dylanconrique · 3 months
obsessed with how tim joked that he was going to make lucy fight the hammer, but then when she tries to step in he holds up a hand to stop her cause he doesn't want her to get hurt. 🥹🫶
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caffeinated-beverage · 2 months
CanLiet please ^^
Sleep headcanon, sad headcanon, happy headcanon, sex headcanon, bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, romantic headcanon, family headcanon, friendship headcanon and quirks/hobbies headcanon
☾ - sleep headcanon: As you know, Ąžuolas is prone to trauma-induced nightmares & night terrors, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic. Matthew tries to console them when he notices they're having a nightmare by speaking to them calmly, but not waking them. He has also noticed the time he usually has his night terrors, and tries to wake him up shortly before that time. And when Ąžuolas wakes up panicked from his trauma nightmare, he tries to console him by speaking to him calmly and trying to get him to do square breathing. And once he calms down enough, he might get him some coffee (caffeine doesn't give Ąžuolas energy, it just makes them calm LOL (theyll still be able to sleep afterwards)) & cuddles, until he goes back to sleep.
★ - sad headcanon: When Ąžuolas is sad, Matthew makes them their favorite hot chocolate: extra thicc, with no toppings. Basically just liquid chocolate. And then he cuddles with him. And when Matthew is sad, Ąžuolas makes brownies and watches anime with him.
☆ - happy headcanon: An example of a time they were both happy, was this one day when Ąžuolas was spending time at Matthew's house in winter, and it was very very snowy outside. And, while they were both out in the snow (along with Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, Pupa), Ąžuolas sneakily balled up a snowball, and chucked it at Matthew, hitting him riGHT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD (don't worry, there were no rocks, and it really didn't hurt LOL). And so, Matthew turned around with a smile on his face and said, “Oh, so it's like that then??”. Ąžuolas ran away from Matthew, laughing their ass off as he bombarded them with snowballs, and Pupa barked and tried to catch & eat the snowballs Matthew was chucking at them. Their snowball fight here lasted a loooong long time, until Matthew said “okay, okay, enough, I'm getting chilled now” and headed inside, Ąžuolas following him indoors to chill for the rest of the day. And ofc, Pupa insisted on staying out in the snow for the rest of the day, but they eventually got her to come inside when it became night.
✿ - Sex headcanon: (TW NSFW) Ąžuolas is a bottom, and Matthew is a switch. 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Matthew was very open to letting Pupa (Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, remember?) snuggle on the bed with them at night & sleep there with them. Spoiled dog xD Matthew even agrees to let Pupa sit/lie down on the couch, chairs, etc., despite how massive she is, because she's just such a cute & sweet girl, and deserves to be spoiled like that lol 
Pupa spends a lot of time curled up in front of the fireplace tho
♡ - romantic headcanon: They both prefer to have a comfortable date at home, both of them in their pajamas, and watching a movie together on the couch; just Ąžuolas, Matthew, and Pupa. They do also go out for dates, sometimes; usually a casual one, though. Like, for example, spending time at the park, feeding bread to ducks, going for a swim together, going to the movie theatre, etc.
♥ - family headcanon: While Ąžuolas DOES want kids, Ąžuolas isn't ready to bring that up yet, and Matthew isn't ready to have kids yet, either. So, for now, they just have Pupa ^_^
☮ - friendship headcanon: Back when they were just friends, they both were crushing on each other soooo hard for a while, before Ąžuolas gathered the courage to confess to him. Ąžuolas nearly VOMITED from nervousness & was sweating like a pig, but Matthew gave him a big hug & confessed to him that he felt the same. Ąžuolas cried all over his shirt for a while, and they soon scheduled when & where their first date should be.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: Matthew's main hobbies are cooking, baking, and gardening. Ąžuolas’ main hobbies are cooking/baking, herbology, & mycology. Also, I'm sure you know this since I am p sure I have mentioned it a few times, but Ąžuolas is autistic. Ąžuolas’ special interests/hyperfixations are herbology, mycology, & basketball. He doesn't play professional basketball tho, but he likes to play hobby basketball sometimes, and loves to watch basketball on tv, and play basketball video games, which he's got a collection of rn! 
My headcanon for my Canada is that he is neurotypical btw, but he is still very understanding & supportive of Ąžuolas! Esp because Matthew is a licensed therapist himself, and imo, a licensed therapist SHOULD KNOW these things 😤
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goldensunset · 3 months
it’s breath of the wild’s 7th anniversary can i get sappy and vulnerable on main real quick cuz it completely changed my life
so it was christmas 2017 when my brother received a nintendo switch and breath of the wild. i remembered watching him play a bit the day he got it and funny enough my first thought back then upon seeing the opening cutscene was ‘wow this animation is janky’ because i thought we were watching an animated movie. the moment i realized it was a video game i was shook. bc for a game WOW how beautiful. anyway i watched him mess around and die horribly and it was funny but i didn’t think much about it
flash forward a few months later. in april of 2018- a nice spring day, must’ve been a weekend or some other time i had time off bc my friend was over- my brother came home from college and brought his nintendo switch and this game over. he had me make a file and i didn’t know what i was doing at all because i was not only unfamiliar with the game and console, but largely unfamiliar with the concept of this type of video game at all
see, i was not a gamer at all. i had played mario kart/party and some random stuff on the ds but nothing resembling an action adventure game aside from super mario 64 ds. and i never got past like the first level or so on that game bc i was bad at it as a kid and also like.. scared? of games? like a game in which you had to fight enemies and could take damage and die. even something really simple like a goomba was actively stressful to me somehow. (to this day i still kind of have the hyper-empathy mindset where letting the video game player die feels like letting a real person die i have to treat a fun work of fiction like a real life-or-death situation so i just prefer not to get into danger when i can avoid it. all that’s changed is i have the skill to face danger and accumulate ways to protect myself now lol)
soooo i don’t know what manner of madness convinced me to even try a game like breath of the wild, which is immensely more complicated and difficult than super mario 64 ds. but maybe it’s bc i was older then or bc my friend was over to help me and we were like trading the console? but you get what i’m saying. as one might expect, i was pressing the wrong buttons, getting overwhelmed by basic enemies, falling off cliffs bc i lacked precision skills in my motion, etc.
and as one might expect, i eventually got frustrated and bored. i remembered my brother asking me what my long-term strategy or plan was for playing the game, and that question sort of overwhelmed me because i was thinking ‘do i really intend to keep playing at all?’. when i put the game aside that day (after having only reached/fallen off the great plateau tower, i mean) i wasn’t really interested in continuing, and i figured i could probably never be good at it anyway.
but for some reason, and i wish i remembered why, i picked it back up again not long after. me, who had never been willing to commit to a game. maybe it was my desire to correct my failures and figure out what i was at last doing. i felt ready for a good challenge and i got the sense this was the sort of game that was more skill than luck. maybe it was the beautiful scenery and ambience. maybe it was that sense of peaceful melancholy. maybe it was because i could see so much on the horizon, so many mysteries around me, that i just had to be able to reach someday. in such a massive open world in which the plot wasn’t spoonfed to me but i had to discover it, my interest had been piqued.
or maybe it was because i was bored and depressed. i was close to the end of freshman year in high school, which had been pure misery. difficult to understate just how awful life was for me during that point in time (but it was just the terrifying cocoon stage of becoming a butterfly). so yeah, why not pick up a new piece of media? why not dive into this world? i think we all know just how powerful it is to develop a new interest when going through a rough patch- it can turn absolutely everything around. (even if it ends up distracting you from the work you need to do lol. but in my case i consider that a necessary tradeoff for giving me the serotonin my brain doesn't naturally produce enough of)
and i think there's something to be said about the medium of a video game, which was basically new to me at the time- i think it's something about the ability to have control over what's happening. in tv shows things just happen. in real life i felt like i had no control over anything. so i was suddenly able to express myself in a way that i had never gotten to before, and it was powerful. especially in an open-world game with so much to do and discover. (something something the adhd-er's wild fantasy of being able to complete tasks and make progress).
i quickly became addicted- i could play for hours on end and barely put a dent in the smallest section of the map. i couldn't believe how genuinely massive the world was and i just wanted to explore more and more, but without skipping anything i came across. i still remember in my mind exactly where i was in my house when reaching many of those early-game checkpoint places, curled up in a chair in the corner, listening to my mom make dinner in the other room... etc. the definition of nostalgia. (which is something i only have so much of given how most of my interests i didn't get into until significantly later in life. i was 15 when this was happening whereas most people's childhood nostalgia type stories are from when they were like 5 to 8. but this was such a foundational time in my life y'know?)
i remember hours of getting lost in the wilderness (i truly had the worst habit of either not getting the maps or not heeding them) and never going on the clearly marked roads bc i was convinced i could take a shortcut by just taking a straight line to my destination. which often involved attempting to scale a ridiculously steep and tall mountain with like one and a half wheels of stamina. live and learn, right?
i remember the way it took absolutely forever to reach zora's domain (the fact that i didn't get the tower map beforehand probably significantly contributed to that) so the absolute joy and relief i felt when i got there and was safe at last. i adore all the champions so much but mipha is for sure the one that messes up my heart the most to this day, as both the first one i got and the one with objectively the most emotional story. something about water levels has always unsettled me- no matter what, to me they're always associated with being cold, wet, and uncomfortable, even if it's supposed to be beautiful (and vah ruta sure wasn't meant to be for obvious reasons). especially if the player has to swim- whether there's limited breath or not, i can't help but imagine how stressful it would be to dive deep and be under pressure like that. but on the flip side, once you're finally done with those levels and back on dry land, it feels comforting. warm, dry and stable again- sort of like how you feel after you're finished crying. you had to endure the drowning and the suffering and now you're safe. that's how the vah ruta quest feels to me.
each new ruin, or quiet little settlement, really just lodged its way into my heart, but i think the location that makes me the most emotional is the flight range- its beautiful broken melody, the howling wind and snow, its position in the middle of the wilderness like a little safe haven in the mountains, the faint memory of revali... i used to just go there and sit for hours. it's just gorgeous and it hits so hard. once again, it's all about that quiet, solemn peace after a tragedy has occurred- the sadness lingers, but you learn to live again. botw just excels at this in pretty much every aspect, enough said
which comes to the central conflict of the premise- our titular heroine, zelda, and her struggles to complete her duty, her guilt complex, the pressure and loneliness she felt, etc. i have identified so closely with her for the entire time i've known her. (done a fair amount of projecting too but listen. listen) the way she felt weak and powerless and just wanted to find a way to make people happy, especially her overbearing father who didn't care enough for her happiness... that hit so hard as an emotionally volatile teenager with similar issues. to this day my dad only talks to me to nag me about something important i need to do but he's never cared about my personal interests. he acts more like my manager than my parent. throughout high school especially i just kept falling back to zelda's story every time my dad was being awful and i needed to escape him, listening to him call me lazy, behind the ball, etc when i was clearly going through severe depression that would have never even occurred to him. and while unlike zelda i still have my mom she's always been incredibly emotionally distant so there was no looking to her either. i blamed myself for everything that went wrong even though i never could've done anything without the kind of help i needed, similar to zelda
for me personally the theme of failing to succeed in the role other people were pressuring her into resonated with me and my undiagnosed... whatever it is. i am positive i am not neurotypical. i've always more or less self-identified as adhd (my parents would laugh if i suggested that) and i've never received support or treatment or anything. that plus the undiagnosed and untreated depression. the way zelda just couldn't do something that she had no idea how to even begin trying to do, the way going through the rituals that worked for other people did nothing for her... that hit hard as someone just barely trying to stay alive in high school, who always felt alienated from others and never could understand exactly why, who was bad at a lot of things... but my dad only cared about results
and in turn. the emotional catharsis of her finally unlocking the latent power she'd been struggling to reach inside her. it's never been established exactly what it was that was wrong with her that prevented her from unlocking it but i think we all know it had something to do with her heart not being free until the moment she had the courage to do something brave, dangerous, and important through her own free will- going against the grain, standing up for someone she loved, etc. that's an essay for another time tho. to me that's what makes it so powerful- yeah this (back)story is still a tragedy, but there's hope. she found her own path. she still had to undergo lots of suffering afterwards but she had what she needed to succeed. and she got her happy ending in the end. i probably don't need to explain why that's so meaningful to me as someone who loves her so much and relates too hard. also her dad died (i am NOT wishing that upon my dad to be clear). i mean for her that's a bad thing bc he did regret his actions and never get to apologize to her and she wishes she had gotten to see him again but also that's in the fantasy world where one could reasonably expect their father to change. i've kind of given up on that but maybe someday after we've gotten some distance... idk
in short. botw hits me like a truck with the way it brings you so, so low, in the pits of despair, and then brings you back up. not everything is fixed and perfect at the end, the characters who died stay dead, but they finally get to pass on and rest in peace. we free zelda. we bring back the most significant parts of link's memory. we watch the broken and scattered world begin to grow and breathe again. perfectly cathartic and hopeful and powerful for someone going through such awful things. i'm not out of the woods yet with all my ten thousand problems but i'm in a much better place now. i've typed way too many words here and it's still like not enough to express just how much this game means to me. i could go on forever and ever about the things i find objectively good about this game but this ramble was meant to focus on the subjective meanings i've found within it. breath of the wild has been nothing short of a blessing for me. thank you nintendo, truly.
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
Mob Psycho Season 2 re-watch thoughts
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Whelp that was intense!!!
Okay first, watching Shigeo cycle through all his 100% emotions was more gripping than I remember. And yep I am still fucking fascinated with 100% ecstasy.
There is still something so, so so soooo unnerving about the start to that fight. Shigeo leans into rage on purpose, which I didn't remember. And then when he gets to ecstasy/bliss before falling into sadness and then resignation...fuck. Even on the rewatch it's so intense. It's a lot all at once. SO many emotions ,and there is always this strange happiness I have for him, to get to experience ALL THAT but it's also so jarring.
Something that surprised me, was Shigeo's anger through most of the 3-4 episode finale just throughout it. I had watched many clips, but on the rewatch, he is legit just pissed the whole way through. He comes back a bit a few times but like, for the most part, he is mad. And I didn't really realize that before. He is showing so much emotion especially after the fire. Like yeah this scene didn't last long
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But the emotions from it come through the whole rest of the finale. His argument with Serizawa, him finally snapping at Suzuki. All of it felt like he was holding onto that anger from earlier and not letting it go until he basically went to 100% on everything.
In a way Shigeo used that fight to process his own emotions probably, everything he had been holding in.
I also think that being able to actually feel those emotions, even if they were unstable, shows Shigeo's growth. The fact that he raises his voice in the finale, that he is assertive, that he realizes the responsibility he (and he makes this choice, I don't think he was forced into it) wants to take.
Okay, he was backed into a corner somewhat. But he could have taken the same out as S1. If he REALLY wanted to and asked Reigen, you know Reigen would have agreed.
Shigeo decided that he needed to take action, that he could help save the people he cared about. It nearly destroyed him which is a whole 'nother bucket of feels.
Also fuck now that I am thinking about the whole end scene, of Reigen.
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Fuck what was he thinking? I mean, at this moment, he had to of thought Mob was dead....
And then after they found Mob he had gone further than anyone had seen him before. He was down for the count, completely spent. That's scary. To see someone you care about get to that place. Push themselves so far they can't even move. That's scary for Reigen, for Ritsu, for Teru—they all saw Shigeo as invincible. And at that point, where they find him, they realize that he's not.
He came within a breath of dying and that is something that weighs on anyones mind, let along two kids and Reigen (who okay, is an adult but he is only 25. I remember when I was 25...you're an adult. But still have a lot of life to learn).
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But anyway.
Wonderful season.
I think it has the highest highs for me, but still not my favorite. Nothing compares to the finale for me.
I can't wait to get to confession arc.
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clone-whore-99 · 2 years
Chapter 12: Heavy Rain Weights the Mind
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The Bad Batch x f!Reader
Warnings: Soooo much angst, descriptions of panic attacks, descriptions of low self-esteem and self blame, the boys being themselves, Crosshair being soft, some slight slut shaming if you squint real hard, heavy topics, remember when I said Reader got all of the issues? I meant it LMK if I missed any
Authors Note: Remember when I said I could fit so much angst into this chapter? Well, here it is. There was going to be more, but I felt like it was dragging out too long. I hope you like it ❤
If you like it, please do let me know by liking and commenting and maybe even reblogging, it would mean a lot to me 🥺👉👈 Oh, and if you want to, you can show some support by buying me a coffee ❤
Arriving at Kamino
Work, Armor and... Clones?
Let it out
You shouldn't have done that
Talk about it
The 20 Questions Game
Crosshair 🌶
Echoes of the Past
The Fight
A Nice Change of Air
Sore Muscles 🌶
Waste of Time
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The door hissed open and a tall, slender figure dressed in black armor stepped inside. His eyes instantly darted to you, still sitting in Techs bunk and pushing around some food on a tray.
"Why are you still in bed?" He scowled, his dark eyes fixating on you, like a predator watching its prey, making you want nothing more than to disappear. Suddenly remembering his enhanced eyesight, made you more aware about your previous act with Tech and what evidence it could possibly have left behind.
"I'm... still sore from yesterdays fighting session. Don't really feel like moving too much because of it." Well, it was technically the truth.
The sniper hummed in response, then placed his helmet and rifle in their usual spot on the crates by his bed and put his signature toothpick between his lips. "I thought Tech was going to help with that."
"I did," Tech replied, not looking up from the device he was working on. "But it isn't guaranteed that it will make the soreness completely go away, especially when it's muscles that isn't regularly used, like it is with Y/N."
"Hey!" You weren't actually sure if you were supposed to be offended by that statement, but it felt like an insult.
Acting as though you weren't even present in the room, Tech continued: "Though I am certain it's sped up the recovery process. She should feel minimal to no pain tomorrow - if not later tonight."
Crosshair didn't reply. Instead, he began his usual ritual of cleaning his rifle.
After a few moments of silence, you determined it was save to look in Crosshairs direction. His gaze instantly went from the rifle to meet yours. His usual teasing, cocky smile appeared. "See something you like, dollface?"
For once, you were actually prepared for his teasing and knew just what to reply. "Yea, your rifle. Next time you take me to the shooting range, can I try it?"
"Hmph, sure. Once Mustafar freezes over." He replied snarkily, but then his look softened just a tiny bit. "I thought you didn't like it the last time. Made you feel pretty unwell, remember?"
You nodded. "Yea, I remember. But I think it was because we overdid it. I'm not used to focusing my eyes like that for so long, so I think that's why I ended up feeling so bad. But I still really enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun and I suppose you aren't entirely half-bad at teaching.."
Crosshair chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind next time I'm heading to the range. Or you could just ask when you're in the mood, whatever comes first."
Another moment of silence passed, before you carefully asked: "How come you didn't ask me to come along today?"
"Tech was in the way and you seemed like you needed your beauty sleep. Unlike you, I don't feel like interrupting others sleep, unless neccessary."
You let out a loud, tired huff of air. "I already apologized for that. I overstepped a boundary, I know and I'm sorry about it. It won't happen again, I swear."
