fategoflatass · 2 years
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you fucking psycho
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restinthewest · 1 year
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The most joyful and pure creature on the planet
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🏖Your Own Standards of Beauty ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
I’ve seen one too many times East Asian YouTubers, when talking about EA’s ‘rigid standards of beauty’ giving this sense of defensiveness or helplessness—because it’s culture, right? With every fibre of my mixed ancestry I loathed that particular brand of apologist behaviour.
‘Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque.’ – U.G. Krishnamurti
Up until fairly recently, I was still struggling with comprehending the thought process behind this ‘invention’ of a grotesquely small and narrow mould of beauty and conduct to which ALL East Asians must abide lest you’re a total disharmonious failure. After some long and hard rumination, frustration, accompanied by occasional bouts of repugnance, I think I finally get ‘why’.
Almost ALL people in East Asia ALL LOOK THE SAME!!! By nature!!! LMAO LMAO People can ONLY have black hair and black eyes LMAO Ahahahohohhahah I think these Asians were never ‘socialised’ to appreciate variety. Hahhh that’s so pathetic. If this really is the reason, man, it’s pathetic as fuck. Ionno tho. You think I’ve figured it out.
All I know is that East Asians must repent for all the sins they’ve committed against childhood, individuality, creativity, aaand society and Humanity itself. Yes, Humanity. Standing on the side of all genetically diverse peoples of Asia, such as the Ainus, Mongols, Uyghurs, to some extent the Zainichis, and sooo many other ‘anomalies’ who, in recent history, have been cast aside and treated poorly only because they don’t ‘fit in’ to the ideals and cultures of the main races of some purebred fucks.
For all I care, the part of East Asian culture that has birthed this infamous ‘rigid standards of beauty, and, conduct’ can go to fucking hell. If you’re the type of person who’s even the slightest bit proud—or defensive—of this you can go and fuck yourself. No one should be proud of that kind of a racist, fascist, repulsive, little bitch mindset. Are you a little bitch? I ain’t one.
I am a Supreme Bitch! Imma be myself and do whatever the fuck I want and look however I want. And if my society can’t take that? Those types of people—Asian or no Asian—can die on the wrong side of history! I. AM. MY OWN. PROTOTYPE.
perspective: Why BUSHIDO Is The Root of All Social Problems in Japan by Let’s ask Shogo
documentary: WE ARE X on YouTube (watch before it’s taken down LOL)
‘X challenged a conservative Japanese society and showed us a new way to be. They started a revolution, honestly.’
‘Be proud!! Be proud of yourself! We are!! X!!!’
deck-bottom: X(!?!) The Wheel of Fortune, Priestess of Ambition, Gold Magus (Johannes Faustus)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Pile 1 – A Light of Innocence in this Insanely Debased World
playlist: silly playlist for silly people with rare songs!! by Rita wild
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the TYPA beauty you are – Page of Cups
You are someone who’s known for being quite childlike. It could be that you do look young, but it’s mostly your mannerism. Technically speaking, it’s just YOU being the happy pill that you are. Listen, some of you tuning into this Pile could be dark and sombre on the inside—especially if you have a significant Scorpio/Pluto about you or if you’ve had a very unhappy childhood—but the way you’re perceived on the outside is totally bright, beautifully soft and pleasant, and dang, people really be liking your aenergy when you’re in a room.
You’re the type of beauty that exudes ‘purity’ in the most innocent way, no matter how you look or dress. You could be perceived as ethereal or unreal. otherworldly in a sense that you don’t seem to fit in this dimension. Are you an alien? Are you a goddess? Are you a fairy, elf, or an anime character? People may not have the exact words to describe you but you’re INTERDIMENSIONAL is what’s going on.
It isn’t just your physical beauty or the attractive way that you smile. People may not realise this themselves either but what’s truly beautiful about you is this VIBE or AURA that you generate from having a vastly pure heart. No, no, not pure in the sense that you never think sexy thoughts, what? Pure in the sense that you really operate from your Higher Heart and has very little ego driving your ambitions in Life~^_☆-v
effects on the world around you – Ace of Cups Rx
Basically, you just love beautiful things. You always look for beautiful things. And you make an effort to surround yourself with things you find beautiful in your own standards. And in a way, you’re also the kind of person who sees beauty in everything and everybody. You’re the type of person who sees Light even in a narc’s darkest corners of their blackened heart (if they had one), which is really such a beautiful thing but could also prove DANGEROUS!
It’s wonderful to have childlike wonder but it ain’t cool whatsoever to be childish enough not to acknowledge the presence of evil fucks. Bad people exist, OK? Very predatory and murderous people exist, OK? And it’s a spectrum. And you’ve been such an easy target for those on the milder spectrum of psychopathy! Babe! OMG You’re often drained of good aenergy after catering to the stupid whims of very narcissistic, histrionic, pathetic, selfish and whiney fucks.
STOP THAT. Of all the Piles, you’re the type of soft beauty who’s often underestimated and taken for granted just because you’re always so positive. If not ‘positive’ per se, you’re perceived as ‘strong’, so those types of people don’t even feel shame for constantly taking and demanding your aenergy. Keep allowing that long enough and your physical beauty could be drained out of you by the time your First Saturn Return jaywalks along and smacks you in the head.
keep being you, Glorious One – 6 of Swords Rx
Truly, you’re a silly angel who holds the power to absorb other people’s pain and gloomy feelings. But if this is your main pile, thing is, you might not have learnt how to release or transmute the negativity you’ve absorbed from your surroundings. It is paramount that you learn to call upon divine protection so that you’re shielded from the Evil Eye of those who are envious of your beauty and feel silly in your purity. Your Spirit Guides aren’t saying that you should stop being innocent, right?
