chaifootsteps · 4 months
My explanation of what happened: They put in as little writing effort as possible, couldn’t stick to one idea, were too under confident in their own abilities and relied on fandom and the work of other people to make a jumbled messy story.
Viv and Brandon were writing helluva with only random pitches like harvest moon, but not a overarching narrative, she was also focussed on Hazbin. Maybe there came a time where she got less leadership with that project and decided to dive into writing helluva totally solo. So—I say all these based on the fact that stolas personality does a massive shift between the pilot and murder family vs LooLoo land, and an even bigger dramatic 180 turn between truth seekers and Ozzies. Then he was just a brand new character in The Circus.
Pilot and Murder Family stolas, were his original character before anything else. But at some point. She saw how popular the kind Instagram stolas was and said “shit. Let’s do that instead” It was also said that she wrote season 2 while LooLoo Land was airing. Maybe after seeing the positive response to You Will Be Okay she became enamoured with Broadway star Pinkham and decided to rewrite the character for season 2 with him as the new glorified protagonist. With most of the Instagram account artists work being used by her as a “free script” for his new character (she is known for ‘adopting’ ideas) This was also the time she saw Erin Frosts childhood friends fanart. And said “let’s do that” Then for whatever reason started projecting on this character way too much in a ‘he is literally me’ sense. In this new direction—Keeping the characters soft side reserved only for his daughter, and now transplanting that loving behaviour onto his imp toy. Not seeing that a soft side exclusively for his child contrasting with his cruelty to everyone else, makes him a more interesting character.
Problem is. It was too late. Season one was already fully written storyboarded and voiced, the ashtray scenes, face grabbing scenes, sexual harassment, the chain illusion, all ready to go.
What an insane disaster. Broadway fanaticism strikes again. I can’t help but see a parallel between the instagrams and pilot VAs/hunicast. Just throw the owl in a deep fryer and start over at this point. Maybe stolas was just a social experiment! Love him or hate him man he is fun to analyse and pick apart cause he represents all the drama and the mess of the project.
This all sounds pretty plausible to me, and if we ever do learn what the story behind this trainwreck was, I wouldn't be surprised to discover it went something close to this.
There's only two things I'd point out.
Stolas's character shift into a softer character predated Bryce; in this leaked storyboard of Harvest Moon, Brock's still voicing him, and he's actually a whole lot more respectful of Blitzo than he is in the final cut. This is one of those mysteries that gnaws on my brain, just how in the world he ended up becoming worse.
The childhood fanart that started this all wasn't, to the best of my knowledge, drawn by Erin.
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part seven ➸ here
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yoursername a nuevos comienzos...🩷
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isabella.ramos Buena suerte, bebe, ¡cuídate y recuerda que te amo!<3
liked by yoursername
aurorapaezg ¿Qué? ¿Desde cuándo decidiste mudarte? Tenemos que hablar. ¡Se siente como si no hubiéramos hablado en años!
Càdiz, Espana 10:30am;
you have blocked aurorapaezg
you have blocked pablogavi
you have blocked pedri
You exited off instagram, shoving your phone in your pocket as you walked down the street with your suitcase.
Your hotel wasn't far from here you didn't need a GPS to guide you. Afterall it wasn't your first time in Càdiz.
You took the risk and flew ten hours away, part of you wanted to go back home to Sevilla.
But you couldn't it wasn't an option, you couldn't face your parents and tell them you ran away over some boy problems in your life.
Or worse run into Belen or Aurora, you would break and tell them everything thats if Gavi hasn't already told them anything yet.
You were so lost in your thoughts not even realizing you had just bumped into a stranger, "¡Oh! ¡Lo siento, Perdóname!" You said bending down helping him pick up his papers. (Oh! I'm so sorry!)
"No te preocupes". The stranger laughed, you both stood up, exchanging eye contact. (Don't worry about it.)
"Leo Sàez." He said extending his hand, "Y/n Valencia." You smiled shaking his hand.
"¿Eres nueva en la zona?" He asked staring down at your suitcase. (Are you new to the area?)
"Sí, en realidad, me acabo de mudar de Barcelona." You said beginning to walk, inviting him along to walk with you to your hotel, (Yes actually, I just moved from Barcelona.)
"Oh, ¿así que eres de Barcelona?" He asked. (Oh, so you're from Barcelona?)
"No, soy de Sevilla, me mudé a Barcelona hace como cuatro meses". You explained. (No I'm from Sevilla I moved to Barcelona like four months ago.)
"¿Cómo es que te mudaste?" He asked. (How come you moved?)
"Um Barcelona no era para mí". You laughed awkwardly. (Um Barcelona wasn't for me.)
Barcelona, España 10:30am;
"¡I voy!" Isabella shouted, for the past thirty seconds someone had been agressivly knocking on her door. (Coming!)
And was it annoying the crap out of her, "¡Dije que ya iba! ¡Dios mío, para!" She yelled as she opened the door. Freezing at the sight of him, "Gavi, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí?" (I said I was going! God stop! Gavi what are you doing here?)
"¿Dónde está?" He asked, "¿Está aquí?" He peeked over Isabella's shoulder examining her apartment. (Where is she? Is she here?)
"¿Quién está aquí?" Isabella asked. (Who is here?)
"Y/n. ¿Está Y/n aquí?" He asked once more. (Y/n. Is y/n here?)
"¿Quién es Y/n?" Isabella asked hoping to get on his nerves so he could leave her apartment. (Who is Y/n?)
"Isabella no te hagas la tonta, ¿dónde está?" He asked frustrated. (Isabella don't act dumb where is she?)
"¿Dónde está quién?" She smiled innocently up at him, his frustration radiating off of him was hilarious to her. (Where is who?)
"Isabella, por favor, ¿dónde está?" He begged. (Isabella, please, where is she?)
Isabella sighed caving in, "Ella se fue Gavi, no puedo decirte dónde, pero necesitaba irse, necesitaba tiempo lejos de ti y de Pedri". (She left Gavi, I can't tell you where but she needed to leave, she needed time away from you and Pedri.)
"¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar fuera?" He asked. (How long is she going to be gone.)
"No lo sé, un par de días, un par de semanas, tal vez un mes". She leaned on her door frame, watching as Gavi's face fell.
"¿Está en Sevilla?" He asked hopeful. (Is she in Sevilla?)
"No puedo decirte eso, pero si la amas, le darás su espacio". (I can't tell you that, but if you love her you'll giver her, her space.)
He looked down at his phone to check the time, "Gracias." He said turing around.
"Espera, ¿cómo encontraste mi dirección?" She asked suddenly realizing he appeared out of nowhere on her front door. (Wait, how did you find my address?)
Càdiz, España 10:30am;
"Gracias, Isa". You hung up, turning to look at Leo, "Siento mucho que hayas tenido que escuchar todo eso". You laughed shyly. (I'm so sorry you had to hear all of that.)
He laughed, "Barcelona no era para ti, eh, ¿o era por problemas de chico?". he teased cocking an eyebrow up. (Barcelona wasn't for you huh, or was it over guy troubles.)
You let out a giggle, turning your attention to look below, down the busy streets of Càdiz.
"Entonces, ¿qué pasó?" He asked. (So, what happened?)
"Bueno, le dije a mi mejor amigo que lo amaba, él me rechazó. Su mejor amigo me ayudó a superarlo, luego me enamoré de su mejor amigo, luego mi mejor amigo me dijo que él también me amaba, pero cuando se enteró de que besé a su mejor amigo, se enojó y se fue, golpeó a su mejor amigo, luego su mejor amigo apareció en mi apartamento, hablamos y luego, a mitad de la conversación, decidí huir diez horas de Barcelona a Càdiz". You rambled running out of breath. (Um well, I told my bestfriend that I loved him he rejected me. His bestfriend helped me get over him then I fell for his bestfriend, then my bestfriend told me he loved me too but when he found out I kissed his bestfriend he got mad and left, punched his bestfriend then his bestfriend showed up at my apartment we talked and then mid conversation I decided to run away ten hours away from Barcelona to Càdiz.)
"Vale, en serio, ¿qué pasó?" He laughed. (Ok seriously what happened.)
You stared at him chewing at your lips, "No estaba mintiendo, eso es lo que pasó..." (I wasn't kidding thats actually what happened.)
"Oh, bueno, esa es una historia. Por curiosidad, ¿quién te gusta más?" Leo asked. (Oh, well thats a story. Out of curiosity who do you like more?)
"No sé, por eso me fui, no podía elegir entre ellos y no podía romperles el corazón". You sighed leaning against the balcony railing. (I don't know thats why I left , I couldn't choose between them and I couldn't break their hearts.)
"¿Así que te elegiste a ti misma?" (So you chose yourself?)
"Elegí la paz". You turned to look at him, it felt weird and silly how you just managed to open up to a complete stranger you met a couple minutes ago on the street.
But if felt good to talk about, after the thoughts eating you alive for ten hours. It felt good to get it out.
Sevilla, España 10:30pm
"¿Pablo? ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" Your mom answered the door, groggy from just being woken up from her sleep. (Pablo? What are you doing here?)
By the way he was knocking on the door she thought someone was coming in to rob them.
"Hola, Marisol, siento molestarte tan tarde en la noche, pero ¿está Y/n aquí?" He asked. (Hola, Marisol, I'm sorry to bother you so late in the night but is Y/n here?)
He had convinced Xavi to let him take a few days off and go to Sevilla to qoute on qoute "he had family business to take care of."
"¿Y/n? ¿Por qué estaría aquí? Ella está en Barcelona, ¿de qué estás hablando?" Marisol asked worry starting to show on her face.
"¿Le pasó algo?" She asked more frantic than ever. (Y/n? Why would she be here? She's in Barcelona, what are you talking about. Did something happen to her?)
Gavi noticing your mothers panic state had to play it off or she would start a man hut trying to find you. Although it wouldn't be a bad idea, it would help him feel at peace knowing if you were at least ok.
"No, no, no pasa nada, está bien, me había dicho que se iba de vacaciones con Isabella. Ella no me dijo a dónde iba, así que supuse que estaba aquí. Siento preocuparte, Mari". He calmly explained trying not to alarm Marisol more than she already was. (No no, nothing is wrong she's fine, she had told me she was going on a little vacation with Isabella. She didn't tell me where she was going so I assumed she was here. Sorry to worry you Mari.)
He said his goodbyes to your mother, assuring her everything was ok before he left. He walked down the streets, occasionally getting stopped to take a picture.
He was worried, not knowing were you where. All he had was some message from you saying you were leaving Barcelona. But he at least wanted to know you were ok, it would give him some peace. But he couldn't even text you, you had blocked him on messages and instagram.
Hell you didn't even telk your own parents you were leaving Barcelona.
He entered his house, not expecting for anyone to be up. His parents were the type to sleep early. He carefully closed the door.
"Pablo Martin Pàez Gavira, ¿qué hiciste?"
He jumped, turing around to face his sister. "¿Pensé que estabas en Ibiza?" (I thought you were in Ibiza?)
"Regresé hace un par de horas, ahora, por favor, explícame lo que le hiciste a Y/n". She demanded, sitting down on the couch, signaling him to sit in the opposite couch. (I got back a couple hours ago, now please explain to me what you did to Y/n.)
"¿Como?" (What?)
"¡Pablo se mudó de Barcelona después de mudarse allí para estar contigo!" Aurora said wide eyed staring her brother like the idiot he was. (Pablo she moved from Barcelona after she moved there to be with you!)
"¿Así que sabes dónde está?" He asked hopeful. (So you know where she is?)
"No ¡No sé dónde está, publicó en Instagram, pero luego me bloqueó a mí y a ti!" She exclaimed. "Así que me imagino que solo tú hiciste algo". (I don't know where she is she posted on instagram but then she later blocked me ans you!, So I can imagine only you did something.)
"Si hice algo, me di cuenta de lo que sentía por ella demasiado tarde, ahora se ha ido". He sunk back on the couch pouting. (I did do something, I realized my feelings for her too late now that she's gone.)
"Entonces lucha por ella, hermanito". Aurora comforted her brother. "Además, no le digas nada a mamá sobre esto, sabes lo mucho que ama a Y/n y te mataría si se entera de que la alejaste de Barcelona". She joked. (Then fight for her, hermanito. Also don't tell ma anything about this, you know how much she loves Y/n and she would kill you if she finds out you drove her away from Barcelona.)
Càdiz, España five months later;
"Isa! ¡Te he echado mucho de menos!" You shouted clinging onto your bestfriend whom you haven't seen in months due to you moving. (Isa! I've missed you so much!)
"¡Yo tambien nena! ¡Me dejaste sola en Barcelona, ha sido tan aburrido!" She hugged you tighter. (Me to nena! You left me all alone at Barcelona its been so boring!)
"Vale, Bella, déjala ir antes de que rompas a mi novia". Leo laughed seeing how happy you we're finally reuniting with your bestfriend. (Ok Bella let go before you break my girlfriend.)
"Puede que seas su novio, pero yo soy el amor de su vida". Isabella made duck lips at you as if you two were going to kiss, Leo rolling his eyes, pulling you away from her and heading towards the car. (You might be her boyfriend but I'm the love of her life.)
You four we're currently eating at a restaurant Leo's sister Tania, who was practically your sister from the amount of time you spend together joined yall.
All of you were having an amazing time, laughing, joking around, talking. It was times like these that made Barcelona seem like a distant memory.
Five months have passed, and you have never been happier. Pedri nor Gavi had made any effort to contact you.
And you were ok with that, Leo and Tania helped you get over them (granted they didn't know who the guys were). Leo especially.
You felt guilty at first, but you had to move on, and that meant dating other guys. At first you weren't sure about going out with Leo. You came to Càdiz to sort your feelings out and choose one of them.
But instead you ended up choosing someone else. And you were ok with thag Leo made you happy, and your happiness was what mattered most to you.
Even if it wasn't with Gavi or Pedri.
"Alguien nos puede tomar una foto?" Isabella asked pointing between you and her, Tania taking her phone. (Can one of you take a picture of us?)
Càdiz, España
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Liked By yourusername, leosaez, tania_saez and 6,534 others
isabella_ramos Cuánto la echaba de menos 🙁🤎 @/yourusername
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yourusername Te he echado mucho de menos, te voy a secuestrar para que no puedas dejarme 😍
leosaez Oye, ¿quién es tu amiga?, esta guapa ;)
isabella_ramos ella es mía
tania_saez isabella_ramos no...es mía
yourusername bueno, esto es incómodo😅
Barcelona, España 1:30pm
Gavi was scrolling on Pablo Torre's phone, his phone had died a couple minutes ago and Pablo was dead asleep next to him.
His mind wandered over to you, for the past five months he hasn't gotten you out of his mind. It was hard not to think about you his was still so worried about you and where you could be.
You both hadn't communicated in five months, and it was breaking him. He got an idea and searched your username on the search bar.
He starred at the no user found, screen it seemed how you have blocked every single FC Barcelona player.
He thought about Isabella, yes Isabella blocked him, but maybe not his name twin.
And with luck, she didn't his eyes lit up when he saw her recent post with the both of you in it. And the location was tagged. "Esta en Càdiz." he whispered. (She's in Càdiz)
He scrolled through the comments stopping at a certain one. Leo's comment. He clicked on his profile, his heart sinking at his latest post, it was a picture of the both of you from back in December.
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Liked by yoursusername, tania_saez, isabella.ramos and 780 others
leosaez Mon amour ❤️
view all 80 comments
yourusername te quiero<3
liked by leosaez
isabella.ramos Solo te permito que me la robes porque ustedes son tan monos juntos🙁
tania_saez Mi cuñada😍
His relif turned to anger, you disappear for months claiming to be working on yourself and try to sort your feelings for one of them, but instead you had a boyfriend.
What about him? What about Pedri? How could you do that to them? You said you loved him, did that change in those five months?
Càdiz, España three days later;
You and Leo were cuddling on the couch watching a movie as Isabella and Tania were out getting take out.
You were both falling asleep, a sudden knock at the door jolting the both of you wake up. "Voy! Dios mío, nos estamos muriendo de hambre, ¿por qué tardaron tanto?" You opened the door. (Gosh we are starving what took you both so long?)
Your heart sunk, as you stared at the person on the other side of your door. "Pablo." You whispered.
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a-little-unsteddie · 2 years
for a minute in the sunlight I
i reached 400 followers today which is insane so have part one of a fic i’ve been working on. once i’m not half asleep i’ll post it to ao3 as well, which will be linked at the end of this note. this is an au i’ve been floating around in my head for a while now, which basically is my rendition of a meet cute ft. Famous!Steve x Normal(ish)!Eddie. except, eddie is a cosplayer, the character that steve voice acts for is coincidentally the character that eddie cosplays as, but that’s later. eddie has no idea that steve is the VA tho. ALSO eddie runs a booth in artist alley with chrissy! anyway, here is part one lol.
ao3 link
—part I: 1.7k words—
“Eddie Munson! You better be on your way!” Chrissy’s voice greeted him as Eddie pressed the ‘accept call’ button and pulled the phone up to his ear. He looked around his hotel room and grimaced.