With that said, you went back to focusing on pushing food around on your plate. Would it really hurt anyone to make the food here a bit more interesting?
"Because you'll be sleeping in Techs bunk from now on?" You weren't sure, but Crosshair almost sounded... sad? Disappointed?
You shrugged, still not feeling like looking at anything else but your food. "No... Yes? I mean, I don't know... I really don't care where I sleep, to be honest. One of your bunks, the couch, hell even the floor would be fine, as long as you're okay with me being here."
"And if we stop being okay with it?"
Your heart sank. "Then I'll go back to my dads apartment... I guess I gotta face him eventually anyways." That's when an idea that had been itching in the back of your mind suddenly came to full light. Looking hopeful at the two clones, you began, "Unless ofcourse, next time you get drafted, I could -"
"You're not coming with us." They both replied in unison, shooting down the idea before it could even land.
A deep gutted laughter - your laughter - filled the room. Not because you actually thought it was funny, but the way they both jumped the gun so quickly, at the exact same time, was nothing but humorous to you.
While still deep in laughter, the door to the room swooshed open again and the three remaining clones of the squad entered.
"What's up with her?" The clone/droid hybrid named Echo asked. Both Tech and Crosshair just shrugged in confusion, struggling to see what about their response was so funny to you.
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“So, how was your physical?” You asked Echo, after finally having managed to calm down and catch your breath again.
Echo shrugged. “Pretty much the same as last time - gotta regain some weight and muscle. The shockwave I received on Trench’s dreadnought caused some damage to my ear canal. Hence why my balance has been off lately - so, I guess Techs theory was right.”
“As usual,” Tech gloated, causing an audible groan from you and several other members of the squad.
You looked hopeful at the men. “Does that mean you have to stay here even longer?”
Now it was Hunters turn to shrug. “Maybe. I’m not sure…” Suddenly, his eyes got really dark and serious, boring into your soul and causing a feel of unease to come over you. “I won’t get my hopes up too much, if I were you, mesh’la. We aren’t exactly made to stay put this long and probably sooner rather than later we have to join the fight again.”
Wrecker let out a booming laughter while punching his fist into the palm of his other hand. “Yea! I’m itching to blow up some clankers!”
A soundless chuckle and a small nod, you returned the look in Hunters eyes. “I know,” you sighed, with a hint of sadness. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy as much of the time we have together here.”
“‘course not.”
“Oh ad’ika, that reminds me!” Wrecker rushed across the room and sat on the end of the table closest to Techs bunk. “When is it my turn to have a day with you?”
Confused, you tilted your head to the side. “What do you mean, big guy?”
“Well, so far Crosshair, Tech and Hunter has had a day alone with you. When can it be my turn?”
“Wrecker, you do realize I’m not some toy you guys gotta share between one another. It’s not like, just because I spend one hour with Tech, I also need to spend an hour with you.”
The large clone nodded, a look of shame was written all over his face. “Right, yea, I-I know. I’m sorry I asked.”
You finally got out of bed and moved over to sit next to the big guy, wrapping your arms around his arm. “Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry if you felt like I rather wanted to spend time with your brothers than you, since that’s really not the case. So,” you clapped your hand over his in a supportive manner. “If you really wanna spend time alone with me, then I’m sure we can figure something out. But don’t do it just because your brothers did, do it because you want to.”
“And be careful not to break her.” Crosshair snickered.
Everybody turned to look at the sniper. 
“What do you mean by that?” Wrecker asked, his voice loud and cracked with the offense taken.
Your eyes narrowed angrily. “Yea, what exactly do you mean by that?”
Crosshair was only looking at you. “You know what I mean.” That was all he said, before deciding the conversation was over and returned to clean his rifle. 
You weren’t done though. You let go of Wrecker and closed the distance between you and Crosshair, till you stood in front of him with your hands on your hips. “Is there something we gotta talk about, Cross?”
“Depends on your definition of ‘talk’, dollface.”
You scoffed. Loudly. Everytime you thought you had figured him out, everytime you thought he couldn’t do anything else to surprise you, he proved you wrong. 
Not wanting to be ignored, you reached for the oily rag in his hands. As usual, he was faster than you and pulled it out of your reach. Your eyes searched his stone cold expression for any hint of the sudden hostility, before going to his brothers for help.
“Don’t take it personal, mesh’la.” Tech said, his eyes still focused on Echos head thingy. “Crosshair is just like that sometimes. Echo come here and try this on,” holding out the piece of tech he had been working on, it was now Techs turn to decide he was done with the conversation.
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At first you tried to go back to Wrecker, but quickly realized you needed to be alone at that moment. Wrecker, who despite his large stature, managed to have a heart even bigger than that, tried to cheer you up in his own way. “It’s okay, ad’ika. I don’t like it either when my brothers think I’d break everything I touch.” He said, which only made you feel worse. Sweet thing thought that was what had upset you.
No. The thing that upset you was that you knew exactly what Crosshair meant, when he told Wrecker not to break you. Somehow he knew what had taken place between you and Tech. Who else knew? All of them? Was that why they were so nice to you? Why they let you stay in their barracks? Because they thought you’d let them have their way with you? Well, you hadn’t exactly proven them wrong…
There it was again. That anger building up in you, making it impossible to sit still, to think, to breathe.
Why was it so hard for you to breathe? 
“Miss? Miss Y/N, are you alright?” You hadn’t even heard the small service droid enter your room, but there it was with glowing eyes and ear-like antennas laid against its back in worry.
You tried to answer, but with the air getting rapidly harder to breathe, nothing but desperate gasps and tears came out. 
You stumbled to your knees, your vision already getting blurry from tears and lack of air. Lazie shrieked, then it must’ve run off in panic, based on the hurried sound of metal clanging against the floor slowly getting farther and farther away from you.
Ofcourse. Ofcourse it ran away. Why wouldn’t it. If you couldn’t be used, there was no reason to be around you. It was all your fault. That’s why dad couldn’t stand to be around you, that’s why mom -
“Y/N? Sweetheart!” Your dads voice rang through your thoughts and abruptly stopped them before they could get too bad. His large hands grabbed onto your shoulders, as he tried to pull you out of whatever hell you were in.
Once he had managed to somewhat straighten you up from your crouched over position, your dad grabbed your face in his hands and caressed your cheeks. “It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay, daddy’s here, nothing’s gonna hurt you, I promise.”
Though he was right in front of you, his voice sounded so distant. Everything seemed so distant, everything but the walls, which were spinning faster than a podracer and quickly closing in on you.
“It’s okay, nothing’s gonna happen, I know this is hard, sweetcheeks but I know you can do it… I need you to take a deep breath all the way down to your stomach, okay? It’s all - oh mudcrutch, I’m getting dirt all over your face, I’m so sorry.”
That seemed to break the spiraling spell - your dad swearing over getting you dirty, while simultaneously trying to calm you down. It was such a typical dad thing, it caused a small chuckle to break the gasping for air.
Your dad let out a small, relieved chuckle as well. “It’s been so long since I last heard you laugh. It still makes me as happy as the first time I heard it…”
Before you could get back into your frantic state, he pulled you in for a hug and held you close. With one hand on the top of your head and the other on your shoulder, he rested his lips by your temple and rocked you back and forth like when you were a child. “It’s okay fruitcakes, you’re okay…”
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The shrill sound of a comlink beeping interrupted the comfortable silence the two of you had been sitting in.
You sighed defeatedly and moved out of the safety of your dads arms. “I’m sorry, Y/N, it’s just…”
“I know,” you replied with all the snark of a teenager. “It’s probably super important and can’t possibly wait any longer and yadda yadda. Just leave, it’s what you do best.”
“That’s not fair, you know -” The comlink beeped again, this time even faster than last, meaning it was urgent. With a heavy sigh and loud groan, your dad got up from his sitting position on the ground. “I’m sorry, I gotta go. I’ll ask one of the boys to come keep -”
“I don’t need them.” You interrupted. “I just want to be alone, so just leave already.” You curled up on the floor, leaning against the angle between your bed and the wall.
For a moment, it was just silence. Your dad didn’t move and didn’t say anything, until the comlink began beeping for the third time. “I don’t want you to be alone when you’re like this. I’ll figure something out, okay?” 
“Just leave before they send a search squad after you.”
And just like that, you were all alone in your room again. Why did you ever expect anything different from him?
After having spent enough time wallowing in self pity, you decided it was probably best for you to wash your face. Well, a shower would be best, but you didn’t have the energy and really couldn’t be bothered.
Your dad wasn't kidding, when he said he’d gotten you all dirty. His hands had been covered in cinder and oil from work, which was now smeared all over your face like warpaint.
It had dried in with your tears, which made it take forever to finally get off. But after having scrubbed till your face was sore and your clothes were drenched in splashed water, that probably would’ve been easier if you had just taken a shower, you finally managed to get all the dirt off.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. At your tired eyes, swollen from having cried. At your puffy nose, that you still couldn’t really breathe through. At any signs that could possibly give away what Tech and you were doing. Or, lack there of.
You had a nearly healed bitemark on your shoulder from Crosshair, but that was it. Tech hadn’t left any signs on you whatsoever. How the hell did Crosshair then find out? 
With a loud groan, you threw your now soaked shirt at the laundry basket and headed towards your room to get a new one.
“Oh, you’re alive. I almost thought you had somehow managed to drown yourself in the sink.” 
You shrieked and quickly moved your arms to cover your upper body, while turning to see the source of the voice. “Crosshair!” 
He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, it’s not like it’s anything I haven’t already seen.”
“It’s called privacy and basic decency!” You scolded, really not in the mood for whatever reason he was there. “Something you clearly never learned about!”
Crosshair pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and began slowly walking towards you. This caused you to rush across the hall to the bedroom and hit the door panel as fast as possible, in the hopes of somehow keeping him out. Because that has worked amazing so far.
Ofcourse it didn’t work. Right before the door closed, his slender fingers grabbed onto it and pushed it open again. He leaned against the doorframe, his eyes - as usual - fixated on you.
You screamed - actually screamed - in frustration. It was too much. You began picking up whatever you could grab and threw it at him, as he was lazily making his way towards you. “Get out! Leave me alone!”
Crosshair didn’t respond. He barely even acknowledged the stuff you threw at him. No. He kept walking until you were cornered and when you tried to run past him, he grabbed you and held you close, with both of your arms pushed against your chest, so you couldn’t fight.
That didn’t stop you from trying. You pushed yourself against him, then pulled in hopes he would loosen his grip. You tried to stump on his foot, but the armored boots made it hurt you more than him. You tried basically anything you could think of to get free, before finally breaking down crying.
“Calm down,” Was all Crosshair said, his voice cold and void of emotions. 
“No! Let me go!” You shouted.
“I’ll let you go, once you’ve calmed down.”
“Why are you like this?” You cried, finally giving up on your escape from his grasp. “You’re such a jerk.”
“I know,” Crosshair sounded almost proud at that statement. Like being a jerk was a high badge of honor to him. He loosened his grip on you, letting you fall out of his arms. All except one arm, which he continued to hold tightly onto. “And I’m like this because I can. Now c’mon, I got something for you.”
One day you might realize there was no chance for you to overpower him, nor escape his grip. This was not that day. You pulled away, trying to free your arm from his grasp, while he stood still, waiting for you to give up.
“I’m not going with you!” You loudly declared, sounding more confident than you felt. “Out of all the people I don’t want to be around, you’re at the very top. You’re a kriffing nerve burner and I am tired of putting up with it. So please just leave me alone!”
Crosshair stood still, his facial expression and body language giving no indication what he was thinking. After a minute or so, he finally released your arm, only to cross his own over his chest and lean on one leg. “You know I can just pick you up and carry you.”
You let out a loud, frustrated groan at this statement, then let it fade into a defeated sigh. “At least let me put on a new shirt first, so I don’t have to walk around in just my chest bindings.”
“If you insist,” he shrugged and headed back to lean against the doorframe. Such an annoyance. 
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After having put on an old baggy shirt, you pushed past the clone. “So, where are we heading?”
“The living room.” The humor in his voice was so evident, even a deaf person could hear it.
You shot him your best you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look.
There it was. That usual cocky smirk, just asking for you to try and hit him. Challenging you. You already knew how that was going to end.
Instead you rolled your eyes and began heading towards the living room. 
It seems like Crosshair had expected you to try and hit him, since as you turned away from him, the clone hurried past you and grabbed your arm to better guide you.
With a shake of your head, you sighed. “I know the way to the living room. You don’t have to guide me like a droid, you know.”
“I know.”
Right by the large window overtaking almost the entire wall, a small nook was created from blankets and pillows from the couch. You shot Crosshair a questioning look, who just shrugged in response.
“Wrecker made it. Said I had to make up to you or something.”
Crosshair pulled you towards the window and only let go when he himself sat down in the heart of the nook, with his legs spread and the side towards you open. When you didn’t immediately lean in to his invitation, he grabbed your arm again and pulled you into the snug corner.
With an instant he locked his legs around you, keeping you from escaping.
“Ow!” You exclaimed, pushing yourself as far from him as possible - which wasn’t a lot. “Your armor hurts, y’know. Not exactly ideal for this.”
With an exaggerated sigh, Crosshair rolled his eyes and began taking off his shoulder pads and chest plate. “Never satisfied, are you?”
You scoffed. “Or maybe I just don’t like how you pull and toss me around like some toy!”
A mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk to match it, showed that Crosshair found something amusing about your statement. Leaning back after stripping his arms of the armor, the sniper gave you another chance to get comfortable.
Not wanting to be pulled again, you leaned your back against his chest and his arms went around you. “What is the point of this?” You asked.
“Don’t know.”
“Then why are we doing this?”
Crosshair didn’t reply. But he didn’t loosen his hold on you either. You should be used to it by now, but it was still annoying how he always decided and controlled everything, and how you had no chance of winning when it came to him. It was like he enjoyed watching you struggle.
“You really are a huge jerk sometimes, you know.”
“I know, you don’t have to repeat it.”
“Have you ever considered being nicer?”
“No…” Crosshair rested his chin on top of your head. “I wasn’t made to be nice or so people would like me, dollface. I was made to shoot and luckily, I’m damn good at it.”
There it was again. These men being talked about as if they were a product and not actual people. It was heartbreaking.
Snuggling in closer to the sniper, you hugged one of his arms and decided to finally voice your feelings. “Doesn’t it bother you? How your entire existence is based on war and military and fighting? How you’ve never gotten to have a say in it or get to live a normal life?”
“Not really.” Crosshairs voice was as nonchalant as ever.
“Well, it bothers me!”
Crosshair made a soundless chuckle. “Why? You can’t change it or do anything about it, so it’s just a waste of energy.”
“Just because there’s nothing I can do about it, doesn’t mean I have to accept it. It’s wrong and against everything the republic stands for and it feels like not enough people acknowledges that!”
“Morals are a luxury that can’t be afforded in war.” 
Your voice became really quiet. “Then what can be afforded?”
“Your life.” Crosshair replied, his tone pretty much matching yours.
Comfortable silence.
Silence filled only by the tapping of rain water on the window.
That you needed to break with your aching question.
“How did you know?”
“Hmm?” Based on Crosshairs reaction, your question had taken him by surprise.
You began playing with his fingers, just to have something to do. “About me and Tech… How did you know? Tech said there was no evidence left.”
“Your lips,” Crosshairs free hand began caressing up and down your arm. “Both of your lips were swollen and it didn’t take a genius to figure out it wasn’t because you’ve been fighting.”
Reaching up to feel your lips, you felt more than you heard Crosshair laughter. “The swelling is gone. If it weren’t because of my vision, I probably wouldn’t have noticed either.”
His fingers curled up under your chin and pushed it upwards, tilting your head to make you look him in the eyes. “How come you don’t want us to know? About neither Tech or I?”
Your breath was caught in your throat. He was so close, this was so intimate, so… You turned to the side, watching the rain splatter on the window and obscure the view of the ocean. 
“I don’t want you to think less of me…” You admitted in a whisper, hugging Crosshairs arm real close.
“Why would we think less of you?”
“It’s just…” You had to pause to think. Why would they? Nothing so far had given you the impression that’s what they thought, but you were so used to it being the mindset, you kinda thought it was the default all across the galaxy. “I don’t know. I guess, it’s just… Some people think less of you, the more intimate partners you’ve had. I don’t want you guys to think that’s all I’m good for and start treating me like… Like…”
Tears started to swell in your eyes, your lips began quivering and your voice became shaky. Your grip on his arm tightened and you hid your face against his chest, using the slow heart beat and body heat to calm yourself.
Crosshair let out a long, slow exhale. “Stars forbid if I ever catch the person who made you feel that way.”
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Dividers by: @eloquentmoon and @djarrex
Taglist: @zoeykallus @rain-on-kamino @thebadbatchscyare @thebahdbitch @salaminus @mybigfatspoonielife @tararosebloodthorn @chxpsi @coffeeandclaws @timothyshousefire @tazmbc1 @nunanuggets @rexandechosandwich @the-good-shittt @showerthoughtsonly @ashotofspotchka @alwayssnivellus @maulsrightleg @lo0nylexi @tech-aficionado @ttzamara @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond
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deedeli-liveblog · 1 year
RWBY ReWatch Volume 5: the one where jaune learns to heal and that’s the only important thing that happens, trust me
From here on out, I’ve only seen these episodes a grand total of once, during my initial liveblog of them. I have not rewatched Volumes 5-7 at any point, so these episodes are going to be the major refresher for me, as far as plot and details I’ve forgotten.
That being said, I remember liking Volume 5 least of all, but I don’t really remember why. IIRC (and I probably don’t) it felt like Volume 5 should have picked up the slower pace that Volume 4 set, but because the story was so divided, it didn’t really accomplish that. It ended up being pretty disappointing.
So, let’s see if Volume 5 fairs better with a rewatch.
I’m trying to remember the song for the Volume 5 OP before it plays, and I have NO idea what it was, or what it was even about. The same for Volume 6, but I adored the Volume 7 and 8 OPs, so I remember those pretty well.
Going through the character shorts now, and I forgot that the action in Volume 5 took a dip in quality too. It’s not anywhere near bad, but it’s noticeably slower than the action in RWBY usually is. Not nearly as exciting.
Sad to know that the reason Lionheart was so happy to know where the Spring Maiden is was so he had new information to funnel to Watts.
How did Oscar find Qrow? Did he just happen to see him, or did Ozpin tell him to walk into every bar in Mistral until he found Qrow, lmao.
oh my god, I never noticed when Qrow was drunk, he boops Oscar on the nose before he walks inside akfhklsdjhlasd
Hm, yeah, I don’t remember this OP at all. The song is nice, but not as immediately catchy like some of the other songs are.
Adam’s new model in Volume 5 make his horns much easier to see.
I forgot how absolutely gorgeous Sienna Khan’s design is. It’s such a shame how underutilized she was.
So. Why does the leader of the White Fang need a whole ass throne room?
God, I hate Adam SO much.
“This curse was bestowed upon me by the Gods, because I failed to stop Salem in the past.” Isn’t it interesting that the Gods are always far more interested in punishing someone than just giving them the tools they need to accomplish their goals? I’d think it’d have been far more useful to Ozma to make him immortal in the same way Salem was, than to just have him reincarnate himself over and over.
