#Submerge movements
riopolh · 2 years
Submerge movements
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This requires that mudskipper eggs be specialized to develop in air and that the air-breathing capacity of the egg-guarding male be integrated in a complex behavioural repertoire that includes egg guarding, ferrying air to and from the egg chamber, and sensing O(2) levels therein, all in concert with the tidal cycle. modestus has developed a reproductive strategy that allows it to nurture eggs in this severe habitat rather than migrating away from the mudflat. This floods the egg chamber and induces egg hatching. When egg development is complete the male, on a nocturnal rising tide, removes the egg-chamber air and releases it outside the burrow. To ensure adequate O(2) for egg development, the burrow-guarding male mudskipper deposits mouthfuls of fresh air into the egg chamber during each low tide, a behaviour that can be upregulated by egg-chamber hypoxia. We found that the Japanese mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus deposits its eggs on the walls of an air-filled chamber within its burrow. Kicking my sheets off myself in my sleep. They lay their eggs in mud burrows containing extremely hypoxic water, raising the question of how the eggs survive. Read the complete lyrics of Submerge by Movements on Rockol. Mudskippers are air-breathing, amphibious fishes, and one of few vertebrates that reside on mudflats. Reproduction on mudflats requires protection of developing eggs from thermal and salinity extremes, O(2) shortage, dislodgement by currents, siltation and predation. Intertidal mudflats are highly productive ecosystems that impose severe environmental challenges on their occupants due to tidal oscillations and extreme shifts in habitat conditions.
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gingerbreadcities · 2 years
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Favourite line: Submerge, Movements
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pcktknife · 2 years
Omg if you’re talking about the Hydra Splat I agree bc I cannot STAND that thing in SR. Heavy weapons and snipers make special modes and high tide so hard + if you’re getting swarmed it’s over. Especially if you have to swing slow or charge up ur weapon and there’s nobody there to back you up
right like I'm the strong one so I have to make sure the strong shit is dying I already have bad aim so there's problem number 1. two if everyone's dead and I'm being swarmed what can I do but die 😭
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lavieinlyrics · 2 years
We could sing harmony and my soul felt intact, Keeping in sync with the world at our backs.
So I guess
I must have fallen flat.
Movements - Submerge
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parastitch · 2 years
We could sing harmony and my soul felt in tact
Keeping in sync with the world at our backs
So I guess I must have fallen flat
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schadenfreudich · 23 days
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Movements - Feel Something, traduzione testi
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È questa la cosa curiosa dell’amore Non è mai stato un amico per me, solo un nemico artificiale
(da: Colorblind)
1. Movements – Full Circle, traduzione
Chiudere il cerchio Sto cadendo a pezzi
Ancora qui a cercare di rammendare questi buchi nei jeans
Lascio che mi si macchi la pelle sanguinando
Mi arrendo, mi disintegro, mi scindo
Mi giro e mi rigiro su questo letto di cemento
E domattina ci proverò di nuovo
Prego che arrivi qualcosa ad alleviarmi la paura
Invece mi ritrovo con gli arti che tremano
E sembra una cosa infinita
Come se non ci fosse una consolazione al mondo che possa aggiustarla
Si ripete sempre tutto alla fine
Non è questione di “se”, ma di “quando”
È già successo e succederà ancora Arriva a ondate e io vengo trascinato sotto
Non è una cosa soggettiva ma clinica
Mi affogo nella risacca di tutte le mie reazioni chimiche sbilanciate
E si chiude il cerchio di questo ciclo
Si chiude di nuovo il cerchio di questo ciclo E allora mi rimetto al lavoro con ago e filo
Ne ho abbastanza di questo sangue che perdo
Voglio tornare a immettere vita nei miei polmoni
Diradare la nebbia che mi fotte il cervello
Senza uno sforzo non ci possono essere progressi
Anche se il peso mi sta schiacciando
Senza uno sforzo non ci possono essere progressi
Mira a uccidere, resisti alla sconfitta
(Finché poi non ritorna di nuovo) Arriva a ondate e io vengo trascinato sotto
Non è una cosa soggettiva ma clinica
Mi affogo nella risacca di tutte le mie reazioni chimiche sbilanciate
E si chiude il cerchio di questo ciclo
Si chiude di nuovo il cerchio di questo ciclo Ci sono stati giorni che avevo giurato sarebbero stati i miei ultimi
E ho passato mesi a camminare su questi vetri rotti
Per poi avvicinarmi in punta di piedi al pensiero che magari un giorno sarei tornato com’ero prima
La persona che vedevo allo specchio, e non questa sofferenza
E mi sarei sbarazzato di questa nuvola che mi fa piovere addosso e riscivolare nell’apatia
Ma so che prima o poi mi riprenderò
E magari non sarà facile, ma ne varrà la pena, e i risultati saranno profondi
Perché invece di sentirmi messo all’angolo, gli angoli della bocca cominceranno a guardare in sù
Invece di essere ancorati a terra 2. Movements – Third Degree, traduzione
Terzo grado Hai il tuo amo infilato ben dentro di me
Come la tua lingua che spinge sulla guancia
Attirami, cattura e poi rilascia
Una volta avuta la tua dose
Ributtami dentro a sanguinare Ma io voglio tenerti, tenerti vicino a me
Tenerti, tenerti vicino Tenerti, tenerti vicino a me
Per poterti sentire
Sii il mio terzo grado Ma mi sento scivolare e cadere dritto nel dimenticatoio fra le punte delle tue dita
Non si torna indietro
Non c’è una soluzione facile
Perché questo percorso lo conosco per esperienza
Conosco l’altra faccia, l’altra faccia della medaglia
Ci sono stato più volte di quante non mi piaccia ammettere Per cui intendo tenerti, tenerti vicino a me
Per poterti sentire
Sii il mio terzo grado
Marchiati a fuoco dentro di me e lasciarmi il corpo scottato
Così quando decidi di andartene posso scrivere delle mie cicatrici Versa il tuo spirito, raggiungi il limite
Poi bruciami il corpo
Il tuo fiammifero ero io
Sono sotto di te
Mi va bene essere usato
Un’emozione volgare
Potresti mettere fine alla mia vita e io ti vorrei tenerti lo stesso
Tenerti vicino a me
Tenerti, tenerti vicino Per cui intendo tenerti, tenerti vicino a me
Per poterti sentire
Sii il mio terzo grado
Marchiati a fuoco dentro di me e lasciarmi il corpo scottato
Così quando decidi di andartene posso scrivere delle mie cicatrici 3. Movements – Colorblind, traduzione
Daltonico Inspiro
Faccio scorrere le dita sulle cicatrici sulla pelle
Mi lascio fioccare il senso di colpa addosso
Cerco di giustificare la mia ipocrisia
Guardo le parole che ti cadono dalla bocca
Suonano belle taglienti, e probabilmente mordono
Sul fatto che ultimamente sono distaccato
Adesso c’è silenzio e tu sei in attesa di me
Potresti ripetere? Non stavo ascoltando Salvati, non vale la pena di perdere tempo con me
Questo fallimento ha radici profonde in come sono fatto
Ho qualcosa che non va?
Questo dubbio è assordante
Perché tu eri oro ma io non distinguo i colori Trova un motivo
Sarà il cambio di stagione?
Magari è semplicemente un colore che non vedo
Magari non è fatto per me
O tutte queste cose insieme?
Ecco, è questa la cosa curiosa dell’amore
Non è mai stato un amico per me, solo un nemico artificiale
Conosco la sua faccia ma l’ho solo guardato andarsene Salvati, non vale la pena di perdere tempo con me
Questo fallimento ha radici profonde in come sono fatto
Ho qualcosa che non va?
Questo dubbio è assordante
Perché tu eri oro ma io non distinguo i colori E mi sembra che questa noncuranza abbia la meglio su di me
Tornando a dirigermi senza meta verso tutto quello che mi sono lasciato alle spalle
Un volto nuovo, una storia diversa, lo stesso mio disastro
E non imparo mai la lezione perché sono cieco Salvati, non vale la pena di perdere tempo con me
Questo fallimento ha radici profonde in come sono fatto
Ho qualcosa che non va?
