#Moon Phase Manifestation
somethingnubian · 7 months
Embracing Transformation with Jennifer Lopez's "This is Me...Now": A Journey of Healing and Growth
By: La Trecia Doyle-Thaxton Introduction: Before diving into this reflective exploration, I highly recommend watching Jennifer Lopez’s latest creative masterpiece, “This is Me…Now”. This album is not just a collection of songs; it’s a narrative of personal growth, healing from past traumas, and embracing one’s true self. It’s a fusion of the visual storytelling seen in Beyoncé’s work, the…
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙
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New Moon
Appearance: The moon is not visible in the sky.
Duration: Lasts about 1-3 days.
Energy: New beginnings, fresh starts, setting intentions.
Intention Setting: Write down or meditate on your goals and desires for the coming month.
New Projects: Initiate new projects or start new habits.
Cleansing: Perform a cleansing ritual to clear away old energies and make space for the new.
Waxing Crescent
Appearance: A small sliver of the moon begins to appear.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Growth, expansion, gathering energy.
Manifestation Work: Focus on the growth of your intentions and desires.
Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to strengthen your goals.
Action Steps: Take practical steps towards achieving your intentions.
First Quarter
Appearance: Half of the moon is visible.
Duration: About 1-3 days.
Energy: Decisions, challenges, taking action.
Problem-Solving: Address any obstacles that have arisen since the new moon.
Courage Spells: Perform spells to boost confidence and courage.
Reevaluation: Adjust your plans if necessary to stay on track.
Waxing Gibbous
Appearance: More than half but not fully illuminated.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Refinement, patience, and persistence.
Refinement: Fine-tune your goals and work out the details.
Patience Rituals: Practice patience and stay focused on your long-term goals.
Energy Work: Perform rituals to boost your energy and motivation.
Full Moon
Appearance: The moon is fully illuminated.
Duration: About 3 days.
Energy: Completion, celebration, illumination.
Manifestation Rituals: Perform powerful rituals to manifest your intentions.
Gratitude Practices: Celebrate your achievements and express gratitude.
Divination: Use tools like tarot cards or pendulums to gain insight and clarity.
Waning Gibbous
Appearance: More than half but decreasing in illumination.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Reflection, gratitude, sharing knowledge.
Reflection: Reflect on what has been accomplished and learned.
Sharing: Share your knowledge and experiences with others.
Gratitude Rituals: Focus on giving thanks for what you have received.
Last Quarter
Appearance: Half of the moon is visible again, but decreasing.
Duration: About 1-3 days.
Energy: Release, letting go, forgiveness.
Release Rituals: Let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Forgiveness Practices: Practice forgiveness for yourself and others.
Decluttering: Clear out physical and emotional clutter.
Waning Crescent
Appearance: A small sliver of the moon is visible before disappearing.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Rest, recuperation, introspection.
Rest and Recuperation: Take time to rest and recharge.
Introspection: Reflect on your inner self and spiritual journey.
Dream Work: Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious messages.
Additional Tips for Baby Witches:
Moon Journaling: Keep a journal to track your activities and feelings during each moon phase.
Crystal Charging: Use the full moon to charge your crystals by placing them under moonlight.
Moon Water: Create moon water by leaving a container of water under the moonlight to absorb its energy, especially during the full moon.
This chart provides a basic framework for how you can align their practices with the moon phases. As you grow in your practice, you may find additional or alternative activities that resonate more with your personal path.
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botanicalsword · 3 months
Relationship • Marriage? long-term connection? Composite & Davison Chart
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>> Relationship • compatibility ♡ Crack the code✧
Public image - Aspects to consider whether the public perceives both as suitable for marriage
1. Juno - Marriage asteroid 2. Ascendant - Rising sign 3. 7th House Ruler ✧
Taurus - Cancer - Capricorn  If these signs are predominantly Taurus, Cancer, or Capricorn, the public may see the two of you as a suitable or excellent choice for marriage. But the perception from the public does not necessarily reflect your true connection. 
Aspects to consider for both genuinely suitable for marriage: 1. Sun sign 2. Moon sign ✧
In the Davison chart, it is recommended to have the following signs:
Sun sign - Aries / Cancer / Leo / Libra / Pisces
Houses of Sun - 4th / 5th / 7th / 8th houses
Harmonious aspects between Sun-Moon / Sun-Venus / Sun-Saturn / Sun-Neptune
Gemini - Sagittarius - Aquarius If these signs are in Gemini, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, it may indicate that you are not naturally suited for marriage.
From the perspective of compatibility charts, the simplest understanding is as follows:
Composite Chart vs Davison ChartThe Composite Chart represents how others perceive "you as a couple," while the Davison Chart represents how you perceive "your relationship" in the later stage.
Understand that how others see "you as a couple" may differ from your feelings
These two charts also are heavily influenced by transits.
Observation on the following scenarios:
Composite Chart - the public image that will be affected by external factors; Davison Chart - development in a later stage depends on the effort they put in
The Davison chart may not be favorable, but the aspects in transits are positive/harmonious, keeping the couple continuously involved and unable to break apart.
The Composite Chart may be favorable, making the couple appear as a "perfect match" in the eyes of the outside world, with the support of family and friends, making marriage easier.
The Composite Chart may have unfavorable aspects in transits, but the transits in the Davison chart are postive. Although there may be external resistance, both parties are satisfied internally and unwilling to separate. Whether they can get married or not depends on how much effort they are willing to put into the relationship.