“I am! I swear I am! I’m gonna get us coffee, though,” he said, grabbing his backpack filled with his convention supplies. He looked around the room, almost ‘aha’-ing out loud before grabbing the ‘artist’ lanyard he had gotten the night before as well as the hotel keycard.
“Good! If you’re not here before the booth opens I swear to god I’ll cut your hair!” She threatened him, causing Eddie to laugh.
“Relax! I’m almost to the cafe,” he lied, dashing out the door and shutting it quietly behind him to not alert the girl on the other end of the phone.
“You’re supposed to be here, y’know, at the convention, to be at your booth, to sell your art!” She snapped at him, sounding more amused than actually upset.
“I’ll be there soon! With coffee!” Eddie repeated, before hanging up just as the elevator dinged at him to indicate its arrival. He stepped onto the elevator, smiling stiffly at the stranger already occupying it. She glanced at him, but ultimately ignored his existence, which was just fine in his opinion.
Okay, so. Eddie knew Chrissy was right to be mad at him—he was meant to be at the venue around 9, and it was nearing 10, and the convention starts at 10:30, so really he had about 45 mins to get there, which was more than enough time to get there. But he was supposed to be there at 9, so he could be set up by 10, for opening at 10:30. He was forever grateful that Chrissy was a morning person and willing to put up with his bullshit.
They had known each other for years, growing up in the same small middle-of-nowhere town as each other. She had been cheer captain while he was forever bullied by the other jocks, but she had come to him one day and decided that he was going to be her best friend. Well, more like, Eddie decided that he wasn’t going to sell some girl hard drugs and instead talked to her.
The rest was history, as they say.
Eddie helped her get away from Jason, her abusive boyfriend, and Chrissy helped him get away from Hawkins. She was also the primary reason he was able to do art and cosplay as a full time gig, as she was able to market and manage his chaos better than he ever could. What had started out as a hobby that Eddie took on to express his frustration with the world had turned into his career, thanks to Chrissy. He had started out by posting his art onto instagram, tiktok, and tumblr, just wanting to show off the work he did for some fandoms he was active in.
Chrissy was also the one to convince him to try to sell his art. To his surprise, fans and non-fans alike ate his work up and bought the fuck out of it. Chrissy also helped him with starting to do conventions as a job rather than as an attendee — she helped him put together his portfolio and designs and ideas into something cohesive that could be set up in a booth in the artist alley of whatever conventions they could get into.
All of that is to say, Eddie owed a lot to Chrissy for his current life. One thing that Eddie couldn’t get figured out was time management. He was able to do most other things with Chrissy, like managing his online presence, restocking his prints when he was low, managing the booth when they were at a con. However, he could never seem to get anywhere on time the first go around. The first day of cons, without fail, led to Eddie arriving a few minutes before the booth opened to the rest of the con.
Which is why Eddie was running late, again.
Chrissy should know better than to expect him on time, but he also figured maybe he could work harder at being on time. Not that he didn’t try, he set an abundance of alarms every time, but one thing or another caused him to be late. This time it was the fact his alarm was set for 7:30 in the evening, instead of morning. He had woken up, checked his phone, saw it was 8:37 and shot up like a rocket to get his shit together. He was meant to do some sort of look today, but had decided against it so that way he wasn’t completely behind. So he just did a basic look — unfortunately that still took him nearly an hour. He didn’t even do make up, which to be fair, he never did on the first days of conventions.
Eddie was so caught up in his thoughts, rushing towards the cafe he knew was near the convention center, that he crashed right into someone leaving said cafe. He swore loudly, stumbling back with wide eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve been paying more attention, oh my god,” Eddie rushed out, staring at the spilt coffee on the ground. There were two to-go cups laying there, making Eddie feel even worse because this person wasn’t just getting coffee for themselves. He looked up to apologize again, except the words died in his throat.
Was it cliché to say it was love at first sight?
The man looked less angry and more just sad at the coffee that was spilled at their feet, which, to be fair, Eddie felt really bad about.
The man looked up and caught Eddie’s eyes and Eddie was gone. He had honey colored hair, eyes made of milk chocolate, freckles dotted his cheeks, and Eddie could see moles on his neck and expected him to be covered in them. He smiled apprehensively at Eddie, as if expecting a sort of reaction to seeing him, but Eddie was distracted by his jawline. He felt heat crawling up his neck, and took a deep breath to steady himself.
“I’m more than happy to buy you new coffee, I’m so sorry,” Eddie apologized again, eyes wide.
“No— it’s okay,” the man responded and Eddie was floored because was there anything about this man that wasn’t completely perfect? Eddie knew he likely had heart eyes but he couldn’t help it, the stranger was just gorgeous.
“I insist! I ran into you, caused you to spill not one but two coffees! Let me buy you replacements at least,” Eddie pressed earnestly, smiling brightly, trying to put on his charm which he hadn’t used in years. It seemed to work, because the stranger's cheeks tinted pink as he nodded shyly. “Great! I’m Eddie,” he said, reaching out to offer his hand to shake, before changing his mind immediately and moving to grab the door. “After you, sweetheart.”
“Steve,” the stranger—Steve—responded, smiling timidly as he ducked back into the cafe. Eddie followed, letting his gaze drop for a moment to take a peek at his ass, which Eddie was dismayed to also find perfect. This is simultaneously the best and worst day of Eddie’s life.
“Nice to meet you,” Eddie said as they came to a stop at the end of the line. “What are you in Chicago for?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
Steve seemed to relax at the question, smiling softly as he answered. “Well, officially, I’m here to go to a convention, but unofficially I’m here to visit a friend I don’t get to see as often as I want.”
Eddie lit up, eyes bright with excitement. “Oh, no way? I’m going to a con too! I run a booth in artist alley! Maybe we’ll see each other?” He said, grinning at Steve. The man smiled back, eyebrows furrowed as he took in the excited man beside him.
“Yeah, maybe,” he agreed, raising his eyebrows.
“Look for a booth called CorrodedCoffin Art, and that’ll be mine! If I’m not there, Chrissy will be, so you can just ask her where I am,” Eddie said, enthusiastically. The idea that he could see this man again was already making him vibrate with excitement.
“I’ll look for you,” Steve said earnestly, smiling crookedly. “I have a lot to do this weekend, but hopefully I can stop by and see you.” Eddie bobbed his head, pretty much bouncing in place.
“Cool! Oh! It’s our turn. You can order first,” the metalhead said, gesturing in front of him. Steve smiled at him before turning to the barista.
“Back so soon?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.
Steve laughed, glancing at the man next to him. “Yeah, this guy ran into me and spilled both of my drinks,” he said, leering teasingly at Eddie, who felt his cheeks heat.
“I said sorry! And I’m buying you new drinks to make up for it,” Eddie defended, crossing his arms and pouting. Steve snorted softly, before returning his attention to the barista. He ordered his two drinks before moving to the side to let Eddie order.
“One large iced caramel mocha, and one extra large iced white chocolate mocha, please,” he ordered with a hum. He handed over his card, barely disguising a wince as she read off the total to him.
“Extra large, huh?” Steve asked, raising his eyebrows. Eddie laughed, shrugging helplessly.
“I was supposed to be at the convention center an hour ago,” he admitted, smiling, “the extra large is for Chrissy to make up for it.” He paused for a minute, looking Steve up and down and decided ‘fuck it’. “Can’t say I regret being late, though,” he said, winking at the man. Eddie delighted in watching Steve’s cheeks turn pink and itched to know how far down his body the flush spread.
“Well, I for one am glad you were running late,” Steve said, causing Eddie to grab a piece of his hair and hide a grin behind it. He watched as Steve’s gaze went down and then back up to meet his eyes.
Sooner than either man hoped, their orders were fulfilled. Eddie checked the time absentmindedly and cursed, seeing it was nearing 10:15. He reached into his bag and grabbed a sharpie, grinning as he wrote down his number onto a napkin.
“I am running late, but text me, maybe?” He asked, grinning shyly at the man as he tucked the napkin into his front pocket. He winked at him one more time before grabbing his drinks and dashing out the door. Chrissy would forgive him, probably.
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theliterarywolf · 5 months
So uh, what's the deal with spindlehorse and merch? Cause I didn't even know there was official merch for HH, I only knew about unofficial merch that fans would make in their spare time
So during the lead-up to the premiere of Hazbin Hotel, A24 and BentoBox (the studio that was brought on to help with production) put up some early-access bonuses people could buy.
They ranged from trading cards, keychains of the HH Key, enamel pins, an official playbill for the series and VAs, and early-access to the first two episodes.
And if you wanted to splurge, you could get the ultimate package that included all of that.
... I splurged on the ultimate package.
I still don't have my playbill.
Also, something something -- I had to pay extra for my access to the first two episodes even though I already paid??
But the series premiered proper and, as anyone who's in marketing would tell you, you would think that they would have had merchandise ready for people to purchase as viewership creeped up.
Well... The only official merch available throughout the entirety of S1 was Amazon offering crap-quality t-shirts, some crap-quality popsockets, and trading cards --
Wait, no. The trading cards have been on waitlist since January.
Meanwhile, people who want to support the show are disappointed because, well, they don't want the crappy merch on Amazon and there are some who feel like they're being punished for not knowing about the early-access bonuses.
So we actually didn't start hearing about anything in the way of better official merch until we were pretty much on the week of the finale's release. And even that wasn't a 'hey, you can buy this now' or even a 'coming soon to *insert store-chain*'. No, it was the Spindlehorse artists who have been assigned to handle to designs of the better merch posting on Twitter about how they're still finalizing designs. In addition to this, we got an official Instagram post talking about how they're still in discussion about what store-chains they want to collab with; though it seems like the bulk of this merch (whenever it releases) will be sold by Hot Topic.
Now, of course, in this bizarre in-between period, fans and entrepreneurs are going to do what fans and entrepreneurs are going to do. So we had an explosion of fans selling high-quality fan-merch. Typical stuff: get some good merch, rep your favorite blorbos, and support some independent artists while you're waiting for official merch to drop.
Well... Apparently, some Etsy store owners who specialize in HH fan merch have been reporting their stores getting taken down by Amazon. Now, while it's true that 'oh, people who sell fan-merch know that they either have to have their own independent sites or they have to use creative alternative names on places like Etsy (i.e.: 'Look at this cute Pikachu cloud pin -- I-I-I mean -- look at this cute 'electric yellow mouse sleeping on cloud' pin'), but it's shitty on Amazon and A24 to start doing this now when they're the reason that Spindlehorse can't sell HH merch on SharkRobot anymore unless it's of the pilot-designs of the characters.
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marygodwin-bsd · 1 year
Rating members of the ADA based on nothing but my own vibes (I haven't seen all of season 3)
I'll post a part 2 with the port mafia and a part 3 with the guild
Dazai Osamu
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8/10 for looks. 4/10 for the chuuya abuse. 6/10 for the fact everytime i hear his english voice it reminds me of hendrickson from SDS bc that is the VA. overall 7/10 character but I would not wanna be his friend in real life. follow his instagram at most.
Kunikida Doppo
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Y'ALL ALREADY KNOW hotness 10/10, 6/10 for the possible terrorist backstory that would be oh so fantastic character building, 8/10 for the fact i ALSO happen to be overly obsessed with my own schedule, 4/10 for the fact someone called his hair a deceased pikachu wig and I laughed, 7/10 for the fact his english VA is Griamore from sds and that was weird for a few scenes. OVERALL 9/10 solid gold good man deserves a white picket dream (the remaining 1/10 is for the fact they couldnt help themselves with his spiky hair sticking out, so now it is effectively a mullet instead of just long hair)
Rampo Edogawa
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7/10 on looks in general i have no strong opinions about his ensemble except that he looks like a lil detective and the IRL Rampo wrote "Boy Detectives Club" and i think its adorable. 8/10 for the fact his brain is awesome and the cockiness. 7/10 for the rivalry with poe because i like it but i havent seen enough of it to be super into their thing yet overall 7/10 I dont have much to say hes just a good boy
Yosano Akiko
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5/10 for the design im sorry i hate that the skirt is that low she can have a long skirt but it looks way awk at the hips though that may just be because the skirt goes out instead of just downward like a maxi. the gold hair clip is good i like it. 9/10 for the way she snatched that mans hand and almost took it off, 7/10 for the scenes that make this anime look way sus to my parents (YOU KNOW WHICH ONES I MEAN!) overall 8/10 for everything except that damn skirt
Kenji Miyazawa
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Team baby!! 10/10 for team baby and YES hes the team baby even though kyouka is ALSO the team baby but i'll get to that. 8/10 for being Finny from Black Butler without my issues from black butler. 7/10 for his morals on cows. 8/10 for his everything about his personality. im not rating on attractiveness bc he is fourteen >:1 idk why i wasted y'alls time explaining hes 10/10 for team baby
Kyouka Izumi
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Ok she was going to be the team baby but then i reevaluated and decided no shes just ATSUSHI'S BABY. 8/10 for how adorable her jellyfish cut is. 10/10 for sad backstory. 6/10 for the fact people ship her with atsushi and the show seems to lean that way as well (I was so happy when Lucy arrived for this reason). 7/10 overall for second team baby
Atsushi Nakajima
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6/10 for the fact my phone always autocorrects him to At Sushi. 7/10 for that haircut. 10/10 for awful father figure. 9/10 for the headcannon about his parents engaging in cannibalism that sounded so in-line with the show i thought it was real and not a headcannon. I'm sorry 6/10 for the fact the va uses the same voice for atsushi that he uses for Harlequin in SDS and it trips me up. 8/10 for the fact his eyes cant decide what color to be. 7/10 for the fact it feels weird to see smut with him in it because he is also, effectively, team baby.
These two
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This poor guy got NERFED by his own story bro this author wasn't into all this.... sister stuff... but apparently his book character was! Gimme a minute to yak anyways designs are 7/10 pretty basic but do their job effectively and Naomi's appearance actually supports the headcannon shes not real and shes just a product of his ability which i like. The sibling... "relationship" gets 0/10 for EW but kunikida gets 10/10 for telling atsushi to ignore it but then still yelling at them after he gets 7/10 for his general personality, honestly if his devotion to his sister wasnt related to the weird incest stuff i would find it a really great plot device (being devoted to protecting and taking care of your only family left) overall naomi gets 6/10 for being okay and looking properly suited for her environment unless shes around Junchiro Junchiro gets 8/10 for having a sick matrix ability and looking basic but not boring
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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GOOD OL' CAT LOVING GRANDPA HIMSELF. 3/10 for the fact he knows mori, 10/10 for how he looks after everyone. also 7/10 for the fact im realizing how kunikidas hairstyle might be because he is COPYING FUKUZAWA... anyways. I don't personally find him all that attractive but to be fair he doesn't show up a lot? 8/10 for being a badass. 9/10 because I feel sad that he didnt get to pet the kitty in Wan. Overall, 8/10
Pt 2 will go here Pt 3 will go here pt 4 is here
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Beware Nightflightversel seeking minors on discord
Please Beware Shea Castaneda aka nightflightversel aka dunkadev the known predator/pedo/zoo has been going Around twitter instagram, tumblr and mainly discord seeking out specifically minors who he can isolate and groom into making him new social media accounts with which he can harass previous victims of his and also to steal artwork from artists across social media. He is also trying to get the minors to do illegal activities for him such as finding addresses, getting them to steal Artwork and very NSFW dragon art from artists and torrent videos for him. He has been bragging about how hes already contacted almost 600 minors in a short span of time.
Hes asking for help via a samsung 2022 smart tv with speech to text capability because the police confiscated his devices upon releasing him from jail so hes unable to do much himself. Hes looking for minors to do his sick deeds for him.
Please, if nightflight approaches you asking "for help" or you get harassing messages with ssssooo. Weellll. Or aaannnd. report him to the Vancouver washington/clark county police and file a report and let them know shea castaneda is targeting you. 
File report And or call VA police here
The man is dangerous despite the fact he makes himself look like a key smashing idiot who cant speak english. Dont be fooled. He can speak and type perfectly fine, its an act and hell drop it the moment he finds someone vulnerable he can use and speaks normally so he can manipulate them.
Also be on the look out he has been switching Between the handles of
internet lizard#7345 draggiethyymmyhyummys#7345
His Social media
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mellysketches · 2 years
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When I found out scaramouche’s va also voices a care bear I got so much happy nostalgia! I loved Care Bears as a kid ☺️
So of course I had to drew the two together ✨
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vamossainz55 · 2 years
Moonlight || Carlos Sainz x Reader || Ch. 1
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr x Fem! Reader
It’s been almost two years since your break up with Carlos but the memory of him is still fresh in your brain. It was hard for you to forget him when every single time you wanted to watch a race his name was plastered on the screen. A part of you is bitter really, knowing that you had helped him get there.
Instead, you were here, still finishing up your master’s degree in engineering and scrambling to find any internship possible. You had blindly applied to many- some even in the big league.
