#Suite N7
felassan · 11 months
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[source (Senior Reporter at Kotaku), linked Kotaku article, two, 'FC 24's performance link', three, four, @/N7SeveranceDay (source of the last two images, "Account supporting BioWare employees laid off in 2023."), five, six, Polygon tweet, Polygon article]
"BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance" statement transcript:
“BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance On August 23 of this year, BioWare eliminated “approximately 50 roles at BioWare”. Following the layoffs, seven ex-BioWare employees engaged the services of R. Alex Kennedy to represent their interests, stating that the amount of severance offered was insufficient under Alberta common law. Counsel for the employees has attempted to reach a compromise that would avoid requiring lengthy court proceedings, but BioWare’s lawyers refused any offers to negotiate and settle out of court. The basis of Kennedy’s claim is that according to Alberta precedents and under Canadian law, these employees should be receiving approximately 1.7 months of severance per year of service they gave to BioWare. BioWare has now filed a Statement of Defence, which argues that the seven terminated employees are only entitled to two weeks of severance per year spent in service to BioWare, because of a contract provision that Kennedy says is not enforceable. The filing means BioWare will be taking these former employees to court rather than working towards finding an out of court resolution. The developers involved in the suit have expressed their disappointment: - “We are disappointed that BioWare prefers stalling and intimidation tactics to fair dealing with people who have given years, and in some cases decades, of dedication and hard work to the company.” - “We believe they are using intimidation and stalling tactics to try and get us to drop out. A lot of the more junior employees and those with families, who had more monetary pressure on them, could not risk waiting on a court case that may take many months more to resolve, and have already had to drop out.” - “At the time of the layoffs, BioWare offered us professional assistance in finding new employment, and an additional payment, but ONLY on the condition that we signed an agreement saying we cannot talk about any details of the settlement, and that we would completely waive any right to legal action or even to complain in any way about anyone associated with BioWare now or ever in the future. Tactics like that sure make me think that BioWare knows it is in the wrong.” - “Despite what they publicly announced when they laid us off, this process has been anything but empathetic, respectful, and communicative.” The latest BioWare layoffs were the third round so far this year, and many of the developers affected even in earlier rounds are still searching for work, though some have started to find new positions. Regardless of employment status, the members of the current lawsuit state they remain determined to pursue BioWare in court, regardless of their employment status: - “We strongly believe that if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf does not do as well as BioWare or EA wants at launch, there will be more, even larger layoffs. Therefore, regardless of our own well-being, we believe it is important to hold BioWare responsible and get a clear decision on what settlement amount is legal. We’re no longer part of the development team, so the best way we can help our former teammates now is to hold BioWare accountable and ensure that the next group who is laid off are not treated as poorly as we were.” November 7th marks “N7 Day”, which is a fan celebration of BioWare’s Mass Effect games featuring Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The developers involved in the lawsuit are hoping N7 Day this year will be a reminder to BioWare of the importance of loyalty to your crew, and hope fans can have a little fun and help express their support with memes and images using an #N7SeveranceDay hashtag. The ex-employees involved in the suit are all based in Canada and have an average of 14 years at BioWare.”
You can express your support using the hashtag #N7SeveranceDay.
Edit: [Part 2/update] [more on the Keywords topic]
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bogunicorn · 11 months
Y'all know Bioware picked N7 Day to drop that new teaser because they want the fanbase to forget that almost all the people who made ME and DA special have either left or been fired and the company is being sued in a class action suit because they refuse to pay proper severance to the employees they very suddenly laid off, right? Yes?
Like you get that it's bait? And they're going to do the same shit with the Dreadwolf marketing when that starts ramping up.
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miynt0012 · 2 months
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maxis mix | two outfits | full cc list
I thought this hair I found suited her aesthetic so I said why not
please don’t share my sims / pictures of my sims on the gallery or on any other platform
cc list
lamatisse - bare skintones
skinblend (skin n12 overlay) | face overlay | eyebrows (n5) | teeth | eyelashes | miiko - face kit n1 | skin pores | eyelids (n7) | peachyfaerie - cupid's kiss lip kit | NSW - baby face kit (lips blush n8, cheeks blush n8) | NSW - cartoon style genetics set (matte face add-on n1)
eyeliner | blush  | contacts (n78) 
nails | necklace 1 | necklace 2 
coat | dress | sweater (n3) | skirt   
sandals 1 | sandals 2 (n02)   
kijiko - ea eyelashes remover | nose preset | jaw preset | chin preset   
+ cc I couldn’t find online, included in the sim’s folder (3 files)
 a preview of her outfits:
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please take a look at my TOU before downloading!! thank you!