A Soul like you is very rare in this perverted world. Some people might say, ‘They don’t make people like you anymore…’ WRONG. You’re the catalyst, if anything. By your example, there’s gonna be MORE people who are gonna be comfortable in their purity. Knowing that there’s nothing wrong with them for being this way. Fully comprehending that it is this world that’s gone too insane, and DEBASED. And this world has been this way for far longer than people realise. I mean, I’m sure you’re aware of how inhumane most people were in the medieval times LOL
Keep being the innocent and pure you, Glorious One. What you’re being advised to do is learn to set healthy boundaries from which you can still shine your Light safely. I’m being told that many of you choosing this Pile, due to your heightened sense of aesthetic, might want to have a social media presence or any kind of public platform where you’re free to share bits and pieces of your beautiful Life as a form of your Lightwork. Some kind of a lifestyle influencer?
I’m thinking of channels and blogs that typically share aesthetic daily vlogs and stuff like that—like nemui atelier on YouTube. You know what I mean; I don’t know what I mean XD
story of your evolution – Priestess of Prosperity
a legacy of authenticity – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
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Pile 2 – An Unexpectedly Romantic Dreamer of Luxury
playlist: songs like 𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 (MITSKI) by song with love
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the TYPA beauty you are – 2 of Cups
Ah~! You are such a dreamy and romantic beauty! You’re soft, elegant, sweet and lovely, with a kicking spice for those who would get on your bad side LMAO You’re actually a lot tougher than appearances give but most people don’t always get this until they’ve gotten to know you. For the most part, at first glance, at first encounter, you’re a sweet goddess, who probably gets projected on a lot.
You really have an unassuming quality about you. So then, people think there’s not much going on within and think it’s easy to typecast you into something, with some simplistic label. People think it’s easy to figure you out and classify you into some kind of a dream girl who’s always going to be nice, warm and friendly with everybody. You’re not. You’re a totally self-respecting babe. Actually, you really hate it when people act like they know you.
When people act like they’re close, buddy-buddy with you, it’s super annoying and depending on your mood that day, you could sometimes feel this urge to break people’s faces. But you don’t do that; you’re too nice. And you’ve got a plethora of coping mechanisms to deal with how annoyed you are with your surrounding XD Good for you!
effects on the world around you – 5 of Swords Rx
First of all, I think many of you tapping into this Pile love shopping. Retail is definitely your therapy. Is this good? Is this bad? Depends, I guess. You tend to spend money gregariously or consume a lot of food, or buy a lot of aesthetic knickknacks, or buy a lot of arts and craft as a means of therapy. Deep down, you’re somebody who has a lot of anger or a general sense of dissatisfaction with the world you’re a part of and this rage, almost, needs to be channelled creatively.
There’s a perpetual sense of disgust inside of you. You’re keen to observe and notice how much Humanity is failing. Everything that is ugly about society and people in general disgusts you. That’s why it’s important for you to live in beauty or indulge in creativity. That’s why it is paramount that your immediate surrounding, that your own Life, within what you’re able to control, is beautified to the max. You could be quite desperate in this pursuit because this is some kind of an overcompensation for the beauty and creativity that you feel is lacking in the world.
Your aenergy is kinda reminding me of this quote by the iconic Edie Sedgwick when describing why she dressed up the way she did:
‘When I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really…motivated by psychological disturbance. But I’d make a mask out of my face because I didn’t realize I was quite beautiful…I had to wear heavy black eyelashes like bat wings and dark lines under my eyes. Cut all of my hair off and strip it silver and blond. All these little manoeuvres I did out of things that were happening in my life that upset me. I’d freak out in a very physical way, and…it was all taken in a fashion trend.’
In fact, I think all of her famous words here could resonate with you. You are what trend-setters and superstars are made of, that much of your effect on the world is certain~
keep being you, Glorious One – Queen of Pentacles
Really, that’s all dandy as long as you can make a living out of your pursuit of beauty and creativity. This about you is really something that you can utilise as a means of therapy, self-care and self-improvement because you really are an artist, one way or another. It would be wonderful if you could monetise your beauty and creativity in some trendy way.
If you feel that you’re not particularly good at any kind of ‘real’ art, then you can ‘serve face’ to help other people sell their shit. You don’t think this is smart enough? Muses are often people who don’t do art—rather they inspire Art in the minds and hearts of other artists. Truly, you are an artist; but those of you tuning into this Pile who feel like you’re not one…you are potentially someone’s Muse.
Luxury is yours for the taking. But a lot of people in this world pursue luxury and some form of fame for vapid reasons and that often makes people very unhappy. Your Spirit Guides are saying that you do have a talent for balancing modern money-making and self-care. I think what they mean to say is that, you can be the prototype for how people can be completely and uniquely offbeat whilst still maintaining a good work-life balance.
After all, you do remember how much people like to project on you, right? Well, use them to make Life a lot easier! XD After all, it’s not like their projection and labelling would be useful any other way LOL🐙
story of your evolution – Priestess of Luxury
a legacy of authenticity – Green Historian (Herodotus)
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Pile 3 – A Ghostly Bitch Witch Who’s Quite Literally a Fucken Sigma
playlist: Everything Is Still Under Control by Mabisyo
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the TYPA beauty you are – Queen of Wands Rx
You, are, by nature, magical. You’re incredibly magnetic and this ain’t even something you’ve needed to work on; it all comes naturally. If anything, it seems you’ve needed to learn the very hard way how to shield yourself from aenergy vampires. You’ve needed to work on your boundary. This is because it took you such a long time to realise most everybody around you was nothing but anklebiters. These were people who just wanted to be seen orbiting you because doing so would elevate their status or image.
Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re quite literally thee IT girl. You’re also THAT girl, because a lot of what you do and just who you are is very aspirational. Well of course aspirational to the motivated ones; to the weak, lame-ass ones? Almost everything about you is irritating. And most people are really lame, don’t we all agree on this? So you may have felt like you’re really quite an unlikeable character. WRONG. Dead wrong. It’s not you; it’s your lame-ass environment.
