#Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
neverstopgaming · 8 months
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は、カプコンが PlayStation および Sega Saturn 向けに制作した 5 つのビデオ ゲームのコンピレーション シリーズです。 各巻には、特定のシリーズまたはゲーム ジャンルからの 3 ~ 4 つのゲームが含まれており、オリジナルのアーケード バージョンから直接移植されました (元はスーパー NES ゲームだった Super Ghosts'n Ghosts を除く)。 各ディスクには、歴史、ヒント、アートワーク、キャラクタープロフィール、アレンジされた音楽 (ゲーム自体でも有効にすることができます)、および各ゲームのその他のロック解除可能なコンテンツを備えた「コレクション モード」も含まれています。 PlayStation バージョンのゲームには、DualShock コントローラーのサポートも含まれていました。
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bancho-zx · 11 months
【Super NES | Super Famicom】 Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts | 超魔界村 ~Intro / Opening / Attract demo
// Music: Mari / Mari Yamaguchi | まり / 山口真理
// MiSTer FPGA // SNES core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT TV
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
ROTR Classic - QuickPlay Edition: Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (PSP)
Capcom classics that make the drive a whole lot quicker!
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anthonyvaccarelli · 1 year
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Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
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smbhax · 5 months
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Capcom Generation: Dai 2 Shuu Makai to Kishi (PS1)
"Volume 2 Makai and Knights" - ports of the arcade versions of Ghosts 'n Goblins (Makaimura) and Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Dai Makaimura), and of the Super Famicom Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Chou Makaimura)
"In Japanese mythology, Makai is a location inhabited by demons and could be referred to as a hellish afterlife in some interpretations." -- https://capcom.fandom.com/wiki/Makai
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nintendumpster · 2 years
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gleber74 · 2 years
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k4rs-ver2-1-0 · 2 years
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acx49er · 1 year
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jayraysbay · 2 years
Game Grumps Play Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts but Arin keeps Jumping to his Death.
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pennilesswithannds · 1 year
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I guess people are nostalgic for this in some circles. But why did both classic consoles have it? Couldn't we have Chrono Trigger instead?
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
can i request some trevor spengler with a medium s/o?? like they’ve been seeing and talking with ghosts their entire life and are so used to seeing them it doesn’t phase s/o anymore?
ooooo okay okay ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!! ; sorry this is so short, I just didn't have many ideas but I made sure to give you something lol
summary ; youre a medium, and it worries trevor a bit that you're 100% used to talking to ghosts and ghouls
warnings ; language
word count ; 313
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"Oooo, that's cool! What else?" You ask the ghost in front of you, watching the little girl talk about stories from her living childhood.
Trevor runs into your room, then stops himself, hand still on the door handle as he lays his eyes on you, then the ghost.
You quickly turn your head to look at him. "Oh, hey, what's up Trev?"
He's silent, looking between you and the little ghost girl.
"Oh, uh, sorry"
You quickly stand up and take Trevor into the hallway.
"Everything okay?"
He nods, "Yeah, uh, just wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch with me"
"Oh, yeah, sure"
literally will never catch him off gaurd when you're talking to ghosts
or when you're trying to calm ghosts down and trust you to come with you guys or make it easier to trap them
you feel bad if you're trapping them tho cause like all that trust for what
ghost animals :(
you talked to his childhood cat once because its been following the spenglers around and he started BAWLING when he saw
you didn't know it was his cat until you saw him standing in the door watching you. after that you both cried together and played with the cat
so there's a sweet little ghost cat haunting the firestation now
you'll see ghosts that others can't see on the streets and just kinda try to figure out what time period they're from and shit
when it comes to ghouls, you normally just play with them because they want attention and that's why they wreak havoc, they just don't understand the consequences to their actions
trevor thinks it's super cool that you talk to ghosts and shit tho
he asks a lot of questions about your childhood and stuff cause he's curious
introduces you like "this is y/n, they're like a medium and can talk to ghosts and stuff"
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algea · 5 months
Ghoul School (pt 2)
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prompt: when you get out of the hospital, Lars has put it onto himself to take care of you until you're healed. I can confirm that there is a big chuck of text where you're really pissed off at him before he gets his shit together!
warnings: tbh i literally dont even know. umm yeah your shin is broken and you're concussed so. things may or may not get a little steamy...cussing duh
a/n: im super mega surprised all my Lars stuff has gotten popular; i think it’s very insanely unhealthy how much i love James Acaster.
