUNCT BAES MOON SIGN 🤣. [To a future post]
• 7th house conjunct personal planets
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MARRIAGE MATES: Can be aspected in every connection: meaning if you have a marriage correlation even if it’s the only thing you have or a beautiful conjunction as long as it’s there that MARRIAGE PRINT you might marry 😅 YOUR (SOULMATE , YOUR TWINFLAME OR YOUR KARMIC) 😱. Marriage mate is a KARMIC DEBT! GOOD OR BAD ITS A PART OF YOUR DESTINY UNFORTUNATELY. It’s a debt you owe from a previous life maybe you imposed someone marrying their person maybe you sabotaged a beautiful love story or finally you get to marry your soulmate or Twinflame because it was always sabotaged by someone in previous life times . (THESE ARE PREDICTIONS NOT FACTS :) BE NOT AFRIAD. In conclusion Marriage mates are good or bad :) honestly they teach us what we want for reals , a true love we desire, or what I was forced into and we havnt seen within our deepest wounds & what love is not.
TWINFLAME : A Twinflame; if you were part of a tribe with many soulmates you have thousands some never even decided to come to earth :) you were a whole soul around them but with a twinflame there is only 1 some people have a twinflame some don’t depending on your lifetimes because everyone eventually becomes one at different life times being a twinflame means you have incarnated way too many times sometimes even with your twinflame & there is something you haven’t learned at all or many things you haven’t learned at all. You become a big energetic soul that ends up splitting into 2 parts your soul , one of them is the BIG FEMININE side & the other is a BIG MASCULINE side. There’s a lot of myths on twinflames from a period in time where one person had 4 arms and 2 heads & had to be split into 2 to one soul being the only soul we ever find a copy of ourselves in “a copy imprinted soul” “twin soul” from GODS OF THE TRUEST LOVE MAGICAL POWER QUITE LITERALLY in the dynamic like Romeo & Juliet.
There are currently 3 types of twinflames that have been identified by the spiritual community of past life regressions. Twinflames is being a soulmate & a karmic at the same time which can make it tricky to identify sometimes but not for too long. Please remember that after a super long period of toxic behavior ONLY with NO CHANGE AT ALL or even effort to keep trying to be better it’s no longer an obligation for you to stay somewhere unhealthy especially if one of them shows you your wounds but initiates to help you listen or heal , help you out of the mud but they decide to get angry /aggressive or harmful instead of seeing your love and interest for their wellness and transformation then it’s honestly sounding more karmic. Because a true TF is one that shows you wounds you both have in the end if one feels like healing it and works on it and then talks about it or simply changes drastically and permanently the other TF will seek the automatic interest to change that wound within themselves maybe slower but you can see how aligned it all is even when there’s childhood wounds, fears , harms done by someone else etc this connection gets very religious or spiritual because it’s extremely magical & miracle, when one feels angry they will eventually feel angry after you move on from the emotion. This connection is ever changing & feeling emotions is super important. 1 may run from the fear of being love but reallly wants it just as much & the other one is very opened to love & chasing the other. Unfortunately it can flop when one douse more work then the other. Both just need inner love before all this its intensifying because 1 soul in two physical bodies & a permanent soul bond means if your sad you’ll feel extremely sad as well , if your angry you’ll feel super angry. Your twin soul feels the emotions you processed afterwards.
• Type 1 : Common Love story from a past life that wasn’t able to come into play due to death , or outside sabotages out of their control. In this life time they need to marry and finish up this legacy love story opposing will occur in any form but they are literally running together with full force. But since all twinflames have a hold on each other because of their powerful energetic love imprint they hold nothing can create a wall no person no situation will be able to create a permanent wall they naturally pull back together like magnets. Which becomes symbolic as well or synchronized. They most likely get dreams of the past life flashbacks , they both remember things or have a deep knowing of many things. Yes it’s a back & forward experience but you can visually see that twinflames always have to balance & heal wounds due to the sensitive nature & the intense energetic bond it is referred as a flame for a reason.