You didn’t really think much of it- sure Carlos would be around, but it’s not like you would get accepted anyways. And even if you did, you were definitely not giving up your dream in exchange for his, fuck that. 
Fuck. That.
Link to all chapters (WIP).
Chapter 1 (3.1k words)
“A dónde vas?” You’re barely out of the bed when Carlos starts calling for you. You turn around and look at him, face softening at the sight of him fighting the sleep in his eyes. He reaches to grab your arm and before you know it you are being pulled back into the bed. The blankets are being pulled over you as Carlos only nuzzles closer, peppering kisses into your neck. 
“Better,” you hear him mumble and you can’t help but relax a little, reveling into his touch.
“I need to go Carlos,” And this time you leave a gentle kiss on the top of his head before you slowly try to sit up again. It always broke your heart to leave bed first- especially when Carlos finally had a day or a week off from work. You kind of felt guilty too, knowing that he mainly just wanted to spend time with you in bed and relax. 
“Mi amor. Stay a bit longer, porfa?” There is a small whine to his tone which makes you bite back a smile. You let out a soft sigh and lay down for a bit, thinking out your options. This is the perfect excuse for Carlos to wrap his arms around you again and pull you even closer than before. The sheets are warm, but Carlos is warmer, and it really is a hard thing for you to refuse.
“Vale, but only for five minutes,” 
Your alarm is blaring. Loud and clear and piercing through your dream. A groan escapes your lips, sitting up as you try your best to rub your eyes into reality. There is a cold layer of sweat clinging to your body, along with a sense of dread as you try to already forget your dream. Hazel eyes and tanned skin continue to chase you, and as many times as you try to rub your eyes, he seems to be sticking to the back of your lids, his image imprinted to its skin. You turn off your alarm but your thoughts only get louder. 
The darkness in your room envelops you in a weird and hollow way. It’s cold, and you’re already missing the warmth in your dreams as you pull your sheets closer to yourself. “Fuck,” You mumble, already feeling the frustration bubble in your chest. 
Fuck time, you thought. People always told you that time healed, but definitely not this wound. It had been almost two years since you and Carlos broke up. Your childhood friend, your best friend. Three years of dating and fourteen years of friendship thrown completely down the drain. 
You try to convince yourself that it’s fine, it’s normal to dream about your ex sometimes. A part of you believes it right before you realise how many times sometimes is. You grit your teeth and let out another frustrated groan before you grab your phone, searching for any distraction to get your mind to leech to something else. It ends up being instagram. Five minutes wouldn’t hurt, you think to yourself. You just need to brush your teeth a bit faster later. 
Five minutes become ten and ten become thirty and before you realise you are barely brushing your hair and teeth as you jump into the first pair of pants you find, along with a random shirt. You don’t remember the last time you ran this fast, maybe in PE class which almost feels like ten years ago. All your effort seems wasteful when you enter the lecture hall though, panting and holding onto the door frame as you scan the room with your eyes. Your professor wasn’t even there yet. 
“Sorry,” You mumble as soon as someone excuses themselves to go pass you to enter the hall. Soon you spot Laura waving her arm at you, gesturing you to head to her. You head to her, still breathing harshly. Your legs feel heavier than usual and you land on the seat next to her with a loud thump. 
“Are you good? You almost didn’t make it,” Laura asks, shifting in her seat and moving her things to make a bit more space for you. 
“Yeah Lau, I’m fine,” You say before cringing at the small edge that was lacing your voice. You shake your head. “Sorry, not in the best mood today. Feel like I ran a whole marathon,” The smile that lingers on your lips is an apologetic one, but your best friend is more than used to it, so she easily waves her hand to you as a sign to say that it’s fine, really. 
“It’s too early to be having this stupid class anyways.” She says and you’re more than grateful at how understanding she always is. You slowly take your things out of your bag, soon looking around for your pen. You’re too tired to look for it properly, so you just shove your hand in your bag, fishing for your pen in hopes to feel it around somewhere. Before you even find it though you see a pen hovering in front of your face. 
“Here,” Laura follows up and you can’t help but let out a tired but soft laugh.
“You’re the best really,” You thank her. Something catches both of your attentions though as you look forward, seeing the professor set his bag on the table as he silently begins to unpack his things. You both roll your eyes simultaneously- not even surprised that he hadn’t apologised for being almost ten minutes late. 
The class passes by slowly, you and Laura as always sneak glances to each other and take turns in asking questions to one another when one of you didn’t understand something. You don’t really understand why you need to learn half of the things the professor is discussing anyways, but the class wasn’t that hard either. It would be nice to get an easy grade on something. Although the lecture is scheduled almost for three hours- you and the rest of the students are dismissed thirty minutes early on the ruse of extra study time (but you all know even the professor looked bored out of his mind). 
You all begin to pack your things up and you’re thinking about what to do after the lecture when Laura nudges her hip against yours. Your eyes shift to her with a small pointed look. “You okay? You seem a bit out of it.” Laura says, you shrug before zipping up your bag and throwing a strap over your shoulder. The books from yesterday’s classes that you forgot to take out strain your shoulder a bit but there is nothing you can do about it. 
“Mhm- fine. Just tired,” You say, every part of you wanting to brush off last night’s dream, but a glance towards Laura does the job and you are spilling, as always. “I had another dream, again.” You say. This time Laura is the one that groans. 
“Really? Another one?” And you hate the amount of times you’ve discussed this with her. Over and over like a broken record. 
“Thought I was done with them too,” You say, walking out the lecture hall together with her. You’re still a bit shaken up- the boring lecture hadn’t snapped you out of your dream at all, your mind had wandered back and forth to Carlos’ voice, his warmth, his smile. 
“How many times am I going to tell you this?” Laura interrupts your train of thoughts. She turns to head outside to sit on the benches by the trees. You follow her, waiting for her to continue speaking. “You need to get out there, live a little. It’s been two years. How many dates have you been on since?” 
You set your bag down on the bench before sitting down, eyes darting around the trees and the greenery as you try to think. You begin counting a few out loud. “The coffee shop guy, the blue-eyed guy, the one who cooked?” You question momentarily before continuing with your list. “The really nice guy that we met at Paula’s- he did turn out a bit obsessive though but he was really nice-” 
“Mhm I know which one. Now, how many more?” Laura asks and you purse your lips together before letting out a breath. You try to think but even your mind is blank. Have you only been out with four people? You try to not make a face but you can’t help it, because God Laura was right. 
“And how many dates have you been on with each one?” She continues asking, and a part of you wants to call her out for sounding so smug but you know she is just trying to help you out (although you wish it was less of a call out). 
“You know this Lau,” You grumble, looking away. It was a joke at the end of the day between you both, you hadn’t been able to get past the first date. Ever. “Look- I know that I need to get out there more- I just get really discouraged. I have barely clicked with anybody. As soon as we get into the topic of exes they become obsessed and ask about Carlos all the time.” At some point you felt like they were trying to get on a date with him instead of you. 
You let out a sigh as you watch one or two other people run around campus, clearly about to be late themselves. “Can’t believe I went to campus only for one stupid lecture.” you huff before pulling your legs to your chest. 
“Yeah- I wouldn’t do that,” Laura shrugs before looking ahead of herself. The statue of the founder of the university stares at you both. “But seriously, how long are you going to be hung up on this guy?” She asks, and you can see the concern in her eyes which only makes you lean your head against her shoulder. 
“I’m sick of this as much as you are. It’s hard when I see him practically everywhere. Why did I decide to choose someone who was going to be famous?” You murmur.  
It’s not like you chose him because he was going to be famous- although you both knew it was going to happen. Being the son of one of (if not) the best rally drivers and kicking off your karting career from the youngest age possible was a perfect recipe for a Formula 1 driver. The backing, the genes, and the drive that Carlos had. From the first day you saw him karting you knew he was going to make it. But back then, you didn’t even think anything would come out between the two of you. He was just your best friend. 
The thing now was that seeing him drive, and learning the mechanics of it, had created an obsession for you too. You stayed glued to his side whenever you could, glued to him and his racing. You spent many hours after school with him and his dad, learning the ins and outs of cars, learning how the karts were made, and soon learned the beauty of the engineering world . You were glued to the TV too whenever you could be. 
Both of you were obsessed, watching races, from the F1 big screen to scrambling earlier to watch the smaller series that came up over time. He had helped you find your passion, and was the first person to find out you had gotten accepted to engineering. Not only that, but seeing him grow from karting and being behind the screen, to actually rising to the european f3 series and also the Renault series. But then it all ended when Toro Rosso picked him up and your studies started to take more time. The relationship broke from the inside out and before you both knew it it was over. 
He was out there now living his dream, moving from Toro Rosso to Renault. He hadn’t had the best of seasons so far- but you could see he was edging closer, only improving every year. 
On the other hand here you were, still finishing up your master’s and scrambling to find any internship possible. You had blindly applied to many different positions, although you knew deep down where you wanted to be. You didn’t really think much of it- sure Carlos would be around, but it’s not like you would get accepted anyways. And even if you did, you were definitely not giving up your dream in exchange for his. Fuck that. 
“Well it doesn’t help that you still follow every single race so you hear about him or see him almost every other weekend. Maybe you should take a break from watching.” Laura says sympathetically which makes you just groan. “Anyways- I heard about a party tonight,” She offers. 
--- --- --- 
You don’t know how you ended up at the party but you are definitely not drunk enough for this. The music is bouncing off the walls and you swear you can feel the floor vibrate with how strong the bass is. Laura somehow disappeared within the first ten minutes of you guys arriving and you’ve been searching for her ever since. 
After a grueling hour of search you see her wrapped around a very cute blonde. You think about going to give her an earful, especially since she had dragged you there with a promise of a fun girls’ night but you both cross eyes and you can see how invested she is. ‘Please,’ she mouths and you hesitate for a second before giving her a small nod which she grins to. You and her know she owes you big time. Instead of going to chase her you go and turn- thinking of lingering around a bit longer just to make sure she really is okay before leaving but you end up bumping into somebody, almost spilling your drink onto the both of you. 
“You should be watching where you’re going,” The guy says, grabbing your elbow gently to stop the accident from happening. There is a playful tone to his voice and you can’t help but blush a little. You look up to be met with broad shoulders and shaggy brown hair. He was definitely easy on the eyes.
“Sorry, yeah. I should have been.” You say sheepishly before thanking him for saving your drink. It had been way too expensive for your liking, and it was definitely not going to fall on the floor and be stepped on. 
“Would have gotten a new one anyways.” He says with a smile before giving you a wink. “Are you here by yourself?” You can feel his eyes trail over you not so discreetly and fuck it, maybe you should have a little bit of fun yourself too. 
“Came with a friend but she’s quite busy right now, are you here by yourself?” You answer, this time it's your turn to eye him over as he nods and puts his finger to his chin. 
“Seems like it. My friend ditched me too.” He says before nudging your elbow this time, quite hard. You don’t expect this and part of your drink spills and your eyes widen. 
“Hey- what was that for?” You ask, looking over at him. You’re surprised to see him grinning from ear to ear. 
“Guess I owe you a drink now?” He asks and you can’t help but roll your eyes and smile.
“That’s ridiculous,” you say before pointing at him. “you owe me two.”
The night picks up a bit from there. You both find a booth that is miraculously hidden on the side of the club and decide to settle there. Before you know it the two drinks become five and a gentle pink hue has settled on both your cheeks as both of you talk about the randomest things. You learn that his name is Bastien, he has one brother and two sisters, and he recently graduated with a Business degree (and he‘s french too, although his accent had given you an inkling of suspicion).
It’s when he’s talking about his trip so far that you realise how close you both had gotten. His knee is pressed against yours and you can suddenly feel his fingertips gently rubbing at your knee. You don’t even remember how you both had gotten so close throughout the night, but there is a light tension lingering in the air but you’re kind of enjoying it. 
“So, why is a pretty girl like you single?” He asks, leaning even closer. Your smile twitches a little into a frown and you shift in your seat instinctively. You hadn’t thought about Carlos at all tonight. Bastien seems to notice and he moves back a bit this time and clears his throat. “Ah- sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up?” He says, sounding a little bit apologetic which makes you shake his head.. 
“No it’s fine. Just had a rough break up and it has been a while but I haven’t put myself out much.” You say with a small shrug. “Nobody’s caught my interest.” You say honestly and look over to him. You take the initiative this time, putting his hand on his knee. This seems to loosen him up as he shifts to sit close to you again. 
“Maybe I can change that hm?” Your cheeks are burning now, eyes looking over his. 
“Yeah, you can try.” You murmur as you notice his eyes drop to your lips. You swipe your tongue over your bottom lip this time and you can’t help but move closer before he takes your mouth with his. 
It doesn’t go further than a kiss (or several kisses). You both go home together, but he drops you off at the entrance to your apartment building, even gets out of the car to help open the door for you. “So,” you say as you get out of the car, he shuts the door for you and you lean your back against his car, “do you wanna come up?” You ask him, biting your bottom lip. He looks over you and smiles, leaning close as he rests one of his hands on his car and next to your head. He leans slightly over you and you feel your stomach flutter. 
“As much as I am probably going to regret this, no.” he says which almost sobers you up. Almost. Had you done something wrong in the car? You’re about to ask if something had happened when he leans over to give you another kiss, your mind spins a little as you move closer to hold his cheek. 
It’s almost embarrassing how you try to lean closer when he pulls away. “I'd rather take you out for dinner tomorrow night,” He says with a smug smile before pecking your lips. “Does that sound good?” 
“Oh,” You say, quite surprised this time. 
“Unless you want me to come up now?” He asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“No- no.” You say, shaking your head. You couldn’t believe what you were saying. “I mean- I’d love that but, maybe dinner tomorrow is better.” You say before giving him a smile. You’re burning red but you don’t care. It’s the first time you’ve felt excited for a date in ages. 
“Sounds like a plan then.” he says leaning closer to brush your noses together. “Can I have one more kiss though?” he asks with the dimpled smile he had been giving you the whole night. You give him a small nod before connecting your lips once more. 
The feeling lingers on your lips the entire night, tossing and turning in your bed with a feeling of excitement that you missed. You even try to distract yourself by going on your phone, biting your lips as you check the notifications you had been ignoring the whole day. 
Your throat goes dry though when you open your email. 
The words are bold and clear and you suddenly cannot think of anything else:
Congrats y/n, you have been accepted to our talent program in Engineering. For the upcoming season you have been assigned to: McLaren’s F1 Team. 
Welcome to the team!
Link to chapter 2
Link to all the chapters: here
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retroknightx · 3 years
hypmic headcanons
since nobody on my instagram appreciates me, i’m going to put them here, and it’ll be like a master post i can add onto that way anyway (which is convenient for me, because i keep adding on… yeah, it’s bad lmao. my notes document can only take so much) all of it will be under the line so you guys don’t just have a big ass post clogging your feed! to whoever my 4 followers are
starting with fling posse…
Ramuda Amemura
He’s trans.
He has a superiority complex to hide his inferiority complex.
He also likely has a little bot of a god complex… Just a tiny bit… Not to the point it’d endanger his life, but to the point he can never admit he’s wrong (I suppose this can also count as the superiority complex).
He also has a little bit of a schoolboy crush on Dice… that has lasted far longer than he’d ever like to admit – not that he’d ever admit it in the first place – and he gets jealous over Dice.
He started his whole thing with girls, whatever it is, as a power trip, which also explains why he likes to cause so much chaos.
Since he used to smoke, he started candy as a way to stop smoking and it slowly replaced his smoking habit (as I have yet to see him smoke otherwise, but keep in mind I’m not far into the manga and mostly I’m going off the ARB story).
Gentaro Yumeno
All writers are perfectionists (I’d know as one).
He’s probably very particular about the details and doesn’t like doing things without a plan.
He’s the lyric write for Fling Posse’s raps and does not enjoy making up lyrics on the spot; however he can if he must – This is also why he carries the book everywhere.
I honest to god don’t feel like he’s of this world and whatever his actual form is (irony in his rap name?), it scared Ramuda enough to create Fling Posse, so here they are.
now for the dice ones… it’s gonna be long!
Dice Arisugawa
He is, unfortunately, very oblivious to romantic approaches – especially from close friends such as his division members, for he’s been with them for so long that he can never imagine them falling in love with him.
He has abandonment issues/a fear of abandonment because his mother left him.
Speaking of his mother, Dice likely knows how to do “noble” things because he was raised by a politician; i.e. how to play piano and stuff like that.
Adding on top of that, I feel like Dice has an accumulation of many different skills from being all over the place – He learned how to do card tricks by watching others, and he probably learned bird calls from spending time with Rio.
He undoubtedly has ADHD (as a person with ADHD myself, you cannot tell me I am wrong)!
He’s well aware that’s he a leech, but he can’t stop himself because the addiction is stronger and he feels terrible about it; it’s why he often begs instead of anything else that would fit his character more.
He’s a very talkative person and often rambles to get his thoughts organized.
He doesn’t like being put into awkward situations or forced into silence because he is used the buzz of a casino and a busy city.
