sophfandoms53 · 8 months
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Okay but what if Shadow steals this bike in movie 3 then he pulls a SHTH 2005 intro and blows it up😭
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redocity · 5 months
Hey, if you’re looking for more buck requests I’d love something where he’s dating the reader and it’s going well but before they get chance to meet the team they get in an accident or their building catches fire or something and buck ends up rescuing her and hen and Eddie work on her etc and then after when they’re okay she’s just like when I said I wanted to meet the team this is not what I meant. Thank you so much if you decide to write this 💕
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going to the gym when LA was due for a flash flood was not the best idea on your part, but at least you got to meet the people that buck called family
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WARNINGS: established relationship, flooding, corpse mention, minor character injury
evan buckley x gn!reader || fluff || 4.0k || requests open!!
a/n: is this the best thing i’ve ever written? no. but i hope it suffices nonetheless 🫶
₊ ⊹ masterlist!!
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Who knew joining a new boxing gym of all things would land you a boyfriend.
A tall, blond, handsome boyfriend who could probably bench press you like it was his warm up.
He could probably bench press your dad like it was a warm up.
You like to think it’s an act of divine intervention, an apology from the gods for making you move across the country by yourself with nothing but yourself to make things work.
The least you deserved was the absolute perfection that was Evan Buckley to make it a little less taxing.
Granted, the way you met was less than perfect, you managing to put your gloves on backwards, get them stuck on your hands and then have to ask for help getting them off whilst internally wanting to jump off a cliff from the embarrassment.
He was nice enough though, making lighthearted jokes about the situation as he helped you take off, and then put back on your gloves in the correct way.
To be honest you’re not sure you can remember most of that first conversation you had, definitely too focused on the muscles in his arms as the overhead lighting emphasised the definition of his biceps and shadowed the curves in his collarbone as they peeked out from underneath the tank top he was wearing.
That aspect of your dynamic never changed, and even as he started to approach you first so that you could pair up to spar with each other you still found yourself taking the time to admire his physique whenever the moment arose.
You found out within a few weeks that it was because he was a firefighter, and if you weren’t attracted to him before you definitely were when you had the fuel to imagine him being able to pick you up with one arm and sling you over his shoulder.
Apparently the feeling was mutual.
You learned a lot about Buck during your weekly gym visits. He was from Pennsylvania and travelled across the US before landing in LA, he had an older sister who used to frequent the gym with him, he worked in fire station number 118, and his team was like a surrogate family to him.
You learned a lot about them too.
You’d heard of the medical adventures of Hen and her scientist wife Karen.
He told you about how Chimney—a nickname he refused to elaborate on because it was ‘a scared secret’—had fallen in love with his sister Maddie and how happy he was for them.
He told you about how Eddie used to serve in the army and had an adorable kid named Christopher that Buck often spent his weekends with.
And he delighted in telling you all about Bobby. How he was a secondary father, how he’d been through the roughest of the rough and pulled himself back up and made Buck strive to have the same resilience, how he’d finally gotten his happy ending by falling in love with and getting married to a cop named Athena and how Buck was so happy that he was happy.
It was really endearing honestly, and it was one of the factors that contributed to how hard you fell for him.
He wasn’t just some ‘strong macho firefighter’, he was a human being, someone who loved with all his heart and put his everything into his job and doing right by the people that he loved and cared about.
He often made comments about bringing you to meet the team, mentioning the occasional barbecue that Bobby and Athena would host at their house and how the team would often bring their families and loved ones along.
It was the first time Buck ever called you his partner. In the middle of a boxing ring whilst you were punching at his hands and he was raving on about Bobby’s cooking.
And it was enough for you to miss the padding covering his palms and almost punch him right in the face.
“Woah-” You can thank his instincts for being the only reason he didn’t end up with a bruised nose, swerving his head at the last second and catching you as you stumbled forward into him.
“I am so sorry-” You remove yourself from his grasp hastily, holding the back of your gloved hand over your mouth to cover the astonishment of your own embarrassment from his view.
“It’s good, are you?” Buck dismisses your apology with a shake of his head an a soft smile that makes you want to squeeze him until he explodes because my god he is so adorable how did you land this man?
“Yeah- yeah I’m good, sorry-” You shake your wrists as a way of dispelling the nervous tension that’s racing through your muscles to settle in your joints.
“You’re sure?” He raises an eyebrow at you, expression a mix of suspicion and concern. “You know, you don’t have to come to anything if you’re not comfortable, I don’t want to rush into something if you’re not ready,”
He lowers his hands to his sides, undoing the velcro to slip the pads off his palms as a show that he wants to engage in the conversation without any distraction. “I have a habit of taking relationships too fast, and I don’t want to do that with you,”
“No that’s not— You’re not doing that, I’d love to meet the rest of your team,” You shake your head adamantly at Buck’s attempt at giving you an out, firmly planting your decision as wanting to take the proverbial ‘next step’ in your relationship in meeting the people he calls family. “I was just caught off guard is all, you’ve uh… you’ve never called me your partner before,”
“Oh— I uh—” Your acknowledgement of what he’d said seems to force him to acknowledge it himself, like it was a subconscious slip of the tongue rather than an informed decision. “Is that okay?”
You take a moment to think, eyes round and cheeks flushed as you nod your head. “Yeah,”
“Yeah?” He takes a step towards you, concern washing out of his expression to be replaced with contentment, confidence rising in his irises as he tilts his head to the side.
“Mhm,” You stifle a small embarrassed giggle as he invades your personal space, mirroring his head tilt with your own as your fluster extends from your cheeks to coat your neck in a dark shade of red.
“Good,” He rests his right hand against your shoulder, drawing small lines from the side of your neck down over the curve of your arm with his fingers. “I’ll have to call you that more often then,” He leans forward with every word until his lips are brushing yours as he speaks, emphasising the end of his sentence by pressing a kiss to your lips that you happily reciprocate.
“I’d like that,” Your face is embarrassingly red as you pull away, a lovesick expression on your face as you don’t even try to hide the way your composure falls apart.
You have half the mind to never go to the gym ever again.
How were you supposed to know that there were flash floods scheduled to hit LA this morning if they didn’t put it on the news until you were already inside the gym? At least you weren’t the only one suffering in your makeshift cage whilst rising water blocked you from leaving.
There was probably about a dozen of you actually, all up bright and early to get in a workout before the day started, and instead locked inside of the gym because the idiotic reporters didn’t warn you in advance that LA was due heavy rain and flash flooding.
Okay, technically it wasn’t their fault, the whole point of weather is that you only really know what’s happening as it happens, but surely they had the technology to be able to anticipate when something this extreme was going to occur.
Someone had already called 911, but you wouldn’t bank on them arriving anytime soon. Buck told you how rough days like this were for emergency responders, and considering that none of you were in an immediate emergency, you wouldn’t be surprised if your situation was put on the back burner until they had a team free.
That meant you basically just had to hunker down for a few hours and wait it out.
It shouldn’t have been to hard to past the time, you could technically just extend your workout for a while, but its barely an hour before the power goes out and half of the gym is rendered completely useless.
The group of you end up sitting on the floor in a circle and just talking to pass the time, although making small talk with people you don’t know can only last so long before you run out of things to talk about.
It was more boring than anything, although as the water began to seep through the seal of the glass doors, you knew that boredom wouldn’t last for very long.
“This is dispatch, we’ve got a gym flooding at 1123 Vine St #14, there’s 13 people trapped inside,” Josh’s voice crackles through the radio as the 118 lugs themselves back into the truck, soaked from the knees downwards.
“Copy that, 118 is en route,” Bobby presses the radio on his chest, tapping the side of the truck with his hand before climbing into the Captain’s seat.
“Copy 118,” The radio crackles then goes dead, and the truck pulls away from the gas station they were parked at with the ambulance hot on it’s tail.
“Vine St? Me and my girlfriend go to a gym Vine St, it’s great,” Buck talks before he’s even got the headset on, half of his sentence being drowned out as a result.
“Well it can’t be that great if it doesn’t have proper seal on the doors can it?” Eddie’s voice is entirely sarcastic, and Buck hits his arm with the back of his hand in retaliation.
“Hey we don’t know if this is my gym or not, so don’t disrespect the integrity of Wildcard boxing gym until we’re sure that’s where we’re going,” Buck scoffs dramatically, and it earns a laugh from the rest of the team.
“Oh no, how dare you besmirch Buck’s sacred place? That’s his second home you’re talking about,” Hen plays into the joke, and Buck responds emphatically by tapping his right hand against his left bicep.
“What was that about the ‘integrity’ of your gym Buck?” Eddie blinks up at the sparked out neon sign, jaws resting against his shoulder has he holds them in his right hand.
There was really no mistaking it as someplace else, and for a moment Buck’s focus turns to worry. It was your day off today, what if you’d gone to the gym to take up your time? What if you’d gotten injured in the process? Or god forbid something worse?
“Buck?” His silence is enough for Eddie to look over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “You good?”
“Yeah— Yeah I’m fine,” Buck shakes his head like he’s trying to physically shake the anxiety from his mind. “Let’s go,”
There’s a short shared glance between Eddie and Hen at Buck’s reply, but it ends with nothing more than a shrug as they forced the automatic doors open to enter the gym, adding another rush of water into the building in the process, one that they definitely could’ve done without considering it was almost at waist level already.
“LAFD!” Bobby wades through the water ahead of the group in the start of the search, calling out periodically in the hopes of a response from anyone from the group of people trapped somewhere inside.
Logic would dictate that they probably would’ve moved to the upper floor, but panic often overrides rationality in these sorts of circumstances, so the team couldn’t ever be too safe in searching the bottom floor.
“Alright, Buck, Chim, I want you to follow me in searching the rest of this floor, Eddie and Hen, go upstairs and find anyone you can,”
There’s an echo of “Copy that!”’s as the team split up to search the building, and as Buck makes his way through the familiar gym layout he can only hope that your months of being together with him has taught you how to best keep yourself safe in an emergency situation like this.
The sight of one of the gym regulars floating face down in the water does not reassure him of that fact.
He swears he almost gags at the sight, a mix of shock and disgust at the smell coming from the man as his corpse floats aimlessly, following the ripples in the water as Buck moves. Then he notices his hands. The back of his right hand specifically.
“Cap—” Buck’s voice is harsh and grainy through the radio, not at all helped by the fact the flood had probably disrupted some of the nearby cell towers making the transmission less clear than it already was. “I found— he had—” Buck’s radio periodically turns to static as he tries to relay his message, but it’s key message thankfully gets through undisrupted. “live electricity—”
“LAFD!” Eddie pushes the door open to the upper gym floor with Hen right on his tail, the two scanning the room for anyone immediately visible. “Is anyone there?”
”Here! We’re over here!” Your voice calls from around one of the corners, and you rush out towards the two firefighters with panic written all over your face, completely soaked from head to toe. “Are either of you a paramedic? A stack of weights fell whilst we were trying to create a barrier in case the water rose again and—” You talk whilst leading the two over the the group, and you don’t need to finish your sentence by the time you reach them.
One of the guys was sat against the wall, his left leg resting elevated on a collection of sodden towels and jackets, a nasty purple bruise spreading across the expanse of his foot and up his ankle and a slightly misshapen form to it as a whole.
It was pretty bad.
There’s a short shared glance between Eddie and Hen as they silently agree on the extent of his injury, and Hen kneels down towards him. “Alright, what’s your name sir?” She presses her fingers gingerly to the affected area and earns an immediate groan from the man.
“Antony—” He hisses his name through his teeth from the pain, and several of you collectively wince at the sight.
“Alright Antony, my name’s Hen, and this is Eddie, we’re gonna get you out of here and to a hosptial okay?” Hen gestures to Eddie behind her, and you take a second to furrow your eyebrows at the familiarity of the names. Then you catch the number of their uniform helmets. 118.
That meant Buck was here somewhere. He had to be.
