#Soul Traits
papyriasks · 7 months
What would the main boys favourite soul trait that they look for in a s/o be?
Heyo! Love this question
Sans: Kindness definitely. He has a soft heart at his core and appreciates someone who can match that energy, he also has a few things he struggles with (such as depression) and really needs someone who can hold room for him and who he knows he can always find a nurturing and safe place in.
Papyrus: Bravery! (Just like himself) He is super into people who inspire him, and who he can admire as much as himself (lol). He likes people who he can count on for always being up for an adventure, someone who is exciting and courageous.
Stretch: Kindness, he has a huge respect for compassionate people, he definitely has a healthy distrust of humans and appreciates someone who he can know for certain is always holding good intentions and someone who looks out for other people and his brother.
Blue: Justice! Blue lives by his morals and refuses to budge for anybody else, he will always look for the good in people but will not allow himself to be blinded and ignore the bad, and he absolutely needs someone who matches his sense of morals and has a strong sense of character to stand up for what they believe in.
Jupiter: Perseverance! Having lived through incredibly hard times himself he definitely admires someone who can stand the test of time, who can get knocked down and find their way back to their feet. He wants someone who he knows is committed and doesn't give up easily. Jupiter has a very low self esteem and thinks of himself a lot like one big problem needing to be fixed, he wants someone who he knows won't bail on him, and will stick by him during the hard times.
Mars: patience! Mars isn't all like he used to be, especially after his head injury, in the process of his recovery he has taken upon a more slow, stable lifestyle and desires someone who can create a cozy, stable home with him and can be understanding of his disability- and loves him just as much for it and doesn't see him or his injury as a burden.
Mutt: determination/Bravery, Mutt is super attracted to people with bold personalities, people who know what they want and don't let fear rule them. Mutt himself has a bit of a coarse, icy exterior and can be quite intimidating to many, he's super into people that aren't afraid to challenge him and aren't easily intimidated.
Lord: integrity, coming from a universe where deceit and manipulation is all too common, he needs someone who he knows is reliable and sticks to their morals, he despises wishy-washy and unreliable people.
Red: Kindness, though he will never admit this (and honestly might not even be fully consciously aware of this either). Red at his core wants to feel safe, he wants someone who he can trust and will nurture all his wounds-both emotionally & physically. He has an incredibly hard time opening up and very little experience with kindness, but he's lived his entire life with a hard shell to protect himself from cruelty to cruelty- he just wants someone that makes him feel soft.
Edge: Integrity/Perseverance. Edge similarly to Lord appreciates someone who knows themselves and has the confidence to stand by what they believe in, someone who has a strong sense of character. He respects strength incredibly and has little respect for the weak-willed.
Razz: Bravery! Razz is all about the freaky eccentric things in life, he needs someone who is equally as much of a freak and isn't scared of the unconventional. He appreciates people who push limits and is all for exploring in uncharted territory.
Cash: Bravery/Justice. Cash is an absolute mischief maker and practical joker, he has strong morals and doesn't particularly care if those morals align with the law or not, out of all the main Skellies cash is the one with the least respect for any kind of authority and is going to be super attracted to anyone who can team up with him in his trouble making.
Coffee: Patience! Coffee is supppeerr socially anxious, and takes a long time to come out of his shell, his more mild and tame outer shell is often deceiving as he actually has major trust issues and tends to assume the worst in people, any potential s/o's would need to have the patience to get him out of his shell and reveal his more deviant & affectionate side.
Black: Determination, Black is incredibly cutthroat, he knows the challenges and cruelties of the world and knows them well. He's insanely ambitious and needs someone who is just as so, he very much is looking for an equal who is just as cunning as he is and is super attracted to people with a lot of prowess and big aspirations.
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invertedfate · 9 months
Fair enough, though it is worth noting that human souls in particular have their color defined by traits, so monsters thinking their souls might work in a similar manner wouldn't be that farfetched, especially in a world where determination alone can cause a massive anomaly in the timespace continuum.
We don't know if the colors are defined by traits- I personally treat the traits in ball game as personality traits for those specific humans rather than making "soul traits" a part of the lore in IF. I don't really like the idea of "soul traits" because it kinda pigeonholes characters into a sorta elements of harmony type vibe which, while I do think MLP handled it well (the characters weren't that one note), often times that focus on One Core Trait can overshadow the nuances of a person. So soul colors, to me, are just like eye color or hair color. The concept of "soul traits" as a big lore thing was always more of a fandom interpretation, albeit one that has basis in that there's the ball game. It's just not for me. Plus there are enough monsters that deviate from that that it's just yeah.