There was probably a reason for that that wasn’t just punishment, but like I said, only watched Volume 6 once, so the finer details escape me.
Kind of funny that the bandits thought they could keep a Schnee contained. I mean, even without her weapon, her semblance is pretty versatile, as she later demonstrates. 
The scene with Yang just calmly whooping bandit ass is soooo *chefs kiss*. Like, god, I love her. 
This is the first fight she’s been in since she fought Adam, right? Such a simple spat that she easily wins, but the rush of adrenaline just reminds her body of her last fight, so she can’t even enjoy it. :c
The hug between Yang and Weiss is so beautifully framed. The lighting, the colors, the way the knight shimmers away, Weiss’ feet not touching the ground, she’s just holding onto Yang for dear life. But also the fact that she fully trusts in Yang and her strength that she knows Yang could easily hold her up.
ALSO Home starts playing?? Cause Weiss is finally ‘home’ with a piece of her family and why am I crying???
So. Who is that a painting of that Corsac and Fennec are standing in front of? I have to assume a family member, cause it looks like they have Fennec’s ears.
It’s almost funny what a poor job Raven does at trying to convince Yang to stay. “You’re family and friends that you’ve known for so long have been lying to you, but I, family in name only and a practical stranger to you, will tell you the complete truth if you stay with me.” And she says this after being antagonistic to Yang the entire conversation. 
hehe, get fucked raven
Yang says “no more lies” if they’re gonna work together, and Ozpin agrees, and then immediately proceeds to keep lying alkdhskhahfks
“I know all about your master.” Wait, that’s right. Raven must’ve found out that Salem can’t be killed, that’s why she ran away from helping Oz.
“... a fall maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you’ve got a slight case of ego-mania.” afkjsdkhalsfsfs
Cinder was so blinded by her ego and the chance to enact revenge that she readily agreed to inviting Ruby and Co. to Haven, and couldn’t see how obviously that was part of Raven’s plan. Like, if they had just followed the plan the way Watts wanted to, Cinder would’ve had the spring maiden’s power and the relic relatively easily. Then she could’ve just  hunted Ruby afterwards. 
Ohhh, the song that plays when Ilia and Blake finally face each other and grab their weapons is soo good. A dramatic swell that highlights the tragedy of the moment.
Knowledge, Creation, Destruction-- all of these are pretty self explanatory in what they might do. But what the hell could the Choice Relic possibly do? Something big, I assume, if Oz wanted it hidden directly under his guard, and he made it much more difficult to find than the others.
Also, I’m sure there’s something to be said about Choice being the most powerful of all, but I’ve not the brain power to put that into words, and being hidden under the incredibly manipulative Ozpin.
And speaking of the relics, I imagine the first thing Salem would ask Jinn is how to find the relic at Beacon.
“I’m not afraid, I’m smart.” What?? lol Salem’s goal is the destruction of Humanity, and you are human. There’s nothing smart about not choosing to fight her because if she wins you’ll still die.
what the hell is Kali’s tray made of that it can block bullets
oh my god, she killed a man with that tray
I love Ilia’s character arc this volume. I hope we see her again.
This entire volume the captions have been delayed on Rooster Teeth’s site. :/
“Take out the Aeris” who the fuck is doing these captions. Not only have they been delayed, but they’ve also been completely wrong multiple times, and now we’re just making words up
It’s kind of sad to see how reliant on her summoning Weiss became. She’s trying very hard to summon her knight, even when she doesn’t really have the opportunity to, and gets taken down by Vernal in a few hits because of it, but she’s normally such a capable fighter.
Hazel and Gretchen, Hansel and Gretel is the inspo, I suppose.
Hazel’s motivation is so weak. Like, Ozpin wasn’t even the one who killed her, he just didn’t tell her no. And Hazel’s really willing to kill all of humanity just to spite Ozpin??
Ohhh, damn. It’s crazy to see just how far Cinder’s Grimm arm encroaches onto the rest of her body in the future. In the reveal she still has her shoulder at least.
hehe, get fucked adam
Holy shit, I forgot Weiss stabbed Hazel in the kidney with the lancer stinger.
Raven’s lucky that her daughter is actually a good person, and didn’t tell anyone that she was the spring maiden.
i mean... blake could’ve still apologized for abandoning them like that :V she had her reasons, but it was still fucked up. Ruby at least left a note when she left and apologized to Yang when she later saw her.
That was Volume 5! All in all, not bad. I still enjoyed the volume, there’s nothing immediately wrong with it. Plot wise it was good, and I wouldn’t say it was slowly paced. Just that the story being split between so many characters made it feel a lot slower, at least until the last 5 or so episodes. There was also a notable lack of action this volume, in comparison to previous volumes, and what little there was was just... alright. For a show like RWBY, whose action segments was a major selling point, it is pretty disappointing.
That being said, I enjoyed a lot of the character moments and plot threads that we were given here.
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risu5waffles · 1 year
scattering TEN like rose petals
Gonna have to go quick, there's so much to do and only 30minutes before stream.
Love the look and setting (probably no surprise there), but dear Entropy was the blowdryer gameplay an actual chore and a half. i had a fair amount of issue being able to tell where it was safe to put my feet sometimes, too. A bunch of deaths in there that just felt unearned. Still, like, it's very nice to watch, now that i'm not actually trying to complete it.
Sure, we talk about the glorious early days of LBP1, when people were making amazing things out of a very kludgy set of tools. And that is true. However, it is also true that community levels were, like, at least 40% rocket cheetah races by volume. Then, at least another 40% bomb survival levels. Then another 40% shark survival levels. Like, you probably had maybe 40% actual high quality gold.
Don't check those numbers. i am not math gay.
This one, however, is a really nice LBP1 level. Great vibe, solid shaping, excellent material choices for what they were going for. It's all so pretty. And actually fun on top of that. Love to see it.
As nice as the last one? No, not really. The look definitely feels more in line wiv creators that were actually trying, but maybe quite hadn't developed the skill (that being said, it is a good, bright and poppy look, just a kludgy one). On the other hand, the pacing is maintained better, and it's just a lot of good fun. i can imagine a level like this being a real hoot wiv a group of friends. i got the feeling that there were other paths i could take, but i can only devote so much time to recording, unfortunately.
This is one of my favourite level archetypes from the LBP2-era. Almost impressionistic in the way it shapes its environment. Humourous wiv out smacking you in the face wiv it too hard, and wivout being mean-spirited to boot. Great characters. And, again, it manages to be an enjoyable level to actually play through, not just to watch from the side. Love it, love it.
i know lighting changes are a pretty big issues wiv 1 & 2 levels in LBP 3, but i have the feeling this one was probably overbright and washed out in the original too. Like, it almost hurts to look at. Not in a "oh this is so ugly" way (tho', i wouldn't say it's particularly top notch in that department), but like, it is bright-bright. The creatinator bit here, was... maaaaaan... just such a pain in the butt.
Nothing much more to say about this one that i didn't say last Friday except, fun fact, i chose this level precisely because it came up at random in my recommends at a time when someone i follow here on tumblr was on a month (or more? time is wonky) long tear gushing over Michael J Fox, and specifically MJF in Back to the Future. Like, seriously, that's the whole bit.
i remember playing this one back when it was first published in LBP1, and let me tell you, the way my jaw actually hit the floor. The song repro is soooo good.
Great idea, and i think the execution is probably as good as the creator could get it; but the control on your bee is really wonky, and i feel like i had to fight it to get it where it needed to be. The idea of multiple endings is neat, and i picked up the best, and then the next tier down from that. i should tried to just totally fail, see what would happen there.
Not really a tonne to say about this one. It's a solid, and solidly presented, grappling hook platformer. It's a really fun play, and honestly, i don't often need more than that.
Whew, five minutes to spare. Girl's gotta motorvate. Stay safe out there! Love ya!
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girltomboy · 3 months
Last night I had yet annnnnother fight with my boyfriend over video games, and I just could no longer hold back from observing out loud how this always happens when I finally get to play with them lately. It's always when I join the team too that my boyfriend either rage quits mid game, tells me I'm not playing or doing anything even though I clearly am, or throws a tantrum because I don't appreciate his "tips" if I can't even apply them, then tells me to stop talking. Only one of our friends had the sense to point out how nasty he was being. He kept insisting (I made the mistake of texting him today instead of just focusing on my Sunday and forgetting all abt that) that I "raised my voice at him while he was just being helpful" and not only did I not raise my voice at all and I'm sick of him throwing that accusation at me any time I'm not speaking in a soft, dainty tone just to reach for a reason to be upset, it also didn't warrant him saying rude things to me in a passive-aggressive way and then telling me to stop talking. WHILE OUR FRIENDS WERE PRESENT. Like that's a different type of assholery. It's an assholery that's free of fucks. Just plain, careless assholery in your face type. I felt enraged and humiliated and just went to bed, and today I told him via text to either quit playing video games and get a different hobby, or do it like an adult, which I know he's not exactly capable of because we've had this conversation MANY TIMES. And I told him to go ahead and ask any of our friends whether or not I raised my voice and made him a victim, but deep down I knew he would go to the one who would validate him the most because he has the same issues with rage and general lifelessness 🤭 and I was right! But when one of them called him out last night I felt like I was gonna break down immediately cause people taking my side is my biggest weakness. Like I'm stone faced in petty and one-sided conflicts, I'm unscathed and victorious in the idgaf war, but when someone defends me or takes my side it's like Moses striking the rock with his staff for water to burst out of it. That's probably why I was so deeply affected and hurt when my mom lied about grandma saying mean stuff about me; it's because I knew grandma would instead stand up for me. Anyway, I'm soooo sick of the same wrung out apologies from my bf after long back and forths and I feel like taking a break from talking to him, which is very odd and wrong to me in a long distance relationship no less, but his moodiness is off the charts lately and I need to focus on things that extract less negative energy out of me.
So I met up with my work bestie to watch The Conjuring 1 and 2 today! I'd seen the first one before, but I only remembered bits and pieces of it, and tbf I liked it better than the first one. Unfortunately I don't feel like I can talk about either of them because all that's left in my mind is the memory of Vera Farmiga 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 We had a lot of fun and laughs like we always do, and I can't wait to meet her again at work this week. Our next movie marathon will contain The Conjuring 3 (not excited for it bc of the low rating 😔 - but apparently a 4th one is coming this year?? So we might be able to see it in the theatre!!) and then the Annabelle movies. I don't know if I watched any Annabelle movie, so that's exciting too, although I'm not super into this type of horror.
Also, my best friend is gonna come to the city AGAIN this next weekend and we can hang out! 😭❤ I need to actually make her something this time, but I have yet to even think about it. But even if I don't get to, we'll still have a sweet full moon weekend together
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Hello! Can I request an imagine with Draco and a Slytherin! Reader where they both are totally in love with each other and maybe one day in class Draco is being particularly needy/frustrated one day and she’s his partner and sees he’s super hard and she teases him but when class is over he asks the reader to give him a blowjob because he loves her mouth and he’s just so whiny and he later spoils the hell out of his girl at Hogsmeade!
This is literally SOOOO LONG!! I don’t know why I wrote so much, but I just really wanted to include all that stuff, lol. My excuse for the length is that I hit a 1,000 followers about two days ago so this is the celebratory piece! 
This goes without saying, but this piece contains a lot of sexual content so please do not read if you are underage or uncomfortable with said topics. I also wrote this in a different perspective because I wanted to try it out so I hope you enjoy!
Warning: SMUT, Oral (Male Receiving)
Title: Princess
                                                 ϟ ϟ ϟ
It was a warm summer’s day, close to the start of the new term. These past few weeks at Malfoy Manor had been tense and Draco often found himself rather stressed . A large part of him felt guilty for leaving his mother at home in the presence of Lord Voldemort, but another part of him felt grateful to be out of his sight. Finally, he could escape the Dark Lord’s watchful eyes, but he could not escape the plan set for him to complete.
Draco’s eyebrows knitted together as he squinted towards the merchandise wall inside Twilfitt and Tattings. Even when he was not around, Draco could still sense the Dark Lord’s influence and the constant reminder of the outcome if he were to fail. However, as he thought of better ways to mend the vanishing cabinet, something caught his attention.  
“Draco darling,” You called to him, stepping out of the changing room with a small smile on your face. Draco’s eyes widened in an instant, a lump forming in his throat as he examined the champagne dress clinging to your body. It was a delicate number with thin, spaghetti strap sleeves attached to the cowl-neck gown, the silk fabric shimmering softly as you stepped onto the podium.  
With a content hum, Draco pushed himself off the wall, his grey eyes locked with yours in the shop mirror as he walked towards you. He rested his hand against your waist, his fingers tenderly sliding down to feel the smooth silk against them, “You look ravishing,” he whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss against the shell of it before stepping back to get a better view of you.  
You smiled satisfyingly, taking a moment to admire the all-black ensemble he wore and how it slimmed him down in all the right places. He stood in a black turtleneck and a fitted suit jacket, his left hand in the pocket of his slacks while the thumb of the other swiped over his bottom lip. A string of questions crossed through Draco’s mind, “When would you wear this?” he thought, tapping his finger against his chin.  
Surely, there was no surprise ball this year, he would’ve heard by now. “Would you wear it on a date?” he questioned, imagining a scenario where the two of you ate dinner at a fancy restaurant, illuminated by just candlelight. “Even better,” Draco trailed off, his eyes lingering over your arse as you admired yourself in the mirror, looking over your shoulder to see the diamond detail that connected the open back, “What would such an expensive piece of clothing look like on his dormitory floor?”  
Draco recalled the conversation he shared with his mother a week prior, where she had counseled him after a particularly difficult day. Narcissa Malfoy had an interesting way of comforting her son. Of course, she sat and listened to him, holding him as he cried, a mixture of guilt and failure coursing through her veins as she fought against the Dark Lord’s plans for her beloved son. The next day, however, she entered Draco’s room with a smile and presented a brand-new wardrobe for him as a start of term gift.  
Pulling himself away from his thoughts, Draco gave a gentle smile and looked up at you, instantly meeting your hopeful eyes.  
“Oh, those eyes” 
“I’m not sure if I should get it,” You admitted, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout as you hopped off the podium and halted in front of the platinum-haired boy. Closing his eyes, Draco took a deep breath, captivated by the intoxicating smell of vanilla radiating off your body. An exquisite aroma, packaged in a —hand-blown— glass perfume bottle with delicate golden leaves painted onto it, finished off with your initials carved at the bottom of it.  
Another one of Draco’s thoughtful gifts.  
“And why is that?” asked Draco, his hand resting against the side of your neck, his thumb rubbing small circles against your jaw. The dress was cut just right, the tight, draped bodice granted him a wonderful view of your breasts, but he looked away to halt the tightening of his pants.  
“I’ve got no occasion for a dress like this,” declared a slightly defeated (Y/N), taking another glance in the mirror, “Well, we’ve still got the goodbye dinner with your parents” You recalled, running your hands down your hips, unintentionally catching Draco’s attention as he remembered the family dinner he had forgotten about. 
“That settles it then,” announced Draco in a chipper tone, “I’ll buy the dress,” he grinned, stepping towards his girlfriend, but halting by the display of diamond accessories. With a glance over the merchandise, he pointed at a necklace set with a pair of earrings, receiving praises from the shopkeeper. Taking the necklace from the older wizard, Draco walked over to (Y/N), “turn around,” he uttered and you happily obliged, watching him as he placed the delicate piece around your neck.  
“Draco-” you began to protest, but he only pressed a kiss against your cheek, clasping the necklace and letting his fingers linger at the back of your neck. The necklace was a breathtaking, diamond necklace with seven glittering emeralds spread evenly across the center.  
“The bracelet and earrings will do nicely as well,” Draco said, nodding his head in approval and signaling for the shopkeeper to begin ringing them up. You opened your mouth to protest again, but Draco placed his finger against your lips, “I believe you recall what I’ve told you, hm?” he teased, raising a questioning eyebrow as (Y/N) nodded, fighting back a smile, “Then, let Daddy spoil you, Princess.”  
There was no denying the power Draco’s tone held over you. His words shot straight between your legs, the feeling of his lips pressed against the side of your neck making you fall against him, finally becoming aware of his erection now pressed against your thigh. 
“Let's finish up so we can go back to the Manor,” you proposed, shifting your thigh ever so slightly to provide him with some much-needed friction. Draco bit his lip and gave a stiff nod, stepping away from you before you could tease him further.  
“Go change,” he ordered, the cocky smirk returning to his lips, “You’ve got five minutes.” Running back towards the dressing room, you peeled off the dress and stepped into your usual clothes, practically sprinting out of it once finished. After a hasty checkout, the two of you exited the shop hand-in-hand, the bag containing your gifts swinging in Draco’s other hand.
                                                             ϟ ϟ ϟ
This school year proved to be the most difficult one yet. N.E.W.T.s we’re now less than a year away and it was never too soon to begin revising. You, however, found it quite difficult to focus on school these last few days. Despite his constant reassurances that he was all right, (Y/N) found some of Draco’s recent behavior quite odd. This strange feeling first arose the week you stayed at Malfoy Manor, where the four of them sat cautiously at a table with Draco’s aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange. You had always had a good relationship with Draco’s relatives, but it was clear to you something was occurring under wraps, something Draco did not want you to know about. Noting his hesitation whenever you brought up the subject, you decided against prying any more information out of him and returned to your studies. Your dedication to academic achievement, much to your surprise, did not go unnoticed by the new Potions Master at Hogwarts, who had heard all about you and Miss Hermione Granger, the two top students of the sixth year.  
Horace Slughorn was a portly, older man, but very gifted with potions and an excellent Professor. Upon arrival, he sought out some of the school’s most promising students and invited them to his office for an elegant dinner. One morning, during breakfast, your owl dropped the intricately decorated envelope right in front of your plate. You had no chance to conceal the envelope from your curious boyfriend, the same one that had tried, without succeeding, to get invited to said dinner.  
However, to your surprise, Draco was not upset. Instead, he pressed a gentle kiss against your temple and muttered the words, “You deserve it, baby girl.” The pet name sends chills down your spine, a smile playing at your lip as his hand rests upon your knee, the cold metal of his rings easing any sort of tension in your body. His left hand rested against your jawline, his slender fingers twiddling with the pearl earring, admiring the small ruby motif encrusted right above the hanging pearl.  
(Y/N) leaned her cheek against his palm, setting the invitation down on the dining hall table, “Are you sure, Darling?” you questioned, taking the time to rest your hand over his, “I might not be able to fit it into my schedule...” you admitted, thoughts of Draco’s mysterious disappearances crossing your mind. Bringing your hand up to his mouth, Draco pressed a soft kiss against the back of it before leaning to press one against your lips.  
“I think,” he started, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, “You should go show them what the brightest, most caring, and, without a doubt, sexiest girl in Slytherin House has to offer” Draco praised, giving your thigh a small squeeze before dipping to steal another kiss from you, “How does that sound?” He asked sweetly, showering you with yet another kiss, this one against your forehead.  