“Please—” He lets out another pained groan as Hen instructs Eddie over to Antony’s other side to get him off the floor.
“How many of you are up here? Is anyone else injured?” Hen’s eyes scan the group for a quick head count, but someone beats her to it.
“There’s twelve of us,” Her voice is meek and almost unstable as she speaks, “There was thirteen but James… he…” She trails off like she knows she won’t be able to finish the sentence, and the intonation is enough for Hen to know what she’s implying.
“Alright…” Hen sighs softly as the groups demeanour dims slightly at the mention of James, and how everyone seems to huddle just that little bit closer together as if to comfort each other in their shared grief. “Can all of you swim?”
“We’ll be fine,” You answer her question with a small nod.
“Okay,” Hen returns your nod with her own before turning her gaze away from you and the group. “Eddie,”
“Got it,” He doesn’t even have to be asked before he’s tugging Antony’s weight over his shoulder to carry him, readying for the journey back down the stairs and hopefully safely out of the building.
The universe had other plans.
“Cap—” You can recognise Buck’s voice immediately, even with all of the radio distortion. “I found— he had— live electricity—”
It’s like a flip switches in Hen and Eddie’s brains at the new information.
“Electricity? That’s bad isn’t it? That’s gotta be bad are we gonna—”
“Nothing is going to happen to anyone.” Hen interrupts the girl’s anxious rambling with a raise of her hand. “Does this building have a rooftop?”
“Yeah uh, it’s— there’s a ladder over here,” One of the male members of the group, one of the employees, leads Hen towards the rooftop fire escape, pulling on the ladder until it collides with the floor. It’s locked though, only the owner has a key,”
“You locked the fire escape?” Eddie sounds more than a little exasperated at the news.
“I don’t know man I just work here—”
“Okay.” Hen interrupts once more, speaking into her radio. “Cap, we’ve got a rooftop exit, you need to get up here.”
“Copy— up now—” The radio continues to glitch on it’s transmission, but it sounds as though the message was properly received.
Getting the hatch open was not as easy, although with more than a little bit of teamwork and a twenty-five pound weight the group managed to force it from it’s hinges and climb everyone up onto the roof and out of any direct danger for the time being.
It was a momentary breath of relief, and the group seemed to agree as everyone practically collapsed in a heap now that the rush of adrenaline was wearing off. Although Eddie and Hen didn’t waste a minute as they set up Antony comfortably against one of the walls and began examining the rest of the group.
“Can you follow this light for me?” Hen holds up a penlight in front of your face, eyes following yours to judge your reactions and your pupillary response.
“I’m really okay, you should spend your time working on the people who really need you,” You follow her instructions even whilst trying to dissuade her gently, and she gives you a sharp shake of her head.
“Everyone’s important sweetheart, I’m just making sure you haven’t got any hidden injuries at even you don’t know about,” She clicks off her pen light once she’s satisfied, and then gives you a small pat on your shoulder before looking past you with an expression of relief on her face.
You follow her gaze yourself to be met with three other firefighters from the 118, presumably those from the first floor, and you don’t so much as have time to even register their faces in your mind before you’re being picked up into one of their arms and held in an almost bone-crushing hug.
“Thank god you’re okay—” You wouldn’t have even had to have heard his voice to know your proxy kidnapper was Buck, but hearing him is more than relieving for the small anxious part of your brain that was scared to death over his safety.
“I’m fine I’m fine—” Your words are echoed by a small laugh as your feet touch the floor again, and the two of you carefully peel yourselves from each other in your joined dampened state. “Are you okay?”
The two of you are caught up in your emotions enough that you essentially completely ignore the presence of the rest of Buck’s coworkers, oblivious to the looks they were giving you—and each other— in the process.
“I’m fine,” Buck nods as he pulls off his helmet, and you finally get a proper look at his face, dirty and soaked and so unbelievably kissable that you really can’t help yourself.
It’s what calls your attention back to the fact that there are indeed other people present, spurred by a short whistle from Chimney that leaves the two of you pulling away with flustered expressions.
“Uh—” Buck clears his throat into his elbow, using his free arm to pull you carefully against his side. “Guys, this is—”
“An absolute angel? It’s a pleasure to finally meet you properly,” Hen interrupts Buck’s introduction of you to reach out to you herself, her tone full of enthusiasm. “Buck does not stop taking about you,”
“Seriously, it’s 24/7,” Chimney adds on to Hen’s declaration with a determined gesture of his hand, and you don’t know whether to be flattered or embarrassed by the attention.
You’d been looking forward to meeting the team that Buck called family, truly, but you were not expecting to meet them like this.
You were absolutely drenched in flood water, probably covered in dirt, and most definitely looked like you’d been dragged through somebodies hedge.
Buck looks more proud than anything, and gives your side a small squeeze as he introduces you to everyone. “Hen and Chim,” The pair give you enthusiastic smiles, “That’s Eddie over there,” Eddie sticks his hand up in a makeshift wave as he focuses on properly wrapping Antony’s ankle with what’s available. “And this is Bobby,”
“It’s really a pleasure,” Bobby holds his right hand out to you, and you shake it politely, lips pressed into an almost nervous smile.
“It’s great to meet you all, Buck has told me a lot about all of you,” You let out a small, almost pathetic laugh at the end of your sentence. “I’m sorry we’re meeting like this,”
Hen waves you off with her hand and a laugh of her own. “Trust me, weirder things have happened,”
“Oh 100%,” Chimney nods in conjunction with Hen’s statement. “Welcome to the family,”
You give another small laugh and a “thank you,” as you settle yourself against Buck’s side, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head a with a content smile.
This might not have been the way he wanted you to meet the team, but it was perfectly unusual in its own way. And it was silently agreed that you were a perfect fit.
“So, uh, how are we getting down from here?” You turn your head over your shoulder to look over the edge of the roof, and the still high floods that covered most of the fire engine parked on the road.
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animeshotsh · 7 months
A doggie!! | Various x Kid!Reader |
Warnings: Fluff - Curses - HH violence - Alastor hates dogs - Lucifer its all up to bother Alastor - grammar mistakes - may do pt2 -
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Charlie could not hold her smile as she walked down the streets of hell, a big box in her hands and a nervous Vaggie at her side.
"Charlie...love, do you think this is a good idea? Vaggie asked again for the 10th time that day
Charlie who was already planning on how to give you your gift stopped to look at her gilfriend.
"We have been over our head with the hotel and the new patrons. No one has the time to play with (Y/N)...." Charlie said, memories of your sad self leaving the room after seeing everybody was working on something.
"I know but do you think a....dog would help them? They are too young..."
"This" Charlie exclaimed with the biggest and proud smile on her face shoving the box in Vaggi's face "its the most well trained and behaved Cerberus!! I know this race i used to have one, they are loyal and friendly and.."
"And they breath fire, do you really think (Y/N) its going to be alright with one?"
Turns out, you were even better than right.
Amazing one would say.
Charlie let out sounds of happyness as she snapped pictures of you and the little and chubby cerberus. Both of you currently playing inside your room.
Well one of them, since Alastor and Lucifer insisted on you having a room close to each one of them.
"Its really mine Sis?" You asked giving the dog some trears then rubbing its belly.
"Yes! We have been working too hard in the hotel and i know you must have feel lonely, but now you have this frien by your side"
The shadow from alastor and flying lamb from Lucifer where at the side giving Charlie offended looks.
No one was ready for how was going to be with you and a cerberus.
First, Lucifer almost had a heart attack when he went to your room to get you and saw the puppy who in return sent a blast of blue fire towards him.
You had to calm down the creature that had turned big when being suprised by the hell's king.
"Hey hey!! Its fine its my dad"
Of coruse his screams alerted Charlie who went as fast as she could to see her father sending glares towards your cerberus (when did it got so big?) And you trying to calm it down.
After Charlie explained and Lucifer calmed down so did the dog. Returning to its puppy size and now running in circles, not a single sign that it was the same beast from minutes before.
Alastor hated it. And the dog hated Alastor back.
When he heard you had got a dog Alastor was ready to try and get the thing out of the hotel.
Maybe he could get you a fish....yeah that sounded better.
But no. The moment Alastor tried to get that dog it turned six feet tall and growled at him.
And no, Alastor was not suprised and he was ready to fight it.
But that thing was more intelligent, when it hear you were coming it went back to its puppy size and started crying. And you just happened to be around the corner.
"Cerberus? Uncle? What happened?"
Oh that fucker played Alastor so well, he could see the dog smiling and wanted nothing more than to squish it.
"Oh Dear! Looks like i scared it, maybe its not as strong as it seems" Alastor joked getting a low growl.
"Nono! Cerberus its so strong and gets big!! It even let dad, sis and I ride on its back" you explained while petting each head. "Maybe you can come with me? I promise you wont fall"
Like hell he would let himself be on top of that thing. But he could not tell you that so he just smiled "maybe another time, lets go and listen to some jazz while i work on my program"
"Can cerberus come?"
At the question Alastor's eye twitched "of course it can"
Lucifer was in cloud nine after hearing at dinner that Cerberus had pissed Alastor's studio making the radio demon let out static noise and almost stabbing the king.
You were so sorry almost crying your eyes out making Alastor stop from breaking the dogs necks.
So new rule! No dogs in his radio station. And no dogs in his room.
You know what? No dogs near him.
The only time Lucifer and Alastor agreed on something: you spent too much time with the dog.
Sleep? With the dog. And no one could be in the same bed with you and it. Why? Because that thing would get bigger on purpose to prevent someone from stealing you.
The only one who could be with you and it was Charlie. Why? No one knew but if you were out your room the only other demon near you and your dog was Charlie.
She would prepare sleep overs with you and cerberus, Vaggie would join too, and the dog never reacted towards them. It even let itself be pet and kissed.
But with Lucifer? Yeah no. Even if it did let him ride on its back it was still not so friendly towards him. The dog even glared when Lucifer claimed you and him needed to go and could not bring it.
And Alastor had a personal war. Everytime you were not looking he would snap his fingers to try and make the dog leave. Nothing even worked.
"A truce, we get the dog out" a drunk Lucifer said one night to an equal drunk Alastor.
"I accept, i cant deal with that thing any longer"
"Well, it pissing your studio was something..."
"Haha, dont forget when it took your hat" Alastor bite back.
"HAHAHA well at least it likes me a bit"
"You must smell like it"
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mortytheestallion · 1 year
can i have you?
Rating: 18+ (minors DNI)
Word Count: 1700+
Warnings: Rick Sanchez x F!Reader, age-gap (older man/younger woman), unprotected sex PIV, angst, cunnilingus, fingering, canon typical violence, alcohol
“What’s that?” There’s a look of uneasiness painted on your face, a timid hand pointing at a seemingly dead robot that looks a little too much like Rick, well exactly like Rick, strewn across the garage floor in a puddle of oil.
Rick barely spares a glance over his shoulder before giving a gruff grunt.
“Morty pissed me off. It's a glorified family babysitter while I search for— while I focus on real shit.”
You think you’re gonna throw up. If that. . . thing, has been impersonating Rick for a couple of weeks then—
You can’t help the shriek that passes through your lips. Stomach churning, you don’t acknowledge the sound of glass shattering not 5 feet from where you stand. All you can do is stare at the shiny gold consisting of the robot’s body parts in horror.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Rick had already been in an irritated state like you’ve never seen. 5’o clock shadow, disheveled hair, and his lab coat seemed to be all that was holding him together.​ The mania had dissipated a couple of days ago, leaving nothing but piss and vinegar behind. 
“I fucked that thing.”
You’ve never seen Rick surprised as he slowly turns to face you, brow near his hairline. He’s speechless for the first time since he met you, yet it's gone as quickly as it came. His signature furrowed brow and twitching eye returned.
“What do you mean you fucked it?” It's full of venom. You can see his shoulders tense, white knuckles gripping the edge of the work bench. 