Type 2: The Very Rare but Possible And known. The STARSEED twinflames . In this Dynamic these people believe they come from a different planetary system background remember other types of people alien nature etc. Starseeds are put on earth to Renovate a system , energy , environment etc they have a mission for a better future most of the time these are people ahead of their time they are living in the future! This is one of the most loneliest of souls luckily if they are called back on earth as a two soul. This is triggering at first suddenly it’s a faster process to recognize who they are this one easily just understands and likely gets memories of the “star world” some claim that both people remember how they split into 2 etc. This Bond is permanent mainly because these people can’t find someone who understands them without calling them insane for the futuristic process they have or a partner who has the exact same mission. The Matrix is a good movie for this dynamic most star seeds seek an escape from the Matrix and all this futuristic stuff & codes for healing it’s insane and really remarkable & beautiful to observe tbh those with open minds can really just see the remarkable information this to me is beautiful due to its unique nature and perspective.
Type 3 : The Spiritual Healer : Alchemist Couple the couple that really believes in a mission of healing for this cruel world. They have abilities & strength almost as if these individuals are angels Heaven sent from above. Their counterpart being able to heal themselves just as much as the other. This one is also most likely connected to source , energy , Angeles , the other side both are like in the 5D universe. The Journey for this type is complex similar to the Starseed TFs. They can receive downloads they can feel planet energy these are some they don’t have to have all I mentioned. Very intuitive individuals. They very much understand each other too like once one is awake the other is going to follow along even if it’s slow as mentioned above.
The Tf connection is a slow process for many individuals because not everyone wants to wake up to being in an ego death , not everyone likes to see the shadow side to their behaviors , not everyone likes to love their mental health to ascend and heal. Twinflames have karmic debts good and bad, who you were in the past life will tell you a lot (especially if your type A the couple who especially 1st time incarnated as a twin flame and owes more difficult karma it’s important to align with your purpose and get Into the religious community healing journey or spiritual help in healing) what you guys didn’t do past time is important. Not everyone likes to admit they mess up , not everyone likes to end arrogant behaviors especially the masculine in connections when they have an unbalanced masculine lifestyle money is the only thing that matters , not being committed feels safer , drinking and partying is the only thing on their minds for a good weekend. Drugs are a source of happiness from pain and reality. Unbalanced Feminines struggle with speaking their minds or truths , they might feel insecure, they might struggle with anxiety& depression , they might repress emotions , they might struggle with communication, they might prefer not being recognized or loved or even treated well by people etc
Finding a TF feels like no other you can never forget the moment you guys saw each other. The eyes feel telepathic, the telepathic talks the crazy soulmate story that is extremely intensified. As time goes by a lot changes the more your with your TF. You can find a soulmate if you chose to separate from your TF but unfortunately the biggest most powerful soulmate connection is a TF. Your twinflame might hide feelings but it’s like no matter what they still stay around you they worry for you they can never envy your success or dreams they fully want to be there to support and cheer for you so badly. You guys can develop the 6th sense easily meaning you can easily know what the other feels (even if over seas) no need for phones you can even send love energetically. It’s hard for both of you to hide how you feel. It’s just so miraculous and incredible to observe individuals who have this bond because usually they don’t need to claim it or name it you can just see. They definitely feel the “I feel like I’ve known you” might get Deja Vu , memories of the past , crazy realistic dreams,your tf sees you as the sexist person alive no matter what you look like you’re their type and vice versa. Love language is understood completely immensely like you know this person already but it’s been a few weeks. They feel like electricity to you you feel drawn & pulled both of you feel this..Don’t even get me started on how past life partners usually have similar features in this lifetime. In the end your TF only want to be with you even if they get caught up with Karmic debts. They usually won’t try hard to hide how much they care for you and genuinely want you. A TF pops in your life in your disastrous times and suddenly one day you’re changing your life style completely even if it’s hard and you relapse only to try a new way to change when your ready again. They don’t intentionally want to hurt you they are growing out of addictions , old habits etc .. please take this connection measured never forget your self worth your not someone’s hero your there to wake a soul up but not to hurt intentionally or be hurt intentionally. Apologies are accepted with changed behavior other wise they don’t need your precious energy love & time. The more the feminine heals energetically the more the masculine heals and steps up to their power. Yes this connection is crazy obsessive on both ends but be mindful that karmic connections are too it’s important to stay balanced. With love may all TF connections continue to love & heal
Examples : Peter Parker & Mary Jane | Elena & Stephen Salvatore | Edward Cullen & Bella Swan | Jack Twist & Ennis Del Mar from Broke Back Mountain|
Some Astrology Conjunctions in TF connections sneak peak of future post.