Questo dubbio è assordante
Perché tu eri oro ma io non distinguo i colori 4. Movements – Daylily, traduzione
Giglio turco All’aperto per la prima volta da tanto tempo
Lasciati andare, fatti assorbire dalla luce del sole
È da un po’ che non ti senti a posto
Ma presto arriveranno le serate calde
E tu starai bene, starai bene, starai bene All’aperto per la prima volta da tanto tempo
Hai detto che non ti ricordi cosa si prova a sentire qualcosa che non sia il freddo dentro
Ma arriverà di nuovo l’alba
E tu starai bene, starai bene Io dico che è ora di passare un’estate con le nuvole rosa
Perché sei stata troppo tempo senza sorridere
Io dico che è ora di trovare un altro motivo di restare qui ancora un po’
Dovresti restare qui ancora un po’ Mi siedo a guardare, con occhi nuovi ora, l’erba più verde
Mi lascio andare, mi faccio assorbire dalla luce del tuo sole
Il respiro nella brezza come un dolce sospiro
Mi lasci senza parole
Se va avanti così per sempre io sto bene, ah, io sto bene Tu sei il fruscio delle foglie
E sei quell’aria che sa di caprifoglio
Sei la luce del sole
Splendi su di me, splendi su di me, splendi su di me Io dico che è ora di passare un’estate con le nuvole rosa
Perché sei stata troppo tempo senza sorridere
Io dico che è ora di trovare un altro motivo di restare qui ancora un po’
E dico che è ora di darti un tocco di colore
Non ne so granché, ma ho sentito che il rosso va di moda
Io dico che è ora di trovare un altro motivo di restare qui ancora un po’
Io dico che è ora di passare un’estate con le nuvole rosa
Perché sei stata troppo tempo senza sorridere
Io dico che è ora di trovare un altro motivo di restare qui ancora un po’ 5. Movements – Deadly Dull, traduzione
Monotonia mortale Questa è la storia di un uomo che conosco
Un uomo dal cuore d’oro
Ma il corpo che diventa debole
E la mente che l’ha abbandonato
Questa è la storia di un uomo e di sua moglie
E di come lei è morta della stessa malattia
Di come lui è rimasto con lei dopo che il suo spirito se n’è andato
Ma lui non si ricorda la sua morte È una monotonia mortale
Come una spada bloccata nel fodero
Una mente un tempo acuta e piena ora annebbiata e malata Come dev’essere venire cancellati ogni volta che ci si addormenta?
Svegliarsi come tabula rasa senza avere il senso della realtà
E io farò la stessa fine quando invecchierò e mi verranno i capelli grigi
Col tempo che mi lascia indietro a spegnermi, spegnermi? Questa è la storia di un uomo che conosco
Conosce la mia faccia ma non riconosce me
Fa finta di sì ogni volta che ci vediamo
Poi comincia a fare le stesse domande a ripetizione
Tipo “Non ti cacci nei guai, vero?”
“Che progetti hai?”
“Possiamo andare qui vicino a trovare la nonna?”
“L’ultima volta che l’ho vista non ha detto moltissimo”
“Ma se ci fossi io con lei pensa come starebbe meglio”
Gli danno la notizia varie volte a settimana
E ogni volta segue la stessa scena
Va a sedersi fuori e non parla per un po’, poi si dimentica e va a dormire
La vita con un’anima pesante
Morte per una monotonia mortale
Diventerò così anch’io alla fine?
Diventerò così anch’io alla fine? È una monotonia mortale
Come una spada bloccata nel fodero
Una mente un tempo acuta e piena ora annebbiata e malata Come dev’essere venire cancellati ogni volta che ci si addormenta?
Svegliarsi come tabula rasa senza avere il senso della realtà
E io farò la stessa fine quando invecchierò e mi verranno i capelli grigi
Col tempo che mi lascia indietro a spegnermi, spegnermi? 6. Movements – Fever Dream, traduzione
Sogno delirante Mi chiudo dentro al buio
Cerco di fingere una sicurezza
Dove ci sono le cose migliori e la mia ombra non mi può seguire
C’è qualcosa che mi tormenta
Farse e sogni deliranti E mi aggrappo disperatamente a quello che rimane di me prima di cadere a pezzi
In cerca di qualsiasi cosa mi serva per combattere questi nemici
Ma il mio unico nemico ce l’ho dentro al cuore
Perdo amici velocemente quanto perdo sonno
È nuvoloso e io sono sempre a due metri di profondità dentro la mente
Quindi questo è un addio, addio Faccio un giro in macchina
Cerco di trovare la mia realtà
Tiro un pugno al volante
E poi ancora e ancora fino a farmi sanguinare le nocche
Perché voglio provare qualcosa
Preda di un sogno delirante
Fatemi credere a qualcosa che non sia questo sogno delirante E mi aggrappo disperatamente a quello che rimane di me prima di cadere a pezzi
In cerca di qualsiasi cosa mi serva per combattere questi nemici
Ma il mio unico nemico ce l’ho dentro al cuore
Perdo amici velocemente quanto perdo sonno
È nuvoloso e io sono sempre a due metri di profondità dentro la mente
Quindi questo è un addio, addio, addio, addio, addio, addio, addio, addio, addio
Addio, addio, addio, addio, addio, addio 7. Movements – Suffer Through, traduzione
Sopportare Ho costruito una casa di solida pietra che pensavo non si sarebbe mai distrutta
Ma queste fondamenta cominciano a tremare
E io le guardo venir giù queste pareti che crollano
Con il mio trono che va in sfacelo e prendono il suo posto le rovine C’è ancora un fuoco che brucia dentro
Ma fa fatica a restare in vita Vuoi spostare le montagne? Fai pure
Io mi sa che invece sto qui a soffocare
Cambiare aria non farà calmare i terremoti infiniti che ho in testa
Li ho in testa
È tutto nella mia testa E le mie ginocchia sono le fondamenta
E la mia pelle sono le pareti che crollano
E il fuoco che c’è in mezzo è il mio sangue
Ed è freddo e debole e piccolo
E sono qui ad attendere il giorno in cui infine la struttura cederà
E la casa che conosco da sempre andrà in decadenza e io perderò il contatto Il fuoco che bruciava dentro non ha più fiato
Il fuoco che bruciava dentro è freddo come la morte Vuoi spostare le montagne? Fai pure
Io mi sa che invece sto qui a soffocare
Cambiare aria non farà calmare i terremoti infiniti che ho in testa
Li ho tutti in testa, per cui me li devo sopportare
Un secondo fine: è tutto quello che posso fare
Vuoi spostare le montagne? Beh, anche io All’apparenza, non se ne accorgerà nessuno
All’apparenza, non se ne accorgerà nessuno Vuoi spostare le montagne? Fai pure
Io mi sa che invece sto qui a soffocare
Cambiare aria non farà calmare i terremoti infiniti che ho in testa
Li ho tutti in testa, per cui me li devo sopportare
Un secondo fine: è tutto quello che posso fare
Vuoi spostare le montagne? Beh, anche io
Per cui me li devo sopportare
Un secondo fine: è tutto quello che posso fare
Vuoi spostare le montagne? Beh, anche io E ci morirò a forza di preoccuparmi
Le mie tendenze ossessive non mi fanno dormire
Ma non posso scappare, come faccio con tutte le cose
È devastante, ma il mio demone sono io stesso, il mio demone sono io stesso, il mio demone sono io stesso 8. Movements – Deep Red, traduzione
Profondo rosso Pelle morbida, sguardo duro
Sembra sbagliato ma è tutto a posto
Io ci provo, ma mi pare di non riuscire a guardare da un’altra parte, e a te non interessa
Anzi, incontri il mio sguardo fisso e partiamo da lì
Restiamo svegli tutta notte
Amore sul serio per la prima volta
E non riesco a capire se è tutto un sogno o se ci sono davvero
Ma finché sento il tuo contatto proprio non mi interessa, proprio non mi interessa Possiamo far finta di essere solamente io e te?