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dryemiddi · 1 year
And tell my why you picked the one you did in the comments
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“Different.” (Takes place before Hellspawntale rebooted)
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sin-content · 1 year
We all know the basic 7 soul traits right? And the basic monster soul white?
So here is something I want to show you all, its not finished so its abit of it :3..
But this is the main soul traits of my au's souls, the main 8 and a bonus 4 that are more of rare traits!
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You may recognize some of the 4 bonus traits ofc- like Hate, Fear, maybeeeee Pain if you followed X-Cess38 before he deleted his account- Im still sad about that not going to lie, anyway um and the gray one is just Nutrality but you see in my aus, there are more, actually 5x as many, theyre special traits with special propatys per say but when I finish it Ill show you all hehe ^^
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generalfabulous · 1 year
This is something I’ve been really curious about for a while now from a writing standpoint, and now that we have polls, I’d like to find out!
Keep in mind, this is asking what soul color you think you’d hypothetically have. I know there’s a lot of fan theories about mixed soul colors, so if you’ve got two, pick the one you MOST identify with.
Also, I know my reach is fairly limited, so if you could help spread this so a larger part of the Undertale community sees this, I’d appreciate it! Thanks!
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ant1quarian · 10 months
Hey Raven! Figured I'd ask this here rather than risk it getting buried in the server:
I saw the specific magic/soul types; Are there specific monsters who exhibit those types - and if so, who has what?
Thank you again! Giving Eros a nuzzle.
Yeah! They do have specific SOUL traits.
Omega Flowey - All except Determination
(Formerly) Reset
Chara - Determination (Corrupted).
Asgore - Deceased (Was Kindness and Justice. Kindness was Tainted and Justice became Corrupted)
Toriel -  Deceased (Was Kindness)
Green Magic
Gaster - Deceased…ish (Was Perseverance)
Gaster Blaster
Blue Magic
Orange Magic
Sans - Severely corrupted Justice (appears red), Corrupted integrity and non-corrupted perseverance.
Blue Magic (Mainly Gravity control)
Gaster Blaster
Papyrus - Kindness, Perseverance and Tainted Bravery.
Gaster Blaster
Blue Magic
Orange Magic
Undyne - Severely Corrupted Kindness and Corrupted Justice.
(Formerly) Green Magic - Healing
Green Magic - Offensive (Spears)
Alphys - Corrupted Justice and Perseverance
Yellow Magic
Electronic devices
Mettaton - Corrupted Justice
Yellow Magic
Riverperson - Freedom.
Tra la la… beware the man who never fails to meet demands…
Grillby - Corrupted Integrity and Perseverance.
Purple Magic
Napstablook - Corrupted Kindness
(Formerly) Green Magic - Healing
Muffet - Perseverance
Puppet Strings (Purple Magic)
Web-spinner (Purple magic)
Burgerpants - Corrupted Kindness and patience
Sneak (Cyan Magic)
Doggo - Corrupted Patience
Sneak (Cyan Magic)
Track (Cyan Magic)
Greater Dog - Corrupted Kindness
(Formerly) Green Magic - Healing
Green Magic - Offensive
Blue Magic
Lesser Dog - Corrupted Kindness
(Formerly) Green Magic - Healing
Orange Magic
Dogaressa - Corrupted Kindness and Non-corrupted Perseverance
Axe (Purple Magic)
Sword (Purple and Green Magic)
(Formerly) Green magic - Healing
Annoying Dog - Kindness and corrupted integrity
Cross-region (Green Magic)
(Formerly) Blue Magic
Green Magic - Healing
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Which lamias prefer Patience Souls to others?(if they even have preferences for types of SOULs)
*A Patience SOUL is an excellent SOUL type for anyone adopting a lamia. Since lamias have “wild instincts,” their communication skills aren’t always as honed as an original bitty or a Felid. Being adopted by someone with patience means that a lamia has an opportunity to learn and grow in a safe supportive environment.
*The lamias who need a Patience SOUL the most are:��
Krait because he can be quite shy and needs additional care for his sensitive scales
FireRing because he is mute and it takes more effort to communicate with him
Honey Bo because it takes time for him to build the trust necessary for a strong bond with his adopter
Coral because he has trouble communicating his need for affection and may be quite stubborn in many situations
*This doesn’t mean that other SOUL traits aren’t just as desirable for different reasons. Every lamia and person has individual strengths and needs to be met, and the world is full of people and bitties with a variety of personal traits and attributes who can meet them!
