slutforpatroclus · 6 months
The bond between college students and their favorite corner of the library can be so personal sometimes
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aishi03 · 4 months
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° 2/100 days of productivity -- May, 31st.
Trying to finish my term papers before the deadline but failing at it miserably.
The weather is so satiating today and will probably try my best to finish my work asap !!
Made a good breakfast, looking forward to having a productive day all over.
Will be finishing my graduation soon and all these thoughts just cluster my head with so much confusion.
TMI --- @ishi
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ivycopper · 8 months
Ok, so that linguistics paper I'm writing on? Deadline is on Monday, the 22nd. It's at 10 pages, and it has to be 15. I've already outlined 2 additional pages that I just need to type out tomorrow. So that's 12/15 pages 3 days before handing it in... My research partner and I should be able to come up with another 3 pages in 2 days, right? Right??
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steffen-dilfrael · 9 months
Guys help needed ❤🥺
I'm writing my final paper on gender identity and it would be the biggest help if you could make a gender mosaic for me and just dm me a screenshot of it (US sample <3)
Basically it's a pattern of typical male and female attributes to show that brains don't know gender. Mine for example is mostly neutral with shades of blue and pink! It's a study by Daphna Joel who studied on that subject over decades
It's a trans friendly questionnaire another what you like and don't like. Takes five minutes. The questions are partially stereotypical but it would be the biggest help to have a lot of mosaics <333 thank you!!
(If you want, when you send me the mosic add on which continent, better country you were raised and if you were raised as a boy, girl or gender neutral)
Reblog would be lovely! Thank you!!!!
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This is mine by the way :) i was raised as a girl in Germany but identity as a nonbinary demi guy!
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Unleash Your Learning Potential: The Feynman Technique 🚀
Student life often comes with the challenge of grappling with complex concepts and information. The Feynman Technique, named after the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, is a simple yet powerful method to master any subject, especially the trickiest ones. What is the Feynman Technique? The Feynman Technique comprises four straightforward steps:
Select a Concept: Pick the concept, topic, or subject you wish to master or study. It could be a tough textbook chapter, a complex theory, or a brand-new idea.
Teach It Simply: Imagine you're explaining the chosen concept to someone else—whether a friend, a family member, or an imaginary student. Use everyday language and real-life examples to make it as clear as possible.
Identify Gaps: While you explain the concept, you might stumble upon gaps in your knowledge or areas where you struggle to simplify it. These gaps highlight where you need to focus your learning efforts.
Review and Simplify: Return to your study materials (like textbooks, lecture notes, or online resources) to fill in those knowledge gaps and deepen your understanding. Keep breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms until you can explain the concept effortlessly. Why Does It Work? The Feynman Technique capitalizes on various effective learning principles:
Simplified Understanding: Teaching a complex topic in simple terms forces you to dissect it into its fundamental components. This clarifies your own understanding and ensures you grasp the concept at its core.
Identifying Gaps: When you struggle to explain a concept, it shines a light on areas of uncertainty or incomplete knowledge. This self-assessment guides your further study.
Active Engagement: Actively teaching and explaining a concept engages your brain far more effectively than passive reading or note-taking.
Repetition: Revisiting the concept multiple times during explanation and review phases reinforces your memory and understanding.
Effective Communication: Developing the ability to convey complex ideas in simple terms is a valuable skill that can enhance your academic and professional success.
How to Apply the Feynman Technique: Let's break down how to put the Feynman Technique into practice:
Select Your Topic: Choose a concept, theory, or subject that you find challenging or want to master.
Explain It to a Friend: Imagine you're teaching this topic to a friend with no prior knowledge of the subject. Use everyday language and real-world examples to make it accessible.
Identify Your Knowledge Gaps: As you explain, pay attention to areas where you struggle to simplify or clarify. These are your knowledge gaps.
Review Your Materials: Return to your study materials (textbooks, lecture notes, online resources) to fill in the gaps and deepen your understanding.
Repeat as Needed: Keep going until you can effortlessly teach the concept to your imaginary friend, using simple language and clear examples.
