chiscribbs · 5 months
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Some miscellaneous doodles for ACT I of my Grown Apart AU!
If you squint, you can get a little context for the plot. ... If you don't feel like squinting, however, here are some convenient notes I've included about what's going on in each image:
(top left -> bottom middle)
Donnie hides his spidertech underneath a specially designed tailcoat that he made himself. The back has two openings on either side, hidden by an overlapping layer of fabric, from where the mechanical legs extend. Naturally, each spider leg hides a multitude of secret functions, most of which no one else but him knows about (not even Big Mama.)
Raph thinks Draxum's new prisoner/test subject, who he's been instructed to keep an eye on (no trouble there!), is just the cutest thing ever.
Leo and Mikey experience the joys of a two-child-household. When the little sibling is bored, no one else is allowed to know peace.
When Draxum joins sides with the Foot Clan, Raph is forced to work alongside humans for the first time. Draxum's always taught him that humans are the enemy of the yokai and that they need to be destroyed, so he's a bit...conflicted about this new development.
In an attempt to prove his usefulness to Big Mama - Donnie enters the Hamato residence as a spy, under the pretense of being an escapee of Big Mama's prisons (is it really all pretense, though?) He manages to win the ever-optimistic Mikey over with little trouble, but Leo is not as easily convinced and remains suspicious of the purple-clad "yokai's" intentions.
Big Mama can't risk losing her best engineer and mechanic to the above world as she did her champion all those years ago. So, she takes every necessary precaution to ensure Dontavius (Donnie) remains under her thumb, exactly where she needs him to be. After all, Mama knows best ❤
Splinter searches for his two lost sons, ninja style - Leo and Mikey are still too young to be left at the lair by themselves, so he's had to improvise.
A little clue as to how April first meets the boys - Leo and Mikey, that is - in this AU.
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
Batfam and Spiderfam dynamics
Jason and Miles are platonic soulmates,thanks.As a black dominicano myself,there is no reaction Jason would have to meeting the Spiderfam other then making a b-line to the lil nigga talking with his hands to someone who's not listening and asking him about what he's rambling about to genuinely listen and this applies to any timeline Jason cause the Lazarus Pit isn't gringofication juice.Miles takes an equally quick liking to him and they've got tons in common but enough differences to keep their interactions interesting and add some mutual angst(I see you in me and you see me in you but the feeling isn't exactly the same,not always but we're getting there for eachother)
Babs fucks with Miguel by hacking his Spidertech and dosen't even do any actual damage but pretends she has or is planning to to keep him on his toes.He is Screaming
Stephanie and Gwen hit it off almost as instantly as the Flowerghost Brothers did for the same reasons and Stephie calls Gwendita 'sister' first as the slang but then as a found family thing.Gwen convinced her to dye her hair like Hobie did her and Stephanie now has a split down the middle purple dye to her natural black butterfly locs and she brings her over to Batgirls hangouts so she can feel like a real girl as gender validation but also trauma healing and on first meeting Stephanie had a reverse to her and Jess' first meeting as Gwen chattered off about herself in autistic awkwardness and she responded with 'Can i adopt you?' to Gwen's touched shock and Steph's embarrasment(Gwen is still 16 and Stephanie was 18 btw)(Death may love you but i love more and i'll save you from it)(You're the Robin that flew the highest even though you flew for the shortest time)
The babygirlfication of Duke Thomas:By Hobie Brown.Duke was flustered and weak in the knees enough just from Hobie unmasking but the fact that Hobie found him equally attractive didn't help since he instantly started flirting with him.Duke powered through after getting used to it a significant instences of Spiderpunk rizz and Hobie was pleasently surprised that he actually wasn't a shy meek 'normal' boy but as chaotic as he is and that was when it went from attraction to real romantic love as they got to really know eachother and Hobie shows off Duke to his band's fans and they take care of eachother post-hero work and before it too(You're SUCH a punk........I can't fucking tell if i wanna be with you or be you or roast you/I'm Spiderman and you're Robin.We can do all three,Sunlight.This the part where you kiss me,yeah?/Obviously-Why else would i have done that 1920s toons ass shit to get you upside down?)
