#Story selection tips
playfulsparksp · 5 months
How to Find the Best Stories for Your Kids: Easy Guide
In today’s digital age, the abundance of children’s best stories can be overwhelming for parents seeking the best content for their kids. With countless options available across various mediums, from books to podcasts to streaming services, how can parents navigate this vast landscape to find stories that are not only entertaining but also educational and enriching? In this comprehensive guide,…
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djulicmarko · 9 months
From Zero to YouTube Hero: Mastering Tube Mastery with Matt Par
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for content creators, offering a gateway to fame, fortune, and influence. Among the myriad of YouTube success stories, one name stands out prominently - Matt Par. His journey from obscurity to becoming a YouTube sensation is nothing short of remarkable. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the world of Tube Mastery with Matt Par, uncovering the strategies and insights that have propelled him to YouTube stardom.
The Rise of Matt Par
Matt Par's story begins like many others on YouTube - with a passion for sharing knowledge and a desire to connect with an audience. His journey commenced from absolute zero, but his unwavering dedication and strategic approach led him to YouTube hero status.
Early Struggles
Matt Par's initial foray into YouTube was marked by the same challenges that every aspiring creator faces. He grappled with video production, content ideas, and the dreaded question of how to stand out in an oversaturated platform. However, Matt was not deterred. He recognized that the key to success lay in mastering the art and science of YouTube.
The Tube Mastery Course
One pivotal moment in Matt Par's journey was the creation of his Tube Mastery course. This comprehensive program is designed to equip aspiring YouTubers with the tools, knowledge, and strategies needed to succeed in the competitive world of online video content. It covers everything from niche selection to video production techniques, and even monetization strategies.
Tube Mastery: A Blueprint for Success
Matt Par's Tube Mastery course is not just another online tutorial. It is a meticulously crafted blueprint for YouTube success, tailored to the individual needs of each aspiring creator. Here's a closer look at some of the key elements that make Tube Mastery a game-changer:
Niche Selection
Selecting the right niche is crucial for any YouTuber. Matt Par understands this better than anyone. Tube Mastery provides in-depth guidance on niche selection, helping creators identify profitable and less competitive niches that align with their interests.
Content Strategy
Creating compelling content is at the heart of YouTube success. Tube Mastery arms creators with proven content strategies, ensuring that every video resonates with the target audience and keeps them coming back for more.
Video Production
Many aspiring YouTubers are daunted by the technical aspects of video production. Matt Par simplifies this process, offering step-by-step instructions on video creation, editing, and optimization. From camera setup to video editing software, Tube Mastery covers it all.
Turning passion into profit is the ultimate goal for many YouTubers. Tube Mastery doesn't just stop at content creation; it delves into monetization strategies that can help creators generate income from their channels. From AdSense to affiliate marketing, Matt Par leaves no stone unturned.
Success Stories
The proof of Tube Mastery's effectiveness lies in the success stories it has generated. Creators from various backgrounds have transformed their YouTube channels into lucrative businesses, all thanks to the guidance of Matt Par. Here are a few notable success stories:
Sarah's DIY Crafts
Sarah, a passionate DIY enthusiast, struggled to gain traction on YouTube. With the help of Tube Mastery, she identified a unique niche within the crafting community. Today, Sarah's channel boasts millions of subscribers and sponsors lining up to collaborate.
John's Fitness Journey
John, a fitness enthusiast with a compelling weight loss journey, used Tube Mastery to optimize his fitness channel. His authentic storytelling and expert guidance have made him a sought-after fitness influencer, earning him endorsement deals and a loyal following.
Emily's Travel Adventures
Emily's love for travel and adventure found a perfect outlet on YouTube. Tube Mastery helped her refine her content strategy and reach a global audience. Emily now enjoys sponsored trips, making a living from sharing her travel experiences.
The Path Forward
If you aspire to conquer YouTube and become a sensation like Matt Par, Tube Mastery is your ultimate guide. It's not just about becoming a YouTube hero; it's about transforming your passion into a thriving online business. Whether you're a novice or an experienced creator looking to level up, Tube Mastery has something to offer.
In conclusion, Matt Par's journey from zero to YouTube hero is a testament to the power of knowledge, strategy, and dedication. His Tube Mastery course is not just a program; it's a game-changer for anyone seeking success on YouTube. So, are you ready to embark on your own YouTube journey and master the art of Tube Mastery?
If you want to read more information about how to boost traffic on your Website, just visit The Official Website.
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successartistry · 10 months
Affiliate Marketing: The Unexpected Path to Financial Freedom
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Are you interested in finding a way to achieve financial freedom? Look no further than affiliate marketing! In this blog post, we will explore how affiliate marketing can provide you with a lucrative income stream and the opportunity to be your own boss. 
By promoting other people's products and earning a commission, you can leverage the power of online marketing to reach a global audience and generate passive income. This means you don't have to create your own product to start earning money. 
Affiliate marketing allows you to tap into the vast potential of the internet and make money while you sleep. With the right strategies and dedication, you can build a sustainable online business that brings in steady income. 
So, if you're ready to embark on an unexpected path to financial freedom, keep reading. We'll delve into the various benefits and strategies of affiliate marketing that can help you achieve the financial independence you desire.
Section 1: No Need to Create Your Own Product
One of the most attractive aspects of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to create your own product. Instead, you can focus on promoting existing products or services that align with your interests and passions. By leveraging other people's products, you can bypass the time-consuming process of product development and jump straight into earning commissions. 
This approach allows you to get started quickly, which is especially beneficial if you're looking for a way to generate income sooner rather than later. Additionally, by promoting established products, you can reduce the financial risks associated with launching your own product. The costs and uncertainties of product development, manufacturing, and inventory become someone else's responsibility, leaving you free to concentrate on marketing and driving sales.
Whether you're passionate about fitness, technology, or home decor, there's likely an affiliate program available to suit your interests. With the opportunity to earn income from products you genuinely believe in, affiliate marketing provides a flexible and rewarding path towards financial freedom.
Section 2: The Power of Online Marketing
Harness the power of online marketing to tap into a global audience and expand your income potential. With the rise of digital platforms, reaching customers from different parts of the world has become easier than ever before. Through affiliate marketing, you can utilize various online channels such as websites, social media, and email marketing to promote your affiliate links. This opens up opportunities to earn income while you sleep, as your marketing efforts work continuously in the digital realm.
Online marketing allows you to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your promotions reach the right audience. By leveraging the power of search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase your website's visibility and attract organic traffic. Additionally, social media platforms provide a vast network of potential customers who are actively engaged and ready to discover new products or services.
Email marketing is another effective tool in your online marketing arsenal. By building an email list of interested subscribers, you can regularly communicate with them, share valuable content, and promote your affiliate links. This direct line of communication helps you establish trust and credibility with your audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
In the digital age, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the power of online marketing to reach a global audience, expand your income potential, and achieve financial freedom.
Section 3: Be Your Own Boss
Imagine the freedom of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and working from anywhere in the world. As an affiliate marketer, you have the autonomy to choose your niche, select the products you want to promote, and define your marketing strategies. This flexibility allows you to pursue your passions and build a business that aligns with your interests. Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional employment and embrace the freedom that affiliate marketing offers.
Being your own boss means you have the power to make decisions that directly impact your success. You have the freedom to experiment with different marketing techniques, explore new opportunities, and adapt your strategies as needed. No longer will you have to answer to a supervisor or adhere to someone else's vision. Instead, you can take charge of your own destiny and create a business that reflects your unique strengths and aspirations.
In the world of affiliate marketing, you are in control. You have the ability to set your own goals, determine your own income, and shape your own future. Whether you want to work part-time or build a full-time business, the choice is yours. So, take the leap, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, and become your own boss in the exciting world of affiliate marketing.
Section 4: Diversify Your Income Streams
Affiliate marketing provides an opportunity to diversify your income streams and reduce financial risks. By promoting products across different niches, you can ensure that you are not solely reliant on a single income source. This diversification not only brings stability but also allows you to tap into various markets and adapt to changing trends. 
Imagine having multiple streams of income flowing in from different sources. If one niche experiences fluctuations, you can rely on the others to keep generating revenue. This flexibility is crucial in the ever-changing world of online business. 