Relating to the ADHD canon, Dice puts his life on line not only for the thrill of it, but to keep his mind off of thoughts, and it’s also why he gambles; so he can focus on one thing.
He is numb to change because he’s a gambler.
He is very good at adapting to a new environment.
He doesn’t like being looked down up and that’s why he started gambling; to prove that he’s worth something.
He uses humor to cope if he can’t get his mind off of things with the thrill of gambling.
Extras (Fling Posse all together)
Dice has weird limbs, so clothing fits him weird, and Ramuda started making clothes for them because of that.
Ramuda chased after Dice after he stole his signature parka and the Fling Posse star was embroidered on later by Ramuda after the formation of Fling Posse.
Ramuda likely pulls whatever strings he has access to to make life easier for his division members (not that it stops them from getting into trouble, that is).
Gentaro spends a lot of time away when writing and likely forgets he’s even alive during those periods, so his division members make sure he’s still taking care of himself when he gets like that.
They all piss each other off, but in a platonic love kind of way.
moving onto matenrou! my favorite division <3
Jakurai Jingui
Oh, my poor man’s so tired. He just needs a long break and a spa day; speaking of this, he likely doesn’t ask for help often – it’s the messiah complex he undoubtedly has.
His hair is too long for him to be taking care of it himself, and it definitely looks in fantastic condition, so he definitely takes good care of it – I just don’t think he takes care of it himself; I think he enlists the help of his division members (as I headcanon that Matenrou is in a poly relationship).
Jakurai’s matureness can sometimes get in the way of other things, such as emotional moments, and he can come off as cold or distant when he doesn’t mean to come off that way.
Unlike the other divisions, Jakurai wanted to really separate from his past, and that’s why he named his division Matenrou instead of reusing something from the past. He also probably doesn’t like talking about the past.
His hair is naturally silver, but the lighter shades that are nearly white underneath was caused by stress.
He gets cold quickly, which is why he always keeps the lab coat on, and it’s also why he wears a turtleneck.
Jakurai does live in the same apartment as Doppo and Hifumi, but he’s always so busy that he often can’t get there, so he ends up sleeping at the hospital; he also has a separate apartment of his own that’s closer to the hospital if he has free time, but he’s not off work/off work but still on call.
Doppo Kannonzaka
Man, the first thing I thought when I saw him was that he has a choking kink. Enough said. He also likely has a praise kink.
If he didn’t have social anxiety and wasn’t so busy, he’d also probably be going over to Rio’s camp a lot. I think it’s because he’s so overworked that he doesn’t care about what’s in the food; as long as he gets it.
He’s probably passed out from exhaustion more than once and just got used to it.
Despite all his problems, he definitely wants to be known and he wants his name out there; he wants to be just like the other two and he definitely looks up to them already, but he aspires to be them.
He is so thankful for his divison members and he’s glad that they accepted him.
Hifumi Izanami
Hifumi is a classic case of “fake it till you make it”; I really don’t know how he became one of the most popular hosts in Shinjuku, but it’s definitely about the fake confidence and the jacket is a comfort object for him that allows him to have that confidence.
He cooks all the time for his division members and he uses the catches from fish all the time, too. He even brings the lunches to their works for them.
Since Hifumi’s always out so late, the others make sure he has everything he needs for whenever he wakes up and sometimes they wait for him.
They’re all in a poly relationship and I refuse to believe anything else; I mean, have you seen those “my room” dialouge in ARB? Fruity.
They probably all love to cuddle whenever they get the chance because they can’t do it often.
They definitely set up one day of the month for all of them to just be together.
buster bros time!
Ichiro Yamada
This may just be the Ichiro simp in me, but I think he has a very nice tummy that’d be nice to lay on; like a soft one if that makes any sense to anybody other than me.
He’s a very friendly person and if you’re close friends with him, he’s definitely loyal; he’d be willing to drop anything to help you kind of loyal, like he is to his brothers – all that, except the willing to die part.
I think he gets flustered easily and doesn’t know how to respond to compliments. That’s also probably the Ichiro simp in me.
Although he has to stop his brothers from ripping out each other’s throats all the time, he’s very proud of them and of their achievements, no matter what they are. He’s willing to praise them even for the tiniest things to make up for his absence in their lives.
He probably has a terrible sleeping schedule, but he could probably operate on pretty much anything. Two hours of sleep? That’s not an issue for him; he’s used to it.
He’s likely a cheapskate when it comes to himself, but when it comes to his brothers, he spares no expense if he can.
Saburo Yamada
He has a superiority complex. I mean, just look at how he acts with Jiro – that’s enough proof right there.
He got into hacking and all of that computer stuff because it was interesting to him; he’s probably pursuing a career in it, considering just how good he is at it. I feel like he’d make a good white hat hacker that tests your website security, like Alma in Va-11 Hall-A.
Call him a library, because he holds grudges for years.
I think he just likes picking arguments because he think it’s funny and there’s nothing better to do when you’re stuck with your brothers (as somebody with a sibling myself, I can attest to that).
Jiro Yamada
Anger issues. Yep, that’s it. That’s the headcanon.
Man probably goes dumpster diving to see what kind of treasures he can find; his room is probably full of that kind of junk.
He probably has greasy hair. It doesn’t matter how much he cleans it, it’s just greasy (as somebody with the same issue, go clean your pillows Jiro).
Ichiro has to hold Jiro back from just punching Saburo all the time.
God, somebody save Ichiro from his siblings; with how much they bicker, he probably has taken so much ibuprofen to stop headaches in his life that he should be considered dead from an overdose.
Despite being assholes to each other, they all help each other out – Saburo helps Jiro with his work, Jiro helps Saburo with whatever he can’t do, and Ichiro takes care of the rest. It’s the only thing keeping their bond together.
mad trigger crew, my beloved.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio’s very stoic and that often doesn’t break, so it’s very rare to see a smile on his face. He has different smiles for different things too – there’s the business one; one so he doesn’t look as intimidating, and the actual genuine smile that’s very rare to see, but it happens when somebody appreciates his food.
Rio’s not good at understanding emotions and it takes him awhile to process emotions; he goes quiet in these moments and it can be confusing for those who don’t know him, but once he’s thought everything out, he’s very smart about responding.
He’ll never fully adjust to a life outside of the navy and military.
Opposite to Dice, he finds the buzz of a city to be too distracting for his thoughts and he enjoys his solitude, but he doesn’t mind company at all.
Due to how his unit was broken up, he refuses to abide by H law and keeps his gun on him. Even Rio can be spiteful. However, he mostly uses it for hunting, which is why he’s so far out in the forest.
He definitely has a lot of scars and that’s why he often wears his fatigues; he doesn’t wana come off as off-putting. His cards without the jacket did him so dirty. Of course he’d have scars from fighting in World War 3.
He can come up with strategies on the spot and is a very quick-thinker when it comes to combat.
Despite how ruthless he is when it comes to rap battles and being an ex-navy, he’s actually a very gentle soul.
I feel like he’s asexual, but homoromantic.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
He only uses the bad guy persona as a way to be left alone, but he’s actually a very kind person.
Despite being a yakuza, he actually abides to the H law and it’s probably only because of Nemu (however, this is only based off of the anime, so I can’t say for certain, but I haven’t seen anything in the manga disproving otherwise yet).
I just feel like he eats a lot throughout the day. I can’t explain this one, but he has the vibes.
He also knows how to cook quite well himself, and he does it for his division members sometimes.
Jyuto Iruma
He’s very cocky because he knows he can get away with things; I mean, he’s the authorties, why wouldn’t he get cocky about what he can do? However, it’s somewhat annoying to Samatoki.
If he wasn’t a gay bastard, Samtoki and Rio probably would’ve been arrested long ago. Thankfully for them, he is a gay bastard.
He likes looking good no matter what; it helps his confidence, so he dresses up to go out anywhere.
His glasses are probably just reading glasses.
He likes spending money on expensive things.
Samatoki and Jyuto are in a relationship. They’re so fruity that I’m sure I don’t have to explain this one.
Samatoki doesn’t approve of Rio dating Dice at all and it’s only because of Jyuto that Dice is still alive.
Rio is pretty much their marriage counselor; he has to constantly deal with them bickering, so of course he is. He’s pretty much the adopted child to save their marriage.
Poly Matenrou
i will likely make a separate post for the ship headcanons because this will be much longer, but i think this covers all of them anyway, so here you go. enjoy.
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[Tap for better quality!! 🧡]
AHHH HELLO ITS FINALLY DONE!!! A big group photo based off of this post by @deus-ex-knoxina !!! I added little interview excerpts if y’all want to read them! They might be ooc tho,,,,
An Interview with the Day-Josten-Minyard trio
Koam: Many were shocked by your revelation last month. I myself must admit I was taken by surprise!
Neil: Yes well, I will say it came as a surprise to me as well. I remember one day in the locker room, Kevin told me [imitates kevin] it will be easier to remain heterosexual. [Kevin rolls his eyes and Andrew scoffs] Ironic, considering where we are now.
Kevin: [chuckling] Well was I wrong? I was speaking from experience after all. On a more serious note, many athletes in the LGBTQ community face this issue. Even in today’s society, people like us are still under a lot of pressure and scrutiny.
Koam: Oh, that’s a very good point. You three have been the talk of exy fans everywhere for the past few years! Lately a lot of fans have been taking an interest to Andrew.
Andrew: My main reason for playing this stupid sport is these two idiots over here. Someone has to make sure they don’t hurt themselves. Especially Neil. He almost got red carded 4 times.
Neil: Harkey was full of shit, you know it, I know it, hell, he probably knows it too. I didn’t say anything but the truth.
Andrew: Your mouth runs faster than you do, and that’s saying something.
Neil: Anyways, don’t let him fool you, I’m sure he finds some enjoyment. He loved pissing off Bryant. 
Kevin: I’m pretty sure the whole team did. He wasn’t exactly likable.
Andrew: This is exactly what I mean, someone needs to make sure they don’t start another shitshow on Twitter.
An interview with Sara Alvarez and Laila Dermott
Koam: I hear that you two have been together since college! How was your former team with your relationship?
Laila: The Trojans? Oh they were really cool about it. Very supportive. They were so oblivious when it came to Jeremy and Jean though. It was hysterical.
Sara: Jeremy was having a crisis. Even Jean with his whole stone face thing was getting a little irritated.
Koam: I see... Were they not supportive of Jeremy and Jean?
Sara: Oh, no that’s not it at all. The Trojans as a whole are very sweet and supportive, but we’re all idiot jocks at heart.
Laila: [snickering] Jean would kill you if her heard that.
Sara: Laila, He almost used the word bro while crying over his math homework. And he hangs around Jeremy all the time, it’s gonna happen if it hasn’t already.
Laia: Fair enough. You know, maybe the team was just too in love with Jeremy to accept him being in a relationship.
Sara: Oh yeah, there was that one guy who joined because he had a crush on him.
Laila: Didn’t he say he joined for his a-
Sara: AMAZING FOOTWORK. YES. Ahem. Jeremy is very good with his feet.
An Interview with Jeremy Knox and Jean Moreau
Koam: So how was everything with you? I’m sure you two got your fair share of things to deal with after the championship game.
Jeremy: I suppose? We haven’t been very active on social media lately... Or at least I haven’t. 
Jean: I haven’t either. Things have been a little bit hectic recently.
Koam: Understandable. Forgive me if I am overstepping... But how was the transfer? I heard there was a huge scandal a few years back with the Ravens.
Jean: The Ravens were... strict to say the least. Hell, strict is an understatement. The transfer to the Trojans certainly wasn’t easy, but the Trojans surprised me. In a good way for the most part. The Ravens were very cut-throat, and you were only as good as your ability on the court. Dating as a whole was off limits, and homosexuality was even worse. But the Trojans were all about rest, and support. The final three years I spent there have helped me tremendously. And of course, Jeremy. Mon soleil.
Jeremy: [beaming] Jean adjusted really well. Some of the other team members were pretty intimidated by him though, I mean Toame compared him to Darth Vader. He’s really amazing when you get to know him. He cares a lot, you can see it if you actually look. [smiling at Jean]
Jean: [pecking him on the cheek with a smile] That I do.
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rebelcourtesan · 4 years
Supporting Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss
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I’ve seen a lot of people demanding when the next episodes of Hazbin Hotel is going to start.  Sad to say it’s going to be a while.  Hazbin Hotel has been picked up by A24 over the summer which is a HUGE accomplishment!  This is the first big step towards more episodes, but animation, especially with the skill we’ve see in the pilot is going to take time.
Which leads me to my first point.
1. Do not harass creators or VAs.  
Please, don’t litter their DMs or Twitter accounts with demands of when the next episode is coming.  Especially, the VAs who have no part in production other than providing voices to characters.  VAs are important actors, but the heavy lifting is done by the animators themselves.
Also, since Hazbin has been picked up, Vivziepop has to keep mum with details about the show.  We won’t be getting anymore crumbs about Hazbin Hotel itself for a while so please, don’t think her silence is her lack of interest.  Hazbin is her baby!  In order to protect the show, she may have signed contracts with A24 of not sharing information until the show is released.  Which is a GOOD SIGN!!!!  
Also, follow Viziepop, Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss on Twitter for the latest of any announcements or releases!  Why ask when an episode is going to be released when they’re going to announce it on Twitter in the first place?  Trust me, as soon as Vivziepop is certain of a release date, she’ll tell everyone via Twitter.   
2. Rewatch anything and everything from SpindleHorse.  
Another method of support is to give views and likes to Vivziepop’s shorts, Hazbin Pilot, and Helluva Boss episodes.  Even if its playing in the background while you do chores or work on a project, the number of views help show people are still watching and enjoying the animation.  The views are in the millions which is a great sign to potential networks that HH/HB already have a large fanbase waiting to subscribe and buy merchandise.  
3. Purchase the Merchandise
All profits from the merch sales goes into paying animators and everyone involved with Helluva Boss eps, comics, and etc.  More animators and artists, means Vivziepop has more people working on episodes which will speed things up.  If we want more stuff, then we have to buy more stuff to support the show.  I’ve bought two sketchbooks and a pair of socks to help support Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.  Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to be a problem as they often have items announced as sold out shortly after sales.  
4. Vivziepop has a Patreon
If the merch is too expensive or not selling anything you’re interested in, subscribe to Viziepop’s Patreon.  The money goes directly into production of shorts, animation, and other cool stuff.  For 5 bucks a month you get sneak peeks at upcoming projects.  We were even allowed to see the first half of the Alastor comic before it went live a few days later!  If five bucks is too much, there’s a 1 dollar tier.  Everything counts towards supporting the series.
5. Support Fan Creators
Between episodes of Helluva Boss and until Hazbin Hotel is released, fan creators are what keeps the fandom afloat.  There are AMAZING artists creating art and comics across Twitter and Instagram.  And there are quite a few popular fanfiction on AO3.  Follow them, complement their art, and best of all, pay for commissions!  With money!  Exposure doesn’t pay bills or rent.  With things as they are with Covid-19, there are lots of artists in need of money to help make ends meet or provide for their families.  If you can’t afford their art, support them on patreon or Ko-Fi.  Also, do NOT STEAL ART OR REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!  And even if it’s commissioned art, ALWAYS, ALWAYS give credit!  
This is a big one for me.  Being toxic, shipping wars, or ship shaming has chased people off from fandoms.  I’ve seen it happen in Voltron Legendary Defender, She-Ra, and now I’m seeing it in Hazbin Hotel.  I’ve seen VAs for Voltron being harassed and receive death threats from supposed fans and towards the end of She-ra there was some backlash towards the creator over Entrapdak pairing.  
As much as I love Hazbin Hotel, bottom line is these are FICTIONAL characters.  It is not worth making someone feel bad, threaten, or insulted over which character kissing another character.  And using a petition to push a ship onto a creator is very poor taste.
Let me be clear, Viviziepop already has a story planned for these characters.  She likely already has the first season of Hazbin Hotel written up and only she (and possibly a handful of people), already know who is going to end up with whom based on how she wants the story to go.  Just trust her and let her tell her story.  Even if Angel Dust doesn’t end up with Husk or Alastor, or Charlie stays with Vaggie instead of hooking up with Alastor, or they all fall for characters we haven’t met yet, you can STILL SHIP WHO YOU WANT!!!!  
People are still shipping Katara and Zuko from Avatar and that show ended a long time ago.  Even in Voltron, people still ship Lance/Keith and Shiro/Allura.  It doesn’t matter if your ship isn’t canon!  You can still ship it!!!!
We all love the show!  Agree to disagree and just be fans together for Hazbin Hotel and support the creators!            
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty One.