Voglio fare come se riuscissi a provare qualcosa
E tu non devi per forza fare lo stesso con me
Tanto io non sono in grado di promettere un granché
Vedo in sfumature di grigio e sto diventando di nuovo cieco
Ma quando si tratta di te, il mio mondo è rosso
E vedo sfumature di grigio, sto impazzendo di nuovo
Ma quando si tratta di te, il mio mondo è profondo rosso Pelle fredda continuamente
Mani indolenti, per cui tu stringi le mie
Dici che ti aiuta a non perdere la testa e stringi forte
Sto perdendo la sensibilità nelle dita, ma non m’importa
Restiamo svegli tutta notte
Amore sul serio per la prima volta
E non riesco a capire se è tutto un sogno o se ci sono davvero
Ma finché sento il tuo contatto proprio non mi interessa, proprio non mi interessa Possiamo far finta di essere solamente io e te?
Voglio fare come se riuscissi a provare qualcosa
E tu non devi per forza fare lo stesso con me
Tanto io non sono in grado di promettere un granché
Vedo in sfumature di grigio e sto diventando di nuovo cieco
Ma quando si tratta di te, il mio mondo è rosso
E vedo sfumature di grigio, sto impazzendo di nuovo
Ma quando si tratta di te, il mio mondo è profondo rosso Mi tuffo dentro di te
(E apro le imposte)
Prenditi tutto di me
(Tu diventi la mia guida)
Fammi nuovo
(Per vivere nei tuoi occhi)
Almeno posso finalmente dormire
(Profondo rosso all’alba) Vedo sfumature di grigio e sto diventando cieco
Sogno di giorno, sono impazzito
Sto dormendo di nuovo?
Non riesco a schiarirmi la mente
Perché quando si tratta di te, il mio mondo è rosso, il mio mondo è rosso, il mio mondo è rosso 9. Movements – Under the Gun, traduzione
Sotto pressione C’è stato un periodo in cui ogni cosa era veleno nella mia mente
Ho preso tutto quello che avevo finché non è rimasta indietro solo la paura
Ho cercato di portarlo a termine perché dicono che l’amore è cieco
Siamo finiti sugli scogli perché tenevamo gli occhi coperti
E sono stufo di aspettare che cambi la marea
Stanco di dare la colpa a una mente ansiosa
Sono annoiato e sto perdendo la vista
Non posso fingere, ho detto che ti amavo ma ho mentito Mi hai reso schiavo, incauta e astuta
Avevi il tuo trono, ma adesso non sei nulla
Mi hai reso schiavo, incauta e astuta
Avevi il tuo trono, ma adesso non sei nulla Sbiadisco come il trucco dalle mie lenzuola
E io me ne vado, date l’ordine della ritirata
Ho messo a tacere questa guerra che chiamavamo “amore”
È meglio così e quel che è fatto è fatto
Io me ne vado
È meglio così e quel che è fatto è fatto Ma mentirei se dicessi che questa cosa non mi ha ucciso
Sapere di averti fatto del male è la cosa che fa più male
Resto sveglio a letto tutta notte respirando a malapena per questa vittima che ho creato da solo Fermo su una lama che non tagliava
Per cui ho mollato e adesso non c’è nulla
Fermo su una lama che non tagliava
Per cui ho mollato e adesso non c’è nulla, nulla di nulla
E adesso non c’è nulla, nulla di nulla
E adesso non c’è nulla Ho mollato quando l’amore è andato perso
Ho cercato di metterci una pezza, ma ho pagato il prezzo
Ho mollato quando l’amore è andato perso
Ho cercato di metterci una pezza, ma ho pagato il prezzo Sbiadisco come il trucco dalle mie lenzuola
E io me ne vado, date l’ordine della ritirata
Ho messo a tacere questa guerra che chiamavamo “amore”
È meglio così e quel che è fatto è fatto
Io me ne vado
È meglio così e quel che è fatto è fatto Sotto pressione, sotto pressione 10. Movements – Submerge, traduzione
Sommergere Mi tiro via le coperte a calci nel sonno
Lotto col mio senso di colpa mentre sono sommerso in un sogno
Non riesco a non sentirmi impotente
Potremmo cantare in armonia, e la mia anima si sentirebbe intatta
Restando in sincronia con il mondo alle nostre spalle
Per cui mi sa che ho fallito miseramente Forse sto perdendo tempo, ma va bene così
Perché su di me non si può fare luce
Dove sono finito?
Sprofondo nella mia pelle
Forse ho addosso una maledizione
Preso dalla confusione
Si fa strada il dolore
Precipito di faccia
Sommergere, sommergere Se ritirassi tutto e ci provassi di nuovo
Questi motivi mi si ripeterebbero in testa?
Mi accontento di una sconfitta alla fine
Ma queste parole mi danno ancora la sensazione di affogare
Non sarò mai nient’altro che un’elegia Forse ti ho fatto perdere tempo, e va bene così
L’ho fatto andare troppo lontano per trovarlo
Dove sono finito?
Sprofondo nella mia pelle
Forse ho addosso una maledizione
Preso dalla confusione
Si fa strada il dolore
Precipito di faccia
Sommergere, sommergere Annego nel buio
Annego nel buio
Annego nel buio 11. Movements – The Grey, traduzione
Il grigio Attendo un segnale
Perdo la fede
Fermo a metà strada
E sono in cerca di una via d’uscita
Ma due metri sottoterra mi sono scavato la fossa ormai
Non c’è una via d’uscita Sento il sale sotto la pelle, e aumenta di nuovo
Non riesco a mollare la presa e sono quasi al limite
Questi nodi in gola mi avvolgono e mi stringono E sono le giornate che si accorciano
Il buio che sembra stringere la presa
Tutto il ghiaccio che mi riempie le vene
E questo senso di colpa che si manifesta sempre Mi sento così grigio e fuori posto
Piegato fino a sformarmi, ma sempre alle solite
E sto cercando le risposte
Sarò sempre così?
E quando chiamerò aiuto tu risponderai?
Perché sto gridando ma non cambia niente, non cambia niente Sento il freddo in faccia
E basta questo a farmi star male
Per cui mi resta questo amaro in bocca che non potrà mai andar via con un cucchiaino di zucchero
E sono le giornate che si accorciano
E il buio che sembra stringere la presa
Io cerco di andare e quello mi attira
Sono stufo di mandar giù medicine per provare qualcosa Mi sento così grigio e fuori posto
Piegato fino a sformarmi, ma sempre alle solite
E sto cercando le risposte
Sarò sempre così?
E quando chiamerò aiuto tu risponderai?
Perché sto gridando ma non cambia niente Ed è sempre più difficile fingere di star bene con questa testimonianza costante che mi viene trapanata nel cervello
Credo ancora nella felicità e voglio trovare una soluzione
Ma ultimamente il mio intero mondo viene inghiottito dal grigio
Per ora trovo conforto nel silenzio, nella solitudine e nelle giornate di pioggia
Ho sviluppato un approccio scientifico alla mia tristezza
L’unica cosa che posso fare è sperare in un cambiamento
Trovo conforto nel silenzio, nella solitudine e nelle giornate di pioggia
Ho sviluppato un approccio scientifico alla mia tristezza
L’unica cosa che posso fare è sperare in un cambiamento
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deunmiu-dessie · 5 months
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a paralysis demon plays with you at night, this time you're finally awake to see it.