All you can do is stare at him, bound and gagged by your own dreadful realization. A beat passes before either one of you moves, Rick springs into action first. A string of explicatives leaves his mouth as he roughly clears the work bench, you cringe at the sound of clattering metal, but do not move. It feels like your feet have grown roots. 
It all makes sense now. The soft touches, the kindness, the supportiveness. It couldn’t have been Rick, it wasn’t. 
You can’t believe you didn’t realize it was a robot. His hands were cold, which was the only odd thing but Rick is odd. He normally runs like a space heater. You often wake up with all of your blankets on the floor, Rick starfished on the topsheet. He had been more tender though, attentive. You just thought time was changing him, making him softer. It seemed like family was making him more mellow, you thought maybe having you in his life brought out something in him. 
The shame and embarrassment washes over you like a flood. 
He picks up the robot with ease, throwing it onto the work bench like it weighs less than a feather. You’d be turned on in other, better circumstances. Your thoughts continue to race as Rick searches carelessly through boxes, throwing items over his shoulder at the workbench. He doesn’t seem to care if it hits the robot or not. 
Rick attaches what looks like jumper cables to each of the robot's nipples. You snort, instant regret shoots down your spine as Rick throws a glare at you. He presses a button and the robot jerks to life, cringing as he moans through the electrical current flowing through him.
“I thought you let me die, asshole.” He squints at Rick. His eyes widen when he realizes Rick is in no joking mood. 
“I programmed you to keep Morty busy not to fuck my gir— not to fuck her!” Rick thumb jabs in your direction, “Now I’m gonna fuck her, and make you watch.”
“Rick.” It's the first word you’ve been able to get out in a minute, the robot quietly sighs to himself during your staring contest with Rick. 
“Fine.” It comes out through gritted teeth, and he rips the cables off. The robot jerks as the light leaves its eyes. You feel a little guilty, this somewhat sentient creature dying because of your actions. Then again, Rick programmed it to be him, and it does seem to want to die. 
“What?” It's accusatory. Rick can’t believe the look on your face, you fucked a robot not him. Who are you to be on a high horse?
Your mouth is set in a grim line, tension oozes between the two of you. Rick’s chest heaves, he won’t break before you do. 
“What exactly was your plan with the robot? You thought I wouldn't initiate sex?” You break, chewing on your lip. Rick’s eyes briefly flicker towards it before meeting yours again. His hands are balled into fists.
“S-sorry I expected you to actually use that thing in your head, you know the brain?” Your mouth falls open at his jab, “Mouth o-open again? Gonna stick the dead robot dick in it, sweetheart?” 
There's tears in your eyes. All of the cautious trust you’ve built over the last couple washed away in a matter of seconds. Serves you right, you think.
He takes a swig of his flask, angry eyes betraying the calm demeanor he’s trying to portray. You can’t help it as the tears fall, you watch him soften a bit as you sniffle before the coldness returns. 
“Tears d-don’t work on me bab— sweetie, or did the robot fuck you dumb?” You know he’s just being mean because he’s hurt. 
It doesn’t make it any less upsetting though. You both stand your ground. 
You play it up a little, calling his bluff. Sniffles turn to sobs, you watch as his resolve slowly begins to crumble. He shifts his weight several times before he tosses the flask over his shoulder and moves in your direction. 
“C’mere,” his thumbs briefly wipe the tears off your cheeks before his lips meet yours. It’s uncharacteristically soft for him, a little too on brand for the robot. You push the thought to the back of your mind, enjoying how warm his body is pressed against yours. 
He gets a little rougher. You gasp as your back hits the work bench, so engrossed in the feeling of his teeth biting your neck you didn’t even notice him guiding you over. 
Rick’s hands are gripping your waist so tight you’re sure there’ll be handprint shaped bruises on your hips in the morning. The thought of it makes you moan, and he tenses slightly before continuing his way down your torso. 
He gets his hands under your thighs. Calloused hands meet plush skin as he leverages you up on the counter, you yelp as you land on the cold counter. 
“Gon–gonna make you forget all about him, sweetheart,” He mutters, rucking the material down your legs. He’s gonna show you how much he cares about you in the only way he can. He stops for a minute to grab you by the nape of your neck and kisses you, really kisses you. He bathes in the soft moans he manages to pull from you between kisses, continuing his previous goal as he bites his way down your neck and chest. 
Rick drags your ass to the edge of the counter before dropping to his knees. He bites back a curse, his joints too old to be doing shit like that but damn if he wasn’t gonna worship you in a way that matters. Matters to him.
He runs a finger up your slit, savoring how wet you are for him after nothing but a couple kisses. It inflates his ego like you wouldn’t believe. 
You mewl as he breaches you, two slender fingers twisting inside you. You arch into his touch, wiggling for as much contact you can milk from him. 
“Please, Rick, d-don’t tease,” you plead, his eyes search your face. He curls his fingers up, hitting you where you’re soft and spongy, reveling in the way you melt in his hands. Rick uses his other hand to spread your knees wide. He can’t help the noise that escapes his throat at the sight of you. 
He picks up his pace and you squirm, your hips chasing as much pleasure as you can. His cock presses uncomfortably against the seam of his pants as he feels you clench around his fingers. Beads of sweat pepper your hairline as you ride his fingers, becoming more desperate the longer he denies you release. 
You practically scream the minute you feel his mouth on your clit. Your orgasm rips through you like a live wire. Your thighs shake, momentarily blacking out as the pleasure overwhelms you. 
When you come down, Rick is staring at you intently. 
“Can I have you?” It's loaded. You know what he means, he’s asking for permission before continuing but there’s more underneath this time. He might even be more upset than you about the robot fucking, and you know Rick’s no saint. Your lip quivers. His stare never leaves your face.
You nod. He’s on you faster than you can process post-orgasm. 
He kisses you again. It's softer this time, one hand holds your jaw softly while the other undoes his belt. He desperately shoves his pants down as if having you will solve all his problems. Maybe it will.
Rick fists himself as he smears his cock against your entrance. You moan, overstimulated and fucked out. He holds himself back, it's not in his nature to go slow. Your hips buck involuntarily as he slides to the hilt, his head drops to your shoulder with a groan. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re so tight,” He pulls almost all the way out before thrusting back in without warning, “Bet he didn’t fuck you like this, huh?” He quickens his pace and you grip his shoulders, hips dragging with what little strength you have to meet him.
He thrusts as deep as he can to get you to writhe and whimper. 
“C’mon,” He pants, “Just one more for me, honey, I know you can do it.” It's creeping up on you, twisting down your spine. He angles his hips to spear his cock into you just like you need, and it's enough. 
Rick’s hips stutter as you clench around him, gripping your hips to deliver the brutal thrusts you need as you ride through your orgasm. 
He comes shortly after with a grunt as you flutter along his length. 
“I’d have fucked a robot sooner if it meant you’d fuck me like that.”
The glare is worth it.
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virune · 2 months
If you're still accepting prompts, then I've got one for the Puppet AU:
Shadow, despite claiming he was indestructible, finally gets a tear in his fabric, and it's on the back of his shoulder, which he can't reach.
Sonic then offers to help him [You can decide how it goes].
Ever since Shadow had been brought into the studio, Sonic couldn't take his eyes off him.
Sometimes it got distracting. He was grateful that he didn't really have to do anything while a human was controlling him, so he could zone out and think about how pretty the other puppet was. Deep, rumbling voice, piercing red eyes, glossy, velvety fur...
Sonic was infatuated.
But then when the humans left and the puppets could finally be themselves, Shadow would vanish. Every time. Sonic would try to catch him after their show, but Shadow always separated himself from the group to disappear somewhere. Sonic found himself never quite being able to figure out where Shadow was going, and why he was so adamant about being alone.
On this day, however, the routine seemed to change.
When the last human left the studio for the weekend, the puppets rose to their feet as usual. Sonic praised Tails for his great performance in the Tornado before turning to watch Shadow leave, as he always did.
But he hadn't.
Shadow's lingering presence caught Sonic off-guard, but he didn't want to squander this opportunity to finally talk to him.
"Nice work today, Shads!" he called, waving a plush arm to catch the other's attention. He just hoped that Shadow wouldn't suddenly realise he hadn't left and get away before they could have a proper conversation.
Instead, Shadow folded his arms over his - woefully soft-looking - chest. "I don't need your approval. I know that I'm good at my job."
Despite himself, Sonic couldn't stop the dopey smile that stretched the cotton lining of his mouth. "I hear ya. Just wanted to extend an olive branch, so to speak."
"I'm not interested."
Sonic tried not to visibly deflate with disappointment. "Why not? If we're going to be working together, we may as well --"
"Not interested," Shadow reiterated harshly, and then he skulked out of the room to go… who knows where.
Sonic felt half-inclined to follow him, if only to sate his own curiosity. He glanced behind him; the others were busy stretching out their limbs and chatting amongst themselves to notice him slip away down the corridor.
The courtyard was Sonic's favourite place in the entire studio grounds. It was spacious, calm, and best of all, outside. He liked being outside. Except on rainy days when the rain would make his fabric smell like mildew and he'd be tossed into the dreaded washing machine.
For a while, he'd been unable to get to the courtyard outside of work hours; somehow a human had found the key that Sonic had swiped and relinquished it from him. 'Who left their key with the puppet?' the human had asked. The other humans shrugged their shoulders. Sonic tried his best to remain inanimate.
To see the door slightly ajar on this particular evening was a surprise. And it could only mean that Shadow had found a way outside, unbeknownst to everyone else. Had he also gotten a key? Was the courtyard where he was disappearing off to, after all this time?
Sonic had worried about rain, but the weather was clear and balmy. Crickets chirped in the grass. Streetlights cast a warm glow against the vermilion sunset. It was pleasant.
He looked around for a moment, soaking in the relaxing atmosphere, but he didn't notice Shadow immediately. That's when Sonic remembered a particular little corner tucked away just off to the side, where there was a swinging loveseat he liked to sit on sometimes. When he made his way over, he found Shadow sitting on that same loveseat, faced away from Sonic and fiddling with a box beside him.
"You come here often?" Sonic joked, and Shadow flinched, whipping around to glare at him.
"Why are you here?" Shadow growled.
"I like to come here sometimes," Sonic explained. Shadow seemed tense, his body moving in front of the box to obscure it from Sonic's view. "I used to come here a lot, but I lost the key…"
"Unsurprising," Shadow said, and then hesitated for a moment. "Did the humans take it?"
"Heh, yeah. I was never really good at hiding it. I tried hiding it in my head - y'know, the little space where they put their hand." Sonic tapped the little opening on the back of his head for emphasis. "But they found it pretty quickly. I was never able to get the key again after that."
He realised he was rambling and quickly shut his mouth. Shadow had his hand on his shoulder and a strange, disgruntled look on his face. Well, more disgruntled than usual.
"Hey, uh, is everything OK?" Sonic chanced, taking a step closer. Shadow bristled, the hand clasping down firmer as he leaned away slightly.
"I'm fine. If you've got nothing important to say, I'd like to be alone."
"Did you hurt yourself?"
"None of your business."
"What's that box next to you?" Ever stubborn, Sonic ignored Shadow's warnings and approached the loveseat, peering over the other puppet to inspect what he was trying to hide.
A sewing kit.
Shadow shot to his feet and pushed Sonic away harshly. Sonic stumbled, but the fence behind him caught his body before he could fall. He grasped his fingers into the chainlink, getting his bearings. Shadow looked mortified, like he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't.
"Don't misunderstand," he spoke, voice wobbling just a little. "I'm taking stock of my sewing supplies. That's all."
Sonic's eyes fell to the shoulder that Shadow continued to protect with his hand.
"Do you have a tear?"
Shadow tensed, his free hand curling into a fist. He bared his teeth at Sonic, a warning, but Sonic refused to leave. Not if Shadow was damaged. Not if he could help.
"The humans can't find out. My - my material is far too expensive to be damaged. I have to fix it before they come back."
"So, what's stopping you?"