It was no secret that Draco Malfoy and (Y/N) (L/N) were truly and undeniably in love. Often, the corridors were filled with the incessant whispers of jealous girls who longed for Draco’s attention, but he paid no attention to them. The Slytherin Prince only had eyes for you, the only constant ray of sunshine in his life. Whenever he looked at you, he reminded himself of his vow to keep you completely satisfied, and the only reward he wanted was seeing that gorgeous smile on your face. You were everything to him. You were the only one who knew about his previous family troubles, the one who would hold him when he cried during the late hours of the evening. The one who would fix his tie the second it seemed out of place, the one who would rub his shoulders whenever you noticed him bent over his assignments.  
He would do everything and anything to ensure you felt like the luckiest girl in the world because he knew you, out of all people, deserved it the most.  
”You make an excellent point, Mr. Malfoy,” You grinned, nodding your head in agreement, and flinging your arms around his shoulders. A soft smile crept up Draco’s lips as his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly against his chest and placing a kiss at the top of your head.  
“Don’t I always?” teased Draco, running his fingers through your hair as the other students exited the Great Hall and made their way towards the classes. Rolling your eyes at his response, you placed your hand against his cheek, stealing a kiss from him this time and rising from your seat.  
“We should go,” you announced, stretching your hand out for him to grab, which he happily obliged, rising from the bench and escorting you to your classroom.  
                                          ϟ ϟ ϟ
 A week had passed since Slughorn’s dinner party, the memory of the evening still fresh in Draco’s mind as he tapped his fingers against the wooden desk. Needless to say, he was not particularly pleased with the events of last Saturday. One of Slughorn’s guests had taken quite the liking to you, practically undressing you with his eyes during breakfast hours, something Draco found incredibly disrespectful. He recalled the way Cormac McLaggen eyed you this morning when you bent over to kiss your boyfriend goodbye, skipping out of the Great Hall without a care in the world.  
Draco clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as his eyebrows knitted together, sparks of frustration igniting within him. Not only was McLaggen ogling you like you were his last meal, but he was also casually brushing up beside you in the corridors, shooting Draco arrogant smirks when they locked eyes.  
Oh, how he would love to jinx that insufferable look off his face. Yeah, that’ll show him.  
He should have been paying attention to Professor Flitwick discussing the proper hand movement for the Gouging Spell, but the thoughts of McLaggen badgering you when he was not around boiled his blood. In hindsight, it was a good thing he was neglecting this lesson because the prospect of gouging a large hole through Cormac seemed very appealing. 
You were particularly busy this week and did not have a lot of time to spend with Draco. Sure, the two of you bid your usual goodnights in the Slytherin common room, but your studying had kept you away from Draco. Due to this, Draco Malfoy was left very touch starved and found himself daydreaming of your earlier rendezvous around the castle.  
Draco turned his head towards you, his face relaxing at once as he watched you diligently taking notes, as usual. You had your bottom lip between your teeth, gnawing it softly as your quill scratched against the parchment. With a content sigh, he admired your concentration and wondered how a person could be that gorgeous. He was, truly, the luckiest man in the world when it came to you.  
He supposed that one could not blame McLaggen for falling for you- I mean, who wouldn’t? Any person would be swept off their feet if you entered the room wearing those silk dresses you were oh so fond of. Draco glanced down at those pretty, pink lips of yours, his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head as you parted them, tongue swiping over your upper lip as you added the final details to your diagram.  
Biting his lip, Draco forced his attention towards Professor Flitwick, but it was already too late. The thoughts of you, sprawled across his bed at Malfoy Manor were enough to replace his earlier frustrations with feelings of lust.  
“Stop,” thought Draco, closing his eyes to contain his feelings, but it was no use. Your lips made an “O” shape when you finally grasped the Charms concepts, making goosebumps appear on Draco’s skin as he shuddered.  
What he would do to have you begging for him right now.  
His pants grew considerably tighter and he couldn’t help but feel grateful towards the school uniforms. The robe he was wearing did a decent job at hiding his current problem, but he knew it would be noticeable when he stood. However, that did not stop him from hearing the way you called his name in the back of his head.  
“Please, Draco...”
“Fuck,” cursed Draco under his breath, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, a slight touch of pink dusting his cheeks. Unable to keep his eyes away, Draco looked back towards you, scanning the soft skin of your neck, and noting how awfully bare it looked. With his self-restraint wavering, he subtly slid down the bench you shared and rested his hand on your knee, something he did quite often. However, you did not question him until you felt his lips against your neck and a hand wrapped tightly around your thigh. Turning your head to face him, you were surprised to see him with his hand over his mouth, his eyes averted from yours as his fingers danced against the smooth skin of your inner thigh.  
“Draco,” you cooed, but the only response you received was a rather harsh nip at your neck, “Draco, someone will see…”  
“I don’t care,” Draco snarled against your ear, “I need this bloody class to be over…” He murmured in a much softer tone, his hand rubbing circles against your thigh and inching closer to your clothed heat. But once you turned to scold him, you noticed the dark, red blush that painted his cheeks and felt his hot breath fanning against your face.  
“Are you alright?” you asked cautiously, innocently rubbing your thumb against his thigh, but that only made Draco twitch in his seat, and his reaction suddenly lit the bulb over your head. Your lips curled into a smirk as your hand moved closer to the bulge on Draco’s pants, turning your attention towards the front of the class as you continued your movements.  
Luckily, the two of you sat at the farthest end of the Charms classroom, away from any overly inquisitive eyes. You were certain nobody would notice, if Draco kept his cool, the two of you would be in the clear.  
“Couldn’t even wait till class was over?” You tutted, delicately tracing your fingers over his crotch, and smirking as he shifted in his seat, “Be careful, I don’t want us to get caught.” You added, firmly cupping his erection through his slacks, a wide grin spreading across your face as he doubled down and hid his face behind a book he propped up. It was honestly quite surprising to see Draco this way. Usually, he would be the one teasing you to no end, but you were currently in control and that was enough to light the fire of your arousal.  
“D-Don’t stop,” Draco pleaded under his breath, biting down on his thumb to hold back a moan as your palm worked to release the built-up tension. Encouraged by his dick twitching underneath your hand, you quickened your pace and watched as he parted his lips, struggling to keep any sound from coming out. As his breathing grew more ragged, you felt his abdominal muscles tense up against your touch, indicating that his release would wash over him soon.  
Fighting to keep the small sense of composure he had left, Draco gripped (Y/N)’s wrist and halted her movements. It took him a minute to catch his breath, but when he did, he spoke in a low whisper, “Wait...” His eyes never met yours because if he looked into those beautiful eyes of yours, he would not be able to control himself. And although the prospect of taking you over the desk seemed quite promising, he did not fancy the idea of letting the rest of the student body see you bent over in such a vulnerable state.  
That was only for him, of course.  
“What’s wrong, Darling?” You teased letting your fingers trace over his crotch again, but he only clicked his tongue at you. Draco knew you too well, he knew you were only trying to rile him up again, but he could not let that happen, not right now. With adrenaline coursing through your body, you leaned towards Draco and let your breath fan against his neck before licking a stripe behind his ear, “Didn’t want to come all over those expensive slacks of yours, hm?” You murmured, gently nipping his earlobe, and taking his momentary lapse of strength to palm his erection once more.  
Draco gritted his teeth once again, pulling your hand away from his pants, “I said wait,” he growled, his lust-clouded eyes finally meeting yours, “You do know how to follow instructions, don’t you?” He asked in a much harsher, more desperate tone.  
“Depends on who’s giving them.” You replied sarcastically, placing your free hand on his knee with a smirk.  
However, Draco did not get a chance to shoot his response back at you. Once the bell signaling the end of class rang, he shot up off his seat and gathered both your belongings before taking your hand and hastily pulling you out of the classroom. A few students stared as the two of you rushed down the hall, blushing in embarrassment as you stumbled after Draco.
His hand gripped yours tightly, leading you towards the Prefects’ bathroom, and stuttering out the password once the two of you arrived. Flinging your book bags across the floor, Draco turned and stalked towards you making you step back until your back hit something solid.
“Think you’re funny, are you?” sneered Draco, pinning you against one of the cubicles, his thigh pressed firmly between your legs and his right forearm braced beside your head. Replicating your earlier movements, Draco dragged his tongue underneath your ear before taking the lobe between his teeth, making you gasp. “Why don’t we put that filthy mouth of yours to better use?” He cooed, blowing a puff of air against your ear, and admiring it as it turned red.  
With a sudden burst of confidence, you gripped his robes and pulled his face towards yours, breaths mingling together, “I think,” You muttered, leaning your lips close to his, “That’s the best idea you’ve had all day…” Looking up at his half-lidded eyes, you crashed your lips against Draco’s, fingers immediately tangling themselves in his hair. Draco returned your kiss eagerly, his hands cupping your arse underneath your skirt and pulling your body flush against his.  
You could feel Draco growing more impatient by the minute. His hands were grabbing desperately at your skin, squeezing every inch of bare flesh he could feel. Longing to have you closer to him, Draco slipped his hand underneath your thigh and hooked it over his hip, fingers gripping hard enough to bruise. Your back arched off the wall, hips grinding against Draco’s as your tongues laced together in a heated kiss. Tugging at your tie, Draco reached to unbutton your blouse and pulled it open, exposing your bra-clad breasts.  
He pressed his lips against the base of your neck, biting and sucking encouraged by your moans beside his ear. One of his hands held your thigh firmly while the other kneaded your left breast, pulling the fabric of your bra down and taking your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You gasped harshly, bucking into him, and digging your fingers into his hair, messing up the parts that remained previously neat. Draco rolled his erection against your soaked panties, smiling down at your face as his hands kneaded your clothed breasts, “So pretty,” he murmured, captivated by your flushed face and the shameful sounds passing through your lips.  
Your hands reached up to grab his face, pulling him down for another kiss. This time, using the momentum to switch your positions so Draco’s back hit the stall door, earning a small moan of surprise from him. Grinning up at him, you pressed your lips against his neck and slid your hand down the front of his body, cupping him firmly as you sucked the sensitive skin. 
Draco let out gasping breaths as you moved your hand, his fingers digging into your waist, “On your knees,” commanded Draco, trying to regain some sort of control over the situation. You obliged happily, dropping down to your knees and lazily running your fingers over his thighs before reaching up for his belt. After fiddling with the buckle, you took your time sliding Draco’s slacks down, purposely neglecting his throbbing dick hidden in his underwear.  
“Don’t be a tease,” snapped Draco, gripping your chin harshly, “Suck,” He commanded firmly, releasing you as you pulled down his boxer briefs. Draco’s thick length snapped up towards his lower abs, almost slapping you in the face when it sprung out of its constraints. Almost drooling at the glorious sight of his cock, you took it in your hand, running your thumb over the pre-cum leaking out of the reddened tip. Draco bucked his hips forwards, hissing at the light touch, and looking down at your concentrated expression as you slowly pumped your hand.  
Lolling your tongue out dramatically, you leaned forwards and gave the tip a kitten lick, earning a frustrated groan from Draco. Satisfied with his discomfort, you gave the swollen tip another kiss before taking his length fully into your mouth. He let out a strangled gasp in response, his eyes squeezed shut as you enthusiastically licked up his length. Sealing off your lips, much like a vacuum seal, you bobbed your head up and down his shaft, tongue swirling around it as Draco trembled underneath you, his hand over his mouth attempting to stifle the sounds coming out of it.  
Draco looked down at you, unable to control the string of low moans and grunts spewing from his lips. The sight of your plump lips stretching around his cock made him lose the few ounces of coherent thoughts he had left in his mind. Draco let out another strangled moan, throwing his head back against the stall door as you swirl your tongue around his shaft and use your hand to pump the base of his cock. His hand flew to the back of your head when you moved to take all of him in your mouth, your nose brushing the trimmed tufts of hair as you choked around him, the contraction of your throat making him groan out your name.  
With another husky moan, Draco balled your hair up into a ponytail and used it as leverage to thrust into your mouth. “Yes, yes,” whimpered Draco, his face flushed red and his breath caught in his throat, “Just like that, (Y/N)” he hissed, his grey eyes flickering down and meeting yours, making his roll back again as he pulled his lip between his teeth. Your fingernails dug into the back of his thighs, squeezing them tighter as he quickened his pace. You moaned around his dick, the vibrations sending a violent quake through his body as he face-fucked you, his climax only moments away.  
“Ah, you take my cock so well, Princess” groaned Draco, his pace stuttering, “You’re so bloody gorgeous” He sighed, his fingers delving tightly into your hair as you continued to swirl your tongue around the shaft, relaxing your jaw to let the tip of his penis hit the back of your throat.  
The sounds coming from Draco’s mouth had you soaking wet and yearning to feel his load shoot down your throat. Determined to finish him off, you moved your hand to fondle his balls, moaning with satisfaction as his cock pulsated in your mouth. His breaths grew ragged and the only sounds coming from him were small whimpers and grunts. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, his platinum blonde hair fell messily over his eyes, which were currently screwed shut as his face twisted with pleasure.   
Draco’s eyes fluttered open, meeting your eager ones for a second time, but it was too much. Cursing loudly, Draco’s pace grew sloppier and rougher, his body trembling as you fondled his balls once again.  
“(Y/N)!” He cried out as you gagged around him, thick ropes of cum coating the inside of your mouth as he came, hard. You struggled to swallow his heavy load, but you were adamant on taking every last drop, just how he liked it. Draco gasped as he caught his breath, his hand still in your hair as he gave your mouth two final shallow thrusts, pulling out as you licked him clean.  
With his chest heaving, Draco delicately placed his hand against your cheek and slid his thumb over your swollen lips. You press a chaste kiss against the pad of his thumb, the corners of your mouth curling up into a loving smile. He brought you back up to your feet, capturing your lips in a kiss that was all tongue before pulling away with a satisfied smile on his face.  
“You’re quite chipper now, aren’t you?” You teased, hitting him playfully on the shoulder as he pulled his slacks up, tucking his shirt back into his pants and shooting you a wink.  
“Yes, actually,” He retorted, his usual smirk appearing on his lips, “And why is that?” You asked, taking the time to button your own shirt, blushing as Draco stalked towards you. He placed his hand on the side of your neck, pulling down your collar to admire the angry, red marks that decorated it.  
With a small huff, he dipped down and sucked on the spot below your jaw, your knees buckling and hands gripping his shoulders as he bit down. Once he was satisfied with his handiwork, Draco pulled away, smirking at the mark that would surely be visible for days.  
“Because I’m the only one who gets to have you like this,” admitted Draco, pulling you into a hug and resting his chin atop your head, “Can’t wait until I catch McLoser drooling over you, I’ll make sure to remind him who he’s dealing with.”  
You laughed at Draco’s declaration, your arms tightening around him as you embraced, “Are you ready for lunch then? He could already be there” You teased, pressing a kiss against his nose, and pulling away to pick up your bag from the bathroom floor. Draco chuckled as you skipped back towards him, giving your behind a playful smack as you walked past him, “Don’t run off thinking I won’t return the favor,” stated Draco salaciously, catching your hand and pulling you back before you could exit the bathroom.  
You looked up at him with a curious expression, “Is that so?” You questioned with a grin, walking towards him, and placing your hand on his chest, “Is it something I should look forward to?” You asked, tilting your head to the side innocently.  
Draco laughed, raising his hand to cup your cheek, “Come to my room tonight at eleven, wearing that pretty little dress from Twilfitt and Tattings,” muttered Draco, his lips close to yours once again, “I’ll make it worth your while,” he winked, his fingers dipping underneath your skirt to swipe over your clothed core.  
Shivering under his touch, you blushed embarrassingly as he examined the slick now coating his finger, “All for me, Princess?” He teased, contently licking his finger clean and grabbing his own book bag, “Actually, I was thinking about McLaggen” you quipped, stepping out of the Prefect’s bathroom with a bounce in your step which Draco followed after, his eyebrows furrowed as he flanked you. 
“Careful, Love” warned Draco with a hum, his hand sliding into yours as you walked, “or I’ll have to teach that naughty mouth of yours another lesson.”
                                               ϟ ϟ ϟ
 Your four-year anniversary drew nearer, and you found yourself worried about Draco’s behavior yet again. He grew increasingly distant as the term progressed and you could not help but worry, despite his constant reassurances, stating there was nothing to worry about. This, again, left you feeling frustrated. You and Draco started dating during your third year and it had taken a while to break down his walls to understand him, but now it seemed like some of that progress was overturned. 
However, when he was around, he always made the effort to shower you with affection and ensure you were being taken care of. Draco knew your habits better than anything, he knew you would be questioning his behavior and launching your own investigations to find the underlying cause of it, but he could not let you interfere. He was already under fire for having ‘distractions’ and had promised the Dark Lord nothing would come in the way of his success.  
To keep you safe, you had to be left in the dark. It wounded Draco to see that distraught expression on your face when he came into the common room past midnight, sometimes even asleep, curled up on the couch waiting for him to return. He felt guilty for putting you through all this, but it was necessary for your safety and nothing was more important than protecting you.  
His nights were constantly haunted by horrifying images of you injured or worse, dead in his arms after some terrible mistake he made. These thoughts were constantly wearing him down, but he could not tell you, it was just too risky to involve you in this situation. This stressful internal struggle encouraged Draco to show you how much you meant to him.  
He wanted you to know that you were, truly, the most important person in his life.  
“Draco,” You whined with your hands over your eyes as Draco led you through the empty streets of Hogsmeade, “Can’t I just open my eyes? I’ve been to Hogsmeade plenty of times” you reminded him, but he only chuckled beside you, holding you by the waist as you walked.  
“I’m trying to surprise you,” Draco stated, rolling his eyes, “So why don’t you stop complaining and follow me.” He declared, pressing a kiss against your cheek, and leading you towards the clothing shops in the village. Draco halted in front of a large store window, looking up at the dress and envisioning you in them with a proud grin.  
“Alright,” he started, grabbing the hands that covered your face, “Ready?” He murmured, pressing a kiss against her fingertips as you nodded. Counting to three, Draco pulled your hands away from your face and stepped out of your view, letting you take in the sight before you.  
In front of you stood a tall mannequin wearing a floor-length shimmering, emerald green gown with small silver detailing the bust, “Wow” you muttered breathlessly, leaning closer to the window to get a better look of the design. The mannequin turned 180 degrees, giving her a better view of the open back and long train that followed the dress.  
“Do you like it?” Draco asked, looking down at his ring with a content smile on his face. 
Your eyes scanned over the glittering, diamond pendant necklace complete with matching water drop earrings, “It’s gorgeous,” you replied, looking over at your boyfriend with a puzzled expression, “Why do I get the feeling you’re up to something?” You asked, quirking your eyebrow at him as he laughed.  
“You know me well, Darling” Draco admitted sheepishly, leading you towards the door of the stop and holding it open, “I just thought, since you’ve been attending Slughorn’s dinner parties, that you would need some more evening outfits to show off,” He stated proudly, his hand against the small of your back as he gestured you towards the changing rooms.  
“Draco, I couldn’t possibly! You bought me one at the start of term!” You protested, grabbing his hands but part of you knew his mind was already made up. 
