apostate00 · 3 months
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Waiting for a treat! :3
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flomuffin · 7 months
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sagetheenbymage · 1 year
Ian headcanons PLS 🥹
-Ian is like, very obviously, Little. Everyone knew even before they got their results back.
-they regress younger then the rest of the project, and occasionally just go non-verbal.
-Rachel is the perfect Caregiver. She’s like the TLB Steve of Quantum Leap, I kid you not. -when they are verbal? You bet your ass they’re going to talk about everything they’ve ever shown interest in to whoever’s willing to listen, (usually Rachel.)
-they’re shy, like so incredibly shy. New people are most of the time an absolute no, at first Rachel thought it was because you know, maybe people weren’t Little Ian’s thing? That’s okay. When really it’s because Ian is scared people are going to make fun of them for being Trans.
-Cuddles. They love cuddles, physical touch, kisses, praise, they will take it. (Though the never ask…)
-Ian has a stuffed cat named Kiki, (after the witch in Kiki’s Delivery Service.) who they take everywhere when they’re small.
-they usually drop when they forget to take care of themselves and Rachel finds out.
-They get more upset when people mess up their pronouns.
-Ian still gets gender dysphoria when they’re small, but it’s more rare.
-They are far from the most traumatized in the project, so they love trying to make Addison feel better after a visit with her parents or after a bad nightmare.
-Ian gets anxiety attacks :( poor bb.
-Still has OCD, those kinda things don’t go away, Rachel often tried to find small ways to distract them from their compulsions.
-and lastly, terrible sense of direction. Which will make sense in the fic I’m writing rn.
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huskingthatdust · 3 months
Do y'all ever think about huskerdust pillow talk?
Angel Dust spends all his time saying the right, or the funny, thing to everyone all the time for his job, to keep up appearances whereas husk is just straight up. Husk is always quiet. He really only speaks when spoken to or if particularly annoyed. Sometimes, you gotta wonder, if Angel laying next to Husk finally finds himself speechless and Husk finally finds he has so much he wants to say. Does he say corny shit like "I ain't ever met anyone as pretty as you?" Or does he get more real with it?
"We belong to other people," husk could whisper in the dark.
"Unfortunate, ain't it?" Angel would respond in a bitter laugh.
"Maybe for tonight," husk would start.
And Angel would give him that look. The look filled with anticipation, fear, and curiosity. The look husk found himself not minding all that much these days.
"we can pretend we belong to each other," Husk would finish.
Angel Dust would snort and push at his chest. What a dorky thing to say. Perhaps Husk would grab his hands, and Angel would look at that dopey grin on his face, reserved only for him. Maybe Angel's teasing grin would fall into a small shy smile. As husk would bury his face into Angel's chest, and Angel would bury his face into the top of husk's head, the two would find out how good they are at pretending.
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mblue-art · 7 months
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from this fksjdfkfgb
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tommytomatoe · 5 days
sometimes asher smiles at pack members a little too wide for a little too long, and babe feels their chest swell with… something. 
they wouldn’t call it jealousy because what would they have to be jealous of. asher isn’t the guy to cheat, he would never. but even then, even knowing that, there’s still this voice in the back of babe’s mind thinking, “well, maybe he would.” and the spiraling begins.
after all, babe is just a human. its not like they run in pack races or know what shifting feels like or can have meaningful inputs in conversations regarding magic. this isn’t a world they grew up in, but for asher, milo, david, darlin’, and the rest of the pack; its home. for babe, it's just a house. and because of this, babe has more than once found themself just sitting in on pack meetings and smiling and nodding and waiting for asher to look back at them. 
and sometimes he doesn’t. instead he just talks and smiles at childhood friends he has deep histories with. histories that are so complex and rooted in who asher is that babe wonders why he chose to be with them and not someone else. and that swelling feeling comes back and they have to excuse themselves because god forbid they make a scene. that’s not babe’s style, they prefer to suffer in silence.
babe loves asher and they know asher loves them. but asher loves everyone and everything and it’s hard for babe to figure out where his love for them stands compared to his love for everyone else. 
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moonsstan · 1 month
james “if i have a crush i’ll marry them” potter
regulus “if i have a crush i’ll hide forever in the deep shadows” black
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nyxofdemons · 9 months
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i couldn't find anything that matches it super clearly but it seems reminiscent of biden flowers!! and. yall. there are variations of these literally called "popstars," they're verbatim described as having "yellow eyes" and they represent the beginning of a new year 🥺🥺
(also yellow flowers with red tips symbolize friendship turning into love but you didn't hear that from me)
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3416 · 4 months
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Leafs @ Avs | 02.24.24
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tobylovesick · 5 months
Need to make it known that i like both radiodust and huskerdust, Angel has multiple hands !!
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darling-solaire · 2 months
Also guys now that we are all past the monarchal summit can I please talk about my favourite possible unlikely duo with sweetheart and porter as frenemies like im picturing it rn cause Porter will probably stick around now that he’s back in America and I’m sure he’d still be snooping around doing Williams business so pls consider him constantly running into sweetheart just trying to do their job except this guy just keeps popping up being annoying
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kellterntempest · 4 months
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seven-tastic · 2 years
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mo yi turns into a cat
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Daelyn my beloved <3
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gornackeaterofworlds · 2 months
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One of four bay vampires
@avery73 @luckycharms1701
Runs and hides-
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artist-rat · 4 months
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so, what fate awaits me? (without you)
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