You’re a Queen of Passion who’s been living in peasant quarters, figuratively speaking. You’ve been surrounded by misers who don’t even understand why it’s deeply important for them to raise their own standards of authenticity. Thing is, they can’t afford to be authentic. It’s probably not entirely their fault—after all, peasants are highly dependent on thee System. Not you. You’re the menacingly magnetic bitch witch of a system buster!
effects on the world around you – 8 of Cups
As much as you make an effort to be left alone, you magnetise admirers to no end. This is reminiscent of Greta Garbo’s famous quote, ‘I never said, "I want to be alone". I only said, "I want to be left alone". There is a whole world of difference.’ It’s true with you as well. You’re not necessarily an antisocial bitch who hates people; you just want to be left alone by gluttonous gossipers and silly simpers. You find it hard to grasp why people behave unreasonably in society, all, the, time.
You yearn for a more intellectual world where people behave honourably, which is quite paradoxical considering you’re often perceived as quite scandalous in your behaviour and lifestyle choices as well. For example, you could be gay or queer? You could desire to defy social norms such as ‘having to marry by a certain age’? You either reject social norms or you live completely opposite to what’s expected of your gender, nationality or age. You don’t like being told how to live your Life as if you couldn’t work it out yourself. It's YOUR Life, right?
It’s MY Life! My Story! Is what you say.
You’re the kind of super bad bitch that gives no one permission to decide how you should sail your ship. You’re at the wheel so you’re gonna sail the world however best you know. You’re gonna learn a ton because you’re not afraid of detours or delays or whatever—you could meet accidents, hopefully not fatal ones, but you’re going to learn. That’s what growing up well is all about for you. And if you meet the right kind of audience, your whole AURA is going to empower them to do just the same for themselves~
keep being you, Glorious One – 4 of Cups Rx
You are destined for an exciting Life. In fact, you’re meant to have an audience, have some kind of impact on the world, you’re meant to become some kind of a famous person. Could be a celeb, yeah, but in this social media era, literally everybody can have their own unique kind of celebrity, right? You’re meant to be seen, heard, listened to, watched, analysed (LOL), and learn from.
You’re somebody who’s rare and your perspectives are deeply needed by this world. This world that’s often blindsided by optical illusions. Of all people, you’re the only one who’s not getting sucked into the mirage of mass media and deceitful politicians. You’re the one who’s noticing where the lies are all at. And you need to point that shit out, spell it out for other people to see what’s truly going on in this world.
You could gain enemies, lots of them, in fact; but you are definitely gaining a massive following far greater than that if you remain authentic and courageous. Stay spooky. Stay scandalous. Stay gloriously YOU~ You’ve no idea just how much that Light of yours is needed in this world of long shadows. Keep your Third Eye open and keep your divine protection. Most people have yet to catch on to the one thing that makes YOU superfluously attractive: a courageous Heart that seeks to liberate others from the chains of their own cowardice.
story of your evolution – Priestess of Luck
a legacy of authenticity – Green Magus (John Dee)
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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strangesmallbard · 5 months
bg3 characters if they worked at publix/safeway/your grocery store of choice:
karlach: in charge of anything that involves moving heavy objects between locations, but also works produce. LOVES helping old ladies take their groceries to the car; will accidentally abandon the vegetables at least once per shift. (she does apologize to the vegetables.) also is a pallet stacking master in the most haphazard configurations that, somehow, miraculously never fall over. frequently posts her monstrosities on r/publix, alongside a selfie of her giving a cheeky thumbs up.
wyll: store manager, in his second year of a master’s degree in public policy. optimistic like a sword is optimistic. WILL make sure you take your mandated break and will hand out store giftcards for a job well done. does not suffer customers who behave badly. is roommates and longtime best friends with karlach; the energy they exude while together either makes your shift bearable or unbearable, depending.
shadowheart: works the in-store coffee counter. probably should not because she always looks vaguely disgusted, annoyed, or bored. the dark circles under her eyes are always there no matter how many espresso shots she sips. has anonymously complained to corporate about the store’s music choices. every new employee thinks they have a shot with her until she hits them with the 👁️😐 did you need something? 👁️😐 and they slink away, feeling chastised for reasons unknown.
minthara: works the meat and/or fish counter. smokes seventeen packs per mandated break. always smells a little bit like red meat. has the most insane combat stories but it’s completely unclear whether she’s a veteran or just someone who gets into situations on purpose. every 20-something employee is at least mildly obsessed with her whole thing, but she’ll only humor karlach. no one knows where she lives.
lae’zel: 22-year-old grocery team lead. typically works the 5pm-11pm shift, but still obviously runs that shit like a navy seal base. has encyclopedic knowledge of grocery store codes and also lore. during mandated breaks she can be found doing one-armed pushups, argueflirting with shadowheart, or scribbling poetry in a notebook. she’s also the pitcher on her college’s varsity baseball team; everyone shows up to her big games and she fails at not looking overwhelmed by joy every time.
jaheira: beloved customer service manager, knows literally everything and everyone. taught wyll everything he knows about not suffering customers who behave badly. often goes mountain climbing with her scary 39-year-old girlfriend astele who owns the smoke shop next door. sells the best weed you’ll ever smoke in your life.
gale: day shift manager counterpart to lae’zel, postdoc who needs the job to make rent obviously. constantly gives aisle directions for the store location he worked during undergrad and shelves the soup cans all wrong. WILL show you photos of his cat. constantly recognized by his booktube fans (he also streams sims 4 builds of classic sci fi/fantasy book locations). he does wear his own merch underneath the uniform.
halsin: that customer who’s very polite but frequently and inexplicably barefoot. he also teaches woodworking and pottery at the youth center down the road. sometimes brings his regular kids to the store for a field trip and those little bags of cheetos. grows the weed that jaheira sells.
astarion: does not work at the grocery store. he worked at the grocery store for two weeks, during which he showed up late every day, insulted customers, and generally behaved like a cat ripped away from his ball of yarn. he only lasted those two weeks because gale (roommate/situationship) begged wyll to give him another chance in a different department. he still lives with gale while finishing up a law degree and can be found loitering in the grocery store, bitching about The Circumstances with shadowheart.