Utilising your skills and passions, you can explore different niches and find products that align with your interests. This way, you can enjoy what you do while earning money. As you expand your affiliate portfolio, you can create a reliable and sustainable income stream that continues to generate even when one niche experiences fluctuations. 
Diversifying your income streams through affiliate marketing is a smart move that can lead you on the path to financial freedom.
Section 5: Utilise Your Skills and Passions
Finding the perfect affiliate niche is not just about earning commissions, but also about utilising your existing skills and passions. Take some time to evaluate your interests and expertise. What topics or industries excite you? By focusing on areas that align with your skills and passions, you can build credibility and create content that resonates with your target audience. 
When you are passionate about a subject, it shines through in your work. Your enthusiasm will captivate your audience and make them more likely to trust your recommendations. Plus, your existing knowledge and skills will give you a competitive edge in your chosen niche. 
For example, if you have a background in finance, you could explore affiliate programs in the personal finance or investment industry. Your expertise will allow you to provide valuable insights and advice to your audience, establishing yourself as a trusted authority.
Remember, affiliate marketing is not just about making money; it's about sharing your passion and expertise with others. So, leverage your skills and passions to create content that not only drives sales but also brings you joy and fulfillment along the way.
Section 6: Develop Valuable Relationships
In the world of affiliate marketing, building relationships is crucial for long-term success. Connecting with top performers and industry players allows you to gain insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. By networking within the affiliate marketing community, you open doors to valuable partnerships, joint ventures, and mentorship opportunities. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals accelerates your growth and allows you to learn from those who have already achieved financial freedom through affiliate marketing.
To develop valuable relationships, start by attending industry conferences and events. These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to meet influential people in the field. Additionally, join online forums and communities where you can engage with fellow affiliate marketers, ask questions, and share your experiences. Actively participate in discussions and offer help whenever possible.
Remember, relationships are built on trust and mutual support. Be genuine, provide value, and be willing to help others. By nurturing these connections, you'll create a strong network that can propel your affiliate marketing journey to new heights.
Section 7: Embrace the Digital Age
In today's digital age, e-commerce is thriving, and affiliate marketing is at the forefront of this boom. By embracing the digital landscape, you can tap into the enormous potential of the online market. The convenience of online shopping and the increasing number of internet users provide affiliate marketers with a vast pool of potential customers. Putting your marketing efforts in the digital space allows you to capitalise on this growing trend and maximise your earning potential.
With the rise of social media platforms, search engines, and online advertising, reaching your target audience has never been easier. You can leverage these digital tools to create engaging content, build a strong online presence, and attract customers to your affiliate products or services. Additionally, the ability to track and analyse data in real-time enables you to optimise your marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions.
Embracing the digital age opens up a world of opportunities for affiliate marketers. It allows you to reach a global audience, scale your business, and stay ahead of the competition. So, don't hesitate to dive into the digital realm and unlock the full potential of affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing offers a unique and unexpected path to financial freedom. With no need to create your own product, the power of online marketing, the flexibility of being your own boss, and the opportunity to diversify your income streams, affiliate marketing provides endless possibilities. 
By utilising your skills and passions, developing valuable relationships, and embracing the digital age, you can embark on a journey towards financial independence. Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and earn passive income while you sleep. 
So, what are you waiting for? Start your affiliate marketing business today and unlock the door to a life of freedom and financial success. With determination, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, you can turn your dreams into reality. Take the leap and embrace the unexpected path to financial freedom through affiliate marketing. Your future awaits!
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thatsdemko · 2 months
unknown - m.verstappen
masterlist | pairing: max verstappen x Hamilton!fem!reader. summary: when an unknown number comes across his phone, max can’t help but discover who’s sent him the image he can’t erase from his mind. warnings: 18+ + fingering (f receiving) + mentions of nudity + fluff (at the end). a/n: I want to give a huge shoutout to @monzabee for always being my inspiration to finish my smut, but also for convincing me to read twisted games (this ones inspired by that xx)
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the pinging sound distracts him from the current game on his television. pausing for a quick second, max glances at the unknown number and slides the message open as curiosity struck him.
can you see my nipples through this?
Max’s phone nearly drops into his lap at the second message. he barely got the chance to even open the image, the second message was far too appalling and his hands got too slippery from the precipitation building around him.
“max! come on!” the chatter from his headset snaps his attention from the black phone screen in his lap. red slips across his cheeks as he apologizes quickly for the distraction, and continues on like nothing happened.
though he couldn’t lie, the curiosity of the image was certainly looming around him. what was the person wearing? could he see said nipples? he couldn’t help but try to sneak peaks at his phone whenever he got the chance before the stream ended.
finally free from his friends, max slides open his phone and his breath sucks inward. you could definitely see your nipples through the sheer linen tight white top. in fact, if it weren’t for your underwear, you could see the very outline of your vagina.
fuck. max was unsure to text back. if he did, what would he even say? there was no clear indication on who it was sending the message. he didn’t recognize the number, and on top of that there was no face. the image was purely just the outfit.
max verstappen
a bra would be appropriate.
your heart fell about five stories down, and right into the pit of your gut. shit, you didn’t send the message to your friends. instead, you mistook the ID you tapped on for one of them, and it turned out to very clearly be your brothers rival: max verstappen.
don’t mention this to Lewis.
max verstappen
secret is safe with me.
while this made perfectly good blackmail, max had nothing against you. you were completely innocent and most likely too stupid to notice you tapped his phone number instead. he’d never utter a word to Lewis, and the photo would die with max whenever the time may be.
max verstappen
where are you headed looking like that?
y/n Hamilton
your moms house.
max stifled out a chuckle unable to believe that you were born by the same parents as Lewis. when it came to humor, Lewis used it very minimal, but from the select times max had spoken to you, you were the complete opposite. meditation was joke, veganism was impossible to follow, and driving at fast speeds was too boring. y/n hamilton was every opposite of her brother.
max verstappen
I think my house is a better place for that
your heart somehow jumped back into its place, attempting to thump its way out of its cavity. max could easily be joking, he could easily be serious, but either way you shouldn’t go. max was probably not interested in women like you, and sure the photo might’ve tipped the scales in your favor, but you weren’t really into vanilla sex like he could offer.
y/n Hamilton
you wish I was headed to your place like this.
max verstappen
I do.
fuck. you close your eyes, letting your fingers type the message and hit send before you can even have a single regret. max might be your opposite in the bedroom, but you can’t help but wonder what he’s got up his sleeve.
y/n Hamilton
I’m free right now.
twenty minutes later his soft lips are leaving trails down your neck, his fingers work the buttons of the top that sickened his soul into this. he was careful not rip the material, but he was so the opposite of careful when his lips wrapped around your nipple.
his tongue and teeth graze the sensitive skin while you melt against his mattress into a puddle.
you were so wrong about him. oh so so, wrong.
he’d practically ripped that white shirt to shreds the second you entered his place. his tongue was a dominate force, shoved down your throat, his lips were passionate and full of eager. vanilla sex was so not max. you could write pages about him, no fantasy or book explored the way max did.
his fingers. oh gosh, they could write stories about how delicate, and soft they were. how they expanded your folds and had you clenching around nothing. they worked wonders— magic perhaps, pumping at such a fast speed you didn’t have time to react feeling him floor you until every drop of you was around him.
“these,” his tongue swipes across your breast, lips wrapping around the tip of your nipple, sucking you like a baby its thumb. it was relaxing, gut twisting, and chilling. he left you panting, begging, and still he wasn’t finished. no ounce of him showed signs of stopping.
when finally he was done toying, done with whatever ‘warmup’ he claimed this to be, his large cock filled you, warmth overtook with pleasure when you felt his hips grind yours. the rhythm was nothing like his fingers, nothing like how his tongue moved on your skin, it was slow. he was slow, like he were to savor every moment of this.
you clench, you squeal, beg, whatever could come from you as noise. nothing was coherent, and max liked that. in fact, it quickened his pace with a smirk as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head and moan his name.
“you’re taking it well.” his voice is raspy, husk and faint. a moan rippled through your body at the sound of him, you could feel butterflies unleash in the warmth of your stomach as you cry out and come on his cock.
“you’re different than I expected you to be.” you say watching him roll to the pillow beside you, his blue eyes fixed on yours, they still have that hunger in them that turns you on.