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you're not sure how it started. just that one day it did.
you'd wake up with sticky inner thighs and ruined sheets; the familiar pulsing of your clit, begging for attention almost overwhelming, and your muscles ached as if you had run a marathon the day before. tentatively you'd dip your hand into your panties, nimble fingers finding the hood of your engorged clit, eyebrows pulling together at the almost painful feeling it brought; then they'd drift lower, immediately sinking into creamy, wetness that pooled from your entrance and smeared your labia.
this perverse ritual had become your waking nightmare, weeks upon weeks of waking up to ruined panties and an insatiable hunger that couldn't be sated alone. frustration and tears intertwine, as your lithe fingers desperately caress and coax your clit but to no avail. it'd leave you cranky most days and unapproachable the rest.
what the hell was happening? at first, you believed it to be mere wet dreams, lost in the recesses of your mind. but the inability to find release, even with your touch or the mechanical hum of a vibrator, defied all reason. your sanity teetered on the edge, the constant ache and unrelenting wetness between your thighs, the demands of university, and the grueling hours at the fast-paced coffee shop on campus only exacerbate your torment.
breathe; you had told yourself. you just needed a day to sleep, in order to get back into the groove of your usual hectic life. and so, you make the decision to abandon your responsibilities, forsaking work and classes, seeking solace within the confines of your bed.
but that day you saw it.
as the night grew later, you found yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, struggling to keep your eyes open, you clung to the last shreds of wakefulness, determined to finish the movie that had lured you in with its promises of thrills and chills. the laptop, perched on your chest, emitted a faint glow, casting eerie shadows across the room. but despite your best efforts, the battle was futile. with a heavy sigh, you surrendered, closing the laptop and setting it aside.
that should've been it, you should have gone to sleep and woken up the next morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, no longer raging and horny, stressed and tired— just your normal self. yet, as if possessed by an unseen force, your eyes snap open, jolting your mind from the peaceful slumber you had so eagerly embraced, but not your body.
the room was cloaked in darkness, save for the feeble glow of a night light by the door. the time couldn't have been later than two in the morning, leaving you with ample hours until you needed to start getting ready for the day…so why were you up?
grunting you attempt to reach across to your desk and grab your water bottle, your throat suddenly dry and scratchy. but you couldn't move. in fact, your whole body felt numb, as if you'd been submerged in an ice-cold lake. you could feel the hair on your arms standing on end, your heart thumping painfully in your ribcage, desperate to escape from your chest and out the window just above your bed. frantic, your eyes darted around your room, flitting over the darkened corners and further on before subconsciously gazing upwards. it gazed back at you.
it was inky black, as if a void had materialized on your ceiling. barren of any discernible features, a foreboding presence emanated from it, sending chills down your spine. its limbs, neck, and torso twisted unnaturally, giving it a grotesque and elongated appearance. tears welled up in your eyes upon witnessing it, and you attempted to scream, only to find your mouth was sealed as if stitched with needle and thread.
the creature descended from above with erratic movements, settling above your figure and menacingly bringing its face closer to yours. this couldn't be happening, it must be a dream and in a desperate attempt to escape, you tightly shut your eyes and began counting backward from ten, gasping for air with each haggard breath.
however, a phantom graze on your thigh startles your eyes open. the creature was still there, its taloned, inky black hand slowly trailing along your clammy skin. even without a face, you could feel its gaze upon you, sinister and scheming. swallowing thickly, goosebumps follow in the wake of its touch, like tiny flames igniting your skin.
and almost as if accustomed to its advances, your body ignites with a dizzying heat, pussy weeping and your clit throbbing eagerly, readily despite your heart skipping and restarting all in one second with fear. its touch is tantalizing and deliberate, momentarily vanishing underneath your oversized night-shirt before returning to the heat of your thighs, talons pricking your flesh.
the creature's game finally comes to an end as it finds your fattened clit, which eagerly presses against the fabric of your panties, craving any form of touch. its assault is steady but firm and the touch immediately sets you off. your body, needy from weeks of being unable to orgasm, finally reaches its limit. you can feel the knot tightening in your tummy, a sharp, zinging pain in your lower abdomen, and the tensing of your thighs.
however, just as you approach your climax, the creature abruptly stops, shifting its touch to your slick inner thighs, face pressing closer to yours, leering and mocking. without the constant stimulation, your orgasm subsides, leaving you with a throbbing ache in your hips, cunt drooling with your arousal profusely.
your eyebrows cinch together, tears staining your cheeks before you're hit with a realization. the constant feeling of never being satisfied and not being able to cum, was because of this…creature.
its pitch-black visage suddenly splits into a sinister grin, revealing rows of serrated teeth gleaming with viscid, thick saliva. its voice is otherwordly deep, it's guttural, and raspy; fingers returning deftly to your clit to rub circles. "do you remember now?"
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rubys-domain · 1 year
when 4.1 drops i'm gonna finish ground exploration first and save underwater exploration for last. i want to stretch the underwater experience out as long as i possibly can
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lady-morrigen · 1 year
when i say i want Pat Miranda’s voice injected directly into my veins, this is what i mean…
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dnickels · 1 year
Every single time there is a catastrophic flood (so, every six weeks or so) the news will post pictures of people out in their kayaks or canoes pretending its Venice without any commentary and it makes me completely insane. This is dangerous and people die doing it.
Do not go into the floodwater unless the risk of staying where you are is somehow greater than the risk of going in the floodwater. Do not get in the floodwater except as a last resort.
The water itself is bad news (raw sewage, fire ants, industrial runoff) but the danger here is in the movement of the water: water flowing down a street has currents. Sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can't. 12 inches of water can move a car. What do you think a few feet will do to you in your dinky little sit-on-top if you get tired? Who is coming to rescue you if the water starts taking you somewhere you don't want to be?
Visibility in floodwater is shit. You cannot see obstacles (submerged cars, mailboxes, trashcans, etc). Trees and fences will become strainers (imagine pouring pasta into a colander. Now imagine you are the pasta and the force of constantly moving water is holding you in place). If you come out of your vessel you could potentially encounter open manholes or storm drains that suck people in (a lot of water draining through them creates powerful suction!!). People walking in floodwaters regularly step off a curb and are suddenly immersed in moving water well over their head.
Somehow, despite all this, these people NEVER have LIFEJACKETS on!! You own a boat but not a lifejacket?? Not that a lifejacket would make this a good idea, but if you are forced to abandon your home/car/whatever and get in the water a lifejacket might very well SAVE YOUR LIFE.
Look at a picture of professional swiftwater rescuers operating in a flood situation. They have on lifejackets, drysuits, helmets, boots, and a shit ton of gear. You are in a two-piece bathing suit and a shitty walmart paddleboard. DON'T BE STUPID. IT'S NOT WORTH IT.
sorry for the all caps lecture but one drowning is too many.
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nikkento-writes · 2 months
It’s been a stressful work week for both you and your husband, who still isn’t home by the time you draw up a bath to wind down for the evening. Hot water, plenty of bubbles, a lightly scented candle in one corner and soothing lofi playlist to set the mood. You submerge yourself into the water, your body instantly relaxing in the heat.
Five minutes in, you hear the front door open and shut in the distance, then Nanami’s voice calling your name.
“I’m in the bath!” you yell out to him, not making any moves to get out anytime soon.
He gently knocks on the door before entering, jacket slung over his shoulder, tie slightly loose around his collar. “Hi sweetheart,” he greets you, giving you a tired smile.
You smirk, beckoning him over. “Looks like you could use a bath too.”
He undresses in seconds, clothes haphazardly scattered on the tile floor, eagerly taking his place right behind you. You lean back against him, his arms wrapped around you in a loving embrace. “I hate overtime,” he mumbles, his face at the nape of your neck, inhaling deeply.
You turn your head to him, nuzzling your nose to his. “At least it’s finally the weekend.”
“Thank god for that,” he says, pressing his lips to yours. The kisses start off soft and sweet, all the stress pouring out of him to indulge in this moment with you. His hands roam up your arms, fingers tracing the dew glistening on your skin. He slides down to your ribs, then slowly to your chest, kisses becoming sloppy and needy as he cups your breasts, massaging at your nipples until they’re plump between his fingers. You moan when he grips your chin with one hand, pulling you in deeper to explore your mouth, the other still playing with your bosom. “Kento,” you whimper, pussy aching with arousal. Water sloshes dangerously close to the rim of the tub, both your movements becoming more and more erratic, succumbing to your desires.
His hand travels past your navel and you instinctually spread your legs wider for him. “Play with your nipples while I touch you,” he demands, voice husky with lust, his cock hard and throbbing behind you.