Dick and Peter B are iconic 'The ones who started it all and mentor the ones to keep the legacy going' solidarity but Dick's a cool hot tgirl about it and Peter B's a lame in a sexy kinda way tboy about it.Their friendship is healthy if weird and they do hero jobs together occasionally and exchange trans stories/jokes.Also:".........We seem to have the same type?" "You mean.....Redheads...?" "What?!No,black women!" "OH THANK FUCK,I KNEW THAT CREEPY RUMOR ABOUT YOU WASN'T REAL!!!"
Talia and Rio met through Jason and Miles and formed a friendship of their own.It was really nice for Talia to befriend another woc who's deep into and proud of her heritage and they do cultural bonding and hang out casually too and they're also both bi women with a past history of multiple girlfriends which is a nice surprise and they can be found drinking tea and eating tostadas together at least once a month.Talia and Uncle Aaron would've been besties too if he'd lived and her breath hitched when she met his 42 Variant and Miles G from the flashbacks to Jason's ressurection and her reconnection with him as he turned into Red Hood under her wing(It's like looking at ghosts that'll never really die)
Cass and Peni suffer from the infantalization and moefication of easian women and girls both in-universe and out of universe so they go beyond and Cass helps Peni go back to her authentic japanese roots by having a storyline with her that's a ref to her Nge inspo and this includes Earth 14512 and Prime Earth glitches fuckery and Cass briefly goes chinese cartoon incarnated which she's more than okay with.They listen to Mcr and participate in Cass' tradgoth hobbies and Peni gets her to embrace her hidden small love of cute shit and there's anatomically dehumanized child soldier bonding(Don't let them make you a rose without thorns)(Be beautiful to everyone you want to but terrifying to everyone else.You've earned both)
Kory and Jessica get black milf-y with it by increasing their hotness by 100+ with their combined energy and Kory teases her about the Spiderkids calling her 'Spidermom' as a half-joking mantle and Jessica just rolls her eyes playfully and says she's jealousy she's milf x 2 now.Kory also gives her free clothes she got from her modeling job and Jessica takes her out on motorcyle rides with her own pastel pink helmet and was confused for a Tamaranean a few times so she gaslight the media about it for funsies.Street food gyals too and get their nails and hair done together at different dimensional black salons as a quest of sorts.THEE Spiderbatfam battle duo,they are whole ass GREEK TITANS in damage level(Also jic no ion ship Peter B and Jessica,Dick was talking about 616 MJ who is black to me due to one of few mcu W's)
Maps and Margo be peppy girl geeks of color who're twinnin' on almost all their tastes,the only real difference being Maps' japanese ones vs Margo's haitian ones BUT they get to diaspora bond thanks to being inmigrant kids♡Margo has pretend drawn constellations with Maps' freckles and this my friends was the true beginning of Margomaps.Margo social media brags and posts about 'her girlfriend Maps' like the slang and Maps drags her into Gotham mystery solving and they're call themselves 'Team Birdbyte' know damn well that's a ship name.Maps once put her hairclip on Margo's hair and kissed it 'for good luck' because she was scared shitless for her on a life or death mission and Margo sweeped her up into her arms to give her a big 'ol smooch upon return and Maps had heart eyes afterwards as they went on their first 'date' i.e Sharing a bed for the first time as they talked out their love for eachother in detail over pizza and strawberry fizz(You're not my Player 2,you're my main girl)
I don't got fancy schmancy for these last two but Tim x Miles is so fucking real,,,,,,,,,Better than any yt boys only crossover ship for sure.They're just,autistic trans teenage boygirlfriends but like realistic ones not fake deep wonderbread and they're brown4black because Tim's biracial on Janet's side cause she was cherokee and Miles is an honorary Young Justice member who earned a Blue Lantern ring and they're so sweet and soft and sappy and cringe together...........Cool girl Miles and her losercore bf who loves her so fucking much and that she loves so fucking much back and she thinks SHE'S the desperate loser.And the other thing is Tiffany Fox is Batgirl here!!It only feels right considering it's Spiderverse and she hangs out the Spiderteens/Tim and Duke's age group/the older Batgirls!!She's a recurring major character i have for this in my head and is one of Miles' big crushes although not endgame since she realized she'd rather make friends for a long time first than date right then.And she grows up to have a happy healthy marriage and kids!!♡(Red Table mutual you know who you are,ADD TIFF)