“when you wear a top like that,” his breath sucks inward, a simple shake of his head at the newest dirty ideas floating in his mind, “I can’t control myself.”
a breathy chuckle escapes your lips as you curl your body into his, perfectly molding together, “I guess I’m glad I ditched the girls for you.”
a smile stretches across his lips that he carefully plants on your forehead, “thanks for the text, I hope to receive more in the future.”
“you earned yourself a spot on speed dial.”
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deception-united · 3 months
Let's talk about misdirection.
(Requested by @voiceless9000. Hope this is helpful!)
Misdirection in storytelling, through foreshadowing and other techniques, is a powerful tool that can enhance suspense, surprise, and engagement in your narrative and make plot twists more unexpected.
Remember to maintain coherence and avoid contrivances that may undermine the integrity of your storytelling.
Here are some techniques you can use to effectively misdirect readers:
Red Herrings: Introduce elements or clues that suggest a certain outcome or plot direction, only to later reveal that they were misleading. These false leads can divert readers' attention away from the true resolution.
Selective Detailing: Highlight certain details or events in a way that implies their significance, while downplaying or omitting others that might be more relevant to the actual outcome. By controlling what information readers focus on, you can steer their expectations.
Character Misdirection: Use characterisation to mislead readers about characters' true intentions, motivations, or identities. Create multi-dimensional characters who may behave ambiguously or inconsistently, leaving readers unsure of their true allegiances, motivations, or goals.
Foreshadowing: Employ foreshadowing to hint at future events or outcomes, but do so in a way that misleads interpretation. Provide clues that could be interpreted in multiple ways or that lead readers to expect one outcome while delivering another. (See my previous post about foreshadowing for more!)
Misleading Narration: Utilise an unreliable narrator or perspective to present events in a biased or distorted manner. Readers may trust the narrator's account implicitly, only to discover later that their perceptions were flawed or intentionally deceptive.
Subverting Tropes: Set up situations or scenarios that seem to follow familiar narrative tropes or conventions, only to subvert them in unexpected ways. This can keep readers guessing and prevent them from accurately predicting the story's trajectory.
Parallel Storylines: Introduce secondary storylines or subplots that appear unrelated to the main narrative but eventually intersect or influence the primary plot in unexpected ways. This can distract readers from anticipating the main storyline's developments.
Setting: Manipulate the setting or environment to create false impressions about the direction of the plot. For example, presenting a seemingly idyllic setting that harbors dark secrets or dangers.
Timing and Pacing: Control the pacing of your story to strategically reveal information or developments at opportune moments, leading readers to draw premature conclusions or overlook important details. (See my post on pacing for more tips!)
Twists and Reversals: Incorporate sudden plot twists or reversals that upend readers' expectations and challenge their assumptions about the story's direction. Ensure that these twists are logically consistent but sufficiently surprising to catch readers off guard.
Happy writing!
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how do i get my character out of the corner i wrote myself in without a dues ex machina😭
How to Not Write Yourself Into a Corner (and How to Write Yourself Out of a Corner if You’re Already In One)
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One of a writer’s WORST fears is writing themself into a corner.
It’s easy to write your characters into death-defying situations…but it’s not as easy to write the actual “defying death” part.
Some writers, in their desperation to get their characters out of a bind, employ the use of a Deus Ex Machina, as mentioned by anon:
Deus Ex Machina: (Translates to "god from the machine") A plot device where a seemingly unsolvable situation is fixed by an out-of-the-blue occurrence. The term “deus ex machina” is a reference to Greek plays, when actors playing a god would literally be lowered into the scene via a machine to magically solve any situation.
Unfortunately, this plot device is often ridiculed by readers, cited as a hack-job solution for a writer out of ideas.
How do we avoid this situation, then? Here are some tips and tricks on how to not write yourself into a corner, and how to write yourself out of a corner if you’re already in one!
Note that these tips may not work for everyone, so make sure to use your own intuition as a writer— you know your story best.
I’m sorry to all of you pantsers out there, but the key to prevent writing yourself into a corner is to already have an idea of how each scene is going to turn out; don't make a problem without making a solution! If you keep on top of your outline, you should have no worries about writing your characters into a situation they can't get out of it.
It may be easiest to jot down ideas about a couple of scenarios and then select the one that works best, especially when it comes to dire climax scenes that have a lot of moving parts. 
Check out my posts below for more in-depth advice about outlining!
How to Outline
Plotting for Pansters and Pantsing for Plotters
This advice, although essential, does require a ton of foresight and time to plan…and if you’ve sought out this post, it may mean that it’s too late for preventative measures. The subsequent tips in this post are going to be for people who are already in the thick of it and need a way to save all of their writing progress. 
Foreshadowing: A narrative device wherein a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. It helps maintain believability while subverting expectations and making plot twists.
Chekhov’s Gun: A narrative device wherein a seemingly insignificant element or object in the story becomes useful later on. Sometimes used synonymously with foreshadowing, but usually refers to a specific object.
Examples of Foreshadowing/Chekhov’s guns in media:
The 1981 Quarter (Or Extra Life Quarter) in Ready Player One
“Don’t Cross the Streams” in Ghostbusters (1984)
Winchester Rifle Hanging over the Bar in Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The Rita Hayworth Poster in The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Water Bottle in Bullet Train (2022)
In my opinion, a Chekhov’s Gun is the more refined twin of the deus ex machina; although it may seem like it comes out of nowhere, observant readers or those who go back into the story will realize that this event was set up from the beginning.
Foreshadowing is the key to turning a deus ex machina into a Chekhov’s Gun. It’s spreading breadcrumbs to maintain believability even when unbelievable things happen.
My advice: plant a line here and there referring to the object/element that will get you out of the corner.
These lines can be about a healing potion that a character carries around to save them when they’re at the brink of death, the fact that the city they’re fighting in often suffers from sinkholes, or that a character has a seemingly useless skill. 
However, haphazardly inserting foreshadowing into your story may come across as heavy-handed; make sure it aligns with the narrative beats. Particularly big Chekhov’s Guns, especially ones that “save the day," may require multiple foreshadowing elements.
It can take a lot of work to incorporate the foreshadowing smoothly, so make sure it actually saves you time in comparison to rewriting the whole scenario/plot point.
Sometimes, the solution to your problem may not come to mind because you’re too immersed into the writing process and not thinking of the bigger picture. Or maybe it might just be good old-fashioned writer’s block. Take a step back, reassess, and return with the scene properly re-evaluated. Maybe start a new book or TV show to get some inspiration, or check out one of my posts below!
How to Overcome Writer’s Block
How to Get Inspired to Write and Regain Creativity
Sometimes, it might be best to have another set of eyes on your story! A situation that may seem unsolvable to you may have an obvious solution to a writing buddy.
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I know this sounds horrible. It’s something that I wouldn’t wish upon any writer.
Sometimes, however, no amount of foreshadowing can get your characters out of the debacle they’ve put themselves in. Either that, or the work that it would take to insert the foreshadowing would be more than it’d take to rewrite the scene or the plot point.
My suggestion would be to search for the last place that you didn't feel lost, and then cut out everything after that.
Then, take the time to outline the scenario and figure out the solution to your problem beforehand. It will suck, but trust me, it'll be worth it in the end.
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writers-potion · 11 days
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Tips For Creating Creepy Locations
Places can be a source of inspiration for stories. Every story needs a backdrop, and for dark fiction/horror stories, location is important for building tension and eerie atmosphere.
Select the Setting
Places that creep you out
Weird places. A diamonds mine, a dinosaur museum, a cruise ship, a children's petting zoo.
Supposedly safe places. A child's nursery, a family kitchen, a school playground.
Isolated places. A rowing boat on a lake, a deserted farmhouse, etc.
Enclosed places.
Look For Inspiring Pictures
A town, street, or even a large mansion can be difficult to map out just in your head. I use Pinterest to search and save pictures of locations I find helpful :)
Describe the Setting
Describe a small visual detail that is seemingly harmless, but has dark implications/foreshadowing effects
- weeds poked through the cracks in the broken paving-slabs. - the pavement was slippery with rain and rotten leaves. - the tiles were grime-streaked and flecked with mold. - below the rick velvet curtain, the wallpaper peeled.
Mention several smells.