• Same Moon signs : mirrored and transformed for the best
• Moon sign Conjunct Sun Sign the extreme want to be better and your partner seeing and helping you
These are very loud Twin flame indicators because these are matching who we are at our deepest core and past life energy. There definitely many more indicators more but these are super common big common indicators and my favorites when I see love connections Especially Moon signs in twinflames or soulmates the beautiful changes it causes for the better even if an ending occurred.
KARMIC SOULMATE : Oh boy let’s start with how you normally find your karmic mate super attractive top notch , funny , cool but you end up just not feeling like elevating. Things are heavy attractive showing you the cool side of things and how easy it is to move on. This mate just shows you outer stuff but can confuse you due to your unhealthy attachment style . Things are cool at first not really romantic just fiery and not that serious. Commitment is terrible here YES NO NO YES. Can’t understand one another even when you ask questions or meet it’s very boring but for some reason you stay you might gain weight in this connection or might loose it you��ll look flush in the long run. You might begin to find it difficult to know yourself at all. You might feel so lost slowly as you begin to establish more closeness. You might feel like falling into bad habits. You might forget your self worth. You might feel like you’re triggered and need control so one might become controlling, easily jealous and extreme jealous behaviors which can result to aggression & anger to resentment. Yes a Karmic relationship looks terrible not in the beginning but in the long run you might’ve seen the red flags and ignored anyways but it will cost you later.
Your karmic might’ve been the person getting between you and your soulmate or twinflame or even marriage but not because they love you maybe you have something they really want from you or maybe just your looks nothing else maybe your desired by many and they got you ha! If not careful they might force childern upon you to keep you trapped. I’ve observed karmic connections and it’s very sexy perfect in the beginning no depth or maybe it was but it was only love bombed at first and it got tangled. Everything is rushed and it feels like a big mistake for some reason . Anger becomes the primary emotion. If you end things better believe one of these people won’t be okay with that and they might find someone else and still be spying on you and checking on you still finding ways to trigger you or piss you off or make you worry it’s unpleasant to deal with learn the lesson and never look back YUCK most of them want you back to make you miserable for hurting them or ending things with them or taking your own path or even doing better without them. Karmics can’t maintain a healthy relationship definitely with someone else yes but not with you if that’s the karmic connection.
They usually have narcissistic tendencies/ personalities/ treat you like shit & then love bomb you/ manipulate you / big ego low self esteem/ try messing up relationships for you evil eying you and shizz. Mad that you finally love yourself and someone new even if they supposedly moved on they hate you don’t ever expect something sincere or an apology for hurting you or blaming everything on you. 0 responsibility on their end it’s always your fault for not being enough you can give them gifts and it’s never reciprocated or thanked with kindness. Restrictions selfishness, abuse and attraction , arguments and comparing you to old partners or anther person and how you should fit that box or else type of vibe. You’re just not good enough but they don’t wanna let you go maybe there can be love maybe HA NEVER . Seriously karmics are nasty energy in the end if they could mess up something new for you they gladly will. Karmics are addictive because of the natural manipulation that comes here the past life debt Karmics are another part of past life connections. We usually had something to do in the past life some how like maybe you lied or cheated etc. please learn your wounds , learn that your addicted to this person and how to untie yourself, learn how to let go cus this is an on & off connection with little to 0 Change “you make me not wanna be a better person” they keep you asleep they don’t want change they want you to stay the same they want you to downgrade because you should be at their level. UM NO please learn about your shadow side and let go when you know it’s the time! Move on to bigger and better things in beautiful life.
• Sun Conjunct Mars : which explains the only infatuation properties here
• Their South Node Conjunct your personal planets Sun , Moon , Venus , Mars or rising :( past life indication and the need to finish a debt together finally move on this time etc :)
• Venus & Mars aspects or conjunctions : this can show you the passionate want to be with that person.
For now these are what I have I’m still studying more placements. This is an unforgettable story that really killed your heart , your mind , your body, and most hurtfully your soul. As time moves you without this stop sign in your life harming you. Your permanently someone new so much love for you :) and a badge of honor for your strength to let go and find yourself again to creating a new life or finding a true romantic connection that adds love to your self love in which you can feel it and reciprocate too. Smile karmic survivor’s you push forward.