Shadow faltered. He looked down at the grass, and then flopped back down onto the loveseat.
"I can't reach it."
Sonic blinked, stepping closer. When Shadow didn't try to push him away this time, Sonic sat next to him and softly urged him to remove his hand. The tear was small, almost unnoticeable - but it was on the back of Shadow's shoulder, an awkward spot that he definitely could not mend by himself.
Sonic offered an encouraging smile. "Well, it's a good thing you taught me how to sew, then, right?"
Shadow turned to stare at him and Sonic couldn't help but laugh at how incredulous he looked in that moment.
"You're messing with me."
"I'm not!" Sonic said through his laughter, reaching out to take Shadow's hand in his own before the other could leave. "I'm not, I promise. Do you want me to help?"
"I…" Shadow paused, as if considering the offer. He stared down at their connected hands. "I don't have a choice, do I?"
"Not if you're adamant about the humans not finding out."
Shadow sighed. "Alright. Fine. There's some thread in the kit."
Sonic moved to Shadow's opposite side to rifle through the box, fishing out a spool of black thread (that Shadow specifically picked out; apparently the others weren't the correct shade, although he personally could not discern the difference) and threading it through a needle.
"Remember the stitch I taught you?"
"Yeah, don't worry." Sonic sat behind Shadow and gently poked at the tear in his fabric to make sure he got the right spot. "I'm gonna start. You ready?"
"You better not do a poor job," Shadow grumbled, but didn't move. "Let's get this over with."
Sonic wished Shadow would trust him a little more, but the puppet's pride had always been a big part of him, a part that Sonic found himself adoring, despite how snappy it made Shadow sometimes.
Sonic carefully pushed the needle into Shadow's fabric and pulled the thread through. Shadow didn't fidget or tell him to stop, so he kept going: again and again, in a steady rhythm, just as Shadow had taught him. Sonic weaved a zig-zag stitch along the seam, closing it up little by little. Shadow's stuffing had poked out, so he pushed it back in with his finger as he went.
He hadn't gotten much practice, and the stitching was just a bitwonky, but Sonic reckoned he'd done a good job. Besides, with how dark Shadow's fabric was, and how small the tear had been, the stitching was barely noticeable. He knotted the thread once, twice, and then snipped it free. With an "All done!" and an encouraging pat to Shadow's shoulder, Sonic returned the items back into the sewing kit.
Shadow moved his arm around to test Sonic's work, rotating his shoulder and stretching his hand towards the sky. Sonic peered back at the stitching to check, and to his delight (and personal pride) it hadn't budged at all. It looked pretty dang secure.
"I think I did a great job, if you don't mind me saying!"
"That remains to be seen." Shadow clicked the sewing kit shut and picked it up. "As long as the humans don't find out that I got damaged."
"Why are you so worried about that, anyway?" Sonic asked, following Shadow as he got up and began heading for the studio door. "We've all gotten ripped plenty of times, but the humans always take care of us."
"Of course you have," Shadow sneered, but his voice was weak, quiet. "I am made of high-quality materials. If the humans found out, they would surely be upset and flounder about as they figure out how to fix it. I was not made to be easily broken."
Sonic hummed thoughtfully as they stepped inside and Shadow locked the door behind them. "I don't doubt it, but you're a part of the family, y'know? They would want to look after you."
"…Thank you," Shadow said after a pensive moment. "For assisting me."
"Of course, Shads." The nickname came out softer than Sonic had intended.
"If you tell anyone I was damaged, I'll put you out of commission."
Despite the threat, Sonic found himself beaming. He'd long since learned that Shadow was all bark and no bite. Well, sometimes he bit. Those teeth were not to be messed with. Even so, Sonic nodded in agreement as they made their way back to the others.
Maybe Shadow needed a little more time to settle in, but he still had a place in the group. From the day he was lifted out of his box, he was welcomed with open arms, even if he didn't see it that way. Sonic made sure to remind Shadow as many times as it took that he was wanted. That he was loved.
And, well, since Shadow had trusted Sonic to help him with such a delicate problem, maybe Sonic's words had finally gotten through to him.
Sonic sure hoped so.
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thisisnovelty · 1 month
The next time someone tries to use the argument that Azriels shadows don’t like Elain just show them this…
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She makes him lighter, around her he doesn’t need protection of his shadows (which we see gather around him in times of high tension and discomfort or in preparation to fight etc)
And his SENTIENT shadows (which I suspect are a bunch of wraiths like Nuala and Cerridwen, whom worked for Azriel first, his spies) go away to give him and her privacy…
…for all their subtle introverted flirting that’s probably happened during the year between the two gift exchanges.
Since during the second solstice they deemed it necessary to do it in private, so the tone had clearly shifted between them from a gentle, understanding friendship we saw build in ACOWAR, into a romantic tone that has them trying to have a secret rendezdvous and has Az literally losing sleep.
Also, he ‘allowed’ his shadows to collect the necklace box.. so he is their master if you will, meaning he chooses to send them away.
And when they danced with g/wyn’s song, her power, he had to draw them back in since they seemed to react not of his will.
So this is clearly foreshadowing about a new character with a cool power that will surely be significant in the plot. But, definitely also a red herring - Sarah probably thought, two birds one stone? Make everyone sweat and create hype for the next book? Sure why not.
Not only this, but I just re read acowar, which had me paying more attention to Nessians foreshadowing and how ‘obvious’ it was. And how they had moments where things looked positive, only for things to go cold and stagnant once again.. so that we can pick up from it in their book rather than have everything happen in Feyre’s books.
And not to mention that just some time with Vassa had Lucien more relaxed and laughing and more like Lucien from the first book. He was back to making jokes?! They have a couple name from Feyre, the OG main archeron sister. They are definitely also being foreshadowed here.
And I haven’t been that bothered about Lucien’s character since after the first book once he didn’t seem like the same character anymore, but Vassa and Lucien’s personalities and potential for chemistry and an interesting story has even me looking forward to it.
I think we will see a positive conclusion to elain and Lucien in her book, in which it will be resolved happily and a life long friend kind of vibe eventually. -Because tension/stakes/external conflict has clearly been set up first, to make for an interesting story worth publishing.
So alas, if Lucien isn’t going to be for Elain in the end, which I doubt based on the textual evidence and chemistry written, and considering the build up SJM has written for Elain and Az, then it can only be Azriel for her. Hence why we had his bonus chapter ready for the next book.
Yeah, it’s elriel. 🥰
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reidsaurora · 1 year
Can you do height difference + "one more kiss? please?" with Hotch? Pretty pretty please with Mick Mars on top? <3 - V
hmmm i wonder who this could be 🤔😉
"Coffee + Kisses" ~ A. Hotchner
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pairing: aaron hotchner x wife!reader
summary: "mornings were made for coffee and kisses. at least, that was aaron's philosophy."
word count: 740
warnings: a single swear word, mentions of food, that's literally it
genre: tooth-rotting fluff, quite literally with all the sugar references in this blurb
extra notes: the aaron icon in the collage is by @ssa-sapphic (edited to fit theme better!) and the dividers below are by @firefly-graphics
masterlist | kissing prompts | ask box
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mornings were made for coffee and kisses. at least, that was aaron's philosophy.
most people looked at the stoic figure that was aaron hotchner and assumed he was brash and hubristic, emotions on a completely different plane of existence from his physical form. but you? his trophy wife? no, you got to see every hidden layer underneath his apathetic walls, your own little personal slice of heaven.
so while most people assumed aaron's mornings were spent with his nose buried in the newspaper, black coffee in hand, they couldn't be further from the truth. this man was all homemade iced lattes, sugary cereals, and good morning kisses.
that last one may or may not be how you ended up here, nearly ten minutes late for work, coat and purse still hanging up by the door, one shoe on and the other nowhere to be seen.
"i have to get up," you'd told him. "unlike you, i unfortunately have to work on saturdays."
but when he gave you that look, that sweet pout that made even a grown man look innocent, you couldn't say no. one kiss turned into two turned into three, kisses turned into five minutes of snuggles, and now you were here, rushing around the house and tracking down your missing heel like a modern day cinderella.
"aaron, have you seen-"
as if on cue, the man—still sporting his pajamas and bedhead, his chin dark with a five-o'clock shadow—rounded the corner, missing heel in hand. "sammy apparently needed a snack," he chuckled, bending down and putting the shoe on for you. he stood back up to full height, somehow still towering over you, even with your extra three inches of artificial height.
"sammy needs a stern talking to for stealing his mama's shoes," you kidded, tossing your arms over his shoulders. even you wondered how aaron, the seemingly heartless man that he was, fell in love with the tiny ball of fluff that had apparently stolen your shoe.
"i'll definitely be in contact with him," he joked, pulling you up for a soft kiss. he tasted like cinnamon toast crunch, a strange juxtaposition from the manly smell of his deodorant, but not an unpleasant one. suddenly, you worried about what your own breath tasted like, making a mental note to eat a couple tic-tacs on the way to work just in case.
you forced yourself to pull away, being met with a disapproving pout from the man above you. to anyone else, his height might've made him seem intimidating, but you knew aaron was nothing but a gentle giant, akin to a teddy bear in human form. "i have to go," you reminded him, still not having unlinked your arms from around him.
"just one more kiss?" he said, his bottom lip jutting out like a child in a toy store. "please?"
and who were you to deny him, the absolute love of your life, just one more kiss? despite the logical part of your brain telling you not to give in, the absolutely smitten part of your brain won, practically telling the other part to go to hell.
you leaned up once again, your lips locking with his for one last, sweet, good morning kiss. his palms settled on your hips, holding you as close as possible, a gentle gesture in hopes of changing your mind about going to work that day. and little did he know, you were close, oh so close, to calling in sick. to making up a fake family emergency. to just saying, "sorry, i simply don't feel like it."
but in the end, you knew it was for the best to suck it up and go to work anyway. after all, the time spent apart only made the moments together that much more special, that much more worth it. "i have to go, love."
he gave you one last peck, releasing his hold from your hips. "fine, i'll just be here," he said, falling back on the couch dramatically, "longing for you, my dear."
you giggled at the sight of this grown man acting like a character in a shakespeare play. "you're so dramatic," you commented, heading for the door.
not having moved from where he lay after his performance, he shouted, "love you too!"
"love you more!" you called back, closing the door behind you swiftly. you shook your head, giggling. what were you going to do with him?
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-> taglist: @1234-angelika @lowsodiumfreaks67 @drayshadow @alexxavicry @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @the-lucky-ones311 @mercuryvapours @darkloverfox @sammyrenae68 @cherrycandle @asgardprincess97 @gh0stgurl @esposadomd @randomwriter1021 @eddieharrington @paintlavillered @lavhoes @rhyanishere @namorswhore @danielle143 @handsupforamiracle @topguncultleader @ah-blossom @reidselle @dungeons-are-too-cold @bbbbbbbbbbbbbbl @louderfortheback @reidsbookclub @annahargrove @cwritesforfun @maelartasch @lover-of-books-and-tea @juismissing
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"Do you require assistance?" Phantom perked up at the mans voice. Red Robin was the guy multiple ghosts had recommended to him even though he was still alive. Okay, so they kinda did it in a half joking manner, but Phantom was desperate!
The nine year old came out from the shadows and could immediately feel the man in front of him cataloging everything about his appearance. Wierd. But he had dealt with Weirder. Besides, he was glowing, so he guessed the human had a right to be curious. "I heard you were really good with machines."
Red Robin looked somewhat tense, like he was ready to fight if need be. Why does everyone wanna fight him? He's nine!
Phantom quickly brought out a little silver sphere with an OwO face from his bag and quickly began speaking, "This is my friend Livvi, she started acting wierd a while back and I haven't been able to fix her."
To his credit, Red didn't attack him. He just looked gobsmacked. "You came out to Gotham, in the middle of the night and tracked down a vigilante to ask for tech support?"