You obey him gladly, squeezing at your breasts as his fingers massage your clit, his tongue still lapping greedily into your mouth. He doesn’t stop until you’ve come at least twice and he can no longer deny his cock from being inside you. You reposition yourself to face him completely, straddling his lap as best as you can in the tiny width of the tub, sinking all the way down on him. You ride him with his face in your chest, sucking hard on your sensitive teats, his thumb pressed deliciously on your swollen bud. He fucks another two, three, maybe four orgasms out of you, you’ve lost count. When it becomes too much for him to hold, he comes in you, filling you up to the brim with his hot load, all the tension in his body eased out of him. You keep his cock warm inside you, kissing him languidly, running your hands through his damp hair, not ready to get out just yet.
So much water has splashed out onto the bathroom floor, most of the bubbles have dissipated, and the temperature is now lukewarm at best. It doesn’t matter, though. This is the most relaxed that you and Nanami have been all week, so you’re going to savor it a little while longer.
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ange1heavensent · 1 month
━Steamy Shower Sex━
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Pairing: abby anderson x fem!reader
Content Warning: +18 content, minors do not interact, shower sex, making out, fingering (r! receiving), porn with plot
w/c ≈ 1270
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Your body ached. You were cold and tired. You had just come back from a team patrol. It was late at night, therefore the hallways echoed with each step that you took. As much as you wanted to close your eyes and let your body fall into bed, you decided to make your way to the showers. The clothes on your body were stuck onto you, fully drenched from the Seattle downpour and mud had infused into the fabric from accidental falls during combat. The fluorescent light in the locker room was not kind to your eyes as you peeled off the soaked fabric off your body.
You stood in the shower, trying to submerge yourself in the warm water. The shower curtain that surrounds you helps to keep the warm steam close. The rest of the shower room was eerily quiet this time at night, the only thing that could be heard was the water droplets echoing as they hit the floor. That was until you heard the door to the attached locker room open and then slam shut, which startled you out from your tired haze. 
Someone stepped into the shower room, without announcing themselves. So, as you scrubbed your vanilla soap against your body, trying to get rid of the dirt from the patrol, you called out to the mystery person. “Hello?” after a beat the other person answered “it’s Abby,” you released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “Anderson, you scared the living shit out of me!” you proclaimed, as she stepped into the other shower beside you. A chuckle and a “sorry, Y/n” could be heard from the woman on the other side of the shower curtain. You wondered why she decided to shower beside you, guessing that maybe she felt conversational. Your guess was right as she asked “How are you holding up?” “I’m alright, a couple of bruises here and there, a quite gnarly one on my hip though.” You answered, before turning the question to her, “I’m good, not even a scratch,” she answered back. “Way to rub salt in the wound, Anderson,” you said out loud with a chuckle. Another apology was uttered by Abby before she asked “How bad is the bruise?” “You can take a look at it if you want,” you answered back. 
You didn’t think she would actually do it, but then the shower curtain moved and Abby’s naked figure took a small step inside. Your arms came up to cover your breasts and Abby tried to keep her wandering eyes at bay. You turned so your hip would face her, neither of you saying anything until Abby broke the silence with “Is it alright if I touch it?” You nodded your head, while humming out a consent. She reached her hand to your hip, carefully grazing it against your purple skin, unconsciously stepping closer to your body. You looked at her movements attentively, you couldn’t keep your eyes away from her, and why would you. 
Her body was drawn towards you, she seemed to inch closer and closer, then her hand started moving towards your lower back, wishing to press your body against hers. “Is this okay?” She whispered out, you whispered back a breathy “yes.” You were now fully pressed against her except for your arms still shielding your breasts. Abby gazed into your eyes, it seemed like she was looking for something, you didn’t know what, but underneath her soft gaze you felt a blush and a smile creep its way onto your face. That reaction might’ve been what Abby was looking for, because she started to slowly lean her head closer to yours. Then you felt her lips on yours, the kiss was soft and careful at first but grew to be more messy. Your arms slung around Abby’s neck, and the two of you were now fully pressed against one another. Abby felt your pebbled nipples pressed onto the skin of her chest, which turned her on even more.
Abby moved her head down to press kisses onto your neck, as her hands simultaneously moved to grab at your ass. You moaned into the steamy air, when Abby was lightly nipping at your neck, then decided to mirror her actions. Your head was buried in her neck, still smelling the scent of rain that lingered in her wet hair. Then you were moved around and your back was pressed into the cold white tiled wall, you shuddered. The two of you were dishevelled, both faces red from the shower steam, hair clinging to every surface and both had a growing need of pleasure. 
Abby’s hands had been roaming your body, until her left hand grabbed onto your right thigh moving it upwards to press it against her hip. Abby looked at you again, with that same look from before, you now knew what it was, she needed confirmation that you wanted the same thing as her. You looked at her face, it was flushed from the heat, expression just as soft. One of your hands came to move some wet hair from her face, as you gasped out “Abby, I want, need, you to-” She cut you off by capturing your lips in a kiss, moaning into your mouth, as her right hand which had been resting against your hip moved in between your legs. 
Her fingers brushed against the length of your pussy, collecting your wetness to rub her fingers against your clit. You moaned into her mouth, she parted her lips to whisper, “you’re so wet, baby.” “All for you, Abby” you said, before pressing your lips against hers yet again and Abby couldn’t help but to moan at your statement. She decided to move it along further by moving her fingers down and inserting two of them. Your fingers tensed, digging blunt fingernails into Abby’s shoulders. You gasped as she started to move her fingers, curling them slightly. The pace that she set was slow, it felt really good, but you got impatient and needed more. 
You started to grind and buck your hips against her hand, trying to signal to her to move faster while simultaneously, with a breathy moan uttering “please go faster, Abby,” and she did just that. Abby moved her fingers faster, while you grinded against the palm of her hand. It did not take long for you to build up to climax with her hand between your legs, her warm skin against yours, her moans and her encouragement for you to cum. Your body arched off the wall and your toes curled as the orgasm washed over you. Abby’s fingers moved as your hips bucked into them, but halted as you relaxed against her body. You were slightly leaning against her for support and soft praises were whispered from her lips.
She let go of your leg and you now had both feet on the floor, however you were still leaning against her body, enjoying the way she felt against you. Abby moved the two of you to the stream of water from the shower head above you, thankfully it was still warm. The two of you were basking in the warmth of the water but also in each other's presence. “You smell good,” Abby remarked as her head laid against your shoulder. You hummed, that giddy feeling spreading through your body, “It’s that vanilla soap” you said. She hummed, reaching for it on the shower shelf, “I like it” she said, as she lathered in her hands, then moving them against your body, washing you for the second time today.
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
Thank you for reading! If you liked this fic, check out my masterlist for more :)
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hello-eden · 2 months
Is it Comfort or a Curse?
Damian knows something has not been quite right with Drake since he got back.
Damien didn't quite notice as he had been getting used to a new Batman and the others presents in the house. Drake had not been a priority as he had not been living in the manner and Damian had already gotten Robin.
Drake feels like the Lazarus pit. not quite the same but it's the closest way that Damian can put into words. The Lazarus Pit feels different to everyone or at least that's how Damian likes to think of it.
It seems to give grandfather as well as Todd pure unadulterated rage but it never seems that way to Damian. There was always a comfort to it, a Feeling that he could just sink into it and no harm would come to him. That is not a feeling he should be associating with Drake.
Damian had not been allowed to be left alone with Drake, so it is not completely his fault that he did not notice until now. It took months but eventually they were left alone in the bat cave after a particularly rough patrol and Damien felt it.
The feeling of sourness on their tongue and the feeling as if they had been wrapped in a blanket and pulled into a hug. It is a very particular feeling. it is not exact but nothing can really compare to the full submergence. though it is particularly close to the point that it is unnerving. 
It all really comes to a head when Damien is falling asleep in the living room. They had a sketchbook in front of them and a blanket thrown over their feet. Falling asleep in communal rooms has been becoming a habit. Father & Grayson always seem to be quite happy the day after when they do, so they have no reason to stop the habit now.
They're on the edge of sleep when they see movement out of the corner of their eye. they become a little bit more alert but they still understand that it's most likely one of their siblings.
They end up being correct as it is Drake. Even if they didn't quite see who it was, the sourness on their tongue gives it away. Drake's presence pulls them into a comforting Haze that they become accustomed to in his presence. Damien barely feels the dip in the couch but they certainly feel themself falling on to Drake's shoulder.