If you seen TVDs as I started watching Kathrine Pierce & Damon Salvatore are definitely a Karmic relationship.
Emma & Mark from the movie Till Death
Last but not least our KINDRED MATE: I feel this one is more on the platonic side of things. This friend is a SOUL FRIEND. Might’ve had past life experiences :) . They Think like you , have the same beliefs as you ,same values as you , reactions emotionally like you , same attitude as you, same energy, same interests like a copy of you without romance in the middle. They can leave never be seen again until the wind pushes them to run into you and you guys react the same almost looks romantic to others but you guys know it’s NAHHHH we’re just like siblings with the same everything can confide in each other almost like a relationship would but NOO it remains platonic till the end. Partners in crime vibe. They might even help or guide you can also just be a life long friendship till the end. But can never feel like a soulmate or romantic it always remains the same trust and loyalty etc
This one feels chill , I know you so well type of vibe and I will call you out if you’re screwing up vibe. They don’t have hidden feelings for you or have intentions to ruin your chances with somebody in fact they usually help you and leave and show up again one day to visit and disappear again. But we do the same in their lives it’s just a platonic friend who is self resilient and doesn’t want anything from you only communication on positive things or checking in and that’s all :) they understand you and like wise .. :) the end
Astrology sneak peak aspects for this one
• Sun Conjunct Sun
• moon signs in the same elements
• Mercury in the same sign or element
Example of these as characters.
Stephen Salvatore & Lexi The vampire diaries
Sidney Prescott & Sherif Dewey The movie Scream
Finally :) I complete an insane explanation on this crazy stuff I’ve been observing and taking notes :)
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urloveangel · 5 months
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a loving accountability check every Taurus needs to hear
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soospiritualjourney · 9 months
Mercury turns direct suggests a moment of clarity, a moment of insight where over the last 3 weeks or so, we might be thinking something a certain way and now we are seeing things differently.
We are realising how things actually are. We are able to accept and find that truth now.
In this time communicate and understand clearly.
There is a perception of pessimism and inability of seeing light
Breathe. Be diligent with your thoughts and mind.
Hone yourself to your belief and faith in the dark. Seek help when you need it.
Be patient with self and you will find equilibrium.
My note for you. If no one has told you lately, the universe loves you. You are worthy of love. If you don’t know it yet, didn’t this year, with its triumphs and trials, woven a tapestry of our lives together?
Thank you for reading my posts.
At the New Year's dawn, let's carry that strength into the new year ahead of us. 🔥 Let's continue to build ourselves, nurturing dreams, conquering challenges, and becoming the person we envision of being.
To all you here, may the year ahead be a canvas painted with vibrant hues of joy, growth, and self-discovery.
May we continue to find solace and inspiration 🦋
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convoswcourt · 6 months
Inner Child Healing
If you have my astrological placements, you definitely know what I mean when I say I've lived at least 6.5 different lives the past three decades. One of the most important lessons I learned when I was approximately 21 years old - was to take my own fucking potential seriously.
Being born into chaos and growing up in survival mode created an identity for me that was rooted in self sacrifice, self sabotage and pain. I grew up way too fucking fast and didn't get a chance to truly experience my childhood. It was hard for me to see my own gifts and to take my divine abilities seriously when I was not properly nurtured in my developmental years. All I have been shown and told was "you are undeserving and worthless".
I did everything in my power as a young adult to never feel that way again. But of course, as a capricorn stellium, I learned everything in my life the hard way. Through countless trials and fucking errors. Through trusting and investing in the wrong people.
At some point, you get hurt enough in life that you learn how to lighten up and laugh at the fuckery. I look back now at my younger self and chuckle at just how serious and angry at the world I used to be.
It really is true what they say about capricorns aging backwards. This past year was the most painful one yet, but because of it - I've finally learned how to detach from outcomes. This is a big achievement on my end because it signifies that I have developed a deep unbreakable consistent trust in the universe. It represents the level of peace I have achieved within and marks true maturity and real trust in myself that I have the ability to deal with anything that comes my way. It feels good to know that there was a purpose to all the pain I endured and that I finally made it out the other side where I fully understand how those years served the development of my worldly wisdom and existential intelligence.