“You’re right,” He agreed with a nod, placing his hand against your cheek, “And I’m going to buy you four more today,” He stated nonchalantly, looking back at the four sets of the dresses brought over by the shopkeeper, “You better get started,” he urged, taking a seat on the ottoman in front of the dressing room.  
With a loving smile, you captured Draco’s lips in a kiss, “I love you” You said, squeezing his hand as he returned your smile.  
“And I love you most,” He replied, pressing a kiss against your forehead, and urging towards the dressing room, “Come on, I want to see how stunning you look in those.” Giggling, you ran into the changing room, winking back at Draco before sliding the curtain close and getting into the first dress.  
Several hours later, you and Draco exited the shop with four bags containing various dresses, jewelry pieces, and, even, a brand-new suit. After one final stop at Honeydukes, the two of you made your way towards the castle, treasuring the time you spent together and the memories you created while doing so.
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erythrum · 3 years
𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓
𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧,𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦,𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘹,𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘴,𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝙖/𝙣: 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.9𝘬 +
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘨𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘺/𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦
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The boneyard was a melting pot, pogues, tourons, and kooks unalike all gathering for one of the last kegger's of summer. This mash together of kids from all over Kildare and the mainland always ended in chaos, it was just a matter of time before shit went down tonight.
Rafe had his arm thrown around my shoulders as we walked down the path to the boneyard. I could faintly see Topper and Kelce downing the cups of pogue provided beer. Didn’t matter whether or not the kooks or pogues could get along, as long as it was on the cut and alcohol was provided, the teens could get along for a limited amount of time.
“Hey y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving for college this week?” It was Sarah who yelled out to me, running up to her brother and I in her floral printed dress. Rafe’s arm dropped to his side as she came with Topper not far behind.
“Oh I just couldn’t miss my last kegger before leaving, Duke can wait on me one more day.” The two of us embraced in one of those hugs that has you shifting your weight from side to side. I guess she didn’t realize I wouldn’t leave for college for another month, but I was sure she was already too drunk for me to explain it to her that she was not thinking of the right month.
As Sarah was hanging onto me probably a little too tight, Topper was giving Rafe one of those looks that said everything but also nothing at the same time. Like prior knowledge had to be known to understand the context. I of course did not, those two always had some stupid shit planned and I can almost guarantee it had to do with messing up the pogues’ little party.
The sun hung low on the horizon after I had finished my third cup, the colors illuminating the sky so brilliantly it felt like a fantasy. I stripped off my top and headed for the water, the pinks and purples of the sky reflected in its crashing waters. It was so cold, the temperature sent shivers up my body and a familiar rush in my energy. Almost waist deep now, I submerged my body completely under the water. It was always how I remembered it, calm and refreshing.
“C’mon Rafe! Don’t be a little bitch and get in there, I see the way you look at her,” Topper spewed, pushing his friend to have a little courage.
“Man what the fuck are you even talking about?” Deny everything Rafe thought.
“Oh come on dude, you’ve been making please love me eyes at her since the sixth grade, and please fuck me eyes at her since the tenth, when are you gonna do something about it for once? You’ve got a month to make a move, or regret it your entire life,” Topper continued his monologue as Rafe tuned him out, too distracted by the girl, his girl, staring out into the Atlantic like it was calling to her.
His heart was pounding as he made a B-line for the water, a light jog, but not so fast someone would think he’s crazy, or just madly in love. He swiftly pulled his polo over and off his head before plunging into the chilly water. Topper clearly knew whatever he'd said had worked.
I heard him before I saw him, Rafe approached and submerged himself just as I had a few minutes before.
“If we get hypothermia I'm sending you my hospital bills.” He laughed, wading around in the shallow water.
“Oh shock! Rafe Cameron threatening his medical bill payments? I never could’ve guessed!” We enjoyed our few minutes of peace before talking again.
“But it’s basically impossible anyways, you get use to it after awhile, maybe it’ll calm your hot-headed ass down,” I giggled and prepared for what always came next. Rafe pickup me up around my waist, lifting me over his shoulder before attempting to sprint as fast as he could deeper into the water. His hands had been wrapped around the back of my knees for a few moments until he threw himself and I down into the deeper water, both of us completely submerged beneath the surface.
The sun was dipping below the horizon now, and the deep blue of the sky was beginning to envelop the boneyard. We had come up for air, and I began splashing him with the water around us, payback for his antics. Theres no way in hell I’d be able to throw him down into the water too, this was the best I could come up with. The two of us were laughing before Rafe grabbed my arms and twisted me around so my back was flesh against his front. I gave up on trying to fight him off. Instead I just rested against him in an attempt to catch my breath.
“Hey Rafe, can we talk about something?” Oh fuck she knows, he thought. This was gonna be it, it’s going to fuck up his entire plan.
“Yeah, uh sure, like here?” He questioned.
“Maybe not here, I think we’ve got as audience,” he knew she was referring to Topper and Kelce, they were watching from the beach.
"The truck then?" I nodded my head, not at all prepared for the favor I needed to ask of him.
The sand stuck to my feet as we headed back to where his truck was, the chilly air wrapping around my body. Rafe opened the backseat door and pulled out a towel for me, always prepared. He pulled the passenger side door and I slid into the seat, the heat of his car pumping through the interior. My heart was pounding, but I wasn’t sure if his was too. We made it about halfway to tannyhill before speaking.
“Soooo,” he said.
“You’re going to think I’m absolutely crazy, Rafe," I laughed in an attempt to hide my nervousness.
"First of all, you're already crazy, and second of all, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're going to say," his hands were clenching the steering wheel harder now.
""Oh really? You already knew that I was going to ask you to take my virginity?" I don't know why, but I just blurted it out.
His car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road, lunging me forward as he stared in disbelief at the road infront of him.
"Im sorry, what did you just say?"
"That I want you to take my virginity? V-card? Cherry? Damn Rafe how else am I supposed to say it?"
"And," there was a pause in his voice like he didn't believe me, "your being serious, correct?"
“And, come again? I need to hear that one more time.”
“Jesus fuck Rafe, I’m being dead serious, I want you to take my virginity, what about that is so hard to explain?” It came out as more of a yell than a scream, he took a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He was thinking long and hard, I knew because he always had something to say, and now he wasn’t saying anything at all. It felt like hours had past before he spoke again.
It was my turn for a long sigh.
“Well, I guess I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I want to do it, but whenever I think about it in my head the only person I can see doing it with is you. You’re the only person I trust enough with my own body, I mean shit,” I had to think for a long time before admitting what came next.
“Whenever someone, you know like Scarlet or whoever, asks about who I’m interested in or whatever it may be, not a single person ever comes to mind except you, it’s like all I see when I look at you is you, everything else is like blurred around you and whenever I think about who the love of my life will be, I always think of you, not some mystery guy that I haven’t met yet.” I didn’t plan for this to be a full confession on how I feel about him, but here I am spilling everything I’ve been holding in my heart for the last three years.
“And I know that sounds fucking stupid I know, I mean we’re still teenagers for crying out loud, but when I’m with you it always feels like I’m home.” I was nearly crying at this point, struggling to get the words out of my chest that had been waiting for so long. He was listening, deadly quiet, and I had no idea what he was thinking for once in my life.
“You know what? Just forget about it, can you take me home please?” I was definitely crying now, it felt like I’d ripped my own heart to shreds. Theres no way he could ever feel the same way about me, he protected me like I was his own blood, not like he was in love with me. My face was nestled into the sleeve of my hoodie as the tears came out. His hands had moved back to the steering wheel now, gripping onto it so tight I thought it might break. The muscles in his forearms almost looked like they were twitching, but he still had the car in park.
He wanted to just grab her and kiss her right now, the girl he'd been in love with since the sixth grade sitting in his passenger seat, her seat, confessing her feelings to him. Rafe knew it was alot for her to ask, but it meant even more to him everything that she had said after her original question. And there was no way in hell he was going to let her get away again.
Rafe reached his hand over to hold onto her tear stained cheek.
"y/n," The bother of them were breathing heavily.
"I'm in love with you," it slipped from my mouth and he leaned in to kiss me. It felt like I had a wave of electricity coursing through my body. His hand grasping onto my face as he leaned over the center console. My hand reaching for his chest, his lips on mine as we intertwined with one another. It felt like everything in my life was complete, and the tension has been released. His fingers tangled in my hair.
It was over before I realized it, and Rafe was driving me home. My breathing hadn't normalized in any way, it was like I needed to throw up my heart to get the knot out. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his had felt on me, the way his lips felt on mine, the way it felt for once in my life like I was loved.
"i'll think about it," his voice cracked.
I leapt out of his car as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. Did he feel the same? Did he not? My brain was spinning so fast I barely made it inside my bedroom door before collapsing. I wrapped myself up in the thick comforter, a heart full of ache and a body exhauster with sleep.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Figured I'd take my shot with a second one, Ruby's suprised when Penny brings Jaune home to have him play the role of the happy couples stud. After all it's only logical that they birth strong child and who better.
"Ahhhn~ Yes yes!"
Ruby stared awkwardly at her ceiling as she bit down the bile forming in her chest. Her eyes closed tight as she rocked back and forth on her shifting bed, hoping to ignore the sounds of delightful pleasure happening behind her. "More! More! I'm breeding ready!" Her fingers grasped tightly onto her bedding, her teeth gritting as she tried to ignore the sounds of her wife... being fucked... being rutted... being mated by one of her closest friends. The sticky squelching sounds of bodily fluids exchanging with one another, quickly threw off her concentration. And yet, she knew she had to fight back the tears.
When Penny had come to her, talking about how she'd wanted a child. Ruby had, incorrectly, assumed that she wanted to go to a donation center. She HAD NOT expected for Penny to want to be bred, and creampied. She hadn't expected her loving wife to be stuffed by a big fat cock, or having her being dicked down. She hadn't expected Penny to bring her best friend over. So when she found Jaune at her door, a bashful look on his face as he asked the question.
"Hey Ruby, Penny called me, do you know why?"
Something had been wrong... something had been VERY wrong. And she could feel it in the pit of her stomach.
So when Penny came prancing over... wearing... wearing a sheer silk nightgown... one that didn't hide ANY of her lady bits... Ruby felt her heart drop. "Friend Jaune! I'm glad you could make it!"
"Hey Penny."
Jaune's smile didn't make her feel any better.
"Penny?" Ruby turned towards her wife, "What's going on?"
"Oh! I had mentioned wanting to have a child, remember?"
Ruby of course nodded, "Well friend Jaune is here to help!" Then when Penny turned towards Jaune... a twisted smile on her face... one that exuded sexual desire... one Ruby herself had never seen before. She felt her heart crack.
"Okay but... why?"
"Oh... didn't you discuss this?" Jaune turned back to Penny. "Penny, if Ruby is uncomfortable with this I don't think I want to go through with it."
"What? What are you talking about?"
“Well Ruby!” Penny quickly turned towards her, grabbing onto her hands and pulling them towards her heart. “I was hoping that we’d have friend Jaune here to be the father of our children.” Ruby blinked, confused at first.
“But… and I’m sorry no offense Jaune.”
“None taken.”
“Why Jaune?” She didn’t mean any offense by it… in fact… well Jaune had been a long time crush of hers. She’d only never made a move on him because of how anxious she’d felt about the entire ordeal. He had been one of the first people, if not the first person other than her family to accept her for who she was. He’d always been there when she needed him, and she’d always felt safe.
She had never been sure if those feelings were that of love… or of something else. But she’d held back, especially as Weiss had ended up falling for him. And now they were married, speaking of, “Wait, what about Weiss?” Maybe she could pull the plug here and now?
“I’m right here.”
Ruby nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden entrance of her childhood friend. “What?! Don’t suddenly do that! What are you Blake?!” She was so flustered by the sudden arrival that she didn’t even notice the dry look Weiss had bestowed upon her.
“No. But I’m already aware of the situation.”
Oh… maybe she was here to say no. “So… you’re not okay with it right?”
Weiss simply shook her head, “No, I’m not okay with it.”
“Oh thank go-”
“I love it.”
Weiss beamed brightly as she placed her hand upon Jaune’s shoulder, ushering the taller man down so she could pull him into a deep kiss. Ruby felt her face flush hot, the public display of affection proving to be a little too much for her still naive mind. “You see Ruby.” Pulling away Weiss brought her attention back to her, “I love the idea of my Jaune here breeding other women.”
She didn’t miss the little shudder that ran through her old best friend. “Just… it's so enticing, watching him push them down, breeding them like the dirty sows they are. Filling their needy wombs with his rich virile Arc seed. Oh, you’ll both love it, I assure you.” The woman stroking her rounded belly, proof of their 8th child.
Honestly, Ruby wasn’t so sure she WOULD love it. But, she wasn’t even sure she could say no anymore, not with Weiss' sudden intervention. “Uh… Weiss what’s that?” She’d suddenly noticed the strap attached to Jaune’s shoulder, now that Weiss had brought attention to it.
“Oh, it’s a camera darling. To commemorate the event.”
Her brow crinkled in as she frowned at the sudden realization dawning on her. This… this wasn’t going to end well for her and she didn’t like it one bit.
“Now then, a few questions.” Weiss hurried them in the door, tugging Jaune along with her, who gave Ruby one last sorrowful glance.
“Have either of you ever been with a man before?”
“I have not friend Weiss!”
Penny raised her hand, a pleasant smile that would have normally caused her heart to race flashed across her face. Though now it only proved to make her feel… ill inside.
“Excellent!” Weiss clapped her hands together, “It’ll be an interesting experience.” Ruby felt her heart sink when Weiss turned her attention back towards her. “I assume you’re both alright with this then? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable after all. And I know Jaune doesn’t want you to either.”
“Yeah.” Jaune nodded, “I want this to be a fun experience for everyone involved… oh uhm… you’re not both lesbians right? I’d honestly feel bad if you were.”
Ruby WASN’T a lesbian persay. She wasn’t even sure what she was, she just liked who she liked. And at one time it HAD been Jaune, but now she loved Penny.
“No. Both Ruby and I are fine with both sexes.”
Ruby nodded meekly in response.
“Okay perfect, well I promise that Jaune will make this an experience that neither of you are going to forget.”
“Yeah.” She felt a hand press down on her shoulder, “Ruby, again, if you don’t want this please say something.”
She felt her heart swoon just a tad at Jaune’s concern. Her chest rose and fell and her face grew just a tad bit warm. Turning her attention towards Penny, she knew she COULD say yes. But seeing how happy and excited her wife was, how into this Weiss appeared to be… and… this could be her chance to get with Jaune for once… well it couldn’t be all bad?
No! It WAS FAR WORSE than she could have ever imagined.
“Oh yes! More please! More!”
Ruby sat there, silently sobbing to herself as her wife, her precious wife with whom she exchanged vows of solidarity with, was now on her back. Her hands tightly grabbing their bedding sheets as her best friend, and childhood crush, pounded her like she belonged to him.
She dared not look, the sounds of slapping flesh already being far too much for her to handle. Her lips trembled as she tried to silence out the sound, and she may have succeeded or at least she would have if Weiss hadn’t shifted closer.
“You know Ruby~” Her tone sent a terrified shiver down her spine, “I was the one that got Penny interested in this whole ordeal.”
She looked up trying to say something, but found a single finger pressed against her lips. “Isn’t it amazing?” Weiss turned her attention towards Jaune and Penny, forcing Ruby to follow her line of sight.
Ruby’s heart dropped, tears began to trickle downwards as she SAW… no she could smell it, hear it, FEEL it… her beloved wife was on her back, her face… oh gods her face… it was contorted into the most twisted of pleased slutshammed faces she’d EVER seen before. “It was pretty easy getting the idea in her head, I told her it’d be easier to have a child if someone ACTUALLY bred her.” She heard, but did not see Weiss chuckle, too enraptured with the terrible scene in front of her. “It really was easy, your wife is suuuch a slut. She’s just so naive~” When she felt Weiss’ icey could fingers wrap around her shoulders she tried not to flinch. “It really didn’t have to be Jaune, I could have SO easily convinced her to sleep with ANY man.”
“B...bu...but why?” Why then? Why was this happening, why her? Why Jaune?
“Its simple~ I just LOVE seeing my husband fuck little stupid sluts silly. I mean just look at how happy Penny is.”
Ruby HATED how right Weiss was, Penny was… she was FAR happier than she’d EVER been when they had sex. “A silly little toy could never match up to the real thing… look at it… look at her stomach.”
Ruby could see it, she didn’t NEED Weiss telling her. She could see her wife’s belly inflate as Jaune’s… his cock pounded inside of her. Her stomach ballooning as he penetrated her over and over and over and over. The big meaty head of his cock skewering her so much smaller body, the thick bulb protruding through the other side.
“Penny Darling.”
“Ruby wants to hear what's happening. She wants to know how much you love having my husband’s COCK inside of you.”
“Oh! OoOooKaaY!”
Ruby KNEW Penny didn’t mean anything by it, but she was just so excited. “Look Ruby! Jaune’s… oOooH hiiiiis hiiiis BIIIiIiIGG! CooOoCCCK! Itssssssszzzz! Its Puuuushiiing against MmyyyYy Ceervviviiix!”
Ruby could see it from here, the shape of her uterus forming on the outside of her skin. “HeeeEesssss hiiiiittttting mmmeeeeee soooo Sooosososooo deeeeep!”
“You want deeper though right?”
“YYyyyEeesssh pleeeeaassee!”
“Darling, can you please put her into a mating press for me?”
Jaune’s voice came out exasperated, his focus solely pushed upon her wife. Ruby was FORCED to watch as Jaune pulled on her wife’s legs, pinning them back and showing the extreme flexibility that came with the once gynoid. “WhoaooOh!” He’d pulled her legs practically behind her head, forcing his cock even deeper as he rose her lower body.
“Look at it, look at how DEEP his cock is going inside of her!” Weiss simply smiled, “You’d never be able to do that Ruby, but it’s okay.”
His pace grew faster and faster, the bed underneath them started to shake as he unleashed sound defeaning thrust after sound defeaning thrust.
Ruby couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t take the emotional damage that she was feeling as her best friend pushed her wife into ecstasy. “Gods it feels SO good to have him inside of you. Its so amazing, I don’t think Penny will be able to have it any other way now.”
The bed jolted up and and down as he practically pinned her wife into her own bed. Thick juicy fluids squelched from their connected bodies. Beads of sweat staining their sheets as he practically pushed his entire body on her. Ruby could hardly see her wife anymore, but she could hear her squeals of pleasure. She could only watch as a man took her from her. She could only silently regret her decisions. And still why did it have to be this way, for Weiss’ sick pleasures?
“You know.” She flinched as Weiss’ hand fell upon the pit of her belly, rubbing gentle circles above her womb. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Ruby gave her a betrayed look, scrunching her face together. “We really DID come here to help you two have fun~ And… well I’m sure Penny would LOVE if you both got pregnant together~”
Ruby meant to open her mouth, “After all, it’s not fair, now is it? Just letting Penny have all the fun?”
Ruby bit her lip, turning her attention as Jaune pulled up onto his legs, squating down on her wife and slamming his cock one last time into her depths. She could SEE his balls inflating, she could SEE the pulsing of her stomach as the bulge of his cock quite literally throbbed. She could see her wife’s belly inflating in front of her, “See?”