Damien tries to fight the sleepiness for all they have gotten a better relationship Damian still feels that there's a possibility that Drake will try and take vengeance. Drake seems to notice this and pulls them closer he feels a press on his forehead and whispers words.
“go to sleep Starlight, I'll be here when you awake” 
All feelings of reluctance leave her body. Ellie will always trust that Danny will keep her safe
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btsvt-bar · 5 months
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down bad
pairing ꩜ husband!mingyu x afab!reader
sequel to hurts so good, please read it first to understand their background/dynamics.
content/genre ꩜ haters to lovers, ceo/mean husband mingyu, smut (18+ mdni). they sort of have a fwb thing going on.
author's note ꩜
not proofread. comments are appreciated!
warnings under the cut!
warnings ꩜ smut, masturbation (m. and f. receiving), oral sex (m. receiving), unprotected sex, breeding kink, corruption kink (it's not deeply explored), orgasm denial, creampie, dom-ish mingyu, dirty talk, cock warming, pet names (baby, dear husband/wife, my queen, pretty girl), mentions of threesome.
You loved birthday parties, especially if they were children’s parties. It’s Saturday afternoon and you’re in the backyard of Wonwoo and Claire’s house to celebrate Yeji’s 4th birthday.
You’re sitting by the pool, your legs submerged to your knees. You see your husband playing around with his friends’ kids. He’s holding Minjoon—Seungcheol’s son—in his arms while he pretends to drink tea with Yeji and three of her school friends. Your heart skips a beat when he looks your way and smiles. It’s almost unfair how handsome he is, even dressed with pink fairy wings, a princess tiara and a pair of plastic earrings.
You sigh and turn your attention to the big form approaching. Joshua greets you with a smile. "Y/N, why are you here all alone?" he asks while sitting by your side.
"Just chilling." You offer a shy smile, a bit intimidated by his presence.
Joshua Hong is gorgeous. When you first met him, you were completely enamored with his face. And when you found out he was nice and friendly, you kinda developed a crush on him. Now, a few years later, you still feel intimidated whenever he’s around.
You take in his visuals, from his dark hair pushed back, featuring his perfect face, to the white button up shirt that allowed you to see a bit of his chest, to his light brown cargo shorts that showcased his legs perfectly. He carried an amused smile on his lips, as usual.
"I’m glad you joined me, though."
"Well, all of my friends are talking about parenting and I can’t listen to another minute of tips on how to change a diaper." Joshua states and you laugh lightly.
"I know the feeling very well." You throw him an empathetic look. "So… how was your trip to Paris? Mingyu mentioned you went there for a convention or something?"
Shua stares into the water, he’s watching your feet move around. "Yeah, for this Luxury Hotels thing. My dad’s trying to expand the franchise and I went to meet some European investors."
"Seems a bit boring." You blurt out and Joshua chuckles, agreeing promptly.
"It is. But it’s work so it’s not meant to be fun."
"True. But Paris is a great city with amazing food and museums."
"Maybe we should go together next time." Joshua comments and your movements freeze instantly. Realizing what he said, he adds "With everyone else, I mean! Like a group trip."
The mischievous gleam in his eyes makes you feel warm inside. Joshua’s flirting, you’re not dumb. And he’s not either, he knows the truth about your situationship with Mingyu.
"That would be nice." Your voice is soft and shaky. He barely said anything and you’re freaking out inside, which leads you to think that maybe you have a big crush on him.
"Hey! You two!" You hear Mingyu’s voice calling. "Let’s sing happy birthday and cut the cake."
Joshua gets up and extends his hands to help you. His palms feel soft under your fingertips, and you feel your insides twist. "C’mon, Y/N. Your husband’s waiting." He flashes a knowing smile and walks away, leaving you too stunned to follow.
It’s been a year since you and Mingyu made peace and started being friends. You agreed to be friends with benefits and to be exclusive, since you couldn’t risk someone assuming one of you was cheating. So you two reaped the benefits like dates, physical touching and, of course, sex, but didn’t really work on getting romantically involved. Of course that doesn’t mean that both of you didn’t develop some feelings, because you did. But, for now, you played husband and wife and everything was good.
But now, thinking about the way Joshua flirted with you, you wished you could have him. And your brain, always being one to come up with naughty ideas, had the best solution to your problem.
"Gyu?" You call your husband softly. You’re both lying on your shared bed watching TV, his head on your chest and his big hand caressing your belly.
"Hm?" He responds without looking away from the big screen.
"Remember that one time we talked about having a threesome, and I said I didn’t have a guy option?" Your words sparked his interest, so the man got up on his elbows to look at you. "I have a name now…"
Mingyu looks curiously at you. He has an idea of who, but he wants you to say the name. "Who?"
You bite your lower lip, feeling a bit nervous. "Joshua."
Your husband smirks. He knew it. "You have the hots for Shua hyung, dear wife?"
"So what if I do?" You pout. "He’s single and he seems to know about us."
Mingyu scrunches his nose. "I accidentally told him last time we went out for a drink." He reveals with a sheepish smile. "He’s reliable, don’t worry."
"Well, one more reason to do it with him." You say excitedly, your mind already picturing the things you would to do Joshua.
"I don’t want to have a threesome anymore." Your husband states in a quiet voice.
When you look at him, he’s staring down at his hand that’s resting on your hips. He looks a bit annoyed. "What? Are you jealous?" You chuckle, fishing for an answer.
"Not at all." He lies, rolling his eyes to add to the dramatics. "It’s just not on my kink list."
His words make you realize that he’s never once told you about his kinks. In the past year, you’ve talked a few times about it. And Mingyu’s been really open to exploring them, always being so generous and giving you new mind blowing sex experiences each time.
"So what’s on your kink list?" You ask with a sly smile, liking the direction of the conversation.
Mingyu lets his body fall on the bed, hiding his face. He shakes his head, indicating he’s not talking.
"Tell me!" You insist, shaking his arms. "I told you all of mine, but you never told me yours. Besides angry sex, of course."
"Never mind. It’s stupid."
You grab his chin to make him look at you. His cheeks have a pink hue, and he’s scrunching his nose. "Please baby, tell me."
Mingyu sighs, giving in to your soft plead. "It’s not actually a kink, but maaaaybe I’ve been thinking about fucking you in a wedding dress. Since our wedding night never happened."
The air gets caught up in your lungs. The idea of Mingyu having his way with you in a sort of reenactment of your wedding day makes your core burn and your stomach twist and turn.
"I like that idea." You give him a quick kiss before letting go of his face. "What else?"
"I wanted to try corruption kink." He looks away, his face burning even more. It’s funny how cute he looks while revealing his sexual fantasies.
"We can totally try it too." You agree, even if he didn’t actually ask. "But only if you look at me and give me another kiss."
Mingyu chuckles and goes in for the kiss. You touch lips for a few seconds before pulling away.
"Let’s sleep, I’m beaten."
"Not easy being uncle of the year, huh?" You taunt him. "You looked cute dressed up as a fairy."
"The things I do for my goddaughter." He sighs. You both knew fully well he enjoyed playing with the kids, but you let his little lie slide. "Good night, dear wife."
"Good night, dear husband." You allow him to engulf you in a warm hug before slipping into unconsciousness.
A couple weeks later, you and Mingyu go out to celebrate your 5th anniversary. It’s the first one you’re going to celebrate, now that you’re on good terms. For this reason, you prepared a little surprise for Mingyu, wanting to spice things up a bit.
After your conversation about his kinks, you decided you needed a special occasion to try them, and what’s more special than the first anniversary you celebrate?
So you went out with Gwen and she helped you pick out a nice wedding dress. You settled for a sparkly white satin rhinestone strap mini dress that really compliments your boobs and legs. You’re sure he’s going to lose it when he sees you.
Mingyu also planned a surprise: he made a reservation for an overnight stay in a luxurious hotel room, which had the biggest bed you’ve ever seen.
You arrive after having dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant. Mingyu has a goofy smile, maybe because you both had a couple drinks, maybe because he is excited for the night.