I have a pluto in sagittarius in my 1st house so my identity changes and shifts every 6-7 years. With that much soul growth in a lifetime inevitably, at times, it comes with exhaustion and burnout so I am learning how to really honor and listen to my inner child. She and I deserve more play, more color and more fun. We deserve a second chance at life to really figure out who we are outside of chaos and pain. With that, I am excited to continue to share my growth with you all. Thank you to each of you reading for being a part of my journey.
Follow my astrotherapy instagram: instagram.com/convoswcourtI I follow back :)
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drippingwithwords · 6 months
The Now: Dripping with Words
I struggled what to write as my first post, what to even title it...
Because I don't want to start at the beginning. If I went back to where it all began, until now? It'll drain what's left of me right from the very faucets that drip these words. Because I feel like I'm in the midst of something, now - big, otherworldly. A shift of some sort that's out of my hands. It's like reading the stars, akin to astrology, which I'm totally into. The anticipation's so intense, it makes me sick to my stomach, most days. My intuition underscores something is coming. But, I'm not sure if it'll knock me down further (for the 100th time. ha.), so I can rise like a phoenix, higher than ever; if it'll take me out, completely, this round; if it'll induce some enormously beautiful transformation, or some combination thereof...
So, I'm starting this blog from "now"...
It's impossible to get to know me all at once or who I am from this one little, tiny blog post. But isn't that the case for everyone? Because there's so much to this - and me. Though you can glean some semblance of me from my description, here, on tumblr or check me out on Instagram. But, I mean, do you just meet someone for the first time in a cozy coffee shop and get to know everything about them in a heartbeat? No. You can't...
But you’ll get to know me and my past, through my present and future posts… well, that's if you stick around these pages to learn more about it all - and what I've come here to share, which may help others. And I can learn more about you, too. So, I hope you do stay with me…
My life went the way most thought it had to...
Or it needed to, in order to be "successful," (e.g. HS, college, Master’s Degree, job, boyfriends, societal achievements, etc.). But I always had an insatiable desire for the night's answers. A yearning to know everything beyond what was right before me… wanting to find out what the f--- we're really doing here; not just accept the status quo. And I found people to entertain these thoughts with, in many facets, and beyond… that took me to depths I never knew existed.
Just know...
This ride isn't for the faint of heart... the one where you want to "know" and do everything you can to find the answers. You open a flood gate of sorts. I'll stay away from specific terms, for now, and just call it my “life path.” But when you embark on "finding the truth" everything may come undone (at times). But, also, there's much that's truly magical along the way and riches to be gained - yet other things will leave you questioning everything; rightly probably yourself, who you are - your very existence. And it can be beautiful, yet challenging - as I've found it to be. And, well, anyway, I look forward to catching you on my blog, here... and just know, we're in for quite a ride and look forward to the journey with you!
...Follow me on Instagram
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themysticgarden · 2 years
As part of my spiritual practice, I frequently journey. I'm still working on how to explain the various levels of consciousness I experience, and how I get there. In the meantime, if you have a path to journeying but are looking for assistance - I have a playlist for that! Entering a trance state may take patience. Using specific music or drumming, combined with breath and body work can aid in shifting consciousness. Your own ancestral roots may also provide a specific vehicle. For example, in Curanderismo a Curandera may embark on a Soul Retrieval Journey with a client in an effort to heal unresolved illness or trauma.
I have utilized journeying to meet my ancestors and spirit guides, through a soul retrieval process, and to connect to my higher self. All have been incredibly beneficial to my spiritual growth.
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moonbysa · 1 year
Personal growth is about changing your [unworkable] patterns. - Sarah Anouar
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thepoeticshawty · 2 years
your soul is like a bright guidance through the depths of the universe.