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Life is crazy, I am just sat on a jet going to Bora Bora, a nigga don’t even know of Bora Bora, I was speaking to Cena and he was saying that he is taking his partner away, away from the kids because they can’t get alone time and I just so happened to say that Robyn’ time is up, she can now have sex and he mentioned Bora Bora, I was like what the fuck and who the fuck is that until I researched it, this needs to be a thing now that we have a baby. I am just so blessed, I am beyond grateful for what I have got in life “daydreaming?” looking back over at Robyn “oh yeah, I was just posting this. Why the fuck are you hiding your face, I look good and you’re there hiding your face. I wanted a selfie not a face hide” rolling my eyes, I am going to post it anyways but I said let’s do a selfie so I can post on my IG, but she is playing stupid. I will get her back for this, I will do the same “I have a naked face Chris, stop it” adding the caption ‘adult holiday’ pressing send on the post “what does that mean naked face? What the hell does that got to with anything” Robyn shrugged “I just feel so white, I usually have a tan. I don’t know, I feel I have changed, my skin has changed. That is all, like I am not sure. I am sorry” locking my phone placing my phone down “don’t apologise, I am your husband, I just want to know if you’re ok that is all. Your face is fine, what is it?” now she got me staring at her face “don’t look at me like that, my face has come out hasn’t it? Please don’t look at me like I am lying” I am so confused “Robyn, I have seen you snoring with your mouth all open, drooling, farting, sick, peeing, I seen your butt hole. What the fuck haven’t I seen? I am the same guy that was creaming your butt, don’t give me that naked face shit” Robyn is trying to surpress her smile “oh my god” she mumbled “sorry, I was harsh, but I don’t like when you are like this with me. I love you I seen you at your worst and you seen me at mine. It’s love with us, it ain’t no I love you at your highest and stop at your lowest moment bullshit ok?” Robyn nodded her head; she is quiet because I am right.
Robyn scoffed “look at that” she held her hand out, reaching over and holding onto her hand “what am I actually looking at?” I laughed to myself, I held her out and didn’t even know what I am supposed to be looking at “my nails poppa, I didn’t manage to do that because I went for the wax, but this was short notice, now my nails aren’t pretty” rolling my eyes, she is a pain in the butt “right, and Robyn, I will get someone to come to the hotel and make them look pretty ok?” moving my hand back “really? For me, thank you poppa. I want to be pretty for you” sitting back in the seat “and you are, stop trying to stop me from touching and looking at the scaring left from having Rylee, it’s really nothing. I am not stupid Robyn, I be peeping that” Robyn put her head down “that is just me, but I will get over it, you know I will. Where are we staying?” Robyn asked “erm” rubbing the top of my head “the over the water bungalow things, four seasons whatever” I shrugged “what!?” she spat “what?” I retorted “that is expensive Chris, how much are you paying for this?” I shrugged it off licking my lips “it’s for you, don’t worry about it. Just know I am doing well with my clothing line and that is how I managed to do it, I just think it is important for us to spend time together because my parents had everything, but they never got the chance to like go away, I mean not baby making but just spend time together” I had to add “oh god, no. I don’t want no baby, well I mean another. I am not ready for that” she waved me off “same, Rylee got me on my toes currently but just want us to have a good time, I want you to be comfortable” nodding my head “I am with you of course” she says that, but she keeps adding these little things that she ain’t/
I felt rather manly to be just here and giving the card to the reception and just pay, instead of being the one cowering behind Robyn “it’s hot as shit here, I got my hoodie on” turning to Robyn laughing “well we did come from VA, take it off” shaking my head “when we get to our room we will” leaning down to Robyn, pressing a kiss to Robyn’ forehead “all that forehead for me” she hit my chest and I snorted laughing “the gentleman here is going to walk to your bungalow sir” turning to the reception “cool, thank you. Can you also get someone to come and do my wife nails. The nail person woman or whatever, if you can get someone to come please” the receptionist smiled “I can arrange that for you, will you be in the room in the afternoon” looking behind me “erm yeah we will be” I am sure of it “then sir we will get that to happen for you, we will charge it to your room and you can pay after” nodding my head as I turned away from the reception “come on then, see. I told you I would make it happen” holding Robyn’ hand “thank you” she rested her head on my arm “this place is so beautiful, I haven’t been here actually, I have seen just pictures” that made me smile, I am so glad I have bought her to a place where she hasn’t been “you better take this hoodie off when we get to the room, change out of this too” look at Robyn just scolding me already “I will, you going to change me” I joked “I will” she probably will actually.
I am shook, like I saw from the pictures that it looked amazing but being here in person “is there anything else I can do for you” the guy asked “no, this is amazing” there is a bathtub just here and you can open the double doors to the beautiful water facing the mount, I wanted it to be facing, I just bought the most expensive bungalow on the list, stepping outside onto the wooden deck, I am taken aback “wow” imagine fucking in the bath and ten we can come outside to the wooden deck and into the pool to fuck, nobody will see or fucking know. This is amazing, I am shocked with what money can buy. I can’t even believe the beauty this holds “this is amazing Chris, I am literally speechless just seeing the beauty” turning to Robyn “did I do good?” taking my hoodie off “warm as shit, we can walk around naked in peace. I am excited” throwing my hoodie at Robyn and she caught it, unbuckling my jeans “Chris, what are you doing?” Robyn said all concerned, taking my sneakers off as I did with the biggest smile on my face “you’re not” stepping out of my jeans and ran off, there is a deck I can just jump off, running down the steps “Chris!” she spat, I ran and just jumped over the side instead “woo!” I spat and jumped into the water.
Robyn threatened me to take off my wet socks and boxers off outside, so I had to obey of course, wrapping the towel around my waist laughing “did you hear me screaming at you?” nodding my head “I did, I was like she is being so damn dramatic, I am only going for a swim. I had to do it, look where we are. Take a picture of me though” holding my phone out to Robyn “mhmmm, am I not invited to the picture. Joking, where you want it” pressing my hair down “you can, I don’t mind it you know” walking back out to the wooden deck “just out here” turning to Robyn, leaning back on the side “don’t you think I look good, it’s amazing how I still got my six pack” squinting my eyes, the sun is in my eyes “nah, this is too sexy Chris. Put some clothes on” I laughed it off with what she said “take the damn picture Robyn, it’s not that big come on” Robyn is not amused “whatever” licking my lips grinning “here” Robyn huffed out passed me the phone “thank you” looking down at the picture “man, I look good as fuck” adding a caption ‘me and you ain’t in the same lane nigga!! Don’t drop the soap #804’ pressing send on the post, my cousin been on my ass on Instagram, and I don’t really care but I know this will upset him even more. I don’t get why his ugly ass even has a damn phone in jail, I want his ass to get caught because all he be doing is stalking me on different accounts, constantly he is making new accounts to get me.
Walking back into the bungalow, Robyn is getting ger nails done so I got bored of course and just sat outside in the sun “what you think?” Robyn lifted her hands up, I mean they are just red, what is she wanting me to say “they are cute” I smiled not knowing what else to say “thank you for this, you are spoiling me” I grinned “it’s ok, I got you” leaning over, pressing a kiss to her lips “why don’t you just your nails done, then again you have perfect nails. They are always perfect” looking down at my hands “you sound like a hater; I do not want my nails done thanks. I prefer not too” walking to the bedroom, I want her to be over with her nails already so we can go and eat. I have something cute for her. The sun will be set by the time she is done, jumping on the bed sighing out. Unlocking my phone, let’s see what page my cousin has made now to harass me on in my messages. He is so predictable with this shit he does, tapping on my messages and there it is a new page. Even sent me a video, how nice of him from his jail cell. Tapping on the video “You a bitch, a snitch and a no good nigga. When I was dealing I did it for my family, including you. I helped you when you had no money, I did it for your mom and dad. I cared, now you think you’re above us Chris. I love my auntie, this is why I would never let anything happen to her, I know where you moved them too, but you have no loyalty too” cutting the video off, I don’t really care anymore. I will send him one back, clearly he likes seeing me. Tapping on record “you are talking shit in jail cuz, let it go. You sound dumb, you’re going to rot there with no life, no wife, and no kid. Must kill you nigga” I sniggered “anyways, I am going to text Drake now and let him know he can drop off my daughter Christmas gifts next week, Happy Christmas” I laughed stopping the recording, I don’t care anymore. I really stopped caring a while ago now, I am above him.
I have been waiting for Robyn to come out of the bedroom, I have to wait for her to get ready clearly “I have a dilemma Chris, so I wanted to wear this dress without a bra. That can’t happen so I am wearing one, with padding of course, no choice in that” looking behind me from the chair “oh wow” seeing Robyn in a silk red dress, low cut dress “I can’t see no bra, I mean yes I get you want to now wear one, but it works for you. You look beautiful, wow” getting up from the chair “thank you” she twirled around “you look fuller, I like it. Booty come out too, man. You deserve your feet to be sucked, maybe your ass will be ate tonight” Robyn placed her arm around my back, licking my lips placing my hand on her booty “you mean that?” she said, nodding my head looking at her red lipstick “is that new? The lipstick” I am sure it is “this is why I married you, you really mean it. About eating my ass?” I winked at her “do I really look good? It’s been a while” I scoffed rolling my eyes “you get on my nerves, you nasty with stank breath. Happy” walking off “rude!” she spat “you know you look good” she just wants more compliments.
The waiter took a picture of Robyn and I with he sunsetting behind us “thank you brother” walking over to him and getting my phone “Chris this is amazing, I can’t even” making my way back to Robyn “let me put your chair in but you like it? I want it to be extra special” she sat down, I can tell with the look on her face she is so amazed, speechless by it all “it is, this is my Christmas. You have made it” walking around the table and sitting down, we are having dinner on the beach front, watching the sun going down “you have made mine, but everything. Like what you have done, you carried my daughter, you have gone through changes that I can’t even go through to make sure our baby good. The least I can do is make sure you’re good, have your nails done, get you relaxed. This is me appreciating you, I love you Robyn. Like shit ain’t to do with sex, it plays a big part, I would be lying if I said it don’t, it do but this is really about me appreciating you and what you do, I think every women deserves it. I got days set for you, we going to have fun. We going to spend time, celebrate you all day every day” Robyn put her head down smiling, she is so happy, I adore her “anyways, we cute yeah” Robyn reached over grabbing my phone “you can see but of the stomach, like it looks a little pouch don’t you think, I mean I have just started eating healthy you know? Can you do it from the breasts up” poking my lips out, I want to just shake her and say stop. There is no pouch or whatever “fine” I don’t want to upset her, she is annoying “I really don’t fuck with insecure women like that Robyn. You’re Rihanna what the hell, you crazy” she got to be on something “just because I am Rihanna doesn’t mean I have to be perfect Chris, I have insecurities. So you don’t fuck with me? My body has changed, yes you make me feel good. I am ok with you, out there no. You look so well, you always did but ever since you became a dad it’s like something clicked and you are just so confident and out here, your posts on Instagram you look sexy Chris” raising an eyebrow “that’s because I have the money and the connects to do things Robyn, I wasn’t out there because I had nothing, I was under you and now I can be me. I can do things and that’s because of you” I am no way better then Robyn anyways.
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hotarutranslations · 3 years
Hina Fest! Ishida's Bread
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
First off all please let me announce this
April 2nd (Fri) "To Masahiro Nakai's Smiles on Friday"
Morning Musume '21!
We get to appear!
its amazing...... really......
I'm happy we'll be able to perform, from all of the staff, it was day where we received a lot of power, that also made me really happy
Together with the OG seniors,
Its a 2 hour special airing at 8:57PM!
At that time by all means, please watch over us---
Hina Fest!
Thank you very much for your support for the 1st day!
How was it for those watching the live stream too~
Seems like it was ok~
BEYOOOOONDS Tsubaki Factory Juice=Juice
Each of them had their own premium performance
At the beginning of the first performance, BEYOOOOONDS pumped it up but,
Everyones spirit was super conveyed in their voices!
It was reallyyyyy cool!
BEYOOOOONDS songs, when everyone in in Beyo is singing it feels really lively, I think, as expected of them
Within the Hello Pro groups, they already have established
and everyone in these groups, are unique, funny and cute,
I can't stop watching them......
Also Tsubaki Factory!
Tsubaki Factory is, ah, also with Beyo but, Even though they had planned solo hall performances, they ended up being without audiences,
This time is the first with the live audience, they conveyed that they were havin a lot of fun
Everyones new outfits were cute
the lively Tsubaki now, I really like it!!
This time the songs we covered for the BEYOOOOONDS & Tsubaki Factory premium as Morning Musume '21,
Megane no Otoko no Ko/BEYOOOOONDS
In Shimakura Rika-chan's role, as one of the two lady-like girls,
as a, role?
it was super fun
The other of the 2 was Nonaka, it felt like the story was already overflowing at that time with Ishida and Nonaka? lol We both decided on the direction we wanted to talk, thats right, I was properly making the role lol
since there is a video posted of the two lady-like girls, On the official Morning account,
I want you to definitely watch this story
The BEYOOOOONDS songs, while thinking, since Beyo sings this!
Therefore when we can challenge it like this,
I enjoyed doing it with respect
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Fluttering in the wind, with noisy fan in the photo I'm fluttering lol
Thank you very much~
Also, the Juice=Juice premium!
The last song of the Juice block, "Mirai e, Saa Hashiridase!"
Everyone was smiling while singing it!
It was really shining and impressive! to me!
In various places within the venue, the members were walking in a line, everyone had nice and gentle faces... like, I thought thats how it was through my vision--!
For the covers here, With everyone in BEYOOOOONDS and Morning,
Susume, Va-Va-Voom----
Thank you very much for today as well!
We were able to gather many people!
Tomorrow is the Angerme premium Also, the Morning Musume '21 premium
Click here for the live streams
Thank you for your support! My hearts pounding but I'll do my best towards the live stream!
Ishida's Bread
Its trending, and sold out the first day
thank you very much
I'm happy... having it be in the hands of the customers... it was sold...
It was a very early morning for the bakery! fufu
I also woke up early
the people around me got up even earlier, making the final preparations,
I am truly grateful for all the help we received
Deciding on ABC before buying
Preparing 500 yen
Thanks to your cooperation, I think the queue was going quite fast! thank you very much!
Immidiately after the sales started there was a line, settling down, then the line calmed down, and it seems like you were able to immidiately buy the remaining bread,
Even when it was crowded around 12:00 at lunchtime, the best time to go to the shop was around 12:45 when people were done eating, like that, it had that feeling, I'll whisper something it..... (that was just today's atmosphere)
When I heard Ishida's Bread was sold out, I was happy and relieved
But, it was faster than I expected......!
For myself personally, I hope it'll sell out quickly--! I wasn't in a hurry but, It'd be nice if people could buy it for the 2nd performance, I wanted there to be time, How was it,
Thats what I was thinking...!
Also it was 1 set person so,
Thank you to everyone who abided by that today Again, thank you
I hope it will reach many people tomorrow as well...
that is,
How can I tell people that don't read my blog? there are also certainly those who don't look at Instagram either right?
I'll whisper it to everyone...? lol
1300 sets are available at the venue,
and 100 sets are at the momom Aeon Mall Makuhari New City
Thank you very much for tomorrow too~
#IshidasBread If could trend tomorrow as well...I'd be happy...
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Ishida's Bread card, was made with mixed paper
I really wanted to do something with the plastic bags, therefore in the future, I want to improve on them
I'll say it many times but today really, Thank you very much! for selling out Ishida's Bread!
I look forward to hearing your impressions!
if you have any opinion, with lots of voices from outside the prefecture...
Yes, i'll do my best
S Cawaii-san, There is lots of information for the release on Twitter
Please preorder it!
see you ayumin <3
10 notes · View notes
d-pennants · 4 years
Through the Moon Instagram Live
Partial transcript of the Instagram Live with Justin Richmond and Aaron Ehasz. It was only posted for 24 hours and a lot of stuff was talked about. I tried to copy the answers as close to what was actually said, but I won’t guarantee I didn’t mishear or miss stuff. I just focused on the stuff about tDP.
No S4 announcement today.
Do you have a favorite character? Are you allowed to play favorites? JR: Yeah. I definitely have characters that I like more than other characters, but I’ll never admit who they are. [laughs]
Fine, how about hints about S5 then?
AE: Justin and I were working on a scene this morning, a scene in which someone makes a sacred promise to Bait. Hope that’s not to big a spoiler.
[Explaining about Through the Moon which is out today (Oct 6th) Shout out to Xanthe Bouma & Peter Wartman, who will be there for the AMA on Friday. And shout out to the team at Scholastic.]
[Technical issues made the audio break up while JR was relocating. I couldn’t catch what the actually questions were for this little bit, but I caught some of the answers.]
Question about Zuko’s VA Dante Basco
AE: He’s amazing to work with. I’d definitely be happy to work with him.
Question about Callum’s Mage Wings
AE: I’d just get mage wing out even just to go to the bathroom at night if I were Callum.
Question about Runaan
AE: I don’t know. That’s a mystery. Runaan is certainly in the magical cursed coin in some form. But I don’t know what he’ll do or if he can survive it. But that’s a story we’ll be certain to tell.
[JR relocated & AE had to log out and rejoin, which fixed the issue.]
Are there other graphic novels coming? Is Through the Moon part of a series with an over arching plot?