~ there are a LOT of little secret references to James in here, comment what you picked out ;)
~ also this is probably longer than the first part idk, but its officially the longest post ive written @jesssuperwholock03
~requested by @thestralluvr
Lars visited you everyday. Every morning, every evening after work, sometimes even over his lunch breaks, like clockwork. You were beginning to think it was seriously unhealthy. You were lying in the hospital bed, 4 days after the incident, with your eyes closed. You heard a soft click of the door and you cracked your eyes slightly. You, being oh-so-surprised, were met with the tired face of your crush colleague and work partner. He wore his jumper tied around his waist, a dark colored button up adorning his body. His hair looked disheveled, which could only mean he had just finished a job. He looked so tired, more tired than you've ever seen him be. It was annoying, honestly. Annoying how attractive he was without even trying. 'Why can't I look like that' you thought to yourself, mentally frowning. You decided to acknowledge his presence, seeing how he took time, again, out of his day to come and visit you.
"Lars." You stated, turning your head look over at him. Lars froze, gazing down at your solemn face. You started to reach out to him, but thought otherwise and rested your hand back on the crisp sheets. You watched as he pushed his glasses up and pulled a chair to sit beside you. Lars rested his forearms on the edge of the bed, his hands clasped.
"I was told that you'll be able to get out of here today." He whispered, his tired eyes searching your face. He was desperate for you to come back, back to how things used to be, where he would tease you, and you would always find witty comeback. But he knew you couldn't, not for a while at least. Lars was so scared you weren't going to be able to work for Ghost Corps anymore, especially since the concussion you got really fucked up your head. Not to mention your shin, which was a huge impact on you.
Lars let out a shaky breath. He unclasped his hands and ran one through his hair. You reached out, more confidently this time, and rested your hand on his. He didn't move his hand; he was scared if you let go, you'd disappear.
"Lars." You said again, your face flashing with worry. Your other hand softly touched his chin, holding his face so delicately.
"I'm scared that you're not going to come back." Lars stated, grimacing at the words that flew out of his mouth.
"Why wouldn't I come back? What made you think this?" You asked, your eyebrows drawing together in a sad furrow.
"I want things to be the same, I don't want things to change." He whispered quietly, his eyes cast down.
"I think you and I both know that it won't be the same, neither of us want to admit it. Normally, you don't go around kissing people and pretend like you hate each other for the rest of your life." You explained, searching his eyes for an answer. His eyes glanced back at you as his cheeks burned with pink. You tipped his head to the side ever so slightly, your thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
"That's unfair, Lars. You can't expect me to leave you alone after that." You pleaded.
"Can we just drop it? It really doesn't fucking matter right now.” Lars snapped. You drew your hand away from his face, hurt flashing across your face.
“What I meant was that we should focus on getting you out of here.” He frantically explained. He reached for your hand, but you pulled away again. Lars had never felt an emotion like this. His ears were ringing and his brain was hazy. It could’ve only been described as embarrassment. He wouldn't cry, no, that's not what he wanted to do. He wanted to apologize over and over again until you'd forget he ever did anything or said anything.
“I think it's maybe time for you to go. When I get out, do me a favor and send Lucky and Pheebs to get me.” You muttered, looking down at your hands. Lars sat there for a few moments, his jaw clenched. He wanted to say something, anything, to make you understand how he felt. Instead, he got up and, with a longing gaze down at you, left.
You felt hot tears sting your eyes, which you allowed to fall down your cheeks. If he wanted to play that dumbass game again, you could do it, just not like you used to. You didn't realize that you were holding your breath until he walked out of the door, not looking back. You slammed your hand down on the bed in a fit of rage, which turned into a soft cry. You wished that you could make better sense of it all, but your wishes never came true.
It was only 2 hours after that you were discharged. Lucky and Phoebe, just as you had requested, rushed in to see you as soon as they could.
