#Soulful Healing Practices
somethingnubian · 7 months
Embracing Transformation with Jennifer Lopez's "This is Me...Now": A Journey of Healing and Growth
By: La Trecia Doyle-Thaxton Introduction: Before diving into this reflective exploration, I highly recommend watching Jennifer Lopez’s latest creative masterpiece, “This is Me…Now”. This album is not just a collection of songs; it’s a narrative of personal growth, healing from past traumas, and embracing one’s true self. It’s a fusion of the visual storytelling seen in Beyoncé’s work, the…
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hellcifrogs · 2 months
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I love love this! Kushina with curly hair! Drawing this healed my soul a little bit <3
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technomancer-01 · 10 months
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When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know... Well, now you know... And I can die with hope in my heart... Oh, one more thing... Here, take this... An Estus Flask, an Undead favourite...
For anyone in need of a healing flask
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lunacelebrateslife · 1 month
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shamandrummer · 3 months
The Shamanic Practice of Soul Retrieval
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Soul Retrieval is an ancient shamanic practice aimed at recovering fragmented parts of a person's soul that may have been lost due to trauma, emotional pain, or significant life events. The concept is rooted in the belief that when a person experiences trauma, parts of their soul can dissociate as a survival mechanism. This soul loss can result in feelings of emptiness, disconnection, or a lack of vitality. This post will delve into the history, process, and benefits of soul retrieval, offering a comprehensive understanding of this profound healing technique.
The Concept of Soul Loss
In shamanic belief systems, the soul is not seen as a single entity but rather a collection of spiritual energies that make up our essence. When we experience trauma, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, parts of our soul may flee as a protective mechanism. This fragmentation is often subconscious, but it can manifest in various ways, such as feelings of emptiness, dissociation, chronic depression, or a general sense of being incomplete.
Soul loss can occur due to various reasons, including:
Traumatic Experiences: Accidents, abuse, sudden loss of loved ones, or severe illness.
Emotional Pain: Heartbreak, betrayal, or significant disappointment.
Life Transitions: Major changes such as divorce, job loss, or moving to a new place.
Spiritual Intrusion: Negative energies or entities invading the soul's space.
The History and Origins of Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval practices can be traced back thousands of years to indigenous cultures around the world. These practices are particularly prominent in Siberian, Mongolian, and South American shamanic traditions. Shamans, or shamanic practitioners, are considered intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. They perform soul retrieval to recover the lost fragments and restore the individual's spiritual harmony.
Practitioners utilize various techniques to enter altered states of consciousness and journey into the spiritual realm. These techniques often include drumming, chanting, dancing, or the use of plant medicines. The goal is to locate and retrieve the lost soul fragments and reintegrate them into the person's being.
The Process of Soul Retrieval
The soul retrieval process typically begins with a thorough preparation phase. This involves:
Consultation: The practitioner meets with the person to understand their history, experiences, and symptoms of soul loss.
Setting Intention: The individual sets a clear intention for the retrieval, focusing on the specific aspects of their life they wish to heal.
The Journey
During the soul retrieval session, the practitioner enters a trance state, often facilitated by rhythmic drumming or other methods. In this altered state, the practitioner journeys to the spiritual realms to locate the lost soul fragments. This journey may involve:
Encountering Spirit Guides: Practitioners often work with spirit guides or animal totems who assist in the retrieval process.
Navigating Spiritual Landscapes: The journey can take the practitioner through various spiritual landscapes, such as forests, caves, or celestial realms.
Retrieval and Reintegration
Once the lost soul fragments are located, the practitioner gently retrieves them and brings them back to the physical world. The reintegration process involves:
Blowing the Fragments: The practitioner may blow the retrieved fragments into the person's body, typically into the heart or the crown of the head.
Energy Balancing: The practitioner works to balance the person's energy field, ensuring the reintegrated fragments harmonize with the existing soul parts.
Benefits of Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval can facilitate profound emotional healing. By reintegrating lost soul fragments, individuals often experience a sense of completeness and inner peace. This can lead to the resolution of long-standing emotional issues, such as depression, anxiety, or grief.
Reconnecting with the lost parts of the soul can ignite a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery. It can open pathways to deeper understanding, intuition, and connection with the divine or higher self.
Many people report significant improvements in their mental health following a soul retrieval. Symptoms of dissociation, PTSD, and other trauma-related conditions often diminish as the person becomes more grounded and present in their body and life.
Healing the fragmented soul can also have positive effects on personal relationships. As individuals become more whole and balanced, they are better able to connect with others in healthy and meaningful ways.