JR: Hopefully yes. Hopefully we get to do some more with Scholastic. This is a standalone. It is part of the core story of the Dragon Prince. It counts as canon. But there’s not a sequel to Though the Moon.
AE: We would love to do more graphic novels. We are actively talking about and planning it. Definitely in the cards. But not necessarily an over arching story.
Asking about Janai’s brother?
AE: We’re going to find out about Janai’s brother for sure. He’s a really cool character, a lot of fun.
What do Moonshadow elves do during a full moon? Do they just become invisible.
AE: It’s not just invisibility. It is a stealth mode. I think we talk about it as like they’re almost partially slipping into a “Moon dimension” that partially obscures how visible they are. But also their physically is maybe changed at bit so they can partially materialize for a split instant to do damage, then they’re phasing out. I think they’re phasing in and out of some kind of Moon dimension. So it’s partially invisibility, but there’s also some defense and fighting stuff that happens.
What does Moonberry juice taste like?
AE: In my mind the things that are conjured are some kind of juice blend. Mulberry juice, pomegranate. Justin talked about a bit of cran involved? But I always think mulberries.
JR: Try mulberry juice. Mulberries have like the weirdest, coolest taste. If you haven’t tried it you should do it.
AE: Not ignoring S4 questions, but we just don’t have a good answer. We are working on it. But we don’t have a S4 date. We getting things moving in a good way and we’re excited but we won’t have the information on a date for S4. We really appreciate you being patient for that. Don’t have any age criteria that we can reveal right now.
Will there be outfit changes for the dragon squad?
JR: There’s already some in the graphic novel. Rayla gets some pretty great pyjamas.
AE: They’re just going to rotate outfits. They’re just gonna trade clothes. You should see how great Soren gonna looks wearing Claudia’s clothes. How Callum’s going to look squeezed into some of Ezran’s outfits. Everybody’s just gonna try on each other’s stuff.
JR: I like it. Too bad that actually 3D doesn’t work like that, where you just trade outfits. Because it’d be hilarious. Yeah, of course, people are going to change outfits. There’s going to be some cool new stuff to see. Absolutely going forward.
Is Callum close to obtaining any other arcanum / going to learn any other arcanum in the future?
JR: No spoilers, but there’s little bit of a hint of some of the answer to this in this graphic novel, so you should check it out. I don’t want to spoil anything. I think Callum fascinated by all the arcanum. He’s not just limiting his interest to Sky.
AE: If you’re a betting person, isn’t Callum’s going to be the first human archmage. A little bit trolling, but yeah, he loves magic. He’s fascinated. But he’s groundbreaking. He’s doing things humans haven’t done before and his potential is limitless. May not be S4, may be S17 at that point.
Will there there be more Sarai? I really want Callum and Ezran to visit her memorial statue.
JR: That would be a beautiful moment. That’d be great, that’d be pretty cool to see. There will be some more Sarai, we’ll find out more about their family. I’m not sure how much we’re aware, but Sarai is certainly not gone from the series. You’ll see Sarai again.
Is the Key of Aaravos actually the key of where he was imprisoned?
AE & JR: We can’t tell you.
JR: We don’t even know. We haven’t even discovered the answer yet.
AE: We know! Actually, that was one of the first things we knew at the very beginning. We’ll get to it.
Is the Sun arcanum the only one that can heal? Or maybe the Ocean arcanum can heal as well/or to?
AE: Great question. Yes. I suspect there are healing abilities possible through different primals. Ocean is a perfect example. I think it’s likely different kinds of healers that call on different energy to restore life and health to those who are injured or sick.
Could original characters introduced in the graphic novels potentially make it into the show?
JR: Absolutely. It’s a huge universe, so we won’t hold back if we think somebody from a graphic novel or the game will fit into the show in the right way, of course we would do that. One of the cool things about working with all the same team is that stuff like that can happen, because we can control all of it. Which is amazing. It’s a great feeling.
AE: There’s a character we’ve talked about for a while from the video game and recently that character finally had their moment in the show. We wanna see different ways to access the world and characters.
JR: Also we’re working with Fandom on a tabletop RPG so that can go another way. You can see characters coming into the show.
Do we have to read the graphic novel before we watch S4?
AE: I don’t think we should say too much. You don’t have too, but everything that happened in the graphic novel happened before S4, it really happened. So can probably infer some of it, but best experience will be read the graphic novel. Get yourself up to date.
How will Zym progress throughout the seasons? Will he grow up and learn to talk and how to manage his powers?
JR: I don’t want to say too much. Zym is going to grow along with the other characters. He’s not static. He’s a puppy, he’s a little baby, and he’s growing up.
AE: We’ll see Zym growing up more for sure.
Will there be more Gren content?
AE & JR: Yeah! [Laughing] AE: Of course. JR: How could there not be? AE: Didn’t we announce already that season 5’s Book 5: Gren? JR: Books 5 through 14 is all Gren. Then we’ll come back around to the other arcanum.
Will we ever get to see Ellis and Ava again?
AE & JR: Maybe? Probably. JR: Not 100%
How did the idea of making the graphic novel come about?
JR: Couple of things. We were talking to Scholastic and they were saying “what if we did this thing together” and we were fascinated by that idea. We’ve always been interested in comics. It sorta came up very naturally with them. And then we started talking about the story, Aaron and I, that could fit in here with the writers and stuff. I felt like a natural thing. That’s how I remember it - Aaron may have other memories of it.
AE: I think that the whole dream of this partnership with Scholastic has been to serve the community by being able to continue tell stories in the wider world of Xadia, through graphic novels, and novels and other books. That part of why we’re so excited about this partnership. It’s so much more depth and insight into different characters parts of the world that we may not have time for in the 22 minutes on Netflix. So the partnership with Scholastic is perfect for deepening and expanding those stories. That’s what it comes down to.
JR: They introduced us to Xanthe and Peter, who just absolutely crushed it.
AE: Yes. [Name?] is still at Wonderstorm if someone asks. It’s still happening. JR: Yes, I talked to him yesterday. He absolutely still here. Xanthe and Peter, we got introduced to them through Scholastic and they just absolutely knocked this out the park. It was a joy to work with both of them and what an amazing job they both did on this. We’re super excited to have gotten to work with them on a graphic novel.
AE: More shout outs to Xanthe Bouma and Peter Wartman.
What did Aaravos say to Khessa?
JR: We can’t say. AE: We can’t, but Janai is wondering that too. And we’re excited about it. It’s weird - I’m not being helpful, but it’s a good question. I may not be giving a satisfying answer, but it’s a good question.
How does Janai know Aaravos spoke to Khessa?
AE: She might not have seen it, but she’s going to find out about it.
Someone asked about the Orphan Queen.
AE: We love the Orphan Queen and there are more references coming seasons 4 and onward. It’s a story I’ve always wanted to tell. We think it will be a great movie someday, maybe. The story of the Orphan Queen is certainly relevant to the story and the saga as it’s unfolding now. It’s a cool story we wanna tell.
We know only some Skywing elves have wings, and not all Sunfire have fire-mode, but what about Moonshadow elves. As they can only use their powers once a month, rather than at any given moment, is it an ability all (or at least most) of them have or is it just some of them?
AE: I think it’s one of those things where Moonshadow elves are in tune with the Moon primal, and one of the very powerful skills that a Moonshadow elf being in tune with that arcanum can master is moonshadow mode, that makes you an excellent assassin, so they evolved this culture that does some of this stealthy, assassin work. It’s certainly possible that there are other powers and abilities that come from connecting to that arcanum that can be directly realized - that a Moonshadow elf might be able to manifest. So you may see some of that in the future. Maybe you have some ideas for your fanfiction or your cool art to show some of those powers, but the powers and abilities really come from them being attuned to these primals and some of it comes naturally and some it comes with training and bringing out the ability to do the special thing. I don’t see why it’s limited. In learning, for example, that Sunfire elves have at least two abilities that can connect to the arcanum is part of what may help understand that.
Do we read fanfictions?
AE: Yes and no - not so much. We highly encourage it and we love people do it. Every once in a while we get someone saying “you gotta look at this, it’s so charming” or “oh, this is so cool.” Or someone will bring something to our attention. There is some really amazing work out there and there’s some writers who are terrific. But as a rule I don’t think we do it regularly when someone says “check this out”.
Will there be more dark mages?
JR: Yes. You will see more dark mages, 100%. But I don’t want to say any more than that. AE: It’s interesting too. This is one of the great things about Scholastic partnership again, that there’s this sort of interplay about things you find out in the show and I think at least one of the dark mages is very significant. The first time people will hear about that person will be in Book 2: Sky the core novel. That’s someone who plays him in the story, in the saga, once the series comes back. But yeah, there’s a very important dark mage who will come up in that book.
Did Aaravos create dark magic?
AE: No, it was discovered not created. Did Aaravos turn them onto it or help them discover it? That’s very possible. Whether Aaravos played a role in developing their ability to do dark magic. Exploring the possibilities of dark magic.
Will we meet other types of dragon and/or archdragons?
JR: 100% yes. Dragon’s in the name. We’re bound by oath! AE: There will be dragons.
Is it possible the dragon king will unfreeze?
AE: Should we not answer that? I feel like it’s possible, but I don’t want to encourage or get anyone too excited. I think being turned to stone is a pretty dismal fate.
Can elves do dark magic?
AE: Can we just say yes? JR: Absolutely. Elves can do dark magic. Totally possible.
How do you go about populating Xadia with cities and landmarks? Do you have the landmarks and find places that fit or did you have the shape and find things to fill it? Or mixture of both? JR: A bit of both. There were some places we’d talked about and generally knew where it is or what this place is going to be. But some of it, when we saw the first version of that map, and the details, we were like “oh my goodness,” there were some obvious things we wanted to put in there. Then there’s some easter eggy stuff that just fun.
Do we think Claudia deserves a redemption arc?
AE: Why does she need a redemption arc. Why are you judging her? What has see done that requires redemption? She’s pretty much in the clear. JR: I’m insulted for her. (laughs)
Is Corvus’ middle name Dennis?
AE: Do you want it to be Dennis? JR: It can absolutely be Dennis. No reason it can’t be. I think I know where this comes from. There was a running gag in the writers between Devon and myself where we call Corvus “Dennis Trackerman.” There was a whole thing. It went on way too long. AE: We hadn’t named him yet. JR: We were talking about if there were a whole family of Trackerman, cousins and it went on way too long. I think his middle name could absolutely be Dennis. AE: Seems right to me. JR: So it’s official - Corvus Dennis Trackerman.
Is there a certain reason Rayla is scared of water and if there is will we find out more about it in the show?
AE: I think there may be. We may find out more about it. Part of it is because of the way she’s wired. I think she’s great at running through the trees and balancing and doing the things she does, is she senses the stability of the earth beneath her, the amount of stability or flexibility of a tree limb or side of a cliff. She’s very sensitive and in tuned. I think when you take someone like that and put them in the water, I think it - whoosh - overwhelms them. It alarming. Some of it’s a little physical, but I suspect there may have been something that happened. She certainly brings a sense of emotion around it, feels like it’s beyond discomfort. JR: I feel like there was a tra-
[There was a bit of a pause so they ending up talking over each other. AE starts asking the next question while JR gets cut off].
Someone asked if we can learn the backstory on Ethari?
AE: I know that there’s a beautiful story about Ethari’s birthday on our website that can give you a glimmer. But I think that’s something I would love to hear. I’m sure it’s something that Devon and Ian - perhaps Neil has thought about.
Do you think you’ll explore Callum’s dad or is he not important to the story?
AE: I think it’s possible we’ll learn more about Callum’s dad in the sense of the role he played in Sarai’s life and Callum’s own life. Hopefully in one of the books that comes out. JR: Yes, he is important. He’s foundational to how Callum became Callum.
Will the Dragon Queen in more involved in Season 4?
AE & JR: Yes. Dragons.
Is Rayla the main character of the story of Through the Moon?
JR: It’s Rayla focused, but it’s like the show, there’s various non-Rayla bits. But if I had to pick a main I’d say yeah, Rayla. AE: Probably ask Xanthe what she thought about that question.
Do we see more Crow Master?
JR: We can never get enough Crow Master as far as I’m concerned. If the show was just the Gren and Crow Master show I feel like we can make some stuff happen. We’ll definitely see more of him.
AE: Yesterday we were working on a Crow Master scene, and the writers were like, do we need it, and like, It’s a Crow Master scene!
Is it canon elves have 6 toes?
JR: I think they have 4 toes, right? AE: I’m not sure what happened there. I think that’s an oops someone made. I suspect they have 4 digits per hand or foot.
[Side note: I think Jack DeSena was talking about 6 toes on Zoom into Xadia]
“Gren” is that the main spinoff?
AE: We were gonna a have a spinoff that was just Gren, like the character’s life. Even if it was just mainly Gren enjoying the morning and getting ready for work and winding down at the end of the day and possibly waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about things and going back to sleep. Cause, things will be fine.
Will the history of Xadia’s splitting be important in the future?
JR: Yes, absolutely. That event is crazy important in terms of the history of the continent. You may not see more of the actually event of it, the getting split, but it’s a huge deal that matters a lot.
Soulfang serpents feed on the souls of their prey, does that make them a Moon primal creature?
AE & JR: I think that’s right. JR: And they’re terrifying.
Does Bait have a middle name or a glowtoad tribal name? They’d love to see how Ezran found or got Bait?
JR: I think we’ve said Ezran got Bait from Harrow. Harrow gave him Bait. Glowtoad tribal name is some sort of grunt noise that’s specific, it’s pretty funny to think about. Also, how would you know which is the tribal name and which is the middle? I guess they’d know. It’s only for glowtoads.
Will we see how people react to Rayllum or elf/human relationships in general?
JR: Yes. It could be a huge thing in the show. Human and elf relationships are a big deal, absolutely we will see that stuff going forward. Yes, you will definitely see that stuff.
How long did it take from conception to production for Through the Moon?
JR: I think it was about a year / nine months. To go from story idea all the way to finished. AE: If we’re talking story idea it’s almost a year and a half. It’s a lot of work. We worked with Peter on a number of drafts and outlines and scripts. Then with Xanthe for quite some time.
What is the time gap between the comic and season 3?
AE: Couple of weeks? JR: It’s pretty short. It’s almost immediately following season 3.
Is Opeli actually Soren and Claudia mom, but they  don’t remember her?
JR: No, she’s not. But that would be kinda funny. AE: Do you maybe ship Opeli & Viren a little bit. JR: That would be a pretty funny relationship.
The time gap between Through the Moon and Season 4?
AE: Can’t say. JR: You’ll find out in season 4. Lots of weeks.
How long does it usually take to animate a scene?
JR: That’s a pretty variable answer. The way it works is; we write a script, it gets recorded, there’s a bunch of 2D passes where we do storyboards and animatics and those are all hand drawn, and that takes weeks and weeks of time. At some point that’s approved and it gets handed off to the animators. In our show we do 3D animation with a sort of 2D sheet or look to it. So 3D animators would get that animatic, and they’d be handed a shot. Sometimes, depending on how complex the shot is, there’s sometime multiple animators will work on a single sequence. If there’s a lots of stuff going on with multiple characters you’ll get more than one person working on a shot. But it totally depends how much facial animation there is, how much action, how much running around, if they’re standing or talking. It totally depends. There’s a sort of variable number of seconds the animator can do a week. There’s not like a hard or fast answer here. Sometimes if it’s simple they can animate maybe 20 seconds a week, if it’s crazy complicated they may be doing half that. On average, it on the 20 seconds a week range. But wildly variable depending on the shot and what happening.
Is there a bigger world out there or is Xadia all there is?
AE: There’s some stuff on the periphery of the map that is part of a bigger world. But the main focus is this continent. It’s where the key action is. I think there are things on the periphery. We sometimes do jokes the Avatar world is on the other side. JR: If you flip the world over.
Are the elven face marking henna tattoo or are they permanent? JR: They’re more like henna tattoo. AE: Depends on the culture. There are probably some elven cultures where they more permanently tattoo some of the marking and they’re some where they’re more temporary makeup. But I think we’ve said for the Moonshadow elves it’s more like henna. Semi-permanent tattoos.
Will there be more Queen Aanya?
JR:  Yeah. AE: I hope so too. JR: I love Queen Aanya. She’s awesome and a very exciting character. Also she has the coolest bow ever and I want to see more of that not matter what.
Aanya/Ezran friendship?
AE: I want to see that. We talked about that. JR: We can’t talk about that yet, but yes.
Who is the best fighter in the show?
JR: I don’t know if there’s a best fighter. There’s a lot of awesome fighters in the show. AE: Rayla and Soren both have different fighting skills. Corvus has different set of fighting skill. They’re all great fighters. Amaya’s incredible. Actually, the answer might be Amaya. If I had to put an answer on it. Just fundamentals. That be my answer. JR: That makes sense. I agree. I bet Soren would disagree.
Do you guys ever play D&D after work?
JR: Yes, we have a whole D&D crew after work. We love Dungeons & Dragons. We love Tabletop RPG We play all kinds of board games, not just Dungeons & Dragons. We had a whole series of board game nights - when we can be at the office - that were really fun. Continue that when we can all get back together. Played some virtual version too since Covid.