"Y/N!" Phoebe exclaimed, running to you and giving you a big hug. You smiled and hugged her back, or at least as much as you could with your crutches. Lucky joined in on the hug before you parted and started making your way to the car.
"Everyone is so happy you're coming home! We've all been super worried." Phoebe smiled, giving you a big smile.
"I'm so happy I get to see you guys again, Pheebs." You grinned back, ruffling her hair. Your mind wandered to Lars as you crutched your way to the car.
"Has um..." You started, realizing that the words were harder to get out of your mouth than you thought.
"He's not here. I haven't seen him since we went out this morning." Lucky explained, catching on to what you were about to ask. You looked down and nodded. 'Of course, how could I be so goddamn stupid.' You thought. Phoebe helped you into the car while Lucky set your crutches next to you. Trevor was driving, which was a whole other risk to be taking.
"Since when did they let you drive?" You asked, grinning at Trevor.
"Since Lars bailed at the last minute. I'm a great driver, so I have no idea what you're even talking about." Trevor bragged. 'He bailed at last minute? He never does that...' You thought sadly. He could've just been working really hard on whatever science thing he was studying. You really didn't know, but it did cut a little.
You didn't know you were carsick until you let Trevor drive you home. You thought Lars was a bad driver, but you quickly realized that Trevor was on the list of 'Never-Ever Drive Me Again,' along with Gary and Ray. You made a mental note of that as you struggled to stand to get out of the car. Trevor quickly rushed to your side to help you, easily pulling you up. You casted your gaze up, which fell on the Firehouse. 'Oh good, he won't be here.' You thought, as a feeling of relief washed over you. You hobbled in next to Phoebe and Trevor with Lucky trailing in not far behind. Callie and Gary stood right after the door, waiting for your arrival. As soon as you entered the Firehouse they were by your side, giving you warm 'hello's' and 'I'm so happy you're back and ok.' You were quick to hug them, hoping to talk to them about your situation with Lars.
"Alright kiddos, time to let the adults talk." Gary clapped, shooing away the smaller kids.
"Hey but I'm not-!" Trevor started, but was dragged away by Lucky. You three sat down around a table. It was silent for a moment as you tried to say what was on your mind.
"Did he come see you?" Callie asked, leaning in close.
"He came and saw me everyday. Sometimes up to three times." You whispered, your hands clasped together. Callie and Gary looked at each other.
"But when he came and saw me this morning, he was different. He was super moody, and got upset when I tried to confront him about kissing me like you said for me to do. I don't know if he doesn't like confrontation or if he, yknow, might be seeing someone else." You went on, nervously biting your nails.
"Y/N, I seriously doubt that there's many women who actually like Lars, much less want to even date him." Gary said, using his left hand to talk. 'Is he right? But I'm sure women think Lars is attractive.' You thought, scrunching your eyebrows together.
"I'm pretty certain that you're like the only woman he's ever talked to in a romantic way, probably even the only woman he’s ever even talked to." Callie confirmed.
"Either way, he likes you. We all know that." Gary finished. You were really hoping he was right, otherwise you were a fool being played.
You chatted for a little while longer, mostly about anything and everything that came to mind. After a while, you told them that you were ready to head home.
"I'll drive you home." Callie said, standing up and grabbing the keys. The ride home was filled with you and Callie singing awful 80's songs, the vast majority of them by Tears for Fears. That was something that cleaned your soul and freed your mind a while. Callie helped you into your apartment before she left with a hug and a warm 'see you soon.' You were seriously hoping that your torture would end.
After a day, you got restless. So restless that you decided to go back to the lab and start working again. Yes, it was idiotically stupid. No, you weren't going to listen to anyone and take a break. Honestly it was going to happen anyways. You walked into the lab the first day, partially hoping that Lars was going to be there, but alas he wasn't. You felt disappointment but you were hopeful that you'd see him tomorrow. Except you didn't. More days past by and you hadn't seen any sign of Lars in the lab at all. You were starting to get more and more worried.