- the air smelled of nicotine and stale beer. - the room smelled of pizza and unwashed socks. - the fresh scents of salt and seaweed mingled with the odour of rotting fish. - the smell of bleach warred with the odors of vomit and piss.
Sounds serve to increase suspense, so use a mix of ominous sounds for tension.
- a car door slammed, and a motor whined. - an owl hooted in the distance. - ceiling fans whirred, cutlery clanked, and the espresso-maker hissed with steam.
The source and quality of light adds atmosphere. It also determines the level of darkness your MC is acting in.
- two beams of white light pierced the darkness. - a silver of sunlight peaked through the crack between the curtains. - houses gleamed white in the late afternoon sun. - shafts of torchlight struggled through the vicious darkness.
Describe how temperature affects the characters.
- relentless chills gnawed through the thin layer of her jacket. - gusts of icy wind drove sleet into my face. - she tried to rub warmth back into her stiff fingers.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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paperultra · 9 months
space cadet.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Word Count: 831 words Warnings: None
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reverie (noun): a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
You imagine the thoughts in your head as a forest of kelp at the bottom of the sea: dense, beautiful, brimming with life and all too easy to get lost in.
They’ve caused you trouble in the past. Countless rapped knuckles, letters sent home to your parents, walking into trees on the way home from school. But how could you resist? Empires rose and fell over the course of an hour inside your mind, mighty beasts swore their allegiance to you and the four seas were yours to explore. The childhood you had in the real world was so dull and lonely in comparison.
When you ran off and joined the Straw Hats, you finally had the excitement you had so craved. And yet, even now, your mind still wanders.
“If you swab the deck any more, we won’t have any left, sweetheart.”
Only a select few can bring you back.
You blink rapidly, the clouds dissipating as you stop scrubbing and look up. Sanji’s already smiling when you meet his gaze.
He lifts his hands; one offers a plate of shortbread cookies, the other a glass of milk.
“I’m going to guess that you haven’t had a break in a while,” he says. “Am I right?”
A break? Sending him a perplexed frown, you lean on the handle of your scrub brush and glance over your shoulder.
The side on which you had started winks back at you from afar, wood gleaming under the afternoon sun.
“I … I guess so,” you reply slowly, turning back to him. It’s only then that you register the saltwater washing over your feet and the ache in your muscles. “I didn’t even realize …”
He shakes his head and chuckles, leading you to some nearby crates to sit down. “Too caught up in your stories again? I’m almost jealous that they get to spend so much time with you.”
“I don’t mean to make you worry.”
“Loving someone means worrying about them from time to time.”
He winks, and you smile, flustered.
“I see,” you say quietly. “Then thank you for worrying, Sanji.”
“Of course.” He hands you the glass of milk, then picks up a cookie and taps it against your lips. “Now, this is my best batch of sablés. You have no idea how hard it was to keep Luffy from eating them all in the kitchen.”
“I have some idea,” you drawl amusedly, taking a bite.
The cookie breaks with a gentle snap. It crumbles delightfully in your mouth, sugar and butter dancing on your tongue. A pleased hum rumbles in your throat before you wash it down with a gulp of cold milk.
“What do you think?”
“I think I might eat the whole plate right now,” you say, taking the other half of the cookie.
He grins. “So you like them.”
“They’re delicious.” Picking up another one, you hold it in front of his face. “Here.”
Sanji’s gaze remains locked with yours as he leans forward to take a bite of the cookie, his lips brushing your fingertips in an impromptu kiss before he pulls away. He chews thoughtfully. The action should not look as good as it does.
“My best batch, as I’ve said,” he tells you once he swallows. “But I’ve tasted sweeter.”
You tilt your head. “Where?”
His mouth curls into a smirk, and he places his fingers under your chin to bring your face closer to his. Your noses touch and you can feel his answer against your lips as he murmurs, “Right here.”
The rest of the crew may also have the pleasure of eating Sanji’s food, but they do not share your privilege of knowing just how talented he is at kissing.
He sets down the plate and lifts his hand to cup your jaw, meeting your lips and letting out a soft sigh before pressing his lips more fervently against yours. You can taste the smoke on his tongue, a constant underneath the warm sweetness of sugar and the saltiness of butter. Your eyes flutter closed, and you reach up to cradle the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging slightly. The groan he lets out sends tingles down to the tips of your toes.
“Sweetheart,” he pants, and the longing in his voice would’ve made your knees buckle if you were standing, “I won’t be able to stop if you keep doing that.”
You put your glass of milk down so you can bury both hands in his golden hair. Your forehead touches his. “Maybe that’s a good thing.”
“Maybe it is,” he mutters.
You bring him back in for another searing kiss that Sanji returns just as eagerly.
Yes, you value your time alone with your thoughts. They are a forest of kelp at the bottom of the sea, beautiful, countless, and wild.
But as easy as it is to get lost in your thoughts, it is infinitely easier to get lost in him.
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crios31 · 3 months
Chapter 1: The aide
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Smut and story building (Defloration, creampie, blowjob, facial)
Lenght 1890 words
You recently finished your university’s year so your parents are visiting you, the three of you are sitting in your living room talking.
“So son, how are your preparations for Korea going?”
“All the paperworks concerning universities and the exchange student program are now done. My flight is booked for the end of the month but I’ll make a stop in Japan to see my friends for two weeks so I’ll arrive in Seoul around mid-July.”
“Good. You should have ample time to take your marks before starting your internship at the holding company over there then.” Says your father while nodding. “It will be a good opportunity for you to learn about the company, after all you’ll be taking it over following your graduation. Now I’ll let your mom explain something to you.”
“So, concerning the person that will be your aide in Korea, we asked her to come today. She should arrive shortly.” Said your mother. 
“That’s good, I was curious about who it could be.”
“For that, do you remember the scholarship program I’m in charge?”
“Yes, you created it following the opening of your first private school. Girls are chosen because they show potential and the program supports them until the end of their studies.” 
“You’re right but there is more to it. I’ll give you a file explaining everything when you’ll be leaving for Japan. What you need to know is, we helped her family in the past, plus she is smart, so we selected her from the program to work for you. We then explained everything to her and she was very curious to know more about you and in the end she accepted our offer. 
“As for more information about her, she is Canadian but was born in South Korea so she has both nationalities, she is a little older than you and recently graduated with a master degree, moreover she is an excellent cook. Finally, the most important information is that this sweet girl will do everything you want. " As she finished her sentence the doorbell rang. “Oh that should be her!”
Your mother asks you to wait as they go to your door to let the guest in . When they return to the room, a beautiful young woman is following them.
Your mother put a hand on her shoulder. “Son, this is Wendy.”
She greets you with a bright smile and cheerful voice.
“Good evening sir, I'm Son Seung-Hwan but I usually go by my English name Wendy. Nice to finally meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too.” you answered smiling
“We'll let you both get to know each other. Have fun kiddos!” says your father as he begins to leave.
“See you soon son.” And with a whisper adds, “Oh I forgot to tell you, she’s still a virgin.”She winks at you before passing the door, your father follows his wife outside while chuckling because he heard her.
You return to your living room where your guest is waiting.
You gazed at Wendy’s body for a moment before beginning to caress her cheek making her blush, “Strip down to your underwear.”
At first confused, she soon complied as she began by taking her T-shirt then her jeans, now you can see her toned body adorned with a black matching set of underwear.
“It’s done, sir.”
She silently waits for your next command as you take a minute admiring her exposed body, making her heart beat faster.“So pretty.” is the last thing she hears as you hold her by the waist and begin to kiss her. As you deepen the kiss she begins to respond by putting her hand around your neck, your tongues playing with each other. Your hands don’t stay idle as they roam her body.
With the kiss end, you turn Wendy's body around, one of your hands unhooking her bra which soon falls on the floor as you start to play with her breasts. Small moans start coming from Wendy’s mouth because of your fondling. Each of her boobs resting in the palm of your hand. you slowly feel the tips hardening, so you decide to give it a pinch to the now hard nipple, eliciting a loud moan from her mouth. “What a beautiful voice.” you whispered.
“Thank you.” she answered, turning her head trying to face you. So you kiss her again.