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helix-enterprises117 · 5 months
Halo Effect
In the year 2150, humanity found the Halo Arrays. Ancient ringworlds which they decided to use to achieve Slipspace-Travel, and they reverse-engineer old Forerunner technology from these ringworlds to make all sorts of neat tech, leading to a technological new-age that lasts for 400 years and counting. (Forerunners are still called 'Forerunners,' but they play the Protheans' role).
It's currently 2552...
The United Nations System Alliance (UNSA, which is The UNSC + The System Alliance) are the military and political arm and protectors of humanity, but a shadowy intelligence-agency called "Agamemnon" (ONI + Cerberus) led by 'The Visionary' (Doctor Halsey + The Illusive Man), operates in the dark as they commit various war-crimes in the name of humanity and it's protection; the military and the police are one-&-the-same.
Agamemnon created a program that would train a new breed of military-police troopers that are above jurisdiction and have free-reign to do what they'd like called the "Spectre-II Program" (The Spectres + N7 + Spartan-II) with the best Spectre among them being a Commander-ranked Engineer-class Colonist with a background for being particularly ruthless named John Shepard-117, though he likes to go by the callsign that Captain Jacob Anderson gave to him: "Master Chief" (Anderson was previously Master Chief when a young John asked if he could Master Chief one day).
The Spectres are dedicated to fighting The Matrix (Covenant + Geth), a hivemind of religious cyborgs who believe that the Halo Arrays are ACTUALLY created by The Warforge (Reapers + Prometheans), a legion of sentient starships that are piloted by The Spores (The Flood + The Collectors), and want to liberate thenselves from humanity and their ancestors by activating the rings.
The truth is they were obviously made by the Forerunners to be a counter against the Spore/Warforge, as the SWs collect and harvest any all sentient life to feed and cleanse the galaxy so that the whole universe can live under the Spore's rule; so the Forerunners made death machines, the Halos, which destroys all life in the galaxy so that the mech-piloting parasites can starve. It worked and life began again...
But the Spores/Warforge returned.
And the fate of the galaxy rests in John Shepard-117's hands after he learned about all of this from a Matrix excavation-site on Madrigal Prime, where he touched an ancient Forerunner beacon they were digging up. So assembles a ragtag-team of remarkable people to help him, including: Garrus "The Seraphim" 'Vadamee (a vigilante who atones for his past mistakes by killing the wicked across the galaxy), Kai Alenko-125 (a fellow Spectre-supersoldier and a powerful biotic), Leenda'Zorah (A sniper with keen-sight and is constantly in a skin-tight Hazmat-suit; John gives her Spectre-armor that's the same in-design as her original Hazmat-suit, but offers far more protection and has all sorts of bells-&-whistles that'll keep her safe), Miranda (a super-spy and scientist who is the daughter of the Visionary; her real legal-name is either Keyes or Lawson, but she'll never tell), Ares (a brutish bounty-hunter and ex-clan-chieftian who hails from a planet of dying warriors) and Durandana (the UNSA Normandy's ship AI, given physical form in the form of a blue woman who looks exactly like a younger version of the Visionary).
@mrtobenamedlater, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @empresskadia, @ageless-aislynn, @inthatfandom, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @pelgraine, @jellotherelol, @killer-orca-cosplay.
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ladygwyndolin · 8 months
Thinking about an AU with Liara as the Illusive Woman...wearing the suit and smoking and everything...and she's got Shepard as her right hand cybernetically enhanced N7 assassin...I need to lie down
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iheartgarrus · 11 months
N7 Month Day 5: Elcor
(AO3 Link - Shepard and Garrus get a cultural education.)