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dkscore · 2 days
Ram Raksha Stotra: The Ultimate Shield of Protection in Vedic Astrology
The Ram Raksha Stotra is a powerful Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Lord Rama, composed by the sage Buddha Kausika Muni, who was inspired by Lord Shiva. The term Raksha means protection, and the stotra is recited to seek divine protection from all forms of negativity ;be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. As per Vedic astrology, chanting the Ram Raksha Stotra not only purifies the soul but also protects one from malefic planetary influences Read more >>
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cool-corpse · 1 month
Virgo Season: Finding Comfort in the Earth’s Abundance
Over the past few weeks, I have been contemplating my relationship to nature. I’ve swam in lakes, hiked in forests, and studied herbal medicine, learning to use our natural resources as an aid in spiritual healing. I’ve also found that by simply observing the natural cycles of life, we are reminded of our connection to this rhythm, understanding that we, just like the Earth, go through…
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perzephonluna · 3 months
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These Placements have a high Compatibility in Being the Best of friends or close friends PT1 🧠🌙🫶⬆️🏠
(be Mindful there’s always more aspects to look into, and if a friendship is healthy it’s important to always accept your friends differences from yours) Observe , listen to your gut & how your energy feels after hanging or talking . How they make you feel? Do they validate you ? Do you Validate them? Friendships are also very important relationships in our lives 😆 = ☺️ and our energy. Friendships are a beautiful platonic relationship but they can become toxic or unhealthy as well :). Astrology is a massive predictor on your souls path and your energy but it’s doesn’t always mean it’s a full source :) nothing is in life (not even science) 😅. But we enjoy astrology readings as a half true reflection 😌 and true in its genre .. Enjoy
This is just a prediction of a Most likely 🫶
Example : Leo Rising on your end > < Aries Moon on your best friends end. Or LEO RISING & A LEO MOON
This conjunction really feels amazing like someone’s listening to me , someone understands me. “ one sees something a certain way , while the other one feels something a certain way” so the understanding is well off :) This feels like a soul friend like you can go to this friend and talk about things that bother you with trust. Or things you enjoy. Will see each others pov.
• Or having the same Elements in the houses.
Ex: Sagittarius 7th house conjunct your best friends moon sign which happens to be Sagittarius too. Or Sagittarius 7th house but your best friends moon Sign is Leo.
This is an emotionally safe friendship which can be a relief when you 2 get to together to work on a project or talk about important issues together it feels like another soul friendship here.
OR Mercurys in the same Elements. Ex : Pisces Mercury > Cancer Mercury
Although this one is very on the Intellectual side it’s a pretty solid friendship. Like cool we can talk about interesting things we can understand each other on another level of mindfulness ( this ones can be a little on the gossip side soo it’s not the only aspect you want to trust but looking more into the 7th house> moon sign > mercury & rising ) this one can be a little toxic if it’s the only aspect pulling you guys together. But hey earth sign mercury’s understand business is business air signs will see the intellect side of things , fire signs will understand the craving for adventures water will understand the emotional side of things in communication..
Ex: Best friends moon sign Virgo moon & Yours is a Capricorn moon sign. I think this has to be my FAVORITE WAY to make friendships.
TBH like the moon sign within your friendships is a must have also with mercury in the same elements 😌 like we can talk about most of our things without feeling judged bonus if sun conjuncts rising definitely in the Elements though. I feel like being in the same element within friendships feels safe vs when they conjunct things feel more in the soul level or romance..
• Or HAVING THE SAME ELEMENTS instead of conjunctions.
This one might not need more aspects for a solid friendship, of understanding :D this one is one of my favorites in friendships :D as an air sign rising I enjoy my Aquarius friendships most of the time 😂.
Friendships in the same ELEMENTS of the planets (Sun , Moon , Mercury & Rising) they feel safe and comfortable to understand. Often not having any aspects I mentioned or having harsh negative aspects or opposed can cause : Rivalry, competitors, Jealously, controlling behaviors towards your friendships. Be mindful to other aspects that don’t contain toxic or negative aspects , remember that even when we have good aspects not everyone is balanced within their planet energy. Which can affect you even if you have an amazing bond with your best friends.
😊 True Friends understood IN an intellectual manner , empathetic, trustworthy interactions and supportive relationships .
Friendship: The Mutual trust respect , Intellect , empathy & support between each other. Let’s not forget light hearted humor 😄 This is a beautiful way to describe a TRUE PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP 😊.