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
It’s been so long since any work of fiction had a twist that I genuinely didn’t see coming. This Asebi twist is INSANE. Masterful writing man I never in a million years would’ve thought she was like this. They set her up as the quintessential victim, only to reveal her as a wolf in sheep’s clothing pulling all the strings in the ritual.
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Best episode of the series by far. The Kasuke stuff was only the tip of the iceberg, I never would have thought Asebi was manipulating even the Prince’s own sister?? Fujinami being in love with her and willing to do whatever she asked, even kicking out and inadvertently killing Samomo wtf???? Takimoto covering it up I can understand, ladies in waiting are loyal to a fault as the prince said..
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“The princess misunderstood me” nah this bitch is pure evil 😭 like the scary sort of pure evil. That scene of the dark raven coming out the ground next to Asebi was terrifying. She just exudes a very uncomfortable aura that I never noticed until today.
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Who would’ve thought that out of everyone there it would be Hamayu that ended up winning the prince’s hand in marriage lmao. The person literally sent there to kill him. Poetic in a sense, but given her neutrality from the four houses and the prince’s desire for reform it is logical.
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That “I do not find you particularly special and I do not love you either. That won’t change if you marry me” is the most insane proposal ever though 😂 that punch was well deserved. Hamayu is also a good choice because she doesn’t worship the prince or like treat him formally, they’re old friends and she isn’t afraid to say whatever is on her mind to him.
Gonna miss my boy Yukiya :/ was hoping he’d stay around, but guess he’s got unfinished business in Taruhi.. hope we see him again some day… but the set up for this next arc looks wild. The intercutting shots of girlie getting her head eaten off while the prince and yukiya say their goodbyes was haunting.
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And a new waifu showing up?? Two weeks off due to the recap and new season starting, but I can’t wait!
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celeste444spacey · 4 months
Fame Manifestation Princess of Pop vaunt ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
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The newest pop girl, multiple grammy awards winner- me. Yes, i brought pop back. True pop music is back again, thanks to me. I am quintessential to 2020s pop. Tell me why i am the luckiest girl ever??? I am the biggest artist in the world right now, i am quite literally the definition of famous. Oh and did i tell you how i am THE it girl? People CANNOT get enough of me. I am the prettiest ever, like literally the most ethereal pretty angelic hot individual to walk on this earth.
I am so so loved, like i have zero haters. Everyone is my fan, even if they say they are not my fan, they are my fan. Everybody loves me. I am the most respected and admired celebrity. I am the top 1 most loved famous people. My music is so so so good that i got even hip hop bros jamming to my songs. I am literally the most loved artist ever. The more fame i gain the more love i gain.
I have the best record label ever. I am signed to <record label you like>. They are so so supportive, they always work in my favor. Sorry but i am my record label's favorite artist and it shows. I am so so preferred in the industry.
I am a fashion icon. I am a brand ambassador of <designer brand>, i am a trend setter. My hair is on point, my fashion sense is just- mwah!- my make up is perfect.
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I exude confidence, i am a badass bitch effortlessly, i am perfect. I ooze iconic energy. Even the memes people make of me are just iconic where people just go "god! i love her!".
I am THE performer. Like my stage presence is insane, my performances are so iconic and they live in everybody's minds rent free. Girl even Beyonce herself said that my stage presence is unmatched and it's so powerful.
I am so immune to trolls and haters. I have even trolls reform their ways of living and turn into my biggest fans. Come on! What's not to love about me?
Oh and all my albums and songs are POP BIBLE PERIODT. My songwriting is perfect like i write with a quill of fire, my vocal runs are insane, my songs are just perfect, the productions??? Just mwah! My debut album ended every other debut album ever. My album releases are a worldwide PHENOMENON.
I keep sweeping all these award shows like a goddamn tsunami. My shelf doesn't fit all these awards anymore damn. Every award show red carpet i gotta hold and pose with like 10-15 awards and it's so much work! 😩 But oh well 🤭. And i keep making money like a goddamn money tree.
Oh also! So many other celebs admit on having a crush on me (around your age ofc bb). <Your celebrity crushes> said they liked me. Remember the time i met <celebrity crushes>??? They were like so smitten.
I am so so fucking iconic.
I am THE princess of pop.
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thatlittlesungod · 1 year
how is the ace attorney movie GAYER than the games?????????
how??????? HOW???????
just finished watching it and,,,, like the smile?!?!?!?!?!??
the gay little line in the credits?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
"My methods do not violate the law... but they seem to have violated you. Have you got a problem with that?"
Miles Edgeworth you just straight up admitted to wanting to be pegging him,,,,, to pegging Phoenix Wright.
oh my God you gay little bitch. you insatiable little brat. Miles Edgeworth, i want to pick you up put you in a jar and study you forever. you are the most gay thing in existence. even in this movie where everyone is just trying to make you straight, you somehow exude enough raw gay energy to communicate through your eyes the entire movie how much Phoenix means to you to the point of where I swear to God you were dressing him down in the most controversial ways.
your mere presence alone makes Phoenix bisexual.
you have caused a man who I thought was actually going to be straight in this movie to be a WHORE. you look at him, with passion and desperation, and later smile in the end credits and Phoenix does his little cat smile back... and then in the next line you basically ask permission to peg him within an inch of his life,,,,,, to pound him into SMITHEREENS and he just smiles at you with the corner of his mouth and yells objection....
the actor who plays Edgeworth in this movie, Mr. Takumi Saitô,,,, oh i want to hug you. you brilliant man. you are so special to me. you are also insanely hot and i can see why they picked you for this role. i will watch more projects with you in them.
also wanting to hug Hiroki Narimiya (who plays Phoenix) but that's just because you made him stupid as he should be. your smile is so squishable and you look good in blue.
also a special shout out to the actor who played Gumshoe (Shunsuke Daitô!!!!!!!!!) because you sir, ✨ s l a y e d ✨
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rocketboots564 · 3 months
Teen Wolf Season 1 (from a first time watcher)
Okay, I did this for another series (Red vs. Blue) and I DESPERATELY want to do it for this.