Misc extras:Prime Earth has a Dairy Queen equivalent called Dairy Super,Miles and Jason have texting Tamagotchis that were upgraded by Margo at random because she wanted to see if she could and Miles' is a cat while Jason's is a bat,Gwen's mom was afro-dominican and she got her Atsv hair but in locs and Stephanie is specifically jamaican/korean and blondephobic as is Tim,Peter B's character assasination didn't happen cause the writers were so darksided for that,Jessica is trans as per her comics,Stephcass is a thing and share an apartment and basically act like a butch4femme eternally married couple(A la Bubbline in Obsidian and onward)and it's perfectly possible to make a Batfam crossover that isn't about blue eyes,incest or pedophillia shipping or spits in the name of superheroes and what they stand for in favor of propaganda,gatekeeping and writing that's so horny it circles right around to being sexless.And you just read one :)
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Hey, i have a poll for the Demon AU!
Its about Technus. His whole gig is technology, but that is quite scarce in medieval times. So, are we giving him something different? I think its neccesary, and personally i think he could have a bug theme!
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He already has a spider form, he can still make on the web puns, and we dont have a bug themed villain yet. Plus, this gives another character a new look.
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Valerie's second armor could look like an exo-skeleton, with wings and the like. Her first armor from Vlad would be more knight-like, but this one would be bug themed. What do you think? Let me know!
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yourlocalkitkat · 24 days
Okay. Idfk why but I think syntax and Cyrus would be such a good duo. A ship maybe..
Their duo / ship name that I came up with : spidertech :3
I watched clips of syntax and holy moly he for some reason reminds me of Cyrus in a sense
Ok thanks for listening to me ramble
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secondskin007 · 8 months
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"Svein Tuft" by Cycle Sport Management - Team Spidertech is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-06-26
I have learned so many new things about the specifics of the GPL against my will.
Listening: Remembered that I was kind of hyped for Rodrigo y Gabriela's new album "In Between Thoughts... A New World" which is just a lot of showing off on the guitar. Very much the soundtrack to a movie that doesn't exist.
Reading: Finally remembered the books I was reading long enough to finish Children of Time. Bizzare ending, not bad, but I can see why this might lead to a less well received second book. Spidertech gets increasingly ridiculous in ways that are just on the balance of predictable and ridiculous that I find very funny. They do computing on ants. Also there is an entire society of intelligent mantis shrimp in the periphery of this book. They need a spin-off.
Started Kaiju Preservation Society by Scalzi. I have not in fact read very much Scalzi but this one did sound funny and I was down for sci-fi comedy.
Watching: Continuing the Fast and Furious Watch, with The Fast And The Furious (2009) which is the second movie called that. This feels like it's resetting the storyline so that they can go wherever they're planning on going with this. I liked it a normal amount! There is a level of restraint on display that does not come to mind when I tell you that within 5 minutes of the movie starting, Vin Diesel has driven a car underneath an exploding fuel tanker truck.
Playing: a lot of Mars First Logistics, the recently-in-early-access mars cargo robot building game.
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A good balance of constrained and freeform, parts are slowly meted out as you progress through the "story missions" in as much as those exist, which sees you building a rocket, a biosphere, a rover soccer stadium, a resort, etc. out of ever more unwieldy components in ever more inhospitable terrain.