Days after Shepard's discharge from the hospital, Garrus walked into their living room to find a couple of elcor wearing… odd outfits on the vidscreen. After watching for a moment, he asked, "What is this?"
"Elcor Hamlet. It's 12 hours long, and I figure if I'm going to be stuck on this couch all day every day, I might as well finally take the plunge." Shepard adjusted her blanket and patted the couch next to her. "Come on, it's kind of fascinating."
"Suspicious: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
He took the invitation and sat down, quickly becoming hypnotized by the low, droning voices (which his translator was rendering in a turian dialect that hadn't been spoken in centuries) and the way the elcor slowly ambled back and forth on the stage to punctuate their words. "Huh."
The next time Garrus checked his omni-tool, he was startled to find that an hour had passed, and he shook his head and stood up. "Sorry, I need to go back to work."
"Suit yourself," Shepard said with a smirk, her eyes never leaving the screen.
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bagog · 10 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 19: Volus
A little thing about that little volus dude from ME2
The galaxy trembled at the feet of a biotic god.
Niftu Cal saw the worlds now through a haze of crackling blue, his own aura of command made manifest in a biotic halo.
“Fear me, lesser creatures!” Niftu wheezed. “The Age of Niftu Cal is upon you! Feel my mighty power!”
He stood upon the planet now, mounting Illium as if it were a mountain of excess and trickery and power. He stood at the top, now, the oceans beneath his feet and the cities cowering in his shadow. Mighty asari warships appeared, and Nifty flung them into the depths of space, cartwheeling like toys, with a mere thought.
Gone were the days when a hapless Niftu Cal would be abducted off the street, used as some crazed asari’s pin-cushion… test subject. He was ‘afraid’ then, a feeling he no longer knew the meaning of. What a sense of humor the fates had, though! That out of such infantile terror would be born a titan of pure, raw power!
He picked up the Citadel, plucked it out of space with a hand. He gazed down at the people below—the masters of the galaxy. Well, former masters. Gleaming blue, he crushed the Citadel in a gloved fist. None would stand in his way! He was filled with the ecstasy of domination, he began to cackle. Standing on the disc of the galaxy like it was a dais to his throne, he burst out laughing: a terrifying sound that shook the hearts of lesser beings galaxies away.
He looked now at his gloved hands, still wheezing from his powerful laughter. The gloves—the suit! What need had he for a pressure suit when he was a biotic god? His new world should know their deity as he truly is! Still cackling, Niftu Cal began to tug at the seals of his pressure suit.
Damn things wouldn’t come loose.
He tugged, pulled, struggled.
This couldn’t be… he was a biotic god… a BIOTIC GOD!
“Wh-what?” Niftu Cal woke up, found he had an easy time breathing. When he looked down, his hands were not covered and an asari doctor in a pressure suit stood nearby, looking puzzled.
“Welcome back,” She said, helping Niftu sit up.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Medical clinic. When they carted you in here, you were unconscious and babbling. I’ve flushed the drugs out of your system but you’ll want to take it easy for a while.” She beckoned to a pressure-suited salarian nurse who came over and helped Niftu to settle into the bed.
“I… I was a biotic god…?” He said weakly.
“Sure you were,” the nurse said, adjusting the blanket around the rapidly fading volus.
“F-fear me?” Niftu said, a tiny voice.
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max--phillips · 5 months
The fruity ass maitre d at the sushi restaurant lmao but also my Shep showing up to a restaurant where everyone is dressed in dresses and suits n shit in her N7 hoodie like
Also “good evening ladies and gentleman. Tonight’s performance is brought to you by random acts of violence” “man, I love show business”
Immediately followed by “ow, my pancreas”
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felassan · 1 month
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Email from Modiphius:
"MASS EFFECT NEWS! Mass Effect The Board Game and Mass Effect Miniatures are almost here! Commander Shepard, it’s time to suit up—the galaxy needs you again! Mass Effect The Board Game - Priority: Hagalaz is coming very soon! But here’s some top secret data just for you: we’re also releasing a range of high quality resin Mass Effect Miniatures! You can use these miniatures to upgrade the plastic miniatures and tokens in the base game, or field them in any miniatures skirmish game (like Five Parsecs from Home), and they’re great for for miniatures collectors and Mass Effect fans everywhere! Find out more on our Mass Effect blog and get a tease of the miniatures representing the crew of the Normandy, including both male and female Shepard minis (with optional helmets) and Wrex and Tali (with detachable drone)! If you haven’t already, sign up for Mass Effect news here, so you can be among the first to find out when pre-orders for Mass Effect The Board Game - Priority: Hagalaz and our Mass Effect Miniatures launch VERY soon! Until then, stay vigilant. The galaxy is counting on you."