Will we ever see Villads again? JR: I don’t know if we should answer that one? AE: I think so, yeah. JR: Also, Villads is the name of a person who worked on the show - he’s an amazing director. AE: Not just a person, the supervising director of the show. Wonderful leader. Inspirational. JR: And a big sailor.
Then they wrapped up. Thanks, shout outs, reminder of AMA etc.
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inawickedlittletown · 4 years
I’m With You (22/22)
Having a crush was nothing to be ashamed of…lying to the family and friends of said crush about being the guy’s boyfriend, that was a whole other problem. When Buck saves the life of Andrew Diaz and accidentally makes a nurse think that he’s Andrew’s boyfriend, Buck soon finds himself lying to Andrew’s firefighter friends/coworkers as well as Andrew’s family including Andrew’s very suspicious and attractive brother, Eddie.
Based on the 1995 movie While You Were Sleeping.
Words: 4,916
Notes: And we are at the end. Enjoy. 
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter
Eddie saw the pictures before he heard about the get together at Chim’s apartment. Karen had posted a few pictures on Instagram and Eddie had just happened to open the app in time to see them. The thing that struck him the most was that Buck looked happy. He was smiling wide standing between Hen and Karen and then in another with his sister. And then in the last picture, it was Buck, Chim, Hen, and Andrew. 
So, it was to Andrew that Eddie went first. “How’s Buck?” 
“He’s good. Which doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook on talking to him.”
Eddie shrugged him off. 
“He really is good, Eddie,” Andrew said. 
Hen brought up the dinner later, filling Bobby in on Buck and more specifically that Buck was training to become a firefighter. 
“I think that would be good for him,” Bobby said. 
Eddie didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t expected that at all. Buck was going to be a firefighter. 
A week later, he watched Maddie enter the station. She was on her own and Eddie was up on one of the trucks doing some maintenance so she didn’t notice him. Eddie got to watch as Hen greeted her, but then it was Chimney that she left with. 
“What’s up with that?” he asked Hen later when they were leaving the station. 
“Chim said something about Maddie needing a comprehensive movie guide,” Hen said with a shrug. 
“Is Buck really okay?” Eddie asked. 
Hen gave a slight nod. “He’s doing something he loves and he has his sister back. I think — I think Buck is okay. He’ll be okay even if you never talk through whatever you’re still angry about. But I think the two of you should talk.” 
“He should be the one to—”
Hen raised a hand to stop him. “What, to apologize? He sort of did that already. Andrew isn’t even holding it against him, so I don’t get why you are.” 
“I’m not holding—”
“You are,” Hen said. “But you shouldn’t.”
He couldn’t make himself call. Or text. And then, when he finally built up the courage to return to Coffee Time to see if he could catch Buck there, Buck wasn’t there. Not the first time he stopped by. Not the second. The third time that he went in and didn’t find Buck, Eddie finally asked the person at the counter. 
“Buck doesn’t work here anymore,” Buck’s former co-worker told him which meant that Eddie had to actually call him or text him or show up at his apartment. None of which felt like something he could actually do. 
He did need to do something, though, because Buck was a constant thought in his mind. He was past the anger and past all the resentment he’d felt about the guilt that Buck had made him feel and instead he just missed him. He was reminded of Buck constantly. Legolas alone could bring forth memories and then there was everything else. Everyone else who still had a connection to him and saw him if not regularly, at least they did see him. 
All of it came to a head when he was over at abuela’s house with Christopher. Andrew was supposed to join them but he was running late so while Christopher was outside with Legolas, Eddie had a moment with his abuela. 
“No estás bien,” she said. “Te veo triste, mijo.” 
[“You’re not okay.” she said. “I can see you’re sad, kiddo”]
“I’m okay, abuela,” Eddie responded. 
“This has to do with Buck, doesn’t it? Ese día en la fiesta de Andrew, todo lo que pasó con Buck. Todavía estás enojado?”
[“...that day at Andrew’s party, everything that happened with Buck. You’re still angry?”]
Maybe there was some lingering anger but it wasn’t even directed at Buck. It was more that Eddie wished things were different and that somehow if Eddie hadn’t gone and lost Buck’s friendship that something more could have been possible. The potential for more between them...it felt like it was lost. 
“Eddie, qué estás esperando si lo extrañas tanto? Andrew dice que Buck está bien. Va ser un bombero.”
[“Eddie, what are you waiting for if you miss him so much? Andrew says that Buck is okay. He’s going to be a firefighter.”]
“It’s not just that I miss him,” Eddie said and he took a deep breath. “I think...I think I love him. I think he’s the only person I’ve met since Shannon that I could see myself spending the rest of my life with and even though I like to think that I actually do know him, he lied. He lied to all of us. So how much of what he told me is real? And then there’s...well, who knows how he feels about me.” 
Abuela gave him a pointed look but she didn’t get to say anything because Pepa arrived. While Eddie could easily figure out that his abuela wasn’t too bothered by any of what Buck had done, Pepa was different and Eddie just couldn’t tell how she felt mostly because she didn’t ever bring up Buck. And if his name came up, she raised an eyebrow and said nothing more. 
“Didn’t know you’d be here, Eddie,” she said. “I just spoke to your mom. She and your dad are coming back next week?” 
Eddie nodded. The only part about his parents returning to LA that he liked was that they were going to be staying with Andrew. Like Pepa, his parents had said very little on the whole Buck debacle. Eddie suspected that they’d talked to Andrew about it. Maybe Andrew had put them off on talking to him about Buck. Eddie didn’t mind that too much because if Andrew was pushy, his mother was much worse.
“I think mom thinks she’s going to convince Andrew not to go through with it,” Eddie said. 
Pepa chuckled. “I wish her luck. And how are you doing, Edmundo?” 
“He’s missing Buck,” Abuela said. “I miss him too.” 
“He lied to us,” Pepa said. 
“Pepa, no seas asi. Ves a este chico, esta enamorado.” 
[“Pepa, don’t be like that. Look at this boy, he’s in love.”]
Eddie just groaned. He felt Pepa’s hand land on his hair, running her fingers through it gently and soothing. “Eddito, if you really feel like that, what are you waiting for?” 
“You just said it. He lied to us and I have no idea how he feels or what will—”
Her hand tugged at his hair suddenly and he yelped. “Stop thinking so much. You’ll drive yourself crazy. You just have to talk to him.”
“Right, like that’s easy.” But they were right. He did need to talk to Buck. 
Pepa was looking at him still. 
“Look, I can’t pretend I’m not still mildly upset about all of this with Buck. But, I also know that he didn’t pretend to be anything different than who he is with us. And I’m sure once I see him again, it’ll be easy to forgive him.” 
Buck was so busy with his last few weeks of training and how grueling it all was to notice much outside of what it meant to be so close to being done. So, he didn’t realize that Maddie and Chim hung out more than he hung out with either of them. He also failed to open any of his mail or check his phone — mostly because he knew his bills weren’t due for a few weeks yet and everyone that was important in his life knew that he was too busy to do much more than train and sleep and as such would understand when Buck didn’t respond right away. 
And then when those final weeks came to an end, came the testing. The written portion and the physical all of it combined to measure all the skills that Buck had learned over the last few months. It felt surreal to have gotten to the end and even more surreal when there were results in front of him and he passed. Top marks. Any station would have him. 
“But there is one that has put in a request for you, Buckley,” one of his instructors, Danny, said. 
The 118. Buck just didn’t know if that was what he wanted. Andrew was already off of the 118 and as much as Buck loved Chim and Hen, he didn’t know if it would be possible for him to work with Eddie. He also hadn’t seen Bobby yet since everything happened but Bobby had clearly put through the request to get him so he had to be okay with it. 
“The 118?” Buck asked. 
“You have friends there, Buckley?”
“You could say that,” Buck said. “I just don’t know if going to work with them is a good idea.”
Danny touched Buck’s shoulder. “The people you work with on this job, those people become family. You’ll spend more time with them than you expect and you will know every single one of them better than you’ll know anyone else because it’s that closeness that makes this work. It’s trust that makes it easier for you to do your job. We leave everything behind to do this, to focus on saving lives, but it’s far easier when you’re carrying the burden of this job with those you work with.”
Trust. It came down to that, to how Buck knew that Eddie didn’t trust him. 
“I think I have to turn that offer down,” Buck said. 
“Think on it, Buckley. You don’t have to decide now. Captain Nash, he’s one of the best. Maybe talk to your friends before you decide. No one will be assigned officially until tomorrow.” 
“Right,” Buck said. “Thanks.” 
It wouldn’t change for him, he knew. He wouldn’t do that to Eddie, he wouldn’t encroach on his space, push in where he wasn’t wanted even if it would disappoint Hen and Chim and maybe even Bobby.
Somehow, it wasn’t Maddie that he called to talk about it, though, but Andrew. And Andrew agreed to meet him for coffee at Coffee Time. 
Ali was there when Buck arrived. Buck joined the line while he waited for Andrew. He had almost made it to the front of the line when Andrew entered and Buck felt a little like he’d gone back in time. Andrew pushed the door open and he was just as handsome as ever as he walked in. Buck couldn’t help but smile, remembering when he’d been behind that counter admiring this man. 
“Buck!” he said as he approached and he pulled Buck into a tight hug. “How are you?” 
“I’m good. Great, even.” 
“Wait, wasn’t today...wait, are you a probie officially?” Andrew asked. 
“That I am,” Buck said and he couldn’t help but smile to himself. “And it seems like Bobby is trying to pull some strings to have me join the 118. That’s, um, that’s why I asked you to meet me.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Andrew said. “I spoke to him about it and we all felt you’d fit in perfectly in my spot.”
Buck took a breath, but they had reached the counter at that point and Ali was there with both of their coffee orders ready and a plate with danishes. Andrew picked up his cup and the plate and motioned towards one of the empty tables. 
“So, you two together officially, now?” Ali asked. 
“What? No. Andrew isn’t into men. But we’re friends now.” 
“Well, he’s still really nice to look at,” Ali said complete with an eyebrow wiggle. “Think there’s a chance he could—”
Buck rolled his eyes. He put a bill down in front of her and grabbed his coffee. 
“I’m just saying, Buck, you could put in a good word for me.”
Buck laughed. Andrew was waiting for him at a table. 
“You don’t want to join the 118,” Andrew said after Buck sat down. 
“I — I don’t know, Andrew. I mean I love Hen and Chim and Bobby and I liked everyone else from the station well enough but there’s Eddie to consider too. I doubt he’d be happy to have me around.”
Buck averted his gaze, staring at his coffee instead. 
Andrew chuckled. “You haven’t spoken to him? I thought — Eddie said he was going to talk to you weeks ago.”
“I haven’t spoken to him,” Buck said and he hated how a burst of hope ran through him. He glanced back up at Andrew. “I’ve been...I’ve been busy, though. Is he, is he mad at me about it, still?”
“I don’t think he is,” Andrew said. “If he ever really was. Look, Buck, my brother is stubborn. We both know that. He needed time. Maybe less than he got if we’re honest, but he did...and more importantly, you needed time. And look at you, look at what you’ve done. What you are. You did all of this on your own and you needed to.”
Buck didn’t know how to respond. He took a gulp of his coffee. It was hot, maybe a bit too hot, but the slight burn on his tongue felt good. 
“You should talk to him,” Andrew said. “If you want. Or you should join the 118. Or you can go somewhere else and be whoever and whatever you want to be. All, I’m saying, is that this is all up to you, Buck. You made a choice to save my life and maybe you got something out of that too—”
“By lying,” Buck said, interrupting. “By pretending that I was someone to you and by continuing that charade even when I...when I knew it was going to blow up in my face.” 
Andrew’s fingers were cold when they touched Buck’s hand, taking it into a tight grip. “You did something stupid, but not malicious. And you’re better for it. I know my family, I know the effect that they have on people and I’m not just talking about Pepa and abuela and my parents, but everyone. And you needed them. You needed their kindness and their acceptance and it’s entirely possible that we all needed someone like you. Even, Eddie. Maybe especially Eddie.” 
“I don’t know what to say.” 
“Just answer one thing for me,” Andrew said and he was smirking, full teeth. There was mischief there which meant that Buck couldn’t help but worry. 
“What?” Buck asked. 
“Do you love him? Eddie, that is?” 
Buck’s hand fell away from Andrew’s. And he knew the answer. He absolutely knew the answer which didn’t make it easy to admit. 
“You do,” Andrew said. “That’s why this is so hard. Go talk to Eddie.” 
“Right now?” Buck asked. 
“Why keep waiting?”
“Because I have no idea how to do this,” Buck said. 
“Tell the truth. That always helps,” Andrew said and then he pulled out a pen from somewhere and wrote down Eddie’s address. “Go.” 
“Go,” Andrew said, even more insistent. 
Buck looked at Andrew for a beat longer and then glanced back at Ali. “You know, my former co-worker over there wanted me to put in a good word.” 
Andrew laughed, loud and surprised. 
“Of course, I should also add that the first time I stepped into your house there was a bra hanging off of a lamp so I don’t know if I should actually encourage that.” 
“Buck, stop getting distracted and go,” Andrew said pointedly. 
Eddie’s yard was not as big as Andrew’s, but it was enclosed and it meant that Legolas had somewhere to run around with Christopher. Eddie did sometimes take him over to Andrew’s place so he could have a bit more space or over to his abuela’s house. On a few occasions, Eddie had even taken Legolas and Christopher to the dog park, but Eddie always worried about the other dogs getting too close to Christopher. Although, as it turned out, Legolas could be pretty protective of him. 
Christopher and Legolas were both out in the yard and Eddie had been keeping his eyes out on them through the kitchen window while he made him and Christopher sandwiches. Christopher was sitting on the grass and petting the dog which meant that Eddie felt okay with leaving them to it for a moment and going to the bathroom. He had barely closed the door before he heard Christopher shouting and some barking. 
“Legolas! Legolas, come back!” 
Eddie ran out. Christopher was standing with only one of his crutches. Legolas was gone. Eddie didn’t see him anywhere. He rushed towards Christopher, who reached for him. 
“Hey, what happened?” Eddie said as he picked him up. “Are you okay?”
“He ran,” Christopher said. “Like when the earthquake happened. Dad, do you think this is another earthquake?” 
It was a real possibility. Eddie was aware that animals acted strange whenever things like earthquakes happened. 
“I don’t know, Chris,” Eddie said and yet the dog was nowhere to be found. “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. He can’t get out of the yard.” 
At least, Eddie was sure that he couldn’t. In the time that they’d had Legolas, he hadn’t once tried to get out of the yard. Eddie bent to pick up Christopher’s fallen crutch just as he heard barking, but it was definitely not coming from anywhere in the yard. 
“Daddy, I hear him,” Christopher said. 
It sounded like he was somewhere in the front of the house. So maybe he did have a way to get out of the yard or the door hadn’t been latched properly. 
Eddie set Christopher down and headed to the door leading out of the yard to the front of the house. He heard Christopher following behind him. Eddie stopped short just as he was rounding the house because Legolas was there wiggling excitedly, his tail wagging to and fro as he jumped around and his whole body shook with excitement. Buck was on the ground doing some mixture of petting and hugging Legolas while the dog licked his face. 
“Buck,” Eddie whispered, so low that Buck definitely didn’t hear it. 
Then, Christopher arrived and he didn’t pause like Eddie did. And he yelled, “Buck!” 
Buck glanced at them, then, and he smiled that blinding smile that made Eddie suddenly remember how attracted he was to this man. Buck was there in front of them. He was smiling. He was at Eddie’s house, hugging Eddie’s dog and in the next moment hugging Christopher and laughing. Eddie could only watch. 
“Hi,” Buck said and he had Christopher up in his arms. Legolas walked alongside him. Christopher was speaking too, explaining something or other to Buck, but Eddie couldn’t be bothered to pay him any attention because Buck was right there looking at Eddie with those sea-like eyes. 
“Hi,” Eddie said back after a long beat. “You should come inside.”
Buck nodded. 
Eddie wanted to touch him. He wanted to grasp his hand or his elbow or his shoulder. He wanted to get close enough so that he could smell Buck’s aftershave. He wanted to pull him into his arms and hold onto him tightly. All of those things, he wanted them so that he could be sure that it really was Buck in front of him and he wasn’t experiencing some wild hallucination.
The elusive man that he’d been trying to get ahold of for the last few weeks with no results was there with him and his son and his dog. Eddie had been almost convinced that Buck was avoiding him for all that his attempts to find him were futile. Eddie had even gone as far as to get Maddie’s number off of Chim only for Maddie to tell him to call Buck or show up at Buck’s apartment. Eddie had attempted both a few times on top of texting him and somehow just couldn’t get a response. 
Eddie led Buck inside the house through the front door. Buck only set Christopher down once they were inside and Legolas seemed to want to stick as close to Buck as possible. Eddie didn’t blame him. 