Integrating Soul Retrieval into Modern Healing Practices
Soul retrieval can be integrated with modern therapeutic practices, such as psychotherapy or counseling. Many holistic practitioners recognize the value of addressing the spiritual aspects of healing in conjunction with psychological and emotional therapies.
Individuals can also explore personal practices to support their soul's healing journey. Meditation, mindfulness, and other spiritual practices can help maintain the balance and integration achieved through soul retrieval.
For those interested in undergoing a soul retrieval, it is essential to seek a qualified and experienced practitioner. Recommendations from trusted sources, thorough research, and an initial consultation can help ensure a safe and effective healing experience.
Soul retrieval is a powerful and ancient healing practice that addresses the spiritual dimensions of trauma and emotional pain. By understanding and embracing this practice, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness and inner harmony. Whether integrated into modern therapeutic approaches or pursued as a standalone practice, soul retrieval offers profound benefits for emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
As we continue to explore and integrate ancient wisdom into contemporary healing, soul retrieval stands as a testament to the enduring power of spiritual practices in nurturing the human soul. By reclaiming our lost fragments, we can move forward with greater resilience, purpose, and connection to our true selves.
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natalchartnurtures · 5 months
Girls doing intense shadow work and ancestral healing be like-
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let me soothe your cravings for poetry today
I've got my reels
To watch and forget the world
To fled the crime scene
In my psyche,
While the criminals are living inside my own house.
You think you got demons?
I got my own and the family hounds,
Locked up in the basement
Somewhere in me deep in their lonesome estrangement.
I struggle to feel safe in my own body,
Let alone out in the public streets,
Being in a safe space feels yet a half world away,
Instant gratifications at my fingertips, my treats,
I cope my life away.
Healing is so confusing
It feels worse than the hurting
I've gotta stare at my wound,
dig it for truth while I pretend like I'm doing nothing?
Is it ever going to end, this despair?
Hang me for their crimes already! I wanna declare.
Numb heart, I numbed out life
Barely awake and only half alive
Everyday gets a lil harder
And I want to get a lil less happier
Look around and I see people,
They seem alright to me
So what I missing?
Is it just my fate to suffer
in this hidden path quietly in time's passing?
Or am I just dreaming and I'm going to wake up soon?
From it all, away from it all.
But what if all of this confusion would go away
if I actually did weigh,
my life against my wisdom,
Realize that simply my knowing alone doesn't cut it-
Takes climbing a mountain,
to learn to master the rocks and conquer peaks.
Here I am on the ground,
Haven't tried, haven't found out
That all it takes for my life to come together
Is one step after the other
its called one step after the other.
Hope you enjoyed :)
Love+Light sweets
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purpleponder · 2 months
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Sorry about the background, I’m trying my best here
Somehow I keep putting all the lore I have in my head in the tags, always read the tags if you want more info lmao
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[my grandfather's photo :: from my flickr files]
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More and more I tend to see the soul expressing itself in body symptoms – in the way the body moves, in the dreams. I see it almost as a prisoner with the complexes squeezing in to take the life out of it.
So, I try to do the mirroring that the parents were not able to do. The soul just became more and more encased.
It wasn’t heard in a child’s body. It wasn’t seen. And that’s because the parents often have their own agenda as to what the child is, so they want it to act and speak in a certain way. The result is that the soul goes underground. I see therapy as an attempt to reconnect what that child has lost, the soul child.
[Analytical Psychology: Theory and Practice]
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wayti-blog · 4 months
"Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth."
Mary Baker Eddy
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sheppardsmckay · 1 year
A bit of a rant here on main lol. Proceed at your own risk.
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I’ve recently been going through a bit of healing and discovery about myself now that I finally have some time to process. It’s not a normal or fun thing for me to do to say the least. I’m a very closed off, private person who’s only just now understanding aspects of myself and working through about a decade and a half of trauma which has resulted in chronic health issues and a lot of mental ones too. I have a caregiver’s body at a young age, broken and failing before 30. It’s definitely not at all what I thought my life was gonna turn out to be, and although it’s certainly not been all bad (my career has made some wonderful strides this year, and parts of my health are improving), it’s been harder than I ever imagined.
Early this year was kinda the last straw for a lot of reasons. And because I was entirely too busy to deal with it I did what I do best: compartmentalize and box up the hell out of it. Unfortunately (for everyone) I’ve been developing healthier and better coping mechanisms which means that ain’t as easy as it used to be. A part of me I closed off a long time ago got torn open and left empty which is always exactly what someone like me just loves. And this time I found myself unable to close it again.