"Livvi is different!" He fumed, "She's my friend!"
A sigh escaped from the mans lips and Phantom looked up to see him pinching the bridge of his nose, "Okay, you're probably not going to go away until I fix her. Just promise me you'll try to be safer."
Phantom hummed as if contemplating, "I'll try."
With that, the vigilante took Livvi from him and began working on her from the blanket Phantom had laid out. Red Robin began to look more and more curious about Livvi as he worked on her. He even took out one of Livvis ectoplasm powerbanks to examine it more thoroughly. "Can you explain to me what problems she's been having?"
The kid bit his lower lip, clearly worried about the little robot, "Shes having trouble maintaining flight and producing shields. Her speech sometimes comes out glitch or warped despite me not finding anything wrong with her voice box or programming. A few times she's just turned off mid flight and dropped."
The man looked thoughtful for a few seconds before asking, "Have you ever heard of the Lazarus Pit?"
"I've heard of Lazarus, but I don't know what it is. I've only ever heard of it in passing. Why?" The ghost was genuinely confused by the change in topic
"Can I text a friend about this?"
"I don't see why not. The more help Livvi gets the faster she'll get better right?" The bird wasted no time activating his coms and whispering into it telling some unknown people about "an unknown glowing meta child with futuristic tech that runs on Lazarus water"
Within the next ten minutes a guy dressed as a bat landed on the rooftop alongside a boy around his age dressed like a trafic light and scowling as if he had just been told that he was grounded from ever having ice cream again. The big goth dude introduced himself as batman and offered him a lollipop. "I'm not supposed to take candy from strangers." Phantom said seriously, "Unless its Halloween."
Batman...well he didn't smile exactly but he didn't seem angry. "Do you know where you're parents are?"
"No. But thats okay. They don't like me."
Batman maintained a cool pokerface, "why don't they like you?"
"I don't remember. I think I knew when I was older-"
"Older?" The other boy interrupted, "Is this not your true age?"
Phantom pouted at him, any hopes he had of making a friend he didn't construct himself were flung out the window, "Yeah, but I don't remember it. Appearently I ate a time god and lost six-ish years from absorbing his powers."
There was a beat silence, then: "You ate a time god?!" Red Robin looked horrifed
"In my defense, I have no memory of what was happening at the time. All I know is that the place i used to live is in ruins and I'm dead."
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
What they're like when you're sick
Includes: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer, Sir Pentious, Vaggie, Valentino, Velvette, and Vox
Warnings: None
Word Count: 858
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He's indifferent and often times cruel, but if he cares about you, he's a real sweetie.
He'd bring you your favorite warm beverage.
He would cook something for you; probably something his mom made him when he was feeling under the weather as a child.
He'd check in to make sure you're resting. (You better be, or else.)
His shadow would keep you company, mostly keeping an eye on you while he's doing a broadcast.
He'd secretly be worried out of his mind, but he's to prideful to admit how much your wellbeing means to him.
Angel Dust
He's concerned as fuck; going as far as blowing off Val just to make sure you're okay.
Checks in every few hours with a new joke, just to see if you're well enough to react.
Let's you cuddle with Fat Nuggets while you sleep.
Have you eaten? Are you hungry at all? He'd grab you something quick from the kitchen, just say the word.
Watches movies with you until you pass out from exhaustion.
Practically shoves water and vitamins at you like he's a concerned mother.
Nothing to her is more important than you getting better. Sorry world, that's just how it is.
She's practically perched at your bedside with vitamins, water, a fresh box of tissues, and a trash can.
Makes sure you eat at least one meal.
Let's you rest, but keeps close in case you need her.
Will do anything to make sure you're comfortable while your body works through the Hellish virus.
Keeps everyone else from bothering you.
He's worried about your wellbeing, but also knows you're not gonna drop dead on a whim.
Leaves crackers and medicine on your bedside table for whenever you wake up.
He conveniently only checks in when you're resting, just to make sure you're taking the recovery seriously.
Will make sure everyone knows that you're resting so that they'll try their hardest to not bother you.
Straight up goes 'dad mode' (as Angel calls it) if anyone makes a particularly loud noise that echoes off of the walls.
Sends you back to bed if you try to join everyone else. You need to rest.
Panics like he did whenever Charlie got sick.
Makes at least a dozen little ducks that resemble your personality so that you have his presence even when he's not in the room with you.
Brings you soup and your favorite hot beverage.
Warm compresses, warm blankets, cool room.
Gets absolutely anything you want.
Checks in on you religiously, but quietly so that he doesn't wake you.
Sir Pentious
He's literally probably the sweetest.
Will run to the store if you need something specific, no questions asked — would even leave the Egg Bois with you so you're not alone.
Has the basic necessities on hand.
Would fluff your pillows when you sat up to drink water.
Hungry? He's sending the Egg Bois downstairs to grab you something that you can eat.
He'd stay in the room and do his own thing, just to be close.
Is mad that you got sick, but is worried.
Would bring you your favorite sick soup if you said you were hungry. It's salty, but just what your body needs.
Death glares anyone who comes down the hallway too loud.
She would be distant, but still close by.
She's making sure your room's environment will help you get better. (Ex: cool air, warm blankets, closed curtains, etc.)
Will scold you if you get out of bed for anything other than the bathroom.
He literally doesn't even notice at first, but once he does notice, he's sending someone to your room with your favorite hot beverage and antibiotics.
If anyone goes near your room that isn't him or the demon he's sending while he works, they're probably getting torn apart.
Every few hours, you'd wake up to find stuff on your bedside table that hadn't been there. Little trinkets, notes, and candies.
Threatens anyone who gets too loud.
At your bedside at the end of the day, making sure you drank something and at the very least took your vitamins.
Pushes you to eat something, while simultaneously leaving you alone to rest.
You're sick!? This show is on hold until her favorite person is all better.
Refuses to go in the room without Hell's equivalent of Lysol on hand.
She comes bearing food and little trinkets to keep you occupied in your moments of boredom when you're not resting.
Will kill anyone who tries to bother you for some inane bullshit, best model or not.
Texts you periodically to make sure you're alive.
Will do research to help you the best she can.
He's watching you through the cameras and checking your vitals during his free time.
Let's you watch cartoons on his screen until you fall asleep in the late evening.
Is there with water the moment you go into a coughing fit.
Will ask around trying to figure out what to do for sick demons.
He brings you your favorite food and a weird looking stuffed animal that Velvette helped him pick out.
Works less to spend more time with you while you're recovering.
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A/N: I guess these are my thing now 💅 if you want, you can join my discord here. It's absolutely no pressure if you don't want to, but if you wanna make some pretty cool friends, join in! The vibes are good like 90% of the time. If you're 18+, just make sure to let me know in the introductions chat :)
As always, my requests are open! I have 3 anon requests sitting there that I'll get to eventually — I swear I will lmao. I hope everyone enjoyed this! I love the support thst I got on the best friend's hc's <3 I appreciate all of you
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lilapplesheadcannons · 9 months
r/relationship advice: u/bunnydad920
TLDR: My brother's boyfriend is cheating with their best friend and I don't know if I should tell my brother or not (because I don't know who is the boyfriend and who is the best friend)
My brother, X(32M), is the kindest, warmest, and brightest person I know, and he deserves the very best. Growing up, X had 2 friends. M(32M) was the son of a family friend who grew up with my brother. Then, in high school, they had Y (32M) join them. They have been inseparable so far. They work in similar fields. Brother gets boxing lessons from X, and he also teaches Y to play piano. So they spend considerable time outside of work with each other. I myself have never noticed anything out of the ordinary, but I will be the first one to admit that I am not the most observing man on the planet.
The first thing that I remember was odd was last year. I just got recently married, and I was showing our old family photo albums to my husband. In the background of one old photo from my brother's university days, there was a young man standing with his face hidden in the shadows and only his bare upper body visible. Brother was very quick to recognise him as M. When we were in bed, my husband joked that brother must be really close to M to recognise him just by his abs!
Then, recently, we were having a discussion about chicken pox and how we all seem to have it. Brother mentioned in the passing that Y was the only person he knew who never had chicken pox. My husband jokingly said he thought he remembered Y having chicken pox and passing it to a cousin of his. At least, that's what the cousin complained of. (Y has complicated family relationships). Well, brother was adamant that Y never had chicken pox. He said he had seen Y's body, and he definitely has no scar of chicken pox. My husband quickly caught my eyes before changing the subject.
My husband and I believe brother is dating one of his best friends. I think it's M, but my husband bets his last 5 cents that he is dating Y. But that is not the issue. Brother can come out when he is comfortable. Our family is pretty progressive, so there is nothing to worry from that side.
Here's the problem, though. I took my husband to a nightclub last night, and we saw M and Y in the parking lot, in a parked car, kissing very passionately. They did not see us. I think we should talk to my brother and let him know that, well, either M or Y is cheating on him, with his best friend none the less. But my husband is arguing that we don't even know for sure if brother is actually dating one of them. I am so confused. This is not a discussion I want to have with him, not 2 days before the new year! Please advise.
Edit: We have come to an agreement that brother deserves to know. We will talk to him tomorrow.
Edit 2: Okay, so brother already knows about them. And that's how I came to know about poly relationships. I can't even pretend to understand how that works, but it is working for them? So, I guess that's that. Thanks for all your kind words and support.
Edit 3: To the person who has been incessantly dm-ing me about starting a poly relationship with me and my husband, the answer is no! Never in a thousand years! If you even raise your eyes to look at my husband, I am coming for your life!
I am de-activating this account to avoid further harassment.
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Wukong was “watching” the immorality granting peaches and while he’s eating the orchard clean because who thought it was a good idea for him to have this job a pretty but frustrated supervisor in training ( macaque) catches him while doing a check up. Wukong easily convinces the over worked under appreciated monkey to join him in the peaches immortal peach wine and other peach treats he was supposed to protect. One thing leads to another and fueled buy the thrill of potentially getting caught and their long festering feelings for each other ( macaque previously avoided wukongs advancements despite feeling the same for his job but something finally made him snap) the little peach picnic quickly turns into a food play based act of passion where top Wukong finally gets to fuck some fun into the uptight traine showing him that someone finally appreciates what he can do for for them all while showering his unexperienced new partner in the praise and love he’s clearly been deprived of.
So sorry if you prefer shorter prompts
Testing Your Patience (ShadowPeach Fluff (?) and Smut)
(Anon, you have opened the box. Also I added a picture, because this request inspired me way too much. Smut is down below!)
The Six-Eared Macaque was a patient primate. Being in a somewhat regarded rank within Celestial Realm, the stone monkey was in charge of ensuring those underneath him behaved properly.
Yet this ape that they'd brought in?
What a joke.
The 'Great Sage Equal To Heaven'--such a stupid title-- had been tasked to watch over the immortal peach garden, a simple task for a simple monkey.
Normally, Macaque wouldn't think so lowly of a fellow stone monkey, but this case was different. Sun Wukong was just--irritating. He reeked of yang that seldom yielded yin. His smell was just bad in general, considering no one has ever seen the creature bathe before. Just before, that simian had tormented the celestial realm, granted himself and several other monkeys and demons immortality, and stolen from the dragon of the east.
Macaque wasn't paid enough for this--heck, he wasn't even paid.
No, the one trade-off the Six-Eared Macaque had was his position. Being a part of the celestial realm meant you were protected.
Macaque was an intelligent creature. His powers allowed him special leverage, granting him a supervisor position. After all, one wouldn't misbehave if six ears were listening, and one wouldn't dare to act out if their shadow had eyes. Macaque used this to his advantage, whipping newcomers into shape with impressive efficiency.
Yet, Macaque refused to do more than he was good for. He wasn't looking for a promotion. He was looking for stability, and his position allowed him to stay away from the books as well as continue to be guarded by the celestial realm. It was a good trade, if he said so himself.
Sun Wukong was the opposite. Clever yet so stupid, that ape wanted more. If he could, Macaque could swear that Wukong would be the jade emperor himself in his pursuit for power.