“I was — I’m making sandwiches,” Eddie said. It felt awkward. “Do you—” Eddie cleared his throat. “—do you want to join us?” 
“Uh. Sure,” Buck said. 
Christopher led Buck to the table and Eddie left them to go into the kitchen where he tried not to freak out too much as he pulled out more bread for the third sandwich he was going to be making. He could hear Buck and Christopher talking. Christopher laughed and Buck chuckled a few times. Once, Legolas barked. 
Eddie could only take so long making the sandwiches before he had to take them out of the kitchen. There was a lot to talk about. Apologies to be made. Explanations. But Christopher was there and they couldn’t discuss any of that while Christopher was with them. But, Buck was there. Buck was with them. It was enough to know that Buck had come to them. 
Buck had intended to take his time walking up to Eddie’s house, to talk himself into knocking on the door and to maybe not get in his head so much that he couldn’t actually knock. But then, he heard a bark and suddenly golden fur was running at him and Legolas was jumping at him until Buck just dropped to the ground to pet his favorite dog. 
“I’ve missed you so much, boy,” Buck whispered into his fur. “Did you miss me too?” Legolas nudged him and pressed into his space, his whole body moving with all the excitement. 
He was so distracted by Legolas, that Buck didn’t even realize Eddie had come out to find the dog until Christopher was calling his name. 
The next thing he knew, he was hugging Christopher and in a strange sort of daze, he followed Eddie into the house and Eddie disappeared into the kitchen and Buck didn’t know if he could stomach anything Eddie brought out. Christopher was a good distraction. The boy filled him in on a few things. He told Buck about a new coloring book and about Legolas being his dog and about a cartoon he was watching and Buck lost himself to talking to Christopher for a while until Eddie came back. 
Tension hung in the air between them and Buck had expected nothing less. Eddie had welcomed him in, though, and he hadn’t asked Buck to leave. It made Buck think that he’d made the right decision in going to see him. 
He tried to eat, but couldn’t stomach it. His stomach had been taken up by his nerves and maybe in part by the hope he felt and the awe of having Eddie in front of him again. Eddie looked good. He always looked good. 
After he finished eating, Christopher allowed himself to be distracted and settled in front of the tv, Legolas sitting next to him. Eddie motioned for Buck to go to the kitchen. 
“I’m officially a firefighter,” Buck said for lack of something else to say. 
“Oh,” Eddie said. “Congrats. I had no idea.” 
Buck nodded. “I, um, I probably would have never thought of going for it without everything that happened.”
“You’re welcome, I guess,” Eddie said with a snap in his tone. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck said. “I hope you believe me this time. That I never meant to hurt you. Any of you. I came so close to telling you so many times. Something always stopped me — interruptions or my own head. And I should have let it go on for so long or at all, but I’m going to be honest here, Eddie, and just say that I don’t actually regret it. I don’t regret the lie or getting to know you — everyone. I don’t regret any of that. I couldn’t.” 
“You don’t regret it,” Eddie said in a whisper. 
Eddie crossed his arms and he leaned back against his counter and Buck had no idea what to expect, but the one thing he did know to do was to wait and see what Eddie might say. It helped that Eddie didn’t look angry. Mostly, he just looked like he was trying to figure out what to say. 
“At first I thought...I wished you’d never done it,” Eddie said after a beat. “More and more lately, I’ve realized I don’t wish that. I was...I am angry more at myself for not questioning you more and for not realizing sooner that you couldn’t have been with Andrew. I was doubting my own knowledge of my brother...I was doubting everything I was seeing and I think I let so much just go because I wanted you around even if you were my brother’s boyfriend.”
Buck had definitely not expected that. Eddie was frowning in that cute way with lines on his forehead so prominent that Buck wanted to reach over and ease the tension. Really, he could do with touching Eddie in any way or form. He really did love him. Earlier, when he answered Andrew, Buck hadn’t fully known it. But he did. Having Eddie in front of him, it cemented it. 
“You came really close to the truth,” Buck said. “A few times. The day Andrew woke up, I was gonna tell you. I was so ready to and then Chim was telling us he was awake and I was so sure that it was all over anyway.” 
Eddie gasped and he blushed, not quite looking at Buck. “I was so mad that day. Jealous. I was going to kiss you before Chim interrupted.”
“Oh,” Buck said.
Eddie’s eyes met his then and Buck had to swallow before he made the decision to be brave. Buck had been different once, the kind of person that was bold and didn’t hesitate to encroach in someone’s space. That was before Abby and before he realized that all the loneliness he was feeling wouldn’t go away if he had someone warming his bed. In some ways, that had made it worse. 
“Uh, you should — you should kiss me now,” Buck said, moving even closer. 
Eddie’s eyes widened and darkened all at once and Buck lost himself in them as Eddie closed the small bit of space between them. Buck watched him and when Eddie didn’t do anything other than to stand so close to him that he could feel his warmth, Buck reached up to cup his face. Eddie melted into his touch, his lips let out a gasp. Buck closed his eyes and he leaned into Eddie’s space. 
“I love you,” he whispered before he kissed him. 
Their first kiss had been hard and urgent and Eddie had been in control, his anger and his jealousy and everything else he’d been feeling because of Buck’s lies had been everpressent in the way that he’d wanted to show Buck how much he wanted him. This kiss was not that. 
This kiss was tentative and soft and slow. It was an apology and a declaration of love. When Eddie whispered a moan, Buck smiled against his lips. 
“I love you,” Buck said again, their lips brushing lightly as he spoke. He opened his eyes and Eddie was already looking at him. “Eddie?” 
Eddie pressed their lips together into another kiss. His arms brought Buck flush against him and Buck couldn’t think while he could feel all of Eddie against him, his muscles and his toned stomach and how Eddie kissed away from his mouth, nipping at his jawline up to his ear. 
“I love you too,” he whispered, his lips brushing Buck’s earlobe. “Even if you are a liar.”
“One lie,” Buck said back. “And one I won’t ever regret.”
Eddie chuckled. “Just as long as you don’t pretend to be anyone else’s boyfriend.”
“Am I yours?” Buck asked, a tinge of nervousness travelled through him. 
“I think that’s obvious,” Eddie said. “Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen the next time you save someone, Firefighter Buckley.” 
Buck couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you so much, Eddie. Been kinda miserable without you.” 
“Serves you right,” Eddie said, but he kissed Buck again, just a peck. “But I love you too.”
“Good,” Buck whispered back, dropping his head onto Eddie’s shoulder and dropping a kiss there. 
There were probably still a few things to clear up and more to catch up on, but all of that could come later. It made up the mere details in everything they’d been through. In the meanwhile, Buck just held onto Eddie and Eddie held onto him. 
“You know, we do have to thank Andrew for all of this,” Buck whispered. 
“Nope,” Eddie said. “He doesn’t get any satisfaction out of any of this.” 
“Welcome to the 118, Firefighter Buckley,” Bobby said, smiling at Buck. 
Eddie didn’t try to hide his own smile, Andrew noted and Buck was definitely grinning from ear to ear. He was already in uniform and there was an ease to the way that he walked and how Andrew could tell even from where he was standing that Buck felt like he was at home. Hen nudged him from where she stood next to him and Andrew glanced at her. 
“I’m glad this all worked out,” she said, “but I don’t even get when that all happened with Buck and Eddie.” 
Andrew chuckled. “You know, I think most of it happened while I was sleeping.” 
Notes: This fic has been such a joy to write. I just want to thank everyone that’s read this and that has left commens/kudos because that means so much and one of the reasons this fic got finished by keeping me writing even when I began to lose interest in working on this. 
I hope this ending was satisfying for all of you and just thank you all so much. Let me know what you all thought. :)
Tagging: @tranquility-or-chaos @diazbuckleysworld @stilesgivesmefeels
35 notes · View notes
Emily in Paris or why I stopped caring for the main character and started rooting for the French. Episode 2.
I must confess one thing. I have a sort of admiration for people who have the habit and the will of go running before work, because I don’t do these things, and people who can do it while wearing what seems like a lace top (?) maybe more adequate for other things, but who am I to judge if Emily looks perfectly fine when running while I look like a bag with sport wear. So congratulations Miss Cooper you are doing well in this aspect. Also shows that Emily is adapting her schedules and her habits to her new life. Example: she’s not going to arrive early to work this time. Lesson learnt, so good for her!
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Unfortunately there are still things she must get right. Example given, knowing exactly where her apartment is. She again tries to invade her cute neighbour’s home, which causes him to ask if she wants to live in his apartment. At this stage, there are reasons to suspect indeed. But there’s no time enough for our two character to devour each other with their eyes, so, after a last invitation to bang anytime from our delicious neighbour Emily goes back home to get a shower and dress for work.
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Her white boots, however, have an unfortunate encounter with a material of animal origin. She’s naturally disgusted and deals with it making another Instagram post. Discovering, by the way, that she’s gaining more and more followers for ther photos of fictional! Paris.
Sidenote: this scene can mean two things from yours truly’s point of view. Either Emily’s next days are going to be shitty or she’s going to be ultimately lucky. In France or Spain is very common to wish good luck with the word merde (or well, mierda in Spanish). In both cases it comes from the times people went to theatre or opera house in carriages drawn with horses. So a load of shit meant: you are in the greatest show in town. But probably is not that deep.
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At Savoir, la Plouc is decaying as Emily’s sobriquet, and only Julien greets her with it. Besides, Emily has learn to strike back. Or rather is her smartphone the one she uses to retort Va te faire foutre! Which mean Fuck you but it’s not that imaginative. Why not mange tes morts, or some decent French swearing. Anyway well done, Emily, because this makes her earn Julien’s respect.
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... But evidently not Sylvie’s. She is clearly contemplating the void and wondering if some kind of karmic justice has sent her this girl that can’t figure out why is la plouc instead of le plouc or won’t pronounce the name of the fragance De L’Heure from Lavaux. Sylvie doesn’t want to listen her ideas for promoting Lavaux’s last product. A little discussion insues between the two ladies. Must luxury remain an enclosed world? Should it be democratized in some way? Of course Emily thinks the point of view of an outsider could help, but, could you point at the outsider in this scene? Of course Emily is not French and still dealing with the continuous cultural clash. But she doesn’t seem an outsider by any means. And, ah. There’s a launch party for De L’Heure so she better hurry up and put some thing that doesn’t resemble whatever she’s wearing.
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Was that fashion advice from Sylvie? Who knows. In any case, Emily looks quite pretty with her black dress. The handbag is funny but highly debatable. And she’s overjoyed and bubbly as she pursues trays full of delicious food. Which is a faux pas, from Sylvie’s point of view.
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Enter Antoine Lambert from Maison Lavaux a.k.a. another Frenchman who is going to be attracted towards Emily’s many charms. Because that’s what Frenchmen do in this series. She fails to understand what a nose means in the world of fragances - it’s not that harsh to figure out, sometimes I wonder why they have written her like that; she’s suffering a severe case of cultural clash, but it doesn’t mean she’s stupid, argh -. Antoine is creeptractive. Especially in the next scene.
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Which takes place in this terrace with the gorgeous view of a glittering Eiffel Tower. This makes Emily smile and would do everyone else who had the opportunity to assist. This makes up for Sylvie saying that she’s talking too much about bussiness during the party, which is something she should not do.
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Monsieur le Creeptractive follows her and tests the fragance on her skin. A really weird dialogue about how she should have a French boyfriend because you learn French in bed... Yeah, sure.  Emily profess her fidelity to her engaged to be engaged Doug back in Chicago. Something that he doesn’t deserve but more on that immediately after. He smells her in a way that would make many women shudder and run away and compliments (?) her on smelling like expensive sex. Yikes yikes yikes.
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All in all, is a successful night for Emily, but as she discovers the next day, she’s supposed to work not in the promotion of De l’Heure, but in some product  called Vaga-Jeune to help woment to combat vaginal dryness. Is that a mean move by Sylvie, or it’s only a logical thing for Emily to start there, given she has experience in pharmaceuticals? Discuss. She also tells our heroine not to be too flirty with Antoine, who is married to one of her very good friends. But immediately after Julien drops the bomb: Sylvie is actually Antoine’s mistress. Oops.
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In order to deal with the amount of unwanted information, Emily texts to Mindy and they go for a dinner. Mindy gives her a few tips to survive in the complicate environment of a city where everyone is having affairs with everyone. As if in Paris - like everywhere else - didn’t exist people who doesn’t care about sex. In this universe, Emily still can’t wrap her head around the endemic lack of conyugal fidelity in this series.
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We learn more about Mindy, who maybe would deserve more than being only Asian token character which is supportive of the main one just because. Indeed Mindy is for now my favourite character here, along with Sylvie. Mindy turns out to be in Paris because her millionaire zipper king father wanted her in the bussiness school, but, since living in Paris was one of her dreams, Mindy dropped it and became a nanny instead. Now she’s been cut off by dad, but she’s free and, besides, she finds funny to have grown up surrounded by nannies and now being one of them.
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The temptation of MIndy taking over Emily in this series is too big when just in the next scene she thinks she can “educate the chef a little bit about customer service” without even tasting her steak, which she wants done more. Customer are not always right; some of them behave like annoying assholes. She swallows her words as Gabriel from downstairs emerges from the kitchen because of course he’s the chef. Somewhat that convinces her she should taste the steak before giving her opinion. It turns out the steak is wonderful, it was wonderful the whole time. Emily please. Try to behave.
(also Mindy wouldn’t mind to taste the chef instead of the steak, which is understandable)
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Next day Emily is happily roaming around the market with a little hat perched on her head and the mind full of Chicago Boyfriend Doug. The little hat is so stupid that it’s almost charming, like someone more fit for a musical than for real people walking on real streets. She seems to have befriended the woman from the boulangerie, too! However, the happiness is to be shortlived...
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... Because Doug, as his first scene already indicated, is someone who can’t bother to take his ass into a plane and fly to Paris where there is nothing to do while expecting for his girlfriend to come back from job. This guy must have one, but he’s so lazy that one wonders if he inherited it. Notice that, unlike in Paris, there are cars in Chicago. Doug proceeds then to inelegantly dump his girlfriend by phone.
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Very fitting to have Emily standing just next to the Panthéon when the call is over and their relationship as dead as the people inside.
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Emily is logically sad after this and the weather seems to agree with her mood, probably she cried to her sleep, or at least she shed some tears. He doesn’t deserve it, honey.
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Her mood doesn’t improve when, at the office, she discovers a new thing. Yes, you have grammatical gender in French, as well as in other European languages. She is puzzled because, starting her campaign for Vaga-Jeune, she discovers vagine is a masculine word in French. She doesn’t understand it, and, in typical Emily fashion, she decides the problem is with this language she knows virtually nothing about.
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She also learns a very important word for her future life in Paris: grève, which means strike. And it’s not going only a vagina strike. But who knows, she lives in a parallel universe so maybe there are no strikes there (since there is no public transport and/or services on sight even if we know it exist somewhere). And of course, post something on her Instagram account about how vaginas are not masculine.
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During her (daily, one guess) conversation with Mindy during the lunch break, Emily loses at last this overoptimistic side of her that makes the character annoying and vents a little about her general exasperation. She thinks she’ll never learn the language (but girl, you barely tried, don’t be so harsh with yourself), or be simply tolerated by her workmates, or even understand how the city was built. She’ll be all right, Mindy insists, not very impressed at her friend’s disperation.
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Which follows is one of the most cringeworthy deus-ex-machina I have seen, and adequately being a deus-ex-machina it comes from l’Élysée. Wink wink, mythology aficionados.
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By the way, it’s that the façade which gives to the main courtyard of the French presidential palace? Yes it is. Here I am wondering where this footage came from and when it was filmed because I am that way. Seems the flag is at half mast from that point of view so... this could help to know in which moment was filmed... But screw that, you aren’t here for my personal obsessions, so lets go right to the point.
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Somewhat Carla Bruni finds Emily’s post about vaginas utterly fascinating, to the extent that she has to share it with Brigitte Macron. And of course the current French First Lady (even if officially there is not such title in France) agrees and posts it in her Twitter account. We only see Fictional!Brigitte from her back. Real Brigitte doesn’t have accounts on social networks, by the way, which is understandable since after a while one gets tired of playing the game of guessing if the one who made the mysoginist and idiotic post is from the extreme right or the extreme left (it’s a difficult thing to tell apart, I assure you). Of course Emily’s post gets viral.
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Brigitte Macron just retweeted you, bitch! is not bad as unexpected sentence on a screenplay in 2020, congratulations. Her partners at Savoir are overjoyed and suddenly Emily can share a table with them, yay! Though evolving from la plouc to our Vaga-Jeune is not really improving that much I guess? So that’s the end of the episode and Emily’s life seems not-so-that-depressing all of a sudden. So thank you Brigitte.
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And that was Episode 2 of Emily in Paris. Our heroine was slightly less annoying than on first one, probably because the reality of being in a totally different country is starting to hit her and she’s had a few humblings by this moment. For the next one, we’ll know more about Monsieur le Creeptractive & the nonsense of fragance advertisements.
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