There’s a small table in your room with two flutes and a bottle of champagne waiting. Mingyu pops it open and you toast. You take a sip and decide it’s time to put on your dress.
"Wait here, I have a surprise."
While you rush to the big bathroom to get changed, Mingyu takes off his blazer. He’s wearing a deep purple shirt that compliments his skin, and perfectly tailored dress pants. His hands are shaking in anticipation, because he has another surprise for you before the night ends.
Meanwhile, you put on your dress pretty quickly—you chose one that you’re able to zip up yourself. You pull the white lace garter up your leg, adding a touch of sensuality. To finish off, you place the short veil on your head. Taking a quick glance in the mirror, you decide you look perfect. You slip back into your white heels and open the bathroom door.
Mingyu’s looking out the window, his champagne glass nearly empty. You approach him slowly and cover his eyes with your hands. "Guess who?"
"Hm… I have a feeling it’s my wife. Not sure though." He joined in with a laugh.
You place your hands on his shoulder and turn him around, revealing your new outfit. His jaw drops when he sees you.
"Y/N, what is this?" His breathing is quick and you can see he’s starting to malfunction.
"Well, I kept thinking about how we never had a wedding night." You bite your lower lip, inching closer to him. "And I figured tonight would be a good one to make up for lost time. Don’t you agree?"
Mingyu just stares, still in shock. He takes in your form, how your boobs look delicious in your dress, the way the fabric hugs your waist, and how you look fucking angelic while asking him to fuck you. "Shit, you can’t do this to me." He groans in a low, deep tone.
You can see he already has a tent in his pants. Mingyu looks flushed, and you haven’t even touched him yet.
"How about you lie down, dear husband?" You say in a provocative tone. "You look a little pale, let me take care of you."
The man nearly runs to the bed. He gets comfortable and you get on top of him. Your core is starting to grow hot, seeing how much he wants you.
Without giving it a second thought, pull out his pants along with his boxers. His cock stands hard and leaking pre cum, which makes your mouth water at the sight.
Before leaving the house, you decided you want to have a night to remember. And you hold on to that determination when you keep pushing Mingyu’s buttons.
"I want to help, but I don’t know how…" you take his cock in your hand and pump it slowly. He shudders at the stimulation. "Can you teach me how to do it, dear husband?" Your saccharine voice makes something twist inside of Mingyu. He takes in your doe eyes and semi innocent smile, quickly catching on what you’re doing. The man chuckles in pleasant disbelief, he knows he’s in for a treat.
"My pretty girl needs guidance?" His big hand starts to guide yours as you masturbate him. You’re sitting on his beefy thighs and you can feel him trembling as you increase the speed of your movements. Mingyu’s eyes are closed and his mouth slightly parted, allowing some sighs to fall off easily.
You feel him twitching under your palm and his hand holds your wrist to stop you. "That’s enough, baby." His voice is breathy and it makes you happy to see how much you affect him.
"Can you do something else for me?" Mingyu asks. You nod and bat your eyelashes at him. "I need you to put your mouth around it."
You feign shock, widening your eyes and slightly gaping your mouth. Mingyu sits up a bit, and kisses you softly while kneading your thighs. "I'll help through it, pretty girl".
You slide down the bed and inch closer to his throbbing cock. "Open your mouth." Mingyu instructs and you play along.
His heavy hand grabs the back of your head and guides you to start sucking him off. He loves the wet and warm feeling of your tongue on his cock, it makes the fire in his abdomen burn hotter and hotter with each passing second.
Mingyu starts to feel hot and unbuttons his shirt, his hand leaving your to bob your head on your own for a few seconds. "You're so good at this, baby." He groans deeply and you feel arousal pool on your lace panties, his reactions turning you on even more.
When he feels he's about to cum, Mingyu pulls you away. You take a good look at your husband, taking in they way his toned chest glistened because of the thin layer of sweat. He takes off his shirt, laying bare beneath you. He looks beautiful and your heart races.
You sigh and move closer, needing to feel his lips on yours. You share a passionate kiss, your tongues dancing in sync. Mingyu guides your hips and you grind against him, his big hands giving occasional slaps on your ass.
By now, you're already soaking wet and desperate for his cock. You need Mingyu and you need him now. "Gyu, I need you".
"Need me to do what, baby?"
Of course he wasn't going to make it easy for you. You take his hand and guide it to your dripping cunt, acting shy. Mingyu runs his fingers on your lace panties and grunts when he feels just how wet you are.
Mingyu decides to play nice and slips his fingers in your panties. He glides his fingers easily, collecting your wetness while rubbing your lower lips. His middle finger settles in your clit and he circles it slowly, sending electric waves through your body.
Your head feels heavy with lust, so you let it fall on his shoulder. He keeps masturbating you until you feel on edge. When he senses you're about to cum, he stops his ministrations, earning a frustrated cry from you.
"I-I was so close" you complain with a pout. Mingyu laughs and pecks your puckered up lips.
"I promise I'm going to make you feel even better."
Mingyu reaches for the zipper on your back and undoes it in a way to expose your boobs. He grabs them and runs his thumbs on your nipples. "So perfect for me, they fit perfectly in my hands."
He attaches his lips to your right nipple and keep massaging the other. You go back to rutting each other like animals on heat. You pull his hair and let you head fall back, the familiar burning sensation running through your veins.
Mingyu decides he's had enough, so he manhandles you so you're on all fours. He stands tall behind you, admiring your exposed ass and covered cunt. Slowly, he slides your panties down your legs. You shake in anticipation.
"My beautiful wife..." he sighs. "You're going to be good to me, aren't you?" You agree quickly. "I can't wait to ruin you. To fill you up with my seed and get you pregnant." You both moan in unison.
Your heart is racing with his words. God, you'd let him do anything to you. Anything. "Please, do it."
Mingyu's cock throbs with your request. He aligns himself with your whole and sinks in slowly. You lose strength and bend your arms, exposing your ass even more. Mingyu grabs your waist to support you in place, even if his own legs were trembling with pent up desire.
He slides in and out of you, catching up speed until his unrelenting tempo makes the bed shake and hit the wall. His cock massages your inner walls in the most perfect way, hitting all the right places to put you in a lustful frenzy.
You're sure you're moaning and whining, but your heart pumps so loudly in your ears that you don't quite hear it. But Mingyu does, and it only spurs him on. He's lost in your heat, in the way you clench around him. Plus, you in that fucking wedding dress... every time his eyes glimpse at the sheer white fabric, he swears his cock gets even harder.
Mingyu slows down and pulls out of you. You let out a whimper at the loss, feeling really worked up and frustrated.
The man sits down again and pulls you on his lap, and you're so wet you sink down on him with ease. You start to ride him, your boobs bouncing deliciously for Mingyu to see.
His eyes focus on the place where you two connect. Your cunt swallows his big cock beautifully. "You're taking me so well, pretty girl".
You place your hands on his chest for support, your short nails sinking on his skin and leaving small crescent marks. "I'm close."
Mingyu snaps his hips up to meet yours, reaching even deeper within you. It only takes a few slides for you to cum.
You feel your spirit being lifted from your body and you tremble, falling into Mingyu. He places two fingers on your clit and circles it to intensify your pleasure. You're so out of it you don't even notice when Mingyu flips you both over and starts to rail you missionary, chasing after his own high.
"Fill me up, dear husband" You sigh in his ear and Mingyu shivers. "Make my pussy full of your warm cum. Give me your babies".
That's enough for Mingyu to lose it and cum with a deep moan. He shivers and start to unload inside of you, his white milk covering your abused walls. His hips slow down and he stills inside of you.
Once again, he flips you both over, and you stay on top of him again, his cock still inside of you. You kiss his neck and rub your hands on his arms while you wait for him to come down. Mingyu grabs your ass, and you know he's partially recovered. So you sit up again, still cock warming him.
When he looks up at you, you can see the admiration in his eyes. Mingyu smiles beautifully, his canines showing up and his orbs shining with something else you can't quite identify.