Weiss turned her attention back to Penny.
“Penny describe what’s happening.
“MmmNnn~♥ Fri...Fri… Ma...Mate…Br...bree...breeder J...Jaaauuune iiiisss filling My… my wooomb, with Prec...precious life giiiving seed! I can FEEL my ovaries drinking the… the preciiious fluiiids! I… I’m… I’m breeding ready!”
Ruby felt Weiss release her, shifting over towards Penny. “Oh Darling, you’re going to be JUST the most gorgeous pregnant woman.” Ruby watched Weiss run her finger over the outline of her wife’s uterus, tracing the very shape with a single soft touch. “Mmmn~ I can’t WAIT to see you nice and full. I bet you’ll have twins AT LEAST.” Weiss of course turned her attention back towards her husband, “I bet you can’t wait right? You LOVE it when women get pregnant with your children, you’re just raring to go again, right?”
Ruby turned her attention to Jaune, who had been mostly quiet this entire time. Surely he wouldn’t betray her? He’d been hesitant from the start after all! “Yeah… it’s REALLY hot... and…” No. “We should go again, I can dump a few more loads inside of her, just to make sure she’s nice and knocked up.”
“Yes please!”
Time seemed to still as Ruby did something she truly didn’t expect of herself, “STOP!”
All eyes turned to her as she flushed red, one that ran down the length of her unclothed body. “I… I…” She grit her teeth, “I’m next!”
Little did Ruby know, but she’d fallen into Weiss’ Trap, one she’d never be able to escape from.
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edensrose · 2 years
Okay now imagine dark Eduan and Hon fighting over you with how canonically close they are
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anon you fed me soooo well with this 💕 I may or may not have gotten too carried away with this tho hehe
ৎ୭ — summary : dark!khun eduan and arie hon fighting over the reader
ৎ୭ — type : headcanon
ৎ୭ — genre : dark
ৎ୭ — warnings : dark themes // forced kisses // biting + marking // kidnapping // low-key stalking
ৎ୭ — word count : 1119
ৎ୭ — taglist : @dailygoodwithmyzoe @samaseo @lvfel // please fill out this form if you'd like to be added
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•Never in a million years did you ever think you would have caught the eye of two of the most powerful beings within the tower. Not one, but two family heads had their eye on you and let’s just say - despite their apparent closeness, neither was keen on sharing
•Admittedly, neither had known that you had caught the other’s eye as well. You were seen at a gala - on different occasions - by both men, which is what piqued their interest. Whilst Hon sent one of his attendants to find out more about you, Eduan went straight to the source; the Yeon Family. Your home
•You were a descendant of Yeon Hana and still resided within her floating castle, albeit - not regarded as important amongst the family. Perfect, this would make things a whole lot easier. You remember seeing Eduan on one occasion - he claimed to need a word with the family head, but you swore his eyes lingered on you a little longer than they should have. When Hon found out exactly who you were is when you swore you felt eyes on you wherever you went, courtesy of his attendant
•They had only realised that they set their sights over the same person when they met up for a discussion and Eduan told Hon of the new someone who had caught his attention. He mentioned it being odd, as if he simply couldn’t get you off of his mind no matter how hard he tried. Hon shared the same predicament- however, he went as far as describing your looks. It didn’t take them long to come to the realisation that they were talking about the same person. That’s when the game really started.
•You started seeing Eduan more often than you would have liked. He even engaged in conversation. You would admit, he was charming - perhaps you liked the attention he was giving you. There is a reason that he’s considered a womanizer, after all. On the other hand, Hon was becoming more frustrated with how forward Eduan had become with you. Doesn’t he know how to back down?
•So, during the next gala, he had a ‘run-in’ with you. The way he looked at you, smiled at you. . . it made your heart flutter. Especially when he showed genuine interest in you, asking for your name, where you’re from and overall keeping the conversation alive. What really caught your attention was the fact that he completely ignored all of his wives and instead, kept his eyes on you. It may have made you feel a little special but you couldn’t help but get an. . . odd, feeling. From afar, Eduan watched. Unamused and tempted to just come over there and steal your attention instead. However, he decided to remain calm. Two could play at that game.
•You started running into them more often than you would have expected. They were family heads, after all, were they not busy? Seemed as though they had all the time in the world to interact with you. However, you started noticing how. . . touchy, they were becoming with you. At first you thought it was just a thing with Eduan but it seemed as though Hon was slowly but surely becoming more hands-on as well
•Then, it happened. During yet another event you were greeted by Eduan who chatted you up as usual. Soon, Hon came into the picture. You could practically see the tension between them, the little comments they made. Eduan’s arm had snaked around your waist and you swore you saw Hon’s eye twitch with irritation
•Nights like those began happening more often when the three of you were in the same venue. The last and final time this happened is when you were whisked away by Eduan one evening, away from all the guests and politics - alone. It was then that his lips pressed to yours, over and over again - giving you no room to protest. You melting, unable to keep yourself from holding back; until. . . You were both interrupted. From the corner of your eye, you saw a white figure step closer and soon you realised it was the other male
•He stares Eduan down, an evident glare within his eyes before he slips behind you, taking your wrist in the process. “I’m rather disappointed you simply gave yourself to him,’’ he whispers, bringing his free hand to your throat and forcefully turning your head. “I suppose I’ll have to show you what you’re missing out on.’’
•His lips met yours and an audible growl was heard from Eduan, whose lips immediately went to your neck instead - biting down and making you yelp into the kiss, even trying to pull away as the situation became more and more evident. But Hon’s hand on your throat had travelled up to grip your hair - keeping you locked in place
•That night you were kissed until you were weak in the knees, bitten and marked until you cried for them to stop. When you woke up you were in an unfamiliar room, wrist restrained to the bedpost. The first person you saw was Hon, who presented you with a smile and pecked your cheek as if you weren’t held against your will. “Why such panic, love?’’ He questions, delicate fingers tracing over your cheek and down to your neck where bite marks scorned your skin. “That brute nearly left a number on you, hmm?’’
•“Excuse me?’’ You look up to see Eduan, who makes his way over and seats himself behind you - taking your hair into his grip and bringing you closer. “I only agreed to this to make it easier for the both of us, but if you insist on name-calling I’ll take her for myself.’’ He growled, bringing his lips to yours and forcefully kissing you - making you squirm and attempt to push him away
•“Wh-. . . What. . . are you both doing!?’’ You were panicked, and rightfully so given the situation. “Hmm? Do we truly have to explain?’’ Hon’s fingers caress your cheek, a calm yet unsettling smile finding his lips. “We decided to share you, isn’t that lovely?’’ You yelp, feeling Eduan’s cold touch sneaking under your shirt. “You were the one who drew us in, after all.’’ He whispers to your ear, biting down on your lobe and making you whimper as Hon brought your face to his, grip tight around your chin as he forced a plethora of kisses onto you
• “I-I don’t want this - let me go! I’m. . .I’m scared. . .’’ You’d try to plead, only to flinch when their grip suddenly tightens on you. The room grows colder, their eyes practically glow with cruelty.
•“Get used to it.’’ “You belong to us now.’’
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backandimbamon · 3 years
Bonnie playing with Damon's hair and he all sleepy 😊
this really took a while because… i was going to stop at the first half but i wanted to consider Bonnie’s perspective (: and then it got a lil spicy and i was like *sigh* why must you always take it there? but i mean- 👁- i always take it there because we were robbed!!! Damon is practically a self proclaimed sex god and i hate how they separated Bonnie from her sexuality, or really any form of intimacy for sooo long. and the scraps we got were NEVER enough. okay anyways yeah i’m finally done, like let’s get into it.
Damon notices that Bonnie touches him sparingly and really not because she wants to but because it happens accidentally every now and then, one of the perks about frequently invading her space.
Being stuck on the other side, there is less room for her and more for him, she’s in his world now which means it’s his duty to make her feel as uncomfortably comfortable as possible.
He notices everything; how her cheeks turn red when their knuckles brush against one another’s, how she takes in an exasperated little breath when their shoulders touch, how she rolls her eyes when he stands entirely too close. Damon hangs on to these moments because this may be his only form of female contact he’ll receive for a very, very, long time.
That is the only reason he hangs on.
Anytime she touches him intentionally, he feels a pride swell deep in his chest that he’s liked by Bonnie after a rocky road of ups and downs, fussing and fighting, he is finally deemed worthy enough for her to care about him even if it’s brief, even if it’s the smallest skin to skin contact imaginable.
And yes, he cares because if he has to spend the rest of eternity with one person, they might as well get along.
Movie night comes around so he rests his head in her lap, testing the waters, to see how she will respond to him. He senses her tense up a bit as predicted, but then she relaxes into it breath by breath like she’s doing a tricky yoga pose.
Bonnie’s body lotion makes her skin smell edible- cocoa and honey- she’ll never know but that’s why he nicknames her Bon Bon, she always smells good enough to eat. At this point, Damon can’t recall the VHS movie on the block of a television, his focus has been robbed by Bonnie and this new form of contact she allows him to try. Half of his smile sinks into the cotton of her leggings.
Her eyes never leave the screen when she laces her fingers through his hair, nails surfing through tufts of raven-black and the gesture is so shocking and embarrassingly arousing that a strangled groan gets trapped in his throat.
She panics, and he can tell by the change in her heart rate before saying. “Did I hurt you?” He has to clear his throat to speak.
“Hmmm mm, feels good,” he mumbles feigning casual so she can’t realize how he needs this so so bad that he’s fearful of it being taken away. In his mind he thinks about what if.
What if she wakes up and decides she doesn’t want to tap dance on the line between what is and isn’t acceptable for two best friends. What if she remembers that he’s actually a terrible person who has done horrendous things to her and everyone she’s ever loved.
She shouldn’t like him or try not to laugh at his jokes. Not at all. Bonnie should’ve killed him a long, long time ago because if anyone could do it, it’d be her. He can see her now, all badass and angry with a wooden stake in her hand, vengeance in her eyes, the very last thing he’d see before his lights went out forever.
Bonnie, the giver and the taker.
Bonnie, the only god he knew.
Damon finds himself thinking so intensely lately that he checks the mirror more often than not to make sure he has no brooding lines like his little brother. Stefan’s expansive forehead has the room for it, his perfectly shaped forehead does not.
She laces her fingers back through his hair again and his eyes flutter, that’s how good it feels. It’s sensational. And while he’s had his hair pulled in and out of the bedroom, the innocence of her touch makes him want to melt. He finds his lids growing heavier, like how they used to do a century-and-a-half ago when he was human.
Running through dandelion fields in the overbearing Virginia heat, the sun up above sending heavy gusts of sunshine beams, a moment he considers to be oppressive now, used to be magical then- miraculous -and despite sweating through his britches and overcoat he never cared enough to stop running through the fields. The sun was the greatest thing all those years ago, back when white was his favorite color.
And after drawing a long, hot bath, he’d sink deep into the water while the bubbles floated to the top. Damon would close his eyes, hold his breath, see if he could break his prior record. Then he’d get out and the sleep would welcome him like any drowsy being, with open arms. And there he’d fall.
Bonnie has that affect on him. She makes him think of home, his past, when times were simpler and he was human.
He feels that exhausted sometimes, a boy who’s never stopped running through dandelion fields, whether it snows or rains or burns him alive. Her fingernails rake through his scalp- orange leaves on browning grass. Ruining Stefan’s piles for the fun of it. His lids droop. Tired of being consumed by himself, by Bonnie, he admits defeat this time. When he finally drifts off, he remembers that the Virginia heat gave him this same warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
“You really don’t know how good this feels,” his final words are hoarse before he drifts off but the last thing he sees is Bonnie.
The giver and the taker, the only god he knows.
Bonnie refuses to relish in the magic of the moment, the fact that it’s so rare Damon ever completely lets his guard down around her. She can always feel his eyes on her, constantly watching because Damon has a presence that’s inescapable.
Being so close to him when he’s extremely vulnerable makes her realize that in all facets, he’s stunning. A stunning that’s almost suffocating but with the dynamic they possess, he only needs to know that he’s not that much of an eye sore.
Now, she stares with wide eyes while she can, memorizes the smooth expanse of skin, every strand of dark hair. Relishes in the feel of his arms around her waist, the weight of his head in her lap. It’s been a long time since she’s felt a body besides her own and as much as she likes to ignore the fact, she has needs, needs that have swelled from being in the presence of Damon for too long.
He’s sexy without any effort, she examines. His dark t-shirt has risen and his pants are low enough that she observes the waistline of (silk?) boxers, taut muscle, navel, happy trail, yeah. Bonnie drinks him in like a cool glass of milk before bedtime- never has this much pretty been in her lap before. Her hands find their way in his head again, tousles through and he nuzzles up against her in his sleep. It’s difficult to pull her eyes away from him, but when she does, the credits are rolling on the screen.
This is Damon she’s thinking about like this, her best friend and also her first best friend’s boyfriend. She repeats it again, not satisfied that the guilt isn’t drowning her like it sometimes does when she catches herself lingering on his attractiveness for too long but Mystic Falls, the real Mystic Falls seems so far away. Elena, Caroline, Matt, Alaric, her old life just seems unattainable, no bigger than a memory she occasionally mistakes for a bad dream.
There’s no denying that being away from it all, here with Damon as the only other person in the world, she feels…safe. Maybe even protected, it’s a stark contrast from the real Mystic Falls where her life is always on the line.
Bonnie starts to get up when she feels his hold on her tighten to prevent her from moving away. They play tug of war for a bit but she eventually stops fighting because Damon is a vampire after all, physical strength is going to get her nowhere. “Fine,” she grumbles, then plops down which causes the end of her top to ride up enough that she can feel the press of Damon’s nose on the curve of her waist. Despite trying to inch her shirt back down, she has no luck. Naturally Damon doesn’t mind.
He inhales her skin deeply, makes a sound of approval before groggily muttering, “Going topless now, are we Judgey?”
She grabs his hair again, yanks his head back as a rebuttal, and Damon bites his tongue so hard that it bleeds. He has to ensure that all of the blood in his body isn’t rushing south too fast but unfortunately, he would have to sever both his arms completely off to stop the blood flow.
Bonnie realizes the dazed look in his eyes isn’t one of pain nor is it from sleep, “Not the reaction you expected, huh?” He asks, gesturing for her to look down but she doesn’t, she can’t. She’s embarrassed, and to make matters worse, a teensy bit turned on.
“You scared, Bon Bon? I thought you were big and bad,” Damon mocks, pulling between his legs to make more room in his jeans, “it’s okay. I know Jeremy left much to be desired.” He sits up with swirls of longing still in his eyes, then grabs a pillow to place in his lap.
“Scared?” She guffaws. “Of what exactly?”
“And that means?”
“You’re a smart girl, Bon, figure it out.” Damon taunts, holding her eyes with his. “It’s awfully lonely here.”
She says nothing for a while, refusing to break eye contact first. “So.”
“Soooo, I won’t tell if you won’t.” It’s almost a joke, almost because she has a feeling if she says yes to whatever sort of ambiguous proposal he’s thrown up in the air, there won’t be any laughter. If she says no, it’s no different from his usual innuendos but boy, will she wonder.
“Wanna take a walk on the wild side?” He asks in a singsong tone, eyes dropping to her lips then back up to her eyes.
There are no alarms, no cell phones, no one here that can interrupt this moment. She has to answer, though she has no idea what will come out of her mouth. Bonnie shuts her eyes to make the moment less real, as if it will change the fact that she whispers, “Just one kiss,”
They’re nose to nose when Damon whispers back, “a peck.”
She swallows his breath. “Mhmm,”
“It’s nothing,”
“As light as air,” he presses his lips to hers for a brief moment then pulls back again. “See.” He peppers more kisses on her lips, down her jaw, the side of her neck, but they’re heavier. They have a density now. His tongue is on the flesh of her shoulder, teasing up her neck. She feels the light imprint of sharp canines, arousal surges through her like a power circuit, so intense that she moans. When he makes his way back up, their mouths both open in a feral kiss that robs them of air.
Bonnie holds his face in place though he makes no attempt to move away. The pillow falls out from between them when he grabs Bonnie’s leg to straddle him.
It’s nothing.
Nothing separating them from attacking each other’s mouths, nothing stopping Damon from gripping his best friend’s hips, nothing saving Bonnie from discarding his shirt.
His skin is cool enough that she can stream together some thought in between relentless kisses. “Damon,” she tries her best to sound admonishing.
“Please, not right now.” Damon cuffs both her wrists behind her with one hand and plants a hickey just above her cleavage. She sees stars. He already knows what the inflection in her voice means- the timing couldn’t be worse.“Let’s save the guilt for tomorrow morning.” His tone is octaves lower, almost as low as his lids. He drags his eyes up to hers, and they’re so shiny she can see her reflection. “I need this, Bonnie. Don’t you?”
He doesn’t bother waiting for a response, just continues on with his ministrations, hypnotized by the pheromones seeping off of her in waves, wanting to memorize the scent with his tongue. She whines his name, like actually whines his name, and the feeling that sits in the pit of his stomach scares him. Bonnie is so oblivious to the appeal she carries but if she sat in his skin for a day, hell, for a moment, she would realize just how long she’s been driving him insane.
“We can’t,” she groans weakly. “We can’t.”
Damon tries to breathe easier, but that feeling is lurking in his gut. She’s right. The things he’d do to her, he’d break her in half. He removes Bonnie from his lap, separates from her warmth, her scent. Backs away until the tv threatens to fall off the stand. Everything in him tells him to go back, to reenter the magnetic pull, to poke at her forcefield.
He backs away even further if possible. Her breath catches at the distance.
Bonnie’s cheeks are flushed, warm and red like fruit. If she was an apple, she would have already been eaten down to the core. If she was a peach, it would be easier to explain why he ate her. He thinks to himself that he’s officially off the rails, comparing Bonnie to fruit like he is, but he’s trying to rationalize his irrationality. Because if Bonnie never stopped him, he’d definitely be eating something by now.
“Nothing happened.” She says, ignoring his expression and the silent plea in his eyes.
“Nothing.” He deadpans, throwing his shirt back over his head.
Damon thinks of how different things would be if he had his way. Bonnie, spent, drunk, high off of him. Bleeding and wild, pretty and dangerous, yelling for God. He would plunge Jeremy right out of her, help her find her magic again. Give her everything she could dream of. He gulps.
She doesn’t sleep with him tonight, not in the same bed. She’s on the opposite end of the boarding house when he hears her slide under the covers.
The next morning, he thinks to himself, if she even utters a word about last night, he’ll pick up from where he left off. But she doesn’t, her eyes are far away again, and the only proof he has of their adventures is the wonderful, purple hickey.
When movie night comes back around, his head is in her lap and her hand is back in his hair, running to and fro like him in his lavender fields.
That’s all he gets.
Every now and then, it’s enough.
Bonnie gives and takes, then takes away some more.
She’s the closest thing to God he’ll probably ever know.
