superbat-love · 6 months
Pretty sure Bruce secretly gets off on riling Clark up
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frownyalfred · 12 days
Okay but all the Bruce threesome talk has me thinking about my firmly-held headcanon that Bruce is the number one pick for if they had to choose a third for Lois and Clark, especially considering in some universes (like the DCAU) she and Bruce dated for a bit
I’ve always had the same headcanon. I like to think they both know the other one has Bruce in mind, but they’ve never actually said it out loud to each other.
But every now and then, their small group hangouts with Bruce get this weird kind of tension. Lois looks at his shoulders or lips a little too long. Clark leans in toward Bruce no matter where he is. Bruce notes this but says nothing, waiting for them to figure it out and make a decision.
Because yeah, he’s a little bit of a slut. But he’s not blowing up Clark’s marriage just for funsies.
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milfmisspiggy · 1 year
how are there only 45 cloisbat fics. what is wrong with you all. do you not want clark to be HAPPY. do you not want him to be DOUBLE PENETRATED and AT PEACE!?
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yeetus-feetus · 8 months
so, I was letting my thoughts wander all about when I started thinking about my favourite dynamics within the trio/polyam ships I really enjoy. (I have way too many OT3s) and I came to the- I want to say it's a horrifying conclusion but it's also so funny- that Timbern... is just Suberbatlane. Or, even funnier if you prefer, Cloex.
Is Cloex right? It sounds so dumb, but all of Clark's ship names are pretty dumb so... Like, Clex? Clois? Who came up with those???
Anyways, Bernard is definitely the same person as Lois. What's the difference between an unhinged reporter and a conspiracy theorist? Nothing. They are both going to throw themselves off buildings to prove a point. Getting to the bottom of the story is more important than their self-preservation. They figured out their boyfriends' identities by themselves. And they're both hot, it's part of the unhinged swag. You can't tell me I'm wrong on this.
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martyrbat · 2 years
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superman & batman: generations #1
[ID: Bruce Wayne clasping Clark Kent's hand in a gesture of comfort. Bruce is wearing a black suit and has his other hand on Clark's shoulder. Clark is wearing a light blue suit and his round glasses. They're both looking at each other somberly as Lois Lane stands in the background between them, looking at them both. END ID]
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kryptonian-bat-thing · 5 months
yo people just a question
what's y'all's thoughts on
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supermanshield · 3 months
@chiropterancreed said:
clark, lois and bruce on a picnic date! the kids are running around chasing each other, it's on the kent farm, it's spring and warm and the scent of flowers and grass is sweet. martha made the food, and all of them feel loved and happy!!!
Not sure if you wanted this to be superbatlane but i'm not very big on that so I went with Clois + Bruce instead. Hope it's okay.
The grass felt nice under Lois' hands, still alive and green before the Kansas summer droughts would turn it dry and crisp. She let herself savour the feeling of it tickling her palms while watching Jon, Kon, Chris, Kara and all of Bruce's children play some newly made-up ball game.
Bruce was sitting on the other side of the picnic blanket, a little stiffly but with his palms in the grass much like her own. She'd had trouble relaxing here too, the first few times Clark brought her. It was only one summer evening late at night, after dinner when Johnathan brought out his violin and she'd watched Clark dance and sing with his mother and the neighbors, and after he'd pulled her to her feet to twirl her around under the stars, that she had finally stopped wondering about everyone and let herself get lost in Clark's eyes until he was all that mattered.
But that was long ago, and now all it took was a well-placed blanket under a lonely tree, Martha's delicious sandwhiches and salads, and the voices of the children and adolescents carrying across the field. Though still, as usual, there were a thousand questions running through her head watching Bruce, the rigidity of his back and the set of his jaw. With great effort, she kept them all inside.
"What are you thinking about?" She finally settled on, attempting conversation.
He answered quickly. "How lucky I am to still be here," he said, and what does one even say back to that? Batman definitely had a way of stopping a conversation right after it had started. She'd never had trouble interviewing Bruce Wayne, but he was not being Bruce Wayne right now. She could jab at him some more, and prod until she found the reason for his answer, but that required some hook or direction. Anything that Bruce didn't give her. His eyes were covered by shades and she didn't have Clark's hearing.
She did hear Clark's footsteps though, and she sat up from where she was lying half on the grass and on the blanket when she saw him walking towards them, a still-steaming pie in his hands.
"Blueberry pie, fresh from the oven!" He announced triumphantly and set it down on the grass. "Be careful though, the pan is still hot."
Lois chuckled. Her husband was the worst of a combination of a sweet tooth and a very keen sense of smell. "So now we'll just have to stare at it until we can eat it."