"I have to ask you something" He says and you smile, indicating he can keep talking. "But I have to get something first... It pains me, but I need you to slip off".
Even full of his cum, you feel empty when Mingyu slides off. The dress you're wearing is all bunched up and wet, so you take it off and throw it on the floor.
"Can you grab my panties?" You ask your husband and he gets one from your bag. He also brings a wet towel from the bathroom and cleans you up before you slide in your fresh panties. When you're both semi-clean and with underwear on, you slide into the fresh Egyptian cotton sheets.
"What did you want to ask me?" You question, feeling a bit anxious.
Mingyu bites his lower lips. He's feeling shy and self-conscious, but he musters the courage to say what he wants. "Well, this night is about celebrating our wedding, right?" You agree. "This past year's been amazing, and I really liked getting to know you better".
"Me too, Gyu" You smile, your heart beating faster.
"I know we agreed to being friends with benefits, but I realized I can't keep going like that." You have a big question mark in your eyes and Mingyu can see it, so he hurries to complete his line of thought. "I can't be friends because I'm down bad. I love you, Y/N. I never expected this to happen, but I do."
You smile and jump him. Your heart's beating like crazy and you're completely at a loss for words. "I love you too, Gyu."
You both kiss in such a soft way, it makes your heart flutter.
Mingyu's smiling widely, once again showing his canines you adore so much. "Well, I think I can ask you what I wanted then".
He pulls a black box from under the pillow, one you didn't even see him placing there. He opens the box and there lies the most beautiful engagement ring. You never really got engaged, since you hated each other back then.
Mingyu takes the ring. "I kept thinking about how I never asked you to marry me. So, will you be my queen? Will you marry me, for real this time?"
"Yes! Yes, yes... God yes!" He places the ring on your finger and you kiss again, this time with more passion.
"My queen" He places a kiss on your cheek, sighing with a dreamy smile. "We're gonna be so happy, I promise".
"I know we will, baby. I'm gonna give my best for it to happen, too".
Then, Mingyu gets up and fills another glass of champagne for you to toast your engagement. You keep talking and exchanging kisses until late hours. You're down bad, but you're sure you don't want to get up.
© btsvt-bar, 2024
m.list ♡
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misswynters · 2 months
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Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader
[warning: mdni, mature/explicit (18+), riding, bathtub sex, p in v, slight degrading, let me know if i missed anything
[note | i just got inspired out of nowhere :D just a short one
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Deep hues of orange and yellow danced around the room caused by the flickering candle lights. It gave the perfect ambiance for relaxation. The bathing chambers in Dragonstone had transformed into a private tableau of passion and raw desire, the warm water of the bathtub rippled like molten gold beneath the dim, as it laid on your skin. Jacaerys stood at the entrance, his figure a powerful silhouette against the light, every movement conveying a deep need.
You were already in the tub, your body submerged and partially obscured by the swirling water. The sight of you, vulnerable and serene in your repose, seemed to ignite a storm within him. He approached with deliberate, almost ceremonial movements, each step a testament to the tempest of emotions swirling inside him.
"Jace," you started, but he silenced you with a fierce, almost punishing kiss. His lips crashed against yours, his teeth nipping at your lower lip hard enough to make you gasp. The kiss was rough, possessive, and it took your breath away.
"I need this," he growled against your lips, his voice raw with anger and desperation. "I need you." You nodded, understanding the storm raging inside him. His mother's decisions had been weighing heavily on him, and he needed an outlet for his frustration.
Without a word, he lifted you from the water and seated you upon his lap. The contrast between the warm, wet embrace of the tub and the burning intensity of his touch created a scene almost too vivid to be true. Your soaked shift was pushed up around your waist in an instant, and he wasted no time in positioning himself beneath you. His fingers dug into your hips as he lifted you slightly, the head of his cock pressing insistently at your entrance. There was no gentleness, no hesitation.
With a single, brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, eliciting a strangled cry from your lips. The water splashed violently around you as he set a punishing pace, his thrusts hard and fast, each one driving him deeper inside you. The sound of water slapping against the sides of the tub mixed with the lewd, wet sounds of your bodies colliding, your breathless moans, and his guttural groans.
"Fuck," he snarled, his hands gripping your hips so tightly it hurt. "You're so fucking tight." You could feel his anger in every movement, the way his fingers dug into your flesh, the way his hips snapped up to meet yours with almost violent intensity. The raw power of his need was overwhelming, and it drove you wild with desire.
"Jace," you moaned, your voice a breathless plea. His name on your lips seemed to push him even further, his thrusts becoming harder, more erratic. He reached around to grasp your breast, his fingers pinching your nipple almost painfully as he drove into you.
"You're mine," he growled, his voice a rough whisper in your ear. "No one else's. I'm going to fill you up, make sure everyone knows who you belong to."
The words sent a thrill through you, heightening your arousal. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, the intensity of his thrusts pushing you closer to the edge. The thought of him claiming you so completely, of his seed filling you, was enough to drive you wild.
"You want that, don't you?" he panted, his voice rough and demanding. "You want me to fill you up, to breed you."
"Yes," you gasped, the idea sending waves of pleasure through your body. "Yes, Jace, please."
"Good my dear," he growled, his thrusts becoming even more frantic. "I'm going to make sure you're dripping with me. You'll be swollen with my child, everyone will know you're mine." His words pushed you closer to the edge, the pressure inside you building to an almost unbearable peak. The idea of carrying his child, of being marked by him so completely, sent you spiraling.
As his thrusts grew more frantic, you could feel the bulge of his cock with each deep, powerful thrust. The sensation of him stretching you so fully was intoxicating, and you could hear the lewd, wet sounds of him moving inside you, each one echoing the intensity of your connection.
"Do you feel that?" he groaned, his voice rough with desire. "Feel how deep I am inside you? I'm going to fill you so full, you'll be able to feel me for days."
"Yes," you whimpered, your body trembling with anticipation and need. "I can feel you, Jace. You're so big."
His pace quickened, the slapping of water against skin filling the room, mingling with your cries of pleasure. The pressure inside you built to an almost unbearable peak, and you could feel yourself teetering on the brink of release.
With one hand, Jacaerys pressed down on your lower abdomen, the sensation of him moving in and out of you intensified by the pressure. "By the gods," he growled. "You feel amazing."
You nodded frantically, the added sensation making everything more intense. His other hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to look down. "Watch," he demanded. "Watch how I fuck you."
Your eyes fluttered open, and you gasped at the sight. His cock slid in and out of you with powerful, relentless thrusts, each one making the water around you splash. The sight was mesmerizing, his size and the way he filled you completely almost too much to bear.
He pulled your face to his, pressing your foreheads together. His eyes bored into yours, dark and intense. "You like this, don't you?" he hissed, his voice both degrading and desperate.
"Being fucked like this, so hard you can feel it days later."
"Yes, Jace," you moaned, your breath coming in ragged gasps. "I love it."
"Good," he growled. "Because I'm going to fill you up so full, you'll be swollen with my child. Everyone will know you're mine."
His words sent a jolt of electricity through you, pushing you over the edge. Your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, your body convulsing around him, your cries echoing off the walls.
The sensation of you tightening around him was too much for Jacaerys. With a final, powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, his own release tearing through him as he groaned your name.
You felt him pulse inside you, his warmth flooding you completely. He stayed buried deep within you, his body shaking with the force of his release.
For a moment, you both stayed still, panting and spent, your bodies still trembling from the intensity of your coupling.
Jacaerys rested his forehead against your shoulder, his breath hot on your skin. "You drive me crazy," he murmured again, but this time his voice was softer, more tender.
You turned your head to look at him, a satisfied smile playing on your lips. "I know," you replied, your voice a whisper. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
He chuckled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "Neither would I," he agreed, his arms wrapping around you as he held you close, the warm and gentleness of your shared presence giving way to a quiet moment.
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[a/n: (if you don’t wanna be tagged on 18+ things let me know!)
taglist: @spn-obession @benjicotblckwood @beebeechaos @travelingmypassion @shoxji @thornsandtulips @giovanna-hyt @r-3dlips @eddie-brii @thornsandtulips
banner: @cafekitsune
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