While you still play with one of her tits, you begin to slowly explore downward with the other. When your hand finally reaches its destination, her panties are completely drenched under your fingers. “Someone is excited.” you pointed out, before kissing her neck as you trace her lower lips over her underwear provoking a shiver from Wendy.
She watches your hand going into her panties. She grabs your wrist and closes her legs when she feels your finger touching the source of her wetness.
You begin to move your fingers along her entrance, teasing her clit each time they go up. Her moans soon become more frequent, so you decide to focus on her clit. You increase your speed, feeling Wendy close to her peak.
“Sir.I'm… I’m coming!” shouted Wendy as her legs grow weak. 
You give her a moment before carrying her to your bedroom where you put her on your bed. She watches you undress while biting her lips, until you finally put down your boxer.
“It’s.. big. ” She said looking at your cock..
Now naked you approach her on the bed grabbing the hem of her panties to remove. With the final obstacle out of the way, you open Wendy’s legs.
“What a cute pussy,” you said before getting into position with the head of your cock pressed against her entrance. You slowly push it in spreading her fold apart making her wince.
“Wait! It’ll never fit!” She shouted as your tip touched her thin membrane. 
“Take a breath and relax as much as possible” You firmly grasp her hips and thrust the rest of your cock until she is full.
“Aah too big! It hurts!” She shouted, her hand gripping the sheet with all her strength.
“Don’t worry it’ll soon feel good. You passed the hardest part,” as you keep a slow pace for some time while making out in order for her to relax. Soon you feel her arms intertwined around your neck and her legs around your waist, as she begins to adjust to your size. “See it’s better now.” you said, smiling at her.
“Yes, it’s still painful but it’s also starting to feel good,” she answered. “You can go faster.”
You then gradually increase your pace as her pussy fully accepts your cock. Wendy gets more and more vocal, so you take one of her nipples in your mouth, sucking on it while teasing her clit with one of your hands.
“Oh.. yeah just continue like that! Yes! Yes! YES!” she shouted as her limbs tightened around you and her walls clenching around your cock showing the start of her orgasm. You stop moving to watch her body shaking. And when the wave of pleasure subsided you began to thrust again. “What? Wait! Cum..  cumming again” she said with her eyes rolling back.
This time you don’t stop as you’re close to your peak, the sound of both yours flesh clapping against each other becoming more frequent,”Fuck! I’m cumming!” And with this last trust you release your load deep inside her, filling her womb. “Damn.. it feels so good.” 
You take a moment to rest before taking your cock out of her freshly deflowered pussy, now empty, both of your fluid begin to drip on the bed sheet. “We’re going to have a lot of fun together in the future,” you said grinning at Wendy who has regained her focus. “Now let’s get cleaned up.”
“Sir? Can I have some help?” 
You lift her, drops of your seed continue to fall from her cunt, leaving a trail behind you as you enter the bathroom. Now in the shower you put her down, Wendy leaning against the glass for support.
Both of you exhale as the water hits your bodies, you begin to wash each other, but you soon feel vigor returning between your legs. “Ready for another round?” You asked before she notices your growing erection.
“I don’t think I will be able to take it in again today sir.”
You paused a little before looking at her lips, “Then suck on it.”
She complies and drops to her knees, slowly grabbing your cock as she hesitantly gives it a few pumps. “Now for starters focus on the head by licking it.” She pulls her tongue out and gives you a tip with growing confidence she explores it covering  it with saliva.
“Good girl, now take it in.” You said softly caressing her head.
She nods, putting your cock in her mouth while looking at you, with upturned eyes stopping a little before a third of the length. “Try to take it deeper.” She starts bobbing her head and takes more of your member each time, but soon you hear a small gag showing her limit. You let her continue the fellation, as you savor the feeling coming from your groin, in particular the feeling of her tongue on the underside of your cock. 
“Good just like that.” you say, patting her head. “I’m close, take it out while you continue to jerk it.” She obeys, your cock leaving her mouth with a pop, placing both her hands around it, moving them up and down with more confidence than when she started.
“Here it comes.”
You ejaculate, sending a big wave of sperm out, painting Wendy’s face white. You watch your work when she decides to taste some of it by licking her lips.
“I’ll need some time to get used to the taste and texture”
You smile at this before both of you resume your shower as Wendy has to clean herself of the slimy liquid on her visage. Exiting the bathroom both of you put your clothes on.
“Are you hungry Wendy?”
“A little.”
“Alright, I’ll make us something. I heard that you are a good cook. I hope that I can experience it soon.” You said with a smile.
“You can count on it.” She answered, smiling back at you.
After having dinner, you let her stay for the night.
In the following weeks, you meet again with Wendy, learning more about each other, and having sex with her on multiple occasions, until the day for your departure arrives.
“Sir, are you ready?” asked Wendy from behind you.
“Yes, I was checking that I didn’t forget anything. Let‘s wait outside for my parents.”
You both exit your home with your luggages, and five minutes later your parent’s car arrives. With your dad's help you put everything in the trunk before getting into the car. 
Your father starts the car and soon you are on the highway in the direction of the airport.
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ivesambrose · 8 months
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛꜱ
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1. 2. 3.
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If you feel lost, aimless, overwhelmed or unsure in regards to yourself this has found it's way to you at the right time.
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip! 🌹
Picture 1
A lot of you are burnt by your own ambitions and a need to prove something. You quietly wonder if you're even passionate about anything anymore or you are but do not what to do, where to start so you end up spacing out and procrastinating. Likely you were made to believe that if what gets you excited and happy doesn't automatically put you on the map and bring you money in traditional ways then it's practically useless.
You have in a way put yourself down consistently due to these external projections.
Of what I'm picking up on some of you are passionate about the following :
- Dancing
- Fitness
- Makeup
- Music
- The occult
- crafting something intricate such as designing jewellery or curating them
- A select few might be into taxidermy, herbology and even archeology
- A combination of the above, some of you have your own allure and might want to get into modelling, styling, dancing and design. You want to express yourself freely including your sensual as well as spiritual and esoteric side.
You want to be known but you want to stand out, with your accumulated power you want to guide others too, make them feel less alone and more understood and yet you want to be an enigma and mystery. You do have a strong potential to be a muse to many.
Your hidden talents:
- Something that is coming through significantly that it is something from your past/childhood/early teens that you had to sacrifice/were made to sacrifice even if you cared for it deeply and wanted to nurture it. It makes you bitter to this day because you were naturally good at it.
- Some of you should definitely consider working for animals especially birds. You have a gift to heal and develop empathy with them.
- Some of you can end up being excellent bakers and decorators.
A lot you can find success in the entertainment industry, media, running your own business and being your own boss, you have excellent leadership skills and determination it's just that you haven't gotten the chance to explore that side of yourself yet.
The advice here is to only look back at the past to pick up what you had left and walk ahead. Become your friend and ask your own subconscious to show the way, trust me you will be shown when you least expect it.
Picture 2
You simply love to learn and acquire knowledge. You could have specific subject(s) you're drawn to or you don't even like limiting yourself to that. You'd rather be an eternal student. I wouldn't be surprised if you were drawn to picture 1 or 3 as well. You have a thrist that sometimes almost feels insatiable.
You are rather intellectual and often give very sound advice. Mainly cuz you are highly self aware and very intuitive.
Regardless of anything else, you seek inspiration and adventure above all. You do tend to get bored with just one thing easily.
Of what I'm picking up on, some of you are passionate about the following:
- Learning, experimenting, teaching and innovating. Again this could be any topic or multiple. Could be something as literature and academics or physics or could even be cooking or carving wood. You could even be here educating people about Gothic architecture or the human anatomy. Or all of this. You're not meant to confine yourself.
- A lot of you seek travel and adventure. Even be passionate about extreme sports.
- Languages and culture.
- Some of you want to try and do everything, experience different things and don't want to niche yourself down. Your passion can simply be experiencing your life to the fullest so you have wisdom to give and stories to narrate and memories to look back on and trust me, that is more than enough.
Which quickly brings me to your hidden talents because you're supressing quite a few:
- Some of you can be excellent astrologers or even astronomers.
- A lot of you can read into symbolisms real. You can be a gifted psychic too if you aren't aware already.
- You can be really good at sports like archery, fencing, MMA etc
- Creative direction, photography is also coming through.
- You're very good with your words, whether it be in writing or speaking.