It had been more than a week and you hadn’t seen Lars since. Concern was growing and you were growing weary waiting for him to return. It was extremely hard taking care of yourself, especially since you had to trek a long ways to get yourself to your car outside of your apartment. Finally, you decided it was time to go see Lars. It pissed you off so much that you were running to him, instead of him coming to you. You knew his place, mostly because you, Phoebe, Trevor, and Lucky would sometimes prank him by doing something so absurd he would tremble with anger. That was back when you had your little schoolgirl crush on him, before you realized that you loved him.
You decided to walk, opting for the fact that he knows your car all too well. You weren’t even sure if he was there, you really didn’t even bother checking to see in your group FindMy. You didn’t even bother use your crutches because they were stupid anyways, you could walk just find even though you had a little limp. God you just wanted to fucking punch his stupidly handsome face. He made your blood boil so much.
You were only a few blocks from from his house when it started to rain. Not just a light rain, but a pour. You grew a little worried for your cast, but continued on. You were completely drenched by the time you were on his doorstep. Even worse, it was cold out. You stood on his doorstep for a minute before you started to knock on his door. You breathed out, seeing your own breath in the air. You were so cold. No one answered, which was pretty typical for Lars. He was probably standing in the kitchen, not going to open the door.
"Lars!!" You yelled, knocking on the door some more. Water dripped from your face and you shivered again. The door still didn't open. You sighed and started walking away, the pouring rain drenching you again. You started to tread back to your apartment when you heard a loud bang and turned your head. There Lars was, standing in the doorway, eyes wide as he stared at you.
"Y/N!" Lars yelled back, meeting you in the rain. He craned his head to look down at you, his hands flying to meet your face.
"What are you doing here?" He said, his thumb swiping at your cheek.
"I came to see you. Where the fuck have you been, Lars Pinfield?!" You boomed, your right hand gripping the front of his shirt. His head dropped and he closed his eyes.
"I...I couldn't face you after that dumb shit I pulled. I wanted to apologize, really I did, but I couldn't bring myself to face you." Lars explained, his breath creating a misty cloud. All that either of you could do was stare at each other incredulously.
“Are you fucking stupid? I’ve wanted to see you all week, but your dumbass wouldn’t show up. Jesus Christ Lars, do you have any clue how much I’ve missed you? You’re so goddamn unfair you know that?!” You screamed, pounding on his chest. Lars’ hands moved from your face to your waist, holding you steady while you angrily punched him. He could only see you through his hair, which now stuck to his forehead, and his rain covered glasses which were fogging up. He was freezing, but all he could ever think about was you. How cold were you? Why would you sacrifice your time, hell, your health to come see him. He really couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t comprehend why someone would ever do that for someone. You would think with him being such a genius he would figure it out, however some people can be dense. But he realized that you were giving up all your time to invest in him. So, he decided that he needed to do the same.
"Do you think, maybe, that you'd want to spend the rest of your life, with me, maybe not just hating each other. And maybe not while hating each other, you'd like to be with me, y'know, for a long while?" Lars whispered, causing you to stop throwing punches. You looked up at him, in all his rain drenched glory. God, he looked so beautiful. You began to tremble, your hands lifting to capture his face with them. Lars breath quickened, his large hands gripping your waist. His hazy blue eyes captured yours, holding you in his everlasting gaze.
"Lars..." You murmured, swiping your thumb across his bottom lip. It was soft, softer than you thought it would've been. You found yourself daydreaming again about kissing him, though you'd never let him know how many times you've done it. You realized how close you were after you felt his breath against your cheek. You leaned in closer, pressing your chest against his. It was like something out of a movie, the way time stopped then. When your lips pressed against his, your body shuddered. It was like fireworks went off inside of you, making you all jittery and excited. Lars' hands slipped from your waist to your ass, softly gripping the flesh there. You slipped your fingers into his blond locks, tugging lightly. You heard a light groan rumble from his chest as he pressed into you further.
You weren't sure if the rain mixed with the cold had made you delirious, but after Lars had pulled away, it made him look even hotter. His tousled, wet hair, his lips that were red after the kiss, the ruby flush that adorned his cheeks and ears, and his half-lidded eyes made him even more beautiful. You found yourself feeling heat creep up through your neck to your cheeks as he stared down at you.