[source: email from Modiphius]
Images of the miniatures (Sheps, Garrus, Liara, Tali, Wrex)
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Info from the associated blogpost:
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"Mass Effect Miniatures By Gavin Dady Art by David Benzal October sees the launch of Mass Effect The Boardgame - Priority: Hagalaz. In it, Commander Shepard and their band of loyal squadmates take on a new mission to explore a crashed Cerberus Cruiser on the storm-wracked world of Hagalaz. Within the cruiser they will face many dangerous enemies, from the survivors of the Cerberus crew, native life and even the dangerous captives and experiments that Cerberus were keeping aboard the ship. The enemies are represented by thick, full colour, illustrated card tokens in the game, but Modiphius are also producing a range of 32mm, multipart miniatures to compliment them. As with our previous Fallout and The Elder Scrolls miniatures, these are highly detailed resin collectors miniatures.    In this first phase of miniatures, we are concentrating on the core sets required to build up the forces for the board game. The first of these is The Heroes of the Normandy Alpha. It includes six miniatures in alternative poses for the PVC sculpts from the board game.  Commander Shepard is represented in both male and female versions. Armed with the M-8 Assault Rifle or her M-3 pistol and Omni-blade, Shepard is ready to take the fight to their enemies. Shepard also comes with optional parts to depict them with either bare head or their iconic helmet from their N7 armour. The former C-Sec officer, Garrus Vakarian, has been by Shepard’s side from their earliest days as a SPECTRE and is depicted in his role as one of the galaxy’s premier snipers (arguments about who is the better shot between Shepard and Garrus aside). Garrus is depicted with his signature M-92 Mantis rifle, repaired armour and the scars he gained as The Archangel. Next amongst Shepard’s staunch allies is Dr. Liara T’soni. A powerful Asari biotic, expert on the ancient Prothean race and, secretly, the powerful underworld figure The Shadowbroker. Liara  is depicted initiating one of her powerful biotic abilities, energy crackling around her hand. Tali’Zhora Nar Rayya is the young Quarian that Shepard first met whilst pursuing the rogue SPECTRE Saren. Tali is a gifted engineer and staunch advocate for the Quarian people. She is depicted with her drone, Chatika, who can be modelled attached to Tali’s Omni-tool, or kept separate to act as a marker during gameplay. Rounding out the squad is Urdnot Wrex, the veteran mercenary and leader of Clan Urdnot. Wrex is a powerhouse in battle, utilising biotic abilities, a powerful M-300 Claymore shotgun and, more than once, a well placed head-butt. As well as these miniatures, we are also producing further sets to compliment the boardgame, including Reaper Forces, Cerberus Troops and some of the Priority Threats that you will face as you make your way through the crashed cruiser. These sets are ideal for upgrading the tokens in the base game, or for use in any miniatures skirmish game (like Five Parsecs from Home) or for miniatures collectors everywhere. Look out for special collectors and gameplay bundles available exclusively from Modiphius  when the Mass Effect Board Game pre-orders go live soon! In the meantime, you can sign-up for more Mass Effect news here."
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Patching Up
Fem!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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Before you and Petra officially tied the knot, there was a little rough patch.
The time without Petra by your side, whether it was on patrol or just watching Star Wars on her couch with Ned and Harley, was just torture. You just missed her but you needed time to cool off and so did she.
The argument was about the usual: how hard she had been pushing herself as of recently. It was her best and worst trait wrapped into one.
You wanted her to start wearing the Iron Spider outfit as an added layer of protection, you were showing it to her in the Avengers Tower labs at the time.
“It’ll just slow me down” she’d counter.
“I just want you safe, baby” you’d say back.