Coming into the celestial realm was clearly a ruse of some sort, a stepping stone in some elaborate, foolish scheme in the ginger monkey's endless journey. So far, the stone ape had been in charge of maintaining horses, but it seemed he was far above such a position. Thus, the sage would watch over the immortal peaches.
Macaque didn't believe it for a second. Wukong's actions had proven him to be untrustworthy.
Even then, Macaque had to admit that the stone monkey was strong, stronger than anything he's seen before. It was alluring how such a being could greet gods and the like as if they were friends, how such a simple creature tried to ascend the gates of the heavens simply to laze around all day, how someone who had been nothing but a devilish brute could smile so wonderfully.
Macaque couldn't help but be curious. It was a weakness of his.
Curiosity turned into something else--something deeper, passionate. Macaque couldn't bare the sight of Wukong afterwards, weak to his bright smile and rough embraces. To him, Wukong was the sun--powerful yet tender, friendly yet scalding. He was a walking contradiction toeing the line between a charming demi-god and blood-thirsty king.
Macaque wanted to blur that line further, to see Wukong for more than legends and subjects could speak of.
With a sigh, Macaque faded into the shadows, watching others do their work diligently. Yet, through Wukong's shadow, Macaque was met with a terrible sight.
"You dastardly thing!" Macaque jumped out of his shadows, feeling the claws of anger sink into his skin. "Those peaches are not for you to eat! How dare you steal from the garden with no regard!"
Wukong gazed at the primate, eyes uncaring yet hiding something within them. Macaque didn't care for it, walking up to the guilty simian with a hard glare.
"I hope you know that I'll have to inform the higher-ups about this." Macaque scoffed, feeling his skin prickle at the backlash he was about to receive. "I expected better from someone 'equal to heaven,' but it seems you're the same as the bumbling subjects you guide."
Wukong's eyes widened slightly, shock visible on his face for a mere moment before he stopped Macaque with a nervous grin. "Ah, come on! Don't be like that! Could you really blame me?"
"Don't try to deceive me, Wukong." Macaque snapped, shoving the ginger monkey away. "This is one of the stupidest decisions you could've made. Do you know how long it takes for those peaches to grow--how much is needed for the banquets the higher-ups hold? You've ruined everything!"
"Oh, puh-lease. They can deal without a few peaches." Wukong rolled his eyes, eying the increasingly stressed supervisor. "What's gotten you so worked up anyways? It's not like you're in charge of those things."
"What's gotten--What gotten me so worked up, is that I'm the one who has to take the fall for your mistakes." Macaque yelled furiously, his tail lashing wildly. "I'm supposed to train you to do your job, and the moment I look away, what happens?"
"Oh, only that the Great Sage Equal To Heaven decided the eat every peach in the garden."
Macaque paced around, hands tugging slightly at his hair. "The one job you had was to guard those peaches from thieves, yet you yourself have betrayed your position and endangered mine."
Wukong was silent, staring at Macaque with careful eyes before he lowered his head. With a soft voice, Wukong muttered, "It must be painful to not be seen as important."
"What did you say?" Macaque's head snapped back to Wukong. "Say that again. I dare--"
"It must be hard being looked down like that--having your position mean nothing the moment something unexpected happens."
Macaque gaped at the insolent beast, his expression shifting into a snarl. "You don't know anything about me or my position."
"Sure, I do." Wukong grinned. "You're the Six-Eared Macaque, famous for your near-omniscience and your remarkable shadow magic among other things. Yet, here you are, about to be punished for the mere misdoings of someone unrelated to you."
"It must be a pain-- to never be seen for your true talents." Wukong circled the primate, eyes hungrily gazing at the flustered stone monkey. "But, I see you. I've only heard of your abilities. Yet, I still feel the raw power coming from you."
Macaque swallowed, his mouth gaping as Wukong continued, wrapping his tail around the blushing Macaque.
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"I've been interested in you since we've met." Wukong admitted, almost shyly. "I just didn't know how to approach you. You're so...Secretive."
Macaque's heart beat rapidly against his chest, jolting at Wukong's gentle hand on his arm.
"I want to show you just how grateful I am that you trained me." Wukong's voice was even, seriousness in his sultry undertones. "Will you let me treat you?"
"Treat me..?"
Wukong pulled out various wines and left over peaches from his pockets with a sly grin. "It would be mean if I ate everything without sharing, right? How about you relax a bit for once and enjoy what the celestial realm has to offer?"
Macaque hesitated, his eyes darting around the empty garden.
"No one has to know." Wukong assured. "It'll be our secret."
Macaque sighed, his shoulders slumping as he chuckled softly. "You win, Great Sage. Your mouth is as sly as you are. Give me the wine."
In Macaque's opinion, the wine was splendid, even if the monkey wasn't too fond of peaches. Heck, everything tasted better than he expected. Wukong laughed loudly, a bottle sloshing dangerous in his hands, and Macaque couldn't help but smile fondly at the stone monkey.
In the haze of alcohol and the taste of peaches on his tongue, Macaque leaned closer to Wukong, laying his head on the sage's shoulder.
"I wonder how the generals will react when they find out that we've eaten everything here." Macaque chuckled, clenching his hand slightly. "Oh, the trouble we'll be in."
"Who care about that?" Wukong cheered, wrapping an arm around Macaque excitingly. "Let's enjoy the present. Isn't this a great moment to relish in together?"
"It truly is," Macaque sighed, lifting his bottle to the sky with a slight grimace. "A wonderful way to celebrate our execution."
"There you go on again! Always a party pooper." Wukong slurred, leaning dangerously close to the darker monkey. "You need to learn to loosen up a little. Have some fun."
Wukong's hands gently pressed against Macaque's chest, slowly lowering the surprised simian to the ground. "We could topple this whole place together, so stop worrying about the future and focus on the present. The two of us? We're unstoppable."
Wukong's lips crashed into Macaque's, wine being exchanged tenderly. Macaque drank the sweet beverage, holding Wukong closer to deepen the passionate kiss. Wukong's hands slowly removed Macaque's clothes, as he was slowly undressed.
With sharp breaths and lust-driven eyes, the two monkeys lost themselves, tangled in an embrace and fondling hands. Macaque shuddered under Wukong's touch, his eyes averted slightly.
"Liu-Er, look at me." Wukong commanded with a slight smile. "Let me see those beautiful eyes."
"I'm not sure how to do this." Macaque swallowed as his tail twitched with nerved. "I've--I've never--"
"Then let me show you." Wukong pecked Macaque's lips, brief yet filled with love. "Just have fun with it."
Wukong's hands lowered to Macaque's hardening cock, squeezing it playfully as he watched Macaque twitch slightly under his touch. With a grin, Wukong laid a kiss to Macaque's chest, as he stroked the darker monkey's cock. Macaque shuddered once more, his hips bucking into Wukong's hand.
"See? Just like that." Wukong spoke softly, words only meant for the squirming monkey below him. "You look so beautiful like this."
"Wu--Wukong." Macaque moaned, his face flushing with the alcohol and Wukong's tender movements. "Please--Please, I need--"
"Don't worry," Wukong chuckled. "I'll make you feel all better, Liu-Er. Just trust me."
Macaque nodded, shivering as Wukong's hands left his dick.
"I need you to relax, alright?" Wukong whispered tenderly. "It'll hurt if you tense up."
"Just hurry up!" Macaque snapped, yelping as a finger entered his ass.
Wukong smirked, slowly stretching Macaque's virgin hole. As the second finger entered, Macaque's hips bucked up violent, a gasp escaping from him. Wukong smiled, stroking back a stray black hair.
"You're doing great."
Wukong kept hitting Macaque's prostrate, watching as Macaque slowly unfurled, his body moving and squirming with the new pleasure the simian was receiving.
"You're so pretty."
Macaque whimpered as he came, ropes of cum sticking to his fur. Wukong slowly removed his fingers, hands stroking Macaque's hair as he writhed in the ecstasy of his first orgasm.
"There you are--" Wukong smiled, watching as Macaque slowly relaxed. "You did great. Do you want more?"
Macaque panted, nodding enthusiastically. "I'm not finished yet. We're not done until you cum too."
Wukong chuckled. "That sounds like a challenge. Are you sure you can handle me?"
"Try me, Great Sage." Macaque sat up, fire in his eyes as he lowered Wukong onto the ground. "I'll have you screaming my name."
"Brave words for a newbie."
"Bite me."
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Ragnor as the TWP Gang’s Warlock
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Artist: @cassandrajean
A vague expression passed over Malcolm’s face. “I can’t remember precisely. Magnus, stop bothering Emma and Julian,” he said, and there was a tinge of something like annoyance in his voice. Professional jealousy, Emma guessed. “This is my domain. You’ve got your own hopeless humans in New York.” - Lady Midnight
Anyway, back to breakfast and the knock on the door. It was Ragnor, looking a sprightly shade of green, like an English meadow. He sailed right past Julian and began inspecting the drapes. Well, he was probably inspecting something magical, like the curse, but to me it looked like he was inspecting the curtains and the wallpaper. Maybe he’s thinking of decorating his own place. Or maybe he was just giving Julian some time alone with Ty, because Ty was still standing on the stairs, with a duffel bag over his arm, looking adorably awkward. - Secrets of Blackthorn Hall
Bruce, I swear at one point Ragnor told a joke in Coptic and Ty laughed. They’re hardcore over there at the Scholomance. Maybe too hardcore for me. - Secrets of Blackthorn Hall
So, judging from The Dark Artifices and The Mortal Instruments, it seems like every book's gang of characters has a specific warlock that they trust more than any other. I know Magnus is very prominent in both of TMI and TDA but TDA had an extra focus on Malcolm (unfortunately). I know the focus on Malcolm was due to the resurrection of Annabel but I feel like TWP might have a new warlock that they trust: Ragnor Fell. Ragnor doesn't show much affection to anyone but he seems to at least have a bit of a soft spot for Ty. Ragnor let him portal to Blackthorn Manor with him, was sensitive to giving him time with Julian, and has even joked with him in Coptic. I feel like this will lead to Ty leaning on a Ragnor a bit, and subsequently the whole TWP gang, throughout the series. Besides his familiarity with Ragnor there is also the fact that Magnus is married to the Consul and they'll almost definitely be breaking Clave rules on their quests.
However, there is another Warlock that might be extra inclined to help them...
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Artist: @lariablog
"Catarina gave me a hot water bottle too," Ty said. He reached into the box and unwrapped the bundle of blanket enough to put the hot water bottle in as well. Then he began to drip water onto the lynx's mouth until the was wet all around its face. - Ghosts of the Shadow Market He was lying in bed in the infirmary, looking very pale. Catarina Loss was by his side, and a boy that Livvy recognized from Ty's classes. Anush. - Ghosts of the Shadow Market
I have been putting together a curriculum with the help of Prof. Loss, aimed in the direction of of investigation and detection. - Ty in Secrets of Blackthorn Hall
"I took Ephraim to America and raised him there. He never knew what he was or who he was. He was a happy boy, a good boy. He was my boy." - Catarina in Ghosts of the Shadow Market
Catarina Loss. Catarina seems to be very supportive of Ty at the Scholomance but she also has plenty of connections to Kit, even though both of them may not realize it yet. With Kit being the Lost Heir, Catarina raised and protected his great-something grandfather and would probably feel a connection with Kit. Like Ty, she also seems to trust Anush. I can picture Anush aiding Ty in TLKOF by finding information for him at the Scholomance while he's on his roadtrip with Ty which Catarina could help with. Catarina seems to be an especially nurturing person, I feel like she might disapprove of some of the things that the gang may do but I feel like at the end of the day she would help them.
I honestly hope it works out that Catarina is their main Warlock. To me, she's one of the coolest characters in the whole series and I wish her story could be explored more in TWP. I guess we'll have to wait to find out!