“Shit, right, you need to get inside, now.” Lars commanded, dragging you towards the door.
“Lars—!” You exclaimed, eyes widening as he basically picked you up. Your hands fly to grip the shirt on his back as you hoists you over his shoulder. He muttered a few things under his breath as he strolled to the door, obviously not caring that the rain was coming down harder. Lars opened the door, set you down, and shut the door with the heel of his shoe.
“Give me a second.” He commanded, leaving you standing in the foyer. You shivered and looked around, noticing some things that seemed quite out of place. Lars had multiple different band posters framed and hung up around the house, most of them signed. You could pick out a few like Pindrop, Temps, and the Timewasters. You also found multiple different movie titles like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and other things. ‘Interesting’ You thought as you took in your surroundings. Lars appeared again with a towel and some sort of clothes he had found for you to wear.
“If you fuck up my good clothes, I’m kicking your ass to the curb again.” Lars sighed, throwing the towel at you.
“Whatever, brainiac.” You bit back, trying to hold back your grin as you shoved past him. That earned a scoff and an eye roll from Lars.
“Washroom is down the right hall, second door to the left.” He called, peaking down at you as you went to change.
Lars had never had a girl in his house before. Other than the times his mother and sister had come over from Britain, obviously. His “outside” friends insisted that he bring a girl home, but he couldn’t ever bring himself to when he could only think of you. It made him a little giddy knowing that you were here with him. It was like a fever dream, if he woke up it all would be gone. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure that there was a way to prove that this was real. Lars found himself wondering if you liked how his house was decorated, the clothes he brought you, even the way the house smelt. At the thought of these, he began to worry that you didn’t like it here. Those thoughts were denied when you waddled back from the bathroom, furiously rubbing at your hair to dry it. It was silly, really. Lars thought you looked a little too good in his clothes. His Temps T-shirt was too big for you, and his plaid pj pants were rolled a few times to even try and fit you.
“You look stupid in that.” Lars scoffed once more, looking anywhere but your face.
“Hey man, you picked this out. Don’t blame me for your shit style.” You tried back. A hint of a smile could be found dawning his face. You smirked and poked his cheek.
“Is that a smile I see? Is the Lars Pinfield smiling in my presence?” You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand to fake gasp.
“No, it isn’t.” He replied, the smile growing wider on his face.
“It so totally is!!! Lars Pinfield is literally smiling right in front of me!” You exclaimed. He shook his head.
“Shut up. Anyways, I’m getting changed, don’t fucking break anything.” Lars sighed, sliding past you.
“You can put on anything, just as long as it’s not some stupid BritCom.” He added, shutting the door to his room.
“Who even watches BritComs…” You muttered to yourself. Walking back into the main foyer, you sat down on the sofa, which was surprisingly nice compared to how you thought your scientist boyfriend colleague lived. You sat down and flicked through the channels, stopping on whatever stupid romcom movie was on. You sighed and put your chin in your hand, anticipating the snappy response of ‘this is the shittiest movie I’ve ever seen.’
“Hey.” You heard from above you. Looking up, you saw Lars resting his elbows on the top of the sofa next to you.
“Hi.” You peeped back. Secretly, you were gawking at him. Lars wore a pair of white sweatpants and a black shirt. You’ve never seen him in casual wear, but you were absolutely loving it right now. His glasses weren’t pushed up, loosely sitting below the bridge of his nose, and his hair was still damp. If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what was.
“What’re we watching?” He asked, glancing down at you. You shivered when his eyes locked on to yours.
“Some stupid romcom, you probably won’t like it anyways.” You answered.
“You’re right, I’ll probably think it’s super shitty, but I’ll watch it anyways.” He sighed, tipping his head towards you. You reached up and placed a kiss on his lips. Lars scrunched his eyebrows and sighed. After you pulled away, you patted the seat beside you, beckoning him to sit down. He all but scrambled to get next to you, plopping down with another big sigh.
“How’s your leg?” Lars asked once more, motioning to it with his eyes.