This is basically my thoughts/notes/critiques of Teen Wolf season 1 as someone watching it for the first time. Please enjoy and take it with a grain of salt:
I could tell this show EXUDED 2010’s energy when I witnessed with my very own eyes and ears a DUBSTEP WEREWOLF BATTLE
Guys, if you had told me there’d be dubstep werewolf battles I would’ve watched it YEARS ago… OPEN UP WITH THAT! (Note: I am not the biggest fan of dubstep, however watching Derek and Scott beat the hell out of each other while it blares is an experience I never knew I needed)
Its music is so nostalgically 2010’s it comes off as “so bad it’s good” in a way.
I love it even though I occasionally cringe
Don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but Scott McCall was kinda boring in this season.
NOW BEFORE YOU JUMP ME! Scott has insane highs and simmering lows, but the highs are mostly in the beginning of s1 and the last 4-5 episodes where he SHINES.
I mean it, he went from a B to an A-tier character those last few episodes
But, the other characters were just so much more… flavorful. Like Stiles?! I LOVED every second Stiles is on screen.
On the topic of Stiles… I will be talking about how much bisexual energy this show has. Because it’s A LOT. You guys were NOT kidding about that.
It’ll probably be a repost of this or its own thing.
Honestly, and you’re gonna hate me for this, but Scott and Derek kinda act like love interests in a smutty, poorly written YA novel–BUT! It’s a bit endearing.
But also tell me you can’t see it.
I mean like, Scott’s answer to suppressing his transformation ends up being “his love for Allison” like a good 60-70% of the time.
Time to talk about Lydia. I started off HATING Lydia for like the first 1.5 episodes. I hated her snarky, mean-girl, wannabe Regina George ass at first… at first…
But, I took a step back and thought to myself:
“The pipeline from Supernatural to this show is surprisingly close… which means one of many things: they’re gonna give her massive character development and make me not only feel bad for her, but make me love her so much she becomes a favorite of mine.”
Lo and behold… you’ll never guess who my second favorite character is?
Lydia… right under Stiles where she belongs. He’s just that good
Can we please PLEASE talk about how unprofessional the Teachers are in this school! LIKE WHAT THE HELL?!
First of all, there’s the coach, which sure, he cuts corners, and can be a very questionable motivator (please don’t reward your students with an A for doing something that has nothing to do with their educational prowess. Nor should you tease them thinking it’ll motivate them. Positive reinforcement works people.)
How are you gonna sit there, and actively berate and insult your students, and expect good things from them.
And then, on top of all of that, YOU HAVE TO AUDACITY, to withhold information that connects you to the Hale fire?! OOOOH PETER I’LL JUMP HIS ASS WITH YOU.
Adrian Harris, you are an unprofessional, ignorant, arrogant slob unfit to teach goddamn preschoolers. (Granted, I’m while watching season 2 right now… and my hate for him has only swelled)
Speaking of Peter, I don’t think he’s the real villain of this season. He definitely is a villain, and a main one at that. But the biggest bad here?
That title goes to the woman I wanna see get the electric chair: MOTHERFUCKING KATE ARGENT
I will make my own post on Kunt Argent, analyzing this VILE woman, and why Jill Wagner plays her PERFECTLY. (Seriously she made a villain that makes my blood boil. 10/10 acting and writing)
I’ll also probably talk about Allison and what I love about her in that too because it’s important.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Maybe a weird question but what is each of the Eddie’s favourite comfort food?
I love this question.
modern!eddie I feel like he loves that cinnamon sugar butter toast. like it's definitely a "struggle meal" that his mom grew up making him bc it was dirt cheap, but it hits. like he gets a craving for it every now and then and mean girl makes it for him and he's just heart eyes in love.
cowboy!eddie loves chili. like look at him and tell me he doesn't exude bowl of chili energy fr. like chili and a grilled cheese, especially on a cold day when he's been working all day. it just soothes his soul really.
mafia!eddie is definitely more of a sweets guy admittedly. he loves cookies a lot for no reason. but a fresh baked cookie does it for him. it just makes it all better.
janitor!eddie likes soup. I think he always liked the idea of hot soup just being comforting, and so he clung to it, and now he just loves it. chicken noodle is obv his favorite, but he's become a big french onion guy as of late. you turned him onto that and he's so impressed.
older!eddie loves a chicken pot pie. like I don't know what you want me to say about this, but he's a fiend for a pot pie. bro likes butter pecan so it shouldn't be surprising. he orders it at a restaurant and brielle gets so embarrassed. you think it's funny bc it's one of those things that like you forgot existed but not eddie babes, he orders it every time.
bouncer!eddie idk if this counts as a comfort food, but he's insane about buffalo chicken dip. I feel like that really checks with him like... he gives buffalo chicken dip energy. doesn't like the kind with celery in it fuck no, he wants that shit HOT and spicy. will devour it all in like under 45 minutes.
rockstar!eddie since he moved out to la doesn't get a lot of midwestern foods or even like southern comfort foods (bc wayne is def from the south fight me) and everything's organic and gross out there. he loves breakfast food. like greasy ass diner type breakfast food. like a waffle house?? find eddie munson at a waffle house in los angeles at least once a month, stoned out of his mind, eating an allstar breakfast and a waffle bitch. he loves it.
dom!eddie loves banana pudding. like it's very unexpected of him, but he loves loves loves a banana pudding. the original kind that's cold. he loves whipped cream ;) lol so it's not that surprising but you make it for him once and he's in love??? like he acts like you gave him a kidney.
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Round One Match Five: L and Light (Death Note) vs Takumi and Ryosuke (Initial D)
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why should you vote for them?