But she wouldn’t budge. It got into such a heated argument that she shouted, “I don’t need you! I don’t need your help!!”
That broke something inside of you. “I-I’m so sorry” she said, tears already welling up in her eyes. “I didn’t mean that. Baby please speak to me”
“I-I need a break” you said a little unsure
“O-okay” she whispered back before swinging away into the New York skyline. At that moment, it was the last time you saw her for the last week or so. And it’s been absolute torture.
Then came today. You got a small text from Petra which said the following: Can we meet at the Empire State Building? Please.
You texted back: what time?
A short response came: now?
You quickly put on your power suit and flew to the Empire State Building. You found Petra looking out from her usual spot on the rooftop. You could tell she was looking a little nervous and uneasy. You quickly got out of the Iron Knight armor, this was one battle you had to face without your suit.
“Hey” Petra offered you a sad smile, her chocolate brown eyes held so much sadness and evidence of sleepless nights. You weren’t much better, evenings without Petra had been the worst.
“Hey Spider Monkey” you say with a sad smile.
“I-I need to say a few things and please don’t interrupt” Petra was begging you.
“Okay” you agreed with your fiancee.
Petra took a deep breath, “I love you. So much. I don’t want to call off our engagement. And I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean anything I said. I need you and I know where you were coming from”
Petra pauses allowing you to speak, “Petra I love you so much and I can’t bare the thought of not coming back to you”
“I know” she whispered, taking a step towards you. You take a step towards her. “I’ll wear the suit when it’s most dangerous, okay?”
“That’s okay.” you reassure her, “and I promise to honor your decisions and not be so overbearing”
“Okay” she flashes a genuine smile. Petra pauses for a second before leaping into your arms, hugging you tight. She wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist.
“I missed you” she whispers before kissing you. “I missed you so much!”
You exchange a couple kisses, lost in the moment with one another. The heart ache without one another which was so overbearing is now relieved. You had each other back in your arms.
“I missed you too, my Spider Monkey” you say with a little laugh. Petra makes a quick little monkey sound before kissing you again.
It was just a little snag in the fabric of your love, every couple has it. You just counted yourself lucky that you and Petra were mature and loving enough to patch things up. Love isn’t some perfect silk blanket. It’s a quilt, made of patches and images that mesh and contrast, but it all comes together to form a perfect work of art.
Tags: @ma1egamer @jacelion @multi-fandom-enjoyer @supercorpdanbeau @wombatking @iamnicodemus @deafeningsharkslimeempath @russianredassassin @revanshand @konstantin609 @scarletquake-n7 @kingofthelizardpeople
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xhellkittyx · 11 months
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Eyebrows N7 - Aranea V2 (Right)
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Creative, edgy drawn on eyebrows with a little spider detail on the right brow. Perfect to complete a halloween costume or just for everyday use for any more alternative sims out there. The eyebrows comes in a wide variety of colors including natural, dark, bright and pastel colors. While the spider detail stays black.
- 50 Colors - Custom Thumbnail - Unisex - Teen+ - All Occults - Found in: Eyebrows - HQ Compatible -Previews are taken with HQ mod-
Want to know what HQ mod is? Or maybe you want to know how to install it yourself? Find all info and all you need to start using HQ mod ✨HERE✨
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Huge thanks to all the amazing cc creators I have used cc from in my previews. CC used in previews are listed under the cut
✨More info under the cut✨
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@remussirion : Skin, Eyeliner, Eyes @julhaos : Eyeshadow Coffeemoon : 3D Eyelashes FashionRoyaltySims : Lips @stealthic : Hair @wisteriasimss4 : Necklace, Septum Me : Facepaint (CC not listed I do not remember who made)
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❤️DO NOT : Re-upload and/or claim as your own ❤️DO NOT : Convert my cc to any other game/platform ❤️DO NOT : Include my CC in any downloads, link back to original ❤️DO NOT : Use my textures or parts of them for your own work ❤️DO NOT : Under any circumstances convert ANY of my work to fit infants, kids or toddlers. My work is NOT suited for those age groups! RECOLORS / RETEXTURES : 🖤 Feel free to recolor/retexture, but DO NOT include my original. Link back instead. And remember proper credits 🖤Recolor only my public creations, not my early access 🖤Recolors can be put as short early access but NOT perma paywall 🖤If you recolor my work, tag me for proper credits. And I would love to see
Please respect my Terms of Use, It’s pretty simple. If you have questions, feel free to message me on any of my social media
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Calien Shepard | 07.18.2023 | Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Fem Shep N7 Cat Suit by MentalHygiene
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katlakitty · 10 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 16: Storm
The ice cracked dangerously as the Tempest set down on Voeld, Sara held her breath as the entire ship shifted. Kallo's worried expression didn't reassure her that their landing spot was safe or stable enough for the small ship. Sara couldn't stay and find out if they needed to return to orbit, she had to find the resistance to help them.