“It has definitely seen better days.” You replied earnestly. He nodded in sincerity, then turned his attention back to whatever you were watching. You looked over at him again before reaching over and slipping your hand into his. He didn't move, so you considered it a win. Taking matters into your hands again, you slid closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. Lars' head rested on top of yours immediately and you smiled as he snuggled in closer. You could smell whatever cologne he was wearing, a citrusy, vanilla smell.
"You smell good." You muttered, looking up at him through your lashes. Lars didn't reply, but you could definitely imagine the look on his face. That little embarrassed smile with a scarlet blush dusting his cheeks. You found yourself becoming a little sleepy as you settled in. Blinking a few times, you tried to wake yourself up, but that only made you even more sleepy. Unintentionally, you started to fall asleep. As you drifted off to sleep, you could hear Lars mutter something to you, but you didn't respond.
Somehow, in the middle of the night, you had moved from the sofa, to Lars' bed. Now you only had 2 options as to how you got there. 1. You sleep walked to the bed and magically laid down, or 2. Lars had carried you there. You groaned and opened your eyes, lifting a hand to rub them. You blinked a couple times and sat up. No, Lars wasn't in here. So then, where was he? You slipped out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen, finding that he wasn't there either. A cup of coffee and some breakfast was left on the counter, along with a note saying,
'I'll be back later, got a couple things I need to work on at the lab. I left you some breakfast and I'm sure you can fend for yourself for lunch. Please don't burn the house down. - Lars' You smiled and picked up the coffee, finding that it was still steaming. You noticed that Lars had made the coffee the way you liked it, which meant he definitely paid attention whenever you ordered it.
After basically spending the whole day exploring Lars' house, you settled into the sofa once more with a random book you had picked out of his bookcase. Hearing keys jingle, you lifted your head from the book and saw Lars venture in. You slowly got up, minding both your head and leg, and made your way over to him.
"Hi handsome, how did work go?" You smiled at him, leaning against the doorway.
"It was...eventful. I got thrown up on by pukey." Lars sighed. You laughed and patted his shoulder.
"That was probably hilarious. I'll make dinner while you take a shower." You said, pushing him along to the bathroom.
"Mmmm, fine. But..." He started before he swooped down and kissed you. Your hand flew to his hair, giving it a nice tug. With that came a loud groan. Lars' gripped your waist and pushed you against the wall. His tongue swiped at your lips, which you gladly accepted. You snatched his glasses and tossed them away, squirming slightly as his nails dug your waist. When he pulled away he grinned,
"Looks like I'm not getting my shower in tonight."
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smbhax · 5 months
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Chou Makaimura aka Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts art, from Capcom Generation: Dai 2 Shuu Makai to Kishi (PS1)
Session: https://youtu.be/1odXPOeXGPM
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 years
Hey everyone! I decided I should probably start a master list of all the fan fiction that I've published so it's a little easier to find them. This Masterlist includes my fics for Powerwolf, Sleep Token, One Piece, Modern Warfare, Ghost and My Hero Academia at the moment. As always requests are always open, or feel free to send me a message just to talk. Enjoy!
Powerwolf Fan Fiction Masterlist
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Requests for Powerwolf fics: OPEN
Not So Scary (Matthew Greywolf x GN! Reader FLUFF)
To The Moon and Back (Matthew Greywolf x Fem! Reader) FLUFF DRABBLE
A Weekend Away (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) FLUFF/SMUT
Intensity (Charles Greywolf x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Hopelessly In Love (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader FLUFF) - (SMUT)
Little Devils (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) - FLUFF
Atone (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader x Roel Van Helden) - SMUT
Pancakes For Dinner (Charles Greywolf x Fem! Reader) FLUFF
Ongoing Series...
Dances In The Moonlight (Falk x GN! Reader) - Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
Band Of Sisters, Band of Thieves (Medieval Powerwolf x Fem!Princess!Reader) - Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
To Have and To Hold (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) - Part 1 - 2 - 3
The Sacrilege Series:
The Confessional (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) SMUT
The Anointing (Matthew Greywolf x Reader) SMUT
Sleep Token Fan Fiction Masterlist
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Requests for Sleep Token Fics: OPEN
Distract me (Vessel x Fem! Reader) FLUFF
Ongoing Series...