At times navigation can become just straight up ridiculous, forcing you to either charge up and down steep hills with unstable cargo or attempt to gradually work your way the slow way around. A very forgiving vehicle reset and a less forgiving cargo reset goes a long way to making this manageable. You always have the option to strap rockets to your vessel and cast yourself to the wind, which comes in handy pretty often.
Making: Sat down with FreeCAD and sketched out the apartment for future use, now I need to do the furniture. FreeCAD is not the best or the worst CAD package I've used but it's basically the only one that runs on Linux, unless you have several thousand dollars to drop on Siemens NX. A halfhearted attempt to throw the skeleton of the apartment at povray resulted in this brutalist masterpiece.
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Tools and Equipment: I got the iFixit Prying and Opening Tool Kit which is a set of plastic wedges, spudgers, and cards intended for opening electronics. I've always just kind of done this with whatever is lying around and I gotta say it's a big improvement. They're decidedly consumable parts, but they're also cheap enough to justify that.
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artapir · 2 years
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Alt-Egyptian spidertech: a tiny autonomous surveillance drone, plus exoskeletal “Anubis” warsuits.
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socialpermadeath · 10 months
I keep seeing posts where people say that TransTape is overpriced so I decided to do the math.
Math under the cut to save your dash. Spoiler, the TransTape is cheaper than most other options I found.
I have a larger chest and I've found that I can get the medium work but I'm probably going to need the large tape in the long haul. For convenience sake I'm going to break the tapes I calculated down into categories by their equivalent TT size.
X-Small (Narrower than the smallest TT)
Target Brand Kinesiology Tape - 50¢ per inch. (Also very narrow probably not workable for me)
Therapists Choice Extra Wide 3" (Bulk) - 3¢ per inch
KT Pro Wide - 18¢ per inch
PTmehnu 4" - 11¢ per inch
TT Medium - 9¢ per inch
TT Large - 9¢ per inch
SpiderTech XXL - 15¢ per inch (I guess the name is a plus)
This struck me as odd, it was only beat out by an absolute beast of a roll of bulk off-brand tape that was still only equivalent to a small so unlikely to work for me. So I redid the math to account for TT's shocking shipping costs.
Assuming I'm buying 3 rolls at a time and paying 13$ for shipping with each go (and not accounting for bulk pricing just to be generous to the other brands) it's still 10¢ per inch for the medium and 11¢ per inch for the large.
Is my math wrong? Is there a cheaper brand of tape that comes in wider sizes that I'm missing? Did the cost of generic KT tape skyrocket in the last few months? Or maybe everyone else is using a small and I'm the odd man out in wanting a large.
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abhijitsathe1 · 10 months
Elastic Therapeutic Tape Market Forecast 2024 to 2032
Elastic Therapeutic Tape, commonly known as kinesiology tape or simply k-tape, is a specialized type of adhesive tape that is used for various therapeutic and sports-related purposes. It is characterized by its stretchiness, flexibility, and ability to adhere to the skin for an extended period of time.
The Elastic Therapeutic Tape Market was valued at USD 204.49 Million in 2022 and is expected to register CAGR of 10.97% by 2032.
The Elastic Therapeutic Tape market is driven by key factors such as rising awareness and adoption, expansion of sports and fitness activities and innovations in tape technology.
Get PDF Sample Report: https://www.xcellentinsights.com/enquiry/sample/802
By Market Vendors:
Kinesio Taping
Nitto Denko
LP Support
Towatek Korea
Atex Medical
Major Medical
DL Medical & Health
By Types:
Roll Form
Pre-Cut Shape
By Applications:
On-Line Shop
Mall & Supermarket
Get Full report + Tables + Graphs: https://www.xcellentinsights.com/reports/elastic-therapeutic-tape-market-802
About Us:
Xcellent Insights is a market intelligence provider and consulting firm. We offer data-driven research services based on multiple analysis frameworks which helps businesses across the globe to understand current market scenario and align their strategic initiatives.
We offer syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting services and datasets which are mapped across multiple datapoints.