You are rather mutable and a very poised individual too, you can easily influence the people you come in touch with. Some of you can be good speakers, representatives or the face of a brand. Whatever you do, you end up being very good at it whether you like it or not.
The advice is to simply continue what you're doing, you're not as lost as you think you are. Keep making connections and continue being yourself instead of trying to make yourself small and fit in or follow trends or the algorithm.
Picture 3
You feel like a misfit and an outsider so much so that being passionate about anything worries you because you may end up looking a fool, not being good enough or not being disciplined enough.
You carry a lot of anguish in you mainly because you had to focus on things that were expected of you or because you had to survive so you might feel like you're good at many things but not great or could be great at something but you don't necessarily love it.
You're an interesting group here because you haven't even allowed yourself to feel excited about things.
What are you truly passionate about? I see nature, authenticism, a slower, softer life. The word passion itself feels too intense and deliberate for you.
You simply want to experience a life that doesn't feel like you running on a treadmill till your knees give out.
I do see there's an innate desire in you to help others, be it people or animals or even a dying plant. You want to find your peace and bring some of that peace in others lives too. Your energy feels like a walking into a warm cabin in the woods during winter with freshly made dinner waiting.
Hidden talents you have ample, a lot of them are based on learning and perfecting with practice :
- Cooking, experimenting with different herbs. I do see some of you have the potential to start a small business that involves food.
- Gardening and farming
- Painting
- Tattooing (this is coming through because it can be very therapeutic for a lot of you)
- Perfume making is also coming through as well as skincare.
- pottery and sculpting, crocheting etc
- reiki, medicine, physical therapy etc
- divination
Think of a life that's a bit more laid back a career that makes you feel less on the edge.
You've already been running on the validation of people who think you're dispensable or your worth is tied to something outside of you that you can't even find meaning in.
The world needs more souls like you.
The only advice is to be more compassionate with yourself, you're not running a race even if people have constantly been reminding you of it, there's no finish line. The only truth that matters is the story you tell yourself, over and over again. It will come to pass. Continue being. Continue creating instead of wondering about the how. You've figured out many things in your life, let life sort this out for you.
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flawseer · 5 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#6 - Skywing chapter
I like Skywings a lot actually. I think they were underutilized in the story. And then there is Flame. Poor, lovable Flame. One day I would like to write a more in-depth think piece on him, his character, and his role in the story. But not today, so here are some Skywings:
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Tomato red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Moonwatcher (Nightwing), Kinkajou (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Exercise
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - tan horns, bendy; banded markings running down upper neck; light to medium scarring across face, neck, and limbs; medium to large stature, well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - selectively uncooperative, refuses to do assignments that annoy her (monitor for now); abrasive, three reported threats of violence against students (monitored, suggest expanding physical extracurricular options to burn off excess energy); appears to respond well to praise
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Crimson red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Bigtail (Nightwing), Pike (Seawing)
Favorite subject - did not disclose
Least fav. subject - "All of them"
Physical characteristics - double-bent horns; black dorsal plates and accents; large, jagged scar running across left side of the face, intersecting the eye; blind in left eye; medium size with thin, wiry frame
Other characteristics - very uncooperative, refuses to do assignments and has poor attendance record (monitored, suggest counseling, consider withdrawing from student body if behavior does not improve); emotionally volatile, does not like eye contact, will react with hostility if stared at or if facial scar is mentioned (suggest counseling); shows signs of post traumatic stress and severe self image issues (suggest counseling); has turned down counseling offer (give space for now, ask again later)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Apricot yellow
Relatives - Peregrine (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Changbai (Icewing), Boto (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - History
Least fav. subject - Anatomy
Physical characteristics - straight horns; row of dark scales running down ventral side of neck; beak-like mouth; smallish stature, small-boned
Other characteristics - decent work ethic; very energetic, difficulty to sit still; eager to prove personal competence; frequently interrupts people while they're speaking (suggest guidance and monitoring)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Brick red
Relatives - Thrush (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Pronghorn (Sandwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Art
Physical characteristics - dark-colored stripe patterns running down the side of the neck; long limbs; medium to large stature with slender features; deaf in left ear
Other characteristics - practically-inclined; morbid sense of humor; tends to play with food before eating; owns a collection of small, sharpened animal bones (has been instructed not to bring them to class); expressed interest in a class/seminar about medicinal herbs
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Amaranth red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Siamang (Rainwing), Arid (Sandwing)
Favorite subject - History
Least fav. subject - Cultural Exchange
Physical characteristics - sharply bent horns curving inward; ridge of thorn-like spines running from nose down to tip of tail; light scarring across ventral side; large frame with well-defined musclulature
Other characteristics - morose; does not like loud noises or crowds; prefers to eat alone; longest fire-breathing distance; notable age-gap to rest of winglet (no issues so far, but continue to monitor social integration)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - not assigned
Color - Tiger orange
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - none
Favorite subject - class attendance suspended
Least fav. subject - class attendance suspended
Physical characteristics - afflicted with firescales, body emits dangerous levels of heat at all times; scales show faint fiery glow like embers; bright yellow vein-like pattern spread through wing membranes; bright blue eyes; tall stature, very thin
Other characteristics - CAUTION! Do not come in physical contact with her, severe burn hazard; instruct student body to keep minimum distance; be mindful of surfaces she was in prolonged contact with, as they could carry residual heat; keep away from flammable areas; we don't know what to do with her yet, for now just give her a place to sleep and eat
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jinwoosungs · 5 months
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{ 122 }
say you like me.
megumi fushiguro x fem.reader
{ if you like me, then say you like me. }
being around megumi fushiguro made you incredibly nervous.
he was handsome and tall, with ebony locks of hair that fell perfectly across his face. each time you would inadvertently meet with his gaze, you found yourself becoming spellbound by his emerald green eyes.
your friends would laugh at your every panicked expression when megumi would walk past you, sometimes brushing his shoulder against yours as you swore you nearly fainted. your heart just couldn't calm down when he was near.
"it's so obvious that you have a crush on him." your friends would laugh at you, clearly stating what was painfully obvious, but of course you would deny having such feelings for him. if you were to admit that you did like him, then your friends would try and convince you to confess to him.
and you had no intention of ever letting megumi know about your crush on him. you didn't wish to burden his life with your meddling emotions-
so you did all that you could to avoid him; to ignore that surge of joy each time he was near, your emotions seeming to run on high each time he was in your periphery.
but there was no way he would ever notice a wallflower like you.
being so caught up in your wistful thoughts, your feelings became soft as you had the sudden urge to read a romantic story. with your assignments completed and your school day finished, you began to make a dash toward the library.
since it was already late in the afternoon, the library was empty, and you were excited to find a few books that would suit your desires. you crept across the various shelves, completely lost in your own world. when you found the shelf you were looking for, you allow your eyes to eagerly scan at the selection.
that's when you saw it- a book settled on the very top shelf. it had a rose colored cover and an appealing title, one that promised you the type of love story you were craving for.
however, there was one slight problem-
it was a bit too high for you to reach.
trying to bite back your disappointment, you slowly stood on the tip of your toes, trying to see if you could somehow reach your desired book. when your fingertips could only grace at the book's lower spine, you half considered using a chair as your stepping stool-
that is, until you felt a lean chest pressed on your back, the unknown person brushing up against you as they easily took the book out of the shelf.
you face the kind student, ready to thank them when your words immediately died against your lips. standing before you was megumi himself. he held a blank expression on his face while extending the book out to you.
"did you want this?"
"y-yes!" you squeak out a reply, taking a hold of the book, your fingertips casually brushing against the palm of megumi's hand as you fought back the heat threatening to dye your cheeks. you let out a rushed "thank you!" before moving away from him.
the blood was felt rushing to your ears when you met with the librarian, making a quick work of checking out the book in hopes that megumi wouldn't catch up to you. despite how you couldn't see him, you could hear his footsteps approaching you. once you were able to obtain the book, you thank the librarian and began to quicken your pace out of the library.
please go away, please go away. just go home, just go home.
you mentally prayed that megumi would leave; that his footsteps weren't behind you at all and that you were probably just hearing things. as you made your way around the hallways, you felt a strange sense of relief coursing over you at the sight of the exit just a few feet away.
you were close to pushing through the door, making your quick getaway back home when a large hand was felt encircling your wrist coupled along with a grunt of your name.