L and Light (5):
Honestly, idk if they count as rivals. More straight up enemies, I guess. But they definitely have somehing gay going on. Like, damn. Like, this scene (link to the lawlight foot scene that mod goose made work for this post) What is going on?! Being handcuffed together for idk how long, but it was a pretty long time.
gayass autistic bitches red and blue theyre literally obsessed with each other and trying to kill each other
their every interaction exudes gay rivalry
They are so deranged and messed up about each other. I literally do not know how to go in depth about them simply because I don’t even know where to start
Takumi and Ryosuke (1):
Homoerotic insane car racing battles set to iconic tracks like Deja Vu. They're an underdog, but I think their time is now.
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cl0udy-b3ans · 1 year
Awful DIO hcs
-He can stop time without yelling “ZA WARUDO!” but he always does that because he’s a theatrical bitch and that’s why Jotaro yells “ZA WARUDO” every time because he thinks that’s needed to activate it. At least as a teenager. Hopefully he figured it out before Stone Ocean LMFAO
-DIO has like 5 copies of every outfit so he can shred them for dramatic effect and also why not? If one slutty outfit is wrecked in battle not to worry, he has 4 more.
-He’s used The World to stop time for the most mundane things ever, from making less appreciated subordinates think they’re going insane to simply stopping time to commit petty theft.
-DIO has an insane amount of jewelry accumulated from this petty theft btw. If he sees something pretty on another person that wouldn’t be too hard to yoink without them noticing it’s gone is fair game. Why SHOULDN’T he have this? He’s going to rule the world soon enough.
-He wears this jewelry whenever he feels like having an evening to himself and only his most trusted servants. As an orphan he had basically no access to hygiene, but now he likes to keep himself extremely clean if he can.
-DIO’s self care nights is literally just a nicer way to say he collects a hot person off the streets, while dressed up in elaborate jewelry and robes, takes them back to his house, plows them a few times, eats them, and then has a warm bath while thinking about world domination.
-DIO once bullied a salon owner into doing his nails for free. Not that it was hard, mind you, but only hard to do somewhat legally.
-DIO is still curious at heart, even if the knowledge he’s trying to get is related to world domination. His library is well used, and he’s always reading books in the gayest, least comfortable poses that show off what’s under that skin tight leotard to assert dominance over his minions
-He’s bisexual, yes, and finds it ESPECIALLY funny to take homophobes off the streets just so he can do gay things in front of them before eating them. He’s quite creative with his psychological torture methods, but this really is number one for amusement factor. He’s just being himself, not even the murdery part, and this person is practically shitting themselves in rage? 11/10 experience. He’ll almost regret shoving his fingers down to the knuckle inside their neck to have a drink.
-Short people have no rights in DIO’s mansion lmfao. He thinks being taller than people means he’s made to be more dominant than them, and hence, looms over practically anyone constantly in order to make them feel even smaller.
-Speaking of dominance, he exudes it 24/7 and is super obnoxious about it. He physically cannot stand someone being better at something or more attractive than him, so he always a) challenges them to a “duel” (he just fucking kills them because if you bruise his ego you’re as good as dead) or b) plows them and then does the above. THE DIO is not an inferior man and he’ll let you know. Constantly. Loudly. In a bitchass manner.
-Has used The World to slap people he finds “too vile to grace with a backhand.”
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orphanpupok · 7 months
Ranking Female Characters in the Jurassic Park/World Franchise by the Amount of Crazy Bitch Energy (CBE) They Exude
Dr. Ellie Sattler
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Ellie is generally a pretty sensible person, given the situation she finds herself in when everything at Jurassic Park goes to shit. Speaking of shit, she does dig through a huge pile of it literal hours after learning of the existence of dinosaurs, so that earns her some points. Also bonus points for the deranged way she calls out to Alan to run after escaping the raptor.
CBE out of 10? 5
Lex Murphy
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Say what you will about her constant screaming and fear of all dinosaurs, herbivores and carnivores alike, I for one would argue that Lex is having the most sensible reaction to the situation at hand. She isn’t caught up in scientific curiosity or blinded by ambition. She’s just god damn terrified.
CBE out of 10? 2
Dr Sarah Harding
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Somehow this woman not only decided to go to dinosaur island alone but she also actively chose to date Ian Malcolm. If that doesn’t scream crazy, I don’t know what does. Oh wait, how about taking a baby dinosaur from its extremely aggressive parents? And then doing it again but in a convertible this time?
CBE out of 10? 8
Kelly Curtis Malcolm
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Much like Lex, Kelly is having a pretty normal terrified reaction to being in a Jurassic movie. Unlike Lex however, she snuck onto the island knowing there would be danger and then gymnastics-d a velociraptor in the face. So, you know, points for that.
CBE out of 10? 4
Amanda Kirby
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This bitch wrote the template. When she isn’t screaming her god damned head off you can find Amanda Kirby making the most insane choices you’ve ever seen. All of it comes from a place of motherly love. You know those stories about moms who lifted cars to save their baby? Imagine that, but replace lifting cars with fist fighting dinosaurs.
CBE out of 10? 13.
Claire Dearing
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Amanda Kirby may have made the mold, but Claire perfected it. Practically every choice made by Claire is punctuated by such a tangible amount of crazy bitch energy. From the obviously insane (Owen says we need more teeth to defeat the Indominus? I’ll just go get Rexy) to the hilariously mundane (CHAIR). She’s a crazy bitch through and through.
CBE out of 10? 20.
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foileadeux · 1 year
pk is famously known for being in the poor little meow meow category. And the Radiance, while less discussed, is also a sad pitiful babygirl.