I would love to hear your thoughts/theories on this :)
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Artist: @cassandrajean
Beatiful Ragnor and Catarina art to finish a post that's a bit long! Thanks for reading to here, I hope you have a great day :)
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mageknight14 · 2 years
Sometimes I often think about Nagi Usui and how she’s one of the best characters to have come out in the past few years.
-One of her main motivations to get back into the real world is so she can play more of her mobile gacha game.
-She gains an instant crush on someone just because he resembles one of the main characters from said mobile gacha game.
-She’s the only one of her team to actually like the Grilled Alligator meal from SBY BBQ.
-The kanji on her shirt changes for every situation she finds herself in whether it’s for fights or eating.
-Some of her other kanji shirts reference The Art of War, kendo, Buddhist proverbs, JRPG terminology, and chuuni terms, among other things.
-One of sayings on her shirt translates to "Now I'm motivated" when in battle which means that yes, Nagi is a DMC Vergil fan.
-In the Field Walk RPG, Rindo wonders about how the letters of her shirt keep changing and Nagi tells him that she changes her shirts in between fights and food. He then wonders about how he never notices and Nagi tells him that she’s mastered the art of changing them in a millisecond before saying that she’s just joking.
-Is the only one out of the team with a dedicated maid outfit.
-Brags about being a one time Quiz Academy Queen Quizster after going head-to-head with a DRS member over the title and winning over him in the manga category.
-Accidentally intimidates other EleStra fans from approaching her through sheer aura.
-Her English VA based her performance off of Peridot from Steven Universe and Entrapta from She-Ra.
-Said VA also confirmed that Nagi would most definitely be a Sonic fan, with her being a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog in particular.
-Surprisingly, she has the most connections on the Social Network outside of Rindo due to her natural ability to understand people
-Gets into a pissing contest in Another Day with a ojou-sama, metalhead fan over who’s the bigger Takeharu Ishimoto fan
-Owns and is raising at least 10 snakes in Another Day
-Only knows how to cook sunny-side up fried eggs from the box, with the yolks described as 'frozen' and the eggs described as unpleasantly chewy.
-Is insanely competitive at fighting games
-She considers video game arcades to be the perfect date location.
-All of her "gurgly sounds" combined make for more than two minutes straight of audio.
-In Japanese, her personal pronoun is a neetspeak version of a pronoun usually used by sagely old male characters.
-In general, she uses a lot of netslang, including the Japanese equivalent of "kek" basically.
-She's too anxious to use a phone and to work a job that requires her to interact with people regularly such as retail.
-She’s the most bloodthirsty of the Wicked Twisters when it comes to fighting Noise and even lets out an evil laugh when unleashing a Grenade Launcher pin
-She really likes jigsaw puzzles and finds them calming; more specifically, the "1000-piece" type of jigsaw puzzles.
-Even with her eccentricities, she’s one of the most emotionally intelligent and empathetic characters in the series, and is never once treated as off-putting for her interests and actually uses the life lessons she took from EleStra to help out others in need.
-Is more than capable of killing a man with her psychic mind powers.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
What to expect when you're expecting ☆—
Finally got around to writing how our faves, Honey and Quinner handled their first-ever expectancy with Warren Hughes, ft. their wedding
warnings: mentions of pregnancy/birth, sickness, swearing, lmk anything else
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Au Masterlist!!
“Close your eyes, Jack, please don't ruin the surprise,” the girl laughed as she placed her hand over his eyes which he refused to keep shut, her other hand swatting him in the shoulder as Ellen scolded her middle child.
Quinn and Honey quietly walked around the living room to retrieve the Christmas presents they hid from the entire Hughes family. Tiny shadow boxes for the Hughes and one for each of Honeys family who they would be visiting later in the day. Little displays of sonograms paired with baby onesies, sat perfectly behind a layer of glass, Honey grinned as she placed one on the boy's laps and a shared one for Jimmy and Ellen. A tiny Michigan onesie paired with a sonogram for Luke, a Devils for Jack, and one that said “the newest member of team Hughes” on it for Jim and Ellen
It was perfect.
“I’m so excited,” Ellen said as she felt the cool glass of her gift, secretly hoping for something homemade from the couple, loving the more thought-out gifts compared to anything else.
Luke let out a sigh as he awaited being allowed to simply open his eyes, “can we look now?” the built-up suspense was beginning to kill him. Quinn shook his head with a laugh, “You can now,” taking a deep breath as he took his spot next to Honey on the carpet. Intertwining their fingers as she leaned her head against his shoulder, he placed a kiss on the crown of her head as all of the remaining Hughes family members let out gasps.
“You’re kidding!” Ellen it for a moment longer before putting the gift in Jim’s lap and hopping out of her spot on the couch and hugging the two of them.
Tears in her eyes as she swayed them back and forth, “I’m crying, my babies,” she wiped her tears and pulled away to look Honey in the eyes, “Are you showing?”
Honey shrugged as she uncovered the slight bump, “I’m only about five weeks, which is kinda early to announce it to you guys but I just couldn't wait, I kinda just look bloated,” she joked as she looked back to Jack who had tears in his eyes.
Luke’s jaw was dropped and Jack was extremely emotional as the couple turned their attention to them. “We’re gonna be uncles,” Luke said with a growing smile as he got up and hugged Honey, “holy shit you guys are gonna have a baby” "yeah we are," Quinn mumbled as a teary-eyed Jack lunged forward to hug his older brother.
"I thought I was gonna have the best gifts this year," he joked as Honey let out a laugh, the boy turning to her and diving at her and capturing her in a hug, "this is the best present ever!"
"Honey, are you two sure you want to have the wedding before you have the baby? No one is forcing you to get married before," her mom said as she looked at the template for the invitation in her email. Honey let out a sigh as she sat bundled up in a blanket on the couch, Quinn was out on a roadie as she was tucked away in the house trying to get started with the planning on their wedding, "I just really want to marry him, mom, it was happening soon with or without the baby," she huffed and shut the laptop.
This had been a topic of conversation with not only her mother, but her father, and a few of her work friends. Seemingly the most tiring conversation she'd ever had, seeing as everyone believed the two only wanted to get married because of the baby, which was not the case. Honey and Quinn already knew that their end game was marriage, it was something they both dreamt about in the near future, already having it planned out months before the proposal or the baby.
"I know honey, you guys are in love, I just don't want you to stress yourself out and something happen to you or the baby," she said softly, trying to reason with her daughter who had been contrary as of late and filled with pregnancy hormones. "I know," she took a sip of her tea, "I just feel like we've been having this conversation for weeks and I haven't changed my thoughts on it, and I'm not stressed, I've looked into a planner to help me with everything, and Quinn is just a dream, per usual." "well as long as you have it under control, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle,” her mom said in a gentle tone as she settled in bed next to Honey’s father.
“Speaking of walking down the aisle, I really want you and Ellen here when I try on my dress, I’ll pay for your ticket, I really want my mom there to help me pick out the dress for the big day,” honey smiled as she listened to the excited squeal her mom let out on the other end.
“Of course, I’ll be there sweetheart whenever you need me there, I’ll be on the first flight out,” she said contently
Quinn grinned as he watched Honey unpack her grandmother's vintage jewellery, a smile on her face as she looked up and Quinn as she picked up her rehearsal dinner dress and laid it out on the hotel bed, "we are gonna be husband and wife in less than twenty-four hours" "I know, I'm so excited," he smiled as he propped himself up on his elbow, his hand motioning for her to lean down so he could press a kiss to her lips.
"you getting cold feet yet?" she questioned with a smirk as she pulled away from his lips, smiling at the way he chased her for another kiss. "I could never, maybe a little nervous, but not because I'm marrying you, that's all I've ever wanted," he confessed with a nervous laugh as she flushed at the response, his arms wrapping around her waist to pull her onto the bed, laid right on top of him. "Good"
"Have you picked a best man yet?" Honey asked as he peppered kisses on her cheek, "You've been putting it off." "Well since we've decided to name our firstborn after Luke I think it's only appropriate to make Jack the best man, plus Luke didn't write a speech for the reception and Jack did so I think he should be rewarded for that," he said halting the soft kisses to look at her jaw as he held her face in his hands just staring at her for a second, taking in that last few alone moments they were gonna have before their week-long honeymoon in Italy before they headed back to Michigan for the start of off-season training and getting ready for the arrival of their baby boy.
"I can't wait for tomorrow, Mrs Hughes." A wide grin danced on her lips as she collapsed next to him on the bed, "I think I just swooned" she whispered as she placed a kiss on his shoulder, his hand finding comfort on her now-showing stomach.
“Quinn is going to bawl his eyes out when he sees you,” Ellen said with tears in her eyes as she straightened the flower crown that sat on top of Honey's head, “my only daughter,” she said, trying to hold back the tears that were bound to fall. “Thank you, Ellen, for everything,” Honey whispered with a smile, choking back tears as she hugged her mother-in-law.
The bride pulled away, fanning her face as she tried to hold back the tears threatening to spill, “have you seen Quinn this morning?” “He’s been itching to see you all morning” she laughed as she fixed the vintage necklace that hung from the bride's neck, a smile on her lips as she looked up at the blue earrings that hung from her ears, Hughes family heirlooms.
Honey smiled warmly, as she thought about how nervous Quinn must be, knowing how much he hates photos and public speaking. Wondering if he had as equally a rough sleep as her without her occupying her side of the mattress.
“I miss him” “Girl it’s been twelve hours, you will see him soon,” one of Honey’s cousins spoke from behind her as Ellen smiled from ear to ear. “I should go make sure my other two sons are being behaved,” Elle said as she squeezed Honey’s hand and went to find Luke, Jack, and Jim.
The conversations in the room grew louder and louder as the anticipation for the big moment grew, with every second Honey’s nerves seemed to triple.
“I’m gonna get some air,” the bride mumbled to her mom and wedding planner. “I’ll escort you outside,” Sheila, her planner offered with a smile as her mom rubbed her back. “No no, I’m just nauseous, probably just the baby,” she said pointing at her stomach as she excused herself into the hall trying to find the nearest exit to the vineyard to get some air.
The backs of her hands pressed against her cheeks, flushed with nerves as she stumbled upon a man sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. “You sure you’re not getting cold feet?” Honey asked with a smile as Quinn looked up at her, lost for words as she shuffled forward and took a seat next to him. “I’m uh- you look, god I can’t even explain how beautiful you look” he finally looked her in the eyes, his face flushed shyly. “You look very handsome as well,” she mumbled as her hands reached forward and straightened the tie on his neck, then racked her fingers through his hair to return it to his previously styled look.
Quinn's eyes bounced around her face as examined the way the dress sat perfectly on her silhouette, accentuating her bust and waist, all while perfectly concealing her baby bump. Hair falling just perfectly past her shoulders, the flower crown on her head making her eyes look warm and soft. “Isn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” He asked as he reached out for her hand, her head leaning against his shoulder as they watched their guests starting to arrive. She shrugged, “Probably, but I don’t care, I needed this,” Honey whispered as she lifted his hand up to kiss his knuckles, her other hand resting on her stomach as she took a deep breath.
"You have trouble sleeping last night?" she asked as she looked up at him. Quinn laughed and nodded, Honey's stomach did flips as she drank in his laugh, "I was so anxious all night, not to mention Trevor and Jack's loud snoring throughout the night."
“You're about to be my wife,” he grinned, as he stared up at the sun peaking through the leaves of the trees. "I know, I can't wait," she said with a quiet squeal before she looked at the watch on Quinn's wrist, "I should probably get back for pictures," she said quietly as Quinn nodded and stood up with her. "See you in an hour, Mrs. Hughes," he said with a smile as she flushed and headed back inside the venue.
☆☆☆☆ "Quinn," she gasped and tensed up, her hand trying to find him, "he's kicking me!" she squealed quietly, pushing his shoulder, attempting to wake him up.
The two of them had gotten back from their trip to Italy, beautifully tanned and very jetlagged, excited to get back to Michigan to start getting ready for their baby boy.