Long story (sorta) short, I had a mental epiphany/existential crisis/breakdown after randomly texting something to my friend and I realized “hmm, maybe I’m not keeping it together as well as I thought”. That forced me to take a minute and seriously start to figure this shit out.
So I sat down and talked to my friend (who is honestly the best for listening to my rants, I don’t know how they put up with me) and started processing everything as they recommended.
The process is taking a long time. It’s not like I can just sit down with my brain and be like “so tell me what’s wrong” and then we solve it before my afternoon writing session. It’s not like my brain even works perfectly all the time. But I’m trying despite it all, despite my neurodivergent brain and my health being uncooperative, and me barely understanding any of it, I’m trying.
And what’s the biggest thing that’s helped me in this? Well it’s two things actually. Some stories written by my best friend (same friend who listens to my rants on text, in person….) and a little sci-fi show.
I’ve talked about her here before, but my friend writes some of my favorite stories with some of my favorite tropes and themes. But also they’re very healing. Two in particular have kinda become a regular reread. The characters are relatable and real and I’m able to connect to the MC’s because of their pain, their struggles to survive in a world not made for them, and how they navigate the challenges of failing health in a fallen world. Happy Thought and Light The Way Back Home help me heal and process through these characters eyes, with all the magic and bravery of a fairytale. I read them when I’m hurting, when I feel useless or alone and they help me feel not so alone in the world, so I’m rereading them right now while I’m working through things.
And then along came Stargate Atlantis. Obviously I’ve talked about it a lot recently but this show was not something I planned on adoring so completely. And it was certainly not something that I planned on bringing me to my existential crisis and forcing myself to deal with it at the worst time lol.
But through it I’ve both grown and learned a lot about myself. I’ve become more myself and I’ve healed and worked through trauma because of it.
Through the show I’m once again remembering the value of finding a family, a home that doesn’t always include blood but most definitely warmth and love. Through Sheppard I’m learning that I shouldn’t deal with things on my own, that loyalty and bravery is important and you can rely on others. That the pain that you feel isn’t just a solitary experience and you don’t have to bear the world on your shoulders by yourself. That it isn’t your fault.
And through my dear Rodney I’m reminded that I’ll be loved despite my flaws, that you can be brave and true despite your worst impulses and you can keep trying and failing and trying again because it’s so hard but worth so much. And maybe, just maybe, you can be your weirdest, loudest self and be accepted for it anyway. Because of the show I’ve opened up more, laughed louder, cried more, and I’m realizing the importance of healing and love and a true family. A real one.
I’ve joked that I’m in my “villain era” but I think it’s just me being more of who I am and not what people expect, to create healthy goals and barriers and separate myself from the narrative of some of my family’s problems. I’m speaking up more for myself, which is causing some truly hilarious moments (I’m literally Rodney complaining sometimes it’s both funny and annoying I know) and I’m letting people in, letting myself be more vulnerable and open and not closing off the dangerous and hurt parts of me. I’m letting my wounds out into the sunlight and letting it heal instead of fester alone in the dark. I’m letting go, or trying to, and finding the value of the things to cling to. I’m trying.
And I’m writing again. I haven’t written in quite a well. I’ve edited a whole lot, but nothing new has come to mind. Until this all spiraled out and I decided to say “to hell with it, I’ll just put everything into this book”. It’s become a memoir (in a fantasy,steampunk, post ww2 way, of course) and helped me work through some issues that can only be explained in words on paper.
ALL of this very, very long post (I’m sorry/not sorry) to say that you can learn about yourself at any stage in life, that sometimes things don’t always turn out how they should (and it’s okay), that healing comes only in love and patience and light and that family doesn’t start or end with blood but it’s important, so important to find one. To never stop trying even when it feels useless.
And stories. Stories can mend and save and grow and teach and change. Stories can drag you into the light and they can help you become whole again. They can make you a better person, if you let them. So let them.
Special thanks to the author of the books mentioned, the dragger into the craziness that is SGA and helping me rant and heal and process and mentoring me through stories and writing and sharing. @lightthewaybackhome it’s been a blessing. And a real joy. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten here without you.
And I’m sorry for the Mckayness of me, it’s only gonna get worse I fear.
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softeninglooks · 1 year
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pokemon trainers iwaoi au living in my mind rent free 🫶🏻
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technomancer-01 · 6 months
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“Good Hunter, lost in the nightmare. What do you think of that beastly legend and those ailing wards of the church?... I know what you did to them... It’s not your fault. The nightmare held them, and now they are free. But, what about you? Have you profited at all?”