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magicstar16 · 2 years
My theory for deltarune and character development is that each of the development based characters will get a Character arc relating to each of the human souls in Undertale, specifically in the order they fell.
1. In the first chapter, Susie constantly goes against our decisions, FIGHTs without input, and refuses to ACT or wait for commands. After her confrontation with Lancer, she decides back off on fighting and listen to Kris’s commands, even if they elongate the battle, and becomes more PATIENT.
2. Noelle’s arc is much more obvious. She starts off scared of the dark world and passively participating in puzzles, but after the Maus puzzle with Berdly she starts actively participating more, speaks up more, and even gaining the BRAVERY to stand up to Queen.
So it’s likely that the Chapter 3 character development arc will be related to INTEGRITY.
Now I saw a post that connected Susie’s arc with kindness, and that’s probably more plausible, but I just think the arcs following the order of which humans fell in Undertale is a cooler parallel, while also serving as an inverse to the inverted Order of the location themes, (New home for the Card world, and the CORE for Cyber world) As well as an inverse to the soul colors of the secret bosses.
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Remember that weird thing in UT switch where are you could split your soul apart
Is that magic canon to ish
If so, how does it work?
Who knows it
How does it visually look from an outside perspective 
I'm gonna go with yes... though not sure yet how it works. We know Maddie (Mad Mew Mew) knows it, but I'll say Gaster and most duel traited souls know it. From the outside, looks like the soul was split in half and the parts are moving independently.
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akanemnon · 15 days
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Clearly the correct answer
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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homestuck-ghoul · 1 year
UT fanfiction writers I'm begging you to please stop only using green souls for the MC 😭🙏
Please use the other soul colors, man I have never seen anyone use the patience or courage soul traits yet. Perseverance gets SOME love out here but come on now I know you want the MC to be kind and empathetic but they can still be that way with other soul traits I promise
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I just have to say that it's so weird reading how transphobes think of trans bodies as mutilated and gross when they never would have thought my body pre-transition was worthy. The "argument" of mutilated beauty that transphobes have tossed around is just a fear mongering tactic, because they don't tend to actually love or appreciate and see value in bodies that don't "neatly" fit into male and female, with no overlap and no nuances.
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
I’ve gone on and on about how Leo wants to be who Splinter finds is the ideal person (which just so happens to be Splinter’s ideal version of himself) but I have yet to really touch upon how Donnie is the one who most directly parallels Splinter himself to an honestly shocking degree, Raph’s taking from Splinter’s teachings and parenting has resulted in an unhealthy mixup in the different dynamics of a family versus a team, and Mikey is the one who is simultaneously the most focused on family and the most intrinsically himself which both leads to his better grasp of mystics and honestly what just might be the healthiest dynamic with Splinter.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#it’s late so I’m just speaking from the top of my head haha#anyway yeah#the Donnie Splinter parallels are crazyyy tho#I always see ppl say Leo is just like splinter but no Leo WANTS to be like splinter but he’s more a Karai#meanwhile Donnie exhibits many of Splinter’s traits and behaviors#basically Leo has taken on many perceived Lou Jitsu attributes#including his stance his most flaunted skills and his overall demeanor#while honestly being more of a quiet and determined soul at his core that is most like Karai - with the same hope and love for family#we see the more Karai aspects of Leo throughout the series but most blatantly with Future Leo’s portrayal and how Casey Jr talks about him#Donnie though - rather than Lou Jitsu he has many Hamato Yoshi attributes#it’s funny too because Donnie ALSO parallels Draxum in many ways#(you know who else does albeit to a much lighter extent? Mikey)#make no mistake I super wanna get into Raph having a hard time separating team and family and just sorta jumbling them together#but that mindset can be unhealthy!#SHOULD I GET INTO HOW RAPH ALSO PARALLELS HAMATO SHO IN SOME WAYS AS WELL AS ATSUKO#not to mention his direct parallels to OROKU SAKI HIMSELF#and Mikey - I actuallly have a touched briefly upon how his individuality and sense of self has led to his greater control of mystics#but I do think it’s interesting that he has arguably a more healthy relationship with splinter than the others as well?#idk it’s late#and I may be talking about nonsense BUT#I gotta stop here bc I’m very sleepy but I’ll probably be back in these tags rambling more later lol#would just like to add that splinter loves them all very much he is just a flawed and depressed man with a lot of untapped trauma#which unfortunately ends up affecting his boys to different degrees
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lowcallyfruity · 6 months
My contribution to the Scott Pilgrim fandom
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echoesofaheart · 1 month
consider. mind but his crown is also a halo
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