Quinn tired rolled over, his hands raking through his curls as he nuzzled his face into her cheek, “what’s wrong?” Honey rolled her eyes and took ahold of his hand, placing it on her lower stomach, Quinn fully awoke in seconds, his eyes widened as he looked up from the bump to the exasperated smile dancing on his wife's lips.
"He's kicking," he said in a state of shock as the baby finally settled, "he's so perfect already," he sigh and laid back down on his pillow, still facing Honey as she yawned. "I'm so excited to meet him," Honey mumbled as she felt Quinn's lips press against her shoulder, a soft smile on her lips as Quinn wrapped an arm around her torso. A short hum of the agreement left Quinn's mouth as he snuggled into her side, she finally settled down, her hand intertwined with the one he draped over her mid-drift as she closed her eyes and let sleep take over.
Ellen squealed as she shorted through the array of baby clothes that were currently taking up the entire guest bedroom closet, tiny gender-neutral outfits (I like the idea that Honey and Quinn keep the baby's gender between themselves, kinda like a little intimate secret all to themselves), muted orange and yellow onesies laid out of the bed. Honey and Ellen began to pack her hospital bag for the approaching day, only three weeks away, and soon a new Hughes baby would be welcomed into the world.
"You getting excited?" Ellen asked as she sorted through all of the gifts from the baby shower, bags of baby blankets, diapers, soothers, and so many other baby essentials. Honey smiled as she began folding and organizing all of the baby's outfits, "I'm so excited, but I'm so scared at the same time," she said in a soft tone as Ellen stopped in her tracks. the older woman sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her, "I'm all ears if you want to talk it through, I've been through this three times now so I can walk you through all of it," she said as she encouragingly rubbed her daughter-inlaws shoulder. Honey sighed, "I'm fine with birth, I'm just so scared of the after, I sometimes feel incapable to take care of myself so I'm just scared to let him down."
Ellen shook her head, and smiled, "All new moms feel like that, you're going in blind, so it's totally normal to be intimidated" she said hugging the young woman, "but I promise you I will be here whenever you need me, I'm just a plane away, and I mean whenever."
Honey's eyes began to water as she hugged her mother-in-law back, "Thank you, Ellen, for the support, and the love over the years." "hun, you've been my family for nearly ten years, I will always be in your corner," Ellen said, tears now in her eyes as she pressed a kiss to her daughter's cheek, "you have any problem at all, even if it's regarding my son, call me and I will handle it."
Quinn and Honey were out to breakfast the morning of August 29th, and the entire day from that breakfast and well into the afternoon felt off. Breakfast ended abruptly when Honey began to get angsty, that strong nesting instinct that the doctors had warned about was now in full swing, needing to be as close to home as possible at all times just in case. A strong need for everything to be clean and prepared for the moment the baby came, she felt off at all times. Tired and nauseous as her due date snuck up on her.
It was just after dinner when her water broke, Honey had opted out of laying in bed to sit back and admire Quinn while he trained with his brothers in their garage. "Fuck," she gasped as she stood up and one of the first contractions hit, "Quinn, we need to go," she said looking down at her maternity overalls. Quinn, Jack, and Luke all looked up confused before seeing the fear that rested behind her eyes, followed by a hiss of pain as she sat back down, doing breathing exercises as she waited for this contraction to pass.
"shit, shit, okay" Quinn walked over to her and lowered himself to be face-to-face with her, "can I help walk you to the car?" he asked as his hands held her face in them. "yes please" she cried as she squeezed his wrist. "Jack you go get me the keys and the go bag which is in the entrance closet," Quinn demanded, watching as Jack went from shocked to running in the direction of the house, "Luke call Mom and Dad, and Hun's parents," Luke nodded and immediately had the phone up to his ear.
"Are you ready for this pretty girl?" he said brushing the hair out of her face. Honey nodded slowly as her eyes squinted, wincing in pain. "Then let's go have this baby"
Warren was born early the next morning, after nearly twelve hours of intense labour, Quinn nearly passing out from anxiety, and many other bumps in the road that the nurses kept referring to as the 'miracles of birth'.
"He's here!" the Doctor announced as she wiped the little boy off and placed him right onto Honey's chest, tears rolling down her face as she examined her little boy's face. She looked up at Quinn with tears in her eyes, "we did it!" she whispered as her thumb ran over the soft skin of the baby's back. "That was all you Hun, I was just here holding your hand," Quinn said with tears in his eyes as he leaned down and placed a kiss on his wife's lips, tasting the saltiness of her tears as he pulled away to look adoringly at his son and wife. "You almost passed out," the young woman smirked, mockingly, as Quinn laughed and wiped his tears away.
Quinn silently sobbed the moment the nurse suggested that Quinn did skin-on-skin with the infant, barely able to wrap his mind around the idea that this little baby was his. a product of his love for his wife and a new direction in his life. "you okay love?" Honey asked as she watched the boy silently cry, exhaustion filling her voice as she looked over to her husband and baby. "yeah I'm okay," he assured before going silent once again.
Jack and Luke were the final immediate family members to come into the delivery room after the birth, smiles on their faces and bouquet of flowers in their hands as they knocked on the door. "Wash your hands." was the first thing that left Quinn's mouth as he opened the door for his brothers. Happy smiles took over their faces as she saw Honey holding the little bundle in her arms.
"Sooo what's their name?" Jack grinned as he was motioned to sit on the recliner next to the bed, tears filling his eyes as Quinn placed the small baby in his arms. "Meet Warren Haye Hughes, our first son" Honey smiled as she looked over to a shocked Luke, his face going from some form of shy into a dropped jaw as he leaned forward and hugged his sister-in-law. Luke pulled still in shock, "you're serious?" he questioned while turning to his oldest brother and pulling him into a tighter hug. "never been more serious in my life Moosey," Quinn said in tears, this new fatherhood thing had made him extremely soft in the past three hours.
No one paid attention to Jack as he mumbled quiet promises to the baby, tears rolling down his cheeks as the baby's hand reached out and took hold of the tip of his finger.
"My turn?" Luke said with a grin as he looked between the new parents for some sort of confirmation. Jack looked up with furrowed brows, "I just got to meet him though" Quinn tapped Jack on the shoulder, "I want to talk to you in the hall, so hand him over and you can hold him when we get back," Quinn motioned towards the door, looking over to Honey who smiled at him with rosy cheeks. "Okay"
Jack followed his older brother into the hallway, a confused expression on his face as Quinn shut the door behind him, "congrats by the way, I'm proud of you," Jack said lowly, being careful not to disrupt any of the hospital staff or sleeping people waiting for their family members. "Thanks," Quinn said with a grin.
"Honey and I have been discussing godparents for a while and the first name we both decided on was you, we want you to be Warren's godfather" Quinn barely got to finish his little speech before Jack pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. "Holy shit Quinn, of course," he said as Quinn hugged him back, "I will do everything possible to make sure he's always safe and loved" The tears began to start up again as he finally pulled away from his big brother's hold.
"I can't believe you're a dad," Jack said as he readjusted his hat and patted his brother on the back. "I know," he mumbled as he opened the door to see his wife and little brother laughing as they admired the baby, "it's fucking surreal."
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sunnytapioca · 5 months
SN!Donnie x GN!reader
Short comfort story
You sighed staring out into the open high rise buildings of New York as the sun began to set, hiding behind the tall buildings, glistening at the orange and red.
Footsteps approached you and you turned your head to see him, Donnie. Your best friend, your lover approaching you with a gentle demeanor and a soft expression, taking a seat next to you heaving his legs over the edge allowing his legs to dangle. “Don’t lose your prosthetic now.” You joked with a small smile. Earning a small jab in the arm from your boyfriend. “Why are you up here Dove?” He began giving you a soft look. “Just enjoying the view a bit.” You half lied. “Now you know how we both are about honesty dove. You only come up here alone when something’s wrong.” Ah yes, he knew you all too well now, he understood you like no other. No use in hiding it now.
“Fine, you caught me.” You admitted. “Just needed to get away I guess.” You huffed. “Away from?” Questioned Donnie.
“Away from life? Works been stressful, my parents aren’t exactly the most understanding of my situation, I’m burnt out, I don’t go out anywhere my sleep schedule is shit and I struggle to just be normal.” You frustratingly said fidgeting at your fingers. “Why would anyone want to be normal? Nothing about this life is normal love.” Began Donnie, gently grabbing your hands to stop you from picking at them he looked out. “I don’t understand the life on the surface much. I’ve only just started to. I can’t help much but I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. I was once told by a friend that you only live in what you allow yourself to live in. Now at first I didn’t understand what it meant, in fact I was too angry to try and understand.” He paused with a small smile. “Only recently I understood finally, and it was by watching you, hearing you now that I see what it meant.” He muttered, his eyes glossing over staring out into the buildings.
“What.. does it mean?” You croaked out, eyes locked onto his expression. He turned to you slowly. “It means, you’ve got to think outside the box, instead of looking at all the problems you have and letting them drown you, try to look for a new angle, see how you can fight it in your own way, not a way someone tells you to. That may seem impossible at first, and it’s difficult, it took me a long time. Though eventually the more you see how you can tackle a problem differently the more you see there’s other ways to everything, there doesn’t have to be just one, and maybe some ways might seem crazy, some might seem absurd. What matters is you find a way to make it bend to your will.” He tried explaining. “I’m not the best at this feelings bullshit so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense.” He grumbled. “No, I think it’s cute..thanks Dee” you smiled, caressing his cheek, earning a soft churr from him.
“Still doesn’t help me escape from all of this.” You sighed.
“Then let me be your escape dove. When you need to just come to the lair, and you can stay for as long as you want.” He offered. “How about this, we go back to my room, we set up a movie for us both. No one will interrupt it will just be you and I my dear.” Which peaked you. “Alright, sure.” You muttered. “Right now I just want to enjoy us.. here.” He nodded at you, locking your fingers together as you leaned against each other, enjoying the sunset.
My sweet escape.
⋆˚☆˖°⋆。° ✮˖ ࣪ ⊹⋆.˚ ⋆˚☆˖°⋆。° ✮˖ ࣪ ⊹⋆.˚
Thanks for reading this short story. I hope you enjoyed.
Taglist: @hikari-michiko @fishsticksloser @daniibirb @peachidee24 @shadow-is-here-and-queer @little-mouse-gardens
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
hello hello!! could i get a jason the toymaker, candypop, and laughing jack x princess!reader? it can be separate or poly, whichever is easier! i really like your hcs and stuff for the creeps, you write really well :D
Laughing Jack x princess!reader
SOBS unfortunately I dont write for Jason the toymaker or candypop primarily due to not really knowing their characters 😭😭 sorry anon!!
Notes: reader is GN but feminine leaning, reader is actual royalty though time period is not given so go wild! More "traditional princess activities and stuff" going on, though! Laughing jack is not royalty, in fact outsiders dont know he exists or that you're a couple
CWs: canon typical violence
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The fun thing about having an unofficial "body guard" who works in the shadows is that you dont have to worry about unwanted guests or advances all that much! By daylight they're all no where to be seen alive again
No one ever suspects the pretty box sitting on your vanity- many think it's just a box of jewelry or something along those lines, or perhaps a music box even.. no one expects a killer clown inside!
Onto Jack, he thinks the way you dress up is soooooo pretty
Definitely calls you princess, both as a nickname and as a title- likely teases when you about your duties and such if you have them
Assuming no one else knows of his existence or that the two of you are official he can get.. rather jealous if anyone comes to try to romance you
Miiiight start some rumors that you're cursed, but hey is that so bad?
Well it probably is, depending in the time period... but shhhh
Listens to any complaints and vents you have about anyone or anything in your life- he definitely taunts and trash talks some of the people you talk about especially if they're stuck up or full of themselves
Oh he 100% leans into a monster persona, as a joke, to reflect your whole princess thing
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