Test Yourself: To cement your understanding, test yourself by explaining the concept without looking at your notes or study materials.
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juliarobertsisswedish · 4 months
4k words written in my Murdle WIP but still no words written for my final term paper… God heard me say “I need to write” but gifted me motivation on the wrong thing
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Hausarbeit schreiben lassen, die schnelle und professionelle Hilfe bei Ghostwriting durch erfahrene Ghostwriter bei der Erstellung von Hausarbeiten. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, individuell angepasster akademischer Texte, die strengen akademischen Standards entsprechen. Wir garantieren höchste Anonymität und Diskretion, um die akademische Integrität und die Privatsphäre unserer Kunden zu wahren.
Neben der Hauptdienstleistung, dem Verfassen von Hausarbeiten, können Kunden weitere akademische Arbeiten wie Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Doktorarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten, Facharbeiten und Seminararbeiten bei uns kaufen. Diese Vielfalt an Dienstleistungen wird durch ein Team von Experten aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen ermöglicht, die umfangreiche Fachkenntnisse und Erfahrungen in ihren jeweiligen Disziplinen mitbringen. Unsere Kunden profitieren von einer individuellen Betreuung, die sicherstellt, dass alle Arbeiten schnell und gemäß den spezifischen Anforderungen und Erwartungen erfüllt werden. Die Kombination aus Qualität, Vielfältigkeit der Dienstleistungen und dem Fokus auf Kundenzufriedenheit macht uns zu einem zuverlässigen Partner für Ihre akademischen Projekte.
Für detaillierte Informationen, spezifische Angebote und Hilfe von Ghostwriter Hausarbeit empfehlen wir Ihnen, direkt die Webseite von hausarbeitschreibenlassen.de zu besuchen.
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crazybutgood · 2 years
hi fronds! i'm looking for some people to interview regarding yuri manga for a gender and sexuality class term paper for uni! If anyone who reads yuri manga is chill with it, could you please reply to this post or shoot me a DM either here or on discord! It'll be a few quick questions :) thank you so much🫶
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ensign-spider · 2 years
me: ho BOY got that writing BUG! do i warm up with fanfic or dive into the OC?
my term paper due in 3 days: am i a fucking joke to you
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sharon2024 · 9 months
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fur-paradises · 1 year
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Term Paper: Mortuary Practices in the Symbolic Culture of Neanderthals
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Abstract: The significance of burial rituals for Homo neanderthalensis throughout their time on Earth attests to a rich symbolic culture and a cognitive capacity for social organization and connectedness, yet a sparse fossil record restricts comprehensive understanding of behavioral processes driving both unique and widespread interment techniques.
From pinpointing the advent of intentional burials, to finding distinct patterns within chronological and population groupings, there are no easy answers to the questions posed by available literature. Examining funerary site features alongside constructs such as symbolic culture, sociality, and modernity requires a reinterpretation of models rooted in our own species’ characteristics.
Nevertheless, it is clear that Neanderthals shared a complexity akin to that of early Homo sapiens, and future findings will only enhance our understanding of their advanced connection to the environment and peoples around them.
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ivycopper · 8 months
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I chose this one for no reason whatsoever
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superstarfighter · 1 year
Slight headache and exhaustion, but I just handed in my term paper with more than 8 hours to spare before midnight! Now it's time to not do anything for the rest of the day.
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jcrows · 2 years
I'm writing this year's term paper over Alexander Hamilton, specifically how he impacted America. I don't want to title it just "Alexander Hamilton's Impact on America", cause that's boring. I want to give it a name that goes hard, or whatever. I am mostly focusing on how his impact is mostly forgotten these days, so I was thinking something like "Alexander Hamilton: an Unsung Legacy" or something enticing and mysterious like that, though I'm open to suggestions from all of my adoring fans on Tumblr dot com.
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paulaishere · 27 days
Funny thing is, I'm writing my term paper and have only 15 pages. I already wrote 15 pages, but I'm still nowhere near the end. I still have four topics left. As always, too much information, too less space
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