"it's dangerous for you to go home alone like this." you let out a sharp gasp, being pulled back gently as you heard megumi's voice ringing within your ears.
"i-i'll be fine! you don't need to worry fushiguro...!"
your poor attempt at convincing megumi was evident as a scowl was seen on his face. "it's just... let me walk you home."
your mind was spinning, and you weren't sure how you were going to handle spending the next thirty minutes of your life with megumi. "i-i probably live opposite of where you are, so it's okay. you don't need to do this."
the boy continues to shake his head at you. "it'll be fine, come on."
without saying another word, he leads you out of your school, keeping your hand in his as you clutched at your book to your chest.
the walk to the train station was silent, with megumi never once letting go of your hand. as you waited for the train to arrive, you notice the way the girls from neighboring schools seemed to gawk and blush at the sight of megumi, calling him incredibly cute as they debated whether to ask for his number or not.
yet megumi seemed oblivious to it all, still keeping his grip on your hand even as the train arrives. with the locomotive quickly approaching, megumi tightens his hold on you, as if silently demanding that you stay still and by his side while the train stopped.
only when the double doors slide open did megumi step forward while taking you with him. he takes a hold of the handrail while asking you what your stop was. you tell him the name of your stop, with megumi nodding in response.
suddenly, the train begins to move, jolting you forward as you nearly lost your balance had it not been for megumi keeping a steady hand behind your back. "hang on to me..."
by now, your heart was pounding, making it race as your cheek was pressed against megumi's chest. you didn't know how or why megumi could act so nonchalant about all this, whereas you were close to dying from the intensity of it all.
you continue to cling to him, holding on to him for dear life as the train sped onwards. you bask in his warmth and the faint scent of his cologne, feeling so content while in his embrace. almost too soon, your stop has arrived as the doors open for you to exit.
you figured that this would be where megumi would leave you, but he didn't. he continues to hold on to your hand, leading you out of the train as he walks with you out of the station.
the walk to your neighborhood was uneventful, but before you could make the turn to your home, megumi suddenly takes you to the side. your mouth turns dry, and you were suddenly pressed against one of the concrete walls.
his breath was felt against your heated face, and you could see his large hand gently brushing back the strands of your hair. there was a solemn expression on his face when his fingertips touch at your parted lips.
"why are you so afraid of me?"
you had to break eye contact with him, your heart pounding so relentlessly now that it was getting harder to breathe.
"i-i'm not afraid of you..."
"then why don't you ever look me in the eye?"
megumi's hand was felt gently against your chin, with him tilting your face upwards so that he could see your eyes. the more you looked at him, the more you could see how soft his gaze was, as if filled with a yearning for something.
"why don't you ever want to stick around when i'm close?"
megumi leans closer to you, lips brushing against your skin in a kiss that was no heavier than dew.
"why don't you ever stay when i want nothing more than to have you near me?" megumi leans back for a mere second, looking down at your lips before coming closer to you.
your shaky sigh of his name was all you could manage, allowing yourself to cling to him when he carefully moves his lips against yours in a brief kiss, one that was enough to make your heart soar as you spilled your secret to megumi the moment he moves away.
"i-i like you so much that you make me nervous. and when i get nervous, i don't know h-how to act when you're near."
megumi's eyes widen upon hearing your confession, but then his look of surprise was quickly replaced with a genuine smile.
"silly girl, if you like me, just say you like me, too. don't torture me like that anymore." megumi sighs, wrapping his arms around your back as he brought you achingly closer to him, with you grinning like a lovesick girl when you felt him pressing his lips against your hair in a sweet kiss.
and as you were surrounded by the comforting scent of him, you realized that you had the perfect love story all along.
{ it's time to fall into my arms, because i've been waiting for too long. }
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a.n. - unedited, but so so soft. i really wanted to write something soft for megumi ♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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auroravictorium · 7 months
how to bug netflix 101
a few ideas/tips to put pressure on netflix to reconsider their decision, given the fact that a select few shows have had their fates reconsidered:
Keep Shadow and Bone & Six of Crows trending! Character names, 'No Mourners, No Funerals', Leigh Bardugo, and other key words might help too! And remember that the threshold to keep stuff trending gets higher the longer that words/phrases trend, meaning we have to keep it active!
Spam the Netflix title request form at https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest
with Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows, etc. At the very least, it'll inconvenience them.
Sign the petition at https://www.change.org/p/save-shadow-and-bone-a3b37712-c648-4b87-9bfc-8b8cd685c623
Fill their social medias with calls to renew. Again, at the very least it'll be annoying/inconvenient, but at least our voices will be heard.
If you feel so motivated, you can submit anonymous tips to publications and ask them to pick up the story (though there is no guarantee this will work). IGN, the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and Deadline all accept anonymous tips without having to register or provide personal information.
UPDATE (16 Nov.) Send emails to the following people and let them know (respectfully) that we're unhappy with their decision and that they will be losing money as a result!
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At the very least, Netflix has continually refused to listen to fans, even though we have shown that fandoms have the power to bring in lots of revenue; they seem to have forgotten who pays for their service and gives them the money they need to pay for the shows nobody has asked for.
Even worse, Netflix is holding the work of the writers hostage by owning the scripts yet refusing to produce them. Either Netflix needs to return the scripts to the writers, or they need to give the scripts to a platform who will actually use them and finish the story!
Industry-wide, there has been a repeated pattern of streaming platforms buying the right to a book or a series and then holding onto it without producing it or canceling it without finishing the story. This is similar to what 'patent trolls' do, filing for a patent without any real intent to use it. This is grossly unfair to the authors, not to mention the cast and crew whose livelihoods depend on a show surviving for longer than a season or two.
Leigh Bardugo deserves better. The crew deserves better. The cast deserves better. We the fans deserve better.
No mourners.
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dorianpavus · 1 year
Panel from Hell Info Roundup
We got a release teaser trailer!
Character creation got a revamp! More efforts were made to explain things to someone who hasn’t played D&D before, or one who hasn’t played other Larian games. Classes now also have unique animations when you select them.
Choice options now have a corresponding icon, so you can see what you’re selecting.
There are more available faces to choose from.
Dragonborn and half-orcs are playable at launch.
Warlocks are now able to call on their patron for insight and advice.
New sliders have been added for Maturity (adding wrinkles), Freckle Quantity (and intensity), and Vitiligo Pigmentation.
Horn Customization! Now you can change their color and tip color.
There are scar options.
More hair and beard options! As well as more options for hair colors (including greying) to have tri-colored hair.
Strong/buff body types added!
Piercing options have been added.
Heterochromia option has been added.
Dragonborn can customize their face, crest, chins, and jaws. Skin color options include metallic, almost duo-chrome shades. For white dragonborns, there are also pearlescent effects. Dragonborn Draconic Bloodline sorcerers will get a unique scale pattern that changes color based on your ancestry.
There is also a selection for genitals, which they did not elaborate on, but was selected as ‘default.’
You will meet a character that will allow you to reset your class and respec your abilities.
The team went back from Act 1-3 to make the game more reactive to your choices. If you’re playing something odd or unique, the game should react to it.
They are the new Origin Character, and they are avatar-only; they can only be played by you, not recruited.
You can fully customize their race and class.
They do not know who they are; they are waking up, and the only thing they know is “the bile of their liver, the gushing of their blood, and their ruined body telling them: you’re going to kill and kill again.” They are meant to be a dark counterpoint to the story.
Has unique scenes and storylines unlike anything else we’ve seen thus far.
They have dark impulses and thoughts that tempt them; you can play as embracing it or trying to resist.
At 4:36:55, we have some gameplay of them from early on in Act 1.
She is an Origin Character, and you can recruit her or play as her.
Born and raised in Baldur’s Gate, was sold to slavery in the Hells, and managed to break free. She has an infernal engine for a heart.
She’s a barbarian who has a special rage animation/effect.
Curses a lot.
At 5:20:00, there’s a bit of extended gameplay and one of her romance scenes.
Many of the companions are good-aligned, including Karlach, Halsin, Minsc, and Jaheira. For evil companions, there is Minthara, who you can recruit in Act 2 depending on your choices.