She put on her suit and armor and joined the rest of her crew in the loading bay. None of them looked very eager to leave the ship. Jaal, as far as Sara could tell, was tense and Peebee was mumbling something about knitted scarfs and mittens.
Sara doubted they would have helped against the raging ice storm outside, but she made a mental note to get a scarf and mittens for her. If there was any wool in Andromeda she could even knot them herself, a matching set of a Remnant hat, scarf, mittens and socks. Lexi would be happy to find she had found something to occupy herself with during her downtime.
"Oh, fuck no..." Sara cursed as they set foot into the storm.
"Or a hot water bottle, is there a sauna on the Hyperion? That would be a-awesome." Peebee said and started shivering.
There were cold warnings popping up on the display of Sara's suit too and SAM urged her to hurry.
"The resistance headquarters on Voeld are just up this way," Jaal announced and gestured into the turmoil of snowflakes up ahead.
"Right," Sara was shivering now too. "Do they have a Sauna?"
"No, but they have heaters."
"B-better than... N-nothing." Peebee said and started jumping.
Sara agreed with her and they slowly made their way through the snow. She only slipped once and Jaal caught her before she could fall down a cliff. Up until this point Sara had loved the cold season on Earth and the snow. But she had never experienced a snow storm or temperatures like this before and was tempted to change her mind about it. They arrived at the Resistance outpost before she could declare her newfound dislike though.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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razrogue · 7 months
do you have a top 5 favorite descriptions of scenery or memories from your fics? how about a top 5 lines of dialogue or moments of banter or exchange?
Good times going through everything I've written grabbing snippets of stuff!
I decided to just pick top 5 general fic moments (linked, in no specific order below):
The Vow (F!Tabris and Zevran Arainai)
His hand reached for hers without a thought. It was almost an instinct for him, like a dagger in his hand, it fit his perfectly. Briva leaned into him and smiled and his heart raced in his chest. Things were different. He was alive for one thing, when she could have easily ended everything in that clearing. And two, he was here, very much alive now, and feeling things he never thought he’d feel again. Things he used to think were silly and foolish and damning. Things that got you killed because they made you weak. And yet he felt these things for her and it made him stronger and freer than he’d ever felt. He felt like more with her than he ever did without her.
The Makings of You (F!Cadash and The Iron Bull)
At that moment, she began to weep again. She cried for her friendship and relationship with Gerren. She cried for letting him join them on their escort. She cried for Gerren dying in her arms. She cried for feeling like he abandoned her. She cried for the drinking, the fighting, and her desperation. She cried for the night her father stood at her door letting her know she was not alone no matter how she felt. She was finally experiencing the catharsis of all the hurt she'd experienced, all the pain she’d caused, and everything she'd locked away behind iron walls within her. Just when she thought she'd cried for everything she could, she felt his hand cradle the back of her head. Her mind turned to the first time she met him on the Storm Coast. The first time they fought enemies together, the first time he called her Boss, their first drink at the tavern together, the first story they shared by fire at camp, the first time she had drinks with the Chargers, the first time she sparred in the practice ring with him, the first time they flirted with each other, the first time they killed a dragon, the first time he met her in her suite, the first time they discussed the rules, the first time she admitted to the inner council it was no momentary diversion and she and Bull would be continuing. A dragon’s tooth, split in two for each person to wear so no matter how far apart life takes you, you're always together he said. She recalled the surprised look on his face when she presented him with the necklace. He called her Kadan, my heart. She cried for everything she'd lost and now for everything she'd found.