Song that reminds me of friendships: Count on me by Bruno Mars 😉 👉😁👈😂👉🤗
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mswild1 · 3 months
The Crystal Child of Crystallia
Once upon a time, in a land where the mountains touched the skies and the rivers sang with ancient wisdom, there was a small village named Crystallia. Hidden in the heart of an enchanted forest, Crystallia was a place of unparalleled beauty and magic. Every tree shimmered with a delicate glow, and every flower whispered secrets to those who cared to listen. In this village, there lived a woman…
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feminiel · 4 months
I have seen a lot of repetitive angel numbers in my life, each appearing in its own time and fulfilling a need for me to understand something: 1111, 111, 222, 333, 444, 4444, 555, 666, 777, 2222, 7777, 177, 117 and 77. However, there is one special and unique repetitive angel number that stands out the most for me and delivers significant and meaningful energy on my journey: the number 144. I feel like the angel number 144 awakens my intuition every time I see it, and it guides me in a way that feels divine. I feel excited every time I learn one of its messages, and each time I feel I am getting closer to its purpose on my journey and path. The messages and/or guidance for me so far associated with the angel number 144 are:
I am a lightworker: I understood this by reading an article about the prophecy of the 144,000 lightworkers. For me, it was a significant confirmation from my Angels that I am a lightworker. I was not sure at the time, I was still questioning myself, but when I started researching the angel number 144 and found the article above, it was a big yes from my Angels and from the Divine that I am a lightworker meant to bring something important through the fulfillment of a specific soul mission of my own.
To receive help from my Angels through someone who is able to communicate with them: During a difficult time, I was guided to get an Angel reading. When I saw that the price of the reading was $144, I felt in my bones that I needed to get this one. I knew it was a sign for me. The reading was helpful, and I was amazed by how the Angels communicated their messages and guidance in a way that made sense only to me. I listened to it last year (4 years after purchasing it) because I felt called to listen to it again, and I was even more in awe of how this reading was meant to be.
A sign from Lady Seraphina that made my connection with the Divine feminine even more dominant: Who is Lady Seraphina? In her book, Claire Stone describes her as 'the mother of all feminine archetypes.' The book mentioned is 'The Female Archangels: Reclaim Your Power with the Lost Teachings of the Divine Feminine.' According to her book, the number 144 is one of her calling cards! This was a message for me that divine feminine energy is highly significant on my path, and that Lady Seraphina is helping me with what I need for the development of divine feminine energy. I believe she's also helping me heal my feminine and masculine energies so I can intuitively understand how these two energies work in union.
An energetic purpose: In the same book, it is said that there are 144 nadis in the human body. Nadis are energetic channels through which energy (life force) flows in the body. What's interesting is that my healing journey started when I felt guided to learn about the chakras, our energy centers in the body. Later, I felt guided to learn and practice emotional freedom technique, an energy healing work for my emotional wounds. I have always felt drawn to learn how energy works. I feel there is something significant about my energy path that I have taken. I don't know yet what it is specifically, but I do feel intuitively that energy is a key component and has a higher purpose in the big picture. Also, seeing that the number 144 is correlated with the energetic system of the body makes me feel that I'm on the right track when it comes to my energy work and learning.
Feeling guided to have an oracle card deck: I have always felt drawn to have an oracle card deck. I felt like it would help me build more connection with my Angels and Spirit team, even though I wasn't sure how to read cards. The deck I felt drawn to pick has an astrological theme, and the accompanying book has 144 pages! It felt like another full yes and sign from my Angels and Guides! Using the deck and the book provided me with the messages I needed at the right time. I also discovered more about myself while trying to interpret the cards and reading the book!
Support, self-discovery and direction about some of my unique talents and gifts that I may posses for fulfilling my life purpose: I recently discover a minor aspect in astrology, the bi-quintile. It's an angle of . . . 144 degrees!! This minor aspect talks about the energy of our unique and special talents, skills, or gifts that we may possess! When I went to do some research on my 144 degrees aspects of my astral chart, I was speechless and felt excited like I have never been with the number 144!! Again, I feel like 144 is really guiding me to discover who I am and giving me huge clues and direction on the path meant to guide me to realize and actualize myself. I feel like 144 is guiding me also to discover my gifts and talents. Actually, my whole healing journey was also about discovering my gifts, talents and purpose! It's about discovering my true self and giving it to the world. 144 is guiding me to find my true self and soul purpose piece by piece. It is all coming together.
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somethingnubian · 7 months
Embracing Transformation with Jennifer Lopez's "This is Me...Now": A Journey of Healing and Growth
By: La Trecia Doyle-Thaxton Introduction: Before diving into this reflective exploration, I highly recommend watching Jennifer Lopez’s latest creative masterpiece, “This is Me…Now”. This album is not just a collection of songs; it’s a narrative of personal growth, healing from past traumas, and embracing one’s true self. It’s a fusion of the visual storytelling seen in Beyoncé’s work, the…
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