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goth-girlfriend · 3 years
Just wondering and no pressure here! Are you ever gonna finish the Endeavor fic? Love ur works bby and stay safe out there! <3
Yes yes yes 😤😭 Anything for you sweetheart and especially anything for Enji. Take care of yourself ❤️❤️
“What?” I yawned out loud to myself pushing myself up. My arm was sore from sleeping on it, I looked around and blinked at the light that had made itself known. I tried to push to sit up being held down by a familiar weight. I yawned again, before rolling over under Enji’s arm. I pressed my back against his warm side resting on my arm that wasn’t sore. I pulled his arm around my waist to feel like I was being held in place.
“Ah, security.” I sighed using his shoulder and bicep as a pillow, “Not soft at all.” I snuggled against the firm muscle until I heard a throaty chuckle. His chest shook lightly and I looked up at him he was awake. His eyes lidded from sleep still fighting against consciousness, I watched a faint smile pull at the corners of his lips, I couldn’t fight the most likely idiotic looking grin that surfaced. I laughed and shook my head as quietly as I could. I turned in his arm and hugged his chest. I watched as he moved his free arm behind his head, his bicep bulged at the unintentional flexing.
“Good morning.” I smiled and let my head fall against his shoulder while I looked up at him. It felt perfect, this moment. The morning sun filtered by the beige curtains lighting the room in gold with a few thin slits of white sunlight breaking through. The white duvet stopping at waist, open sleeping shirt, messy hair, pressed into his side sighing content. The rumble of the AC filling the silence, soft breathing, its perfect. In this moment, in this place, there is no history, there is no future, its us in this moment. With nothing to ruin the moment I sighed and closed my eyes feeling the faint heat of his rising chest.
“Good morning.” He finally answered, voice deeper than usual, I felt him shuffle, before I felt his lips pressed onto the top of my head. I felt my eyes flutter involuntary, and my heart swelling. I smiled closing my eyes enjoying the closeness, perfect, this is perfect.
“DDAAAAAAADD!!” I blinked a few times remembering where we were, I watched as he groaned rubbing his face with his hand and sitting up leaving me behind.
“Yes, Fuyumi?” He called starting to stand up doing a few basic stretches.
”Y/N IS GONE DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING THIS MORNING MAYBE SHE LEFT TO GET BREAKFAST?!” She screamed through the door, I watched the door handle jiggle, thanking God I locked it last night.
“Yes, I heard someone moving this morning. It could have been (L/N), why don’t you go look around down stairs, I need to shower and get ready.” He yawned before he stood popping his back.
“Mmm...” there was a pause and some shuffling.
I heard Sho’s faint voice “Fuyumi, look y/n sent me message this morning saying she was going to a nearby convinience store to buy some things she had forgotten. She’ll be back soon.” I sighed thanking God once again that I had told Shoto my password all those weeks ago.
“Alright, DON’T MIND DAD!” She screamed before I heard them walk away, Great, now how am I supposed to leave? I looked around, “Does that window open?” I asked pointing to the window in the room. “It‘s a balcony.” Enji pulled back the curtains revealing an pretty good sized balcony with fancy railing. I was wearing sleeping shorts and a long sleeve shirt with some socks, I‘ll fly down, and just walk back in... but I went to the store.... so I need to come back with something. “Can I have ten dollars?” I smiled sheepishly looking at Enji.“
He sighed before turning to the dresser and pulled out a bill out of his wallet. I grinned and thanked him, “I’ll be back in, five or ten minutes.” I shrugged and opened the Balcony window. Taking eagle form, I dived down into an alley way barrel rolling and lading back on human feet. I walked out and stopped outside a tourist shop. The shop owner was placing out a box of mini hero figures, the same figures from that night we patrolled. These were a new release with the change to get Gold or Silver All Might, Endeavour or Hawks. I got excited and rushed in, I “went to the store”, but I never said what for. the packs were on sale, 2 for $5.00. And lucky for me, I had managed to get a $50. Each box comes with 12 lucky bags each bag has 3 mini figures, there are only 10 Pro hero’s currently released in this line. I have a ten percent chance of getting Endeavour, All Might or Hawks, if you add the 6 new figures to the line thats 16 characters in total. Meaning there are three possible Endeavor, All Might and Hawks,,, But, the chances of getting a special edition, would be 2 of 16 which should be 12.5 out of 100. If I multiply by three that raises the chance 37.5 of 100. So out of all 36 Figures that means I have to at least get 1 limited edition Per box, bu counting in these are the first boxes to pull in customers, they overload the limited ones to make it look easy so people will be convinced to buy them because it’s “easy” to find a limited figure... meaning... “ill give you $50 even for both boxes.”
I turned to look at the cashier guy who seemed unimpressed but nodded, “I usually sell boxes for $30 dollars each but  I feel generous 25 each plus taxes.”
“How about $20 plus taxes.” I counter offered. He squinted at me before he made another offer, we went at this until we were back at my original offer. “Alright, this is my last offer,” he huffed and stared at me hard, “$50 dollars cash, no taxes, and IF you become a Pro Hero you do advertising free for my shop.”
I laughed and nodded, “Deal.” He packed the boxes and I paid him before we parted ways. By the time I made it back to the hotel Fuyumi rushed to me with a look of worry. “Where were yOU I WAS WORRIED?!” 
I smiled, “I was in the middle of a very serious conversation about some very serious things.” 
“A toy store, that bag says you were at a toy store.” Shoto said sounding very unimpressed.
I smiled and let out a sheepish laugh, “well...” I looked down and hid the bag behind me, “I never said I went to buy anything important.” 
“Ow......ow.......nooooo stop.” I whined feeling one more tug at my hair and finally it fell down.
“There, we’re done.” Fuyumi fluffed my hair a bit before smoothing it out again, “Now lets go, before Natsuo starts causing a fuss.” She ushered me to move and I did leading our way to the elevator.
“Alright,“ I sighed slouching a little... “....Wanna see something cool?” I asked standing back up, Fuyumi cocked a brow by smiled a little, “Alright, I do actually.”
I dug into my pocket and pulled out a gold endeavor figure, “Boom, its your dad.“ I took her hand and placed it in her palm, “You can have that, I have another one.” I smiled when she let out a slight laugh. “Thank you, I’ll keep him with my keys.” We stood in a comfortable silence until the doors opened and we started to move out I asked, “Soooo, what are we doing after this award ceremony?” I asked tilting my head in curiosity.”
“I don’t know, she said he lips pulling to the side in a displeased way, “They didn’t let me plan out this trip so its a surprise for the both of us.” My only answer was to nod while I smiled down at the ground, “Sounds Fun.”
”Aren’t those kids from UA?” The voices of photographers were loud with there questions as flashes went of left and right, “Why are they with Pro Hero Endeavor?” “I don’t know but these kids could pull in the views!”
“Todoroki! A question if you Will!” “Hey Midoriya Over here!” “L/N! Can you pose for a few photos!” “Todoroki look over here!” Midoriya whats it like to learn from Pro Hero All Might??” “L/N! L/N! Are you affiliated with Todoroki or Midoriya?”
As much as I love getting my photo taken, I knew sticking around for pictures and questions in this scenario is probably the last thing I should do. So instead I stayed close to Natsuo almost sandwiched between him and Fuyumi. I stayed betwen them as we kept moving, Sho and Deku were behind us not rushing, Sho seemed unaffected and Deku was looking down red faced and embarrassed. It was kinda cute. I looked back ahead watching Enji ignore everyone moving forward with purpose and carrying himself with pride. I smiled watching him I know not everyone can see him or respect him as the number one hero but, to me, He can be so much more if only people would give him a chance. I know he’s not the most kind person in public, but with the right sidekick or partner that could change easy. When Hawks was with him those brief days, his like ability actually raised. So I know all it takes is someone pushing him to be more interactive with his fans, he knows now there are some that like him, bit i also understand why it’s so hard for him to accept it...
“Alright, were in, lets go find some seats.”
The ceremony went by slowly, I was bored listening to a bunch of speeches but at least made it look like I was paying attention. I couldn’t even sit by Enji because Fuyumi took my place, and then I managed to get stuck between Natsuo and Sho and they kept talking and we had to refrain from laughing to loud at a few things. Midoriya was so interested in everything that was happening and i started to pay attention when they actually started calling name, Sho and Natsuo stopped after Fuyumi told them to shut up. Which I appreciated now that things were getting interesting. I listened to the awards leaning forward more and more as more hero’s showed up collecting awards and moving on with speeches each with their own rounds of applause. I got this twisted feeling about Eniji going so I whispered to Sho who voiced the idea of us cheering for their dad and Fuyumi praised him for caring about their dad and he took the praise. So when Enji was called for an award of Achievement and a few other things the crowd applauded but how it normaly had so I stood up pulling Sho and Natsuo with me which caused Fuyumi and Midoriya to stand we clapped louder and cheered “For the new Number one Hero!” I screamed and then the five of us cheered more as others started to stand and clap louder. I looked at Fuyumi who smiled back and nodded. After the crowd calmed down and sat he gave a short speech, almost another thirty minutes of closing speech we finally got to leave.
“Finally! I’m free!” I cheered running straigh into Natsuo’s back as he stopped out of nowhere. “My face.” I groaned pushing away from him, it was in that moment I realized how big he actually was, “Wow, you’re actually tall.” I leaned to use his head to block the sun.
He looked back over his shoulder at me, “huh? Did you say something down there?” He... he just... he just bullied me for my height... “I-...” I look esta him and swallowed, “IM TELLING FUYUMI YOURE BULLYING ME!”
I watched his eyes widen and turned to rush to Fuyumi and he screamed, “wait...NO”
“Natsuuoooooo?” I poked his cheek as he sat pouting arms crossed, “Nat...Suo? Nat... pssst hey Nat, you still mad?” I poked his cheek again and smiled watching him force back a smile. “Come one, you cant be mad.” I poked his cheek causing him to smile briefly before he forced it back again, so I quickly summoned a feather and poked his cheek distracting him before using it to tickle his other side causing him to laugh.
“Alright fine fine, I’m not mad anymore.” He wheezed as I pulled my feather away, plucking it from the air. “A hero’s work is never done.” I gave an exaggerated sigh and he a single laugh kinda like a scoff, “Some hero you are, you get innocent pedestrians hurt to save them.” he crossed his arms and snapped his head the other way, unamused I felt me brows go up, “Innocent? Pedestrian? You?” I paused when he gave me an offended look. “I don’t think so.”
“Natsuo-“ We turned to look at Shoto, the two of having been sitting outside on a stone bench after Fuyumi scolded him strongly and I pulled into it.
“Yes?” He asked standing up and popping his back.
“Our father, asked if you could head back with Fuyumi to the hotel to pick up her bag of clothes. She left it when she was rushing out. Well meet for lunch before we do anything else.” Shoto said leaning his head to the side slightly.
“Oh,” he looked at me and then over his shoulder at the doors we had both just sulked out of, “yeah, well take a Taxi. I’ll get Fuyumi and we’ll leave.” He nodded and turned to leave.
I moved to stand by Sho, “So?” I asked elbowing him slightly, “how was last night?” “Well, I could ask you the same.” He side eyed me, “Take your phone with you next time you jump out a window.” I didn’t miss the amusement in his eyes, “Right,” I nodded and he closed his eyes a small smile on his lips. “Now, where are we going for lunch?”
“Oh! I read about this American style fondue place! It’s supposed to be really good! So I kinda wanted to try it and I was going to suggest it but, it’s pricey so, eheh, ya know.” I shrugged and Shoto’s brief look of amusement came back, you want what Kaminari told me is a Glucose Guardian, someone who pays for what you want.” I choked, “Sugar daddy.”
“What. Nothing, so, lunch? I’m hungry? Also I’m riding in front move.” I rushed past him jumping into the passenger seat before he followed after Deku had met him. I was buzzing in my seat and the took Enji’s hand the moment he was sat and started driving, I squeezed his hand staring out the window, watching the building and cars pass. It felt so nostalgic, but how could it be nostalgic?
“Where are we eating?” I turned to Enji at his question, before looking at Sho through the mirror, “There’s this place Y/n was talking about.” I felt a squeeze to my hand meeting Enji’s stare as he looked at me briefly before looking at the road, “Where is it?”
I smiled and used my free hand to grab my phone, “it’s not to far from here, we should be able to make it in ten minutes if traffic is good.” I clicked away typing the address, “Yup, go straight, take a right at the light, and it should be a large glass building on the corner! It’s a fondue place, more American style!” I tried to talk and explain while squeezing Enji’s hand at the excitement I was feeling. Upon getting to the restaurant we waited a while, having sent Fuyumi and Natsuo the address we waited at least half an hour until we got a call.
“Dad, I don’t think we’ll be able to do lunch today, a really bad wreck caused a traffic jam on this side of the city, it’s an estimated two hour wait until we can move, well find a place to eat once we get closer if you all want to go ahead and eat we’ll be fine.” Before he could answer Shoto spoke “Thank you for your sacrifice.”
“We should go then?” I questioned looking around the car.
“Yes.” Enji said turning the key and opening his door to get out.
After we all got out the car, we started our way towards the restaurant. I awed at it, we made it in met with a nice man, “Welcome to The Melting Hot Pot! How many will be in your party?”
We all looked up at Enji, “Four.” We all nodded, it felt as if we were judging him.
“Would you like a private room or to be seated in our public seating area.”
“Private.” He nodded and the host nodded, “You can follow me this way.”
“Will this be you’re first time dining with us?” We all slid into seats in the large luxurious looking booth, it’s was in a room with a sliding screen door for privacy.
“Yes it will.”
“Great! I’ll give you the crash course before you’re waiter comes to attend to your table.”
After about seven minutes and looking at a menu the Host left and we started to talk about what sounded good.
“Wisconsin cheddar cheese?” Shoto asked.
“Flaming turtle... sounds painful...” Midoriya was staring at the opposite side of the menu.
“Maybe... we should start with a salad? Before we start looking at the fondue, there’s.. Wisconsin Wedge... California... Caesar... and a house, so, what sounds good?”
We tried to talk it out but no luck, we ended up right where we started, until Midoriya looked at Enji, “Mr.Endeavor sir,” I held back a laugh.
He hummed staring at Deku, his face didn’t change making him seem angry or annoyed, “What?”
Midoriya flinched.
“Maybe you.... you have more experience with this than we do, do you have a-any... advice?”
Enji nodded, “Get a California Salad, you’re allowed two cheeses, well get the Wisconsin Cheddar and Quattro Formaggio, for entree you’ll get a classic plate that comes with Pork, shrimp, chicken and steak cooked in a Mojo style broth, and for two desserts you’ll get a flaming turtle and Yin & Yang mix.”
We all stared at him, “Have you been here before?” I asked interested.
“No,” he held up a rectangular piece of plastic lined paper, “It’s a recommended course.”
“That’s very convenient.” I mumbled and we all looked as our waiter slid the door open finally entering.
“Hello, sorry for being late, what can I bring you to drink.”
“A tea, please.” Shoto and Midoriya spoke at the same time.
“Alright, two sweet iced teas,” and for you, she turned to me, “A spirit free watermelon cooler.”
“Good choice, and for you sir?” She turned to Enji who was looking at the menu, “A Billionaire’s Coffee.” He didn’t even look at her.
“Alright,” she looked at us, “I’ll get your drinks and be right back to take your order.”
She left and we casually just sat there looking around at the decor.
“I like the low lights, it’s nice kinda cosy.” I talked out loud to no one, before I looked at Midoriya locking eyes contact, “perfect place for a date.”
He chocked on air and brought his arm to his face blushing stuttering out things I didn’t understand. I laughed a bit, enjoying the show before he calmed down when the waiter appeared.
“Alright, what are we getting?” She looked at us and all I did was look up at Enji, he sighed, “We’d like to try the Complete Fondue experience for four.” He tapped the plastic with his finger and she noted it, “in that exact order.”
She nodded again, “An exact copy of the full experience, now before I head out, does anyone want to add a lobster tail or any extra meats to their plates?”
“No thank you.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Alright then, I’ll be turning on the burners, they will get hot, please do not touch them.” She pulled out a small metal stand with a promotional flyer and placed it on the burners before she left.
“I’m excited.” I reached over under the table and took Enji’s hand and brought it back to my lap squeezing his bigger hand between mine.
His hand squeezed mine, I smiled up at him before looking down at his hand, callused, warm. Scars were present but hardly noticeable, I ran my thumb over his knuckles, losing myself in the patterns I began to draw, feeling myself fall into a feeling of nostalgia.
“Y/n,” I looked up at the sound, “Hm?” I hummed in response looking around.
“Are you fine?” Shoto asked his voice soft but his brows were furrowed.
“Yeah, just thinking about school and the internships.” I shrugged, “We’ve been through a lot with everything that’s happened, it’s hard to believe we’re just first year.”
“Hm.” Shoto nodded and I pulled a hand up and lates it palm up on the table.
“Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I see and the more we do, it kinda scares me,” I looked at a scar it ran from the side of my wrist to the back of my hand, it was a deep wound from my Internship, “But seeing everything also makes me realize,” I balled my fist up smiling, “There’s so much space for new hero’s to rise and it excites me knowing one day I’ll be out there fighting for a chance to be number one.”
“Ambitious.” I flinched at the waiters voice who slid the door closed as she entered, “You must be in a hero school then.”
“I, yes, I am.” I nodded and looked away.
“I’ve never heard of you, you must not be that well known. Everyone however would be able to notice our lovely new number one hero Endeavor.” She smiled and patted Enji who just gave her a side eye and she quickly pulled her hand away.
I let out a mix of a scoff and a laugh, “You must live under a rock, or be uncultured, I’m from UA, were our sports festival is streamed publicly almost everywhere throughout the prefecture and surrounding cities, not to mention I was in the news quite a few times with Endeavor and Pro Hero Hawks, I was on headlines and on front page covers of newspapers and magazines, if you can’t recognize me it really goes to show what kind of woman you are.” I made a face and she made a face back.
Before we started a stare down another person walked in, “Alright, here comes a hot pot, everyone be careful.”
As the second waiter was setting up the meal I couldn’t help but mumble to myself, “Bite me, it’s what rabid dogs do anyways.”
After eating and Midoriya and I burning ourselves multiple times on hot cheese fondue we finished our desserts and started to head out.
We stepped out into the dark, the afternoon sun had set and the cities night life was crawling out into the streets, lights lit up outside patios, rooftops had flames lit lighting tables, tinted windows were lit up showing the chandeliers that hide during the day. Ladies in fancy dresses and men in suits and flashy attire. It was in that moment I realized how wrong our relationship is, I’m in UA, I’m only 16, sure the consent age is lower then that but, I, this is morally wrong in some eyes... I could ruin Enji’s career if anyone ever found out... I felt a sense of worry fill me. No one knew, I didn’t care before. So what scares me now?
“So! What are we doing tomorrow?” I looked at Enji and Shoto as we walked, Midoriya was unintentionally hidden by Shoto.
“It’s a surprise.” Shoto answered very bluntly and I squinted at him, “Very helpful.”
“How are Fuyumi and....” I paused the name leaving me and looked down, embarrassed, thinking, his name just couldn’t be Naruto because it’s pretty close to that anyways, “Natsuo! Heh! I remembered.”