"Yes. But this way we can eat it the exact moment it's reached perfect temperature," he said, turning to her secretively. "And you'll get the best taste," he punctuated with a kiss on her lips. There had been a time when Clark had felt much too awkward doing so in front of Bruce, but that was years ago.
"And you. Relax," he told Bruce, squeezing his shoulder. "Nothing will happen to them out here."
Bruce was still intently watching the field and the children from behind his shades. It would always be jarring how differently Clark spoke to Bruce than to Lois herself, years of dealing with the bat folded into that one command.
Bruce huffed, but finally lifted his hands from where they had been digging in the grass. "That's what you say, but they can always happen to each other."
"And even then, we're right here. As is your personal trouble detector." Clark put a hand on his own chest and sat down next to Lois, pouring them all some more lemonade.
"hrm," Bruce replied, which was apparently enough for Clark to go on and suggest another strategy.
"Or you can always join them if you can't calm down." Clark pointed at the field. "I heard them say one team has to get the ball across, and pretty much anything goes for the other team to try and intercept them. Sounds like a good training exercise."
"Hmm. Fine." Bruce got up. "But don't eat that pie without me."
"No promises," Lois said. A small smile appeared on Bruce's face, and he jogged onto the field.
When Bruce was out of earshot, Lois scooted back a bit. "And now it's your turn to relax, mister trouble detector," she said, and Clark put his head on her lap without having to be told twice. His black hair tickled on her linen pants and she ran her fingers through it. It was much softer than the grass. He closed his eyes and hummed.
As much as Clark had a way with Bruce, she had a way with Clark. She squinted at the pie. "Now how do I know when that thing is ready to be eaten?"
"You can tell by the smell. Takes years of practice," Clark said, a smile playing around his lips. "You'll just have to trust me."
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homokommari · 4 months
hot sexy erotic superbatlane threesome comic has been deemed just christian enough to be allowed to be posted on tumblr.com
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dykesbat · 2 years
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anyways this is bruce to clark and lois
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rabnerd28 · 2 years
Bruce really live his bi dreams in World's Finest. Flirted with Lois as Bruce and Flirted with Superman as Batman.
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frownyalfred · 4 months
I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but the Bruce being there for Lois' when she's giving birth (and Clark too) gives me such OT3 vibes. I am obsessed tbh. If Bruce is already being in a relationship with them and putting aside his fear and excitement to be there for Lois, and then when he holds the baby, a baby he'll get to help raise and grows? He totally cries.
Or maybe they get together after Jon is born, because Lois and Clark are staying with him at the manor so they can help out with the baby, with plenty of room for Martha too since she's too old to sleep on Clark's shitty pullout sofa bed. Bruce has been Clark's best friend for years, but suddenly he becomes Lois' best friend too. And when they leave the manor, and return home, Lois and Clark find themselves missing Bruce. His presence, his dry sense of humor (and his ability to soothe any baby- Lois swears it's his superpower, Clark says it's because Bruce has such a similar vocabulary, with all his grunts and huffs, babies assume he's one of them), his unwavering companionship.
So one night, over glass of wine for Lois and a sparking grape juice for Clark, they confess to missing Bruce. To wanting more, even as they promise they won't/didn't betray other... only they both realize they want the same thing.
Sorry, I just think this would be so sweet and perfect. I just love SuperBatLane ♡♡♡
I’m starting to think that maybe there’s something in the male Wayne bloodline that makes them such rabid polycule bait. Like their particular brand of crazy can only be handled by multiple people (Martha and Alfred for Thomas, Lois and Clark for Bruce, etc etc)
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milfmisspiggy · 1 year
"Penny for your thoughts, Smallville?" Lois leans back against his desk. "It's alright, don't worry. I have wisdom to spare." 
funnily enough, Also from the last wip
send a word and if it's in one of my wips ill post the snippet!
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martyrbat · 2 years
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superman & batman: generations #1
[ID: Superman untying Lois Lane after he and Batman rescued her. Lois exclaims, "Superman! That was... Magnificent!" Batman is walking behind Superman with a small smile and praises, "Yes - my compliments, Superman! You even managed to work in a bit of detective work." END ID]
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championshzm · 5 years
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me watching superman the animated series s02e16, 17, 18
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youngjjustice · 5 years
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anendofeverything · 5 years
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Superbatlane + Courting
It started with fancy dinners, expensive French wines, gold roses - an attempt to seduce, laced in insecurity that without his money he wasn’t worthy - until Clark and Lois reassured them they didn’t care about his money. He still wanted to spoil his loved ones, of course, he was Bruce Wayne after all, but he learned he didn’t have to go all extremely fancy. (Not all the time anyway).
And so the fancy dinners became picnics, and the expensive French wines turned into takeaway coffees and a quick chat during their lunch break at the Daily Planet.
He still brought them roses though.
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