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Modern Warfare Fan Fiction Masterlist
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Requests for Modern Warfare fics: CLOSED
The Mouse and The Bear - König x GN! Reader FLUFF
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Day 1 : Size Kink (Roel x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 2 : Body Worship (Terzo x GN! Reader SMUT)
Day 3: Primal Play (Falk x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 4: Bondage (Mountain x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 5: Edging (Falk x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 6: Massage (Dew x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 7: Threesome (Falk x Fem! Reader x Phantom SMUT)
Day 8: Aphrodisiacs (Primo x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 9: Lingerie (Charles x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Day 10: Sensory Deprivation (III x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Kinktober Day 13: Car Sex (Falk x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Ghost Fan Fiction Masterlist
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Requests for Ghost fics: CLOSED
Distractions (Terzo x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Fast Food and Confessions (Copia x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Moment of Just Letting Go (Terzo x GN! Reader FLUFF)
I Want (Copia x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Spooky (Swiss x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Halloween One Shots (Ghouls and Papa's x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Drunken Confessions (Terzo x GN! Reader FLUFF Thanksgiving Special)
Separated (Mountain x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Sleepless Nights (Aether x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Dance With Me (Terzo x Reader FLUFF)
Mistletoe Mini One Shots!
Decorating the Tree (Copia x GN! Reader FLUFF)
One Stormy Evening (Secondo x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Ghost Valentine's Day Drabbles
Fresh Paint (Secondo x Fem!Wife!Reader) FLUFF
Strawberries (Terzo x Fem!Reader SMUT)
Slow (Phantom x GN! Reader FLUFF)
Flowers (Phantom x GN! Reader) FLUFF
On going series...
I Believe (Terzo x GN! Reader) - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Marrying the Papa's - Terzo x GN! Reader FLUFF - Part 1: The Confession
Under The Black Flag - Copia x Fem! Reader Pirate AU
My Hero Academia Fan Fiction Masterlist
(A/N: I only write for characters that are 18+ in this fandom)
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Requests for My Hero fics: CLOSED
My Girl - (Fatgum x Fem! Reader) SMUT
One Piece Fan Fiction Masterlist
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(I'm still super super early on in this show, I'm sure how I write these characters is going to change over time, but I can't help myself lol)
Current Arc: Water 7
Requests for One Piece fics: OPEN FOR CERTAIN CHARACTERS
I Swear (Sanji x OC!Anastasia FLUFF)
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Ryan Bergara x Fem!Reader Headcanons
Summary: What’s it like being best friends with Ryan Bergara?
A/N: In my Ryan mood and I can’t resist not writing him anymore! I barely see any Ryan x reader fanfics so I had to write one myself!
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If you were not already a Boogara, he would absolutely do anything to try and convince you to become one.
Sends you videos and calls you at 3 am to share “evidence” that he had.
“Ryan, I am trying to sleep!”
“I’m sorry, I just needed to show this to you before I forgot to!”
You forward the videos to Shane and he always responds either with a “😂” emoji or just full on making fun of Ryan.
It is funny either way.
Shane is your shared best friend.
He likes to tease you and Ryan.
But he loves when you gang up on Ryan with him.
And you both tease him.
Ryan acts like he hates it but he secretly loves that both his best friends get along and are besties 🥹🥹
Shane sees you like an annoying loving sister.
Ryan is definitely the more protective out of the two of you.
You are super chill, and one thing everyone can agree on is that you are one of the sweetest people ever.
But it does lead to you letting people walking over you sometimes.
But you have Ryan!! And he does not let that happen. He doesn’t hesitate to step in and check a bitch if he sees you uncomfortable.
He hates seeing the people he cares about being hurt or treated like crap.
When you are with Ryan you both feed into each other’s recklessness. You might be calm and chill, but when you are with him, it is like all your fears go away and you can let go of responsibilities and common sense!
It also helps that you trust each other with your life, so you know the other would never lead you to getting hurt.
It does lead into both of you doing stupid shit, though that Shane makes fun of you for.