Wyll has gotten a complete overhaul. Much of his dialogue has been rewritten, and he “can go in two directions” much earlier in the story. He wants to kill Karlach at the beginning of the game, and how that unfolds is up to you. 
If you kill your companions, you can hire Hirelings. There are twelve (one for each of the classes), and you can customize and respec them.
Companions will join your camp and be able to come with you along your journey; you don’t have to choose between them, but can swap them out as you see fit. If anyone leaves or isn’t able to be recruited, it will be by your own choices or the narrative.
When you’re playing as an Origin Character, you’re not a mystery to yourself. You’ll get unique scenes and information that you may not otherwise get with them as your companion. For instance, when you go to sleep, you might have nightmares about your past.
A scene relevant to Astarion’s backstory was shown at 4:25:57.
They tried to show “two people genuinely struggling through a hard time and supporting one another. And you’re not going to be the same person in Act 1 as you are in Act 3. Neither is your partner. Your relationship is going to have to grow along with the game’s story.” 
At 4:46:10, they have a video where they discuss this and show scenes from the romances. 
How you treat your companions will be reflected in how they treat you. Whether they want to be in a relationship with you, whether they leave your party, or even try to kill you -- all depends on your choices. 
“Sometimes it’s actually better to have an argument, and challenge your partner about their way of thinking.”
Some characters will happily share romantic partners with polyamory; some of them won’t.
Characters may have very different romantic endings based on what happens during the game and how you treat them or what you did with them. There’s not just one scene that’s the same for all playthroughs.
You can still romance people on “evil” playthroughs, so long as you play your cards right.
Mature content warning! There is a romance scene between Astarion and Halsin that the audience helped select at 5:32:49. Wowza. Worth getting banned from TikTok? 
Multiplayer is up to four people, with split screen. 
There are 3 difficulty modes: explorer (or easy), default, and tactician (hard). Tactician mode gives enemies base buffs, but also hand-crafted difficulty increases to encounters. 
The “brutal AI” from tactician mode is supposed to feel like a DM that is pushing you to your limits, which manifests in ways like attacking your squishier characters, or trying to break casters’ concentration.
At 5:44:28, there’s a video showcase on the Monk class. Two minutes later, at 5:46:13, there’s some combat gameplay showing off monks and the different difficulty modes.
At 6:00:40, there’s a video showcasing cinematics, with various clips from the game featured (lots of enemies/creatures shown). 
They estimate that running through the main story will take about 80 hours, but it can go multiple times that length if you actually take your time and explore. 
174 hours of cinematics doesn’t mean you’ll see all of them; it’s more that there’s so many permutations and reflections of the choices that you made, that you might not even see them all even if you play this game over and over again.
When you go to camp, you are now able to wear “camp clothes” rather than your armor, which can be toggled on and off. You can find various clothes in the world, and apply dyes to them. You can wear them outside of camp if you want to as well. 
Cloaks are added.
The devs prefer not to think of this being a story told to you, but rather a story they are telling with you. Though there are many themes, trust is a big one: who you can trust, why you can trust them, and why the world should trust you as well.
There’s an unboxing of the Collector’s Edition at 6:14:26.
There is a very heavy spoiler chunk of gameplay from Act 2, starting at 6:20:42, which closes out the stream!
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welcomingdisaster · 3 months
halls of mandos dashboard simulator... part 2
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neptunes-sol-angel · 3 days
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Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message on what you would be canceled for when it comes to your reputation.
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Pile One 🚫
I’m seeing a scenario where a person that’s known for being in a group, decides to go solo. I see that you’re the kind of person who loves the feeling of being in partnerships or in community with others but you’d rather deal with loneliness than compromise the love that you have for yourself. The way that you wield your independence makes people very upset with you. It really feels like people have a nasty habit of trying to humble you so when you show them that they can’t, they want to convince other people to go against you because that’s the only way that they can feel some control over you but you make it vain by not caring so much about if you’re the villain or victim in someone else’s story. If a person believes the worst about you, then there is no need to vindicate yourself because most likely it’s because they already didn’t like you and just wanted a reason to feel secure about their vitriol towards you. You tend to outshine others in some way and people think that you do this on purpose or with sinister intent, but naturally you’re just highly magnetic. The things that make you unique are what make people heavily drawn to you. I’m seeing that people could have the tendency to try to gate keep you, you could be seen as the underdog in a situation or someone who isn’t as known at first until you outgrow your situation and gain this massive attention and support. This also could upset a lot of people because they liked you better when you were down, possibly out of envy or because they feel you’re similar to them so you gave them this feeling of comfort and validation so your ability to obtain this much recognition makes them feel left out. The way people act towards you could trigger imposter syndrome inside you but it’s important to recognize that you truly are talented and you deserve the praise for your skills and hard work. The good things about yourself that other people see whether they want others to notice or not notice, are real. Star qualities are embedded in your dna, you were never meant to burn yourself out because others are threatened by the way that you shine. This reading is supposed to be generally about your reputation, but I actually see potential for this pile to become famous, especially in the music industry.
Pile Two 🚫
It seems like somehow this pile is usually at the scene of the crime. You could feel like time just isn’t on your side. Maybe you guys have capricorn and aquarius placements or saturn is somewhere significant in your chart. A big reason why people would cancel you, is because of who you associate with. Some of you may already know this and are trying to work on it but a lot of you need to hear this message which is to be more selective with who you hang around with because you will keep being caught up in the crossfire in a battle that’s supposed to be meant for someone else. You’d be canceled for always being neutral in an issue that you shouldn’t be silent about. It honestly feels like a lot of your issues come from what you say or don’t say. I’m getting that there are moments where you don’t know when to read the room, for some it’s out of ignorance and naivety but for others your lack of self awareness turns to stupidity which will make others deem you as problematic. Be mindful of who and who isn’t your friend. Some people will passively let you make certain mistakes for their own entertainment or because your demise benefits them. These hurdles in your reputation will also teach you to be cautious of the ways you’re hurting yourself to save others who wouldn’t do the same for you but your rough beginning in learning how to be tactful and poised will make you more recognized and appreciated for your growth. Your mistakes will leave an imprint, but it’s important to not stay in embarrassment from it and to move on because at some point people’s reaction to it will change from disapproval to people seeing how iconic you actually are because of how strong and authentic your character is and your capacity to mature. Some of the negative hits towards your reputation do not have anything to do with what you personally do to others. Some people may cancel you because they feel like you win too much or that you have too much. People may be too harsh on you if you’re young when they shouldn’t because you’re still learning and you should be allowed to enjoy your youthfulness because time waits for no one. I can see people trying to scapegoat you by bringing up real world issues that are out of your control to criticize you because you look luxurious or too comfortable. I feel like your words are also twisted a lot by others too which can be severely annoying.
Pile Three 🚫
People consider you to be very controversial. What you do or what you say is turned into a think piece by others. I can see people trying to diagnose you with something that’s far from the actual truth when really you just want to have fun and a good time. Whether you are wrong or right I can see a lot of people defending you a lot but they could be part of the problem too as well because maybe they also try to put labels onto you or put you on a pedestal that you don’t want to be on. You would be canceled for not doing the things that people want you to do in your career which can either turn out really well in the end or be bad for you. This could push you into hermit mode where you’re not interested in being known by just anyone but the people who you can relate to. I see a lot about you not being able to go through personal matters in private because somehow everything is on display. People in this pile can be older or have experienced mature themes and lessons intensely at a young age or have experienced parents trying to pressure them into being child prodigies for success. What I say will probably irritate you too but I’m actually seeing that as much as it’s good that you’re having fun, most of the destructive and impulsive behaviors that you do come a lot from not being able to have boundaries or moderation with things in your youth but it doesn’t mean that you’re finished or that your life is over yet. If I could describe what people see when they view you as notorious, it would be like a bull inside a china shop. It could even seem like you’re going backwards but you’re trying to find yourself and you will. I see your reputation being a highlight for people who are coming of age or think of you whenever they’re in nostalgia. Whatever that you create in this lifetime will be timeless and healing for others in some way but could have them missing for your presence again as if you’ve made a symbolic cartoon series, album, piece of writing, or even an acting role that does exactly what it needs to do but people still hope that one day you come back to make an extension of it or at least give an update on what you’re up to in your life. People could see your opposition as something that resonates with them spiritually.
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