The Composite Chart has favorable transits, but the transits in the Davison Chart are unfavorable. Despite the personal dissatisfaction, various external factors and conflicts make it difficult for the couple to break up.
Exclusive content -
>> Relationship ☽ Observations on Composite Chart / Davison Chart >> Relationship • Dynamics and challenges ♡ Composite Chart >> Relationship • Challenges in the connection • Davison Chart >> Relationship • How the connection affects the way they behave • Marks Chart
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daportalpractitioner · 5 months
short vs. long luteal phase
did you know that your luteal phase is a key indicator for fertility? in a healthy cycle, your luteal phase (which happens right after ovulation) is between 10-17 days. it's important that you are experiencing your luteal phase in its ideal range for womb health regulation, which is responsible for your ability to magnetize + manifest.
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a short luteal phase is less than 10 days, meaning that your bleed phase begins less than 10 days after ovulation. having a short luteal phase puts you at risk for infertility + miscarriages because the uterine lining isn't think enough to sustain an embryo.
a long luteal phase is more than 18 days. having a long luteal phase can be associated with hormonal imbalance, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) — a leading cause of infertility.
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wandoffire · 9 months
Moon Phase Journaling
-> Journaling by the phases of the moon and working with their energies.
-> Helps track patterns in moods and thoughts, connect to the universe and make the most of energy changes.
What new beginnings am I ready to embrace?
What seeds am I planting?
What steps can I take to achieve my goals and intentions?
Where do I desire change?
How do I need to show up in order for these seeds to grow?
What new opportunities are presenting themselves in my life?
What challenges am I facing? How can I overcome them?
What is draining my energy? How can I protect my energy?
How can I nurture and express my creativity and inspiration?
What have I accomplished since the last full moon?
What has made me happy?
What am I grateful for?
What is my intuition telling me?
What is the present moment bringing up for me?
What habits or patterns am I ready to release?
What lessons have I learnt during this lunar cycle?
What self-care practices can I incorporate into my routine?
What in my life needs attention or healing?
How will I honour myself?
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What are you going to do for the new moon in Virgo tonight? I hope to do a short manifestation ritual 🌙 ♍️
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euphorictruths · 26 days
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mumblelard · 4 months
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frogs from a hidden pond and a bunny in the graveyard
in this last week i have seen a dozen blue-tailed skinks sunning on a wall, a softshell turtle laying eggs on the side of the lake, a great blue heron feeding screeching nestlings high up in the trees
written on a picture of the moon with the last ink from a dying pen, lit by the twelve hour glow stick saved years in my pack for an emergency, hung at sunset
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yogadaily · 7 months
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(via 6 Tips for Teaching Yoga + Thriving in a Yoga Career | YouAligned.com   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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Using the Moon Phases to Manifest Your Desires | Witch Tips
Each lunar phase has its unique qualities and symbolism, in this guide we will explore how to use the lunar phases to manifest your desires.
The moon is a potent source of energy and holds a deep connection to the natural cycles of life. By aligning with the lunar phases, we can tap into this energy and work in harmony with the ebb and flow of the universe. This lunar connection can also help us develop a deeper connection to nature and the cycles of life.
New Moon - cleanse & set intentions for lunar cycle ahead.
Waxing Crescent - growth & expansion. take inspired action toward new moon intentions.
First Quarter - evaluate progress, push forward, & make decisions to help reach your goals.
Waxing Gibbous - refine goals by going inward & listening to intuition.
Full Moon - clear perspective of past lunar cycle. release what isn't serving. celebrate progress & blessings.
To find the current lunar phase, you can google it or download one of the many apps that focus on the moon and/or astrology.
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starseededhippie · 1 year
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wizardsaur · 10 months
New Moon Ritual
A realistic ritual to set goals in tandem with the New Moon. Behold, a method of Manifestation designed for the real world! No billionaire mindset here, we're just trying to take baby steps toward happiness.
A clean, quiet space to work in
A clean body (ideally, recently eaten)
A white candle
A book of shadows, moon notebook, bullet journal, or similar
Alright friends, first things first – this is a biggie. I pinky promise my Wordpress is legitimate, it just looks like ass because I'm learning.
Clean your body, clean your space. Take a damn shower & tidy up your bedroom. This aspect sincerely cannot be overstated, because having a clean…
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espiritogato · 8 days
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mstudi0s · 11 months
🌙 - 𝗣𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲𝘀 : 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 : 𝐚 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐲
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Humans are so ever-changing, and being this way allows us to move easily and smoothly onto new things. But it can also cause us to fall back on to all things as well; whether that be a habit, person, hobby, or even place. The only thing guaranteed in life is change. 🌙
We are always going to be falling in and out of things in life. That's just how it is, but what we shouldn't do it fault ourselves for going through this. Kicking yourself because you no longer want to continue that passion project since you have a new one only hurts you. 🌙
I'm here to tell you that you're allowed to change your mind, and it's okay to move on to the next phase of your life. Whether that looks like getting a new job, starting a new hobby, meeting a new person, or going back to something. Change is probably what you need right now. 🌙
The phase that you enter could be what propels you forward or even unlocks a new path for you. See it as exactly what you need, and you are doing exactly what you should be doing. The universe is perfect, and anything that you do is not wasted time. 🌙
It's either a going to be a blessing or a lesson. Take it from me. Have a very lovely day, and stay safe out there. 🌙
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