Folks, would you want this as a poster? I’m debating if I want this as an 8.5”x12” rather than just on my 4.5x6.5 spellbook pages. Granted it’d be a standalone. What do you think?
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really feeling a way about eyrie being a healer tonight
#Astro my beloved ;—;#it really is just becoming my favorite healer of the bunch#it’s comfy it’s got good recovery it’s all Very Nice#astro also fits the best in eyrie’s lore—their experiences with healing magic are a mix of geomancy + astrology + whm after a fashion#i say whm but not truly whm the white magic eyrie knows is very distant and removed from that of gridania#but eyrie takes a lot of that healing knowledge and smooshes it into astro#while leveva looks on in fascination and an odd bit of horror#the stormblood quests are very much in line with eyrie’s brain#they’re like ah yes put these practices together yes thank you I already do that in some form#it’s also with geomancy and astrology that they are practices both created by viera peoples but also techniques borrowed#borrowed from times when there was not as strict boundaries of leaving#eyrie borrows the cards into the reading and the sextant and card holder used by astros to channel the healing magic#it’s a common practice back home that tools are not used and the body is the conduit for healing#it puts less strain to use the sextant and cards#i should read more on geomancy tbh#but I was watching cutscenes w eyrie as astro and it was A vibe that I was feeling#tbh eyrie in a trust would be an all arounder as an astro + bard + drk combo#I also have feelings about eyrie coming to terms with drk stuff though warrior and subsequently going back to drk#eyrie knows what myste is and it terrifies them to think of what is inside of them#so they stuff the broken soul deep in their things and leave it there#what created myste isn’t going away. it lurks—the feeling of it in their gut and unsettling#so warrior it is#oc: eyrie kisne#i am so sorry to whomever reads this rant
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years
berries, things like berries, red in nature + other StuFF, part 2
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Capturing Serenity: The Visual Majesty of Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe, nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, has long been a source of inspiration for nature lovers and photographers alike. The lake’s crystal-clear waters and surrounding forest landscapes offer a perfect canvas for capturing nature’s beauty. This article explores the significance of Lake Tahoe photography and Pictures of Lake Tahoe, revealing how these visual treasures not only enhance our appreciation of natural beauty but also play a crucial role in environmental conservation.
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The Art of Lake Tahoe Photography
Lake Tahoe photography is about more than just taking pictures; it’s about capturing the essence of one of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes. Photographers, both amateur and professional, are drawn to Lake Tahoe’s diverse scenery—from its snowy peaks in the winter to the vibrant blue waters in the summer. This form of photography not only showcases the lake’s seasonal transformations but also highlights the delicate balance of its ecosystem, encouraging efforts towards its preservation.
Evolving Techniques in Landscape Photography
Advancements in photographic technology have revolutionized how landscapes are captured, allowing for more profound and vibrant expressions of nature. Today’s photographers have a myriad of tools at their disposal, from high-resolution cameras to drones, which offer expansive aerial views and unique perspectives of Lake Tahoe. These technologies enable a deeper exploration of the lake’s vast and varied terrain, providing viewers with a more immersive experience of this natural wonder.
The Role of Photography in Conservation
Photography has a powerful role in conservation efforts by documenting the changing landscapes and raising awareness about the need for environmental protection. Through compelling images, photographers can influence public perception and foster a sense of responsibility towards natural habitats like Lake Tahoe. By presenting the beauty and the fragility of these areas, Lake Tahoe photography serves as a visual advocacy tool for preserving such irreplaceable treasures.
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The Global Reach of Pictures of Lake Tahoe
Pictures of Lake Tahoe have a universal appeal that transcends geographical boundaries. These images allow people from around the world to experience Lake Tahoe’s majestic beauty without ever visiting, sparking global interest and appreciation. The distribution of these pictures through various media channels broadens the understanding and appreciation of natural landscapes, promoting a global culture of environmental respect and stewardship.
The journey through Lake Tahoe photography and the widespread admiration for Pictures of Lake Tahoe highlights the profound impact that visual art has on the conservation and appreciation of natural landscapes. These images not only bring joy and beauty into our lives but also play a crucial role in promoting the sustainability of such enchanting environments. For those interested in viewing or purchasing stunning visuals of Lake Tahoe, please visit billstevensonphotography.com to explore a collection that captures the essence of this iconic destination. Through ongoing photographic endeavors, the legacy of Lake Tahoe will continue to inspire and remind us of the importance of protecting our planet’s natural wonders.
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