#Sunflower quotes
xxl1ghtxx · 1 year
-Sunflower quotes-
"all hair colors are bad asf" black,dark brown,brown,brunettes,gingers,blondes,dirty blonde,dyed blondes,blondes,BLONDES
Basil: *Literally red as a tomato* uh..sunny?
sunny is a Certified blonde lover
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what is it like to die? I've already lost you a hundred times planting sunflowers every time you leave thinking maybe this time the bloom will take, maybe this time you'll last the summer and the wind won't break your spine. but I'd be lyin' so I'll keep planting sunflowers til I die.
-where she grows / the lovers-
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7cfc00 · 1 year
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just keep slicing those oranges
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dragonflavoredcake · 3 months
Mumbo: Agh, Grian's late again.
Scar: How? I called him at eight o'clock British time and told him it was eleven!
Pearl: I set him a Discord message with a fake schedule saying we were starting at nine instead of noon!
Impulse: I got Tango to hack into all his systems and set all his clocks to PM instead of AM!
Mumbo: . . . Oh boy. I think we may have overdone it.
Grian, crashing through the ceiling: WHAT TIME IS IT?!?
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*car ride between books*
Meg: I'm borreeeedddd can we listen to something??
Apollo: I thought you would never ask
*blasts the Barbie movie soundtrack*
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nobeerreviews · 10 months
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I like to walk about amidst the beautiful things that adorn the world.
-- George Santayana
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liahleeh · 2 months
Meu primeiro Niver sem minha mãe... No meu Niver de 2023 eu estava em sofrimento, agonia e coração partido por causa do internamento hospitalar dela, pois ela estava sofrendo muito e desde então n voltou mais pra casa, de lá mesmo ela partiu... Hj, meu Niver atual 2024 estou angustiada, triste e me sentindo sozinha sem minha mainha!!! Agora que um novo ano se inicia para mim, agradeço a Deus pelo meu aniversário. Obrigada meu Deus por mais um ciclo completo. Mesmo olhando para o passado com tristeza, para o presente com lucidez e para o futuro com muita esperança. Obrigada pelas bênçãos concedidas na minha vida... Senhor, que este próximo ano seja repleto de iluminação, aprendizado e muito mais amadurecimento. Agradeço ao universo por tudo que acontece na minha vida e por ter permitido eu completar mais uma volta ao sol. Espero poder contar com o amor de Deus e da Minha Pessoa Z, para me dá coragem necessária para poder seguir... Que este novo ano seja uma nova oportunidade para seguir na luta, que eu continue iluminando a vida das pessoas que me cercam... Este foi um ano difícil, lutei com garra para superar todas as adversidades. Hoje inicio mais um capítulo da minha vida, foram 365 dias de muita luta, muita garra e muito aprendizado!!! Hoje, no dia do meu aniversário, percebi o quanto amadureci e o quanto ainda tenho para aprender...
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space-manatees · 1 year
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He was just a humble preacher's son. And yes, he had his demons, but they never stopped him from searching for beauty. Because when you find beauty, you find inspiration. If, that is, you stay as determined as Vincent. Never stop, no matter how many failures. When you know you're doing what you're meant to do, you have to try.
Ted Lasso, Season 3 Episode 6, Sunflowers
Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all. Certainly, the most popular great painter of all time. The most beloved. His command of colour, the most magnificent. He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world. No one had ever done it before. Perhaps no one ever will again. To my mind, that strange, wild man who roamed the fields of Provence was not only the world's greatest artist, but also one of the greatest men who ever lived.
Doctor Who, Season 5 Episode 10, Vincent and the Doctor
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andallshallbewell · 29 days
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teashopcrafts · 2 months
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The true Golden Rule, lol.
And with a pretty yellow sunflower to decorate the subversive cross stitch.
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sahaminiloki · 1 month
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I've never once regretted saving you
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pastel-hazey-dreams · 4 months
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james and lily my beloved. james and lily are the standard. the greatest love story. THEY LITERALLY HAVE A PROPHECY. the universe doesn’t exist without them. they did not die in the hands of the equivalent of nazis for yall to ship them with said psychos and/or break them up. it says a lot that you need to change the entire character in order to make some strange ship work.
james and lily would hate some of you they would clock yall so fast
jily will live
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dragonflavoredcake · 3 months
Grian, wheeling out a huge birthday cake: Pearl, check it out! Impulse: We made your favorite, a red velvet cake with a little surprise! Mumbo: Oh, I really hope they aren't planning on having a male dancer pop out of that. Scar: They asked, but they couldn't afford me.
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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musings on sunflowers  
Sunflowers, Vincent van Gogh /  DEAR GOD. DEAR BONES. DEAR YELLOW, Noor Hindi    
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they-call-me-whiskey · 4 months
Lily: what did you do?
James: *steps back* nobody died.
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