One time you convinced him to do the handcuffed for 24 hour’s challenge for a video, and you both lost the key within an hour 😭
You are also the scriptwriter for Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher, so Ryan sometimes will come to your house with the both of you and staying up late until 2 am searching for information about a case/ location and cracking stupid jokes
You once woke up to him laying on top of you, you in his arms and laptops and papers scattered across the desks, and your legs tangled together and him snoring in your ear.
You grabbed your phone, took a picture, posted it on your story maybe knowing the internet would explode, then snuggled into him and went back to sleep.
You are not on camera that much, usually you are behind it with the crew, but Ryan begs you to at least do the Postmortems/Debriefs with him and Shane.
You are hesistant at first, what is the fans don’t like you? Or they think that you are trying to get in between the ghoul boys?
Ryan assures you that they will love you.
And he is right!
They end up loving you and your dynamic with Ryan and Shane!!
Which gives you the confidence to go with them to ghost and crime sites.
Every time Ryan felt anxious and fearful, he would look at you and see you behind the camera and that makes him feel 1000 times better.
And if it got to the point that he was freaking out and panicking(like that ep where Ryan was laying on the floor and Shane was trying to comfort him) you’d get out from behind the cameras and hug and comfort him.
Because you can’t stand to see him like that
“Breathe Ryan, you’re good. You’re safe. Just breathe.”
If you were staying at a haunted hotel, if everyone was sleeping in separate rooms, he’d FaceTime you the whole night
There’s no way in hell he’d sleep through the night, and Shane would make fun of him if he called hum throughout the night
You didnt even have to talk to each other, your presence was enough for him
He’d wake you up randomly though if he thought he heard something in his room 💀
“Y/N! Y/N, Are you awake??”
You groggily woke up, moving your phone away from your ear at Ryan’s screams.
“What?? What happened?”
You let out a sigh at his silence. “It was your shadow, wasn’t it?”
“…..Maybe? But I swear I thought I saw something move!”
You rolled your eyes at the camera. “Go to sleep Ryan.” You ignored his voice as you went back to sleep.
The internet ships you guys a lot
They tend to do that with most male and female friendships online tbh
And it doesn’t help that the both of you can’t help but be naturally affectionate to one another.
Whether it’s wrapping an arm around the others shoulder, jumping on Ryan, scaring him and forcing asking him to give you piggyback rides and him throwing you onto his shoulder as revenge, the fans will eat up every moment.
You guys just find it hilarious 😭 It becomes a game between you guys to try and make the fans go insane 😭😭
You guys are honest with each other all the time and are open books with each other. If you are feeling down, he can tell just tell, no matter how hard you try. If someone is not good for Ryan, you will straight up tell him. He trusts your judgment because he knows it’s coming from a place of love and you rarely steer him in the wrong direction.
You tried to teach him to cook once and he almost burned your house down 😭 So he just randomly comes to your house to eat your food because he swears your cooking is the best.
Makes fun of your height. You're taller than him? It doesn't matter, your still getting attacked lol. You're shorter than even? Even worse for you, you can't make fun of him at all without him calling you a dwarf at least once.
He is a gymhead (He's not Biceps Bergara for nothing) and makes you go with him all the time. He claims you need to get stronger in case someone tries to attack you but you think it's cause he likes to see you suffer.
You take the ugliest pictures of him known to existence. He tries to delete them but you just keep getting more (Shane sends a lot to you but Ryan doesn't need to know that)
Acts like he hates your music taste to annoy you but secretly loves it
He drives you everywhere because you are quite literally the worst driver he has ever seen.
"Slow down, slow down, you almost hit that car!"
"It's not my fault they were in the way!"
"The light turned red and it was their turn!"
You force him to do Tiktok dances with you, and he's surprisingly not that bad at them?!! 😭
Whenever one of you needs comfort, no words are needed. You just wrap each other in your arms, the hugs and comforting presence silencing the outside world for as long as you both want.
All in all, Ryan would be a loving, playful best friend who holds you and your friendship close to his heart. He'd do anything for you to see you happy, he would make fun of you ( he is the only one allowed to do that) but would defend you in that same breath if anyone messed with you. He is truly grateful for you, and even though you guys joke and make fun of each other all the time, he makes sure you know it every single day.
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