So I think that pkradi exudes crazy amounts of miserable pathetic wretch vibes, the most Heem Heem Whimper of deities. With their combined power they’d pull insane amounts of bitches but they’re too busy arguing with each other to do that
youve got them pinned down. Yeah. all of the above
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minothtime · 6 months
started madoka magica w the bf today and we paused at ep four. first thoughts:
Homura appears, gags the audience, leaves. i love her
mami sure is a character! kinda sad tbh
i KNOW the fucking hospital bitch is going to be a horrible person. he gives me the ick
the amount of foreshadowing homura exudes is insane
we ALMOST got the good ending when kyube walked away like IT WAS!! SO CLOSE!!! HE LEFT !!!!!
side note i am aware of many things that happen and will happen in the show i just keep being blown away by everything
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yourmomsmedium · 2 months
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reading for AUGUST = theme: LET’S GET REAL
(New Moon Leo 4/8 - Full Moon Aquarius 19/8)
general vibe: facing biggest heartaches, the core of the onion, childhood trauma, current drama BUT in order to free yourself of what stops you from being curious, and fun, and easy going, what stops you from living in the flow of life, in what ways are you controlling the ways of the universe, what stops you from doing what you really want
ARIES: mama take a step back and ask yourself - why am I putting so much mental effort into things that don’t serve me? waves of opportunities pass you by and you’re not jumping on them out of fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem. this time calls you to stop being a little bitch about things that matter to you and just take it - PHYSICALLY AND METAPHORICALLY. just take what’s yours because everyone else will go for it and you’ll be left with nothing on your plate. you need to start using your gifts for yourself not against yourself or for somebody else.
TAURUS: your beloved coins are coming your way. you’ve worked hard as always, and this one is no brainier. you deserve it and you make it happen and at this point of your journey you can sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride. you got this diva. new job and new opportunities are coming your way. financial stability is happening right now, and soon you’ll be able to bask in the life you deserve. thank yourself for all the effort you put in.
GEMINI: okay girlboss. ur slaying all the way right now, so don’t even think of getting into your head, doubting yourself, feeling not good enough. use this time to shake ANY NEGATIVE SELF-TALK and fly like the fucking butterfly you are my angel. prosperity and financial abundance are blossoming in your life and it allows you to take care of others, to create a safe space for them to fall back on. your nurturing, organisational skills are shining, showing others the way like a lighthouse. and you’re loving it, so really let yourself love it.
CANCER: okaaaaay. bad vibes only mama. some people are after you, there’s some drama going on, something is not right. whether it’s external or interior you’re not feeling good at all, you’re filled with bitterness and exhaustion. remember this is just a state of mind and nothing is as it seems. if you haven’t eaten, been outside, or drank water, maybe try go do that before you go off at somebody or you secretly harbour resentment against them in your bedroom. this is definitely a period of endings, good byes, retrospection. you will realise in which ways you’ve failed, what you’ve done wrong, and you’re gonna hit some walls in order to see what you’re unable to cope with. just remember this is for your own good - it’s better you face it and let it go than you live with it forever.
LEO: you’re exploring parts of yourself you haven’t seen before, those you don’t often have the space to exude, nor opportunities to act in the particular roles you’re being put in right now. it’s a bit of a test but guess what ? you’re slaying. you’re tender, patient, and caring, and even though at points you don’t understand things and you get confused and irritated, you are managing your fiery impulses as you discover the extent to which you can be so different than what you once thought. you’re on your way of becoming what you’ve always dreamt of, so carry on and act like it. embrace the softness.
VIRGO: your belief system is drastically changing and it’s best you just let it. soothe yourself as much as you can and hang in there because there’s no way of analysing what’s going on with you right now and if you try it might drive you insane. which habits, traditions, systems don’t serve you? what do you settle of out of a sense of duty? it’s time to add a bit of freshness, a bit of zest to your life and get out of some of your more conservative ways. outside the box thinking on, negative judge self-talk off.
LIBRA: you’re on a mission and you know where you stand. you know where you wanna go and the timing works in your favour. nothing is certain but there is definitely a lot of potential in the air and if you really put yourself to it, a lot of beautiful things can materialise for you soon. use your passion and creativity to discover new places and new people, but don’t lose sight of your goal and what you stand for. make sure your values permeate your actions and get adventurous. be brave and believe in yourself - if you do that you will definitely succeed.
SCORPIO: you’re fucking exhausted mama. I’m so sorry. you’ve been pushing forever and right now you’re fucking done. you need a rest like yesterday. but this time shows you just how much perseverance and courage there is in you, and just know that thanks to that and exactly who you are the success is on the way. it is thanks to you and nobody else. you may feel guarded and expecting the worst, but I’m here to reassure you that you’re at the end of this crazy ride - that’s why your ass hurts so much. this too shall pass and you’ll be so gagged that YOU DID THAT. 4+4.
SAGITTARIUS: anything can happen right now. the choices you’re making are really difficult and carry a lot of weight. but not in a bad way. this is actually a really good sign, it’s definitely a good luck card BUT it does have this karmic vibe to it. like it’s fate, but this fate unravels in sequences of actions, showing you the way. expect a lot of changes and a lot culminating moments.
CAPRICORN: the vibe kind of sucks. you can expect bad news and delays and creative blocks. there’s no enthusiasm nor motivation, everything is slow. these days are showing you how you’re wasting your own potential and what you decide to invest your time into. there’s a vibe of wasted potential in the air, you may feel bored or stuck. life might not be too much fun right now but you have to remind yourself this is all dependent of your own perspective and you have the power to change this. what are you waiting for? see where you wanna go full speed and where you wanna tone things down to shake up the stagnation.
AQUARIUS: it’s time you enjoy the fruits of your labour as you’re frolicking on the hills with your loved one(s). love is in the air, platonic, romantic, from every direction, and especially from within. it’s a great time to be present, let your hair down, and enjoy the bliss of every moment. you deserve to be here and you’ve worked hard to understand and accept yourself, and can now generously give that to others. you feel love, you give love, and your transformative energy makes this world a better place.