“Fuyumi messaged me, they tried a curry at an Indian restaurant near the hotel, Natsuo also now holds the title for eating a plate of the spiciest curry in under an hour.” Shoto said flashing us his phone which had a very red smiling Natsuo holding a certificate and a $200 dollar check.
“That’s... impressive.” I was impressed, but it seemed like a painful thing.
I felt my phone buzz, I answered if, “Hello?”
“Hey y/n! It’s Fuyumi, I’d you don’t mind when you get to the hotel can you stop by the hotel shop and pick up something for indigestion or upset stomach, maybe heart burn?”
“Oh,” I smiled, “Yeah, I can do that, we’re on the way back about to get in the car, the streets are empty so we should be there soon, so, I’ll get it for you.”
“Thank you, sorry for the burden but I feel bad for leaving Natsuo while his stomach is hurting this much.”
“Don’t worry! I’m a hero, it’s what I do.” I smiled getting into the car as we reached it.
“Still, thank you y/n.” She sounds like she was smiling, I could feel it, in that moment how much she really cared for her family. It kinda warmed my heart in a way I can’t describe.
“Alright, see you then.” I ended the call and explained everything on the way over, Enji sighed and rubbed his forehead before pinching the bridge of his knows shaking his head. I smiled, noticing the edge of his lips twitch upwards a bit before he forced it down mumbling out Natsuo’s name and something I couldn’t hear.
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ijenoyou · 3 years
Find Me Here.
bucky barnes x reader
summary; as long as you keep loving bucky he’ll never be alone.
warnings; mostly fluff i think lol this contains spoilers of tfatws last episode hehe ooo and also this is also quite inspired in hayley williams’s Find Me Here hehe listen to it! i love that song.
notes; soooo i got this idea while watching the episode lol a knee ways english isn’t my language so there might be some mistakeS ignoren them tho
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Everything went back in the right place. You finally could relax and enjoy the company Bucky gave you, not worrying about him getting badly injured or in the worst case, dead. Just thinking about it makes you smile, remembering those times he would decided to spend his time in your place instead of his. At the start he didn’t say anything at all, just nod and occasionally grunt but as the days went by he started to speak —just one sentence but still, it’s better than nothing—.
Now here you are, at Sarah and Sam’s place, celebrating the effort him and Bucky did to stop Karli but specially celebrating the fact that Sam is now Captain America.
“I cleared the whole list.” Was the very first thing he said when he found you among the crowd of people that decided to join the celebration.
Your face had a expression of shock and when you registered in your mind what he said you smiled. It was the biggest smile he had even seen on you and he loved it.
You take his head in between your hands and bring him close to you, he immediately puts his hands on your waist and gives you a tiny squish. Bucky closes his eyes when he feels your forehead rest against his and sighs with happiness, it feels nice to have your warm and loving hands touching him again after being away from you for more than two weeks.
"I'm so proud of you Buck." You softly speak, you start caressing his cheeks with your thumbs and close the distance between the two of you, finally connecting lips and melting in each others touch.
"Please! Children are watching." Sam´s voice sounds around you and you tear apart from your boyfriend while rolling your eyes.
Sam approaches you and gives you a hug. "You had to ruin the moment like that, you ass." You push him with your shoulder and he laughs.
You take Bucky's right hand and guide him through the crowd, you spot a free table and decide to sit on it. He lightly taps his fingers on his leg and that makes you feel happier, that was a sign that gave away his excitement for something. It's something you learned to notice within the months you've spend next to him after the blip.
It's nice being able to finally take a breath and lay down without the worry of wondering who or what will try to kill you next month. Of course the world isn't at the best point right now, but it felt perfect for you and Bucky. Specially for him. He's now available to feel happiness after living in hell for so many years.
"You know, I was so worried seeing you fight last night." You slightly turn your body in Bucky's arms and watch his face.
He keeps staring at the sunset and turns his head towards your face, a small smile on his lips. "Good thing I took you with me." He teased and you groan.
It was a reaction he had, while fighting he took your leg so he wouldn't fall but you weren't ready for it so he ended up falling with you on top of him.
"Yeah well, you're an asshole for doing that, I wasn't ready!" You turn again and lay your back on his chest. "I mean at least if we ended up dying you and I would be together for the rest of the years."
He lets a loud laugh out and starts shaking his head.
"What makes you think I would die like that?"
"Keep going and when I die I'll haunt your old ass." You speak with a pout on your lips.
Bucky takes your chin, making turn only your head. He looks directly to your eyes and caresses your jaw, admiring you for a few seconds until he decided to speak again.
"I won't let you die, never." He murmured and gave you a peck on the lips.
You hummed in content at his words. You took his metal hand and interlaced your fingers with his.
It's moments like this when it made it all feel worth it and you wouldn't change it for nothing, you're his safe place and his yours. He rests his chin on the curve of your neck and sighs, he stares again at the sunset and starts thinking about how his life would be he if didn't have you on it. There would be some days he would have a complete breakdown and start doubting if he really deserves being loved by you or by everyone but especially you.
He wonders if he deserves to have another chance at life after all the pain he caused. But you always reassure him with kisses all over his face.
"I was thinking that you know, we can officially live together now that you're therapy free." He nods at your words. "But we're going to search up new places."
"I agree, I think I saw a rat last time I used the kitchen." Bucky jokes.
You groan as you place a heavy box on the ground. Bucky comes in after you and clicks his tongue.
"What?" You ask while narrowing your eyes at him.
"You're so dramatic, why are you acting like you just ran a marathon?" He mocks with a smile. "But you're lucky because this is the last box." He puts the box that his hands hold on the ground next to yours and then placed his hands on his hips.
You jump with excitement and extent your arms indicating him to give you a hug in which he holds you with love. The both of you admire the new home that you'll share with him for the rest of your and his life.
It's such a shame he had to leave next morning for a mission Sam needed help with. He so badly wanted to take you with him but seeing you so excited and happy about decorating the whole place made him change his mind. After all, you were the one that decided not to go on the first place. Too tired of kicking ass. Your words not his.
"Are you sure you don't want to go?" He asks.
"Yup but don't worry, I'll be fine." You pat his chest trying to give him so comfort. "And I'll be here, waiting at home for you." You look up, trying to catch a glimpse of his features. "You can always find me here."
“I love you so much love bug.”
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Hiya! I was wondering if I could get some hcs for the bros noticing their s/o being super distant lately and finally confronting them only for their s/o to completely break down sobbing, telling him that they’ve been feeling just really useless and unloved lately. Like how would each chocobro react to this/ comfort them? I hope this makes sense and is and ok request!
AN: This has been sitting for so danm long, and I mean I wanna write again soooo here we go, I hope your okay with me adding and changing a few things cause I am a utter simp for a Polybros and weak for A/B/O so ima add those into this much like other stuff now, so here we are I hope you enjoy! Also side note I wrote this all on my phone, at work so it's a little rushed and all over the place I'm sorry I will try to make them better /o0o\
Word Count: 2,844
Pairing: Chocobros x Omega Reader
Noctics [Alpha], Gladio [Alpha], Ignis [Alpha], Prompto [Beta] it's a fight between Omega or Beta for Prompto.
Warnings: light omega depression,  slight suggestions of nsfw
With a yawn Noctis blinked a few times to get the blurriness out of his vision. He was the first one to wake up to his surprise, or well he thought so? Looking around he was in-between Prompto and Ignis, with Gladio behind Prompto. He was warm and content, yet something felt off? Missing? Sitting up a little more he noticed someone was missing. You there omega, rubbing the back of his neck he was puzzled he fell asleep last night with you curled up next to him and prompto… right? Why was there omega gone? How did she wake up and not wake anyone, mostly Gladio but then again. Looking at the Alpha he was drooling some with loud snores he honestly found comforting, that would explain it he was out cold. 
Noctis was thinking, maybe he should get up and look for you, maybe you were already in the kitchen. You kept on how one day you would even beat Ignis to the kitchen and make everyone breakfast. Maybe that's what you were doing. With a yawn Noct started to get tired again from the warmth of his pack before he felt the lull to lay back down and pass out again. 
It was a few hours and Noctis woke up again feeling Ignis move away from him. With a whine he opened his eyes looking out. Ignis yawned but bent back down, placing a kiss on the prince's head seeing him wake. "It's okay...go back to sleep" the Beta whispered to him, brushing some of his hair out of his face. Noct didn't need to be told twice and pass back out. 
Ignis shuffled around the room as quietly as he could, slipping on slippers and a shirt. Stepping out of the room he glanced around the hall before walking to the kitchen. He was glad the king moved them into a larger apartment seeing as Noct formed a pack. He scented the air to try and catch your scent but it puzzled him how faint it was. He noticed you weren't in the bed this morning. "Y/n?" He called softly looking around the kitchen. No coffee, no warm scent, no sweet words or affection. Just a normal empty cold kitchen. Maybe you were in the living room?. Walking around he poked his head around the corner to look into it, nothing. Fixing his glasses he did notice one thing though, the pillows and blankets on the couch were missing. It clicked, you had to be in the nest room. 
Going back to the kitchen he decided he shouldn't bother you if you were, he knew you liked to fix it once in a while, he needed to look at his phone soon and see the calendar, you had a heat coming up soon if he remembers correctly. It didn't take long for everyone else to wake up and shuffle out of the room with the smell of breakfast being cooked. Still one person didn't show up, Gladio stood next to Ignis at the stove leaning back on it as he slowly slipped  his mug filled with coffee. Watched Noct just about drag Prompto to the livingroom to sleep on the couch some more. "Where's y/n?, I didn't see them when I woke up" he mumbled into his cup, turning his gaze back to Ignis. His eyes trailed over the male looking at the darker marks on his neck that Prompto and Noctis left behind the night before. 
Ignis turned his head to glance at the others before he hummed with a puzzled look. "I think they might be in the nesting room the blankets and pillows are gone from the living room" Gladio nods. They all knew better then to knock on that door, recently you have been in there more and more, not to mention last time Noctis wanted to cuddle with you in it you nipped at him with a growl. It was the first time in a while you did that to him. Noctis was so heart broken that day he whined the whole day next to the door apologizing the whole time. "Is there heat coming up?" Gladio asked, reaching for his phone. Lighting up the screen he checked the date, soon his own run would start to rear it's head. This was the only time his Rut lined up with your heat for once, he would have to get to you soon about it to spend some time together, but also with the others not wanting to leave them out of it.
Ignis plated the food for everyone, placing them down on the table. "Prompto dear can you let y/n know breakfast is ready? They should be in the nesting room" Prompto nods, getting up leaving a whiny tired Nocotis on the couch. "Come on princess" Gladio said walking to the couch to mess with Noct. Prompto all but bounced to the room with a small knock on the door. "Y/n? Ignis finished breakfast, if you want I could talk him into letting you have it in here" he said rolling on his heels. It was quiet for a while, no response, no whine or growl, no chip or anything…. Pure silence. Tilting his head to the side he knocked again, his knock still light. "Y/n?" He questioned. Still no response. With a confused frown he took a deep break. "Please don't be mad at me for opening the door but I'm worried" , humbled , pushing the door open. Poking his head inside the nest room held a gloom to it, almost feeling ice cold. "Y/n?" He asked to step inside. The normal mess of the nest was folded neat and missing a few items. The shirts, and jackets all folded as well in a small pile. There rested a note on a plush chocobo Prompto got you he scented for the nest. Picking it up he started to read it before he let out a loud whine and sob. 
The three at the table all froze, leaning to look down the hallway waiting for someone to come out. When no one did and just a small wail from Prompto, Gladio got to his feet followed by Ignis rushing down the hall. Noct was still groggy and confused. Prompto turned his head hearing Gladio push the door open quickly entering. Glancing around he noticed how the normally full, warm room was pale and empty almost. Ignis was quick to Prompto's side, placing a hand on his shoulder taking the paper. Prompto had a death grip on the Plush holding it to his chest, he may have been a Beta but at times they wondered as he did show some Omega traits. Gladio reached out for the sensitive Beta opening his arms letting him bury himself into his body taking in the Alphas scent. 
Ignis skimmed the note quickly and frowned looking over at Gladio. Before reading it out loud. "I'm sorry, I only got in the way, I don't want to intrude anymore. It hurts to leave this, but just know I love you all… y/n '' Ignis was quiet as Noct stepped closer taking the note from his hand looking at it over and over. A low growl came from him deep in his chest as his vision blurred from the tears starting to form in his eyes. No… he couldn't let you go, they needed you… you needed them you were all bonded together. Noctis shoved the paper back to Ignis storming out of the room on the hunt for his phone. Gladio looked at Ignis seeing the heart break in his eyes as he ran his fingers in Prompto's hair as he balled his eyes out whining, his nose buried in the plush. "Ignis…" Gladio said softly. Ignis didn't answer before he nodded already knowing they needed to find you, for your health and there's. 
You stared into the cup on the table with a sniffle. You shivered feeling the painful tug in your chest. Hearing a sigh you glanced to the side at the Alpha that placed his coffee down on the table pulling out a chair to join you. Sitting down he leaned on one of his hands, tired eyes looking you over trying to think of what to say. "You need to at least drink something, '' he said in a calm tone. You lifted your head more, your hair falling in your eyes. You e/c looked dull, with bags under your eyes. Looking at Cor you shook your head. "No…." Cor rubbed his eyes before running it down hisnfave with a huff. "So… you finally going to tell me why you snuck away? You know it's dangerous out at night, let alone you being the Omega in his highness pack" 
Your dull eyes trailed from him to your hands messing with the bracelets you had on your right wrist. Each one made by the guys, your mates. You thought back to last night, it was a night filled with passion, love, sweat and whines. From the loving touches and sweet hands, from how Ignis helped bath you and Prompto with Gladio and Noctis nearby. From how you fell asleep in the cuddle pile, to slipping away and leaving. For the past several months you have felt detached from them. They kept leaving to the citadel for work, but it was their job and what they had to do, the distant feeling of when they came home, to how it felt like they barely talked anymore, or how it felt like they spent more time together without you. You felt like a burden to them, maybe they pitted you, or just wanted to keep you because of your second gender. You wanted to talk to them about it… but you got scared and decided to leave, slip away in the night. Sadly you didn't get far as Cor was checking on the guards and caught you. Seeing him you fell apart and balled into his arms. 
Cor took you to his small apartment not wanting to poke and prod why you looked so upset, and why you were slipping away yet. He wanted to let you calm down before asking all the questions. He knew you had a strong bond with the boys,, and how much they loved you, how much they talked about you or how at times he would pick them up and they smelled heavy of you,, or how they seemed to be on cloud 9 when he stopped by.
Leaning back on the worn chair it creaked from the shift of his weight. "I…" you shook your head before moving a hand to your neck feeling a painful throb on the bonding scars before moving your hand to the other side. You could feel it, with the pack bond and their mate bond the heartbreak. They noticed, you gave a loud whine letting your head rest on the table giving an all chirp and a foul burning rubber scent. "You need them… and they need you" Cor said, placing a hand gently on your shoulder. He didn't want to overstep any boundaries. Hearing his phone roar to life he glanced at it before pressing the side button to quiet the ringer. "Y/n…" he said softly, leaning on the table taking his hand from your shoulder to yours to get you to look at him. He was quiet already seeing the lost look in your eyes, his distant you looked, how much pain was in your eyes and how you almost seemed to fade. The first onset of an Omega depression. 
He quickly got to his feet moving to pick you up, placing you on the worn couch before grabbing his phone to call Ignis. Listening to the rings he moved around to grab a few blankets he had he placed them on you. Your body was shivering, with the whines and whimpers. Ignis answered quickly with a shaky voice. "Cor, it's y/n, there gone and we can't find them-" "ignis, breath y/n is here at my apartment, I would get here quickly though I think they have a Omega depression onset" in the background he could hear Gladio growl loudly and a whine from prompto. "I tried to get them to explain, but they seemed distant about it, this has to have been on for a few days, just hurry up and get here" 
It didn't take them long to reach Cors apartment almost busting down the door getting inside, lucky cor left it unlocked. He sat in a chair next to the couch watching you to monitor it. Noctis wasted no time pushing past Gladio to get to you, look you over and call your name softly with purrs. 
Cor let Prompto take his place to be near their omega and try to drag them out of it as Gladio joined in. Picking you up he placed you in his lap whispering your name. Ignis stood there almost frozen as Cor came to his side. "Ignis… how long have you guys not noticed this?" He asked. Ignis shook his head. "I...I didn't notice, I didn't even see any change in y/n… we have been at the citadel a lot more, yet Y/n was fine… or well we thought so" he sighed shaking his head he joined the others on the couch resting a hand on the couch cushion by Gladio leaning down to place a kiss to your head and scent you. 
Everything hurt, or well it did hurt. The pain dulled to a small throb in your head. Feeling something pick you up you whined trying to move away, but your body felt like cement. It didn't take long before a familiar scent started to waft into your nose. Taking a deep breath warmed your heart and body. Gladio, one of your Alphas. Struggling to open your eyes you looked around before the blurry image of Gladio turned more crisp and formed. Next to him was Noctis almost curled on his shoulder to look at you whining and puffing out as much of his scent as he could. There was a head in your neck and a wetness, Prompto you could catch his scent right away, above him resting on Gladios head was Ignis looking down at you. 
"Y/n…" Gladio said softly, feeling some tension leave his body. "Dont .... " he couldn't even get the rest of his words out before he crumbled holding you to his body as he buried his face into your neck crying and whining. Your omega kicked into gear hearing the stoic strong Alpha break. It scared you seeing him so broken, "Alpha?" You whispered, nudging him, reaching a heavy hand to his face running along his beard. "No… don't cry" you said softly, your body trying it's best to pump out a calming scent. 
It took some time of cuddles and whines, mixed with scenting before you felt light again. "Y/n… why… why did you leave" Noctis asked, holding your face in his hands. "Not…. Not wanted anymore" you said softly with water eyes. "What… no never we always want you" Noctis said with a determined look on his face. "But…. You're always gone… all of you" Noctis huffed with a glare, but it wasn't for you or your pack mates, it was for the council, the idiots who always called them away from your side, making them stay long hours on end. "I'll rip those damn council jerseys to shreds' ' he snarled. "Dear… we love you more than anything" Ignis said, crouching down. He rested abandoned on you and one in prompto's hair as he held onto your middle face buried in your stomach refusing to move as be whined. 
Noctis was fuming, he was going on and on about talking to his father to set it straight, how he wanted to rip them to shreds for making their omega so upset and going into a depression. His fangs bared and his scent souring. With a whine he turned hisbatrention to you as you reached out for him. All the tension in his body seemed to melt, moving to you to your calming scent. "Alpha…." You whined. "I will have a word with them when we go back" Ignis said, glancing at Cor who shrugged.
 He turned to grab his jacket. "I'm going to be outside the door… just… don't start anything on my couch please I can drive you all back home when you're ready to go" with that he stepped out the door giving you all a moment. With a loud purr you buried yourself in your pack's scents with a small sniffle. "Im… im sorry" nothing more was said as they curled around you bringing you into a cuddle pile smothering you in affection. They would have to deal with the old Council layer, right now they needed to comfort their omega vowing to never let you get this upset again.
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