The Cost of War (FemShep)
They all knew what they signed up for. The skirmishes, the battles, the reconnaissance, the exercises, it was part of military life. It was part of Alliance life. It was part of N7 life. It was definitely a part of her life as Commander Shepard. The Geth, the Collectors, Cerberus, the Reapers - they all wore away at her each time they came into contact with each other. As she continued to cry there in the shower, she wondered if there would be anything left of her once it all ended. Ryal didn’t know if she could continue to pay the cost of war without losing herself in the process.
Left Behind (F!Hawke and Fenris)
She stood there at the table and watched as he slept. His hair splayed out on the pillow, much longer now than when they fled from Kirkwall in the middle of the night some time ago. Wrinkles slightly creasing the corners of his eyes, a sign of the stresses they had endured. They had been through so much together. He had been by her side every step of the way. Even when he didn't agree, he would trust her judgement to see them through to the end of it. And despite his loyalty and devotion, she was contemplating how to leave him there at that inn in a few days. There was no way she could let him accompany her. Even with everything they'd been through, she just couldn't let him endanger himself yet again. Sonika felt like she was always asking so much of him. It was never a question of if he could handle it, it was a matter of should he have to. She knew his love for her wouldn't allow him to be left behind, yet her heart was torn not wanting to ask more of him again.
Always a Price (Tav and Ascended Astarion)
"Aeternitas ," he remarked to them, his eyes poring over their face. They'd spoken about what happens after Cazador, the tadpoles, the elder brain, everything. What would it mean for them…if there was going to be a them after. They had mostly aligned throughout their journey together but what would happen when he became a vampire ascendant and they were controlling a cult. Both desired power but neither wanted to consider what would happen should their goals and paths diverge. They'd left things at choosing each other and would come to terms with the day someone no longer did when faced with it.  Astarion loosened his grasp just slightly so Gan could speak with less strain.  It was just enough to let Gan cough a little in relief. Once it subsided, hopefully a bit of truth would bring him back to reality…or at least buy Gan some time. "I already chose."
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shadoedseptmbr · 11 months
On the beach (somewhere between the devil and the deep blue sea) N7 day
not exactly N7 but on the way there-
Sarge leans over her, eyes glinting on the rifle wrapped in the bottom of her wet suit still clutched to her chest as she sprawls across the sand. "Well, Shepard. That's an approach." "Seemed a good idea at the time, Sarge." "Worked for you. You gonna get up anytime soon?" "Not until you make me. Sleep when you can, right?" That gets her a snort, seems approving. She'll take it. He raises his head like he's looking around for the rest of the squad before he grunts. "You got about five minute before the rest of 'em scuttle out of the surf, looks like." She took a chance and gave him a thumbs up. "Dunno what it is about you. What makes you better than them?" She isn't going to answer that, trap clear as the daylight breaking but the toe of his boot almost gentle against her ribs stirs her. "Not better. Just…done this all, already- done it scared, done it hungry, done it tired. Hell, Sarge. I've done it high, drunk, and strung out on top of all that. Well." She shifts, considering. "Ain't done it with a pound of quartz sand up my asscrack, I guess. Something'll trip me up, don't worry."
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laurafufuxoxo · 1 year
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Leysha CC part 2
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For a full list of presets & sliders go HERE!
Eye Colour N14 by @northernsiberiawinds
Teeth by @magic-bot-cc Shoes by @mmsims
Spotlight V2 by @simandy Eyebrows SAM N151 by @pralinesims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims Lipstick by @twisted-cat
Skin Tint by @crilender Nose Highlight by @cosimetic
Eyelid Shape Overlay, Face-kit No.1 by @miikocc
Reed Hair V1_F by @johnnysimmer
Misc. Face Details OCCULT by @okruee
Skin Blend by @squea
Blush N8 by @poyopoyosim
Soft Baby Eye Gloss by @chewybutterfly
Heterochromia by @solistair
Moomoo Blush by @squea
Eyebags N7, Nose Mask N12 by @obscurus-sims
Eyeliner by @pralinesims
Suit by @rimings
Lore Skintones byshade by @lamatisse
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