PISCES: you may get a little sad, but that’s not bad - allow yourself the time to grieve, to dwell, and to evaluate what’s been taken away from you. notice what you take for granted, and which habits short-circuit fuelled by shame and low self-esteem. are you looking at what you have or at what you don’t have? you may feel regret, disillusion, and apathy, but this will not be a long phase. rather a short yet intense portal into your true happiness. you need to shed your skin and go through a transformation, leaving behind what causes you remorse and depression. this is not easy, and it might be a time you will seek more help - whether it’s family and friends, therapy, or alternative healing practices, this all may lead you to take concrete steps towards creating a better mental space for yourself and face the trauma that’s holding you back from getting what you want and experiencing more positive feelings. be gentle with yourself, meditate, but don’t let yourself daydream and miss opportunities for great things in your life for the sake of toxic routines and past conditioning.
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cross-u-out · 2 years
Ok it’s been about 2 weeks since the new cast names have gotten revealed and like 3 since we’ve first seen them, I’ve had time to fully process the new designs I think I can give in depth thoughts now.
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First these guys!
Priya - um I don’t have much to say about her, she gives off super preppy but very nice, giving Courtney I think. I like her she seems nice
Millie - Yeah she’s just giving nice and polite and mom friend, but she’s absolutely one of my favorites I think idk she’s just nice.
Ripper - Okay he had to grow on me a lot but I love him now! I think the Nowen headcanons/art converted me on him and I don’t even ship lmao. But yeah he’s a bitch I’m calling it now. Maybe not main antagonist worthy but like he’s evil. But also lovely and a joy to have around. Also he’d probably be a challenge beast I think. Idk he’s just vibes I guess.
Damien - Honestly if anyone’s trans it’s him. Definitely. He just exudes transmasc. This entire row is very gender but like out of this whole cast it’s probably him. Also, he’s SO COOL I am in love with his design he also just exudes good vibes I love him. I think he should win I want him to win or at least make top 3.
Axel - YES. She is going to be a favorite I hope another one of the coolest people here. Love characters who could beat my ass. Personality wise I’m think she’s like Brick Courtney and Eva with slight Jo and Duncan idk she just gives all of them. She will slay I can sense it.
Chase - Normal (derogatory) idk he’s just there. But he seems nice ig.
Zee - they’re so non-binary. Anyways they’re very funky and sweet and so shapes and they give major sweetheart goofball I love them. they just enjoy.
Scary Girl - I don’t know why she doesn’t have an actual name especially when all the fan names are so amazing, I personally prefer Charley or Hayley (I don’t remember who came up with those but you’re the best). Um design wise she’s kind of the actual best I think like it’s just so vibes. Personality wise I literally don’t know actually and I think I like that. That just means she could be anything I love a good wildcard. Yeah she’s another fave.
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okay them now.
Caleb - He’s giving Ryan I think but like take out everything that made me like him. I don’t know he’s just so.. boring. I think I’d boot him first he’s just frustrating and I don’t trust him at all.
Nichelle - Ok I’m gonna be honest when the names got revealed I did not care for her AT ALL I thought she was just so basic. But like I’m here now hi sorry I’m late. She’s so girl, girla, girlie, girlie pop, bestie. Her designs also grown on me as well, i love the beads and the yoga pants. She just seems so chill and normal (affectionate). But ALSO I’m kinda getting scared she might be first boot here’s why. Ok so we all know she and Caleb weren’t in that like team huddle thing but like. Has anyone else noticed she hasn’t been in any of the promo screenshots in the flyer. That’s so weird to me. I hope I’m going insane especially since she’s the only one facing right (although that could be another clue). But um anyways yeah she’s great. She’s just so slay. I love her.
Julia - This girl is gay. Anyways she also had to grow on me cuz she was so basic but like I’m also here for her now. You are all right she’s absolutely a stoner. Also like I kinda get an athlete vibe from her? Like she’s a twig but like if it got revealed she does or did track or something I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s great I think.
Bowie - I’m sorry I love a good twink. Idk what’s going on with the color scheme/design but like it’s very funky it suits him. The necklace and bracelets are cool, he’s cool, I like him a lot hoping he goes far.
Wayne - I’m not gonna lie, I think he’s one of my favorites now. Another case where the art converted me but like he’s just adorable. But also idk if this is my mha obsessed brain talking but YALL. HES LITERALLY OJIRO, HEAR ME OUT HERE They are both: Blonde, both do sports, probably both polite himbos, he gives off nervous vibes just like Ojiro, both (somewhat) big guys, AND THEY HAVE VERY SIMILAR, IF NOT THE SAME FUCKING COLOR SCHEME. I CANNOT BE THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS. AM I DELUSIONAL PROBABLY BUT I DO NOT THINK SO. I get he’s probably supposed to be a Wayne Gretzky parody but like come on. I see the vision. Anyways tangent over I love him he just seems so sweet. Also he’s so gay you guys. He’s great. I love him.
Raj - um I don’t have much to say but he also seems very sweet and adorable. I also think out of him and Wayne he’d be the more chill and reasonable one. I’m rooting for him.
Emma - ok she used to be my first boot but I don’t hate her anymore. Wow holy shit y’all’s art converted me on 5 people props to the total drama fandom y’all did great. Um I don’t really know what to say about her but like I hope everyone who’s predicting she’s a sweetie pie is right. Um well see about her I’m interested now.
MK - ICON! I love them so much and I also think they are enby. They are also a super sweet silly goofball I think. Literally I want them to win so bad they are my absolute favorite. But seriously why are they yellow. If they’re supposed to be Asian then surely Fresh should know it’s a problem. Especially considering they didn’t do it with Heather when TDI first came out. So bad. But anyways yes they are amazing literally my favorite they need to win.
so uh yeah. I definitely like them all a lot more than I did when the designs first got revealed. I think my absolute favorites are MK, Damien, Axel, Wayne, Nichelle, Julia, Ripper, Zee, Wayne, and Millie. Although I don’t get why these were their names when I’ve seen so many better ones (I’ve seen Tristan and Hayden for Ripper and Wayne respectively and like yeah I like those a hell of a lot better.) But um yeah I’m excited for the season I don’t think it’ll be a dumpster fire, especially considering Ridonculous was good. I’m excited.
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