We provide research reports for all the industry sectors like Consumer Goods, Packaging, Chemicals and Materials, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Agriculture, Food and Beverages, Automobile and transportation, Electronics and Semiconductors, IT and Communication, Energy and Power, Machinery and Equipment.
Contact Us:
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rachelellenhair-blog · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Spidertech power tape and strips.
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ellinapark · 2 years
Global Elastic Therapeutic Tape Market is Booming Worldwide | Gaining Revolution In Eyes of Global Exposure
Global Elastic Therapeutic Tape Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players i
n This Report Include KT Tape (United States)
SpiderTech Inc. (Canada)  
RockTape (Canada)
Theratape (United States)
StrengthTape (United States)
Nitto Denko (Japan)
Mueller Sports Medicine (United States)
Dunbar Medical (Canada)
Towatek Korea (Japan)
Atex Medical (United States)
Healixon (Netherland)
Elastic therapeutic tape is an elastic cotton band with an acrylic paste that is used for treating pain from athletic injuries and a variety of other physical disorders. Some of the features of elastic therapeutic tape are it provides support to sore muscles which promote the body’s natural healing process, relief from swelling, prolonging the effects of physiotherapy, and soothing injuries as they heal. These tapes are useful in the treatment of muscle sprains, ligament strains, Joint swelling, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Post-fracture support, Low muscle tone or muscle weakness, and others. The increasing number of patients with orthopedic disorder boosting the demand for elastic therapeutic tape.
Market Drivers Growth in Sports and Aerobics Industry
Rapid Growth in Aging Population 
Market Trend Growing Adoption of Elastic Therapeutic Tape for Orthopedic Treatment
Rising Demand for Versatile and Easy to Apply Therapeutic Tape
Opportunities Rising Awareness about Physiological Disorders
Growing Healthcare Infrastructure in Emerging Economies
Challenges Lack of Awareness in Developing Countries
The Elastic Therapeutic Tape market study is being classified 10435 Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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secondskin007 · 1 year
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"DSC_2361 copy" by Cycle Sport Management - Team Spidertech is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
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mad--house · 2 years
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graysglass · 4 years
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Spider Marble
At auction at M&Th
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Symmetra understands Sombra’s dramatic flair but if she hears “So sad, Athena play Despacito” again she might combust.
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horce-divorce · 2 years
Well, I finally finished my SpiderTech tape from new year's (4 rolls lasted me til April but i wasnt being super careful) and I have to say... I was glad I bought bulk to learn how to tape properly, because having extra rolls on hand made me less worried about fucking up and "wasting" it.
That said, their adhesive is just not good and the tape is not the same quality as other brands ive tried. It's a bit flimsy. Actual name brand KT tape is too expensive, but it's very sturdy in comparison. TransTape is likewise a bit expensive, but I didn't have this many issues w their tape either. It seems a lot of reviews say the same about SpiderTech, it's just not the same quality as other brands.
With the Spidertech I haven't been able to wear it for more than about 20 hours because it just peels off, even if I'm using it as proper kinesiology tape. I used it on my wrists and even with rounded corners it instantly got snagged on my clothes and started peeling. Every time I'd do my chest, my anchor layer of tape would be flawless and wouldn't budge, but the pieces on top (any bit anchored to another piece rather than skin) would start to peel away from each other in the anchored spots, and stay stuck to my skin in the other spots. Like I just woke up with half my chest peeled & had to remove my tape at 5am because the tape caught on my sheets and was completely unsalvageable :(
So yeah, it's good if you're on a budget and need the tape more than you need the tape to last. I would absolutely rec the Spider tape to anyone who's still learning the ins and outs of taping (chest or otherwise) because you can buy it in bulk and it IS the best value for bulk.
But if you know where to place it already and you need it to stay on for days at a time, or for activity, or in water? Don't use Spidertech, absolutely use TransTape or another higher quality brand. Spidertech simply won't do the trick in those heavier duty situations.
For summer I'm going to be buying honest to goodness TransTape brand tape cus... I was gonna keep that on man, wtf :/
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